#showing the dwarven wardens some love
finelyageddragons · 11 months
Once again thinking about a dwarven warden who is unphased in the face of darkspawn, who shows no fear in the face of Fereldan's boogeyman after having lived with them outside their doors and especially as an Aeducan who might even relish getting to fight them and have vengeance for their empire. Imagine how much they would inspire not just their fellow wardens but all their companions and allies meeting this enemy with such ferocity to save this home on the surface after having been raised on stories of how their last home was stolen by this same evil. I also love to imagine this great, unstoppable warrior suddenly leaping back at the sight of the undead and fight with a new frenzy of not rage but fear and disgust, with an even deeper hatred. Having been raised worshipping ancestors and living in grief of a stolen history and finding peace in the promise of a peaceful end embraced by the home that could never be stolen, the Stone, this warden is now seeing corpses rise, that rest stolen, the glory of their life ripped away so they can become servants of some dark magic. The undead is always unnatural to everyone but for a dwarf, the undead aren't just corpses, they're everything they value corrupted and sent back like a some ungodly evil. If the darkspawn are humanity's demons then the undead are the dwarves' devils.
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stankhole · 3 months
predictions for veilguard romances under the cut. would love to hear what you guys think will happen with the characters
confident and seems like the type that would immediately flirt back
would use assan playing cute as a way to pick up dates
later you find out the sad reasoning behind why he left his clan & joined the wardens
her wearing armor reminiscent of the shokra-taar/antaam-saar makes me think she’s a qunari still following the qun
she’s initially only interested in a physical relationship and has to work through her upbringing under the qun to become comfortable with a romantic relationship
wants to ride rook’s bones to dust after they take down a dragon the first time
she feels like she has an obligation to the inquisition/rook/varric/whatever organization she’s a part of so she’s initially hesistant to enter into a relationship. she’s been a forward scout for so long she’s used to being all work and no play so when you flirt with her she enjoys it but doesn’t take it too seriously, she’s been traveling with varric recently so she’s used to it after all
she’s also confused because of the magical powers she gains and is afraid of hurting rook since she can’t control them
you help her get control of her magic/figure out where it’s from and you bone
been raised to be a perfect assassin so he doesn’t know what to do when someone shows genuine interest in him
since he was raised to take over as the next talon, he’s used to having his life planned out for him so when he gets the freedom of making his own choices he doesn’t really know what to do
final romance flag is either after he tells his grandmother he doesn’t want to be the new talon or after his cousin finds out he’s not dead
please let him mention zevran, even if just in passing
sunny and goofball personality, likes to make their lover laugh
very intelligent, a big history nerd and would love to take you to romantic places in arlathan and give romantic ancient gifts
thrill seeker, first kiss scene happens after doing something reckless, be that a veil jump or boss fight
grandpa thinks he’s too old for you and you deserve someone younger, but when you don’t back down you realize that peepaw absolutely ~ f u c k s ~
married to his job for the past 30 years, his only friends are his skeletal assistants
manfred will absolutely walk in on you two getting busy at some point
i hope desire demons make a comeback and show up in his story
somehow knows cassandra; is like her 5th uncle 3 times removed
knows what she wants and isn’t going to hesitate if you show interest in her
but will not be fully invested in the relationship aspect at first because of her cynicism. eventually comes around when she realizes how devoted you are to making minrathous/the world a better place
has worked with dorian/ dorian is an informant for her
god bioware please give her a dwarven strap that matches her prosthetic. she’d be unstoppable 🙏🏻
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dreadfutures · 4 months
An unprompted not so little fic for @dadrunkwriting that came to me in a burst tonight.
Young!Ixchel Lavellan timeline, post-Trespasser in her depression.
Dorian and Maevaris try to cheer her up.
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Minrathous teemed with life, and Dorian Pavus’s grand apartment was in perhaps the very best part of the city. Whatever flavor of drinking establishment one fancied, whether beer or liquor or wine, and whatever accompanying sin one wanted to partake in (dancing, gambling, trysts, or a perfectly friendly and above-board conversation with a colleague)—it was just down the street. Stressed? Easy enough to find a relaxing spa day, or perhaps just a massage, or on the more exotic side the experimental “experiences” that some of the shadier businesses offered. And of course there was shopping, and food, for every taste and flavor.
Dorian loved his apartment. The windows were both thick enough and enchanted to the point that the rabble could not be heard—truly a necessity after some sessions on the Magisterium floor these days—but if he wanted to people watch, or get a rousing breeze, he had the option. The office was spacious, the kitchenette was well-stocked, his bed was always inviting. But the best amenities, in Dorian’s opinion, were the guest room and the sitting room.
Many friends had graced the luxurious bed and silken couches of his apartment. Viscount Tethras, visiting on business; a smelly, weary old Warden Rainier who sorely needed a lesson about the finer things in life; a not-quite-so-pale young man with watery blue eyes and his bardic companion. Others, too, under more secretive circumstances: Charter and Lace Harding, strictly on business, for example. All of them had found his apartments space enough to let down some of their burdens and relax.
He could entertain here, introducing old companions to the new, forging connections for all sorts of reasons (and sometimes, though more rarely these days, for no reason at all).
For so many reasons, he was normally happy to spend time in his too-expensive, rigorously-warded apartment. But he had been so, so excited to give Ixchel Lavellan her first taste of Tevinter, its potential. Out of all of his former companions in the Inquisition, she was the one who would express the most wonder, whose eyes would widen the most, who would ask the best questions. And let him show off a little.
Yet the moment she arrived on his doorstep, disguised as a dwarven companion of Lace Harding, he knew he would need to change tack.
Ixchel settled into his apartment the way an elderly relative might: shuffling, movements ginger, head down under the weight of too many experiences. She still wasn’t completely accustomed to tackling tasks one-armed, but Dorian sensed that the visible disability wasn’t what ailed her. And something did ail her.
Her cheeks had lost some of their fullness. Her eyes squinted, as if it was difficult to keep them open. Her hair wasn’t the lustrous brown it had once been but rather limp, dark, and without luster.
She sighed more, too, though he wasn’t sure she realized it. She sighed like it was hard to get enough air with a normal breath and she needed to compensate.
He had hoped she was simply weary from incognito travel, and he encouraged her to retire early. But the next day she emerged from the guest bedroom just as tired as she had been when she arrived.
No, Dorian was not going to force her out onto the streets he loved so much. He would make the most of their brief time together within the confines of his apartment—and try to bring some life to her eyes again.
He knew he would need help. Left to their own devices, Dorian was self-aware enough to realize they had a tendency to reminisce, and then to plot, and then to stagnate in some emotion too close to despair to be healthy for either of them. Some of his companions these days were a little… too much for the task, but he could trust Maevaris to steer their conversation calmly, but with suitable energy—and most of all, hope—to awaken the Ixchel Dorian knew and cared for so dearly.
He had left Lace Harding and Ixchel in his apartment briefly and gone down to the marketplace to pick up some delicacies for their enjoyment, then paid a messenger to summon Magister Tilani to his abode. As he wandered back to the apartment,  he tried to think of what else might cheer Ixchel up.
She was dressed in such drab garments, and he knew she didn’t have much reason these days to wear anything extravagant, yet he also remembered how her eyes had sparkled when Vivienne and Josephine and Leliana had shown her her reflection prior to the peace talks at Halamshiral. Perhaps it was the feral child in her that was so magpie-like, fond of sparkly little adornments—and small luxuries like rich cheese, or warm, soft fur.
It was a little too warm for a new fur ruff, though it would probably come in handy in empty old Skyhold. Perhaps he would have one sent to her after she returned. For now, a good cheese, some fresh bread, and a bottle of orange-blossom mead would suffice.
Or, Dorian thought that would suffice, until he caught sight of a street vendor’s stall decked out in brighter colors than any Tevinter fashion of the past century would allow.
If Dorian wasn’t mistaken, it was all Dalish textiles and beadwork and the like. It was quite shocking to see on the streets of Minrathous, and he had to admit that his first guess at its origin was quite unpleasant. Was it the work of Dalish slaves?
Ixchel would never forgive him if he didn’t get answers.
The trader, it turned out, was a dwarf. Dorian nearly let out an audible sigh of relief, as that nearly ruled out his worst fears. She had fine bones and quite a regal air to her considering she was out here on the street with wares no one would likely buy, but that didn’t seem to bother her. When Dorian approached, she looked up from her book without much excitement.
“Good morning,” Dorian said. “Am I mistaken in believing this is Dalish work?”
“You’re not,” the trader replied, then offered nothing more.
“How in the world did you come across such a bounty of wares?” Dorian asked, giving a gesture to the table she had set up—a gesture muted a little by the burden already in his arms. “I think I’ve only seen this much Dalish weaving in a glass case at the University of Orlais.”
The dwarf’s face wrinkled slightly in disgust, though she turned her head away in an attempt to hide it. She fingered some of the embroidered clothing busily. “Yeah, well there’s no blood on these. Are you buying? This isn’t a museum.”
“Only if there’s no blood on them,” Dorian said. “Are you certain?”
The dwarf shot a skeptical look at him from the side, then sighed. She gestured at an over-the-head cape with large blocks of color interrupting its blue fabric expanse. “My mother weaves and makes these.”
Dorian tried not to let his surprise and confusion appear on his face. “Did she travel with the Dalish? I’ve never heard of a—”
She looked at him so suspiciously, nearly angry with palpable anxiety, and the truth finally slotted into place. He cleared his throat. “I see! Well, they are absolutely stunning, and I am definitely interested in buying. A dear friend of mine from across the Marches lost her clan. I think these would mean something to her. Quite a lot.”
The merchant continued to assess him for a moment longer, but she seemed to decide that he was being earnest, and her demeanor softened. She lay a hand fully on the cape. “It’s halla hair, dyed traditionally and woven into patterns from Clan Morlyn, but with some inspiration from dwarven work. And these—” she gently touched a velvet bed full of beaded earrings “—are made from coral that Clan Morlyn gathers near Ayesleigh. But it’s dwarven silverwork.” She hesitated, then looked up at him. “My father made them.”
Dorian’s chest was tight. “It’s good to know their provenance,” he said, then cleared his throat when it came out with a slight quaver. “I will certainly select something for my friend.”
Maevaris arrived just as Dorian did. She was dressed in somewhat more comfortable fare then her usual tastes, completely prepared for a day of lounging and snacking as appropriate. She plucked the bag of bread and other goodies from his arms, freeing him to open the front door, and she swept in ahead of him as soon as she could.
“After you, my dear,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.
She winked at him and waited for him to lock the door and ward it behind them.
“What’s that?” she asked as they headed upstairs, nodding to the blue fabric in his arms and the bag that dangled from his elbow.
“Wouldn’t you know it, but there is a half-Dalish, half-dwarven trader set up a few blocks away,” he drawled. “She sells for her parents, both craftsmen.”
“What a wonder,” Maevaris said. “Did you get anything for me?”
“Oh, I bought quite the collection,” Dorian demurred. “You can put on a fashion show for us.”
Mae had been exactly the right choice for the job. She was the kind of diplomat, the kind of star, who could make the stoniest dwarf weep or the most frightened former slave feel themselves an equal for the first time, just as easily as she could make ornery, elderly blood mages send her flowers—unpoisoned! Friends everywhere, though just as many enemies.
Dorian enjoyed basking in the rays of her sunny smile and watching her work her magic on a new friend.
It didn’t take long for Ixchel’s tense smile to ease and become a little more genuine. She didn’t need to be Inquisitor for Mae. Mae didn’t care about the galas and the blood. She asked Ixchel about travel, and about horses, and commiserated over seasickness. By lunch hour, Mae’s wonder and rapt interest in Ixchel’s account of Avvar mage training had become contagious. It was as though Ixchel were remembering for the first time just what adventures she had had. They were sparkling discoveries: the Temple of Dirthamen, the Sulevin Blade, a possessed dragon and a Titan—but so much of that had been overshadowed by the responsibility, and the death, and the doom…
“She’s a veritable archaeologist,” Mae said in wonder to Dorian, and Ixchel laughed.
“A scholar, a warrior, and a stunning beauty—isn’t that how I described her?” Dorian prodded, unable to contain his smile.
Mae snorted dramatically and leaned over the arm of her chaise in Ixchel’s direction. “Perhaps after the third or fourth letter,” she mock-whispered. “For a while all the was doing was complaining about southern barbarians.”
Ixchel laughed again.
“I must say, it’s a shame I couldn’t see you in your natural habitat,” Mae remarked. “Dorian’s mentioned you have quite the collection of fashionable knits. Not something we really have the seasons for, here.”
Dorian, grateful for the opening Maevaris had given him so casually, reached behind his armchair and hauled his gifts into the open.
He lay out the fabric on his lap and then began to open each box one by one. His account of what they were, and where he had procured them, was slightly less embellished than he might have otherwise given. But earnestness always seemed to stick with Ixchel more than his drama—and he was earnest about this.
He watched as shock, then awe, then grief filled her eyes with every piece of jewelry he produced. But it was too late to undo this, and perhaps something kinder lay on the other side of grief. He hoped so.
Ixchel had sort of… frozen in her spot, barely breathing, not moving to accept her portion of the gifts. Not all of them were for Ixchel (it would have been terribly awkward), but Mae had also not reached for her portion, waiting for Ixchel to go first. When it became apparent that she would not, Mae made a decision.
She stood and crouched in front of Dorian, looking over the selection for a few moments and tapping her lips with one perfectly manicured nail. Then, she selected a set of earrings—a pair of silver studs engraved with a bear paw, the center of which was a drop of shaped red coral—and turned.
Ixchel woke from her reverie but was suddenly shy upon Mae’s approach. Her right hand touched her earlobe, and she opened her mouth to protest that her ears were not pierced—an egregious oversight on Dorian’s part.
But Mae spoke first.
“I’ve always wanted to pierce Dorian’s ears,” she said decisively. “He wouldn’t let me do it in school, and I’ve been asking him for years. But don’t you think he’d look so bold? Daring?”
Mae tossed a carefree grin over her shoulder at Dorian, who was chortling.
Ixchel’s sheepish expression turned slightly more bold. “I don’t know, Maevaris, if he could turn you down, I don’t think I stand a chance of swaying him.”
Maevaris gave her chiming laugh. “You would fit in right on the Senate floor with that charm!”
Ixchel leaned around Maevaris’s figure and gave Dorian a smirk. “Come on, Dor. Mae says you’ll look good, so you will.”
“Is that how that works? What about the time she tried to get me to wear one of those pompous silken scarves the Orlesians favor? Cravats, were they?” Dorian rolled his eyes.
“I think he’s afraid of needles,” Ixchel said, shocking Dorian. She gestured at her face. “It can’t be as bad as this was, lethallin. If you do it, I’ll do it.”
Maevaris, her head still turned to face Dorian, smiled even wider in triumph.
“Alright, alright,” Dorian relented. He did not mention that he had at one point allowed Maevaris to pierce his ears—and then hated the dangly little diamond thing so much he’d healed the hole right up. But the bear paws were far less gauche. He would go along with Mae’s plan, for Ixchel’s sake, but maybe he’d keep them for a while and see how he liked it. “Which ones will be yours, mi lumina?” he asked, holding out the selection.
Maevaris set down the bear paw studs and sat beside Ixchel. “May I?” she asked, reaching for Ixchel’s hair, and Ixchel absentmindedly nodded in allowance as she leaned forward to look at the other jewelry. Maevaris began to braid Ixchel’s hair away from her face, silent as Ixchel remarked on the craftsmanship of the gifts. She chimed in only when Ixchel asked Maevaris which ones she wanted to keep and to praise Ixchel’s own choice: dangling, intricately worked silver in the shape of a blossom of Crystal Grace—its petals in light blue stone, and its stamen in delicately carved coral.
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danielnelsen · 3 months
The Veilguard Q&A thing: Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game? Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have? Do you have any unpopular opinions about DAV so far?
answered the first one here
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
only very broadly. definitely a grey warden, but i havent decided between elven mage and dwarven rogue. every time i think im leaning more towards one over the other i realise im actually not lmao. i think there'll be the most extra dialogue and story content for elves and i dont wanna miss out on anything (obviously it will be a complete story either way, but yknow), but dwarves are my favourite race. the only reason i dont play dwarves very often is because i love playing as a mage. i think my choice will probably come down to what the actual backgrounds of the characters are: if we can play a dwarf with like..a dwarfy background, rather than a surface dwarf from a mostly human population, then that might tip the scales. i dont think i could resist playing a dwarf from the ambassadoria or kal-sharok (not that the latter is gonna happen).
i think my rook will be nonbinary, but i havent decided between he/him or they/them. im interested in how well the game will handle neutral pronouns, but my characters are also always somewhat an extension of myself, especially on my first playthrough. i'll most likely stick with a default name and face, but i'll definitely play around with the body customisation. hopefully you can be real-life fat, not just popular-media fat (aka not fat). today's article also revealed that you can adjust 'glute and bulge size'. so. we'll see where that takes me. if im already making the rest of my body bigger, then.........
im going into the game expecting to romance davrin, but we know nothing about anyone's personalities yet so that's very easily subject to change. second choice is emmrich. i think my rook will be a bit more serious than i usually play my dragon age characters, especially since we're starting out already having had some real-world experience (im a grey warden, after all), but who knows, maybe once i start picking dialogue options i'll just feel the need to be sweet to everyone.
this is all very surface-level stuff, which is the only planning im gonna do. maybe i'll be more sure of my race option by the time the game releases, but everything else will just evolve based on how the game goes. i dont wanna get too attached to a character that wont end up fitting well into the story.
15. Do you have any unpopular opinions about DAV so far?
ok it took me a while to think of something because whenever i see a lot of people disagree with an opinion i have, i also see plenty of people who share my opinion... but i dont really want the inquisitor to have too big of a role. it makes sense for them to be there, and i especially understand people who romanced solas feeling like their inquisitor should have an important part in the story, but i think this is a bit of a limitation of having the plot directly follow from the events of dai. it wouldnt make sense for the inquisitor not to show up, but this isnt their game, it's rook's. id argue that it would make sense for them not to show up much because solas knows them already, but we've got harding as a companion, who solas is also very familiar with. that said, i expect the writers have probably learned from the reaction to hawke's cameo in dai and will do a better job of writing the inquisitor than they did with writing hawke lmao
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
hope u dont mind me sending you some of the options for that fluff ask list :D for magni - A, F, N. for Valerius - J, Q, M. for leonelle - L, Y, U
Oh my god, thank you Shania. I apologise this took a while to reply to. This got...somewhat long.
