#should i be posting this with the state of my drafts? idc!!!! i do what i want
felteverywhere · 1 year
here’s a plot wishlist of things i’m thinking about lately but would prefer to plot than write opens for. i’d also prefer to plot on discord but it’s not entirely necessary since obviously i’ll be writing on this account. some of them are kind of variations of the same thing but i think it makes it clear what kind of stuff i really love lmao. if you like this i’ll im you, but even if you like a lot of them it would be amazing if you could whittle it down to 2-3 tops. reblogging and messaging people when i’m online in the morning!
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hot & heavy by lucy dacus inspired — the angst of your first love, homoerotic teenage best friend angst coming back to haunt you, bitterness and nostalgia mingling in the worst way, you hate her and you still love her after all this time. optional: period piece (70s, 80s, 90s, early 00s), a dead friend dragging them back to town, one of them is still closeted. 
fear street inspired — small towns where dark, horrible things have happened and keep happening but not everyone can afford to clear out, young people taking on a legacy of evil in the name of love, the truth of the past being unearthed, the loss along the way. optional: period piece (90s), we can run with something similar to fear street in terms of why the killers exist or come up with our own thing. 
college sleuths — a body found in a classroom or maybe an old unsolved mystery, a small campus cradled by woods and hidden from the world, a desperate need to uncover what everyone else wants to cover up, a righteousness or maybe an obligation to the dead, an eventual game of cat and mouse as they creep closer to the truth. optional: literally everything i listed can be tweaked, i just love the idea of a pair of people (even reluctantly) solving a murder. 
scooby doo inspired, college cryptid/supernatural hunters  — they’re the only ones who believe and maybe that’s okay, could be a mumu/could utilise npc characters if we’d like a group. optional: more of a buffy style scooby gang who are solving problems/include creatures in it. 
dark academia, the secret history inspired  — 
zombie apocalypse romance... with a twist on top of that — what’s more romantic than finding your soulmate at the end of the world? well, i guess if she’s also an unhinged person who will murder humans too, if they cross her. finding out she killed her last s/o somehow doesn’t phase you. basically: muse a has met someone after so long alone but muse b is a little crazy and they get into shenanigans. 
thoroughbreds inspired — unsettling girls forming a strange bond in rekindling a childhood friendship, uncomfortable step fathers, murder as a tool to solve problems rather than a ghastly act, taking blame as a romantic gesture. gifset for fun inspo. 
a return to the hurt/comfort fanfic tag. i’d like to explore deeper things while also dealing with the relationship between two characters. optionally but not limited to: grief, abuse (tentatively and with discussion about parameters), child custody issues, divorce, etc. 
this post but like no really, let’s write it. 
people who believe they are impossible to love pushing away the one who is demanding that they let them in!!!! not strong enough by boygenius vibes also 
an affair happening in a position of power, in a place it absolutely shouldn’t, where everything could turn to crap if they gave in but... they really can’t help themselves. people who are slaves to their own feelings no matter how toxic they are with one another. bad people being so passionately and deeply in love that it destroys everything. oh also this. 
still would kick things over for a normal people plot. i’ll never be over it!! never!! gifset for visual. shame and regret almost overpowering love but not quite, hurting each other, miscommunication, all the things. “i'm not a religious person but i do sometimes think god made you for me.” it should be illegal for someone to say that but jeez i am obsessed with it. 
someone truly deranged and evil and bloodthirsty and the only one who can stop them, but also the only one who can understand them. the only one who knows them. the only one who loves them? ah?
figure skating partners for carling i beg on my knees. fc optional i honestly might change her regardless. 
more song inspo without long winded thoughts: reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, taken by muna, holding back/crowded places/waiting game by banks, forever winter/tis the damn season/cowboy like me by taylor swift but also really any taylor swift song. 
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idleglowingpixels · 1 year
talk about Collector
WHYYYYYYYYYY okay now that I got that off my chest let's get serious LMAO
Before I dive in too deep, to any other ppl reading, THIS IS YOUR FAIR WARNING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ANY CRITICISM OF TOH. Something that is really apparent in this fandom particularly is that a lot of ppl refuse to allow and accept genuine criticism discussions, dumbing it down to personal biases, misinterpretations of the text (or in this case, the show), and proclaiming "It's intentional that the show did that!" every time someone breathes something negative about it. This is ESPECIALLY annoying with the "Blame Disney/the shortening" nonsense -- a key skill in television writing is to be capable of working with the allotted time that the studios give you. After they were told Season 3 got cut short, they still had 11 22-minute episodes of Season 2 and all three 40+ minute episodes of Season 3 to conclude the story in a satisfying way.
Seeking and reading criticism posts outside of the general tags, ignoring warnings on posts that give forewarnings, then getting mad and upset that someone criticized your comfort show is generally an unhealthy behavior, especially if you're not in a good mental state. If you can't take people criticizing something you enjoy, and more-so if you deem it your comfort media, and feel the need to bother them because you made yourself upset reading their posts, you've got a lot of soul searching to do. That, or maybe you should log off until you can handle it.
