lumosfm · 5 months
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𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎:  𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩
Carkitt Market is an outdoor shopping area located on a side street from Diagon Alley in the wizarding quarter of London, England. It was centred around a Victorian wrought iron arcade and the shop facades, along with the wrought iron, are Victorian facades painted over in a bright technicolour palette. A small Gothic building (Eternelle's Elixir of Refreshment) sits in the centre of the market. Below the cut you will find a list of the known buildings and shops in Carkitt Market and a short description of each.
Bowman E. Wright Blacksmith is a metalsmith shop that makes objects from wrought iron or steel. It is located near the intersection of Diagon Alley and Carkitt Market, by the Mermaid Fountain and The Hopping Pot.
Cogg and Bell Clockmakers is a wizarding clockmaker's that makes and repaired clocks. It is located on the corner of Carkitt Market and Horizont Alley, between the Museum of Muggle Curiosities and Weeoanwhisker's Barber Shop.
Concordia and Plunkett Musical Instruments is a music shop in Carkitt Market, in the wizarding quarter of London. It specialises in bagpipes, harps, lutes and cellos.
Dr Filibuster's Fireworks is a pyrotechnics shop famous for its Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks. It is located in Carkitt Market next to the Museum of Muggle Curiosities.
Eternelle's Elixir of Refreshment is a food cart located in Carkitt Market that sells a wide variety of drinks and refreshments.
Globus Mundi Travel Agents was a wizarding travel agency in Diagon Alley, established in 1876. It was originally located upstairs from Shutterbutton's Photography Studio, but later opened a storefront on Carkitt Market.
Gringotts Money Exchange is a wizarding bureau de change located in Carkitt Market. Run by Gringotts Wizarding Bank, this bureau offers Muggles the opportunity to exchange their money for wizarding currency.
The Hopping Pot is a wizarding pub in Carkitt Market, located by Bowman E. Wright Blacksmith.
House-Elf Placement Agency is a business located in Carkitt Market that specialises in services of House-Elf allocation.
Jellied Eel Shop is a pie and mash shop, located in Carkitt Market, in the wizarding quarter of London. It sells stewed and jellied eels as well as eels & mash, and haddock. Beverages included tea, pumpkin juice and coffee.
The Mermaid Fountain is a fountain in the shape of a mermaid, located in the square at the intersection of Diagon Alley and Carkitt Market.
The Museum of Muggle Curiosities is a museum in Carkitt Market, in the wizarding quarter of London. Items on display included several Muggle electronics, such as microwaves, old televisions, radios, electric fans, and desk lamps. It is located between Dr Filibuster's Fireworks and Cogg and Bell Clockmakers.
The Owl Post Officeis the equivalent to a Muggle post office, but with owls delivering the letters of those who do not have owls of their own.
Stowe & Packers Magical Bags is a wizarding luggage shop in Carkitt Market, that sells magical bags. It is located up a flight of steps from the Market itself, by a junk shop.
Wands by Gregorovitch is a shop located on Carkitt Market. A wand shop, Wands by Gregorovitch is presumably the British branch of Mykew Gregorovitch's original shop, Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe.
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chihtachen · 2 years
— The Most Beautiful Shutter Button In The World — . We are CHIH TA CHEN, we are from Taiwan, this brass shutter button is designed and produced by us from Taiwan factory . #shutterbutton #leica #leicam #brass #film #camera #vintage #collection
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sailorstrap · 4 years
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Photo by @pidtures ⠀⠀ "Receive my shutter button and handmade strap from qualified artisan in warsaw city @sailorstrap #ayeayecaptain #shutterbutton #handmadestrap #fujifilm #fuji #camerastrap #sailorstrap #shutter" #camera #strap #fujifilm #fujix #ropecamerastrap #cameraropestrap #customize #kameragurt #enjoyyourcamera #camerakraft #kameracraft #camerasetupclub #camerastraps #cameragear #camerastraps #cameraporn #gearshots #カメラストラップ #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #写真機 #ハンドメイドアクセサリー (at Warsaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBS-bwJn2so/?igshid=c8hp6bi9hi5j
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mightylauren · 7 years
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We’ve reached peak Potter geekiness here at Harry Potter Celebration.
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Waltz of the Snowflakes
The winter suited Mary. She was uncomfortable in it, a summer child and coldblooded creature by nature, but she wore it well. Heels had once been uncomfortable. Now she wore them like an extension of herself. They clacked against the pavement tonight, crunchy with salt to keep the ice away. 
London was full of magic this time of year. Mary had always thought so, even before she knew magic had existed. She wondered now if that’s the same way a million muggles felt tonight all across the world too. Like suddenly, all the dreams you sacrificed to come out the other end of adolescence might be possible after all. All the fantasy you’d stopped hoping for was real. 
