#shoutout to crown of dreams: it absolutely rots my brain
“we will not rain arrows down from our towers. we will always shine a light.” is a murph line I haven’t stopped thinking about for the entire 8 months since i first heard it. it’s the ultimate MeeMaw line. It’s the absolute embodiment of how the crick operates, has operated, will continue to operate. It shows, in 15 words, that Glen never understood his home, that he could never take power there because he did not understand at all what it meant to be a crick, to be the crick.
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swiftzeldas · 3 years
i was tagged by @incomprehensiblelentils in a ship meme!
1. First ship
unfortunately the first ship i remember, like, actively rooting for them to get together was probably ron/hermione. i started reading HP when i was like 7 or 8 and i remember always hoping they’d be together in the end
2. First OTP
i’m going with megan’s definition of this which is “first ship you felt strongly enough about to engage with fandom for” and hmm that’s actually still a good question. it MIGHT be aragorn/eowyn. that feels right. otherwise, it might just also be ron/hermione lmao. if we were gonna talk about which ship i first wrote fanfic for then it was PROBABLY something from warrior cats which is so funny.
3. Current favorite ship
i have replaced my brain with d&d actual play shows. i apologize. i am currently engaged in absolute insane amounts of brain rot over hardwon/moonshine from not another d&d podcast. (and listening to jake and emily talk about them on their patreon aftershow makes it exponentially worse, because they are fucking unhinged????) hardwon and moonshine are chaotic bisexual idiots who are deeply in love with each other without realizing it. listening to them teeter on the edge of admitting this is enough to make a listener lose their mind. like honestly i can’t remember the last time i felt this feral over a ship. 
secondary shoutout to ricky/esther/sofia from dimension 20′s the unsleeping city, because i just rewatched that and i CANNOT be normal. they are all in love with each other and i cannot be convinced otherwise!!!! further, i am about to rewatch a crown of candy so i expect i will be going feral over the stupid gummy bear/chocolate bunny ship again.
4. Your ship since the first minute
how could it not be marcus keane/tomas ortega from the exorcist? tomas was seeing him in his DREAMS. his first words to marcus were “it is you.” i stood no chance and neither did marcus, try as he might. 
5. Ship(s) you wish had been endgame
olivia benson/rafael barba. but alas, the ship has sailed so far it’s not even on the horizon. svu is gonna go with b*nsler endgame which i think is STUPID but whatever
6. Ship you wish was canon
tara/rosita on the walking dead. they were really MY SHIP when i was still watching it and that would be one ship that would have gotten me to jump back in. tara briefly had a girlfriend (played by the woefully underutilized merritt wever) who got killed off not long after she was introduced. idk, tara and rosita had a great connection and a lot of chemistry, and it’s a shame the show didn’t try to capitalize upon that especially since tara was already canonically a lesbian so they wouldn’t even have had to be perceived as “changing their sexualities”
7. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love
i feel like it’s way more often that the whole fandom loves a ship i hate lmaoooo. this is hard! i do tend to enjoy some polarizing ships like darklina (from shadow and bone), but there are lots of people who ship darklina WAY harder than i do. 
8. You don’t even watch the show, but you ship it
i don’t really have many of these, so i’m gonna go for an OUAT ship even though i have watched ~some~ of the show, and that is that i ship hook/charming and it’s kind of as a joke but also KIND OF NOT A JOKE. there’s a particular fic i wish existed and i really don’t have the investment in the fandom to do it myself and i also don’t trust that fandom to write it either
9. Ship you wish had a different storyline
uhhh most ships on the office deserved a different storyline. i’d take out the random marital rough patch jim and pam go through in season 9. i’d take out the whole thing about angela and the senator so angela and dwight could have a better, more fitting storyline. i’d also rewrite andy and erin so andy isn’t such a douchebag, i’d probably write him realizing he’s bisexual and if he and erin aren’t going to work out i’d at least do that without erasing all of andy’s character development over the years. .....i love the office but the last couple seasons really did kind of goof up the ships
10. Favorite ship(s) that’s endgame
a lot of my ships aren’t endgame lmaoooo. i really like non-canon stuff a lot of the time. in the interest of not repeating myself i’ll say morwen and telemain from the enchanted forest chronicles! i could ALMOST call them my first otp but i don’t think they quite qualify. regardless, i love them, and they ARE ultimately endgame even though it takes awhile to get there. 
i tag: @ageless-aislynn @cleoselene @emmaswanned
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