#sigma is so fucking funny really everything thinks hes a sweetheart and he is . kind of .
gratielalovebot · 1 year
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saw this meme instantly thought of him . what a lovely little guy who would not own machine guns .
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kz-i-co · 4 years
Sorority Secrets: Part IV
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Summary: You were officially banished but you couldn't give up without a fight.
Pairing: Kim Jiwon (Bobby) / Reader
Genre: angst/fluff
Words: 2.7k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 || Part 5 ╫ m.list ╫ ikon masterlist
m.list  ╫ ikon masterlist
You paced back and fourth as anger was fuming. You crumbled the note tossing it away and made you way out to the corridor. You saw Haeryung's room lit up the dark hall and immediately went over to her door knocking with rage.
"Oh hello (Y/N)." She just smiled enjoying every second. "I see you're not taking it well. Don't worry you can still sleep here tonight but tomorrow-"
"This is bullshit and you know it." You cut her off. "You can't kick me out, you got nothing on me."
"Huh. Think again." She pulled out her phone with a picture of you and Bobby kissing only an hour ago. "I got my proof right here so don't you dare threaten me." She said proudly.
"This is a fake rule. It's not even in the handbook."
"You talking about this handbook?" She held up her official book. "Caught you stealing as well. Wow."
"It's a rule if you like it or not and there's nothing you can do about it." She continued.
"I'll just go to the Dean then." You spoke up.
"Go ahead." She smirked once again. "He knows about this rule so it's official.....What?....Were you going to get your theata boyfriend to get Dk to steal from his father. Good plan." You hated to admit it but she was way ahead of you. "The Dean knows of our little rivalry. Pff he's the one that even suggested the rule....so sorry you have to leave us so soon."
"I don't believe you."
"Then go ask him yourself. You have been nothing but trouble since you got here. Wait until your mother finds out, she'll be so disappointed that her own daughter-"
You couldn't take it anymore. You slapped her across the face causing her to pull your hair quickly as the fight officially broke out. The girls from downstairs were up quickly from the commotion and tried to break you both away from each other.
"What the fuck is going on?" Mimi raised her voice. Haeryung was looking at you with rage as her hair was a mess and her clothes all ruffled.
"She slapped me first." She was quick to defend herself. "She's taking her banishment harshly."
"You can't banish me for a made up rule that's not even in the official handbook. Even if it was this is against initiation. First warning, then fine, then the banishment. You just skipped to the end because you couldn't stand me since I've gotten here."
"I did give you a warning sweetheart."
"It has to be in writing."
"Everyone downstairs." Haeryung spoke since the tight hallway was closing in.
She had all the girls in an open circle, as you stood in the middle. "I didn't get the chance to explain everything yet so here it goes. Jennie was banished from our Kappa house this morning because we caught her with a theata, more then once. Next Miss (Y/N) here is also banished from our Kappa house, too caught with a theata several times. And not only that, snuck into this very house, now that's two rules breaks right there."
"I'm not a idiot (Y/N). I see everything that goes on around here. That's why I kept my eye on you very closely. You don't deserve to get a warning and you're sure as shit lucky you didn't get a Fine. But once I go to the Dean about this, you mine as well be banished from school property."
"Please I barely touched you." You fought back.
"I was gonna let you spend the night but I can't bare to see your face another second. You can come back for your stuff tomorrow as security stands watch."
"May I have a word before I go?" You said.
"Of course not." Haeryung folded her arms.
"My past sisters need to hear this." You began to take the floor as Haeryung watched from the side.
"Yes I may have started a fight with sister Haeryung and I'm very sorry. But she hasn't let me breath since I've gotten in this house. She knew who I was and knew who my mother was. Like she was afraid the mothers were gonna give me her title or something."
You laughed but got to the point. "But yes it's true I've been caught with a theata, I've actually met him at the first party. And yes he was your typical party theata who was annoying and obnoxious like Haeryung warned but then he was talking to me during school, still annoying but then he started holding my hand, carrying my books, comforting me when Haeryung constantly harassed me." You sighed. "He was just a boy, who cares if he is a theata or sigma or whatever. I fell for him and he's very sweet and kind and one stupid rule isn't gonna keep me away from him. The rule is made up because of Haeryung past experiences and it's not fair that we get to all suffer because of it. The theatas are not bad. They're just regular guys, some are assholes and some aren't."
"Nice speech (Y/N) but it's too late. Your banishment was already emailed to the Dean." Haeryung smiled.
