#sigh. anyways. ummm :] I should come up with a ship name since shame is off the menu now
taiyami · 5 months
"Haha wouldn't it be so funny if I selfshipped with Mic?" 🚬 is it really funny if I'm NOT LAUGHIN ANYMORE ??
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part of an mock instagram feed tag game @oooohno put me up to :o) I had so much fun putting this together !!
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saintheartwing · 5 years
Undertales of Friendship: Toriel’s Got Talent
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Toriel walked through the classroom, humming a tune from a show Mettaton had intercepted in another dimension. The song was somewhat somber and maybe a little sad, but at the same time it was beautiful.
"Come little Children... I'll take thee away... into a land of enchantment..." Toriel sang, perfectly in tone with the soft spoken singer who sang the tune. As she did, she closed her eyes and began to dance, leaving a trail of flame as she did, feeling the fire twirl about her ever so gently.
"hey Toriel."
Toriel eeped and fell over a desk as she was startled by the shorter of the skeleton brothers. She moaned and winced as sans helped her to get up, never losing that smile of his or that gentle, caring look in his eyesockets. After coming to the surface, the two had become good friends. It would never be more than that really, since sans was more like a big uncle to Frisk and Asriel, and Toriel had no interest in marrying again after Asgore.
It was nice to have a good friend like Sans. And yet he did have a knack for finding embarrassing times.
"Sans, dear, I thought you were seeing the kids to the train to Canterlot?"
Sans nodded. "i did. i saw them as they got to the station, then I closed my eyesockets once they got there so I didn't see them afterward. but I will see 'em later when they get home."
Toriel giggled. "You're so bad, Sans." she hugged her friend and went to finish up with the cleaning.
"nah, just a bonehead."
Toriel bust out laughing, neither unaware that outside two very famous ponies had been listening to Toriel's singing. The one was a greyish brown pony who had her mane done up in a nice little style, as highly refined as the Stratamarevius cello she played. Beside her was the polar opposite in many ways, wearing purple shades and having a mane done up in blue, white, and neon purple that just went everywhere, her coat white as fallen snow. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were best friends in Ponyville and two of the finest musicians in their fields. They KNEW talent when they heard it.
And they had heard it walking by the school.
"Wow Vinyl, can you believe it? Who knew that Goat Lady was so talented?"
Vinyl shrugged. "Eh, it ain't bad that's for sure. With some wubs backing her up she could REALLY rock!"
Octavia raised an eyebrow. "Always with the WUBS, Vinyl?"
The rocker DJ chuckled. "I'm all about that Bass." She hmmmed. "But she really is a great singer. We gotta get her to share that talent."
Octavia nodded. "Yes... still we should be subtle about it. I recall Rarity telling me how she and her friends tried to get Fluttershy to sing in public. Did NOT go well."
Vinyl hmmmed. "I think I got an idea, girlfriend."
Octavia chuckled. "And there we go with the shipping jokes."
The DJ chuckled, lowering her shades. "Like I was the first one." She winked through the fourth wall, setting off to finalize things.
Later that day, Toriel was stunned at her guests. She had been busy making some pies for when her sons come home, and the smell of apple, butterscotch, snail, and even one blueberry experimental pie hung in the air.
She lived in a modest little house, like most monsters did after arriving here in Equestria. it was a cute little one story made of magical brick, several unicorns helping put it together. In many ways it looked like her old home in the ruins, with a similar house layout... except now it had a bathroom and a basement. Toriel also had a much larger kitchen here, since she was baking lots of goodies either on her own or with Muffet and Pinkie Pie. But today she had different guests.
Two very specific musicians.
"You want me to what?" She asked again, trying to place what she had just been told.
"We want you to sign up for the talent competition." Octavia said. "We heard your singing voice when we walked by your school. It was just amazing!"
Vinyl smiled and handbanged a little... oh no... she was just nodding. "Yeah, you rock girlfriend!"
"I thought I was your girlfriend?" Octavia said with a wink, the playful DJ smiling. Toriel chuckled some, thinking perhaps these two were like Alphys and Undyne in some ways. But she shook her head.
"Not interested." She said. "See... I'm really not that good. Oh I love to perform before a crowd, I do it every day a a teacher. But singing... I only really know the one song, mainly because I can relate to it."
The two ponies sat on their haunches. Octavia tilted her head. "I don't understand."
