#wwwwhat DID I DO
spookyji · 9 months
hm i think one wasnt enough :>
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no fucking way NO WAY
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
What Starstruck Dee theory have people made that is your favourite?
there have been quite a lot, and i genuinely love them all!
early on i think the most popular theory was that she was possessed or had been possessed at some point, most likely by dark matter. she actually debunked this theory personally, but i think people just assumed she was lying! 😂
my favourite part is not any one theory, but watching a shift in thoughts over time as more things are revealed, and seeing people share theories/work together in comments and reblogs. i like the "OOHHH WWWWHAT...!?!" moments a lot; whether they are a reaction to my storytelling or to other folks' detective work!
early theories revolved around how she was weird for a waddle dee, or at least a native of popstar. despite my never explicitly confirming anything to the contrary, theories have now broadly shifted to assuming she is not from popstar at all, and most people do now generally agree she's not really a waddle dee.
i don't recall exactly who first came up with each theory (though some big players are @the-void-is-a-disappointment who did a huge amount of early deetective work and encouraged me to build it as a story for solving, @shibuya-toasted-with-extra-cream, @graycoin and @jojo-schmo) and i'm not sure which of these theories are still held by anyone
but here a few of my favourites, roughly in order that they started appearing...
♻️ she's a total mimic species like kirby or void, copying things around her either by intent or by accident 🗑️ similar to above, but she's an incorrect copy or a "beta" mock-up type of a waddle dee 🧚 that she was just born different, like a fae changeling, and might have been hidden away when young as a result 🕰️ she is something totally inorganic and/or mechanical, created by or like the clockwork stars or stardream, perhaps wish contingent 🥇 sometimes attached to the above, she was created to serve some sort of Greater Purpose. she might have failed at it or been flawed, and was subsequently discarded on popstar 🌠 a dozen and one wildly different things connected to the "falling star that hit her". alien life form on the meteor transferred into her on impact. infection by intergalactic bacteria/dark matter. simply massive concussive trauma that fucked up her signature (back when we thought that was the only thing wrong with her). the star was magic and fused with her. she hatched from it and is literally a star herself. probably missing some here. 🪐 waddle dee from a different place/planet. this one is quite a sensible theory, given that we do see many quite different dees! 🤍 she is a fragmented piece of void/void termina. this one in particular i know is @shibuya-toasted-with-extra-cream 's ongoing theory and she's put in a lot of really cool work towards it! ⚔️ she's somehow connected to the heroes of yore. this theory i think has only started popping up since galacta knight has become a reoccurring visitor in her storyline and we've started asking questions about her familiar looking magic spears, but you can certainly 1hko @moonverc3x with this one 🧿 she's connected to the matters. sometimes soul, because it's sometimes star themed and lacks a token representative. where as a connection to dream might link her to fecto forgo/fecto elfilis in some way (a creature also well known for a catastrophic meteor attack). i've also seen folks confident that she's connected to heart matter as well, probably again due to everyone's favourite grumpy swan showing up
this is all i can think of or locate right now, but there's been a pretty wide range of things. i feel there has been a rather interesting transition over time from "she's a messed up waddle dee" to "she's probably connected to a universal superpower of some kind" which i am genuinely really really thrilled about?! 😂 what a glow up for a pathetic little wawa!!!
i'm also personally really fond of seeing how people's existing biases influence what they can find and draw connections in. for instance: i know @jojo-schmo loves the forgotten land and elfilis, and digs into those connections and draws out some really cool stuff because her knowledge is already so specialised! i think this is the true highlight of working on this story for me, people theorising and engaging in the lore, and laser pin-pointing things that tie into our personal faves-- the way we tend to do with kirby lore as a whole-- is such uninhibited delight
i sincerely hope people will enjoy where starstruck's story does go, in the end!!
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dirkspanelcollection · 7 months
Every page Eridan Ampora is in.
for your march Eridan editing needs.
+ all his (side of) pesterlogs (for fun)
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From page 2066
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From page 2087
Pesterlog from page 2343
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin
CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it evveryone does
CA: so help me out tell her to talk to me i think she blocked me you got to CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing
CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
CA: wwho givves a shit wwhy she blocked me or about my fuckin manners come on youvve got a wway wwith her
CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right
CA: she made me somethin per a prior arrangement
CA: she wwill delivver it wwhen wwe meet in this game but i dont knoww wwhat the logistics are yet
CA: im tryin to connoiter wwith her here but shes blowwin me off again fickle dirtscrapin landhag
CA: kan stupid wwhat do you think its a fuckin gizmo to bloww up the wworld or somethin
CA: ok wwell not that obvviously
CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after
CA: wwell
CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable
CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands
CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to
CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps
CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks
CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once
CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
CA: yeah it does its important sorry but the fate of the race and purity of the bloodline is important excuse me for being concerned
CA: huh
CA: wwell ok
CA: ordinarily id call bullshit on terrible stinkin bs like that but i knoww you dont really lie about stuff
CA: unless its to yourself
CA: but thats wwhy i bother evven talking to you i wwouldnt evven be here SAYIN any of this otherwwise
CA: so did your clouds tell you that
CA: i got clouds and they dont tell me SHIT they hide nothin but misfortune and monstrosities
CA: fuckin pain in the ass fuckin clouds
CA: so howw do you knoww then
CA: ok wwell you are jacked tight the fuck into this thing in so many wways i dont knoww wwhat to say anymore
CA: wwhatevver wwe wwill just play and find out i guess
CA: so can you tell her to talk to me anywway
CA: god dammit
CA: she and me are teammates wwevve got to havve a powwwwoww or SOMETHING
CA: fuck
CA: fine i get it ill step off
CA: you dont wwant to be our auspistice cause you dont wwant to get locked into that sort of relation wwith her i can respect that
CA: yeah it is your real feelins run pretty awwful RUDDY methinks evverybody knowws it
CA: especially that assblood karkat he and me havve you so pegged about that its upright silly
CA: but its cool its totally fine dont wworry ill leavve you alone and givve you a shot
CA: wwhat
CA: wwhoa wwait wwho
CA: ok wwait did she talk to you today
CA: wwhat did she say
CA: or glub or wwhatevver
CA: wwait
CA: did she actually say that
CA: in confidence
CA: can you copy exactly wwhat she said
CA: this is bullshit youre bee essing me in some wway awwful
CA: you dont lie but you do tease and ill tranfuse my kickass royal blood out wwith incontinent musclebeast discharge if i wwont knoww wwhen im gettin hooked
CA: awwww fuck
CA: see im tellin you
CA: you got to play your cards right CA: if youre not savvvvy about howw you define yourself to peopleCA: you can just splash into the moirail zone before you knoww wwhich wways upwwardCA: kan its hard
CA: being a kid and growwing up
CA: its hard and nobody understands
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Pesterlog from page 2446
CA: fef
CA: hey
CA: glub
CA: yeah
CA: hm
CA: wwhat
CA: nothins on my mind wwhy cant i just fuckin talk and glub at you for a reason i dont havve
CA: wwell fine but you dont wwant to hear it CA: uhuh wwhatevverCA: yeah wwell ok since wwe are the PALEST OF PALS A GUY COULD EVVER ASK FOR
CA: i wwill tell you
CA: evven though you wwill only humor me as usual since you dont agree wwith my agenda
CA: any of my agendas really
CA: none of the agendas
CA: none of them
CA: see
CA: more condescension
CA: you are goin to make a hell of an empress
CA: so
CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
CA: it isnt wwrong
CA: im not going to explain it to you again
CA: at this point all you need to knoww is its important to me
CA: and im doing it for us
CA: i mean our kind
CA: nobody understands not evven you
CA: pshh
CA: hemospectrum begs to differ
CA: wwhatevver
CA: i havve to keep an eye on em up here
CA: its all about tactics
CA: history is full of cases wwhere conquerers consort wwith members of the enemy in a mannerly wway before wwipin them out CA: evven goin as far as growwin fond a some
CA: its only civvilized
CA: all your feelins are fishy
CA: ill glub in wwhatevver dumbass bubbly soundin fishnoise i wwant to glub
CA: ok please lets just not get into the wwhole fuckin fish pun thing again ok
CA: like wwe get it wwe are nautically themed
CA: but yeah i dunno
CA: i dont knoww wwhy she ignores me i guess shes just bored wwith me
CA: wwe had it all set up for her to givve me this thing tonight that probably doesnt evven wwork but yeah maybe that wwasnt the point
CA: i mean you think wwe havve a pretty good rivvalry goin right
CA: or at least had
CA: it wwas pretty fuckin bitter and contentious for a wwhile there and there wwas some good chemistry i dont knoww wwhat happened
CA: it doesnt matter like i said shes bored shitless
CA: i guess im not as good a advversary as i thought
CA: ehhh
CA: wwell ok thanks for sayin so
CA: shrug
CA: maybe
CA: seems kinda
CA: odd though
CA: wwell those are my stupid feelins wwhat about yours
CA: seems to me like you get along too wwell wwith evverybody to be harborin any black sentiments
CA: yeah
CA: oh god
CA: uh
CA: ok fef
CA: i gotta go
CA: be back later wwhen its time to play
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thewertsearch · 2 years
GA: None Of It Matters CA: yeah it does its important sorry but the fate of the race and purity of the bloodline is important excuse me for being concerned
Equius may be a little weird about blood, but this guy sounds like a straight-up eugenicist. What the fuck are they teaching this kid in sea-dweller school?
Plus, how does bloodline purity even work in this context? All bloodlines are mixed inside the Mother Grub, so it’s not like you can control the process by segregating marriages. Does he want to purify the ‘slurry’ of troll DNA, before it’s consumed by the Grub in the first place?
GA: But You Really Should Know By Now The World Will End Tonight Regardless [...] CA: wwell ok [...] CA: so did your clouds tell you that GA: The Doomsday Scenario In Particular GA: No Not Exactly CA: i got clouds and they dont tell me SHIT they hide nothin but misfortune and monstrosities [...]
CA has clouds and monsters - almost as though he’s seeing clouds on Derse. 
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We didn’t see any when Rose was visiting Dave - but then again, Prospit only gets its clouds during the Skaian Eclipse. Does Derse have a dark Eclipse, where the Horrorterrors generate their own esoteric weather patterns? 
The other possibility is that CA is on Prospit, and the ‘misfortune and monstrosities’ he’s seeing are ordinary cloud prophecies. This would bode poorly.
CA: so howw do you knoww then GA: I Have Another Source  
The trolls are lousy with ‘sources’, so I don’t have a clue what Kanaya’s could be. I’ll throw something at the wall anyway, and predict that it’s an 8-Ball to complement Vriska’s cueball.  
