Hello I am back with more... I have a lot of inspiration for ideas for Charlie and being part of other people’s plots as well so please send me your list if you want me to take a look too! :D Here are some I’ve thought of for Charlotte based on the list on the main page, and I even made up a couple new ones too hehe. You can message me on Charlotte or Aspen! <3 
You can read Charlotte’s Bio here and her About page here, if that helps!
FRIENDZONED- “a friend who wanted to be something more but was denied.”
This could work either way, with Charlotte friend-zoning someone, or with her being the one friend-zoned. She has never had a boyfriend/feelings for someone really, and her knowledge of what that should be like is very slim, given her history... it would be easy for her misjudge her feelings and misread other’s, or be unable to express them properly to another person.
FINANCIAL AIDE- “one is financially supporting the other though they may or may not know”
Again, this could could work either way... security is a major thing for Charlotte, financially and otherwise. Though it’s a bit harder since she has no money and money is of no value to her in Serenity, it could work another way like as security instead of financially. Like a personal hitman, either for Charlie, or Charlie for someone else.
TRUST THE MISTRUSTED- “One friend is loyal and faithful, while the other is careless and (intentionally or unintentionally??) hurts the other”
Charlie’s a Achilles's Heel is that she really, truly does not trust anyone. So if she ever got to the point where she did trust someone, and they spilled her personal details.... oh that would be big. And juicy. World War 3. 
DEFAULT- “people who hate each other have no choice but to work together in a situation”
Because of her strong personality and stubbornness, I could see Charlotte bumping heads with some people... it would be interesting to see them be forced to work together, even if they don’t become friends in the end.
and then I also made a couple up.....
PARENT FIGURE- “Someone significantly older that a younger person looks up to like you would a parent, but with no blood relation”
Charlotte really does not have the best role models as parents, so finding someone who she can look up to for advice and parent-y things would be a great positive relationship for her
RIDE OR DIE- “More than just ‘best friends’; someone who the other will literally go to the end of the line with. For better or for worse”
This would be very big, but in a great way. So many things are a revolving door in her life, to find someone that she would do anything for and could never imagine her life without would be massive to Charlotte. She would do anything and everything for them.
SQUAD/ONE OF THE BOYS- “Friend or group of friends that they identify with or feel comfortable around”
Having a clique was never really Charlie’s thing, but I could see Charlotte feeling really comfortable hanging around guys/boys... you avoid a lot of the girl drama that comes with girl cliques. Charlie is tomboyish enough that she would totally fit in as ‘one of the guys’.
ACTUAL LOVE TRIANGLE- “two are fighting for the affection/attention of the same person, but end up falling for each other instead.”
Don’t ask me why, I totally see this being a thing Charlie would be a part of, in any way. She could be the odd one out, or one of the people falling for each other. I think this would be a cool plot to play out if 2 other people are interested!!
TOXIC- “Could be two way or one way; their relationship is more harmful than good or beneficial”
There are 3 options here... this could be a one way thing (Charlotte is the toxic one, or the other person is toxic for Charlotte), or a two way thing (both toxic to each other) honestly. As I type this, I’m really like this plot idea more and more... Charlotte is a runner, she fights until she literally can’t anymore, but her priorities are set... and if someone/something is lower on her list of priorities, she’ll easily run from it in order to tend to her more important needs. Again she trusts no one, so forming a true relationship would/will be difficult for her. She either won’t trust the other person, or won’t let the other person trust her... even if she really does care about them. She’s young and experienced in the world, but not experienced in close, personal ties.
BEARD- “dating, but only to cover up one (or both’s) true sexuality. Sometimes the beard is informed of the situation…. sometimes not :o”
Same with this one as with the love triangle! Any and every part of this plots, I could see Charlie being a part of. She understands wanting to escape ridicule so she’d be down to help someone out with that, but in terms of feelings and relationships she can also easily be played if they chose to not inform her. I haven’t really determined her sexuality, either, so I’m open to everything :)
UNREQUITED- “a one sided crush”
Charlotte in a nutshell, tbh. If you need someone to fall for your character but never really do anything about it because she 1. Doesn’t know how to, and 2. is to scared to, then this is the plot for you!
