#shuu ed stuff
gunkbaby · 9 months
First time Steph posts Beachyama Slut of the year.
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Place ur bets now how many times will i post this in 2024
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downstarr · 2 years
The Accidental Seduction of Edward Teach by Stede Bonnet, Gentleman Pirate - Chapter 2
Ed wakes up, still a bit drunk from a night of revelry, and heads out for a piss. He runs into Lucius on the deck. Relationship advice ensues.
Chapter 2 - The Doctor is in
Ed drifted off to sleep for a few hours, but then his bladder woke him. Still drunk and a bit worked up, he flopped like a fish out of bed. He looked back to see if he disturbed his bedmate, but Stede was still fast asleep and snoring softly with surprisingly melodius and very nasal little honk-shuus.
He made his way out of the cabin and onto the deck. There was the slightest hint of cold air on the breeze, and the water was glassy still. The fingers of dawn reached across the ocean, hinting of sunrise that wasn’t far off.
Ed could see the shapes of the crewmembers asleep on the deck, but it seemed the party had well and truly ended some time ago. As the ship rocked gently, empty rum bottles chimed together.
Ed moved to a spot away from the sleeping crew, lined himself up along the railing and unzipped his pants to piss overboard.
“I wouldn’t touch that railing if I were you,” came a voice from the shadows.
Ed startled so badly that he nearly whipped his open pants around and peed all over the deck.
Lucius came into view. He looked sleepy but also drunk.  He bit his lip as he caught a glimpse of Ed's open pants, but didn't comment. “Roach missed peeing overboard right there earlier and made a little yellow stream all about the deck and on the railing. Almost like you just did, though I suppose you can’t make it any worse.” He giggled a little, then touched the very railing he told Ed not to. “Oh, god. Ew.” The edge of the sail got a wipe.
Ed shifted so his back was a bit to Lucius then continued the business of emptying what used to be rum into the ocean. “What are you still doing up? S’not like this is the only spot to piss overboard.”
“Oh, I can’t sleep while drunk. Gives me nightmares. So I have to stay up till it runs through my system.” Lucius hefted a water skin. “Pissed three times already. One more should do it. FYI, going to be useless tomorrow,” he flopped his wrist. “So mind yourself when you’re moving about in the morning, mmmkay?”
“Sure,” grunted Ed. The interaction with Stede had put him in a bad mood, and it was late enough that he could feel the fingers of a hangover starting to creep into his brain.
Lucius sighed heavily, then leaned against a mast. “All right. What is it? I’m just drunk enough to still play ship’s counselor.”
Ed didn’t say anything, just broodily looked out across the water. He felt a nudge at his arm. When he turned, Lucius was passing over the water skin.
“Come on, then. Let me guess. Our dear co-captain being a bit of a dick tease?” Lucius was pretty blunt, but he was usually not that blunt. He really was still a bit drunk.
“I don’t get it,” mumbled Ed after a swig from the water. “Not used to this. Usually if you fancy someone, you just…fucking…” he made a vague sweeping gesture. “And if he’s not into it, fine. On with your lives. But…”
“But with Stede, you can’t just roll up and go hey, I like you, fancy doing some butt stuff?”
“Exactly,” Ed snap pointed.
“Mhmm, yeah, you’d run the risk of him running all the way back home. I see the problem. Fancy lads are a whole other kettle of fish, aren’t they?” Lucius snatched the skin back.
“You know about fancy lads?”
Lucius rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. “Un…fortunately. I had this job in a shop when I was younger, handling the ledger and all. This son of a local nobleman kept coming round when he definitely didn’t need any flour or sugar, if you know what I mean. He was cute and we messed around a little, but when I tried to take it further, he fu-reeeaked out. Told his father I seduced him. I had to skip town because he and a posse threatened to cut my balls off.”
“Oi,” said Ed, his gaze darkening. He pointed at Lucius, “Tell me his name and one day we’ll go fuck him up.”
“Aww,” Lucius touched Ed’s arm. “Aren’t you sweet. I’d like that.”
“I don’t want Stede to threaten to cut my balls off,” said Ed, a bit wide-eyed at the thought. He reflexively protected said balls with his hand.
“Oh, don’t worry. That’s not the real danger here. But you have to remember, he’s not like us. He came out here, because he is…like us,” Lucius moved his hand to motion to both of them. “But he didn’t grow up with the same...acceptance. He doesn’t know how it works. But I think he is courting you. In his own way.”
“Well, in his fancy lad world, you do all sorts of extremely boring, extremely chaste stuff before you even get close to the fucking bit. Like…he escorted you to a ball.”
Ed looked perplexed as he tried to pull incidents together, but he listened intently to Lucius’ words.
“He took you on a picnic. He showed interest in the things you like. He definitely got jealous of your ex. Has he given you presents?”
“Presents? Not..no, not really.” “Okay, so not everything. But you see what I’m getting at.”
Ed nodded, face pinching as he tried to recall it all. “It’s ridiculous. Complicated.”
“Oh hell yes. But it’s what he knows. I think you and your dick will just have to be patient.” Lucius inhaled. “Speaking of. I think I’m ready for that one last piss. Good night, or morning. I’ll send you a bill for my services.”
Ed stayed on deck until the sun started to truly rise. Then he quietly returned to the cabin.
Out of habit, Stede had rolled back to his customary position on the outside of the bed. He was still snoring gently.
Ed watched him for a moment, then moved across the room and very carefully climbed over top of Stede to get to his spot. He sunk down against the comfortable mattress and stared at the ceiling, one arm over his head. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Stede for the longest time. Then, slowly he turned his head to see that the first of the morning’s light had illuminated his bedmate.
Sunlight glinted off a little trail of drool in the corner of his mouth. Stede had put his nightgown on backwards, which meant there was a deep V in the front, revealing his chest with its little tufts of flaxen chest hair. A curl of hair was in his eye and his eye twitched every few seconds.
Ed slowly reached over and pushed the curl out of his face and behind his ear. He examined the lines of the other man’s face and imagined what he might have looked like when he was younger. For a moment, he wished they had met when they both had more life still to live. But some part of him was aware that they needed to meet at this time in their lives to truly connect. Ed was still very angry when he was younger, still mired in a deep pit of darkness. There wouldn’t have been any cracks that Stede’s light could have penetrated.
Eventually, Ed drifted off to sleep, only to be woken up a few moments later by the shift of the body beside him.
Stede had rolled over and somehow found his head on Ed’s chest, nestled into the spot left from his arm tucked above his head. He mumbled something in his sleep and for a moment, Ed thought he heard his name.
Stede shifted again and an arm found its way over his torso, bare palm resting against the skin of Ed’s side where his shirt had lifted. His hand flexed, gripping the tiniest bit of chub along the side of Ed’s stomach. His body had been rock hard in its day, but as he aged, there were parts that were softening in a way that he hated until that exact moment.
And then, with the early morning breeze drifting through a crack in the window, both men drifted properly off to sleep. Keep reading on Wattpad Keep reading on AO3
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duhragonball · 3 years
What do You think about Maron, the Krilin's ex-girlfriend? I know she is hated a lot because she looks like Bulma and because of her poor intellect (although it must be admitted that she cares about others), but I would like to know your opinion about it? Why do you think that, without any reason, they introduced a character like her and why make she looks so much like Bulma when they could easily avoid a thousand controversies by even changing the color of her hair?
I think you don't understand the issues surrounding this character.
First off, let me take this moment to clarify something, mostly so I can remember it myself. Krillin's ex has almost exactly the same name as his daughter, and here's how to remember which is which.
Maron (マロン Maron) is the ex-girlfriend.
Marron (マーロン Māron) is Krillin and 18's daughter
The names sound indistinguishable in the dub, but they're spelled differently in English. The ex has one 'r', and the daughter has two. And the names are also spelled differently in Japanese, with a long vowel mark added to extend the vowel in "ma".
The characters have nothing to do with one another, and the naming was likely just a coincidence, since they both tie into the same chesnut wordplay that Krillin's name uses.
Anyway, the ex-girlfriend was introduced first, and she gets one 'r', and the daughter came second, and she gets two 'r's. Convenient.