Fabian had asked her if she was hopeful. Mary had thought a lot about that word ever since. What was the difference between a hope and a wish? A wish and a miracle? A miracle and magic? 
So much had changed in her world. So much was still the same. 
Tonight, she’d shown up for her first shift at Shutterbutton’s. And it was a good thing that Diagon Alley was within walking distance of the flat, because Lipstick had refused to start in the cold that morning. 
Maybe she was a little grateful for it now, twinkling holiday lights lining the streets around her and the smell of snow in the air.
The sky spit the first flakes from its clouds reluctantly, and then all at once in big, bold flakes. Art, she thought. Magic. A miracle. 
Or a curse. Mary frowned when she pulled her eyes away from the snowfall overhead and they landed on a woman, huddled and shaking, next to a metal bin. If a fire had once been lit inside it, no evidence of it remained to warm her now. 
A tightness, like a fist, coiled in Mary’s stomach. She looked left; she looked right. The streets were abandoned by the hour the two women found themselves in. 
Her footsteps quickened, the bin and the woman in her periphery and then behind her and then gone completely. Mary tightened her coat collar around her neck, braced herself against a gust of wind that stung at her eyes, stopped in the middle of the street, and turned around. 
In the hem of her skirt she felt for her wand, and satisfied with its closeness to her she shrugged off her coat. “Is there somewhere I can help you get?” Her voice sounded so small and fragile to her, which struck her as peculiar because within her something surged. It felt strong, like a wave. She supposed even the water retreated just before a tsunami. She felt it was ages that she stood across from this specter, red coat outstretched between them. Their shoulders began to turn white from the falling snow. Mary shivered. 
“Asher.” It was a croak, all rasp and no annunciation. 
“Pardon?” Mary took it as an invitation to wrap the coat around the stranger’s shoulders. She tried not to breathe in as she did so, the stench of her unbearable. 
On and on like this it went, until finally Mary heard the word mumbled between bloody lips clearly. Asher. 
Well, she sighed. There must be a million and one Asher’s in the world, and several hundred in London alone. “Is there an address, a phone number…” 
Mary wished she didn’t regret stopping, and really she didn’t regret it. She only had expected it to go a bit faster, is all. She was very cold. 
“Asher.” This was all the woman would say. Perhaps indeed all that she could say.
And then, Mary thought about that curious word she’d been thinking about all week. That word that she was stuck on. It echoed around her head the same way Asher tied itself up on the woman’s tongue. Hope. Wish. Magic. Miracle. 
It was a long shot. So long and so far it was the sort of thing that could only happen at the holidays. She didn’t think she was right, but she hoped so. 
But where on Earth did Asher Avery live, and how dangerous would it be for her to go there tonight? Too dangerous. More dangerous than this woman would be, especially with Doc in the flat too…
“Come with me,” Mary offered. “For the night. Just up here,” she pointed towards the Copse. The woman said nothing but her feet began to drag in the direction Mary pointed, possessed by something, some force, that seemed to be the only thing animating her at all. 
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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FEBRUARY PROMPTS - Season of love, 1983
Love lift us up where we belong, far from the world below up where the clear winds blow. Some hang on to used to be live their lives looking behind, all we have is here and now. All our lives, out there to find. - Up Where We Belong -  Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes, 1982
Happy season of love to one and all. Below you can find a list of Valentines inspired prompts! Please note that priority will go to those folks that weren’t matched during Valentines but everyone and all are welcome to participate. These will be posted on our discord prompt server where you can react to as many as your heart desires per character. Please do this as soon as possible so that the mod team have time to pair everyone up! We will let you know who will be doing which prompt at 9pm GMT || 3pm EST on the 22nd of February.
Completing a prompt thread will reward your alliance with a Chaos Point, so please send your completed thread into the mod team and post it on the prompt discord server to earn those points! There will be a month time frame to finish the prompts for your Chaos Point to be rewarded, both to each party involved in the thread. The prompts are completely optional and you do not have to participate if you don’t want to! 
Have fun and much love - Mod Team x
Attending an anti-Valentine’s event at The Fountain of Fair Fortune MUSE A is getting a drink. Before they can take a sip they are pulled onto the dance floor by MUSE B. As Lionel Richie’s All Night Long begins MUSE B declares it is their new favourite song and demands to be danced to, MUSE A begrudgingly complies.
”Never heard of it.” MUSE A says as they sip their drink. They’ve been invited to a house party where they don’t know a lot of the people there. MUSE B saw them standing, drinking in the kitchen alone and began telling them about their hometown. They were stunned to hear that MUSE A didn’t know where it was and proceeded to try and tell them about the town and it’s little charms
MUSE A is drinking alone at The Grave Affair when suddenly they see a drink placed down in front of them. The love potion is their signature cocktail this season and there it sits now in front of MUSE A. As they look around MUSE B waves their hand signalling it is them who sent the drink. MUSE A then debates asking them to join them, going to join MUSE B or sending another drink back their way.