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I imagine they do not have a lot of spare time for one another. Anora is nothing if not a dedicated queen, and Magni – at least for the first few years of their marriage – is often away from court, either because of Warden or Orzammar business.
But once he remains at court for extended periods of time, Magni and Anora are often sighted walking the palace gardens together, either by themselves or with a handful of mabari sired by Magni’s warhound; or they play cards in their private rooms. Magni soon learns Anora is a deft hand at wicked grace and gets thoroughly trounced. 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
So if I think there is one thing Magni doesn’t do, it’s fight with Anora. They’re both stubborn, but the difference is one of them has a father who is not afraid to come back across the Frostbacks.  Magni respects both Loghain and Anora too much to really pick a fight with her over anything; they come to understand quite swiftly what it means to be married to Anora, and he understands his place within her court. Lead her armies, look pretty and warm her bed, and when she requires it, support her in whatever she asks. 
Their one major fight comes just after Awakening, when Anora learns of what happened to Amaranthine. She needed Magni to do anything but that, and to see a prominent trade hub in Ferelden burn to the ground when Vigil’s Keep could have survived on its own accord. It brought Magni’s intentions – and thus her – into question, and the argument resulted in Anora placing her husband in a temporary exile from court while she did damage control; everyone in court knew that was the reason, though the official reason for Magni’s absence in court was that they were helping Orzammar and the Fereldan forces stationed there take back more of the Deep Roads.
It took a while for Anora to forgive Magni for that formally, but I think personally it was a little easier. She understands that they had to make a hard decision.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Anora and Magni are not really a nickname sort of couple – terribly boring, I know; she might affectionately refer to them as ‘my consort’ or ‘husband’,  but other than that, she mostly keeps to ‘Magni.’ If there was more of the Dwarven language or even just more affectionate terms to work with, it might be a different story for Magni, but since there isn’t: again, he mostly sticks to more formal terms, ‘my Queen’ – and very occasionally a ‘my love’ might let slip. God forbid these two show sentimentality, I suppose.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh, he is loathe to admit it, but he gets easily jealous  to the point of murderous. He learns fairly early on with Camellia that he does not like the idea of keeping things non-exclusive between them. To quote the option he picked in act 3: “I don’t know how to bring our next meeting any closer, but I do know what will happen if you’ve been spending your time with another man when I should be in his place. He won’t be allowed to live after that.” It is a nasty streak of his that he is not proud of, even if Camellia responded positively to it (and perhaps the only woman who might find that genuinely a turn on (and a terribly amusing one at that) – to know that he is so inflamed by her he is willing to kill any potential admirers. She has certainly used it to her advantage before; a way for her to find a new person to kill with him – almost like a game. 
And similarly, she is prone to jealousy to a potentially murderous degree as well. She turns petty, colder and more verbally vicious than usual, and those who are not likely to back down are more likely to be at the mercy of her stiletto. Ultimately it depends on who it is – in the case of her jealousy towards Vellexia and Wenduag during the crusade, there was not a whole lot she could do about either situation, because she and Valerius were not in a relationship at the time and she was trying her best to hide her feelings; but if there’s someone less…valuable, then there might be a sudden disappearance.
(A lot of people come to understand that both are off-limits because of the potential consequences of stoking the other’s jealousy.)
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
That quirky side effect of being a dhampir known as having a taste for blood? Pretty fitting that it’s beneficial in his relationship with Camellia. It certainly makes him far more accepting of her proclivities than most men would be; and she enjoys it when he bites her, drinks from her. It is a huge turn on for her, a perfect mix of pleasure and pain, and it makes them both feel good. 
Also. It has to be said – his willingness to go down on her at any given time and his penchant for blood has made her monthly courses that much more bearable and what was once an… inconvenience is not so much the case anymore.  
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He absolutely wanted to marry Camellia; I think he realises that after he rejected Lichdom for her, that for him to commit anathema, partially because the thought of sacrificing her is so unbearable, that he is thinking that far ahead. And perhaps that was foolish of him, given they were not even in a relationship yet. 
But the marriage proposal is not what he would have wanted it to be – and yet, it somehow feels right that it was the way it was. She returns in the dead of a midwinter’s night with every intention to kill him, to free herself from the torment and anguish of missing him (and with a contract on his life with her name on it), but cannot bring herself to do it. Camellia knows where to strike to take a life, and she failed to do it; and after they’ve had sex upon his war table, he proposes to her in the midst of a conversation about what comes next.  Romance. 
(I have been toying with the idea that he gives her a formal proposal before their wedding, complete with a ring, because he feels like he should do it "proper." It's just a matter of working out when.)
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She never did confess to Nyrissa; she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It would make the unspoken real and that would make things more complicated than they already were. In the end, it didn’t matter or not whether she loved Nyrissa – there was only one way that story was ending, whether she wanted to admit it or not. One of them needed to die for the Stolen Lands to have any modicum of stability and Leonelle chose her queendom over love.
With Jaethal, it is different yet somehow similar for her. Hesitant. Leonelle usually is forward in her intentions with the women she is attracted to, but after Nyrissa, her heart became more guarded and she is more reluctant to be open about her emotional connections to those women. Jaethal especially is a…complicated situation. They're liege and vassal, and confidantes first and foremost, lovers second. Leonelle is under no illusion that Jaethal wishes to limit herself to one person now she has a mortal body once more. At best, a declaration of love might seem naive to the much older woman. At worst, she would balk and break off their arrangement. 
She needn't have worried. With the help of liquid courage, Leonelle tipsily tells Jaethal on their way back from one of Octavia's parties that she's in love with her. Jaethal's response is a surprisingly calm and sober "an expected outcome" and while she does not say it back, she has shown a certain degree of affection to Leonelle in return that she did not show earlier. 
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Leonelle is pretty good at the whole yearning thing. Nyrissa made her good at it – she would often catch herself dreaming or thinking about her to the point of distraction in the later stages of the game. And while she is not quite bad with the whole yearning situation with Jaethal (because she knows she can be with Jaethal to an extent, have something tangible with her), when Jaethal is not at court, the yearning does bleed through in her words during their private correspondence. But for the most part, Leonelle is more likely to surround herself with people during those periods of time when she is missing Jaethal so she feels less lonely. 
I imagine Jaethal will have a certain level of detachment to any relationship she may have with any shorter lived partner and Leonelle isn’t an exception to that just because she is the Queen. She also states that she has no intention to limit herself in any way – and that likely includes monogamy to any extent – so the level of yearning that Jaethal would have wouldn’t be even remotely close to what Leonelle would experience as a still-mortal queen from a much shorter-lived ancestry. She copes just fine, I imagine.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Answered this one here.
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bendingwind · 8 months
My Dragon Age Characters
I've been writing Dragon Age fic for a week straight despite DA:I being like a decade old and the DA:DW situation looking preeeetty dire, but I need a break from Secret Love Child AU and I was re-reading my Dragon Age babyfic and I wanted to write little blurbs about all six of my Wardens, my two Hawkes, and all eight of my Inquisitors (... yes I know)! Will anyone read this? Who knows! But I will enjoy writing it! Because I am a NERD, many years ago I a) made a flowchart of what leads to each of them becoming the PC and b) wrote an algorithm to calculate the odds of that happening for each character. They're in order of most to least likely to fill the PC role. Also you should know I have minimal respect for the canon of this universe and disregard it at will. TW for rape, drug use, suicide, late-term miscarriage mentions in the backgrounds of certain characters. Anyway here, have almost 4k words regarding my Dragon Age PC backgrounds~
Natia Brosca
Natia is born to a casteless mother, Kalah, who tried to climb out of Dust Town by giving birth to a noble's son, but instead had Natia's sister Rica (in dwarven society, daughters inherit the caste of their mother, and sons inherit the caste of their father, thus rendering Natia casteless as well). When the noble moved on, uninterested in his casteless daughter, she took up with a carta thug who intended to marry her, and together they had Natia. However, when he decided to leave for the surface, Kalah refused to go with him and remained in Dust Town with her two casteless daughters and no remaining means of support.
Natia worked as a street-sweeper as a child before moving on to gathering rare mushrooms in the Deep Roads, which she sold to keep them fed. When she was sixteen she was sought out by Beraht and recruited to the carta for her skill at staying alive and her ties to her father. She worked as a smuggler and Beraht had her sister trained to go fishing for nobles and bear a nobleman's son, as her mother had tried to do before her. She is sent to the Proving which she wins, only to be exposed as a casteless imposter. In some canons she dies in the cover-up attempt, but almost half the time she survives to be rescued by Duncan when he stops in Orzammar to recruit. She is his favorite, so even if he recruits others before going to Ostagar, she's the one Duncan sends with Alistair to the tower and thus the most likely to become the Warden. Anyone recruited alongside her fights on the field and dies there. She makes Behlen king and romances Zevran and they are disaster bisexual assassins together. The dark ritual is a 'no shit' option for her--obviously if they can all live, she's gonna ensure that they all live.
Solona Amell
Solona is the second child of Ravka Amell and her husband in Kirkwall. In most canons she winds up in the Gallows, but in her canon she's sent to Kinloch Hold where she is Hallowed the same day as but before Noirin Surana. If Natia died and was not recruited, she's potentially among those sent to the tower with Alistair. If she's the only recruit she becomes the Warden; otherwise they bicker and all die and the blight destroys Ferelden. I've never actually played her, just created her for writing purposes, so I don't have a lot of her story hashed out.
Noirin Surana
Noirin Surana is born in the Denerim Alienage to a washerwoman and an unknown, probably already married father. She was a burden on her mother and was immediately given to the templars when she manifested magic at the age of five, and was raised in the Circle at Kinloch Hold. She shows early promise as an apprentice, and likely would have been Harrowed early, only she caught the eye of a particularly nasty templar who began systematically raping her when she was a teenager. He takes measures to prevent Noirin from taking matters to Gregoire or Irving and her studies begin to suffer severely due to trauma and fear. After eight years of this abuse, the templar is finally transferred, and Noirin tells her mentor what has been happening to her. The matter is taken to Irving, and her Harrowing is delayed several years to give her time to recover, making her one of the oldest to be Harrowed in Kinloch Hold history at 25. She refuses the offer to become tranquil.
If Solona Amell is at Kinloch Hold, Solona is Harrowed first on the same day, and attracts a rage demon, resulting in Noirin encountering a fear demon that she is unable to overcome. She fails her Harrowing and is killed. In her canon, she is the one who encounters the rage demon, who she defeats and goes on to be recruited by Duncan. If she is the only recruit taken to Ostagar she becomes Warden; otherwise she dies with the others at the tower or on the field, depending on who all was recruited. She is my only Warden to make Anora queen and leave Alistair a Warden, and she romances Morrigan. Realizing Morrigan is going to leave after the dark ritual, Noirin pulls a serious trick and insists on a threesome, and bends the magic so that she is the one to become pregnant with the Old God Baby. When Morrigan realizes what has happened, she seeks out Noirin, and the two go into hiding. Awakening never happens in this universe.
She appears in one scene as the Warden in all my possessions for a moment of time.
Elemere Cousland
Elemere Cousland was born the result of a brief affair between Elenor Cousland and a Rivaini sea captain (this is purely and 100% because she was my first Warden and I made her Very Obviously Not White only to discover her Very White Family). After Elemere's birth, her mother's husband Bryce chooses to acknowledge her as his daughter and she is raised at Highever with her half-brother Fergus. Because of the obvious lack of resemblance between her and the rest of her family, her marriage prospects are regarded as dim, and she's raised a warrior. Bryce favors her even over his biological son and the two are very close, as is her relationship with her mother, though her mother spends much of her early life away tutoring Cailan and Anora at the behest of Loghain. She becomes Warden only if she's the only recruit brought to Ostagar; otherwise she dies in the tower or on the field with the others. She chooses the dark ritual. She romances Alistair and together they become King and Queen of Ferelden.
She is the subject of my second-person POV story Hero.
Eilis Tabris
Eilis Tabris is the daughter of Cyrion Tabris, and lives in the Alienage with her family. She had was to be in an arranged marriage with an elf from the Highever alienage, and the two had fallen in love via correspondence. However, he is kidnapped by Vaughn on their wedding day and she kills Vaughn rescuing him. If Duncan has a recruit by the time he leaves Highever he does not come to Denerim and instead travels straight to Ostagar; in those universes she is hanged for killing Vaughn. If Duncan comes to Denerim he recruits her, but she never overcomes her depression. She does not romance anyone and is the only Warden who commits the Ultimate Sacrifice.
Sereda Aeducan
Sereda Aeducan is just the canon Aeducan background, nothing special about her--I've never played her, she's just there for flavor if I ever want an Aeducan Warden in the background of something. She almost always dies in the Deep Roads before Duncan can reach her, but if he rescues her and recruits her, she either survives as the only Warden recruit or dies in the tower or on the field with the others. She isn't about to risk her life any more than she has to, and chooses the Dark Ritual.
Lyna Mahariel
Lyna Mahariel is a hunter of the Dalish Mahariel clan. She's also a default that I keep around for placeholders. She is only recruited if Duncan recruits no one else and makes it all the way to the Brecilian forest; so she's the least likely candidate. She romances Leliana if she becomes the Warden and absolutely chooses the Dark Ritual. I think she probably also makes Anora queen out of sheer dislike for Alistair? I haven't played her either idk.
Marian Hawke
My mage Marian Hawke is just a generic red mage Hawke with a rivalry with Varric. She romances Fenris and Isabela, for reasons. OT3 OT3. If Carver is a templar, she sides with the templars for his sake; otherwise she sides with the mages. She frees Anders and believes he did the right thing, much to Fenris and Isabela's dismay.
My non-mage Marian Hawke is my fav and substantially more interesting imo. When she's fifteen, Bethany begins to show signs of magic, and her parents send Marian to the Chantry in Gwaren to train as a templar in order to deflect attention from the family. After all, how could a family who sent a child to the templars harbor a mage? She quickly comes to decide that the templar life isn't for her, but they won't release her from her vows. So begins a series of small rebellions in an attempt to get kicked out, with no success. Finally she conceives a plan where she seduces a number of Initiate Sisters belonging to Redcliffe’s chantry, and makes sure the rumors of a Templar recruit making the rounds become known. To her dismay, the Initiates prove very loyal and do not name her when they are questioned. A guard is assigned from among the recruits to guard the Initiates’ chastity--and of course, they choose the only female recruit, Marian. Desperate, she arranges both a tryst and a surprise inspection so that she will be caught. The plan is at last successful, and Marian is dismissed from the Order.
Marian returns home to find her sister, Bethany, desperately doing what she can for their father who is ill. Shortly after her return, she falls ill herself--her father, having witnessed the sickness before, is able to determine that it is lyrium withdrawal. He says that the young templar recruits’ food was laced with it, in preparation for the consumption of their first draught of lyrium during their initiation and so that they could perform minor versions of Templar abilities during training. He insists that Bethany focus her relatively unskilled healing abilities on preventing her sister from descending into lyrium madness, with the result that he continues to sicken and eventually dies. After a long recovery, hindered by her grief over her father, Hawke finally gets back on her feet. She spends a year attempting to help around the farm before giving it up as a lost cause, and leaving to join the Ferelden army. She initially struggles to get a position, but is finally introduced to Ser Cauthrien by a mutual friend, who finds her a small command in Ferelden’s army.
When the Blight begins, Marian is dispatched to Ostagar along with the rest of the army. She stumbles across her brother, a new recruit, while there, and is appalled to discover he has left their mother and Bethany behind on the farm in pursuit of his own career as a soldier. When the royal standard goes down, she immediately abandons her post and goes looking for him. She is one of the ones who slaps him silly and drags him out of Ostagar, before they go to get their mother and Bethany and flee Ferelden.
Templar!Hawke doesn't romance anyone, but she does fuck every single one of her companions, including Varric. She kills Anders. If Bethany survives and is in the Circle, she sides with the mages; otherwise, her mother's fate fresh in her mind, she sides with the templars.
Mayan Adaar
Mayan Adaar’s mother was a tamassran who fled the Qun to protect a twelve-year-old charge who had been sentenced to qamek. She joined the Aqun-Vashoth and took the name Tamashok. She was assigned the role of tamassran among the Aqun-Vashoth, and she raised the boy, who took the name Dathras and became a farmer, and married a man named Kata-aban from an old Aqun-Vashoth family. Mayan Adaar was born to Tamashok and Kata-aban Adaar several years after their marriage, once Dathras had left home to pursue his role in the Aqun-Vashoth.
Mayan was slated to become a tamassran like her mother from an early age, and began an unofficial apprenticeship at the age of six. She took to the role eagerly and was thrilled when her tamassran approved her to follow in her mother’s footsteps. When she was fourteen and about to formally enter apprenticeship to become a tamassran, her magic manifested. As a mage, she was only permitted to pursue the path of a Saareva, or mercenary recruit gifted with magic. She requested permission to become a healer, but there were already sufficient healers in the ranks, and so she was only given the choice to become a battle mage (Saareiss). At the age of eighteen, she completed her training and was assigned to the Sata-kas, where she excelled as a battle mage but was extremely unhappy. She was sent to the Tamassrans regularly, and was granted a year-long cycle with the Asalaa who guarded the settlement despite her young age.
At the age of twenty-five, the Sata-kas got a new commander, who decided to put Mayan in charge of a squad and see how she would do. To everyone’s surprise, she flourished in a command role, finally able to step back some from fighting directly. Within a year, she was promoted to his second-in-command. When the commander of the Valo-kas retired, Shokrakar promoted thirty-year-old Mayan to the position. Mayan worried that her new second-in-command, Hikram Aqun, would feel that the position should have been his, and so she went out of her way to befriend him. The two quickly fell in love. Two years later, they petitioned Shokrakar and their tamassrans for permission to marry, which they were granted. Mayan quickly became pregnant, hoping to retire from the mercenary companies and take an opening among the Saarkatoh that was about to be available.