So there's two major problems people have with Maron. The first is that she's a filler character introduced in a long stretch of filler episodes. By the end of the Frieza Saga, Toei's production schedule was cranking out episodes faster than Akira Toriyama could keep up with the manga. This was always a logistical hurdle with Dragon Ball (and other anime), which was always resolved by padding episodes with filler scenes, or sometimes entire filler episodes. But things got especially desperate around that time, so Toei had to do an unprecedented run of filler episodes to keep the show on the air. And this was how we got the Garlic Junior Saga, the Driver's Ed episode, Mr. Shuu, the flashback to Frieza getting turned into a cyborg, and so on.
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It also gave us Maron. The thing is, a lot of people don't care for the Garlic Junior Saga to begin with. It's ten episodes of marking time, Goku's not even in the story, it doesn't even try to fit into the continuity of the show, and many of the plot "twists" just feel like random stuff tacked on to drag out the conflict. Personally, I like the arc okay, but that's mostly because I dig the Black Water Mist and Makyo Star lore. But I do find myself checking my watch in the final leg of the saga. Let's face it, this thing doesn't need to be ten episodes long, and you could easily trim it down to seven if you edited Maron out of the show.
So that's Problem Number One: She's a filler character shoehorned into what was already a filler saga. Her job is literally to waste time, and while there's plenty of timewasting in Dragon Ball Z, Maron is an especially egregious example. For a lot of fans, Maron represents everything wrong with the show, all of the pointless bullshit added in for production schedules rather than entertainment value. Making her a redhead wouldn't have solved that.
Problem number Two is that she treated Krillin like dirt, and fans love Krillin. He's the fucking best. She seemed to like him well enough, but it was impossible for anyone to figure out what she really wanted out of their relationship. Characters would ask her directly, and she would just avoid the question or say "I don't know," like a friggin' toddler. Meanwhile, Krillin's trying to figure out how to propose to her, constantly worrying about whether he's worthy of her, but she doesn't even know anything about him. He takes her to meet his friends, and she flirts with the boys and insults the girls. I don't think she was being intentionally cruel about it, but the message of that arc was that she wasn't taking the relationship nearly as seriously as he was. She was too impulsive and flighty, and indecisive, and Krillin was focused and serious and ready to settle down. The only reason he put up with her for as long as he did was because he lacked the self-confidence to understand that he could do better.
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This is why all of his friends were so supportive of him when he told them he broke up with her. They were skeptical of Maron the whole time, and they were glad Krillin had finally wised up to the situation. This was only borne out when she showed up at Kame House again, three years later, trying to rekindle their romance. Roshi told her where Krillin was and why, and she didn't pay attention to any of it. She almost ran off with some complete strangers for no real reason. Then she tried to make out with a turtle. Then she called like two dozen "boyfriends" to pick her up, presumably because she was bored waiting for Krillin to come back.
Roshi and Turtle agreed that they should never speak of it again, and really, why should they tell Krillin about this? Maron's entire visit was a complete waste of time, and she fell in and out of love with Krillin all over again, without even seeing him! Again, this is a character solely created to waste time and make you feel bad for Krillin, and that's not a road to popularity. A new hairstyle wouldn't solve anything.
You say "it must be admitted that she cares about others", but no, I won't admit that. Maron doesn't have the attention span to care about others. She only seems to be interested in "having fun", but in this really vague way that doesn't require any sort of commitment to anything or anyone. I always imagined that she was created as some sort of bitter parody of a real-life ex-girlfriend, like the writers were trying to express their frustration through her.
I find the idea of Maron interesting from time to time, but more as an overlooked curiosity than anything else. A dedicated writer might find a way to get a cool story out of her, but I don't see any takers, and I've got bigger fish to fry. For most fans, I think, she's just a speed bump in Krillin's character arc, which leads into the arms of #18.
Maron's main contribution to the show is "fanservice", which is a term I've never cared for. Maron wears a revealing swimsuit through much of her time on DBZ, but the house-style is poorly suited to that kind of aesthetic. Most of the time she ends up looking like someone tried to make a woman out of stockings stuffed with ground beef. I watch DBZ for gonzo cartoon violence and occasional slice of life stuff. No one was doing me a "service" with all of those lingering shots of Maron's cartoon boobs.
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dialoversotaka · 5 years
【Diabolik Lovers】lyrics:「BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-」
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Helloooooo everyone (srry about that awkwardness, but yk me), I’m back! Wow, it’s been a while since i posted something at all good, but don’t worry, i’m bringing good stuff today! I’m sure you guys know the new dialovers game, Chaos Lineage, that came out and since noone translated the OP yet, i thought maybe I could (I want to do the ED as well, but I still didn’t find the kanji… if you find it, send me if you want, i’d be happy!) so I hope you like it! I found the kanji in a youtube video (1st comment). Please tell me if you see any mistakes (which there probably will be cuz i had a bit of a hard time translating this song…) and enjoy!
Sakamaki Ayato (逆巻 アヤト) - Midorikawa Hiakru (緑川 光)
Sakamaki Shuu (逆巻 シュウ) - Toriumi Kosuke (鳥海 浩輔)
Mukami Kou (無神コウ) - Kimura Ryouhei (木村 良平)
Everyone (皆) -  Ayato + Shuu + Kou (ア +  シ + コ)
ア: 黒 から、白 白 から黒 
シ: 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜 (よ)  
コ: 濡 れてる肌、 紅く染めて
ア: 惡意が共鳴 (ハウ)る, 
ア: 死んでいる仮説の羅列たち 血が呼び覚ます、新しいDays 、今 君の運命、至高!
シ: 病んでいる殺意の夜明けなら 目を閉じるなよ、すぐに見せるさ、ねぇ 悦びあえば、嗜好! 
コ: 重ねてる手は 神様の悪戯? 導かれてく ありのまま Eve 
ア: 喉元に 光る Proof、 刻まれたトラウマに
シ: 酔いしれよう 僕は 覚醒する 
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
コ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 真夜中の遺言(テスタメント) 惑わされていく 
コ: すべて曝(さら)け出す、 君とね? 
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
コ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 有耶無耶な遺言(テスタメント) 息を吹き返せ 
コ: ありとあらゆる痛みの果て 
ア: 何色にも 染まれるはず 
シ: 君の覚悟 求めている
コ: 黒から白 白から黒
ア: 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜(よ)
シ: 濡れてる肌、 紅く染めて 
コ: 惡意が共鳴(ハウ)る、 
シ: 剥き身の魂に触れるほど 震えるほどの 禁断の蜜、 そう 怯えた顔の向こう 
コ: 澄んでいる 決意の裏側に 滲みはじめた、 アイツの姿、 もぅ どんな薬も無効
ア: 揺れ動いてる 想いの昏さなら 受け止めてやる 願わくば, さあ 
シ: 誰ひとり 知らない愛、 見せてくれればいいさ 
コ: 涙の先 君は 手にするのさ 
皆: 愛を試される
ア: (祈りを捨てて) 
皆: ���死量のOperation 朧げな月に 
ア: 身を投げ出している真実
皆: 愛を試される
ア: (瞳の奥へ)
皆: 加速するOperation 息を吹き返せ ありとあらゆる痛みの果て
ア: 最後の声、 ふたり 縋(すが)る夜は───······
コ: 愛と呼べるかは
シ: (答えはないさ)
コ: 真夜中の遺言(テスタメント)
ア: 惑わされていく すべて曝(さら)け出す、 君とね?
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
シ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 有耶無耶な遺言(テスタメント) 息を吹き返せ ありとあらゆる痛みの果て 
シ: 何色にも 染まれるはず 
コ: 君の覚悟 求めている 
ア: 黒から白 白から黒 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜(よ)
皆: 濡れてる肌、 紅く染めて 惡意が共鳴(ハウ)る、Reverberation!
A: Kuro kara shiro, shiro kara kuro 
S: memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
K: nure teru hada, akaku somete 
A: akui ga hauru, 
ALL: Reverberation! 
A: Shindeiru kasetsu no raretsu-tachi chi ga yobisamasu, atarashī deizu, ima kimi no unmei, shikō!
S: Yandeiru satsui no yoake nara me wo tojiru na yo, sugu ni miseru sa, nee yorokobi aeba, shikō! 
