#shut the fuck UP bbc sherlock
txttletale · 1 year
everybody who is searching rick and morty for retroactive validation that justin roiland is a domestic abuser should be lightly dusted in flour and left out in the rain. i think that the proof that he’s a domestic abuser is the domestic abuse that he did and not that there were edgy jokes in his lame cartoon. tbqh.
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rhdcarts · 9 months
Me: struggling to plug in the heat gun at work
The tiny Sherlock that lives in my brain:
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TFP basically:
Sherlock and John: *scare Mycroft to death*
Mycroft: HEY!!! This isn't funny
Sherlock and John: No, it is
Mycroft: I am warning you, this really isn't funny
Sherlock and John: Of course
Mycroft: You don't know anything
Sherlock and John: We do, actually. There is another Holmes sibling, Eurus
Mycroft: I am telling you for the last time...
Sherlock and John: You should tell us about it in 221B Baker Street
Mycroft: Well, then, se you all in SHOCK THERAPY
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archerdork · 10 months
quietly deleting my 2012 hot takes about elementary vs bbc sherlock. truly let tumblr and societal misogyny and prejudice get the best of me
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2many-fandomz · 9 months
watching BBC sherlock
I just want to put it out there for anyone that cares
sherlcok doesn't fucking deduce shit
he induces
deducing is to take a wide picture and then make logical asumption about specific things
and inducing is when you take small details and create a wider picture
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helpfulbug · 2 years
tbh one of my fav things in the knifes out series is that we have stereotypical 'genius' detective but that doesn't mean he has to be shut off and emotionally distant. he gets mad at injustice and tells ppl to shut the fuck up!!! sherlock bbc has poisoned the water supply for long enough nature is finally healing
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
How about 35: "It's just a headache, I'm fine."
With Tim taking care of Kon after he overused his TTK?
A sliver of light falls across the floor from the hallway as the door starts to open. With the haze of pain fogging up his entire brain, it's barely enough warning for Kon to remember to croak out, "Don't."
Tim stops, hand falling away from the light switch. "Kon?"
Even the idea of lifting his head from the balled-up hoodie he's using as a pillow is agonizing, so Kon opts for the world's most pathetic peace sign. "Sup."
"What are you doing?" Tim slowly closes the door again, at least; the darkness is blessed relief from the stabbing pain behind Kon's eyes at even the faintest light. "Why are you on the floor?"
Kon squeezes his eyes shut, ignoring the way Tim is definitely scrutinizng him in the dimness. His brain is probably doing that BBC Sherlock thing, tagging and analyzing his pained body language, the way he keeps pushing his thumbs into the pressure points just below his eyebrows, the tension in his shoulders. Tim would hate it if he described it as a BBC Sherlock thing, of course; that's why Kon keeps doing it.
"It's just a headache." His voice is a little too breathy from pain to be dismissive, but he tries. "I'm fine."
"You could've gotten in the bed, at least." Tim sinks down next to him on the rug. "What caused it? Are you hurt?"
"Fuck, Rob, not so loud," Kon groans, rubbing his temples. "Ugh. S'nothing. Overdid the TTK holding all those skyscrapers up for so long this afternoon, that's all. And bed sounded too hot."
Tim is quiet for a moment. "You never told us that gives you migraines."
"Never seemed to matter." Another wave of agony throbs behind his eyes, lancing straight through the deepest parts of his skull, and Kon swallows down a whimper. "It, ugh, it happened way more when I was freshly hatched. Now s'not all that... frequent."
"You being in pain always matters to me," Tim says softly. He lets out a breath, quiet even in the silence of the room, and shifts his weight slightly; Kon can hear the rustle of his clothes. "...Can I get you something? Is there anything—you came to my room for a reason, right? What do you need me to do?"
There's an undercurrent of desperation in his voice, barely there, but readily apparent to anyone who knows him even half as well as Kon does. He hates being helpless, hates seeing anyone he loves in pain, hates not being able to fix it. Kon smiles wanly, opening his eyes to look up at him; it doesn't hurt, not too bad, since the room is so dark.
"I'm in your room 'cuz you have the best blackout curtains in the whole Tower," he says honestly; even in this state, he doesn't miss the way Tim's shoulders droop slightly. "But... if you could get me an ice pack—no, two—that would... that'd be pretty rad."
