#should’ve saved it for me only hmmph
spookyji · 9 months
hm i think one wasnt enough :>
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no fucking way NO WAY
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Boots crunched in the fallen leaves as the wind howled overhead. Jace pushed the hood of eir cloak back off eir head as ey approached the castle, one hand tightened its grip on the sword sheathed at eir waist. Ey’d had every intention of marching right into the castle, confronting the beast inside, and demanding the release of the village girl that’d been taken. But now that ey were faced with it…. towers and spires looming high overhead. Jace thought that maybe ey should’ve put more thought into it. Planned more. Talked a few of the other villagers into helping.
Of course most would’ve laughed. Just as they had at the girl's mother when she’d stumbled into the tavern, begging and pleading for anyone to help her. My daughter, my darling Faye, please. Anyone…
The tavern’s occupants had mocked her, laughed and scoffed at her claims of a beast in a castle as they’d cast the old woman out and into the cold. But Jace had been there. Tucked into a corner while ey enjoyed a silent meal and a book out of sight and out of everyone’s mind.
Jace had been there, and ey’d recognized the desperation in the old woman’s eyes.
So ey’d followed her outside, offered a hand and pulled the woman out of the snow. A beast, she’d explained. Great and terrible. We’d been caught in the storm… The door fell open when we knocked, and the place looked abandoned… Inside we went, hoping for some shelter from the worst of it. He took us both, and my Faye promised she’d stay with him, without a complaint… Should he let me go.
I didn’t want to leave her, but I had to get help. Please. Please, say you’ll help me. She’s all I have.
And so Jace had promised. And had made the trek to the once grand Frostbane castle on foot, through the snow and the cold with little more than the sword on eir hip.
Towers loomed overhead, a dull grey in the day's dying light. Vines crept over nearly every spire, twisted and climbing to reach for the sun. Stones cracked and pathways overgrown from years unkempt.
Jace had heard stories of the castle. How it seemed a place that had always been. Not quite remembered, but never completely forgotten. Though it’s residents… and what had happened to leave it in such disarray no one could say. It seemed it was always a crumbling force, waiting to be forgotten and swallowed back into the earth.
But there were also stories of the music you could hear if you crept on paths close. A haunting violin. Solo in its sorrow. Melodies drifting without a home or source through the surrounding forest.
Some claimed the work of faeries. A cruel enchantment meant to draw you in and ensnare. Others thought ghosts. The memories of whoever the castle had homed before, yearning in sorrow for a different time.
Jace had never believed the tales. Though ey thought ey might start as ey climbed the stairs that led to the front door. Roses were carved into the stone pillars that held up the castles front. Frost encrusted the stony petals.
Ey unsheathed eir sword as they neared the door, unsure of what would be waiting for em on the other side. And unsure of whether ey should knock, or just barge right in.
The decision was made for them as the door swung open, hinges creaked and dust scraped against the flooring. Ey took a breath, and lowered the hand ey’d had held up in question, ready to knock. Another breath, and ey straightened eir stance. One nod of eir head and Jace strode right through the door, sword in hand and determined. Surely you can take one beast.
The last light of day filtered inside through dusty windows, it offered the only source of brightness in the castles main hall.
“That’s not creepy at all,” ey muttered as ey strode deeper into the castle. Finding an ornate clock, with gears made out to resemble a face.
Ey picked it up from its place perched on top of a small table, so ey could study it closer. Eir curiosity winning out for a moment over eir mission as ey marveled at the lack of dust on the furniture. Beside it rested a small candelabra, and Jace wished not for the first time since entering the castle that ey had some matches.
“You know,” a voice called, and Jace spun around to face the room. “It’s not polite to stare,” the voice continued, sounding as if it was behind em now.
“Nor is it polite to pick people up without asking first,” the clock added coming to life in eir hand and sounding disgruntled.
Jace took one look at the moving face and nearly dropped it, instead ey merely flung it down on to the table. “What are you?”
“Not a what,” the clock scoffed while it brushed it’s sides with what Jace had thought were merely decorations. Instead the wood shifted and moved like arms. “But a who. My name is Dragon.” Gears twisted into a frown as the clock looked around, seemingly unfazed by the sword in its face.
“I was supposed to introduce myself first, we agreed,” the voice from before spoke up again with a pout, and Jace realized it was coming from the candelabra.
Ey stepped back, raised eir sword higher and tried to ignore eir thundering heart as the two argued.
“We did no such thing,” Dragon glanced towards the candlestick, arms crossed over their chest.
“But we did.”
“Well, I've introduced myself already. So just get over it, and tell our guest your name. You’re being rude.”
“Hmmph.” The candelabra crossed his arms over his chest for a moment before turning to Jace with a waxy grin. “Caelum, mademoiselle. A pleasure to be at your service.” His words were spoken with a flourish as he extended a candle in Jace’s direction, like one would a hand in polite greeting.
Jace lowered eir sword, but remained standing a few feet away as ey blinked at the sight before them. “You’re enchanted,” ey said after a moment, all other words failed em.
“Enchanted to meet you,” Caelum said with a wink before Dragon lightly smacked him with a wooden arm.
“Cursed more like,” Dragon muttered. “What is it that brings you to our humble home?”
Jace blinked at the obvious change of topic, ey opened and closed eir mouth as ey struggled to find the words. It had been so simple. Eir plan. Storm the castle. Save the girl. And get back on the road without much time lost. But here ey were. Talking, or at least attempting to talk, to furniture.
“I was told of a girl,” ey finally settled on. “One that’d been taken prisoner by a horrid beast in this castle.”
The pair blinked before glancing at each other.
“A prisoner?” Caelum questioned in a hushed tone. “Did you see the master take a prisoner?”
“No, did you?” Dragon shook their head. “I haven’t,” they repeated.
“A girl? What girl?”
They spoke back and forth for a moment longer. And Jace was just about to leave them to their conversation, convinced ey’d have better luck finding the girl on eir own, when Dragon turned to face em again. “If it’s a prisoner you’re after, they’d be in the dungeons… though those havent been used in ages. But perhaps you’ll find what you’re looking for, and can be on your way before the master finds you.”
“Wait,” Caelum whispered to the clock, though none too quietly. “What if she’s the one…?”
“I doubt that, it’s not likely to be the first girl to step foot in the castle in five years.”
“But what if she-”
“Eir,” Jace interjected, biting eir lip. It was quite obvious he was speaking about em, even if he was making an attempt to be quiet. “Eir… not she, please. And what if I’m the what?”
“Of course,” Dragon bowed. “Our apologies. And you really needn’t worry yourself with that, he’s mistaken. To the dungeons if you please… captain.” They paused, looking Jace over before settling on the title.
Eir stance, and how ey carried eirself. Tunic and breeches, though simply spun and nothing near the finary a guard captain would normally wear, bore the mark of one of the neighboring towns insignia, styled in the way only a captain would bear. Dragon may have been years spent hidden away in isolation, but they could still recognize a guard and eir station if they saw one.
