fairyniceyeah · 2 months
🧭🐶 You got me losing patience
Title from Case 143 (Stray Kids)
Summary: Seungmin slips on stage and to make matters worse, it’s because he is already sick with the stomach flu. Getting treatment at the hospital doesn’t go well.
CW: emeto, injuries, blood, needles, hospitals
Sickie/Whumpee: Seungmin Caretaker: Bang Chan + Minho/Lee Know
“Channie?”, Minho asked as he approached the leader. Chan turned around, the smile slipping from his face as he saw the worried face of his oldest dongsaeng.
“Minho-yah, what’s wrong?”, he asked, abandoning the jewelry he had started taking off. They had just finished their Case 143 Mnet Comeback-Stage and now that the nerves weren’t high anymore, he had looked forward to a relaxed evening. Apparently it wasn’t to be so, judging by the way Minho was chewing on his lower lip.
“Have you seen Seungminnie? Did he go with the medics already?”, Minho asked and for a moment Chan swore his heart had stopped beating in his chest. Why would Seungmin go with the medics? Had something happened he had not noticed? How couldn’t he have?
“Wha … why?”, he stammered, heart pounding faster now, seemingly trying to cancel out the skipped beats.
“Oh, right. You couldn’t have seen. He slipped while doing the spin we do during Changbinnie’s rap. I saw he twisted his ankle but he seemed to be able to continue. Now, however, I can’t find him”, Minho explained. 
“I … no, I haven’t seen him”, Chan said nervously, “I thought he was behind me when we left the stage. Hyung?” He called over a manager. “Did you see Seungmin-ah?”
The older manager frowned and shook his head. “No, I haven’t … you don’t know where he is either?”
Chan and Minho shook their heads. At least the rest of the group hadn’t noticed the rising tension yet. Hyunjin and Felix were sprawled on top of each other on a couch in their waiting room with Hyunjin and Jeongin talking quietly. Han and Changbin were dancing around full of energy, celebrating. All of them were swarmed by staff members carrying make-up kits, fans and towels. 
“No, we uh …”, Chan stuttered. He felt awful. It was bad enough that he apparently was missing a member in a space that - while just for idols - was more public than he liked. The building was huge, it was easy to get lost and there were other groups all around them, all stressed and under pressure. 
Seungmin had never fared that well with emotional stress and confrontations. If he was hurt to add onto that … Chan did not want to think about how the young vocalist must be feeling. 
“Maybe he went to the bathroom”, Chan lied - well, it wasn’t really a lie. Maybe a white lie. There was a chance that Seungmin was in a bathroom after all. “We’ll go look for him.”
The manager, having been with them since the beginning, knew that Chan would never stay back when a member was concerned. So he just sighed and nodded.
“Be safe, stay together and call if you don’t find him in the next fifteen minutes.”
Without any thought to the other five members, Chan and Minho slipped out the door.
Sometimes Chan hated being right - the building was huge and built like a labyrinth. While he knew that Seungmin had a good sense of direction, he didn’t know what state the younger was in. If he truly was injured he would likely choose to hide, not liking showing vulnerability, especially not surrounded by sunbaes and hobaes.
They had checked the bathrooms first, hoping that maybe Seungmin had decided to hide there. It had been a futile hope - they were crowded and it was clear that Seungmin would never go there then. So they had resigned themselves to walk through every hallway and pray they found their vocalist soon. Chan could tell Minho was nervous and he himself was barely faring any better.
At least they quickly understood the layout of the building. All horizontal hallways going off from the main hall would have waiting rooms at the front, with storage rooms in the back and would end with a dead end. 
The leader had already lost count of how many hallways they had been in hoping that Seungmin was somewhere between the stage and their own waiting room. Had it been five? Six?
“Do you hear that?”, Minho suddenly asked, grasping Chan’s jacket and shushing him. For a moment all Chan could hear was the bustling of a crowded building but then he heard a whimpering sound at the end of the hallway they were in. 
“Do you think that is him?”, Minho whispered, eyes wide.
Chan had never heard Seungmin make such a sound before but they also were running out of options. He was scared of the state he might find the younger in if that would reduce him to … this.
“I … I don’t know. Let’s check.”
They walked towards the end of the hallway, trying to hear where the sound was coming from. It definitely came from the end of the hallway, three or four doors down. The last door was open and the sound seemed to come from there. Grasping each other's hands tightly, they peered inside.
Yet … nothing was inside the room, nothing where Seungmin could hide. 
Yet … the whimpering was louder than ever, now joined by a sniffling sound. 
Stepping outside the room, Chan closed the door with a sigh. He should have known.
There, on the hallway floor, squeezed between the wall and the previously open door, sat their missing vocalist curled into himself with his head buried in his knees. Seungmin looked so young like this, hugging himself tightly.
Minho gasped beside him but Chan paid him no mind, too focused on their youngest.
“Hey, Min-ah”, Chan whispered and knelt down by his dongsaeng’s side. Seungmin ignored him or maybe hadn’t even heard him. Reaching out, Chan gently cupped Seungmin’s cheek with his palm, his pinky under Seungmin’s chin. There was undeniable heat radiating from the younger. 
A fever? Chan wondered briefly how high it was and how that had happened. Had Seungmin been feverish before the stage already? Or was his injury that bad?
They could figure that out later. As Minho sent a text to the manager, Chan lifted Seungmin’s head so they could look at each other. Nevertheless, the vocalist refused to meet his eyes. Up close Seungmin looked even worse - face ashen pale and streaked with snot and tears. Trailing his eyes downward, following Seungmin’s gaze, Chan wondered how he had not noticed the smell earlier. Behind him he heard Minho mutter a worried: “Oh, Min-ah.”
There was a watery puddle of vomit on Seungmin’s pale pink sweater vest, staining it darker. It seemed to be mostly liquid, a bit of what looked like rice visible, but that made it clear how unwell Seungmin truly was. It seemed like he had been feeling sick earlier too - that at least would explain the lack of food in his throw up.
Chan felt his heart break for his ill dongsaeng and at the same time he was beating himself up. How could he have not noticed that Seungmin was not feeling good? But regrets were for later, now they had a sick and injured dongsaeng on their hands.
“Hyungies?”, Seungmin rasped, his voice raw and wet from crying. He sounded awfully young, younger than the sixteen year old Chan had met years ago. There was desperation to his voice and deep, deep exhaustion.
“We’re here, baby”, Minho quickly reassured, kneeling down beside Chan and using his own sleeve to wipe at Seungmin’s wet face. It was cute really, how he was able to quickly change from his loud, boisterous camera personality to the caring and sweet soul only they were able to experience. “We got you.”
Chan nodded at that, stroking back sweat-soaked hair. “We’re not going anywhere. Can you tell hyungs what happened?”
Seungmin looked up at them, eyes watering with tears that spilled over and trailed down his cheeks before Minho was able to wipe them away.
“I … I wasn’t feeling well all day and, uh, I threw up this morning and earlier before sound check. I thought I could push through but then I twisted my ankle during the dance and I was feeling so sick and it hurt and I was so overwhelmed and…” The words spilled from Seungmin’s lips like a waterfall, coming faster with each second and causing him to choke on air. He coughed hoarsely, nearly gagging again.
“Oh, baby. Why didn’t you say earlier?”, Chan whispered, hurting with Seungmin but also so worried why the younger hadn’t trusted him with his sickness. At this point he wouldn’t even have cared if Seungmin had entrusted himself to any of the other members but himself or staff even, just to anybody to stop this from happening. “I could have figured something out.”
“I wanted to … but you were so stressed earlier with Sungie’s anxiety and … and I wanted to perform anyway. It was too late to change things and I … didn’t want to be left out”, Seungmin mumbled.
Chan sighed. He knew it was difficult for his dongsaeng to just stop and prioritize his well-being. He also knew that Seungmin had a hard time with his status as main vocalist even after all the years and felt the need to work harder than anyone else to not let anyone down. It was still hard to see his baby so unwell, alone and hurt in a random hallway after having thrown up on himself.
“I will always have time for you, Min-ah. If not, I will make time. You don’t owe anybody your health either…”, Chan replied, wanting to add more and wipe the insecurity from the younger’s mind. Minho’s hand on his knee stopped him.
“Seungminnie, do you think you can make it back to the waiting room so the medics can look you over?”, the dancer asked, shooting Chan an apologetic glance. I’m sorry for interrupting you but he needs medical intervention before we talk about his mental state. Chan nodded. You’re right.
“Hyung, my ankle really hurts”, Seungmin admitted, “I … I don’t think I can walk.” His lip wobbled dangerously and Chan was quick to intervene before he started crying again.
“How about I piggyback you?”, the leader suggested, “I know it’s not ideal but I really think you should get looked over as soon as possible.”
“Everyone will see…”, Seungmin whispered, looking down at his lap and cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
“Everyone will see an exhausted idol who did his best and needs some help from time to time, like everybody else”, Chan reassured. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time any of the staff or other idols had seen a sick or hurt member from a different group backstage. It was a sad reality in their line of work. “If it will make you feel better, you can take off your sweater? You could wear my jacket instead?”
Seungmin nodded gratefully, cheeks red in embarrassment. Quickly Chan took off his own black performance jacket while Minho helped Seungmin pull the soiled sweater vest over his head. It was not as difficult as they had feared, the sick already having seeped into the fabric and so not at risk of dripping everywhere. Still, it was disgusting - and Chan had to give Minho a lot of credit for schooling his face into a neutral expression. He was so happy his dongsaeng could take the soiled item off. 
Quickly he wrapped the shivering Seungmin into his own warm performance jacket. The stylists would just have to deal with the loss.
“Are you still feeling nauseous?”, Minho asked worriedly, holding onto Seungmin’s hand. The dirty shirt laid abandoned on the floor.
“Kinda, yeah”, Seungmin whispered, swallowing.
“I’ll try to be steady, okay? Let us know if you need a break”, Chan said with a tiny smile. It was not ideal to carry a sick, queasy and easily embarrassed member through crowded halls but they had to make due. 
Seungmin nodded. 
Without further ado, Chan turned around, trusting Minho to help Seungmin on his back. Within a minute he had a warm weight on his back, arms hooked under Seungmin’s thighs and the younger’s face pressed into his neck. He was uncomfortably warm and already Chan was sweating again after the show - Seungmin’s temperature really must be through the roof. Briefly Minho helped Chan to his feet then he vanished to the side, one of his hands on Seungmin’s back in a gesture of comfort.
The walk back - now that they knew where they were going - was much quicker. To their luck they didn’t meet many people in the hallway, just an idol group they didn’t recognize giving them worried glances. 
Minho opened the door to the waiting room to let them in, only to be nearly bowled over by a worried Han. “Hyung, where were you? The managers wouldn’t say and I was wo … what happened to Seungminnie?” The rapper’s eyes went wide when he saw the younger carried in on Chan’s back. 
The rest of the members stared in shock for a second before rushing over to try to check on Seungmin. Chan felt Seungmin’s grip on him tighten and there was a quiet whimper coming from him. He understood, he too wouldn’t want to be crowded in a situation like this. Seungmin was already overwhelmed and overstimulated - a bunch of rambunctious young men, even if caring and his best friends, wouldn’t do him any good.
“Changbinnie?”, Chan called over the chaos, “please take the others to the car and go home. Minho and I will stay here while Seungmin-ah is getting checked over by the medics, okay?”
Changbin looked rather reluctant to leave the vocalist’s side but he nodded, quickly herding Hyunjin, Han, Felix and Jeongin with the help of a few managers to the door. Soon only Chan, Minho, Seungmin and one manager were left. 
Chan walked over to a couch, carefully setting Seungmin down. The younger immediately curled into himself and as Minho sat down on the floor next to him, he grasped his hyung’s hand tightly. He had his eyes squeezed shut and with the tears on his pale face and red flushes on his cheeks he looked the definition of pitiful. Chan sighed and made Seungmin stretch out his injured leg so he could elevate his foot on a pillow and the armrest of the couch. The younger just whimpered a bit, staying silent otherwise. 
“What happened?”, the manager asked, frowning, and already on the phone with the building’s medics. 
“Stomach flu, I guess”, Chan started to explain, “he said he threw up a few times today and then during the dance he twisted his ankle.”
The manager hummed and gave the information down the line to the medical operator, nudging a trash can closer to Seungmin with his foot.
They had only waited for a few minutes - Chan at Seungmin’s head and playing with his hair, Minho holding his hand and whispering reassurances, and the manager in the corner to not overwhelm the vocalist - when suddenly Seungmin’s eyes shot open.
“Hyung”, he gasped, flailing around. He hiccoughed and then Minho shoved the bin under his face, seconds before his stomach contents spilled from his lips. The sound of the liquid hitting the bottom of the trash bin was enough to make Chan nauseous just from watching. Seungmin gagged and another wave of brownish vomit came up, splattering into the previous mess.
Tears trailed down the young man’s face as he tried to get a breath in before he threw up again. It was awful to watch.
“Chan, hold this”, Minho said in a small moment of respite, “he needs to sit up more.” 
Chan nodded and held the trash bin under Seungmin’s chin while Minho struggled with helping Seungmin sit upright, without touching his injured foot. It was obvious that the vocalist was really dizzy, clutching at his head in desperation. 
Minho barely had time to sit down next to him on the couch and wrap an arm around him, so Seungmin could lean on him, before the singer gagged harshly. It was a painful sound and Chan didn’t want to imagine how badly it must be hurting his throat. 
More sick came up without much more warning, spraying out of Seungmin’s mouth and nose as the young man sobbed. He was clutching at the bin with white knuckles.
Seungmin had never been good with vomit - despite the frequent migraines he suffered from. When he wasn’t half-blind with pain, vomiting was something that shook the younger to the core. He wasn’t necessarily emetophobic but he also was careful to take care of himself so he wouldn’t be sick. If he was sick despite trying hard to avoid it he always wanted somebody by his side. Still, his insecurities and fears of being a burden to his hyungs, had him ignore his mental well-being before, as he had today.
Chan was just glad he had somebody to hold him now.
“Hyung”, Seungmin whimpered, tearing Chan out of his thoughts. Chan let go of the bin with one hand to soothe the tight grip Seungmin had on the rim. 
“It’s going to be okay, baby, we’re here”, Minho assured, rubbing Seungmin’s back.
As Seungmin panted over the bin, seemingly unsure if he was about to throw up again, the door opened - admitting a medic. 
“Are you done?”, Chan asked gently, trusting the manager to speak with the paramedic before they tried to get closer. In this vulnerable position, Seungmin surely would not appreciate more eyes on him and prying questions.
“I don’t know, hyung, I don’t …”, Seungmin started but was cut off as his throat contracted again and he dry-heaved. It was pretty clear that he was basically empty.
“You’re going to be okay, baby”, Minho whispered, “let go of the bucket, okay? Everything’s gonna be fine.”
He gestured at Chan to take the bin away, which the leader gladly did. He didn’t think he could watch Seungmin so miserable much longer without bursting into tears himself. As he turned back around, Minho had Seungmin straddling his lap and the vocalist’s fist clutching at the stage outfit he was still wearing. Seungmin was crying silently into his shoulder with Minho running circles over his back.
“Chan-ssi, the paramedic needs to take a look at Seungmin-ah now”, the manager said after a moment. 
Chan nodded and stood up from his position on the floor. “Min-ah”, he said quietly, placing a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder, “I’m sorry but can the medic check on you now? I promise you’ll feel better afterwards.”
Seungmin whimpered and clutched at Minho even more tightly. The dancer looked up at Chan with a worry written all over his face. It was such an un-Seungmin-like behavior but then again, the younger really was not feeling well. It could also be attributed to the fact that he was, after all, burning up.
“Seungmin-ssi”, the young, female medic addressed the vocalist in a comforting voice, “you don’t even need to let go of your hyung, okay? I just need you to turn a bit so I can check your foot over, hm?”
After a few tense seconds, Seungmin nodded and let Chan move him so he was still half on top of Minho but his legs were stretched out so the medic had easy access. Chan settled down on the floor next to them, pushing the disgusting bin away. The manager nodded at him and took it from him, leaving to empty it out. Chan placed one hand on Seungmin’s back and the other on Minho’s arm. The dancer gave him a shaky smile in thanks.
“I’ll take your shoe off now, okay?”, the woman said and Seungmin jerkily nodded. He didn’t make a sound despite the pain, obvious in his tense shoulders and the way he clutched Minho even tighter. 
Seungmin buried his face in Minho’s chest, wishing he could just melt into his hyung. He was feeling terrible, his stomach churning, his ankle throbbing and even his arm was still hurting. He just wanted to go home. The paramedic was kind and careful but still it hurt when she touched and moved his ankle. Mino rubbed his back and Chan offered his hand to hold.
