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Shuryu Sentai Strikeranger series (Episode 1-6)
Striker 1: Rise of Strikeranger
In the Kyoryuto stadium (京竜都スタジアム). Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira were practicing soccer to play in a match against their opponent. Inamori Mamoru, the coach of Kyoryuto FC told them about how his soccer team won many years ago.
Inamori: "Listen up my teammates"
Isagi: (looking at Inamori when he heard) "Yes, what are you calling to me?"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri came to the front of Inamori nearly.
Inamori: "I have to tell a story about how my soccer team won the match for many years. Do you want?"
Chigiri: "I think we should listen to his story"
Bachira: "Yes, I agree with you"
Isagi: "Can you tell us the story about?"
Inamori accepted Isagi's conservation about the story of Inamori.
(Starting Story)
Many years ago, his soccer team won the final championship. It became the best soccer team ever. Suddenly, the meteor was shot toward the soccer field. He realized that he saw the mysterious bracelets that could transform into Striker as the superhero.
(Ending story)
Inamori: "That's how the story is told about the birth of strikers" (Holding some bracelets) "Here, take those"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri wore their bracelets and they transformed into super strikers.
Isagi: "This is a new bracelets. You discovered them, right"
Bachira: (exciting) "Wow, this bracelet is incredible"
Chigiri: "Yes, I haven't seen before how these bracelets work"
(in Fifth sector Headquarters)
Meanwhile, in the fifth sector headquarters building, Ishido decided to take over the world by creating a monster called a destroyer. He told the general as the monster creator, Joseph to create a monster with dynamite.
(In Kyoryuto Stadium)
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri were still practicing soccer after they were told about a story. When someone was screaming, they heard that someone was destroying the building.
(In the City)
Isagi and his teammates went for someone's screaming. The monster who threatened the world is Dyna Destroyer. Dyna Destroyer had to destroy those soccer players. It summoned the troops called footballisters who were troops of the fifth sector. Isagi and his teammates tried to fight against it, but they didn't know how their bracelets worked.
Inamori: "Isagi, use the press button to transform into a superhero"
Isagi: (keep brave and strategy) "You got that, coach. I don't want to give up, but I must protect with soccer. Shuryu Change" (Activated the bracelet, and Transformed into Striker red) "Wow"
Inamori: (happy at Isagi) "Now, I can call you the Strikeranger"
Isagi (striker Red): "So that's why coach gave us the bracelets, right?"
Bachira: "Yes, it looks like we have a huge surprise"
Bachira and Chigiri transformed into Striker Blue and Striker Yellow. Strikerangers prepared to roll call
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Dyna Destroyer: "What, strikerangers. Curse you, I'm gonna destroy you with more dynamites"
Strikerangers fought against the enemies, and they bet them with their power of soccer. Dyna Destroyer were confused and terrible because they used soccer skills to attack enemies.
Striker Red: "Now, let's take down those stupid monsters"
Dyna Destroyer: "What did you just say?"
Strikerangers prepared to use the power of the striker, they used soccer balls like glowing to destroy the monster.
Striker Red: "Finisher strike, Strike attack"
Once Dyna Destroyer had been defeated, strikerangers had won against Monster. However, it enlarged and destroyed the city immediately.
Inamori: "Strikerangers, call your mechas right now"
Striker Red: "How?"
Inamori: "Do you have the cards"
Striker Red: "The cards" (Took the card out from his pocket) "like this"
Inamori: "Yes, just insert to this bracelet"
Striker Red: "I understand"
Strikerangers inserted the cards to summon the mechas. Striker Tyranno (Striker Red's mecha), Striker Tricera (Striker Blue's mecha), and Striker Ptera (Striker Yellow's mecha) appeared to fight the giant monster. Strikerangers entered their mechas at the same time
Strikerangers: "Shuryu gattai"
Mechas were combined into one, and they were called Strikerkaizer
Strikerangers: "kanzen, Strikerkaizer"
Strikerkaizer fought the Giant Dyna Destroyer to stop destroying the city. However, Dyna Destroyer used dynamites to blow up Strikeranger's Gattai.
Striker Yellow: "It looks like we have a big problem"
Striker Red: "That won't happen"
Strikerkaizer summoned the striker sword to defeat Dyna Destroyer.
Strikerangers: "Hissatsu, Penalty slash"
Once strikerangers used a penalty slash to defeat Dyna Destroyer quickly.
Dyna Destroyer: "Curse you strikerangers" (Defeated and exploded)
Isagi: "I'm glad that we defeated the monster after all"
Inamori: "Looks like you've defeated the monster"
Isagi: "Thank you for helping me with how we use bracelets and transform"
Chigiri: "What do you mean?"
Bachira: "Come on, it's just the tutorial"
Inamori: "I'm very happy that you protect the world. I have a price for you"
Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira: "What is it?"
Inamori: "Practicing soccer until it's 11 PM"
Bachira and Chigiri: "What! Not 11 PM"
Isagi: "No problem, we can still practice soccer until 11 PM"
Bachira and Chigiri: "Are you kidding me?"
Eventually, strikerangers won because they managed to protect themselves from the evil forces of the fifth sector. Isagi accepted Inamori's suggestion to practice soccer until 11 PM, but his teammates didn't want to do that.
Striker 2: Enter to power of goal
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri were practice soccer last night. Since Inamori gave them practice soccer until 11 PM.
Bachira: "I'm getting tired" (Yawn) "Why did Inamori give us practice soccer until 11 PM instead"
Chigiri: "Come on, it's just a reward once" (Yawn) "However, why did Isagi sleep after practice at 11 PM"
Bachira: "I don't know, but we need to take a rest"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri were taking a rest after practice. Inamori looked at them and was happy.
Inamori: "I hope these boys will be safe from threats"
(At Fifth Sector Headquarters)
Ishido was thinking about how the monster was defeated by Strikerangers.
Ishido: "General"
Joseph: "Yes, my Lord"
Ishido: "I need to take something that it was more powerful than Dyna Destroyer"
Joseph: "What's that?"
Ishido brought some cables that came from the trash and electronic shop, so Joseph created a monster that was based on a computer.
(At Kyoryuto stadium)
Inamori told Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, and the rest of the game when the new players joined the game.
