#i have written so much about all the main families and many side characters.
cowboyskeletons · 8 months
*insane about media voice* i am normal about media
#this is mostly about dndads yes#shoutout to my friends who i just dumped a two hour long rant about the close-foster-freeman-swifts on#i just.......... nicky#this also applies to rhythm doctor and w.bg#goodness. minerscales and cocole. and ada's existence. do you need anything else in this world#the answer is yes you need a bucketful of ty betteridges and felix the specialest guy#i think about the infamous british biscuits and gravy every day#and also anne and marissa. icons#and this also applies to lil guardsman#really fun game i recommend it#i think i'm its target audience because i easily get really attached to one-appearance side characters#i love you beverly. you are blorbo to me and highly relatable#this weekend i was supposed to work on a portfolio but played the entirety of lil guardian instead. oops#other media i am normal about: okay circling back to dndads because i am not okay#how is it possible that i love every single character so much. how. this is sorcery.#i have written so much about all the main families and many side characters.#and literally wrote fanfic for it. like that was monumental i never write fanfic because it's too hard#but the brainrot....... it's real#and it's about scamster#real and true#also brainrot about my own characters#i declare that counts#kade and loren and john..... all so blorbo#i love those doomed lovers and also some meat guy#give me those sweet sweet unethical experiments#give me those endless loops of love and loss#give me a tragedy written by love itself and perpetuated by it#give me love that blinds#oh wait. yeah i am giving me that#THERE'S A TAGGING LIMIT ? damn why not tell me when i went over. you got away this time but next time i shall not be silenced *shakes fist*
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Official statement on why Izzy's death affected me so much
Our Flag Means Death, is, at it’s core, is a show that focuses on queer joy- a form of therapy for those that have been raised on queerbaiting, shipping minor side characters, or watching, when nothing else is available, queer tragedies. You know how it goes- the two main characters, both male, have chemistry. They say things to each other that seem weirdly like declarations of love. They look at each other with love in their eyes. You see these things and the main man gets married off to a badly written, unfinished female character and is left feeling empty. The best friend dies for the main character to live. When everyone talks about how cute the main couple are, you want to scream all of a sudden, because nobody can see this love story play out except you. It’s queer, it’s tragic, and nobody else can understand it. 
Not Our Flag Means Death. From the moment it aired, it was praised as a show with unabashed queer joy, which means more than I can possibly say. The two main male characters meet, they have chemistry, and they fall in love. It’s not implied, or hinted at, but blatantly obvious. Their romances and the queer romances around them attracted so many queer fans who felt that after so many years, this type of show was a vindication for what they had been through with other media. 
In this show, piracy itself was that of a found family. Though Stede Bonnet and the crew of the Revenge start off with many differences, the core of the show centers around a theme that many queer audiences are attracted to: found family. The Revenge was depicted as a safe space, where everyone could express themselves freely, a refuge from a world of judgment. Queerness was not only accepted but normalized on The Revenge. No homophobia, no coming out, no typical complications of queer romance. Just love and safety. Warmth, which was Ed Teach wished for in purgatory. Which was what he found on the Revenge. The ship was a safe space that so many queer audiences had dreamed of. 
Well, a safe space except for one person: Izzy Hands, Blackbeard’s First Mate, who was a man painfully stuck in the wrong genre. This is the general consensus by both fans and the cast: Izzy, Edward and their crew had been in a gritty action movie, whereas Stede and his crew were in a muppet movie of sorts. While the majority of Blackbeard’s crew quickly acclimates to and celebrates the change, Izzy doesn’t. 
And right away, many fans felt a deep attraction to Izzy. The reason that Izzy couldn’t get Edward to love him was because, in the end, the only way that Izzy knew how to love was through blood. To give and receive pain in an action movie is one of the greatest forms of love, but Izzy fails to realize that Ed is not in an action movie anymore. He is happy with this stability, and the reason that so many people felt Izzy’s presence so was strongly was that he wasn’t. 
So many queer people are, in a way, addicted to tragedy. Tragedy is all that is represented in queer media for the most part, or was until very recently. Take Achilles and Patroclus, one of the most celebrated and recognized queer love stories of both ancient and modern times. Why that one? There are other greek love stories, many of them queer. The tragedy of it- Patroclus’ death and Achilles’ rage- made it all the more appealing. Many in the audience of Our Flag Means Death were not comedy fans, they were horror or drama fans, attracted to a comedy because of the love story. But Izzy, to them, was a physical representation of who they were, carrying an awareness of homophobia, of blood and pain that so many queer relationships had previously been illustrated by (i.e. Hannibal). Though Ed may not have understand this type of affection, the audience did- Izzy’s Otherness from the crew despite it’s safety, his expressions of love and his unrequited love story were all things that the audience were familiar with feeling. 
If Ed and Stede were good queer representation, Ed and Izzy, for example, were a foil of that. They were evil, messed up, and fed into the worst parts of each other because it brought them closer. This is a theme present in a lot of queer media, and by extension, queer lives: “if you love me, Henry, you don’t love me in a way I understand”, is an excerpt classic queer poem about unrequited love that fits the situation. The very reason Izzy stuck in people’s heads because he was of a different genre. His grittiness and bitterness made sense to the audience. They saw Izzy and saw what was familiar. He was exquisitely written, simultaneously making even casual audiences both hate him, and against all odds, find him oddly endearing. The idea of this man sacrificing every inch of himself for an unrequited love was a concept of tragedy, leaking into a comedic show. 
So fans projected onto Izzy. He was a catalyst for the heartache, for the audience’s sheer inability to have a happy show. For one reason or another, some of the audience simply couldn’t live with a show that was all fantastical, which I theorize is because they couldn’t see themselves in it. So Izzy became the epitome of queer suffering: pining longingly after another man that couldn’t understand him. This projection of suffering, however, led to a new wish: happiness for Izzy. If Izzy in Season 1 was a tragedy, assimilating him into the found family in Season 2 would have elevated the safe sense of the ship all the more. It would have proved to so many of these Izzy Fans that yes, even though you view yourself as unloveable, even though you see yourself as Israel Hands, Villain, even he can be loved too. Why can’t you be? 
And Season 2, for the most part, delivered beyond our wildest dreams. Izzy had people who cared about him. And though the genre shifted into the darker, Izzy himself shifted slightly to the comedic side as well. His life, which had been centered for so long around a man that didn’t reciprocate his feelings, was gone. He started a new life, and this life, again, focused on queer joy. The queer joy from Season 1 was suddenly for everyone, even those like Izzy that couldn’t have understood it. He sang, he whittled, he talked about feelings, he dressed in drag. Many elder queer fans also saw Izzy as another metaphor, too: that queer joy can be attained overtime. You don’t have to have had it the whole time, but you can accept yourself even when you are older. The message of Izzy was one of resilience and stubbornness, one that the queer community needed to hear: that you don’t have to be like this, you don’t have to create pain for yourself. You don’t need to watch tragedies all the time. You, too, can heal from the past.
And then, the season finale happened. By this point, many argued that Izzy had stolen the show. Con O’Neil’s acting mixed with his general arc of self acceptance had made him a fan favorite. In the last episode, it is Izzy himself who sums it up perfectly, accepting that he belongs somewhere despite his pain and flaws. Despite the darkness within him, he was still accepted and loved. He says it right to the face of Prince Ricky, who thinks himself above it all. That piracy, a metaphor for otherness, wasn’t actually about being alone; it was about finding others that understood you when nobody else could. 
Listen, this show is known for it’s nonsensicality. In the finale of Season 1, Lucius is thrown overboard by Ed and survives by simply swimming to another ship. Stede reunites with his crew by sailing a rowboat. Buttons turns into a seagull. Stede stabs Ed for a comedic bit. Earlier in the season, Izzy himself gets shot and survives. This queer joy show was celebrated for being, well, joyful. Even when things like getting thrown overboard did happen, they were, ultimately, a blip in the character’s journey towards acceptance, healing, etc, which was what made the show unique. Our Flag Means Death, whose audience had been living for years off of the “Bury your gays” trope, was adored because it illustrated a world where things didn’t have to be that way. A place where the impossible, such as Izzy Hands being loved, could happen. This show was one of survival. 
But not for the one person that was seen to struggle with this concept the most. Not for the one person that was a metaphor for belonging in this place, who became, over the course of a season, the embodiment of the message itself. Not for the Unicorn, the very symbol of this magical, nonsensical ship. Not for the most stubborn, most indestructible, most enduring (queer) person in the show. Not for Izzy Hands. 
This trope, honestly, was one that many have seen before, both in mainstream and queer media. A character, previously shown to be a villain or else to have gone through a lot of pain, is shown to heal, to get better, and then to die in order to “complete their arc”. This trope is common: Loki, Cas. even Ted Lasso, who doesn’t die but goes back to the very place that broke him in the first place. But the reason that Izzy’s death, while it might have been expected in another show, felt like a betrayal in this one is because it was known for subverting those tropes. From the “Bury Your Gays” to the “Up For Interpretation”, it was known to look those tropes in the eyes and say “fuck you, these people deserve to be happy”. And this did happen! Except for the one character who’s healing journey was one of the most relatable, at least to queer audiences. 
What also made it so jarring was that all the other characters got to be happy, except for the one that had struggled with the idea of happiness the most. In the scene immediately after Izzy is buried, Lucius and Pete get married. In the scene after, a montage of queer joy and found family is shown amongst the whole crew. In the final scene, Ed and Stede, our main queer couple, are shown healing themselves and starting a new life together. The last shot, however, showed Izzy’s grave, visited by Buttons the seagull while Ed and Stede had dinner. A tragedy in it’s finest. It wouldn’t have been difficult for Izzy to live. Because, in the end, his death meant nothing. His healing meant nothing. He died and was moved on from in a matter of seconds. He was, as I mentioned, the catalyst for tragedy, more specifically, queer tragedy. But because of this, of his genre, Izzy didn’t get to live. He had to die in order for the rest of the characters to keep living in this fantasy world. This death was, in a way, a preservation of these other love stories.
I maintain, however, that it would have meant more if Izzy had lived. If he had been  able to show to us that yes, despite what you have been through, despite what you may have inflicted upon yourself, you can switch genres. It’s possible. Izzy’s survival up until that point had been a profound testament to many that it is possible to heal, that queerness does not have to mean sadness. It would have continued to be a testament to that if only Izzy had lived. And so, this pirate that we latched onto, not in spite of his darkness but because of it, was buried on land on the side of the road. 
As a side note, many previous incidences in the story point to the idea even though Ed and Stede will definitely stay together, it’s uncertain if the inn would have worked out. It’s likely that, being a whim, those two might have chosen to move, or go back to the sea, or sail to China. If this is true, they would have left Izzy’s grave by itself, like a family pet buried in the yard. If this is true, Izzy Hands, a metaphor for belonging, would rot alone. 
Long live the tragedy addicts. Long live the Richard Siken poems. Long live Izzy Hands. 
*When I talk about the "fandom" I am referring to the canyon.
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donnatroyyyy · 8 months
A (very long) list of my (semi) unpopular DC opinions
The Batfam shouldn’t work together as a whole big group as vigilantes. Whenever that does happen it ends up being character suicide for AT LEAST two of them and also usually ends up minimizing all of them to one of the skills/traits they’re good at (or the archetypes the writer wants them to be). The only exception to this is if it’s a long arc covering an actual catastrophe where each issue covers a duo or trio within the big group. Otherwise they should stick to no more than 4 ppl at a time in a team up. Also, this obviously doesn’t apply to them as civilians, they’re literally family obviously they’re gonna hang out as a group.
The Teen Titans (2003) is the best writing but (one of the) worst teams. On the other hand the original Teen Titans run and NTT run are the best teams (imo) but have either really bad or really mediocre writing. We as a society need an OG TT or NTT run written well.
Roy struggling with a heroin addiction has so many more layers and nuances to it than struggling with alcohol because as a non-meta hero most of his fights were against something drug-related. As opposed to alcohol which is now seen as a normal thing for soldiers/heroes/warriors to fall on as a crutch, this medium uses alcohol addiction with every other character. Roy’s addiction to heroin would literally be an opposition to all that he’s ever stood and fought for, all that his family and friends ever fought and stood for, and way more interesting because of that.
Garth (like Donna) is one of the most powerful and interesting characters but is never given enough panel time. However, unlike Donna, writers would rather write him out of the teen titans before they actually write a good interpretation of him. And I don’t know why but his role in the Aquafam too has been dwindling with time.
Garth’s openness about his inferiority complex and his inferiority complex in general need more panel time, it’s one of the most interesting thing to come out of the OG TT run
This is a complicated take because it’s literally two opposites in one take, but the main difference in characters as seen in old comics vs. now is two things. One, the writing of characters was much better, much more realistic, and much more nuanced in old comics. Two, when there is a well-written character in modern comics its usually a more show not tell character so everything is shown to us through actions and stuff rather than straight up words or them psychoanalyzing themselves in their speech bubbles and that just doesn’t work with modern audiences because media literacy is a dying art. Also, there’s the variable of the influence of fanon over how characters are written in comics but that’s a whole other post.
Roy and Donna are literally THE OTP like I don’t even want to hear it, they’re literally DC’s percabeth.
Every single Teen Titan had an inferiority complex, some were just easier to see.
Selina and Bruce and Talia and Bruce are two very different relationships that can’t be compared. Also they will always live side by side till the end of comics, this love triangle was one meant to last, and it will.
Jason Todd as we know him right now should get the YJ Roy Harper treatment, we need to find out that he’s a clone and the real JT is somewhere in Africa working for UNICEF or something, that’s the only way to fix his character.
Also, ignoring the top one, if DC doesn’t want to commit to that because they’re cowards, they should at least not make him a part of the Batfam yet, it’s too soon for either side.
Kara Zor El is the perfect character to be a white lantern, her arc literally matches up perfectly with each of the rings, and she’d wield it incredibly
Kyle Rayner is top 3 GLs
In my opinion, Diana is best written when the most important thing to her in the world is the world itself. Like, usually I hate the whole “hero would sacrifice u, villain would sacrifice the world” thing cuz it mostly doesn’t really apply, but to her it absolutely does. Diana would sacrifice the closest person to her for the world in an instant if it was for the sake of the world. And this isn’t like an angst thing because they all know it and are all ok with it.
Also, Diana is one of the most if not the most powerful characters in all of DC, if DC did a Deadpool kills the marvel universe kind of thing they should totally use her because she is sooo powerful. (Afterthought: that’s why I hate most of her appearances in anything JL because they underpower her soooo bad)
I say this as a batfamily Stan, the batfamily is the worst family in all of DC and sadly the one that gets the most attention.