In her canon, they set out to return to Aqun'ante-koslun (home of the Aqun-Vashoth, somewhere southwest of Wildervale) but are attacked by rogue mages in the wake of the Gallows' collapse. Hikram is killed and Mayan loses her unborn baby. She remains with the Valo-kas until they attend the Conclave as guards for some Chantry sisters, and when she goes to collect her pay she stumbles on Corypheus and becomes the Inquisitor. She romances the Iron Bull and sides with the templars, as she doesn't really understand the situation in the Circles and how it differs from the handling of mages among her people. They feature in my story half a dozen, at least. In other canons she and Hikram are not attacked by mages, and settle in Aqun'ante-koslun to raise their daughter.
Ynés Lavellan
Ynés Lavellan is born to the Lavellan clan but makes one mage too many, so she is traded in marriage to another clan. She is raised there, falls in love, marries, and has three daughters. When she is pregnant with her fourth child, the clan is attacked and all but slaughtered. One of only a few survivors and near to giving birth, she seeks out her birth clan, but Clan Lavellan still has too many mages. They let her stay until she gives birth to a son, and offer to raise him, but tell her she must go. She takes her son with her and finds work as a guide for humans, leading looters, university scholars, and curious nobles to significant Elvhen ruins for a fee, her son strapped to her back.
She is very bitter towards both Clan Lavellan and the humans she works for, but eventually she is invited back to the clan after the death of two of their mages, and becomes their First while her son Mihail becomes a clan hunter. Whether or not she attends the Conclave depends on whether she trades in Wycome shortly before it is announced or not; if she does, she's quarantined with an illness, but if not, she's the one chosen to go and she has a good chance of becoming Inquisitor if Mayan is not present. She and Blackwall have a tumultuous romance but work it out in the end, much to Mihail's dismay, because due to his childhood he dislikes humans even more than she does. She naturally sides with the mages. She features in my story sing me a lullaby, which I don't thiiiink is canon for her?
Emira Adaar
Emira is Mayan's younger second cousin. She is a third-generation Vashoth born and raised in Aqun'ante-koslun. When she didn't show any talents in particular, she chose to train as a warrior like her parents before her, and joined the Sata-kas when she came of age. She enjoyed being a mercenary, though she proved not to be a good fit for the Sata-kas and transferred to the Taam-Kas within a year. Though she very much wants to be in a relationship, she discovers that her mercenary lifestyle is not well-suited to long-term relationships, and so she has a series of unsatisfying affairs, primarily with young human noblewomen whose families hire her, plus the occasionally human woman from mercenary bands they team up with.
She is given command of a squad and performs admirably, with rumors that she will be given the position of second-in-command in the Valo-Kas under her cousin-in-law Hikram once her cousin Mayan gives birth. In canons where Mayan loses her family and becomes Inquisitor, Emira remains a part of the Taam-kas and continues her mercenary work--however, if Mayan retires she becomes second-in-command of the Valo-Kas and is collecting their way when she interrupts Corypheus' ritual, and becomes the Inquisitor. She flirts a lot with Josephine but acknowledges that it's unlikely to work between them. She initially dislikes Sera but they are pushed together when an injury to Varric leaves her without an archer and she takes Sera with her to Sahrnia. The two make peace, and eventually become friends and then lovers. She sides with the mages mostly because she's more aware of their political situation than her cousin Mayan.
She is the background Inquisitor in And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare, in which (unmentioned) she and Dorian are platonic soulmates.
Malandra Cadash
Malandra is a surface dwarf and a multi-generational member of the Carta. She and her cousin Aric are caught smuggling in the Deep Roads in their early twenties. If the Warden made Behlen King in Orzammar they are branded casteless and released; if Harrowmont is king, they are executed as lyrium smugglers. She is selling lyrium at the Conclave when it blows; depending on circumstances, she may or may not be in the right place to become Inquisitor. She romances Lace Harding and sides with the mages.
Aric Cadash
Aric Cadash is a trans man, which is relevant to his story primarily in that he was heir to a small trading empire in Orzammar before his parents understood they had a son and not a daughter. They chose to let his son be who he was, at the cost of being forced to relocate to the surface and leave the trading in Orzammar to his mother's sister. There they joined the Carta to make ends meet, and Aric became friends with his fourth cousin, Malandra. The two worked together often, and were caught together smuggling lyrium out of Orzammar in their twenties. If the Warden made Behlen King in Orzammar they are branded casteless and released; if Harrowmont is king, they are executed as lyrium smugglers. He is attending the Conclave as a representative of the lyrium trade when the Temple of Sacred Ashes explodes; depending on circumstances, he may or may not be in the right place at the right time to become the Inquisitor. If one of the Cadashes becomes Inquisitor, the other hands around and helps out. Otherwise they both die in the explosion. Aric romances Cassandra and makes an absolute hash of Halamshiral. He sides with the mages mostly because it seems to be what Cassandra wants.
Mihail Lavellan
Mihail attends the Conclave only if his mother Ynés, is quarantined for illness when Clan Lavellan gets the word. They share a background, and he is particularly bitter towards humans, who he feels have repeatedly ruined his life. He and Dorian initially do not get along, but eventually reach an understanding and ultimately fall in love. He sides with the mages. He drives Cassandra to alcoholism tho so he is... not my fav.
Eilona "Trev" Trevelyan
The Trevelyans practice the theory of "one for the land, one for the templars, one for the chantry" and consistently produce three children. However, when their third child Cateline is revealed to be a mage and sent to the Circle, they decide to have another child who can become a Chantry sister or brother, and so Trev is born. Almost from the beginning she is a disappointment, loud and rambunctious and disobedient. As a preteen she starts tagging along after her older cousin Arina, and eventually the two travel the Free Marches with Arina's friends, where Trev falls into several bad habits including the use of a lyrium-based drug called "blue ruin", which is deeply dangerous and very addictive.
In most canons she dies of an overdose at eighteen--in her canon she survives only to be disowned along with Arina. The two and their friends turn to highway robbery to run their habits, until eventually Trev's family fetches her and sends her to a Chantry to safely withdraw from the drug and then recover. Eventually she leaves, only to quickly fall into her habits once again. This time after her recovery, her family isolates her on their estate until they finally send her to the Conclave with her aunt who is a Chantry sister, hoping to convince her to become a Sister as they've always wanted. Instead she becomes the Inquisitor. She has a rocky romance with Cullen, who strongly disapproves of her and her history until she gradually changes his mind by trying her hardest and doing a damned good job of it. She sides with the mages, feeling guilty about her mage sister's death at the Ostwick Circle. Secret Love Child AU is an AU of her canon where she and Cullen meet during the time they're both in Kirkwall, in about 9:33 Dragon.
Cateline Trevelyan
The least likely Inquisitor with a 1% chance. She is revealed to have magic when she is six, and the Trevelyans dutifully dispatch her to the Circle in Ostwick, where she lives happily enough until the Ostwick Circle falls. In several canons she dies there; in others she dies in an explosion of the Conclave. The only way she becomes Inquisitor is if she survives the fall of the Circle, very badly scarred on her face, and Trev survives her overdose and they both end up at the Conclave. She catches sight of Trev and tries to get to her, only to stumble on the Ritual and become the Inquisitor. She romances Josephine and they live happily ever after~ She also sides with the mages for obvious reasons.
0 notes
heniareth · 3 years
I was really curious about what your opinions on the DAO companions are :) I know we have talked about some, but I'd love to hear more and about the others as well :D I hope it's ok to pose this as an ask :)
Sure! That sounds like a ton of fun. This might be a long one tho. Mind you, this is not the finished version of the answer. I'd like to link stuff and add a cut, but rn that's not possible. I'll update it when I can.
Edit: I have updated it ^^
Let's go alphabetically bc why not.
Sweet guy. So sweet. There was a moment when I was hard pressed chosing between him and Zevran (alas, Zevran won). Also, he's weirdly tall according to the wiki? How did I not notice that before?
Let's get a bit more serious now, Alistair is a great guy. The only reason he's not the hero of the story is because he doesn't want to. He has all the qualities of a leader: he's good at dealing with conflict (as evident with the conversation with the mage at the beginning. He gets where he wants to get without antagonizing the mage, but without allowing him to trample all over him). He's a solid tactitian and knows how to make allies (he suggests to use the Grey Warden treaties, after all). I bet if he was in the leadership position, he'd even not bicker with Morrigan. His moral code is pretty tight; some might say too tight, but I think it's less about the moral code and more about learning to judge people by their actions, not by the labels they fit into (Morrigan is a proud apostate and therefore bad. Wynne is a humble circle mage and therefore good). He also has a bit of a black-and-white way of seeing the world. I empathize a lot with Alistair, especially with his experience with the Chantry and his subsequent reluctance to deal with it. I really wish I had gotten to know more about concrete experiences he had during his training as templar, but he seems reluctant to talk about it (gee, I wonder why).
Since I've only played the game once, I haven't really picked up on Arl Eamon's abuse towards him, which apparently exists (Isolde, however... I mean, even if he were Eamon's illegitimate son, he's a kid, ma'am, he didn't exactly get to chose his parents. So that's so not okay). Alistair's way of speaking about them both, however, is either sign that he has not come within a hundred miles of acknowledging how much it hurt him, or that he's already gone through the whole process and has decided to forgive them. The latter shows a very strong character; yes, he relies on the approval and leadership of others, he has his issues, but he's already started working on them.
That being said, irl Alistair would be like a little brother to me. I'd tease him relentlessly (all in good fun and I promise to stop if it makes him uncomfortable, but he's just so teasable). I still wish the videogame gave him the chance to take important decisions for himself. But that, of course, would somewhat defeat the point of the game.
Another sweet, sweet person. Her singing voice is amazing. Her belief in the Maker inspires me (I'm a religious person and seeing religious characters represented in a positive light is Very Cool. It's also sometimes a source of discomfort, because the Church has done a lot of very messed up stuff and positive representation can sometimes veer into apologetics for things that should not be excused, but that's a whole other can of worms. The bottom line is that religious characters sometimes work for me and other times don't and Leliana works for me very much bc she's an outsider inside the Chantry).
Leliana is best friend material, tbh. I'd love to get to know her irl, discuss theology and philosophy and maybe even politics? She makes mistakes and has prejudices, but, tbh, so do I. And I do get the feeling that she tries her best to learn. From the times she intervenes in a conversation between the Warden and an NPC, she shows herself to be compassionate and open to the needs of others. What I get from her character is that she genuinely wants to help, which is something that I adore of her. I suspect that she sometimes has a hard time deciding wether she's a good person or not. She has killed and seduced and worked for a morally dubious person, and she doesn't show the same nonchalance about it as Zevran (though they both do discuss their line of work in very... professional terms). This is, however, more of a headcanon than actual factual canon.
I also very much enjoy her girly side, like her interest in shoes and dresses. She's one badass woman who also looses her cool about the latest fashions in Val Royeaux. I like that. Between her and Alistair, a non human noble Warden has as good a help to navigate the Fereldan court as they're going to get. Leliana is also, I can't forget that, clever and insightful. It'd be easy to write her off as the innocent chantry girl, but she's so much more than that. Her kindness is paired with foresight, I think. She knows that taking on the trouble to help now can go a long way in the future. I just have a lot of respect for her.
This one's gonna be short bc I didn't recruit him. He's an amazing villain and would probably be a great Warden as well. He reminds me of Denerhor from LOTR; once a hero/stewart of his people, ambition and desperation have driven them both down a terrible path. I have also only little idea about his past. People say he lost a lot, and I believe it wholeheartedly; it doesn't excuse the fact that he plunged the country into a civil war in the middle of a Blight. I don't have a lot of sympathy for short-sighted politicians. I wish he hadn't made himself regent. That's what I take away from his character.
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention that really impressed me was his death. I had Alistair duel him (that was a rough duel), and then it kinda just jumped to a cutscene of my Warden nodding and Alistair executing him. That didn't sit well with me. I didn't want to kill Loghain, and less so in front of Anora. But what impressed me was that Loghain just accepted it. That takes a whole lot of guts. Compare that to Howe's death, and how he screams out that he deserved (more, probably, or anything but death) and it's crystal clear who the more noble of the two is. Loghain strikes me as very lawful neutral, and any neutral alignment has the particularity that it can be dragged towards good or bad, sometimes without the characters noticing it (which is interesting from a DnD perspective; neutral is often concieved of as just as stable as good or evil, but that may not be true. But that's a different post). Anyway, Loghain's death was impactful.
I could kick myself for not maxing out her approval in the first play-through. I got to enjoy a bit of her friendship by the end of it and boy was even that little bit worth it. Friendship with Morrigan is something that is hard-won. It's all the more precious because of that.
Morrigan is full of paradoxes, I think. She's incredibly wise in some ways, yet also very short-sighted (”just kill them, don't solve their problems”. Morrigan, dear, I'm not going to gain a lot of allies if I kill everybody who poses a problem to me). She is so intelligent, but emotionally... not so. She knows so much about some things, and very little about the next. She's incredibly wilful and knows what she wants, but follows Flemeth's orders all the time through. She hungers for power and independence, yet craves closeness, but won't allow herself to have it. She asks you to prove yourself to her and is extremely critical of your actions, I think, because she's afraid. She bites the hand that feeds her because it might hit her next.
Like with Eamon, I haven't managed to catch the undercurrent of abuse that seems to permeate Flemeth's relationship with Morrigan. Except there are signs, because there must be something Morrigan is scared of and who has instilled all that rage in her, and that's Flemeth. Also, she clearly hates/does not care about her and wants her dead (unless killing Flemeth was part of Flemeth's plan as well? Hm.)
Morrigan is that one person who you are nice to, continuously, because nobody else is. And suddenly she becomes less cold. And then friendly. And suddenly you're asking yourself why everybody hates her, because she's a really good friend! I just wish the other companions came to a similar conclusion, especially Alistair and Wynne.
They did this man dirty. He has such great lines and I'm convinced he was a great person before Branka disappeared. He has that dwarven warrior spirit, and while he looks like Gimli, some of his most impactful lines remind me of Dwalin or even Thorin Oakenshield himself. He could be so noble had he gotten some character development, damnit!
Oghren as he is written is somewhat disgusting. I hate the lechering comments and the drunkenness. And still, I don't hate him because of those amazing lines he has when he's actually sober. It's frustrating and I'll give him that character development myself if the game won't. I strongly associate the song Whiskey Lullaby with him, bc that's how he would have ended up if the Warden hadn't taken him along (warning: the song talks about suicide and alcoholism). Like I said, they could have done such cool things with his character. As he is written now... it's just sad. Moments of lucidity drowned in alcohol and creepy jokes. As you can see, I don't blame the character for either. The alcoholism happens all too often irl. The creepy jokes... I put that one on the writers' tab.
I actually think Oghren could have been a great mentor figure (I know, I shock myself as well sometimes). Next to the Grey Wardens, the ones who know most about fighting darkspawn are the dwarves because they have to deal with them constantly. Especially a warrior caste dwarf like Oghren could have brought a lot of that invaluable knowledge to the team, especially since there are no Grey Wardens in Ferelden but two extremely green recruits. Next, you get the chance to give Oghren the command of the teammates you leave behind in the battle of Denerim with the reason that he has lead men into battle before. Where did that suddenly come from? Oghren should have been right up there telling my Warden that they were doing this wrong, that they needed more food (and booze) and a confident leader to keep the armies they've called together going. Oghren should have been able to tell my civilian city elf who got recruited into the Grey Wardens a six months ago how one leads an army. How one presents oneself to inspire confidence, how one doesn't crack under the pressure, how one gets the leaders of said armies (some who hate each others guts i.e. Dalish elves and humans) to work together. And, last but not least, Oghren could have had a great story about grief. This is a man who has lost most of what made him (and what he hasn't lost he's spilling down the drain with every mug of ale). This is a man who, if you take him into the Deep Roads, has to see what his wife did to his family, how his wife got absolutely obsessed, and can be forced to kill said wife or watch her die. All Wardens loose their home and families at the start of the story. It would really have rounded the whole narrative out if the Warden and Oghren could have recognised their grief in each other and hashed it out somehow. Such as it is, Oghren is a depressed drunkard and there is nothing we can do about that. I find that frustrating.
Rascal (a.k.a. Dog):
Best boy. 100/10. I wish we had gotten to see the reaction of the different origins to the mabari (because elves probably have a whole different experience with them from mages or humans. And dwarves just... I think they straight up have none? XD). Other than that, no complaints. The name Rascal was the one I gave my dog because you have to be a right rascal to survive what he did and play the pranks he plays. Smartest breed in the world indeed.
Shale is one of those characters that I recruited rather late in the game, so I haven't had the chance to explore their personality and worldview, really. I didn't even get to take them to the Deep Roads (this will be ammended in playthrough nr. 2). As such, I don't have particularly strong opinions on them (or her? The wiki refers to Shale as 'it', but that sounds weird). But, because I know so little about Shale, I have a lot of questions. First, what were they like before they were a golem? Shayle, as she was called then, was the best warrior of her time if I remember correctly. Why did she become a golem? Was it to be able to eternally protect her people? Was the sarcasm the golem Shale exhibits also part of the dwarven warrior Shayle or did that come later (if for thirty years you have nobody to talk to but yourself, you better be entertaining. And I can imagine how it could make somebody terribly jaded as well).
Next, how attached is Shale to their golem form, exactly? According to the banter, they infinitely prefer it to a squishy fleshy form. If that is the case, however, why go to Tevinter to try and become a squishy dwarf again? It's not like that process could be reversed if they wanted to become a golem again; if Shale survives to the end of the game, the Anvil of the Void is destroyed and Caridin is dead. Was the whole spiel about their indestructible form a façade? It might have been, but not because Shale actually disliked their form. I think it would have more to do with the loss of their memories and with the very invasive experiments and alterations of Shale's body made by the mage Wilhelm. The loss of memories means that Shale is unable to remember life as a fleshy creature. They might be deflecting by pretending that they didn't care for that experience anyway because of the superiority of their golem form. The modifications made to their form by Wilhelm would have alienated them from their body. In light of this, it's significant that Shale asks the Warden to decorate their form with crystals.