"Haeryung hasn't been honest with everyone here." You smirked. "Haeryung fell in love with a theata too. You all know him from the day we moved in. Theata leader himself Seunghoon." The girls looked at Haeryung with shock. "You are obviously still in love with him unless this stupid rule wouldn't be so enforced."
She squinted at you. "I'm not in love with that moron."
"But you are Haeryung unless this rule would fade out. You have a grudge against him because he made one stupid mistake and still regrets it, you know why Haeryung? It's because he's still in love with you."
"Bobby told me the truth. You were the perfect couple almost your whole freshman year but the last night for the seniors got too carried away. The theatas back then were harsh on their brothers and always forced them to do stupid shit they didn't want to do......But anyway he got wasted and cheated on you with a fellow kappa. He begged for forgiveness but you just pushed him away and worse you got that Kappa in trouble and got her kicked out for something she didn't do. You are a liar and manipulator and it's not fair to have someone like you as our leader."
"Who cares. The theatas have proved they are no good and the Dean agrees. That's why we have this rule. Anyone who disagrees can leave to."
"I understand the rule but banishment is out of the question Haeryung and my mother would agree with me. She was a leader once too."
"Then go cry to her and leave our house." She yelled.
"Another thing before I go." Haeryung rolled her eyes. "I'll keep their identity a secret but there is another Kappa here who has been dating a theata far way longer then I have. Years actually. Surprised you haven't found them out Haeryung, since they are constantly on your side." You smirked. "One thing I like about the theatas is that they are honest. They don't have secrets like everyone in this damn house."
You finally left. It was dark outside but you still had enough street lights guiding your way. You didn't know where Jennie was but you had to find out. You were going to fight this thing.
"What are you doing here Kappa?" Seunghoon answered the door with a smirk.
"Your evil ex kicked me out." You said returning the look.
He shook his head with a chuckle and opened the door wider for you to enter. "She wasn't always like that you know."
"I'm sorry, are you sober? I'm not used to that."
"I have a mid term tomorrow." He raised his eyebrows. "Bobby's upstairs."
"By the way." You started. "I think she is still crazy about you unless this stupid rule wouldn't exist. She's still hurting."
He sighed looking down. "I've tried talking to her."
"Maybe you can-"
"It's not gonna work. She's changed."
"It's funny. As much as I hate her, I just want to see everyone happy."
He smiled and went back to the living room as you went upstairs.
"Hey It's pool girl." Another theata caught you in the hallway as you passed their open room. He leaned against the door only wearing a towel around his waist. He had blond hair with a labret piercing.
"Is that what you guys call me?" You asked curious looking passed him as you noticed his roommate come closer. You remembered him as Jinu, the senior that was dating Jeonghwa. You still couldn't believe he was a senior from just looking at him, his face was so young and pure.
"Or we just call you Kappa." Towel dude continued.
"Oh yeah I remember you at our party." Jinu said.
"I'm not a Kappa anymore. I got "banished"." You confirmed.
"How come?" Jinu asked.
"I'm sorta dating Bobby. Do you know what room is his? Last time I was here I was pretty drunk."
"It's that one over there." He leaned out the doorway and pointed to the correct door. He smile was very genuine.
"Thank you." You nodded and slowly began to take off.
"Wait...." Jinu closes the door behind him to continue talking to you.
"You really got kicked out for dating a theata? We knew that was a rule but we thought it bogus."
"I thought you would know that out of anyone." You turned back towards him.
"You know?" He looked worried.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone." You smiled. "I thought at first it would help me break this stupid rule but it's too late now."
"It's not too late. I'll help you if you want it, just let me know."
"Thank you Theata senior. That's kind of you." You bowed respectfully.
"Ugh, please don't call me that." He turned around back towards his room.
You continued back towards Bobby's room and knocked on the door. You just hoped he wasn't asleep since it was already past midnight.
"Hey what are you doing here?" Bobby answered as Hanbin leaned up in bed seeing you at the door.
"Well....." You sighed deeply. "I was banished from the Kappa nu house and I have nowhere to sleep tonight."
"They can't just kick you out in the middle of the night like that." Bobby said growing angry.
"I was allowed to just sleep the night at first but then I started a fight with Haeryung so yeah. Now I'm here."
"Jennie was banished too, have you seen her?" You continued looking at Hanbin.
"She was banished?" He said sitting up.
"Has she talked to you at all?" You asked.
"She said she was feeling sick and going home for a few days." He pulled out his phone and started texting.
