#fuck Ozai all me and my homies hate Ozai
depressed-teacup-inc · 9 months
I don’t know why but I need a scene in Zukka fics where Zuko goes through his redemption arc earlier because of Sokka, but because of that Sokka has a very big target on his back from from the royal family?
Like imagine in the day of the black sun Sokka actually gets kidnapped in the middle of the battle to be brought in front of Fire Lord Ozai (as a method of basically luring Zuko over and also a means of demoralizing the rebellion and humiliating the guy that causes Zuko to defect)
And rather than have Sokka have this epic action-hero moment where he backflips and stabs Ozai he just??? Talks???
Like Ozai keeps trying to demean and humiliate the guy, but Sokka just verbally destroys Ozai, showing just how resilient he (and by extension the rebellion) is
I think it would be such a good moment highlighting Ozai’s pettiness and how he would actually try to destroy anything that gives Zuko joy, and just how powerful Sokka’s ability to speak is, and how he’s been able to convince and inspire people without a show of physical power but skill and intellect
(Imagined the scene to this song:)
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sarshattack · 4 years
Azula’s Playlist
Okay, so. I made a playlist for Azula like a lot of other people because we all do appreciate playlists made for our favorite characters. But for some reason (I’m obsessed with here) I decided to make a commentary of why I did chose these songs and this specific order. In other words, I’m writing another essay about Azula.. It’s a playlist on her during the series but also how I imagined her redemption arc. 
So. Here’s the link to the playlist if y’all are interested: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6O0OEgwoKTSVXYiij13uMO
And I’ll put under the cut the abbreviated version of my commentary (I’m not done writing the whole thing yet but if you want, I’ll post it when it’s finished.)
Before hand, I’d like to excuse myself for my poor english. It’s not my first language and even tho I’m comfortable with it, it’s highly possible that I made dumb mistakes or stuff like that. So don’t be too harsh... Also, I’m note sure if I have to specify this but it will be full of spoilers so be aware of it if you’re not up to date.
So now that we’re good... Here we go ! 
1. Queendom - Vinida
Azula as we see her at the start of season two. Confident, savage, ready to take on the world. She's close to her notion of perfection. She's not afraid of losing because she never did. She's Ozai's perfect soldier and she's really proud of this title. She uses everyone around her because that what she does the best. She loves messing with other people's minds.
2. Army of Me – Björk
Azula during all the Ba Sing Se arc. She won’t retreat, she’s not afraid of anything crossing her path. She still thinks that she's the best and it's true. She is.
3. Nightmare – Halsey
Back at the Fire Nation’s palace. She’s got to do some reflection about herself but she loves it. Kinda Ember Island, too. She’s a little more vulnerable, she starts to act more… Human.
4. Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Lorde
Towards the end of season 3, she fully believes in Ozai’s supremacy. They will conquer the world together. They will rule together. She’s not afraid of anything once again. How could she be when she’s with Ozai? She doesn’t have to fear anything but his judgment. 
5. Warriors – 2WEI, Edda Hayes
Now, a little flashback on her early days. When se was still a little girl. Well, a few moments before she started to be Ozai's weapon. When she discovered what she had to do to bee praised by him. It's also about how she felt that it was him and her against the world.
6. Survivor – 2WEI, Edda Hayes
After Ty Lee and Mai's betrayal. She's once again alone. But it'.s okay or so she tells herself. She was always alone. And she's still the best.
7. Castle – Halsey
Azula is alone at the Fire Nation's palace. Ozai named her heir. It's now her palace. She's the rightful Fire Lord. But she starts to being more and more paranoid.
8. Dynasty – Rina Sawayama
Right before the Last Agni Kai, Azula's losing herself. She's alone, she can't keep her act up. This is the song of her downfall. But even in that state, she tries to stay the same, to please Ozai. She's afraid to disappoint him. It's also the song of her last fight.
9. Daddy Lessons – Beyoncé
As she fights her last battle, as she tries to stay up to Ozai's expectations, she thinks about him. About the tales he told her. Even when she knows that everything has been ruined, she stays his girl, his best soldier. She knows he never loved her but she decides to lie to herself. She has to. Or else she'll lose everything she ever had.
10. Medusa (acoustic) – Kailee Morgue
Here, Medusa is Katara. Even if it's Zuko who defeated her, Azula was alone and they were two. She lost. For the first time of her life or so. She doesn’t know what to do anymore. Medusa can also be the memory or the ghost of Ursa. Or Mai. In the end, they all are women who prefered her brother over her.