The OG TT are the epitome of superheroes in the sense that each and every one of them defines every part of a superhero spectacularly and always has.
Kory needs an arc where she leaves everyone and everything for a while because as of right now, not only do the writers only ever see her in relation to others, but she sees herself that way. She needs an arc where she finds herself in relation to herself, who SHE is. Away from the love triangle, and the titans, and the Titans, etc.
Babs is a better character outside of the love triangle than she is when she’s in it. (Also a better character as Oracle but that only really unpopular amongst writers)
Every single woman character in DC is written in relation to the men in the comics, even WW. The only exception is Oracle, not Babs, but Oracle, which is actually so twisted considering that the creation of Oracle as a character came hand in hand with an event that literally inspired the cloning of the phrase “fridging”
BOP is one of the best teams
Harley Quinn shouldn’t be a hero yet, she was abused for over a decade, we need to see more of her struggle to undo all of the manipulation and heal from the abuse as well as try to undo all the damage she’s done. The Animated Series is the best version of her arc but it’s still not good either.
We as a fandom(s) need to normalize the ability to consume and enjoy things we don’t necessarily agree with. For example, as I’ve stated before multiple times, I absolutely hate any kind of abusive Bruce, however, I still read those long posts about it and I still read fics where dck punches him cuz he’s an abusive asshole, it’s okay to consume media that you don’t necessarily agree with. And same with fanon versions of characters, I HATE coffee-addict Tim, I’ve still enjoyed hundreds of fics with him in them though.
Damian Wayne is the most compassionate member of the batfam and one of the Keats likely ones to willingly kill
Blue devil and kid devil have arguably the most interesting story and tragedy in all of DC and the only reason they’re not given a lot of attention is because their tragedies have to do with something we don’t like to see: the wrongdoings and flaws of heroes, especially ones we like.
Speed Saunders should’ve continued as a character
Hal Jordan should’ve stayed evil for a while, the end of the parallax arc sucks and is a stupid cop out because they weren’t ready for a fully new GL. I don’t think he should’ve stayed the villain forever, but maybe for a few years, especially if that meant they would’ve ended the arc better.
Mera is more powerful than Arthur, always has been and always will be.
Wally West does see Barry Allen as a father figure and vice versa, it’s okay to see someone as a parental figure when you still have parents, especially when your parents are (canonically) borderline emotionally abusive and/or neglectful.
Any iteration of ANY hero being abusive is the worst writing ever because what the actual fuck, I’m sorry, but what happened to the whole they’re literally fucking heroes part??
There are so many characters that deserve solo series (or even mini series) but don’t get them because all the series are already being taken up by bigger characters (looking at you batfam)
So many characters get mischaracterized for the sake of other character’s stories (again, looking at you batfam)
Anyone who thinks Superman is boring either doesn’t understand him as a character or hasn’t read enough stuff with him in it (I recommend All-Star Superman and/or American Alien)
Anyone who relates to the Joker needs to turn themselves in at the nearest police station. (Unless it’s LEGO Joker, we like him)
The LEGO Batman movie is unironically some of the best DC media to ever exist
Atlantis and Paradise Island should be allies (especially once Diana, Arthur, and Mera come into the picture), I don’t know why they’re not
Lex Luthor is one of the most despicable villains because he’s a realistic villain, which is much scarier
Kon should be the next Superman
Connor Hawke should’ve stayed Tim’s age and Tim’s friend, it makes the most sense timeline-wise plus I think their dynamic was super cute.
Comic writers not making Roy openly refer to Ollie as his dad even though they’ve been father and son since they’ve debuted basically is actually so crazy to me
These next few are about Talia Al-Ghul because I love that woman:
Talia Al-Ghul Pre-Morrison was one of the best and most interesting characters in all of DC and that isn’t just my opinion, she was really popular amongst fans and writers for that exact reason
However, Morrison’s damage to her is near irreparable
BUT, if DC did want to repair it, I genuinely believe she’d be the best character they’d have character-wise and it would probably pull in a bunch of new fans
But even if they don’t, Talia Al-Ghul is one of the most important characters in all of DC and comics in general because she’s literally the documented history of WOC in media (especially Arab and Asian women) as well as their relation to white men in media. Her character and how it changes is directly tied to mainstream views on WOC at the time.
Talia Al-Ghul is literally of “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski, personified
Dinah Lance is the perfect example of a complex character done right and interpreted wrong/not interpreted enough.
If anyone should be the therapist within the hero community it should be J’onn or Red tornado, those are the two that make the most sense.
Helena Bertinelli is more important to the batfam than Jason Todd is.
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be portrayed as mute anymore, it doesn’t make sense for her character or her arc.
The worst thing to happen to Poison Ivy’s character is Harley Quinn.
Mera is made to be a mother, whether to her own kids (Garth included) or as a mother figure to other kids.
On the other hand, Stephanie Brown wasn’t ready and doesn’t/didn’t want to be a mother, she gave up her baby willingly and will almost 100% not go out to look for her.
Lady Shiva’s appearances 99% of the time are out of character for her, the whole “training with Shiva” thing is also OOC for her, and Cass even existing is OOC for her. The reason that this continues though is because she’s been transformed from an actual character into a character tool.
Stephanie Brown and Cassanadra Cain are a good duo and anyone who hates on one but likes the other misunderstood both of their characters.
Dick hating Jason for what he did to Tim IS in character of him, and, in my opinion, correct of him
The rise in people who don’t like heroes’s pacifism is concerning. People calling Bruce a bad person because he doesn’t kill is concerning. People viewing Clark as boring because he’s a good person is concerning. People liking straight up villains more than they do heroes is concerning.
Anyone who recommends mister miracle should also tell them about the TW in the first few pages
Kingdom come isn’t that good, especially to non-Christians
Big Barda needs her own run. We need a Bug Barda run that covers everything from her origins to where she is now, and we need it done by a female writer who’s good at complex and heavy stories
Some of the most hated comic writers are some of the best at what they do
Chuck Dixon is just as much a blessing to any character he writes as he is a curse
Marvel’s comic writers and artists 80% of the town do a better job with their characters and their arcs than DC writers and artists.
DC should have sensitivity readers because the amount of racism in these comics is insane
It’s okay to put down a comic/run because you don’t like the art, it’s your time no one’s gonna judge you
Alex Ross’s art is actually nice, people just like hating
The Trinity should never be shipped with one another
Steve isn’t important to Diana at all, he’s barely in any of her comics actually, he’s less important to her (or at least to her character) than fucking swamp thing
Batfam is better smaller
It’s better to read the first appearances of characters, it helps you understand them better.
Lois Lane is the DC version of Susan Storm, aka the blueprint of women in that company’s comics, but also one of the most forgotten women in that company’s comics
Comics aren’t going to go anywhere arcwise for the characters long term, that’s the whole point. Batman will always have a robin. Love triangles will always be love triangles. They will all always stay young.
Old campy comics were better than modern comics.
Cheshire isn’t a redeemable character and shouldn’t be one. Women in comics should be allowed to be straight up villains and stay that way.
Cheshire having Lian is OOC. Cheshire leaving Lian is a racist trope.
Asian and Arabs are treated horribly by DC.
The New 52 is actually a good place to start for new readers, it was a good idea, but it should’ve just been an alternate universe (like mcu is to 616 kind of) or something (and it should’ve been down with the supervision of anyone who isn’t Dan didio)
DC has some of the best world building in the history of modern day media/literature especially considering how many facets of this world there were/are to build
Team rosters that are constantly changing are better than stationary ones unless they change too much/too fast
Canon is hypocritical 90% of the time, most times canon clashes and crashes and doesn’t make sense, so don’t worry about it, read a comic, count what you want to be canon as canon, throw the rest into to the “never existed” pile
I’m sorry to tell you guys this, but it isn’t an opinion, it’s an unpopular canon fact, one that even I don’t like: Dick Grayson likes pineapple one pizza
Something that I hate that been on the rise a lot lately is the fact that the fandom is so okay with character being sexualized just because they like how the characters look, I feel like we should keep our stances on this as they are with all over-sexualized characters.
Villains of the week are actually so fun, even more then the big villains sometimes.
JSA needs a comeback please and thank you (I’m begging atp)
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be Orphan, ever, it makes no sense for her to take the name of her abused. The same way it doesn’t make sense for Jason to become red hood.
Complex characters who are dumbed down once can be dumbed down and mischaracterized every time after that, and this has been done A LOT.
The YJ shows is very much overhyped
The fact that DC overpowers their characters makes them more interesting, not less
Selina was right and in character when she left Bruce at the alter. She was not right and in character when she hid Helena from him, she wouldn’t do that.
Bruce Wayne is more fun to read when he has a pipe and fun colored robes, please give him back his pipe and his fun colored robes.
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dccomicsbracket · 7 months
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Batgirl (2000)
Perhaps my single favourite piece of writing in the comic book medium. This was my introduction to Cassandra Cain, and is the perfect place to get into her. Everyone should read Batgirl #19, and bask in the way it lays out the core of Cass' character with surgical precision. Puckett's Cass is fascinating: a fine balance of absolute confidence in her ability, crushing guilt about her past, a desperation for redemption and to see others redeem themselves, and a fundamental belief in the preservation of life. 1st batgirl on going, very good overall run, do it for Cass everyone its quite literally required reading for cass, babs, and steph. the way kelley puckett is able to explore cass’s character through her relationships with the other bats and the parallels between her and bruce is actually insane. theres so many little details in the visual story telling as well that just make the experience that much better. the fluidity and expressiveness of the art also adds on to the overall experience. it is literally DCs magnum opus Life changing series.
Young Justice (1998)
It's 6-8 fifteen year olds living in a cave, and their only adult supervision is a robot wind machine one of them graffiti-ed all over within the first five minutes of meeting him. The only two with anything even RESEMBLING normal childhoods are the demigod and the son of two billionaires (literally just some guy). They have an alien motorbike and at one point they save the world from aliens by playing baseball. Everyone in it is just so stupid all the time and I love that for them (god bless 🙏) Never has a comic quite that batshit and quite that sincere graced my presence I just love it and I enjoyed reading it
Blue Beetle (2006)
Just a good introduction to a character with a satisfying conclusion. I love you, Jaime, a guy who's just trying to do his best for his loved ones and his local community. I love you Khaji Da, scrungly lil dude speaking in glyphs. I love you, Brenda, and your complicated relationship with your aunt who adores you, but is also a crime lord. I love you Paco, a genuinely good friend. I love Jaime's family and the way they all adjust to Jaime being a superhero. I love the effort made to portray Jaime as a person with community and connections. i looove jaime sososo much he's such a fun protagonist and the developement of his character + his relationship w khaji da is sooo interesting and well written. i love seeing him bond with his little alien bug parasite !! all of the side characters are also so great like brenda and paco are so fun and la dama is suuuch an interesting character. jaime's family is also so lovely they clearly care abt jaime so much and its nice to see a kid superhero with parents who respect and also deeply care abt their kid. the art is also very fun overall its just a really stellar run Quite honestly one of the best written comic runs I've ever read, DC or otherwise. It flips so many standard comic book tropes on their heads and does it well. The main character is the epitome of just some guy and he is my favorite of all time. AMAZING characters. Fresh perspectives on comics tropes that are so overused it's hard to imagine comics without them. Everyone is worthy of respect and treated with dignity, even the villains. Khaji Da's character arc is amazing. And the adults make me laugh so much. Guy and Peacemaker as mentors who IMMEDIATELY recognize this kid is FAR more emotionally mature then they are, so they're not going to bother with that side of mentoring!
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
just me or is the whole 'saying this is like fanfic is homophobia' framing kind of frustrating? like just to list out the tropes that have come up so far in HH/HB:
female character is written as an evil shrew who gets in the way of the m/m pairing
relationship that starts with rape/dubcon rewritten into true love (this one is probably more common in bad BL manga but I'm willing to bet there's some overlap)
character is the child of a mob family
portrayals of rape/sexual assault treated as titillating / used for drama
portrayals of domestic violence/abuse used mainly to get viewers to feel sorry for a character instead of making them sympathetic on their own terms
abusers/rapists being all powerful monsters solely to torture the victim as much as possible
characters are either Good or Bad and writing is heavy handed about driving this point home
writers has one character they stan and baby above all others and not only the writing but the world bends around them as they eat up more and more screentime while the actual main characters are shoved to the side
writer has one character they hate and they hate other people liking them so they derail them in the most obvious way possible
writer has one pairing they despise and go out of their way to make them seem familial to shame the fans who ship it
writer has intended pairings in mind but they just kinda happen regardless of how much work has been put in to give them real chemistry
the plotlines jump all over the place with no consideration given to the differing stakes each create or audience fatigue when too much is introduced at once/too many hanging threads are left, similar to what happens in unplanned serialized fiction. consistency and worldbuilding errors abound. conversations/events that seem like they should change the status quo kinda don't but there's so little way to tell which one is which that audiences cannot gauge the stakes and either stop being invested or just take the show as it comes since there's no point anticipating anything being done with a lot of its characters & plot points
too many characters, often some of whom don't serve much purpose but the writer is way too attached to to ever cut out (looking at you, Andrealphus & Vassago)
characters are rewritten on the fly. due to the lack of planning their arcs start and stop or get quietly dropped when the writer tires of them
pervasive attitude of misogyny - female characters are underwritten, bitches, dumb or accessories to the men. The world revolves around the (usually white) m/m pairing/s
the main premise is dropped in favor of shipping drama or character shilling
There's probably more but those are the big ones - like s1 wasn't perfect but s2 really does feel like it became fanfic of itself. I understand Viv being frustrated if it seems like a broad dismissive brush instead of specific critiques, but there's a couple of problems here:
when people give specific critiques she either misrepresents their points to frame them as bad faith (tacitly encouraging her fans to do the same), complains people keep making the same point or writes defensive threads about how people just don't get it because, for example, the show totally demonstrates Millie has qualities other than Wife and Violent
when people say something 'feels like fanfic' as far as I've seen they aren't immediately using it as shorthand for 'it has LGBT characters'. usually when they expand on their points what they're getting at is a lack of planning and a lack of experience or competency in the writer that gives the whole thing impression of being done by an amateur who's either young or still learning their craft, or both
it's the same lack of experienced hands that resulted in the opening of Hazbin being so amateurish and lacking the sense of having actual episodes until other staff writers were brought in to clean up the mess
like yeah I don't like the implication that 'fanfic=automatically bad' since I've read some good stuff myself and maybe people could be more specific; but usually this critique is coming from people who actually like fanfic, who've read a lot of it and who recognize the tropes from the worst fanfics out there in Viv's work
Viv's little "Um, actually, fanfic is good and queer and so if you use it as an insult towards my shows, you're homophobic" snit is one of the more rancid things she's said. When you lay it all out like this, it really does go to show how her stories embody all the worst, most harmful tropes bad fanfic -- and bad writing in general -- has to offer.