Tim's on his feet before Kon even finishes his request. "Yeah, of course, I have plenty—" and then he's off like a shot to the mini-fridge in the corner, pawing through the freezer in the dark like a raccoon. Kon hides a wince; his ears are too sensitive for even the slight crinkling and cracking of the ice, and nausea churns in his gut.
But then Tim's back, and in his hands are two blessedly cold packs, wrapped in cloth to make them easier to use.
"God, Rob, I could kiss you," Kon tells him, pressing one to the back of his neck. It's instant, if not total, relief, and he lets out a low moan as the agony spearing through his temples starts to ebb out into the chill. After a second, he presses the second one over his eyes. Fuck, that's so much better...
"Do you need anything else?" Tim asks, hesitating. "I can get you some tea, or a blanket—no, you said it's too hot, um—do you want a sleep mask? Or I can—"
Kon reaches up, grabs one of his hands, and hauls him back down to sit on the rug. It takes a mildly herculean amount of effort, but he lifts his head next, scoots over, and places it on Tim's thigh, so that he can tuck his face (and ice pack) into his stomach. "Shut up," he mumbles, "and just... stay."
If it's too cold, or uncomfortable, Tim makes no indication. He just lets out a soft, "Oh," and then, to Kon's delight, threads his fingers tenderly into his hair. "...Is this okay?"
If his touch was a little more direct, if his gentle caresses were any faster, it'd be too much. But as it is, it's helping, and if he stops anytime soon, Kon might cry.
"Better'n okay," he answers, and despite his migraine, he smiles slightly against Tim's shirt.
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blistering-typhoons · 4 months
From the perspective of someone who watched this show when they were thirteen, made it their whole personality and then stopped being a massive prat.
I thought about organizing this into a cohesive review, and maybe as I go on I'll delve deeper into some of my observations but for now I thought it would be funny to present my findings in raw, mostly unaltered form:
- loud ass opening, my god
- only bit of acting Martin freeman ever does lmao
- dances along to theme against my will
- god the effects and transitions are so shit
- all the shots of the pills are so ugly
- oh yay molly - whoo - yayyy
- the potential withe these two goddamn
- also this sherlock does not drink his respect women juice by god
- fucksake the deduction about john's sister- not only is it translated awfully into this modern setting, it's explicitly a deduction Sherlock is supposed to make once they know eachother a bit better
- also sherlock displaying one insecurity when john accidentally insults his stuff- well done moftiss, characterization
- How far away is the crime scene, why it dark
- pls the transitions
- PIPE BOMB, WHOO Phone deductionnnn
- oh my god it's so shit
- uuuuuuuugggghhhh the potential I hate this shooooow
- fuckin deduction as a way for witty one liners and sexism, i hate this place
- 'you were thinking it's annoying' i'm going to send myself off a cliff, CRINGE
- RACHE- moffat, come here a sec- literally putting ACD on par with the police, who are always wrong the sheer audacity- also just a bad change
- these lens flare white lights are so goofy please, you will never be a whole scene of silence with jeremy brett
- benedict cumberbatch is very pretty i will grant
- terrorized by the fact i used to quote this show unironically
- from a writing point of view I understand that John gushing over Sherlock is to show off and emphasize their specialest boy- but, some sincerity is infused into it from an acting standpoint
- All the phones calling as john walks past is kinda cool but mostly stupid
- oh anthea, what a rich character lmao
- how long was mycroft posed like that
- First johnlock queerbait whooo
- Where does he fuck off to???
- he just vanishes lmaoooo
- Three patch problem. Bruh.
- I am bored as shit, help
- This music- girl
- Bloated is a very good word to describe some of these scenes
- this scene is insane fucKING INSANE I HATE THIS SHOW
- god how much episode is left fucksake
- the stop/go signs- pick a tone girl
- this episode is so almost good and it's anytime Sherlock makes a mistake lmao
- not the drugs bust :/
- ooh sociopath line- whoo
- "I don't have to [imagine]." OOOH OKAY, WELL, YOU GUYS GET *ONE* POINT FOR THAT SHEESH
- this is so ridiculous- COME WITH ME- girl shut up
- I wanna be done I wanna be doooone.
- lamenting the confrontation we had in the unaired pilot
- The 'Frwhoomp' noise as the light goes out, girl
- 20 Minutes left my christ
- BRO- I forgot that bit of ADR wooooof
- and thus begins the scree of Moriarty
- five years, why is Scotland Yard still doubtful of Sherlock's skills? I know he might have been deep in his addiction during some of that, but they evidently kept him around for crime solving.