“Press as tightly as you need, Min-ah”, Chan whispered, “we got you.”
Between all the movement and the fever Seungmin was sure he had, at some point, passed out or at least spaced out all the way. Awareness returned to him when the medic let go of his foot and stood up.
“I can’t tell for sure if it’s broken or not. You need to go to the hospital for a CT or MRI scan to be certain. Until then, you can decide if you want an IV with pain meds first or not. I’d give up oral painkillers if you hadn't been throwing up, especially because they will put a new line in the hospital anyway. But considering your state I’d suggest the IV.”
Four pairs of expectant eyes turned to Seungmin and he shrunk under their glances. He didn’t want an IV. He’s never been a fan of needles and the thought of metal underneath his skin nauseated him. Besides, getting one now and then needing another one at the hospital - no, he didn’t think he could deal with that. He also didn’t want to go to the hospital but he knew none of his elders would allow it and deep down he knew he couldn’t avoid it anyways.
“I’m okay until the hospital.”
“Are you sure, Min-ah?”, Chan asked, kneeling down in front of Seungmin and taking his hands in his, “it will hurt a lot and we don’t know how soon they will take care of you. Being an idol only means privacy at the hospital, not necessarily better or faster service.”
“I’m sure”, Seungmin said, nodding resolutely. His future self would have to deal.
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
Chan carried him to the company car, gently helping Seungmin get situated while Minho took the opportunity to slip into the other backseat next to the injured vocalist.
“Hey, I wanted to sit next to Seungmin-ah”, Chan complained, pouting a bit. Seungmin shakily laughed at his expression of betrayal. 
“Tough luck, Bang Chan-ssi”, Minho teased and clasped Seungmin’s hand in his. “I want Seungminnie-time too.” 
It was ridiculous seeing the two oldest members play-fighting over him like that but it warmed Seungmin’s heart. It felt good to be loved this deeply. When Chan first approached him about joining his team, Seungmin hadn’t even dared dream of becoming this close to the members. 
The lighthearted atmosphere was soon shattered though. Seungmin didn’t have a tendency to get carsick but with his stomach already upset as it was he felt every movement of the car and every bump in the street. As a rather deep pothole caused a burp to rise up his throat, Seungmin pressed the back of his free hand to his lips, partly nauseous and partly embarrassed. He always felt embarrassed by these bodily functions no matter how long he had been living only with young men roughly his age.
Along with the burp, nausea suddenly bubbled in his stomach again. Seungmin didn’t want to be sick again, he really really didn’t. But the heat that encompassed his whole body and the cold sweat starting to form at his temples hinted at a different outcome. His throat was tight, swallowing suddenly a difficult task. 
Seungmin tapped the inside of Minho’s wrist and bent over, the other arm moving from his mouth to hold his stomach. He hoped it was enough for his hyung to understand what he needed. He didn’t think that only words would come out if he tried to speak at that moment.
Luckily Minho understood what he wanted and handed over the trash bin they had borrowed from M-Net’s waiting room. They had stored it in Minho’s footrest to allow Seungmin a bit more freedom and so he could accidentally hit his foot against it. Now Seungmin placed it onto his lap, curling over it. He was so exhausted, he let his head rest against the rim - unable to hold it up further. 
A warm hand appeared on his back again and another ran through his hair, trying to soothe him. Another hand came to rest on his knee - Chan likely. Normally Seungmin would have felt overwhelmed with all the touches but now it was just comforting.
Another speed bump brought him out of his thoughts and before he even realized what happened, a mouthful of bile hit the bottom of the bin. The stench was burning his nose and Seungmin had to press his eyes shut as he saw the remnants of rice mushed up - he hadn’t eaten since breakfast but apparently even the rice he had shoved down back then hadn’t all come back up yet. 
“It’s okay, baby”, Chan’s comforting voice said. “We’re nearly there.”
Nearly there turned out to be another ten minutes but in retrospect Seungmin had to thank his leader for his lie. Knowing they would soon be there helped him keep calm the rest of the ride.
The wait in the hospital was excruciatingly long. A nurse had ushered Minho and Chan, who was again carrying Seungmin, and the manager into a private examination room - but already apologetically saying that just because they were in an examination room the wait might still be a long time. 
It was. Seungmin was just glad he was allowed to lie down on the gurney, not sure if he would be able to stay upright in a chair. It was terribly cold in the room - even the members without high fevers (the nurse who had taken his vitals had announced it was pushing nearly 39.4°C) said it was. The manager had acquired one of those thin blankets and a pillow, while Chan hadn’t given one fuck and just laid down on the gurney with Seungmin. Seeing the young vocalist shiver, the leader hadn’t been able to endure.
Now snug under the blanket and in his leader’s arms, Seungmin was finally sleepy. His ankle pulsed and the nausea was still not gone fully but he was ready to drop off.
“Wake up, baby”, Minho whispered, his breath tickling Seungmin’s ear. “A doctor is here to look you over.”
Seungmin groaned but forced himself to wake up. The sooner he got examined the sooner he could go home. Chan gently helped him sit up and face the young doctor standing in the room. 
“I’m going to do an IV”, the doctor announced without further ado, not even a greeting or introduction. Maybe Seungmin had just not heard it when asleep. Before Seungmin even had a chance to hold out his arm, the doctor, now sitting on a chair, yanked his arm forward and forced the sleeve of Chan’s jacket Seungmin was still wearing up. It was rude and it hurt, but Seungmin swallowed the tears down. He was an adult after all. He didn’t want to seem like a baby in front of his hyungs, the manager and a stranger.
Without any warning, the doctor tied the tourniquet around Seungmin’s upper arm, pulling it tight. Already Seungmin could feel the skin there getting bruised. But the doctor knew best, right? “Hold still”, the doctor said, tone kind of aggressive.
Seungmin had to swallow harshly. He hadn’t even moved, had he? Why was the doctor so rude?
He prepared himself for the uncomfortable touch and pull of finding a vein. It had always been difficult for doctors to find his veins and Seungmin knew with just how dehydrated he was it would probably be really difficult that day. 
The doctor sprayed the disinfectant on his elbow and then, he just … stabbed. He didn’t feel around, he didn’t didn’t test different places, he didn’t even check if there was a vein there. Surprised Seungmin let out a small yell, an expression of pain and fear. It hurt more than it should and well, the disinfectant burned. 
“Don’t be a wuss”, the doctor said, poking around with the needle that never filled with blood. Seungmin looked up when out of the corner of his eyes he saw Chan get up, an aura of anger surrounding him. But Seungmin shook his head. He didn’t want his leader to make a scene, he could endure. He would be fine.
Then the doctor pulled the needle out, pressing a cotton ball harshly against the blood running out. He rolled his eyes.
“Well, I guess I need to try again”, he said, sounding almost gleeful.
He did try again. Again and again. 
Seungmin just stared up at the ceiling, hoping the doctor would just find a vein. Normally he preferred to watch the doctors do their thing but he felt numb now. Bracing for the pain didn’t help. It hurt nevertheless.
The young vocalist nearly wished he had let Chan intervene. It was all becoming too much. But he didn’t dare seek eye contact with his hyungs now. He had after all just taken Chan’s help for granted, pushed him aside when he just wanted to help. Now he had to endure his pride. 
It was after a few tries, Seungmin supposed it was over five tries in different places at that point, that he made the mistake of looking. The needle was big - bigger than he had anticipated. Seungmin felt sick seeing it. Still, even after so many failed attempts the doctor didn’t care about trying to find a good spot, he just stabbed. It was the right word, really. The force he used was way too much for the delicate process, especially since he now aimed at Seungmin’s wrist.
It was not a conscious decision, anything else but conscious, when Suengmin flinched away harshly. Maybe it was the fever or the exhaustion or the pain but his reaction was slowed. So when he moved his arm away in fear, the needle was already embedded in his arm - tearing the skin open and blood gushing out instantly.
It was at that moment that Seungmin realized he was out of his depth. Blame it on the sickness but he suddenly felt too overwhelmed, sensitive. Tears shot into his eyes as he curled over the injury, weakly gagging. 
“Enough”, Chan yelled but Seungmin was too lost in pain and fear to really understand what was happening. 
It was hard for Chan seeing one of his kids injured or sick or sad. Nearly having to let go of Minho and Felix before their debut. Losing Woojin. Hyunjin begging Stay to stay with him during the false bullying accusation. Seeing Changbin insecure over his looks and sad as the least biased member. Minho hiding away and pretending to be fine when people said he seemed like a cold and unlikable person. Han’s anxiety diagnosis and his panic attacks. Felix’s back injury. Jeongin beating himself up over mistakes. Seungmin never smiling anymore after haters commented on his braces. It all hurt Chan so much he sometimes wondered how he hadn’t broken down crying yet. 
Now, Seungmin was sick and injured and so clearly overwhelmed with everything that had happened. To some extent it was even worse seeing normally steadfast and dandy Seungmin be reduced to tears and covered in sick than seeing one of his more fragile members that way. 
Chan really wasn’t a fan of the young doctor. He seemed rude, arrogant and inexperienced. But he hoped the first impression was wrong. 
Sadly, it wasn’t. 
Chan and Minho watched from the sidelines as the doctor first prepared Seungmin’s arm for the IV insertion. The manager had left for a phone call. The pained yelp Seungmin let out when the doctor first pushed the needle in was heartbreaking. Chan never wanted any of the members to make a sound like that ever again. 
Chan very nearly didn’t believe his ears when the doctor told Seungmin to not be a wuss. What kind of doctor treated a patient like that, especially a young man who was in serious pain and ill at the same time? Chan started to feel anger bubbling up in him. How dare the man treat Seungmin like this? Like an unruly child rather than a sick and injured adult? 
He was about to speak up when he caught Seungmin’s eyes. The younger man shook his head slightly, obviously telling Chan to back off. Chan wouldn’t let Seungmin get hurt like this, no matter what the younger man wanted. He clearly wasn’t thinking straight.
But a hand on his arm washed away the red over his gaze. Don’t, Channie. Seungmin wouldn’t want a fuss. Minho looked like he had bitten into a lemon holding back from doing interfering but they both knew Seungmin wouldn't want that. The main dancer and main vocalist were both so alike that Chan trusted Minho to know what Seungmin would prefer.
So Chan clenched his jaw but held back on commenting on the doctor’s attitude. They did want to get Seungmin safe and home without a fuss. An argument over his head was not in the cards if it could be avoided. 
They watched frozen as the man pushed needle after needle into Seungmin, never finding a vein. It seemed almost sadistic. It was clear as day that the doctor couldn’t care less about his patient’s comfort. But they stayed quiet. After everything was over both of them would blame themselves for it.
Then it all went wrong. The doctor tried to find a vein in Seungmin’s wrist, a place that Chan knew was not the safest. But then Seungmin, who had appeared spaced out all during the previous attempts, jerked away. Immediately a spray of blood gushed out and along with it came the tears. Immediately Chan jumped to his feet, Minho following suit. The leader knew his voice took on the authoritative, angry tone that he only used when people - never his members - really fucked up. It was more than deserved in this case. 
While all his senses screamed at Chan to rush to his crying Stray Kid, he knew it was his leader’s duty to do damage control. Besides, Minho had already rushed to Seungmin, gathering the young vocalist in his arms and chan trusted him to take care of him.
“What?”, the doctor asked, whirling around to come face to face with Chan.
The leader was much smaller than the other man but right now he didn’t care as he said flatly, threateningly: “Leave now. You have hurt Seungmin enough.” 
It was less than what he wanted to say but he also couldn’t just go around yelling at people even if it was his heart’s desire in this case. The real downside to being an idol. 
“Leave”, Chan repeated as the man made no move. He felt oddly calm now, eyes locked with the doctor. He hoped the anger and disgust at the medic’s unprofessionalism came across through his facial expression.  
As the doctor opened his mouth to retort, he was interrupted by the manager coming back inside. “What is going on in here?”
Chan was sure they were a sight. He himself yelling at a doctor much taller than him with Minho comforting a sobbing Seungmin in the background. He could have kissed the manager for his timing and felt his shoulder slump in relief. He didn't like yelling, even if deserved, and only ever did if there was no other choice. Starting now, the manager could deal with the doctor. 
“Please have him removed from the room”, Chan said, his tone leaving no room for arguments, “this man has been very rude to Seungmin, not treating him like needed in this situation, and he obviously not caring to actually do his job in finding a vein. He injured Seungmin without really trying to actually put the IV.”
“That is a lie”, the doctor barked, “you cannot prove anything.”
The manager’s eyes hardened and he gestured at the doctor to leave. “Go before I call security. The fact that you used the word ‘proof’ is proof enough for me.”
The doctor looked like he wanted to defend himself but as Chan shot him another look he decided against it, rushing from the room.
The worst in Seungmin’s opinion was that they were causing a scene. He was causing a scene.
He heard how Chan was talking to the doctor, his protective leader instincts taking over. Seungmin didn’t like it one bit. While he knew it was for his own good and that Chan’s anger was not directed at him, he was still scared. Raised voices weren’t really his thing. Especially when he already felt so unwell and overwhelmed. 
“Hey, Seungminnie”, Minho whispered and removed the tourniquet from his arm. Then he ran his hand through Seungmin’s bangs to keep them away from his forehead, leaving his cool palm there. It felt heavenly - Seungmin’s whole body seemed to be freezing except for his burning forehead. “It’s gonna be alright, just you see. You know Channie-hyung would move mountains and make the world spin the other direction if you needed him to.” 
Seungmin blushed, ducking his head. It was true, all of what Minho had said. Bang Chan - best leader was an award deserved. It was comforting to be loved so deeply and at times even scary how far Chan would go to make them happy. Seungmin wished they could do the same for their leader one day.
Still he couldn't stop the tears soaking Minho’s shirt. He was trembling all over, only his wrist - that Minho had hastily pushed more of the cotton against to stop the flow of blood and which was now immobilized by the grip his hyung had on it - was held still.
Vaguely he was aware of the doctor leaving and then Chan was kneeling by his side, taking Seungmin’s hands laying limply in his lap into his.
“Hyung is sorry”, Chan whispered, now crying himself, “I should have stopped him before it got this far.”
He gently moved Minho’s hand away to look at the wound but again, immediately blood rushed out. Chan sobbed, resting his head on Seungmin’s lap. “I’m so sorry, Min-ah.”
To say Seungmin was shocked was an understatement. He had not expected Chan to react like this, to basically bow at his feet. 
“Hyungie, hyungie, it’s my fault”, Seungmin whispered through tears, “I thought I could do it. Don’t blame yourself.”
It was then that Minho took action. “Neither one of you is at fault”, he said sternly, in his no-nonsense voice that he usually used on the younger members when they were being a bit too hyper, “neither of you knew that the doctor would do this … whatever it was. A power trip maybe, but neither of you were part of that. We need to talk about this for sure but we will do so later when all of us are not so exhausted and sick.”
Seungmin nodded against Minho’s shoulder, running his hand through Chan’s curls. “It’s okay, hyung.”
When Chan lifted his head his eyes looked haunted but he nodded resolutely.
“Boys, a new doctor is here”, the manager said and all three of them turned around to see an older woman step into the room, her smile hidden beneath her mask but her eyes kind.
Before any of them could say anything, she stepped forward and bowed deeply. “I’m terribly sorry for what happened, Seungmin-ssi, Bang Chan-ssi. I was not aware that this doctor would be capable of mistreating patients. I heard from his direct colleagues that he apparently isn’t a fan of idol culture and has been rude to idols before, though never to this extent. I hope you can accept the hospital’s apologies.”
“Apologies accepted”, Seungmin mumbled, too tired to care much about pleasantries at the moment. 
Chan nodded reluctantly but then added: “Will there any legal action be taken? His treatment of a patient was unacceptable.”
“He won’t be allowed to treat idols anymore but it will be very hard to prove that he maliciously tried to manipulate the attempts to take blood. I believe you but I can’t promise that the upper management or a court would”, she replied, looking guilty.
“I will talk to our legal department”, the manager promised.
“Can you look over Seungminnie now?”, Minho then asked, “He's really tired and I would like to take him home soon.”
Any other day Seungmin would have hated how his hyung spoke over his head but today it was a welcome relief. He just wanted to be done.
“Of course”, she said, “if Seungmin agrees?”
He appreciated her effort to include him and his opinions, so he tried to smile when he nodded. He was sure that it was just a grimace though.
“Let me wrap your wrist real quick. After that I would like to examine your foot to determine what might be wrong before we do any scans. Your hyungs said you also got the stomach flu and you are running a fever. I know it sounds scary and I really hate to do it but I need to put in an IV line first so we can get you medicated. Is that alright with you?”
