#shoutout to my friends who i just dumped a two hour long rant about the close-foster-freeman-swifts on
cowboyskeletons · 8 months
*insane about media voice* i am normal about media
#this is mostly about dndads yes#shoutout to my friends who i just dumped a two hour long rant about the close-foster-freeman-swifts on#i just.......... nicky#this also applies to rhythm doctor and w.bg#goodness. minerscales and cocole. and ada's existence. do you need anything else in this world#the answer is yes you need a bucketful of ty betteridges and felix the specialest guy#i think about the infamous british biscuits and gravy every day#and also anne and marissa. icons#and this also applies to lil guardsman#really fun game i recommend it#i think i'm its target audience because i easily get really attached to one-appearance side characters#i love you beverly. you are blorbo to me and highly relatable#this weekend i was supposed to work on a portfolio but played the entirety of lil guardian instead. oops#other media i am normal about: okay circling back to dndads because i am not okay#how is it possible that i love every single character so much. how. this is sorcery.#i have written so much about all the main families and many side characters.#and literally wrote fanfic for it. like that was monumental i never write fanfic because it's too hard#but the brainrot....... it's real#and it's about scamster#real and true#also brainrot about my own characters#i declare that counts#kade and loren and john..... all so blorbo#i love those doomed lovers and also some meat guy#give me those sweet sweet unethical experiments#give me those endless loops of love and loss#give me a tragedy written by love itself and perpetuated by it#give me love that blinds#oh wait. yeah i am giving me that#THERE'S A TAGGING LIMIT ? damn why not tell me when i went over. you got away this time but next time i shall not be silenced *shakes fist*
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Okay so I knew going into this that since I don’t have anyone to talk to I was going to need to find people to listen to or else I would drive myself crazy. Unfortunately I found three I really liked all at once and now am spending a truly concerning number of hours on spn content. But I do appreciate the content they make so shoutout to them:
1. Imon_Snow supernatural reactions on YouTube
She does episode reactions, and is watching the show for the first time without much foreknowledge, and I’m enjoying seeing how the show plays to someone who goes in basically blind. Sure sometimes she makes a comment that makes me want to give her a lore dump for context, but genuinely watching her see the nuances unfold is one of my favorite parts.
She’s thoughtful, sweet, and engaged. She tends to focus on theme and character in her discussions, and not infrequently pulls out insights that I’m really impressed she caught onto so early in the show. She has a very endearing crush on Dean and is also extremely fond of Sam, and her coming off as a sweetheart is entertainingly counterbalanced by her occasionally having The judgeist reaction to something a character does before catching and laughing at herself.
P.S. For some reason the playlist I linked only includes her reactions up through 1x16, but last I checked she was well into season 3.
2. @escapingpurgatorypodcast
This is an episode-by-episode deep dive by two friends who have watched the whole show, hated the end so very much, and have stayed as stuck on the show as Tumblr has. I don’t know if/how much they’re involved with online fandom, but this definitely has the most Tumblr-fandom vibes of the three. They try to avoid full-on spoilers, but their watch is very much informed by the show as a whole.
They’re longtime friends who have a very sweet and fun dynamic with each other and scratch that itch I always have after an episode for someone to rant about the implications and emotions raised by ‘x’ episode in context of the Everything to come. I definitely find myself agreeing with them the most, and while that’s not a ding against the others I’m recommending (the different perspectives is part of what I appreciate about them), it’s very nice to have a channel that consistently vents about the same things that got my emotions spinning while also adding insights I missed.
They also make smart comments about filming choices, and since one is watching the dvds and the other is watching on Netflix, they also compare notes on the music changes Netflix made. So yeah—if you want really in-depth discussions from long-term emotionally invested fans, I highly recommend this one!
3. Just Us supernatural reactions on YouTube
This was the last one I stumbled across, and I really didn’t mean to add a third accompaniment. But then I watched Faith and was still reeling after watching/listening to the usuals, and I decided to watch one more reaction for just that episode—and was unfortunately very entertained and endeared.
