#sick txt
lullabytaeyong · 2 years
Found Me - R!Taehyun
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tw: vomit & crying followed by lots of fluff
Taehyun was not feeling good. He was drained from just half a day of work after constantly waking up with stomach cramps and needing to use the bathroom. He wasn't sure if he ate something that upset his stomach or if he caught some sort of bug. No one else seemed to be having any troubles and they all ate the exact same things the day before.
Taehyun sighed to himself, resting his head on the wall behind him. The squeaking of Soobin and Yeonjun's shoes shifting along the polished floor made his ears unusually sensitive. He longed to be wrapped up in a cozy blanket after a nice warm shower. It was very chilly in the dance studio and his hoodie wasn't doing its job of keeping him warm. They had all agreed to lower the temperature of the room since they got sweaty from the strenuous activity, but now he was wishing he had objected.
There wasn't anything scheduled for them to do for a couple hours, so they were just messing around. Soobin and Yeonjun were making up stupid dances to entertain themselves and the other two boys had retreated to their phones. Taehyun wasn't interested in doing either. He was focused on the uncomfortable feeling settled in his abdomen and his heavy eyelids.
I want to go home already. My tummy hurts and I feel sick. Hyungies just notice already! He found his thoughts decreasing in vocabulary, subconsciously pouting at himself in the mirror.
Tummy hurts. Why did I think tummy?
"Uh oh."
Beomgyu turned his head towards Taehyun expectantly, waiting for him to continue.
"What?" He asked, after Taehyun blinked at him without another word.
"It's nothing. Do you- Do you think hyung will let me go home? I don't feel good." Taehyun half lied. He couldn't just start rambling about how he was mentally turning into a preschooler when the group hadn't any clue of what that was or why it happened.
He could just feel it within himself. The way his teeth chewed on his bottom lip, the room feeling bigger than before, his toes wiggling in his shoes, and the light haze starting to cloud his mind.
"Well, what's wrong? What's not feeling good?" Beomgyu asked. He could tell something was wrong by the anxious look in Taehyun's owl eyes. Again, it took longer than it should for him to respond.
"My stomach. I was up and down all night because of it, so I'm really tired now, too. I don't know." He added the last part to make it easier to just brush away if Beomgyu didn't take him seriously.
"Oh, sorry I didn't realize. I'm guessing practice made it worse?"
Taehyun nodded, suppressing a whimper from a sudden cramp around his middle.
"C-Can you tell Soobin hyung? 'm going to the bathroom." He said hastily, getting up from the floor and speed walking out the door.
"What was that about?" Huening kai asked.
"Taehyunnie feels sick." Beomgyu mumbled back. "Hey, Soobin hyung! Yah! Stop trying to touch each other's butts!" He called out.
"What do you want Gyu?" Yeonjun chuckled, his hands perched on his hips.
"Somethings wrong with Taehyun. He told me he doesn't feel good and wants to go home. Apparently, he was up most of the night." Beomgyu explained, side eyeing Kai, as he should've noticed his roommate getting up so much.
"Don't look at me! I slept like a corpse and had weird vivid dreams all night." Kai defended with hands up.
"I knew something was up." Soobin murmured. "Where'd he go?"
With that, Soobin exited the studio and walked to the mens bathroom. He stood outside the door for a moment, listening for anything out of the ordinary. What was the point in that? If Taehyun was sick he wouldn't be throwing a party in there. Soobin shook his head at himself and pushed the door open. The very first stall was the only one shut, with quiet crying coming from the other side.
"Taehyunnie? Are you okay?" He asked, taking a step closer. The noise stopped abruptly for a second and turned into what sounded like someone pretending they didn't need to catch their breath.
"If you want me gone that's fine, just tell me."
Soobin's hands fidgeted with anxiety after hearing Taehyun's strained voice.
"Open the door for me, okay?" He encouraged, glancing to the side when another figured entered the space. It was just Yeonjun. He looked to Soobin to confirm if Taehyun was in there.