POWERPLAY- “Couple who’re only dating because one was blackmailed into the relationship”
This is also Charlotte in a nutshell, but on a more negative note. She has been blackmailed for a relationship/sex before, so this wouldn’t be any different to her. Especially if it meant protecting someone she cared about, or gaining knowledge about her family, or getting out of Serenity, etc etc.... she’d do whatever she needed to, with whoever it is.
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from staff to patient.
Samantha has intermittent explosive disorder but she is still currently being observed for it, unbeknownst to her. This character (or characters) would have to play some part in getting Samantha way too angry. It could be accidental or intentional, but either way it would end in Samantha choking your character before staff members interfere and pull her off.
I’m totally open to any ideas you have as well, so please contact me if you are interested!
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aspensaspirin-blog · 7 years
Plot ideas :)
Lots of plot ideas so I put it under a cut #oops, but I’m honestly open for anything, I love plotting and creating angsty drama plots. This isn’t limited to what’s below either (I just used a list from the main page), so please message me if you have any ideas of your own that aren’t on here, or if you want me to check out your plots page too! :D I promise I don’t bite <3
FINANCIAL AIDE- “one is financially supporting the other though they may or may not know.”
This could go either way? Aspen has some wealth and would definitely help people. I think it would be very interesting if this was a staff member too, in my opinion. But who knows, it could go the other way as well where Aspen needs money/help with something.
TRUST THE MISTRUSTED- “One friend is loyal and faithful, while the other is careless and (intentionally or unintentionally??) hurts the other.”
Aspen is ridiculously loyal, so she could totally end up trusting the wrong person with something and get hurt in the end. I have a feeling though that if that happened, there would be some backlash for the person that broke her trust... if it was super important, she likely wouldn’t just sit back and take the hit. Maybe in the moment, but in the long run, there would be karma.
BEST FRIENDS: “a partner in crime, more typically attached by the hip, consult each other, and couldn’t live without one another.”
I could see this being someone who Aspen feels relaxed while she’s with, like she doesn’t have to please them or appeal to them as much as everyone else. Someone that gives her space enough to breathe, they don’t always have to be talking or doing the same things, but whose company she really enjoys. They know they can always count on each other.
BAD INFLUENCE/PARTYING BUDDIES- “friends who constantly encourage each other to do bad things”
Maybe a character who also has addiction issues? That would seem the obvious route, since addictions can be downward spirals of doing bad things to fill a need. 
GOOD INFLUENCE- “(opposite of above)”
I thought this was interesting because the good and bad influence could almost be the same person, someone who takes advantage of Aspen’s disorder, feeding into her perfectionism, to play by the rules and do things a certain way. Aspen would probably look up to this person too, want the best for them and see them as a good example for her-- whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.
FRIENDZONED - “a friend who wanted to be something more but was denied”
Honestly I think it would be kind of funny if Aspen was the one who got friendzoned, perhaps totally misread a situation, whatever that situation may be. 
LOVE TRIANGLE- “two are fighting for the affection/attention of the same person.”
Aspen isn’t competitive, but she is determined. Being such a people-pleaser, even if the main person had chosen the other or was already with the other person, Aspen would still do her best to show her feelings, subtly. 
POWERPLAY- “Couple who’re only dating because one was blackmailed into the relationship”
I honestly think this has Aspen written all over it, she likes to keep things contained (”perfect”), so if she was blackmailed with something important then she’d do anything to keep it hidden.
UNREQUITED & SKINNY LOVE- “a one sided crush” / “ “both have feelings for each other, but are too afraid to admit it”
I put these together because (if you haven’t guessed it already) Aspen isn’t the most forward with her feelings. The only thing that changes is whether your character feels the same way about her. But if you need someone to give your character attention.... Aspen’s your girl.
