#shut up jena
rock-a-noodle · 18 days
Jena Malone, Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci and Mara Wilson are the four brunette former child stars known for unconventional roles and growing up to be quirky snarky horsewomen of the apocalypse.
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macaroni-0verlord · 7 months
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@nyamafriend you and your husband
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leah-lover · 5 months
Two hearts one timeline. Alexia putellas x reader.
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Part 2. Part 1
When you woke up the only thing you could feel was the soreness between your legs. Your consciousness took a minute to come to you. You started to slowly become aware of your surroundings. The pillow beneath you didn't feel like yours. You were on your side and a set of arms were holding you. You were being spooned by someone. Alexia was spooning you. Your eyes popped open as you started to remember what happened last night. You confronted Alexia. She confessed that she had feelings for you and you two slept together. Your jaw dropped when the details came to you. She threw you on her bed. You two made out. She Ate you out, and fucked you with her strap multiple times. She was dominant, rough, and demanding, but she kept praising you and telling how good you were for her, she praised you into taking her big strap, and edged you. She didn't let you come easily, you had to beg her for it time and time again. You also remembered that you returned the favor to her. You went down on her and she grabbed your hair while doing so. You felt proud when you remembered that you made her feel so good.
You couldn't help but move when the events of last night were flooding your memory which woke Alexia.
“Buen día.” She whispered in your ears. You then smile and turn your back. “buen día.” You reply. “ Sorry I woke you.” You whisper still.
“cómo te sientes?” She asked.
“ Well I can't feel my legs. Other than that I feel fine.” You say jokingly which she chuckled as a response.
“you are gonna force me to speak English aren't you?”
“ We can speak both.” You respond.
You two lay there in the dark, comfortable in the silence and in each other's touch.
Suddenly, you felt her hand trace along your stomach and chest, her hand was gentle she almost doesn't touch your skin.
“ Why didn't you tell me earlier?” You ask.
“ I didn't want to take advantage of you. I wanted to protect you from pressure and what people would say.”
“ Capitana, people are my last thought. I would trade everything to stay here with you forever.”
“ Are you sure?” She asks with worry in her voice. As a response you turn around to face her. Your hand cups her cheek, and kiss her in a short and sweet way. “ Yes I am.” You say as soon as you pull out. She attaches her lips to yours again this time pulling your body closer to hers. You make out for a little while longer only for your alarm to interrupt your sweet moment. You pull out from the kiss and touch her nose with yours. You stay like that for a moment before pulling out hold to shut your alarm.
You two then get up. You shower while she prepares your coffee. Once you were in the shower you notice the dark spots all over your neck, chest, and thighs. You smile and make a mental note to cover them up once you are in your car.
“ Seems like you had fun with my neck last night.” You say to her when you get out of the shower. She smiles at you and says “ I can do whatever with what's mine. “
“ So my body is yours then.”
“ Your the one who said that while begging me to come last night.” She responds.
“ Let's not bring that up or else I would want a rematch.”
You two leave her apartment and head towards the practice facility.
Upon arriving you two didn't look at each other or talk to one other. You joined your usual group and spent the day separately.
“te ves diferente” said Claudia after you left the gym to go to the pitch.
“no dormí mucho.” You respond.
“no, no es eso. Apenas escondes una gran sonrisa. Qué paso anoche” added Jena.
“nada. Déjalo en paz.” You respond before you run to the pitch leaving your friends behind.
While you were training you kept feeling Alexia’s eyes burn through your skin. As a result you were more alert to your surroundings. You kept making good shots, never missing the back of the net. You aced all your drills and tried your best to impress Alexia.
“Lo hiciste muy bien hoy americana.” Said aitana after you were done training.
“Me siento muy feliz hoy, supongo que eso ayudó.” You respond to her loud enough for Alexia to hear.
You went through the rest of your day at the facility normally. You did some recovery, you showered, got ready and left for your car all while not saying a word to Alexia.
When you arrived at your car you found her waiting by it.
“ Let drive to my house.” She says as soon as you two are face to face.
“ No.” You respond.
“ What do you mean no. Did I do anything wrong?” She says nervously.
“ I am not going home with you again.”
“ por qué¿”
“ I am not a whore for you to sleep with whenever you want. If you want to sleep with me again you have to ask me out on a date, charm me with your presence, and convince me to go home with you.”
“ will you go on a date with me?,”
“ No. “ You say before getting in your car.
“ This won't be easy Capitana.” You say before driving away.
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lya-dustin · 1 month
(@queen--kenobi) Oh the bed prompt #8, dealer's choice as the pairing!
ohh I love that perse💙💙💙
⁸⁾ in a fit of anger after a mission gone wrong, both characters sleep in the only available bed because no one was chivalrous to offer to take the floor
Desperate Measures
cw: mentions of murder, poison, sex, implied sexual abuse, referenced domestic abuse, mentions of court intrigue
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Jena Mertyns knows damn well what awaits her if she does not do this.
She has no brothers and while Andal law prohibited a cousin or an uncle inheriting before a daughter, Jena knew they would just marry her to her brute of a cousin and call it a day.