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anxiousdreamcore · 9 months
Frontiers of Pandora story review ✨
BEWARE! Heavy spoilers ahead.
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Alright, since I don’t see people talking about this game as much as I’d want on my socials, I decided to put together a little review where I talk about the story, what spoke to me, as well as some critiques.
To summarise my opinion; I love it! The story knows where it’s taking place and takes advantage of it. It covers dark topics and succeeds in staying as serious in tone as the movie franchise, which makes the campaign feel like it truly belongs in the world of Pandora.
To speak more in-depth; the plot of a Na’vi residential school had me hooked from the first moment. I think residential schools that native children were forced into are a topic not talked about often enough, so I appreciated the developers and writers bringing awareness to such facilities, even if it’s in sci-fi form. reconnecting with Na’vi heritage that was stolen from the main character and their family is executed quite well, as playing frontiers lets you get immersed into the feeling of exploration and discovery. The player is as un-knowledgeable about the world around them as the protagonist, and being able to experience new connections, abilities, places, stories and traditions side-by-side with them has been an amazing ride.
The different Na’vi cultures shown in the game are written organically. They each possess an intricate fashion based on their values, environment and history, but that is not all. Every clan has a cast of characters, bigger or smaller, who bring further life into the western frontier, help expand on the lore and provide entertainment. My personal favourites of these characters have to be Nefika and Kin, both elderly Na’vi with a welcoming presence and charm. Second to them come Eetu and Okul!
Then there is the main cast, which is MC, their three found family siblings, a.k.a the surviving Sarentu children, So’lek, Alma and Priya. We consistently stay in contact with them, both as part of the campaign and as part of our explorations, sharing experiences with them. The protagonist character is righteous, brave and endlessly adorable in their reactions to the world around them, and the trio of Sarentu forever have a place in my heart. I liked the concept of each one of the Sarentu children representing a different reaction to their past abuse and toxic relationship with John Mercer.
Nor, who had most luxury of remembering his life before being taken by the RDA, tries to distance himself as far as possible from everything human, and progressively adopts an antagonistic mindset towards his human allies, as well as a growing feeling of resentment and vengeance. I do not blame him for it and I believe it makes sense. After him comes Ri’nela, who, during Mercer’s captivity, tried staying out of sight but protecting her siblings where she could. Without Mercer, she feels insecure, constantly stumbling and at first, regularly looks guidance from Alma. She beats herself up for things that happen to Teylan and A’hari, despite being unable to have fixed them, but eventually grows into a stronger person, being able to take on the role of a Tsahik in the clan. Lastly, there is Teylan and he has to be my favorite character in the game. His bond to Mercer is strong, as T.A.P is all he ever knew, so without John, he begins falling apart. Lack of constant control and lack of ""affection"" from Tey’s "father figure" leave him feeling ten times as insecure as Ri’nela. He has a hard time learning Na’vi ways, keeps lagging behind and ultimately sticks to technology and hacking, which is worsened by So’lek’s nagging, as he obviously doesn’t know how severe Teylan’s abuse was and simply assumes that he is "lost" in the new world. Eventually, Teylan does what many abuse victims do, and returns to his abuser. An action I kind of predicted, but which still really hit me. His voice actor did an incredible job of portraying this character and the rest of the campaign I spent praying that I’ll get to bring him back home. In the end, I’m happy he’s at home and safe. 🥹💖🫶
Now to the grown ups. I don’t have much to say about Priya, but I grew fond of her. I liked her development from an awkward girl that sparks horrific second-hand embarrassment in the viewer to a resistance member who actively puts herself in the line of fire to help her friends. I found myself getting worried for her whenever she didn’t respond or was in danger.
So’lek is a character who I was immediately fond of, and I liked his growth as well. He saw himself as completely separate from human resistance members, and his thoughts are often occupied by revenge, but he comes to care for MC, the Sarentu and eventually the humans. Seeing him protect Alma when Nor attacks her was a brilliant moment.
Lastly, there is Alma herself. A very grey character who did horrible things in the past, like leading the program side-by-side with John Mercer. I liked her development, from an aloof and seemingly supportive teacher at T.A.P, to a person that orchestrated the entire project. Her grief and guilt feel organic, and I found myself having a lot of difficult feelings about her as it is obvious she cares for the Sarentu children, but her sins cannot be forgiven. I’m happy Ri’nela made the choice to simply part ways with her in peace, instead of trying to build a new bridge.
Now, for what I believe was executed badly. It’s quite unfortunate, but the game suffers from the same problem as Avatar the way of water, only quadrupled and that is; we don’t get enough time with the characters.
It feels even worse because in comparison to the movies, games don’t have to worry about pacing or time limits. The campaign can be as long as developers wish, but it came out rushed anyway. Part of the reason I got as attached to the characters as I did was because I spent time getting emotionally invested into everything they said, their minor behavioural cues and voicelines, but not everyone is as dedicated, and those people should have the right to experience a good story as well. They shouldn’t have to seek it out between the lines.
The only characters who I felt were properly developed are Teylan and Alma. They had the most extensive arcs and their growth was tied into a nice bow. But what about Ri’nela, Nor and So’lek? Nor suffers from Metkayina syndrome gets completely scrapped shortly before the finale, So’lek only gets crumbs of growth and Ri’nela is at times forgotten about completely. Her development as a character is too off-screen and between the lines for most people to catch it, and I find that sad because she’s such a sweet character when you actually get invested into her.
In the end, Frontiers of Pandora’s story feels like a good joke with all the necessary setup but only half-delivered punchline. I had very reasonable expectations and a lot of them were not fulfilled. This project is definitely miles better than whatever Ubisoft has been releasing in these last years, but I really hope that the DLCs will expand on the story further.
Verdict on the campaign; 7 out of 10. The setup and the beginning of the story were just perfect, but in the end, the characters didn’t get the treatment they deserved. Thank you for reading.
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
Do you have any gothic novels that you can recommend off the top of your head? Especially to people who want to try their hand at the genre? I've hit a wall in my project and I need to get some fresh inspiration, but I don't know where to start and the book side of tumblr failed me the last time I tried asking them for recs
Hell yeah! I made some old posts for this a while back, but it's good to look at it again with my more recent taste! Let's see...
Classic Gothics
Dracula: The one, the only. Often imitated, never equalled.
Frankenstein: Short, sad and world changing! Can get a little slow at parts, but definitely worth it. (True story, my parents read this to me as a fetus to calm my kicking, so it's part of my personal mythology!)
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward: The most gothic of Lovecraft's work, and possibly my favorite. Novella length, usually found in collections.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Sinister, sexy, philosophical, with a main character I want to punch in the face!
Carmilla: Another novella, about as lush and swooning as vampire stories get.
The Hound of the Baskervilles: A very readable gothic mystery.
Confessions of a Justified Sinner: This one isn't as action packed, but if you have big religious issues like me, it's incredibly haunting.
The Monk: Like the above, but sleazier and crazier!
Northanger Abbey: A gentle parody of early gothics, starring an adorable proto-goth girl.
The Italian: I'll be honest, I find Anne Radcliffe kind of a slog, but if you liked Northanger Abbey and want to read what Catherine Morland reads, this is probably the most accessible.
A Long Fatal Love Chase: This starts as campy and then takes a plunge into gut-wrenchingly intense. The book Jo March was always trying to write!
The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Another novella, and Stevenson is one of the best writers out there for excitement!
The Werewolf of Paris: Gothic monster as serial killer, still scary today.
Rebecca: The foundation of all gothic romance to come afterwards. A ghost story without a ghost, with an ending that's still debated as happy or sad!
Jane Eyre: The other foundation of all gothic romance to come afterwards. I bounced off the child abuse-heavy beginning a few times, but I'm very glad I finally read to the good stuff!
The Castle of Otranto: Considered the first gothic novel, a goofy b-movie in written form.
Modern-ish Gothics (post-1950 or so)
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein: Fuck the haters, I love this book.
Mexican Gothic: Genuinely scary, genuinely romantic, genuinely creative. A favorite.
Blackwater: A southern gothic saga of a family in a flooded town, whose scion marries a woman who isn't quite human. A whirlwind ride!
A Bloodsmoor Romance: Another family saga, this one northern gothic, with sisters whose lives all go off the rails in different supernatural ways. Give this a try before writing Joyce Carol Oates off entirely!
The Silver Devil: A nasty, problematic bodice ripper where you'll cheer for the heroine to bring the hero down low!
Interview with the Vampire: To be honest again, I'm not super into Anne Rice, but this is a page-turner, and every vampire book that has come after it has had to respond to it in one way or another. Read the next two Vampire Chronicles books if you like it!
A Taste of Blood Wine: My own preferred sexy vampire romance!
The Bloody Chamber: The ultimate dark sexy fairy tale work, accept no substitutes.
Haunted Castles: Contains the brilliant novella Sardonicus, as well as some other campy gothic stories!
A Great and Terrible Beauty: Many millennials were introduced to the gothic genre via this, Fear Street Sagas, or A Series of Unfortunate Events. This is my favorite of the three, though the sequels are a bit of a letdown.
Gormenghast: This series is a throwback to the pseudo-medieval, Otranto-style gothic, but much better. Don't read Titus Alone.
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Good Omens Fic Rec: A Little Life
When Professor of Botany Anthony Crowley met bookshop owner Ezra Fell one November afternoon both knew their lives had irrevocably changed. From that moment forward, Anthony and Ezra’s existence was intertwined. Their story was written in the moments and memories they created as they moved through life’s chapters of coming together, building a family and facing the challenges of being human. This is a story of unconditional love and the joy and humour, obstacles and grief that inevitably come with choosing the same person, day after day, over and over and over again.
Length: 71,624 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, At Home, Romance, Angst
Triggers: Main Character Deaths, Memory Loss, Grief
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
*Minor Spoilers* There are so many fics that I have loved throughout my time in fan spaces, but there's a select few that have stayed with me for years. I expect this one to be added to that selection. I will always remember what this fic helped me process and feel about my own bottled up grief, and I will always remember how," grief is just the other side of love."
We start with Ezra and Anthony's first date, they have such a charm and charisma in this story. Their chemistry is electric, as it always is, but in a quiet real life way. We grow with them as they build their home and family together. Tracy and Anathema becoming the mother and sister they never had, and their little bundle of joy Adam. Moments and vignettes of their life rush past, slipping through our fingers, each with a longing to stay in that moment. But the clock is ticking down. We are also introduced to one of my favorite characters in this story, Evelyn. She will become Adam's wife, and she was such a beautiful and strong addition to this story. It can be tricky with OC's but consistently her interactions with Anthony and the family were my favorite moments. Then finally, we will bear witness as Anthony's memory and life start to fade. It's the unbearable inevitability of death that we march towards. I wanted to plead with the story to give them more time, it's not fair, don't you see how much they love each other and their family? But life is not fair, and we only have so much time here. It's horrible, it's beautiful.
This story won't be for everyone, please read the tags on it, this is an emotionally charged work. But the one thing I want to make absolutely clear is: this is not angst for angst sake. This is not trying to hurt you, and it's not trying to make you cry. This is above all a human story, and we will all experience grief and loss in our lives. So if you can manage it, even if it might be difficult for you, I really would love you to try this story. If you don't read because you're scared of the grief, you will miss out on the most wonderful romance! The fullest and happiest life. A story of devotion and care, how love is choosing to be there day after day, through the good and hard times. There are so many moments of joy and passion that I want to bottle up and live inside. I will never tire of their love story. While I would classify this as "safe in public" this really should be a distraction free read for you. Somewhere safe and quiet so that you can process this wonderful story.
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
A couple more thoughts/spoilers, and personal musings on grief below
So personal note, I was with my grandpa, my Pa, on his final day of life. This fic really healed something in me, it saw me, and knew how I felt as my Pa's breaths slowed, how he was no longer in his body. He was similar in age to Anthony. We should have had more time with him, he hadn't made it to his 70's. Grief is awful, wretched, and unbearable. But it's also love, and the memories of our loved ones don't leave us.
There's just so much I loved about this story, and I'm so grateful to have been able to experience it. I really especially have to commend it for how it shows us multiple angles and experiences of grief. How each of them handle it in their own ways. The support groups were some of the most affecting chapters for me. It was often when I would start crying. Because it was giving the characters and us the space to feel our grief and ask for help dealing with it. I didn't want to spoil in the main post, but losing Ezra as well was an absolute gut punch and I did need a second to process that one. I feel like I should have seen that coming, and part of me would have liked a version where we did get to see him heal and find new purpose in life, but he was so tired. He deserves to rest. I think it will be awhile before I can reread this story, but again, I'm so grateful for the experience.
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I’m not sure if this is a hot take or not. But I can tell u that after their confession scene, I didn’t really enjoy Qtoey all that much. Every time they were on screen I was just internally screaming bc I was hoping for any Chain & pun scene. Christ there are 4 parts each episode and 4 main couples. There’s an easy division of screen time there. However it kinda feels like 2 parts PhumPeem, 1 part Qtoey and then 1 part either TanFang or the whole gang. I would have loved to see a lot more Tanfang & Chainpun if I’m being honest.
A kiss in the last 10 minutes of the fucking show is not a story.
TanFang have a whole narrative arc and the way that info gets revealed to us about them is so satisfying. Like when I recall past interactions I now do so with a whole new lense, I see depth and meaning in things that I simply brushed off.
PhumPeem are such a delight because of how emotionally well connected they are and I thought I would not like this ship all that much but it’s so precious and the story is so conceptually simple and yet so well written. Obviously there was a lot of beating around the bush but honestly? I was hooked.
Qtoey also had a great story of meeting in high school, and falling in love with each other through little notes before ever seeing each others faces, and the destined meeting once again as a senior and junior in College. However if I were to speak honestly, after getting Q and Toey together all of their scenes lagged. Also as a side note, they absolutely didn’t need that scene of Q and Toey doing the nasty. Especially since the og character for Toey is Ace. Hell! they could have done a really cool storyline of Toey and Q navigating this part of their relationship while being respectful of each others needs and boundaries.