Also, obviously, spoilers ahead for TOH, as well as Amphibia because these shows parallel a lot more than I want them to. :')
I have a LOT to say about The Owl House from a critical and writing perspective, and I feel like the show is EXTREMELY overhyped for what it actually is. I feel its sister show Amphibia executed much of the same/similar themes better, and that's not even a bias thing. Just from the way both shows are written, you can tell which one feels more competently structured from a narrative standpoint (and, let's be honest, which one is actually funny).
Okay enough about general opinion, let's get to Collector. From a character design perspective, GOD I love this little guy, both the reflection/shadow form and the actual form are distinct from the rest of the cast. I'm a big Sun and Moon design/symbolism enjoyer (Sun and Moon from FNAF, Sun and Blake from RWBY, Celestia and Luna from MLP:FiM, etc.) so these types of characters are always welcome. And while their voice annoys me personally it ABSOLUTELY fits them, so no matter how annoying I find it I don't think I'd want them to have any other voice.
But that, unfortunately, is the only props I can give to Collector.
The show is FULL of redeemed antagonists that range from okay (I'd like to think Amity was decent enough and Hunter was alright but definitely should have been introduced earlier so his redemption was a slow burn but this post isn't about them so I'll end this note here) to "what the actual fuck" (Idc what anyone says, there is no excuses PERIOD, Lilith's redemption was the absolute worst redemption arc I think I've ever seen AND I'VE SEEN CATRA'S), and Collector is very much on the lower end of that scale. We hardly see them overall and their character writing is rushed beyond belief -- and again, I'd like to reiterate that that is ENTIRELY on the writing team for the show. Disney and the shortening DID NOT DECIDE TO KEEP COLLECTOR IN. The writing staff were aware of the time they had left and made the decision to shoehorn them in and expect everyone to just be okay with it.
From a writing perspective, they bloat the story exponentially and 100% should have been left in the drafts or saved for future content like what Dana said she might do if she is able to through books and such. If we only get hints of the other Collectors, this one should have STAYED hints with them.
We have essentially no significant amount of time with them outside of Hollow Mind and the season 2 finale before season 3, and what we DO have of them in season 2B is so drastically different I'd consider 2B Collector and 3 Collector as two different characters entirely. And before you tell me, "They're different because sun/moon symbolism!" "They're different because Belos and King influence them differently!" etc. etc., don't waste your time. Yes, those are good explanations as to why they feel so different between seasons, but that does not make the writing of the character inherently good. Allow me to elaborate:
In S2B, of what little we see of Collector, they are extremely sadistic in nature, and while they appear childish the writing of that lack of care for others is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. And it seemed that way even as Belos first encountered him as Philip in the flashback episode. There, they weren't yet "influenced" by Belos and his plans; hell, he hardly had an actual plan yet.
Skip ahead to Hollow Mind, easily the best episode of Season 2 imo, and Collector is taunting Belos, mocking him and his schemes. Saying things like "Ooh, you were mad!" and "I'm starting to think you make those [grimwalkers] just to destroy them. You have fun with it, admit it!"
I cannot find any reasonable explanation as to how or why Belos would influence Collector into doing such things. Why would he want a little pain in the ass making fun of him for hundreds of years? And by his response to Collector's taunt about the grimwalkers and Hunter, "Of course I don't, Collector. It hurts every time he chooses to betray me," he took offense to their words, but kept his tone from shifting to anger as he does with everyone else because of Collector's power.
Belos doesn't want Collector thinking he doesn't like them because of their abilities, but he does want to stay on their good side for information. For knowledge of spells. And he puts up with Collector's annoyances because of that.
Essentially, that wasn't something Belos taught them or influenced them to do. All Collector knows is to adapt to their friends' behaviors, yes, but Belos is like, over 400 years old. I don't know about you, but I doubt with the way he speaks and how he's written that he would taunt his underlings in the same childish vain as Collector, and do so enough for Collector to pick up and mimic that behavior.
Now to the finale, their appearance is pretty much just them getting duped by Belos and sent into the depths of the titan skull, where King ever-so-conveniently finds them, making the pinky swear that releases them.
They maintain that mocking attitude even after Belos betrays them, calling King "boring" for calling them Mr. Collector and feeling generally disinterested by King before he promises a game to play. And even after they're released, they continue the attitude further with the whole "I remember someone throwing me off a bridge...I'm not angry, though!" bit, only to send Belos to his "death" moments after, deeming it as a game of tag. They've seen Belos kill grimwalkers first hand, fully aware that their lives mean nothing, and replicated the behavior by returning the favor to Belos (or so they thought). Their lack of care continues when they nearly try to do the same thing to the Hexsquad, people who didn't even do anything to them, before King stops them, changing the subject before they can cause further harm.
After stopping the draining spell, Collector continues the destructive maliciousness they have all the way to the end of the episode, and that's the impression of them we're left with. They were sadistic, uncaring and childish, but only learned the behavior of killing from Belos -- even though Belos didn't actually die, the intent was to kill him, and they were fully planning to continue with the Hexsquad.
And then...We get to Season 3.