PUMPKIN EATER- “character cheats on or with another. Cheater cheater…”
This ties in a lot of what was mentioned above in other plots-- I can see Aspen being used for someone else to cheat on their significant other with; especially if she did not know the other was already taken, or believe they had broken up, etc. She’d easily be conned and let her own feelings get in the way if Aspen really believed they liked her (or if the other person does actually have feelings for her too, not just using her, though I’m totally fine with either :) )
TOXIC- “could be two way or one way; their relationship is more harmful than good or beneficial”
Very similar to Powerplay + Bad Influencce... they could both be feeding into each others needs or addictions (diagnosis wise or otherwise), and they might not even realize just how bad things are? Like when they’re good, they’re g o o d together. But when they’re bad..... *Toxic by Britney Spears starts playing in the distance*
BEARD- “dating, but only to cover up one (or both’s) true sexuality. Sometimes the beard is informed of the situation…. sometimes not :o”
This just seems like something Aspen would do, she’s definitely down to help someone out. If she didn’t know about it, that also works too because she can sometimes be a bit naive.
ENDED SILENT TREATMENT- “exes who have been avoiding each other but are finally forced to face each other”
This one’s interesting and would be awesome to play out, but I think would only work if someone decided to be her high school boy friend who broke up with her last year. Briefly mentioned in her bio. :)
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listed below the cut are short descriptions of my characters and their existing relationships, along with connections i’d really really like to have with them.
Payton Lutz ( @princesspaytonlutz ) : Payton is my diva, my brittle-boned, hot-headed, who-do-you-think-you-are, treat-me-like-the-royalty-i-am princess who is bolder and more of a savage than she will appear at first glance. She’s “dating” the shitshow that is Malcolm Pitt ( @allaboutmalcolm ) and is INSANELY protective over their little couple-thing they got going on. long story short, don’t fuck with her/him and everything will be fine and dandy. 
Friends: Payton needs friends. She needs a girl to gossip with. She needs a bff. She needs to be close to someone she ISN’T dating *cough* mal *cough*
Enemy/Competition: Payton’s original enemy is now her boyfriend and all her other enemies have left serenity. She’s hot headed as fuck, shes bound to have more people dislike her/argue with her. i need this angst. thanks. 
Bad Influence: Pay needs an older, bad influence to guide her down the wrong path. She’s been going to well upstream lately and it’s SOO unlike her. She needs some dirt under her pretty nails, if you get what I’m saying. 
Abigail Winston ( @abbyslxve ): Abigail is a psychotic, obsessive un-diagnosed erotomaniac who is convinced her and a doctor, John Parris ( @doctorparris ), are madly in love and are one day going to run away together. She is currently pretending to have psychosis and harms herself in order to win John’s affection. She is borderline, clinically insane and she is just a big mess- let me tell you. 
Manipulants: I know that isn’t a word, get over it. Abigail lovessss to manipulate, and she needs a herd of loyal followers who she can bend to her every whim. She would get them to believe her act and blindly support her every move, that way if anyone attempts to make her look bad- she has her little squad to support her. 
Copy-Cat: Abigail very clearly doesn’t actually see spirits or anything she claims she does, it’s all just pretend- a big farce to win John’s pity and love. This character is who Abigail would “steal” symptoms from- so she would copy their visions, their reactions to visions, etc in order to make her act more believable.
Theodore Panitz ( @xrileyskeeper ): Theodore is my big, fluffy, teddy bear boy who is the older brother to the lowkey-but-also-highkey-sick-all-the-time Riley Panitz ( @riley-panitz ). Theodore is diagnosed with depression and self harm and is always super duper stressed about someone finding out. He claims his only reason for being here is for Riley but obviously that’s a load of BS. 