CA: ok wwait did she talk to you today CA: wwhat did she say CA: or glub or wwhatevver GA: Something About Longing To Touch You Indiscretely CA: WWWWHAT GA: And That Shes Basically In The Scarlet Throes For You GA: As Deep In The Flushed Quadrant As One Can Be CA: wwait CA: did she actually say that CA: in confidence
Heh. Terezi already fell for this one. 
Anyway, it doesn’t take a genius to pair the concept of quadrants with the four categories of relationship that we’ve seen so far. The flushed quadrant describes a ‘Scarlet’ variety of relationship - in other words, red romance - and, since it involves ‘longing to touch’ someone, it’s probably not the less romantic moirail. Kanaya is implying that CA wants CC as a matesprit. 
This is getting pretty complex - even more so than Karkat’s original description implied. I haven’t needed to be on my toes this much since the Intermission’s time fuckery. 
CA: you dont lie but you do tease and ill tranfuse my kickass royal blood out wwith incontinent musclebeast discharge if i wwont knoww wwhen im gettin hooked
He certainly acts like a noble, doesn’t he? I really don’t think he’s kidding about having royal blood. 
CA: being a kid and growwing up CA: its hard and nobody understands
And you’ve got a lot of growing-up to do. 
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humanology-101 · 9 months
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alright * what did you call us here for? it's not like you to insist we meet up in "meatspace" * *|
especially in sommmmeone else's hive. there are several crimmmmes are should be arresting you both for right nowwww.
(most of which you don't even know about.)
(now listen up. the reason i brought you all here is because the troll this hive belongs to might unwittingly hold the fate of both earth and alternia in his hands.)
...tagora's dorky kismmmmesis is a threat to both earth and alternia. howwww?
(his blog has been in contact with earth.)
wait * what? how? if he can contact them then the empire surely would've been able to track them by now * *|
(that's what i'm trying to figure out. it's not just that. mallek can play on minecraft's online servers but only while in galekh's hive. that shouldn't be possible. it's like he's connected to both earth's and alternia's internet simultaneously.)
wwwwhat's mmmminecraft?
(irrelevant. the point is, our universes may be colliding at this specific point and if we don't get to the bottom of it, our realities may both collapse.)
yeah, i'mmmm a lawwww student. i don't knowwww wwwwhat i'mmmm supposed to do about that.
seconded * this might be out of our league * *|
(the game's that galekh has access to all seem random. sporadic. but if we all play through them together and compare notes, we might be able to find a connecting thread that links the games together and we can form a plan of action from there.)
mmmmaybe the hummmmans wwwwill notice sommmmething wwwwe wwwwon't. is there any wwwway wwwwe can get in contact wwwwith themmmm wwwwithout galekh noticing?
you let me work on that * i think i know someone who can cover our steps if we use his blog * *|
(perfect, then we should get out of here before galekh gets-
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wwwwell, fuck.
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scatter! *|
Tyzias, Boldir, and Polypa are now open for asks!
Polypa will begin her playthrough of Hitman on Jan 20th.
Tyzias will begin her playthrough of Ace Attorney of January 25th.
Boldir will begin watching Columbo on January 30th.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
Taking on ANXIETY: Virgil’s beginning
Here we are, the first episode in which dear sweet Virge has finally been introduced.
As Mr. Sanders said multiple times, this was supposed to be just a one-time thing. Anxiety wasn’t supposed to stick around. Hence why he doesn’t have a full, fleshed personality: he’s just a figure that Thomas is using to talk about matters related to anxiety. After this episode, the character named “Anxiety” will disappear.
Buuuut, as we all know, things went out very differently. The public loved this new Side so much, Thomas decided to keep him around. And so, Anxiety appeared again. And again. And again. Until his personality got completely fleshed out and he became our favorite dark and strange son.
So, well, of course we will see some strange things here - like the way Thomas introduces him to Lilly:
[Thomas]: Well, long story short, you ever have a conversation with someone, and you think it went well, but then there’s something in the back of your brain trying to convince you that it went horribly? [Lilly]: All the time. [Thomas]: -points towards Anxiety- There’s the something.
Thomas is hinting that the guy in front of him is not “his” Anxiety, but the general concept of anxiety. An idea that Thomas will rectify in the Q&A (and in the next episodes), by clearly stating that Virgil is his Anxiety, not everyone else’s.
However, along with these mistakes/imperfections, we can also see the first hints of Virgil’s future character, some promising details, some interesting choices of words. There was still not a plan behind, but the message was already clear: this character has a lot to offer.
“Please welcome, my anxiety”
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Up to this day, there are still people saying Thomas never knew about Anxiety before this moment.
People, do I really have to remind you how Thomas reacted, every time he met a Side he didn’t know about?
[Thomas]: -determined huff- Fine! Tell me! [Logan]: DECEIT! [Thomas]: WWWWHAT?! Deceit?
[Logan]: Ah. It's the Duke. [Duke]: Boo! [Thomas]: The DUKE?! (...) [Thomas]: Look, Mr. Duke, I'm really stupid right now. Just... tell me who you are... simply.
Now compare these words to what Thomas said, when he first met Anxiety:
[???]: -pops up- Hey. [Thomas]: WHAT THE HECK?! [???]: Oh, I’m sorry, was I not wanted at this exact second? [Thomas]: Oh, for crying out loud... Okay. Everyone, please welcome... my anxiety.
The difference is clear as day. When Thomas met a new Side, his first reaction was surprise mixed with shock. In Remus’ case, after the initial shock, Thomas asked him who he was, because he clearly had no idea who the guy was.
But when he met Anxiety, Thomas' first reaction wasn't shock. He was surprised, sure... but by Anxiety’s sudden appearance and not because he never met the guy. He clearly knew who this guy was and it’s clear he knew, because he himself introduced Anxiety to us. All other times, Thomas had NO IDEA who the new Side was: Logan introduced Deceit, by calling him by his role and, in Remus’ case, since the name “Duke” wasn’t specific enough,Thomas himself asked the Side who he was.
If this was Anxiety’s first appearance ever in Thomas’ life, Thomas would have asked him who he was. And I know he would’ve done that, because it's exactly what he did in DWIT.
But what Thomas did instead was introducing the guy. No questions about his identity, no shock for this new entry.
And that means Thomas already knew Anxiety. He already met the guy and he already knew him, way before the episode started. Just like he already knew his Morality, his Creativity and his Logic. Thomas already met this Side.
And Thomas himself confirmed it after a while:
[Thomas]: Okay, this is what frustrates me about anxiety. Sure, I get it when I’m nervous about doing something, or when I have to interact with a bunch of people socially, or when I have a big project due, but SOMETIMES it just shows up... [Anxiety]: Yo. [Thomas]: ...out of NOWHERE, and ruins whatever peace I have. Like I’m kind of getting fed up with it. There has got to be some way out of it!
This isn’t the first time Anxiety appeared. Anxiety appeared a lot of times before. This is why Thomas is already so familiar with him: because they met multiple times already.
Tell me you’re a Dark Side, without telling me you’re a Dark Side
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He might be a proto-Anxiety, but he’s such a sarcastic little bitch I love him. Virgil being sarcastic is the best kind of Virgil.
And this trait is still part of him! His tongue is still sharp and his sarcasm still good. But also: this definitely isn’t a trait he has in common with another Side, nope, not at all. No similarities at all between him and a random Side like, you know, the snek boi.
Let’s also take a moment to analyze this sentence:
[Anxiety]: Ooh boy, I would like to see you try. You can’t just quit me.
As I explained in my post about the Others, they are unstoppable forces, naturally instilled in humans. You can ignore one of the Core Sides, but you can’t shut down your self-preservation, your intrusive thoughts... or your anxiety. These forces are activated by the most instinctive parts of our brain and work through hormones and nerves, to directly activate the muscles.
Hence why, when Anxiety says Thomas can’t quit him, well, he’s right. Thomas cannot get rid of his anxiety, because he needs this survival mechanism. He can (and will) calm him down, but getting rid of him? That’s completely impossible.
Tell me you’re a Dark Side, without telling me you’re a Dark Side (part 2)
[Anxiety]: He thinks he’s so great. Well, he is not! Look, I’m just trying to look out for him. Yeah, he was invited to a couple parties. If I wasn’t there to convince him not to go, who knows what bad things could have happened.
So... you’re looking out for him, uh? I wonder who that reminds me of...
[Deceit]: I don't want Thomas to be disadvantaged in a world where you can die for not following the laws made in the name of a lie.
[Duke]: What will your legacy be? Will you even have one?
Naah, I suppose it’s just my imagination. Just my imagination. No similarities at all between Anxiety and any other dark boi. Nope nope.
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zonna-c · 3 years
Detective Work Is Hard
This continues after Perfume Disaster , Overprotectiveness Might Be A Bad Thing… and Something Special
warning: soft/safe vore story
Satan thought something was going on from the very start but couldn't piece it together. He knew that ever since the perfume incident everyone was acting weird especially Zonna. And now Lucifer let Zonna go with Asmo to the club? And mammon went after them, only for mammon to come back by curfew without Zonna, and for Asmo came home alone?
Satan looked everywhere for Zonna thinking that she had somehow snuck in without any luck, he figured that she had went to purgatory hall but he saw Mammon disappear into her room early the next morning and her shower turned on after he left, but Satan knew for a fact that she wasn't in there so where had she been? The next few days he watched her like a hawk trying to figure out the puzzle…..but everything was back to normal! what happen! he need to know!
“Hey, Lucifer you busy?” Zonna asked as she peek into his office with a cup of coffee
“Not particularly” Lucifer said as he got up from his desk and mountain of paperwork to stretch
“Great, you know you didn't keep your promise….” Zonna huffed
“What, promise?” Lucifer asked as he thought about it, he hadn't missed any dates, she hadn't asked him for help with homework lately her birthday was still a ways off ...so what was he forgetting?
“You promise to let me pet your wings!” Zonna huffed rolling her eyes
“W-what when did I promise that?” Lucifer asked
“When you ate me! You said I could but then Mammon got all overprotective and jealous and wouldn't let me get close to you.” Zonna growled
“...,Right, so you want to know?” Lucifer asked
“Yea if it's alright?” Zonna asked looking away from him messing with her hair.
“Sure.” Lucifer said as he sat back down changing to his demon form stretching his two pairs of big black wings as he did so.
“Brought you coffee as a thank you.” Zonna said as she put down the steaming hot cup of coffee before gently reaching out running her fingers down the soft feathers gaping softly, pulling her hand away when he’s ruffled them
“Sorry, it just tickled and I am not used to someone touching them.” Lucifer mumbled he was blushing
"what was that?" Lucifer asked glaring at her
"nothing, nothing." she smiled, gently smooths them back down “there so soft, do you lose your feathers like birds do?”