Just a side-note, I think it's a safe assumption to say the first 2 seasons of The Owl House took place between roughly 2 months, as Luz was outside waiting to leave for a summer camp after the school year ended before initially arriving in the demon realm. Going off of that assumption, in Part 1 Luz returned to school as she returned to the human realm, presumably in late August/early September due to her living in Connecticut. And since Part 1 takes place in the timespan of about 3-7 days, the last day being Halloween, the timeskip only brought us about 2 more months ahead. Keep this in mind.
After Luz and co. return to the demon realm in Part 2 -- objectively the worst episode of the season -- we already see King's influence on Collector since they turned everyone into puppets instead of actively injuring or killing them when they don't comply. Still bad? Yes. But from how it looks in Part 3 with the Hexsquad, it seems more like the puppets' consciences are just comatose or an alternative to sleeping, maybe in a REM-like state. But of course, the show didn't have enough time to explain that further over all the nonsense in Part 2.
Anyway, when we see Collector in Part 2, they're still being childish, which is unfortunately the only thing that stays consistent with this character. They then say two lines that were the most god-awful writing decisions I've seen in a hot minute, and this show is STOCK FULL of really bad "this is peak humor LAUGH" moments like this.
They say that Eda has this "cool aunt vibe" and such, which sounds like one of those "character dynamics/tropes" posts on social media like Tumblr and whatnot. It comes off as really pretentious in the writing, and was shockingly unfunny to hear for a show that calls itself a comedy. Another line that frustrates me, more-so for lore reasons, is when they ask Odalia to make pizza bagels, when it was previously stated that human food is inaccessible to Luz during her time in the demon realm. So not only is it contradicting that whole thing (Eda actively struggled to find food for Luz that she could eat), how would they or King even know what one is or how to actually make one??
It seems like a small point to get heated over, but it once again feels like one of those stupid one-liners that one of the writers thought was the funniest shit they've ever thought up and kept it in because they knew die-hard fans would just laugh it off and brush it off as a joke, and that the writers forgetting about Eda's maternal struggle to feed her adopted kid is Disney's/the shortening's fault because they're at fault for everything wrong with the show...and not the ppl who wrote it.
Regardless, this whole shtick is extremely out-of-character for the way they had spoken in Season 2, and from what I can recall (I'm not gonna rewatch the entire show for the sake of a single post), King never talks like this. Luz does around him, but he himself doesn't talk like this.
I've discussed with friends before about this, including Robin (the one who asked me to talk about this), but from Part 2 onward Collector gets the same Luz-like writing every character that gets redeemed suddenly dawns out of the blue. I started calling it luz-ification, but it doesn't just happen to Collector.
It happened to Hunter, where his more cocky and ego-centric dialogues from early 2A was dropped for a more "comedic" personality and an anxiety-ridden character, though it's later eluded to that his cocky attitude was him masking his true self, so I try to keep it to that perspective.
(Side-tangent: Characters facing little to no consequences for their actions is something that goes on so much in this show but this is long enough already and I really don't like talking about this shit for long 'cause I could be using my time on better pieces of media, I'm sure there's plenty of posts explaining this point elsewhere by ppl who enjoyed TOH more than me)
Hell, it even happened to Amity for a hot minute. For some moments in the show she's written really off-character and saying things that just completely contradict how she's typically written, but then goes back to the more sassy and balanced character later on.
This post has gotten WAY longer than I wanted it to be, but to keep me from spending even more time on this, Part 2 shows a drastically different Collector, to the point that they do not by any means have the same character writing as they had before. They got luz-ified. Using social media lingo they couldn't even have access to in canon, and being written to quite literally just sound like a mini-me of Luz with the more obnoxious undertones of the childish thing.
Point is, they mimic these behaviors of Luz that they wouldn't even have reasonable access to learning from, because she's in the human realm for almost all the time after their release. It only makes sense in Part 3, when Luz is actually there for them to see her behaviors in action, but even that is so contrived and rushed that it feels unrealistic and narratively unnecessary. Remember what I said before about the timeskip only being 2 months? Yeah, 2 months isn't nearly enough time for a character to fundamentally change who they are as drastically as Collector.
Now to the part where I talk about Amphibia really quick and mention how it did the whole "having an alternative threat acting as a mini-boss" thing a million times better than this shit ever could. King Andrias, paralleling Collector for this particular scenario, is shown relatively early on that he's an antagonist to the audience. It's later revealed as a plot twist not to the audience, but to the characters, who least expected it. They don't waste time trying to throw off the audience with red herrings or telling its audience "He's not a bad guy, he's totally not going to be evil later on." They just show the audience he's evil and keep the story moving.
He's given enough time to feel like this ominous, looming threat, and True Colors masterfully showed how messed up this guy is and the lengths he is willing to go to ascend to the Core and cheat death, just as the souls within the Core had. His motive to avoid death and return Amphibia to the world-conquering ideologies from centuries' past is what made him such a love-to-hate villain. And the motive to cheat death in a children's cartoon? Metal as hell. The Core also parallels Belos here, and further on in Season 3, being the one manipulating Andrias through his fear of death in order to make him do what they want him to.
In the third season, Andrias continues his work by the Core's demands, only giving up in the final battle when he's read a letter from someone he had considered a friend long ago, which admittedly didn't have much set-up but it was at least the focus of an entire episode prior to the big pre-finale.