Love Interest: Theodore is a soft smol and is BOUND to lowkey develop a smol crush on someone/multiple someones. He’s just warm and fuzzy like that. Idk why I’m adding this to the list because I lowkey prefer natural plots that kinda GWTF when it comes to romance but :) Oh well! 
Bad Influence: Theodore is easy to manipulate because he’s just so soft and smol. He’s also stressed and sad about Riley soo oo o oo o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o oo o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o oo o o oo o o o o o o o o
BFF: Theodore needs a best dude friend to just vent about his life and chick-problems too. Highkey gonna become the cutest brotp EVER.
Keegan Hughes ( @damnitkeegan ): Keegan is a pain in the ass, lowkey-narcissistic full-of-himself, thinks-he’s-the-shit security guard who i lowkey fucking hate. He is seriously the biggest piece of shit I have ever written as, doesn’t give a singular fuck about the kids and is more-so there to make himself look good. Why I still write as him is beyond me because all he does is make me angry but his faceclaim is hot so I guess I can suck it up.
Guilty-Pleasure: Someone Keegan uses over and over again in order to make himself feel good. He doesn’t really give a shit about them or why they are at Serenity- he just knows they make him feel g-r-e-a-t and that’s all that matters to his selfish, pea-sized brain. 
Pity-Party: Someone Keegan genuinely feels bad for and low-key makes him feel like an asshole for doing some of the shit he does. He’ll probably become like an older brother figure to whoever this is and will take on the role of being insanely protective of them. 
Soft-Hearted: Someone who makes Keegan all mushy and not selfish for like the few seconds he’s around them. He’ll most likely end up crushing on them super hard and it’ll totally be unlike him but he’ll get all stuttery and lost-for-words and ugh love bye.
Madelaine Carney ( @nopainmadelaine  ): Last but most certainly not least is my tomboy, my little angel who is filled with pain and sadness though she will never let it show, attempting to hide her feelings with optimism. She lost her brother in a car accident and cannot feel physical pain. She is desperately looking for friends and ways to escape the pain she /does/ feel emotionally and wishes there was a way she could physically feel- as she feels like its so overbearing to only feel things emotionally.  
(Most of the connections I want for Madelaine are on her blog, but I’ll list more descriptive ones here) 
A “New” Tobias: Someone to re-take on the big brother position that is now open. Madelaine is very heavily distraught by the loss of her best friend, and though no one can ever replace him, the effort will be appreciated and valued whole-heartedly. 
A Bad Influence: Madelaine is really vulnerable and therefore super duper manipulable. She needs someone to lead her to make all the wrong choices and handle her feelings all the wrong way because angst and pain amirite. 
BFF/Listener: Madelaine needs friends, which is a given, but she really needs someone who she can open up to and cry to and be 100% real with because right now she is just holding a lot of thigns inside. This doesn’t even have to be a paitnet, it can be a staff member like a therapist or something I just need emotional Scout asap. 
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lucygriffithpsych · 7 years
shrpg plots (for males at serenity)
ok so basically i need a man 4 my babe. but she’s not rly the type to actively seek a relationship so i feel like she’d be super submissive and not really that into it but like she’ll be someone’s object idk like she has low self esteem this is just her and tbh even patients can work it out if u want it to
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jackson-ahern · 8 years
Plot: Medication
Do you understand why you’re here? You’re in the hospital as you were considered to be a danger to yourself while in a depressive episode.
How are your cravings? We’re going to be closely monitoring your withdrawal symptoms from cocaine and alcohol in the coming weeks.
We will be prescribing you some medication in order to help stabilise your mood. First we’re going to try you on Lithium. We will have to do regular blood tests to monitor how you’re absorbing it. Are you scared of needles?
We’re going to do some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with you, or CBT as it’s referred to. This will help you identify your self-destructive behaviours and aim to replace them with new, healthy ones.