- Great man/good man quote has me fumin babes, my god, what a fundamental misunderstanding of Sherlock Holmes
- boring ass back and forth
- this piano is giving me war flashbacks
- is it a five orange pips reference?
- also the pills look like that speckled gum that burns your throat
- when is it oveeer
- falling asleep
- bomb under the table but the table is made of glass and hates gay people
- she tooks the kidssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
- 13 min
- love, or rage, dude, come on Sherlock
- i hate this 'enjoying crime too much' theme they've written
- like watching a stupid play
- once more, the potential
- moriarty he said calmly
- also, so out of character for Sherlock do I even need to say
- peaks of what could have been- FUCK
- this mycroft fake out- lord
- also, mummy, fucksake
- cheesy ending BUT IT'S OVER
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neon-green-reagent · 6 months
Buyer Beware: Cushing Curiosities
I don't normally do this. My aim is to keep things positive in this space, as much as possible. But I need to talk about the new Severin Films box set dedicated to Peter Cushing and basically beg anyone who loves Peter Cushing to not waste their money on this. When I saw they were, after multiple Christopher Lee sets, finally doing one for Cushing, I admit I got too excited and impulsively pre-ordered it. I have regretted it ever since. Okay, that's too strong. It was way too much money and time wasted on something that's about one-third good. One third is not enough, and even then I'm probably being too generous. 
The box art and presentation are beautiful. If that's all that matters to you, then you'll be delighted. The GIANT book that comes with it is also really awesome. It's informative and thorough with a lot of really cool images. I can't deny that they really went above and beyond, turning a booklet into an actual book that is well worth owning. These are a couple of the highest points you're going to experience with this set. Let's dig into the movies. 
Cone of Silence. Jesus, what a waste of fucking time. This thing was a slog. An absolute bore. If you care a whole lot about planes... Fuck, even then, you probably won't be able to sit through this, because it's so old-fashioned and drags its feet. Is this what thrillers used to be? I shudder to think. Cushing's role is small and that of a misguided villain character. He shows up to accuse a pilot of being bad at his job, gets put in his place at the end, and that's really it. I'll go ahead and make a blanket statement now that he's always good, always worth watching, but that doesn't make most of these movies worth sitting through. 
Suspect. Here's a movie that goes around and around, struggling to get to the point, trying to imitate Hitchcock but without any of the style that goes along with that. Just stationary middle shots of people talking. But don't you worry, it's not just boring! Multiple characters make cracks about how women shouldn't be working in science (Cushing's character included, which makes this an utter loser of a movie to watch for his role). The "villain" is a man with a disability who eventually kills himself, and that's treated like a GOOD OUTCOME. Some movies are old. This movie is old-minded, and it brought what was already not very engaging down to a pile of shit for me. And again, a theme you'll notice, Cushing is a side character who isn't given hardly anything to do and little screen time. Oh, and Donald Pleasence shows up and makes this face: O.O
The Man Who Finally Died. So this was at least engaging. Maybe by this point the bar was just VERY low for me, but I actually enjoyed this. It had lots of twists and turns. Despite being pre-giallo, it had a lot of those storytelling conventions, so I found myself, you know... actually watching the movie instead of struggling to stay awake. The rewatch value feels low, because once you've experienced those twists and turns, they won't shock you next time. But at least it wasn't a total wash. AND ONCE MORE CUSHING WAS BARELY IN IT, SO REGARDLESS OF THE QUALITY OF THE FILM IT WASN'T REALLY A CUSHING FILM, WAS IT? 
Sherlock Holmes. Ohhhhh God. This was not good. I managed one and a half episodes before shutting it off. I couldn't believe how shoddy everything about this was. It's a BBC Sherlock Holmes show! What happened!? I mean, I'm still not clear, but after some googling I did find out that Cushing was a fast replacement for another actor who was leaving in a huff. And the reason he left in a huff was because everything about the production truly sucked ass. It shows. And it didn't improve when Cushing came on. Everything was so clearly rushed. You can feel how everyone's just trying to remember their lines and where to stand, because they were given zero time to rehearse and prepare. I thought this would be a highlight of the set, but it's probably one of the worst aspects. At least Cushing is the main character? 