Swallowing down the fear, Seungmin nodded and let himself rest against Minho’s chest. Getting his injured wrist wrapped wasn’t that bad and the bleeding stopped soon. Then the bad part came.
“Okay, let me see. I promise I will be gentle. If you need me to stop, just tell me and I will”, the doctor said and Seungmin held out his shaking arm. “Oh, you’re really dehydrated, honey.”
Seungmin watched as she felt his arm up and down, wincing as she accidentally pressed on a few of the spots the other doctor had tried.
“Can I see the other arm?”
But with the other arm she seemed even less happy. The doctor returned to the original arm, wincing when she saw a bruise of the failed attempt earlier form, and made Seungmin open and close his fist. The tourniquet she placed on his upper arm burned but not as much as it did earlier. The disinfectant spray was icy cold.
“I don’t feel comfortable doing a line in your elbow since it’s so bruised. I want to try the back of your hand, okay?”
Seungmin nodded numbly, pressing his back closer to Minho. Still, he couldn’t look away. Seeing was better than not seeing. 
The doctor gently slapped his hand, trying to cause more blood flow, feeling around again. “I’m not really happy here but I want try anyway. You’re making finding a vein really hard in your state.”
If Seungmin wasn’t raised as a nice person he would have rudely told her it wasn’t his fault that he was dehydrated and that the IV couldn’t be placed in the most convenient, easiest place. But even in his tired state he knew she only meant to make conversation. So he nodded his consent, feeling Chan take his other hand in support.
“Small pinch”, the doctor said and Seungmin had a millisecond to brace himself before … before he violently jerked his hand away. It was a subconscious move and he was lucky she hadn’t touched his skin yet. The doctor jumped in surprise and Seungmin was quick to apologize: “I’m sorry … I …” 
He stumbled horribly over his words. He didn’t even really know what to say. It was scary, getting a needle under his skin. It hurt. He didn’t want to feel the pain again.
“It’s quite alright”, the doctor replied. “Just tell me when you’re ready to try again.”
“Breathe, Min-ah”, Chan said, gently pressing his hand, “we’re right here with you.”
After a few deep breaths, guided by his hyungs, Seungmin felt ready again. Well, not ready to start but ready to be done with the ordeal.
But it wasn’t to be so. Even as Seungmin didn’t flinch away and the doctor moving the needle around under his skin, she couldn’t put in the line. They couldn’t quite blame her - she was obviously trying and very apologetic. Plus, they all knew drawing blood from Seungmin was hard on a normal day.
“I really don’t like doing this but I think our last chance is putting the line in your wrist”, the doctor finally said, “otherwise we will have to try your foot and that is a really uncomfortable place for an IV, especially since then both your feet would be compromised.”
Seungmin just sighed and turned his body so his head rested against Minho’s shoulder. While he normally wanted to see, right now he was overwhelmed with all the sensory input. He hated the thought of having a needle in his wrist but the foot was even less desirable.
“Just do it”, he whispered.
To their collective surprise, the doctor slid in the needle easily and then she exclaimed: “I got it. It’s in, Seungmin-ssi. You did so well.”
Reluctantly Seungmin peeked out from his hiding place and immediately regretted it. The sight of the needle embedded in his wrist, so close to arteries and bones was nauseating. As he was already sick and nauseous, it was too much.
“I feel sick”, he whispered. The doctor reached over to a shelf but it wasn’t fast enough. 
Seungmin couldn’t even muster the energy to try to stop the wave of nausea crashing over him. He just opened his mouth and let the gags tear through his throat. Bile and spit dangled from his lips, gently wiped away by Chan holding a tissue. Maybe he finally was empty. Nothing would come up.
“You’re scheduled for an MRI soon”, the doctor explained, still holding the emesis basin she had taken out of the shelf, “I’m going to give you an antiemetic, fluids and painkillers through the line. You should feel better soon. Please try to drink a bit if you can.”
With those words she left the room.
The wait for the MRI was thankfully short and the medicine was starting to work quickly. The worst thing was Chan forcing Seungmin to take a few sips of water.
Soon Seungmin was lifted into a wheelchair and moved into the MRI room. His jewelry was taken off and soon enough Seungmin was flying flat on the movable platform. The technician pressed a bell into his hand and told him to press it in case of emergency. Then he was inside the machine, eyes pressed shut. He was drifting, not really taking anything in.
The MRI was loud, metal clanking everywhere. It didn’t matter - Seungmin was so tired he basically fell asleep the moment his eyes were closed. 
He was awoken by a voice talking to him. Was he done? He hoped so. But then the words registered in his mind. “I will push the contrast agent in now. You might feel a bit warm but let me know if anything becomes unbearable.”
Seungmin nodded and then he felt what the woman had said. It was like he suddenly was burning from the inside, everything too hot. But he did not expect the disgusting taste in his mouth. He didn’t know how or what had happened, if that was supposed to happen, but the nausea that the antiemetic had valiantly fought against, rose again at the taste.
“Take me out, I need out”, Seungmin pleaded. “I can’t - it’s too hot. I …”
He couldn’t finish his sentence. His chest spasmed and vomit spilled from his lips. Seungmin doubted it was much more than the water he had drunk but it was terrifying laying on his back. Without warning he was turned to the side and the vomit spilled down his cheek. It was disgusting but much better than choking on it.
“Okay, okay, you’re okay”, the technician said. But as Seungmin opened his eyes he saw his leader kneeling by his side. 
“Channie-hyung”, he whispered. 
Chan smiled and wiped Seungmin’s face. “I got you, baby.”
Chan looked down at the sleeping vocalist on his lap. Seungmin had fallen asleep after throwing up during the MRI. Apparently some patients could taste the contrast agent and it had triggered Seungmin’s sensitive stomach. Chwas was just glad that Seungmin was now asleep, the vocalist had been stretched far beyond his limits of the day.
The doctor had determined that it was indeed a broken ankle and now Seungmin’s foot was in a cast, resting on Minho’s lap. They finally were on their way home with prescriptions for nausea medication, fever reducers and painkillers, as well as a pair of crutches. 
But for now Seungmin was asleep and that was what he needed most. 
“Don’t worry, Chan”, Minho whispered to not disturb their dongsaeng, “he will be fine, just you wait. Soon enough he will chase us through the dorm on crutches and be an absolutely terrible delight.”
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - Stray Kids
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darl-ingfics · 17 days
Sicktember Day 8: ALT - Hospital Bed
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Taemin (exhaustion)
Caregiver(s): Minho
Word Count: 574
Notes: I wanted to play around with different hurt/comfort scenarios, and while there may be loads of medical inaccuracies... ta da! Also, I really wasn't vibing with "The closest doctor is probably hours away from here," so let's go ALT prompts
Consciousness found Taemin slowly. Eyes still closed, the first thing drawing his attention was his breath, the rhythm of his chest rising and falling steadily. It was almost as if he could feel the air circulating from his lungs throughout his body, flipping switches, waking up each limb in turn. 
That led to sensation number two: his body felt heavy. His arms, his legs, his back, even his neck felt as if there were sandbags weighing them down. No, as if they were actually made of the sand used in sandbags. A dull pressure, anchoring him down. 
His ears turned on next. Immediately near: a monotonous beeping. Further away: the faint squeak of shoes, a squeaky wheel on a cart, the ding of an elevator. Suddenly, quite close: the scrape of a book page turning. 
Someone was with him here in… wherever this was.
The realization that he actually had no idea where he was hit Taemin like a bolt of lightning. The rest of the switches in his brain began to turn on en masse, scrambling to piece together the clues his body had gathered. His working memory was still foggy; there was nothing before this moment right now. 
And Taemin hadn’t even opened his eyes to see where now was. 
He didn’t even realize he’d made a noise of distress until he felt the surface he was lying on (soft, yet foreign; recognizable, but not somewhere he’d been before,) dip beneath him. A warm body pressed against his back, arms embracing him. 
“It’s okay, Taeminnie.” All of the tension evaporated out of Taemin’s body at Minho’s voice. “You’re okay, buddy.”
Taemin had so many things to ask, so many gaps his brain couldn’t fill. All that came out of his throat was another sound, somewhere between a whine and a sigh, as he dropped his head back to meet Minho’s shoulder. He had yet to open his eyes.  
Minho’s hold around him tightened just enough. “I know, I know, you’re confused. Probably overwhelmed.” Taemin nodded ever so slightly. “You’re exhausted, Taem. You collapsed after our concert. You’re in the hospital right now.” 
“N-no, I…” Taemin’s voice was soft, raspy with disuse, distracted, “remember the stage…”
“Yeah, you performed like a fucking beast on that stage.” Minho chuckled softly. “But now you are in the hospital. The good news is that all your tests came back normal. You’re just really, really tired, and your body demanded a break. So we’re gonna make sure you get it.” 
Taemin cracked his eyes open. He had to blink a few times to see clearly, and as soon as he could do that, he squirmed and shifted his body to see Minho face to face. “Break?”
Minho smiled. His smile looked a lot like home to Taemin. “I know, a foreign concept, huh?” His hand carded lazily through Taemin’s hair. That felt like home too. “The better news is that as soon as the doctor clears you, you get to go rest back at home. We’ve set up a rotation so you don’t have to be there alone, and so you can’t sneak back to work too fast.”
Taemin blinked. “When will they clear me?” 
“They said whenever you woke up we could press the button.”
Taemin considered that answer. “Can we cuddle here a bit more first?”
Somehow, the smile on Minho’s face grew even warmer. “Of course we can, love. Of course we can.”
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minminyoonjii · 4 months
When You Feel Sick [OT8/Gender Neutral! Reader]
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Hurt/Comfort|Crying|Aching|Fever|Panic From Jisung|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.2K
"Hurts," you whined, holding your head in your hands. You sat up in bed, "Achoo!" you sneezed, reaching for tissues. Tears dripped down your cheeks from the pounding headache overwhelming your senses. "Want Caregiver Title," you sobbed, crawling out of bed only to stumble your way to their room. You sniffled, your plush toy tucked between your arms, "Hate, hate, hate," you grumbled, leaning against the wall.
Bang Chan
"Daddy," you sniffled, wobbling towards his bed. Chan furrowed his eyebrows, "Little one?" he rasped, squinting his eyes. "Help," you whined, crawling into his bed. Chan sat up concerned, "Help? What hurts? Are you okay?" he rambled, pulling you onto his lap. You whimpered, panting against his chest. Chan checked your temperature with the back of his hand, "No fever, good, good," he mumbled, pushing back your hair. You wrinkled your nose, "Hates it," you shivered, curling deeper into his chest. Chan cooed, "I know little one, I know," he whispered, kissing your forehead. You nuzzled his palm, "Feel cho achy, Daddy," you whimpered, panting from the lack of breath. Chan hugged you close, "Do you want medicine?" he asked, his heart racing within his chest. You shook your head, gradually melting into his hold, "Daddy enough," you whispered, feeling better that you weren't suffering alone but in your daddy's arms instead. Chan chuckled, "Anything for you, little one," he whispered, giving you a firm squeeze.
Lee Minho
You huffed, plopping yourself on the floor, "Mama," you rasped, head dropping from the sheer exhaustion. Minho hummed, "Cupcake?" he questioned, patting his bed to feel you but you weren't there. You sniffled, resting your chin on the edge of the bed, "Mama, look down," you pouted, wanting to be lifted. Minho turned around, eyes widening at your peeking tear-stained face, "What happened? Why are you crying, hm?" he asked, lifting you by your armpits. You nuzzled his chest, "Can't sleep, all huwts," you mumbled, slumping your body on his. Minho furrowed his eyebrows, "We'll see a doctor in the morning. Take this for now," he said, pulling a strip of painkillers from his drawer. You glared at the medicine, "It bitter," you whined, trying to crawl off his lap but your body ached to move. Minho handed you a water bottle, "No complaining, cupcake. The medicine will help," he said, smiling as you took them.
Seo Changbin
"Baba," you whispered, crawling under his blanket. Changbin groaned, wrapping his hand around your waist, "Agi?" he mumbled, rubbing your back. You whimpered, "Feel sickies," you said, pressing your throbbing head into his chest. Changbin opened his eyes, "You do feel warm, agi-ah," he rasped, touching your neck. "Hates sickies," you whined, clawing the sheets to cope with the dull aches. Changbin sat up, rummaging his drawer for something, "Luckily Baba still has a few," he chuckled, putting the fever patch on your forehead. You melted at the chill feeling spreading through your face. Changbin smiled, kissing your nose, "Feeling better, agi?" he whispered, stroking your hair. You nodded, "Is better," you said, nuzzling into his chest. Changbin rocked your body, patting your bum, "Sweet dream, my little agi," he hummed, coaxing you to bed.
Hwang Hyunjin
You sniffled, looking around Hyunjin's room for tissues. "Achoo!" you sneezed, face messy with snot. Hyunjin woke up the moment you got in, "Aigo, come here, lovely," he cooed, holding a tissue. You crawled onto his bed, tilting your head back. Hyunjin chuckled, wiping your face, "Did the flu bug catch you again, love?" he asked, lying down with you on him. You nodded, nuzzling his chest with your plush in hand. 'Hot, hot, hot,' you thought, rolling off his chest. Hyunjin rubbed your tummy, "Are you feeling warm, lovely?" he asked. "It hot," you grumbled, trying to find cold spots on his bed. Hyunjin chuckled as you squirmed, "I bought something recently that might help," he said, taking out a cold neck pillow. You shivered at the chill but eventually found yourself sleeping. Hyunjin cooed, "Goodnight, my silly little love bug," he whispered, keeping the blankets low enough for your feet to stay warm.
Han Jisung
"Appa," you hiccuped, nudging his shoulder. You whined, coughing into your hands with tears streaming down your face. Jisung's eyes grew wide, "Sweetheart, oh my dear sweetheart," he panicked, hands shaking as he checked your body for any physical wounds. You whimpered when he jostled you a bit too hard, head spinning at the motion. Jisung held back a scream when you almost fainted, "Appa's going to call Daddy okay?" he said, anxiety getting the best of him. You laid on the bed too tired to stop him, even though you rather have him stay. Jisung dragged Chan to his room, explaining from top to bottom. Chan checked your temperature, "It's just another sinus fit, they'll be alright after some rest," he said, sighing in relief that they didn't need to go to the ER. Jisung sighed, "Gave me quite a scare, sweetheart," he chuckled, ensuring you were comfortable enough to sleep.
Lee Felix
You crawled onto his bed, kneeling on the mattress. Felix stirred at the movement but stayed asleep. You stared for a second before bursting out into tears, "Mommy!" you cried, whining at the headache you put yourself through. Felix jolted awake, body moving before his mind could respond. You squeezed your plush toy, coughing violently as tears poured onto the comforter. "Mommy's here. Mommy's here," he rasped, shifting you towards him, your back to his chest. You sniffled, "Sickies huwt," you whimpered, curling up between his legs. Felix held your head to his chest, "Take deep breaths, sunshine," he whispered, nosing your hair. You mimicked his breathing, "Ah hah," you yawned, feeling sleepy. Felix chuckled, eyes barely open, "Let's go back to sleep, yeah sunshine?" he asked, laying you down. You preened, getting cosy under the comforters.
Kim Seungmin
"Dada up, wake up," you whined, hitting him with your plush toy. Seungmin grunted, pulling his blanket further up his neck. You sniffled, opening your mouth to bite his shoulder when he suddenly covered your mouth. "You know what I said about marks, munchkin," he grumbled, leaning against his bed frame. You whined, licking his palm in retaliation. Seungmin frowned, "What's the matter?" he asked, knowing you wouldn't come to him without a reason. You wrinkled your nose, holding back a sneeze. "Ah," Seungmin sighed, grabbing a tissue. You sneezed into it and laid on his chest. He chuckled, "Looks like the little munchkin got a cold," he teased, stroking your cheek. You nodded, trying hard to ignore the dull ache throughout your body. Seungmin hummed, massaging your arms and legs, "Just close your eyes, Dada will take care of you," he whispered, coaxing you back to sleep.
Yang Jeongin
You wobbled towards his bed, body aching and cold, "Ninnin," you cried, immediately waking him up. Jeongin got out of bed, holding your cheeks, "Are you feeling sick, angel?" he asked, looking at your red nose and bloodshot eyes. You nodded, leaning into his hold as he lifted you towards him. Jeongin cradled your body in his arms, "Shh, shh. Go back to sleep, my sweet angel," he whispered, humming a lullaby for you to hear. You whimpered, body aching with each motion but the gentle hum of his voice drew you closer and closer to sleep. Jeongin noticed, sitting by the edge of his bed to rock your weak body, "Everything is going to be alright," he whispered, kissing your forehead. You burrowed yourself closer to his body, melting into the warmth he provided. Jeongin chuckled, booping your nose, "Sleep well, angel. I'll wake you in the morning," he cooed, tucking you close.