K: Kasaneteru te wa kamisama no itazura? michibikareteku arinomama Eve
A: nodomoto ni hikaru purūfu, kizamareta torauma ni 
S: yoishireyou boku wa kakusei suru 
ALL: ai to yoberu ka wa 
K: (kotae wa nai sa)
ALL: mayonaka no tesutamento madowasarete iku 
K: subete sara ke dasu, kimi to ne? 
ALL: Ai to yoberu ka wa 
K: (kotae wa nai sa)
ALL; uyamuyana (tesutamento) iki o fukikaese
K: aritoarayuru itami no hate 
A: naniiro ni mo shima reru hazu 
S: kimi no kakugo motomete iru 
K: kuro kara shiro, shiro kara kuro 
A: memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
S: nure teru hada, akaku somete 
K: akui ga hauru, 
ALL: Reverberation!
S: mukimi no tamashī ni fureru hodo furueru hodo no kindan no mitsu, sō obieta kao no muko
K: sunde iru ketsui no uragawa ni nijimi hajimeta, aitsu no sugata, mou don'na kusuri mo mukō
A: yureugoiteru omoi no kurasa nara uketomete yaru negawakuba, saa
S: dare hitori shiranai ai, misete kurereba ii sa 
K: namida no saki kimi wa te ni suru no sa 
ALL: ai o tamesa reru
A: (inori o sutete)
ALL: chishi-ryō no Operation oboroge na tsuki ni 
A: mi o nagedashite iru shinjitsu 
ALL: ai o tamesareru 
A: (hitomi no oku e)
ALL: kasoku suru Operation iki o fukikaese aritoarayuru itami no hate
A: saigo no koe, futari sugaru yoru wa - …
K: ai to yoberu ka wa 
S: (kotae wa nai sa) 
K: mayonaka no tesutamento
A: madowasarete iku subete sarake dasu, kimi to ne? 
ALL: Ai to yoberu ka wa
S: (kotae wa nai sa) 
ALL: uyamuya na tesutamento iki o fukikaese aritoarayuru itami no hate 
S: naniiro ni mo shimareru hazu 
K: kimi no kakugo motomete iru 
A: kuro kara shiro shiro kara kuro memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
ALL: nure teru hada, akaku somete akui ga hauru, reverberation!
A: From black to white, from white to black
S: This night, hectically changing
K: Wet skin, dyed with red 
A: Malice resonates,
ALL: Reverberation!
A: The blood of countless dead hypotheses is awakening new days, now take power over your destiny! 
S: If it’s the dawn of the sick intent to kill, don’t close your eyes and soon show it to me, if you’re delighted, taste it!
K: Is this overlapped hand a trick from God? Leading me as it is towards Eve
A: The trauma carved in your throat is the shining proof
S: I’ll awaken by getting drunk
ALL: Can I call it love?
K: (There’s no answer)
ALL: Midnight’s testament is misleading
K: Can I expose everything with you?
ALL: Can I call it love?
K: (There’s no answer)
ALL: This vague testament will revive your breath,
K: The limit of every single pain
A: What colour should it be dyed with?
S: Demanding for your readiness
K: From black to white, from white to black
A: This night, hectically changing
S: Wet skin dyed with red
K: Malice resonates,
ALL: Reverberation!
S: The forbidden honey that shakes the soul just by touching it, beyond your scared face
K: That figure started to spread on the other side of the clear resolution, no remedy works anymore
A: If you’re shaking because of this thought’s darkness, I wish you could accept it, come on
S: Show me the love that no one knows
K: You hold your tears’ end in your hands
ALL: To test love
A: (Throw away your prayers)
ALL: A lethal operation in the dim moon
A: The reality of throwing away my body 
ALL: To test love
A: (In the depth of your eyes)
ALL: An accelerating operation that will revive your breath, end every single pain
A: The last voice, the night we both cling to - …
K: Can I call it love?
S: (There’s no answer)
K: Midnight’s testament
A: Is misleading, can I expose everything with you? 
ALL: Can I call it love?
S: (There’s no answer) 
ALL: This vague testament will revive your breath, the limit of every single pain 
S: What colour should it be dyed with?
K: Demanding for you readiness
A: From black to white, from white to black
ALL: This hectically changing night, wet skin, dyed with red, malice resonates, reverberation!
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diabolik-lovers-box · 5 years
Hey there^^ May I request a matchup?
I'm a 5'4/5 mostly pale female with big blue/green eyes and light blonde(almost white)middle length hair.I'm an ENFP.
Sun: Leo
Rising: Libra
Dislikes: Untidiness,insects,needles
Least favorite character: Reiji Sakamaki
Most people I meet only see me as the funny,sarcastic and sometimes flirtatious friend.Unfortunately most of my friends are guys that seem to(at some point of the friendship)develop a crush on me.I seem to got used to it,even though I'm still too scared/shy to say anything against that and other stuff.
Behind the unbothered and lazy facade,I'm trying to get out of my depression and struggle with anxiety,an ED and sometimes panic attacks.I try to be as loyal and trustworthy as possible,but I've got some serious trust issues.
In my freetime I like to go hiking or just go on a walk everyday.I feel most comfortable while exploring nature and abandoned places.I also have a passion for photography,art and cats.Something I also need to say about myself is,that when I fall in love with someone,I fall hard.I want to feel comfortable and make them feel comfortable.I want to get the best out of people and I love to see all those little imperfections that defines that special someone.
(Also..sorry if my english isn't that good^^"I t's not my first language,but I tried my best!!!)
hello! Don’t worry about your English, it’s just fine! ^^ 
Your Diabolik Lover: Subaru Sakamaki!
Your extraverted mind balances out his introverted one
The two of you seem to move at the same pace when it comes to developing a relationship, which is always important
He definitely gets pretty blush-y when you say something that could be interpreted as a little ‘flirty’
Even though you seem to not have any internal struggles, he is always there for you and can tell when you’re feeling a little down
I also think that the fact that loyalty and loving fully is important to you would be good for him
Another Diabolik Lover Who’d Love You: Shuu Sakamaki!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Yeah, I think I’m ok :D (I’m gonna reread the entire series now though because my parents decided to buy it for me. I might cry during the reread…)
Ah, well. Death does make the most sense for Hohenheim, and now that I think about it, he was probably tired of living (that’s depressing but hey)
I don’t really know how I feel about Ed’s alchemy but I was a tiny bit disappointed because it felt like it was a small-ish price to pay to get Alphonse’s body back? Maybe it’s just me?
I’m always happy to get recs :D
WAIT. I actually know that book!!! I saw it when I was searching for a new fantasy series to read…most of the reviews were really negative and now I see why XD
Hisoka’s trash, but so is his best (only) friend (who could totally cut off his head with little to no regrets), Illumi. Illumi is the oldest son of the Zoldyck family. Let me tell you about the Zoldycks:
-terrifying assassins
-baby assassins
-did I mention that they’re assassins?
-birthdays in the Zoldyck family=cake, presents, hugs
-the cake is probably poisoned to build up tolerance
-the presents are bombs
-mom’s probably hiding a knife in her skirt to stab you as she hugs you
-now figure out how to get out of this party alive
-good job, if you’re still fine by the end of the day momma is proud of you
-now go out into the world and murder people like a good child
-(Apparently they sometimes don’t bother to teach kids about manners and basic human interaction though, because Illumi has all the charm and social skills of a wet rag)
-(a wet rag with dead fish eyes)
-(a wet rag with dead fish eyes who literally digs holes in the ground and sleeps in them)
-(he’s also so obsessed with his adorable little brother Killua that he basically shoves a magic needle into Killua’s head and uses mind-control on him in order to make sure he never does anything dangerous)
-(even if that means controlling Killua so he’ll abandon his best friend to save himself)
tysm ;-;
sometimes I hate TG so much
Kimblee x Explosions vs. Alex x Shot glasses: which one is the bigger OTP?
Kimblee’s idea of sweet: “I only blew up twelve people and two buildings today. Are you proud of me?”
(and imagine when this couple gets into fights
Kimblee: “Really, Evans, I don’t understand why you can’t appreciate my art. I always support yours.”
Evans: “MY art doesn’t involve explosions! This ISN’T FUNNY, ok?!”
Kimblee: “No need to shout. And of course it’s not funny, it’s beautiful.”