Bloodsuckers. This was great. I can finally say something was GREAT. What a relief. Cushing is still barely in it, but at least it was entertaining. It's your standard, early seventies, vampire romp. With some psychedelic weirdness thrown in toward the beginning and lots of overly sexual shenanigans. In particular, Johnny Sekka gives a great performance, and in a more modern movie, they would have made the character gay as he should have been. Also, Edward Woodward shows up for a single scene and steals the entire movie. Definitely worth watching, regardless of Cushing's ten minutes of screen time. Even though I thought the point was for it to be a CUSHING box set... 
Tender Dracula. Last but actually the best. This is an absolute ride of a movie. I loved it. My problem is this is such a crazy film, with tonal shifts galore and an unsensible plot, that I could actually see people hating it. It's a movie that is not for everyone, not by a long shot. It breaks the fourth wall, plays with stereotypes and tropes, throws out humor that sometimes lands and sometimes doesn't, and leaves your head spinning. Plenty of viewers might find the experience frustrating and not rewarding. I happened to love it and got a lot out of it, but it feels very poor for a movie like this to be probably the best thing about a shoddy box set. That's not exactly promising your customers the best they could get. BUT CUSHING IS THE STAR! Finally! One (arguably) good movie where he's the main attraction. Christ, that took long enough. 
So what do we have after all that? A set of movies that, for the most part, only tangentially involve Cushing, with his name slapped on the side of the box. Trotting out a beloved actor who isn't here to approve of what's being done for a quick buck feels pretty damn gross. Severin has made a multitude of mistakes over the years in how they've conducted their business, but this is by far the worst of them. Even with the compliments I've given this set, do not buy it. It isn't even close to being worth the price point. The fact that I spent as much as I did on this leaves me shamefaced. 
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katabasiss · 1 year
everyone shut the fuck up. thinking so hard about elementary sherlock being introduced as a selfish character who avoids situations where empathy and compassion are required - not because he dislikes people but because he believes he is the worst person for the situation. changing once he meets Joan Watson, a woman who gives out blankets & clothes to the homeless, who is compassionate and kind to the mentally ill & dedicated her whole working life to helping others. And he regularly initiates doing that WITH her as he himself grows as a person and LEARNS that whilst he might not be the best person for the job, that doesnt mean any help he may be able to offer is any less valuable. NOT because she makes him, but because he wants to. Because she's important to him & helping others is important to her like SCREAM. invented friends to lovers. bbc sherlock could NEVER
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rocknrollsalad · 23 days
Writers 20 questions tag game!!
Tagged by @hbyrde36. thank you!!! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly stranger things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Boyfriend Test - ADA Version -- Steddie | Eddie learns that Steve really does like metal music (he just couldn't hear it) From the Top, Make it Drop -- Steddie | tik tok trends also ft. deaf!steve Legally Speaking -- Steddie | unfortunately, Eddie learns why Steve legally can't talk about that. It Was a Long Time Coming (Broken Arms and Healed Hearts) -- Steddie | Steve has a broken arm and Eddie's come to help Mountains, Molehills, and Other Such Problems; A Guide on How to Stop Your Nerd Boyfriend From Rambling by Steve Harrington -- Steddie | Steve learns a hack to shut Eddie up (this is my favorite title I've ever made)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yup. Sometimes it takes me a while but I always do
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Fish Tales: Tradition and Family Histories ??? It ends with Wayne's death (not to spoil things lol) but like he's lived a long and very happy life. It was just the natural conclusion and it makes me cry every time.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the rest??? i don't really know which would have the happiest ending. It's mostly one shots in there so it's all a little snap shot and they're all pretty happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, not so far. Love that for me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't
10. Do you write crossovers?
Maybe???? 😉
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No?? Not with permission, I guess lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
In the world?!? it's too early in the morning but i'd say it involves bruce banner. hulk and wolverine??? lol I think I more have a favorite dynamic than a favorite ship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Right now? Lots, sadly. I have a fucking tik tok one shot that I just need to conclude but I lost the motivation
16. What are your writing strengths?
The reviews are: writing shit head teenage boys
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
the fandom favs! angst and smut
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
me doing it? without someone to help, I wouldn't. we all know google translate is not good at it's job. reading fics with other languages in them. love that!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i was late to the game, way late, so bbc sherlock
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It's probably a tie between Fish Tales: Tradition and Family Histories and Tattooing 101: We Don’t Lick Our Clients (Without Consent) for me right now. But I love a lot more of them. Even looking through the titles for this thing I was like AWWWW so good, love you, and all that
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screechingzephyrr · 2 years
ive been posting about wana a lot so heres brainrot thoughts!