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cuddlepilefics · 2 months
I’m going down (you’re yelling timber)
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Hyunjin
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Prompts: Passing out / Exhaustion / “I’ve got you, let’s sit down, I’ve got you.”
No one’s POV.:
With the way their schedules had been filled to the very brink lately, Hyunjin was impressed how the group was still going strong. For some reason, the members didn’t seem any more tried than they’d usually be, while he himself felt close to crumbling. His whole body ached and a persistent headache was pulsing behind his temples. Had been for the past week if he was being honest. 3racha worked even more than him, which Hyunjin knew because he repeatedly returned to an empty dorm, yet they seemed not to be too affected by it. At least that way, Hyunjin could shower right away when he came home from his dance practice with Minho and Felix and didn’t need to wait his turn.
That shower turned out quite long because Hyunjin’s tense muscles finally relaxed when the hot water hit his shoulders. He barely found the energy to wash himself down, his arms suddenly feeling like cooked spaghetti, and it was obvious that he’d be out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow. A shudder ran down Hyunjin’s back, the hot water suddenly feeling cold to him, causing goosebumps to prick at his skin. He braced himself against the tiled wall as his ears started to ring. In a daze, he turned off the water and stumbled out of the shower, clumsily wrapping himself in his towel before plopping down on the closed toilet seat.
Holding his swimming head in his hands, Hyunjin took a few panting breaths and felt shaky all over. Maybe he shouldn’t have turned the water temperature up so high because now his circulation was wonky and he didn’t trust himself to stand and get ready for bed. Oh how badly he wanted to be in his bed right now. That would take a while though because Hyunjin only found the strength to get dressed after taking deep breaths for five minutes. He had to sit down again while he brushed his teeth.
A few sips of water might help with the lingering dizziness but the kitchen was in the opposite direction of his bedroom, so Hyunjin was torn. If 3racha had been home, he would’ve asked someone to fetch him a drink but that was out of question now. In the end, he decided to go to bed without a drink. His head pounded and he had to hold back tears as he crawled into bed, unsure how exactly he was going to make it through his schedule the next day.
Lucky for him, their schedule started at the studio the following morning and while his headache hadn’t improved, he wasn’t dizzy anymore. It was also nice to not be alone at the dorm anymore and he shot Jisung a tired smile when he plopped down next to him at the dining table, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. The rapper looked half asleep still, about as exhausted as Hyunjin felt and the dancer was relieved that he wasn’t the only one feeling drained. On the other hand, Jisung had only gotten home after Hyunjin had already gone to bed, yet he was up and running at the same time.
Watching the rapper eat made Hyunjin’s stomach turn and he glanced at his coffee in distaste. He had no appetite at all but if he wanted to take something for his headache, he should have at least a small breakfast. Too exhausted to prepare himself some proper food, Hyunjin grabbed some crackers and a small box of banana milk, slowly nibbling one of the crackers. It felt wrong in his mouth, taking all his willpower to swallow. Figuring it’d be easier to just wash it down with the banana milk, the dancer took a swig and startled when it triggered his gag reflex. Hyunjin covered his mouth in a panic, the drink eventually going down but not without choking him. Watching the older double over coughing, Jisung guessed his friend had aspirated, too sleepy to pay attention to eating, and reached over to pat the other on the back.
When Hyunjin finally managed to catch his breath, he thanked Jisung weakly but excused himself to his room, claiming he’d finish his food while getting ready. In truth, he sat on the edge of his bed, trashcan planted between his knees as he painfully slowly finished his crackers. They left his mouth and throat itchy because he hadn’t dared to drink anymore but that was soon to change. There was no way he’d be able to swallow his painkillers dry, not after the crackers had dried him out like this, so eyeing the banana milk in distaste, he hurriedly popped the pills into his mouth and downed his drink like a shot. Lurching forward with a closed-mouth gag, Hyunjin forced himself to breathe deeply and shuddered. Goosebumps had spread on his arms, while he broke into a sweat. His stomach still churned when he wiped his brow with a trembling hand, dumping the milk carton into the trash. The pills were down, so… mission accomplished.
He'd be lying if he claimed they were helping at all though. There was still that pressure in his head, making it hard to think clearly but at least, his stomach had calmed down. He was lucky that their dance practice was only scheduled for the late afternoon and he’d have a couple of hours to get his bearings. Maybe once he was more awake, he’d be able to stomach something more nutritious that’d give him the energy to keep going. Hyunjin probably shouldn't be happy that his friends were similarly tired but a small part of him way. With all of them lacking energy, it was relatively quiet and sitting with his fellow dancers, Hyunjin eventually dared lean his head on Minho’s shoulder. It still ached and his neck felt too sore to support its weight. To his surprise, the older neither pushed him away or teased him for it, merely continuing to go over his lyrics.
Sitting on Hyunjin’s other side, Felix’ hand snuck up his hyung’s back and gently kneaded the tense muscles in his neck. The melting tension caused him to slump further into Minho, which startled the second oldest but he was quick to adjust his position to properly support his dongsaeng’s side. “Are you okay?”, Minho asked quietly enough only for Hyunjin to hear. The younger nodded slightly, breathing: “Tired. Head hurts.” – “Painkillers?”, Minho offered, reaching up to run his fingers through his dongsaeng’s hair. “Took some”, Hyunjin mumbled but kept his eyes closed, “Not helping much though.” He drifted up soon after that, too out of it to witness the hushed conversation between his fellow dancers.
Felix kept massaging Hyunjin’s neck and shoulders while the older was asleep, hoping to release some of the tension to ease his pain. At some point, Chan had come over to feel the boy’s forehead but couldn’t detect a fever. Giving the leader s sad smile, Minho hummed: “It’s probably exhaustion. He’s been going all out during practice every single time.” Chan sighed, that truly sounded like something Hyunjin would do. “If he wakes up, let me know, please. I’ll have him warm up and record his lines right away, so he and go home and rest after that. You and Felix will be fine teaching us the choreo without him later, right?”, the leader confirmed, earning a relieved nod from Minho. The dancer couldn’t bear watching his dongsaeng destroy himself like that anymore.
As soon as Hyunjin sat up and reached for his water bottle, Minho informed him of what they had worked out with Chan. It should’ve already been red flag that the younger just thanked him and started to warm up despite his voice still being thick with sleep. The Hyunjin they knew would’ve put up a fight, insisting that he was fine to keep working and especially refusing to be sidelined during dance practice. It seemed he was truly more exhausted than he let on. He even swayed slightly when he had to get up from the couch because he was called into the recording booth. Laughing awkwardly, he slurred something about his legs having fallen asleep from sitting so long and shakily entered the recording booth to receive instructions which segment he should start with.
Hyunjin felt truly lucky that 3racha were so patient and understanding with him because nothing seemed to be going his way. Despite warming up, his voice still came out flat and with his tongue feeling heavy at the bottom of his mouth, he had frequent slip ups in his pronunciation. Everyone was understanding and tried to reassure him but Hyunjin couldn’t stop the tears from blurring his vision, making his voice sound even more choked. The stuffy air inside the recording booth certainly wasn’t helping and with his breath coming faster, it didn’t take long for the dancer to feel lightheaded. He lasted surprisingly long till the dizziness hit with the same intensity as it had the previous night. Sweat beaded on his forehead and it felt like all the air had been used up, no matter how much he breathed, it didn’t seem to be enough.
When his vision darkened, Hyunjin shakily reached for the lyric stand, clammy hand clutching cold metal. His ears rang too badly for him to hear Chan calling out to him over the speakers but goosebumps spread on his skin when a gust of wind hit his arm from Chan pushing through the door of the recording booth. Strong arms wrapped around his middle and Hyunjin let himself slump into the Aussie’s chest. “I’ve got you, let’s sit down, I’ve got you.” That promise seemed to be enough for Hyunjin’s fuzzy mind to let go of the last remnants of consciousness, his knees buckling while Chan guided him to the floor. Changbin was by their side in an instant, elevating his dongsaeng’s leg. Cursing himself for not having picked up on the signs, despite Hyunjin acting so out of character, Minho was up off the couch and with them in no time, the tiny recording booth getting cramped. He swiped the lyrics sheets off the stand, fanning Hyunjin’s pale face while feeling his pulse.
Hyunjin’s head thumped as he slowly came to, making him grimace. “Easy”, Chan shushed when the dancer tried to sit up. Changbin carefully laid the younger’s legs down and slipped out of the booth for one, to give them some space and two, to fetch his dongsaengs some water. Carding Hyunjin’s hair back, Chan hummed: “How’re you feeling?” The dancer drew a deep breath before mumbling: “Like putty. Really sore and dizzy putty though.” – “Not surprised your limbs feel sluggish and heavy”, Minho winced sympathetically, rubbing Hyunjin’s arm, “You’ve been demanding far too much of your body lately. Do you think you can stand if we help you? It’s really stuffy in here and I doubt that’s helping with the dizziness at all.”
Hoisting Hyunjin to his feet, the two eldest supported him to the couch and made him lay down there again. Felix took a seat next to him and comfortingly played with his hair while they tried to figure out their next course of action. Sending Hyunjin back to the dorm by himself was out of the question now but there also was no point of dragging him along to their schedule and make him try to rest on an uncomfortable couch in a dance practice room with music blasting from the speakers. None of them would be able to accompany him though because they’d have to learn a new choreography today and Minho and Felix were needed as their instructors.
“Hyun-e, we don’t have a good feeling sending you home alone. Not with what just happened. It’ll be too loud to rest in the practice room but you could stay here at the studio. The couch is all yours, we’d bring you lunch and collect you after practice”, Chan mused. The mention of food made Hyunjin’s stomach turn but he didn’t dare argue. Scratching the back of his neck, the leader hummed: “The second option would be manager-nim taking you back to the dorm and keeping you company while you eat. After that your not to leave your bed for anything other than using the bathroom. Safety precaution ‘cause we don’t want to come home to you passed out on the floor.” – “Option two, please, but I dunno if I can stomach anything, hyung”, Hyunjin muttered, resting his hand on his middle, “Don’t feel like eating.” – “The two of you can pick up something light, some soup maybe, on the way back”, Chan smiled, “I trust you to try your best and if you can only handle a couple of bites at a time, you’ll just try to snack throughout the rest of the day and have really small servings, okay?” The dancer nodded weakly, thanking Chan. He was glad that he could finally rest up.
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k-sickies · 1 year
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Fanfic Blog
Requests: Open
Request information: click here
Current number of requests
SKZ: 2
ZB1: 1
Ateez: 1
Currently working on:
Skz request sick Seungmin & I.N
Groups I mainly write for:
SKZ & Ateez
P1harmony, ZB1, TXT, solo artist
Beside that, you can request other groups too as long as they're boy groups.
Fanfics, drabbles, headcanons, reactions
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Bang Chan:
1/8 Migraine - Emeto feat Hyunjin
Lee Know:
2/8 flu - Emeto feat Han + Chan
x reader headcanons
Sick at the amusement park - emeto feat Chan / Hyunjin
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Rest, please - emeto feat Han
3/8 not just carsick - Emeto feat Chan/Han
Leg cramps & nausea- Emeto feat Chan
x reader pt 1 - Emeto
x reader pt 1 (/2) - Emeto
x reader pt 2 - Emeto
4/8 passing out feat Minho
Is just a headache feat Minho
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Upset tummy - Emeto
Drabble - Tummy cuddles feat Changbin
SKZ as caretaker
SKZ as sickies
SKZ - Food poisoning x reader headcanons
SKZ - they have stomach cramps
SKZ - they have UTI
Passing out feat Hongjoong
Drabble - Emeto feat Seonghwa
Drabble - Emeto feat Mingi
Carsick - Emeto feat Yeosang
Sick Woo is Moody Woo
Emeto - feat Yunho
Ateez as sickies
Ateez as caretaker
Unrequited love - WooSang
Drabble - Emeto feat Beomgyu
Fainting + angst feat Soobin
Cold feat Soobin
Snz feat Yeonjun
Drabble - Emeto feat Taehyun
Drabble - Emeto feat Yeonjun
Drabble - stomach ache feat Soobin
Emeto - day off feat Beomgyu and Soobin
TXT as sickies
TXT as caretaker
Our dumb secret - Emeto feat Theo
Emeto + homesick feat Keeho / Soul
P1h as sickies
Emeto headcanons
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babybearsnz · 11 months
I don't know if it's just me that's noticed how Lee Know started stifling his sneezes a while ago (like completely silently it's kind of impressive lol) so I was wondering if you could do a story about this and the members' reactions? He's always been one of the sneezier members so if you could think of something about why he does/ doesn't stifle in certain situations that would be amazing <3
Hyung, you look miserable
Sickie: Minho
Caretakers: Chan, Jeongin, and Felix, some Changbin and Hyunjin
Relationships: Platonic
Minho’s pov:
“Bless you, Min.”
My head whipped around, startled anyone had heard my nearly silent sneezing. Chan smiled softly and I nodded in acknowledgment.
Him and Changbin had been bickering in the recording studio when I turned away from the microphone to sneeze. They must’ve stopped talking at that exact moment or I don’t think anyone would have noticed.
“You okay to continue?” Chan asked.
I gave him a thumbs up. “All good.”
Over the next few minutes, my nose started getting stuffy and I was trying my best not to keep sniffling.
“Can we take a break?” I asked. “I need to blow my nose.”
I got a few tissues from the next room and relieved my sinuses before drawing in a quick breath. “hukkTSHH! hehTSHhuh!” I sniffled and blew my nose again.
“Hyung,” Changbin placed a hand on my shoulder. “You feeling okay?”
I shook my head. “I think I’m catching a cold.” I cleared my throat and sniffled before pouting slightly.
“Oh, hyungie.” He went to put an arm around me but I turned away.
“haITSHH! Aigo.”
When I turned back he draped an arm around my shoulders. “Oh, bless you.”
“Min-ah, I’ll drive you home if you’re not feeling good.” Chan walked up behind me and kissed the crown of my head.
I frowned. “We didn’t finish yet.”
“Go rest,” Changbin insisted. “Hannie and I had some more work to do anyway.”
********time skip********
Chan’s pov:
Once the two of us got in the car I called Hyunjin to let him know we were coming home.
“Ah, hyung.” His voice came over the Bluetooth.
“Hyunjin-ah,” I said. “Lee Know is getting a cold so we’re coming home.”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Minho jerk forward with a few silent sneezes. I reached over and put a hand on his shoulder, subtly rubbing it with my thumb.
“Okay, Felix is making tea,” Hyunjin responded. “See you soon.”
He hung up and I glanced at Minho. “Don’t suppress your sneezes like that.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Aniyo,” I laughed. “You’re sick, don’t worry.”
********time skip********
Minho’s pov:
I climbed out of the car, folding in half with a wrenching sneeze. “haETSHhu!”
“Aigo, bless you.” I looked up at Chan and he put a hand on my back. “You okay?”
I nodded and sniffled. “Thank you.” My breath hitched again.
“Oh, another?”
“hh- hekkTCHhi!” I barely brought an arm up to my face in time to catch the next one.
Chan, whose hand hadn’t moved, began rubbing my back. “Bless, let’s get you inside.”
Chan opened the front door and Felix was sitting on the couch. He looked up from his phone and immediately came trotting over. “Hyung, you look miserable.” He pouted and held my hand. “Come sit.”
He led me to the couch and draped a blanket over me. The coffee table was filled with tissues, water, and medicine. Felix left quickly and Jeongin sat beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he nuzzled his cheek into my hair. He didn’t say anything but I knew he cared.
Chan appeared with a thermometer and Felix was close behind with a mug. “I made you some tea,” he said while Chan took my temperature.
“Thank you, Lix.” I mumbled.
He smiled and him and Chan left me and Jeongin alone with the TV. We threw on a random show while I sipped my tea, still being cuddled by my youngest dongsaeng.
I put my tea down when I felt a powerful itch in my nose. I cupped my hands over my face. “hihngxt! hihngxtch! ngxtcchii! Aigo, mianhae.”
“Bless you. Bless you. Ah, bless you, hyung, it’s okay.” Jeongin responded sweetly to every sneeze and I thanked him. “Don’t sneeze like that when you’re sick.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “You do.”
“And that’s why I keep getting sinus infections.” He laughed.
I shrugged. “I don’t always do it, it depends.”