All of this is, of course, pure speculation. I may have easily missed or forgotten details that would disprove the above thoughts. All in all, I like Shale and I hope we meet them again in DA4 (given that it's mostly set in Tevinter). It's a liking from a respectful distance, because Shale is tall and made out of rock and also way more experienced than I will ever be (they are literally the oldest member of the Warden's little Blight fighting squad).
Sten is another person I'd keep a respectful distance from physically. That seems to be the what he would prefer, at least. I've enjoyed his character a lot, especially because he seems pretty clear-cut at first, but slowly lets the nuance of his person show (gruff and stoic, but then he has an eye for art, a sweet tooth and he likes cute animals). It's also very interesting that there's no moment when you learn "the truth" about him the way you do with Zevran or Leliana. There's no big reveal about his life under the Qun before coming to Ferelden. He says he was sent to monitor the Blight, but honestly? If neither Ferelden nor Orlais knew there was a Blight, how could the Qunari know? I think he's lying, and he takes his secrets back with him when he leaves Ferelden. And yet I think I know him enough to say that a Warden who has become friends with him has nothing to fear from Sten.
One thing I find very interesting about Sten is how he thinks. His conversation about how women can't be soldiers has been analysed a lot on this page I think. He seems to be arguing based on a different paradigma than the one the Warden has. He also seems to have a very clear-cut view of the world. What is fascinating to me is that, when arguing with the Warden and learning about their culture, he is not necessarily becoming more lax about his worldview. I think it's more likely that he is expanding his paradigma, the structure of thought through which he understands the world. I don't think that he is now convinced that women can be warriors as well. I think he rather understands that, in Ferelden, the relationship between occupation and gender is different than under the Qun. Which of the two he thinks is more right or more agreeable, I have no idea. I'm also not very interested in that. But I find it fascinating how he always seems to be looking on quietly, gathering data, classifying it and trying to fit it into his understanding of how the world works. I wouldn't be surprised at all if his original party was a scouting party to see how vulnerable Ferelden was at that moment to outside forces. One thing I don't understand with all of this is why he urges the Warden to meet the Blight head on. No smart soldier would suggest that, except if they are foolishly proud (and Sten doesn't seem like that kind of guy tbh). I get that the Warden takes way longer to gather allies than expected because they first have to solve all of their allies' problems. But surely Sten sees the need to have allies? Is he just that impatient? Does he have a death wish (à la, I lost my sword and am without honour, better to die sooner than later and in glorious battle)? Was he his group's previous commander and is he now having trouble following somebody else's orders? Or maybe it's his way to make sure the Warden knows what they are doing? To push them into becoming the self-assured commander their allies will need once they're all gathered? I really don't know. I like the last option best, however.
For me, Sten is my fellow, more experienced soldier. Like Alistair, he can potentially be the Warden's brother in arms, but he's definitely the older brother here. He probably doesn't take kindly to tearful confessions of how hard everything is, but I feel like he's otherwise a solid rock to lean on. I feel like the Warden can trust him to do what is necessary and count on him no matter what, especially after they get his sword back. His devotion from that point on is honestly so powerful.
Wynne was such a support for my Warden (except with the whole conversation about love vs. duty and that she may have to choose between Zevran and ending the Blight and that she should therefore break up with him. Wynne had a point. Astala was so not willing to sacrifice her relationship with Zevran. But the whole conversation came at a point where she was already so disillusioned that she blew up in Wynne's face (”can i please just have one (1) nice thing????”)). But all in all, Wynne is great.
She has a lot of flaws. She was very marked by her life in the Cricle and, for all her age, she has little experience living outside of it. She is also a conformist despite her strong moral core. In a way, her ability to find peace with her lot in life impresses me deeply because it speaks to a lot of strength of character. Sadly, however, strength can be ill applied and used to suppress. I think she has convinced herself that the Chantry is right under (almost) all circumstances to be able to rationalize the life that mages live. She's had her son taken away from her as a baby and an apprentice killed. Her reaction seems to have been to convince herself that this was right, or for the greater good (and now I'm thinking about the Guardian's question at the temple of Andraste's Ashes; are you wise or do you just repeat what others have told you? The answer is not as clear-cut as it might be). This is why she is so irritated by Zevran and Morrigan. By aligning herself with the Chantry, she is, in her eyes, good. Zevran and Morrigan are not; they do not conform to Chantry morality and they defend themselves tooth and nails against somebody who would try and convert them. This is something Wynne never allowed herself to do; she always did the "right" thing and it has cost her so much. I'm not saying she was right (it would probably have done her some good to rebel from time to time, and to trust her own gut instinct more), but in light of this, it hardly surprises me that she's so judgamental. She has to be, or she would be forced to confront all the evil she has not fought against all those years and all the hurt that has been caused to her by the very institution she protects (and thank God she only tries to argue and can appreciate it when people have found a good life outside of her comfort zone. If she tried to convince by force or, for example, drag her former apprentice back to the Circle... boy oh boy that would get ugly). If you think about it, Wynne really is a good example for what happens if you live by a philosophy of always choosing the lesser evil.
Something that I keep forgetting over her grandmotherly and dignified character is how damn powerful she is. She has escaped the carnage at Ostagar; HOW!? She protected those mage apprentices in the Circle tower for God knows how long. In the battle of Denerim, she wades through an army and comes out alive on the other side. The wiki lists her age at 40, I think, but that doesn't make a lick of sense unless 75 years of age are the Fereldan equivalent to 100. This lady, about whom people make grandmother jokes, did all that. It's impressive.
You know, I would really love to know what Wynne thinks about the events at Kirkwall in DA2. It might be a disaster for her, or it might pave the way for one last bit of character development. She certainly didn't want to return to the Circle after fighting the Blight. That may be an indicator of some change in her stance on the Circle of Magi.
Edit: I forgot that she is what the Circle considers a literal abomination! Holy cow, how could I forget that?? Anyway, her conversation about what being an abomination means is so... heartbreaking, actually. It's so tentative. So careful. "Am I an abomination? Am I the same thing that has killed my students? The same thing as Uldred? Am I lost and damned? Did I invite this spirit in? Is this my fault?" Like wow, Wynne is going through something huge right there. I love it. I have to continue playing the game to see what it ends up as, but it's fascinating and such a huge thing that she allows the Warden in on that.
Ah, Zevran, my beloved (he has stolen my heart so much it's not even funny anymore). He's funny, he's charming, he's so so loyal and it breaks my heart. Zevran is the one about whom I've read most meta: these three wonderful posts for instance, as well as this one about his possible lack of scars, and this one about his lack of freedom. All of these have influenced my opinion of him and they are great reads.
I have talked about Zevran with you before, so I'll just skip to the new stuff. I have come to conclusion that Zevran is an artist at heart. This is totally not biased by the fact that I also do art, but hear me out. One of his preferred gifts are bars of silver and gold. While those have the obvious utility of basically functioning as money (they can be sold to any silversmith or goldsmith and their value is pretty stable through time and in different countries), there's also this from his codex: "Zevran shows an affinity for the finer things in life—hardly surprising for an Antivan Crow—but his appreciation can be more poetic than he lets on. A simple bar of refined silver or gold, uncomplicated by a craftsman's hammer, is elegantly valuable." Tell me that is not an artist's eye that sees that gold and sees the beauty in it. Then, there's also the meta about Zevran the Seducer which I linked above and link here again. It talks specifically about how he lets himself enjoy the target and be seen in his enjoyment. Tell me that is not an artist's eye that beholds the beauty of something he is set out to destroy. Even his talk about his assassinations show this. He talks about it as an art, the way somebody would talk about the brutal intervention in stone that produces a sculpture. Yes, it's a rationalization of the act of killing and yes killing is still wrong. But he doesn't go on about it on a moral tangent the way Alistair or Wynne would (”this person was bad, killing them was necessary”) or even through the argument of survival like Morrigan would (”it was either them or me and it sure as Hell wasn't going to be me”). He talks about the pleasure of a job well done, of the satisfaction of striking the precise point and executing a plan to the perfection so as to minimize chances of discovery and to make a clean death possible. And pleasure in seeing and in doing, this I firmly believe, is absolutely fundamental for an artist.
My favourite part about my Warden and Zevran as a pairing is that Zevran precisely brings out that ability to take your pleasures as they come and to really savour them. Fighting the Blight is tough; it's so important to find good things amidst the chaos to stay sane. If Astala saves Zevran from himself by offering him a place to stay and a purpose, Zevran saves Astala from herself by keeping her from running herself into the ground trying to save the world.
There are some things I don't like about Zev. The incessant flirting, for example, sometimes makes me uncomfortable (it becomes enjoyable for me once the Warden and him are in a relationship, but before that? Nah, no thanks). I wish he would also leave the other female characters alone (and there's so many more shameless comments of his aimed at Morrigan, Leliana or Wynne than at Alistair or maybe even Sten).
And that's my take on the Origins companions (this was rather long. Whew ^^' I hope it was still readable and that you enjoyed it!!) Thank you so much for the ask!! It's been a joy thinking about this. I was worrying at first that the less prominent companions like Sten or Shale wouldn't get as much content but... well XD
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lavellander · 3 years
hello im feeling extra “touch the stove”-y today so. i was looking for any dialogue where solas just straight up lies and (of what i could find online/transcribed, obv) i didnt find anything that was 100% untrue. he’ll completely avoid the question, change the subject, give part of the truth, etc etc etc, but nothing was just Entirely A Lie
what really gets me is that there’s a handful of convos where someone infers something from what solas says, and he will even point out that he didn’t directly say that. like, he tells people how to see through his shit, lmao
here is an embarrassingly long ass list of examples, all sorted by what kind of not-lying he’s doing lol, just bc i am unhinged<3
*note that some of these are cut from longer bits of dialogue or have been split up from one conversation into different categories*
literally just Not Answering The Question lol
Dorian: How much “will” do they have? They’re amorphous constructs of the Fade. Solas: Hmm.
Dorian: Solas, have I offended you? Solas: If you have, why would it concern you?
Dorian: Solas, what is this whole look of yours about? Solas: I’m sorry? Dorian: No, that outfit is sorry. What are you supposed to be, some kind of woodsman? Dorian: Is it a Dalish thing? Don’t you dislike the Dalish? Or is it some kind of statement? Solas: No.
Dorian: Let me get this straight, Solas. Dorian: You’re an apostate – neither Dalish nor city elf – who lived alone in the woods studying spirits. Solas: Is that a problem for you?
Solas: [has a whole tactical moment about the red jennies lmao] Sera: Where d’you get all this, then? Solas: Do you wish to be unnerved by another tale of my explorations of the Fade? Or do you wish to learn something?
Vivienne: You must be pleased with what was revealed at the Temple of Mythal, Solas. Solas: Why should those ruins please me, Enchanter?
changing the subject before he backs himself into a corner
Gatt: I don’t see any tattoos, but you’re carrying a staff. Are you from a Chantry Circle? Solas: No. And I would prefer not to discuss it.
Solas: I find the fall of the dwarven lands confusing. Varric: What’s so confusing about endless darkspawn? Solas: A great deal, although that is a different matter.
giving the truth, but not the whole truth
Blackwall: Skyhold. How did you find it? Solas: I looked. Blackwall: Now you sound like Cole. You looked? Solas: This world is full of wonders for those who seek them.
Blackwall: You spoke of seeing death and destruction. Did you fight in a war? Solas: There are struggles across Thedas at any given time. I doubt you would have heard of it. Blackwall: An elven skirmish? Solas: In a manner of speaking, yes.
Cassandra: Solas, have you always lived alone? Out in the wilderness, as an apostate? Solas: For the most part.
Cassandra: Have you ever encountered templars before? Solas: Only at a distance. I am an apostate, after all. Cassandra: And they never caught you even once? Solas: I am a very careful apostate.
Dorian: We found elves, living ancient elves, at the Temple of Mythal. Does that bother you, Solas? If Inquisitor allied with the Sentinels: Solas: I am pleased we were not forced to kill them, if that’s what you mean.
Iron Bull: You’ve got an odd style, Solas. Your spells are a bit different from the Circle mages or the Vints. Solas: That comes from being self-taught. Solas: I discovered most of my magic on my own, or learned it from my journeys in the Fade.
Vivienne: So, an apostate? Solas: That is correct, Enchanter. I did not train in your Circle.
Solas: You are a man who made a choice... possibly the first of your life. Iron Bull: I’ve always liked fighting. What if I turn savage, like the other Tal-Vashoth? Solas: You have the Inquisition, you have the Inquisitor... and you have me.
from cutscene at beginning Inquisitor: [mentions the anchor closing a rift] Solas: Whatever magic opened the Breach in the sky also placed that mark upon your hand. I theorized the mark might be able to close the rifts that have opened in the Breach's wake – and it seems I was correct.
from cutscene at beginning Solas: [to a Dalish Inq] You are Dalish, but clearly away from the rest of your clan. Did they send you here? Inquisitor: What do you know of the Dalish? Solas: I have wandered many roads in my time, and crossed paths with your people on more than one occasion. Inquisitor: [Crossed paths? dialogue choice] Solas: I mean that I offered to share knowledge, only to be attacked for no greater reason than their superstition.
from “I’d like to know more about you” convo in Haven Inquisitor: What made you start studying the Fade? Solas: I grew up in a village to the north. There was little to interest a young man, especially one gifted with magic. But as I slept, spirits of the Fade showed me glimpses of wonders I had never imagined. I treasured my dreams. Being awake, out of the Fade, became troublesome.
actually telling the truth but no one picks up on the gravity of it
Solas: [...] I believe the elven gods existed, as did the old gods of Tevinter. But I do not think any of them were gods, unless you expand the definition of the word to the point of absurdity. I appreciate the idea of your Maker, a god that does not need to prove his power. I wish more such gods felt the same. Cassandra: You have seen much sadness in your journeys, Solas. Following the Maker might offer some hope. Solas: I have people, Seeker. The greatest triumphs and tragedies this world has known can all be traced to people.
Cole: No, inside. I don’t hear your hurt as much. Your song is softer, subtler, not silent but still. Solas: How small the pain of one man seems when weighted against the endless depths of memory, of feeling, of existence. That ocean carries everyone. And those of us who learn to see its currents move through life with their fewer ripples.
Cole: You didn’t do it to be right. You did it to save them. Inquisitor: Solas, what is Cole talking about? Solas: A mistake. One of many made by a much younger elf who was certain he knew everything.
Solas: Empires rise and fall. Arlathan was no more “innocent” than your own Tevinter in its time. Solas: Your nostalgia for the ancient elves, however romanticized, is pointless.
Solas: Our people used to be here. Sera: Pfft, you say that everywhere. Solas: It is more true than you want to believe.
Vivienne: You must be pleased, apostate. With the Templars dissolved, your rebels will be most difficult to pacify. Solas: My rebels? Am I an agent for their cause, whispering poison into the Inquisition’s ears? Solas: How comforting. Vivienne: You enjoy seeing yourself as a villain? Solas: No more than any other clever man who wonders what he could do if pushed.
Vivienne: [about the Temple of Mythal] Now you know the elves were once a mighty nation. Solas: I always knew, Enchanter. The Temple of Mythal is just another reminder of what was lost.
(in the Emerald Graves): These forests have changed much since I was last here.
during the Fade!Haven cutscene Solas: It seems you hold the key to our salvation. You had sealed it with a gesture... and right then, I felt the whole world change. Inquisitor: [romance option] “Felt the whole world change?” Solas: A figure of speech. Inquisitor: I’m aware of the metaphor. I’m more interested in felt. Solas: You change... everything.
pointing out that people assume he means things he did not directly say
Cole: There is pain though, still within you. Solas: And I never said there was not.
Solas: You may well become fully human, after all. I never thought to see it. Cole: When did you see it before? Solas: I did not say that I had.
Iron Bull: We’ve got the alliance with my people. Given how much you love the Qun, I figured... Solas: I might scold you? Berate you for your decisions? Iron Bull: Hey. The Chargers died as heroes for the good of the mission. Solas: I never said otherwise.
Sera: Don’t you start. Solas: I’m reasonably certain I said nothing.
Vivienne: [talking shit about grey warden mages] Solas: I never claimed mages should be above the law, Enchanter. Vivienne: No, darling. You merely implied it, while offering no viable suggestions for improvement.
after infamous “side benefits” dialogue Warrior Inquisitor: You find my muscles enjoyable? Solas: I meant that you enjoyed having them, presumably. Warrior Inquisitor: Ah. Solas: But yes... since you asked.
diminishing things he does actually know by saying he he “believes” or “thinks,” or that things were vaguely “said” or “told”
Solas: I say what I believe to be true, even if it gives offense to those who prefer the lie.
Dorian: That orb Corypheus carries... are you certain it’s of elven origin, Solas? Solas: I believe so. Why do you ask?
Solas: It is said that we lived at a pace that sustained us for... ages.
making it sound like he’s talking about something/someone else, but it’s just him lmao
Cole: Do you know a lot about wolves? Solas: I know that they are intelligent, practical creatures that small-minded fools think of as terrible beasts.
Solas: No man can kill so many people without breaking inside. To survive... those you fight must become monsters. Iron Bull: The ones that kill innocent people, yeah. The rest... I don’t know. Solas: The mind does marvelous things to protect itself.
during In Hushed Whispers Inquisitor: I’m glad you understood what he just said because I’m not sure I did. Solas: You would think such understanding would stop me from making such terrible mistakes. You would be wrong.
this one i wanted to include because it’s the only circumstance (that i came across) where someone directly asks solas to lie and he literally says he can’t
during the fucking crestwood breakup scene Inquisitor: [angry option] Tell me you don’t care. Solas: I can’t do that. Inquisitor: Tell me I was some casual dalliance so I can call you a cold-hearted son of a bitch and move on! Solas: I’m sorry.