-the intro fucking slaps like bro look at those graphics. effervescent
-stewart gotta have some type of trauma from seeing his best friend get obliterated in front of him and having his guts go all over him??
-ben and larrys guards are a couple now and nobody can stop us from saying so
-stewart and greggs makes me want to do a happy dance i love them so much like they literally kissed with tongue and i pointed at my screen
-and they were roommates
-gordan is so silly bc hes intimidating but also hes not
-trater is actuallu really sweet shes just wants people to like her :)
-that IT person is my idol now. the moments where they’re like “if you say so” and gordans like YES I DO????!
-i used to be into bbc sherlock and i was looking at that woman like ???mary??????? huh
-no because i really cannot shut up about greggs and stewart because they had lovers spats and they laid down on grass together and stewart comforted greggs before the show, and greggs comforted stewart about his dead mate and they were roommates and they were like “im not talking to you“ and when bens guard character was like MATES-MATES and they greggs was like uh. and they kissed with tongue and i was like holy shit!!
they really did that
-greggs after opening stewarts shower curtain, “Hi stewart- why are uou screaming- its just me- we’re roommates now :D”
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faggotwalkwithme · 1 year
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hi, i'm theta, mars and basil! > he/him > gay + aroace > 17 :3
i love horror movies and i make them all transgender
my neocities (huge wip) (flashing warning)
my current interests areee > evil dead (+ other bruce campbell and/or sam raimi stuff) > twin peaks > jeffrey combs stuff (esp. reani, the phantom empire, dead man walking & love and a 45)
other stuff i'll definitely still be posting about: -> doctor who -> alternative subcultures (mostly goth and punk) -> fiction podcasts (specifically tma, w.bg and malevolent)
also, i'm in a band! we're @knees-mean-nothing, give us a follow :)
byf; i post a lot of fake gore/blood (like, A LOT of blood!), syringes, i'm a twin peaks fan (so also a lot of topics on sexual assault, incest and all that fun stuff..[/sarc] i'll try to tag this but i'll pribably mess up sometimes) i swear a lot and i use caps lock a lot. just bware if thats not ur jam
also exclusionists and TERFs go fuck yourself! and plz, if u ship minors and adults, block me
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extra stuff below the cut :3
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i literally just made this section because i like lists and i need an excuse.
my tagz: #shut up mars: original text posts | #faggotwalkwithme irl: my face | #friends tag: posts pertaining to. my friends | #friend's art!!!!: art that. is by my friends | #goofyfibula stan account: tag dedicated to my wonderful husbandbf (gender neutral), el | #ptrmoc: posts that remind me of characters | #<3: my favourite posts | #me: posts that r me irl | #gender: posts that give me gender envy
past interests that i may still post about occasionally (if it has an asterix next to it, i still post about it quite a bit!): monster high | warrior cats | musical theatre (in particular, hamilton/heathers/be more chill*/dear evan hansen) | falsettos (gets its on category cuz its so special and cool) | good omens | stranger things/IT | sherlock (<- though if i ever post about that its usually in pain and making fun of it) | doctor who* | life on mars/ashes to ashes | what we do in the shadows | bbc ghosts (and other six idiots content in general) | sing street | mozart l'opera rock | bugsnax | detroit: become human (im so sorry) | goncharov (i tag unreality) | the magnus archives* | red valley | malevolent | WOE.BEGONE | fight club | the rocky horror picture show
more casual interests i'll still post about: camp here and there | MASH | interview with the vampire | buffy the vampire slayer | little lunch | bill and ted | severance | flight of the conchords | derry girls | the young ones |
also umm some microlabels: quasiromantic, orientated aroace, genderfaun, xenogenders (im considering making like a blog or something where i document them all :3), aegosexual, grayromantic
top artists of all time according to last.fm: pulp | will wood | they might be giants | the cure | angelo badalamenti | mitski | oingo boingo | strawberry switchblade | the smiths | blur | pixies | talking heads | radiohead | david bowie | lemon demon | julee cruise | new order | hot freaks
my birthday is on february 24th :3 i'm from australia and indonesia!!! i'm an avatar of the lonely lets fucking go
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trixeraptops · 2 years
My second ever commentary post how fun
This time it's Enola Holmes 2
This is a live reaction so there is no context, suffer.