Jace merely nodded towards the clock, a short clip of eir head as ey gestured for them to lead the way. Dragon straightened their posture and jumped off of the table before Jace could do much more than lean forward to attempt to catch him. Worried he might break. But Dragon landed on the castle’s stone floors with nothing more than a loud thump, Caelum not far behind.
Ey blinked, watching the pair jump down the halls for a moment before ey found it in eirself to follow. Ey shook eir head, mumbling to eirself, “how did life get so strange?”
Caelum hopped a few steps down the hall before he turned, waving at Jace to follow. “Come! To the dungeons!”
“Quiet!” Dragon scolded in a hushed tone. “You’ll alert the master.”
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falloutdialogue · 6 years
Boone quotes?
“Ever take that beret off?” No.
[Unamused] I'd really like my beret back, please.
I don't know. I won't be staying, I know that. Don't see much point in anything right now, except hunting legionaries. Maybe I'll wander, like you.
Hnh. Yeah. Working on your own, you're a lot less effective. I've been there and paid for it.
[Over encumbered] Gonna be hard covering you when I can't move my legs.
Goddamn it! Don't sneak up on me like that. What do you want?
If there's one thing I won't tolerate, it's working with some dog of the Legion. You've got some explaining to do.
Look, I know the NCR has problems, but I fought with those men. I'll be damned before I betray them.
No offense, but I need to focus on getting more rest when I'm off duty. I'm not sleeping so good. So now's not a good time.
Let's get one thing straight. I see any crimson, I'm taking the shot. You don't like that, you're on your own.
Mercy killing is expected of NCR snipers. The Legion likes to torture their prisoners within sight of NCR positions. We get called on to end it. I've had my share. Some of them, you think, maybe you could've gotten them out. Maybe it's not the Legion that got them killed. Maybe it's your orders and you following them.
Caesar's dead. Bet he didn't see this coming when he was having his coffee this morning.
A face-to-face meeting with House, huh? The NCR would kill to be in your shoes.
How about I aim my gun at you for a while, see how you like it?
{Sighs} It's just something I'm not ready to discuss. With you or anybody.
She... I tracked her down. Southeast, near the river. They were selling her. Saw it through my scope. {Remembering a horrible scene. Disgust on "they were selling her."} Whole place swarming with Legion. Hundreds of them. Bidding for things no man has a right to. {Remembering a horrible scene.} I just had my rifle with me. Just me, against all of them, so... I took the shot. {Defeated, bitter. Very slightly choked up at the end - he's talking about mercy-killing his wife.}
Yeah. What they do to women... that's worse than death. There was no choice in what I did. It was more like... being forced to watch something you can't stop. All this was only ever going to play out one way. It still is. I don't have any say. All I can do is wait for it to be done with me.
There was never any saving her. They'd have taken her where I couldn't follow. What I did... that was the only rescue.
You take out a debt, it's only a matter of time before someone comes collecting. Things just finally caught up with me.
It was gonna be something. If I'd never met Carla, it would've been something else. I should've never gotten close to her.
I've got bad things coming to me. You'd better keep your distance, too.
That part of my life is over now. So is this discussion.
Look, we've done some traveling together, but we're not exactly comrades-in-arms. I'm not ready to swap war stories.
We did what we were there to do. Lot of people got killed. That's war.
Maybe looking back you'd do things differently, but that's not how it works. In the field, you hesitate, you or someone you care about will die. They teach that from day one.
Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while. Mine's not over.
A murderer who does good deeds is still a murderer. And he'll still get his judgment.
Still feels like I'm living on borrowed time. But I don't see any reason not to take a lot more of those sons of bitches with me.
I don't mean disrespect. It's a hell of a thing having someone with your ability looking out for me. But I've come to believe that there are things nobody can stop. I thought for sure that's what we'd finally come up against today.
It would've made sense for things to end here. But now... I'm still waiting.
Goddamn it. It's like I'm being toyed with.
With the Khans, the only difference between a soldier and a civilian is that the civilian is more likely to miss when he shoots at you.
There's no controlling war. No sense regretting what you can't stop.
They pick you out if you do well at the firing range. Pays a little better, so I said okay.
“The last thing you never see.” Pretty accurate, and so were we.
Didn't know him. He's a signature on my discharge papers. Wasn't real popular, though. Even overheard my C.O. complain about him once; General Wait-and-see, he called him.
Yeah. He introduced himself to me once. I shook his hand. Doubt he'd remember me now, though. When he looked at you, you could see he understood. After some of the things we'd seen, that meant something.
You're making a mistake. I want to be a part of this.
Damn right. You and I, we're just a couple of problem solvers.
Better be a good reason. I didn't join up with you to go on nature walks.
You'll be glad you did this. I'm gonna put a hole through Caesar's head.
If you want me to stick around, that ends now. I don't care what the reasons are, I will not help the Legion. Ever. Got it?
Bullshit. You're a goddamned coward, trying to pick the winning side.
Then this is over. Next time I see you, it'll be through my scope.
Give me my rifle and a clear line of sight and I'll start picking them off before they've even seen me.
She talked a lot. Suited me fine - I never know what to say. And listening to her, it could... make you forget. She stuck out, pretty much everywhere we went. Like she was from a different time. A better time. I never met anyone like her.
No. This is something for me to deal with. But I'm glad you're here.
If I was the assassin, I'd be up on that ridge. Or if I didn't care about escaping, maybe that near tower, or the landing pad behind us.
Thumbs down, you son of a bitch.
Mercy killing is a last resort. Glad you recognized we had options.
This armor's gonna get me killed.
Look, I'm dead unless you can get me some real armor.
Eat this!
Can't feel all my limbs.
[After healing, disappointed.] Figures.
Player Murders Someone
[Incredulously] What the hell was that?
Not a good idea.
You're gonna get us in some serious shit.
We all gotta go sometime.
Too bad.
Hmmph. {A nonchalant grunt - witnessing violence he's desensitized to.}
So this is how it ends.
Maybe it's my time.
Heh... I knew you'd be the death of me.
Think I might've killed my last legionary.
Player Pickpockets Him
I'll take that back now.
I don't think so.
I don't know who you think you're fooling.
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jewishbrucebanner · 5 years
endgame thoughts:
soooo that happened I liked it better than I honestly thought I would but there really were a lot of moments of ?????? WHAT???? huh???? so in an attempted but really no particular order
oh clint... you’re still as bland as ever im so sorry
they try soooo hard to make you think tonys gonna die even though we all know he won’t (until later) lol and later they make morgan as cute as possible so it’ll be sad when he does dies 
carol and val not being in the second act at all was a bit headscratching like I was figuring they should’ve gotten SOMETHING to do. also carol unfortunately comes off as a deus ex machina bc she always seems to show up right when she’s needed
points for natasha keeping shit running i guess. I appreciated seeing her being vulnerable but at the same something about her felt off idk what like I tried to be invested in her but I still wasn’t. I’m gonna blame previous movies and the fact I don’t like Scarlett for that.
wow killing thanos was easier than expected
hyping up “gay rep” only for it to be a fucking extra was annoying and dude we are waaaayyy past this. I’d rather it wasn’t mentioned beforehand and it was just a mild surprise when watching
Professor Hulk is... something I’m conflicted about. There are some cute/funny moments but it really is not introduced well and its unclear how much of Hulk is still in there. I get that in a stuffed movie like this there’s only so much you can do but... idk I could’ve done with a least a line pre timeskip where Bruce mentions he’s going to talk things out with Hulk or something. I didn’t go in expecting my boy to be done well but c’mon people.