Inamori: "Teammates, we have a new players"
Keno: "Hi, My name is Keno Hashiro, I want to join it because I like soccer" (Pointed at Isagi, bachira, and Chigiri) "And also you guys fought monster yesterday, didn't you?"
Chigiri: "How did he know that?"
Nagi: "Hi, I'm Nagi Nagataro. I'm here to know that some players fought a monster, and that is awesome. Inamori, are there any bracelets"
Isagi: "Why do two new players know us?"
Bachira silently replied to Isagi that he saw a video on Instagram about Strikerangers fighting a monster.
Nagi: (took a bracelet "Thank you, Coach, now, who did anyone know about us?"
Keno: "Now, tell the truth"
Bachira: (raised his right hand) "It was me, I saw a video on Instagram. Isagi, I'm sorry"
Isagi: "Don't worry, they are just friends"
(At city)
Suddenly, Energy Destroyer appeared in the city and tried to strike anything that was considered electronics with his electric power.
(At Kyoryuto stadium)
Isagi: "Do you heard that?"
Bachira: "I think there is another monster"
Chigiri: "Let's go"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri tried to stop a monster. Keno and Nagi also followed them, but Nagi asked Inamori how the bracelets that were given to them worked
Nagi: "Coach, how does that work"
Inamori: "What do you mean?"
Nagi: "Those bracelets"
Inamori: "Well, you can press the button to transform into Strikeranger"
Nagi: "What is it?"
Inamori: "I'll show you how Strikerangers are. Manager, keep watching those players"
Inamori's manager: "You got that"
(At city)
People were in chaos because Energy Destroyer had struck with lightning to take down. Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri were going to fight Energy Destroyer.
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri: "Shuryu change!"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri transformed into strikerangers.
Striker Red: "Let's go"
Striker Red, Striker Blue, and Striker Yellow were fighting against Energy Destroyer. However, it used lightning strikes as his Body shield.
Striker Yellow: "How is this monster too strong"
Energy Destroyer: (evil laughing) "I can defend myself to prevent injury, so I can fight you easily"
Nagi and Keno had seen how Isagi and his teammates transformed into strikerangers.
Nagi: "So those are strikerangers, right"
Inamori: "Yes, do you see how they transformed"
Keno: "Yes, I have seen those. Nagi, let's go"
Nagi and Keno: "Shuryu change!"
Nagi and Keno transformed into Striker black and Striker Green, and they fought against Energy Destroyer as soon as possible.
Energy Destroyer: "This is the end of your life, Strikerangers" (Got hit in one shot) "What was that"
Striker Black: "We are here"
Striker Red: "Nagi, Keno. What are you guys doing?"
Striker Black: "I won't let you give up, Isagi. Keno, let's fight"
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Green: "The Accelerating of the Striker, Striker Green"
Striker Black: "The Great of the Striker, Striker Black"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Striker Red: "Let's... Go"
Strikerangers fought Energy Destroyer individually and in teamwork. They conjured their weapon
Striker Red: "Strike Saber"
Striker Blue: "Scoreboard Blaster"
Striker Yellow: "Cleats Claw"
Striker Green: "Central Spear"
Striker Black: "Goal Hammer"
Strikerangers fought against Energy Destroyer one by one until it was weakened
Energy Destroyer: "How did you defeat me?"
Strikerangers combined their weapons into one, and that was called Striker Cannon.
Strikerangers: "Striker Cannon"
Striker Blue: "Hissatsu"
Striker Red: "Penalty attack!"
With the Penalty attack, Energy Destroyer was defeated. Strikerangers were victorious once again, but it enlarged into a giant. Strikerangers summoned their mechas.
Striker Black: "How did you get cards?"
Striker Red: "In my Pocket"
Striker Black: (took out a card from his pocket) "Thank you, now I can summon mechas"
Striker Blue and Striker Green summoned Striker Brontosaurus (Striker Black's mecha) and Striker Raptor (Striker Green's mecha) to fight against the giant Energy Destroyer.
Striker Red, Striker Green, Striker Black: "Shuryu Gattai!"
If three mechas were combined into one, they could fight against Energy Destroyer
Striker Red, Striker Green, Striker Black: "Kanzen! Strikerkaizer Bronto-Raptor"
Striker Red: "This is the end of your harmful world, Energy Destroyer"
Energy Destroyer: "What do you mean?"
Energy Destroyer was wrapped by cables, and Strikerkaizer tried to strike it by drowning cables in a lake.
Striker Black: "Goodbye, idiot"
Energy Destroyer was struck and electrocuted, and it said the last word before was exploded
Energy Destroyer: "Curse you, Strikerangers"
After Energy Destroyer, the strikerangers had victory once again.
(At Kyoryuto stadium)
Isagi and his teammates went to the soccer field to practice soccer, but
Inamori: "You guys are back. Now, it's time to go home. You can practice soccer before Nighttime, or you will sleep in this stadium"
Isagi and his teammates: "What?"
Eventually, Isagi and his teammates practice soccer before it's nighttime. However, if they were still practicing soccer, they would end up sleeping on a bench in a soccer field.
Striker 3: Out of limit, full of power
[At Fifth sector headquarters]
Ishido told Joseph to not have enough power for the monster. However, Joseph had a plan to get power to it rather than before.
Joseph: "I have something even better, my master" (Brought chainsaw)
Ishido: "A chainsaw, great. Now, you create a monster with this, I'll wait until it's finished"
Joseph: "Yes, master"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates took a break after practicing soccer. Keno Hashiro told Isagi how they met for the first time. On the other hand, Chigiri heard about Keno's story, and Bachira realized that Isagi was a soccer nerd, but he only thought that he was. However, People scream outside.
[At city]
Blade Destroyer: "Slice, Slice, Slice... I must Slice everywhere"
Strikerangers appeared in the city, and they fought against Blade Destroyer.
Striker Red (Isagi): "Stop right there, monster. We can stop you"
Blade Destroyer: "Sike. You are too weak, and I'll destroy you guys with my single slice" *Slice*
Strikerangers dodged from the slice, and they saw the building that was sliced and cracked
Striker Yellow (Chigiri): "Wow, that's too powerful"
Striker Blue (Bachira): "Yeah, too powerful"
Striker Red: "Ok, let's get...." (Saw a monster that was escaping) "Wait, where did the monster go?"