Warnings for swearing and all capsAnyways let's hop in the carriage and travel back to Victorian(?) England.
Ooh letter burning for the logo fun
Ok I doubt any of this is true don't lie to me bitch
Why is she running away from the police?What did she do
I will say she looks good
Yeah you should explain and I do remember you
Oh yay she opened a detective agency
Awww she kept Dash how cute
But didn't she give it Sherlock in the end of the last movie?
She forgot how sexist and ageist her time period is lmao
Hah they all just want Sherlock221B!!!!!
Trying not to draw attention, blows up a mailbox
Tewksbury is champion for change and progress I love it
Girl you have time for a little distraction you fucking tsundere
Oh her agency is already shut down
2who is it
Aw a little girl she's so. Cute I love her scarf
Ooh the cinematic shot
Enola looks so out of place lol
I hope this is pro Bono I don't think this girl has much
Enola don't look so put off, not everyone is rich as you
Ew rat
We weren't sisters in the usual way, love that
It soesnt mean anything to the Lil one but to Mae it clearly does
Aw this is so sweet
The game is afoot Jesus your finding a missing person not hunting one
Changed her name to Hilda
They're looking for disease at the entrance omg
Bruv you're gonna get yourself and bessie in trouble bruv
That was smart tho
Ooh torn pages that's sus
She stole the pages?
Oh that woman has such a soft voice it's so pretty but I can't hear her
Mae definetely knows somethingMae was involves in the theft o.o
Haha 'young lady I'm afraid I'm married'
Damn she's in a bar and it's fucking rowdy in here
Mae is a showgirl isn't she?
She is
That was a fun jaunty number
The missing worked with Mae as a showgirl
Jesus Mae
Lol fake knife
False bottom! I knew she was a top lmao
It's a sappy romance poem
She ran away to marry someone didnt she?Ooh drama
Dun dunbdun mysterious blurred fellow in the background
Ew he's following her
He hid but he's very loud what is cane made of metal?
Sherlock! He's drunk
Lol roasted
His bullshit tips are everything
Now sh I'm thinking you should write that down
You shouldn't get so drunk ehen you have no way home write that down
Wait is she gonna live with her brother or is this is a John reveal?
Jesus christ he's really fucking observant even when drunk and hungover
I don't need tour help! But I'm still taking the food you offered
Don't speak with a mouthful
Ooh she sits where he walks to work so they can run jnto each other.
She looks so upset after making a joke
That was so awkward lmao
Feel a need?
It's a coded poem! Open mouth
She's so excited
You didn't have to say you don't sew bruv we get it your not like other girls
I doubt this case will get media coverage
The doors open o.o
Suspecious...But not as sus as her for breaking into someone's house
Oh this shows a struggle and abandonment
MAE she's dead!
This case just got alot more interesting
It'd mr.clangy
Sarah is wanted oof
Oh he tried to be respectful but superintendent is a bitch
I hate this guy I'm calling him mr.clangy forever now
Lestrade is so fucking calm, your boss just got punched in the gut
Hah he doesn't remember you bruv
Just a friendly visit cause your sis is running away from the cops
I cant I can't, maybe I can
He's such a fangirl omg
Damn she roof hopping
Shit she almost fell, she gone die
Wait what the fuck
Enola Holmes is turning all the men in England trans lol
I wonder if the cases are related
Wait Moriarty maybe?
I'm a slut for BBC Sherlock so forgive all the speculation that's purely based on BBC Sherlock, I know they aren't related
He has this walk
Immediate recognition lmao
Enola looks weirded out
You tell Sherlock! She made it bout herself, she wants media attention not to help
Haha callback
He just walks past them lmao
I think Poppy might be a chick but I could be wrong
A hat! Dun dun dunnn
It's not a date it's a place!
Williams for reds not a Poppy at all
I'm going to a ball yay! Ew
Smh Enola
I love her cloak
Her dress is so pretty
Why is the music so sus when they light the cake
Lol the chaperone
She keeps forgetting what her society is like
Bitch you live here how do you forget this shit
He's actually leading Sherlock in a dance lmao
Oh she gone get caught
Tabitha Timothy lol
Fan language!!! Oh thats so clever and cute!
But she doesn't know fan language hahaha she immediately messed up
Omg Tewkesbury
Of course he's doing something with plants
This is so weird and cute i love their little relationship
Haha I love her
You're a man when I say soShe's such a bitch
She's a natural at dancing or maybe just with Tewksbury
What does that mean lmao
Don't touch the ginger cake!