"You see... before we came here to Equestria, my ex-husband had a policy of killing any human who fell into the underground. I hated it so I left him and hid in the ruins. I was determined to protect any child who fell into the underground but... well, I failed. Now we have six human souls who don't hate us, but are still trapped, still waiting to either be freed and sent home or given new bodies."
Vinyl still wasn't making the connection. "Soooo... why that song?"
"See... I always wanted to take those kids and take them away somewhere that Asgore could not touch them. We could be happy and free, and it'd be so lovable. It was my dream for-"
*knock knock*
Toriel blinked. "Oh no... now what?" She went to the door and opened it... only to be greeted by the hulking form of her ex-husband. He was white furred like she was and had larger horns, but was also very much a goat monster, with similar floppy ears, vampire-like fangs, and a big golden beard. He was dressed in overalls and a blue shirt, as well as a big funny looking straw hat. Toriel glared at him.
"Dreemurr." She said with definitive daggers in her voice. Asgore smiled, embarrassed.
"Sorry, I just was seeing if maybe... oh there you two are!" Asgore pushed past, Toriel clenching her fists as he walked in. "I was looking all over for you two. I wanted to sign up for the talent show."
Octavia clapped her hooves. "Splendid! And your talent?"
Asgore smiled. "Strength. I have been working out on the Apple Acres Farm-"
"Sweet Apple Acres love." Vinyl corrected.
"Ah, whoops. Anyway, Big Macintosh has been helping me train my strength, and we want to work together for an act." He turned to Toriel. "Shame you won't be in it Toriel."
Toriel fumed. "And why not?"
"Oh sorry Tori, but you kinda are outdone with most talents, except maybe your pies. And I do not think those would work for the competition."
Now Toriel literally was burning up, fire forming in her hands. She turned to Octavia and Vinal and spoke with a voice that would scare Satan himself into hiding in his room under the covers.
"Sign. Me. Up." She spat, her flames intensifying. The three guests suddenly a little spooked. An upset Toriel was NEVER a good thing.
"Ummm... I better go." Asgore said, nervously walking out. He eeped as Toriel opened the door, almost getting Asgore burnt when she did. As she closed it however, she smelled something burning.
She soon realized she set her door on fire.
"Oh no!" She gasped, trying to put it out quickly, the two deciding it might have been a good idea to confirm Asgore first for this kind of stuff to prevent property damage.
Toriel stood in the main room of her home, trying to rehearse the song she was going to sing for the show. She had sang it a few times, and the snails she had caught were listening, rocking their heads in the soft time of the somber and beautiful singing.
But she felt like it wasn't right. All she did was stand there and sing... It felt a little like a part of a greater whole. She loved music, yes, but to actually sing was not her thing. From the time she was little she liked to bake more than anything, had…had Asgore been right?
Asgore. Thinking about him made her almost redouble her efforts as her cell phone rang. She sighed and answered it, the voice of her son Frisk on the other end.
"Hi mom!" He said cheerfully. "How are things back in Ponyville?"
Toriel smiled as she focused on her son for now and away from the talent show. "Oh, same as always. How is Canterlot?"
Frisk giggled. "It's fun! Asriel and I are kinda getting a few stares from ponies but overall we like it. We are doing our best to help Twilight with her work here."
Toriel smiled proudly. That was her boys, always eager to help others. "Is Asriel there, son?" She asked. Frisked chuckled some.
"He's with Princess Celestia right now mom."
"Ahhhhhhhh... Those two are going to spoil him rotten at this rate." Toriel giggled.
"More like HE will spoil THEM!" He laughed in return. The two spoke a little further before finally Toriel said it.
"By the way, I will be in the talent show later this week. But I won't tell you what I am doing yet. It's a surprise."
Frisk ahhhed. "I cannot wait to see it! Until then mom, I gotta help Twilight and Spike with some of the books, then we are going to go hang out with some of her old friends. Talk to you later!"
"Be good son!" Toriel said, hanging up, unaware that now someone else was in the room.
"hey Toriel." The familiar voice said, still making Toriel eep out of her fur.
"Sans, will you stop that?! Why do you keep popping up out of nowhere?!"
Sans shrugged. "actually i was in the closet." He said shrugging even more.
Toriel sighed. "Great, I have a closet case in my ho-" She whacked her face with her hand. "OH I soooo walked into that one!"