Evans: “You know what, couple therapy. That’s what we need. Along with a lot of relationship counseling.”)
omg we’d literally be team rocket thank you for that mental image
That’s SO CUTE <333 I’d probably call you queen on purpose sorry not sorry
Evans might actually join you at some point. Poor Moblit would be left all on his own with three maniacs XD (I know right)
Hopefully Armin will live ;-; cinnamon roll child
I’m actually considered really tall for my age and I was actually mistaken for a college student once XD but yeah, I’m smol compared to you…
(that’s cool ^^ and wow, Levi.)
Glad I could make you laugh :D (I laughed way too hard while writing it too). But Kimblee would probably just blow up the court tbh
TYSM I’M SO HAPPY IT DOESN’T COMPLETELY SUCK ;-; and yeah, when I saw that quote I immediately thought of Uta…
I totally need help so yes, please, if it’s ok? TYSM <3
(and you’ve probably seen by now but I sent in two other aesthetics :D)
I adore all of FMA’S OPs and EDs. I agree with you, though, ‘Again’ is beautiful- I love the singer’s voice :)
Aww, it’s gonna be fine! You’ll get over it ^^  Eventually… And that’s so nice of your parents! I wonder if you’ll actually cry :))
Honestly, I can’t blame him… His life wasn’t all that nice, but he was at least reunited with his wife? So he’s probably happier this was ^^;;;
Well, considering how valuable alchemy is to Ed, and how much he actually relied on it, it might not be such a small price after all. But, then again, a whole body in exchange for a skill that could potentially be brought back, that might be a bit unfair, true… I’m just glad my cinnamon roll finally has his body back T^T
FATE/ZEROooooo. Zankyou no Terror. Re:Zero. All of these have plenty of suffering mixed in. Also, don’t let Re:Zero fool you with its light colors and character design. That is one of the most mentally draining anime I’ve watched recently, because it’s literally a never ending loop of suffering.
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This is Re:Zero.
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This is also Re:Zero. Pay attention to the head.
Oh god if I was a person who left reviews on books, I’d leave a whole wall of text for the review. There’s a difference between making a character seem perfect, but making that a facade and using it for character growth and actually making the chacter flawless. Wow, that book irritates me XD
I mean… we all have our own quirks? But wow that’s messed up, big time. Shoving a magical needle into your younger bro to ‘protect’ him? Boy, that’s like one of those ‘I’m pushing you away to protect you’ *proceeds to angst* plots. Is Killua by any chance one of the two kid main boys? Cause the name sounds familiar ^^
Tokyo Ghoul is the manga that you have the love-hate relationship with. It’s more hate, but whatever.
Well, Alex x shot glasses at least isn’t destructive? So I’ll pick that one over Kimblee x explosions any day XD
Right, so sweet. Instead of 40 buildings, he only blew up 12. You should buy him chocolate as a reward XD Hopefully he doesn’t blow that up as well...
If you ever get Kimblee into art, make sure to give a separate room for that, otherwise, it might become a hazard. I mean, I can imagine him filling up water balloons with paint, hanging them on a canvas and then blowing them up. 
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Who’d be the smol pokemon tho? ((I don’t know the names XD))
I’d probably become an actual tomato.
I feel sorry for Mobilt XD He wouldn’t have just Hanji to deal with anymore, he’d have to deal with us as well... Poor Moblit.
He will! The fandom would probably riot if anything happened to Armin, especially after we already had the scare. 
Kimblee would blow up Shuu. No evidence left behind (other than the huge crater that was probably left after the explosions)
You’ll definitely grow some more soon ^^ 
Uta is the one who brings popcorn to the fights,  because they entertain him. 
I’ll be honest, when I saw Tatsuo’s aesthetic, my first thought was Jumin Han. Then I remembered you never played Mystic Messenger XD
Right, so the thing you have to watch the most when making aesthetics is color. Always have a color palette in mind, because it’ll make finding the right pictures easier. Pick a color and stick to it. That way, it’ll be a tiny bit better, since it’ll also please the eye more. Also dark/light shouldn’t mix too much. It’s better if you pick one of those and mix with another color. Heck, if you get stuck, you can at least search *(color) aesthetic* and find a pic that fits through that XD
I’m sorry I didn’t answer yesterday, we had guests over and were preparing more or less the whole day. Among those guests was my 9 year old cousin, otherwise known as the most annoying kid on the planet. I wanted to punch a wall... First of all, I had to entertain him the whole time, and that’s not an easy feat for someone like him. I swear, the boy has worms in his ass or something, cause he can’t sit still for more than 10 seconds.  Then, at one point, I took the laptop and started writing something, because inspiration struck (and internet died again). It was in english and he can barely speak the language, yet he was still trying to read what I wrote out loud and always asked me to translate what I was writing. At one point, I wrote the word ‘Shit’ and he went to my parents and told them ‘Luna is writing bad stuff’. I had to explain that the character swears a lot and that I actually keep it very kid-friendly with how it should be.  Then, I received a message from my friend, but the two of us talk in english, so he started reading my texts out loud (a huge no-no for me, because I want my privacy when talking to people) and was basically being a brat the whole evening. Also, he chews with his mouth open. I almost ripped out my hair...  True, I also get childish when he’s over, because he brings out that part of me. I mean, he’s the kid who tells me to let him win if we’re playing a game, even if the game is based on pure luck and I couldn’t let him win even if I wanted to. I sincerely hope your little sis is nicer than him XD
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mayor-elora-blog · 8 years
More Stuff About Me :)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Name: Elora
Family Name: ?!?!
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces 
Height: 5′8
Age: 20
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor but I wish it was Slytherin 
Favourite Colour: Green :D
Time right now: 7:18pm
Hours of Sleep: 6 to ALL DAY
Lucky Number: 3. Everything important in my life has been a multiple of 3.
Last thing I googled: ‘How to move out acnl villagers” cause Im sick of some of these guys and want my dreamies haha
Blankets I sleep with: Flat sheet, comforter and when I am really cold a sherpa on top.
Dream Trip: Wales :D
Dream Job: Therapist
What I’m wearing right now: Gray pants and a pink suede tshirt dress 
Followers: 20! Ive had this blog for a week and I love it!
Posts: 212
What do I post about: ACNL or ACHHD and the occasional pokemon or text post
Most active followers: @shuu-goo-crossing, @whistyrose, @crossingholly and @ayyycnl
When did your blog reach it’s peak: Don’t think Ive hit my peak yet. Maybe soon!
Why did you make your blog: I love Tumblr and I love ACNL. Plus Ive always wanted to be part of a fun community.
Do you get asks on a daily basis? Noooo I’m not cool enough yet
Why did you choose your URL: Cause my name is Elora and I am mayor of everything
Countries you’ve lived in: US but Im hoping to change that someday 
Favourite Fandom: Legend of Zelda <3 Lord of the Rings <3 and Animal Crossing <3
Languages you speak: English, I’m getting fluent in German and I can kind of speak Spanish
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain... Sorry NSFW
Last Article You’ve Read: Oh god IDK nothing worth remembering apparently.
Last Thing I Bought Online: Wolf Link and Celeste Amiibo from Amazon :) should be here tomorrow
Last Person I dreamt of: My bf last name haha
Phobias: Trypophobia... and SPIDERS
How would my friends describe me: Annoying, crazy, weird... Thats what they say most often at least 
Shuffle your song library. What are the first 3 songs playing? Waste my Time - Saint Asonia, Attention Span - Rebelution, Shape of You - Ed Sheeran
I have no idea.... uh my biggest fans. @shuu-goo-crossing @whistyrose @ayyycnl... and then some people I wanna get to know! @pastoriamayor @crossingoftheanimals @maple-bonsai @prolistening @mayor-orly @pocket-crossing @mayor-petal and @my-acnl-paradise
Not 20 but its probably enough!