“That makes no sense.”
I sniffled when Hyunjin yelled from the other room. “That’s what I said! How do you do that? Just sneeze normally!”
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Just a stomach ache?
tw: emeto, hospitals
sickie: Felix
caretaker(s): stray kids
Minho opened his eyes to someone standing next to his bed. The figure appeared to be crying, holding his stomach. When his eyes finally came into focus, he saw that it was Felix beside him.
“Hyung I- I really d-don’t feel well.”
“What’s wrong Lix?”
“My st-stomach really h-hurts” he answered through tears.
“Do you think you’re going to be sick?”
At this, Felix just bit his lip and slowly nodded.
“Okay. It’s okay. Let’s go to the bathroom then?”
He said, standing up out of bed, now fully awake. 
He lead Felix down the hall to bathroom, turning the light on and guiding him down to kneel next to the toilet. Felix felt his a sharp pain in his stomach, making him dry heave over the bowl. 
Lee Know sat next to his sick dongsaeng, holding his hair back. It probably wasn’t necessary seeing that the poor boy wasn’t bringing anything up, but it was nice to not have his hair hanging in his face. He heaved and heaved, but the only result was a torn throat. Minho decided to get him some water, quickly getting up and grabbing a bottle from the fridge and making a dash back to the bathroom, not wanting to leave Felix alone for too long. 
He returned to the bathroom to find Felix curled up around his stomach. Lee Know grabbed the thermometer from the cabinet and checked Felix’s temperature.
“37.2. You don’t have a fever, and you haven’t actually thrown up at all. Seems like you just have a stomach ache. Did you eat something funny?”
“No? I ate just like you guys did.”
“Let’s get you back to sleep. Maybe you’ll feel better in the morning.”
Lee Know brought Felix to his room, helping him to get comfortable.
“Goodnight Lix.”
Lee Know left the room to get some more sleep of his own.
But Felix couldn’t sleep a wink. The pain was increasing and hurt too bad for that. He laid there, trying to get comfortable. It was useless, as the constant ache turned from a stomach ache to punch to the chest. 
When the morning rolled around, Felix felt even worse. But the schedule is busy today, he can’t stay home for a little stomach ache. He rolled out of bed with his alarm and started to get dressed. 
He found Lee Know in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. 
“Good morning Lix. Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah. My body must have just reacted funny to dinner.” In reality, his stomach was still killing him. But he didn’t want to worry his hyung over some measly cramps. 
“Okay then. Have some breakfast.”
Felix wanted anything but food right now. But he had to eat something or it would be clear he still felt like, for lack of better word, shit.
He settled for a single slice of toast with butter.
After a few bites, he watched Lee Know finish his own breakfast and walk away to finish getting ready, and took the opportunity to quickly throw out his mostly uneaten breakfast.
Once they were ready to go, they headed out to the car, where Chan went over the day’s schedule. They first had to go to a photoshoot for their next comeback, then have an interview for some youtube channel, and end out the day with a fan call event. Felix was relieved he wouldn’t have to dance and sing all day, and just had to make it through a few not so physically challenging events. 
So with that, they started off to the photoshoot. Felix was quieter than normal, which was quickly noticed by Chan.
“Hey Felix, you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Just didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Oh yeah? How come?”
“Uh- well.. uh”
“He had stomach ache.” Lee Know interrupted.
“But it’s alright now.” Felix tried to reassure his friends. He was okay. Just dramatic.
When they arrived at the shoot, the pain had only worsened. He climbed out of the car, hoping no one would notice how grimaced at the movement. He was glad that no one seemed to see his pained expression. 
The shoot ended up going by without much issue, and Felix hid his pain decently well.
Now was time for the interview. He expected it to be decently easy to get through, seeing as most interviews only require him to sit in some chair and talk a bit, so he thought he could manage. He was quickly proven wrong, when the interviewer told them they were going to have to complete a few challenges along with the usual answering of questions. His other members seemed excited at what was to come, but Felix certainly was not. 
The fist challenge was to partner up with someone and play a word association game where they were given a word and had to say the first thing that comes to mind similar to the first word. If they say the same word, they win. Felix ended up with Han, and the game began. They went from team to team, most teams being unable to gain any points. The word they received was chocolate, and they both somehow responded with “brownie”. The room exploded with a chorus of an impressed “OHHHH” from the other boys in the group. When asked how they did it, they had no idea truthfully, it must be their twin telepathy. 
When the camera finally turned away from them, Felix couldn’t help but wince from the pain in his abdomen. It almost didn’t feel centered in his stomach, but instead a little more to the side. Han noticed Felix’s facial expression, and shot him a concerned look. 
“Are you okay Lix?”
He said, trying to be as quiet as possible in hopes that his voice would not get picked up on his microphone. Felix decided to give it up, he felt to horrible to keep hiding it like this.
“Not really. My stomach is killing me and I feel weird.”
“Do you think you will be okay for the rest of the interview?”
“I…. I think so. Maybe it’s just a stomach ache and I’ll be alright.” Felix hoped he was right.
“Okay. But if it gets worse, promise to tell us, alright?”
When the challenge was over, the interviewer asked them a few simple questions before giving them their next challenge. This one was a dance challenge where they would play a song, and have to do the dance to the song, and if they didn’t know it, they would not get the point. As he watched his members attempt the challenge, it didn’t seem like they were getting extremely challenging dances, but it didn’t make Felix any less nervous for his turn. When he stepped forward for his turn, the song “Queencard” started to play and he began dancing. He loves this dance, but it’s a lot of jumping around, and it make his stomach act up again. It felt like he was being stabbed. Like someone was grabbing his abdomen and twisting it. This was hell. Before the song ended, he crumpled to the floor in tears, holding his side.No one really knew what was going on aside from Han, who quickly informed Chan as well. Chan called to the staff to give them a break before kneeling next to his aussie brother, followed by Han and Lee Know, who also figured out what was going on based off the previous night. The other members had no idea what was really going on, but gave them space. At this point, Felix started to feel nauseous and slapped his hand over his mouth, which the boys were quick to react to, carefully helping the sick boy off the floor and to the bathroom as quick as they possibly could. It wasn’t too far, and as soon as they got there, Felix quickly positioned himself over the toilet before letting out a wet belch, followed by a wave of vomit. It hurt so bad. Each time he heaved, the pain got 10x worse. Chan, Minho, and Jisung, we’re all trying to help him however they could, rubbing his back, tying up his hair, anything they thought could help. They had never seen him so sick. Minho put his hand on the boys forehead, and he was burning up. 
“You definitely have a fever now. He’s on fire.”
When he was finished throwing up, he leaned into Chan who was kneeling behind him. Jisung reached over and grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped Felix’s face. They heard the bathroom door open, and Hyunjin was standing in the doorway.
“The staff say we have to resume filming now.”
At the same moment, Felix was hit with another sharp excruciating cramp and cried out in pain. Making Hyunjin realize the severity of the situation.
“No way. Tell them we are very sorry, but we need to take Felix to the hospital. We are postponing the rest of the interview or it’s not happening at all. But definitely not today.”
Hyunjin was quick to agree, leaving the room to go explain the situation. 
Lee Know called a driver to come get them so they could get Felix to the ER. When the driver arrived, Bang Chan carefully scooped Felix up in his arms to carry him out to the car. It felt like the longest car ride ever, but in reality it wasn’t all that far. Eventually they arrived at the ER and brought him inside. His whole body ached, but of course, especially his stomach. They talked to the lady at the front desk, and she asked his symptoms, and to the best of his ability considering his current state. All he could manage was “It really hurts.” So instead Chan told her what he knew, told her all about the awful pain, the fever, the nausea, and just how horrible his friend was feeling. The woman asked where the pain was located, and Felix just signaled to the lower right section of his stomach, where his hand was already resting.
“That sounds like appendicitis. We might have to operate on you tonight. Can you come with me?” The boys followed her but then she said,
“Sorry but you can’t come with us. We can give you updates when we have them, but you’ll have to wait here.”
“Oh. Okay.” Bang Chan was not sure how he felt about leaving Felix.
“Can you walk Lixie?”
“I don’t th-think so..”
“That’s alright.” The desk lady said, quickly getting a wheelchair to put the boy in. Chan put him down onto it, and with that, she rolled him away. 
Chan, Minho, and Jisung were anxiously waiting in those uncomfortable chairs for such a long time, it had been hours at this point. It was about to be time for the fan call event, which Chan had already called their manager to have postponed.
“I hope everything is okay. I’m worried about him.” Jisung said timidly.
“He’ll be okay. He’s in good hands in there.”
Minho said, reassuring both Han and himself.
“You guys are here with Lee Felix, correct?”
“Yes we are. How is he?” Chan said, nervously.
“He’s good. It was appendicitis as we thought. We had to do a surgery to remove the appendix.The surgery went well. It was a good thing you guys brought him in when you did. His appendix was very close to bursting, which can be fatal. You can go in there with him if you want, but he’s asleep right now, so try not wake him, he needs to rest.”
“Okay, thank you so much.” Minho said, standing up and already heading off to visit the boy.
When Felix woke up and opened his eyes, he saw all his best friends beside him chatting quietly. Chan had called them the moment they could go in with him.
“He’s awake!” Jeongin said. 
The boys all were over joyed that their sunshine was alright.
“How are you feeling?” asked Seungmin.
“I feel alright. A lot better than before. Kinda sore, mostly tired.”
“We’re so glad you’re okay. We were so worried!” Hyunjin said. 
“Don’t scare us like that again!” Changbin added.
“Don’t try to hide it if you’re not feeling well, you literally could have died.” Bang Chan said.
“Fine. When do I get to go home?” Felix asked, already sick of the hospital.
“Probably a week or so. You aren’t allowed to dance for a while though, you’ll have to sit during performances for now.” Felix was sad at that, but he knew it was for the best.
For the next week, his members took turns staying with him, always someone by his side. It wasn’t easy, but he was glad he had his members to support him through it all.
i hope you guys enjoyed this one! it was definitely on the longer side, and it took a looong time to write but i hope it was worth it!
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Hey! Wow always so excited to find a new sickfic blog! I loved your first one with woozi could I possibly request a Stray Kids fic with sneezy Felix, maybe with a newfound allergy or allergies of somesort and caretaking Chan or Leeknow?
Thank you so much!
Sickie: Felix
Caretaker: Minho and Chan
Felix p.o.v
Seungmin had just come back from working with the stylists preparing for our filming. He came back and informed me that it was my turn to go. I went to the room where the stylists were. The first step was getting my makeup down. Chan was sitting in the area next to me getting his hair done. I smiled when he began pouting when they put the foundation on. "You're covering his cute freckles," He said, the stylists laughed, "I'll do light foundation," she assured the leader. He smiled and I grinned back. The leader had always made me feel more comfortable with my freckles.
After makeup, I switched with Chan. My hair went faster than his because they didn't have to be as gentle because my hair is way less damaged.
I went over to the stylists and they began choosing an outfit for me.
showing me my outfit for the shoot. It looked nice in my opinion. Black jeans with a green t-shirt and a white fur coat over it. I quickly changed into my outfit as the others began changing too. After putting on my outfit, and making sure that the other members were ready, the shoot began. Hardly 10 mins into the shoot, I felt a tickle in my nose. I tried to brush it off, mainly because I didn't have enough time to deal with it right now. But as the shoot progressed, I could feel it getting harder to control my sinuses. At one point, when I couldn't hold it back any longer, I turned away from the camera as my eyes fluttered shut. "HhKstchux!- HtksKschux!" I rubbed at my eyes, nose tickling freely now. I was hoping that no one had noticed but Lee Know looked over at me. "Bless you. You okay?" He asked, and I nodded. And the shoot continued.
A few moments later I was doing a shoot with Chan, and at one point he had his arm around me when my nose began tickling again. I nudged his arm off, "Everything okay, Lix?"
"Y-hhh-yeah, hhh- HKtchhu!- KTcShhu!- HXTchu! snf."
"Bless you. You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry"
"It's okay. You sure you're okay?" He looked at me, "Your eyes are a bit pink."
"I'm fine Channie hyung." I sniffled and smiled at him. I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with my nose, but I didn't want Chan to worry about me. Especially when I couldn't even figure out what was happening myself.
After we finished filming just the two of us, Danceracha met up to film their part. I was beginning to get quite irritated with my nose which was still super itchy, and I swear it was just getting worse. I wondered if I was getting sick. We started to film. As the feeling of a sneeze building up got too unbearable again, I turned away from the others and ducked my head to my arm. "HhktsSchu!- HtsckKShu!- HtKSchChUu!- Ugh." "Bless you, Lix." Said Lee Know. At this point, I didn't even care if they found out something was wrong. I was more preoccupied with my nose. I ducked towards my arm again as the tickle in my nose peaked. "HhTkSchu!- HtkSCHuu!- Ugh, HhktsChsu!- snf." "Lix, are you okay? Do you want a break or something?" Asked Lee Know. "Yes, please hyung," I said, too tired to deny anything. I left the filming area and was met with Chan holding a box of tissues out to me. "Thanks, hyung." He smiled, "No problem Lix. You feeling okay?"
"I felt fine earlier. I'm not exactly sure what's going on. My nose is crazy itchy and I can't stop sneezing. HKtchu!-" The sneeze was harsh and louder than my usual sneezes. Chan seemed to notice and cringed a bit. "Bless you!" I smiled in thanks and took another tissue and blew my nose. "Ugh, I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Sounds like an allergy, Lixxie."
"I'm not a-hh-lerg-hh-ic HhKtchu!- KTchu!- ktchHu!- allergic to anything."
"I don't know about that Lix" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Minho hyung standing behind us. "You're definitely bothered by something."
"Well, the symptoms you have right now are 99% per cent allergies. Let's just try checking out a few things you might potentially be allergic to." Said Chan, and not wanting to argue, I just nodded. "Okay, could you take off your coat? You might just be allergic to it." "I don't think that's likely but sure," I replied and gently took off the coat. As I did so, I could feel the tickling sensation in my nose get stronger again and my eyes closed involuntarily. "Hh…KTschShu!- HhKsTschU!- HhKSchChu!- Ugh." "Bless you. Could you try sniffing the coat? I have a feeling that it's what's causing this reaction." Said Chan and I rolled my eyes but brought the jacket up to my face. Immediately, my nose started tickling like crazy and I quickly brought my arm up to my face. "HhhKTSCHu!- Ahh…HTKchsHu!- HTKsChU!- HhKTSChu!- snf, HhTskChu!-" "Bless you! I think we figured out what you're allergic to now. Do you wanna go home and rest?" Chan asked and I nodded. He gave me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before walking towards the manager to explain the situation to him. As I waited, Lee Know walked up to me. "Here, I think you might want these'' He handed me a box of tissues." "Thanks, hyung." I sniffled. Chan walked back to us. “I cleared it up with our manager, you can go home early Lix.” I heaved a huge sigh of relief at his words. “Though, you’ll have to go alone as I still have my photoshoot,” Chan added. “I can go with him,” Lee Know said and I smiled gratefully at him. I really didn’t wanna be alone right now. “Wanna go then, hyung?” I asked and Lee Know nodded. We made our way to the company cars.
"I'm sorry to take you away from filming hyung."
"It's okay Lix, I understand that it's pretty miserable to have an allergic reaction. Especially when you've never had one before. I think it's a good idea to get you home. You should-
"HhtSHhu- ktSCHu- ktCHShu- tktCHshuh"
"Bless you! Let's get you home and showered off so you can stop sneezing so much."
"Yeah, I'd like that. I feel pretty awful." He gave me a sympathetic smile and patted my shoulder as I blew my nose. He cringed slightly. "Sorry it's so gross."
"You're not gross Lix, you're having a pretty serious reaction to an allergen. There's nothing gross about that." I smiled, thankful for his sympathy.
Once we got back to the dorms Minho hyung sent me straight to the bathroom to shower. Once I finished showering, I made my way to the couch where I saw Lee Know making some Ramen. I sat down next to him. He handed me the Ramen. "Eat up, Lix. You're gonna need it. Then you can go straight to bed." I nodded gratefully and started eating. Halfway through, I felt the annoying itch return to my nose and I quickly turned away. "Hhkktschu!- Hh…HtskKschu!-"
"Bless you!"
"Thanks" I finished eating, once I did Minho hyung took the dish away, "Okay, time for bed." I walked to my room and changed into my pajamas. A few minutes later Lee Know came upstairs and tucked me in. "Thanks hyung." I said. " Anytime, Lix." He smiled.