I should inform you that Bipolar disorder requires lifelong care, even in periods when you feel better you must continue with ‘management treatment,’ if you do not minor mood changes may easily change in to full blown manic or depressive episodes.
We may have to introduce an antidepressant as well but this would be alongside the Lithium as on their own they could cause a manic episode.
Have you heard of Electroconvulsive Therapy? This may be an option we have to discuss later in your treatment.
You may be tempted to try and avoid taking your medication - don’t. This could be very dangerous to your health as once the medication starts to take effect you may experience withdrawal symptoms on top of the ones caused by your drug and alcohol addictions and could cause your symptoms to return.
You’re going to need a lot of support through this so you will be receiving regular counselling.
Do you understand all of this Jackson? Do you need me to repeat that?
Do I have a choice?
No, I’m afraid not.
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allaboutmalcolm · 8 years
Plotty McPlot Time
Shhh don’t ask just read....
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted about plots so here’s an up to date one!
Malcolm: None at the moment, Malcolm will probably be dropped soon *tears forever*
Elliott, 13 years old, rescue ward patient diagnosed with self harm: I thought it would be cute if Elliott had a friend around his age, or like someone who was older to kind of look after him. Also if you have a pretty girl who’s older and want him to have a cute little crush on her that’s like 10/10 cuteness and sign me up. I really just need him to have friends though and for him to interact with more people. 
Dante, 18 years old, rescue ward patient diagnosed with heroin addiction and anorexia nervosa: Newest bae. I’m open to anything pretty much. Eventually I thought it would be interesting to have him attempt to get close to a doctor though to try and get them to give him drugs because he’ll be going through withdraws pretty soon. 
Quentin 28 year old nurse who’s a sarcastic and playful little snot: He’s been here for awhile and it’s about time he fucked up somehow, so I was thinking he didn’t take something seriously and it lead to something serious happening? Like someone got hurt or something? If you have a patient you want to do this with let me know! Or I think Quentin would also help a patient break the rules. 
If you want to plot message any of the accounts <3 @allaboutmalcolm @elliotts-guilt @dantespersonalhell @nursesykes 
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Okay, so I was scanning the relationships plot idea tag we have, and I found a few I am hoping to eventually get going for Ana.
Partying buddies- a friendship that relies on nothing more then alcohol, drugs, going out and having a wild time. you could add more to this by having them occasionally hook up with intoxicated or something like that. (Ana isn’t much of a drinker, but if said partying buddy also becomes a bad influence for her.. this could work.)
Follow the leader- A Queen/King Bee and their minion, a relationship base on demand and fulfillment. (I think Ana goes along with things, so she’d be the perfect little minion, wanting to please to keep the waters calm in any situation.)
Powerplay- Couple who’re only dating because one was blackmailed into the relationship (This fits her personality. Also, I think it could be interesting if she ended up actually falling for the other person?)
MerDer- meant to be a one night stand, random hookup, but turns out being something more (But, I’d also like to find someone interested in being her Derek, but maybe isn’t able to be with them for a minute, because she’s involved in the powerplay romance?)
These are all just ideas right now. Ana’s pretty new to me, but these were my thoughts.
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Plot Post; Marguerite
Desperation to plot with Marguerite; please message me if you have any ideas or want to try to plot something! 
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PLOTS?!?!? PAIN1!?!?? PLEASE?!?!
Hey! Here’s just a little note I wanted to make now that I am open to plotting again! I have a lot of time so that means- I have a lot of time for plotting >:) So give em to me! 
love gee
so i have 6 assholes. (more soon who knows im addicted to this rp god damn it) 
Connor: He’s going through a lot right now, currently in a pickle with his feelings for Kara, is just a mess in his head. I need someone to push him around or a dude he can just be a dude with. Boy needs some happiness. (But I will not object to break him either. Break him. Please.) 
Payton: Also extremely vulnerable. Ex lover came back, New lover broke her heart, she’s all over the place. She needs a pal or she needs to get in trouble- whatever you need her for, take her. 
