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Ref image: differenct company have differenct curlturem and differencct needed, why not talk to us to have more information? ❌唔想工程難尾? ❌唔想無限後加數? ❌唔想睇LAYOUT同現場有好大分別? ⭕️想SHOW OFF自己問寫字樓比FRIEND 子睇? 我地係全港唯一一間講環保概念既室內設內設計公司,減垃圾之餘仲可以減裝修費 擁有超過2️⃣0️⃣年design and build 經驗 💯可保證你的設計一定俱個人化/或合商業形象 💯工程按時完成,沒有後加數 📣送你簡單風水令你生意風生水起 📣還可以幫你完工後拍片放上我的YouTube channel 做宣傳 📣入伙送你紅酒4支價值:2500 Please call: Clovia cheung M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVC4CFJqt2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Feel free to repost without credit
Here is a resources for the Anti-extradition protests 2019! Schedules, donation sites, and more listed here!
Here is a resource for those who want to help overseas! Information on how you can help from abroa, including links to donation site, links to contact your local representatives, social media tags, and others!
Here is a resource for Beyond Lennon Walls: Ways to support the Hong Kong protests from afar Links to donation sites in Hong Kong, information on how to help varying by country, and more!
UPDATE: Here are some unmasked Hello Kitty images.
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travel2view · 5 years
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#shout4hk #standwithhk #freedomhk #bewater (at Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DE3nCojMO/?igshid=1tg0e295jeozg
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timelesswillow · 5 years
Support Hong Kong
I know a lot of us want to be able to show support to the protestors in Hong Kong but live abroad. Here’s a list of things that can be done to join in and help out. Please Please Share. If I’ve left anything out or something doesn’t work let me know. 
*Please do not allow your anger/outrage towards the events that are occurring due to the actions of the Chinese Government to turn to stereotyping, hatred, racism, etc. towards Chinese individuals.
Sign a Petition 
Write the HK government to protect and respect the rights of the people of Hong Kong. [Petition to Protect Rights]
Contact Olympics Committee to not host the Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing - Mention Hong Kong and Horrible violations of Uyghur Rights
Petition United Nations to Condemn Hong Kong Police for Excessive Use of Force and Call for an Independent Inquiry [Petition United Nation]
Request International Court of Justice to Investigate Excessive Force of Hong Kong Police [Petition International Court of Justice]
Support Radio Television Hong Kong’s editorial independence [Petition for Editorial Independence]
Revoke Carrie Lam's Legion of Honor Award (France) [Petition Grand Master of the Legion]
Petition Amnesty on behalf of the July 1st Legco Building Protesters [Petition Amnesty for Legco Protesters]
Reporting HK Police Force to the International Police Association for breach of professional code of conduct and excessive use of force [Petition International Police Association]
Petition Starbucks to terminate franchise deal with Maxim's in Hong Kong [Change.org Starbucks]
Boycott or Protest Chinese products/Companies kowtowing to China
Make a Monetary or Non-Monetary Donation
Help send protective gears to Hong Kong protesters (helmets, goggles, gas masks, etc. ) via a US collection center. 
PLEASE do not brag about this or show this to media. I’ve heard the HK authorities found out about people in Taiwan doing this and they subsequently increased inspections of packages and luggage from Taiwan.
Donate to Spark Alliance Legal Aid (Website in Cantonese)
Demosisto International Campaign - Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow for international outreach
Hong Kong Medic Volunteers crowdfunding for first aid supplies, saline water to wash eyes from tear gas [Pic]. In US Dollars they’ve raised about 13K as of 10/18/19
Support The Stand News a Not-for-Profit News (Cantonese)
Hong Kong Citizen News Not-for-Profit News (Cantonese)
Hong Kong Free Press Not-for-Profit News (English)
[CANTONESE] 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund Legal Aid
Crowdfund to give away Stand with Hong Kong T-shirts at Blizzcon 2019, Los Angeles Oct 31 - Nov 2
Crowdfund to give away The North Stand with Hong Kong T-shirts at NBA Opening Toronto Raptors Oct 22nd
If anyone knows any other way to send money/donations to the actual protestors please inform me and I’ll update. 
Spread the News
Not everyone knows or is even informed about the situation. Please spread the news but be sure to spread information that has been fact checked because the Chinese Government is doing a lot to spread misinformation. 
