#side note you know Zuko is fucking running to kick his dad’s ass over this
depressed-teacup-inc · 9 months
I don’t know why but I need a scene in Zukka fics where Zuko goes through his redemption arc earlier because of Sokka, but because of that Sokka has a very big target on his back from from the royal family?
Like imagine in the day of the black sun Sokka actually gets kidnapped in the middle of the battle to be brought in front of Fire Lord Ozai (as a method of basically luring Zuko over and also a means of demoralizing the rebellion and humiliating the guy that causes Zuko to defect)
And rather than have Sokka have this epic action-hero moment where he backflips and stabs Ozai he just??? Talks???
Like Ozai keeps trying to demean and humiliate the guy, but Sokka just verbally destroys Ozai, showing just how resilient he (and by extension the rebellion) is
I think it would be such a good moment highlighting Ozai’s pettiness and how he would actually try to destroy anything that gives Zuko joy, and just how powerful Sokka’s ability to speak is, and how he’s been able to convince and inspire people without a show of physical power but skill and intellect
(Imagined the scene to this song:)
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sideshowjazz · 4 years
Rating: T
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings: Zuko/Sokka, Suki/Sokka
Characters: Zuko, Sokka, Suki, Katara, Aang, Toph
Warning: Major Character Death
Word Count: 666
Summary: Sokka has some final words for his friends.
Author's Note: Death Bed by Powfu was the inspiration for this one!
The fact that Sokka still managed to be charming while dying was frankly unfair. If ever there was a time for Sokka to be bitter and depressed, it would be his deathbed. But Sokka was smiling anyways, cracking jokes about his cracked ribs and making Zuko smile despite himself. 
All of them were gathered around Sokka's bed. Zuko sat to  his right holding his hand with Suki on his other side holding his left. To Zuko's left sat Toph. Her head was bowed low in a futile attempt to hide her tears. Her feet were tucked underneath her in the chair. She couldn't bare to hear Sokka's heart stop. Honestly that was fair.
To Suki's left was Aang. His head was bowed low just like Toph's, but his face was a mask of meditative calmness. It was the first time that Zuko could believe that Aang was over a hundred years old. 
Katara was at her brother's feet. She'd been crying since the doctors had told her there was nothing more they could do for him but to ease his pain. Now she could only sniffle. There were just no more tears left.
"Hey kids, gather round!" Sokka raised his hands and gestured in a weak attempt at theatrics. "Your boy's got something to say." 
Zuko looked at Sokka. "We're here big guy. What is it?"
"I've been thinking, scary I know, but it's true. I'm not getting out of this bed and that's really fucking sad and all. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you guys not to be sad about it, grieving is healthy and it's important. But just because I'm gonna stop living my life doesn't mean I want you guys to start living yours." 
Sokka turned his head to Suki. "Babe, I love you. I want you to remember that. You showed me what it meant to be a warrior, though I was such a dumbass to you when we met. You gave me a reason to get back up when life kept kicking me down. I love you so much, and I'll see you soon." 
Suki leaned forward and kissed Sokka gently. Zuko felt indecent watching this, the last kiss of two lovers. Even if Sokka was his boyfriend too. It was still painful to watch.
Sokka turned to Aang, who lifted his head up from his meditation. "Aang, you've been through way too much. Nobody should have had to go through what you did. Nobody. But I'm glad it was you in the end. There's nobody I'd trust more with keeping the world safe. Be good to my sister, okay. Or I'll haunt your ass, got it?"
Aang giggled and Zuko couldn't miss the single tear that rolled down his cheek. 
Sokka looked at Katara. "Katara, I'm glad you've got these guys. You did so much for me and the tribe after dad left. You had to grow up way too fast, we both did. So do me a massive favor and let people take care of you for a change."
Katara smiled, and while it didn't quite reach my eyes, there was still so much genuine affection there. 
Sokka swirled around to look at Toph. "Hey kid, you've got a lot of talent. Real genuine talent, and not just earthbending. You gotta show people that you can kick ass no matter where you come from or who you are. Okay?"
Toph looked up at Sokka, tears running down her face, and gave two thumbs up.
Finally, Sokka looked at Zuko. "Zuko, spirits what do I say? I don't envy your job right now. You gotta turn a war mongering hellstate into a place worth fighting for. But I wouldn't put it past you. We've done crazier shit together. I love you so much Sparky, I'll be right behind you the whole time."
And with that, Sokka turned his head to the ceiling and closed his eyes. A few minutes later, Sokka's grip on Suki and Zuko's hands slackened. 
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