#shout out to my dad
jujumighty · 6 months
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I think I might have a fear of characters without facial features is that a thing? But Dial art! How I view him
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queenaeducan · 3 months
Going to see Hozier for my birthday 🎂
(Aka in September)
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quiddityg · 6 months
I love my dad sm, cause any time I'll talk about my mtl oc, he starts talking about how good of a character idea it is and how well hed fit in the series, and then will (sometimes accidentally) write jokes/gags for the character
I ofc wont say any of them here cause I hope to make them into comics, or make a storyboard episode thing, but holy fuck my dad is funny
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tartbedo · 10 months
youre crashing
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Showing up in fandoms that are full of 40 year old dads and making them my own special space is actually my passion
and I believe it comes from the fact that my dad (a guy in his 40’s) introduced me to like half the things I love and the fact that inwardly I am a 40 year old man.
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mefilas · 1 year
the classic summer thing where I only eat one meal a day is back ooh that's cool . nice
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my dad gave me £25 for finishing my Japanese exams
time for me to buy Ultra Deluxe baybeeeeeeeeeeeee
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pupcat-is-amare · 9 months
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bluebird-ascended · 8 days
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your honor he did that shit. however he bought his bird a mini of his coat so they could matchhhhh
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sibmakesart · 1 month
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the coffee machine had to go to the hospital
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bartholomew-junior · 4 months
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wooooo revived!clover! i have so many thoughts abt this au and they cannot all fit here so take some doodles
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papa-evershed · 7 months
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RJC behind the scenes of FTWS S1
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partynthem · 9 months
during pretty visitors before the breakdown alex started talking and went ‘i think we can all agree more than any color in the rainbow…’ and then as the lights turned red said ‘red… rocks’
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foolsocracy · 26 days
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
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Total Drama Future AU design 14!
Ezekiel is 38 in this AU.
After AllStars, he was rescued from the Island by a small search party consisting of Geoff, Izzy, Justin, Gwen, Zoey, and Duncan.
They brought him home and got him some treatments to reverse his mutations. They also got him into some much-needed therapy.
During this time, Justin developed a bit of a crush on Ezekiel. He had seen how starved the boy was for attention and genuine affection.
After a discussion with Trent, Justin asked Ezekiel if he wanted to join their relationship, and Ezekiel immediately agreed.
In 2017, Ezekiel got married to Justin and Trent.
In 2023, he was overjoyed to meet their daughter, Trisha. He vowed to be the best father he could possibly be to her.
Along the line, he grew his hair back and refused to cut it.
He hasn't fully recovered from his time as a mutant, but he's doing great so far.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Answering some asks about the dad Murase lives AU under the cut because you are forcing me to think about what I've created (❤)
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Murase had to know about N's less-than-savoury work. He was hired as a security guard (thanks to his brother) for a military facility for which he was told to kill any trespassers on sight. And his brother had been legally dead for a decade! But the main difference between the two brothers is that while N will still do horrors in the name of his job, Murase has spent his life after the war trying to help people to atone for what he had to do to survive. I think having to face concrete proof of what his brother did/does, especially without the immediate pressure of war and survival to "justify" his actions, to a kid he's grown somewhat attached to? That would be really hard on him.
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Frankly I had never heard of that theory before, and after considering it, I can't agree with it. The government has expressed barely any interest in Chuuya, N seems to have acted on his own. The PM has so many ability users, and abilities are so unknown to the general public, with or without Chuuya, it was an important move to make, and there was no normal legal way of getting it.
As for Oda... I fear he's going to suffer the same fate. In another post I did wonder if Mori would try to be more careful with Dazai, since we know he was very careful to nurture Chuuya's loyalty and bond to the mafia. But after thinking about it, while Mori felt bitter after Dark Era (please read the light novel), he says he would still do it because the permit was so important to get. Chuuya going away here wasn't his fault, so I see no reason he wouldn't do things especially differently. Maybe he'd feel even more bitter though.
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If Oda dies the same way... it's a fun question. Dazai would leave, Dazai would still refuse to work for the government, so his options are limited. I can't imagine Chuuya leaving at 16, join the ADA, and the mafia not knowing a thing about it? So what would Dazai do? Chuuya left and joined a group and now that group is his only option in Yokohama. If he wants to join them, he'll still have to wait two years for his records to be erased and hidden. And he knows Chuuya is gonna be there, and he knows him!! How frustrating and stressful is that wait going to be?
I'd like Chuuya to be gone when Dazai first joins, so Entrance Exam can still take place in a similar way. Maybe he accompanied Ranpo on his contract out of town? I do wonder if he'd confront Dazai publicly or in private... I'm still not sure how much he told the ADA about his own origins.
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I've decided that Chuuya leaves after the Dragon Head Conflict (after loosing a second set of friends in the same year), because this time, he has someone waiting for him to offer him an out. And this is interesting from a skk point of view. At that point, Dazai has already met both Oda and Ango, and technically, Double Black has made a name of themselves. Chuuya would be leaving at the creation/peak of Double Black, barely giving it enough time to get their name. But all that we know (so far) of what they were up to as teenagers has happened already! And Dazai has met Oda and Ango, he has a support system now! They'll be fine. Well, as fine as their canon counterparts anyway.
This is also funny because their "history" is less than two years of absolute hell, then a 5/6-year gap, and suddenly they're coworkers again.
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Honestly I don't know if Murase would have an opportunity to see it or its repercussions? I doubt he saw Chuuya directly after Verlaine (you know, mafia and all that), and I think Chuuya would be the one to seek him out after the DHC. I truly think you could count the amount of times Corruption was maybe used by Double Black in canon back then on one hand, and in this AU, it's literally only twice. Unless Asagiri planned for another big event and hasn't told us yet, I don't think Chuuya has had to use Corruption again in this AU until Lovecraft.
MAYBE someone would notify Chuuya's dad guardian that his son charge was badly injured, but with Yosano in the room, I doubt it would make it back to him. Same thing with Dead Apple. Murase lives in a blessed world where he knows Chuuya's powerful, but doesn't know the extent of it.
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Have a lil' doodle for making it all the way down here! (it's Chuuya's first week or something)
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