ChainPun, got an off screen visit to the vet, a scene of them getting snacks, a scene of them releasing the bird and then suddenly a kiss. And before anyone says that Chainpun was a slow burn of childhood friends to lovers… babe no they’re not. A slow burn is slow I get that, but at least there’s SOMETHING to burn? I’ve been living off of crumbs here.
Finally, I don’t wanna come off as a hater, despite this post I do love this series. There’s a deep connection between all of the characters and it’s such a healthy depiction of so many different types of relationships between family, friends and lovers. The love of people who once hurt each other, those who have reconciled, those in the process of it, even the love of those who are so afraid of hurting each other they would rather hurt themselves.
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momoliee · 18 days
Here Is Why You Should Read Priest’s Modern Danmeis :
As much as i love priest’s period novels, i absolutely adore her more recent, modern novels even more. You can tell that her writing style has completely changed as she grew and gained more experience, giving an edge to her work. I definitely believe her modern books NEED to be as popular as her wuxia ones cause COME ON?
(i’ve written in depth reviews on my page for each title i mention)
First, my absolute all time favorite, one of my top 3, Mo Du :
I’ve read this series a total of two times so far, and I’m about to read it a third time cause it’s just that good. And here’s the thing, i almost NEVER reread or rewatch stuff ok.
Fei Du is one of the most complex characters that i’ve encountered in my reading experience, with the worst type of mental trauma that i could come across. His relationship with Luo Wenzhou is one of the most enjoyable and perhaps, priest’s best written romance. Theyre both equally flirtatious, equally bold, their back and forth bickering is full of sexual tension and their progression from enemies to lovers is IMPECCABLE.
And the plot? PHENOMENAL. The BEST mystery and thriller detective series that I’ve ever encountered, with each book having it’s own individual mystery, and no two mysteries are similar. From child trafficking to serial killers to drug dens and even terrorism….you name it. Each arc is well crafted, and by the end, you’ll truly be able to sigh in satisfaction. For priest to be able ro make you enjoy both the romance and the plot equally…shes a genius. a 27/10.
Trigger warnings: this book discusses heavy topics such as pedophilia, rape, drug abuse, suicide, self harm, and a lot of similar topics
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Next: Can Ci Pin:
Her most underrated work and i cant even begin to understand why. I mean yes it takes place in outer space in a futuristic society where people live for around 200 years across the span of 8 galaxies (not there are no aliens, but there are concepts such as ais and robots) but like….you’ve all read sha po lang with its steampunk theme and you all KNOW just how good priest is at world building. Dare i say, priest is the best danmei author when it comes to world building.
Yes, this is perhaps her slowest and longest piece of work and i get why so many would get bored after the second book. But here’s the thing, ccp has one of the most complicated worlds and plot. the plot is actually one of the most confusing and heavy plots that i’ve encountered. so in order for the story not to fall apart, it was very necessary for priest to spend the first two novels and half world building as well as slowly laying out a proper foundation for the plot. That way, when she starts speeding up the pace, you are basically a pro who doesn’t need to backtrack, reread or double check anything. By the time i was done with the third novel, i felt like i knew everything about space politics, wars between galaxies, Ai and microchips, and everything in between. And that’s saying something cause im an IDIOT when it comes books and shows politics ok.
In this series, priest has seriously invested into every single side character, even those who’ve been dead since before the series even started. With extensive backstories, each and every single character grows on you as much as the main pair if not more, and you fall in love with the found family priest created as well as all the characters who are only talked about in flashbacks and past tense. Another favorite part about this series.
Now the main characters and the romance….chefs kiss. Lu Bixing has one of the BEST character arcs that i’ve come across. He starts off as this bright sunshine boy, goes through hell, becomes this depressed cynical man then finds his way back to his old self again all in the span of the novel itself. Being able to go through the pain with him then watch him heal, makes you very attached to this baby. Li Jingheng my all time cold prince biggest crush ok i love him. Their romance was SOO entertaining cause EVERYONE was rooting for them and everyone played matchmaker and wingman with them it was HILARIOUS. The comedy was top notch, the second hand embarrassment was real, but it made the reading experience feel much more organic idk i just enjoyed myself so much and laughed so hard. 20/10
Trigger warnings: human trafficking and experimentation, self harm and suicide
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Third : Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Xuan Ji’s wings of flame are the highlight of the series ok. Almost every single scene has him whipping his wings out just to show off and his boyfriend eats it up everytime ok.
I absolutely love the amnesiac plot line where two past lovers meet again and yet are unable to recognize each other. Yet, slowly, as they spend more and more time together and one of them starts regaining his memories, the pining and longing begins. And oh does Xuan Ji YEARNS in the most beautiful way possible. And once they BOTH regain their memories in full, the angst is just the cherry on top. Being unable to resist each other yet still trying to pull away, the tension, trying to hold back…delicious.
The plot is so easy to keep up with and enjoy too. Both the story taking place 3,000 years ago and the one in present time are equally entertaining, where we see scenes of war and tomb raiding and investigations and a little bit of magic too. The visuals are fantastic, and the contrast between the two parallel settings is new and refreshing as a concept. 8/10
Trigger warning: main characters experience severe child abuse and neglect
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Fourth : Guardian
Guardian is the most popular out of priest’s modern novels so i dont feel the need to say much.
Guardian discusses heavy topics such as death and what’s beyond. With an element of mystery where an investigation team search after where dead souls are being stolen to or why some souls are being sucked out of living people, the premises has an element of horror and goth that gives it this edge. Coolest ghost story around.
The main cast is also a hilarious bunch, and you sort of grow attached to the entire office especially a fat black talking cat. 7/10
Trigger warning: death and murder
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I hope this is enough to convince you all to check out more and more of pipi’s work. Yes, sha po lang, lord 7, faraway wanderers and fuyao sect are amazing…but if you haven’t read priest’s modern work then yall are missing out ok. that’s it for now xxx
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
A new family — Chapter 5
— PAIRING: dark!Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
— SYNOPSIS: Ominis gets tired of his family and how miserable life is with them after he graduates. So he follows Sebastian's example for once, and kills them in cold blood. Now that he has the mansion to himself, he discovers he would still like to have a family, but one of his own making.
— WARNINGS: just Marvolo being a nasty boy. I tried to keep him accurate, and he's probably the worst character I've ever written.
— TAGLIST: @littletealight @skarathewitch @myrachondria @mrimperio @ssnapsaurus @tarotwitchy-main @hufflepuff-16
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Her hand went instinctively to the wand in her skirt pocket, but Marvolo stepped forward slowly, casually, throwing on a bemused smile. The doors closed behind him as if from a draft.
There was little in him that reminded her of Ominis. The high cheekbones and full lips were there, but his hair was dark and duller, his brows bullish thick, and his body was more broad. Although clothed quite finely in a gentleman’s suit, grey with black pinstripes, he moved in an uncouth manner, rough and lumbering and careless, if not outright uncivil.
“I wasn’t aware we were having guests,” he said, his brown eyes distastefully tracking her up and down before settling on her own. His voice was flat and low. It moved like something buried beneath mud. “Although you don’t seem like the sort of person that would be welcome here.”
She immediately hated him. She had heard of him throughout the years by Ominis, although not too much as it was, understandably, difficult for him to talk about his family in detail. She’d seen his pictures around the house as well, a few moving photographs and paintings, and he made himself unpleasant in each one, arrogant and egotistical and proud. And not only was he was as repulsive as his parents, but he’d been party to many of the torments inflicted on her dear Ominis.
She placed the parcel on the coffee table, almost in defiance, and smoothed her hands down her skirt. “I wasn’t aware yours was a welcoming family,” she said coolly.
“It isn’t,” he laughed, coming around to plop himself down on the sofa without even asking for her name. He crossed his legs and sat back, his arms spanning across its backrest almost from one end to another. “Which is why I wonder how you got here. You seem to have made yourself… comfortable,” he said, his eyes going down her figure once again. He might have noted the quality of the robes which she had bought with Ominis, or the dragon-skin boots she wore. His eyes, inevitably, fell to the gift-wrapped package on the table. “I can, of course, think of only one culprit,” grinned Marvolo.
“Is that so?”
“Where is my baby brother?”
“He’s your brother. How would I know?” she said, slowly stepping back.
“I only ask,” he shrugged, “because since I’ve got here I haven’t seen hide nor hair of mother and father, and you’re nothing like sissy’s friends.”
“Perhaps they’ve all gone out.”
His eyes flashed suspiciously up at her. He must have been thinking she was an interloper, or a thief, or worse… She had said nothing to discourage that opinion, of course, but she did not particularly care either way. She hated Marvolo, and didn’t intend to hide it.
“Yes, they must be out there somewhere, draining the family coffers… Am I right?”
Ah, so Ominis withdrawing funds from their account must have tipped him off. Perhaps even one of the Gringotts goblins told him about it. From across the distance, she could feel Sebastian laugh and say ‘I told you so’.
“I don’t know anything about that —”
“No, you wouldn’t, would you? What’s… this?” he said in one breath, leaning forward mid-sentence to pick up the little parcel. He held it to his ear and shook it to guess what was inside.
She took a few steps to the side and sat down on one of the armchairs by the fire, stretching out her legs as she lay almost on her side lazily.
“It’s a gift,” she said, “but not for you.”
“For someone special, is it?” Mavolo grinned, leaning back with it still in his hands. “Enough chitchat. Where’s Ominis?”
“You don’t care.”
“No, I don’t, but tell me anyway.” He looked around the room with a critical eye, suddenly humourless. “I know something odd has happened. I can smell it.”
Her eyes narrowed and she cocked a brow. A sliver of Legilimency told her the truth was slightly different.
“Someone told you.”
“Oh,” he laughed boomingly, “you caught me.”
“The house-elves?”
Marvolo scoffed. “Simpering vermin. No, it was the serpents that live on our grounds. Dug one out of his burrow and a nice long chat. Interesting little fellow. Didn’t recall seeing my family for many moons, although you and Ominis are known to take frequent walks lately…” His eyes glinted with satisfaction, no doubt feeling boastful about his special ability.
“Well then, perhaps the snakes can tell you where Ominis has gone. I certainly can’t.”
“I see he’s done nothing creative with the place,” said Marvolo, making a show of casting his eyes around. “Bought a distasteful little muggle device and littered the place with books, but aside from that… Not exactly an improvement. Even though father’s been gone for… how long, now?”
She shrugged. In truth, she didn’t know for certain how long it had been. “I have no idea what, if anything, has happened to him.”
“I suppose Ominis didn’t have the heart to tell me our beloved parents went ‘missing’. An owl would have been nice, you know… That or he didn’t have the courage to try to make me disappear as well.”
“Ominis has done nothing of the sort. He’s —”
“I thought you said you didn’t know,” he smirked. “So how do you know he’s innocent?”
“If anyone’s to be suspected of something, it’s you,” she said, leaning forward. “After all, I certainly can’t verify what the snake told you, can I?”
“Ah yes, you’re a mudblood. How could you possibly?”
“For all I know, you’re the —”
“Let me guess. I’m the big bad villain, am I? Why? Because I didn’t spoil your little cripple? Because I didn’t give in to his tantrums and melodramas? He was always so disgusting, the little milk-eye… Such an embarrassment. You have no idea what it’s like to have someone like that born in the family. A burden to be dragged about.”
“You really are vile.”
“Do you think,” he continued, leaning forward to brace his thick arms on his knees, “that your scrawny little boyfriend —”
“— He’s not my boyfriend.”
“— didn’t bring his misfortunes on himself? I think he relished it, as a matter of fact… He loved the attention. It was the only thing he had to contribute, after all. No magical talent, no interest in anyone other than himself, no respect for his own family who made him and raised him in the lap of luxury.”
“You call what you did to him ‘luxury’?!”
“Any other wizard would’ve given an arm and a leg to be born into this noble family. No, Ominis wants to be pitied… It is the only way he can stand out. But I know better. So do mother and father — or at least, they did.”
Her sprawl in the armchair turned more into a coiling, like an angry snake ready to strike, but she kept her jaw shut — clenched, in fact — and let Marvolo’s words wash over her. She burned to defend Ominis, but it was clearly a lost cause. Marvolo spoke as if he believed every word, as if he thought Ominis deserved all the nasty things his family inflicted upon him… She’d met people like that before, usually on the other end of her wand. There was no reasoning with them.
“You are convinced they are dead,” she said coolly. “And yet between you and Ominis, you seem to be the one fond of Unforgivables. Only further leads me to believe you killed them, and have come here to try to pin it on him before the Ministry hears of it.”
“Me?” he laughed. “Why would I hurt my own blood?”
“You need money, correct? All those gambling dens in London must be clamouring to get their dues…” she smirked.
In passing, she knew from Ominis about Marvolo’s stay in London, and his squandering habits. It wasn’t difficult to put two and two together…
Marvolo leaned back and smirked, not even attempting to deny it.
“I’ll just remind you that I’m not the only one in this family who is, as you so feebly put it, fond of the Unforgivables.”
“You forced Ominis to use them!”
“You believe everything that blind fool tells you?”
“He’s not a —”
“Although I must admit, pretty girls like you tend not to be very clever. Am I right?”
“Your compliments are as banal as your insults.”
“Come, now,” he chuckled, finally standing up and throwing the parcel back on the sofa. “You’re not as picky as all that, are you?”
With his distinctive heavy steps, hands stuffed in his pockets, Marvolo made his way around the room and vaguely toward her. She could now see that he was leaving mud trails everywhere he went, likely leaving it for the elves to deal with.
“After all,” he shrugged, “if you’ve set up here with that pale bat, your standards must be through the floor.”
“You don’t even care about what happened to your parents, admit it. You’re just upset Ominis is living his life outside of your malign influence.”
“So is that why he’s been dripping the account dry? My account, my inheritance?” he asked, coming slowly closer. “To pay for you? To buy you nice things — although, that piece, I must say,” he tutted and shook his head as he looked her up and down, “not particularly fitting. Guess he must’ve chosen it himself.”
Her fingers itched to curse him, but then Marvolo went by and past her, walking toward the right side of the room. She turned and kept him in her sights as he strolled, completely confident, with his back toward her. Slowly, she rose to her feet and faced him, keeping the armchair between them, ready to duck if tried to take out his wand. She suspected it was either up his sleeve or in his pocket.