Jackie: Also going through a lot (jesus christ are any of my characters happy wtf) Maya bullshit. Malcolm x Harley x Beth bullshit. Dead parents bullshit. Jackie is going to break soon....but when and how? Well... ;) ;) ;)
Justin: Fluff. He is Fluff. He is my happy character. Justin is in love with children so plots with them will be great. He is also a loving doctor who gets v attached but isn’t afraid to put his foot down. You need a doctor/staff or something? Gotchu. Here’s Justin. 
Marguerite: Marguerite isn’t really happy but she isn’t really sad either. She’s trying to stay positive and light and fluffy...but if you want to ruin that go ahead. Currently flirting around with some people she likes, she’s a lil love bird. Ruin her. 
Lastly, Noah: My newest baby who still needs some love. Brother troubles. Diagnosis troubles. Self-loathing troubles. Either bring him up or break him the fuck down it is entirely up to you..
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Alek plot requests!
Hey there- not sure if request is the right word but this is a post dedicated to plots I want to do with Alek! I am open to absolutely anything- so if you have something in mind and want to use him..please do. I am begging you.
**First few taken from the Relationships post**
Partying buddies- a friendship that relies on nothing more then alcohol, drugs, going out and having a wild time. you could add more to this by having them occasionally hook up with intoxicated or something like that.
Default- people who hate each other have no choice but to work together in a situation
Financial aide- one is financially supporting the other though they may or may not know
MerDer- meant to be a one night stand, random hookup, but turns out being something more
Other possibilities 
Alek can put your dude in ISO
Alek is a whore with the interns so.....take what you will from that.
Alek is a military man- work him up over that shit.
Alek likes partying, having fun- but is also dedicated to work. Someone can loosen the bolts.
These are just some ideas I had in mind- if you have anymore ideas we can totally do them Alek and I are down for anything.
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danger-and-beauty · 9 years
Plot time
Under the cut is just some wanted plot ideas for Alexis, Hazel, and Wade~!
The best way to contact me for these is probably through messaging on tumblr on Hazel or Alexis. So (you can click their names and find their biographies :) ) 
For Hazel 
-A romantic relationship could be toxic (more detrimental on her) or just a normal one. A best friend (I pulled this one from plots post)  who she can trust and share everything with 
For Alexis 
-A toxic friendship, she is very vulnerable and an undiagnosed schizophrenic so her voices lead her to be paranoid and panicked a lot of the time making it easy for her to be taken advantage of. A dependent relationship (could be platonic or romantic). A protector (could either be for her or she could be the one, it appeals to her leader side) 
For Wade 
-He is new so I don’t have many ideas for him yet BUT if anything comes to mind for him hes available!~
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Plots for 4/7 babies.
Hey there friendly pals of Serenity, I have some babes to offer up for some ploots.. In list of order of who I’d like to plot with the most to least. (THOUGH ANY PLOTS WITH ANY OF THEM WILL SUFFICE) 
Alek: My security guard babe who I have been trying to build muse for forever and I just can never do it bc plots fall flat or something y’know? So whether it’s getting ur folk in trouble or fucking ur folk (had too000) just lemme know, he’s here ;) 
Marguerite: I’ve had this baby for a while and there is so much we can do with her bc she is a hardly english speaking doodle who just needs some mischief in her life. I want more of a frenemy/ fwb/enemy kinda deal if that makes sense. Like they just fool around. This might work better with a male but whatever works fam. In the end, Mar just needs friends and she likes kissing ppl bc she’s french ;) 
Dr. Justin: Lil doctor baby who adores kids and adores helping out. Whether u want ur little chara to bond with him or u older chara to get annoyed with him..wever works. maybe some doc talk on a patient (3 wAy PLOTTING). I am down for WHATEVER man, 
Noah: New baby- open to just about anything. His brother is Caleb so obvi confusion and all that hooplah. Identical twins can be fun man...