Striker Yellow: "I think that it finally escaped from us. What gonna we do now?"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates back to the stadium. Nagi Nagataro told Isagi what the monster looked like. Isagi said that it had a chainsaw on its head, and blades on entire its body.
Inamori back to his job after going to the shop, and he asked his teammates for a surprising
Inamori: "I went to the shop to make lunch for you guys. Now, what happened to you?"
Nagi: "I had fought the monster with blade themed, but it's too strong enough"
Isagi said that he wanted to do something, so he and his teammates could defeat a monster.
Inamori: "Oh, do you know how knife cutting before was sharpened?"
Bachira had an idea about cutting with a knife before it's sharpened. Isagi said that Bachira had a better idea.
[At the city when Blade Destroyer destroyed it]
Blade Destroyer was threatening the town and sliced the buildings into pieces. Strikerangers appeared and brought the stones for doing something.
Blade Destroyer: "What are you bringing these things"
Striker Red (Isagi): "We show you what you've deserved"
Striker Yellow and Striker Red lift the box filled with the stones and throw them up. Then, Bachira kicked them while spinning. Blade Destroyer was stoned, and its sharpened blades were broken by them.
Blade Destroyer: "You've broken my knives. Now you're gonna pay"
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Green: "The Accelerating of the Striker, Striker Green"
Striker Black: "The Great of the Striker, Striker Black"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Blade Destroyer: "Are you kidding me? This won't be forgiven. Footballisters" (Summoned Footballisters)
Strikerangers fought against Blade Destroyer and all its troops, and they used their weapons to take their enemies down.
Striker Red: "Strike Saber"
Striker Blue: "Scoreboard Blaster"
Striker Yellow: "Cleats Claw"
Striker Green: "Central Spear"
Striker Black: "Goal Hammer"
With their weapons, the enemies were attacked easily until they were finished. As the troops were finished, Strikerangers combined their weapons into one, and that was called Striker Cannon.
Strikerangers: "Striker Cannon"
Striker Blue: "Hissatsu"
Striker Red: "Penalty attack!"
Blade Destroyer was destroyed by a Penalty attack once again. However, Blade Destroyer enlarged. Strikerangers summoned their mechas. Striker Tyrannosaurus, Striker Triceratops, and Striker Pteranodon were combined into Strikerkaizer.
Blade Destroyer: "You can't defeat me with my blade even better than before"
Strikerkaizer dodged Blade Destroyer's blades and conjured a strike sword. Then, it attacked the monster by hitting it.
Striker Red: "Hissatsu"
Strikerangers: "Penalty finish"
Strikerkaizer took Blade Destroyer down by cutting it.
Blade Destroyer: "I won't be back"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates were back at the stadium. Inamori called them for dinner
Inamori: "Teammates, your meal is ready"
Isagi: "Yes, It's lunchtime"
Nagi: (puts his hand on Bachira's shoulder) "Hey, do you know why you know about Blade Destroyer's weakness"
Bachira: "Come on, because the knife sliced off with a rock and can't be able to cut anything. However, it can be sharpened and back to normal"
Nagi: "Do you want something?"
Bachira: "What is it?"
Nagi: "Nothing, it's just a joke" (Laughing)
Bachira: "If you lie to me, you won't eat lunch with us"
Nagi: "Bachira, why are you so mean?"
Strikerangers were going to eat lunch after meals were cooked. They could continue to practice soccer after eating the meal.
Striker 4: "Bachira's secret"
[at Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi went to the home along with his friends individually. However, Bachira wanted Isagi to go home by taxi.
Bachira: "Isagi"
Isagi: "Yes. What's wrong"
Bachira: "Do you want to go home with me"
Isagi: "What do you mean?"
Bachira: "Come on, I just want to tell you about..." (Whispered) "My secret"
Isagi: "Secret! What's that?"
Bachira: "I'll show you, but first, I'm going to pick you up at my home. What do you think?"
Isagi: "That sounds suspicious but familiar. I haven't seen your house before"
Bachira: "Then, let's go to my home. I have a lot of food"
Isagi and Bachira were going to Bachira's house.
[Bachira's house]
Bachira arrived at his house along with Isagi who wanted to see what Bachira said.
Isagi: (went inside Bachira's house) "Wow, your house is similar to the mansion"
Bachira: "Totally worth it. Do you want to see your bedroom"
Isagi: "Bedroom? Sure"
When Bachira and Isagi entered Bachira's room. Isagi saw Bachira's room with video utilities.
Isagi: "Hey, Bachira. What is this" (Pointed at camera that's by a computer)
Bachira: "That's the camera for streaming. I have something special for you"
Isagi: "What's that?"
Bachira: (his phone was taken from his pocket, and he opened YouTube) "My creator, My YouTube"
Isagi: "Oh. I haven't seen it before"
Bachira: "Come on, why don't you subscribe"
Isagi: "Relax. Listen, I don't have a phone"
Bachira: (Laughing) "You don't have a phone, do you?"
Isagi: "I don't have anything, including my phone"
Bachira: (Saw at a clock) "Oh, it's 8 AM. Isagi, do you want to eat dinner"
Isagi: "Really, I'm going to eat dinner"
Bachira: "After that, I'll pick you up at your home. We will meet again tomorrow"
[At Fifth Sector Headquarters]
Ishido: "Joseph. Where is he?"
Joseph: "I'm here, my highness. What do you want?"
Ishido: "Do you think this thing is gonna work?"
Joseph: "What thing?"
Ishido: "A vacuum cleaner. What's the vacuum cleaner for? Are you stupid"
Joseph: "Please, calm down. That's just a perfect idea. I thought you said that I made a monster with the inspiration of a black hole"
Ishido: "A black hole. Wait, a black hole can suck the entire planet. On the other hand, a vacuum cleaner can only suck dirty things. You're a genius"
Ishido accepted Joseph for creating a new monster with the inspiration of a black hole.
[In the morning in Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his friends arrived at the Kyoryuto stadium. They were going to play in the match against their opponent, the Seiun Cosmic. When anyone was in danger, Bachira told Inamori Shinnomaru, to fight when someone's in danger.
[The city]
Bachira saw a monster that could suck anything while it saw people in fear. Bachira wanted to stop it from threatening, and he transformed into Striker Blue.