This channel is four friends, two of whom have seen all or most of the series, and two of whom had never watched an episode before. Their dynamic is boisterous and they rib each other mercilessly but in a way that makes you go ‘aww, they’re friends ^^’. If you’re bemoaning the absence of Sam girls in the other recommendations, Cameron has got your back, with support from Nathan. Davion is holding the fort for the Dean girls. Cameron has a notebook and it somehow becomes the best ongoing bit in the series. Divek has previously watched through season 13, and is the cypher of the group. He spends most of the episodes hood up slumped down poker face on, and he does say things—sometimes passionately—yet I’d have a hard time confidently recounting any opinion he has in the show. It’s a Wild energy to bring to an entertainment platform built around giving opinions/reactions, and it’s frankly fantastic.
Davion and Cameron—the ones watching for the first time—are brothers, and something about their teasing/affectionate/annoyed interactions in response to what is currently The Brother Show is really the key to how delightful the reactions area. Also Davion and Cameron (especially Davion) have John pegged pretty darn quick, and for that they have my respect.
A heads up though: they all have moments in how they talk about the women in the show that make me cringe, and some of them can go uncomfortably hard on no-homoing their (frequent) comments on how attractive Sam and Dean are. For me it’s not enough to outweigh the elements I really enjoy, but ymmv.
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constantlywaiting · 7 years
for auld lang syne
percy jackson fic debut! I figured I’d have to post eventually. shoutout to @annabethlancaster22 for not laughing and @bananannabeth, since I practically studied her format and writing style to learn how to write fanfic, and she’s basically my inspiration. here goes nothing!!!
“Are you just going to sit here all night?”
Percy takes another slow swig of his beer from his spot on the couch and raises his eyes to meet Piper’s. “You know of anything better to do?” “For Christ’s sakes Percy, liven up a little- it’s a party,” she says, her hand on her hip.
A pretty crappy party at that, in Percy’s opinion. The flat is full of college freshmen who are too loud and too drunk and way too promiscuous- he can’t even get up for a drink without being surrounded by handsy eighteen year olds looking for his phone number and a New Year’s kiss.
He’d left Leo on the dance floor- the DJ was playing a resoundingly five-dollars-an-hour set list of hits from 2002- and retreated to the dimly lit living room, where two guys were discussing football fixtures, and a young couple was making out in front of a small television showing live footage from Times Square.
“I think I’ll just chill out over here,” he says, as Piper rolls her eyes and heads off to find Jason. 
The two guys are still talking about football, but the couple have managed to break loose of one another for just about long enough to go dancing. It’s way too stuffy in the room, and Percy is just about to get up and find some fresh air when somebody flops down onto the sofa beside him.
Annabeth sinks back into the cushions, pushing her mussed hair up off her sweaty forehead- she’s clearly been dancing- and Percy is ridiculously aware of the very limited space between her thigh and his. Out of breath, she sighs dramatically and turns to face him.
“Remind me again why we’re not in a bar downtown?”
“We promised Nico we’d come to his new boyfriend’s party,” Percy answers, glancing through the doorway to where Will Solace stands chatting to a girl with fiery red hair, one arm slung casually around Nico, who looks unusually cheerful.
“Oh yeah,” Annabeth mumbles, sounding newly dejected. Her white shirt rides up her stomach a little as she leans back in her seat, and Percy swallows hard.
He doesn’t know exactly when he fell in love with her, but he remembers the moment he realised it as though it were yesterday. They were sitting on the beach in Montauk during spring break of senior year, just the two of them and their old friend Grover, and she had grains of sand stuck to her ankles and sea salt gathering at her eyebrows and hairline, and the sun was beating down and turning her hair to spun gold. She reached up to release it from her barrette, and that was it. Lightning strike. All his pining, blushing, hopeless daydreaming and awkward flirting, all his inching away and inching closer, all Piper’s sly smirks and winks and entirely unhelpful comments stem from that one moment with her hair clip. 