Thor was done dirty and he deserved better. He didn’t deserve mockery over his weight and his trauma. I mean even his mother got in on it yeesh let the poor guy catch a break.
like I get that Tony is marvel’s golden boy who can do no wrong, but having him figure out in one night a concept that was far more likely to be something Bruce should have figured out (since he’s the designated physicist) was... dumb. Bruce should have figured out the theoreticals while Tony was the only person who could figure out how to make his ideas a reality and build the machine so its a group effort. Plot points stay the same but Bruce isn’t dumbed down to make Tony look better.
scotts like the best part of the first act tbh like the emotional moments are great and all but i love him
though honestly Nebula deserves a big shoutout she was probably the best written character in the movie. wish she’s gotten to beat up her “dad” though
time travel makes noooo fucking sense. I was told about it beforehand and was confused but even after watching and having the characters explain it directly they still don’t make sense. its too confusing and it really made the second and third act frustrating to watch when some actions seem okay but others apparently aren’t. You can't take the stones out of time permanently because you risk creating shitty realities but you can go into the past and live out your life there when you were never meant to and change nothing??? huh??? the rules seem to change based on what’s needed for the plot
a lot of things in this plot are contrived actually. plan to collect all the stones going too easily? uhhhhh past nebula uploads present nebulas memories somehow like sure it only kinda makes sense but it sure is convenient for thanos!!!
nat dies and im... sad i guess. i feel bad for not being too sad.
but yeah its annoying how like sure the team seems to be upset that nats gone but most of the lines about it are clints and bruces like she was friends with the others too. also her not getting at least a funeral at the end... hmmph
eeyyyyy Bruce gets his big moment!!! he literally saved the universe! if only the MCU gave a shit about his character so the moment would feel as big as it is despite him accomplishing the entire fucking goal of the movie!!!
aaand thanos coming to rain on the parade
Steve using mjolnir was cool period
peter parker killing people (even if they’re aliens) made me uncomfortable tbh 
the all girl lineup moment felt very... self congratulatory... “see we’re totes feminist! we have like ten whole named girl characters!!!”
the whole big battle would’ve been better if playing keep away with the gauntlet was done like the climax of The Great Muppet Caper.
vision... really wasn’t there huh
i won’t lie tonys death was sad but also... couldn’t bruce have just put the gauntlet back on and brought him back (and nat back but from the past? it worked for gamora)???
no one’s talking about how Bruce is the only member of the original 6 who’s an alive active Avenger at the end of the film. Steve’s old, Tony and Nat are dead, clints retired, and thors in space. but bruce is the only one who doesn’t get a scene about what he’s gonna do now?
three movies of thor learning to be responsible thrown out the window just like that
two and a half-ish movies of steve learning to move on thrown out the window just like that
wait we didn’t close with a new team lineup and Sam saying “Avengers Assemble”? 
there’s probably more but that’s what I got off the top of my head
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hockeytrashgoblin · 6 years
First Date (AustonxAshley)
Author’s note: Is this realistic? Nope. Do I care? Another nope. Enjoy.
I was sitting on my bed stressing about what I was going to wear on this date with Auston. The last time he saw me I was in a ginormous Bluejays shirt that was not very flattering so I wanted to look at least a little bit more presentable this time. However I didn’t want to be dressed up either as this wasn’t a fancy date by any means. I had argued with him for almost half an hour to get it to not be in a fancy restaurant. Instead we were going to go to the aquarium which was one of my favourite places in the world. I was worried about going to fancy restaurants since my eating habits were very strict and I was fussy.
“Leaaaah help meeeee.” I said in a snapchat video showing her the two different options. One being black ripped jeans, gray croptop, blue flannel with skull sneakers. The other one was light-wash shorts, my pizza sweater, with my blue skateboard shoes and knee socks. I kept waiting for her response but was greeted with a phone call instead.
“Where are you going on this date?” she asked not bothering with small talk.
“The aquarium.”
“Seriously? Out of all the things you could do you chose something you’ve done a million times?”
“Yes. I love it there. Now which oooone?!”
“I don’t know because the pizza shirt outfit looks cute as hell on you but the flannel will be easier to not get your sleeves wet when you pet the stingrays.”
“Oh shit true! I looove the stingrays. The first time I went I wore a long sleeved shirt and then my arm froze so bad on the way home.”
“What did you shove your entire fucking arm in without rolling up your sleeve first?”
“No! I just reached too far trying to give the ray a boop.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I know.” I put her on speakerphone and started getting changed.
“Are you gonna do makeup and stuff?”
“Pfft no.”
“Why not? I thought your whole thing right now was that you wanted to look more presentable.”
“Yeah I want to be wearing clothes that fit and aren’t ripped by accident, not be in full glam makeup. I don’t have the patience or the talent to do that. I don’t even have foundation that matches my face right now.”
“God you’re crazy. It’s not that hard, Ash.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re good at makeup.”
“You should’ve just called me earlier, I would’ve come over to help you.”
“Nah I can’t be bothered. I don’t want him to expect me to look like that always. Makeup is a special occasion thing for me, not an everyday thing.”
“What and going on a date with Auston Matthews isn’t a special occasion?”
“It is but if I’m gonna date him long term I don’t want to do this shit all the time.”
“Are you at least gonna do your hair?”
“No.” Leah groaned loudly. “Oh my god what now?”
“You’re not even going to do your hair?!”
“No. It’s washed and brushed though if that makes you feel better?”
“Well it does a little bit, but come on. A date Ashley.”
“Well to be fair I’ve never been on a good date. All my dates have been like, mcdonald’s.”
“That is so sad? Why does no one want to treat you good?”
“Wish I knew dude.” I finished getting dressed and checked the time. “Okay Leah I gotta go Auston is going to be here soon.”
“Alright call me when you go back home, I want to hear all about this.”
“Okay bye.”
“Byyyye.” I hung up on her and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure my hair was okay. My face was breaking out but there was not a whole lot I could do about it. I hoped he wouldn’t be too judgemental about it. I didn’t think he would but you never know. I went out into the livingroom putting my camera into my backpack along with some snacks incase I got hungry on the way or in there. Are you supposed to bring in snacks? No. Does that stop me from sneaking them in? Nope. I was tying up my shoes when there was a knock on my door. My heart jumped into my throat as I got up, walked up the stairs and unlocked my door. With a deep breath I open the door to find Auston smiling.