"I don't know what I'm gonna do." You said and Bobby pulled you into his chest.
"We'll go to the Dean tomorrow and get this straightened out."
"Haeryung said he knows already and it's an official rule."
He signed. "We'll figure this out tomorrow. Let's just get some sleep."
You took your shoes off and laid down cuddling into his chest. By this point you rather just live here so you could do this every night.
"Hey." Hanbin walked back in the room after getting off his phone with Jennie. "She said there's no more dorms that's why she's home. Have you thought about the apartments down the road? They are mostly students anyway."
"I wouldn't be able to afford it, I would have to get a job."
"I'll just talk to the Dean, and hopefully get this all straightened out." You continued.
Your face scrunched as the sudden ringtone alerted you awake. You leaned over trying to grab the device but you felt the sudden pull from Bobby's sleep state behind you. You let the call go straight to voicemail as you turned around closer into his chest to try to wake him up. You kissed up his neck causing him to groan in his sleep. Once his eyes slowly drifted open you continued to deepen your kiss until they met up to his lips.
"You guys better not do what I think you're about to do." Hanbin groaned as he slowly rose from his bed.
You giggled as you lied back down. "No worries."
"I better hit the shower before the other guys wake up." Bobby groaned as he left your side leaving you with a cold empty bed.
You went back to pick up your phone seeing it was only 9:30 and saw your new notification for a voice mail from Haeryung. You took a deep sigh trying not to let her bother you and began to listen.
"Good morning (Y/N), I hope you had a good night's sleep from everything that happened last night. I do wish you could of acted more mature so we can deal with this in a clean manor but unfortunately my hands are tied from your aggressive behavior. I will only be able to have campus security here by noon so I do wish to ONLY see you then. We will have helping hands here for you as a gratitude on my behalf because I did wish to see you rise above the other pledges and see you one of us but I guess we can't always get what we want. I wish for the best in your future." And with that the voicemail ended.
She really continued to get under your skin with that positive optimistic attitude. She's fake and a manipulator. How were you going to beat someone like that? She had everyone believing her bullshit and it's been that way for years.
"Did you want to shower (Y/N)?" You looked at your boyfriend as his hair dripped with fresh water and he continued to use his towel to dry it as fast as possible.
"No thanks." You made a face of judgment.
"Oh I get it. You think having only two showers in a house full of guys is probably disgusting. But I promise you......it could be worse." You couldn't help but giggle at his attempt.
"I'll just use the locker rooms to shower, no biggie. I have to be at the kappa house by noon so I guess I'll see you later." You said kissing him goodbye.
You were on your way over to the hell house to finally get this over with. The only problem was where you suppose to go after this? There was no more dorms and you weren't in a position to get an apartment. Would begging to stay be ridiculous? Could you sink to that level?
You rolled your eyes as you saw actually campus security waiting by the front door. "Hi (Y/N). Right on time." Haeryung came out side with her stupid fake smile.
"Are they really necessary. I'm not dangerous."
"Must I bring up last night?"
"That was just all my emotions build up from everything that was happening and I do apologize. I promise I'm not a violent person." You bowed respectfully.
"Trying to kiss up to me in front of security? That's cute."
"I'm not." You looked at her with sincerity. "I thought about everything you said and I was stupid and careless. I should of listened."
"What? Did you break up with your theata already?"
"If I did would that make a difference?" You asked not hurting anyone.
"Of course it would but then you attacked me. I'm not dumb (Y/N). You've been lying to my face since you joined us. Can't have girls like you in this sorority."
"Don't you mean cult." You glares at you but then her eyes lit up going past you.
You turned around to see what made her mood shift and immediately felt chills. Your mother stood before you with her arms crossed and the look of disappointment. It was worse then seeing her angry but you knew this wasn't gonna end well. Kappa Nu was your mother's everything and you messed up.
"Mom I can explain." You began.
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hansolmates · 8 years
vernon; drunk on youth (m)
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genre: fluff/romance and a lil bit of the steamy steam ;)
word count: 8495
characters: Hansol Vernon Chwe/Original Female, bff!Jeonghan + various
prompts: seven(teen) minutes in heaven, university!AU with fraternity!Seventeen, one night stand(?), friends-to-lovers 
*this references to traditional American University Greek life, referring to members as “brothers”, if you’re confused please message me! feelin hella clever that SVT/ ΣΛΤ was managed to be made in the greek alphabet
a happy birthday gift to my sol @vernkn
Hansol Vernon Chwe, she tried to unsuccessfully convince herself, meant nothing to her.