At the end of the series, he's shown to have moved on, allowing himself to age naturally and to stop using technology to keep him in pristine condition for eternity. He accepted the natural cycle of life, and in turn accepted that he will come to pass one day. He wasn't a perfectly written character, but considering what it's being compared to? Leagues better.
Like I said before, TL;DR, Collector is the bloatware of The Owl House's plot. They were shoved in as a last minute addition because they were the writers' "precious bean silly goose little gremlin blorbo" that they couldn't just keep in the drafts with the rest of the collectors. So instead of maintaining what little integrity the show's writing had to begin with and follow through to the end with the Day of Unity plotline being the series finale (Which was VERY OBVIOUSLY WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR), they essentially made a side quest distraction that dragged the story on for longer than it needed to, wasting the audience's time.
I'm not mad that the Collector exists, I just find that their inclusion in the series did more harm than good for the writing. The show has a serious issue with giving screentime to unnecessary characters like the miscellaneous Hexside students, giving characters too much screentime (The biggest offender for this is Amity, there's more episodes centered around her than Hunter, Willow and Gus combined) and not giving ACTUALLY necessary characters enough screentime (Looking at you, Emerald Trio).
I really want to rewrite TOH, and if I feel the need to rewrite a show, it's usually because there's too much fundamentally wrong with it for me to give it anything higher than a 6/10 overall. But I've already got a whole AU and a whole rewrite in the works for two other series I care wayyyyy more about, so that's gonna have to be left to other writers in this fandom.
If this post is how you've stumbled upon my page, hi :') Feel free to ask me about more or to elaborate on smth I said here if you want clarification, but if you check out my intro post and see another mutual interest we have maybe ask me about that instead of TOH please and thank you
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 1 year
Awesome swag new pfp = not being terrified of social media for a day yay. Everyday I suffer from the looming fear of not doing the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community justice when I am the only member of the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community </3. Can guarantee ghoul will play a humongous ginormous gargantuan part in both of my AUs that I’m working soooooo hard on!!! “I thought this was a Krerdly blog??” Sorry not sorry, get Catti namedrop jumpscared. BOO!! (Dw, the gamers still get to be the main characters or whatevsss.)
(Tysm @solasaich for the amazingest Kris ever!! I experience a little more gender envy towards them every passing day.)
Pogress (pog progress) report: shitting my pants. Favorite written down thought: “is this foreshadowing or foreshitting?” (I had a crisis about something inconsequential the day I’m writing this except I’m writing this at midnight so it was technically yesterday!!!) I will be very lucky if even one of my stuffs gets done before the end of the year. But Gamers… I am totally writing Demiromantic Kris so good it is insane; the Krerdly nation is LOSING for one of my AUs lets fucking gooo. (I’ll make dedicated posts about them EVENTUALLY!! Pinky promise. Cutting off my pinky.)
Alsooo, I learned how I like to write Ralsei so I can’t wait to put him in the spotlight for one of my fics!! Aaand then pretend he doesn’t exist for the other, sorry. My ability to sideline characters is unparalleled!! (RIP Asriel LMAO)
ALSO also I’m making a Deltarune Personality quiz on UQuiz maybe. 7 Results, 10 (?) Really Dumb Questions (so far). I color coded the assigned points for individual answers to individual questions and it made me happy. (Susie is ourple)
Ok ok ok I need to write this somewhere so now is a good time as ever: I am so MAD at myself for not putting my silly little tags in my latest ao3 fic >:( idc if it was improper or whatever the hell I should’ve been able to put #successfully-injected-20-ounces-of-silliness-into-Kris WITHOUT FEELING BAD!! I even decided NOT to mention how I think Kris (and all non-binary people for that matter) should totally one-bajillion-percent be allowed to have boobs without being ridiculed for it. The many shapes of our little flesh vessels are obviously not inherently indicative of our gender identity at all and I had the perfect opportunity to state that fact in the notes section but I DIDNT because Kris wearing a binder is part of their character and story that I’ve crafted for them and I wanted to address it properly in another future fic but it’s such a MINOR THING and won’t be this super dramatic factor that’s the center point of an entire fic like I made it out to be like WHY was I so lame and didn’t take a stance on that when I had the chanceee?? UGH!!!
Speaking of fics!! So far I’ve posted one for Christmas and Valentines, right? Well besides my draft for New Years it recently dawned on me that I still need to make one for Halloween and I’ve never written horror before (besides some stupid spontaneous one-off paragraph comment for a yaoi on wattpad IDK what 12 year old me was thinking) so YEAH idk I guess I’ll try my best, I have a couple good ideas?? If push comes to shove I can always revert to “ice cream cake full of fluff with an acidic slice of plot on the cutting knife” or some bullcrap.
Ok enough thinking, I’ve already had to do soooo much that while trying to think of a new nickname for Kris every single fic. I’ve brainstormed some real bologna, but I AM proud of the one I came up for my Deltadungeon AU! Title pending…
THIS bullet point is is dumb but… does anyone play Roblox? Yes? Ok, follow-up question: do you know what Doodle World is? It’s like the bestest pocket monster game on the site. Basically I’m forming a Deltarune theme team consisting of Kris Berdly Susie Noelle Catti and Jockington and if I record some good battles with my trashy theme team I might post them somewhere somehow idk lol but it’d be funny. I cannot WAIT for nothing to come of this.
