So, Can i request a TXT Yeonjun emeto Fic? Thanks
I know this request was like... a year ago. And I'm sorry! If you're still around, anon, hopefully this finds you.
Sickie: Yeonjun Caretaker:  Soobin Content: emeto, stomach aches, nausea, disorientation
Yeonjun felt like he was going to die.
Figuratively speaking, at first. Some amalgamation of anxiety, excitement and probably some sort of exhaustion, if Yeonjun could feel it. They’ve been in the practice room for the greater part of five hours, working and reworking and re-reworking a potential run-through for his solo performance on Studio Choom. It wasn’t for another month, more than enough time to finetune everything once they begin using props and marking the stage’s dynamics. He has time, this is his main agenda outside of preparing for their upcoming tour.
But after dancing for five hours? Yeonjun thinks he’s going to die, quite literally.
He’s got the TXT practice room to himself now, with Kai and Taehyun off with friends and Beomgyu napping at the dorms, and he’s seen Soobin pop up once or twice to drop off water or watch the progress. But outside of the first hour and a half with the choreographer, Yeonjun’s completely alone.
And he’s starting to feel off.
As the music begins once again from the speakers, the choreographer’s moves on the screen resuming from the start, Yeonjun makes his way over to where he’s put his water bottle. And he trips over his own sneaker, almost lands headfirst onto the floor.
“Agh,” he complains to himself. “Feet, come on.”
Is he tired? Is that what it is?
Yeonjun reaches his water bottle and unscrews the cap, wondering why his throat feels kind of tight. Not allergen tight, but an odd feeling, almost restrictive, as if something in his throat is what’s giving him issues. With a deep sigh, he subdues whatever may be bothering his insides in exchange for taking a sip.
And it’s an awful idea. The moment the warmed water passed over his tongue and down his throat, he could already feel it threatening to come back for a return visit.
“Come on, come on,” he mumbles to himself, his fingers gripping the water bottle.
As he takes another sip, he realizes quite quickly what he’s experiencing here—and it’s just… nausea.
His stomach feels unsettled, and the moment the water touched it, it shattered something solid in him. His mouth feels wet already, saliva beginning to pool around his tongue. He swallows roughly to subdue it.
It doesn’t work, anyway.
Immediately, the floor doesn’t seem so solid, and neither does Yeonjun’s resolve. With shaky hands, Yeonjun swallows again, and thus begins the internal monologue of: don’t throw up – don’t throw up – don’t throw up–
And it doesn’t work. His stomach immediately summersaults and he barely has time to put the water bottle on the counter before he rushes to the small trash can, hunching over. It’s barely two feet from the ground, but it helps. He gives the can a rough spit, but it doesn’t do anything.
Immediately, Yeonjun is angry. After all these hours of working to get this done and his timing has to be the worst. He doesn’t have time. This is a non-issue.
And his stomach seizes up again. A cramp the size of a tsunami waves across him and cause him to curl down further, bringing the tall member to hover barely over the can. He doesn’t have time to focus on another wave of cramps before he just feels it come pouring upward. Warm, thick, and full of chunks, and it reeks. It felt like undigested breakfast, warm tea and cold rice working its way into the trash can at an alarming rate. Yeonjun feels shaky, so he places his hands on his knees to brace himself as another mouthful rips its way up. The noise he makes is inhumane, annoyed by how his stomach hurts, his his back is throbbing, how he has to deal with all of this in the first place. He didn’t make these plans, for sure; he wanted to be done, go home.
He coughs up another heavy mouthful, breath heaving with each effort. He hurts, aches, and he’s not getting any relief as his body continues to expel everything his stomach may have contained over the past week. Barely another cough in, a hard spit, and he’s back to coughing up bile and stomach acid once he feels himself running empty.
He feels woozy. His vision spins for a moment, and the sound of the choreographer from the speaker goes almost silent for a solid few seconds. Yeonjun’s vision blurs, then returns as another cramp seizes him. Another mouthful. He’s so shaky, he can feel himself almost willing his knees to keep him up while he spits another mouthful.
And after a moment, it stops. He’s spent, exhausted, and he crumples almost immediately to kneeling on the ground. Without a napkin and with no strength to get a tissue from the box on the side table, he merely uses the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth and spits another rough mouthful into the trash can.
“God… that fucking hurt,” he mumbles to himself.
The choreographer’s voice is too loud. The speaker is a little ways away, the remote nearby, but Yeonjun can’t bring himself to make it over there. His head feels too disjointed, almost feeling far too faint. And hot, everything feels so overwhelmingly hot. Sweat plasters his shirt to his back, and the air in the room isn’t cool enough to combat how his temperature must have spiked.
Tilting over, he merely lays down on the floor and pulls his phone from his pocket. When he opens the screen, the bright light brings the nausea back so he turns it back off. Just a few minutes, he tells himself. He’ll just wait, rest a moment, he should start feeling better in a few minutes. His eyes close.
Yeonjun isn’t sure when he fell asleep or what happened, but he awakens to Soobin’s voice on the phone and a hand gently stroking his hair. He groans, only to hear Soobin’s deeper voice hushing him softly.
“It’s okay, hyung. It’s okay, you’re okay.’
Yeonjun, strangely, believes him. A brief chill runs down his spine, but when he curls in more, he can feel the heat of Soobin’s thigh underneath his head, and the comfort of a thick sweatshirt draped over him. He just pulls his hands into the fabric more. It’s oddly very comfortable here, and with Soobin’s long fingers combing through his long locks, he almost begins to drift off again.