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fics4you · 7 months
Hyunjin wakes up not feeling well and tries to hide it from the other members until they see him itching his arm and it's covered in 'mosquito bites' which actually turn out to be chickenpox (hyunlix pls)
Sickie: Hyunjin
Caretaker: Felix
I'm somewhat uncomfy/grossed out by chickenpox. No, I have no explanation for why, so this request was a bit outside of my comfort zone so I do apologize if it's not great.
Hyunjin didn't feel good. He didn't know what was wrong, but he had been feeling off all day. He was uncomfortable, his skin felt like it was crawling, his head hurt, his eyes had a headache behind his eyes, he had a runny nose and a sore throat.
Felix had noticed something was off with his boyfriend. Hyunjin had been unusually quiet and calm over the last day, but any time Felix brought it up, Hyunjin quickly denied that anything was wrong.
Hyunjin knew something was wrong, but he didn't want the others to, they were in the midst of comeback season, the last thing they needed was someone who was sick.
Hyunjin felt like his skin was crawling, not the usual feverish feeling, but something he wasn't used to. Especially his arms, back, and neck. "I'll be right back guys, I have to use the bathroom" Hyunjin said, he went to the bathroom and took his shirt off and saw red bumps over his skin. He first thought it was a heat rash from practice, but he knew it couldn't be because it didn't look right, so his next thought was an allergy.
Felix was concerned, Hyunjin had seemed off all day, but then him suddenly leaving practice only raised his concern. Felix walked over to Chan, "hey, can i-"
"yeah, do ahead". The leader said, already knowing what the younger Aussie was going to ask. "thank you" he left the room and went to find the nearest bathroom. "Hyunjin? Babe, you in here?"
"yeah" Hyunjin said, he pulled his shirt back on over his head, "you okay hon?" Felix asked Hyunjin as he exited the bathroom stall, Hyunjin nodded, he absentmindedly was scratching at his arm. "Hyunjin?"
"come here for a second" Hyunjin hesitantly approached his boyfriend. Felix took Hyunjin's arm and pushed up his sleeve and saw the bumps covering his arm. "Hyunjin- what-?"
"I don't know" Hyunjin said, trying not to show how secretly he was scared. "it's okay. Let's get you back to the practice room and Chan can help us" Hyunjin nodded, he pulled his arm away from Felix and covered his face with his arm, "hetChSHu"
"bless you!"
"thank you" Hyunjin said, he sniffled, "maybe you're allergic to something, Felix said as the two of them walked to the practice room. 'i don't think so. I feel feverish " Hyunjin admitted softly, Felix was concerned as the two walked over to Chan, Hyunjin kept his eyes on the floor as he extended his red and itchy arm to the leader, "what does this look like?" Felix asked, Chan glanced at the arm, "Hyunjin, do you have a chickenpox vaccine?" Hyunjin shook his head, "did you have it as a kid?" He shook his head again, Chan turned to Felix, "Lox, have you had chickenpox?" Felix nodded, "okay, perfect. I'm going to send you back with Hyunjin, back to the Danceracha dorm, I'll find out if Minho is safe to join you" The two nodded, Hyunjin followed his boyfriend who held his hand. "Lixxie, it's really itchy"
"I know babe, once we get home you can take a cool bath, and I'll go buy calamine lotion. That's the best stuff." Hyunjin nodded, he sniffled, he wasn't crying. Definitely not. He was so itchy and uncomfortable.
The bumps itched and burned. Hyunjin's head hurt, he felt horrible. He hated it so much. Felix could tell his boyfriend was upset, so he took Hyunjin's hand and kissed the palm. "It's uncomfortable I know baby. But try not to scratch it." Felix pulled out his phone as it was buzzing, "it's Chan- hey channie hyung. What's up?"
"so apparently Hyunjin is the only one who's never had chickenpox, but we want to give you two some space, so you guys get the Danceracha dorm to yourself for a few days.."
"thank you. Do you know anything good for chickenpox?"
"oatmeal bath. It sounds gross but it's so helpful" Hyunjin made a face, "okay, thanks hyung."
"so, here's my plan. You can take the oatmeal bath, but I'll stay with you. I'll set up the TV in the bathroom and we can watch a movie. How does that sound?"
"good" Hyunjin said, he sounded disgusted. "you'll feel better, trust me." Hyunjin sighed, "I know"
They got back to the dorm and Hyunjin sat itchy and uncomfortable. Felix filled the bathtub with cold oatmeal. Next to the bathtub Felix set up tissues, a cup of Hyunjin's favorite tea and then calamine lotion their manager dropped off.
Hyunjin was uncomfortable and itchy but at least he had a great boyfriend to care for him.
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skz-chatbot · 7 months
Byeul: uncle Hoonie?
Sunghoon: yes princess?
Byeul: do you think everyone is sickies or just eomma?
Sunghoon: shhh I know only eomma is sickies, but I want to something nice for her.
Haneul: that makes sense. That’s why uncle Gunil is here too.
Gunil: aish, little sneaks. Yes, I’m helping make food for eomma. Go play.
Byeul: no. We have to make sure everything is safe.
Haneul: it’s too late for naps anyway.
Minho: *watching from a distance* 🤭🤭🤭
*huffs before sneaking off* bin bin
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fairyniceyeah · 17 days
🧭🐰 Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up"
Summary: Han wakes up to a commotion at night. 
CW: emeto, cursing
Sickie: Lee Know/Minho
Caretaker(s): HAN/Jisung
Han woke up to the sound of loud voices talking over each other and light spilling into the dark dorm room he shared with Jeongin. He groaned, resisting the urge to place his pillow over his head to block out everything.
He could have sworn it was only an hour since he and Changbin had come back home from the studio. He wished he had slammed their broken bedroom door shut when he had gone to bed - it was the only way it shut now - and Han regretted being nice and considerate towards the other members’ sleep. The door must have opened all the way again, allowing light and sound in.
“‘m awake, ‘m awake”, Jeongin muttered, sounding anything but, “wait, I don’t even have school anymore. Shut up!”
Han giggled a bit and opened his burning eyes. While the maknae’s tiredness was cute, a glance at his phone revealed that it was indeed only shortly before 4am. Unless they had all collectively forgotten a schedule in yesterday’s meeting about today’s schedule, they needn’t be awake for at least another three hours yet. 
“Your prince in shining armor will make them shut up”, Han declared and pushed himself up to give the disturbing members a piece of his mind. 
“Wait, I wanna yell at them too”, Jeongin slurred and pushed himself up, stumbling into Han and leaning on him on their way out the door. 
They both groaned at the bright hallway light, Jeongin even covering his eyes for a moment. To their utmost surprise the other members (except for the two eldest hyungs and Hyunjin) were gathered in the hallway in front of the bathroom. Felix and Seungmin were both wide-eyed and talking quickly to each other, while Changbin was knocking on the bathroom door, yelling something that Han’s tired brain didn’t catch.
“Shut the fuck up”, Jeongin said at the same time that Han realised that something must be up and asked: “What’s going on?”
His question was answered by a disgusting sound echoing from the bathroom, sounding like somebody (or something) was turning himself inside out, followed by the sound of liquid hitting liquid. As Felix stepped aside to turn to them, Han saw the puddle. Chunky, yellow puke was covering the hallway floor and a bit of the wall, reeking all the way to the two members now that they noticed it.
“Hyung is sick”, Seungmin said, raising his eyebrows, “obviously.”
Before Han could even wonder if he meant Minho or Hyunjin, assuming that Chan was still at the company, Changbin called: “Minho-yah, I know you don’t want an audience but can you at least let one of us in? Or do you want me to call Channie-hyung?”
He didn’t receive an answer except for a loud, hacking cough. Changbin sighed.
“What happened?”, Han asked worriedly, gesturing at Felix to take Jeongin, who was falling asleep against Han’s back. With the maknae so tired and Felix a rather squeamish person, it would probably be best for them to comfort each other. Looking relieved, Felix hugged Jeongin against his chest, supporting him as he dozed. 
Seungmin explained: “I dunno, woke up to him slamming the doors and found, uh … this.” He gestured awkwardly to the puke on the floor. “Changbinnie-hyung and Lix-hyung woke up too, I guess. Hyunjinnie-hyung is still asleep, the bastard.”
“Let’s be glad at least somebody is getting any sleep.” Changbin sighed and turned to Han, pointing at the closed door with his thumb. “Now, you try.”
Han nodded. He likely had the best chance of getting through to Minho if he was feeling vulnerable. If he was embarrassed and in fight-or-flight-mode … they would cross that bridge when they came to it.
The rapper stepped towards the door, hesitating a bit. He knew that Minho would not like the audience at all and he would not open the door if he knew that there were other members outside. 
“Lixie, I.N.-ah, why don’t you go sleep in Lixie’s room?”, Han suggested, though making sure his tone left no room for arguments, “Binnie-hyung, can you call Channie-hyung? Even if Minho-yah doesn’t want his help, he will come back in an instant and we might have a double win if he falls asleep. Seungminnie, go see if we have some medicine and set up my room with a bucket and stuff. You’re on cleaning duty.”
Seungmin crossed his arms. “Why me?”
“Listen to your hyung, baby”, Han teased, ignoring the fact that the eight days didn’t really mean much. Changbin laughed and pulled the pouting maknae with him. Felix and Jeongin had already gone back to the bedroom.
Han knocked on the bathroom door, glad that the sound of vomiting had died down.
“Hyung? It’s just me. Can you let me in?”
“Leave me alone, Han Jisung”, Minho groaned. “I’m fine.”
While Han was happy that Minho was at least acknowledging and not just straight up ignoring him, he couldn’t help the exasperated sigh leaving his lips. He was very worried about his hyung, so much was true, but he was also frustrated by his stubbornness. Of course he couldn’t blame Minho for being sick (what kind of friend would?), but it was also the middle of the night and the earlier they could get back to bed the better.
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up, hyung”, Han stated the obvious. “I know you don’t feel well and everything, but can you please let me in? It’s just me and I’m really really worried.”
Silence followed and Han was about to speak up again, not above begging, when the lock clicked. Han opened the door and slipped inside, locking it again after himself. He knew it would bring Minho a bit of comfort.
Speaking off, the dancer had laid on his back on the cold tiles, looking nearly as white as the floor. He was shivering badly, his whole body moving with the force of his chills, and there were specks of vomit on his chin and sleep shirt. 
Han didn’t even freeze despite his worry at how sick the older looked, just knelt down by Minho’s side. Glassy red eyes looked up at him and suddenly Han had his lap full of sick human. Apparently now that Han was with him, Minho couldn’t care anymore about his image, just how badly he was feeling. Or maybe he didn’t have the strength to pretend anymore. Minho was clutching Han’s waist and his face ended up buried in Han’s stomach. Ignoring that the puke was likely on his clothes now too, the rapper rubbed his hyung’s back gently and pulled him closer, feeling the shivers wreck his body.
“Tell me how you feel”, Han encouraged.
“Awful. My stomach is cramping so badly”, Minho mumbled, voice nearly swallowed by Han’s shirt, “I’m so cold and so hot at the same time. Everything hurts from the shivering and I still feel like I’m gonna be sick any second.”
“Oh, hyungie”, Han cooed, knowing that he only got away with this tone of voice because Minho was feeling vulnerable and sick, “try to tell me if you need to puke again. If you can't, it's okay too.”
Han didn’t particularly fancy getting puked on but he knew that Minho was so sick that it was a possibility that he might not be able to prevent it. Exhibit A: the hallway. Besides, Han himself had not the best track record of making it to the toilet or even the bathroom.
Minho nodded and sucked in a deep breath, curling more into himself and clutching Han’s shirt tighter. When Han lifted his shirt and placed his hand against Minho’s bare stomach he could even feel the awful cramping that was wreaking havoc inside. No wonder Minho was so emotional. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, just existing together and Han comforting Minho, when the latter tensed. With his hand on Minho’s abdomen, Han could feel how hard he suddenly swallowed. He managed to sit Minho up before the older could even finish his panicked whisper of “Hannie, I’m gonna throw up”.
Minho barely had his head over the toilet bowl when his body jerked forward with a retch and vomit sprayed from his lips, hitting the inside mostly but a few specks landed on the back of the seat. Han placed one comforting hand on back of the quivering dancer and used his other hand to hold back sweaty black hair. Minho whined lowly in his throat before throwing up again and again. All Han could do was rub his back and whisper sweet reassurances. 
It was a long five minutes until Minho was done and by then he was so exhausted he just slumped into himself, nearly hitting his head on the toilet before Han managed to catch him and pull him into his arms.
“It’s okay”, he whispered, “you’re okay. I got you.”
Reaching up, Han grabbed a few wipes of toilet paper and wiped Minho’s mouth. Before he could throw them into the toilet and flush, Minho stopped him with a hand on his wrist and took one of the pieces from Han. For a moment confused, Han watched as Minho blew his nose. He couldn’t be disgusted when he saw the puke that must have come up through his nose and got stuck there on the white paper. Instead he just felt bad for his violently sick hyung.
Minho barely had the strength to throw the paper into the toilet and so Han was left with placing them inside and flushing, while Minho was still shivering in his arms. Han could see the deep exhaustion in his eyes when he propped Minho against his shoulder. 
“I just want to sleep”, the dancer whispered, eyes shining from exhaustion. “But I don’t know if I can go back to bed. I still feel so sick and I’m disgusting.”
“I sent Seungminnie to set up my and I.N.-ah’s room for us with a bucket and old towels and stuff. If you want me to, I could carry you there and we can go back to sleep?”, Han suggested, placing his hand on Minho’s upset stomach again. He had noticed how much it had relaxed the older earlier and he wanted to do anything he could do to help. “Besides, you’re not disgusting. You’re just sick, you can’t help it.”
“No, I mean, I’m soaked in sweat and there is puke on me and I don’t think I could sleep like this. I just wanna be fine.” Minho sniffed and sneezed. “And I think I still have puke in my nose.”
He gagged again but luckily nothing came up. Han handed him more tissues, hoping for Minho that he could get it out. He pressed a kiss against the older’s shoulder as he forcefully blew his nose.
“Better?” He received a nod and Han took the paper from Minho to throw it into the clean bowl.
“Can I … can I take a shower?”, Minho whispered, “I wanna get clean and maybe the heat will help my stomach cramps.”
He looked so pitiful that Han couldn’t imagine saying no, especially since Minho didn’t feel warm and so a hot shower wouldn’t bring a fever up.
It soon became clear that Minho couldn’t stand on his own, too shaky and stomach in too much pain to balance. Instead Han had Minho sit on the shower floor while he cleaned the older up. He took extra care to wash Minho’s hair, knowing the older loved the feeling of somebody playing with his hair, and was cautious to not let any suds run into his eyes. Minho seemed content enough, eyes closed and letting the warm water soothe his aching stomach.
“Come on, let’s get you dry and into bed, hm?”, Han said after a few minutes. He really wanted Minho to get some sleep before he was inevitably up sick again. He didn’t know if it was a stomach flu or food poisoning or something else but with the way Minho had been puking it was clear he would suffer for longer.
He soon had Minho wrapped in a fluffy towel and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I will be back with clothes soon, okay?”
Han was glad that the puddle of vomit in the hallway was cleaned up by the time he stepped out. He had intended to just hurry to Minho’s room and get him some fresh pajamas but he was intercepted by Changbin and Chan, who seemed to have arrived just then, still in his jacket and shoes.
“How is he?”, the leader asked immediately, a worried frown on his face, “should I go check on him?”
“No need, I think. I think he needs a bit of space, no offense, hyung”, Han said, “I’m gonna get him some fresh clothes and then we’ll go to bed. I got him.”
“He isn’t well…”
“He isn’t but crowning him won’t help”, Han added, “he doesn’t need an audience watching him when he throws up again. No offense, again.”
Chan sighed. “None taken. I guess you’re right.”
“We sent Seungminnie to bed and when I checked on them Lixie and I.N.-ah were cuddling in Lixie’s bed, asleep. I am amazed and impressed that Hyunjinnie didn’t wake up at all”, Changbin added, “come on, hyung, let’s go to sleep ourselves. Hannie got Minho-yah.”
Changbin pulled Chan with him to the bedrooms, high fiving Han on the way to the confusion of their leader. “Mission success.”
Han grinned, happy that Chan was home and would get some sleep, even if the reason for him being home wasn’t ideal. He tiptoed into the room Minho shared with Seungmin and Hyunjin and quickly fetched a new set of clothes, both members deeply asleep.
Ten minutes later he had gotten Minho dressed in fresh pajamas and tucked into Han’s bed. Seungmin had indeed placed down towels and the designated puke-bucket and had even found the electric heating pillow they originally had for pulled and tense muscles but would serve the purpose of helping a cramping stomach as well. 