Not when he walked into 18th Century Children’s Literature every Monday and Wednesday, looking like the dead bird her pet cat dragged in when she was three. His ebony strands would stick out like dead twigs, usually muffled by a worn navy baseball cap with the lid twirled behind his neck. He never made a fuss when he entered a minute before the class would start, rushing to the nearest empty desk with his head down, lost in thought. Even though it was an afternoon class, he still managed to look like he walked right out of bed and into lecture.
He meant nothing to her, when he seldom spoke in their seminar, tucked away in the back scribbling notes. Especially not when he’d pipe up for class participation every other blue moon, speaking with sudden austerity about how the English language is so convoluted, his voice strangely comparable to the thickness of raw honey.
Not when at the end of each month, he’d show up looking like a human being. His clothing range was thin, in the warmer months he had basketball shorts and a colorful t-shirt, and during the colder months it seemed like he had an infinite number of hoodies and sweatpants. For whatever reason he would take the last Wednesday of every month to look stunningly decent. Last month, he showed up in a crisp black and red flannel over a wool cardigan. His denim was ripped around the knees, revealing a pale, yet strong set of thighs that left much to the imagination. Cap free, his hair was pushed away in a black silk coif to accentuate the twinkly, attentive milk chocolate eyes that hit a little too close to the blooming butterflies in her stomach.
Nope, he meant nothing to her. Not at all.
“If you’ve checked the syllabus, you should know that the final project is due at the end of the month in addition to the final paper. In order to save time to focus on your papers,” she let out a long sigh of relief at her professor’s short-lived reprieve, “I’m cutting your workload in half. There’s thirty-two of you, so I expect sixteen pairs by the end of this week with a working thesis.”
Her hand immediately reached for Yoon Jeonghan’s, clutching the cuff of his pearl white button-up. “Jeonghan, be my partner.” she blurted with pleading eyes.
He raised an eyebrow, quirking an amused smile on his features. Delicately removing her hand from her grasp he said, “I’m the TA. I can’t be anyone’s partner.” he stated like it was the most basic thing in the world. “I think Hansol’s free.” he jerked his head towards the middle of the room, where sure enough, Hansol was looking wide-eyed at the number of already established pairs, looking for an available patron. 
“Exactly. That’s why I need you to be my partner.”
“Like I said, Hansol’s free. And by free, I also mean he’s single.”
“I didn’t ask about his relationship status.” she deadpanned, giving him a deadly look.
“Yeah, but you were thinking it.”
“Goddammit Jeonghan go to hell—”
“Hansol-ah! Do you still need a partner?” Jeonghan called him out like the perfect teacher’s assistant he was paid to do, waving his hand towards her.
Hansol’s gaze drifted to the pair, his eyes lighting up like the way birthday candles sparked as he went up to their desks. He gave her a warm smile, nodding his head towards her. “Hey.” he said easily.
“Hi.” she piped out, willing her voice not to squeak at how close he was. God, he was adorable.
“Well, my job is done.” Jeonghan clasped his hands, giving the two the fakest, brightest commercial smile he could gleam. He squeezed Hansol’s shoulder, “I’ll see you later at the house?”
“Yeah man.” Hansol gave him a little fistbump. To her, Jeonghan twiddled his fingers in a goodbye, snatching away his briefcase and walking out the classroom.
In a span of thirty seconds she was putty under Jeonghan’s grasp, falling into a trap she was probably fated to meet all along. Hansol Vernon Chwe, would absolutely destroy her sanity. How was she going to force herself to focus on passing this class if she had this boy, both gorgeous in intellect and just plain gorgeous, working with her the rest of the semester?
“So uh, you live with Jeonghan?” she tried, hoping her tone was as even as possible.
“Yeah.” he replied easily, leaning against the desk. A lot of the students were filing out of the classroom after finding their partners, but Hansol didn’t seem to be in too much of a rush. It even looked like he was settling, enjoying his time making small talk with her. “We’re brothers in Sigma Lambda Tau. He was the one who convinced me to take this class.”
Of course, it was all Jeonghan’s fault that she had this silly crush. She forced a laugh, her eyes scrunching into crescents. “Good thing you did! It’s a great class, the pieces we read are really beautiful.”
“The class is interesting, and you’re right. Everything here’s really beautiful. Good thing Jeonghan suggested it to me to fulfill my English requirement.” Hansol bit his lip, breaking his gaze from her to look down at his beat up Timberlands, which clashed against the soft material of his light grey sweatpants. “You make a lot of good points, I like hearing your ideas during debate.” 