Join online protest campaigns, retweet, share, like #Eye4HK l #Mask4HK l #birdfoldingchallenge #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #SupportHongKong #Antielab #StandWithHongKong l #NoChinaExtradition l #antiELAB l #SOSHK l #反送中 l #FreeHongKong l #StandwithHK l #HKLastwords #SaveHongKong il #HongKongProtest l #DemocracyNow l #NoExtraditionToChina l #Shout4HK l #BoycottBlizzard | #BoycottChina
Join/Support a Rally
Join and support your local #StandwithHongKong rallies. Global events/rallies near you. If you can't find one nearby, think about starting one or even making signs to put up around your city.
Continue making Memes, Posters, Videos, Drawings. Wear a #StandwithHongKong T-shirt, Carve a Pro-Hong Kong Pumpkin, 3D Print your own #LadyLibertyHK 
Write to Local Representatives (Divided by country)
3.1 Send VOTE YES postcards to your Senators to ask them to co-sponsor Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 2019 [Senate Bill S.1838] . Get your Free VOTE YES Postcards
3.2 Write to US Congress (Senators and Representatives)
3.2 Ask Your US Senators to Co-Sponsor the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
3.3 Call your representative https://www.callmycongress.com and tell them you are very concerned about the situation in Hong Kong, the excessive amounts of tear gas used, some of which are expired, releases dangerous levels of hydrogen cyanide that could literally kill a person, which qualifies as chemical weapons, a flagrant violation of international law. Please support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 2019 by passing [Senate Bill S.1838] and review/revoke the United States - Hong Kong Policy Act 1992. It's in the interest of leaders who value democracy, international laws, human rights, to stand up for those who don't have the same freedoms we have. Thank you.
3.4 Petition 12 US Congress leaders to support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act [Pass the Act S.1838/H.R.3289]
4.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (UK)
4.2 Petition UK to Uphold the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration
4.3 Petition Liz Truss from Department of International Trade and Dominic Raab from Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Stand up for Human Rights in Hong Kong
5.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (CAN)
5.2 Stand up for Hong Kong and Petition to Canadian MPs and Federal Elections Candidates https://chkl.ca (Dateline: Oct 20th)
5.3 #BoycottBlizzard If you are a CAN player, instead of just deleting your account, you should request PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act) and if they do not comply within 30 days, you can complaint to the Canada's Federal Privacy Commissioner
6.1 Write to your Senators and Members of Parliament (AUS)
6.2 Australian Taxpayers' Alliance Campaign to Save Hong Kong https://www.taxpayers.org.au/save-hong-kong
6.3 Expel the Chinese Consul General in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [Dear Australian Prime Minister]
6.4 Impose Sanctions on Persons Found to be Suppressing Human Rights in Hong Kong [Petition Australian Senate]
6.5 Write to your MP to re-introduce the International Human Rights and Corruption Bill 2018 (Magnitsky Sanctions) [Template]
7.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (NZ)
8.1 Write to Your Members of European Parliament (EU)
8.2 Petition to Jean Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic calling for concrete actions against China to respect Hong Kong’s autonomy to prevent a humanitarian crisis Petition to Jean Yves Le Drian
8.3 #BoycottBlizzard If you are an EU player, instead of just deleting your account, you should request GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and if they do not comply within 30 days, they will have to pay a hefty fine of 4% of Global Annual Turnover of Blizzard.
9.1 Considering you are reading this, you already know how to use VPN. If you feel safe enough speak out but be anonymous. Let other Chinese, Hong Kong people, the world know that there are Chinese or Mainland Chinese who do supports the Hong Kong protest. Examples: You are not alone! l ChenSiuQi 陈秋实 l Passport l HK Stay strong Be vigilant l I support HK from Mainland l I will pray for HK l The reality is Hong Kongers are also fighting for Mainland Chinese l Beijing supports HK
10.1 Switzerland Write to your local representatives https://www.parlament.ch/en/ratsmitglieder?k=
10.2 Japan Write to your local representatives and councilors
10.3 Petition Japanese parliamentarians to introduce a Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Bill in Japan [Petition Japan]
Also a lot of this information was grabbed from Reddit so please head over there if you want more information because I did not grab all of it. 