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andiestclair-blog · 9 years
Hi, guys! So, I’m Xaverie! I have introduced myself a few times but, I have yet to really introduce Andie, here! She is kind of my fave right now??? If you know nothing about her, I suggest checking out her bio HERE or her file HERE!
So, Andie is generally friendly, if not somewhat quiet because she isn’t really sure yet how to interact with people. She goes from having really high highs to really low lows. I feel as though I should explain these times!
When having a high, she is jumpy.
She is more anxious.
She is reckless af.
She wants attention and will do anything to get it.
She is very happy, but can also become angry a lot quicker than normal.
She is going, going, going.
She is near silent.
She sleeps a lot and barely eats and will not interact much.
She can’t think or speak or do much of anything.
She is deeply depressed and will have extreme intrusive thoughts about death.
Okay, knowing this, she is in a bit of a manic phase right now! So, here are some connections I’d very much like to see!!
Best Friends
Protective Older Friend
Unlikely Friends
Partners In Crime
Party Buddy
Flirtatious Friends
Enemies With Sexual Tension
Enemies By Association
Friends With Benefits
One Night Stand
Secret Admirer
Casual Hook Up
On Again Off Again
I love hearing your ideas! Anything you want to do I am open for!
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allaboutmalcolm · 9 years
Hey all! So I figured it’s around that time again to post about plots! So I’m off of my semi-hiatus and I’m so ready to get back into things! Under the read more you’ll find plots for Christopher, Caden, Malcolm, Aliyah, and Talula! Some are actual plots I want to do while some are open ended~
Christopher: So I started this over break but had to leave it a little bit because I didn’t have a ton of time. So Christopher’s parents just got divorced/in the process. So if someone wants to offer their therapist to kind of check up on Christopher that would be wonderful. Otherwise I’m looking for a patient, male, and around his age (he’s 14). So that plus his age, he’s going to have his little rebellion soon! So my thoughts were he will become a little more impulsive so maybe he starts not to be as careful as he should...
Caden: I read the relationship ideas and I thought about it and thought this might be something kind of fun to throw out there. It was the one where two people date to cover one one/both person’s sexuality. Caden is gay and I believe only Payton and Kara know that to date. Awhile ago someone played Dallas and there was a thing between the two of them where he started to kind of come out, but that’s far too convenient for Caden. So, if you ever wanted to hook up with Caden now is the time. Or if you have a lady you’re writing as who happens to fancy ladies more then men, we could do that. It’s just I feel like I really rushed over this, so I wanted to revisit it a little. 
Malcolm: Again awhile ago, Malcolm and Jacob had gotten into a kind of fight where Malcolm ended up having to play dead so Jacob wouldn’t kill him. Once he stopped strangling Malcolm, Mal ran away. So this really hit his confidence, and right now he feels like he really needs to protect people (Jackie, Beth, and Payton mostly) but how can he protect them if he can’t protect himself? So he might be looking to pick another fight to reassure himself. 
Aliyah: I eventually want to get to the point where Aliyah can tell someone about her physical abuse when she was younger. Either telling this to a patient to show them they aren’t alone or with a staff member she trusts. 
Talula: I think I’m most excited about this one. So, Talula is schizophrenic and can see people/hear/talk to them. She refers to them as “figures”. She isn’t scared of them and more just thinks of them as her friends. But she’s been at Serenity for a bit so I would assume she started medicine. And the medicine may be working... I was thinking about having her have a sort of freak out soon as she starts to “come back to the real world” meaning she sees and hears less and less from her figures. To her, those are her friends, and not having them around will freak her out. 
If you want to do any of these plots let me know! Or if you’re looking to do a plot and might want my help also let me know. I’m really open to plotting with new people too, so don’t hesitate. You can message me here (use this account since it’s connected to my phone) or kik me at Chibi.Bunny 
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