As he settles, he hears Soobin’s voice begin again. He must be talking to someone; Yeonjun’s vision is blurred and teary when he tries to look up, so he gives up quickly and closes his eyes. “Yeah, he just woke up for a moment. Mhmm… he hasn’t since I’ve been here, but he’s not mumbling anymore.” A pause. “Yeah, I’ll wait here.” And then: “Yeonjunie?”
“Mm?” Yeonjun mumbles in acknowledgement. He tilts his face but doesn’t open his eyes.
“Think you’re awake enough to tell me what happened?” The request isn’t unkind and Soobin’s keeping his voice low, almost as if he senses Yeonjun’s growing headache. His fingertips rake along Yeonjun’s scalp and it’s so gentle and comforting that it almost lulls him back to sleep.
“’M up…” Yeonjun grumbles. His mouth feels full of cotton. It takes him another moment before he just sighs. “Dunno… tired.”
“I know… were you feeling sick all day?”
That receives a grunt and the smallest of head shakes. Yeonjun doesn’t think he felt terrible all day; actually, things were going well for the first few hours, he’s sure. Soobin doesn’t push him further, but he does pause in his hair rubbing to place a hand on Yeonjun’s forehead. Yeonjun whines, trying to tilt his scalp back to Soobin’s hand, and it gets a small chuckle from the young man as he returns his head to scratching his scalp.
“Yeonjunie?” the older one hears again, but with a soft groan, he merely pushes his head back into the sweatshirt and falls asleep again.
When he wakes up again, he’s once again struck with an overwhelming urge to vomit. He pushes himself upright, eyes opening to bright white lights, and the nausea rushes to turn his stomach inside out. And immediately there’s a hand on his shoulder, leaning him forward. He can briefly feel a bucket in his hands before he sticks his face inward and gags. But only a stringy mouthful of water and spit and bile escape him. He groans, but it turns into a gag and he manages to cough up a little more bile. With a strained cough, he spits, and feels the edge of a cup placed on his lips.
“Take a mouthful and try to rinse,” Soobin’s voice cuts in softly.
It’s commanding enough but gentle at the same time; even when speaking like authority, Soobin’s voice is always so soothing. He truly is a fantastic leader. Yeonjun just does as he’s told, taking in a sip and relishing in the sensation of cold water on his tongue before he feels something gritty and slimy in his mouth. It’s almost enough to make him gag again, but he shuts his mouth to try and avoid thinking about what it actually is and just spits the water into the bowl. He rinses a second time, before Soobin tells him to just sip slowly.
“What—” but it takes Yeonjun a moment. He still feels dizzy, he thinks; not really any pain, but he doesn’t feel very secure sitting up. His head leans forward, and a gentle hand directs him to a shoulder. Judging by the scent from earlier, it’s Soobin again. “What… did I miss?”
Soobin sighs softly, and brings the cup back to his lips. “Another sip. Yeonjunie-hyung, you’re sick, you know.”
With that, Yeonjun just groans. He doesn’t have the time, but he guesses his body made sure he did.
“Your fever’s going down, though… But this is the third time you’ve thrown up in here. The hospital’s going to keep you to get you hydrated again.”
It is? Yeonjun doesn’t even recall throwing up in here, much less being brought in here at all. That gets him to raise his head, eyes open to face Soobin. As they make eye contact, their leader smiles, relief showing in his eyes. “Feeling more awake? You’ve been out of it for the better part of three hours.”
“What happened?” he mumbles.
Apparently, as Soobin explains, Yeonjun answered his call. When he hadn’t come back for the two to leave or answered his texts, Soobin had called his phone and, half-asleep, he answered and mumbled about his stomach hurting. Soobin pieced his location together by the choreographer’s voice in the background and found him. A medical check in the practice room, a trip to the hospital in the van, blood work, and vomiting three times while asking the same question was what led them to that moment.
But he was lucid now. His skin, albeit pale, was slowly regaining its honey soft color. And he’s being held overnight, IV pushing Tylenol and saline through his veins to keep him hydrated.
With a groan, he merely puts his head back on Soobin’s shoulder, which gets a laugh from the younger leader. “Thanks, man.”
“For what, taking care of you?”
That elicits a small nod while Yeonjun closes his eyes. He’s exhausted, even though he’s been sleeping on and off this whole time.
“You don’t even have to ask, Yeonjunie. I’ll always take care of you.”
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k-sickies · 1 year
Yeonjun catched a cold and Soobin makes everything better
Just some soft hours. It's not long but I hope that's okay
Warning: none
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Yeonjun cursed himself in his mind. Why on earth does his immune system hate him that much? He easily gets a cold or flu and of course he catched something again. And of course that happened while they attended an event and had some performances to do. His body really does hate him sometimes.
Currently they’re backstage and Yeonjun is munching on a cough drop. His throat is hurting and sore, making is hard to even swallow. But he had to sing today. So somehow he has to keep his throat wet all the time and the coughing drops are the best for that and they also help against him not coughing every few seconds. However, that doesn’t stop his nose from running. At least he doesn't have a stuffy nose anymore. That would have affected his singing even more. He could live with a runny nose, it was still annoying though. He had to grab a tissue every few seconds and blow his nose. He also has a great headache because of the cold he has and his body can’t decide if it’s too hot in here or too cold. Maybe both, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t really care either. The members and the staff know he’s sick, he tried to not make a big deal out of it, but to be honest everyone could see that he’s sick and not doing too well.