After all that was what they did when she was six and ten a decade ago. And now Casper Mertyns was dead by her own hand only to have his odious brother dispose of his bride after she finally birthed a healthy son and brought the matter to the King.
Jena could not become Byron the Brute’s wife nor lose Mistwood to that fucker. She didn’t kill her drunkard of a father and her cruel husband to lose her freedom and rights to Byron of all people.
The only way to keep her title and lands away from her goodbrother was to seek a husband with the power to shift the small council’s favor to her and give her the son Casper the Cunt lacked the virility to provide her with.
Not necessarily a lord paramount nor the heir to a greater house, the son or a member of the King’s Privy Council would do. But Beesbury’s sons are wed, Larys Strong would kill her before she can kill him, recently widowed Cousin Jasper is too new to his post, Tyland Lannister was happily married to a Reyne and, while she would give her right arm to fuck Criston Cole, the Kingsguard were sworn for life and chances are he will end up fucking the queen the moment Viserys croaks.
Which left only two men.
The Queen’s brother, heir to nothing but some meager holdings and also said man’s father.
But Ser Otto had not been in his rooms and his staff too difficult to bribe which resulted in this change to her plans.
Come morning she will be betrothed to Ser Gwayne Hightower and plenty of red-haired babes will stand between her and her goodbrother soon after.
“I heard rumors of your promiscuity, but never heard the part where you chase your victims, Lady Jena.” Gwayne enters his room to find her in a half-laced kirtle on his bed.
“Then it is your lucky day, Ser.” The dark-haired woman plays up her seductive nature as he makes to leave only to find the door locked from the outside, just as she had paid his manservant and guards to do.
“Night, you mean.” The red-haired knight groans when he finds himself too high up in the tower to successfully climb down from it. “I will not fuck you, but I will not let you sleep in my bed.”
“And I will not leave this bed, you may put your sword between us if you fear I will steal your virtue.” She moves to the side and pats the place where she expects her soon-to-be husband to sleep.
For the crime of fucking some of her father’s creditors to keep herself alive and fed, she has been branded a whore. As if the world wasn’t filled with women who had to fuck a man they didn’t want to stay alive, or in the Queen’s case, on their father’s orders.
And now because she will not marry Byron and suffer under him like she suffered his elder brothee and her own father, she has done to Gwayne what some men do to gain a wife.
He will forgive her and marry her; he is known for the chivalry his father pretends to have.
“Why are you doing this?” Gwayne asks as he undressed behind a screen as if a naked man were something unknown to her.
“I need a husband who is well-connected enough to keep Byron from claiming me and Mistwood.” The Stormlander does not beat around the bush, her prey is captured, and the trap shut too tight to prevent escape. “Your father would not wish to lose the chance of gaining a real inheritance for you as well as a foothold in the Stormlands if the offer presented itself.”
“Then why not seduce him?” the red-haired man pulls on a cotton nightshirt over his head now having completely tossed away his court clothes.
“I tried; his room is too closely guarded.” Jena’s answer results in stifled mirth.
“So, you consoled yourself with trapping me?” he asks, and she answered with a yes.
“Upon reflection, I realized I needed to change my course if I wanted to succeed. While it is impractical to wed a man too old to manipulate and too young to die of perceived natural causes—” Jena explains her schemes inner working.
“Perceived natural causes?” he laughs knowing how easily it came to her to admit she’d kill her husband the moment he became a burden.
“He has been removed once; the second time will include the removal of his soul from his mortal body. Most bet it will be Daemon Targaryen who does it, others think your sister might dine privately with Lord Larys again and make him Hand.” The dark-haired lady states the obvious. As good at hiding as the Green Queen is, she forgets the Master of Whisperers was publicly seen entering her chamber and in a fortnight his father and brother were gone along with Harrenhal’s century long repairs.
Gods, Jena loathes when people deny their own capacity for evil. Alicent Hightower may claim innocence all she wants, but no one who plays these sorts of games lasts a single round without blooding their hands directly or indirectly.
Jena should know, her last sexual favor paid for the poison in her husband’s drinking horn and soon enough it will be Byron’s turn. If her dear goodsister wishes, it could go into King Viserys’ favorite goblet and his daughter’s wedding wine.
“I never resort to tricks like this, when I want to fuck a man all I have to do is look at him and he will cross mountains and oceans to find my bed.” She holds his gaze to show her boast holds grains of truth.
No matter how many prayers are held, and Seven-Pointed Stars appear, a cunt opened more doors than a chest full of gold dragons. Something Ser Otto confirmed when he sent four- and ten-year-old Alicent to Viserys’ bed almost six and ten years ago.
“Then why not seduce me that way? You were quite impressive at eye fucking me during yesterday’s service at the Sept.” the Knight asks finally giving up and laying on the bed with her.
“Byron’s petitioning the King for my hand tomorrow. Killed his wife for the occasion and everything, I cannot afford to have the Council rule the way they did back then.” This interrogation was not what she had planned, but she supposed Gwayne is not the type to rush into the battle without a strategy. “Trust me, I would have had you on your back by the next service if the situation allowed it.”