*also note that most of these are banter transcriptions from the wiki; some are cutscene / other dialogue posted by either @/daitranscripts or u/karinini on reddit; it’s not all his cutscenes obv, but I’m not about to look up every single one individually sdlkfj*
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thedinanshiral · 4 years
My personal DA4 wishlist + thoughts
I’ve been teasing this post for a couple of weeks over at Twitter, i’m the worst! But anyway, since game journalism has decided to confirm, once again, that the next Dragon Age game will be set in Tevinter like that’s breaking news, now’s as good a time as ever to write all this down.
Locations: Tevinter, clearly. It’s been pretty much a given since the end of Trespasser in 2015, with that scene where the Inquisitor stabs a map on a table directly on Tevinter as they promise to go after Solas to stop him. But also concept art and several stories from Tevinter Nights heavily imply Antiva, Nevarra, the Anderfells, and maybe Rivain. For those of you who don’t know your Thedosian Geography 101, that’s basically Northern Thedas. And it makes sense, since so far for three games straight we’ve been first stuck in Ferelden, then the coast of the Free Marches, and later the rest of Southern Thedas. We’ve never been North, only heard of it. So in DA4 i’m sure we will finally be able to visit.
Characters: If we’re going to Tevinter, we must meet Dorian again, maybe meet Maevaris Tilani as well (previously only seen in comics), judging from the latest comics series, i’m hoping for Fenris too. And going by the latest teaser trailer, we might see Varric again. As for characters that so far we have no news of, i’d like to see Cole, the Iron Bull, and if by any chance BioWare feels like blessing us with a Hawke/Fenris reunion i might just die happy.  I’d also very much like to see the Inquisitor, but more on that later.
Companions: considering concept art and the latest teaser trailer, plus Tevinter Nights stories and new characters, we have an interesting repertoire of new potential companions. A Tevinter mage, an ancient elf (like a temple guardian) or a dalish elf (like Strife), a Nevarran mortalitasi or spirit, Antivan Crows, Lords of Fortune (new faction, kind of like treasure hunters), Qunari lady, maybe an alchemist or shapeshifter, Grey Wardens (possibly a dwarf), a liberated or escaped slave, a Siccari (Tevinter spies/assassins)..even past agents of the Inquisition could return. 
Plot: We know Solas wants to take down the Veil. We know there’s two archdemons left, and Grey Wardens are regaining some spotlight in concept art lately. We might have to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously and be strategic about it. Solas might even unleash a double Blight just to keep us distracted while he focus on his own goal, who knows. But many other things are happenig in the margins and all over the place. The Qunari Antaam is having a crisis with some of its members supposedly going rogue, the order they’re so proud of is breaking up, and the whole of Northern Thedas is facing an imminent threat of invasion. Tevinter is still dealing with remnants of the Venatori and might soon be dealing with a slaves rebellion and/or a political and social reform (Magisters Dorian and Maeveris have been working wirh the Lucerni, a group aiming to restore and redeem Tevinter). The Antivan Crows -the de facto rulers of Antiva - may be dealing with a succession crisis, as their First Talon, a powerful feared and respected but old lady, might not be around for much longer and seems her chosen heir has died before his time. Meanwhile in the Anderfells nobody’s heard anything from the Grey Wardens’ HQ at Weisshaupt since the end of Inquisition, and as told in the novel Last Flight, the sudden reappearance of griffons may have had something to do with that radio silence. So you see, get ready for another +100 hours long game because BW has plenty of stuff to keep us busy with. But in short, DA4 seems will be about primarily searching, finding, and dealing with Solas. Regardless of what you decided at the Exalted Council in Trespasser, the Inquisition or what’s left of it is most likely the group orchestrating that mission. As it was so clearly stated then, they need new people Solas doesn’t know so he can’t foresee their actions, so it’s possible the DA4 protagonist is a new agent or a third party hired to do what the Inner circle can’t due to their familiarity with Solas in the past. But at the same time -and this is assuming we get to find Solas in this game - i definitely think the Inquisitor could easily show up again. No, losing an arm doens’t mean they’ve retired forever, prosthetics do exist in Thedas, a world where you can combine dwarven craftmanship with enchantments, seriously, i don’t ever want to hear “but they lost an arm” ever again as an excuse to write them out. And no, marrying Cullen or joining the Red Jennys is no impediment to join the “Stop Solas” Squad; the end of Trespasser means something, mainly that this is personal. Be it they loved them as lovers, as friends or ended up hating his guts for using and betraying them, the Inquisitor’s relationship with Solas makes this very personal, and so having any other character do that face off would cheapen all of it, all that bittersweet angsty development and expectations of either revenge or closure. That moment should happen between those two. It adds a ton of motivation due to their past historyas well, something a new protagonist would lack entirely.  My personal best hope is for a sort of dual protagonist thing, say we play new protagonist for most of the game but a selected missions or scenes where we play as the Inquisitor once again and take over for key and heart-wrenching dialogue options. My second best hope is for the Inquisitor to show up as playable for the moment we catch up with Solas. My third and final best hope is for the inquisitor to be a sort of advisor but more like new protagonist’s boss/employer to whom they report back to and get new missions from. The Inquisitor can be stuck in meetings for the most part of it, i just want to know they’re there, behind a door, super busy but there. A cameo like Hawke’s in Inquisition is the bare miminum i can take, anyhting less than that like a mention in a sidequest description or a footnote in a codex entry would be a total  injustice. 
Romances: I’m open for pretty much anything, as any good BW fan would be. But i’d like romances to feel more alive in the sense that they don’t abruptly get stuck once you exhaust all related quests and dialogue options. As much as my Adaar liked that spank from the Iron Bull, that it was the only thing they could share after their romance was locked was a bit..meh. I liked Dorian’s tho, because his gave one the option to talk a bit, go for a walk, gossip, and sure, it all happened off-screen, and there were limited possibilities, but it was nice and made their relationship feel a bit more real, like they had more to it than kissing and stuff. It happens in most games, once you secure a romanceable companion suddenly you run out of things to do and share with them, and you get stuck with the same 3 lines of dialogue over and over again. There should be a way of solving that.
Side quests: i’m ok with fetch quests initially as it is a good way of forcing the player to go out and explore huge maps, but i’d also like the fetching to have some meaning other than checking things off a list. I want to explore many ruins, and -can’t believe i’m actually saying this- i want a Fade quest. Wait! I know what you’re thinking but don’t kill me just yet, here’s my idea: what if we could visit the Fade at certain locations to witness memories or meet with spirits and recollect information on Solas, his past, his present? Both to understand him better (keep in mind we’ll most likely get a new protagonist who isn’t familiar with him like we are as players) and try to locate him or predict his next move. It would be i think i great way of having visions of Arlathan in its golden age, maybe seeing some of the other Evanuris, how they interacted with each other and with the elves in their service, what really happened ...i just want that sweet, sweet lore, i need it.
Technical stuff: ok, graphics will be amazing for sure, but i also would really really like: better, more varied and longer hairstyles, PLEASE. Body sliders, it’s damn time we get them. Mounts that actually make a difference! Let staves blades make damage in combat, I’M BEGGING HERE. Combined classes, MAGICAL ROGUES! A homebase we can fix up/build on/redecorate as fully as possible (Skyhold was great and i love it to pieces but why were those walls NEVER repaired????) . More casual outfit options, idk i love to dress up my characters, maybe some transmog? A day/night cycle and please i would love to see Thedas’ second moon, also weather variations depending on the region. Yes, i’m ambitious.
Gameplay: i’d like more AI options for companions, but not quite like in DAO, that was too much and i rarely used it. I’m curious how they’ll do combat this time but i know for sure i don’t want the kind of combat that has me going almost frame by frame pausing at every second, it’s annoying for me. I want large areas like in DAI but with a bit more stuff to see and do although one of my favourite maps is the Hissing Wastes so i won’t complain if we get a literal desert but i’d also like it to have secrets hidden around, make me work to find and solve them, i love exploring, i jump and click on EVERYTHING like i’m still a kid playing Monkey Island. A companion in concept art seems to be holding what looks like some form of rifle, so i’m curious how they’d incorporate that in the game. I know Tevinter has the magics and dwarves have the skill, a firearm is totally within the possibilities in-game without breaking any lore; also super curious what sort of skill trees Crows or Lords of Fortune could have, are they rogues, or warriors, or both??
So far, that’s what i got in my head.Well, most of it anyways, i may have missed something but this post has to end somewhere lol
What’s in your head? Feel free to share! Have you been thinking on how you’ll create your next protagonist? All i can think of is magical rogues and that  glowing bow was all the hype i needed.
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dandelion-person · 4 years
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You know, I absolutely adore playing as a dwarf. I have a heartfelt connection to them. But aside from my personal preference, I find the character development to be wonderful. In Origins, when you play as a noble, my favorite part about the backstory in general is how warden develops. He/she starts as royalty, some wonderful person who very well may absolutely hate being rich. Hates the way they are looked at, but knows no other way. Someone who does their duty unquestioning and loyally. Who thinks of battle as something as simple as dusting the house. Perhaps they are even in a forbidden love with their second. These things: hiding relationships, knowing your death is tangible on any given day be it by darkspawn or relatives, never getting to be seen as a simply normal dwarf, are just a normal part of life. Until everything changes. And you’re thrown into this world that is ever so bright and scary. Something totally different. And you, young warden, are so practiced in the ways you have lived that people often mistake you for being callous. Monotone. Unfazed. They’re not wrong. At this point, it takes a lot to rattle you. But this is your life now. And you must learn.
I love thinking about the various situations Aeducan finds themselves in. Stumbling out of the deep roads barefoot into the wardens, who are visibly shocked, battering you with questions that should have been comforting, only to be so numb and hardened that the only thing you can muster is a very formal “it is good to see you again, Duncan.”
Then, meeting Alistair, watching the conversation with a mage and apparently something to do with these odd human religions and traditions with the most resting bitch face imaginable. As is your habit. You’ve grown accustomed to never showing emotion. Dwarves are accustomed to battle and honor and tradition, not emotion. And Alistair, thinking you’re offended or something and you simply replying with “You must be Alistair.” You didn’t mean to sound so scary, wow.
Then Duncan, briefing you on your joining tasks, and you, switching automatically into army general mode, asking the strategies and alternative solutions should problems arise. Duncan finds himself smiling internally. Your level head will surely balance Alistair’s emotional panic in the future.
On to Morrigan. These humans never cease to amaze you. She has nearly no clothing on. How can she survive a battle? None of this shows on your face of course. The never changing diplomatic hardened expression masks your internalized thoughts. It is at times a blessing, not allowing others to see your confusion and fear and curiousity as you learn this new world.
Battle at first is a bit distracting. You’re caught off guard by the fear and disgust the other recruits show. It’s as if they’ve never seen darkspawn...but wait. They haven’t. And you’re reminded again of your people (of whom will never speak of you again) who have faced these monsters for centuries. You find yourself wondering if these humans had experienced the hug of their mother. Harmless games with their fathers. Bonding with their siblings. You consider your own personal family life. You suppose in your own dwarven ways, your family had been very close. But you know if you were to ever try to explain that to these humans, that your version of bonding with your brothers had been training so harshly and brutally that you had sometimes had to spend days in the medicinal wing, they would think you a monster or a war machine. Perhaps...perhaps that’s what you are.
Then waking up in the hut. A pounding headache and intense body pain. You shift into automatic response. Is my duty completed? Are my men safe? What must be done to finish the assigned task. You walk outside to find Alistair. Who expresses some strange sort of gratitude, for what you don’t understand. You consider that humans take death very personally. Death is not something humans are ready and willing to face at any moment. How strange. You think your face must display some sort of confusion, because you swear you see Alistair give a small sad smile. Almost like he’s pitying you. The very look of it makes your stomach turn. Pity is for the weak.
Then there’s Leliana. The most odd creature you’ve found yourself encountering in this new strange land where the sky seems like it can swallow you. She speaks of some man in the sky. You presume a human. She has tried to explain it to you, but it makes no sense. Your body will one day return to the stone from which it came...but then you think further. Perhaps you won’t be returned to the stone. You’ve been exiled. There is no longer somewhere for you to go after you die. For the first time in your life, dying in battle doesn’t seem like a desirable choice.
Sten, oh Sten. Sten quickly becomes one of your most trusted companions. You and him understand each other. Sten is not blinded by emotion and vengeance. Sten exists. And you can appreciate that. Sten has a purpose. Long ago, you were a lot like Sten. Now, you have no idea of your purpose. This world confuses you. You take each day as it comes. Something you’re not used to and find quite annoying. You do not know what to expect. The one thing you can appreciate though, is duty. Duty you took upon yourself. You pride yourself in it really. For the first time, you are doing something that you chose to do. Something not assigned to you. Something you control. It is comforting, and when you look at the sky and grip your toes into the ground so it doesn’t swallow you, you think of this one piece of your culture that will always stay with you: your duty. Sten helps you realize this. And with Sten, you find yourself talking strategy. In some ways, Sten reminds you of Trian. In other ways, Gorim. You cherish Sten. He is a rock in this strange floating bright world.
Then comes Zevran. One of the first elves you’ve ever spoken to in depth actually. Among the first you’ve ever encountered. You find yourself considering him almost to be charming? The word sounds foul to you. He’s a piss poor rogue. Of this you know. At first you find him rather annoying? Almost angering? A piss poor rogue and an even poorer assassin, he turns his back on his duty immediately. You find his desire to avoid death deplorable. But for some reason, the idea of killing him (for the first time in your life mind you) strikes you as being morally wrong. Why? You weren’t sure. Perhaps it was your vacancy for tendencies of vengeance. You did not even seek to kill Bhelen after all. Bhelen had simply done what any dwarf would’ve, had they been smart enough. Bhelen’s act did not provoke hard feelings. You still loved him even. Your little brother had grown into an outstanding noble and you could not deny that. He had simply beaten you at a game. Once again, if you expressed this opinion to your human companions after they learned your story, they considered you to be insane. Apparently, vengeance is a common thing amongst humans. Humans, you feel, are incapable of accepting that which they do not enjoy. You find this odd. Relating back to Zevran, Zevran is not human. And though he acts nothing like the odd elves from the trees (the first trees you’d ever seen by the way), Zevran is refreshingly morally corrupt. The more you get to know him, the more he reminds you of your people. And this is comforting. He tells you of Antiva. Perhaps you even ask him if he will someday take you there. Maybe there would feel like home. It certainly sounds like the politics are the same. Zevran’s moral instability and cowardice are exactly what makes him so comforting. He makes you feel at home.
Sorry, I suppose those are just some ramblings/drabbles that go through my head when I play as a dwarf. Let me know if you’d like me to write any other background stories. I’ve played them all. The way my brain can spin their personalities and character development affects the way I build each character. I’d love to share more if anyone liked this!
PS: I have played all 3 games. The only backstory I haven’t played so far is the Qunari and it will have to wait because I just upgraded from 360 to One and now I have to buy another inquisition.
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theharellan · 4 years
Solas Fan Banter
Here’s a compilation of the fan banter I’ve written over the years between Solas and other canon Dragon Age characters, posted for Dragon Age Day 2020. There are references to a canon divergent Solas/nb!Lavellan companion romance. I’ve regretfully not written any Iron Bull banter that I’m proud enough of to feature here, but if anyone has any suggestions for topics I’d be glad to hear them.
Featured characters: Solas, Cassandra, Varric, Sera, Blackwall, Vivienne, Dorian, Cole, Morrigan, Cullen, Leliana, Valta, Renn, and Arcane Advisor Merrill!
Solas & Cassandra
(after receiving the quest Agrarian Apostate)
Cassandra: And he was not even a mage. Shameful. Solas: Would have it been justified if he was? Cassandra: The Templars have sanction to punish apostates. It would not have been beyond their authority. Solas: I would not call that justified, merely legal. Cassandra: The Templars should be better. Solas: The Chantry armed them and gave them an enemy. That might fuel an army, but will only serve to poison their minds against innocent people, apostates or no.
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Solas & Varric
(after killing the Templars during the quest Agrarian Apostate)
Varric: I thought at least away from Kirkwall I could get away from crazy Templars. Solas: You believe they were mad? The men I saw were no different from those who confronted us in Val Royeaux.
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(after delivering the ring)
Solas: She seems to be holding up well, considering. Varric: Yeah, but I know a front when I see one. Solas: You believe she was suffering more than she let on? Varric: Oh, I know it, Chuckles. That ring might comfort her when the country gets too quiet, but it won’t dry her tears or– shit, do much else, really. Solas: Some wounds only time heal. Varric: And they always seem to leave ugly scars.
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(after beginning Here Lies the Abyss)
Solas: You found Hawke after all. Varric: Oh, you know. All those heroics jogged my memory. Solas: Naturally. Varric: What, you going to lay into me, too? Solas: No, no. I understand why you hesitated. (if Hawke is a mage) Solas: To involve her in a Chantry organisation would not have been wise, at least before it had a chance to prove itself. (otherwise) Solas: Given her involvement in this war, I can only imagine there are those on both sides who would blame her for their present predicament. Varric: You mind telling all that to Cassandra? Solas: I would prefer not to.
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(after Here Lies the Abyss, if Hawke is left behind)
Solas: I have read your book, you know. The Tale of the Champion. Varric: I don’t know if now’s the best time. Solas: I understand. I only wanted to say that in reading it, I felt your affection for Hawke in every word. I am... sorry, for what happened. Varric: Thanks, Chuckles. Solas: Of course.
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(after Here Lies the Abyss, if Hawke survives)
Solas: You said your farewells to Hawke? Varric: Sure did. Sent letters home, debated sending letters to Weisshaupt. The Wardens will need to know the storm coming their way. Solas: You believe Hawke will pose a problem? Varric: Well, maybe not on purpose.