“Yes, though I don't molt as often as birds do, why?” Lucifer asked
“They are beautiful, I would love to have a few of them .” Zonna said Lucifer looked over at her
“Did you sleep alright?” Lucifer asked seeing the bags under her eyes "did Levi keep you up gaming or something?" he asked suddenly changing the subject
“No, just didn't sleep well is all, is it that easy to tell?” Zonna asked looking up at him
“You just look tired.” Lucifer stated
“You're one to talk.” Zonna huffed looking up at him “ looks like you could use some sleep too.”
“Am fine, but what bugging you?” Lucifer said ruffing her hair
“Satan has been following me around trying to be all sneaky, he's got me on edge is all.” Zonna huffed
“Oh?” Lucifer mumble purring softly as he started to fill out some of the paperwork on his desk, loving the way she gently ran her fingers over his feather straightening a few of them making him relax more into her touch
“Yea he's just, I don't know he's like a trained tiger, friendly but dangerous. Something about him just sets off alarm bells in my head.” Zonna mumbled
“Have you talked to Satan about this?” Lucifer asked
“No, I felt like that about all of you at first and still do at times, well beside Mammon, but with Satan it's, I guess it's because he hides his feelings so well I can't tell what he's thinking? It is unnerving and now it‘s like he is hunting me.” Zonna whines
“Maybe you should talk to him about this instead of me?” Lucifer growled hating that his time with Zonna was being spent talking about his brothers, sure he had asked what was bugging her but he thought she'd say something about a test not one of his brothers!
“Alright, alright I'll stop talking about Satan, happy now?” Zonna asked gently scratching his wings making him almost lay down on the table purring happily the pen falling out of his hand
“Very.” Lucifer purred, crossing his arms resting his head as she pet and scratched his wings till her hands were numb, and he was fast asleep still purring softly
“You work too hard Lucifer.” Zonna whispered ruffling his hair his mumbled something about paperwork, she snuck out of his office making sure to close the door only to run into Satan lending against the wall reading a book
“Morning.” Zonna mumbled walking past
“Afternoon.” Satan stated flipping to the next page in his book
“Whatever.” Zonna grumbled walking past him to the library sitting down to study for the next test
Satan snuck into the library after an hour or so finding Zonna still sitting down at the table hand resting on her cheek as she stared at the page “hello Satan going to stand there all day?” Zonna grumbled running her fingers through her hair
“No, didn't know you were in here.” Satan said as he sat down side her
“Yea, right.” Zonna grumbled as she looked over the page again glaring a hole into in she needed a break.
“I didn't.” Satan said looking confused
“Like you haven't been stalking me.” Zonna said with a huff closing the texted book looking over at Satan instead
“I-i don't know what you mean?” Satan said worriedly
“Alright so you haven't been keeping track of me?” Zonna asked
“W-well maybe I have…” Satan mumbled
“Are you worried about me? Or are you jealous.” Zonna asked with a smirk
“W-what is there to be jealous about?” Satan asked
“Oh so you haven't figured it out yet? With how smart and observant you are, I was sure you figured it out by know.” Zonna said with a laugh
“Of course I know.” Satan scuffed
“No you don't.” Zonna said in a sing song voice
“Yes I do.” Satan growled
“Easy tiger,” Zonna said, running her fingers through his hair. “you'll be mad at me when you do find out, guaranteed.”
“What?” Satan asked
“You'll be so mad I just know it.” Zonna whined as she got up “so, go easy on me when you do find out what has been going on ok?” she said as she walked away disappearing down the hallway
Now Satan has to know, he paced around the house thinking about it trying to find out what happened, “it started with lucifer and the perfume hat make her smell delicious, but there's no way he didn’t did he? But if he did that makes since”…, “but no way that can't be it can it?”
“Pace and mumble to yourself somewhere else!” Belphie growled from the couch
“Oh Belphie, I didn't see you there.” Satan said as he looked over seeing Belphie glaring at him half asleep on the couch all curled up
“So Belphie you know anything about what's going on with Zonna?” Satan asked with his charming smile
“Zonna?” Belphie mumble “where is she i like to take a nap with her.” he said with a yawn rubbing his eyes
“I don't know but listen, have you noticed anything weird going on with Zonna and Lucifer or Beel?” Satan asked
“Mmmm, Beel ate her a few days ago.” Belphie said with a yawn before freezing up “I shouldn't have said that.” he said as Satan started at him like he had two head
“He did what to Zonna?” Satan asked
“Nothing, just a weird dream. I had it all. Beel didn't do anything to Zonna!” Belphie said with a laugh but Satan did believe him “well am going to go well find a new napping spot.” Belphie said as he ran away from Satan
“ZONNA!” Satan shouted as he stomped out of the living room to find her
Zonna felt a shiver down her spine as the game over flashing on the screen “did you hear something just know?” she asked looking over at Levi
“Uhhh?” Levi asked pulling off his headphone to hear Satan shout her name again “what did you do Zonna?” Levi whispered eyes wide in horror at the way Satan said her name; it was like they were in a horror movie!
“N-nothing!” Zonna said looking around his room “and there's no hiding spots in here!” she huffed “a-am going to make a run for it!” she said as she walked over to the door
“To where?” Levi asked getting up
“I-i don't know, maybe the roof till he cools off.” Zonna mumbled only to jump when she heard her name again close to the door, they were out of time “am not here!” Zonna said holding her hand up back to the wall as the door swung open effectively hiding Zonna behind it
“Levi, have you seen Zonna?” Satan growled making Levi jump
W-wwwwhat? Nnnuno course not haven't sseen her all day not like she behind the door or nothing ahhhahh.” Levi said with a nervous laugh covering his face looking mortified
“So she behind the door?” Satan said as he looked behind it finding her standing her
“Ummm meow?” Zonna said nervously with a smile
“Come on out.” Satan said holding his hand out to her with that too calm smile on his face
“Um, I don't want to?” Zonna whined pressing herself into the wall
“Come on, no need to be a scared cat, just need to talk to you.” Satan said gently taking her hand pulling her out “thank for the help Levi” he said as he pushing Zonna out of the room closing the door behind him
“Ahahahhh what have I done! I threw Zonna to the wolves!” Levi whined
“So where are we going?” Zonna mumbled as Satan walked just ahead of her holding her hand
“Attic” Satan said as the walked
“But, why?” Zonna asked Satan almost never went to the attic
“So Levi can't play the hero.” Satan said happily as they started up the stairs
“Right.” Zonna mumbled tapping her left foot twice on the first step before starting to walk up
“Why do you always do that tapping thing before walking up stairs?” Satan asked
“I messed up that leg when I was little so it's just a bad habit I picked up.” Zonna said with a shrug
“You got hurt a lot don't you?” Satan asked
“Maybe,” Zonna said with a shrug
“You should be careful.” Satan said patting her head
“That would be no fun.” Zonna huffed batting his hand away
“So I figured it out.” Satan said as they walked into the attic he double checked that no one was up here. Well Zonna was hoping Belphie would be here but her luck seems to have run out.
“I figured.” Zonna whined
“So, Lucifer, Beel, and Mammon they all?” Satan asked
“Yes they did.” Zonna said with a nod
“Do you realize how dangerous it is? What if word got out about this? What if one of them messes up the spell uh? Or bites you, what if they made you small and kept you? What if…” Satan growled running his fingers through his hair already in his demon form as he thought about all the worst case scenario
“Satan, am ok and I have the pact’s, remember?” Zonna said reaching out to him but he back away
“NO Zonna, this is way too dangerous even with the pact! Your crazy” Satan growled
“Course a am, have to be crazy do to half the stupid stuff I done.” Zonna said with a laugh making Satan sighed
“No this is different, there are so many ways this could go wrong Zonna! You, you can't just let my brothers eat you!” Satan growled
“You worry too much Satan.” Zonna huffed crossing her arms
“You worry too little!” Satan growled back
“Your brothers like me Satan, you really think any of them would hurt me?” Zonna asked
“W-well no but!” Satan grumbled
“So what is there to worry about? It is not like you or your brothers would go around shouting from the rooftop about it so who is going to find out?” Zonna asked moving closer to him making him back up
“No one I guess but! I-i really don't think it a good idea to continue letting this happen.” Satan said looking away from her
“So did you figure it out by yourself?” Zonna asked
“No, Belphie told me.” Satan grumbled looking away from her
“Belphie knows?!” Zonna asked looking surprised
“Y-ou didn't know that?” Satan asked
“No, but a guess Beel told him or if he saw a Beel stomach that night…” Zonna mumbled thinking it over “so that means mmm, only Levi doesn't know about this..., But that's beside the point, I think you're mad that not only did your brother eat me but they did it without you noticing, it seems the in house detective isn't so sharp.”
“That's not true! They were very sneaky about it!” Satan huffed crossing his arm the tip of his tail twitching
“True, but Beel did walk all the way to my room with his jacket zipped up and a bulging belly without you noticing and when I went with Asmo to the club Mammon came home ‘alone’ that’s weird on its own, since he always drags me home.” Zonna scuffed
“I-i noticed but i didn't think that they would, that you would let them eat you!” Satan growled his tail uncoiling from around his leg, waving slowly behind him. “I thought humans were supposed to be scared of getting eaten!”
“And scared of heights, falling, darkness, and deep water, am not scared of any of those things either.” Zonna said with a shrug “but I was scared of being eaten but then Lucifer kind of talked me into it and it was…, nice.”
“NICE?” Satan growled
“Yea, I mean it was scary but it’s so soft and warm in there, your guys stomach glows to it's the perfect nightlight..., it is nice being alone without being.., alone. And knowing no one knows where you are but them, it’s nice feeling so completely protected especially being here..,” Zonna said messing with her long nails chipping the purple nail polish off
“Oh, I see.” Satan said composing himself sitting down on the bed looking down at his hands as he thought it over she wanted a safe space where no one could mess with her, all of his brother knew her hiding spots and had dragged her out of them to come hang out before even Belphie had climb out onto the roof to get her for a afternoon nap before. But being inside someone's belly, even they could really mess with her too much as long as they weren't running around....
“Don't think too much into it, I am not some little kid that needs to be tucked in at night. I'm fine by myself. I just get tired of getting dragged around and you guys fighting over me. It's easy to stay in one place if it's harder to get to me.” Zonna huffed sitting down beside him
“Course not.” Satan said with a laugh “you just want some extra protection.”