He’s been utterly fucked ever since.
He doesn’t realise he’s been staring at her midriff until she leans forward suddenly and sits up straight.
“I’m not drunk enough,” she announces, and gestures towards his beer. “Can I have some of that?”
He’s about to argue that the slight slur in her voice, her previous position on the couch- Annabeth rarely slouches- and the acute flush in her cheeks indicate that she’s already had plenty to drink, but she leans over and plucks the bottle from his hand before he has the chance and takes a long swallow.
“You know, I really hate New Year’s,” she declares after she comes back up for air.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” he asks, somewhat disinterestedly- she is drunk, after all, and not at her most eloquent- as he delicately takes the bottle from her hand and places it on the coffee table, well out of her reach.
“People are just so full of shit, you know?” she continues. “Everyone thinks they’re going to be so good, and accomplish everything they hoped to in the new year. But nobody ever tries past January. People rarely work for the things they want, and then they have the nerve to be disappointed when they don’t get them. It’s so fucking stupid. Bugs me to shit”.
Percy pauses for a long while. He’s not sure what he expected her to say, but it certainly wasn’t that. He contemplates his answer, rather unsuccessfully, but in the end it doesn’t matter- their conversation is interrupted.
“Hey there, Kelp Head. Long time, no see,” his cousin Thalia says with a grin. He stands up to hug her, and she greets Annabeth in turn, asking her how she’s finding the final year of university.
Annabeth starts off on a rant about exam format, but Percy isn’t really listening. He’s too busy thinking about what she mentioned earlier, about people never working for the things they want to happen. He’s pretty sure if he asked her now she wouldn’t even remember what she’d said, but he can’t help feeling like it’s the truth. His truth.
By the time he’s snapped back to reality the room has filled with people waiting for the countdown, and Piper has appeared at his side, Jason standing behind her with a hand resting on her shoulder. She digs Percy in the ribs and grins.
“Glad to see you’re standing up,” she jokes. 
He glances at the clock on the TV- twenty seconds until midnight. Annabeth links his opposite arm with hers and begins counting down with the others.
Percy’s thoughts race at a million miles an hour. He’s liked Annabeth, loved her, even, since the end of high school. That’s- what- three, four years? And in all that time he’s never made a single move that might lead her to believe he had feelings for her. Not one gesture to suggest he could be thinking of her in a more than platonic way.
“10, 9…”
Maybe he’s only thinking like this because he’s drunk. But she’s drunk too. If he goes for it, she might not even remember. It’s not exactly security, but it’s something. If it backfires he could always pretend that he was too drunk to remember.
“6, 5…”
It’s New Year’s Eve, so it’s not like it would ruin their friendship or anything, right? Would it?
“3, 2…”
Fuck it, he decides, and as the ball drops and the clock strikes midnight, he catches her by the waist and kisses her like he’s been dying to do since he was seventeen years old. 
Her lips are soft and her mouth is sweet and her eyelashes brush the top of his cheekbones. 
It’s over almost as quickly as it started, but when he pulls away Annabeth’s eyes are wide and her jaw is slack. She looks like someone’s dumped ice water over her head, wide awake and stone cold sober, and Percy is so horrified by her expression that he turns to grab Piper and kiss her too in an attempt to pass it off as a totally shit-faced friendship thing.
Before he can, however, Annabeth snatches the back of his t-shirt and swings him around to her, burying her fingers in his hair and pulling him back to her mouth.
He doesn’t quite realise the gravity of the situation until the next morning when he wakes up in her bed, her bare body pressed against his, where she shoots him a little smile and causes all the wires in his brain to short circuit as she tells him that maybe, just maybe, New Year’s isn’t so bad after all.
(And when she leans across to kiss him, he doesn’t need to open his eyes to see the fireworks).
yaaay happy new year everyone! feedback/constructive criticism is much appreciated :))
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