She tightened her hold on the desk, fingers curling at the thought that Hansol was actually listening to what she said in class. “Your points are good too!” she shot back, causing his eyes to widen comically. “I mean, uh, when you do speak in class. Which is like, never.”
He chuckled, tilting his head so that she could see the onyx strands flutter over his forehead. “It’s hard to speak in class when there’s people like you, I bet you’re really smart.” he said.
Was this some sort of strange, intellectual way of flirting? She hoped so, it felt a hell of a lot better than being complimented on her appearance. At the same time, his notice seemed like wishful thinking. It looked like Hansol was the kind of guy who’d go out of their way to make everyone seem extra special, he was just that positive a person. Her thoughts flashed back to the smug look Jeonghan gave her, probably reveling in the fact that she was being taken over by a little crush over someone she barely knew. And now that Hansol was right in front of her, there was no way was she letting these petty feelings ruin herself.
“I guess you’ll have to find out when we work together.” she finally managed to say, nervously biting the inside of her cheek.
Hansol’s eyebrows shot up to his cap, and she got a clear view of how absolutely stunning his carmine eyes were, both enthralling and mesmerizing. He gave her a funny look, “Is that supposed to be a challenge?”
Either she was a terrible flirt, or he was just downright oblivious. Putting herself out of her misery, she threw in the towel and pulled out her phone, handing it to her. “Depends if you’re up for it. Let’s exchange numbers so we can set up a work schedule.”
He pursed his lips, pulling out his matte black iPhone in return. “Sounds like a plan.” it was only a couple swipes before he handed the phone back to her. He grinned toothily, “Pleasure doing business with you.” he drawled, picking up his things.
“Uh, same here?” she replied dumbly, letting the proffered device fall back in her grasp.
“I’ll see you soon,” his bag zinged with a sharp whirr of his zipper, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Okay, I’ll text you later.” she said with a wave.
He wasn’t even a quarter way out the lecture hall before he popped his head back in view, his dimples jutting between his grin. “I’ll be waiting.” he said, before running out to his next class.
It was only five seconds later that she allowed herself to breathe, swooning against the edge of her desk as she let her thoughts bounce in the confines of her brain. She didn’t think it would be that damaging to her heart, but she swore she could feel a tingling sensation in her chest, one that worked its way through every nerve of her body. She let a small, secretive smile worm its way onto her lips as she packed up her things. First impressions weren’t so bad, it confirmed her thoughts that Hansol was a complete and utter sweetheart, and she had his undivided attention for the next few weeks.
So maybe, Hansol meant something to her.
A couple days later, they managed to snag a team room to themselves in the library. It was one of those fancy ones with those smart computer boards and wheelie chairs that no one needed, and completely and utterly soundproof to the rest of the building. She already had the basic outline of the project down, and Hansol so graciously took care of the other half, so all they had to do now was put it together over the course of the month.
Hansol was a little late to their meeting, and it was strangely quiet and slightly uncomfortable for her to be taking up this space alone. So she tried her best not to let her eyes linger by the door’s window, and made sure to keep her face glued to her computer screen which showed parts of their presentation. Slightly flustered she ran a rough hand through her hair, forcing her eyes on her open document. Her palms were sweaty and her face was flushed with heat, she slapped her hands over her face to stop the nerves from getting to her. It was just Hansol and her studying.
Hansol. And her. Alone. For hours. In this room all to themselves.
She let her forehead crash on the linoleum table with a muffled groan, the impact echoing throughout the window spanned room.
“Hey uh, are you okay?”
Her head shot up, nearly crashing into Hansol’s, who deflected just in time. He was unbearably close, that she could make out the way his long eyelashes fluttered in her direction.  She forced an uneasy smile, rubbing her head self-consciously. He just walked in, backpack and coat still on his body, and the frosty remnants of snow glittered on his fringe. He was wearing the same clothes she saw him in last class, she noted. Dammit, why didn’t she notice him walk in?
“I’m fine,” she managed to say, “Just stress. The final paper is just killing me.”
He gave a wan smile in return, pulling up a chair for himself. “Nah, I get it. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I gotchu.”
She laughed, this time genuinely. “Thanks.”
“So uh, I’m sorry I’m late. And since I was late anyway I figured, why not get breakfast on the way too? Did you eat?” and Hansol pulled out a metal thermos and a paper bag from his backpack, neatly arranging two plump blueberry muffins side-by-side on a napkin.