“Um hi.”
“Hey, how’s it going?”
“Gooood. Would you like to come in? I’m just getting a couple things gathered up still.”
“Yeah sure.” I moved out of the way and locked the door behind us. “What’s that for? Kidnapping me there Ash? Jokes on you Mitch knows I’m here.”
“No, I have to lock it or else it will open if it’s windy at all.” I said laughing at him. “Besides I don’t think I’d have a chance in hell of kidnapping you. Too small and wimpy.”
“I donno, my face doesn’t agree with wimpy.”
“Oooh my god shut up I didn’t mean to!” I said pouting grabbing my backpack and standing in front of him.
“I’m just kidding.” he said smiling bigger. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes! Always!” I say smiling and going up the stairs dragging him behind me while he laughed at me. We got out of the house and into his car which was too nice for me to snack in that’s for sure.
“What’s wrong?” Auston asked worry on his face.
“Am I allowed to eat snacks in here?” he just laughed at me again.
“Seriously? That’s what’s got you all frown-y right now? You just want to eat some fucking snacks in my car?”
“Dude stop laughing.” I smiled and shoved his shoulder. “This car in more expensive than anything I’ve ever owned in my life I just want to make sure it’s okay..”
“You little cutie, go ahead.” he started driving right after that and I pretended I didn’t see the blush on his face. I pulled out some candy from my backpack. “Why does it say your name on that backpack?”
“Cuz it’s mine.”
“But you’re like almost 20 why do you label your bags?”
“Um well it’s kind of from the 8th grade.” this made him laugh again.
“Why do you still have it?”
“It’s adventure backpack. It’s the one I had with me at the ballgame too. I keep it for going out on tripes like this because it holds just enough and I don’t care if it gets wrecked. It’s got my name on it because it was from the grade 8 trip and like 60 of us had the same backpack.”
“Was yours full of snacks then too?”
“Yeah it sure was. Especially day two after the farmers market. I had so many fruits in there. I got so sick.”
“What did you get?”
“Strawberries mostly. My friend was supposed to split paying with me for two things of them because it was cheaper but she then didn’t want to pay me back after so I fucking ate hers too. Take that Rhiana.” I mumbled the last part and he just laughed at me again.
“That is a lot of strawberries.”
“Too many. I threw up when we got back to the dorm we were staying at. But then I was fine and ate some candy with other friends.”
“Wow. You’re crazy.”
“Those were my wild days.”
“No wild days anymore?”
“Not really. Me and my friend go to this one dance club sometimes and I go to ballgames but other than that I just sit at home on the phone with grandma watching hockey or baseball.”
“How long have you been into baseball?” he asked while looking down to his phone.
“Excuse me sir. Stop with the phone, I’m not trying to die tonight.”
“I’m just trying to put music on, I’m sorry.” he mumbled.
“Here I’ll do it, what’s the passcode?”
“Um..it’s the same as my twitter name.”
“Wow not very creative Matthews.” I go into the phone and look up a song to play.
“You never answered my question. How long have you been into baseball?”
“Since the womb. Grandma literally started on me the first season I was alive for. I went to my first game just before I turned 2.”
“Wow that’s really young.”
“Yeah I sat through the whole game though. Didn’t leave my seat once after the game started. Apparently I was really into it. We’ve been to games every year since, it’s our tradition.”
“That’s such a cool tradition to have!”
“Yeah and now we’ve started another one where we go to Sting games every year. That’s what started to get me into hockey. Then I was there for the playoffs last year so I watched it everyday. Now I sit in my house and talk to her every night while we watch hockey together but not together.”
“Was she talking to you the other night?”
“You mean when you exposed me?! Yes. Yes we were talking and let me tell you I will never hear the end of this for the rest of my life.”
“Well you should’ve been easier to find.”
“Hmmph.” I pouted getting more candy from my bag. “Would you like some chocolate almonds?”
“No that’s alright. Save me some to sneak later.” he gave me a wink and I blushed hard and looked out the window, which confused him. “What?”
“Don’t wink at me, jesus.”
“And why not?”
“Too hot. Can’t handle it.” I said looking at him and now it was his turn to blush.
“Oh. Sorry..” it was awkwardly quiet for a while until Auston broke the silence again. “Okay so you know how you said no fancy?”
“Yes. I remember arguing a lot insisting on no fancy.”
“Yeah I remember that too. You’re literally the only girl I’ve tried to date in years who turned down a fancy expensive date to go to see some fish.”
“Well I’m special what can I say? I love the fish.”
“Well I didn’t do anything fancy but I did do something.”
“Oh my god Auston what did you do?”
“I might have paid to have the aquarium to ourselves.” he said as we pulled into a parking garage close to the aquarium.
“Maybe. Might’ve.” he quickly found a parking spot and unbuckled turning to look at me.
“Auston that’s so much! Why? I would’ve been fine with others there too..”
“I didn’t want our first date to be you fighting for my attention all night while fans talk to me and stuff..”
“Cocky. But aww I appreciate that.” I say smiling looking down. “I definitely wouldn’t be very good at fighting for attention. I’m not that interesting.”
“What? No that’s not what I meant at all!”
“Oh no, I know Auston. I didn’t mean to make it seem like that’s what I was saying.”
“I think you’re very interesting.” he said getting out of the car. I blushed but followed him out of the car. We went up some stairs and got outside, only walking a little bit until we got to the aquarium. “Here we need to go this way.”
“I’m sorry okay I just want this to be great. Now let’s gooo.” he walked over behind me and pushed my back to make me move making me giggle.
“Okay okay I’m going jeez!”
“Good. This is going to be fun I promise.”
“I know it will. I love the fish.” he laughed and rolled his eyes as we went in the back of the Aquarium.
“Welcome Mr. Matthews. Everything is in order and you guys can take your time looking through the aquarium. We hope you have a good time.”
“Um thank you.” Auston said with an awkward smile before walking into the beginning of the aquarium.
“This really wasn’t necessary you know that right?” I asked walking beside him.
“I wanted to spend time with just you. Get to know you better ya know?” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s very sweet Auston.” I said smiling at him before running off. “Look at the flat nose fish!!”
“He’s funny looking.”
“I think he looks like perry the platypus.” Auston laughed beside me.
“Yeah he kinda does.” we started walking around and seeing all of the animals. We were joking around and having a great time getting to know each other and talking about the fish. We kept sneaking snacks also which kept making Auston laugh telling me that sneaking was not needed since we were alone and making me shush him. I took a lot of pictures of the fish and I started sneaking some of Auston but of course he caught me when we were petting the little crabs.
“Are you taking pictures of me?”
“Maaaaybe?” I said shyly.
“Because you look cute.”
“Stop no I don’t.”