“Yea.” Zonna said with a nodded flinching when his tail wrapped itself around her waist. “Uh Satan your tail.” she said gently touching the thick plates on his tail
“Aah, Sorry it has a mind of its own sometimes.” Satan blushed slowly uncoiling his tail from around her waist
“No, It's ok, I don't mind, it just surprises me is all, it feels different from Levis.” Zonna said gently running her hand down his tail
“That feels weird.” Satan mumbled his face aflame
“Oh do you want me to stop?” Zonna asked pulling her hand away the tail coiled around her waist again making Satan blush even more
“N-no if fine if you want to touch it.” Satan mumbled
“It is very pretty. I love the light green at the end.”
“Your so weird!” Satan grumbled ruffling her hair
“What do you mean? Zonna huffed looking up at him
“Calling a demon tail pretty! That's weird!” Satan growled
“But it is!” Zonna huffed “leaned closer Satan I want to see something.”
“What?” Satan asked as he moved closer, flinching when she reached up gently running her fingers through his blond hair before running her finger over his horns making him pull back but because his tail was wrapped around her waist he pulled her with him making her fall on top of him.
“What was that for?” Zonna whined rubbing her nose having hit in on his chest when she felt on top of him
“W-What are you doing you can't just touch my horns without asking!” Satan growled as she crossed her arm over his chest laying on top of him. Looking down at his pretty green eyes
“Why not? You always ruffle my hair without asking.” Zonna said with a smirk as he grumbled before sighing, closing his eyes and his demon form disappeared “hey that's not far!” Zonna whined with a shiver. It was weird the warm tail that was just wrapped tightly around her waist simply vanished.
She grumbled when he reached up ruffling her hair again “who said demons play fair?” Satan asked with a chuckle only to growl when he heard someone coming up the steps and Zonna scrambling to get off her comfy spot on his chest. He missed her weight already as he slowly sat back up waiting for whoever it was to make it up the stairs.
Zonna was surprised to see Levi open the door out of breath “Zonna! y-you ok.” Levi panting
“Course.” Zonna said with a shrug
“I came to save you from Satan!” Levi said glaring at his younger brother
“We talked it out, it’s fine.” Zonna said with a shrug
“Ooh, ok that good at least that settles but Satan still stole you away in the middle of our game! I need You to finish the boss battle! So I am stealing you back!” Levi grumbled as Satan glare at him
“Alright, that's fine, I think we were done talking anyway.” Zonna said with a shrug getting up only for Satan to grab her hand “or not?” Zonna question looking back at satan
“Oh umm, no it's fine go ahead I'll catch you later.” Satan said as he let go, Zonna smiled and walked over to Levi happily walking away back to Levi room
“So she likes to be eaten? maybe it not such a bad idea after all…,” Satan said as he thought more about it
“S-sorry I was looking everywhere for you guys, I forgot about the attic.” Levi grumbled
“That so sweet Levi, trying to come to my rescue. Even though you're the reason I got caught.” Zonna said nudging him with her shoulder as they walked
“W-what I didn't meant to I just, Satan looked so scary and I pppanic.” Levi said jumping out of his skin with she bumped him
“Yea, yea you suck at keeping secrets.” Zonna said with a wave
“N-no I can keep a secret! It's just happened too fast! Satan stormed in and looked like he was ready to kill someone and I panicked!” Levi grumbled
“Fine, fine, you win.” Zonna huffed as they walked into his room
“So you're not mad at me?” Levi asked
“Na, just don't go blowing my hiding spot again or your gaming desk and chair might end up dismantled.” Zonna said with a evil smile as she shrugged off her jacket throwing it onto Levi bed
“Wwwhat you wouldn't!” Levi said looking shocked and scared
“Have the tools and know how to do it.” Zonna said with a shrug “would take about a hour”
“Sso what was he so mad about anyway?” Levi asked as he set the game back up hoping she forget about messing up his game desk but deciding not to leave his room for long periods for a while
“It’s nothing.” Zonna said with a shrug only for Levi to stare at her she signed “alright fine I guess there's no point keeping it from you now that everyone knows beside you.” Zonna said with a sigh running her fingers through her hair.
“Everyone knows what?” Levi asked as he sat down beside her
“Ummm, that…, Lucifer…., Levi please stop staring at me like that.” Zonna mumbled looking away from him
“S-ssory I didn't mean to make you nervous.” Levi grumbled looking away from her
“It's fine but, umm Satan was mad cause he found out that some of your brother had ummm might have, eaten me…”
“Wwwwwhat??!? Y-you mmmmean like, like.” levi said covering his beat red face with his hands looking like he was going to pass out
“Swallowed me whole” Zonna mumbled as Levi panicked
“W-who? why? Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?” levi asked grabbing her shoulder lending closer looking her over
“Am fine, no they didn't hurt me at all, you remember that day when Asmo sprayed perfume on me and caused all that trouble?” Zonna asked chuckling when Levi realized just how close he was to her and almost fell back trying to get away from her and giving her room
“Ummm, no” Levi mumbled as he thought about it but it didn't ring any bells
“Guess you were to busy playing video game or watching anime to notice but because of the perfume lucifer ate me but mammon found out about it, so after I was let out he was so clingy and Beel was avoiding me because he had come after me for perfume effects before I ran into lucifer and he scared me. So by the time I could talk to Beel Mammon was driving me crazy and it wasn't so bad when Lucifer did it…. so Beel ate me to hide me away from Mammon and then Mammon ate me…after Asmo ditched me at the club, and everyone else had just heard about it or found out like Satan just did.” Zonna mumbled playing with her hair
“Wwww-what? H-how are you ok with this?” Levi almost shouted
“Because it's... safe.” Zonna mumbled
“S-safe?” Levi mumbled blushing. He knew he could eat her of course, He had even thought about eating her before….. But to think that out of all the humans Lucifer could have picked, that Zonna would not only be fine with getting eaten but like it and want to do it again. “I-i think I understand why, but you can't just go around and let everyone eat you!” Levi whined
“Am not! It's not like begging to be eaten, and it's not like you guys are innocent either. Most of you have threatened to eat when you're mad!” Zonna huffed rolling her eyes as a awkward silence filled the room till Levi stomach growled
“I-I don't i n-not hungry.” Levi mumble waving his hands around as his stomach growled again “nooot attt all! It nnnot like i want to ahahha course no it not like that one anime not a all ahahha, or thaat i thought abbbout eaaating you before nooo wa ahhah.” levi started to ramble
Zonna laughed hard as Levi panicked, rambling more about anime and not much sense anymore “Levi take a breath.”
“Ok yes that's a good idea.” Levi mumble as he tried to calm down
“but if you want I wouldn't mind a little nap.” Zonna said laughing when Levi looked confused before adding “where no one could find me.”
Levi blushed looking away from her, he got it that time “no, i couldn't doo that.” Levi mumbled
“Fine, maybe Satan thought it over.” Zonna mumble with a yawn as she got up "and i don't think Beel would say no." Only for a smooth scale tail the wrap itself around her waist pulling her back down
“Wwww if you are just going to go find someone else to do it then….i can iiiif y-you want me too.” Levi mumble looking away from her
“Don't know how you going to if you cant even look at me Levi” Zonna said with a laugh running her fingers over his tail
“Rrright.” Levi mumbled his tail losing it hold on her
“Although you could pretend to be something else, maybe that would help?” Zonna asked
“Llllike what?” Levi asked
“I don't know, like an evil monster that's going to eat the weak little human?” Zonna said with a shrug “like a scene from a monster movie.”
“Bbbbut what if you get scaaarred?” Levi whined
“Alright how about a safe word something like, oh how about if I do get scared I'll just say your whole name instead of Levi? Should work fine right? Or I could use the pact to stop you in the worst case.”
“Yea, but you have to promise to stop me if you do get scared.” Levi said with a nod
“Fine.” Zonna said with a shrug
“Alright, fine I promise.” She huffed
“So just go ahead with the shrinking spell and protection spell and then you can start with your scary act.” Zonna said with a shrug
“Oh yea right so umm…, right i know the spell.” Levi mumble taking a breath before saying the spells his tail tightening it hold on her waist as she slowly shrink down “there orrr it this too small? or too big?”
“Its fine Lucifer made me bigger than this but it’s what you are comfortable with.” Zonna said with a shrug as he moved her closer to his face gently petting her head and rubbing her back flinching when she leaned into his touch
“Sssorry.” Levi mumbled pulling his hand away
“It's fine, I don't mind. Just don't drop me.” Zonna said as she looked around she was about 8inches tall. And being held by his tail, her leg dangling as she stomachs the did that weird drop thing as she saw just how high up in that air she was “So you want to put me down and chase me or act like you just caught me?” She asked rubbing his tail kicking her legs lazily as he put his hand under her to make sure he didn't drop her which she was glad for even though she wasn't scared of heights it did make her feel safer.
“Ummmm,” Levi hummed, looking around his room. There was way too much stuff in here to hide behind or get squished by. “No, oh how about I put you down on the bed then we can play?” Levi said as he walked over to his bathtub bed gently putting her down on top of the pillow perfect place for her since there was no way she could get out or hurt herself
“Alright just tell me when you're ready.” Zonna said smiling up at him
“Right, just give me a second to get into character.” Levi said as he closed his eyes trying to focus Zonna just shook her head with a laugh he was taking this seriously guess she had to put on a good show too
“Ok ready” Levi said before opening his eyes “W-well, well, what do we have here, a tasty little human, sitting on my bed like it owns the place.” he growled poking her making her fall over
Zonna yelped rolling off the pillow “what a big idea pushed me over!” she growled she could see he was panicking about making her fall this was never going to work...
“iiii, S-seem this one has some fight.” Levi purred trying to grab her but she jump away from his hand he frowned and tried to grab her again only for her to barely avoid his hand again
“That's all you got giant?” Zonna huffed wiggling under one of his pillows to hide
he huffed picking up the pillow and using his tail instead coiling around her easily picking her up “and a slippery one at that.” he growled holding her close to his face
“Ahhh No fair! Put me down! Put me down right now giant!” she growled kicking and wiggling around pushing at his tail
“Down? Sure I cant put you down.” Levi said moving his tail above his head slowly lowering her down
“NNNNooo down on the floor the floor!” Zonna shouted kicking and wiggles as he licked her feet
“Why would I let my snack go?” Levi purred
“Your regret this! I give you the worst stomach ache ever!” Zonna growled as he closed his lips around her knees licking them his teeth closed around her legs making her freeze up “watch the teeth giant.” she growled smacking his nose hard
“Owww” Levi growled as his tail pulling up and freeing her legs he glared at her holding his nose “feisty little thing.” he grumbles
“Like I’d go down without a fight giant!” she growled
“I would have like to hear you scream and cry as I swallow you but oh well.” Levi grumble before stuffing her head into his mouth before she could even scream, licking at her face ignoring her little shouts that got muffled as he closed his mouth licking her face hard his teeth close around her a little too tightly for her liking as he purred and growled around her she wiggled and squirmed not scared but a little startled as he pushed her deeper swallowing hard and quickly she grumbled unable to talk with her head being squeezed into his throat as he swallowed thickly around her pushing at her feet she felt his teeth scrap her ankles as he pulled off her shoe she shivered too close Levi to close, she tell him off for it later as he swallowed again
He huffed holding his neck face aflame and he tried to wrap his head around it swallowing again feeling she slip away under his fingers to his belly he did it he ate Zonna…. ooohhh nooo he did it he ate Zonna!