“Lay down with me?”, Minho mumbled sleepily.
“Wouldn’t dream of leaving you now”, Han agreed and settled behind the dancer, wrapping him in his arms and situating the heat pillow against Minho’s abused abdomen. “The bucket is right below you if you need to puke again. If you feel like drinking, there is a glass of water on the night table. Wake me if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Hannie”, Minho breathed and soon snores filled the room.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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darl-ingfics · 21 days
Sicktember Day 4: “Great. I Got a Cold for My Birthday.”
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Minho, Onew (cold)
Caregiver(s): Onew, Key, Taemin
Word Count: 2,399
Notes: The idea for this came SO fast, but it took me SO LONG to actually write out. SHINee's December birthday bros were too hard to pass up. Also, the little ending piece being in a text-based format just happened, and I had already spent too much time on the first part to want to spend more trying to elaborate/extend the end.
December 9
Minho jolted awake to the sound of knocking at his door. He groaned. Body achy and head foggy and just as congested as when he’d passed out, Minho cursed whoever had forced him back to consciousness. Another knock sounded at the door, and Minho groaned again, louder this time, triggering a fit of coughs that tore at his throat. Breathing hard, his hands sifted through the clutter on the coffee table in front of him, desperate to find a water or abandoned mug or something. Thankfully, there was still one sip left in a plastic bottle on the floor by his head. Swallowing that sip swiftly but carefully to keep himself from coughing again, Minho grimaced as a third, more insistent knock sounded at his door. 
“Shut up,” Minho grumbled to himself as he pushed himself into a sitting position. From there, he vaulted to his feet, arms out to steady himself. The walk to the door felt perilously far. He didn’t bother checking the peep hole, simply unlocking the door and swinging it open. In a shocking twist of events, standing before him were his bandmates. 
Minho blinked. Shook his head. Blinked again. “What are you doing here?”
“Happy Birthday!” Taemin yelled before slipping a party horn in his mouth and emitting the customary shrill sound. Minho flinched at the noise. 
“I thought I canceled our plans today…”
“You did, but we decided that birthdays were uncancellable,” Taemin explained. 
Minho turned his eyes towards the two older members standing behind the maknae. Kibum, the only one wearing a mask, sighed. “Taemin decided birthday plans were uncancelable, and Jinki and I figured you would be upset if he came over by himself.” Taemin bounded happily on the balls of his feet. 
Minho looked back and forth between Jinki and Kibum again. “I refuse to be held responsible if any of you get sick.” 
Jinki shrugged. “We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t accept the risk.”
“Well…” Kibum shifted his weight between his feet. 
“Okay, Taemin and I wouldn’t be here if we didn’t accept the risk. Kibum was peer pressured into this, and cannot be held to such promises.” Jinki rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face never faltered. 
Minho shrugged, waving the group forward as he turned and trudged back to his living room, coughing roughly into his sweatshirt sleeve. Taemin immediately trotted after him, humming a bit to himself as Jinki and Kibum followed. 
“So what are the plans for this party?” Minho asked, settling back onto the couch, this time vertically at least. “Cause I’m not really in the mood for games.” Taemin followed close on his heels, sitting crosslegged on the floor on the far side of the coffee table. Jinki rounded the corner into the kitchen to drop off the bags he’d been carrying, then sat opposite Taemin on the floor. Kibum stayed standing, leaning against the wall as far from the couch as he could get without getting called out for being antisocial. He was also the only one who didn’t try to hide the way his eyes scanned the room, taking stock of the sorry state of Minho’s normally pristine living room. Minho tried to not let that bother him. 
“Well, we brought cake and some movies, so we figured we could do that?” Taemin suggested, pulling a few DVD cases out of his bag. “And Kibum said he would make dinner?” 
“As an excuse to be away from me, I get it.”
“Hey! It’s good enough that I’m here, okay?” Kibum snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Your reluctant presence is the only thing I wanted for my birthday this year,” Minho stated dryly. 
“Can’t imagine you’d want me more than a bottle of Nyquil.”
“Oh, there are few things in this world I want more than you, and if you come a little closer, I’ll prove it…” Minho puckered his lips over dramatically at Kibum.
The other man scoffed. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“But it’s just so easy…” 
“Okay, okay, I call this a draw.” Jinki jumped to his feet, clapping his hands together. “Taemin, you help Minho pick a movie. Kibum, I’ll help you start dinner.” Taemin nodded as he set about spreading out the DVD cases from earlier, seemingly unbothered by the mess of the coffee table. 
“So we have a large variety,” he began, waving his hands over the cases. “Some wholesome Disney, adventure and action, holiday shit, ironically bad fantasy films… Only thing we don’t have is horror cause that’s not the vibe today.”
“Gee, I can’t imagine why you and Jinki-hyung couldn’t pick a horror movie…”
“Hey! You don’t like the either!” Taemin snapped. Minho laughed. Unfortunately, he laughed a little too hard and ending up bent over, coughing hard. Taemin frowned, leaning forward over the table, unsure what to do to help. “You good?”
“Yeah.” Minho rubbed at his chest. “Drugs are wearing off.” His eyes scanned the coffee table, but now that last bit of water was gone and the only pills he could see was an empty blister pack. “Must’ve left them in the bathroom…”
“I’ll go grab ‘em.” A glass of water appeared in front of Minho’s face, courtesy of Jinki, who disappearing down the hall right after. 
After Minho had drank about half the glass, Taemin popped to his feet. “Hyung, come check out the cake!” He began to reach for Minho’s hands, but thought better of it, simply motioning for Minho to follow him instead. Minho took a shaky breath before following him. 
The cake was cute: a six inch circle covered in a light orange icing. Spots of red, yellow, and white decorated the top, with the words “Happy Birthday Minho!” piped on in a gradient of blues. The sides were a beautiful swirl of the red, yellow, and orange, with flecks of blue. As if the whole thing were a smoldering flame. 
“I suggested the fire, and Kibum came up with the final concept,” Taemin explained, pointing to the little details Minho had already noticed himself. “Jinki agreed to all of it, and paid for it, and picked it up, so it was a group effort.”
“I love it,” Minho whispered, smiling at his friends’ thoughtfulness. 
“Good, cause we also had a momentary freak out that it was too cheesy,” Kibum added, turning away from the stove for a moment. 
Taemin carefully picked up the box and held it out to Minho. “Hold it for a picture?”
“I’m not sure that’s…” He was cut off by a sudden, desperate sneeze that he was luckily able to catch in his sleeve away from his friends. 
Taemin frowned. “Come on, please?!”
“Menace behavior,” Kibum muttered. 
“I don’t wanna drop it!” Minho pleaded, sniffling hard against the urge to sneeze again. 
“Or sneeze on it,” Kibum added.
Minho pointed towards him. “Or that.” 
“You guys are so dramatic!” Taemin pushed the box into Minho’s hands and pulled out his phone. “One picture will not hurt anyone.”
Which was the exact thought process that led to Minho sneezing openly towards the doorway at the exact moment Jinki walked through it. 
“Oh shit!” Taemin gasped. 
“Hell-o…” Jinki’s voice was strangely calm, his body stock still clearly in shock. Minho was also frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth agape. Taemin’s jaw was also dangerously close to the floor. 
Kibum marched over and grabbed the back of Jinki’s shirt, pulling him down the hallway. “I TOLD you! I told you both! Goddammit!” Kibum’s voice grew fainter and fainter until it was cut off by the slam of the bathroom door. 
Minho turned back to Taemin with eyes wide as a deer caught in head lights. They held each other’s gaze for all of three seconds before Taemin snorted and burst out laughing. Minho couldn’t help but laugh himself as he collapsed into the chair across from Taemin. “What is wrong with us?” he gasped, in the throes of hysterics.
“Everything,” Taemin giggled back, wiping a tear away from his eye. 
Minho rested his chin in his hands, staring off at the hallway. “Oh my God. I feel horrible.” 
“Well, you’re sick. That’s normal.”
“Not what I mean, Taemin.” Nothing but a shrug from the younger man. “This is the worst birthday ever.”
“Aw, don’t say that. This has gotta be one the best nights you’ve had this week,” Taemin replied. Minho looked at him, one eyebrow cocked sarcastically. “I mean it. We’re all here, spending time together, laughing together. What’s a birthday without a few shenanigans?”
Minho thankfully didn’t have to respond to that as Jinki walked back into the kitchen. The rapper pushed himself out of his chair and wrapped his arms around the vocalist, burying his face in his shoulder. “Hyung, I’m so sorry!” 
“Babe, I’m gonna need you stop apologizing.” Jinki’s arms squeezed him once before letting Minho go so the elder could look him in the eye. “I told you I accepted the risk. And given the amount of bodily fluids I’ve been drenched in over the years from all of you…” Jinki shook his head. “I really don’t care anymore.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Cross my heart.” Jinki dragged his thumb in an X across his chest. Minho felt like crying. “I’m just happy it was me and not Kibum.”
Minho smiled as Taemin barked out another laugh. “Oh, that would have been SO much funnier, though.”
“He thinks this is all a bit.” Minho jerked his thumb in Taemin’s direction, rolling his eyes for emphasis. 
The comedic vibe immediately evaporated when Kibum walked into the room, unintentionally commanding everyone’s attention. He made eye contact with each member. “I’m sorry for being dramatic,” he announced. “I think I am overly stressed about other things in my life, and I took that out on you all, and that was not fair. So I apologize.”
“Wow. A Kim Kibum apology. I think that might be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received,” Minho replied. 
Taemin laughed. “And the best birthday gift you’ve ever given Jinki was your cold, right hyung?” He realized what a stupid thing that was to say when Minho immediately burst into tears. Jinki shot the youngest a look over Minho’s shoulder as the rapper collapsed back into his arms. Taemin held up his hands in surrender, mouthing a ‘sorry’ that should not have been as heartfelt as it was. 
“Taemin, you really are a menace, you know that?” Kibum stated, moving closer to the birthday boy, rubbing his back gently. 
“Heyyyyyyy! I didn’t mean it! I thought we were all joking around.” Taemin pushed himself away from the table and threw his arms around all three of his hyungs, creating a group hug. “We were just laughing about it like a minute ago.”
“Yeah, to be fair, the medicine’s definitely worn off,” Minho forced out a laugh as he pushed away from Jinki’s shoulder, scrubbing at his face and sniffling harshly. “I don’t really know why I’m crying. I think my body’s just giving up.”
“Then let’s stop wasting time.” Kibum nodded. “Dinner’s almost done, then we can re-drug you. Taemin? Stop being the worst and go start up the movie.” Taemin whined something about not being the worst, but went and did as he was told. Kibum gave Minho’s back one final pat before returning to the stove. Jinki cupped Minho’s cheek affectionately before taking his hand and leading him back to the couch. 
“I love you,” Minho said as the leader draped a blanket across his lap. He peeked around Jinki at Taemin, and then back to the kitchen at Kibum. “All of you.”
“And we love you,” Jinki replied, kissing the top of Minho’s head before snuggling in next to him, pulling Minho’s head onto his shoulder. “Happy birthday, love.” 
December 14
Minho would openly admit to punching his pillow in frustration when he woke up to the Good news! text from Jinki that was attached to an image of a digital thermometer that read 38.3º. But he didn’t admit it at the moment, instead texting back: 
Minho: Happy birthday??? D:  Kibum: You wanna postpone dinner? Jinki: Please? Minho: I’m SO SORRYYYYYY Jinki: I will accept no apologies  Jinki: and because it is my birthday, you have to listen to me  Kibum: You also got him sick, so that means you have to listen to him EXTRA Minho: 😭 😭 😭 Taemin: THERE WILL BE NO POSTPONEMENT!!!!! Kibum: Reread Jinki’s last message. Please and thank you.  Taemin: 😡 Kibum: ✌️
That had been nearly twelve hours ago. In the intervening time, both Minho and Taemin had separately decided to show up at Jinki’s house at the original time anyway, just as they had done for Minho. Which was how they got the picture of the two of them outside the door of Jinki’s apartment that Taemin sent with the caption: 
Taemin: Better news!!
Kibum still had yet to respond when Taemin sent another photo, this time of Minho and Jinki cuddled on the couch, with a thumbs up from Taemin in the corner. To this one, he added the text: 
Taemin: They won’t let me cuddle 😡 Minho: Cuddles are only for those with the right antibodies 😘 Taemin: The only body I am anti right now it yours  Minho: 😝
At this point, Jinki, who was reading the exchange on Minho’s screen, asked why they were texting if they were in the same room.
“For Kibum’s benefit,” the rapper replied. To which Taemin texted: 
Taemin:  Kibum, you can come over after your schedules if you want!
The speed of Kibum’s reply was genuinely shocking. 
Kibum: I thought we cancelled the plans today.  Minho: Well, I recently learned that birthday plans are ‘uncancelable’ Taemin: Kibum, you can come over after your schedules if you want! Kibum: You already said that, Tae Taemin: Because I MEAN IT!!! Jinki: I won’t get you sick.  Jinki: I’m better than Minho. 
Taemin burst out laughing while Minho pushed a giggling Jinki off his shoulder. But it was a very light push and Jinki was cuddled back against him almost instantly. 
All three of them gasped, then cheered when they received a final text from Kibum:
Kibum: Of course you’re better than Minho, hyung. I’m already on my way. Wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world <3 Minho: Best news!!!
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gloseoks · 2 years
✩ stray kids masterlist !!
bang chan ~
new year’s eve // wc: 1k
~ summary: you and chan are the only two without someone to kiss at midnight
dear friend // wc: 7.1k
~ summary: you and chan are workplace rivals but you’re torn between the growing feelings you’re trying to ignore and the person you’re falling for through anonymous letter writing. // based off the movies “shop around the corner” and “you’ve got mail”
lee minho ~
nothing here yet!
seo changbin ~
boba // wc: 777
~ summary: you and changbin go on a late night boba run
hwang hyunjin ~
nothing here yet!
han jisung ~
nothing here yet!
lee felix ~
sick day // wc: 1.2k
~ summary: you wake up feeling sicky, so felix comes over to help you feel better
kim seungmin ~
nothing here yet!
yang jeongin ~
nothing here yet!
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cuddlepilefics · 6 months
HI! I love your stories and I don't know if you've already done it (if so sorry in advance) but you could do a story with Felix who is sick (migraine, stomach cramps whatever you want) but stubborn and only admits it when he hurts himself due to a fall during training and others (specific;chan and hyunjin pls) take care of him??? pls and thank you ❤️
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Felix
Caregivers: Chan & Hyunjin
Prompt @whumpril
No one’s POV.:
Felix had already felt a little odd when he had gone to bed the previous night, muscles achy with exhaustion that didn’t even feel justified considering their schedule for the day hadn’t been that draining. Though he had gotten a decent amount of sleep, the exhaustion hadn’t improved at all and it took all his willpower to get out of bed. At least he was lucky enough to not run late, unlike Minho, Seungmin and Jeongin, who completely missed their friend’s struggle in their rush to get ready and out of the dorm on time. With how tired he was, Felix would’ve almost fallen asleep on the drive to the company building if it wasn’t for the weird swimmy feeling in his head. Every time the car took a turn, the Aussie’s head was sent spinning and watching the buildings pass by did little to anchor him. Since looking out the window barely helped at all, Felix eventually gave up and closed his eyes, resting his head on Hyunjin’s shoulder.
Thinking the younger was falling asleep, Hyunjin gently rubbed Felix’ knee, which earned him a low hum of acknowledgement. In reality, the Aussie was trying his best not to get carsick but his stomach was starting to feel a little fluttery by the time they arrived at the company building. “You good?”, Hyunjin whispered as he helped his dongsaeng out of the car. Still a little unsteady on his feet, Felix yawned: “’m tired.” - “Maybe you can nap between the recordings”, the older chuckled as they made their way to the studio. Luckily, their schedule was starting off with a recording session and they’d have dance practice after lunch, so Felix still had some time to properly wake up and get into the groove. He could only hope it’d be enough because he doubted he’d be able to dance well anytime soon.
The mood in the studio was a little tense because adrenaline was still running high in Minho, Seungmin and Jeongin after the hectic morning they had had, so Felix didn’t dare ask if it was okay for him to lie down for a bit. His head was beginning to hurt as he read over his lyrics, the words blurring in front of his eyes. At least, the nausea he had experienced during the drive was slowly dissipating but he still didn’t have an appetite when Chan asked if they should get anything for breakfast.