“You are a bold one, but I do not believe your appeal is that powerful, Lady Hightower.” He turns on his side and takes in the sight of her finally getting to the part she wanted: the part where they fuck.
“Shall we put it to the test, Lord Mertyns?”
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday handed a sweeping win to former President Donald Trump by ruling states cannot kick him off the ballot over his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — bringing a swift end to a case with huge implications for the 2024 election.
The court in an unsigned ruling with no dissents reversed the Colorado Supreme Court, which determined that Trump could not serve again as president under section 3 of the Constitution's 14th Amendment.
The provision prohibits those who previously held government positions but later “engaged in insurrection” from running for various offices.
The court said the Colorado Supreme Court had wrongly assumed that states can determine whether a presidential candidate or other candidate for federal office is ineligible.
The ruling makes it clear that Congress, not states, has to set rules on how the 14th Amendment provision can be enforced against federal office-seekers. As such the decision applies to all states, not just Colorado. States retain the power to bar people running for state office from appearing on the ballot under section 3.
"Because the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the states, responsible for enforcing section 3 against all federal officeholders and candidates, we reverse," the ruling said.
By deciding the case on that legal question, the court avoided any analysis or determination of whether Trump's actions constituted an insurrection.
The decision comes just a day before the Colorado primary.
Minutes after the ruling, Trump hailed the decision in an all-capital-letters post on his social media site, writing, "Big win for America!!!"
In addition to ensuring that Trump remains on the ballot in Colorado, the decision will end similar cases that have arisen. So far only two other states, Maine and Illinois, have followed Colorado's path. Like the Colorado ruling, both those decisions were put on hold.
In a statement, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold acknowledged the court ruling “that states do not have the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for federal candidates. In accordance with this decision, Donald Trump is an eligible candidate on Colorado’s 2024 Presidential Primary.”
The Supreme Court decision removes one avenue to holding Trump accountable for his role in challenging the 2020 election results, including his exhortation that his supporters should march on the Capitol on Jan. 6, when Congress was about to formalize President Joe Biden’s win.
Trump is facing criminal charges for the same conduct. The Supreme Court in April will hear oral arguments on Trump’s broad claim of presidential immunity.
The ruling warned of the dangers of a patchwork of decisions around the country that could send elections into chaos if state officials had the freedom to determine who could appear on the ballot for president.
"The result could well be that a single candidate would be declared ineligible in some states, but not others, based on the same conduct," the ruling said.
Although the bottom-line vote was unanimous, there were some divisions on the court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, as to how the case was resolved. The three liberal justices — Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson — complained in a jointly written concurring opinion that the court had decided more than it needed to by laying out how section 3 could be enforced by Congress.
Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett agreed that the court went further than required, although she did not join the liberal justices' opinion.
The liberal justices said the decision could "insulate" Trump from "future controversy."
The ruling "shuts the door on other potential means of federal enforcement" of section 3, they added.
Barrett said that although she had some disagreements with the rationale, the liberals should not “amplify disagreement” in such a politically charged case. “All nine justices agree on the outcome of this case. That is the message Americans should take home," she added.
The Colorado court based its Dec. 19 ruling on section 3, which was enacted after the Civil War to prevent former Confederates from returning to power in the U.S. government.
The case raised several novel legal issues, including whether the language applies to candidates for president and who gets to decide whether someone engaged in an insurrection.
The state high court’s decision reversed a lower court’s ruling in which a judge said Trump had engaged in insurrection by inciting the Jan. 6 riot but that presidents are not subject to the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment because they are not an “officer of the United States.”
Trump and his allies raised that point as well as other arguments that the 14th Amendment cannot be applied. They also argued that Jan. 6 was not an insurrection.
Republicans, including Trump’s primary opponents, broadly supported his claim that any attempt to kick him off the ballot is a form of partisan election interference. Some Democrats including California Gov. Gavin Newsom have also expressed unease about the 14th Amendment provision being used as a partisan weapon.
The initial lawsuit was filed on behalf of six Colorado voters by the left-leaning government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and two law firms.
They alleged in court papers that Trump “intentionally organized and incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol in a desperate attempt to prevent the counting of electoral votes cast against him.”
Colorado is one of more than a dozen states that has its primary election on Tuesday.
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anogtsamsfan · 8 months
Tsams Characters On A Car Ride
🌙Moon🌙: driving
☀️Sun☀️: in the front
🫘Lunar🏳️‍🌈: on Earths phone
🌍Earth🌎: looking at what Lunar is doing on her phone
🔪Bloodmoon🩸: in the trunk
🇬🇧Ruin🇬🇧: (didn’t know what to do with him lol)
🌟Pollux♊️: standing on the roof
♊️Castor⭐️: laying down on the roof
🔥Eclipse🌓: staring at the window
🔧Solar🌓: sleeping in the back
+ OCs and friends!