"Yeonjun hyung is here, too. You don't sound good in there, Taehyun."
Concern grew on Yeonjun's face when he heard Taehyun whine something incoherent and jumbled. It was followed by some shuffling and then sitting on the floor, Taehyun peaked his head around the door and looked up at the two. Unshed tears watered his eyes and his hoodie sleeves were spotted with saliva and vomit near the cuffs.
"Oh, honey." Soobin said sympathetically, sinking to his knees. He pushed Taehyun's hood back and felt the heat radiating from his body.
Taehyun whimpered nervously. He wasn't his normal self anymore, he was still Taehyun, just much smaller and more vulnerable. His big self refused to give into the way his little self wanted to be babied by his hyungs. It would completely blow his cover! But, he felt so awful, it was all he could think about.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll take care of you." Soobin said quietly when he saw Taehyun start to cry.
"Here, you can put my sweatshirt on instead." Yeonjun offered, tugging the fabric over his head.
"Let Binnie take yours off for you."
Taehyun gazed up at Soobin and lifted his arms so his hoodie could be taken off. He shuddered when the cold air hit his arms that were damp with sweat. He made grabby hands to Yeonjun, silently asking for his help. Soobin wiped his eyes and mouth with toilet paper before Yeonjun sacrificed his clothes. The hoodie was a couple sizes too big for Taehyun, but it made him feel much smaller, like a little baby.
"Baby.." He mumbled, putting his thumb in his mouth.
"Baby? I mean, you'll always be our baby." Yeonjun smiled, albeit confused at the random word.
"Mm- Tummy hurts. Wanna go ni' night."
Taehyun was so far gone that he didn't catch the quizzical stares observing him. Yeonjun and Soobin weren't sure how to approach what was happening with their friend. It wasn't everyday that they suddenly acted like a toddler. Well, maybe Kai, but that was just aegyo and his personality. This was different. Taehyun didn't seem fully present.
"Baba.." He whimpered, crawling into Soobin's lap and curling up against him.
"Hi, honey. Let's get you home now. You need your rest, yeah?" Soobin said. He thought the odd behavior was some strange symptom of Taehyun's fever, and he wanted to ask a lot of questions, but he didn't think it would do any good for the time being.
Soobin stood up carefully with Taehyun in his arms, supported on his hip. He suggested that Yeonjun gather the other boys and meet up back at home. Taehyun glued himself to Soobin the entire way back to the dorm, falling in and out of sleep. He grimaced now and then when a new smell passed his nose or his head throbbed a little too hard. Eventually, he woke up from the beeping of their highly secure front door and slid out of Soobin's arm to sit on the floor. He watched Soobin kick off his shoes and stared down helplessly at his laces.
"Need help, Baba." He murmured. Soobin smiled softly and kneeled to help him take off his shoes.
"There you go. Do you want something to eat?"
Taehyun shook his head, his tummy still felt weird and hurt a little bit. Soobin watched him slouch away to his bedroom and sent a text to the others that they were home. He could hear some thumping coming from Taehyun's room and went to investigate. Around the doorway, he saw Taehyun on the floor with his upper body under his bed. A pair of old shoes, some books and storage bins had been pulled out and sat messily beside him.
Taehyun kicked one leg up and made an accomplished squeak. The he pushed himself out from under his bed with a dark blue box about the size of two shoe boxes. He didn't acknowledge Soobin, only sparing him a glance before climbing into his bed. Soobin watched curiously as Taehyun popped the lid off his box. His eyebrows furrowed when the boy held a sippy cup up towards him. It was white with a green lid and had a cute graphic of a zebra, giraffe, and lion on the side.
"Where'd that come from?" He asked curiously. Taehyun pointed bluntly to the box which made Soobin smile.
"No, I meant why do you have that?"
Taehyun pointed to the cup and then himself.
"Juice..." He mumbled, lowering the cup and holding it in his lap.