The whole time one of the members were by his side, none of them wanted to let Yeonjun alone. Afraid that he may pass out or anything. They just wanted to comfort him. Right now it’s Soobin's turn. He always manages to comfort Yeonjun and bring a smile to his face, but he does that with everyone. Just his presence comforts everyone and brightens the room. And Yeonnun searches for the comfort of Soobin a lot if he isn’t feeling too well. Especially if he’s having a cold. Somehow Soobin always managed to make his headache go away. Yes the leader sometimes had a hard time to form is words but he’s always so gentle if someone isn’t feeling well. That’s why currently Yeonjun is cuddled up in the leader's arms. His head resting on Soobin's shoulder and his eyes closed.
“ I'll get you sick.” Yeonjun mumbled
“You won’t.” Sobin said with a smile
To be honest Yeonjun was probably right. But does Soobin care? No, not at all. His main priority was to make the older feel better and he knows that cuddles would always manage to make him feel better. He could handle to possibly get sick too, if that means to comfort Yeonjun. In his mind it’s worth it. Soobin lightly squeezed the olders hand. His other hand he pressed against the olders neck and then his forehead. Checking for a temperature and Yeonnun did feel warmer than before. The older leaned into the touch and sighed. The cool hand of the leader eeling good against his hot and clammy skin.
“I think your fever got higher.” Soobin said worried
“Mhm” Yeonjun only hummed, not really realizing the situation.
Soobin looked over to the staff member and they handed him a bottle of water and some fever reducer. He mouthed his thank you and helped the older one to sit up again.
“Can you take this for me?” He asked
It wasn’t really a question, there wasn’t a way out of it or saying no. Yeonjun knew that so he just nodded and took the pills. He gulped the water down as if he hadn't already drunk two bottles in the last hour. The fever just madr him so thirsty and it always cooled him down somehow. After taking the pills he leaned back on the leader's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. The leader smiled and ruffled the olders hair. They stayed like this till they had to perform. All of them watched Yeonjun the whole time, not wanting him to hurt himself. The performance happened without any complications and as soon as they were in the dorms again they all cuddled up around Yeonjun and pampered him with love and tea and cuddles.
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snowbaamgyu · 8 months
Yeonjun carsick sickfic
TXT are going to the beach to film a To Do episode, what could possibly go wrong?
The answer is: everything, if Yeonjun doesn't have his motion sickness medication.
Thankfully his members are there to help him feel better with the aftermath of getting carsick.
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soft-for-yoongi · 2 years
This clip 🤧🥺🥺 (txt to do ep 20)
Yeonjun saying he feels sick because of all the jumping and Beomgyu being sweet "then come down" 🤭 I'm melting.
Plus him holding his tummy at the end 🫶 poor Yeonjun I'm glad he said he was okay 🤧👍
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kcomfortplace · 1 year
Sick Yeonjun Headcanons
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Doesn't get embarrassed with you at all. Will casually burp and pass gas in front of you. Gets really gassy if he feels unwell though
Loves belly rubs but is a bit shy to ask for them if it's not only the two of you
Doesn't really like to tell you if he feels unwell and just casually mentions it. Also is too stubborn to admit feeling bad especially if they're having a tight schedule
If there's no schedule he immediately tells you the moment he feels off
Likes to be cuddled until he feels better
Has a really sensitive stomach and mostly gets sick to it. Sometimes even just candy upsets it
Gets sick the most and always comes down with the worst things
Hates fevers with a passion because they always make him dizzy
Often gets really bad migraines
The worst hangovers
Has a really talkative stomach and gets really bloated if he feels unwell
The only thing he is shy about is if his stomach gets badly bloated
Taehyun told you about what happened at Sugas show and straight up bought Yeonjun to your apartment. So you had to deal with Yeonjuns hangover the next morning
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yeonjune · 6 months
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YEONJUN ✙ "I'll See You There Tomorrow" Performance37
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moamidzyism · 4 months
there is a special place in hell for “moas” that aren’t ot5
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flashymoa · 1 month
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Migraine Becomes a Mess (Taehyun)
This was requested by an anon. Hope it finds the anon.
Sick: Taehyun
Caretaker: mainly Kai
Content: migraines, vomiting
After long hours of practice, TXT finally got to get back to the dorms. Everyone was tired. They just wanted to eat something and go to sleep.
The members quickly washed up and settled down for dinner. Everyone was chatting; Kai occasionally burst out his devilishly loud laughs and Beomgyu being loud as always, thereby Yeonjun scolding Beomgyu and Soobin just quietly eating his food because it's nothing new and food matters first of course.
Everything was normal, except the fact that Taehyun felt annoyed of them. He had a headache and they were making it worse. He had had enough. He slammed his hands on the counter and snapped, "Kai can you stop laughing like that?!"
Kai frowned, "Like what?"
"Your damn loud laughter is annoying me to the guts! It's giving me a headache!"
Kai was offended.He glared at Taehyun, "I've always laughed like that Taehyun. What's your problem?"
"It's annoying me."
Kai just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? It's my natural laughter and if it annoys you I don't give a shit."
Soobin spoke up this time, "Manners Kai."