I saw someone say they HATE Kriselle (on pintrest of all places) and since I’m a multi-shipper AND a certified hater I’m dedicating this paragraph to be a meanie to that person specifically. They are THE childhood friends to lovers!! Noelle watches in abject horror as Kris puts every shape in the square hole. Kris shows off their blades and Noelle tells them blades are for skatin’ and calls them a dingus. Noelle chases after the knight and Kris screams “GIRLFRIEND, STOP, GET BACK IN THE CARRGRHG” while she goes “youuuu come back here” and tackles the knight to the ground, knocking the helmet off and revealing Berdly underneath. Just thought I’d let you all know!!
Ok but honestly I’ve been sooo obsessed with Catti and Ralsei interactions. I have a vivid image in my head of Kris setting ghoul up on a date with an alleged “Prince of the Dark” and then Catti sees this sweet fidgety guy in bright colors and flowy clothing and ghoul’s like “figures” and it PROBABLY doesn’t work out if we’re being realistic but I’m holding out hope!! Rise up, Catsei (Ralti?) shippers!!
Ok gamers as a treat for putting up with me this far I present to you with a scenario: Kris and Berdly on a cloud-watching picnic date with a basket and flowers laying on a blanket except NEITHER of them are actually cloud-watching get epicly pranked!! Berdly’s on his 3DS playing Mii Plaza while Kris is letting bugs crawl on them and thriving. That’s so cool I almost can’t believe that it’s real. Everybody look forward to my upcoming fic based entirely around this idea titled “Kicking Back (A Green Shell)!” /j
Anyway for Halloween Krerdly is Waluaisy while Suselle is Bowigi you’re all WELCOME!!
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sh4k-thing · 3 years
Rant ab idiots(Tw ; pedophilia, h3ntai mentions, k1nks / fake sexualities, rude words/generally angry vibe)
edit : found this in my drafts and thought it was valid (I havnt entirely read through it) so here’s this. Some opinions may be outdated, but, based on the topic, I’m assuming not a lot/not any
Don’t y’all just love when mentally disordered people try to tell you their actions are justified? By this I mean p3d0s. p3d0ph1l1a is a MENTAL. DISORDER. you need THERAPY to fix it and it’s harming others. If you refuse to fix it you should be put on watch or in JAIL.
Same with z00ph1l3s. No. Your not attracted to dogs. Your just not. Or any other animals. Being a furry? FINE, a lot of you guys are rlly creative and actually cool. I knew a furry irl once. They weren’t that bad. But if you are ATTRACTED. TO. ANIMALS.
That, and , fake sexualities? Love your not attracted to plants. No. Just….. no. I am a plant lover! I adore plants and the lil bugs that go with em. But if your sexually aroused by your plant photosynthesising GET HELP. That’s gross. most plants!! Are!! Self aware!! And!! Alive!!
ok. This one. Genuinly. Makes me. Want. To. Fucking. Kill. Myself.
IF👏YOUR👏INTO👏HENTAI👏THATS👏OK. i’v Said it before : be into what your into. I could give to less shits, just don’t be creepy , don’t make it ur entire personality, dont show ppl unconsentuslly, and as long as it’s not illegal? Idc.
loli is illegal I’ll state that now but besides the point.
a lot of people who “identify“ with animesexual are talking about minors. Bakugou katsuki, shoto todoroki, non bnha characters, etc.
fictional crushes? Fine. Ok. Idc, yk, their a cool character, just don’t be weird. But I’m sorry. if a minor sexually arouses you? Guess what………… you have a mental disorder……….
sexualities based on a specific real life person? **DREAMSEXUALS IM LOOKING AT YOU FUCKBOYS** not a thing. Demisexual? Demiromantic? Fine! I’m demisexual myself!! But those are based off people you LNOW have have a BOND with.
please gods please. Just. Stfu. P l e a s e . if you identify as anything mentioned in this post or shit like that? Your a W H O R E .
do I slutshame? No. I will never call someone a word based on how they sleep with people. Honestly? If it’s consentusl adults? Do what you want! Have fun!!! Your an ADULT!!!! :D
what I will call you a fuckin whore for? This shit. This fucking bullshit.