"O-Okay, uhm I think we still have some. Unless Hyuka secretly chugged the rest of it."
A cute giggle came from Taehyun, as he slowly rocked back and forth with a smile. His special Soobie-hyung didn't say anything mean to him!
"I'll uh, be right back. You should change to something comfy." Soobin said, leaving the room promptly after. He had no idea what he was doing, but concluded that it would all be okay if he followed Tae's lead.
When he returned Taehyun was in the exact same spot, still in his regular clothes. He was shivering and his eyes were all droopy. Soobin had almost forgotten why they came home in the first place. Taehyun seemed to brighten up for a few minutes when they got home, but his energy had clearly diminished.
"Here's your juice." Soobin said softly, crossing the room and sitting down on the edge of Taehyun's bed.
Taehyun took the sippy cup back and held it up to his mouth to bite. Soobin watched curiously until he eventually took a couple small sips. The older got up and grabbed a clean sweatshirt and sweatpants to help him change into.
"Do you need help changing, baby? Is that why you stayed on your bed?" Soobin asked, as he guided the little out of bed.
"Need 'elp." Taehyun repeated. He whimpered when he was stood on two feet and got hit with a bad dizzy spell.
"It's okay. We'll be quick." Soobin reassured. "Arms up, tyunnie." Taehyun was very easy to change and clung to Soobin like a koala bear when they were done.
"Cutie. Would you like watch a movie?"
"I take that as a yes?"
"Movie." Taehyun whispered.
Soobin chuckled affectionately and picked Taehyun up into his arms. Like a nervous rabbit, Taehyun burrowed his face into Soobin's shoulder and remained that way until they were sat on the sofa. Soobin kissed his head, draped a soft starry blanket over his back and played with his hair. Taehyun was rarely this cuddly, so he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.
"There's a lot of movies to choose from. Do you have any ideas?" Soobin asked.
"One with kitties." He requested cutely.
"Hmmm kitties you say..." Soobin exaggerated his thinking expression by holding his chin.
"Aristocats? There's also Hello Kitty and The Cat Returns."
"A-istocats." Taehyun picked.
"Sounds good to me."
They cuddled together as the movie played out. About twenty minutes in, Soobin noticed Taehyun squirming around every so often. He suddenly started whimpering and urgently tried to get off of Soobin. He stumbled onto the floor and only took a few steps before collapsing.
"What's wrong?!" Soobin asked, a hint a fear in his worried voice.
Taehyun lurched, starting to heave and gag. Some sort of hidden Dad instincts Soobin didn't know he had kicked in and he snatched Taehyun off the floor and ran with him in his arms to the bathroom. They didn't make it to the toilet, instead Taehyun threw up into the bath tub. He sobbed between each round, his stomach aching and throat burning.
"Oh, I know sweetie. You're okay, Tyunnie. Just breathe, it's okay." Soobin cooed, taking down the shower head and turning on the water.
He avoided spraying Taehyun in the face and aimed the water so it rinsed the mess down the drain. Taehyun continued to cry, using the tub edge as a pillow. Soobin got him to sit up and collected some of the water in his hand to help him clean out his mouth. He felt like a father taking care of his child, he didn't care what mess was made, just that his baby was okay and taken care of.
When the tub was rinsed out Soobin shut off the water and gathered Taehyun in his arms. They sat on the floor together, letting the adrenaline slowly diminish. Taehyun sniffled, no longer sobbing. He was completely worn out from his day. Regressing out of no where was tiring in general, add a fever and tummy bug on top and Taehyun would say he felt like he was going to fall into a coma.
"I'm so sorry you're sick. You'll feel better soon. I told the others to grab some popsicles and medicine to help you feel better." Soobin said, taking Taehyun's mind off of throwing up.
"Baba bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"Honey, why are you calling me baba? I don't mind, I just don't know why you've been acting like this." Soobin asked. He was desperate to know what was going on with him. Taehyun whined and took a minute to gather his thoughts.