"Manners?! You tell me to bahave but not him?!! Didn't he pull on a fight first?!" Kai was raging at this point.
"Calm down, kai-ah," Yeonjun said. "What Taehyun said was kinda disrespectful but I'm sure he feels guilty. He'll apologize, right Taehyun?" Yeonjun tured to Taehyun for a response; an apology but Taehyun just got up from his seat without saying anything and walked away.
It wasn't intentional tho, his headache had evolved into a serious migraine. And he couldn't even focus on what they were saying right now. He just wanted to get out of the chaos. Go somewhere quiet and dark.
But Taehyun getting up without answering clearly added flame to the fire. Kai was furious, he turned to Soobin.
"Hyung, did you see that?! He is the one that doesn't have manners!!"
He got up from his seat as well, "Yah! Taehyun! Didn't you hear Yeonjun hyung told you to apologise?!" Taehyun winced at the loud voice. It felt like needles pinning his head. He flinched and slammed his palms against his ears, trying his best to block the voice.
Kai was so mad at this behaviour that he was speechless. First he walked away without answering and now he's pretending not to hear, even blocking his ears to show he doesn't care to listen.
"He's becoming a spoilt brat," Beomgyu commented. Soobin or Yeonjun couldn't even say anything in defense even if they wanted to. They guessed something was fishy, probably Taehyun was upset about something but they didn't give it much thought.
Later that night, Kai insisted he won't sleep in the same bed as Taehyun. (Imagine they share a double bed instead of bunk beds)
"I'm not sleeping in the same room as him Soobin hyung. That's final!" Kai huffed.
"Don't be like this Kai. If you be stubborn and do not sleep in your shared room today, the fight would get even bigger."
"No, he started this. Until he apologises I have no business with him! I'm not talking to him, let alone sleep in the same bed."
Soobin put his hands on Kai's shoulder, "Look at me Kai-ah. I know what he did wasn't right. But, please listen to hyung this once?"
Kai just looked away, not knowing what to say. He was mad Taehyun but he couldn't reject Soobin when he was asking like that.
"Um.. okay, but just because you're telling me to. I obviously didn't forgive him."
Soobin smiled at him, "That's good Ning-ning. Go to sleep now. We have to leave early for practice tomorrow."
"Okay hyung."
Kai opened his bedroom door to find it absolutely dark. Normally it'd be dimly lit at night, but it was completely dark. He didn't think much about it as he got ready for bed.
He sarcastically looked at Taehyun and whispered, "Huh. Now sleeping peacefully after insulting me."
Soon, Kai drifted off to sleep but little did he know, Taehyun couldn't sleep one bit. His head was killing him, not to mention the churning inside his stomach.
On top of that, there was a construction going on nearby, the sound of drilling machines increased the pain 10 folded and Taehyun couldn't do anything but cry silently. The pain didn't ease one bit, it was just increasing.
He didn't even know when he started whimpering. And when Kai woke up hearing his whimpers.
"Taehyun, are you okay?" he heard Kai's voice. Was he really asking? Or was it his confused brain setting hallucinations because he was yearning for comfort.
Taehyun looked at Kai's side of bed. It was dark, he couldn't see anything properly. But then he heard it again, "Taehyun? You okay?"
Taehyun only whimpered in response. Kai immediately figured something was wrong.
He hurriedly got off the bed and flicked on the lights to see things properly. Taehyun flinched at the brightness as he buried his head on his knees, hands clutching his head and hair tightly, whimpering louder. He was visibly shaking. Rocking himself back and forth to calm himself down but he was miserably failing.
Kai immediately rushed to his side in worry, "Taehyun-ah, are you crying? What's wrong?" Taehyun sobbed; he couldn't form any words or even look up at him. The pain was too much.
Huening Kai cradled him in his arms and guided his head to rest on his chest. He rubbed his arms gently; stroked his hair as he whimpered and cried. He won't stop clutching his head nor open his eyes. Kai tried talking to him again, "Taehyunie, can you tell me what's bothering you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me. I'm right here." But Taehyun won't say a word, he seemed in too much pain.
Kai started panicking, Taehyun won't talk to him or even look at him. He couldn't imagine how much Taehyun was suffering to act like that. He was shaking in his arms like a stray bird in a storm.
"Should I call Soobin hyung? But how can I leave him alone in this state?" As much as he wanted the leader's help, he couldn't leave Taehyun alone in that state.
Kai reassured Taehyun in the most gentle way possible but Taehyun couldn't focus on anything when the pain felt like needles piercing through his skull, when the nausea that had slightly settled down earlier increased ten folded all of a sudden; his stomach just wanted to leap out. Taehyun didn't know what to do.
"Taehyun-ah at least open your eyes, please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."
Taehyun tried to follow what he was told. But as soon as he opened his eyes the bright light made everything worse. He was stuck with a sudden wave of dizziness; the world seemed to spin and a wave of nausea hit him on full force.
He felt his throat tighten as he lurched forward with gag. He immediately clamped his hand over his mouth. But it couldn't stop the inevitable as he gagged again and vomit seeped through the gaps of his fingers. Huening Kai's eyes widened at the sudden encounter; nevertheless he didn't let go of Taehyun, rather sat him upright properly so that he doesn't get the vomit on himself.
"It's okay. Let it out. It'll be over soon." Kai tried his best to soothe him. It was his favourite penguin blanket Taehyun threw up on yet Kai didn't feel angry at all. All he felt was worry and sympathy.