“Oooohh Zonna aarre you ok? please say something!” Levi whine as he felt her fall into his belly fulling it wonderfully but he was tense up finger poking at the bulge she make in his middle
“Am fine but please relax!” Zonna shouted, pushing against his fingers “I can't get up right with you squeezing me like this!” she growled pushing at the wall but they refused to move
“Oooh sorry!” Levi shouted, pulling his hands away trying to take a breath. “better?”
“Yea, easy on the shouting Levi.” Zonna mumbled as she wiggling around to get settled
“Sorry.” Levi mumble slowly moving his hand closer to his belly only to pull away when Zonna leaned into his touch he blushed when she laughed at him
“What the matter Levi? Are you scared?” Zonna teased rubbing the walls he makes a weird hissing purr sound, it weird how all the brothers purr but they sound so different from each other his stomach glowing a soft orange color around her it was pretty.
“What of course not.” Levi huffed resting his hand on his middle
“Great acting by the way but go easy on the teeth next time and don't lose my shoes.” Zonna huffed as she settle in snuggling into place with a sigh
“Nnnnext t-time? Levi asked as he felt her snuggle into place “w-wwait what are you doing? you're not going to sleep are you!” Levi said starting to panic
“That's the reason I wanted you to do this so.., yea.” Zonna said with a yawn
“Bbbbut!” Levi whined
“It's fine, just don't go screaming about losing a game or drown me with a drink and you'll be fine.” Zonna huffed gently petting the walls
“Leviathan, either shut it and let me sleep or cough me up.” Zonna growled
“Never mind it was nothing.” Levi said quickly
“That's my good boy.” zonna purred kneading into the walls making him purr loudly, he whined when she slowly stop lulled to sleep by his calming heartbeat and hiss like purrs.
He laid in his bed watching anime his one hand never leaving the bulge she made on his belly till she woke up a hour of so later with a cute little yawn and a half stretch, he could feel her push out against his hand he purred hearing her greet him as she woke “y-you have a good nap?” Levi asked nervously
“It was perfect, mind if I stay a little long though?” Zonna asked as she started petting and kneading the walls again
“As long as you keep doing that, you can't stay as long as you like.” Levi purred happily closing his eyes gently rubbing back
A knock at the door made Levi jump “w-what the password?” Levi asked making Zonna freeze up. The person behind the door didn't answer, just opened the door instead. “Satan” Levi said as he sat up a little straighter “wwwhat do you want?”
“Zonna not in here?” Satan asked as he looked around
“No, did you want to talk to her?” Levi asked nervously
“Yea, know where she went?” Satan asked looking at Levi noticing Zonna leather jacket on the edge of his bathtub bed his eyes narrowed as he scanned the room again
“What? How would I know? She just wanders off, you know how she is.” Levi mumbled as Satan check behind the door before head over to him Levi flinched
“Really? So what's her jacket still doing here?” Satan asked
“She must have forgotten it.” Levi said with a nervous laugh
“Really?” Satan said as he stared down at his older brother
“Yea really!” Levi huffed crossing his arms
"she almost never leave her jacket anywhere." satan mumbled
"y-yea but she did." Levi said with a nervous laugh
“Ok then you wouldn't have a problem if oh i don't know i called her?” Satan said as he pulled out his phone Levi open his mouth to say something only to finch covering up his belly as he felt and heard Zonna phone buzzing and ringing in his stomach as she wiggled around trying to get it out of her pocket turning it off “so what was that about not know where she was?” Satan asked a he leaned down closer to Levi
“Well mmmm I you seee I um." Levi mumbled holding his hand up
“Satan! Stop it before you give our older brother a heart attack!” Zonna grumbled as Levi stomach tighten up around her making it almost imposable to move, but Satan couldn't hear her over Levi stumbling through his words
“So just what did she say to get you to eat her?” Satan asked as Levi panicked more, not even forming sentences. Satan smirked as his phone started to ring he answered “hello Zonna” he purred into the phone
“Are you trying to give Levi a heart attack or what?” Zonna grumbled
“No, not at all, just making sure you're ok” Satan purred poking the bulge she made in Levi middle
She grumbled pushing against his pokes “well knock it off or I'll never let you eat me.” Zonna growled
“Who said I want to?” Satan said gently rubbing Levi stomach before pulling back
Zonna leaded into his gently rubs though she didn't know if it was Satan or Levi rubbing at her “Really? you don't care? Ok when.” Zonna said as she ended the call
“Hey wait.” Satan grumbled as she ended the call Satan glared at his phone then at Levi middle
“Sssssooo we good?” Levi mumbled
“No not at all.” Satan growled poking Levi middle again leaning in close “watch your back Zonna.” he grumbled before leaving
“Did you have to piss Satan off?” Levi whined
Zonna laughed, “he's just a sore loser is all, don't worry about it.”
“You didn't see the way he was glaring at me!” Levi whines
“This will be a fun game.” Zonna said with a laugh
“You're crazy.” Levi huffed
Zonna laughed rubbing his belly, making him purr “what so wrong about being a little crazy?”
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hi-i-do-stuff · 4 years
hrff..,, i also run a request blog and havent had any asks so im asking you...,, hope you dont mind! Can I get some uhh overworked Tyzias, Bronya, or Skylla (in their own fields of work respectfully) comfort x reader..,,,? this doesnt make much sense to me either so do with that what you will. thanks!
Ok first of all, I'm not very popular with fanfiction so far either and I wish you luck and you bet your butt I will be over on your profile asking and reading stuff because support is one of the best things you can give an author.
Second you just requested some of my absolute FAVORITE characters so ofc I'm gonna write this, even tho it seemed to take a decade I still have other things to write but as soon as I saw this I definitely wanted to write this request. So sorry for the wait and enjoy something I enjoyed making♡
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Tyzias Entykk
Current time: 9:00PM
Current mood: Bored
Current place: her hive
The shuffling of papers were all you cared to hear in the moment of silence. You were laying down on your stomach in a small pile of pillows, as the one and only Tyzias was working away on something. All you knew is that it had been three days since she started, she hadn’t taken a break, and you were just bored out of you mind. You could take a nap but you just woke up from one. You sighed and made groaning noises trying to get her attention, after a few minutes of doing that she slowly looked to you “WWWWhat?” she asked harshly, which got you to shut up for once before you whined and looked up at her from your position. She knew what you wanted she just didn’t have time. “Not right nowwww.” she said turning back to her stuff.
You were having absolutely none of that.
She was obviously tired and needed a rest, so you got up and jumped over behind her and gave her a hug from behind, she jolted before going back to work as you rested your head on top of hers “ Zizi you need to rest, please just for a bit.” you whispered loud enough to hear. She paused and for another minute she just sat there before she put the stuff she had in her hands down, crossed her arms and sighed, leaning back “I guess if i wwwwanna be productive i should rest a bit.” you smiled and did a little ‘yay’ sound and let her go, walking beside her and helping her up from her chair, and guiding her to the pillow pile you made, to which she flopped down onto her face and screamed into the pillow for about 11 seconds. You sat next to her and gently patted her head “I know i know.” you said before she pushed herself up with her arms and moved to you, wrapping her arms around your waist, laying down as you pet her hair, in less then a minute she was out like a light and you kissed her forehead and curled up with her.
~Story End~
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Bronya Ursama
Current time: 12:00PM
Current mood: Just a feeling of awkwardness
Current place: The Brooding Caverns
You weren’t paying attention to what Bronya was saying, although you usually loved to listen to what she had to say she was kind of going on and off topic, and she seemed stressed about something and you were kinda just looking at her face as the both of you were sitting on the ground with grubs in your laps, the one with Bronya jumped from her lap to yours earlier, now you have on in your lap, one on your head, and one in your hand. After another few minutes you snapped yourself out of your stare and put the grub in your hand down and took the other off your head and put them all together then back in one of those small Recuperacoon things lying around for the small grubs. Then you turned back to her and gently rested one of your hands on her shoulder and she immediately shut up and looked at you like ‘Did i do something wrong?’ which broke your heart as you gave her a concerned look back “Maybe you should take a break..?” you questioned quietly, she hesitated before nodding and getting up, helping you up as well “Yes maybe i do need a break.” She chuckled nervously before leading you to leave the main cave room place, you still didn’t know what to call it.
After you finally got to her surprisingly large hive you took the lead and dragged her off to her bedroom or Respiteblock if you can recall correctly and you plopped her down on the first confortable spot you could find and you flopped down onto her chest and cuddled up to her to which she laughed and wrapped her arms around your shoulders and gently played with her hair. This, this was perfect. You loved this.
((I might write the skylla × reader later but I really wanted to post this ahhhh- and I apologize if it's bad and that I took 2 months on it lol))
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cracknoir · 3 years
i wrote a thing about buck finally that’s actually in canon or at least sort of how i see it shaking out 
As Buck walked up the hall of the apartment complex, he took his time. A man like Buck didn’t get scared, he got angry. He dragged his feet, thinking about all the decisions that led to that moment, about his daughter, about Jimmy’s. The other mobsters – they didn’t know about Amy, but they knew about Sally. Buck was a goon – hired muscle. He did what they didn’t want to, and it seemed nobody else had wanted to knock on Jimmy Hopkins door that day.
He paused outside the door, one he had stood at many times before. He knew it wasn’t good for him, to stop and take in every detail, but he also knew he needed a moment to stop.
His knuckles rapped on the door.
It was all about trust. That’s why Mazzeo had sent him. That’s why, after his wild eye glowered out the crack in the door, the chain slid off the lock. He was in his undershirt, lazily tucked into suit pants. He wasn’t wearing any shoes.
What would he do, if someone knocked on his door?
Jimmy scratched his stomach, “what did I tell you ‘bout coming ‘round here when my family’s here?” Jimmy growled. It was like he knew. Buck could tell he’d been doing coke, probably drinking.
Switch off Buck. Think about your wife. Think about your daughter.