Wait dance cards are an actual thing lmao
ID the writing ON SIGHT
jealous bitch
Cicely seems nice, she complimented Enola even if she had an outdated dress
Dislocated and I'll scream, ICON
He knows Bessie!
Ooh a secret meeting how funBunch of random letters returns
I hope their as gay as the BBC
Not the police barging in
She gave him her evidence! How sweet
Cecily is the only one who looks concerned for her everyone else is making fun of her
Keep silent Enola!
Shut up mr.clangy no one likes you
Oh no he's gonna kill Bessie isn't he :(
His job is to kill match girls who are needling out the corruption?
Oooh mr.clangy stopped Sherlock from getting her
Those fingerprints are blurry at best
Ohmygod I was typing the last line then Sherlock kicked a fucking sign and scared a cat
It's the jujitsu woman!
It's ok you can say it
Ew I don't like how that guard looked at Enola
Wtf whyd they push her into the center?They're gonna hang her? Or beat her? What?
No its jujitsu lady
Prison break bitches
Her mom really likes bombs huh
Carriage chase carriage chase
Theure giving people typhus or something
He's gonna jump on isn't heNot anymore lol
Mr.clangy you bitch stop shooting st them
You go girl
Holy shit he just broke their wheel
I hope the horses are all right
Probably are they disappeared with the crash
Fuck off you bitch
Aw they changed her into new clothes how nice
Her mother is initiating boy talk
He ain't my Boi
I love that's she's acknowledging her part in Enola self isolating
She's encouraging her to get allies ♡
I love these women
She just winked? Why?
Get a haircut as your parting word lmao
I knew it
They're killing the match girls by giving them typhus through the MATCHES
And Sarah figured it out
She and Mae were expirementing eith it
They tested flies, mice, plants
Extraordinary I love them
She went to Tewkesbury!!!
His flat is filled with flowers and plants ♡♡♡♡
I love him
Yay their allies
Jealous bitch
Shut up you awkward bruv
To be fair they spelled it out
She sent Ily to William too
We live we laugh we love
Just tell em your a lord, I am, then they'll believe you omg
The contempt in their voices I love this sibling dynamic
I knew they were connected I KNEW
Is that guy dead
He is
Moriarty is dead :(
Haha Tewkesbury
It's a set up!
Is Moriarty actually alive
He is
Ooh William thankyou for golding onto that
It's a letter isn't it
Nope map
Dora Dora Dora the explora
He can't fight lol
She's just beating him up until he pussies up and fights her
After she punched him multiple times lol
They're so cute
Secret treasure
She was wearing a wig this whole time damn
Uh oh they have to tell her he's dead
Aww poor Sarah ♡
Ew mr.clangy
Tewksbury is getting fucked up
Ooh but he's got a sword now
Fuck off clangy
Did Sherlock just kill someone?
How many bullets has he got? It's a small gun can't be too many
Retractable knife for the win!
Ah shit she got knicked in the head real bad
Yes Tewkesbury fuck him up and get your girl
Shit clangy is dead Enola full ass killed him
Now that murder charge is valid
Sherlock you dramatic bitch
Go off queen! Tell him, dick him down verbally
Society creates yet another villain
For now at least, love thatOh no is the bad guy gonna win?
He paper burning is beautiful though
But the movie isn't over yet
Shut up boss man
Sometimes an inspiring speech doesn't work
At least not right away
Yiu go Bessie I love you girl
This is amazing I love this
I think this music was at the end of the other movie too
She runs her agency out of the fighting place now :)
Holmes and Holmes ♡♡♡♡
But I glad she refused
The running write that down gag ♡
They're gonna meet with jne another ♡
Ah they're so cute
I love them so much
Ohhhh the true part was Match Girl Strike that makes more sense
I thought I heard of match girls before
♡♡♡♡/5 I loved this movie
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I’ve recently watched and rewatched a shitload of Scooby Doo and now I’ve decided that there’s two potential reboot things I’d actually like to see from the franchise that have never been done and probably never will, no matter how much other shit there is. The first is a very melodramatic, gritty, all-grown-up live action that doesn’t get the Riverdale treatment but rather is just like BBC Sherlock. Imagine, for a second, an adult Mystery Inc where like Fred’s a full blown drug addict and maybe Shaggy is too and Velma’s just a miserable narcissist and there’s everything with Sherlock how none of the deductive process actually makes sense and then also every case is just the most absurd shit ever. Oh and Scooby would talk but only in the drug induced hallucinations and maybe it would even turn out like the fucking s4 finale so he’s not real and it’s actually like Shaggy who died a while ago but they were all made to forget and then misremember him as a fucking dog. It would be terrible and absolutely hilarious and you cannot convince me otherwise.