Kai rubbed Taehyun's back gently as he retched, coughed and choked on vomit. He was throwing up uncontrollably, barely getting any space to breathe inbetween heaves. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his body tried to get everything out of his stomach.
Kai waited patiently for Taehyun to finish. By the time Taehyun stopped throwing up, the poor boy slumped against Kai, breathing heavily.
Kai asked softly, "Done?"
Taehyun nodded, eyes closed. He was tired and embarrassed. "I'm sorry," those were the first words Taehyun said.
"It's okay. It happens." Kai said as he reached to grab the tissues box from the nightstand with one hand while supporting the sick boy to stay stable with the other. He gently wiped his mouth and nose. Took another tissue to wipe the stray tears. He wiped his hand as well since one of his hands got puke on it.
Taehyun didn't utter a single word the whole time. It wasn't like the throbbing in his head had totally subsided but he felt a lot better.
"Wanna tell what actually happened?"
"Migraine." Taehyun replied while sniffling. His previous crying had left him with occasional sniffles.
Kai noticed Taehyun won't look up, he kept his head hung low. "Is your head still hurting? I'll turn off the lights. But I need to put the blankets in wash first. Can you stay by yourself for a while?"
Taehyun nodded.
"I'm sorry." He apologised as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I'd throw up until it happened. I made such a mess."
Kai held his cheeks and made him look at him. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't feel guilty." He saw tears making their way down his cheeks again. Kai knew he was now crying in guilt, not pain. Taehyun's expression clearly showed how guilty and miserable he felt. Kai placed a forehead kiss and said, "It's not your fault. I can just clean it up, okay? I'll be back in a minute."
Kai carefully pulled off the blanket, careful not to spread the mess and left the room to put it in the wash.
Taehyun was beyond grateful that Kai wasn't mad at him. He felt so tired and miserable that he didn't even notice when Huening Kai re-entered the room. He was in a daze. The only thing he felt was a touch on his shoulder and he turned his head to find Kai standing with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this." Kai helped Taehyun drink the water, carefully not to spill since his hands were shaking. Taehyun felt relieved as the water took away the acidic taste and cooled his throat. Kai handed him two tablets. Taehyun didn't even know what it was. He just trusted him enough to take it without a question. "Thanks."
"You gotta wash your hands, I only wiped with tissues. Do you think you can walk?" He could guess the answer already. Taehyun looked ghostly pale and Kai knew how terrible Taehyun's migranes could be.
Kai sighed, "it's okay, I'll get wet wipes."
Kai helped him get cleaned, turned the lights off since it was bothering Taehyun, even wiped his face and neck with a wet towel when he noticed the temperature had elevated.
Huening Kai guided Taehyun's head on his lap while he sat against the headboard, stroking his hair and messaging his head. He knew it won't help that much given the fact that migraines never go away with message, but he just wanted ease his discomfort even if it's a little bit.
Later on that night, Taehyun spiked a fever and Kai practically stayed up all night to take care of him.
The next morning when Soobin went to wake the maknaes up, he found Kai sleeping while sitting, leaning on the headboard, and Taehyun sleeping on Kai's lap. He smiled inwardly, "Who can tell these two were fighting not even 24 hours ago?"
I'll be glad if you leave a comment or show any support. Your reviews encourage us to write more!❤️
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feverishly-kpop · 9 months
Beomgyu, Taehyun & TXT - Christmas Stomach Flu - Part 2
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Soobin had his hands full. A sick hyung, two sick dongsaengs, and a Christmas Day performance scheduled in just two days. It wasnt that there was truly ever an ideal time for something like this to happen, but the timing of this couldn’t have been worse.
It had hit Taehyun like a bus. He had been cleaning up his room when the nausea suddenly kicked in, making it to the washroom to be sick without a second to spare.
Soobin sat next to him, gently rubbing his back the same way he had for Yeonjun earlier that day.
“I shared food with Yeonjun-hyung last night” Taehyun managed to get out between sobs. The sudden onset of his illness had startled him enough to bring him to tears. He had just about caught his breath when he was hit with another wave of nausea.
“I know you did. It’s okay, you couldn’t have known. Just let it out” Soobin replied softly. Once he was certain that Taehyun was finished he handed him a wet cloth to wipe his face.
“Hyung, I just want to sleep” Taehyun sighed, closing the toilet seat and resting his head on the lid.
“Fair enough” Soobin replied. “But let’s get you to bed first.”
Beomgyu made it a few more hours but still wasn’t able to avoid the inevitable.
Soobin had just flipped on his TV and flopped down on his bed, ready for a moment of relative calm after sitting with Yeonjun through his third round of vomiting for the day. His breath hitched when he heard a soft knock at the door, quickly standing up to open it and revealing a very sickly looking Beomgyu.
“Sorry to bug you hyung” Beomgyu started awkwardly, “but I think I’m running a bit of a fever.”
Soobin immediately ushered Beomgyu inside, sitting him at the edge of his bed before feeling his cheeks and forehead with the back of his hand.
“Oh Gyu, I think this is more than a bit of a fever. You’re burning” Soobin replied, momentarily stepping out of his room and returning with a thermometer.
“How is your stomach feeling?” Soobin asked after he slipped the thermometer under Beomgyu’s tongue. Beomgyu shook his hand in a “so-so” motion. After a minute the thermometer beeped. Soobin carefully pulled it out of Beomgyu’s mouth and glanced at the reading.