Striker Blue: "Hey you, Stop destroying it. Who are you"
Soujiki Destroyer: "Me? I don't care if you have a stupid idea. My name is Soujiki Destroyer. I'm gonna suck everyone"
Striker Blue: "Do you want to suck me out? That's unforgivable"
[At Kyoryuto stadium during a soccer match]
Isagi and his teammates were still playing in the match against Seiun Cosmic. Chigiri was on the bench, but she wanted to leave because there was an emergency when someone was in danger.
Chigiri: "Isagi. Inform me if you win" (Ran from the stadium)
Isagi: "What is Chigiri doing? I'm gonna win this match quickly"
[At City]
Striker Blue was fighting against Soujiki Destroyer for threatening everyone. Striker Yellow tried to stop it and help Bachira in the fight. However, Soujiki Destroyer was too strong, and he used a vacuum to blow out the objects from it. Although, Striker Blue and Striker Yellow dodged them.
Striker Yellow: "Bachira, What are you doing?"
Striker Blue: "I don't know, Chigiri. But, this monster is really strong"
Striker Yellow: "What should we do?"
Striker Blue: "I have an idea. What if that monster's capacity is full instead"
Striker Yellow: "What gonna we do now?"
Striker Blue: "I'll show you. Hey, Monster, catch me if you can"
Striker Blue and Strikee Yellow tried to go to the garbage field when Striker Blue had an idea.
[At Garbage field]
Striker Blue and Striker Yellow reached the garbage field, and Soujiki Destroyer tried to suck them.
Striker Blue: "Hey, suck me if you can"
Soujiki Destroyer: "Do you think this is stupid? I'm gonna suck you out"
Striker Blue ran away from being sucked by Soujiki Destroyer. Strikee Yellow also ran away. Later, the Soujiki Destroyer got stuck in objects after its capacity was full.
Soujiki Destroyer: "What!!! How did you troll me if my capacity is full"
Striker Blue: "This is not only my trap, but also have a perfect idea"
Soujiki Destroyer: "Ahhh... Your idea can screw me"
Striker Red (Isagi) arrived after the soccer match was over.
Striker Yellow: "Isagi. I thought you were still playing on soccer match"
Striker Red: "Still playing? What playing? The match is over. Now we can fight against this monster as soon as possible"
Striker Yellow: "Keno, Nagi"
Striker Green (Keno): "Hey, we are back, Chigiri"
Striker Black (Nagi): "So that's why this monster is going to suck anything until it stuck anything"
Striker Red: "Come on. Let's finish this"
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Green: "The Accelerating of the Striker, Striker Green"
Striker Black: "The Great of the Striker, Striker Black"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Soujiki Destroyer: "HOW DARE YOU!!!!...."
Strikerangers combined their weapons into one, and that was called Striker Cannon.
Strikerangers: "Striker Cannon"
Soujiki Destroyer: "No... No... That can be"
Striker Blue: "Hissatsu"
Striker Red: "Penalty attack!"
Soujiki Destroyer had been defeated by Strikerangers. However, it enlarged. Strikerangers called mechas and combined them into Strikerkaizer
Soujiki Destroyer: "You can't defeat me. I'm going to use"
Striker Blue: "That's not use"
Strikerkaizer seized Soujiki Destroyer's vacuum
Soujiki Destroyer: "Damn... You're gonna pay for that
Striker Red: "Hissatsu"
Strikerangers: "Penalty finish"
Strikerkaizer took Soujiki Destroyer down by cutting it.
Soujiki Destroyer: "I must clean everywhere when there are dirty things" (And being exploded)
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates went back to the stadium, and Isagi told Bachira about how Bachira could trap the monster.
Isagi: "Bachira, how did you defeat the monster? You're so smart"
Bachira: "Thanks. That was a little bit of a struggle, but the full capacity of the vacuum cleaner caused couldn't be able to clean"
Nagi: "Your idea is awesome, but how did you do that?"
Bachira: "Well, that's my secret about it, so don't tell me about that"
Eventually, Strikerangers were back to action, but Bachira still had a secret about his technique.
Striker 5: "Blocking away, strikers"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates were taking a break after practicing soccer. Inamori asked them if there was something new for Strikerangers.
Inamori: "Everyone, we found a new partner"
Isagi: "A new partner? What's that?"
Inamori: "Oh, Nothing. It's just a joke"
Everyone yelled, "What!!!" when Inamori didn't know about that
Inamori: (Giggled) "I joked to you. Well, I found a new partner called Striker Ankylosaurus. It has a shield on its behind representing defensive and goalkeeper"
Bachira: "Defensive and goalkeeper. That sounds awesome, but how does it work?"
Inamori: "Nothing, but let us show how this mecha works. What do you think?"
Isagi: "Cool"
Nagi: "That's impressive, but we don't know how it works. If we wanted, we could go and find it well"
Inamori: "That's a good idea, Nagi. We only find it is to go to the mountain. However, it is impossible to find a new mecha rather than I found. Now, the next match will be against Tidal Attacker. Let's go to the mountain"
Teammates: "Yes!"
[At Fifth Sector Headquarters]
Ishido: "You don't know why the monster that you created became useless, huh?"
Joseph: "Sir, there is a change about... "
Ishido: "No one talking. Now, create a new monster based on a gun. Quick, or else"
Joseph: "ye.. Ye.. Ye... Yes, your highness"
Joseph created a monster that is based on guns and bullets called Target Destroyer.
[At soccer field by nearby mountain]
Inamori: "This mountain was a volcano millions of years ago. Now, it has become a normal mountain, but there is no lava in it."
Bachira: "Based on geography, this mountain surely has a super material rather than gold"
Inamori: "You're right. It has diamonds on the inside of this mountain called Takahishi Mountain (高菱山), Taka means high and Hishi means diamond."
Villager of Takahishi: "Good evening, welcome to the Takahishi town (高菱都). I am from Takahishi and I show you about this mountain. Please, wear safety gear, so we can be saved from injuries if you don't want to fall."
Keno: "Safety gears. Why did this lady ask us to wear them?"
Inamori: "The reason for that is because there is no path in this mountain, so we wear them and go to the Inside of it" (Thumbs up at them)
Villager of Takahishi: "Exactly, this mountain has the way without going with following paths instead"
When everyone screamed in danger, Isagi and his teammates heard there was a monster in the city.
Isagi: "Sorry lady, but I must go to save everyone from being threatened. Bachira, Chigiri, let's go"
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri were going to save the Villagers. Suddenly, there was a monster who stole the diamonds.