“Yes you do.” I said simply as he started walking again. I put my camera away and ran a little to catch up to him but of course being as clumsy I am I ran into him and almost fell over. He caught me though thank goodness but it didn’t stop me from blushing.
“Stop trying to take me out Ashley.” he said laughing.
“I’m sooorry.”
“You’re so damn clumsy.” he complained while he was still smiling.
“Boy you don’t even know the half of it. I’m so clumsy.” we walked into shark tube and I kept looking at Auston. I was scared of sharks and while it was common knowledge to my friends and family that I panicked or needed someone to hold my hand, it was not knowledge Auston had. He had his hands in his pockets as we  stood on the conveyor belt going further into the shark tube. I thought I would be okay and I was. Until I saw a shark’s teeth. Then I freaked. I looked at Auston again who was looking around at all the animals with a smile on his face. I looked down to see his hands still in his pockets. While looking around at the animal I took his hand out of his pocket and held it.
“Um whatcha doin?”
“Sharks scare me.”
“Why did you want to come here then?” he asked laughing but holding my hand properly.
“I love the fish. I love everything except the shark teeth. The shark teeth scare me.”
“Oh no can’t have that.” he said letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulder holding my other hand. “Is that better? Still scared?”
“Nope this is much better.” I said blushing leaning into him while we went slowly through the tube. Once we got out he moved his arm and I pouted making him laugh.
“If you wanted to hold my hand you could’ve this entire time cutie.” he grabbed my hand again and pulled me along happily through the jellyfish part of the aquarium. He loved the jellyfish and everytime he got that excited look on his face my heart beat fast. Him holding my hand still was not helping with the heart thing. We walked back up to the top level where the stingray petting was.
“Waaaait! We need to pet these little sharks first!”
“You literally just help my hand because you were scared of sharks.”
“These are tiny and I can’t see their teeth so it’s okay. Aus, look at them!!”
“Two fingers right down their backs, they love that. Don’t touch their fins though.” the worker instructed us. We nodded and went and pet them.
“They’re so cuute.”
“They aren’t the only ones.” Auston said looking at me.
“Oh my god shut up.” I said blushing hard.
“Can we go to the stingrays now please?” he asked tugging on my free hand.
“Yes! I love them! Are you ready to see me cry? Cuz I’m gonna.” I said giving him finger guns which made him scoff and roll his eyes at me with a smile. We walked up to the sandy part and I put my backpack down. I took off my flannel and shoved it into my bag before turning back to Auston who was staring at me. And I gotta say that did absolutely nothing to help my self image problems. “Why are you staring at me?”
“Why did you take your shirt off?”
“I want to pet the rays. I don’t want to get my sleeves wet and freeze on the subway.”
“If you think I’m letting you go home late at night on the subway you’re wrong.” he said rolling his eyes and his sleeves up.
“It’s not that late? It’s only like 8. I’ve been on the subway latter than this before.”
“I don’t care, I insist.”
“But it’s so far out of your way..”
“Maybe I want to spend more time with you.”
“Do you?”
“Maybe.” he said smirking at me.
“If you want to spend more time with me you just have to ask Aus.”
“Fine I want to spend more time with you so can I please bring you back home?”
“Why of course.”
We spent a lot of time with the rays before we decided to leave. Auston thanked the people at the desk and we left to go back to his car. The ride was filled with joking around and talking about all the fish and stuff we had just seen. It was really fun and we got to my house a little bit too fast for either of our liking. He walked me to my door and we stood outside for a while.
“I had a really good time with you tonight Auston..” I said shyly looking at the ground.
“I had a good time too. You’re a lot of fun.”
“Pfft yeah I know.” I said laughing. “Seriously though thank you for doing all this for me. It was really sweet of you. And thank you for holding my hand in shark tube.”
“You don’t have to thank me for holding your hand you freak.” he said smiling at me grabbing my hand. “Look I’ll do it again. Because it’s fun and I like to.”
“You’re a dork.” I said leaning in faceplanting into his chest.
“You’re cute.” he said putting his arms around me in a tight hug. “You’re different and special I can tell. I really hope you let me see you again.”
“Um yeah? If you want to deal with my clumsy ass again then definitely.” I said looking up into his eyes and smiling.
“You’ve got really pretty eyes..” he said quietly.
“Thank you Auston..You do too ya know.” I replied quietly. We were silent for a minute until Auston spoke up again.
“Can I be honest?”
“Yeah dude always.”
“I want to kiss you so bad right now but you’re so damn short.” he said making us both laugh.
“Hang on a second.” I said getting out of his hug and going up the stairs to stand on the ledge of them. “There. Now I’m tall.”
“I’m still taller, but this will work much better I think.” he said pulling me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought his soft lips to mine in a sweet simple kiss. He pulled away smiling and I was a blushing smiling mess. “Definitely worked better.”
“Shut up.” I said giving him another kiss. “Okay you should probably go.”
“Aw how come?”
“Because if you come in we’re gonna kiss more and that’s gonna lead to things and I am no hoe Auston Matthews. I will not be banging on the first date. Wait until at least the second.” I said making him go from serious to snorting in a millisecond.
“You’re hilarious. Fine I’ll go.”
“Message me when you’re home so I know you’re safe please?”
“Yeah of course I will, don’t want you worried.” he gave me another lingering kiss before leaving. “Bye Ashley.”
“Bye Auston.” I went inside my house and almost cried of happiness. This night had been absolutely perfect and he had wanted to see me again. Something no other person I’ve dated had wanted. I got into pajamas and into my bed and waited for Auston to let me know he was home. He did and he told me again that he had fun with me. I told him I had fun with him too and then went to bed with the biggest, dopiest, smile on my face.
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Love and Misunderstandings
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to me! Just Kidding. I have no rights to this awesome manga and anime. They all belong to his awesomeness, Masashi Kishimoto.
Notes on one-shot: This one shot came to my head when I was wondering what it would be like if Sasuke and Sakura did the deed while arguing or while having a casual talk. And this happened. :D Hope you enjoy it!
Rating: MA/NSFW 
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The Uchiha household shakes as a resounding bang vibrates through it when Uchiha Sakura slams the door to their house.
She takes off her shoes and kicks them off to the side. The young mother grumbles under her breath as she stomps her feet on the tatami and walks towards their room with an air of wrath surrounding her.
Their door opens again and ninja sandals enter. Uchiha Sasuke comes in quietly and lets out a sigh. He bends down to arrange the footwear on the floor, regally slipping his own slippers on and picking up his wife's pink ones to bring it to her.
When he enters their room, Sakura is mumbling silent curses as she frustratingly pulls her hairtie and unzips her red dress.
Sasuke patiently places her slippers near the foot of their bed and observes his fuming wife.
"Did you hear me Sasuke-kun?"
The tone in her voice still sounds angry, but for some reason, her temper doesn't scare him as it usually does.
So he answers her.
"Yes, I heard you."
She mutters something under her breath, and exhales loudly when her zipper gets caught on its way down. Sasuke attempts to help her with it when she suddenly tears it with no hesitation.