♒️Me🌗: drawing and not knowing Earth turned on hotspot
♌️Nora🍫: pretending to sleep and Whenever they hear a noise they tell the person to shut up
💫Juno🌓: singing along to every song she knows
🌓Echo💫: tired of her sisters sh!t
⭐️Starlight⭐️: pointing out everything cool they see
🌓Nisshoku🔧: sleeping on Solars lap
🟠Juawn🟣: requesting songs every time a song finishes. 🌓Rose🌹: also requesting songs every time a song finishes.
🌓Beckena❤️: fidgeting with her hands
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New Orleans Community Forum: Solidarity with Migrant Communities in Louisiana
Sunday, March 26 - 3:00 p.m.
511 N Hennessey St (between St. Louis and Toulouse)
Say NO to Family Detention
Say NO to ICE
Full Legal Rights to Migrants
Shut Down ICE Prisons
In recent days, Biden has moved to revive the policy of putting families in horrific ICE prisons like the one in Jena, Louisiana where 300 migrants went on hunger strike to protest deplorable conditions and human rights abuses. The proposed 2024 US budget increases funding for ICE and Border Patrol by nearly $1 billion. We will not stand by as the capitalists ramp up attacks on our migrant brothers and sisters.
Join Workers Voice Socialist Movement and speakers from Unión Migrante to discuss, learn, and share
How US capitalists cause migration
How the rich become richer from the exploitation of migrant workers
Why full rights for migrant workers lift up US-born workers
Condition of oppression for migrant adults and children
The fight to dismantle migrant prisons and support resistance
A workers’ campaign to defeat Jeff Landry for governor
Movimiento Socialista de la Voz Obrera
Con presentadores y oradores de Unión Migrante
Acompáñanos para discutir, aprender y compartir sobre:Como los capitalistas de los Estados Unidos causaron la migraciónComo los ricos quieren volverse más ricos a través de la explotación de los obreros migrantesNos quieren divididos: como mejores condiciones laborales para los obreros migrantes benefician a los obreros ciudadanos de los Estados UnidosCondiciones de opresión en las que viven los migrantes adultos y niñxsLa lucha para desmantelar las prisiones para migrantesUna campaña obrera para derrotar a Jeff Landry quien quiere ser gobernado
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
TickleTober Day 3: Suspense/Anticipation
A/N:this is my first AOT tickle fic/drabble AHHH OMG I HOPE THIS IS GOOD✨
“Dude what the hell are you giggling for?” Jean asked confused. “Connie are you like afraid it’s gonna hurt or something” Eren asked also confused.
“NO idiots I knohow it won’t hurt it’s— nohone of your beeswax no just doho it jean PLEASE AUGHHH” Connie whined.
“Well I can’t if you keep flinching k don’t wan to poke you or something”
“SHHHHH SHUT uhup you won’t you won’t just pull it out”
What happened you may ask well, Connie though it was a good idea to not use any protection when jumping from tree to tree, so now he has this big old splinter in his side that hurts.
“Well you keep FLINCHING” Eren emphasized. “Yeager hold him down” Jean fed up with him, sitting on top of his waist while Eren pinned his arms above his head.
“Nonoho Doho nAahat” Connie freaked out anticipated badly.
“Dude I already pulled it out like 30 seconds ago”Jean scoffed before he connected the dots. “Oh my JOSH YOUR FREAKING TICKLISH”
“Noho I’m not”
“The suspense must’ve been really been getting to ya since you were so exposed” Jean teased a bit quickly swiping down his side
“Noho dohon’t eren lehemme uhup” Connie giggly struggled, trying to loosen up Eren’s grip.
“Sorry no can do, plus no point in trying to loosen my grip, it’s a known and proven fact that I have the strongest grip here” Eren bragged a bit.
Jean glided his hands up and down Connie sides not touching him though.
“Stahahap ihihit”
“Stop what I’m not even touching you”
“Yohohou knohohow what you’re dohohoing meanie”
Jean then rested his hands on Connie sides receiving a squeak
“AHA juhust doho it ahallreadehehe”
“Do what?” Jean asked knowing exactly what he was talking about.
“Ihihi hahate you soho muhuch right nohow”
“I— That’s it mister” Jean gasped at the ‘insult’ diggings into his sides.
“gyAhAhahaha dohohon’t TIHickle meEhE”
“No this is what you get for insulting me you know hate is a very VERY strong word to use”
“IHi’m sahaharREHE I wOhon’t useEhe hAhate ever agaAhahain” Connie managed to get out
“Mhm I accept I’m still gonna tickle you though” Jena chuckled as he dug into his ribs.
“NAhaahaha STAHahahahAhAHAAp” Connie squealed.
“FriggEHEEn JErkyAhahaAGAHA nahaha”
“Rude I must be to a tickle spot of yours anyway the way you keep squealing”. Jean pointed out.
“You should try his pits” Eren suggested.
“Nohoho anyehehewhere buhuhut therAHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHAHA”
“Whoops sorry my fingers slipped” Jean lied.
“Well no duh it’s suppose obvi” Eren sassed.
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gamerkitten · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
A little something from the heist chapter of Highway to Hell that I'm still trudging through. Shout out to @ghostoffuturespast for the tag!