Sans smiled. Though he was already smiling. "nah, i came outta that one." He said, pointing to the hall closet. "hey, gotta question for ya. you think doing things outta revenge or hate is the right thing to do?"
Toriel blinked. "What? Why do you ask?"
Sans made his empty eyesocket stare. He did it primarily to make a serious point. As he spoke, he actually followed punctuation standards. This was a serious sentence.
"I think you know what I mean Tori."
Tori. The way her name was said that way. She sighed and nodded. "No... it is wrong."
"then why are you in the competition?" Sans asked. "ya doing what you want to do in it, i hope?"
Toriel sighed. "Well... Octavia and Vinyl Scratch think I should sing my song, so I am going to do that. It is my best bet right?"
Sans shrugged. "heck if i know. i am just a judge alongside the princesses and Mettatin."
"Ton." Toriel said.
"2000 pounds." Sans said without a beat missed. "but joking aside your majesty, if the only reason you're singing is to beat the king, then you're doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason. you should focus on a talent you love and want to share with the world."
Toriel blinked. "I see what you mean... but I can't bake pies for the competition."
Sans placed a bony hand on her arm. "i don't mean that. what fills you with a burning passion? what sets your heart afire?" He smiled, winking. Toriel just stared.
Sans waited but no answer came. He sighed and chuckled. "eh, you'll figure it out if you follow your heart." He placed a hand on her chest. "listen to it." He smiled and opened the oven door. "well, gotta go." He said, climbing in. Toriel opened it... but Sans was gone.
"How DOES he do that?!"
The day of the talent show arrived and Toriel was nervous as all get out. She had rehearsed her song for some time but it still didn't sound right. As she went to practice one last time, she heard another singing voice...
We were searching for our place for awhile there,
Trying to find out where we fit in!
But when we failed those times before, we kept on trying more,
Cause the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't give in!
Now there's new faces here in our home,
And they need a Crusader's help too.
So just like the friends we got, there is now a whole new lot
And we'll show them all just what we can do!
We'll make our mark!
For Changlings and Monsters too!
We'll make our mark!
Do our best to see them through
To the ultimate reward, of a Cutie Mark!
Toriel blinked, following the source of the song, and saw three very familiar little fillies, working on an adaptation for their song, making it their own.
"Miss Toriel!" One said, a familiar alabaster filly with a musical note in a coat of arms for her cutie mark. "You wanna help with the next verse? You know it right?"
Toriel smiled. She did, the Crusaders had sung it in her room so many times before. But she had one better. She cleared her throat…
Toriel: I think now I see the true path before me.
I think I know now what to do.
You've helped me see that I must follow my heart.
And I just want to thank youuuuu...
Sweetie Belle: I'm so glad we have helped when you needed.
We want to show you the way.
Together: Because if at the very start, you just follow your heart,
You can help to make it a better, brighter day!
We'll make our mark!
And we'll let our talents shine,
We'll make our mark!
And it will be so divine!
To find the ultimate reward! Our Cutie Mark!
Toriel hugged the three phillies, smiling. "That was wonderful! There is no way my singing can compete with it. You three have the true talents, not me."
The orange brown coated one, Scootaloo, smiled. "I don't think so, you have a real talent too."
Apple Bloom, the custard coated pony with reddish mane smiled. "Yeah, and you add so much, your dancing and your skill with fire, you're amazing!"
Toriel smiled. "Well, when I hear a song I like, I dunno, I just cannot keep the passion inside, I have to let the flames of it come o..." She froze. "Girls! That's It! I know what my TRUE talent is! I gotta find Octavia and Vinyl right away!"
Sweetie Belle smiled and pointed a hoof towards one of the tents near the talent show stage. "I think they are over there."
Toriel hugged her one last time, and went to see them. Now she knew what she wanted to do!
Big Macintosh smiled as Asgore lifted another pony on his back, now up to 15. He was huffing some. He had to do it. Just one more.
"Big Mac, your turn at the top!" Asgore said, sweating. Big Mac nodded, grabbing a flag, climbing the upside down pyramid held up by Asgore, everyone staring in awe. Big Mac climbed steadily until he was at the center post part at the top, and held up a flag.
Asgore straightened out, legs buckling but his strength holding as he went to full height, giving a mighty yell. From the back, Undyne and Alphys wolf whistled and cheered at the sight. With help from the pegasi, the volunteer ponies were lifted off, one by one.