Thinking that having something in his stomach might quell the remaining queasiness, Felix figured he could just have some fruit and crackers and he even volunteered to go to the store with Jeongin to get breakfast for everyone. His main intention was to get out of the stuffy studio, hoping the fresh morning air would settle his stomach and maybe wake him up. It did turn out to be a mistake though because he still felt far from steady on his feet but he didn’t want to worry Jeongin when the maknae was still reeling from that morning’s events. Pretending to just be in a bit of a cuddly mood, Felix linked their arms and held onto Jeongin’s arm to steady himself.
The trip to the store had taken more out of Felix than he would have expected but he was glad that he had been able to get out of the studio for a bit because the tension and chaos had almost driven him mad. Once they had sorted out everyone’s food orders, Felix plopped down in his seat and suppressed a groan. Nobody seemed to notice how quiet the Aussie was as he slowly nibbled his crackers. The crackers settled alright but by the time Felix finished his banana, his stomach was in knots. He had been determined to finish both though because he really wanted to take something for his worsening headache and knew he shouldn’t do so on an empty stomach.
“Are you okay, Lixxie?”, Chan asked softly, “You’re so quiet today, mate. Like, something about your energy just feels off.” – “I’m tired”, Felix chuckled, though the little, forced laugh aggravated his headache. He didn’t want to worry Chan, so he wouldn’t let the older know that he wasn’t feeling well at the moment. Especially because he didn’t think he was sick, just having a bit of an off day. Ruffling his dongsaeng’s hair, Chan smiled: “Alright, speak up if you need anything though. Had you said something earlier, you could have taken a nap here but now we’re short on time and need to leave for dance practice soon.” – “Hyung, it’s nothing really”, Felix insisted, too stubborn to crack now because he could’ve asked about taking a nap earlier. It was his own fault that he hadn’t. Poking Chan’s side, he reminded: “I’m tired, not dying. We’ve all been tired before.” – “I guess so”, Chan sighed, getting back to work.
Felix was feeling more miserable by the minute but he decided that he had missed his chances to speak up. That didn’t mean that he would turn down the painkillers Seungmin offered him. The vocalist had noticed how Felix flinched whenever there was a loud noise and pressed long enough for the Aussie to admit to having a headache. Felix could only hope that his stomach too would settle once the pain improved or else he had no idea how he’d get through their dance practice session.
Luckily, his headache did improve and though his stomach still felt funny, he was only the slightest bit queasy. What Felix hadn’t considered though, was the intense vertigo that hit him the moment he got to his feet to head down to the practice rooms. Squeezing his eyes shut, he clutched Hyunjin’s arm for support and was grateful that the older wrapped his arms around his waist to steady him. “Woah, you good?”, Hyunjin frowned worriedly, hesitant to step back even after his dongsaeng had found his balance. Felix nodded but it was barely convincing, still, he muttered: “Got up too fast. We’ve been sitting for too long.” – “Well, guess it’s a good thing we’ll be moving for the next couple of hours”, Hyunjin hummed, patting the Aussie’s shoulder. And boy were they moving.
Felix didn’t know how he did it but he had made it through the first two hours of dance practice with only minor slip ups. Sure, his moves weren’t as sharp as they usually were but hey, that was still pretty good considering that he felt like he was dancing aboard a wonky ship that was tossed about a stormy sea by relentless waves crashing against its hall. His stomach was churning once again, almost as if he was getting motion sick from his own dance moves. Still, he had only gagged into his mouth once and had been able to turn away from his group, so that nobody noticed. When Minho eventually called a ten minute break, Felix didn’t take a single step more, shakily sitting down on the floor right where he had stood.
Chan seemed worried about Felix despite the younger’s best efforts to hide his struggle. By now, the boy was too out of it to notice Chan’s concern though. Felix’ stomach cramped horribly and it was almost impossible to move but somehow, he still managed to get to his feet and resume practice once the short break was over. How he was able to stay on his feet, the dancer didn’t know because his head spun and his vision blurred. Felix wasn’t even sure if his moves were on beat, not hearing the music over the ringing in his ears, and he also didn’t notice how he lost his balance, realizing a moment to late that the blurry picture was tipping sideways.
Without as much as an attempt at catching himself, Felix crumpled to the floor, the impact sending shock waves through his body and making his head pound. “Shit, you alright, mate?”, Chan frowned as he crouched next to his dongsaeng. Felix’ eyes seemed out of focus despite the leader being pretty sure that the boy hadn’t hit his head, which confused and worried the older greatly. Dazedly sitting up, Felix slurred: “Gonna be s-“ Before choking up his meager breakfast over his lap. He almost slumped over, had it not been for Chan catching him by the shoulders, steadying him as he retched. Hyunjin was by their side in an instant, carefully brushing Felix’ hair out of his face, impressed by how long it had gotten. Tugging the hair tie out of his hair, Hyunjin tied his dongsaeng’s hair into a messy ponytail and gently rubbed the younger’s back.
A few unproductive heaves later, Felix collapsed backwards and Chan slowly lowered him to the ground, so he wouldn’t hit his head. “You with us, Lix?”, the leader asked softly, taking the other’s hand and lifting up his arm to examine it. Humming in confirmation, Felix squeezed his eyes shut and tried to fight off the unbearable dizziness that threatened to send his stomach over the edge again. It was only now that he was taking stock of his body that he felt warm liquid running down his arm and the moist warmth that soaked through the fabric of his pants. Realizing that his stomach contents were currently seeping through his pants, Felix tried to roll onto his side and gagged emptily. He couldn’t even really prop himself up because Chan was still holding onto his arm. Felix tugged in the arm in Chan’s grasp, whining hoarsely.
There were a few muffled voices in the background but Felix couldn’t decipher what anyone was saying until Chan’s calm voice right next to him promised: “It’s okay. Your elbow is bleeding though, so don’t put it on the floor. We wouldn’t want you getting any dirt into that wound.” Or vomit but Chan didn’t say that out loud. “His knee’s bleeding too, hyung”, Hyunjin mumbled and Felix could feel him tug on his soiled pants. Barely even lifting his head, the younger winced: “Could you stop, please?” The skin on his knee stung already and Hyunjin’s fussing was making it worse. “I’m sorry, do you think you can sit up and change into some clean shorts though?”, the older hummed, “If not, at least keep your eyes open, so we know you’re still conscious.” – “Dizzy”, Felix breathed but shakily sat up to wriggle out of his pants.
Taking a seat behind Felix, so his dongsaeng could lean against his chest, Chan whispered: “Did you hit your head or have you been dizzy before?” – “Been dizzy for a while. Wouldn’t have toppled over that easily if I hadn’t”, the dancer muttered but relaxed into his hyung’s arms. Minho had handed Chan a towel, so the eldest could wipe the sweat from Felix’ pale face, while Hyunjin had removed the younger’s vomit stained pants and was making quick work of cleaning the mess of his thighs, so he could patch up his knee. “Can you tell us how you’re feeling now?”, Chan hummed as he cupped Felix’ cheek, “And the truth please, no more, I’m-fine-just-tired-BS.” Drawing a deep breath, the other shuddered: “Dizzy an’ my head hurts. Stomach really doesn’t this merry-go-round.” – “Can I have your arm, please?”, Hyunjin asked softly once he had finished patching up Felix’ knee.
“How long have you felt like that?”, Chan continued, feeling his dongsaeng’s forehead, “You feel pretty warm and I don’t think that’s just because you’ve been dancing.” Leaning into the leader’s touch, Felix yawned: “Went to bed exhausted as hell and woke up feeling odd. Didn’t think I was sick though.” – “Well, I think you’re sick though”, the eldest countered with Hyunjin adding: “Same here.” The were quiet sounds of confirmation from the other members, making Felix sigh: “I guess. Just really wanna go home.” – “We’ll take you home”, Chan promised, “Could you sip some water first?” Weakly shaking his head, the younger admitted: “Wouldn’t stay down.” – “Okay, we’ll try later. Would you like some gum?”, Hyunjin offered, handing Felix a strip of gum when the boy nodded. He really wanted to get this awful taste off his tongue.
Minho lent Felix his spare pair of shorts and they hoisted the boy to his feet afterwards. Felix hadn’t been kidding when he said he was dizzy, almost tumbling down again if it hadn’t been for Chan and Hyunjin steadying him. “Easy there”, Chan shushed, rubbing Felix’ back when the younger slumped against his chest with a tired whimper. He really didn’t feel good at all and why was he still so dizzy? Clutching the leader’s shirt, Felix sniffled: “I really want my bed and not to get up anytime soon.” – “That sounds like a great plan actually”, Chan smiled. With how stubborn his dongsaeng had been earlier, he had already feared how difficult it would be to get him to rest but it seemed the young dancer was done putting up a fight. “Come on, let’s get you home and to bed”, Hyunjin whispered, taking Felix’ arm to guide him on their way.
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k-sickies · 1 year
SKZ as sickies
.. you can't tell that Jeongin is my favourite... 🤣
Bang Chan
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Tries to deal with it on his own
Just takes any meds to make him feel better or at least to make it through the day
Prefers Lee Know to take care of him
If he feels emotional, he likes to go to Felix since he reminds him of home
Doesn't like anyone to see him sick
Loves heating pads but not really tummy rubs
Give him neck and head massages. He loves it
Tends to get more migraines then anything else
Only has a weak stomach if it comes to spicy food
Doesn't like it if I.N or Seungmin see him sick
Gets burpy if he's nauseous
Gets migraines and ignores them until they're really bad
Relaxes immediately if someone pulls him in their arms and whispers comforting words to him
Nees reassurance
Gets anxious and dizzy if his insomnia is at its worst
Lee Know
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Is stubborn and won't admit it
Rather deals with it on his own until he physically can't hold it anymore
Rather goes to Chan or Hyunjin
Don't touch him if he feels too nauseous or if his fever is too high
Loves tummy rubs but won't ask for it
Can handle a fever or anything else but stomach aches make him cry, he denies it tho
Don't let go of his hand if he's anxious or stressed
His stomach gets loud and bloated if it's bothering him
Secretly loves it if he's being taken care of
Can't hold back a grimace or wince if his stomach is bothering him
Likes to be cuddled to sleep
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Hates being sick and is whiny about it
Doesn't hide it unless it's before a show or an important event
Wants to he pampered
Loves tummy rubs but will blush everytime
His stomach is loud if it's upset
Can't handle fevers. Will be a baby and gets emotional
Loves it if Felix takes care of him
Cries while throwing up
Needs lots of cuddles if he feels unwell
Has a strong stomach unless he's nervous
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Hates being sick but tries to hide it unless they don't have any schedule
Keeps dancing even tho he's sick. Probably fainted or threw up in the middle of dance practice
Turns shy if his stomach is bothering him
As soon as he admits being sick he loves to be taken care of
Always gets nightmares if he has a fever and mostly wakes up crying. He needs a lot of comfort and cuddles after.
He wants to be held
Looks for Jeongin, Chan or Minho if he feels bad
Loves it if someone plays with his hair or massages his scalp if he has a headache
Can be a bit dramatic about it
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Gets quiet if he feels unwell
Doesn't like to tell anyone but also doesn't want to deal with it on his own
Needs cuddles. A lot of it.
Will get really clingy if he has a fever and gets really emotional
Usually wants Chan if he feels unwell
Doesn't like tummy rubs if he feels sick
Loves back rubs tho
Will hold on someone's sleeve if he doesn't feel good
Strong stomach unless it comes to nerves
Gets really shaky after throwing up
Sleeps a lot if he's sick
Can't handle dizziness at all
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Doesn't like to hide it
Needs a lot of hugs
Is scared of throwing up and needs someone to hold his hand and stay with him as soon as he feels nauseous
Loves back rubs, tummy rubs, neck rubs..you name it
Goes to Hyunjin if he feels bad
Usually handles fevers really good. He doesn't notice them, just suddenly faints out of nowhere
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He doesn't notice if he's sick
Gets moody if he has a fever
Doesn't like tummy rubs at all
Does like to rest his head on someones shoulder tho
Loves it if Felix cuddles him if he doesn't feel good
Mostly doesn't get sick to his stomach or it happens out of nowhere
His nausea goes from zero to hundred in seconds. He just suddenly throws uo and can't hold it back
Gets really dizzy if he had a fever
Loves it if someone puts a cold washcloth on his forehead
Makes the weirdest jokes if he has a high fever
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Doesn't like to admit if he feels bad
Sometimes, he can hide it so well that no one notices. Other times, he's really bad at hiding it.
Gets nervous stomach aches a lot
Doesn't like physical touch if he has a fever, gets really snappy and moody if you touch him while he has a fever
If you ask him how he feels he has a hard time holding back tears
Will mostly only go to Hyunjin or Chan if he feels bad
Needs a lot of reassurance if he feels sick since he doesn't want to be a burden or hold someone back
He won't ask for it, but he wants someone by his side if he feels nauseous
Please rub his tummy, he loves it
Is shy about physical affection and mostly doesn't like it but if he's dizzy or sick to his stomach he melts into any physical touch
Likes to hold on someone's pinky if he feels sick while being in public
Can handle fevers and dizziness well
Can't handle stomach aches and migraines.
Don't leave him if he feels unwell, he might start crying
Sometimes stresses himself out if he's sick
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babybearsnz · 1 year
could you please do a really sneezy Changbin (stray kids) fic with worried/sweet members? I really don't mind about the plot or anything there's just too little changbin snz fics out there especially because he's my bias 😭😭❤️
Stuffy back rubs
Sickie: Changbin
Caretakers: Chan, Minho, and Felix
Relationships: Platonic
Chan’s pov:
I thought I was the only one awake when I heard a few coughs from another room. I rolled out of bed and went to investigate.
“Still have that nasty head cold?” I asked, walking into the living room. Changbin was sprawled out on the couch, blowing his nose and watching TV.
He sniffled. “Yeah, unfortunately.” He brought another tissue to his face. “huhTSSHuh! huhNGXTtch!”
“Bless you, Bin.” I sat beside him and put a hand on his back.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you.”
“Don’t hold them in like that,” I said.
Changbin shook his head. “huhNGXTshhu! I’m not trying to.” He blew his nose again. “I’m just that stuffy.”
“Aw, Bin-ah,” I cooed, rubbing his back.
He smiled slightly and closed his eyes, sighing. “That feels nice.”
I kissed his forehead. “Anything I can get for you? Meds?”
He shook his head again. “Already took some.”
“How about something to eat?”
He shrugged. “I’m not hungry yet. It’s too early.”
“Okay,” I frowned. “Call for me if you need anything.”
********time skip********
Changbin’s pov:
I tried watching a show to distract myself from how I was feeling, but it wasn’t working anymore. My head was pounding and I whimpered. It hurt to move.
“Hyung!” I called. My ears were clogged, my own voice sounding muffled.
I was expecting Chan when Minho walked in instead. “Changbin-ah, what’s wrong?” He looked worried and sat beside me.
“My head,” I groaned, lying down with my head in his lap. I shut my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling Minho place a hand on my forehead.
“Hold on,” he said. “I don’t want to be too loud.” He covered my ears. “Yongbok-ah! Can you bring painkillers and the thermometer?”
“Okay!” Felix yelled back.
Minho brushed my hair out of my face. “I’m sorry you’re still not feeling well,” he said softly. “Where does it hurt?”
I sat up when Felix came in and rubbed my nose. “Sinus headache.”
“Here, hyung.” He handed me a glass of water and some pills, slipping the thermometer under my tongue. “Still no fever.”
I nodded and sniffled, wincing when I felt a sharp pain in my sinuses. “Ow.”
“Oh, hyung.” Felix wrapped his arms around me.
I pulled away, grabbing a tissue and bringing it to my face. “huhEINGXtshu! NGXTtshh!”
“Bless you, bless you.” Felix sat down and put an arm around my shoulders.
“Thank you, sorry.”
He rubbed my arm up and down. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
Minho ran his fingers through my hair and stood from the couch before leaving the room. He returned with a humidifier, Chan close behind holding a mug of hot tea.
“Let’s try and get you less snotty, yeah?” Chan set the mug down in front of me and kissed the top of my head.
I blew my nose gently so as not to cause any more pain. It sparked a buzzing feeling in my nose and my breath hitched. “hekkTSHH! hukkTSHhu!” I caught a harsh double in a tissue before blowing my nose, successfully this time.
“Oh, Binnie, bless.” Chan handed me more tissues.
“Bless you, you alright?” Felix asked.
I nodded. “Thank you.” I took a few sips of tea, the steam making my nose run. I bunched up a tissue and held it under my nose.
“Aigo, Changbin-ah.” Minho put his feet up and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“Mwoya?” I asked.
Minho chuckled. “Saranghae.”
I looked up at him with wrinkled eyebrows and Felix’s jaw dropped.
“Wow,” Chan mumbled. “Maybe Minho has a fever.”
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