#side note: I am looking into adding proper alt text and descriptions for my art. I need to find a proper style guide first
delta-orionis · 2 years
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I have blorbo disease, which means that if I don't draw my special little guy at least once every couple of weeks I'll shrivel up and die (...maybe not, but it sure feels like that).
An assortment of Simons from my sketchbook, as well as some brainstorming. I've included transcriptions of my notes as well as some additional thoughts under the cut:
Second image:
I was brainstorming what Simon might look like with a more severe WAU "infection", based on this piece of concept art. The idea was that Simon would become visibly more "infected" with WAU growths depending on how often the player chose to use WAU nodes.
WAU modules are noticeably larger
WAU growths typically wrap through and around like plant roots or mycelium. Can also harden into scales, with softer “roots” poking out underneath.
Simon 2:
”veins” growing up Simon’s helmet
some WAU growths are scaly, with large nodules and “hairs” beneath the scales
scales (most visible poking thru the neoprene) [in Simon’s suit]
Structure gel growths are breaking out of Simon’s suit, like plant roots in a root-bound plant
Simon 3:
The power suit is more rigid, so the WAU growths poke out in places where the pieces connect (namely the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and especially the hands)
”veins” wrap around the more rigid structures of the power suit
scales form near the wrists, forearms, and triceps
Third Image:
Various doodles of Simon 2, 3, and 4.
I've always liked the idea of Ark Simon having a laurel halo [like the Pathos-II logo] (along with the other Ark residents)
Like I noted in my sketchbook, I like the idea of Simon 4 (Ark Simon) having a halo that distinguishes him in appearance from Simon 1. It would be cool if it looked like the laurels in the Pathos-II logo. Laurel wreaths were often used in ancient Greece as a symbol of victory, which I think fits because Simon 4 completed his goal (of getting on the Ark). It also would double as a halo, to show how Simon has ascended to the afterlife (if the Ark could be considered that). Also I just think it looks cool. :]
Bonus tiny Simon as a reward for reading the notes:
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