Target Destroyer: "Strikerangers"
Isagi: "Destroyers, why did you steal the diamonds? You made villagers poor instead of rich"
Target Destroyer: "Rich. What are you talking about? I'm going to attack you"
Target Destroyer shot toward them, but they dodged it from being shot.
Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri: "Shuryu Change"
As they transformed into Strikerangers, they fought against it.
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
[At Takahishi mountain]
Nagi and Keno were finding a new mecha inside of a mountain.
Nagi: "Keno, how long do we take a new mecha what our coach asked?"
Keno: "There is a change if there is a trap, so we must carefully"
[At city]
Strikerangers still fought against Target Destroyer. They tricked it if it tried to target them. As they went to the garage, Striker Red tried to trick Destroyer when it tried to shoot. When Strikerangers ran from being shot. After the poles were cracked up, Strikerangers pushed them with their legs until Target Destroyer was knocked out when the objects fell. Their finisher, Striker Fang Strike attacked Target Destroyer until it exploded on the ground. Unfortunately, it enlarged into a giant monster. Strikerangers summoned their mechas to combine into Strikerkaizer.
Target Destroyer: "You can't defeat me while I shoot you guys out like a flipping firecracker toast"
Strikerkaizer dodged Target Destroyer's bullets, but it was attacked by it.
Striker Yellow: "Gosh, we are under attack"
Striker Ankylosaurus appeared and was activated by Striker Green and Striker Black.
Striker Red: "Nagi, Keno. Did you bring new mechas"
Striker Green: "Isagi, we found Striker Ankylosaurus"
Striker Black: "An orange color, huh? How does it work?"
Striker Red: "Don't worry guys. Let's switch some parts"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Gattai"
Strikerkaizer switched Striker Pteranodon with Striker Ankylosaurus.
Strikerangers: "Kanzen, Strikerkaizer Ankylo"
Target Destroyer: "What! How did you get this new weapon?"
Striker Red: "It's secret, idiot"
Target Destroyer: "How dare you call me an idiot, huh? I'll show you how my weapon is"
Target Destroyer tried to shoot toward Strikerkaizer, but Strikerkaizer had protected itself with its shield that was from Striker Ankylosaurus.
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Finisher, Ankylo strike attack" (Smashing Target Destroyer with Ankylosaurus's tail)
Target Destroyer: "You are too strong" (Exploded)
[At Takahishi town]
One day later after the match, Isagi and his teammates went back to their stadium.
Village of Takahishi: "Thank you for traveling with us, Mr. Inamori, we hope that you will come again"
Inamori: "That's not the problem. I can't believe that Nagi and Keno found a new mecha"
Nagi: "Speaking of orange, I heard that Isagi had used Striker Ankylosaurus to protect our mecha from being shot"
Keno: "Yes, Isagi is so genius"
Isagi and his teammates went to their stadium, and they finally found Striker Ankylosaurus inside Takahishi Mountain.
Striker 6: "Waiting and Wasting"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
In Kyoryuto stadium, Isagi and his teammates were practicing soccer, but Nagi was tired after practicing soccer the previous day.
Isagi: "Nagi, What don't you practice?"
Nagi: "I've been tired since I was practicing soccer last night because I need to get power... "
Bachira: "Don't be so dumb if you don't know when you practiced"
Nagi: "I know, but this is the truth about when I practiced soccer"
Bachira: "I know you were practicing, but we don't know what you were doing"
Chigiri: "Are those boys fighting each other or what?"
Isagi: "Nevermind, let's practice soccer well"
[At Fifth sector headquarters]
Joseph entered the Ishido's place when he brought an old clock.
Ishido: "A clock. Are you sure going to make it?"
Joseph: "Yes, this is an old clock, but it looked old and useless being"
Ishido: "An old and useless thing. This clock had been stopped. Do you want to make a monster with this"
Joseph: "Majesty, are you sure about that?"
Ishido: "Well, you must do what you brought"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi and his teammates were still practicing, but they tried to make a solution to Nagi's practice.
Chigiri: "What do you know when you practiced soccer, Nagi?"
Nagi: "Practice what? I told you I practiced soccer last night"
Bachira: "Something wrong with him"
Isagi: "I think that Nagi was practicing soccer last night, so that means he doesn't lie to us"
When someone screamed like thunder, Isagi heard when anyone was in danger.
[At city]
When Isagi and his teammates went to the city for an emergency, they saw another monster that said to stop anyone from moving.
Isagi: "Who are you?"
Toki Destroyer: "Toki Toki Toki" (Seeing at strikerangers) "Freeze"
Toki Destroyer tried to slice up with his blades when anyone was moving. However, the teammates dodged it and transformed into strikerangers. Striker Blue had an idea to trick Toki Destroyer.
Striker Blue: "Hey, come over here", come over here"
Striker Black: "Really?"
Toki Destroyer: "I'm gonna stop you now"
Until they reached the space by the mountains where sentais fought monsters since
Toki Destroyer: "Where am I?"
Striker Red: "Surprise, you clock monster"
Toki Destroyer: "What the? Who are you?"
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Green: "The Accelerating of the Striker, Striker Green"
Striker Black: "The Great of the Striker, Striker Black"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Striker Red: "Don't skip the soccer match, or you will regret it."
Toki Destroyer: "Curse you. Footballisters attack!"
Strikerangers fought Toki Destroyer individually and in teamwork. They conjured their weapon
Striker Red: "Strike Saber"
Striker Blue: "Scoreboard Blaster"
Striker Yellow: "Cleats Claw"
Striker Green: "Central Spear"
Striker Black: "Goal Hammer"
During fighting against Toki Destroyer, Strikerangers finished defeating the Footballisters. Then, they defeat Toki Destroyer immediately
Striker Red: "Finishing"
Strikerangers: "Strike penalty attack"
With a Strike penalty attack, Toki Destroyer was defeated, but it enlarged. Strikerangers summoned their mechas to combine into Strikerkaizer. When Toki Destroyer had power, it used "Clockwizer" to attack Strikerkaizer. However, Strikerkaizer set his arms (Striker Brontosaurus and Striker Ankylosaurus) and used "Timewiser" to attack Toki Destroyer. Then, it was exploded.
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Isagi: "I'm glad that we have defeated a monster, right?"