Uchiha Sasuke gapes in shock.
The nin raises his eyebrow when his wife turns her back on him, with the upper half of her form fitting dress hanging loosely around her hips. Then, his mouth dries when he sees that she isn't wearing a bra underneath, probably due to the presence of cups sewn into the outfit.
She bends down through her closet and he is instantly rewarded by the sight of her sweet ass pressed tightly to the cottony skirt. His sexy wife is searching for something and she lets out another string of frustrated growls while she attempts to find whatever it is she is looking for.
Sasuke's eyes skim over to the back of her toned, pale thighs when she goes on her tiptoes to get something off the upper shelf.
He swallows his saliva to get rid of his nervousness.
Her actions actually turn him on.
Simple as they were.
They were turning him on.
He finds her irresistible in this moment.
Even if he knows that he is at risk of being at the receiving end of her rage.
"I can't believe you did that! So stupid. That was so stupid!"
Which brings him back to their current scene.
"Don't you 'hn' me you jerk."
She pushes her dress down and it is then when Sasuke's eyes widen at the sight of her beige panties. They were plain, and practical, but they made Sakura's butt and legs appear lighter than they really are and Sasuke actually takes the time to think about how they would feel if he pulls them down to her toes.
"And you completely ignored what I said! I hate it when you do that."
"If you weren't the father of my beautiful child, I would totally punch you right now."
She clenches her fists and resumes a fighting pose and actually punches an invisible person. Sasuke sweatdrops.
"I'm so mad! I don't think I've ever been this mad at you before."
She lets out another piqued snarl.
"Giving me the silent treatment now are you? Well, I don't care, I'll give you a piece of my mind."
She turns her head to his direction but her bangs cover her eyes.
"I told you that there was no need to pay off that huge amount of money!"
"Everything was fine, you should've let me talk to the landlady. I could've saved us the expense."
"Are you even listening to me?"
He smirks.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
Uchiha Sakura glares openly at her husband. And she berates her heart for skipping a beat when she discovers the reason why her dear Sasuke-kun was so silent. Then, she glares harder.
Because Uchiha Sasuke is sitting on their bed.
With a smirk that she currently wishes to wipe off his face.
And a tilt to his head that she can only describe as teasing.
And he was half-naked.
She kicks her inner fan girl when her eyes drift low to his sculpted abdominals.
"Come here."
Sakura meets his eyes and holds herself back as he stares back at her with a hand extended.
Does he think that he'll be able to get out of this by being all sexy?
Well, he has another thing coming.
"I'm still mad at you."
"No way I'm going near you now."
She crosses her arms and looks away.
Her forehead twitches. And she screams at herself to let the rage boil over instead of cooling off at the sound of his endearment. She grits her teeth and narrows her eyes at their ceiling.
"We're still fighting."
He lets out a sigh.
"I know."
"I'm really pissed."
"You look pissed."
Sakura's patience breaks.
"Oh I look pissed huh? Then you better stay away from the beast who was apparently responsible for all the damage."
His tender tone actually simmers her anger in a way, but she turns the heat on anyway.
"What?! We're fighting! We're fighting. Okay Sasuke?! What the hell makes you think I'd want to come closer you bastard?"
To prove her point, she angrily puts on an over-sized shirt and flicks her middle finger to threaten him.
He stops her with a simple smile that swiftly turns her insides to mush. And Sakura whines, she whines because it is all so unfair. How quickly he can calm her down.
So unfair.
"Come here Yome."
Her inner jumps out and fans up the dwindling fire to slowly get it going again. Burn rage! Burn Shannaro! The pinkette narrows her eyes again. And if looks could kill, Sasuke would be lying in a pool of his own blood, with what was left of his body. If there were any...
Because Uchiha Sakura can literally tear him to shreds.
But when he answers her with just that smile on his face again, the kunoichi grumbles a manageable, non-intimidating phrase.
And her darling husband merely smirks.
"Because I want to get started with the make up sex."
Sakura's body freezes.
Then, a chill passes.
Causing her hairs to stand on end.
Her thumping heart immediately thaws it out.
And a warmth spreads throughout her whole person.
And she actually feels her cheeks warm.
It has been too long.
Actually, a few days had passed ever since Uchiha Sasuke returned from his mission. But as expected, they had a lot of things to attend to. With the Chuunin exam coming up and Sasuke training Naruto's child. And they were never really alone for more than a minute.
And it is in this moment that she finally realizes it.
The fact that they are alone.
"But, Sarada..."
"Won't be home for five hours."
She flinches.
"I'm furious with you."
"I like it when you're dominant."
Her body ignites at the image.
"I don't want to!"
She bites her lip and glances to where his bare feet are situated on their floor.
"Okay, I want to but..."
Then, she allows her eyes to travel up his body.
Yes, he was shirtless.
And to add to that.
The zipper to his shinobi pants are already undone.
The jerk.
When she finally meets his eyes. She notices a spark in them. But, she's still seething at what had just transpired a few minutes ago. So she turns her head with a stubborn "hmmph".
"Come here."
"I'll let you be on top."
She yells out.
"I missed you."
The sentence, in truth, knocks some of her irritation off her. And she can't even find it in herself to say anything as a come back.
He actually looks adorable at this point, as if she has just denied him his sweetest candy. Or er, tomato. And Uchiha Sakura realizes that she doesn't really want to withhold anything from her handsome husband. So she internally admits defeat and waits for his finishing line.
"I've been wanting to make love to my wife since I returned."
Her heart melts, it actually melts.
But she feels like pushing him a bit further.
"I'm not letting you off the hook."
"I'm going to make you hate having sex with me."
She taunts him.
This guy.
"Mou! Why do you know exactly what to say when I'm so freakin' pissed!?"
"Because I know you've been dying to have sex with me too."
That damn smirk again.
"You're so full of it."
She scoffs.
"Sakura, Come here."
And she decides to finally close their distance.
Her footsteps take her to her husband as he remains rooted in his spot, quietly observing her. Sakura could already feel the intensity settling deep into her core. And she quickly moistens her lips in anticipation of his touch.
When she stops before him, her front facing his sitting form, Sasuke stares. And in a gentle hold, he puts a hand to her stomach, and slips it inside the baggy shirt, gradually lifting it to expose her abdomen. Sakura hitches her breath when he tugs the hip line of her underwear to bring her closer. She couldn't help but run her fingers through his dark hair, thin digits tenderly sweeping his bangs to the side so that she can come face to face with the rinnegan.
Uchiha Sasuke looks up and meets her emerald orbs with mismatched irises.
"Take your shirt off."
Without breaking their contact, Sakura crosses her hands to the edge of her comfortable top and lifts it off her. Sasuke is then confronted with the sight of her bare chest, with it's tiny, pink tips, inviting him to take them into his mouth.