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(in the Hissing Wastes, while exploring dwarven ruins)
Varric: I’m surprised you’re not hounding me about how all this makes me feel, Chuckles. Solas: I had thought we established your disinterest. Varric: Yeah, well. I’m thinking about it, anyway. Solas: If you insist. How does this make you feel, Varric? Varric: There’s a tiny part of me that’s really satisfied, you know? Seeing a Paragon of all people living on the Surface, then the rest of me just doesn’t give a shit. Solas: Tradition is a difficult thing to shake, to be conflicted is expected. Do you think our discovery here ought to be shared with Orzammar? Varric: I don’t know about Orzammar, but I can think of a few Surface dwarves who’d be interested in this.
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Solas & Sera
Solas: I could not help but notice what you were drawing at breakfast. Sera: What? I wasn’t drawing anything.
(if Sera is romanced)
Solas: You captured our Inquisitor’s likeness well. Sera: Better than you could.
Solas: There was no mistaking Dagna’s likeness. What were you carrying? Sera: A bowblade. It’s not a thing yet, but if anyone can make one, Widdle can.
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Solas: Have you ever given thought to collaborating together on a piece? Sera: Collaber-what? Piece of what? Solas: A painting, or a drawing if you prefer, what medium you decide upon makes little difference to me. Sera: You really think the two of us could work together on anything? Solas: I was under the impression we had been. Sera: That’s different. The Inquisition’s not an ‘us’ thing, or it is, but not us us.
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Sera: Say if I wanted to make something with you, what’d we even make? Solas: You ask the question as if there are limitations. Sera: A dragon, then! No, wait, a butt! (beat) Sera: Nothing? Not even a nose wrinkle? Solas: I am not unopposed to the idea. Sera: Ugh, how can you even make butts boring?
Sera: (handing him a drawing) Here, made you something. Solas: What is this? Are those—shoes? Sera: That’s right. One for each toe. You’re welcome.
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(After Solas initiates a relationship with Ian)
Sera: So, you and Freckles, huh? Interesting. Solas: Your interest is not my concern. Sera: I always figured you’d wind with someone who’d make the bumping bits matter. Y’know, drop ‘em and rebuild the empire. Solas: It is not the physical product of our love that matters so much as how he makes me feel when I’m with him. Sera: Eugh.
(If Ian is in the party)
Ian: (laughingly) Vhenan, I would choose your words more carefully next time. Solas: Oh. (slightly embarrassed) I did not mean it like that. Sera: Ha! I’ve made him blush. Solas: This is why I didn’t wish to discuss it.
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Solas & Blackwall
(While near Ferb’s old fishing pier in the Exalted Plains)
Blackwall: Wonder if the fishing’s good. If we had an hour or two… Solas: Do you consider yourself an angler, Blackwall? Blackwall: I wouldn’t go that far, but I do enjoy the sport of it. Solas: I’ve never considered it a sport. Blackwall: Probably because you’ve never gone fishing just for the fun of it. Next time we make camp, I’ll show you.
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Inquisitor: So, how’d your fishing expedition go? Blackwall: You should’ve seen the size of the gar I wrangled. Solas: It was not half as impressive as he believes. Blackwall: He only says that because all’s he caught were minnows. Solas: (scoffs) Inquisitor: So... where is it? Blackwall: We threw it back, of course. Wasn’t like we were going to eat it. Solas: A convenient excuse.
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(Along the Storm Coast)
Blackwall: Ever heard of the pale ship that appears on the mists? The Windy Marcher – I think that’s what they called it. Solas: I cannot say I have. Blackwall: An old story, no idea where it started. Must’ve heard it a dozen times in the Free Marches, always a different ending. Solas: As is often the case with legends, the content and moral changes with the teller. Blackwall: One man claimed he’d seen it himself, said the ship was captained by beautiful spirits who’d called him to the sea. Solas: A case of wishful thinking, I assume. Blackwall: He was a bit of a lonely bastard.
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(After Revelations)
Solas: You and Cole seem more friendly, of late. Thom: He took some getting used to, but his heart’s in the right place. There’s enough darkness in the world without pushing away the good. Solas: I imagine it was chilling, knowing he could break your cover on a whim. Thom: That did keep me up some nights, yes. Sometimes I wonder why he didn’t say anything. Solas: Perhaps he saw in you what the Inquisitor sees. Thom: Well, I’m grateful. On both counts.
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Solas & Vivienne
(After the events of Bring Me the Heart of Snow White)
Solas: I heard the news of Duke De Ghislain’s death. As I understand it, the two of you were close. My condolences for your loss. (if the Inquisitor gave Vivienne a regular wyvern’s heart) Vivienne: (coldly) There was a chance at saving him, but he is beyond saving, now. At least, by mortal hands. Solas: Then I am all the sorrier. (otherwise) Vivienne: He was at peace, and we had the chance to meet at least one last chance before he passed. Solas: Be thankful for that closure, it will bring you comfort in the days to come. Vivienne: It already has.
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Solas: How do you feel about the moniker ‘Madame de Fer?’ Vivienne: Oh, I think it’s darling. Why do you ask? Solas: Iron is cold, unyielding without the proper tools, some may use it as an insult rather than a mark of respect. Vivienne: Of that I’ve no doubt, but let them. I embraced it wholeheartedly, and from then on no one could ever truly use it against me. Solas: True enough, such a tactic has worked for others before.
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Vivienne: You will be wearing shoes to the ball, won’t you? Solas: My comfort is not worth jeopardizing the Inquisition’s image, so yes. Vivienne: Many elven servants in Orlais go barefoot, it would hardly be a scandal. Still, it would be beneficial. We must all present as a unit when the time comes, not a single hair out of place. Solas: That will hardly pose a problem for the two of us. Vivienne: (makes a sound almost like a laugh) Right you are.
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Solas: There are rumours that your name be put forward as the next Divine. Vivienne: I wonder who might have started those. Solas: After all that has happened these past few months, you believe it possible they will accept a mage into their fold? (if the Inquisitor completed In Hushed Whispers / is a mage) Vivienne: Whyever not? Magic is what solved the problem, after all. Solas: Magic has solved countless problems over the centuries, and yet it is still reviled. Vivienne: I am not any ordinary mage. If any mage can achieve status of Divine, I am she. Solas: On that, we agree. (if the Inquisitor completed Champions of the Just and is a non-mage) Vivienne: With the Inquisitor’s support there is nothing I cannot accomplish, my dear.
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Vivienne: The Inquisitor gave you that hood not half a day ago and it already has a hole in it. Solas: Two, in fact. Vivienne: Are you afraid we’ll forget you’re an elf if we go five minutes without seeing your ears? Solas: My estimation of your abilities is not that low, Enchanter, and I would be careful were I you. Two holes cut in a hood is not nearly as desperate as donning a pair of horns every morning.
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(After Ian is made Tranquil during his personal quest)
Vivienne: I hope you know what you are doing, my dear. The Rite of Tranquility is not something easily undone. Solas: As I understand it, the Seekers did it quite regularly. Vivienne: And through a far gentler process. What they did to Ian was barbaric, but undoing it is not necessarily a kindness. One might even call it selfish. Solas: I never made any claim to selflessness. Vivienne: Go through with it, and he will relive what happened to him every morning and night for the rest of his life. Solas: (with restrained anger) Do not pretend as though you suddenly care for his well-being now, you showed little regard for him before. Vivienne: It is a warning, nothing more. Solas: Your warning is heeded, but it changes nothing. I am under no illusion this will be simple, but to give up on him now— I would be no better than the Circle that once wanted this same fate for him.
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Solas & Dorian
Dorian: That book you have on your desk, Solas… Solas: There are many. Which are you referring to? Dorian: There’s one that looked to be in Ancient Tevene. Do you speak it, or are you just keeping it around to look clever? Solas: I would not go so far as to say I speak it, but I understand it well enough. Dorian: How did you go about learning it? Solas: Memories of Tevinter’s empire litter the land, there is hardly a place in Thedas where the world does not remember it, and with memories come language. Dorian: So you learned through the Fade? Solas: I did, though my pronunciation leaves something to be desired. An unfortunate consequence of learning any language alone. Dorian: I might be able to help, but only if you give me the satisfaction of hearing you muddle through it out loud beforehand. Also, I’ll be next in line when you’ve finished reading that book of yours. Solas: (snorts) Very well.
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Solas & Cole
Cole: So they’re nobody, but somebody. Empty shells, filled with someone else’s memory. Solas: For the most part, it seems. Cole: If they’re heartless, why are they so angry? Solas: Perhaps it was not so much the absence of feeling, but the lack of recognition of said feelings. Cole: Belief makes them real, even if they’ll always be different.
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Cole: It remembered. Delight in discovery, always pushing further into the unknown— someone like that does not simply disappear, and yet... it cannot remember his name. Solas: Names are not so as important as the spirit of the person they belong to. Cole: It remembered the person. Sadder, but stronger. If I ever return to the Fade, I would like to meet it. Solas: Nothing would delight it more. Cole: Oh, I know. I think we’d be friends.
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(After the banter where Solas helps prevent a panic attack)
Cole: You breathe in— one, two, three, four— then out— one, two, three, four— feel the grass beneath your feet, magic between your fingers, remember what is and what was. How long did it take you to learn? Solas: More time than is ideal. Cole: I’m sorry. Solas: There is some comfort in knowing I’ve learned enough to help others with such struggles. Cole: I’ll count with you, if you need. Solas: Thank you, Cole.
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Solas: I’m curious how your efforts are coming along since we last spoke. Cole: Josephine misses how saffron tastes, but she hasn’t asked the chef to purchase any. I wrote it on a list when no one was watching. Cullen doesn’t like my letters. He says they don’t make sense. Solas: I cannot imagine he devoted much time to understanding them. Cole: No. Listening is... difficult, when you’ve been taught not to.
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Cole: Eyes fall shut, but they do not drift away. Their feet are tethered, tied to the ground. Solas: Even dwarves who lived and died on the Surface never dreamed. Cole: But they are still remembered. The song drowns out their thoughts, but it does not smother them. If I listen, I can hear. Solas: I have seen fewer glimpses of dwarven history than I would like, but there are always memories preserved by particular attentive spirits. 
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(When passing through the kitchen, or lingering nearby. Solas stands over the stove and Cole sits on a nearby counter, hitting his leg against the wood.)
Solas: Would you like to try it, Cole? Cole: Would it not be a waste? I don’t need to eat. Solas: To overindulge, perhaps. A taste will do you nor the world any harm, a good meal is about more than survival. Cole: Then I’d like to try it, please.
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Cole: You don’t have to eat, Solas. Solas: Strictly speaking, no. Cole: Sometimes you do anyway. Solas: When the urge takes me, or if refusing would be seen as ill-mannered.
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Solas: If I could ask for your opinion, Cole. Cole: It remembers the garden. The sun bakes it red, colour working through it like a blush upon a maiden’s cheeks. Solas: Excellent. And this? Cole: It was lost in weeds for weeks, neglected and forgotten. It tastes like oversteeped tea. Solas: I see. Then we will find another.
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Cole: And it remembers the ocean? Solas: It knows the mountain streams and rocky coasts as well as any well-seasoned traveller, though the paths it takes are laid with smoother stones. Cole: Rough edges wicked away by river waters. Soft enough to stand on without any shoes. Solas: Though one must still take care not to fall. (optional) Inquisitor: Speaking from personal experience, Solas? Solas: I suppose one might say that. Cole: Feet forget the ground, flying out from beneath him, but the rest of him doesn’t follow. Solas: (tinged with embarrassment) As I said. Inquisitor: (chuckles) (otherwise) Cole: But you always get up again.
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Solas & Cullen
Cullen: I’m curious how you’ve avoided Templars all these years. Solas: I would prefer not to say. Cullen: I’m no longer a Templar, you know. Solas: Then why do you still wear their heraldry? Or am I mistaken? Cullen: I… Solas: Templar or no, your support for its cause endures. I would not endanger fellow apostates by revealing our methods.
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Solas: Master Tethras tells me you served in Kirkwall. Cullen: Varric has no shortage of stories, that one just so happens to be true. Why do you bring it up? Solas: My travels have taken me there, on occasion. Cullen: I admit, I’m curious what your impression was. Solas: All the world is steeped in tragedy, but in Kirkwall the Fade overflows with it. Spells flow from the fingertips with such ease you may forget the Veil altogether. Cullen: That doesn’t surprise me, the amount of abominations I saw during my years there… Solas: They were but a symptom. Kirkwall’s sickness ran deeper than what any one spirit could cure.
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Solas & Leliana
Solas: I have heard the Inquisition call you many titles. Sister, Nightingale, Spymaster. Leliana: I have worn many masks, some I’ve liked more than others. Why do you mention it? Solas: Which do I refer to you by? Leliana: (laughs) Whichever you prefer. You may use Leliana, if you wish. Solas: Then I shall see which suits you best.
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Solas & Josephine
Josephine: It took several tries, but we managed to remove the wine stain from your sweater. I apologise again for Lady Vérène’s indiscretion. Solas: The fault is hardly yours. It is a pity she is not more open to an apostate’s perspective, but the loss is hers. Extend my sincere gratitude to whoever expunged the mark. I have only a few shirts to my name. Josephine: You know, Solas, now that the Inquisition finds itself in more favourable circumstances, we can afford to purchase you a new wardrobe. Solas: With respect, Ambassador, I value comfort over style. I’m uncertain the Summer Bazaar will be able to accommodate me. Josephine: It would be a most... unusual request, but I believe I know the tailor for the job.
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Josephine: Have you found the library to your liking? Solas: I have. I cannot imagine any other circumstance where someone like me could have such unmitigated access to the written word. Most human libraries are not so liberal with their guests. Josephine: I confess, I have never been without books. Ever since I was a child they were always within reach. Solas: Then you must have recommendations. Josephine: One or two come to mind. If I can secure faithful translations, you will have them.
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Solas & Morrigan
Solas: You seem well-versed in courtly manners for a woman raised in the wilderness. Morrigan: What are you implying? Solas: That you have a talent for winding nobles around your finger, or that the infamous ‘game’ is not so deadly as they like to believe. Vivienne: Or that more talented souls paved the wave for her. Solas: Another possibility. Morrigan: ‘Tis true that Orlesians overestimate the challenge of this ‘Game’ of theirs. Empress Celene had her desires, and ‘twas a simple matter to keep her satisfied. Vivienne: Which is why you’re with us. Morrigan: With you at my side, I could not help but notice. Vivienne: Believe me, dear. Court enchanter is a trifle compared to where my sights have set.
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Solas: I found your son atop the rotunda’s scaffolding today. Morrigan: He has long been fond of climbing, and Skyhold’s trees are too new to bear his weight. Solas: It was no harm. My only regret is I did not have an answer to every question he asked. He is a curious boy. Morrigan: (laughs) That he is.
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(During What Pride Had Wrought, upon finding the mosaic of June)
Morrigan: Ah, clever June. The most elusive of the elven gods, insofar as legends are concerned. Solas: Their silence is deafening. Morrigan: I take it you have insight? Solas: Merely that he does not deserve what little credit he is given. Time has forgotten the name of whosoever built the first aravel.
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Solas: Rumour spread that Kieran went missing. I trust your presence here means you have found him? Morrigan: I… yes. Solas: He is unharmed? Morrigan: Yes. Solas: Then I am glad. And… you? Morrigan: I have much to think upon, but my son is safe. Everything else can come after.
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Solas & Renn
Solas: Tell me, Lieutenant, why did you remain with the Legion? Renn: Having trouble seeing why it’s your business. Why d’you ask? Solas: Escaping would be a simple matter of finding the right battle to slip away from. Freedom would only be a few day’s journey from where we stand. Renn: I couldn’t abandon my men... or my city. Solas: You show great loyalty to Orzammar, considering you will never see it again. Renn: Yeah, well. You never forget your home. Solas: No. I suppose you don’t.
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Solas & Valta
Solas: “But the truth is the truth— no matter how political it may be.” Valta: Do you disagree? Solas: Just the opposite. The truth does not change with our ability to stomach it. I am glad a historian such as yourself agrees. Valta: A shame the rest of the Shaperate doesn’t agree with us. Solas: True, but if they had you would not be here, on the brink of uncovering secrets buried centuries ago. In their attempt to keep you out of the way, they unknowingly set you upon the path to even greater knowledge. Valta: Orzammar will know the truth. If I don’t make it, then the Inquisitor— Solas: You are not yet dead, Shaper Valta. Do not count yourself apart from the living so soon.
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Solas & Merrill
Merrill: You snort when you laugh. Solas: I’m well-aware. If you are about to ask me to stop, I’m afraid I’ve tried before. Merrill: Oh, it’s not a bad thing. It might be the most charming thing about you. Solas: Damned by faint praise. Merrill: It is a very charming laugh.
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Solas: Why did you leave your clan? I read Varric’s Tale of the Champion, but I suspect most of it was a lie. (if present) Varric: Hey! I’m right here. Solas: You did well to lie. To name her as a Dalish mage would be to paint a target upon her back. (otherwise) Merill: I left… I— it wasn’t exactly my choice. There was a mirror, tainted by the Blight. I thought we should fix it, even if it meant turning to blood magic. My Keeper disagreed. Solas: You cleansed the Blight from an eluvian? That is remarkable. Merrill: I used to wonder if it was worth it. I sacrificed so much to get it working, years of my life, my— I’m just glad we’re getting use out of it, now.
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Merrill: You’re wrong about my people, Solas. The Dalish aren’t as lost as you think. Solas: They cast you to the streets of Kirkwall, exiled you for the crime of pursuing the duty they tasked you with. Merrill: Some of them said such awful things, they looked at me like I was already a demon, but… that doesn’t mean there isn’t good, too. Sometimes I wonder, had my Keeper not been so against me, if things might have been different. Merrill: I don’t know what they said to you, but I know what their scorn feels like. It hurts, but… there’s so much to admire. Solas: You still feel for them. Merrill: They’re my people, they always will be. No matter how much they might hate me, I’ll always love them. Solas: Put like that, I suppose I understand the sentiment. Merrill: It’s a lonely feeling, isn’t it? Solas: It never ebbs, no. Merrill: Then just— remember them, when you think unkind thoughts about the Dalish. The people you miss, the people you don’t, and what you’d sacrifice for them both.