“You’re running a good deal higher than Yeonjun and a Taehyun” he said, resting his hand against Beomgyu’s forehead again out of sheer surprise. Soobin knew that Beomgyu had felt warm to the touch but he hadn’t expected his temperature to be quite so high.
“Do you want to go straight to bed? Or should we make a pit stop in the washroom?” Soobin asked as Beomgyu absentmindedly rubbed his midsection.
“Washroom I think” Beomgyu replied with an exaggerated sigh. “I feel kind of nauseous.”
The apartment was dark and quiet by the time Soobin got Taehyun comfortable on the couch after another bout of vomiting.
“What’s going on with the performance?” Taehyun asked weakly.
Truth be told, Soobin hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the impending Christmas Day performance since the moment that Yeonjun had woken up looking exceptionally green that morning. He had immediately texted management to let them know that Yeonjun was down for the count, followed by two more texts with updates when Taehyun and Beomgyu were taken out of commission as well.
“Don’t worry about that, Tae” Soobin responded as he took a seat at the end of the couch, doing his best not to jostle Taehyun too much.
Taehyun rolled his eyes at that. “They’re canceling, aren’t they?” The frustration he was feeling was evident in his voice.
“Honestly, yeah, probably” Soobin replied, bracing himself for the fallout. “I’m just waiting on confirmation from management.
“It’s just a few songs. We could have done it” Taehyun started but Soobin cut in quickly.
“None of you are in any condition to be out of bed let alone on stage” Soobin said firmly.
“What if we have the doctor come and run us some IVs? We can restore our fluids and that should be enough to get us through the performance at least” Taehyun continued to push back.
“This isn’t up for debate, Taehyun” Soobin’s tone left no room to argue. “You haven’t been able to keep anything down today, nor have Yeonjun or Beomgyu. And frankly I haven’t even been able to get Beomgyu’s temp under 39.5°. So no, there won’t be a performance.”
Taehyun nodded, conceding defeat.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling sick” Soobin said with a sad smile. “You know MOA will understand though. They just want what’s best for us, and that means for you to get some rest.”
The worst had passed by the time Christmas morning rolled around but Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Taehyun were all still sporting low grade fevers and hadn’t yet gotten their strength back.
“How did you and Soobin-hyung not get sick?” Beomgyu mumbled around the thermometer that Hueningkai had just stuck in his mouth.
“We didn’t swap spit with Yeonjun-hyung” Hueningkai replied in a very matter-of-fact tone that made Soobin chuckle.
“Next time I won’t share anything and you all can go without” Yeonjun called from his room, his voice still hoarse and weak.
“Hey, no yelling, rest your voice” Soobin admonished as he popped into Yeonjun’s doorway. Yeonjun stuck his tongue out at Soobin before gesturing for him to come in and close the door. Soobin followed his instructions and entered, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.
“I’m really sorry for getting Gyu and Hyunnie sick” he said sadly. “And for the performance getting cancelled.”
“Hyung, stop apologizing. Nobody is at fault here. There will be other performances, just focus on getting back on your feet” Soobin replied. Yeonjun nodded as he laid back down.
Soobin went to leave him to sleep but turned around to add one final thought.
“For what it’s worth, hyung, I think this is our first time since debut that we haven’t had to work on Christmas. There are worse things in the world.”
Yeonjun smirked at that. “Merry Christmas, Soobin” he replied. “Enjoy your day off.”
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yeonjunsbxtch · 2 years
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Sick of You - Choi Beomgyu
Summary: You hated Beomgyu, more than anyone. All he was to you was a scheming playboy that hated you just as much. It made you sick to think your best friends boyfriend hung out with him. You always felt he was a bad influence. Until one night you found yourself at the club for your best friends birthday party, when Beomgyu saved you from the unthinkable.
Genre: Smut + angst
Warnings: clubs, drinking, bars, swearing, victim blaming, drugging, asshole!Beomgyu, pet names, unprotective sex, teasing, arguing, alcohol, marking, hair pulling, enemies to ???, pinning, switch!beomgyu, switch! Reader, fingering, choking, praise, dirty talk, manhandling, name calling
Pairing: Beomgyu x fem!reader
Word Count: 6k+
*summary, genre, word count and warnings are not final and are subject to change
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years
29/10/22 txt.bighitent tiktok update
till we meet again
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k-sickies · 1 year
“I don’t think even medicine can help your stomach, it would be better be sick and get it over with”
Sickie: Yeonjun
Caretaker: Beomgyu
I hope you like it!!
Warning: description of vomit
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That Yeonjun feels fine would be a lie, that he feels bad would also be a lie. If he's being honest he feels horrible. Downright sick and disgusting. After that chicken he had for lunch he just felt horrible. It was a new place, the chicken tasted good and nothing seemed sketchy. However something must have upset his stomach. Maybe it was the sauce or the seasoning. He doesn't know but what he knows is that he has felt sick ever since after eating it. His stomach feels uncomfortable, tight and uneasy with each step he takes. He knows it's not just his stomach aching, there's another feeling lingering inside. He feels as if he had to be sick but there's no way he would lose the battle with his stomach and admit to that.