The avenger allows a hand to travel up to where the undersides of her breasts cover a patch of skin. He pushes one up and leans forward to lick the pink globes. Sakura takes a step into his space. Her husband's other hand slips to the small of her back to pull her closer to him as he breathes in her womanly scent.
The threads of his desire slowly command his cock to full attention.
It had really been too long.
So, he pulls her to him.
Her legs effectively land beside his hips as Sakura adjusts her position to straddle her spouse. The moment she feels his desire though, she wastes no time in grounding her core to him as he lets out a groan of finally being skin to skin with his lover from the waist up.
She puts a hand to the back of his head and presses her lips to him. They slowly savor the taste of their mouths but eventually push their tongues against each other to further deepen the contact. Sasuke angles the back of her head to his tongue's thrusting.
Sakura lets out a muffled "mmph" at his sudden aggressiveness but meets him easily. When she pulls away to stare into his eyes again, Sasuke surprises her by switching their positions. The next thing the pinkette knows, her hot love is standing before her, breaths coming out in deep pants as he stares at her body until he stops to focus on her panties, eyes heavy lidded with lust.
He bends down to take his pants off and leaves his navy blue boxers on. Then, he fits his hands around Sakura's ass to push her upwards towards their pillows, firm pelvis pressing between her parted legs.
Sakura gasps at the contact.
A hand comes up to squeeze a breast.
"Still though, why did you pay that bitch off?"
His hand pauses, then he puts his mouth to her neck to reprimand her for opening the topic again, greedy teeth nipping onto her pulse, hard, sculpted body rubbing against hers, teasing her with what he wants to do to her.
Distracting her.
"I told you I'd make you hate this love-making, so I'm asking you. Why?"
He lets out a 'Tch' and travels down her body to come face-to-pelvis with the last barrier keeping her from him. He hooks a finger in it and abruptly pulls it down. His lovely mate lets out a surprise gasp but wraps her hands around his neck as soon as he situates himself above her. Hard and naked. Sasuke eases himself into her tight heat until she can feel his lower curls make contact with her moist crevice. Then he fucks her for a bit by giving her a small, apologetic hump.
She whimpers. He buries his head in her shoulder and starts a steady pace.
"I didn't want to complicate things."
She lets out a gasp, the grip on his hair tightening as he continues pushing in and out.
"Which was why I told you to leave it to me."
"It was the third house you wrecked Sakura."
The pinkette tightly wraps her legs around him and rolls over to ride him. Then, she rotates her hips to him in a harder and faster pace.
"Fuck, Sakura."
"Che. She knew what she was getting into when she let me sign the lease. And we're shinobi, we're fucking awesome shinobi. What was she expecting? Of course there'd be some property damage."
"You uprooted a tree."
Dainty hands grab his and direct them to her breasts. He doesn't hesitate in caressing them, lust-filled eyes studying his wife's expression when she grinds against him and allows his manhood to hit her in a sensitive spot.
"So? Akamaru has been digging holes into Kiba's backyard for a long time."
His hands let go of her creamy mounds to slide a finger down and trace the line at the center of her upper body. Then he applies a little pressure that allows her to arch her back and bite her lip at the simple touch.
"That sounded dirty."
He grabs her hips and starts thrusting up into her.
"And I don't like hearing another man's name while I'm inside you."
He puts more emphasis on that one word. It takes a second for her to register what he had just said, but she puts her hands over his and continues her gyrating motions.
"You don't huh?"
The grip he has tightens at how good it felt to be within her. To watch her fuck him, her breasts bouncing up and down and her face contorted into so much pleasure.
"Actually today, Naruto invited us for ramen."
He clicks his tongue in annoyance.
"Shikamaru says he's expecting another baby."
Her voice sounded a little vindictive. And damn it. It kind of turns him on. The fact that she's ruling over him in this moment. And the fact that she has asserted control.
It fucking turns him on.
Still, he doesn't like it when she's saying someone else's name.
"Sai said that Ino has taken their kink up a notch and bought fuckin' handcuffs."
He briefly notes that maybe they should kick their kink up too. So, he gives her one particularly hard, and punishing thrust. Uchiha Sakura whimpers at how good it felt.
"Lee-san... Oh!"
He pushes her to her back and thrusts harsh and deep.
"Stop it."
He bites into her shoulder and props his hands beside her, his body a bit farther than usual but with their hips still connected.
He keeps on pumping his hips, assuming a leisurely rhythm. Then, he pulls out and tells her with his eyes. She gets on all fours as he sheathes himself in again.
"Still though, I don't like the fact that you left me in the receiving area so you can negotiate on your own."
It irks him that she's still talking about it at this point. Speaking casually when he is too distracted with how amazing this is. What they were doing. He pushes his chest to her slender back and hooks an arm around her stomach. The other gropes one ass cheek as he continues the friendly pace he started.
"And as I said, we didn't need to pay that huge amount of money, the house already had a couple of cracks. The yard wasn't as pretty as it is now when we first arrived."
"You punched a canyon into the ground."
She fists a hand in their sheets when he hits that spot again.
"We could've fixed that by ourselves."
She hisses out.
"You broke the kitchen counter top when you baked that cake."
He gives her another thrust.
"Another thing we could've repaired on our own."
"The floor had scratch marks on them."
His not-so-innocent wife curses.
"And who was to blame for that Sasuke-kun?"
He continues pumping into her, now getting onto his knees as he puts a hand to her back and pushes her further into their covers while Sakura presses herself more intimately to him.
"Sakura, why are you really angry?"
He puts a hand over one of her hands and laces them together, hips still maintaining its kind jerking.
It takes a minute before she answers him.
"I hate it when you see through me."
He tightens their intimate hold.
"That's why we're married."
He rams into her fiercely until she constricts around him to warn him of her impeding climax. So he stops and allows her some air.
He doesn't want it to be over too soon.
And as she pants out and gets herself together. Uchiha Sasuke holds back the urge to pound her anyway by gently putting her hair to one side and tilting her chin to meet his eyes.
"Tell me."
Sakura is staring at him, green eyes holding something in them that he can't quite pinpoint. Only that something has upset her. So she pushes against the bed, and he grabs her around the waist to pull her to him, as they do a reverse cowgirl position, with his legs straightened.
"She has a crush on you."
A pause.
Sasuke blinks.
Then it comes to him.
"Damn, now I understand why you didn't want me mentioning another guy's name."
She takes both of his hands again and places them on her thighs. He pulls her more closely and licks her spine when she sways her hips to him again.
"Hn. Jealous?"
"Not really."
A hard thrust.
"You're jealous."
"Like I said... Ahhhn."
He rolls his hips to hers and puts a hand to her breast to press her to him, his forehead leaning on her white unblemished back.
"What was that again?"
She slaps the back of his hand off her breast when he leans up to lick the back of her neck. Uchiha Sasuke's lip tilts upwards.
"Why were you jealous?"
"Mou! You're so clueless aren't you?"
He groans when she pulls away from him, his tall and still hard stiffness falling out of her, but standing enthusiastically.