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cosmopolitan-monkey · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @shuu-laces, thanks ma’am 😊 Nicknames: Riso Star sign: Scorpio Height: 1.75 m Time right now: 16:55  Last thing you googled: “ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff” I inadvertedly left my tablet on the keyboard Fave music artist: probably Parov Stelar though it changes in time Song stuck in my head:  Shape of You - Ed Sheeran that song is so catchy Last movie I watched: Edge of Tomorrow, I love me some time traveling fiction Last tv show I watched: Season 3 of Skins What I’m wearing right now: Just some pants and my abs  😏 When I created this blog: Sometime during spring 2016 I think The kind of stuff I post: Parkour things, anime/manga related things or general shitposting I guess? Do I get asks regularly?: Nope, literally only have 1 ask that looks suspiciously like it was made by @shuu-laces​ Why did I choose my url: I’d like to be a monkey (?) and I felt particularly cosmopolitan at the time (???) Gender: Male Hogwarts House: Literally never took that test Pokémon team: Again, never played Pokemon Go, but I’d choose Instinct Favorite color: It’s much more about color palette than single color, and definitely that fire palette Average hours of sleep: 7 to 7 and a half hours usually, except on sunday Lucky number: 0.142857 (periodical) Favorite characters: That’s a tough one, I’d say Arya Stark from aSoIaF, Kitano Ken from Sun-Ken Rock, Darrow au Andromedus from Red Rising and Ikuno Emiru from Nozoki Ana (?) though really this list could be wildly different a month from now Dream job: right now I’d probably say opening my own company in the field of technology, but again a month from now it could be something different (true dream job will always be orgy organizer tho) Number of blankets I sleep with: I’m always hot so as few as I can, at most 2 light ones in winter
I tag whoever feels like doing this !!
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gunkbaby · 21 days
Heyyyy party people. It is now September, meaning the intended start for the little Tokyo Ghoul re-read I am still hoping to host will start (hopefully) next month!
College starts again for me on Monday, i was able to get my timetable so i know roughly how much free time i will have + over the coming weeks will be working on adjusting to that - i have to do an extra course to guarantee a uni offer too, so this could be subject to change. It’s…a lot lol. As soon as I have my routine in order, and feel i have enough free time, i will be starting the re-read. I am still praying to start the re-read in October. personally i think aiming to start it on Halloween would be sick af - and it takes more pressure off me lmao. I know not setting a set date for the start of the re-read is probably very annoying, and all my updates are basically - ooooh maybe October guys idk yet - but hopefully my next update will be more exciting.
I have the Discord server to host the re-read in basically all set up already, as well as scheduling for the re-read. I’d hope the next update is the link to the server. I am still in dire need of moderators for the server. I’m not good with technology and I’m a busy little bee, so if anyone would be interested in helping out with moderating the discord server, etc - please drop me a message to discuss it (warning that my reply time is quite slow in advance). I will also be making a side blog to host the re-read on tumblr - featuring weekly discussion posts and the like - for those who would prefer not to use Discord. As I said, hopefully all that will be in my next update.
I know I am not very active at the moment, but I have a few exciting things planned to post. Hopefully a short fic oneshot, new analysis post, and I’m hoping to post my ghoul biology headcanons soon too. My new course is lots of report writing and essays and research, so I was hoping in my free time I could build on those skills by making things related to TG (Shuu) - so hopefully a lot of long-winded TG posts in the near future. Also, of course, @shuutism will be coming back soon. I had to stop posting on there for a bit bc being online is hard.
Sorry I’m so boring in this update - girl who gaf lol 😭 Idk. Just wanted to yap i guess. Hopefully more exciting things on the horizon. Things are a lot currently; like i think I’m reverting back to Christianity and heterosexuality - or maybe it’s just pre-autumnal depression - and my adoration of horses has become very powerful, and now I have braces. Which is great because it’s really helped my ED recovery, but in the process I think it’s also sent me back into a different relapse. Like I say - a lot of stuff, none of it to be online. Idk. Yap session over. See u soon party ppl 🫡 🙏💜❤️
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lazzledazzler · 8 years
About Me Meme
I got tagged by: tagged by @kantan-kt ~!
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better 
alright lets do it
Nickname: Mitsu on this platform
Gender: Female
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5′5″
Sexual orientation: Frey’s Panties ™… in all honesty I don’t have one anymore i just like cute ppl that i can relate to
Hogwarts house: Slytherin go fig
Favourite colour: all pastels, purple, 
Favourite animal: i love all things furry excluding like, spiders and stuff with stingers…wait, bees are ok just stay away from me
Time right now: 7:58pm
Average hours of sleep: 7 or 8? I constantly wake up in the middle of the night tho :(
Lucky number: 7
Cat or a dog person: CatDog! i love both <3
Favourite fictional character(s): everyone knows the answer tho…
Lest,Frey,Kiel | Laslow/Inigo, | Ed&Al, | Kanato, Shuu, (dialovers) | Sugamama (HQ!!)
Last thing Googled: “does taking zinc help with colds” bc im sick :(
Blankets I sleep with: 1
Favourite band: im a shawol til’ i die
Dream trip: Witnessing SHINee live
Dream job: translating stuff??
Wearing right now: TokiDoki shirt with shorts
Age of blog: i dont remember haha Following: 501
Followers: classified~!
Posts: 14,799
When did my blog reach its peak: i dont remember lol. just out of nowhere tho?
What made me decide to get Tumblr: the memes baby
What I post about: memes and ugly art and more memes
Do I get asks regularly: yeah its unreal
Aesthetic: earthmates w/ amnesia, anything hello kitty, jackie’s art
Tagging: @unmei-no-ito , @namely-a-user, do i rlly have to do 20 like thats unreal, @jordemme, @dipdopofthedip , yeah thats enough right? lol
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yodepalma · 8 years
The Gate of Magic – FMA03/HP, Teen, gen
Just Cat Things – FMA/HP, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
A Handful of Minutes - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Shut Up and Dance - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Sway - FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Learning Curve - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Damsel in Distress - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Broken - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Cascade - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
One of Those Days – FMA/HP, General Audiences, gen
Shadows - FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Camellia – FMA03, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Sunbathing - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Nine Lives Café - FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed, Maes/Gracia
Shifting - FMA, General Audiences, Maes/Gracia
City Boy – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
First Impressions – FMA, Teen, Alphonse/Riza, Roy/Ed, Jean/Kain
Ruin the Sky – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Cinderoylla – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Silver Lining – FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Pretty Boys in Dresses – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
A Very Hawkeye Haunting – FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Dream Guy – FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Hopeless – FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
The Children of Snakes – FMA/HP, Teen, Roy/Ed
Too Useful to Shoot – FMA, General Audiences, Jean/Kain
Good Morning, Shitlordia! – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Best Friends – Ronin Warriors, General Audiences, implied Shuu/Shin
Sparkly Heart Emoji – FMA, Teen, Roy/Ed
Bottoms Up – FFXV, General Audiences, gen
Cadence – FMA, General Audiences, Roy/Ed
Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here – FFXV, General Audiences, Gladiolus/Prompto/Ignis
Total number: 32 posted Total word count: 121,955 + a TON of unposted/unifinished things, good god Ship/character breakdown: Roy/Ed (26), Maes/Gracia (2), Jean/Kain (2), Al/Riza (1), Shuu/Shin (1), Gladiolus/Prompto/Ignis (1), gen (3) Characters that had the main focus: Mostly Roy :| Then a few Ed, Al, and Harry.
Best/worst title? BEST: I’m pretty partial to Too Useful to Shoot, honestly. Also Bottoms Up because pun. WORST: Pretty Boys in Dresses, gods. Or Sparkly Heart Emoji. I CAN’T DECIDE
 Best/worst first line? BEST: The ridiculous thing about dragons, the thing that was really easy to forget, was that they were basically just cats. (from Sunbathing) WORST: Ed hates dancing. (from Shut Up and Dance)
 Best/worst last line? I’m ignoring Dream Guy, The Gate of Magic, and the WiPs. Also, wow, I’m terrible at last lines. BEST: proooobably~ Needless to say, Friday worked great. (from Sparkly Heart Emoji) WORST: He’d have to see. (from A Very Hawkeye Haunting)
 General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? More, definitely. I didn’t expect to write anything but my main FMA/HP series, but I wrote SO MANY stupid ficlets.
 What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Pairing? Jean/Kain. Never considered it until recently. Fandom? FFXV. Not just because I didn’t even know it was coming out, but I have no way to play it so I wouldn’t think I’d have any way to grow FOND of it. XD
 What’s your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Uhhhh it’s a toss-up between Ruin the Sky and Shifting.