“Is that the only reason you’re here?” she asked. “Because you noticed some galleons missing?”
“No,” he said, still looking around. “I’m here because I have yet to receive my annual invitation to father’s special Modranicht feast. Ominis wouldn’t know, he was never invited. It takes… a special pair of eyes to appreciate that celebration,” he grinned, winking at her from over his shoulder.
She glared at him but said nothing. She vaguely knew about the festival, something ancient that used to take place around Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be a celebration of motherhood, although she didn’t want to think of how the Gaunts observed it. The stains down in the dungeon flashed in her memory for a split second.
“Perhaps you have fallen out of your father’s favour,” she said.
Marvolo only laughed and turned his back to her again. His gaze fell to the glass cabinet, and he stepped closer to observe it.
“It is true, though,” he drawled. “I have been a bit of a villain. Not that Ominis didn’t deserve it. He’s never stood up for himself… Not against me, not against mother or father — who, to be fair, is rather terrifying — not even against sissy. I suppose that makes him the family ‘sissy’, doesn’t it?” he laughed. “Which makes me wonder what you’re doing with him.”
“I told you, I’m not doing anything.”
“Sure,” he nodded, looking at her again. “Only wearing his gifts and spending my money and living for months in my house!” said Marvolo, his voice rising with each word until he was shouting at her. His tone changed so quickly from the mocking laughter to the furious rage that it gave her whiplash. “If whoring yourself to a Gaunt is how you pay for your school supplies, so be it,” he said, his tone gentle again. “But you won’t do it on my galleons. Now, you little whore, for the last time: what happened to my father?”
“I’m not your little whore, and I have no idea what befell your father. Since he is supposed to be such a marvellous wizard, I’m sure nothing bad could possibly happen to him.”
“That’s right,” he nodded. “Not from a weakling like Ominis.”
His face turned one last time toward the cabinet and he frowned, noticing that something was off about the display but not being able to tell what.
“Regardless,” Marvolo continued, starting to walk back to her, “just tell me where he is and I’ll take it up with him, brother-to-brother, if not man-to-man.”
“I told you, I don’t know where he is.”
His dark eyes flashed with a dangerous glint as he stalked toward her. “It wouldn’t do to ruin those good looks by lying to me.”
“She told the truth,” came Ominis’ voice. Just then, the fireplace burst green and the flames grew large, dying swiftly to reveal his figure. He was dressed in a long warm cloak, his hands hidden beneath its folds. “But not to worry, Marvolo. Here I am. Now,” he said, stepping out of the fireplace, “I understand you’re looking for our family?”
“Oh, welcome back!” he clapped. “Off to bury their corpses, were you?”
“Oh no,” he said calmly, “I would never do them that honour.”
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
About Sam Winchester.
[This post has been edited after my discussion with @samjgirl , @sam-winchester-admiration-league and after @adaav 's comment to my post. I really want to thank them for their time and for pointing many interesting points out. I wasn't well informed about the techniques of storytelling and I believe I lost a bit of focus after season 11. Now I'm actually happier as I've started to even more appreciate this character, so win-win for me!]
The character of Sam Winchester was my biggest surprise and my biggest disappointment while watching Supernatural (but it's not his fault). [EDIT: while I still don't particularly like (for now) s12-15, I've realized that my disappoint was more due to my ignonorance of storytelling techniques rather than by the way the character was written]
It was my biggest surprise because I had never related to a fictional character this much before. I think you just have to both be the younger sibling of a dysfunctional nuclear family and be trauma-bonded to your elder sibling to get it. I won't go into further details about it because it's a whole essay, but I have to mention it because I need to state that I feel a deep connection to Sam. We both made the same choices, the same "mistakes", the same sacrifices.
So I was astonished when I started Supernatural because of the way it felt true and real. I don't know if the writers lived similar experiences and were therefore able to tell this story truthfully, but they nevertheless did a hell of a job in describing the unique bond of two siblings trying their best to navigate their traumas.
From season 1 to 8-9ish, we see Sam morphing from being the hero of the story to one of the two main characters. [EDIT: this is incorrect, Sam has always been the hero of the story. I think I felt like he was "shifting" into a slightly less prominent role because Dean, as supporting protagonist, was given more space in order to proceed with the filler episodes]Slowly but surely, Dean also becomes the hero and I think that was fair. [EDIT: see above, technically this is incorrect, sorry lol!]You can't fully narrate the story of a bond withouth fully integrate one part of it. I loved all the parallels to Michael/Lucifer and Cain/Abel. I thought they were brilliant. The show allowed me to go deep inside and start sorting out some stuff I've lived. It really made me think a lot.
It's fair to say that the brothers' codependency was the crux of their problem. It was painful to watch and sometimed downright awkward but the writers got it all right: the otherwise unxeplicable and toxic jealousy they felt for one another, the inability to share their deepest feelings in way other than fighting, and hell yes, even Sam's decision to run away and not look for his brother after season 7. It was not OOC, it's exactly what he did when he was 18 and what John did as well 4 years after that. As a matter of fact, Sam is more similar to John than Dean could ever be.
It's definitely been a long journey but I find that the resolution of their codependency (in season ELEVEN!) was cleverly thought-out and brilliantly executed. It couldn't have happened before, the two bothers must have been either already in or close to their 30s to confront the knot, to acknwoledge the grip the trauma they've lived had on their life. Sometimes getting older does help and give you perspective. This might be why (as I've stated here) season 11 is my favourite one: it gives a sense of closure and hope.
However, here comes the biggest disappointment part. [EDIT: this is due to the fact that in part, I didn't fully get it]
After season 11 Sam morphs from one of the two main characters to a side character. [EDIT: incorrect, as per previous EDIT, Sam is always the hero and lead protagonist]The show must be about the brothers' bond and I'm okay with that. However, it looks like after season 11 the writers couldn't come up with new ideas to talk about this kind of bond. It felt like, other than co-dependency, the bond didn't have much to say. Therefore, both Sam and Dean almost go back to square one while they had all the possibilities to explore a new aspect of their relationship.
What could've been this new aspect? Easy: making them realize that the family they each wanted was, simply, different. This is just my opinion on the subject and how I've felt about season 12-15 so it's okay if you disagree. [EDIT: well, this is still my opinion, although it has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role in the story and more about my personal preference, so I think this is where I got confused]
In my opinion, from season 12 Sam is just a part of Dean's family. It's not "Sam&Dean"'s family. It's just Dean's. And I think the writers could've explored that in a more meaningful way. Let me explain: let's take Cas since he makes the perfect example for this scenario. Dean has repeatedly included Cas in the "family", he's called him not just his brother but "our brother". He includes Sam in the equation but I personally don't think Sam feels the same way. Sure, Sam cares for Cas and thinks he's family, but I think his idea of family is "Cas is my brother's husbandbest friend and therefore he's part of the family". He's extended family, kind of. [EDIT: this is still just my opinion and has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role. Although "family" is one of the themes of the show, it was not the only one]
My opinion is canonically backed because, aside from Rowena, all the members of the Winchesters Found Family are part of the family because Dean has allowed them, Dean has a deeper relatioship to them and ultimately because Dean decides who can enter the circle. This is totally in character and I love Dean for his ability to care and form deep bonds. [EDIT: this was also needed for Dean as a character because he's not the lead protagonist so he had to have something else in the story that was not necessarily connected to the mytharc]
However, this is not in Sam's character: Sam is the one who runs away, the one who wants to create his own family, the one who really needs to emancipate himself from his older brother. I truly wished the writers explored his passivity in "accepting" the status quo and made him, if not rebel, at least express his wants.
It would have been a moment in Sam's growth if he could've just, instead of running away, confronted his brother and stated that his desires were different, that he was part of Dean's family but it was not his family. Instead, we only have glimpes of what Sam really feels: he doesn't think of the bunker as his home, he doesn't ever say that he has a family (not surprisingly it's Dean that in "Lebanon" tells John "I have a family" and not Sam), he doesn't really have any other meaningful relationship aside from his brother.
Supernatural ending did him dirty, too. Not just for the awful wig and make-up but because the ending framed Sam as a two-dimensional character: "freed" from his brother and his brother's family, he finds a blurry wife, a dog, a son, a white picket fence. How sad is that? We never get to see Sam really connecting with anyone: all (and by all I really mean ALL) the women in his life, from his mother to one-night-stands while on the road passing through Ruby, end up dead (RIP Sarah Blake). Of course his wife at the end had to be a blurry figure in the backfround (she was not even besides him on his deathbed!): she was a testament to all of his past relationships. Like, seriously, apart from Dean, the ONLY lasting relationship Sam has throughout the whole series is with LUCIFER and this alone, I think, speaks volume. [EDIT: again this just relates to the fact that I'm not particularly fond of s12-15 and of the overall ending. Technically speaking, the ending makes sense. Whether I liked it or not is another issue]
In conclusion, after season 11 Sam is no longer an interesting character because the writers both downright refused to give him another substantial character to interact with and insisted once again on his codependency with Dean (which was already resolved). [EDIT, tbh it was a weak ending to begin with, LOL, I didn't like it even after I wrote it hahahhaa, but yeah, as this whole post proves Sam Winchester is far from being an uninteresting character because I just spent a frigging afternoon learning new things thanks to him so I guess he's like the gift that keeps on giving!]
Having said that, in my heart of hearts, Sam Winchester will always have a special place because I get him, I really do.
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Tag game for fanfiction authors!
Thank you so much for the tag @angelosearch! I'm going to tag @goforth-ladymidnight @praetorqueenreyna @achaotichuman @yaralulu @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thedickgraysons @chunkypossum and whoever wants to join pls! I'm really bad at remembering who are all the writers!
The story you're proudest of
I have two fics that I'm especially proud of!
Wildflowers, which is my ACOTAR prequel. It's my first fanfiction written and posted online, and the first story I wrote start to finish. I tried my best to give depth to the world and the side characters. I do think some people are turned off by the main characters/ship, but it's so much more than that. It's also spawned so many side stories which is so exciting!
Regrets, which is my first SUPERBAT that I ever posted. I think it's a really good reflection of my style which balances emotion, humour and intimacy. I'm so happy my first attempt at writing my OTP turned out SO WELL.
Your story that's gotten the most love online:
The answers are the same as above, but for different reasons.
Wildflowers has gotten a lot of praise for multiple elements in the story, and I feel like those who read it all found different parts to enjoy. It's one of those stories that are really fun to talk about, and there's so many little nods here and there. It makes me happy to see that readers are noticing them. Wildflowers also has original additions (like family members of the main characters) that everyone loves as much as I do!
Regrets has the most kudos, but like mentioned above, it's a classic ship and a good balance of fluff and angst elements! I had so much fun writing it, and I think that came through in the piece.
Tease a current WIP or idea you're working on:
I've been wanting to tease NEEDLE & KING (wip title, subject to change), which is the prequel/side story for Rhysand's parents.
It was supposed to be a shorter, contained story about their romance, but now it's become a lore exercise, an exploration of cultural displacement in fantasy, starts off as a female-focused cast, etc.
Chapter 1 Flying
At the end of the world, Lilith thinks of nothing. No home to yearn for, no family to miss her—at least, not for long—and no future to look forward to.  She stands on the edge of a mountain’s peak, one of two Wolf’s Fangs, and feels. The world comes into her through the howls of the wind and the bite of the cold against her barely covered arms. Clouds stand between her and the bottom, if she could even see that far on a clear day. Her life, until now, has been a series of instances that have happened to her rather than experience. The absence of her father, the death of her mother, the fear that looms above her—she is at the mercy of everything around her. Here, the ice demands her wakefulness. Here, the skies challenge her. Here, every breath is earned. The height of the mountain is the only time she feels alive, so what is that feeling when she steps off its edge and careens downwards. Down, down, down, she goes with a whistle—a force against gravity. At the bottom, reality will come crashing down, but she can solve that problem quite easily. Just… fall. Her black wings strain against the fall, and she grits her teeth. It’s not in her nature to fall; she will never accept her fate. Lilith wages war against nature itself, demanding her muscles to yield to her will. A loud flapping noise signals her success, the membranes of her wings cradling the air itself to take her in an arc, a low swoop and then up again. She glides through the clouds, occasionally drawing her dark wings to herself and allowing herself to plummet before catching herself again. Lilith had taught herself to fly. It was the only thing she can control in her small, small life. Her flights have no destination, and they are timeless. She flies for as long as she can. She pushes as far as she can go because she never knows when it will be her last time.
Like any draft, this may be subject to change. The first scene I usually write for any draft is the one that 'sets' the tone of the story.
Fun fact - Lilith is a name/character that pops up in all my stories either as some weird writing signature/nod, or as a main character. She's a hyperfixation that started with Diablo and never left, but she's become her own phenomenon for me and my writing.
Your top 3 fandoms: that I write in... ACOTAR & DC Comics. I currently don't have time to write in a third one, woops.
Your top 3 ships: If it's what I've written for, then the answers are Tamlin x Rhysand, Bruce x Clark and Orm x Clark. If it's what I enjoy personally, then it's all of the above + many, many crackships.
Rec someone else's fic: Without a doubt, the people I've tagged above have amazing fics. I haven't had a chance to read their works in their entirety, but I've participated in challenges with them, creeped on their works, and they are SO GOOD! Please go check them out! Their fics are on my to-read, but part of my writing process is to just write without reading, so once I'm done my current fic, I will be going through each work to add comments and properly devote the love and attention they deserve.
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst - I cannot NOT write angst, but I believe that both (one into the other) create incomparable emotional depth.
Oneshots or longfics - I prefer reading oneshots, but I cannot stick to one chapter for the life of me.
Canon compliance or canon divergence - I have the worst memory, I couldn't be canon compliant if I wanted to...
AO3 or FF.net
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
The House At The Edge Of The World Ch. 14
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Summary: Y/N is the owner of an Airbnb at the edge of the world, a place in which Wanda would either heal or become what everyone is afraid of.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff/SW! x Female!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI! +18, angst, jealousy, drama, slow burn, hurt and comfort, friends to lovers, pregnancy, romance, fluff, mentions of depression and self harm, healing, R owns an Airbnb that welcomes many known characters from Marvel, R has powers, Wanda needs healing, and so does R, R sometimes is an asshole but for a good reason. More warnings as the story progress.
Author's Note: The story follows up the events of Wandavision right before the twins birth. Since I didn't like the fact Natasha died in Endgame, she is alive as well as Tony everything else just happens the same way it does in the movies. We will see some Eternals and mentions of all the new members of the cinematic MCU.