Stuck late working within the Ministry of Magic on Valentines with the building practically empty, MUSE A, begrudgingly sets out to find a moment of distraction to ease the boredom of the late night shift. Seeing MUSE B sneak into the Love Chamber, with secret plans to try and find a love potion to set up their boss, MUSE A follows with suspicions as to their intent into the unspeakable chamber, both clearly unauthorized and out of their typical departments. 
Leila Flores is offering a special Valentines 2 for 1 photography sessions at Shutterbuttons. For a laugh, MUSE A and MUSE B decide to hire out the studio space to take couples photographs and have individual photo shoots. Both for comical value and to make even Veela’s jealous. Not to mention those they are currently eyeing envious they missed out of a night with them this Valentines.
Caught between a pair of chocolates and finding themselves alone on Valentines day, MUSE A and MUSE B decide on a whim to throw caution to the wind and spend the day together away from the rose petals and heart shaped sweets. Acquiring a port key to New York, USA, the pair find themselves wondering a city for nightlife when they bump into MUSE C and MUSE D who evidently had a similar idea. However coming across MUSE C and MUSE D harassing Muggles, a conflict ensues. The pairs find themselves back to back in a duel. Reliant on each other as their right hand and a Bonnie to their Clyde so to speak, under the cloak of darkness a battle of wits and wands commences
As the wedding approaches MUSE A is perusing the aisles of Fortnum and Mason, in Muggle London, in search of ideas for the day when they come across MUSE B muttering to themselves about the sanctity of marriage and love. Both muses get in to a heated discussion about love and MUSE A makes it their mission to prove to MUSE B that love does indeed exist.
MUSE A sets eyes on their ex having a Valentines meal with their new beau through the window and hides behind a fountain outside only to bump in to MUSE B who is doing exactly the same thing. Finding out that both exes are on a date with one another MUSE A and B decide to get thier own back and pretend they themselves are a couple who just happen to have reservations at the same restaurant.
Making a pact to act like February 14th is just like any other regular day of the year MUSE A, B and C decide to spend the day doing anti - Valentines activities. Getting thier kicks out of fake breaking up in public, or MUSE A and B pretending to be a couple only for MUSE C to come in and claim an affair. The trio are adamant to create chaos out of the day they so despise.
MUSE A just bought a piece of beautiful jewelry to gift to someone. Distracted picking out flowers, a rogue Niffler having escaped from it’s Cursebreaker caught sight of the sparkling item and stole it from under their nose. MUSE B baring witness to the creatures cheeky antics brings it to MUSE A’s attention and the pair chance after the creature down Muggle streets
Reminiscent of a lost love, MUSE A helps MUSE B through their loneliness and reminds them that it isn’t just romantic love that Valentines day celebrates but also friendship and family. Offering them comfort, they start to talk about their past partners and cast a fire, burning broken memories and letters from ex’s that couldn’t see their light
Holding a deep rooted crush that they are embarrassed to share, MUSE A starts to spill all to MUSE B about their feelings for someone secret and close to their heart. MUSE B helps to talk through their feelings with them and help them understand how MUSE A feels about the other. The pair end whispering secrets to one another about their secret loves the pair brew a together a love potion;  Amortentia with potential of using it on their crush
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franklongbooty · 5 years
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Frank Longbottom
Modern!AU: Shutterbutton
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rosalindselwyn · 5 years
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Rosalind Nott
Modern!AU: Shutterbutton Influencer
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hollidaytaylor · 5 years
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hollie hopkirk-prewett + shutterbutton
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dawnwitheyy · 5 years
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Dawn Wiithey
Modern!AU: Shutterbutton
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sleepingdragon-rp · 5 years
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The year is 2020, and at long last, the Wizarding world has decided to catch up with the rest of the globe. For the most part, anyway. While the Wizarding world is still as safe and as secret as ever, modern advances (largely in thanks to Muggleborn witches and wizards) have allowed Wizards around the world to connect on a global scale, as well as to immerse themselves in Muggle pop culture in order to blend in better.
Some points of interest in 2020---
In addition to the Wizarding Wireless Network, the WWN launched a new radio station in 2012 called the Global Radio Alliance. The GRA plays a mixture of popular Muggle music as well as Wizarding hits.
Founded in 2017, iHowl is the first and only social media and networking company in the Wizarding world. Their iHowl devices are second to none, allowing Wizards to browse the Wizarding Wide Web with modernized Floo technology and extensive use of the Protean Charm.