Buck grabbed Jimmy by the throat, Jimmy went for the gun tucked in the back of his pants, Bucks hand shot out, grabbed Jimmy by the wrist as he pushed him backwards into the apartment. Zoe screamed, jumped from the couch, Amy burst into tears. Jimmy buckled over the TV, but Buck wasn’t for falling. Buck lifted Jimmy off the ground by the neck, Jimmy dropped his gun, chortled against his grip.
Zoe grabbed the gun Jimmy kept by the bedside table, ran and locked herself in the bathroom with Amy – as Jimmy had instructed her to do, should anything like this ever happen. Bucks arm shook, Jimmy thrashed and kicked with all his strength, Buck put him through the table.
Jimmy writhed around in broken glass, groaning and cursing. Buck opened the window.
Jimmy thought about his wife. His daughter. He pulled himself up. He knew he couldn’t fight Buck, not hand-to-hand. He had to fight dirty. He grabbed the TV he’d toppled over, Buck ran at him. Jimmy smashed the TV off Buck, it caught his arm, his shoulder. He left a hole in the drywall, white dust covered his leather jacket.
“Why’d it have to be you?” Jimmy asked, breathlessly. Buck knew there was no point in talking about it. He took a deep breath, straightened up. Jimmy bounced over the couch. He bolted into the kitchen. Buck never looked as though he was moving quick, but he was on him in a second, having to duck through the door-way to the kitchen.  The reverb from Biggie’s Hypnotize could be heard.
Little Jake sat in his apartment, on his couch with a joint, blasting music.
Jimmy grabbed a knife, tried to slash at Buck, lazily, arm flailed back. Buck punched him square on the nose before the knife was near Buck’s skin, Jimmy stumbled back. Buck grabbed Jimmy, lifted him above his head and chucked him. The drywall buckled, Jimmy went straight through, and landed in Little Jakes apartment.
Jake spun around, stared.
Buck stepped through the Jimmy-shaped hole in the wall. Jake’s incoherent shriek slowly turned into English, he managed to stutter out, “wwwwhat the fuck –” not asked, some sort of high-pitched brain spasm. He’d just been chilling. Fight or flight kicked in. He bolted through an open door, slammed it shut behind him.
Jimmy rolled onto all fours. His face was burst, his brain rocked around the place, his back and his legs were throbbing, “why’d it have to be you?!” He yelled, “why couldn’t it have been that little shit Lenny, huh?! He would’a had the decency to just put a bullet between my fucking eye’s –” as he talked, one of his back teeth fell out and landed on the laminate floor. Buck kicked Jimmy in the gut. It was strange, Buck thought, the things people said when they knew they were going to die. Buck had barely broke a sweat, Jimmy was in a puddle on the floor.
“I didn’t want to have to kill you.” Jimmy groaned.
Jake burst out his bedroom with an Uzi. Bullets tore through his living room, his kitchen. Buck ducked down, caught a stray bullet through the shin and fell over the dry wall.
Jimmy thought of his wife. His daughter. Jimmy stood up. As did Buck. Jimmy ran and jumped, stuck his head straight into Buck’s forehead, as his feet hit the ground he threw another punch upwards, Buck caught it, Jimmy pitched his foot into Buck’s groin. Buck fell to one knee, let out a gust of air. He was winded. Jimmy then proceeded to throw his foot back again, kicked him square in the jaw. He fell back onto Jimmy’s floor. “Come on,” Jimmy said, grabbing Buck by the collar, “get the fuck up."
Buck did as he was asked. There was a moment, a cease-fire.
“Fuck you,” Jimmy said, he grabbed the pan on the stove, smacked it off Buck’s head, the boiling water poured out, scalded Buck’s skin. “You come into my fucking house,” Jimmy smacked him with the back of the pan, it left deep burns, Buck’s scream was trapped in his mouth, coming out instead as low huffs and grunts, like some sort of buffalo or wild boar. “You try an’ kill me? Mazzeo? He send you?”
Through hazy, scalded eyes Buck found Jimmy. His chest was heaving, nostrils flaring, but the hatred, the betrayal, they were really in his eyes.
“I ain’t gon’na sleep ‘till every one of them rat bastards are dead.” Part of him wanted to let Buck live. He thought about his wife. His family. “I’m sorry it had to start with you.” Jimmy dropped the pan. He grabbed Buck by the nape of neck, punched him. He drove his heel into Buck’s head, he kept going until he was kicking mush, then he punched the kitchen wall. Yelled.
“Jim?” Little Jake asked out, uzi still in hand, “I uh – I got a joint here.” Despite Jake talking, Jimmy didn’t look up, leaning on the kitchen counter, staring at Buck.
“Tell Amy to cover her eye’s. Take them both out. McDonalds or something. There’s money in my wallet. Jimmy slumped down next to Bucks body. “I’ll – I’ll just stay here for a while.” He lay back, on the kitchen floor, next to a man who had only ever done right by him.
He felt empty.
It was for his wife. For his daughter.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 8 - Meat Page 41
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Okay, Dirk’s gonna monologue about, like... acknowledging his villainy without realizing it I guess?
And if I didn’t bother pursuing those goals, and thereby tacitly accepting the untold suffering that resulted from my inaction, wouldn’t that make me a bad person? If I try and succeed, I’m a hero, right? And if I try and fail, at least I made things interesting on my way to the grave. There would be a tragic nobility in that. And the way I see it, settling for anything less from my arc would be, frankly, pathetic.
So yeah, of course I know I “have to be stopped.” It’s part of the contract. What you sign up for when you assume the burdens of this sort of power. Where there is that which must be subdued and suborned for the greater good, there is that which will instinctively resist. That which intuits that whatever’s going on here is “wrong.” Otherwise, intervention wouldn’t even be necessary, would it?
Yeah, the Heroic and Just death parameters I outlined in the Ultimate Riddle post pretty clearly line up here that he’s fucking shit over in a way he refuses to truly believe is going to end up in his Just demise even if he knows it on some level.  Fucking over everyone’s wills like that?  Fuck you.
Only worthless people permit themselves the great luxury of a valorous sacrifice. 
Mhmm, he knows he’s going to get fucking owned.  Just a little sooner than he thought, I’d reckon.
...geez, I’m going to forget to fucking EAT again today if this epilogue goes on much longer.  Maybe I’ll have to blog the Candy part, like, tomorrow or something.  If I can convince myself to SLEEP instead of reading more, that is.
Thank God all the manipulation is reversing itself.  Keep playing into it and letting it happen you pompous ass, Dirk, it was inevitable.
Couldn’t pay me to be in that room right now. Not for all the agency in the world.
Yeah, agency is the word.  Dirk is aiming for infinite agency at the expense of everyone else’s.  His God-Tier powers crush others’ individuality and let him puppeteer them instead, and it’s what he’s been using all along to manipulate the situation in this story.
they will know what to do, when they are ready.
On the one hand, thanks alt!Callie.  On the other, seriously fuck you alt!Callie for taking Jade out of the story AAAAGAAAAAIN.  D:<
neither she nor her friends will have to worry about him anymore, so long as they remain on this planet and under my protection.
Um, that was phrased ominously potentially.
huddled on the floor, she repeats this pledge to herself. theoretically, he could be stopped before he leaves, if they hurried. they would need to know what to do, where to go, and to have the motivation to do it, but time is short. i could push them to, with a certain degree of intervention, but i will not. my unwillingness to do so is what separates me from him. and what corporeal life needs now is someone presiding over them who is nothing like him at all.
Also, thought that occurred to me at the end of this page... did Dirk potentially arrange John’s death here to keep his retcon powers from being able to stop him?
Epilogue Eight
Okay I’m churning through this all pretty quickly now that there isn’t a bunch of hyperdense prose in the way.  Excellent conversation between characters, furthering the plot along while engaging in very understandable hilarity.
I don’t THINK I’m reading this any faster than usual, but it FEELS like I am? Maybe because of the format, or maybe I really AM reading it faster to get to Dirk’s fucking comeuppance as fast as goddamn possible.
Pfff, cosplaying as Dave.
I love this whole conversation
ROXY: awwwwwww ROXY: u boys cute :)
Alright, Jane doesn’t kno-- wait, you’re not looping her in on this?  I thought she’d join in and get, like, a redemptive character arc.  Oh well, lesstimespentonthatthebetterhurryupandkickDirk’sass
Wait, so Roxy didn’t know John wasn’t coming back?  Calliope did though???
Is the only reason Dirk took Terezi along to keep her from giving them info, or... no, he said MORE of them would eventually come, what the fuck is he even planning?
they will believe they are on a quest to retrieve a wife and rescue a friend. but they will discover their true mission is of much greater cosmic significance than they imagined. the seer is firmly in the thrall of the prince and will not easily be pried away. and as regards the heir, though resuscitation remains a theoretical possibility for those still striving for it, the truth of his role is it has reached a greater sense of narrative finality than any of his allies will bring themselves to admit. his influence over canon has come to an end, as has this particular story. his ultimate sacrifice was made to put the missing keystone in place and avert the supreme dissipation of all that shall be considered to hold truth, relevance, and essentiality.
Okay, so they MIGHT have to accidentally create Paradox Space, and regardless by stopping Dirk they’ll be guaranteeing agency as a right to those who live both within and without the confines of... whatever existence even is anymore.
......This ship chase through Paradox Space of cosmic significance sounds disturbingly familiar to old pictures I used to verbally paint about the endgame, and I refuse to think about that idea further.
And we’re returning to black text, from the sound of what alt!Callie is saying.  Let’s do that.
POSTSCRIPT?  P O S T S C R I P T?!??!?!??!?!??
fuck my stomach’s clenching up again oh god
artillery what the fuck
aradia okay
“no being has ever commanded before” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEA-- OH SHIT IS IT LIKE BLACK HOLE ABILITIES
davebot.  why a davebot?  davebot.
I’m feeling fucking sick.  Okay what’s about to happen.
Okay so this Dave is like from some other timeline split and got botsaved or something sure whatever
okay some of the others are going off into this... “OTHER UNIVERSE???” too???? or other paradox space or some fucking bullshit???
also scrolling up i missed “Jade was sixteen years old when she showed up, and she doesn’t look a day older now, though many hundreds of days have passed” o kay are these ghosts???
i can breathe again
fuck, these are like
im guessing these are... other ghosts or former-ghosts or basically everyone that huddled into the black hole, and aradias there because of course or something, this isnt dirk having won and reached his place or whatever
this is the jade alt who fell into the black hole and must have died hence her perpetually-young look, and now that shes in the black hole she has access to black hole powers
breathe boots breathe god damnit
okay reading, uh
a-all the action that matters f fuck i dsee the end of the page what thej fuck s how oculd it enduhyere kanaya has an enddless chase for her ff-fucking wife or while she’s being mind-raped by dirk orasdf jklfdk adn dshes gonan be in a stupdi metal body or
im really
really gonna need that candy after this
reading that last few paragraphs SHIT
yeah aradias going to go where all the exciting shit is happening in this new... black... hole... adox space or whatever, or wherever this is or
Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
And... that’s the final line between Canon and Non-Canon.  Or whatever terms.