Bachira: "Yes, with those mechas, we can easily fight the monster who enlarged"
Nagi: "I know that you guys played soccer well, but I shall practice soccer at night"
Bachira: "So you are who practices soccer at night"
Nagi: "Alright, you got me. I shall not practice soccer at night again"
So, Strikerangers continued to practice soccer well and never practiced soccer at night. Wondering if there was a new enemy of Fifth Sector.
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brucebocchi · 3 months
Hi, you seem like you would know this: why are Persona 5 ships named so idiosyncratically? E.g. ShuAke, ShuAnn, PegoRyu. Why is Joker "Shu" and "Pego"?
quick google search tells me that "shu" is short for "shujinkou," or main character, while "pego" is an abbreviation of "perusona go," i.e. persona 5. no clue why pegoryu caught on instead of shuryu, but i do like the idea of shipping ryuji with persona 5 itself
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a-phanboys-fanboy · 1 year
I dont need to make any akeshu or shukita or shuryu or even shuryukita posts because the tag is full enough. I do however need to make shuyuu posts
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sugarlipx01 · 4 years
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oh to be getting an emotional recharge by burying your face in your boyfriend’s abs
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angstyastro · 5 years
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Ryuji and Akechi always feel the need to outdo eachother in complimenting RenRen.
Little do they know Ren wants to just kiss both of em
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shevi-creates · 5 years
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Happy birthday, Ryuji Sakamoto! (7/3)
Ryuji is one of my top faves in P5, and also one of my top fave guy characters in general, so I really wanted to do something nice for him!! I wish I could’ve done a bit more, but I did learn a lot from this and am also glad I finally drew some good ol’ Pegoryu! Bonus under the cut!
Artwork © 2019 Siobhan || Persona 5, characters © Atlus Please don’t use, edit, or repost without permission; thanks! Commissions are open, check my bio for a link because Tumblr is dumb!
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(Note: Futaba and Haru aren’t here because this comic takes place during the game’s story, at a point where they haven’t met the Thieves yet! They’ll celebrate his birthday next year.)
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fue-fue · 5 years
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so uh. lads. I heard it was Kiss Ryuji Day today
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narukiel · 6 years
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For pegoryu week I only got to do day 1 which had the prompt “wedding” ksfksfjg
twitter post
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HolMat 2018 Cosplay lineup. Since I'll be taking a plane to this con + staffing, don't want to do anything too crazy. Also, since I lost the energy to finish Endeavor, just gonna do casual Enji Todoroki (& I have a friend doing casual Hawks). Gonna be great 😎👌🏾 #cosplay #blackcosplayer #blackgirlmagic #enjitodoroki #allmight #bnha #myheroacademia #shuryu #juunitaisen #artoria #fateextella #typemoon #lagunaloire #finalfantasy8 #leonkuwata #danganronpa https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQ3Yj0DWtk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2xh3vi24zyw1
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twilitedawn · 5 months
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Shuryu Sentai Strikeranger VS Kyoryuger: Gabu-striker, Dino Soccer Fever
[In Kyoryuto stadium]
In Kyoryuto Stadium, Isagi and his teammates were practicing soccer for the next match. Suddenly, Inamori called the teammates about the event happening.
Inamori: "Everyone, we have a new location for the new match"
Isagi: "What is it?"
Inamori: "The soccer fields are located in various places after basketball was banned"
Isagi: "Basketball was banned. I haven't played with it, but why is it banned?"
Inamori: "I don't know Isagi, but I have seen those new soccer fields and stadiums"
Chigiri: "And I saw the basketball-related equipment that was burned and destroyed permanently"
Nagi: "What's going on?"
Bachira: "I remember the news about Kyoryugers had used basketball skills in a soccer match to play against Debo Spokorn. I don't want to break the soccer rules, but how did they do?"
Keno: "Let me think, I think that's Daigo's fault actually"
Inamori: "I don't recognize them, but why did they break the rules of soccer"
Suddenly people were screaming like thunder. Strikerangers were going to the city as soon as possible.
[At city]
Isagi: "Alright, who did this?"
When strikerangers appeared, they saw a monster that was inspired by basketball, Dunk Destroyer
Dunk Destroyer: "Oh... So you are strikerangers, huh?"
Isagi: "Wait, who are you?"
Keno: "This is not good"
Dunk Destroyer: "I'm going to finish you"
Kyoryugers attacked Dunk Destroyer without transformation.
Dunk Destroyer: "I'll be back"
When Dunk Destroyer ran away, Bachira saw Daigo who decided to play basketball against Debo Spokorn.
Daigo: "Take that" (His ear being pulled like pulling his hand)
Bachira: (holding Daigo's ear) "So you are the one who decided to play basketball, and you make soccer cry, aren't you?"
Bachira went back to the Kyoryuto stadium along with his teammates and Kyoryugers.
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Inamori: "Ah... So you decided to play basketball and used basketball skills in a soccer match, didn't you?"
Daigo: "Yes. We were hated"
Nobuharu: "We regret"
Ian: "We were boycotted"
Souji: "We were forbidden to dance the samba"
Amy: "The police tried to arrest us"
Daigo: "And we are no longer brave anymore because of our hatred"
Bachira whispered to his coach, Inamori Mamoru to give Kyoryugers practicing soccer for 10 years as their punishment.
When Strikerangers took a break, Isagi asked Daigo why the basketball fields were replaced with soccer ones. Daigo's story was about the sad ending.
[Starting Story]
Daigo and Utsusemimaru went outside. Suddenly the police tried to arrest them
Police 1: "Daigo, you are under arrest for wrongful sports techniques"
Daigo: "Sports techniques. What do you mean?"
Police 1: "We will see about that. Police, arrest them!"
All of the police: "Yes sir"
Police tried to arrest them for using basketball skills in a soccer game. Daigo and Utsusemimaru ran away from them
Meanwhile at Amy's house. A Butler tried to argue with her about why she used basketball skills in a soccer game, which she was embarrassed about. Although, she ran away, and he called the cops to arrest her
Meanwhile, Nobuharu was fired from his job because he used basketball skills in a soccer game, the same with Amy, Daigo, and Utsusemimaru.
Not only those, Meanwhile, Souji had also been suspended from school and kicked out of the kendo club. Also, his father was angry at him because he was suspended and kicked out because of basketball techniques.