"I'm weird, I know it's weird. My mind turns little like-like a kid. It makes me feel better when everythin's too much." Taehyun confessed, breaking off into shoulder shaking sobs. Soobin hugged him closer while he let his words sink in.
"Shhh, it okay. Tell me more, love."
"I can't help it, hyung. I'm sorry! Please don't hate me! Little Taehyunnie needs you!" Taehyun couldn't stop crying. He was overcome with the fear of rejection.
"We'd never hate you. Never! I just need you to explain it a little more, it's okay." Soobin said, guiding Taehyun to rest his head on his shoulder.
"What do you do when you feel like a kid?"
"Borrow Ningies plushies and hide in my bed. If no one's there I watch kid shows all alone a-and wish someone would take care of me." Taehyun let the words tumble past his lips. It was so relieving to finally talk about his secret, but it was just as terrifying.
"I get so lonely and small that I just cry til it all goes away. Everything gets harder to do and more confusing...It's so scary telling you this."
"I know, but I'm so glad you did. It sounds familiar. I think my psychiatrist told me about it when we started going over trauma stuff. It's Age Regressing right?" Soobin spoke softly. Taehyun's heart filled with stars at his words. He knew. His hyung knew! It was like he had been falling for miles and just landed in a strong secure set of arms.
"Aha, I can see how hard that would be to talk about. You're precious to us, Taehyun, and you always will be. You're never alone. You can always come to me when you feel little." Soobin said lovingly.
He coddled Taehyun for awhile longer, whispering sweet reassurances into his ear and rubbing his back. With the comfort of being taken care of and held, Taehyun quickly grew sleepy again.
"Bed." He murmured. "Tired."
"I'm sure you are. C'mon, you can sleep in my room."
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k-sickies · 1 year
Yeonjun catched a cold and Soobin makes everything better
Just some soft hours. It's not long but I hope that's okay
Warning: none
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Yeonjun cursed himself in his mind. Why on earth does his immune system hate him that much? He easily gets a cold or flu and of course he catched something again. And of course that happened while they attended an event and had some performances to do. His body really does hate him sometimes.
Currently they’re backstage and Yeonjun is munching on a cough drop. His throat is hurting and sore, making is hard to even swallow. But he had to sing today. So somehow he has to keep his throat wet all the time and the coughing drops are the best for that and they also help against him not coughing every few seconds. However, that doesn’t stop his nose from running. At least he doesn't have a stuffy nose anymore. That would have affected his singing even more. He could live with a runny nose, it was still annoying though. He had to grab a tissue every few seconds and blow his nose. He also has a great headache because of the cold he has and his body can’t decide if it’s too hot in here or too cold. Maybe both, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t really care either. The members and the staff know he’s sick, he tried to not make a big deal out of it, but to be honest everyone could see that he’s sick and not doing too well.
The whole time one of the members were by his side, none of them wanted to let Yeonjun alone. Afraid that he may pass out or anything. They just wanted to comfort him. Right now it’s Soobin's turn. He always manages to comfort Yeonjun and bring a smile to his face, but he does that with everyone. Just his presence comforts everyone and brightens the room. And Yeonnun searches for the comfort of Soobin a lot if he isn’t feeling too well. Especially if he’s having a cold. Somehow Soobin always managed to make his headache go away. Yes the leader sometimes had a hard time to form is words but he’s always so gentle if someone isn’t feeling well. That’s why currently Yeonjun is cuddled up in the leader's arms. His head resting on Soobin's shoulder and his eyes closed.
“ I'll get you sick.” Yeonjun mumbled
“You won’t.” Sobin said with a smile
To be honest Yeonjun was probably right. But does Soobin care? No, not at all. His main priority was to make the older feel better and he knows that cuddles would always manage to make him feel better. He could handle to possibly get sick too, if that means to comfort Yeonjun. In his mind it’s worth it. Soobin lightly squeezed the olders hand. His other hand he pressed against the olders neck and then his forehead. Checking for a temperature and Yeonnun did feel warmer than before. The older leaned into the touch and sighed. The cool hand of the leader eeling good against his hot and clammy skin.