She and Jackie sprinted for the pillar,which slid open to reveal a small compartment. She slid inside, Jackie cramming himself in beside her just as the elevator slid open and Yorinobu stepped into the suite;flanked by a  behemoth of chrome and very little flesh.
“Is that-”
“Fucking Adam Smasher.”Jenae finished,dread and fear tangling in her gut.
“Are they here yet?” Yorinobu asked, pacing.
“They're approaching from the landing pad.” a cool feminine voice replied over the speakers
“Bug,”Jenae breathed,”who do we have incoming?”
There was a pause, then T-Bug’s voice came through,quiet with horror.
“No way,it can’t be.”
“Who is it?”
“Saburo Arasaka.”
“The Emperor,” Jackie said, incredulous,”another ass-licking legend.”
Jenae hardly heard him over the blood pounding in her ears as she watched the old man descend the stairs, though her attention didn’t remain on him for long before turning to the man that followed behind like a sentient shadow,breaking off when they reached the bottom to scan the room for threats.
She watched him stalk toward their hiding spot, her stomach giving such an unpleasant twist that she thought she would be sick. Not that that would matter when he dragged them out and executed them.
“Oh shit!”
She grabbed Jackie’s hand,willing him to shut up as she found herself staring into the glowing red optics of one of the deadliest men working for Arasaka,the Emperor’s right hand.
Well, there were certainly worse people to be killed by;like the walking hunk of metal standing off to the side. 
Maybe Saburo would give them one thief apiece. 
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ainyan · 2 years
“I’m sorry, Szah’li.” He paused as they walked along the dusty road leading away from Specula Imperatoris, blinking at the sere landscape ahead of them as he tried to process her words. “I shouldn’t have - I lost my head a little, back there.”
Turning, he eyed Alisaie warily, as if expecting some kind of trick to come from this unexpected show of contrition. “It’s fine,” he replied with characteristic shortness. Seeing the glint in her dark eyes, he shrugged and added, “You pulled it together. You helped those in need first. Everyone was a little overwhelmed by what happened, but you didn’t let it get to you.”
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Alisaie made a sound of exasperation. “I know, but I never should have allowed myself to become distracted in the first place. It’s just - it’s Alphinaud,” she finished lamely. “He’s my brother. He’s more than my brother. We’re - we…” She trailed off, struggling to find the words to describe her feelings.
Szah’li let her flounder for a moment, then sighed, closing his eyes. “Alisaie, I understand.”
She shook her head, her attention more on her thoughts than on him. “No. I mean, I know you had siblings - or I guess you did,” she added, frowning to realize she knew almost nothing about him. “But-”
“I had a twin sister, Alisaie,” he interrupted her flatly.
His words fell into silence as she stared at him. He could see the moment she processed his exact phrasing; her eyes grew wide and her face softened. “I… Szah’li.”
He wished he’d kept his mouth shut, but the miqo’te was truly out of the bag, and there was no point in letting the questions linger between them. “Her name was Sajena,” he said quietly. “She was older than me by about a quarter of an hour, and bossy with it. You know,” he added, seeing Alisaie’s mouth twitch. “Irritating and demanding and always fucking right.” It hit him as it always did, with a sudden gut-punch that left him breathless. “Gods, but I miss her.”
Alisaie was silent, and after a moment, Szah’li turned and began walking again. He heard the crunch of boots on gravel behind him and assumed the red mage was following him. Moments later, she darted up beside him, falling into step. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
He should have known she’d not let it go. “How could you?” he asked. “I don’t speak of it. To anyone,” he added, hoping she would get the hint.
What was he thinking? “I know. Alphinaud says it’s like pulling teeth learning anything about you.”
Bloody Scions, always so damn curious. Szah’li stopped again, and Alisaie stumbled to a halt beside him, turning to look at his impassive face. “She died,” he said softly, voice emotionless, “when the rest of my family died. They’re all gone, Alisaie. Not just Sajena. So believe me when I tell you I understand what was going through your mind when we saw the tower collapse. The same thing,” he added, reaching out to touch her forehead with one gentle forefinger, “that goes on up here every time you two are separated. Because you’re just like Sajena. A firebrand who loves the hell out of her brother. ‘Jena would have done anything for me, and you’d do anything for Alphinaud. And just as we’d,” he murmured, “do anything for you.”
When she remained silent, staring at him, he lowered his hand, holding her dark blue eyes for a moment longer. Finally, he shrugged. “So no more apologies because you worry about him. I get it. But,” he added when he heard her draw in a breath, “I really don’t want to talk about it right now. Things are a little too…” He trailed off, thinking of Conrad’s lifeless body, of the twisted remains of the tower and of those caught beneath the wreckage. “Raw.”
“Fine. That’s… you’re right,” Alisaie replied, only a little grudgingly. Relieved, he began walking again, the elezen at his side. “Maybe, when things calm down…”
He wanted to tell her no. He’d only told his story willingly to two others. Another had seen it through his eyes, through his Echo, but they’d never spoken of it before she’d passed on from his life. What had happened that fateful night not quite two years ago had happened to a different person, a different man. And yet, when he opened his mouth to tell her this, the words that spilled out came of their own volition. “Yeah. Sure. When things calm down, we can talk about it.”