A hand pushes him to his back as the young medic lies beside him to take him into her hands and starts a delicate but fast up and down motion.
"She was wearing a V-neck shirt with her tits nearly visible and her miniskirt was three sizes too small!"
He tilts his neck up when she licks at his pulse, still pumping him.
"I didn't notice."
"Are you serious?"
Her hand stopped.
She resumes her touch.
"Fine, but she insisted on talking to you alone! When I was in the room!"
He shuts his eyes tight and starts moving his hips to her hand.
"And you agreed!"
"I thought she was intimidated by you."
"Intimi- Wait, you really didn't notice?"
She lets him go again but this time, she goes on top of him and while holding his cock up, she takes him inside her. Sasuke lets out a low grunt.
Eager hands go to her hips to get her moving again.
And she starts moving.
"Are you that dense?"
"She was practically begging you to have an affair. I mean..."
Sasuke jerks her to him and he ends up filling her more.
A strained moan comes out of both their mouths.
His hands become taut on her rounded humps.
There was just something about his wife, mad with jealousy, that encourages his desire.
"I wouldn't."
"I know you wouldn't but still, you totally led her on you asshole."
She lets him go again and goes to her stomach, bending her knees, head now facing the foot of their bed. Sasuke gets to his knees again and sinks into her without any hesitation. They are playing with each other at this point. Changing their positions just to delay their fulfillment.
"Whose side are you on right now?"
He pumps into her.
"Well actually, I'm on side B if you know what I mean."
A hand is on her abdomen, pulling her closer.
"But seriously, you really really really didn't think that she was flirting with you?"
He gives her a few good and hard pounds. Sakura gasps his name out.
He leans into her a bit and picks up the pace.
"Besides, she's five years my senior."
"So? She was hot! Hotter than most women in Konoha. Kami, those breasts weren't fake. And what I'd give to have her ass."
"I like your ass."
And to prove his point a hand fondles the asset.
"She was hot Sasuke-kun! Ah!"
She takes in a deep breath when he lets out quiet pants behind her ear and brands himself into her pliant and soft body.
"Are you suggesting that I should've had an affair with another woman?"
"What? No! You would never..."
Sasuke smirks.
And when he feels her climbing up those steps once more. He pauses. Sakura lets out a disappointed huff. Then, he withdraws from her and bites the shell of her ear. His tongue comes out to lick it seductively.
"Exactly, I would never do that."
And he turns her to her back, enters her again and fucks her.
"Ahhhn. There! There!"
He puts a leg over his shoulder and Sakura tilts her body to the side to receive him more comfortably.
"Why are you still so fucking tight..."
The raven-haired god grits out.
He puts her leg down and spreads it wider along with the other one. Hands press down on the inside of her pale thighs to gain more access.
She is closing her eyes, both hands thrown overhead on their pillows, gripping them with all their might. The action causes her breast to be pushed up to the ceiling. The sight of which, tempts the thirty-one year old to suckle it. And Sasuke feels it, he feels himself coming. So he lets go of her thighs and catches both her wrists in one hand.
"Open your eyes."
Green eyes peek at him.
Sasuke meets them with no hesitation.
And with all the love he could muster...
"This body."
And with all the vulnerability he has always allowed himself when it came to his wife.
"This body is all I see."
He confesses his love for her again.
A hand traces the side of her waist until it reaches her hips again and guides it to him as he continues his wild pumps. Then he turns it into a deeper and harder rhythm.
"This body is the only one I've been inside of."
And he lets her know that he adores her.
He absolutely adores her.
Sasuke gives her one forceful thrust and pauses again to catch himself from cumming too soon.
She rolls her hips to him after a few seconds and he starts catching up to her dance.
"And I don't want anyone else."
He continues his words of passion.
Sasuke lets go of her wrists and interlaces his fingers with one of her hands.
"If it was up to me, I will never leave this body."
He speeds up, intent on bringing them both to completion.
"I'll make love to it til the end of time."
He can feel her nearing her end as she pushes her feet to the bed and starts meeting him thrust for thrust.
He leans down to blow into her ear again, and this causes shivers to run down her physique.
"You hear me Sakura?"
She nods her head.
He pushes himself up and maintains their eye contact. Still helping her along. Hips now assuming a slow and hard thrusting motion.
"Even when you grow fuller."
She tightens her grip on his fingers.
"Even when you lose your youth."
She gasps.
"Even when your hair has gray strands in them."
He goes faster again.
"I'll make love to it."
She suddenly unravels before him, and she takes back her hand and wraps her limbs around him as he lets her ride out her high.
But he hasn't quite reached his peak yet.
So he pushes into her again.
"I'd still want you."
And again.
And again.
"Only you."
He lets go of all inhibitions and rocks his hips to his own completion.
"Til the end of time."
He assumes a violent back and forth motion.
And he feels it, he can feel it coming.
Sakura is panting hard, still very sensitive as he fills her with his girth.
"Only you Yome."
He snaps.
And spills himself inside his wife.
Long fingers digging deep into her waist as he gives a few more thrusts to pour out the rest of his essence. Sakura's arms tighten around his neck again when his euphoria allows her to experience another one as well.
"Me too. Only you. I only see you. No one else."
She pants out.
He is still taking in deep breaths beside her ear. Body still in shock of one of the best orgasms both of them has ever had.
"Hn, you summed that up pretty fast."
He pulls out of her and takes her into his arms, swiftly making them comfortable on their bed.
"I love you so much."
"Aa. I love you too."
As they lay in each other's presence with breaths still heaving, Sakura quietly speaks.
"I'm sorry for getting mad."
He tightens his biceps around her.
"The next house we buy, it's gonna be from a really old oji-san. And far from this one."
She traces a finger along his pectorals. Sasuke gulps at her supposed innocent actions, his loins already stirring. Then, he decides to tell her what has always been on his mind since that first time they lost an apartment.
"I think I should just purchase a big piece of land for you."
"And our house will be placed at the very end of it."
He continues his quiet musings.
"I don't know where you're going with this."
She pushes herself against his chest and lifts her face to stare at him, with an arched brow.
Sasuke smirks in return.
"If you're eventually going to obliterate our yard again, then I'd rather you have a larger space where you can let out that monstrous strength of yours."
Sakura blinks.
"Just for that?"
He nods.
"Just for that."
He expects her to punch him and beat him up for pointing out her demonic brawn but Sakura actually surprises him when she burrows her head into his neck, with arms around him, and tears flowing.
"Sasuke-kun... "
Uchiha Sakura pushes herself up again and looks at him with a peculiar expression on.
Her eyes are brimming with tears, but it seems like it wasn't one of pain or sadness. Contented, she looks contented.
"You really do love me."
Uchiha Sasuke's face softens.
He flicks her forehead lightly.
"As if you doubted that for one second."
Author's note: *Blushes madly* I hope you guys enjoyed that! Thank you for reading! And thank you all for your reviews! They are all greatly appreciated.
R&R ;)
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