The end looks like a good conversation, and decisions to be made. R is ready to do so, but will Wanda want to stay with her?
English is no my mother tongue so I do apologize for any grammar, spelling or funny mistake.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Epilogue
Chapter 14
Stay with me
Whatever had happened after you left, you didn't care. 
Your main priority had been Wanda, and all through the flight you and Ajak had been tending to her injuries and her general state. Yelena had been observing from afar, but her eyes never left your form while you worked on the redhead. She had known about your power, about the strangeness behind your family and the world surrounding you. Yet Yelena never imagined she would fear the power hidden inside you. 
The gate of the Quinjet opened to show the image of a dark-haired woman with fair skin and kind features. She locked eyes with you almost instantly, your heart leaped at the sight of Sersi coming over to you to wrap her arms around you. 
"Y/N, are you okay? How is Wanda?" Sersei asked looking behind you to see the redhead woman still unconscious being carried on a stretcher. 
"She is still unconscious. Her magic has been greatly affected by the device they use on her." You were trying to hide your real emotions, your eyes never leaning those of Sersei who merely offered a comforting smile. 
"Well, she is in luck, right? Ajak and I are here, and you will be there as well." Sersi stepped back, turning to Sprite who was coming onto her with the same concern written in her face. 
"Hey, Sprite, how is it going?" 
The conversation between them faded away while you let your feet take you inside the house and followed the women leading Wanda to the closest room. You could see as they settled her down making sure she was comfortable before setting the medical bay for the redhead. 
"Her nervous system has been affected by the electric shocks." Ajak said to your right, she stood there overseeing everything while never losing sight of your persona. "She was sedated so it will take a while for her to wake up."
"She needs magic, and…" 
"I know." Ajak placed a hand on your forearm, the tenderness behind her gesture almost made you break. "It's going to be okay, she is far stronger than you gave credit for."
You crossed your arms, tilting your head to the side. It wasn't as if you didn't know how strong Wanda was, you have known for a long time. It was more the fact that you feared what would happen when she woke up. 
Would she stay? 
Would she leave? 
So many questions roamed inside your mind, and the uncertainty of the situation was almost unbearable. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you would fall in love again. Much less with a woman that, by all accounts, was just like you. 
"They will come, and they will have questions." Ajak intervened again, you didn't need to ask who she was referring to. "Are you ready for that conversation?" 
"Are you?" This time around you did face Ajak with an unreadable expression. "I could lie and get away with it."
Ajak softened her features by nodding at Wanda, "but you won't lie for her, or else, whatever chance you get to be together may slip away."
You opened your eyes, raising your eyebrows at this. Following Ajak's stare you realised Wanda had changed a lot of things in a bubble world you had built around yourself. You were not a hero, you never were, but you couldn't ignore the world any longer… you couldn't ignore the world Wanda was living in. 
"Think your words carefully, and be ready."
"What about you and the others?" Your secret might be out, but the rest of the Eternal should keep their own secrets for themselves. 
"We are family, Y/N, whatever you decide we are here for you."
Ajak gave your forearm a light squeeze before turning around and leaving you alone with Wanda. You hesitated before stepping forward and sitting beside her, your hand found hers and the warmness of her touch brought comfort to your soul. 
Night had already fallen by the time you exited her room. 
Wanda was still asleep, and during all that time people had come and gone after making sure the redhead was not in danger and that her recovery was a matter of time. 
You knew the meeting with the people who had come to her rescue could not be postponed any longer. Wanda had on her peaceful expression, her magic was still flickering and and out of reality, and the pain in your heart was a longing for her to be better, for her to put you out of your misery. 
With a kiss to her forehead, you knew there was nothing else you could do. Not until she woke up, and not until you had spoken with everyone. 
It was time for you to face the world. 
The noise coming from the study told you where you should go. It wasn't difficult to find everyone waiting for you, the many faces you had known personally or by the TV news were all staring at you. 
The first person you noticed was Sersi, her tender smile warmed your heart giving you strength to enter the room. To your left were the people you had called family since you were a teenager Ajak and Sprite sat comfortably on the sofa with Thena and Gil hovering behind them. To your right were the women you had helped at some point, friends and people you had trusted with some secrets but not all of them. 
Natasha and Yelena wore their Widow garments, with Nick Fury and Tony Stark wearing casual clothing that hide the real power both of them possess. 
"She is still asleep." Your words echoed into the room, your eyes falling upon Ajak. "Her strength is coming back, and her magic is not as erratic as it was a couple of hours ago."
"Erratic?" Tony asked, leaning back, his posture relaxed and open. "What do you know about that? More importantly, who are you besides a dirty secret from Romanoff over here?" 
Natasha growled at the man, but her eyes were just as curious as those of Yelena. They thought they had known you, but after what you did on that island they were not so sure anymore. 
"I'm Y/N, and I'm merely the owner of a destroyed Airbnb." You shrugged, cracking up a smile. "That's gonna cost you an extra, you know that, Mr. Stark?" 
Tony returned the smile, "I'm aware. Though I would say you already got a good deal out of this mess, Maximoff seems to be very fond of you, from what I heard."
The comment made your eyes flickered gold, a hand placed itself on your shoulder and you knew Sersi had come to the rescue. 
"I pride myself to be well-informed of what is happening around the world, and who are the people I should watch out for." This time around it was Fury the one to speak, he placed his elbows on his knees, his hands wrapping around one another and his sole eye pinning you to the spot. 
" You and your friends were certainly a surprise for me today."
"That made you nervous, Agent Fury?" You retorted eyeing the man with a blank stare. "We've met before, you know?" 
This time around Fury was shocked by the news, he narrowed one eye as if trying to place you in his memory. You chuckled tilting your head. 
"You won't remember me, I was different back then and you were just being recruited into the secret organisation that works for your government." 
"How…" Fury started but trailed off when Sprite created a scene right in front of them. 
A young Nick Fury with both eyes, talking with a man that looked nothing extraordinary. Yet they exchanged words, a handshake and soon Fury had a piece of paper. That was it, they both parted ways, Fury went straight to what seemed like an office building, the other man went inside an old car and drove away. 
"What were you doing there?" 
You smiled, "I was following him, and old debt to settle. He was the son of a friend, I was making sure he was not killed that day."
"He died, though." Fury stated narrowing his good eye at you. 
A flash of sadness crossed your face at the memory. 
"He did. I couldn't make it on time. And, at the end of the day, I am not a hero." You leaned back glancing at Fury then at Tony. "I am a mere owner of an Airbnb at the edge of the world."
Silence settled around the living room for a moment, you could see the observant eyes of the heroes of the world observing you and your family. For the very first time in a very long time, your world and the real one crashed in a single moment in time. 
You could see the possibilities forming in the mind of Fury, the questions pouring from Stark's mind and the many unsaid things you had between Natasha and Yelena. 
At the end of the day, she was the first one to speak. Her tone revealed how hurt she was for the situation, her eyes never leaving yours. 
"You never told me you were this…" Yelena trailed off for a moment, her gaze dropping. "This powerful."
"Y/N powers are not something you play with." Thena said, settling her eyes on Yelena. "None of you had seen what they can really do, and it is something Y/N have always been careful with."
"Having powers doesn't mean you have to put them to work for the greater good." Gil continued lifting his chin. "The world can be an ungrateful place."
"That's true." Natasha chimed in uncrossing her arms. "But sometimes, it needs to be saved either way."
"You guys are young." You said shrugging. "The world, people… Some of them will never change. I fight only for my loved ones, Natasha. As long as my family and friends are fine, I am fine."
"Which will explain why you came to the rescue, right?" Tony intervened tilting his head and settling his eyes on you. "You love Wanda, you couldn't allow her to get hurt."
"I do, yes." You replied simply, Tony nodded leaning back on the chair. 
"Are you a threat?" The man asked and you couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness. 
"Oh, I am." You replied, your eyes gleaming a dangerous shade of gold. "I can be your worst nightmare and none of you would know what happened or how it happened."
"But you are not interested in fighting us." Fury didn't even flinch, his words were just as neutral as yours had been a moment ago. 
"Or protecting you, no."
"At some point the world would come crashing down on you, don't you think?" 
You turned your head to Ajak, the older woman offered a single smile matching the one Sersi and Thena were wearing. You knew the world, the real one had come to you in the form of Wanda Maximoff. She had broken the icy facade you had worn for so long, that right now it was almost impossible for you that her world was starting to be a part of yours. 
"It already has, Fury." You sighed, lifting your eyes to the ceiling. "I am not a threat to you or your government. I'm not interested in power or fighting, I only want peace."
"And Wanda." Tony mentioned with a teasing tone. 
You flared at him looking away until you saw the same teasing glint in Natasha's eyes. 
"I guess, we will see."
Fury nodded, crossing his arms, "I guess we will."
"Well, now that the conversation is over, how about something to drink and eat. I bet everyone is hungry." 
Ajak stood up with many agreeing to her sudden change of topic, you sat there for a moment watching as Ajak left the living room with Fury and Tony following them and everyone soon scattering around the house. 
Yelena came to you slowly, she sat down with a frown on her face trying to catch up to what she just heard, to the things she had seen. 
"I'm sorry, Lena. It was never my intention to make you feel…"
"Cheated?" Lena snorted, shrugging. "I knew there was something else about you, but you had never raised any bells in my head or Natasha's… We knew you were not a threat."
You smiled at the young woman leaning over placing your elbows on your knees. 
"I never intended for this to happen." You lowered your head thinking hard over the last couple of months. "But she… I
I don't know…"
Yelena swallowed down her emotions, she nodded curtly placing her hand on yours. 
"If she hurts you, I'm gonna kill her."
You couldn't help the laughter leaving your lips, your arms wrapping around the young woman with tenderness. For some reason, you knew she and you would be okay, and whatever had happened with the rest of Earth's Mighty heroes… Well, that also seemed to be okay. 
Now, all you had to do was wait for Wanda to wake up. 
It happened at dawn. 
The world was sleeping, the sky was changing its colours with shades of blue, purple and red igniting the horizon. There was a cold breeze biting at your skin, sitting by the balcony you had allowed time and weather to invade your thoughts and insecurities while trying to forget what you feel. 
The soft footsteps brought you back to reality. Your heart beat fast, hitting your ribcage the moment you sensed her and your eyes found those of hers. 
"Hey." She didn't rush her feet, her dopey and tenderness made you gasp in affection. 
Standing up from your position, your hands wrapped around her, putting her against your body and feeling at peace knowing she was there. That she was okay. 
"You shouldn't be up, love." You whispered, her hands playing with your hair while you felt her smile against your neck. 
"You weren't there." Her words were tender, a mere whisper in your ear that told you of her doubts. “And I thought…I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t lose me, Wanda. I’m here.” And you meant it in more ways than one, you made sure to look at her the wounds on her neck, the ones on her wrists and then her tired expression.
You almost lost her. 
And your heart broke into a million pieces thinking you wouldn’t be with her anymore. And now that she was back, that she was in your arms, the fear had doubled. What would happen if she didn’t want to stay? What if she had to go?
Wanda softened her stare, she didn’t need to hear your thoughts because those same thoughts were inside her head. Being with you had been so different, falling in love with you had been…what she needed.
“You won’t lose me either, Y/N. I’m here…for you.”
At that moment you realised she wasn't the only one feeling the uncertainty the recent events had brought to your lives. It took you but a second to notice her lips against yours, the neediness behind her gesture, her hands travelling down your body. 
The flash of crimson told you Wanda ws not alone, and soon you were being dragged inside the house and you gave in knowing that moment could end up in a heartbreak. 
By the time you woke up again, the clock on the table was showing it was past midday. The warm body to your side stirred, you lowered your faze to see Wanda snuggled against your side with a content smile playing on her lips. 
She was awake, and probably had been for quite some time. The place was completely silent, and you couldn't even make the sound of people outside the room. 
"Everyone went to visit the town." Wanda mumbled without opening her eyes. "It's only you and me."
As soon as she said this, her body trembled and her hands grabbed you tightly. You sighed looking at the ceiling, the arm you had around her midsection wrapped tightly around her. 
"So, it's only you and me in a big empty house? Whatever can we do?" 
Her giggles made you look down and find her green eyes looking at you. You smiled back but your eyes were finally showing how you were feeling with the whole situation. Wanda tensed lightly, turning around she sat down letting the blankets fall to the bed. 
"I think we should get ready."
"I think we need to talk."
You watched as she merely stood up and left, the emptiness in your chest made your body ache with longing. Tilting your head to one side, you knew that falling into bed with her had not been the best of decisions when there was so much left unsaid between the both of you. 
"I made you something to eat, and there was some orange juice and some wine but I wasn't sure what you may want so early…"
You observed the redhead walking around the kitchen, babbling non-stop while evading your eyes and trying to make it impossible for you to bring the white elephant in the room. 
Wanda gasped, halting her actions, finding herself looking into your golden eyes. 
"Y/N…" Wanda whispered your name with fear and longing. 
"I am in love with you." You all but whisper, your left hand cupping her cheek but you never did anything to shorten the distance with her. "I thought I would never feel this again, and you came into my life showing me this was possible… That I could feel like this again…"
Wanda's eyes watered at your words, she was trembling by now with her lower lip quivering under the weight of your words. 
"Wanda, I…"
"I'm sorry." Wanda whispered with a sob escaping her lips. 
She leaned in hiding her face on your chest, something inside broke for you knew her life was out there in a world filled with danger and heroism that you were not ready to be a part of. Whatever you could offer to Wanda was a life of tranquillity and solitude in a place that was almost forgotten to the rest of the world. 
It hurt knowing you would lose her. 
"I couldn't… I tried… I just…" Wanda cried softly, holding onto you. "He… He was there… And I just…" 
"It's okay, it's okay… I know." You whispered, hugging her comfortingly. 
"No! No, it's not." Wanda finally said, she stepped back wiping her face. "I should have seen it, I could have prevented it… but I left him there, I thought…" 
"Stark recovered his body, and he won't be used anymore." You commented softly. Wanda shook her head but you didn't stop there. 
"They were waiting for you to recover, but as soon as you're fine you can go back…"
Wanda stopped her passing, she winced at the memories coming into her; she placed a hand on her face while trying to collect her thoughts and you couldn’t help but close your mouth and remained silent watching her without knowing what to say. Or what to do. 
“I thought Vision was my everything.” Wanda tried to hold onto her tone of voice, her eyes completely lost in the memories and the situation she had evaded moments before she was taken from the Hill. 