 Okay, NOW your most popular story. The Children of Snakes. Shocking!
 Story most underappreciated by the universe? Ruin the Sky. LOVE MY SCIFI AU GAWD.
 Story that could have been better? Oh man, I really wish I’d had the time to do Dream Guy justice, because that story could have been beautiful. T_T But also A Very Hawkeye Haunting.
 Sexiest story? Uhhhh hm. I don’t really write sexy things, but either Pretty Boys in Dresses just for the kink mention, or maybe First Impressions.
 Saddest story? WAS ANYTHING I WROTE SAD?? Okay, no, it wasn’t. So I’ll go with The Children of Snakes for certain events. >.> Or Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here because it’s a story about recovery. Most of my stuff is pure fluff so *SHRUG EMOJI*
 Not Posted? Oh gosh, so many. I wrote 4 or 5 holiday drabbles that I didn’t post, to send out with cards this year. And there’s a bunch of stuff I never finished (two of which are longer WiPs that are a few chapters in, but I’m trying not to post unfinished stuff this time around), and some side stories to The Children of Snakes that either aren’t done or just aren’t posted because of reasons I forget.
 Most fun? Nine Lives Café, oh gosh the cutest thiiiing.
 Story with single sweetest moment? Christ, this list is like 99% fluff. Maybe Cascade? Proposals are sweet.
 Hardest story to write? Hmmm probably First Impressions. It just would not cooperate with me for a lot of things. Gah.
 Easiest/most fun story to write? Toss-up between Best Friends and Bottoms Up. Crackfic ftw.
 Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? Hmmm, not really? Some stuff like Too Useful to Shoot and Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here were helpful in EXPLORING characters I’m unfamiliar with, but they didn’t really change anything.
 Most overdue story? Posted? The Children of Snakes. Wooo, that one keeps arguing with me so much. T_T Not posted? The next part of the Dragon Scars series, which I really need to get around to writing. Bleh.
 Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Does writing about characters for a game I’ve never even played count? BECAUSE THAT WAS FUN. I did learn that I can write characters that I’m sort of familiar with when I’ve only learned about them through third parties, which is going to be useful when I get around to writing my Riza/Winry. And even though I didn’t actually WRITE the kinky sex of Pretty Boys in Dresses, it was fun even vaguely mentioning it.
 What are your fic writing goals for next year? Finish more longer things? :D Also to try to branch out a little more in genre, pairing, and fandom. I stick to one thing so much it’s painful, and as much as I love writing fluff NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE FLUFFY, SELF.
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gunkbaby · 1 year
Having all these little Shuu posts i wanted to make to comfort myself about my ED/SH relapse but i feel weird posting Shuu ed headcanons n that again bc last time a bunch of ppl started vagueposting abt me basically saying abt how i was missing the point of his character or something?
Like im very sorry but…I’ve had this headcanon for years, since i was 14 and in an ed clinic. Shuu has literally always helped me get to a point where i would try and recover, he really helps me cope and that. I’ve never not posted shuu ed stuff, even on my old account, i dont mean to trigger ppl, but i really dont feel like im doing anything wrong? It’s just a comfort headcanon…?
It just made me feel so bad abt myself and that, i got rly upset when i saw that, which is why i had to take a tumblr break. Like really? Is it that serious? Idk dude i just. Ik shuu is a comfort to a lot of ppl with eds actually, and i think it’s ok to talk about? I kinda think it’s OK for ppl with eds or sh or other issues to hc their comfort characters as having those things bc…comfort characters are for comfort, and imo, Shuu’s ed is kinda canonical! That’s how i read his character as someone with an ed, and it ok if others disagree, but i think my interpretation is still valid????
Idk. I might make a few posts but im scared. I dont wanna do all that again, it made me feel like fucking shit when i saw ppl shittalking me last time.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(and tiny Pride. It’s fun how he was like, almost the least sympathetic homunculus (I mean, most people can relate to just wanting to go back to sleep ok dad/mom, so even Sloth…lol), and yet he’s the only one who finds a ‘new life’.)
(only HOHENHEIM’S DEAD, my FMA twin is gone ;-; at least that moment with Trisha was beautiful)
I thought I’d cry with FMA’s ending because I did almost cry during the Ishvalan Civil War flashbacks, but…once again, my eyes were dry XD maybe because TG and AoT made me appreciate FMA’s happy ending more?
TYSM for recommending such a great series, Queen Luna <33333 I’m getting kinda emotional XD
UGH. Idek what book that is but I already hate it because of that line.
Hisoka, Hisoka. He’s like the unholy offspring of Furuta and Sebastian. I love it.
(nah, it’s fine,I don’t mind cursing ^^ thanks for asking though, that was sweet)
Yeah, Junior High is pretty cute :) well, it hasn’t been that long since she started learning cello so she’s still playing simple songs like 'mary had a little lamb’ ^^ she really wants to play more complex songs, though.
GAH SORRY I still haven’t started playing OTL I’ve just been a bit busy and had a lot to think about (because COLLEGE) so I kept forgetting…I’ll let you know when I finally start, sorry ;-;
If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon…ok, ok, I can deal with Touken, I can deal with that. HOWEVER. If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon and Urie/Mutsuki does, I don’t even know what I’ll do. ESPECIALLY IF ISHIDA MAKES URIE ABANDON SAIKO TO 'SAVE’ MUTSUKI OR SOMETHING OMG
I would never! I’m a nice, sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know the meaning of the word 'savage’!
If Kimblee actually took a liking to me I’d try to get him to stop blowing things up. Maybe find him a different hobby. But the sad truth is that there’s probably nothing and no one he likes enough to give up his explosions for XD
But you know how I have a cinnamon roll side and then a troll side? Troll!Evans and Kimblee might actually get along really well. Imagine the suffering…
0//////0 Queen Luna is also an amazing friend! Tysm for everything <333 (I say 'tysm’ a lot but then again, there’s no such thing as too many 'thank you’s? lol. Also, I love how 'Queen Luna’ was just a joke at first but now it’s like an actual nickname I use for you. I hardly ever call you just 'Luna’ anymore XD if we ever met irl I’d probably have a hard time calling you anything other than 'queen’)
Oh wow. Sebastian will fight you for the honor of his kitties
X-men is a seperate universe from MCU, though. (I don’t watch X-men so I’m not sure but I think they and MCU agreed to share the Pietro/Wanda twins?) X-men Pietro is a different character from MCU Pietro so our Pietro is still dead ;-;
Moblit and Evans would go on friendly coffee dates and rant about their crazy queens.
Luna/Armin would be so cute, seriously why do I ship you with so many characters…and idk what puberty will do to Armin(will he even survive to go through all of it? sorry) but the fanart of adult!Armin does look good :)
And wait, 15 cm taller than Levi? I’m maybe 3~5 cm taller than him (and I’m only 13 omg) so that makes you at least 10cm taller than me.
It’s really messed up, which means I’ve gotta draw it now XD
Congratulations with Kimblee might go something like this (warning: this is crack and I’m sorta abusing Kimblee's canon abilities, realistically it probably couldn’t go like this):
Shuu: “Mr. Kimblee?!”
Kimblee: “Tsukiyama…
*blows up the clock on Shuu’s desk*
“You have invented a new kind of stupid-”
*blows up a framed picture of Shuu and Naomi*
“A 'Damage You Can Never Undo’ kind of stupid-”
*sets fire to the carpet*
“An 'Open All the Cages in the Zoo’ kind of stupid-”
*destroys the entire hecking desk*
“A 'Clearly, You Didn’t Think This Through’ kind of stupid.”
*breaks the window nearest to Shuu*
And then, at the end-
Kimblee: “Every sacrifice you make is for my sister, give her the best life-
Congratulations. :)”
*entire house collapses around them*
So you’d contract Sebastian for chocolate?
(tbh I have a sweet tooth too. I’m sorta sensitive to taste so too many sweets at once makes me get sick of them quickly, but I really like them a little at a time (and I still almost never get sick of chocolate))
ty again for the beautiful edit <3
*hugs* thank you, that really means a lot to me.