11. It Happened Quiet – AURORA
This one is more about Zuko's perspective. How he saw his sister fall. He tried to help her but he couldn't do it. Not yet, at least. After the last Agni Kai, he's visiting her at the hospital. He's watching over her as she sleeps. He's taking care of her. He's afraid to lose her, too. He wants to protect his little sister.
12. Never Ending – Rihanna
Azula woke up. She stays alone but highly guarded at all times. Since Aang take away her bending, momentarily, she doesn't feel like herself anymore. And every time she's force to watch a mirror, she sees Ursa or Ozai. She's overmedicated because doctors and nurses don't know how to treat her. She has nightmares every night. But the worst part is that she starts to feel things she never had before. The fear in her heart is gone. The anger not yet. The ghost in the mirror is herself. But she doesn't know that. Not yet, once again. She refuses to see her brother.
13. Praying – Kesha
After a while, her request to see Ozai has been approved. But she started to realize he wasn't the man she thought he was. This song is for him and for Ursa. She's still so mad at her mother for abandoning her and she stars to feel anger toward her father, too. That's a letter for them. She wants to become more than what they made her. And she wants to show them that she's better than them.
14. Guilty – MARINA
The overmedication is starting to make her lost her connection to reality. One day Zuko visits her and she's so drugged she can't refuse. She still has nightmares. But is it really nightmares or only memories? When Zuko tells her that people want her to pay for what she's done, she plead guilty. For everything. But she laughs, too. She says all of this with a mad eye. She's not herself anymore.
15. Icicles – The Scary Jokes
It's been months. Zuko is now officially Fire Lord and peace has been restored. But Azula's still locked up in a mental health facility where all the doctors do is giving her too much medication. And when she's not drugged, she finds everything ecstatic. Her vision of the world is distorted. She's always alone except for the nurses appointed to take care of her. But they're afraid of her. And they hate her for what she did. They're not professional at all. Once a month, Zuko tries to visit her. But he's always here when she's drugged. And all she does is speaking nonsense. Her paranoia is peaking. Her state is pitiful.
16. Headcase – Kailee Morgue, Hayley Kiyoko
Zuko got her out. He put her in a nice home on Ember Island. Not far from the house where they went when they were kids. She's still supervised all the time by nurses and guards, but they've been personally chosen by the Fire Lord to keep his beloved sister. Azula hates it. She keeps everything inside. She refuses to speak to psychiatrists and doctors. But, slowly, she starts to grow fond of one guard. She didn't recognize her at first. But it's Suki. She still acts as if she hates her but she can't hide that she loves her company. And Suki, even if she decided to stay professional, doesn't hate her guard duty that much anymore.
17. A Pearl – Mitski
After a year or so, Azula starts to do some self-reflection. After spending more time with Suki, learning how to manage how the feelings she has and how to cope with her traumas, she realizes she's a victim of abuse. But she's also conscious of some of the bad things she did. The war, her traumas, still lives inside of her. And she doesn't know what to do with it. She's afraid again. But, this time, it's not about other people. It's about herself. She's afraid that she'll never be able to change. That she'll never deserve Suki and her kindness, her understanding and her help. She decides to take a step in Zuko's direction after months of silence.
18. Shine – Birdy
Once again, it's a song from Zuko's perspective. The rain is a metaphor for the love he has for his sister. He wants to help her get better. He does his best to make the right things for her. He doesn't quite understand what she's going through. And he can't fully take care of her because he has his own traumas to deal with. But they can share pieces of what they had together. They talk about good memories. He wants her to have the Ember Island family house. He tells her she can move in anytime. And he'll lighten the guards on the property. He tells her she can become anyone. He will always help her.
19. She Was – Camille
Time has passed. This one is from Suki's perspective. She's living with Azula on Ember Island and gave temporarily the lead of the Kyoshi Warriors to Ty Lee. Azula is getting better. She's making arts because it helps her to communicate all the things she can't say out loud. She still has a long way to go but she's trying her best. This is a love song. Suki will always be there for Azula. She.'ll help her. She'll teach her how to be a better person. And she'll escort her everywhere on the road of recovery.