thank you
this has been a PSA with bones
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selfcareparker · 3 years
hi aria <3 (i just noticed “love letters only” LMAO well good thing this is one of those 😌) it’s lovely anon, sorry for being a shit friend lol but here’s everything i’ve had drafted to send you (well not everything! that would be a lot HAHA)
this is more recent but: can’t wait for the blurb!! (you said it was a blurb right? i can’t find it on your blog now but it was something hdgshs) and the squeaky sneakers 😭😭 stoppppp i can’t
about your theme and your pants lmao:
aw come on i bet ur theme will look great :) aND IM HAPPY ABOUT YOUR TROUSERS LOL but i’ve really been up to nothing? WAIT THATS A LIE- so school ended (yay!!) and ya know i’m still dancing bUT i didn’t go to rehearsal last night (the 27th) bc i hurt my back :/ long story short i was at my brothers football game and they won (like for the first time lol) and i got really excited, i jumped and when i landed (which was on two feet!) my back immediately hurt. i’m okay though!! i went to the doctor and they said it’s just a backache, take it easy, don’t go to dance until next week so yeah :)
update!!! i went to dance last night (the 3rd), almost had an anxiety attack because the it’s the sECOND TO LAST REHEARSAL UNTIL THE SHOW AND I FEEL LIKE IM STILL LOOKING LIKE SHIT 🙃 but my teachers are really nice and they told me i look goooodddd and it’s fineeee so it calmed me down a bit :)
i’m still singing too, i’m in this group which i hate lol but my mom unfortunately said i should finish it out, 1) bc my younger brother is in it and he’s really excited about it which ya know yea i get it, and i don’t mind, 2) bc she paid for it 😭😭 but yeah i can’t wait until that’s over!!
clearly i am very nervous about everything haha anyway, i’m gonna be active more though . i miss talking to you, like a lot lol & i feel like it doesn’t come through BC IM NEVER ACTIVE 😭 but i think you’re the coolest person and whenever i see you post or reblog i’m like ARIA!!! so. love u girl, expect me to blow up your ask box and make u sick of me 🙃 (kidding lol, also i’ve been using that emoji a lot recently..)
ALSO ONE OTHER THING THAT IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO TELL YOU: there was a thing you reblogged AGES AGO and it was about kids who want their parents to get divorced lmao and how they’re awesome. anyway THANKS HAAH, this is probably so random, but anyway i’ve given you like bits and pieces of my home life but i can’t wait for my mom and dad to split up lol like honESTLY WAITING FOR IT
god this makes me sound bored, lonely, and depressed. #lonely anon is really coming through huh. but how’ve you been? just tell me all about it, clearly i’m doing nothing so <3
Snsjsh i forgot to post the blurb (idk if i should call it a blurb or not tbh?) lmao i got nervous and saved it to my drafts even though i had it scheduled for 45 mins ago </3 but i’ll post it after i respond to this ask (idk why but i was so excited reading your ask dksjmm <333)
Omg no need to apologise!!! Also you can literally send me everything and anything you want i’ll always be excited every time lmaoo even if it’s a lot, that’s even better!!!!
I was about to say get well soon but you said you had your rehearsal so that means your back is better i assume (and hope) which is amazing ❤️ (also congrats to your brother <3 i died when you said it was the first time they won aufisjssjk)
GOOD LUCK (even though you don‘t need it 😌 i‘m with your teachers on this one!) FOR YOUR SHOW I KNOW YOURE GONNA BE AMAZING AAAHH💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Oh also i realised i dont even know what type of dance you do?
Not the singing group thingjfjhh😩 But yeah like your mom said it‘ll probably be amazing for your brother! And idk which one you‘re talking about so idk how old he is but i‘m sure in the future he‘ll be grateful and think it‘s cool that you got to do it together 🥺!!!! but also it‘ll probably be over soo quick and you‘ll be like oh that was quick so. (What was that Sentence dkdjdjjd)
I get that you‘re nervous tho :( but i hope it‘s not a constant state of anxiety and maybe you can change it into being excited about it (isn‘t that what Tom always says? I don‘t find it very helpful 💀 but maybe you do <3)
Dkdkdkdk the parent thing 😭 my parents used to argue alllllllll the time and i‘d like cry in my room every night lmao (is this too personal? lnaodjdkd i mean i feel comfortable with you so idc) and my mom/mum (lol) still says why did i marry your father? at least once a week and I know she MEANS it too but💀 i mean idk what exactly your situation is but i know everything‘ll turn out the best way possible (yk on a long term basis) and maybe you‘ll get two Christmases so that‘s good difkldndns
Okay what‘s new with me.... nothing lmao. I think i‘ll get my driver‘s license soon like i was supposed to have my test in june but that‘s probably not happening so i hope my test will be during the beginning of july because mid/late july i have exams and that‘s already enough stress :( (also i feel like i‘ve been talking about my driving for like six months and still don‘t have my license eldjdkdj (or is it licence???? I think license is the verb but idk) BUT! that‘s just because i didn‘t have any lessons between december and march? because of covid and i‘ve been just waiting to get a test date since april 😭 but because of covid everything is taking so long and yeah </3
Talking about driver‘s license (🥴) i have finally listened to more olivia rodrigo songs and i reallly dont like the sad ones bc they give me anxiety tbh (but most sad songs do so), but i like brutal and jealousy, jealousy (or is it called jealous, jealous? Idk). I have no idea if you even like her but i remember how you said deja vu was good so maybe you like her?