But did you see the small Kaneki painting I sent you along with the other pics? Because I actually made that as a way to vent..splattering red blood paint all over the paper did help XD (drawing doesn’t always help, though. When I’m really angry I get the urge to raise my voice and say exactly what I’m thinking, only that’d be horrible so I try to keep it down..but that just makes me angrier LOL)
the left side feels more Kanae and the right side feels more Shuu, but either way, it looks really beautiful :D <3 (also that 'I miss you’ omg I’m getting Shuu/Kaneki feels NO)
(Also I hope the Uta edit I sent you was ok? It was like almost the first aesthetic thing I’ve ever done lol
About it, though: I don’t have a pinterest so I searched stuff like 'black and white aesthetic tumblr’ on google and used the pics that popped up…is that ok? Since I’m just downloading pictures I like and playing around with them on PhotoScape with no intention to post it on the internet or show it to anyone other than you? Idek how this works, I’m way too ignorant about the internet ;-;)
Oh, that sounds cool! I don’t listen to much Ed Sheeran but liked his song for the Hobbit ('I see Fire’? I think that’s what it’s called?) and because Shape of You just keeps playing in the manhwa cafe I go to to read manga, that song kinda got stuck in my head and I can’t stop listening to it XD I don’t listen to remixes a lot for no particular reason but some of them are really cool :)
I’m currently obsessed with Hurricane, Castle, Ghost and 100 Letters by Halsey, along with a bunch of Lana Del Rey songs (going to listen to her new album as soon as I can!), Melodrama (Lorde’s new album), and Young and Menace and Champions by Fall Out Boy…also songs from Steven Universe and Adventure Time, like Love Like You and Everything Stays. And all of FMA’s openings because WOW.
(And yeah, movie/anime soundtracks are always so cool <3)
Is... Is your heart okay? I know it’s a big emotional thing!  Yeee, Greed’s death was a huge shock for me as well T^T WhY Did yOu HaVE tO saY GOodByE
The only thing that really shocked me was Ed giving up his alchemy. It honestly made for a bit of an unsatisfying end, like it’s trying to make way for a sequel (that never came)
Yep, I was expecting you to be not so happy with Hoenheim... Well, at least it’s a happy death? Not in battle, but with his beloved?
TG and AoT scar people for life. Kill of their emotions, so they’re unable to cry at sad things, bc nothing is sad in comparison to those two.  Except for a few rare exceptions. Oh, did I ever tell you that I always, without a fail, cry when watching a specific Love Live episode? It’s about a character that I relate to a bit too much, and since it’s a sorta bittersweet character arc, I always end up crying. The music also gets to me. I could write in detail exactly what and why XD
No problem! If you ever want more recommendations, just say so! Even though I’ll probably recommend series without you asking :P
It’s called ‘Court of Thorns and Roses’. I mean, the writing style is more or less ok, and the premise is interesting at first glance, but then everything gets ruined by the author for not being able to create a flawed MC, cause they have to be perfect!  I’ve read another one of the author’s books before, but dropped it halfway, again because on an annoying MC. The only reason why I finished this one is bc it was the only reading material available XD It’s also supposed to be a spin on Beauty and the Beast, but with fairies, but it was so badly done that I genuinely didn’t realize that until I read it somewhere on the internet. It’s also one of the rare series where I intentionally don’t read the sequels. The original book was that bad I’m getting way too emotional over the book XD
Hisoka is breaking my trash-o meter! It’s over 9000!
Ah, that’s a relief... I’ve definitely started cussing a lot lately, and I know it makes some people uncomfortable, so I wanted to ask ^^
Aw, that’s actually adorable! I hope she gets better at it soon ^^ I’ve always loved listening to string instruments...
Naaah, no worries! Take your time with it! It’s no rush, honestly! Do it at a time that’s convenient to you ^^ Seriously, please don’t feel pressured to play it >_<
Let’s be honest. The possibility of Urie sacrificing himself for Mutsuki is way bigger than Urie/Saiko becoming canon. I cry when I think about it, because we all know Urie would be so much happier with Saiko (*`д´*) Ishida, whyyyyy
Right, I totally believe that. Evans, a sweet, innocent cinnamon roll who doesn't get savage at moments. Sure. Because you totally didn’t set the Flame Alchemist on fire with a burn.
I’m afraid explosions are his one true love. Maybe you could get him to paint explosions instead of making them, though. Like, ‘Ok, Kimblee, here’s paper, some paint, go wild. Just don’t set the room on fire, please.’ He’d show his soft side around you only. If there was anyone else in the room, he’d be his usual self, but with you, in private, he’d probably be a tiny bit sweet. Sometimes.  Troll!Evans and Kimblee would be the actual definition of ‘Prepare for trouble, make it double’. I’d probably run away screaming when you’d announce your relationship XD I’d congratulate you later, but still a bit weary when the two of you are together.
Fun fact: I almost blush every time I read the word Queen XD If I was someone who blushed easily, I’d be an actual tomato while reading your messages ^\\\^ I’d probably actually blush if we were walking around and you called me queen... And then bury myself into a hole forever XD
I’d be the person who’d just shrug her shoulders and be like ‘we all have our opinions’. Now that I think about it, I’d probably get on just fine with Ciel XD
Ah, I see. I just remember that there was a quicksilver in one of those movies, but I didn’t remember the details. 
Hanji and I would simultaneously have the glimmering glasses moment XD  The parallels between the duos are really similar :P
He! Will! Survive! He has too... We already had an almost death for him, and I don’t want an actual death to happen. The cinnamon roll doesn’t deserve it. The first time I saw the fan art, my reaction was. *stares at the screen* ‘well then’ I’d liked Armin from the beginning but this was the moment in which he was cemented as favorite character XD
Aw, Evans is smol for now! When I was 13, I was shortest in class, but now I’m among the tallest. Everyone is taller than Levi... That’s just sad XD But, hey, everyone in Cinderella Phenomenon (I will not shut up) is taller than you! In fact, you’re approx. the height of the MC! Cuuute
Well, my stomach totally doesn’t hurt from laughing too much XD That’s a very destructive version of Congratulations, that would probably end up with someone getting sued XD Shuu for emotional damage, Kimblee for blowing up a fucking house.
Unfortunately, not even chocolate can make me sign a contract with that trash can. Sorry Bassy, but you’re not getting my soul.
Aw, that’s a shame... There’s never enough sweets! 
I’m glad you like it ^^
You could always yell into a pillow? Or punch the pillow if you’re feeling especially angry... 
So, basically, I unintentionally made a Shuu/Kanae edit. I’m not even mad XD 
Yeah, it was pretty good! If you want, I can pass you some advices my friend gave to me when I stared making the edits?  The quote is very Uta, tho. I mean, he does revel in other’s tragedy... 
Yes, of course it is! Find pics any way you want! I’m just using pinterest because it’s easier ^^;; A lot of really artsy pics are posted there, so I quickly find what I’m looking for ^^
Yep, I think it’s called that... Most of his songs on my playlist are from his new album, but some are older as well ^^ There’s this remix of Shape Of You. I listen to it waaay too much XD I found it in an AMV and was immediately like ‘I want this song’, so I downloaded it :P
FMA has some of the best openings and closings I’ve ever heard. My favorite is probably the first one, because it’s just so so amazing *^*
I live for the fantasy fight soundtracks.  A few examples are from the anime Fate/Zero or Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, like This Day and Never Again, Unlimited Blade Works and You Are My King. Those would make a snail race look epic.
AAAALSO THE RAGNAROK TRAILER IS OOUT!  I adored Loki’s moment XD ‘Surprise~ This is going to be so much fun’
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todokori-kun · 7 years
*insert bunch of emotional gifs here*
WELCOME BACK <33333333 :D *hugs*
Ok you know how bad I am with linking OTL I’m not even gonna try because I’ll probably mess it up. BUT. Queen Luna must see the glorious Saiko/Urie conent, so…I know it’s in the omakes for Volume 7 and you can totally find a link for it on reddit (the complicated way I found a translation for that omake: first search ‘Tokyo Ghoul Re omake Saiko and Urie’ on google. Click on the first result ('TG:Re volume 7 omake translations’), then go to Part 3 of the omake translations). Idk I’m so sorry OTL
Do you know. Touken had a freaking wedding ceremony this new chapter. The only good thing about that was that Touka and Kaneki’s costumes were serious eye candy, beautifully drawn (I mean, it was Shuu’s work, how could they not be beautiful) and that we got to see drunk Yomo stealing Nishiki’s glasses and calling him 'Nishi’.