"OHHH! AMAZING DISPLAY OF SHEER BRAWN YOUR HIGHNESS! ONCE AGAIN, KING ASGORE AND HIS TALENT OF UNYIELDING STRENGTH, WITH BIG MAC AND HIS SKILL OF CLIMBING AND TOSSING PONIES!" The audience cheered as MC extraordinaire, Mettaton, placed a huge smiley face on his... um... face... and rolled aside to let the slightly winded but proud king walk by. As he did, he saw Toriel.
"Tori..." He started, but Toriel shushed him.
"I still hate what you did." She said... then smiled. "But you know, you did good out there."
Asgore smiled. "Thanks. But the goal was really 30 ponies. Ah well. In any case, I wanna see what you can do Tori."
Toriel gave a little wink. "I think you will like it." She stepped out on stage, nodding as below appeared Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, instruments ready. Toriel stood on the stage, breathing deep.
It was time to show the world her passion.
The two ponies began to play a melancholy tune filled with passion, the passion of a mother whose heart was breaking, the passion of a mother who could not stand the thought of her child about to face the underground alone.
As the music picked up, her hands lit up with fire. She began to twirl the flames about her in a dance, spinning and leaping, trying not to cry as she recalled the last time she had heard this tone, the source of her passion as a mother.
That day in the underground, when she forced Frisk to prove himself. And he had, not fighting, letting his love shine through.
Toriel recalled this, shooting fire into the air, making the audience awe as they saw it explode like fireworks, guided perfectly through the audience and around them, not touching a one, each flame guided by her magic, each motion like a dance within a dance. All the while Octavia and Vinyl played their hearts out on the instruments, gritting their teeth, eyes filled with tears as their music filled the audience with feelings of awe, sorrow, and hope.
This was her passion. The burning desire inside her. The dance. The dance that changed everything for her, for the underground, for everyone. Frisk's Dance.
With every move the story seemed to play out for those watching, Frisk especially in awe of his mom as he watched it, recalling that last, loving hug. Asriel was unable to keep from crying, it was so beautiful.
And as the music ended, everyone in the audience was on their hooves, stamping and clapping, Toriel exhausted but smiling with a tear in her eyes. She saw Frisk and smiled.
Her children gave her the talent she had. And the happiness she felt, from the time she was one herself, could only come out in the form of her flames and in her dance.
She looked to the two musicians, who smiled, Vinyl sobbing while Octavia bowed.
"That was beautiful." Was all she said. And it was a thought shared by Asgore as he watched from backstage. That was the Tori he remembered.
He also could not stop crying.
As the show ended, Toriel went to the crusaders, hugging them again. "Thank you, little ones. Without you I might not have realized the truth. Music is a love of mine, like my kids or my baking. But when I hear it, I have to let the feelings it gives me out. I have to dance. Even if I have to fight with the music in my mind I cannot keep from making it a dance."
Sweetie Belle hmmmed. "You mean like that spider lady?"
Toriel went wide eyed. "Oh my... your right! I guess I never made the comparison, hehehe" She smiled and hugged again, unaware that Muffet had watched and, like everyone else, was in awe."
Sweetie Belle gasped. "We... we won?!"
Toriel just beamed as she watched the three walk to the stage and collect their prize. Mettaton them picked up one with a pair of Groucho Marx glasses.
Everyone chuckled as Papyrus came up with...
...a dusty tutu.
"oh relax bro, at least that was the best Nutcracker."
"SWEET!" Everyone laughed as Papyrus walked into that one. "*SIGH*. WHYYYY MUST I TRY SO HARD FOR APPRECIATION..."
Mettaton then lifted the next trophy.
Asgore blushed some as everyone laughed at his nickname, the two stepping forward to take the barbell trophy. Mettaton now lifted the final one.
Toriel was wide eyed as she stepped forward, everyone again giving a standing ovation complete with cheers, claps, wolf whistles, and shouts for a speech. But Toriel could only say one thing, something which, in many opinions, is the moral of this story.
"True talent is not about something your good at, or even something you love to do. Talent is, in many ways, something you are good at loving."
Well said Toriel. Well said.
...Asriel breaks the fourth wall and smiles.
"Wasn't that an awesome talent show? Who knew mom could dance like that! And the way she could move the fire... amazing!
"Hey! You liking the series so far? Have ideas for Misterebony or NGrey651? Comment below! But... no killing okay? Please?
..."Well... that's it this time. See you in the next episode!"
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