Andrew’s done.  The story’s done.  Everything else about their journey is for the imagination alone.  Did they save Rose from Dirk taking her through a portal or whatever to whichever Dirkverse he was conjuring up or whatever theory bullshit i REALLY DONT WANT TO THINK OF OR THEORIZE ABOUT EVEN EVER about what the fuck dirk was trying to pull with all this SHHHHITT!!!!!!!??//?
I... christ.  I need that Candy section.  And I need a drink.  Fuck this I was gonna break for dinner but I’m continuing once I get a beer.  I’m sweating and unhappy.  Like I should be after eating this many pages of raw meat, shouldn’t I?
Next post will be Candy 1 once I confirm that there’s nothing else I’m missing, no other part of this portion to save me from wanting to vomit in an entirely anxious and non-beer-related way.
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tagowa · 6 years
they stabbed stelsa i don't knowwww wwwwhat to do - ask-the-teal-lawmaker
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What? Why did they stab her?
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*looks around* op can. can i have some more of ur brian hcs
- really likes 80s/70s/90s! FUCKING dork!!! And the cheesy shit too!!!!! His favorite song is probably unironically Africa or some shit
- speaking of which he probably rlly likes karaoke because FUCK YOU
- his birth mark is like. on his belly button? because you know that's. cute
- he went through a heavy a scene phase in highschool!!!!! his hair was dyed green or some shit
- because of that he also likes pop-punk but nowthesedays he's more so "!!!! TURN THAT SHIT UP ITS FUCKEN MEN AT WORK!!!!"
- he really likes cooking shows/house hunter shit
- he can cook good! yes, we all agree on that. but he'll eat anything. he's a filfthy gremlin lowkey in that aspect. he has the WORST taste in food. he will put nutella on pizza and jay, being a v selective eater, CANNOT sit in the same room as him when he eats shit like that he WILL vomit and HE HAS
- he's SUPER cuddly. he LOVES physical affection and when he has a crush on someone he'll causally just fling his arm around them and stuff because he's DUMB and GAY
- his tooth gap is something he's always had! he even got braces and shit in middle school but when he took him off guess What Came Back
- he actually hates his tooth gap BC he got bullied a lot for it,,,
- he's the kinda guy who just. dances but like. dorky dancing. he just kinda moves his hips and stuff like he's. NOT good at dancing at all and he doesn't dance on the floor anything he just. does it when a song he rlly likes comes on I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW HE DANCES but HE JUST DOES IT IN THE KICTHEN WHEN SOME SHIT COMES ON THE RADIO AT 3AM AND HES MAKING FOOD FOR SOME FUCKING REASON
- u know the thing with the oversized button up and and u slide in the kitchen with socks and nothing else but the socks boxers and the shirt? yeah he's done that
- he did track for a while and also football! he stopped football because he got a p severe concussion
- his favorite movie is probably fight club
- he does like Disney a lot too!!! His favorite Disney movie is a tie between Aladdin and The Lion King!
- he's a p skinny person but his body type is just. small but he has a tiny tummy!!!! even on t he just never got abs or anything like it and he hates it
- he's also missing a back tooth because of the concussion he got like a dumb fuck
- his hoodie was a gift from his mom before his mom passed away
- he! wanted to be a nurse pre mh (and he becomes one in a no op au) ((i feel like this is something we all kinda??? collectively like a hivemind agreed on though and im feeling it))
- pre t he drew. on facial hair and one time he washed his face and it came off and tim was just "wwwwHAT THE FUCK"
- he can actually do the :3 face
- he collects buttons!!!! and baseball/pokemon cards
- Has NO idea how the Pokemon card game actually works
- he doesn't know how to tie a tie
- he's p strong! but he's super soft lowkey for people to pick him up
- tim as a joke (and ofc often when they're dating) has picked brian up to prove his strength to alex and brian MELTED and tried to not make himself seem flushed but HE WAS SO FUCKING FLUSTERED
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"Wwwwhat the actual fuck? Wwwwhy do you look like you ran into a rainbowwww?" [Prospitian-bloodbound-tyzias ]
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I tota//y did and kissed it a// overrr~!
I norma//y wou/dn’t…but you want to join? Easy! And you’// need stres re/ief you whiny grub~! 
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OTP Challenge Day Three: Gaming?
You may ask me several different questions: 1. Is this gaming? No. It’s not... really? 2. What have you done? Listen, I sat down to write and this is what spewed out into the word document, so this is what you get. I don’t regret a second of it. Except for maybe the poetry.... no. I don’t even regret that.
OTP: Nalu (Though it kind of has all of them?)
Rating: E for everyone, friends
               “Mwahaha!!!!” Natsu shouted, throwing down an ace. “THIS TRICK BELONGS TO ME!” Lucy held the fan of her cards up against her lips to hide her smile. Diagonally across from her, Gray dropped his head in his hands. Erza, who was sitting next to Lucy threw her hand up to give Natsu a high five.
               “Well done,” she grinned.
               “Now hold on, hold on!” Lucy said, glancing down at the pile of three cards in the center of the table. “I haven’t gone yet.” She pretended to assess her cards. “Hmm…”
               “Luccyyy! I won the trick! Just play any old card!” Natsu huffed, clearly aggravated. He rested his chin on the table, watching her expression carefully.
               “Oh you won the trick, did you?” Lucy selected a card from her hand, and carefully set it on the pile, “Or did someone have a trump card?”
               “YES!” Gray sat up straight. “How are you feelin’ now, fireboy?!” Natsu looked on in horror as Lucy carefully collected the four cards, teasing him as she slowly drew them towards her side of the table.
               “Noooooo, Lucyyyy!” Natsu reached out, grabbing the cards, trying to pull them back. “I used my ace! How could you do this!!!” He wailed.
               “They’re mine,” She purred, yanking the cards from his hand. Natsu collapsed on the table, with a groan of defeat.
               “Aaaanddd with that point, we win!” Gray said, crossing his arms triumphantly. Natsu sat up quickly.
               “Best out of three!” He demanded, throwing his cards down in the center of the table.
               “I’m done,” Gray stood up, “It feels like we’ve been playing forever already.”
               “I promised Wendy we’d bake a cake today,” Erza said, standing as well. The two wandered off and Lucy smiled over at Natsu,
               “Well, it looks like it’s just you and I, Natsu,” she smiled.
               “We can’t play this game two player,” he huffed.
               “No, maybe we can play something else,” Lucy replied.
               “Like what?”
Lucy tapped her cards against her lips, thinking. “I know!”
               “What?” Natsu looked up at her skeptically.
               “Truth or dare! And I bet we could get others to play too!” She grinned.
               “Truth or dare?” Natsu narrowed his eyes, “Oh yeah, we used to play that when we were kids when it was cold out.” He glared over towards where Gray sat with Juvia, “Once, Gray dared me to lick one of the lampposts.”
               “Oh…” Lucy frowned. Natsu’s eyes lit up and his lips twisted into a mischievous grin.
               “Payback time.”
               Once they had gathered a few others to sit together at a table, Natsu roared, “Alright! Lets get started!” And the game commenced. “I get to start!” He grinned, narrowing his eyes at everyone else sitting around in a circle. Gajeel rolled his eyes.
               “I can’t believe you convinced me to join this nonsense,” he glanced over at Levy who was smiling brightly.
               “It’s just like when we were kids!” Mirajane laughed, clapping her hands, “It’ll be fun.”
               “Come on, Natsu!” Lucy moaned, “Pick someone!”
               “Fine! Gray!”
               “Why is it always me?” Gray snapped.
               “Just pick one!” Natsu shouted, “Truth or dare!”
               “Alright, cool it!” Gray said, “Truth!”
               “Tsk,” Natsu narrowed his eyes, “Boring.”
               “You have to ask him now, Natsu,” Lucy sighed.
               “Fine! Gray, what… um… uh… who… um.”
               “Alright, Fine! What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?” Natsu looked proud of himself. Gray glared, glancing back and forth between his rival, and Juvia.
               “It’s called truth or dare, Gray,” Erza said commandingly, “Not lie and dare.”
               “Alright, alright! A big lie I’ve told….was about not having feelings for someone.”
               “That’s all you’re going to tell us,” Laxus spoke up from where he sat in between Mirajane and Juvia.
               “Yeah, that’s all you get! Next question!” Gray snapped.
               “Alright, Gray! You get to pick someone to ask,” Lucy said. Gray glanced around the circle, pausing at each person as if considering. He finally landed on Erza.
               “Truth,” Erza said quickly, “Any truth I can answer with ease.”
               “Oh really,” Gray’s expression turned completely devilish. “Then tell us about how you really feel about Jellal Fernandes.” There was a long silence. Erza’s cheeks actually turned a bright red.
               “Um… dare. I choose dare,” she stammered.
               “Fine,” Gray grinned, “Then we dare you to tell us how you feel about Jellal.” Lucy watched Erza’s expression twist to rage, but she knew that the warrior would never defy the rules of the game. The redhead shook her head slowly, and then glanced up at them all with an expression of utter seriousness.
               “I am telling you all this because we are comrades,” she whispered, “I’m in love with him.” The room burst with noise, as everyone began to talk at once.
               “You are!?” Levy squealed. Gray was laughing. Natsu was staring at Erza with his jaw dropped open.
               “Now then,” Erza glared, and the room fell silent. “I get to ask someone. Laxus!” The lightning dragon slayer glanced up, surprised. “Truth or dare!”
               “Dare,” He rolled his eyes.
               “Fine!” Erza snapped, “I dare you to dance to no music. For two minutes!” Laxus narrowed his eyes,
               “Are you serious?”
               Erza grinned, “Perfectly.”
               “Fine,” Laxus got to his feet and then turned to Mirajane. “Care to dance?” Mirajane laughed,
               “Are you asking me to help you with your dare?”
               Laxus offered her a crooked grin, “Something like that.”
               “Then I’d be honored.”
               The two waltzed across the room to some sort of unheard tune. Natsu rolled his eyes with a huff, “He’s too good.”
               “I can’t believe he’s handled it,” Erza sighed. “Guess it’s his turn then.”
               When the couple returned to the group, Laxus grinned, sending shivers down Lucy’s spine. He was already enjoying this too much. “Alright, Iron Dragon.” Gajeel huffed.
               “I want you to compose a poem—”
               “Easy. I compose songs all the time.” Everyone winced.