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yppppypypyhk · 5 years
#SHOUT4HK We desperately need your support! Spread the truth please🗽🔥❤ 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏿 👊🏿👊🏽👊🏼👊🏻 1. Shoot a video (with or without ur face) -“I am from xx. I shout for Hong Kong.” -“Cantonese: liberate hk. revolution of our times ” ... (as you like!) 2. Upload to social media 3. Tag your friends! 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏿 👊🏿👊🏽👊🏼👊🏻 #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #antichinazi #PoliceBrutality #followbackHongKong #SOSHK #FightForFreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Cv5j7HjEN/?igshid=zatmggcuih3m
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Ref image: we have amny option for your office to have a nique design, please ask! ❌唔想工程難尾? ❌唔想無限後加數? ❌唔想睇LAYOUT同現場有好大分別? ⭕️想SHOW OFF自己問寫字樓比FRIEND 子睇? 我地係全港唯一一間講環保概念既室內設內設計公司,減垃圾之餘仲可以減裝修費 擁有超過2️⃣0️⃣年design and build 經驗 💯可保證你的設計一定俱個人化/或合商業形象 💯工程按時完成,沒有後加數 📣送你簡單風水令你生意風生水起 📣還可以幫你完工後拍片放上公司YouTubechannel 做宣傳 📣入伙送你紅酒4支價值:2500 Please call: Clovia cheung M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 #2022良心企業 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUwa-Lpjwi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: a small pantry can have their own design too 唔想工程難尾? 唔想無限後加數? 唔想睇LAYOUT同現場有好大分別? 想SHOW OFF自己問寫字樓比FRIEND 子睇? 我地係全港唯一一間講碾保概稱既室內設內設計公司, 擁有超過20年design and build 經驗,可保證你的設計一定俱個人化/或合商業形象,工程按時完成,沒有後加數,還可以幫你完工後拍片放上我的YouTube channel 做宣傳 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSd4Y0pl_g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: if you have a huge office, a open is an option for more light go inside 唔想工程難尾? 唔想無限後加數? 唔想睇LAYOUT同現場有好大分別? 想SHOW OFF自己問寫字樓比FRIEND 子睇? 我地係全港唯一一間講碾保概稱既室內設內設計公司, 擁有超過20年design and build 經驗,可保證你的設計一定俱個人化/或合商業形象,工程按時完成,沒有後加數,還可以幫你完工後拍片放上我的YouTube channel 做宣傳 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSLgbzppas/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: many inductial buildinig, can use paint to design their office 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKvhwBJtkz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: in HK, we have many pop up store for few day saleing, just one color is enoghe for the deisgn 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKdFF7pZOB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: for public corridor, high ceiling can make some color on it, and the lighting is very important too 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIK3QLJRI_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: for little meeting, can make a bar table for it 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqH4cjBpaZd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: the pantry can use your corparate color to make the design 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFl5zHJxWW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: a nice reception can let the clients free feel while they were waiting 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFTf60J7S8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: office can be just black and white, but if you have product to show, can be a focucal point to design 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDBNCrpPza/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ref image: for high tech office, reflected material is a must to show to your clients that you are proesstional 我司進行免年春節優惠, 只到3月30日: 送風水: HKD45000 送DESIGN: HKD45000 送保養: HKD45000 送養生: HKD45000 送半年工程保養: HKD45000 不包工程 合共: HKD225000 春節優惠只收: HKD200000 Our company is offering free Spring Festival discount, only until March 30: Feng Shui delivery: HKD45000 Free DESIGN: HKD45000 Free cosmetic: HKD45000 Free health: HKD45000 Free half-year project maintenance: HKD45000 Does not include Construction Total: HKD225000 Chinese New Year offer only: HKD200000 Please call: M: 91367886/90495924 #hoteldesign #commercialinterior #commercialinteriordesign #resortinterior #resortinteriordesign #retailinterior #retaildesign #retailinteriordesign #shopinterior #shopdesign #shopinteriordesign #moderninterior #moderninteriordesign #officeinterior #officeinteriordesign#室內設計 #酒店設計 #restaurantinterior #restaurantinteriordesign #restaurantdesign #餐飲設計 #辦公室設計 #shout4hk #鏡粉404: 7折 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCwzeup3TP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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