Also I‘m getting my first covid vaccine next week (i know the US is way ahead of us lol but I’m getting mine very early like most of my friends couldn‘t get theirs yet so) BUT i‘m scared that i have covid 😭😭 i went to a friend‘s house the other day and she was gonna walk me home but then we met people from some of her uni courses and i didn‘t mind them (don’t know how i managed that without an anxiety attack tbh) but we were very close and i accidentally hugged one of them dkdkdjdj (accidentally because i forgot covid exists) andddd i‘ve had a cough for a few days but i‘m probably (most likely) just paranoid. also idk if i should cancel my driving lesson which is friday (one day after my jab)(is the word jab a british thing? my (british) grandparents keep saying jab)
Uni has been a bit boring to be honest shdldhsldh but i guess boring is better than hard? not much to talk about theresjdkdkd
Snsnsjsh well i hope you‘re doing well otherwise and i know you‘ll slay your performance and the singing thing will be over soo quick so yeah. you can always come to my inbox (even with non love letters (tbh i thought i‘d changed that to just say letter box dudlfhdkdk)) 💘💘💘💘 love youuuuuu
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Scammers pose as tech support help for computer scams
PORTLAND, Ore. — Whilst Billie Rockwood flipped open her laptop, an alarming message popped up on the screen. It said: “YOUR Computer HAS BEEN BLOCKED.”
The message warned that her Computer has been infected with a plague and records have been stolen such as login password for Facebook, credit playing cards, and electronic mail accounts.
“I felt like something turned into really excessive,” said Rockwood. “You don’t realize.”
Rockwood obtained this message on her Computer. She did not fall for it but were given scammed besides. The Hillsboro girl became the goal of a common scam. It’s referred to as the “Microsoft tech help rip-off.”
Unsuspecting sufferers are tricked into delivering private information in response to smartphone calls, emails or pop-up commercials from cyber criminals posing a Pc technicians.
Rockwood turned into skeptical of the danger, so she didn’t name the phone range on the pop-up advert. Rather, she used her iPhone to look for a tech help agency online.
The organization referred to as Tech Imaginative and prescient The united states had an internet site and appear valid.
Customer service turned into quick to warn Billie that she had a trouble and it becomes awful.
“They said I’d been hacked and it occurs and that they’re criminals,” explained Rockwood.
What Rockwood didn’t understand is that cyber criminals frequently region commercials on-line to steer you to call them. They pay to enhance their ranking in engines like google. regularly, these phony websites seem above valid groups. A Customer support consultant at Tech Vision The united states walked Rockwood through a sequence of steps that gave him far off get admission to her Pc.
On the time, Rockwood didn’t comprehend it however the man at the smartphone wasn’t solving her Computer. He changed into snooping around, searching out treasured records.
Rockwood notified her financial institution and warned them to be searching for fraudulent pastime.
“It’s far identity theft,” said Rockwood. “He knows the whole lot about me. He is aware of what I look like, he is aware of my social protection wide variety, my card numbers.”
Whilst contacted through KGW, a consultant from Tech Vision The USA was now not able to verify that the company had a business license, a valid cope with or should solution primary questions about its commercial enterprise practices.
The Federal Exchange Fee has warned about tech guide scams.
Ultimate year, Microsoft’s Digital Crime Unit expected almost three.3 million human beings had been victimized by means of Laptop guide scams. The fraudsters reportedly raked in $1.five billion.
Gene Gratton of Metro Computerworks in Portland says cyber criminals frequently rely on pop-up advertisements to try and fool customers into wondering something is incorrect with their Pc.
“The reality of the problem is Microsoft in no way calls you or keeps the song of what you are doing,” defined Gratton.
In lots of instances, the scammers try to trick humans into buying software they don’t need.
“It’s nearly like mafia protection where we heard an associate of ours is making an attempt to damage you and if you pay protection, we’ll keep you secure from all of this stuff- When none of its miles authentic,” stated Gratton.
The Must-Have Tech of 2017
“He is funny whilst he gets annoyed,” my daughter stated.
“He threw a tantrum!” my son claimed after prevailing a game of brief tap.
In case you concentrate on my children communicate, you’ll think they had been speaking about a pal or a pet.
The aspect is, what they may be speak approximately is one among the largest and hottest developments in electronics… One that is approximate to end up a large deal for stock market buyers.
You spot, my youngsters are speaking about Cozmo, the little robotic I controlled to get them for Christmas.
Anki, the organization that makes Cozmo, offered out of the robot earlier than Christmas. It is again in stock now, and my resources say that Cosmo continues to promote nicely even after the Christmas rush.
Cozmo has interested my kids on account that Christmas morning. They talk about it as though it had been a real character, and they love the few games and talents that Cosmo comes ready to play.
However, that is most effective the beginning for robots.
The hot Item at CES
You’re going to listen to lots more approximately robots. The Customer Electronics Display – or greater commonly referred to as CES – goes on in Las Vegas.
In truth, robots are any such big deal at CES 2017 that every one of Friday’s Display is dedicated to those awesome machines.
You ought to keep up with what is going on with robots because they are an essential aspect of the Net of things (IoT) revolution.
Consistent with an IDC studies file launched the previous day, the IoT revolution is going to generate $1.7 trillion in monetary price by way of 2020. In fact, final yr become the most important year for robotic startups, with $1.95 billion spent on 128 businesses.
As an investor, It’s essential if you want to music new, 5bf1289bdb38b4a57d54c435c7e4aa1c robotics merchandise like Cozmo due to the fact I accept as true with a number of the businesses making these machines will pass public in 2017, leading to exceptional income from their stocks.