Wanda remembered the time she had been tied to that room, her eyes seeing the dead body of Vision while she thought of her life in the most recent months. She had been happy, not having to fill out anybody's shoes, or trying to hold herself for fear of triggering someone, or messing up while trying to help someone. Wanda and Scarlet had gone through her memories and her past, and everytime she thought about the end well…
It all came down to Y/N, to her smile and the warmness behind her words. I never thought love would feel like this…
And if she was honest with herself, Wanda never thought it would be like that; the young woman dried her tears while her lips broke into a tentative smile she dedicated to you. You didn’t dare to dream about her thoughts or her choices, waiting too much about the people around you could be painful at the end of the day. 
“Then you came into my life and…” Wanda shook her head putting her arms around herself while biting her lower lip. “And I found myself falling so hard, and so deep for you…I know…I know it would be impossible for me to live away from you.”
The fact that the home was empty, and that this conversation happened right after you and her had shared a dawn filled with passion and tenderness should be the indicator this was going through the right track. But you didn’t dare to hope, a lot of things had happened in the past for you to think this could be different.  
The young woman came onto you, and your world stopped for a moment when she cupped your face in her hands with her lips curving slightly. At that moment, it was Wanda and Scarlet all in one sending you a stare that made your soul tremble in a way you hadn’t done for so long. 
“Everybody is waiting for me to go back, to be better to…” Wanda trailed off for a moment, her eyes flashing with the memories of how her life had been up until that point. “When I had to come here I was mad, and sad and ready to leave everything for a glimpse of normality, to recover a life I never really had but dreamt of.”
“And now? What do you want, Wanda?” You finally asked in a whisper, Wanda turned to you and you realised you hadn’t been this vulnerable in front of anyone in a while. 
“Now, I want a normal life…I’m tired of what am I and what I can do I only want…” Wanda bit her lower lip, a flash of fear crossing her green eyes. Your hand placed tenderly under her chin lifting her stare to look at you. 
“What do you want?” You could give her the world, if necessary. She just needed to say it and there was nothing in the world you wouldn’t get for her.
Wanda sighed showing the vulnerability you had come to appreciate from her, those moments in which she would stop pretending in front of you.
“I want to stay here, I want to…I want to be with you and see what will happen.” Wanda all but declared, you stood there for what seemed an eternity and the other woman was starting to step back, her face falling with a crack of uncertainty.
“Then, stay with me.” You stepped forward wrapping your arms around her, giving her enough space to leave but letting her know you wanted her with you. “I can’t promise you it will be easy, but I can promise you I will do everything I can to make you happy.”
Wanda stepped forward, and without any more words she sealed the deal with a kiss.
It was past midday by the time everyone was back into the house. 
At another time, and perhaps in another place the moment of peace you and Wanda had enjoyed during the day would have been cut short by the needs of the people filling out Ajak’s living room. Wanda was taken to the side by Tony and Nasha and soon you found yourself under the watchful eyes of Thena and Sersi.
Wanda stood on the balcony leading to the kitchen, the world in the coast of Italy was something she had come to appreciate in her soul. It was peaceful, and her heart found comfort in knowing this could be her new home.Her body turned lightly, and she and Scarlet stirred uncomfortably when her green eyes found the form of Thena leaning close to you.
Jealousy was something Wanda had learned recently, and the fact she had to be on the balcony while you were inside with a former lover was making her restless. 
Tony stood by her side, his dark shades reflecting the afternoon sun while the sound of laughter filled out the streets. Fury rested the weight of his body on the rails crossing his arms while letting his good eye pinned the redhead on the spot. Natasha sat down playing with the drink Ajak had given her, enjoying the cold breeze of winter, and the strange silence amongst the group. 
“This went a little out of hand.” Fury broke the silence talking to the group, his good eye moving from Wanda to Natasha. “Monica is trying to gather all the evidence she can, while Rhodes is helping out with some other bases around the coast.”
“Hayward was not working alone.” Tony commented lightly, his lips pressing together while his hand helped him out of his glasses. “But the fact he thought he would get something out of stealing the body of Vision and getting to you…”
“I thought about it.” Wanda finally said, looking away while wiggling her hands. “When I came back…I…he was alive because Thor gave the mind stone and his body the charge he needed to be alive. I thought…my magic could do something similar.”
“That’s why you started the whole Westview thing?” Tony asked, Wanda offered a broken smile shrugging.
“I wasn’t thinking when that happened, Tony.” Wands sounded tired all of a sudden, her body giving up on the tension she had been accumulating as of late. “But the moment I went to get his body, I knew it was a possibility.”
Fury narrowed his head leaning forward, “why didn’t you?”
“I was afraid, and I didn’t know if it was possible.” Wanda stepped forward until she was standing beside Tony and observing the blue of the ocean in the distance. “But I knew I could find a way to do so, perhaps…perhaps if I got to know my powers and who I was, I could use my powers to do it.”
“Then you just finally explode.” Natasha had seen the state Wanda had been in during Steve’s funeral, the way she had fought during Thano’s attack from the past and how she had been when she realised everything had been lost.
Wanda lifted her shoulder turning slightly, she locked eyes with Natasha and her smile was different. Without a doubt, Wanda had changed, and that was all Natasha needed to know at the moment. 
“Are you ready to go back, or do you think you will explode once more, Maximoff?” Fury asked, straight to the point while uncrossing his arms and stepping forward. “We are trying to build the team from scratch and…”
“I won’t go back.” Wanda said firmly, her eyes hardening as they settled on Fury. 
Tony and Natasha interchanged glances, while Fury merely lifted a single eyebrow at the bold declaration. Wanda dropped her arms, tilting her head to the side.
“It took me so long to get to where I am right now.” Wanda stated simply, Tony snorted, nodding towards the house.
“You mean, with a lover girl? Never peg you for a lesbian, Maximoff.”
Tony chuckled under the glare of Natasha and Wanda, he lifted his arms in a sign of peace but instead of mocking all Wanda could see was understanding, something she never thought Tony was capable of.
“It’s not about Y/N.” Wanda satiated turning to Fury who was looking a little sceptical. “You sent me here to heal, and get better. For the first time in my life I was able to be just…me. Someone who didn’t have to keep with anyone’s expectations, who didn’t need to jump every morning to save the world.”
Tony held back the smile threatening to leave his lips, he could see Wanda had changed in the last months she had been away from the life she had lived during her time as an Avenger and a runaway. She seemed relaxed, and the gleam in her eyes told Tony she was happy, happier that he had ever seen her before.
“I don’t want to give this life up, Fury. Not now,not any time soon.”
“Is this you talking, or is this what happened to you a few days ago talking for you?” Fury inquired, tilting his head and making sure Wanda could not look away from him.
The young woman pursed her lips shaking her head, “it is me talking, Fury. Before this…I just…I thought I had to go back to everything I left behind. This was supposed to be a holiday so I could get better.”
“It wasn’t about that.” Tony intervened, stepping forward, he placed a single hand on Wanda’s shoulder and Natasha nodded briefly, giving Tony the heads up to go right ahead. 
“What do you mean? What was that?” Wanda pointed at Tony then at Natasha, both of them stirred lightly while Fury leaned back waiting to hear the story.
“We thought about getting you out of the States and really out of commission for some time.” Tony revealed glancing at Wanda with a tenderness she had only seen in him whenever Morgan was around. “What we saw when trying to get you out of Westview told us that you were just asking for help.”
“A help we never provided because we were too busy saving the world.” Natasha said simply. 
“So you never thought I would be better?” Wanda asked, crunching up her nose.
“No, we never thought you would be back to do the same things you have been doing over the years. We thought you would be back changed.” Tony waved his hand around smiling. “And you did.”
Wanda knitted her bros together, she set her eyes on Tony first then on Natasha and finally on Fury.
“So you were expecting me to stay here?” 
“Not here, exactly.” Tony replied. “But perhaps telling us you didn’t want to go back into the hero world. Which, we would have understood, we actually got you kid.”
Wanda was kind of surprised at some point they thought she would choose a life different to the one she had been leading up until the Blip. She had been lost, and with some many broken thoughts inside her mind, so angry at the world it had been quite difficult to try and find a way back to what she really wanted or needed. Her powers had been part of that confusion, and her misused of the magic had created so much conflict inside her and in the world that she never thought she had a choice. 
“We lost track of you after Westview.” Fury started passing around the balcony, his hands in his pockets. “And Hayward came over to try and start an illegal operation in Italy that we stopped just on time.”
Wanda stood there for a moment, confused as to what Fury was saying exactly.
“As far as I know, Wanda Maximoff dropped off the face of earth, and we are one venger down.” Fury snorted. “Just my luck, gotta start looking for new talent then.”
Wanda stood there with her mouth hanging open, “Are you saying…?”
Fury shot her a pointed stare, ignoring the smiling faces of Natasha and Tony. He knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it from Tony, but for now he could give away what he knew would bring peace to Wanda. It was the least he could do.
“Just try to not break anything around here, and try to not make yourself noticeable.” Fury stepped forward walking towards the entrance of the house. “You know how to find us, Maximoff. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good-bye.”
Wanda stood there for a moment, still shocked by what had just happened. Tony and Natasha turned their eyes on her waiting for her reaction, Wanda just shook her head passing her hand through her hair looking first at Natasha then at Tony.
“Is he serious?”
“As serious as Fury can be, yes.” Natasha commented leaning back on the chair she was occupying. “So, you want to stay then?”
Wanda broke into an easy smile, and this time when she lifted her eyes you were looking back at her. The smile on your face, and the wink you sent her way was everything Wanda needed at the moment.
We really are staying here.
“Yeah, I’m staying here.”
Night had already fallen, and your footsteps were taking you to the edge of the cliff.
The smell of the ocean reached you out, and the wind caressed your skin lightly while the moon shone a silver light above your head. The town was a golden paradise you could oversee from your position in the Hill; and the silence around you was enough to make you feel at ease. The woman on your left shivered, and you turned to her, passing your arm around her shoulders, putting her closer to you.
Wanda snuggled closer, her hands dropping around your hips leaning in the place of her face on the nape of your neck. Your heart jumped in your chest, your body tingling all over while you placed a soft kiss on her forehead. 
“I’m thinking of a new setting for the house, perhaps something bigger for both of them.” You commented lightly, Wanda pursed her lips watching what used to be your guest house.
Your breath was taken away when she lifted her face with a brilliant smile, she grabbed your hand dragging you around the backyard towards the ruins of the house. You chuckled watching as her hands gleamed red and the idea you had in your mind became more real right before your eyes. 
“Like this?” She asked teasingly at you, you shook your head putting her closer brushing your nose against hers.
“You know Gil is gonna be mad he couldn’t help around?” You whispered putting some strand hairs behind her ear, Wanda closed her eyes for a moment only to open them filled with unshed tears. 
“He can help, this is only so he knows what you want.” Wanda bit her lower lip, enjoying the closeness of your body and the sight of your smile. 
“And what about what you want?” You asked leaning in to plant kisses on her cheek. 
Wanda closed her eyes tilting her head to wrap your lips with hers, a soft caress of lips while the kiss turned into an intimate moment of shared emotions. You broke the moment by spinning her around, your arms surrounding her waist making her laugh at the silliness of the moment.
“Go on, Wands, tell me what you want.” You whispered in her ear, your eyes gleaming gold showing off a big house with people coming in and the sight of you and her as a family. 
Wanda and Scarlet jumped at the sight, her breath caught in her throat when they noticed the sight of a bump in their abdomen. You could sense the woman in your arms tensing, disbelief filling up her senses as she stepped away from you turning with green and red eyes glancing at you.
“What did you…?” She started and you shrugged looking away for a moment before looking back at her. 
“Magic without intent, Wanda, is not magic.” You replied, stretching out your arms around the hill. “But if you put your heart in it, well it can work miracles.”
Wanda placed a hand on her abdomen, the dreams she had about her life back in Westview and what chances were coming onto her made her dizzy for a moment. She jumped when you grabbed her hand tentatively, you chewed on your lower lip before dropping your shoulders.
“I….I am in love with you, you know that.”
“I do.”
You nodded as if confirming her words, “I want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you, too.” Wanda replied suddenly understanding what you were trying to say.
“There is still a lot we need to figure it out but…I just want you to know I wouldn’t miss this new adventure with you for anything in the world.” Your voice was almost trembling as you opened up to her, Wanda was glancing at you completely serious hearing every word with a beating heart.
“I want to grow old with you, and if you allow me I want to build a family with you. Whenever we are ready, whenever you ar…”
You were cut off by the woman crashing her lips against yours, she held onto you with the same passion she had done so those first times you two were together. She kissed you with love and neediness, and her magic reached out to yours in ways you had learnt for years but that came out naturally to her.  You smiled into the kiss, a game started with you trying to cut it short while she chased after you laughing as you tickled her and soon both of you were just kissing and playing around until, little by little, you went into your destroyed home and enjoyed one another under the night sky above your room.
Tag list!
@cowboyboots236 - @kacka84 - @alurajordyn - @mrscromanoff - @trikruismybitch - @njavezan - @alwaysgoodnight - @mrsmaximoff21 - @casquinhaa - @kyaraderuwez
151 notes · View notes
so in your fic there's Sirius/Barty Jr ship. i reread your analytics of their character and pretty understand the connection. but i would still like to read opinion about their ship 👀
Glad you enjoy my various writing!
Yeah, okay, so Sirius/Barty Jr is a little rare pair my beta reader and I came up with for a different fic that never really got written, but we liked it so much it made it into my current fic, A Matter of Chance.
I'll note that it's gonna take quite some time in A Matter of Chance until Sirius and Barty actually meet and even longer until they get together in any meaningful way (but also my writing plans are super vague, so I don't really know). So there's some waiting until that tag is gonna be relevant. That being said, why I ship them and my thoughts on the ship:
So, I wrote a bunch about Sirius, and a bit less about Barty, but they have, like, a lot in common:
They're both incredibly loyal.
They both suffered Azkaban.
The way Sirius described Barty's father always struck me as him being familiar with the situation: "should've spent more time at home" and might've been showing the bitterness towards Orion.
They both have reason to hate Crouch Sr for sending them to the dementors.
They both care about Harry (pretty shocking on Barty's part, but it truly seems like he does) and are as involved as they can be.
both of them are hands-on in their approach, of, well, literally anything.
I feel Sirius and Barty would get each other's sense of humor that's a bit on the crueler side too. They won't make the other feel guilty over stupid shit.