20. this is me trying – Taylor Swift
This is the last song. Azula's confession. She knows she'll never be the best like before. But she also knows she wasn't the best version of herself. She regrets what she did and learn every day to be a better version of herself. For the people around her, for the ones she hurt and for herself. This song is for Zuko and Ty Lee, the two victims of most of her abuse. This is a song for Suki, who helped her get better. This is a song for Aang, Katara and Sokka. For Toph. But this is also a song for Iroh. She still wants to prove him he did her wrong by never caring about her as much as he cared about Zuko. And this is also a song for Ursa. To show her the woman she became even thought she let her down. But she doesn't hold any grudge anymore. She's a new version of herself. A version she can love, fully. She still have regrets, she still have troubles every day. But mostly, she's learning. She's always been a perfect student.
 If you read all of this, I’d like to thank you. If you want a more in-depth and refined version, I’m working on that. Sorry if some parts are messy and/or poorly written. Hope you liked it :p
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iroh gives me bad vibes all around like when he looked away when ozai scarred zuko?? symbolic of him looking away throughout all of zuko’s childhood when ozai hurt him.
and don’t get me started on his old rich man illuminati. this man is besties with a misogynist. not swag at all
and then! when he made zuko an actual 16 year old take the throne to have a tea shop all the way in ba sing se. i get that he finally wanted a break but zuko is a child!!!
anyways fuck iroh me and all my homies hate iroh i wanna read/write a fic where he’s a lot more morally grey
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boomerang109 · 3 years
OMG Boom Boom Boom (hope u dont mind me calling u that) !!!! I’m reading The World We Dream about and I love it! Zuko as a theatre nerd and him sitting on Sokka’s lap? 👌👌👌 I’m dedicated now, and am slowly consuming all of your work, and thank you for using proper capitals, btw. This is basically just saying that I love ur work sooo much and it’s so gud. Azulas characterisation? And the LBGTQ representation going beyond just Zuko and Sokka? Ty Lee, Mai and Suki are the most powerful ship I’ve seen ever. (Rlly great rep of them in Where I Want To Be also on Ao3 too, starting to think I’m reading too many fics at the same time tho).But basically I love it, I love it, I love it, thank you so much 4 writing such great fanfic. Also starting to listen to the TAOP on Spotify soon!
PS - F*ck Ozai and sorry if I got anything wrong it’s 2am where I am
OMG Emberly!!! this is so nice!! (of course you can call me boom! it’s a great nickname and i love when people use it!) thank you for reading wwda and im so glad you like it!! (i’m now bad about using proper capitals in messages, like this, cause i’ve been enticed by the Bi Aesthetic but I think that fics should definitely have capitals for the Professionalism). some of my work is more questionable than other, but i really like the concept of the first one i posted (the fuck ozai one) and ace zuko especially, OH AND THE ZI SE ONE, and of course wwda. i literally forget that people don’t see most of the atla characters as queer cause im just seeing through my rainbow colored glasses over here. ty lee/mai/suki are so powerful and i love them for it. i’d love if you send any thoughts you have about taop as you listen (no pressure ofc!!) and i hope you enjoy!!
PS-fuck ozai all my homies hate ozai. and don’t worry i didn’t see any mistakes
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
War cries
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gpMkeB
by Babeia
The guy's good eye twitch.
-I'm showing you mercy! If you tell me where the rebellion hide-out is, I will spare your life! Are you deaf?- He screams exasperated like he wasn't expecting Sokka to not be a snitch.
-Ughh, we should have gotten a soldier! Not the leader of the movement! Why did we even think this would work!?- He turns his back to him, stomping heavily, leaving Sokka, well, dumbfounded. What the fuck?
Sokka remembers the girls' presences when space buns sighs. Ponytail has her hands clasped together like she's praying, but her eyes are open and she's looking straight at him.
Now she's coming at him.
-Hey! Sorry about that and... Everything, um- She smiles sheepishly-I think what my friend here is trying to say is: Could we please join the rebellion with you?
Sorry, what now?
 Zuko, Mai, and Ty lee suck at being good and kidnap Sokka in an attempt to get to join the rebellion. Somehow, it works out. And they defund the government and fall in love in the way.