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(in the Exalted Plains, outside the boundaries of Hawen’s camp)
Merrill: (giggles) Datishan was asking about you before we left. Solas: Datishan… Hawen’s little hunter? Merrill: Who else? She wanted to know when you’d be back. Solas: What did you tell her? Merrill: I told her you needed time, that good stories don’t grow on trees. You will go back, won’t you? Solas: It seems I shall have to, or else suffer the wrath of her arrows. Merrill: You joke, but she almost poked out my eye last night. Solas: (chuckles)
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aria-i-adagio · 3 years
30 Day DA OC Challenge, Day 19: Courtship
Day 19: Courtship
Does your OC get involved romantically or sexually with anybody? When do they first fall for them or get involved? If they fall in love, when does it happen? Does the relationship last?
Anders! (And yes, it lasts, for better or worse.)
[most of this is a repeat from this post]
I tend to go with the idea that no matter what romance route is played that Anders has at least some romantic interest in Hawke from Act 1. But after Karl’s death, I think there’s a combination of both not being ready and believing that he’s too dangerous for anyone to be in a relationship with him.
Adrian was interested in Anders from very early on. An oddly attractive man with a ‘sexy, tortured look’ develops into honest admiration of the fact that Anders is one of the few people in Kirkwall who’s actually interested in doing something good. But he’s A) used to playing his cards close to his chest (as while Ferelden may not particularly care about same-sex relationships, there does seem to be something of an expectation that such relationships shouldn’t get in the way of family expectations and making children, Leandra has definitely messed with his head, etc.), and B) he’s a small, somewhat insecure ball of anxiety who’s afraid of rejection. He also very good at repressing things, so for most of Act 1, he’s in denial of being interested beyond a “yep, that one’s handsome.”
However, have a show rather than tell.
Hawke has determined that he does not like the Deep Roads. And he hates Bartrand. Who the fuck does that? Leaves their brother to die over a chunk of stone, or whatever that idol was made of?
You let your brother die. You left him.
That was different. I couldn’t protect him. I tried, I swear.
Bethany sneaks up on him from behind and loops her arm through his. She leans her head on his shoulder. “Carver was already dead, ‘Dri.”
He knows that she can’t actually read minds, but sometimes he wonders whether she picked the skill up somewhere. Or maybe it’s a little sister thing. He stops walking and tilts his head to the side, touching his cheek to her hair. “I should have -”
“If any of us could have, we would have.” Bethany pats the other side of his face. “Look about, is this a decently safe place?”
The Deep Roads do require a qualifier for the word safe. Adrian lifts his head and glances around. Ahead, there’s a bridge over a chasm. If it’s sturdy enough, it will give them good lines of sight and walls on two sides. “Ahead will do.”
“Thanks, ‘Dri.” Bethany lets go of his arm and jogs ahead to where Varric and Anders are walking together, both with their weapons in hand, reasoning that if Anders could sense darkspawn, Varric might be able to take them down with Bianca before they got too close. Or thin them out. “Hey. Think it’s night yet?”
“You’re the only Sunshine I see. What’s your opinion?”
“That I’m tired.”
Varric looks around and shrugs. “Then it’s night. Might as well make camp.”
Hawke keeps watch well after they've eaten a sad and meager (who knows how long they'll be searching for an exit now?) meal of hard bread. Bethany told him that he didn't need to; the glyphs she and Anders had set on either end of the bridge would last far past the time Varric's little clockwork watch was set to come. But he couldn't talk himself into following her advice. Darkspawn had killed Carver. They were not going to take Bethany from him.
He isn't the only one still awake. Anders had laid out his bedroll as close to the fire as he could, and he huddles close to the glow of the embers. He’d panicked when Bartrand swung the door closed on in, and once it became clear that neither Varric nore Hawke would be able to pick the locking mechanism, cast multiple spells at the door before giving up on the idea of breaking through it by force. The mage had been quiet since, not even Varric had been able to draw him out.
"You alright?"
Anders lifts his face. There are always dark circles around his eyes, but they look worse in the low light of the fire. "I hate the Deep Roads."
"You could have said no." Hawke asked him to come because he had experience with the Deep Roads, and Darkspawn, and according to what was said of the Grey Wardens would be able to sense them ahead of time. "I would have understood."
Anders smiles grimly. "They're worse without a cat."
"You should try to sleep."
"You should too. Those glyphs I set were designed by a Warden mage. They're strong. This spot is as safe as it's going to get."
"Good to know." Hawke lies down, unsure whether he'll sleep, or just rest his eyes and listen for trouble. "Hey, Anders -"
"Thanks for coming with me."
"Well, I'm here now."
It might have been an hour, it might have been two, and Hawke might have fallen asleep, or he might have been awake the whole time, but his eyes snap open the moment he hears something other than the crackling of coals. A low, distressed groan and panicked, incoherent mumbling. Hawke opens his eyes. There’s just enough of a glow left in the few embers to see Anders rolling over fitfully, flinging his arm out, nearly managing to catch his fingers in what’s left of the fire. His other arm falls over his mouth, muffling what might have been a scream if allowed to escape.
Hawke tosses off his blanket and crawls across the pavers to him. As he pulls Anders outstretched arm back from the fire, the mage’s eyes snap open and he bolts upright with a gasp, forehead knocking against Hawke’s chin.
“Hey there. You were dreaming.”
“I can hear them.” Anders curls forward, draws his long legs against his chest, and wraps his arms around his knees. “I can still hear it.”
"Hear what? The darkspawn?"
Anders doesn't respond with words, he just goes limp and slumps to the side. Adrian catches him and lets him lean his head against his shoulder. He's perfectly still for a minute, then awkwardly runs his hand through the mage's hair, not entirely sure Anders is awake enough to know where he is, much less who's holding him.
"Take a few deep breaths, okay?" Adrian wraps his other arm around Anders' and pats his shoulder. His joke about Anders 'sexy, tortured look' didn't seem quite as funny at the moment. "Nothing has tripped the glyphs you set. We're okay."
Anders' breathing calms, at least a little. "It's so dark. I can't do this again. I can't."
"I'd build back up the fire for you, but there's no fuel left." Varric had carefully gathered a certain dry fungus from the walls of the cages as they walked. It was the only combustible material available. "Do you hear them more, in the dark?"
"Or I hear nothing in the dark. Not a sound, not a word. I'm alone in it again, and..." The pitch and volume of his voice begins to rise and on instinct, Adrian hugs him tightly. Maker, the poor man is miserable. Hawke never would have asked him to come if he had only known.
Anders shudders and hiccups. "I can't be alone in the dark."
"I'm here." What happened to Anders that made the dark so terrifying? The Deep Roads themselves weren't always dark. Parts were. Other parts were lit by the glow of some sort of marvelous dwarven lamps that still worked after centuries. This wasn't one of those areas, and the lower the embers grow, the more Anders trembles. Without really noticing it, Adrian begins to rub his back and whisper in his ear, the way he sometimes had when one or the other of the twins woke with a childhood nightmare.
He doesn't know Anders well. It's maybe been three or four months since he sought him out to get the maps of the Deep Roads. He's good to know though - a good man. Bethany agrees. And Varric had taken the mage under his wing; Hawke knew the dwarf was paying off the Carta to leave the Darktown clinic alone.
Anders is also handsome in his own way, devilishly funny, and flirtatious, despite the very sad look he gets in his eyes if someone mentions the word Tranquil. 'I hadn't seen him in years,' Anders said, the one time Adrian got him to talk. 'But you know how it is, with first loves.'
Adrian does not actually know how it is with first loves. What relationships he had in Lothering weren't love affairs, just temporary flings with a presumed end date. A Ferelden freeholder needs a wife, needs children to help him work the land. It's just the way of things. No sense in getting too attached.
Like he's getting attached to this mage who hides years of sadness underneath dry humor. Anders has put himself back together a few times already, and right now, the cracks are showing.
"Lay back down. I'll stay with you."
It takes a few more shivers and hiccups before Anders does stretch his long limbs back out. Adrian intends to just sit next to him, maybe keep their fingers together, but Anders pulls at his arm until he lies down beside him on the narrow bedroll, on his side with his head cushioned on his folded arm. Adrian hesitantly strokes Anders' hair, and when that earns him a soft sigh, loops his free arm around the other man and snuggles a bit closer.
After all, it's not just dark in the Deep Roads, it's damn chilly as well. That’s what he tells himself.
When Varric’s little mechanical clock chimes a fake morning, Hawke still curled up around Anders, and Bethany is smirking at him.
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First of all, I love how on character y'all are here. Secondly, I was wondering how the DAI companions and advisors would react to Oghren joining the Inquisition?
Cassandra: Cassandra finds herself feeling disgusted more and more often after Leliana’s old companion Oghren showed up, demanding drunkenly to join the Inquisition. He manages to get under her skin even more than Varric. The dwarf pushes Cassandra’s patience to its brink and her poor training dummy can only take so much more.
Varric: After Varric meets Oghren, he realizes the other dwarf reminds him of someone. It doesn’t take Varric long to realize that person is Isabela. Oghren is like a drunker, shorter, and hairier version of his old friend. The only thing is Rivani is much more physically appealing. Varric just doesn’t want to lay with someone hairier than him.
Vivienne: She eyes Oghren, unimpressed with him. When he drunkenly hits on her one evening, Vivienne conjures some ice magic into the palm of her hand and looks directly at the dwarf. “My dear, if you so much as take one more step towards me I will make sure your hands and feet aren’t the only things suffering from frostbite.”
Dorian: Dorian watches Oghren in the tavern one evening pass out after starting a drinking game with Bull and Sera. While he destests his homeland, they are better functioning drunk. Never would he pass out in the middle of a tavern, breaking a table on the way down. Dorian has the decency to do that in his bedroom where no one can bear witness to it.
Iron Bull: Bull can’t get enough of Oghren. The guy’s puns are almost better than his. Krem groans when the two of them get into a match of puns one evening. What follows is a drinking game that Bull barely ends up winning. It’s pretty fucking baddass how much ale that short dwarven body can handle.
Blackwall: Blackwall prefers to have little to do with Oghren as possible. He’s an excellent fighter, but his entire personality is very grating. It’s no surprise the Inquisitor let him into the Inquisition with no questions asked. They truly are the best person Blackwall has ever known.
Sera: Sera thinks Oghren is the best dwarf-- no person she’s ever met. He’s hilarious and can almost out drink Bull. Plus, the more time she spends around him the more innuendos she learns. Lady Viv and Mr. Elf Elf are gonna love it when they hear her new material.
Solas: The dwarf is an example of the worst of his race. Solas keeps him at a distance. Whenever they do interact, Oghren never fails to annoy Solas to the point of wanting to knock him out with his staff. He’s come close more than once during their travels, but manages to control himself. Only just, though.
Cole: “He physically hurts, but continues to drink. Why?” Cole asks during Oghren’s infamous -Varric’s words, not his- drinking contest with Bull and Sera. Varric chuckles and tries to explain it to him. He doesn’t really understand, but thanks Varric for trying.
Cullen: Cullen thinks the dwarf is utterly exhausting and obnoxious. Thankfully for Cullen, his work as Commander of the Inquisition’s forces keeps him busy enough to where he doesn’t have to interact much with Oghren. Thank the maker for that.
Josephine: Josephine decides to start keeping a list for every item Oghren destroys during his stay with the Inquisition. By the end of the week, he’s racked up quite a bill. He tells Josephine to bill the Warden’s who will take care of it for him. Surprisingly they do, but she has a feeling the Hero of Ferelden had something to do with that.
Leliana: Leliana finds it heartwarming that Oghren hasn’t changed one bit over the past decade. It’s a burst of nostalgia Leliana appreciates during the difficult times facing Thedas. She will spend some time catching up with her old friend when she gets the chance. Given what she knows about Oghren, she won’t have to look very hard to find him.
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the-lightning-mage · 3 years
Inquisition OC as a Companion
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I’ve already made a post about some stuff about Holly, but I love the format @little-lightning-lavellan​ made, and it really made me think. The picture is my best attempt at making her on artbreeder. 
You have selected Holly Trevelyan to join your party!
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift mage
Holly Trevelyan is the second youngest of seven children born to Bann and Lady Trevelyan. Born in 9:12 Dragon, she is also the only mage of the family. She came into her magic when she was 12, and thus spent most of her life in the Circle. Due to the more lax nature of the Ostwick Circle, and her being from a noble family, she was able to regularly send and receive letters. The only person she ever really got letters from is her younger sibling. This caused them to be incredibly close despite the distance.
In her early years she spent most of her time studying healing magic in hopes it would help let her get out of the circle. After lots of discouragement, she ended up giving up on that dream. Instead she focused her studies on storm based magic, as she had always found rain and thunder comforting.
After reading several books, and hearing several accounts as to how much more advanced Tevinter magic could be in certain areas, she had a new goal. She decided to try to harness electrical based magic so that it could be used as an energy source. This path has led to her becoming one of the most powerful storm based mages in Thedas.
When the talks of rebellion began, she was a part of them. She hated being cooped up all the time, and she had heard horror stories of how other mages were treated. When the rebellion began, she was not so involved. She was horrified by the levels of wrathful violence some of her peers employed. She spent a lot of time helping people escape. When she herself did, she knew that the entirety of the rebellion could not be like that, and she seriously considered joining them. Instead she decided to go find her younger sibling. That choice only solidified when she heard of what happened to the Conclave.
She becomes a rift mage because that is what either a. Killed her sibling or b. Almost killed them.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
She arrives in Haven shortly before the party leaves to address the Chantry in Val Royeaux. She shows up not to necessarily join the Inquisition, but in an attempt to find out what happened to her sibling. She can be found just outside the gates near the stables arguing with Cullen, demanding information.
If the Inquisitor is human, and thus her sibling, the conversation to recruit her flows a lot more smoothly. She will then ask to be part of the Inquisition, saying she damn near had a heart attack when she thought they had died, and that they had been apart for far, far too long. If she is refused, the Inquisitor will tell her to go home. There will be a war table mission to ensure she gets there safely. If she is accepted, she rises through the ranks rather quickly due to her skill. Solas will accuse the Inquisitor of nepotism.
If the inquisitor is not human, she will get emtional, wanting to know where her sibling is. She will demand to join the Inquisition to get justice for her fallen sibling. If denied, she will join the rebel mages instead. If they are sided with, she will technically be part of the Inquisition, but not as a companion. If not, she discovers Dorian, gives him what info she has, and flees. If she is accepted, there will be a war table mission to find her sibling’s remains or something they had on them.
In Haven, she can be found near the Inquisitor’s cabin. In Skyhold she can be found in one of the unused towers near Cullen’s office. It will have fancy looking equipment for her experiments.
She can be used to gather rebel mage support.
Approval and Romance
As they are siblings, human Inquisitors will have an easier time gaining approval, but for certain situations, they will face greater disapproval than non-humans. For example, non-humans will get “Holly disapproves” if they conscript the mages instead of treating them as allies, but humans will get “Holly greatly disapproves.”
When it comes to the big decisions, like what to do with the Wardens, who goes into the Well of Sorrows, etc. She tends to take in all of the “what ifs?” and bases her own opinions on that rather than her own morals. She may not like a decision, but if she thinks it will ultimately have the best out come, that is the one she goes with.
She likes to view most things from every angle she can. She prefers more merciful forms of justice, and can tend to be very forgiving. She likes it when the Inquisitor tries their best to understand others, while not necessarily condoning their actions. She likes it when they help those in need, though not as much as Cole does.
She can only be romanced by non human Inquisitors for obvious reasons, and she can be romanced by both men and women. If neither she or Cullen are romanced, they will end up in a relationship together. Instead of having a big romance scene, at high levels of approval, human Inquisitors will get an emotional scene where she tells them just how much she was worried about them.
Her personal quest involves her closest friend from the Circle. He sends her a letter telling her that he alive, and would love to catch up. It turns out to be a ploy, as he betrays her. He can be killed or talked down and shown mercy.
Her romance quest involves taking her to a few different locations throughout Orlais and Ferelden.
High Approval: She stayed with the Inquisition over the last to years as their advisor on matters of the Arcane. She presents them a unique weapon she had been working on in free time. Romance does not change this.
Low Approval if Cullen was romanced: She spent the last two years traveling. Seeing the world she never could see before. She helps and sends word back to the Inquisition when need be.
Low Approval if Cullen was not romanced: She remains with the Inquisition, helping where she can. She spends a lot of time helping Cullen figure out how to best utilize the mages.
Post trespasser: She spends much of her time working, and when she is able to get a working prototype she presents it to whatever Mage authority there is, and gets funding. It helps propel mages into good opinion. Details about her relationship are shared.
Combat Comments
Killing an enemy:
“Block this!”
“Eat ash!”
“You shouldn’t have underestimated me!”
Low health:
“Do we have another healer?”
“Armor failed me.”
Low health Inquisitor and Companions:
“I’m on my way Dorian.”
“Maker, someone help the Seeker.”
“I’ve got you, Varric.”
“Shit... Bull!”
“Cole’s down!”
Approaching camp: “I’ve always want to go camping.” “I’m not expert, but this seems like a lovely place to stop?”
Approaching a High Dragon: “Are they really that big?”
Using an ocularum for the first time: “Are you sure you don’t want me to examine it first?”
Picking up shards after finding the temple: “What are these doing all the way out here?”
Location Comments
Arbor Wilds: “It’s a shame we have to fight here.”
Old Crestwood: “No wonder they’re having problems with undead. Look at all the spirits.” “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Emerald Graves: “Am I the only one who thinks this place is beautiful?” “Wow....”
Emprise du Lion: “This... this is why I wear a cloak.” “I should summon some lightning. Start a fire and destroy the red lyrium. Two birds with one stone.”
Exalted Plains: “They really could not think of a worse name.” “A place that is a monument to humanity’s evil taken over by demons. Ironic.”
The Fallow Mire: “Ugh.” “I think I saw a bug the size of my hand.” “I love nature, but I hate this place.”
Forbidden Oasis: “This place would be nice if it weren’t for the Venatori... and the giant.” “I’m confused. Why is they’re a temple here? Who built it?”