They also communicate in a similarly straightforward way. They say what they think pretty damn clearly when they're free to do so.
So, as you can see, they have a surprising amount of things in common. As for Barty being a Death Eater, well, I illustrated in my posts about him that I don't think he was that much of a loyal Death Eater and I don't think he tortured the Longbottoms (it's outright stated in the books he wasn't caught with the Lestranges, but with a different group of Death Eaters that walked free!). I think Barty was a Death Eater more as a teenage rebellion than truly believing in everything (though he likely isn't a fan of Muggles). Like, the way Sirius went all in on Dumbledore and the Order as rebellion, Barty did in the opposite direction.
I don't think Barty really killed and tortured many people, but unlike Draco or Regulus I think he could if he felt he needed to, he isn't as sadistic as Bellatrix (or Sirius, honestly). He's tamer but still colder and more willing to respond with violence than Draco or Lucius.
The main quote I'm basing this ship on is the entire conversation in which Sirius talks about Barty in GoF:
Sirius smiled grimly. “Crouch’s own son was caught with a group of Death Eaters who’d managed to talk their way out of Azkaban. Apparently they were trying to find Voldemort and return him to power.” “Crouch’s son was caught?” gasped Hermione. “Yep,” said Sirius, throwing his chicken bone to Buckbeak, flinging himself back down on the ground beside the loaf of bread, and tearing it in half. “Nasty little shock for old Barty, I’d imagine. Should have spent a bit more time at home with his family, shouldn’t he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while . . . gotten to know his own son.” He began to wolf down large pieces of bread. “Was his son a Death Eater?” said Harry. “No idea,” said Sirius, still stuffing down bread. “I was in Azkaban myself when he was brought in. This is mostly stuff I’ve found out since I got out. The boy was definitely caught in the company of people I’d bet my life were Death Eaters — but he might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like the house-elf.” “Did Crouch try and get his son off?” Hermione whispered. Sirius let out a laugh that was much more like a bark. [...] Crouch’s fatherly affection stretched just far enough to give his son a trial, and by all accounts, it wasn’t much more than an excuse for Crouch to show how much he hated the boy . . . then he sent him straight to Azkaban.” “He gave his own son to the dementors?” asked Harry quietly. “That’s right,” said Sirius, and he didn’t look remotely amused now. “I saw the dementors bringing him in, watched them through the bars in my cell door. He can’t have been more than nineteen. They took him into a cell near mine. He was screaming for his mother by nightfall. He went quiet after a few days, though . . . they all went quiet in the end . . . except when they shrieked in their sleep. . . .” For a moment, the deadened look in Sirius’s eyes became more pronounced than ever, as though shutters had closed behind them. “So he’s still in Azkaban?” Harry said. “No,” said Sirius dully. “No, he’s not in there anymore. He died about a year after they brought him in.” “He died?” “He wasn’t the only one,” said Sirius bitterly. “Most go mad in there, and plenty stop eating in the end. They lose the will to live. You could always tell when a death was coming, because the dementors could sense it, they got excited. That boy looked pretty sickly when he arrived. [...] Wasted away just like the boy. Crouch never came for his son’s body. The dementors buried him outside the fortress; I watched them do it.”
Sirius talks about Crouch Sr and Barty's relationship. He knows a surprising lot about Barty's backstory and childhood for someone who didn't even know for sure if he was a Death Eater and only found these things out after he escaped. Like, where did he learn all this from (sure, he likely read old newspapers, but how much of this information is actually likely to be there?). He also talks about both Bartys with a certain familiarity "ol' Barty". He's dull and bitter over Barty's death, he watched the only "funeral" Barty got, probably the only "attendant" besides the dementors. And he talks about hearing Barty screaming until he died in Azkaban... Yeah, I like that angst, I'm so here for an Azkaban romance (and post-Azkaban romance).
And, like, Barty was in Regulus' year, they probably joined the Death Eaters around the same time, maybe even together. And Sirius probably didn't talk to Barty at all his own when they were in school, he had no reason to, but he knew his little brother hung out with him occasionally. And from the quote above it's clear Sirius felt sorry for him, felt sympathy for someone else he thought might've been innocent. Someone in the same situation as he is that he might've felt protective over, like he could succeded in saving Regulus this time. And Barty has no one, basically, no friends, no family, just haunting memories, a situation Sirius is so familiar with. And Sirius is like a sorta friend, he's basically Regulus if you squint (not at all but at first), they share an experience (and hatred for Crouch Sr) that could feel so isolating when speaking to someone who doesn't know. He's someone Barty could potentially trust since neither of them trusts the ministry, or Voldemort, or Dumbledore. They can be in their own little corner where they have no one (well, Harry is there, but no other adults. Remus has way more faith in Dumbledore than Sirius does)
So, imagine this: Sirius lost everyone, he lost James, he lost his brother, he and Barty are in the same boat. So, like, imagine them talking quietly through the bars, each treating the other as a Regulus stand-in even if their personalities are more similar to each other than to Regulus. This grows into somewhat getting to know each other, something that's almost friendship. A cold comfort in the coldness of Azkaban. Then, Barty seemingly stops talking to Sirius and dies soon after, and Sirius doesn't know what to make of it. After Barry dies, he starts staying in Padfoot form more and more.
And then, post-Azkaban, they gonna meet again and bond over escaping Azkaban and caring about Harry.
There'll be healing. There'll be bad coping mechanisms. There'll be a desperation for any familiar connection and a lot of dark humor. They're on the run from both Voldemort and the ministry. And, like, if anyone thinks Sirius Orion Black won't be willing to help get away from Crouch Sr's body, they don't know Sirius Black.
Like, I think they'd just get each other, but also keep making incorrect assumptions about each other at the same time all the while being desperate for what the other represents — people they lost, time they lost. I think it's a fun concept with angst potential.
They're also both incredibly intelligent and skilled wizards (Barty tricked the Goblet of Fire, which is no easy feat). I think they could see each other, eventually after they get over the initial mess of shared losses, as equals and partners in crime. They just have such a vibe, idk. Like, I imagine them pseudo-parenting Harry together, and all I can come up with would be hilarious, but also, like, surprisingly good for Harry. Harry needs more people in his life who would appreciate him for him, more people that'll raise his ridiculously low self-esteem.
Do you know who's the first character to tell Harry he has talents? Barty Jr.
“Well, I’m not going to tell you,” said Moody gruffly. “I don’t show favoritism, me. I’m just going to give you some good, general advice. And the first bit is — play to your strengths.” “I haven’t got any,” said Harry, before he could stop himself. “Excuse me,” growled Moody, “you’ve got strengths if I say you’ve got them. Think now. What are you best at?”
(GoF, 344)
Basically, I think they'd be messed up, but also make it work under their specific circumstances.
(Can you tell I love trauma bonding ships?)
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izzysillyhandsy · 11 months
How I learned to stop being angry and love the Death Scene (for now)
This may be a controversial take, but I've come to the conclusion that Izzy's death scene maybe wasn't badly written after all.
There is one big aspect of this scene that I really love: it was 100% in character for Izzy AND Ed (and everyone else too) at that point in their story.
BUT it only works if we are not expected to believe that 1. this was in any way a happy ending for any of them and 2. that this arc is finished.
If Izzy stays dead permanently, his death and the way it happened, what was said and notably what wasn't, was tragic for everyone involved - especially Ed - and we should feel bad about it. This isn't an uplifting scene of closure for either Izzy or Ed, and it is totally understandable that most Izzy fans were crushed by it (and Ed fans, even those who don't like Izzy, should be too!).
If there is no possibility that anyone, in any way, can talk to Izzy ever again and (in Ed's case) clean up the mess between them - then this is not a comedy any more. It's a tragedy. And it should be treated as such by the show and the creators (and this might be where disappointment lies waiting).
The death scene by itself though was fitting, if we look at where Ed and Izzy are on their character arcs at the end of S2. It played out exactly as I'd have expected.
Izzy - All about Eddie
The main problem I (and many others) had with Izzy's death scene is that it is all about Ed.
Izzy is apologizing for everything that happened, including Ed cutting his fuckin' leg off. He is reassuring Ed that he wants to go, it's ok, no need to be sad. He encourages Ed to be soft, emotional, himself. He tells him that his biggest fear, being unloveable to anyone except Izzy, isn't real - he has a family now.
And, now that I've had time to think about it, I realized: YES this is exactly what Izzy would do.
All of S2 was about Izzy breaking the chain, but until the end it was still all about Ed for him (because it's not as easy as cutting off a rotten leg, unfortunately). Izzy would make his last moments about Ed, trying to do as much good as possible in the short time he had left. Or, trying to undo as much of what he thought he'd done wrong.
And I really don't want to take away from Izzy's accomplishments and character growth in S2. He'd come so far already! After years and years of singleminded devotion and love he'd finally realized that their form of entanglement was destructive.
Izzy broke up with Ed in Ep2 - and it almost killed him both of them. He started to look for meaning outside of his relationship with Ed, rediscovering aspects of himself that had long been buried and forgotten. He began, tentatively, to form bonds to members of the crew and put himself out there, away from Ed's side, away from being Ed's voice and Ed's hands, ruled by Ed's emotions.
But there wasn't enough time: still, everything he did was, in one way or another, at least partly about Ed.
Whittling - a Blackbeard metaphor Training Stede - "What did he say about me specifically" La vie en rose - a love song about "the one" and promises for life Hiya boys - oh my god he's trying so hard here but this is killing him, isn't it Bonding with Stede at Jackie's - "He's a complicated man" The Ricky monologue - so much passion behind every word, not getting what you want, letting go of ego for something larger - the whole speech was (at least partly) about Ed
(I believe the first Ricky monologue about belonging is more about Ed than the crew and I know this is not a popular take. Still, for me it makes sense because this is how Izzy felt for decades. I don't think he has shaken that mindset yet - give up your ego, your own dreams and personality for something larger - Ed&Izzy or Blackbeard. When he says "he crew" it feels like a bit of an afterthought - there is a pause.)
So, at the end of S2, Izzy is not over Ed at all - he's deeply hurt, feels incredibly guilty (unreasonably so!) and is repressing a lot of what happened.
He's still so entangled with Ed - if this is his last chance to make things right, he will.
And as much as I would have loved seeing Izzy dying surrounded by his loving family, he wasn't there yet. Not as long as Ed was around. And I think the crew understood. They understood Izzy more then he understood himself at one point ("You're in a toxic relationship with Blackbeard"). They understood what he was going through, and they gave him space to say goodbye to the man he had loved for his whole life.
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Izzy died how he lived - all wrapped up in Eddie. And at this point in his life, I wouldn't have expected anything else.
Ed - All about us, you and Me
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I love the symbolism of these 2 frames - while Izzy's bloody hand is entangled in Ed's hair until death (and beyond), Ed's bloody hand is putting a distance between Izzy and everyone else but himself.
I wonder how Ed would have taken it if it had been the other way round - if Izzy had found himself a Stede at the start of S1.
I think not well is an understatement.
Even though Ed seems constantly annoyed by Izzy in S1 (and violently destructive towards him in S2), at no point did I get the impression that he actually wanted Izzy to leave, for Izzy to love him less intently or be less devoted.
But, it wasn't very much about Izzy as a person, or Izzy's happiness, or their shared happiness anymore. I think Ed saw himself and Izzy as "together forever, us two against the world", but without putting any work in or pausing to think how Izzy was actually feeling (and I am 100% sure that Ed knew how much Izzy loved him and how little love he got in return).
But being with Izzy was Ed's whole life, they were two halves of the same whole, and Ed even kinda expected Izzy to stay around after he fell in love with Stede ("We could have worked this out!") and didn't really think about how this never, ever could have worked out for the kind of relationship they were having (this is how Steddyhands... was so compelling actually).
So is it any wonder that, in Izzy's last moments on earth, Ed wants to have him all to himself? He sends Stede away. He signals the crew to stay (waaayy) back. He cradles Izzy in his arms, his back to the crew and everyone else who loved him.
And although, at the start, he tries to get a word in (to apologize back, to tell him he's forgiven) - Izzy dies without hearing anything that wasn't directly related to Ed and Ed's feelings.
Ed never tells him he loves him. He doesn't tell him how much Izzy will be missed for himself and not for what he could do for Ed. How important he was to Ed all those years.
The only thing Izzy gets from Ed before he dies is "You can't go. You can't leave me. Please! You're my only family."
What will happen to Ed? You can't do this to Ed! Ed has noone else! And as sad as this is, it is in character for him at this point in his life.
Ed is fundamentally a very self-centered (and self-hating) person, and his journey towards change had just begun with his death and rebirth. And just like Izzy, he would have needed much more time to grow (although Izzy'd gotten much, much further than Ed).
At Calypso's birthday, I think for the first time in forever, Ed saw Izzy as his own person, someone who he could actually love apart from this Ed-Izzy union they had going for so long. But only a few days (I guess?) later, Izzy dies.
So, at the end of S2, Ed still sees Izzy as "his" to a degree, sees him as one half of "us". He almost expects Izzy's last words to be about him (or them) and doesn't yet see Izzy as his own person, with his own feelings and ties to other people who might have wanted to say goodbye as well.
For Ed, Izzy died how he lived - wrapped up in Ed and Ed keeping everyone else away. Talking about himself only in relation to Ed. Izzy as a part of Ed that's vital and needed - but not itself in need of words of solace or other people's love (or any love, period).
At this point in Ed's and Izzy's life, the death scene and how it was written/acted is perfect, in my opinion. But for the characters, it's incredibly tragic.
Izzy never got what he wanted most - Ed's love. He died believing almost his whole life was a mistake, keeping Ed from his true self for far too long and destroying him in the process. In the end, the crew who had unconditionally loved and accepted him, stood at a distance, and the man he still loved over anyone and anything else never told Izzy what he meant to him - and now he never will.
Ed was absolved of his guilt and maybe, in the moment, he even believed it. But of course everything that happened in S2, and everything before that, wasn't (only) Izzy's fault and in the future, Ed has to deal with that. Only now there is no Izzy here to work it through with, and to make amends, no one who was there for it all and who knows parts of Ed best. When Ed finally realizes what Izzy meant to him, it will be too late.
So, if we get a S3 and nothing is ever made of all of this, if Izzy is really dead and the Ed/Izzy dynamic is done and dealt with, then it was bad writing (and I am so afraid that will actually happen).
But as it stands, I'm beginning to love the scene for what it is: a tragic, consistent ending for two characters that I love deeply.
But please don't tell me this was a kind ending.
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