“I think your fever got higher.” Soobin said worried
“Mhm” Yeonjun only hummed, not really realizing the situation.
Soobin looked over to the staff member and they handed him a bottle of water and some fever reducer. He mouthed his thank you and helped the older one to sit up again.
“Can you take this for me?” He asked
It wasn’t really a question, there wasn’t a way out of it or saying no. Yeonjun knew that so he just nodded and took the pills. He gulped the water down as if he hadn't already drunk two bottles in the last hour. The fever just madr him so thirsty and it always cooled him down somehow. After taking the pills he leaned back on the leader's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. The leader smiled and ruffled the olders hair. They stayed like this till they had to perform. All of them watched Yeonjun the whole time, not wanting him to hurt himself. The performance happened without any complications and as soon as they were in the dorms again they all cuddled up around Yeonjun and pampered him with love and tea and cuddles.
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kcomfortplace · 1 year
Sick Yeonjun Headcanons
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Doesn't get embarrassed with you at all. Will casually burp and pass gas in front of you. Gets really gassy if he feels unwell though
Loves belly rubs but is a bit shy to ask for them if it's not only the two of you
Doesn't really like to tell you if he feels unwell and just casually mentions it. Also is too stubborn to admit feeling bad especially if they're having a tight schedule
If there's no schedule he immediately tells you the moment he feels off
Likes to be cuddled until he feels better
Has a really sensitive stomach and mostly gets sick to it. Sometimes even just candy upsets it
Gets sick the most and always comes down with the worst things
Hates fevers with a passion because they always make him dizzy
Often gets really bad migraines
The worst hangovers
Has a really talkative stomach and gets really bloated if he feels unwell
The only thing he is shy about is if his stomach gets badly bloated
Taehyun told you about what happened at Sugas show and straight up bought Yeonjun to your apartment. So you had to deal with Yeonjuns hangover the next morning
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mikrokoskooks · 2 years
Anyone thought about how Hueningkai has that fainting move at the end of devil by the window, now. Imagine him dancing to that while onstage feeling sick then he actually ends up fainting fr.
I kinda wanna write a fic abt this but idk- writers block is soo fun🤪🙄
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polyshodivorce · 2 months
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I think it’s more well known that Rui used to perform alone in public without anyone stopping to watch his shows, but something I never see mentioned is how Emu says she was performing without audiences at the Wonder Stage before finding Tsukasa. She wasn’t completely alone because I assume she, at the very least, had the mascot performing with her since she says “we” but EmuRui have alot in common here as characters who were determined to pursue their passions regardless of if they actually had support from others or if things weren’t going the way they hoped. Even after wxs temporarily disbanded, Rui was immediately back to performing his own shows the very next day and Emu had been making shows at the Wonder Stage despite not getting an audience and her family thinking her efforts to save it were a waste.
It just makes me… so very sad. Rui spending countless hours building robots and writing storylines, going out and narrating his performance until the end despite no one listening. Emu coming to the ending of her play with no one in the Wonder Stage seats to watch. It must have been so disheartening for them both… But still, neither of them gave up.
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incesthemes · 7 months
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seriously do they even hear themselves
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dayurno · 5 months
you’re in a cult with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you didn’t even have a name for,
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comehomet0myheart · 1 year
Past Lives works so well for me because I am so enamoured with pragmatism in fiction.
I read and watch a lot of stories about idealized love stories and I often enjoy them too! I spent my entire childhood believing that the teenagers who got together in the media I consumed would stay together forever. And then as I got older, I was naturally introduced to more stories about romances that didn’t work out. Still, it’s hard for me to think about those as pragmatic, most of them have this desire for sadness in them. They would make me feel as though the devastation was the point, that the narrative was forcefully bent toward the saddest outcome.