He didn’t need to see her face to know she was staring at him. “Uhm. Good,” she said hesitantly. “Good. Okay then. Later.”
There was no need to reply, and they walked on towards Ala Ghiri in silence, each caught up in their own thoughts, their own memories, and their own regrets.
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timoswerner · 2 years
also can jermaine jenas shut up im sick of his voice
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 years
Excerpt from the Self-Indulgent AU
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CW: swearing, cannibalism mention; Words: 378. Sharing because I do love a good argument.
"They're wrong!" Aderyn slams her hands on the conference room table. She's been back in England two days before Director Preston summons everyone to a meeting at the Priory. She's at one end of the long table, Preston at the other. It feels like everyone else in her life is arrayed against her. "Two witnesses and the dispatcher confirmed what's said on the recording is accurate," says Hieronymus Lex. It's been pointed out Aderyn omitted [the mythic dawn stating they ran a paternity test which proves she's a Septim] in her police statement and Blades' report. Her excuse that she forgot is starting to come apart. "The Mythic Dawn are wrong," she corrects. "Dearest, what if-" Martin tries. "No. Listen. I know who's listed on my birth certificate-" "Do you?" murmurs Baurus. "-and I'm sorry, but neither of them are you." She can't help but spit it. Martin pales, misunderstanding where the venom in her voice comes from. "We all heard what was said on the recording," Captain Lex says. "It's worth investigating." "They're lying!" "At the very least," says Preston, "we should assign someone to your protection." "I don't need a fucking bodyguard! We can't afford to take personnel away from where it's really needed." She waves towards Martin. "They're going to keep trying, Aderyn," Jena says. She's using the Calm Big Sister voice, and today it rankles. "Whether they're right or-" Aderyn straightens. "You're going to believe a bunch of deranged blood-drinkers over me?" She tears the Red Diamond from her neck, slams it on the table. "After everything I've fucking done for this, you're calling me the liar?" The Grey Fox stands up. "That is enough." His tone sends the room temperature plummeting. You could hang icicles off his words. It's the tone that says 'you go too far', the tone that warns she's on the verge of losing her job. It's the tone that would usually have her shaking in her boots, would make her sit down, shut up and put up. But she's too wound up, too scared, masking her fear with too much anger. "You're goddamned fucking right it is." Every door in the Priory slams as she passes through them on her way to her car. Martin, ever loyal, ever faithful, follows her down. "Where are you going?" "Anywhere that ain't fucking here!"
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 22
Warnings: description of a hangover,vomit, implied attempted murder, mentions of pregnancy and menstruation, death, ghosts
Taglist:@mercedesdecorazon @aemondx @darylandbethfanforever9 @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs @watercolorskyy
Gif by @maggie-stormborn
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The last thing he remembers is thinking the wine tasted wrong.
Before he could say anything, everything slowed down and no noise left his mouth as his tongue felt thick and numb.
Now he is awake in a strange room with a hangover from hell and his eye on a clean handkerchief on the nightstand.
Aemond struggles to sit up and barely registers himself in a nightshirt and, thankfully, his own underpants.
He hardly indulges this much, the last time he got this drunk he had woken up to Jena fresh as a daisy teasing him for being such a lightweight.
The prince hardly reaches the chamber pot before the wine repeats itself.
“There, there, brother, let it out.” Helaena’s hands are cool on his forehead and talks to him like he was a baby and not a man grown.
In his confusion he almost calls her mother.
“Where am I?” he asks, leaning on her for comfort as she wipes his mouth and continues to fuzz over him.
“Why, you are in Dragonstone. Sea Dragon Tower, to be exact.” Hel answers and has her attendants call the maester, and worse, Aemma.
“How did I get here?” he asks wincing at his own words.
He’s never drinking again, Aemond tells himself as he shuts his eye to stop the nausea and pain the light causes.
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He is smelly and still struggling to even sit, yet he is fine.
A relief because whatever they put in the wine had him unconscious for the entire night and even most of the next morning.
“How in the seventh hell did I end up here, Aemee?” he asks after he has been seen to by Gerardys and given a fortifying hair of the dog.
“Do you remember the wine and how I told you Storm’s End was a trap?” she asks, hoping he does not remember the slight hinting to her pregnancy before that.
After he had fainted from the sweetsleep laced wine, Aemma had tried her best to get him to wake up. Somehow she had gotten him onto her bed and went as far as to throw water at his face to get him to wake up.
He had mumbled in his sleep, turned on his side and began to snore.
Had that not been a trap set to capture her, Aemma would have just left him in Storm’s End.
It was Baela’s idea to take him with them as both a hostage and in case Baratheon had meant to kill her with a wrong dose of sweetsleep.
Baela who helped her roll him into the sheet and convinced a half asleep Joffrey into carrying him to the courtyard through the servants corridors.