One enterprise that I have stated – Impinj, a maker of IoT sensors utilized in retail – had its preliminary public presenting (IPO) on July 21 at $14 a proportion. The shares hit a put up-IPO high of $41.91 these days, ensuring in early traders raking in nearly 200% in about 5 months. The ones are out of the ordinary profits in some months that most buyers by no means make in a lifetime!
Is Your Computer Slow? How to Deal With Performance Issues
Do you face performance troubles together with your laptop or Laptop? Is your Pc getting slower and slower as well up and work on? If yes, read on for some suggestions on the way to make your PC quicker.
Here goes
1) There may be no want to preserve unused packages. So uninstall them. So how do you try this? Open Manipulate Panel’s “Program and Capabilities” page and go through the listing of the set up software program. Be cautious to leave programs your laptop’s hardware needs, the publisher listed as Laptop maker’s name or as Microsoft.
2) Disposing of brief documents which include net history and cookies should give you a massive quantity of difficult disk space, rushing up your Pc. Open “My PC”, pick your tough pressure, commonly C:/, pick the Home windows folder and open the folder titled “Temp”. pick all the documents which can be older than the cutting-edge date and press delete key. Then go to Recycle Bin to your laptop and empty it.
3) Even in case you make sure to frequently easy out all your transient documents, in case your hard disk will become 85% complete, it’s going to have a sluggish effect on your computer’s pace. if you movie motion pictures or use your Pc for recording tv, you will need a difficult force above 1TB in length.
4) Stopping unnecessary startups will speed up the time it takes for the laptop or Laptop besides up. Many of the programs which might be launched on startup preserve to run and dissipate your PC’s memory. To prevent the applications from walking, click “Begin” and then kind “Run” in the seek field, click on “input” and then type “ms config” and press input. You ought to see the startup tab with the applications ticked, the ones to be able to load when your computer starts up. You will be surprised at what you discover because they’ll not be within your information. click “Disable All” after which if wanted, pick the ones you need to run at startup, inclusive of antivirus software.
Another manner to boost startup is to dispose of all useless fonts Home windows masses. Windows 7 hundred more than 200 fonts on startup which could gradual the charge of the bootup.
go to Begin menus seek container, type “fonts” and inside the “fonts” folder, take a look at of all the fonts you do not want and click on “Hide” button on the toolbar.
5) Getting extra RAM, which stands for Random Get right of entry to reminiscence, can accelerate your computer. It’s far the temporary garage reminiscence used by your PC and is in use when obligations are being completed by using distinct applications. in case you do not have enough RAM and use a large range of packages, your computer will really run gradually.
Internet Scam – Ways to Detect Scams
Many scammers are very cunning, so being clever isn’t always enough to protect yourself. Are you pissed off and overwhelmed by of all of the scams, unsolicited mail and different junk you notice every day on the Net and in your email container? Do you desire you had a way to know for positive what is real and what is no longer? The Net Crime Complaint Middle a partnership of the FBI and the Countrywide White Collar Crime Center, in 2007 released its trendy annual document on sufferers’ court cases received and mentioned law enforcement. The shocking result is as follow- Internet public sale fraud turned into by a long way the most pronounced offense, comprising forty four.nine% of referred proceedings.
Non-brought merchandise/price accounted for 19.zero% of complaints. Check fraud made up four.nine% of lawsuits. Credit/debit card fraud, computer fraud, self-belief fraud, and financial establishments fraud round out the top seven classes of court cases mentioned regulation enforcement for the duration of the 12 months 2007. With these facts, there is the want to be no longer simplest be covered on-line, however, to discover a manner to check the scammers before they get you.
these are a few methods to detects Internet scams before you fall victim.
1.) Lending scams – while you get proposals from creditors that promise you a very speedy processor.
2) Device scams – promoting devices like television sets, and cell telephones at very low and attractive fee. Gadgets that aren’t yet available inside the market might also-also be offered for sale and also you typically acquire such a lot of posts in a single advertisement
3) Receiving a message from an advice inheritor- most scams locate this the most appealing manner to take advantage of unsuspecting sufferers. Constantly be careful with emails where people solicit for your help to claim sure millions of dollars they inherited in returns to compensate you.
4.) Unknowingly Buying scam in which they publish a message to an existing advertisement that they have a near relation residing for your united states of America and that they wanted to shop for your object.
5) junk mail Emails- Emails you obtain without your subscriptions often become junk mail emails. Senders of such mail use e-mail extractor and spiders to extract a couple of emails and ship. By no means reply to emails which you do not join.
6) If the commercial owner is calling you to pay thru any stressed out provider.
7) Constantly do a search for the organization (Google seek will come in accessible here). If the organization absolutely exists, greater or much less you may get a few extra information, just be greater resourceful as a few scams clone a few website and use the name of existing agencies for his or her trades. In any case before getting into a domain, first kind ([https://www] rather than http://www) considering https represents a secured website. Never enter a site without using the secured connection. If you locate the organization internet site, Test if the commercial product is on their product. Secured connections have a few security features that scams locate impossible to penetrate.
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