Hinterlands: “Can we visit Redcliffe?” “So much chaos....” “We can help the people here, right?”
Hissing Wastes: “How do I have sand in my armor?” “Dwarven ruins on the surface? This is a dream come true.” “Great. Venatori.”
Storm Coast: “Crossing the Waking Sea was my favorite part of getting here.” “I actually quite like the weather.” “I wonder... is this place more prone to lightning storms?”
Western Approach: “Talk about a wasteland.” “Poison hot springs and chasms into the Deep Roads? At least there are ruins.” “I suppose this is a good place for nefarious deeds.”
Advisor and Companion comments
Blackwall: “She’s very dedicated and has a good heart. She’s what people should think of when they hear “mage.””
Cassandra: “She is very dedicated to the cause, though I worry she might set fire to Skyhold with one of her... experiments.”
Cole: “Trapped. Walled in. Caged like a fancy bird. Not anymore, but she stays because she wants to help. Is helping. She’s good, like her healing spells.”
Cullen: “She’s dedicated, clever, and very, very persistent. She’s been a great help with the mages.”
If in a relationship with her: “She’s... amazing, isn’t she? I’m not sure what she sees in me.”
Dorian: “You don’t find many people so open to new ideas, or people that are that accepting. She is excellent company.”
Iron Bull: “She’s different from the other mages. Too entrenched in her work to boast about it. Way more practical. I have a lot of respect for what she’s trying to do.”
Josephine: “Though I wish we could make better use of her noble ties. She is invaluable, and holds great conversations.”
Leliana: “It’s not often you meet someone who has truly nothing to hide.”
Sera: “I dunno. She makes too much sense for a mage, ya know? At least she’s pretty.”
Solas: “Holly? Ah. We don’t particularly get along, but I approve of what she is trying to do, and has accomplished.”
Varric: “You wouldn’t guess it, but Bookworm is just as good in battle as she is in that tower of hers. Thank the maker it takes a lot to piss her off. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of her lightning bolts.”
Vivienne: “I’ll be honest, I do not agree with her on everything, but at least she is loyal. Her work ethic is to be admired as well. She dresses rather simply though.”
At first, everyone thinks Holly is the nickname Varric gave her. It doesn’t match her personality.
While she may not believe Dorian about the time magic, she immediately believes him and Felix about the Venatori. She had heard rumors about them before the events of Hushed Whispers, but nothing concrete enough to tell anyone.
Her relationship with Cullen starts with him asking her if she can soothe headaches. She has somewhat of a reputation for her healing magic, even if she doesn’t use it much.
She is an excellent singer.
Like Solas and Varric, she acts like a parent towards Cole.
If the Inquisitor is a human man who romances Dorian, she’ll tease him for having a type.
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greenjudy · 3 years
Inquisitor Ask Meme
Reposting this for fun.
Anyone else want to take a crack? What kind of Inky would you be?
@allsortsoflicorice? @tyramir ? Bueller?
1. Race:
2. Class/Specialization:
Rift mage.
3. Your homeland?
The Free Marches. Wycome, to be precise. 
4. Your family?
Keep my family out of this; they have things to do besides die.
5. Who were you before?
A Circle Mage of some skill and much fear. Given my personality, the Circle would probably not cater to my strengths. It would make me more nervous and paranoid than I already am. The Inquisition would force me out of my comfort zone and give me some resilience I would never otherwise develop. Left to my own devices, I’d fall prey to obsession, and possibly possession by a Pride demon.  
6. Would you be religious?
I’ve read a lot of books by Brother Genitivi and Philliam! A Bard; I’m actually using my clout as Inquisitor to gather whatever is known about the Black City. You might say I’m an originist, I want to know where we came from; Andraste is kind of late on the scene for my interests. 
Post-Trespasser, this quest will more or less eat my brain.
Short answer: obsessed with “religious” subject matter, not religious per se. 
7. Do you have a mabari?
Nope. But I spoil Cullen’s baby. 
8. Your opinion on other races?
Raised to “not be racist” (as far as that goes) in cosmopolitan, edgy, free-wheeling Wycome; family with a ton of Dwarven trading connections. Angry about the elves. Knew loads of elven enchanters in the Circle, but I have awkward awareness of human privilege around the Dalish. 
Fascinated by the Shaperate. Wish all Thedas had those. Can you imagine? 
Worried about the Qun, but deeply impressed with the handful of Qunari I’ve met in person. Not mindless drones at all. Disciplined. Community first has some virtues, must say. 
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?
10. What would your tarot card look like?
The High Priestess: an older, abbess-looking chick standing at a scriptorium, surrounded by magical paraphrenalia and a gorgeous view out my high window. Raven (with message) standing on the windowsill.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?
My bespoke mage tower, if I’m not in the Undercroft picking Dagna’s brain. Do a little weeding in the herb garden from time to time; we’re growing some fascinating things in there. 
After Solas leaves, I’d go spend time in the destroyed holding cells, watching the water fall.  
12. What would you do for fun?
Study. Knit. Paint. Visit my horses; the smell of horses is very comforting. 
I’d have highly technical arguments with Dorian and spend a lot, a lot, a lot of time talking to Solas.
13. What armor would you wear?
Cutting-edge tactical enchanted fabric. Light, layered, tweedy, enchanted.
I’d probably get sucked into magical materials research, specifically, making improvements to armor base-layers. I’m obsessed with armor. I have a whole research group (headed by Dagna, Cullen consulting) devoted to armor improvement.
14. What would your room look like?
Given the state of my current room, a chaotic mess of books, papers, research tools, letters from colleagues, blueprints, schematics, dirty dishes, orchids, and automata (Josie and I would be doll-geeks together).
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?
I try to make sure that the Inner Circle understands how much I appreciate them as a general rule. 
As for friends: 
Cassandra is one of the great ones. Just about the best person I know. Never met anyone so ready to acknowledge her mistakes. I’d trust her to be the next Divine. 
Dorian is a dear. One of the best sounding-boards. Somebody peel that man a grape. 
Cullen and Josephine are terrific advisors, couldn’t ask for better, their own problems of course, we’re all doing our best. I’d like to know Cullen better—suspect we have things, Circle things, to talk about. In another life, maybe. 
I’d get on with Varric—everyone gets on with Varric, come on—but I find him ultimately very armored, hard to know. Hid his best friend, didn’t he? Never talks about the lady he loves. 
Sera is actually easy to understand. Raw genius with a bow, one of the best to have along, out in the field. Not exactly my friend. So down on the Dalish. It’s her business, though. She and Dagna are adorable together. She makes Dagna happy, that’s good enough for me. 
I have a bit of a GP for the Iron Bull. (He had me at “front-line bodyguard.”) Never acted on it, though.
Solas is my… see… well, see below. 
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?
I’d have the Thedas version of LinkedIn comrades in Antiva, Nevarra, and Orlais—researchers all. Plus one brilliant friend who’s a materials mage based out of Denerim, working with Sandal on woven metal enchantments; call her my “knitting buddy.”
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?
Leliana would trouble me. Don’t like having someone this emotional and vindictive managing our intel networks. It’s bad juju, Ambassador; can’t trust her judgment, can you? And that feels like a loose end. Put us in a tight spot someday. Couldn’t we ask Varric…? No, I quite see that. Still. 
I’d understand Vivienne, and try to maintain a cordial relationship because I think most of her head is in the right place, even though she is entirely too power-oriented for a real friendship. 
Blackwall’s “find Darkspawn, kill them, repeat” approach would bother me. When I found out the truth about him, it would confirm my feeling that you need to lie to yourself, a lot, to just have enemies and kill them without compunction. I would also find myself highly influenced by Solas’s take on the Wardens. 
18. Who would you romance?
I’m a Circle mage who’s watched close friends be tormented by romantic love. Demonic possession and Tranquility. Babies taken away. This is not the kind of conditioning that disappears just because you take me out of a Circle. In my youth I worked it out by restricting myself to impossible love objects—there was this one Templar, very stern, very disciplined…he’d barely speak to me… Well. That was many years ago. 
That said, the best impossible love object I’ve ever encountered in my life is Solas. 
What does it matter, really? Bonds of friendship, don’t you know; romantic love leads to envy demons. I’m old now, at any rate. Inquisigeezer not exactly a romanceable character. 
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?
Probably not. Too busy. Too tired. Feel too much sympathy for her innocent victims. 
But I would do operations with Sera, with pleasure. 
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?
My front-line bodyguard? Get on with you. It would get too complicated—for me, I mean, not him. 
21. Would you keep Cole around?
Yes. And I’d agonize about what would be the best path for him to take, and probably make him a spirit.
22. Can you play the game (politics)?
Yes. I’m better at it the more distant it is. If you’re talking about what to say at a party, I’ve developed a persona for that sort of thing. Stakes are high. Can’t be fooling around. A mage, remember? This guard drops, I get possessed; lose my temper, might incinerate you, can’t have that. 
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?
“The world fell apart on my watch.”
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach?
Mages. I understand mages. Their leadership’s been simply awful. Not sure what Fiona did with her spine. Without decent leadership, it’s mages running amok, trying to protect themselves, doing awful things out of fear; can’t have that, they’ll pull their own house down. Get them out of the weeds, stick ‘em in the Inquisition, give them a chance to show what they can do for the right cause. 
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?
It’s all about training, though, isn’t it? Templars and mages both need much, much better training. Without training, without a penetrating education with a solid grasp of magical theory, history, ethics—co-train the mages and templars, make ‘em take core courses together. Make them work together in strike teams; I’ve been doing that since we recruited ‘em, they actually partner well, as long as you’re not, you know, mad.
I would become obsessed (do you see the recurrence of this word) with the idea that mages could be Seeker-trained to resist possession and mind control, obviating the need for Tranquility. These disciplined (another key word) and trustworthy mages could be placed in a position of joint authority with properly educated Templars to create a College of Magi with research cells all over Thedas…
Yeah. We’ll see how that works out.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?
Celine and Briala. Celine is the one with the right temperament, and for some reason I viscerally understand Briala. I’m all about reparations and integrating elven populations and something something protect the Dalish (can’t we actually give them the Dirth?).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?
I couldn’t.
28. Would you go after Blackwall?
Oh, yes. And I’d keep him on, as Thom Rainier. 
29. Would you drink from the well?
Knowing me? Not knowing the implications except for those vague warnings? Yes, I would, and it would affect me for the rest of my life. 
I’d spend what’s left of myself using whatever insight and connections the Well gave me to work on Solas. 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?
Under ordinary circumstances, the College. Daresay they’d want me to do something draining and administrative because of my being the (ex)Inquisitor; I’d look for a research niche but probably not get to keep it. 
Solas is not ordinary circumstances. I’d dedicate the rest of my life to that problem. 
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? 
I’d naively and arrogantly imagine that I could—if we could just get enough time to sit down together—he must understand what he’s likely to bring about, he needs people to talk to, dammit—
He would be the death of me, I’m afraid.
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lexigraph · 4 years
oh my god I found a draft of a Hawke/Varric thing I was working on (YES I have a pattern!! Maybe developers should stop making characters mine have extreme sexual tension and compatibility with ok.)
I don’t know if it will ever get any further than this, but the notes made me laugh and sad. Dumping it all after the cut.  Please note that YES I literally stopped writing mid-sentence six years ago and never continued. Why??
It all started when we returned from the Deep Roads.
Actually, that’s not exactly true. It started about half a year before then, or else the last time I’d seen Bianca. Nevermind that. This isn’t the story I never tell, it’s just one that I don’t.
In any case, after the Deep Roads is as good a time as any to start. If you want the real beginning, it’s in the book. The Champion of Kirkwall. Sure, there may be some missing lines, a few redacted conversations, but the foundation is there. Go ahead and read the first act, I’ll wait. If you haven’t read it by now, though… let’s just say you’re in the minority. After all, it is my best selling story.
After the Deep Roads, Hawke and I had a lot of reasons to spend time together. After all, there was business to conduct: treasure that needed the right buyers at the right price, hirelings to question about their involvement with the whole “abandonment thing”, letters to write to various and sundry members of the Guild, maps to update with an ancient thaig, for Andraste’s sake. 
There was also a lot of drinking to be done, or maybe it was just that a lot of drinking was done. It took the edge off of things… washed down any manner of dark thoughts. Or so we’d claim. The company helped, regardless. Hawke and her little band of misfits, myself included… we ruled the Hanged Man in those days.
After a while, well… things got a little more complicated and reasons turned to excuses.
Hawke drops herself into a chair at Varric’s long table with a considerable thunk of metal on wood; something ridiculous and heavy made of iron that she’s taken to wearing as ornamentation impacting less than delicately with his fine dwarven chairs. Varric sets the quill he’s been using in its holder, leaves the paper to dry. It’s just a bit about their encounter with the darkspawn. For his records; nothing serious, but he finds himself writing it as prose out of habit. It can wait.
He studies Hawke for a second. The rings under her eyes are especially bad today, the purple tinge of long nights visible even under the gold powder smeared across her eyelids and the smudged black of whatever substance she darkens her eyelashes with. She almost always looks like she slept in yesterday’s eye makeup, but lately each day has been progressively worse, and today is no exception. He swallows and tries to keep his tone light.
“No word?” Varric knows the answer, will probably know word is coming before Hawke does, but asks anyway. It isn’t entirely impossible that a messenger from the Wardens would slip past the notice of his carefully placed network of spies. Highly improbable, but not impossible.
She shakes her head and sighs, leaning forward to place both elbows against the edge of the table and duck her head as if to study the exquisitely carved wood. Not that the elbows bothered him; this table had, after all, seen a lot worse in it’s day, and Varric wasn’t exactly Mr. Manners. Hawke wasn’t normally an elbows on the table kind of gal, was all. Leaning back until she practically slid off the chair, sure. But hunched was bad. She’d been hunched a lot lately.
“Nothing at all. It’s been weeks, Varric. I just--”
“--want to know that your brother is alive. ‘The little snotrag’.” He finishes for her, managing (pretty badly) to keep back a chuckle. Hawke narrows her eyes but smiles, albeit a wan one.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re sick of hearing it.”
“Of course not.” He leans back in his chair, tipping so far that it’s balancing on two legs. “Though you could stand to get a little more creative with the insults. Carver was a little shit.” Shit. Hawke’s face falls again, fast, on ‘was’. Varric leans forward again so all four legs of his chair hit the ground, then pushes back and stands.
“Come on. I’ve got something for us to do.” That, at least, elicits a stronger smile. He’ll have to think of something good, and fast.
He mulls this over as Hawke waits for him to pull on his jacket and gloves, to strap Bianca on. He feels her eyes on him, and slows down just a little bit, making a show of adjusting the way his gloves lay and fiddling with his earrings. Varric is retying the sash around his middle (again) when he spies Hawke’s mouth pressing into a thin line. Time to stop dragging his heels.
“Alright, Hawke, let’s go.”
“If you’re sure you’re presentable, Tethras,” she rolls her eyes as she stands, but the smile has returned.
“Well excuse me. Some of us have a reputation to uphold. Actually, Hawke--” he gestures towards the door to his miniature suite, beckoning her through “--that’s going to include you very soon. You know how they are in High Town, after all.” His tone is light as a feather, threatening a chuckle.
Hawke shrugs her way out of the room, and he follows, then turns to pull the door shut. Not that locking it means a hell of a lot -- everyone basically already knows not to bother Varric’s things. It still makes him feel better.
“It might. If my share is what you said, I should be able to get the mansion.” A small throaty laugh escapes her. Varric fumbles with the key a moment, then shakes his head:
“And then some. Don’t worry, it’s not too difficult to line up buyers for ancient dwarven chamberpots.”
She laughs again as he turns around to find she’s still facing him. “I may just keep one. I’ll think of Bartrand every time I sh--” The expletive is drowned by the laughter that bursts out from deep in Varric’s body. Maker, it feels good to laugh like that.
“Alright, alright, I get the picture, you don’t have to get gross. Let’s go already.” He gestures again, toward the stairs. Hawke’s mouth twitches in a mischievous smile, but she turns on her heel and  That’s where I stopped?? And then, a rare thing, an OUTLINE:
--- Months before learning Carver survived ---
Scene one: Two weeks after returning from the Deep Roads. Hawke and Varric go to the Black Emporium (pretend it is first time) to try and sell off some of the rarer goods. Run into Anders on the way, drag him along (hint at annoyance, very light).
Something something plot hook idek. Bandits? Someone sniffing about the manor trying to buy it first? Figger it out.
Small amount of time skip, nighttime scene, everyone loves fucking Wicked Grace at the Hanged Man scenes lets do this. Flirting, but table-wide. Some stupid observation from Varric about attention from Hawke being great or whatever blah blah blah. Maybe like a shoulder touch ho ho ho gettin’ racy. But point is Hawke is manic, flirtatious and drowning her anxiety, pretending to be happy about a good sale, whatever.
Hawke like blind drunk, Isabela already took someone to her room, everyone else has wandered off, SUPER PLANTONIC FLUFFY tucking her into his bed and setting up to a sleepness night writing just make sure it hurts a little how much Varric is taking care of her.
Morning afterwards maybe a fight OH NO about Carver?? oh no, Marie feeling stupid and hungover and sad and Varric sticking his foot in his mouth for once trying to be reassuring. You tits.
Break for action about whatever DUMB PLOT is happening, gives a chance for building tension because they’re being weird ha ha TIME TO BE WEIRD. Other people. Resist using Isabela to deliver tired lines about how they should shut up and kiss. Resist it. But whatever whole point is tension. Do not break the tension. Laughter must be strained.
Who loves shirty Hawke? Everyone. Anyway moving things along lets have enough time pass now for Carver to be Survive! Hooray? And so real celebration, everyone knows good news is an even better excuse to drink than avoiding problems.
Speaking of avoiding problems maybe like now is when Marie is still being shirty and Varric is like also shirty and so they have a “private” conversation at the bar (Varric, getting his own drinks? Must be serious) and now, now we’ll put cracks in that tension eggshell, there’s a baby bird inside ok it needs to breathe.
Varric is a grownup and Hawke is pretending. Let’s make more touching happen and confusion. 
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