Using their iHowl device, Wizards can connect globally using their favorite sites and apps, such as Hooter (Twitter), Admonitor (Facebook), Shutterbutton (Instagram), Two-Face (Facetime), Fiendfyre (Tinder), and Howler (Snapchat). Devices are disguised as notebooks, journals, diaries, agendas, etc. (Although I do not advise your character to make their iHowl into a Horcrux as rumored to be the case with certain politicians.)
Tom Riddle is the lead activist of Knights of Walpurgis, an activist group intent on reserving the rights of Pureblood and Half-blood wixen in a world where Muggle culture grows more prevalent.
Albus Dumbledore = Bernie Sanders. I’m not even gonna try to dress that up in cute, hyperbolic prose.
Wear whatever tf you want!!!!!!
AU Rules & Guidelines---
Title all AU threads/headcanon/etc. using the title feature on text posts. (If you make a social media edit or something with no title option, just be sure to tag it appropriately!)
Tag all AU posts with the tag sdau: modern. That’s ALL posts, not just starters you want to appear in the tag.
All AU threads should come to an end at 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, 12 January, whether or not they are finished.
We are still in University! Same programs of study and living arrangements.
You can keep up current relationships and dynamics, or go completely bonkers and off the wall. After all, this is an AU, so it’s totally up to you!
Participation in AU is not required! But strongly encouraged. >:)
Non-AU Rules & Guidelines---
Please refrain from starting any new threads that aren’t part of the AU until the week is up.
You may continue any existing threads throughout the week! In fact, I encourage it! In fact, a huge reason we’re doing this week is so everyone has the chance to catch up on their holiday threads. So---
Please make every effort to have your current non-AU threads wrapped up by the end of AU. The goal is for everyone to be able to start fresh once our children return from holiday. If you can’t make the deadline with an important thread, HMU, and we can work something out.
There will be no activity check during AU week, but we are locking down heavy after, so if you need a break or a chance to rework something, this is your moment, my dudes. <3
It’s highly likely I’m missing something, so if you have any q’s, comments, concerns, anxieties, constipations, or curiosities that aren’t covered above, shoot me a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
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bertiehiggz · 5 years
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Bertie Higgs
Modern!AU: Shutterbutton
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takeiteasytravels27 · 5 years
Universal Studios Summer Package!
Room + Tickets | $ 3,538.58** | Deposit (at booking): $379.80
June 5th, 2020 to June 12th, 2020 ( 7 nights)
Universal's Endless Summer Resort - Dockside Inn and Suites
Room 1 - 2 Adults 2 Children
Room Type - Standard 2 Queen Room
3-Park Unlimited Ticket
(2) Adults - $926.52 (2) Juniors - $926.52 = $1,853.04
Early Park Admission
(2) Adults Included (2) Juniors Included
Leaky Cauldron Breakfast [Arrival Time Selection Required]
(2) Adults Included (2) Juniors Included
Shutterbutton's Studio [Reservation Required]
(1) Item Included
Special Themed Keepsake Box
(1) Item Included
Three Broomsticks Breakfast [Arrival Time Selection Required]
(2) Adults Included (2) Juniors Included
Call/text: 501-454-0252
** Subject to change
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sailorstrap · 5 years
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Perfect day for a Indian summer stroll . Where do you shoot today? . #sailorstrap #handmade #rope #leather #camerastrap #camera #strap #ropecamerastrap #fujifilmxpro3 #fujifilm_global #fujixpro3 #xpro3 #xpr3 #red #cintage #shutterbutton #shutter #release #button #kameragurt (at Warsaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4pAnBfne4B/?igshid=1lujaohvz0mri
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ipbatman-blog · 5 years
Opening package from AliExpress (Shutter Button for Fujifilm)
Features: - Brand Name: ikacha - Apply: Fujifilm cameras
http://got.by/3eo98y - link on AliExpress https://unboxingali.blogspot.com/2019/06/shutter-button-for-fujifilm.html - blog with photo
================================================== ● RSS - https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=ipbatman ● Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ipbatman ● Pinterest - http://pin.it/r-5UpFI ● Group VK - https://vk.com/club123322229 ● Одноклассники - https://www.ok.ru/group/57975894310950 ● Group Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1764825943739335/ ● Journal FlipBoard - https://flipboard.com/@ipbatman/openning-package-3ufpm8jly
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fastaperture-usa · 6 years
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Detail Photo of the “Ascari” camera strap and Jay Tsujimura “Floral” shutter button now available. A great looking pairing. . . . . . . #leicam10 #leicam #leicam240 #leicagram #leicaphotography #vivanteascari #jaytsujimura #shutterbutton #leicaphoto #leicaimages #profotob1 #35mmsummilux https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpfiNElvum/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m1qw1imqksjh
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