Past Lives doesn’t make me feel this way. Nora doesn’t stop talking to Hae Sung because of an unforeseen tragic circumstance. She makes a choice and goes through with it. Hae Sung puts it best during their conversation at the end of the film. She is the kind of person to leave. And he loves her because she is that kind of person. The “what-if” isn’t in wondering about if circumstances were different. No matter what, she would have chosen her plays over anything else. Her husband even notes that so much of how their relationship happened is because he fit so well into the life she wanted. The whole reason this film is called “Past Lives” is because that’s the only way to ponder about whether Nora and Hae Sung could be together.
It’s such a delightfully Asian perspective on it. “In another life” films are so common, but I always feel like Western movies do it in a kind of parallel universe kind of way. I love that in this one, Nora is so steadfast and consistent in her personality and desires, that there is no real contemplation and consideration of making her and Hae Sung’s relationship work. There is only a longing and a love.
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kodieshmodie · 18 days
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Read the EXCLUSIVE interview with His Highness Noctis Lucis Caelum, only available in the latest issue of INSOMNIAC Girls! 👑💖
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thekidsarentalright · 24 days
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wholecakes · 9 months
zoro who is so caught off guard by sanji’s kinder actions towards him is one of my favorite tropes. sanji crafting him specialized post workout snacks personally adjusted for him but still down to fight and call him names. he’s still the biggest asshole zoro has ever had the displeasure of knowing, and he’s horribly considerate. he’s a little confused but doesn’t reject any of sanji’s specialized treats. it’s not like sanji is fawning and doting over him like he does nami, so zoro feels like he can cross off sanji actually liking him from his list of reasons as to why sanji is acting like this. but it’s still fucking strange..
meanwhile sanji is in his kitchen wondering how zoro hasn’t taken a damn hint yet
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k-sickies · 1 year
sickie beomgyu
caretaker taehyun
4. “it’s just a little upset tummy, I’ll be fine *stomach growls* “okay maybe more then a little upset…”
love your writing btw <3
Warning: description of throwing up/vomit
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Currently TXT were in the middle of an interview and Beomgyu was feeling worse by minute. He told the members and staff before the interview started that he was feeling bad but he didn't think it would be this bad. His stomach gurgling sickly. The contents of it sloshing around even though he is sitting still. Beomgyu can't help but curl up around his stomach a bit, not being able to sit up straight. One of his hands gripped onto Soobins knee to ground himself. He was in a cold sweat and started to feel dizzy. 
Soobin took the youngers hand and gave it a hard squeeze. He was really worried about the young singer but he couldn't do anything while they're in the middle of the interview. He leaned over to the younger and whispered. "If you want to leave you can. It's up to you." 
Beomgyu nodded at that. His stomach cramped and he couldn't hold back the pained expression. He called the staff over and shook his head. Making it obvious that he needs to leave. Slowly he stood up. Taehyung, who sat on the other side of Beomgyu, held him up his his waist. So badly he wanted to go with the older but he couldn't. 
As Beomgyu left her other members and the interviewer gave him a concerned look. Luckily the interviewer was really nice and didn't say anything bad about it. Making the staff and members feel at ease. 
Backstage Beomgyu immediately sat down on the couch and rested one hand on his stomach. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He doesn't feel like throwing up right now but he wasn't so sure if that feeling would last long. Hopefully it was just an upset stomach that would go away. He took a few painkillers before that staff drove him back to the hotel. 
In his hotel room he decided to lay down in bed and try to take a nap. Maybe that would make him feel better. He was sharing a room with Taehyun and he couldn't be happier about that right now. The younger is one of the quiet members and Beomgyu really needs it to be quiet if he feels bad.
After a few hours the door of the hotel room opened. Taehyun arrived back. He frowned as he saw Beomgyu sitting on his bed. The older one looked really pale and his hair was sticking on his forehead. 
"How do you feel?" Taehyung asked 
Beomgyu tried to smile "It's just a little upset tummy. I'll be fine." After he said that, his stomach growled loudly and Beomgyu burped. Grimacing because it tasted funny.