How they weren’t caught is a mystery she doesn’t care to find out.
Even worse, how Aemond survived being chained like luggage on her dragon all the way here, is something she has no way to explain.
“Where’s Vhagar?” he asks once she is done with the strange tale of how they kidnapped him.
“The Dragonmont or the beach near it, she was seen trying to entice the Cannibal away from Meleys, mating season has yet to end this year and she is making up for lost time by the looks of it.” She answered placing the cold cloth on his forehead, they were alone and with no audience the queen was free to sit at his bedside despite his smell making her nauseous. “She followed us here, was very annoyed with me until we un-swaddled you and she saw you were fine. When you didn’t wake, we feared you were dead or getting there.”
“Hmm. I suppose I can forgive that. You were only seeking to protect yourself ---” He said as if she had asked for forgiveness and then added as he moved his hand to her flat belly “ ---and our little one.”
She could lie and said she made it up to get Borros’ attention.
But she doesn’t.
Instead the young queen placed her hand over his.
Had been a fortnight since she had seen him let alone touched him.
Just having his hand on the low part of her stomach had her feeling butterflies.
“That is why you went there, to tell me.” He concludes despite how out of sorts he is.
“No one else knows, not even Gerardys. He believes my monthlies did not come from the grief.” Aemma confessed knowing it won’t be long before her delicate condition is discovered. “If anyone deserves to know first, it should be you.”
And after telling him that she was supposed to end things because she doesn’t want Cassandra to be hurt by their affair nor their child hurt by the Baratheons.
Cass was her father’s daughter, even if Maris was his favorite.
Cassandra was humiliated, and her family insulted so much they had to send Joff to Wyl and start with plan b, but she will recover from that.
She was young, pretty and anyone would be lucky to have the eight and ten year old girl as a bride, but thank the gods she is not Aemond’s wife.
Aemma couldn’t bear it if he belonged to someone else.
“That way I know why you wished to end things. To keep our child safe from them.” He concludes, his hand still on her stomach tracing circles with his thumb.
That was one of the reasons, but Aemond has never really cared about anyone beyond a handful of people.
“And now I am your hostage.” He drops his hand from her stomach, but keeps it on her knee as if she might disappear if he doesn’t touch her.
If he didn’t smell slightly of vomit, she would have gotten into bed with him.
It has been so long since she has felt safe and loved and comforted.
“I prefer honored guest.” She said just because he’d give a sensible chuckle at her words. “Hostage implies you’d be chained to a bed or thrown in the cells to rot.”
“I wouldn’t mind being chained to your bed.” He supplies with the smallest hint of a smirk. “Would make us even, come to think of it.”
Aemma feels her face heat up remembering with great fondness that time he tied her up in his bed.
“If you weren’t hungover, it would take more than my duties to get me out of your bed, dearest one.”
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“Fear not, I am not dead.
Had I not gone to her rooms to give her my condolences for my sister’s passing, it is possible that my dear niece would have been the victim of a miscalculation in how much sweetsleep was needed to sedate her.
Fearing that had been an attempt on her life and I had been victim to it, she and her companions, the Lady Baela and Ser Joffrey Arryn, smuggled me out of the keep onto her dragon and brought me to Dragonstone.
Maester Gerardys confirmed the dose had been wrong and had she drank the wine, she would have died given the dose was too great for a woman of her measurements.
Save for the aftereffects of consuming such concoction, I am well and treated with all respect due to my station by my hosts.
I would leave, but Vhagar has been caught up in the last legs of this year’s mating season and until it is over, I am the Queen’s honored guest.
Given it has been seven years since Vhagar has coiled with any male dragons, it may be she is making up for lost time and I expect a sizable clutch of eggs to excuse her odd behavior.
From what I have been told, Lord Baratheon is far too busy with the Vulture King encroaching on his lands to join either side.
After violating the guest right by giving his royal kinswoman tainted wine, I have decided that my betrothal to his daughter, the Lady Cassandra, should be broken.
If you wish to wed Daeron to his younger daughters, I will not stop you, but do warn my younger brother to pass on any wine brought to his chambers or at least have the servant taste it first.
Your son,
Aemond Targaryen.
Postscript: send me my clothing, I cannot stand to be dressed in Daemon’s hand-me downs.”
Had Alicent not been forewarned by Alys that night, she would have been shocked.
She is shocked at how unbothered he is, however.
“The king has called for the council to meet, he has gotten the little queen’s list of demands.” Alys interrupts, coming with a dress for her to wear in her arms.
When the queen arrived to the Throne Room whatever had happened had been over, or came to an end when Aegon himself took her father’s brooch off his lapel and gave it to Ser Criston.
“My new Hand is a steel fist,” he boasted, angry and eyes red with drink. “We are done with writing letters.”
Ser Criston wasted no time in proving his mettle. His face growing harder as he clutched the brooch in his palm.
“It is not for you to plead for support from your lords, like a beggar pleading for alms,” he advised Aegon. “You are the lawful king of Westeros, and those who deny it are traitors. It is past time they learned the price of treason.”