Currently Yeonjun sat on the couch next to Beomgyu. The two being the only ones without schedule. Normally Yeonjun would be in the studio, writing lyrics or practicing his dancing but today he doesn't feel like it. His stomach was too uncomfortable to even think about moving. So he watched Beomgyu play some games on his PS5. He didn't even know what game he was playing, not paying  any attention. From time to time Beomgyu glanced over to Yeonjun, being worried about the older as Yeonjun told him he wasn't feeling good.
Normally Yeonjun wasn't the type to speak up that easily but with no schedule and feeling this way he didn't see a point in hiding it from anyone. Especially not from Beomgyu as the younger was his safe space.
As the time passed the ache in his stomach got worse and worse. The singer rested one hand on his stomach and couldn't hold back a groan. He already took some medicine but nothing helped. As he rubbed over his aching stomach he let up a low burp, a grimace on his face as he did so. The nausea was getting worse but he wouldn't admit to that. Slowly Yeonjun stood up and popped out another pill, this time swallowing it dry as he got inpatient. 
As the older sat down on the couch again he curled up around his stomach. After around 15 minutes later the lain still wasn't better if anything Yeonjun felt worse. He tried to hold back a whimper as a harsh cramp seized up in his stomach. The older one burped again, this time he swallowed and swallowed after it. Until he felt good enough to settle down again.
Beomgyu finally had enough. "Hyung, I don't think medicine can help your stomach. It would be better to be sick and get it over with." 
Yeonjun looked over to the younger. "I don't want to be.." he mumbled.
Beomgyu sighed. He knew his Hyung had trouble getting sick. He wasn't really scared of it but he also didn't like to be alone While it happened. Actually he was scared of it but would never admit that and that was something all of the members knew.
Beomgyu walked over to Yeonjun and placed the trash can in between the olders legs. 
"I know you hate it." He said softly as he rubbed over the olders back. "I will hold you hand, okay?" 
As soon as the younger one took Yeonjuns hand the older one squeezed it. 
"I feel pukey.." he admit 
"Mhm I know you do. Let's get it over with. I won't leave." Beomgyu said softly.
Immediately Yeonjun relaxed. A bit too much because suddenly a wet burp bought up undigested food. Luckily he had the bucket placed in the right spot or he would have been sick on his lap. While bringing up wave after wave of sick the squeezed Beomgyus hand as hard as possible. 
"Gyu.." he choked out in between heaves. 
Beomgyu squeezed the olders hand and with his other hand he wiped one tear away that rolled down the olders cheek. "I'm here. You'll feel better after if. I promise." 
After one more round Yeonjun was finally empty. His stomach not churning as much as before. He spit one more time into the bucket and leaned back. Beomgyu placed the bucket aside, ready to clean it later but right now he needed to give Yeonjun some comfort. The younger rested one if his hands in the olders stomach and gave it a light rub. "Feeling better?" 
Yeonjun only hummed "Gyu..cuddle me" me whispered.
Beomgyu grinned and pulled the older one into his embrace. "You'll be so embarrassed about it as soon as you feel better. 
"Shut up and cuddle me." Yeonjun grumbled 
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snowbaamgyu · 1 month
Friends don't understand me anymore
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This one is a request from @flashymoa , check that blog too ;)
Also sorry this took too long, it's finally here, enjoy!
Their schedule was packed, like, really packed, that was for sure, and they all were tired, no one had the right to complain, they were following that lifestyle since their debut days, if it wasn't dance practice for a comeback it was for a special stage, or even just to make sure they all mantain the same stamina; then, vocal practice or maybe some individual schedules, submitting lyrics, photoshoots, interviews, etc.
Taehyun didn't notice at first, he brushed away some symptoms like being exhausted when he was just finishing his warm up for his gym routine, or how he felt a bit grossed out by the sight of food, even his favorite dishes! It all were signs of his body telling him something was going to happen.
It was a lot and it was taking a toll on everyone but specially in Taehyun, he didn't have the time for his body to do what it wanted, but today he really wanted to stop everything and go home.
Doubled over with his hands on his knees, Taehyun panted trying to catch his breath, everyone was tired but he felt like he had done all four hours of dance practice when they were just one hour into it. Their dance instructor noticed his behavior and got a bit concerned, still asked "Taehyun-ssi, is everything okay?" just in case, Taehyun nodded before standing straight "Just tired, sorry".
The dance practice continued but Taehyun kept making mistakes, tripping over his own feet or bumping into Beomgyu who was kind enough to hide how frustrated he was getting, the rest did the same aside of Yeonjun who huffed in annoyance when Taehyun held onto him to prevent falling down face first onto the floor, the dance teacher calling for a break and Soobin leaving the room.
"Taehyun, I get that you're tired but we're all are too as well, please cooperate for us to go home quickly" the oldest one of the group said, not knowing what to say, Taehyun lowered his head and apologized, finally realizing he wasn't in conditions for that damn dance practice. "I don't think I feel well enough to continue" he said with a grimace, now feeling all the discomfort, the dancing and moving around distracted him but now all his body felt heavy and hot, probably a fever.
"Taehyun, if we all said we don't feel good then no one would be here right now, I also want to rest but work comes first, focus please" Beomgyu now was the one speaking, and Kai beside him just nodded, he thought the same thing as his hyungs.