Taehyun raised his eyebrow "A little?" 
Beomgyu sighed "Okay maybe more than a little upset.." 
Taehyun noticed how his Hyung turned a bit green. So he took matters into his own hands and grabbed the trash can. Just in time he placed it under Beomgyus' chin. The older hunched forward and burped up a mouthful of sickness. 
Taehyun held the bucket until the older one was empty. He placed the bucket aside and bought it into the bathroom. On his way back he took a cold washcloth with him. Taehyun gently cleaned his Hyungs face. Beomgyu leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. 
"I feel really bad.." he admit.
"I bet you do, Gyu." Taehyung said as he stroke away the sweaty hair out of Beomgyus face. 
"It's Hyung." Beomgyu mumbled. 
Taehyun laughed softly "Okay, Gyu Hyung."
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kcomfortplace · 1 year
Sick Beomgyu Headcanons
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He tends to get really bad fevers. They make him delirious and very emotional
Doesn't tell how he feels and you need to ask him at least five times until he finally admits it
Will suddenly throw up out of nowhere because he doesn't notice how he feels
Rarely gets stomach aches so he always cries if he gets them
Fevers,migraines and dizziness is what he moslfy gets
Sleeps a lot if he's sick
Tends to hide hqo he feels behind a smile but after a while you know his fake smile
If he is mentally unwell he needs a lot of hugs and love
Doesn't leave your side if he feels sick
If very moody if he has a fever. Snaps at you and cries five seconds later
Somewhat emetophobic but only if he's the one throwing up
One time he had such a bad fever that he just stood in front of your apartment in the middle of the night and rang your doorbell. Obviously you let him in. Crying he confessed his love to you and than passed out. You took care of him and the next day he didn't know ew anything that happened
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miupow · 2 months
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cw // dark content !! tyunning x fem!reader ; yandere, stalking, drugging, kidnapping, mindbreak, mean dom!taehyun, soft dom!hueningkai, spanking, dollification
@binniebakery and anon this is for u hehe
YALL R INSANE!!!!! loner best friends tyunning who r both equally psycho over you !! venting to each other about how badly they each want to just take her, have her!! both of them lowk stalking you!!! and finally taehyun cracking and telling kai they should just go ahead and take her, it’s for her safety anyway, she’s “dating” (they don’t want to consider it serious) this guy who they really don’t like, he’s bad news! need to keep her safe with them <3
so they do!! sneak into a party you were attending to spike your drink, drug you and take you home with them!! and no one notices a thing, everyone too distracted by the party!! things couldn’t have gone better, you locked up in the pretty pink room kai put together and taehyun helped decorate, all soft and padded and full of stuffed animals and hello kitty!! complete with a big lock on the door and the window keeping you trapped inside <3
meanie tyun who punishes you rough for trying to escape or for talking back to them!! spanks your ass till your pink and bruising , crying that you’re sorry, you’ll never do it again!! and softie kai who soothes your welts and kisses your tear stained cheeks, coos at how broken you are as he cuddles you to his chest <3 meanie tyun who demands your submission and obedience vs softie kai who lets you walk all over him with a dopey smile on his face !!
kai who can’t get over how cute you are so helpless, who dresses you up in the cutest dresses and bows, feeds you by hand, coos about how adorable his baby is as you cry to be let out ,, and tyun who slowly becomes just as delulu as kai , kisses away your tears and sings you softly to sleep, they just love you so much they can’t ever let you go!! slowly breaking your mind and corrupting you into really believing that you can’t survive without them, that they’ll take care of you forever and that they’re all you’ll ever need !!!
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swamp-chicken · 1 year
wish I could climb into etho's mind when he's editing an episode. from "yes, this a completely legitimate pronunciation of 'peanut.'" to "better cut out all the insane things I say to bdubs, don't want people to think I'm attached"
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transsexualism · 1 year
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do you even get it. do you even fucking get it
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