“And if they kill your brother? Have you thought about that, my son?” Alicent asked knowing the answer and hoping it will be different.
“My whore of a wife is in love with him, she would never hurt him. Why do you think she stopped his wedding, mother?” Aegon laughed bitterly.
Why couldn’t she love me, it said.
“Send for the High Septon, have him end my marriage on the grounds of adultery.” He orders and the queen is the only one to stand against him.
“No. You need an heir now more than ever, once she gives you a son, you may expose her and send her away. I only ask that you think this through, Aegon.” She said buying the girl time.
Alys said she was with child at the last supper, that child is the only thing that assures this war will end soon and not let Aegon sacrifice his brother to get to his wife.
Aenys, she had said the babe would be named.
Until Aenys Targaryen is born, Aemma and Aemond are safe.
The next morning, Alicent sees Helaena, Aemond and Daeron in the pile of headless servants, knights and nobles Criston had executed in his first hour as Hand of the King.
“You knew what would happen when you made him king, Alicent, and you did it anyways.” A young Rhaenyra says over her shoulder as she holds a crying babe in her arms.
When Alicent turns the ghosts are gone and the bodies stop being those of her children and granddaughter.
"Now you shall pay the cost."
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gloriabomfim · 11 months
JOEY JR. (9), a young anthropomorphic cockroach with a purple head and pink body, is excitedly walking down the street with his best friend, JENA (9), a pink anthropomorphic cockroach wearing black fingerless gloves. They are both dressed up in their Halloween costumes: Joey Jr. is a superhero, and Jena is a fairy.
JOEY JR. I can't wait to go trick-or-treating! I hope we get lots of candy!
JENA Me too! I love Halloween. It's so much fun to dress up and get candy.
They arrive at a house with a spooky-looking yard and a sign that says "Haunted House."
JOEY JR. Let's go to this house first! It looks so haunted!
JENA Are you sure? It looks a little scary.
JOEY JR. Don't be scared! I'll protect you.
JOEY JR. and JENA walk up to the front door and knock. The door creaks open, and a tall, shadowy figure emerges.
SHADOWY FIGURE Trick or treat?
JOEY JR. and JENA are startled, but they manage to stammer out their requests for candy. The shadowy figure hands them each a bag of candy and then slams the door shut.
JOEY JR. Wow! That was cool!
JENA Yeah, but it was a little scary.
JOEY JR. and JENA continue their trick-or-treating, visiting each house on the street and collecting a bag of candy at each stop. As the night goes on, their bags get heavier and heavier with candy.
JOEY JR. I'm so full of candy! I don't think I can eat anymore.
JENA Me neither. I think it's time to go home.
JOEY JR. and JENA walk home, their bags of candy dragging behind them. They are both tired but happy with their haul.
JOEY JR. That was the best Halloween ever!
JENA I agree! I had so much fun.
JOEY JR. and JENA arrive home and collapse on the couch, exhausted from a night of trick-or-treating. They are both covered in candy wrappers and chocolate stains.
JOEY JR. I'm so glad we got to go trick-or-treating together.
JENA Me too. Thanks for protecting me from the scary houses.
JOEY JR. I'm always here for you, Jena.
JOEY JR. and JENA smile at each other and fall asleep, dreaming of candy and Halloween adventures.
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kmp78 · 2 years
Alex Jones is an wanna be interviewer who unfortunately naively uses insults as her interviewing style, trying to break into the big celebrity interviewer league. Unfortunately, she has insulted a few too many with her poor technique…
The One Show's Alex Jones told to 'move on' by BBC co-star after brutal career swipe
“The One Show's Alex Jones made a savage dig at her BBC co-star Jermaine Jenas as she made a swipe about his football career… “ You all can read the rest. But, come ON…
Ms Jones also insulted Jared Leto within minutes of his guest appearance comparing his avant garde flouncy collared shirt to her attire. Not taking lightly to public insults on broadcast TV, according to Ms Jones her guest shut down. Well guess what you a-hole, you keep breaking the cardinal rule of successful interviewing and you will be faced with many more posed off guests! Stop throwing shade at guests when you are the problem and not them. Protecting their brand is always going to come before putting up with your inept interviewing skills. Go learn your craft and quit whining.
Insulted? 😂
Or do you mean she LIGHTHEARTEDLY RIBBED THE GUEST as is kinda customary to do in these shows except oopsie this particular guest has zero sense of humor and a massive stick up his backside so letting loose and having a laugh at his own expense is a BIG FUCKING NO. 😭😡
He walked right into it too... 😭😂
Awkward beyond measure. 🫣
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astudyinfic · 5 years
I sometimes feel like a terrible C&R fan because I just. don’t. care. about the Sidewinder books.  They’re fine, I guess.  Cross & Crown had the fun treasure hunting aspect.  But overall, I find them pretty forgettable.  
That’s probably at least partially because while I don’t actively dislike Nick and Kelly, I don’t love them either.  
I don’t know.  Ignore me.  Random thought that feels weird to put on the discord server because everyone over there seems to love Nickels and those books more than anything else
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