"You're right, sorry, I'll do better" was all he said, not wanting to keep the discussion with his hyungs, then went to drink some water hoping it would calm his scratchy throat and mildly upset stomach, his hands trembling when he closed the water bottle, he felt a shiver running down all his body, his eyes were glossy and his head started hurting. Soobin entered the room and the practice resumed, when Taehyun bumped into Soobin this time he immediately bowed and apologized, scared that he also was mad at him for not giving his all and slacking off. "I'm so sorry hyung, I promise it won't happen again, sorry." Soobin noticed how Taehyun's voice cracked a bit at the end and gently grabbed his shoulder, feeling all the warmth radiating through him, the younger sweating buckets and breathing shallowly, something was happening. "It's alright Taehyun, are you feeling okay? You don't seem well" at Soobin's words Yeonjun huffed once again, "He's just being lazy, we're all tired Taehyun you're not special today" Yeonjun's words hurt, they were cold and full of annoyance, Soobin frowned but let it go, not wanting to start an argument mid practice.
They all got into their positions again but Taehyun knew he couldn't make it to the end of the song without making mistakes, not with the way his eyes were full of black dots and everything was changing colors until it started fading, still he went on, didn't stop even when he felt so lightheaded that his nose started bleeding, didn't stop when all his limbs felt so heavy he thought he wasn't in control of his own body, with that he collapsed and the music stopped, so did the boys.
Soobin was the first one to react and go check on him, the dance instructor going out to call the medical staff and one of their managers.
"Taehyun, what happened? Wake up, please!" Soobin pleaded as he put the youngers head on his lap, wiping the blood with a towel Kai handed, Beomgyu and Yeonjun stood there not knowing what to do but bolting into action when the younger started waking up but the first thing he did was choke up his lunch or well, what he managed to eat, Soobin titling his head for him to finish throwing up, Beomgyu held the trashcan for him to puke in there, coughing and retching, Taehyun didn't know what was happening.
When he was done Yeonjun took the trashcan and they all tried to give him air with those hand fans, also giving him so space so he could breath normally again, now in that position Soobin could really acknowledge that Taehyun was really sick and not just lazy how they others were thinking, he was burning up and had really dark circles under his eyes, his normally honey-colored skin was now pale, almost grayish.
"Guys, he is sick, why didn't any of you think twice before saying he was just being lazy? How could you even let this get this far?! Really? You couldn't even just try and check for a fever?" Soobin was mad, like really mad, spoke to them not only in his leader voice but also as a friend who had to point out their mistakes. No one could really reply, they knew they were wrong but now they had to focus on Taehyun, when the medical staff arrived they set him up in the couch of the practice room, Soobin never leaving his side, the other three just looked from afar.
"Looks like a mix of exhaustion and possibly a stomach flu or just the common flu, whatever it is, he needs to rest, the hospital is not necessary so just take him to the dorms, he will be fine by the end of the week if he is well rested".
The ride to the dorms was silent, no one dared to speak not only because Taehyun was asleep but also the air was so tense, Soobin was the one who carried Taehyun to his room and tucked him into bed, his face flushed, he was breathing through his mouth and his stomach was rumbling, Soobin winced in sympathy a bit at that, being sick sucks specially if it involved a sick stomach, at the end he left the room to let him sleep.
The other three knew that now they had a long lecture from Soobin, so they gathered in the living room and waited for him.
"Okay, care to explain why didn't any of you believe in Taehyun's words? He clearly told you he felt sick, am I wrong?" Soobin started, looking disappointed at them; "He did tell us that he wasn't feeling well but honestly, I think we didn't take him seriously because we also are exhausted and it wouldn't be fair if only him got to rest" Yeonjun said as he lowered his head a bit, "He's right but also, for me it was because I wanted to finish practice before letting my body be weak and agree that I couldn't make it to the end of the week, in a way I'm kinda thankful to Taehyun because now we have to be in quarantine" Beomgyu continued, they kept talking, everyone giving a reason and arguments until a door slammed shut and Kai shushed them. "Guys, Taehyun, he's throwing up again" now that they were quiet they could hear him and immediately went after him, they found Taehyun in the bathroom with his head into the toilet heaving painfully but only bringing saliva and stomach acid, the coughing just irritating more his throat, this time Beomgyu was the one who crouched by his side and patted his back, Kai prepared him a bath and Yeonjun went to change his bedsheets, Soobin went to the laundry room with Yeonjun.
"Taehyunnie, we're sorry for not believing in you, we'll take care of you so everyone can enjoy this week off okay?" said boy just nodded, not really processing what was happening, Beomgyu flushed the toilet and helped Kai to take off his clothes and let him relax into the water, massaging his scalp and helping the fever to go down, Kai went to grab a change of clothes for Taehyun and drying his hair, now Taehyun was a bit more awake and aware of his surroundings, Soobin appeared into his room with a bowl of soup and some pills with a glass of water, everyone managed to fit themselves to keep him company, even when Taehyun murmured a low "I feel nauseous..." and had to pass him the trashcan of his room, the soup ending up in there, they had to try again later but for now they could try and make him feel better, even if they had the risk of getting sick they didn't care, they had to be there for him.
Three days later Taehyun was feeling much better and had already forgiven them, also had to become the caretaker when one morning Yeonjun had to make a run to the toilet to throw up his breakfast and dinner, they knew it was their karma when the next day Kai also got sick and the day after it was Beomgyu, but eventually everything calmed down and they got another week off, hanging out at home, playing games and watching movies, whatever argument they ever had now forgotten.
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huneingkai · 2 years
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dream job
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yeonjune · 5 months
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(240502) YEONJUN ✙ FRED Jewelry Photocall Event
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