               “I wasn’t finished,” Laxus grinned. “I want you to compose a poem, for that one.” He gestured to where Levy was sitting. Gajeel visibly paled.
               “What?” Levy blinked, “Compose a poem for me?!”
               “Yeah. That’s my dare. I’ve got an even better truth lined up, so you better not switch it up. Or you’ll be in trouble,” Laxus grinned smugly. Lucy knew that Levy had a huge crush on the iron dragon slayer, but she never imagined Laxus would have picked it out as well.
               “Alright, fine,” Gajeel grit his teeth, crossing his arms, and began, “Roses are red—”
               “Lame,” Laxus snorted, “That’s not a composition. Everyone knows that one. I want you to preform that composition! I dare you.” That Composition? What does he mean? Lucy glanced back and forth between Laxus and Gajeel. The Lightning dragon slayer seemed to know something no one else did. Gajeel’s eyes filled with fury, but Lucy knew he wasn’t going to be so easily defeated.
               “If that’s what you want, Dreyar,” he hissed, and then he glanced over at Levy, who was staring at him. He cleared his throat, and glanced away, staring off into the distance as he recited from memory,
“Mysterious colors burn in sunsets
Pinks, and purples, and flame.
They call to mind a wonder that lets
My heart recall your name.”
The hall was silent. Gajeel refused to look anyone in the eye. I didn’t know Gajeel was a poet. Lucy looked over at Levy again, to find her friend practically as red as a tomato.
               “Gajeel!” The petite girl whispered, “That was beautiful.”
               “Alright! Gajeel! Hurry up! You get to ask someone something now!” Natsu shouted. Gajeel offered him a glare in response.
               “Fine, Salamander. Truth or dare?”
               “Dare, of course! Ask me to run to the mountain and back. Or beat up Gildarts! Or—”
               “I dare you to kiss Lucy.”
               Lucy’s heart skipped a beat. Or maybe stopped beating at all. “Wwwwhat?!” Natsu glanced back and forth between Gajeel and Lucy with narrowed eyes. Then he shrugged.
               “Easy enough!” He reached out to grab Lucy’s shoulder, but Lucy pressed a hand to his mouth.
               “Hey! Hold on a second, who said I agreed to this?!”
               “I wasn’t done anyways,” Gajeel snickered, “Make it with tongue.” There was a long moment of silence before Lucy screamed,
               “What is wrong with you, you sicko--?!” And then Natsu’s mouth was on hers and everything was happening at the speed of light. Their friends melted away, the guild hall melted away, all thoughts of dares melted away, and Lucy was left facing one truth: she liked it. Natsu deepened the kiss and Lucy closed her eyes, leaning into it. They explored each other’s mouths, and Lucy felt like she was drowning in the over-stimulation of all her senses. She felt alive, so wildly alive. Natsu smelled and tasted like smoke, and the peppermint cookies Mira had served earlier. And then suddenly it was over, and everyone else appeared again, but the room was silent.
               “Alright,” Natsu whispered, his eyes not leaving Lucy’s. Lucy could tell everyone else was staring in shock. “It’s my turn again.” Natsu didn’t even glance around the room, “Lucy.”
               “Dare,” Lucy murmured, breathless as Natsu leaned in closer.
               “I dare you to kiss me again.”
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incorrect-hiveswap · 6 years
[coffee machine is broken]
BRONYA: 1. Who broke it? 2. I'm not angry at whoever did. 3. I just want to know so that we can have a chat about it.
SKYLLA: ...It was me, I broke-
BRONYA: No, you didn't.
BRONYA: Elwurd?
ELWURD: what? don't Look at me! uh... Look at zebede!
ZEBEDE: what? no! i didn't break it!
ELWURD: that's weird. how did you even know it was broken?
ZEBEDE: because it'z standing right in front of uz, and it'z broken.
ELWURD: that sounds reaLLy suspicious to me...
ZEBEDE: it'z not suspiciouz!!!
POLYPA: i dont know * if this matters * or if i should bring it up * but tyzias was the last to use it *|
TYZIAS: wwwwhat? i don't even drink that crap!
POLYPA: oh really * then what were you doing * by the coffee machine * earlier today *|
TYZIAS: i use the stirring sticks to push back mmmmy cuticles. everyone knowwwws that, polypa!
SKYLLA: Okayy, yy'all, let's not fight over this! I broke it and I'll payy for it, let's move on-
BRONYA: vV No! Who broke it?! Vv [dead silence]
ZEBEDE: you know, zebruh'z been really quiet this whole time-
ZEBRUH: ♠️Oh, come on, really?♠️ [everybody starts arguing]
BRONYA: I broke it. 1. It burnt my hand, 2. I punched it.
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notafraidof · 6 years
my takes on icarus falls
probably not gonna be Super Fresh Hot takes since i’m five feet up his ass, but what’re you gonna do
“let me” - ★★★✩✩ - the melody is a bop and a half, but i can’t stop rolling my eyes at “for the rest of my life” bc………… nobody can promise that lmao. also… is he still with gigi?? who he singin to. the falsetto won me over tho
“natural” - ★★★½✩ - issa tune i can groove to, but the lyrics are a teeeeny bit lackluster (my expectations are sky-high though lmao). like why did he repeat “like the bluest ocean”…… no need for it. and could he not think of other forces of nature than a hurricane?? bruh i can think of six off the top of my head. also the “come together right now” bit makes me wanna say “over me”
“back to life” - ★★★✩✩ - not a whole lot to say about this one? i liked it but it didn’t feel Life Changing y’know? also my gay ass was sad about all the “she”s
“common” - ★★★★✩ - the melody is SO GOOD. my naïve person-lover isn’t a big fan of calling other couples gray and common, but honestly he said i’m fuckin beautiful so
“imprint” - ★★★✩✩ - a Smooth Bop, i love the line “if the planets all faded away” and the CORNY ASS “jumpin’ like mario…don’t lose a life” A CUTE NERD WHO I LOVE!! i just think most of the sentiments have been said a hundred times in other (more iconic) R&B songs. also again with the “girl” shit, i wanna insert myself into the song, zaniel !!!!!
“stand still” - ★★★★✩ - i don’t entirely understand the metaphors… but everything sounds pretty and like if elton john tried R&B and i’m into it
“tonight” - ★★✩✩✩ - i’ve heard this exact shit a million tiiiiiiimes zayn, it’s not original, dude. 1D fuckin did it with lwwy in 2012 my guy. can’t fault him for the vocal run though, he always sounds good (& i do think of him when i feel myself)
“flight of the stars” - ★★★½✩ - melody line is FRESH and i love it. kinda sad it sounds like it’s just about a relationship? bruh a song about a girl who’s literally following stars could be So Much More
“talk to me” - ★★★✩✩ - not gonna ngl i know this is Yet Another Sex Song but. my heart does the pitter pat imagining it I NEVER CLAIMED THIS WAS UNBIASED
“there you are” - ★★★½✩ - Powerful Vocals and sweet sentiments!! “i’m drunk and i need you” has been driven right into the ground, but he sounds so genuine and i love him
“i don’t mind” - ★★★★✩ - for a sec i thought this was his “i won’t mind” cover lmao oops. THE LQ PIANO IS SO NICE!!!!! more acoustic instruments please zayn!! boy said “it’s lit” which made me SNORT. he has the voice of an angel and i melt at his falsetto so 4/5
“icarus interlude” - ★★★✩✩ - boy’s good at interludes, but like. that corny-ass yves saint laurent flex. and again w “girl” and Everything Has to Be About Love
“good guy” - ★★✩✩✩ - first of all: HARDCORE rolling my eyes. baby you are fooling exactly Nobody w this hardcore bradford bad boy front. u are a giggly nerd and it’s just amusing how much you think you’re not …and also the lyrics just. don’t make sense? extinct creatures don’t work on instinct… they’re dead. wwwwhat is a “slide bleacher”? why would streetlamps try to teach you anything??
“you wish you knew” - ★★½✩✩ - this kinda bops like a rihanna song!! (that’s a good thing) idk i’m just not really vibin with this song right now, maybe it’ll grow on me. i mean… i do wish i knew him lmao
“sour diesel” - ★★★★✩ - A True Jam!!! honestly crushin on the girl he’s singing about. still don’t know what a sour diesel is though
“satisfaction” - ★★★✩✩ - kinda thought this was gonna be a rolling stone cover whoops. boy sounds so sad and lovely!!! although i’m skeptical of him not getting any satisfaction w/o an SO. if you really think that, you gotta have more fun when you masturbate dude
“scripted” - ★★★½✩ - this is so fuckin obscure but he sounds like art garfunkel circa 1980s!! and i love it!! also PIANO AGAIN PLEASE MORE OF THAT. it was neat to hear like… him talking over the phone during the song, that was fun. and zayn, honey, the men in black reference just cements my opinion that you’re a huge nerd.
“entertainer” - ★★★★✩ - I THOUGHT THIS WAS A BILLY JOEL COVER QUIT FUCKING WITH MY HEAD MALIK. amazing vocals like always, and he looks like a whole-ass MEAL in the music video. i’m just sad that someone played him like that, he deserves more than fake love
“good years” - ★★★★½ - i’m so upset!! does he actually think like this?? honey you’re TWENTY-FIVE you don’t have to worry about that!!! and it also makes me sad bc… are you regretting your time in 1D? you said you’d never do that ;; this song makes my heart hurt in the best way his voice is 👌🏻
“fresh air” - ★★★✩✩ - uh… who is he talking to?? like holy shit dude.
“rainberry” - ★★★★½ - this 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 BOP 👏🏻 the falsetto, the word choices, the bumpin bass line, everything is dope as FUCK. only thing is… idk what he’s talking about?? i googled “rainberry” and the only thing that came up was the gatorade flavor??? my guy are you singing about someone drinking gatorade
“insomnia” - ★★★★✩ - this is some quality shit!!! not much else to say honestly, sorry
“no candle no light” - ★★★★★ - MY MOTHER AND MY SON!!!!! they sound SO GOOD TOGETHER and the song fuckin SLAPS. the literal Only Complaint i have is that i wanted nicki to fuckin spit some bars!! her four lines at the end Do Not Count. also, guys, i’d like an mv if you’re up for it
“fingers” - ★★★½✩ - i can definitely groove to this, and “my fingers ain’t workin’ but my heart is” is such a neat phrase to use in a song.
“too much” - ★★★✩✩ - is good! i don’t get the juxtaposition of “i just want love and lust” and “you just can’t love enough” but the falsetto is lovely and timbaland sounds like he’s havin a good time, and that’s all that matters
the album overall is ★★★½✩ !! i love my son and ZM2 is a fuckening bop
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