(Also Kaneki is just really mean to Shuu? I mean, he never apologized for what happened with Kanae, he never talks about what happened during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation arc, he smilingly told Shuu “I’m going to marry Touka’ to his face, and this chapter he’s seen sitting alone with Touka, telling her that Shu insisted on them having a wedding and planned all himself. We don’t even get a 'thank you’ from Kaneki, just Touka being all "Hey, he’s always been good at that kind of stuff.”
Like, come on. You ruined Shuu’s life, Kaneki, even if you didn’t mean to, and you never apologized. Don’t you think it’s, oh, I don’t know, a little insensitive to go talking about how happy you are in front of him and act like everything’s cool when it hasn’t even been that long since you impaled him, threw him off a roof, and indirectly killed his cousin?)
W O W that really is heaven/hell on earth.
Dolphins. Seahorses. All the activities. It sounds so fun, I’m so jealous ;-; says the person who’d curl up in a ball and die of awkward embarrassment if they ever went to a place like that
Hot Mystery Person must be very attractive if he made the Queen helpless 0.0
Ok I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it but now. Omg. I’m sorry, but this is what my brain created-
Tsukiyama: “Longing for Tatsuo, missing my wife, that’s when Kaneki Ken-kun walked into my life, he said-”
Kaneki: “I know you are a man of honor, I’m so sorry to bother you at home, but I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
Tsukiyama: “He said-”
Kaneki: “My wife’s doing me wrong, sir ;-; beating me (cue several canon flashbacks of Touka beating him up), cheating me, mistreating me, suddenly she’s up and gone- I don’t have the means to go on…”
And Naomi during Burn
“Tsukiyama Shuu, I think you’re forgetting that I’m a Chimera Ghoul…”
(Ok tbh it would be more like extreme numbness, a lot of heartbreak and secretly crying when she thinks no one’s looking, but shush, let’s pretend for the sake of comedy)
And Tatsuo crashes in like
“Heard you couldn’t keep it in your pants
PrEpAre tO dIE”
(sorry lol)
(Also: I’m planning on starting Hunter x Hunter this week or the next, just because of freaking Hisoka OTL have you ever watched/read it?)
I KNOW! I was such an idiot ;-; I think it was mostly the art style that made me think that, because tbh it looks a lot like typical Shounen art during the earlier manga chapters and in the anime (I do think it starts looking a lot better in later manga chapters though).
Ok, the thing about Mustang is that I like him and hate him at the same time. It isn’t his fault, but tumblr made me think that basically “TINY MINISKIRTS” + cool flame powers + major troll to Ed + loves Promotion almost as much as Urie= Roy Mustang, and turns out that was wrong XD I mean, all of those ARE true, but there’s a lot more to his character than that and he’s also colder than I thought he’d be (especially for a guy with fire powers lol sorry). He’s still really cool, though.
True, just from what I know about him Greedling seems to have a LOT more development than the original Greed ever had. I still like Original Greed though, mostly for his attitude and his style XD (something about his 'death’ scene and his final words to Father sort of gave me chills, in a weird way)
I expected Al & Ed to be your typical shounen protagonists but they’re a lot more complex than I thought! And way more likable. Al’s kitty obsession gives me life.
Also, Lust. Freaking Lust. I just read her death scene today and even though I’d already watched it as a clip from the anime it still gave me chills (especially since I was imagining her English VA’s voice and WOW).
And Bradley. I was sort of expecting him to either turn out to be a villain or play a really big role in the story later on, but I wasn’t quite expecting him to be Wrath…the moment it was revealed I was like “oh NO” because come on, I liked Bradley ;-; he was a cool dude.
As for Scar, idk. He’s not quite the type of character I usually 'crush’ on but he’s just… wow 0.0 I also just like his character in general, all his backstory and personality and his character arc.
(Though if I imagine meeting him irl all I can see is him giving me one look and me immediately curling up into a ball on the floor and just freezing up right there because wow, that’s scary
Scar: “…Did it die?”)
Aww, TYSM <3 It’s great to have you back! :D
Remember how I’ve talked about my art before? I mean, it’s wonky and weird and almost never colored, but I might actually be able to show some of it to you this week or the next! :D I only just figured out how to submit pictures to tumblr OTL (Yes,I have no idea how tumblr works ok) so…do you want to see it? XD
Oh, I see ^^ take your time! I’m looking forward to your reply :D
Also, FMA update:
I met Olivier. She was one of the characters I was interested in even when I only knew FMA from tumblr, and now that she’s actually appeared….I love her. She’s amazing. I’m officially over Lust (sorry bae but you’ve been dead for a while)
I also like Mustang a lot better now. He’s slowly but surely worming his way into my ‘top characters’ list (especially after I watched that one Koma Theater thing with his 'on hold’ song omg).
And hey, Ling suddenly became one of my favs. Idk how even because I was sorta indifferent to him at first but just… don’t ask LOL I’ve also met Greedling and I definitely see why he’s one of your favs :D I personally can’t quite 'crush’ on him tho because he’s two different people mashed into one body…guess that just means Queen Luna can have him all to herself ;)
Also, Kimblee/Kimbly/Kimberley/Kimberly/whatever the heck his name is supposed to be (I want to go with Kimblee or Kimberley but then I see someone else using a different version and it’s like “??? can I just call him Fedora-chan?”). This Magnificent Bastard. I hate him. I love him. Possibly one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. Boy, you got me helpless- and NOT IN A GOOD WAY *incoherent screaming*
(and my crush on Scar is still there. Yes, I’d still curl up in a ball and die if we met irl, who cares)
(Last note: Sloth. SLOTH. It’s freaking Tatsuo no one can convince me otherwise. He’s put on a weird costume to troll the FMA cast.)
And then I disappeared again for a while :PP Well, hopefully I’ll be able to answer more often now, but if I don’t, it means the internet is acting up again ;-;
They what. What?? NOW?? IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENING???? As you can see, I haven’t read the new chapters yet ^^;;
Wow, that really is mean from Kaneki. Damn it. I love Shuu and am still not over Kanae, because Kanae and Shuu. HNNNGH, WHY DID KANANE HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE?? Drunk Yomo does seem entertaining, tho.
Dude, a guy thought I was playing a game where I was supposed to be as silent as possible in the camp, because I literally read and slept 90% of the time.
Seriously, tho, I’m still not over the guy. Damn. BUT HEY I GOT INTO AN ANIME WHICH has a character who’s definitely more attractive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Aaand, he is voiced by Suwabe. Yaaaas. Time to binge the 223 chapters of manga!
WELL FUCK. THE KANEKI PAMPHLET. SHIT. COME ON.  I mean, I was the one who mentioned it first, but damn. Congratulations with Tatsuo would be interesting. 
Nope, I never read/watched it, but I heard a lot of good things about the anime ^^ So, tell me about it when you’re done (or when you get a feel of it).
Art improvement is my favourite thing to see in manga. My favourite mangas for that are probably Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona and Black Butler, since the art progression is very visible and damn it, I love seeing people improve.
Mustang is my ultimate favourite in FMA. Cause MUSTANG.  Ahem.
*slams the phone down* Fun fact: this was written from memory. I actually know the whole song. Help.
Also, Olivier. 
Those two are just... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I think you’ll like seeing Scar more in the future, since he gets even more development. Cause he gets a lot of it. Everyone does, though.
I think Scar would be fascinated with you. Like, ‘this smol thing. I want to protect it. What is this feeling’
AAAA! I hope you submit your art soon! I really want to see it!!
Olivier is bae. She can step on my face and I won’t complain.
Ayyy I get 2 guys at the same time. Greedling is second to Mustang. Cause damn??? Especially when Greed is in control?? Damn. 
Kimblee, says the wiki, is my nightmare. I never really liked him, honestly. Cause  shit, the guy blows stuff up for fun. He is definitely interesting, but I’d be scared to be in a 5km radius of him. He’d blow me up. One sarcastic remark, and I’d probably be dust. Yay.
Ahahah Tatsuo Sloth. Wow. 
Sloth scares me, to be honest.  A lot of fma characters scare me, it appears. 
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