Words: 1264, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Freedom Fighters (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Original Characters, Yue (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar), Katara & Sokka (Avatar), Sokka & Suki (Avatar), Toph Beifong & Katara, Azula & Ozai (Avatar), Azula & Mai & Ty Lee, Mai & Ty Lee & Zuko, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Friendship - Relationship, Suki/Yue (Avatar), Katara & Yue (Avatar), Aang & Sokka (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), War, Fuck Ozai All My Homies Hate Ozai, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sexual Tension, zuko is really bad at being good like really really bad, how do i tag bruh, fire nation babies suck at being good, i really hope i dont give up on this, KATARA AND TOPH AND THE GIRLS ARE BADASS SO SO BADASS BECAUSE WE LOVE TO SEE IT, Sokka is a dumbass, omg i cant believe this isnt a tag, Zuko (Avatar) is an Idiot, Zuko (Avatar) is Bad at Feelings, Bonding, Toph Beifong Being Awesome, Yue - Freeform, I love Yue, Protective Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar) Is Not The Avatar, there is no avatar, only kissing and making out at max, because i am pure and they are kids >:(, bonding over traumatic experiences, Azula needs therapy, They all need therapy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gpMkeB
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light-miracles · 4 years
The Promise issue 3
AKA I need a rest from LoK...
The Good
Yu Dao is such an interesting city.
Cheerful, cute Aang is always a Good Aang.
It actually felt in character for Aang to be pissed (and a little bitchy) at the girls having Air Nomad tattoos.
Ohhh we actually got an explanation for Zuko's behavior (at least the conflict). He wants to protect those families.
Aang smashed a rock with his head and said Toph would be proud. (Crying in Taang)
Suki/Sokka/Toph as the dynamic trio again! Yay!
Zuko fainting after doing one right thing is the most in character thing he had done the whole comic.
Well done, Aang! Don't listen to Roku! He's a basic b*tch.
Oh, Zuko realizing good and wrong are still hard to tell apart. Good.
The Air Acolytes! Yay!
The Bad
Roku still wanting to exterminate Zuko. But Kyoshi is supposed to be the bloodthirsty? Fuck Roku. All my homies hate Roku.
Why. Aangs. Is. Still. Willing. To. Kill. Zuko. Aaaahhhhh!!!
Whoever wrote this hates Zuko. (Ozai must have written it)
"I have to preserve my people's legacy, Katara" "How? Killing Zuko?" "Yeah" 😐😐😐 I'm not the only one seeing the absurdness here right?
What the fuck is Zuko wearing on his head? What's this hideous pointy thing? Who let him wear that?
Let me get this right: both Katara and Toph think Zuko is beyond their help but not Suki? Ahhhhh!
"Friends don't beat each other up", said Aang, regaining some sense.
Katara: "I'll support you if you decide to kill Zuko but it has to be calmly"... Why... Whyyyyyyy.
Sokka please, please, you're in the middle of a dangerous battle it's not the moment of congratulate your buddy for getting a girlfriend.
Azula... In chains... With that crazed look... This isn't right.
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cmonappayipyip · 4 years
Sorry its me again, but whos your fav atla character ? Mines either Zuko or Toph.
youre good!!! i hate to be a main character bitch but i really really love aang with my entire heart, he is my best boy since i was 4 years old. but otherwise i LOVE bumi and sokka and toph.... if you let me go on i'll list every name other than hama and ozai (fuck hama all my homies hate hama) so i'll stop here HFJSDKKADK
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ao3feed-irohzuko · 4 years
Sink The Ship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hZu2jD
by SheOfWrittings
“Father sent me to get the Avatar.” “He already sent me to capture the Avatar, 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰.” “Yes, but the Avatar wasn’t actually around three years ago.” She says slowly, like she’s explaining it to a really dumb child. “Now he is. So Father sent someone competent this time.” Her brother crosses his arm, like a child. “Then why are you here, if you’re meant to be out there 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 the Avatar?” “That would be because Father sent me to kill you.” Zuko’s good eye widens. Uncle bodily shoves himself between them, hands ready to fire bend at her. Azula rolls her eyes. “I’m not going to.”
(The Avatar State AU where Azula commits a tiny bit of treason, Zuko becomes one with the righteous sort of rage that leads to patricide and Iroh is not sure if this is the best way to stop the war, but he'll go with it).
Words: 6180, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of but the words came from the fire, Part 2 of in the nook of a cousin universe
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Ozai (Avatar)
Relationships: Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Mai (Avatar), Azula & Ty Lee (Avatar), Azula & Iroh (Avatar), Azula & Ozai (Avatar), Iroh & Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s02e01 The Avatar State, Fuck Ozai All My Homies Hate Ozai, Uncle Iroh Goes Full On Dragon Of The West, The White Lotus finds this course of events questionable, Lieutenant Jee Adopts Fire Nation Royalty, The 41st is down to treason, Zuko (Avatar) is a Good Brother, Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Azula (Avatar) is A Good Sister, Aang would like to help take down the fire nation, But apparently he is not invited to the Take Down Fire Lord Ozai event
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hZu2jD
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