#sibling rivarly + hero/villain rivalry is too powerful
aithusiel · 2 years
It needs to be said. That trope? The one you all love so much? The one that's like, "They're mortal enemies, but would kill anyone who dares touch the other?
My brother in Christ that is just sibling energy.
There I said it.
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aithusiel · 2 years
everyone talks about enemies to lovers
but I'm going to talk about enemies to family. (Not enemies to found-family)
Imagine. Two teens/young adults (because apparently to save/destroy the world you have to be young and vengeful) have their respective parent date each other. Unbeknownst to the parents, their children are the top superhero/villain respectively.
But what can this do? you may ask.
Well, let me enlighten you.
The first meeting where they both just stare at each other internally thinking you. The hard handshake where they both try to break the others hand. The gritted smiles and forced friendliness at family dinners. The small, petty things like tripping each other through doorways, or timing out their phone with too many wrong password entries.
The parents marry each other.
Then it becomes forced acquaintances to forced siblings. They keep the same villain/superhero rivalry, but this time it's personal. Now there's a dash of sibling rivalry along with it. Slide insults and hints are exchanged in the house, but nothing explicit because of the mutual agreement of our parents absolutely cannot know. The villain randomly opening the hero's bedroom door while they are in the middle of watching their favorite tv show. The villain yelling a spoiler and leaving, cackling as the hero curses behind them. The hero getting back by changing the HBO Max password halfway through the second season of Euphoria.
Fights out in the city become interrupted by random comments such as you punch me in the face i'm telling dad. Or next time, don't hide your masterplan under your bed pillow; be more creative. Or, dude how am I supposed to hide this! *shows bruise on neck from being slightly strangled* Idk blame *significant other*. Absolutely not.
Slowly, but surely, the city just becomes a playground for them. A place to run around and fight but not fight. They know each other too well to actually hurt the other (much to the dissatisfaction of the villain because ugh you gave me morals how dare you)
Then a new villain comes to town.
And the new villain finds the hero waiting on a city rooftop for their sibling, so they can have their nightly "chat".
The villain arrives to find their hero, their sibling, on the ground. Maybe they are bleeding, maybe they have a broken arm or something. Either way, the new villain is just standing there menacingly over them.
The villain runs and puts themselves between the two, standing protectively. They glance down and see that the hero is injured. That they are silently crying, and won't look at the villain.
They slowly look up, staring down the newcomer who takes a step back at the pure rage in their eyes. They are seething and the new villain knows it.
you hurt my brother, and nobody gets to hurt my brother but me
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