Meanwhile, at the airport, Ian was surrounded by police for using basketball skills in a soccer game, just like the crew of Kyoryugers.
Everyone almost hated them because they used basketball skills in a soccer game. They regretted being hated by many people after using basketball skills to victory in a soccer game. Suddenly, a soccer entity angered them for using basketball skills in a soccer game.
Soccer: "Daigo, How dare you use basketball skills in a soccer match"
Daigo (Kyoryu red): "I didn't use that, but it was fun"
Soccer: "Really, I'm gonna seize your partner right now" (taking Gabutyra as well as Kyoryuger's mecha)
Daigo: (shocked) "What are you doing?"
Soccer: "If you want to take them back to you, you must play soccer regularly"
Ian Yorkland: "Why did you take parasagun?"
Nobuharu: "Yes, why did you take them?"
Soccer: (seize zyudench)
Souji: "my zyudenchi!!"
Soccer: "Listen, I'm angering you if you don't use soccer skills. However, I have 2 options, do you want to take your partners and zyudenchi back if you play soccer, or I'll curse your partners into soccer players"
Utsusemimaru: "Soccer player, how?"
Soccer: "If I curse them into soccer players and anthropomorphic, They won't turn back to normal, see ya" (leave alone with Zyudenryu and Zyudenchi)
Amy: "What gonna we do now, if the monsters enlarge, we can't be able to use zyudenchi to activate and combine our Zyudenryu"
Souji: "You did this, Daigo" (pointed at Daigo while he was angry at him) "You decided to challenge basketball against Deboo Spokorn until soccer angered us. this is all your fault"
Daigo: "My fault, why?"
Souji: "You have done with that. I have been suspended because of your ideas. Look at this, we lost identities of kyoryugers"
Ian: (angry) "You made it angry, and we regret about that. that's unforgivable"
Nobuharu: "We can't help you if that happens, but we can't find any jobs after being fired"
Amy: (sad and depressed) "Now, we can't transform into Kyoryugers anymore. You've done with us. Now, everyone almost hates basketball forever"
Utsusemimaru: "We are gonna do now, Daigo? Everyone is mad at you. If we continue to play basketball, our partners will become anthropomorphic and never come back to us"
Daigo: "There is nothing we can do, but we must find someone who has the power of soccer, so we can bring Zyudenryu and Zyudenchi back"
Utsusemimaru: "What do you mean?"
Daigo: "We are going to find a legendary soccer player to teach us how to play soccer"
Amy: "That sounds good"
Souji: "That's a real man. If we find him, we will gain our partners back"
Ian Yorkland: "Sounds good, we can find him and get ours back"
Nobuharu: "That's interesting"
Amy: (Smile) "Daigo"
Utsusemimaru: "Daigo, let's find a legendary soccer player. Therefore, that makes soccer happy, and brings Zyudenchi and Zyudenryu back"
Daigo: "It's gonna get wild! Just try and stop us!"
Daigo and his crew were going to find a legendary soccer player to teach them about soccer, so their partners were taken back to them.
[Ending story]
Isagi: "Don't worry, we take your mechas back"
Bachira: (pulling Daigo's ear again) "Practice soccer, you idiot" (Seeing Daigo run then practice) "Isagi, what did Daigo say to you?"
Isagi: "He said that he and his crews were hated by many, and their partners and Zyudenchi were seized"
Bachira: "Come on, let them practice soccer until their basketball powers vanish and disappear (means their basketball powers become less)"
Yayoi went to the Kyoryuto stadium, to meet Kyoryugers. Also, she brought a new Zyudenchi that had the power of soccer.
Yayoi: "Is everyone ok?"
Isagi: "Everyone is ok"
Yayoi: "I worried them about being hated by many because of using basketball skills in a soccer match. Also, their partners and Zyudenchi were seized, and Daigo, Ian, Nobuharu, Souji, Amy, and Utsusemimaru lost their hope and no longer became kyoryugers"
Bachira: "Kyoryuger, Kyoryuger. Let them practice soccer for 10 years, which their basketball memories must be lost"
Yayoi: "Why are they given practicing soccer for 10 years? That's impossible"
Isagi: "Yayoi, please calm down. Did you bring a new... Zyudenchi?"
Yayoi: "Yes, I made it before arrived at the stadium. Here, that this" (Gaining it to Isagi)
Isagi saw a new Zyudenchi that Yayoi gained him, and it was called Striker Form.
[At Fifth Sector Headquarters]
Joseph: "My majesty"
Ishido: "What's it, General"
Joseph: "I have met a new monster who was made by an unknown"
Ishido: "Unknown, huh? Who is he?"
Deboo Spokorn: (evil laughing) "Greetings, my Lord"
Ishido: "Deboo Spokorn, a Debo monster who was created by Deboth Army. What did you bring, Spokorn?"
Deboo Spokorn: "Do you know who created a monster that was based on basketball?"
Ishido: "I knew it, Dunk Destroyer. You created it along with Joseph. Now, you and your creation, go to the city and destroy it"
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
Daigo: "How long when we were practicing soccer"
Bachira: "I told you, it's for 10 years"
Daigo: "How about my dad?"
Bachira: "Dad?"
Amy: "Don't listen to Daigo"
Souji: "His father already hated him"
Bachira: "I understand, but you guys must complete to lose your basketball skills, do you understand?"
Kyoryugers understood what Bachira said. Suddenly, a monster appeared in the city.
Inamori: "Isagi, Isagi. A monster arrived at the city. You must defeat it. Kyoryugers also fight against it."
Bachira: "Come on Coach, they are still practicing soccer, and I forbade them to go outside... "
Inamori: "I know about that, but you and Kyoryugers must fight the monster. My secret key is... teamwork"
[At city]
When Strikerangers and Kyoryugers went to the city, a monster tried to attack along with Deboo Spokorn.
Daigo: "Spokorn, how are you revived"
Deboo Spokorn: "Revive, huh? Joseph recreated me when he found a book on how to make Deboss "
Amy: "Deboss with a book. How did he find it?"
Deboo Spokorn: "Forget that"
Dunk Destroyer: "Dunkilisters!"
Isagi: "Wait, I thought you summoned Footballisters"
Dunk Destroyer: "Because they are inspired by me. Dunkilisters, attack!"
Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Nagi, and Keno transformed into Strikerangers. However, Dunk Destroyer threw a basketball to the ground, which Strikerangers far away. When New Zyudenchi were dropped, Daigo found the new Zyudenchi with the power of soccer.
Daigo: "Isagi, how did you find these"
Isagi: "Yayoi gave them to me when you were practicing soccer. Now, use these and transform"
Daigo: "OK, I'll try it" (Throwing new Zyudenchi to his friends) (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Carnostriker") "Kyoryu change"
Souji: (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Atrocistriker") "Kyoryu change"
Amy: (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Sinostriker") "Kyoryu change"
Nobuharu: (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Strikapil") "Kyoryu change"
Ian: (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Saurostriker") "Kyoryu change"
Utsusemimaru: (Inserting new Zyudenchi and sound "Gaburincho, Tupuxtriker") "Kyoryu change"
Daigo and his friends transformed into new Kyoryugers. Isagi and his teammates transformed into Strikerangers as well.
Striker Red: "The Leader of the Striker, Striker Red"
Striker Blue: "The Technology of the Striker, Striker Blue"
Striker Yellow: "The Exceptional of the Striker, Striker Yellow"
Striker Green: "The Accelerating of the Striker, Striker Green"
Striker Black: "The Great of the Striker, Striker Black"
Kyoryu Red: "The Fanged Brave, Kyoryu Red Striker!"
Kyoryu Black: "The Bullet Brave, Kyoryu Black Striker!"
Kyoryu Blue: "The Armored Brave! Kyoryu Blue Striker!"
Kyoryu Green: "The Slashing Brave, Kyoryu Green Striker!"
Kyoryu Pink: "The Horned Brave, Kyoryu Pink Striker!"
Kyoryu Gold: "The Thundering Brave, Kyoryu Gold Striker!"
Striker Red: "We are the Strikers who protect the world from the evil forces"
Strikerangers: "Shuryu Sentai... Strikeranger"
Kyoryugers: "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger... Kyoryu... Striker"
Kyoryu Red: "It's gonna get wild! Just try and stop us!"
Striker Red: "And never skip the soccer match.'
Dunk Destroyer: "Kyoryugers, Strikerangers. Why did they transform"
Deboo Spokorn: "I don't know, my son, but I must defeat them with basketball"
Kyoryu Red: "Try me"
Striker Blue: "Wait, I thought you... "
Kyoryu Red: "Don't worry, I'm going to play with this illegal game"
When Deboo Spokorn threw a basketball, Kyoryu Red kicked a basketball into the sky. Strikerangers was shocked.
Striker Blue: "You've kicked the basketball and sent it to space"
Kyoryu Red: "Yes, that's because of my revenge"
Deboo Spokorn: "Revenge. How dare you break basketball rules"
Striker Red: "Break basketball rules. Kyoryugers had used basketball skills in a soccer match because of you. Now, they use soccer skills in a basketball match"
Deboo Spokorn was frustrating because Kyoryugers used soccer skills to soccer. Their spirit of basketball had vanished, because kyoryugers got the power of soccer because of the new Zyudenchi.
Strikerangers and Kyoryugers: "Hissatsu, Double Striker Finish"
When Strikerangers and Kyoryugers defeated Deboo Spokorn and Dunk Destroyer together, Deboo Spokorn vanished, but Dunk Destroyer enlarged.
Kyoryu Red: "So big. I can't summon our mecha if our partners were seized"
Striker Red: "Don't worry. With this new Zyudenchi, you can summon your new partners with these"
Kyoryu Red: "You're right, I'm going to summon new partners instead of old ones"
When Kyoryugers summoned their new mechas (Zyudenryu: Carnostriker (based on Carnotaurus), Saurostriker (based on Saurolophus), Strikapil (based on Jakapil), Atrocistriker (based on Atrociraptor), Sinostriker (based on Sinoceratops), and Tupuxtriker (based on Tupuxuara) to combine into two mechas, Kyoryuzin Striker (with Carnostriker, Strikapil, and Sinostriker) and Tupuxander-Oh (with Tupuxtriker, Saurostriker, and Atrocistriker). Strikerangers also summoned their mechas to combine into Strikerkaizer.
Dunk Destroyer: "No, that couldn't be"
Kyoryu Red: "That's enough, Dunk Destroyer. I'm going to take you down"
Striker Red: "OK fellas, let's get score the goal"
Strikerangers and Kyoryugers: "Hissatsu, Dino Penalty Samba Attack"
With the Dino Penalty Samba Attack, Dunk Destroyer was almost defeated.
[At Kyoryuto stadium]
After they arrived back at Kyoryuto stadium, Daigo and his friends tried to say goodbye, but
Utsusemimaru: "Daigo, do you remember?"
Daigo: "Remember what? Wait, a legendary soccer player with the power of soccer... Wait, are you... "
Isagi: "Us? Yes, we are Strikerangers"
Amy: "Looks like we found them"
Daigo: "This isn't a problem, but how did I find these guys?"
Nobuharu: "Don't worry, the soccer will gain our mechas and Zyudenchi for us back"
Isagi: "Soccer will gain your mechas, what does that mean?"
Ian: "We will explain, later"
Souji: "Daigo, Don't decide to play basketball"
Daigo: "I guess you're right. Using basketball skills in a soccer match is bad"
Bachira: "Do you understand?"
Isagi: "I know that using basketball skills in a soccer match is bad for soccer players. Well, welcome to our new team"
Bachira: "I almost forgot, don't forget to practice soccer for 10 years. It's important to your power"
Daigo: "I don't want to use basketball skills anymore"
Eventually, Isagi and his teammates found that kyoryugers had been new players. Inamori hoped Kyoryugers would get the new power.
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gentle-serpent · 6 years
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Happy New Year! Featuring more rattled members of the Phantom Thieves. ;3 Here’s hoping 2018 is the best year of them all!
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manekikarasu · 7 years
Kiss art~ 9 (and 17 if you don't mind) Akiryu :)
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Sorry, I’m not comfortable enough with this ship yet to draw nsfw ( ´∀`;;;). I should’ve mentioned that in the tags. Hope you like it though!
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alzoo · 7 years
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Akira day 26 to 30 ! Thank you everyone for liking my akira a day! Im planning to continue them when i get my tablet from school! so i can start a digital akira a day *^*)/
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sugarlipx01 · 4 years
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seeing you in a new light
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