The other thought is another take with them all being all grown up or whatever but, instead of really bad BBC Sherlock type shit, it’s a period piece written just like an Agathe Christie series. It would be more serious than any of the original stuff and like Scooby wouldn’t talk, plus I’m thinking something like this could be great for period appropriate social drama stuff. This could even lead to like fake dating/fake marriage stuff to get people to shut up and stop being judgey, for example. Oh and I’d be inclined to be all unprecedented by having like actual Murder She Wrote type mysteries and ditch the masks and costumes and stuff.
But yeah, just some thoughts.
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okamixxiii · 2 years
Elijah 01
Being on tumblr makes me wanna feel more homely and less professional and then I suddenly remember I can just like,, lore dump anytime I want and post out of a time schedule just like back in 2014. Anyways someone on Deviant Art asked about Elijah! So ill be chatting about him in this moment. Cant say today because LMAO Ill probably be back on here later talking about another oc.
I dont really talk about him as much as I should and I have very few content of him in it. Truth is I purposely dont really expand on him as much as to try and bend/taint his character that I fleshed out for him to be. Its something that happens quite often when I try to dive too deep and I find that by a fault a lot of my characters end up feeling the same-- to me at least. So its a preventative measure.  Here IS what i have about him though: Elijah Alan Spence, Agent Spence, Code name Black Rabbit, or for some: Eli!  He’s an elite agent that has worked his way up through T.K.E.A ranks (ill make a t.k.e.a thing later just check lore tag or somn before I actually decide to learn how to structure my text posts). Although he’s an elite agent dont think that his views align with what T.K.E.A is doing. Hes mostly a ‘good’ guy wrapped up in bad things type deal since I love doing that for some reason.  The initial belief was that he could work his way up and change it that way but its clear that because of him being brought into the agency as only an agent that there was a dead end when it comes to working yourself up to more ceo levels. The highest you can go would be what he is; an elite.  When he realized that was also when he realized that T.K.E.A basically silences any defective agents so there was no way to change things without getting himself murdered. So he was put in a space where he had to continue his job while figuring out how to fix things undercover.  Unfortunately until Chris (when T.K.E.A really started fucking up) there wasnt anything that was really pushing him to just make the jump without thinking.    Now I know that sounds weak ended on his part but let me explain something:  Elijah was very very inspired by tah-dah! 
BBC Sherlock! *1# on all time favorite and comfort shows to watch and HAS seen it 10 times in total. No, Im not joking.*
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So if you picked up on this, congratulations! Here's a cookie. Now that means in this he has a very similar qualities as Sherlock Holmes that he cannot operate without thinking things through. Not until a time really calls for it. I am NOT saying that Christian Edens is his John, gods no. In fact his “john” actually was his partner (in the work sense) died at a job.  Its just more or so the situation with Chris was a final straw, one that really made Elijah say ‘enough is enough!’. He may seem brief and brutally honest on the outside that often makes him come across as an asshole but on the inside he truly does have a heart for those in need and a drive to stride for something better for everyone. Its just he will be doing it in his own way and gods forbid if anyone tried to change his direction he laid out for himself. Hes very stubborn. 
Elijah took the cards he was dealt with and made the absolute most of them of what he could. It just, wasnt enough at the time.
Hes highly intelligent, though bit rough around the edges when it comes to socialization. Like Sherlock again as his inspiration, he can make quick deductions but has a hard time keeping his mouth shut when he makes those deductions. Not everyone enjoys his honesty and way of ‘no bullshitting’.  Just because he has a heart doesnt mean he isnt a bit egotistical at times either. Its just not all the time. its like “hey look at how smart I am!”.  Other things to note is wow! Hes a rabbit shifter! His pronouns are he/him strictly and hes *sighs* straight. One of the very f e w ocs I have that are cishet. Though sometimes I do make some interesting hcs about him at least trying things. >_> Idk if ill put those here though. They are sexual in nature. LOL
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