She paused, her eyes drifting over the humble looking breakfast that he probably dashed from the dining hall on his way here. Fuck he got me muffins. That’s so adorable.
He took her silence as a subtle rejection, and his face fell, spluttering in defense, “Oh, god. Please don’t tell me you’re allergic to blueberries or something. Or I’m offending you if you hate muffins or something, although I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to hate muffins. I think there were chocolate croissants too if you want—”
She giggled, shaking her head. “No, it’s not that. It’s just,” she picked up a muffin, still warm from the hotplate, and she took a bite.  “It’s just that you’re really, really cute.”
“Cute?” he repeated dumbly, as if she had said the farthest potential reply from his mind.
“Yes, cute. You show up here apologizing with muffins. That’s cute.”
“Well, thank you, I guess?” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking the other way.
Finally, a giggle escaped his lips, sounding melodic and bubbly to her ears. It seemed like he hadn’t been called cute in a long, long while. Even moreso, Hansol seemed both easy to tease and fluster, and it made the time they had together a whole lot easier for her. He coughed, his cheeks a pretty petal pink as he pulled out random textbooks, occupying his hands and taking the first one he could open.  
“So uh, let’s start working?” he asked, covering his blush, “Paracyclic reactions by organic synthesis, right?” His book was upside down.
“Uh, Hansol?”
“We’re studying English, not Organic Chemistry.”
“Oh, right.” he crinkled his nose, giving a shy grin in apology.
And from there, the semester ended gracefully. She felt a sudden surge of pride knowing that the two of them worked surprisingly well together, and even though they had a few glitches on the fray, within a couple weeks they were able to successfully present their final project. Hansol spoke more in those ten minutes presenting than he did in the entire semester, and to her it was one of the most satisfying ten minutes of her life, knowing that she was able to help him raise his voice and work together to get their thesis across. Jeonghan was impressed, their professor was impressed, and she was incredibly happy with the progress they made in such a short amount of time.
Their class ended like any other class. She and Hansol shook hands, a warm attachment of palms that may have grasped a little too long, accompanied with gazes that were a little too deep. She shook those romantic thoughts away, knowing the forced smiles and cordial lines she had said over and over to countless other students (“Good luck with everything! Hopefully we’ll see each other around next semester!”) would only be in vain.
And so with those goodbyes, so went the delayed goodbye of her crush on Hansol. 
She decided she was going to leave this semester on a high note, filling it with copious amounts of Rocky Road ice cream and her favorite fuzzy blanket. She was the only one in her suite tonight, the rest of her roommates either studying or taking the last round of exams. So when the door clicked open just as she was ready to take a nap, she didn't bother turning to greet anyone.
“What, did you forget something?” she murmured sleepily, muffling a yawn as she sunk deeper into the couch.
“Yup, I forgot you.”
Wide awake at the familiar milk-and-honey drawl, she shot up, already fearing the worst. She ripped off her blankets, whipping her body around to face the wicked gaze of Yoon Jeonghan.
“I knew giving you the pass key was a bad idea.” she sighed regretfully, dropping to the couch. “What do you want?”
“Our house is throwing a party, and you're coming with me. And I brought pre-game.” he waved a flask in the air, closing the door behind him. He made a show of slipping off his khaki canvas sneakers, putting them on the shoe rack next to hers. He then took off his blazer, putting it on a hanger like it was his place. “Your room is here, right?” he said, walking into the nearest bedroom like it was muscle memory.
“Jeonghan, I don't want to go to some party. What’s it even for?” she sighed in exhaustion, following him into her bedroom. He was already halfway with digging through her wardrobe, making the messy lump of clothes an even messier lump than it was before.
“Soonyoung’s throwing a party before he sells his soul to the Dance Department and becomes a graduate student.” he said loftily, picking away an item with his two fingers.
“I don’t even know that guy.”
“Oh, it doesn’t really matter if you know him or not. But in any case, you will.” Jeonghan was finally satisfied with a particular article, and threw off its wire hanger. It was a simple black number that cut off to her mid-thigh. This one hugged her body sinfully well and had cap sleeves and a scalloped neckline that dipped invitingly to her chest. He threw it on the bed. “Wear this one.” he commanded, going through another set of drawers.
She made a face, “The last time I wore that thing was at a funeral.”
“Then you’ll look so sexy in it that it’ll wake up the dead.” he pulled out a comfy but flattering bra, and gave an experimental squeeze at the colorful lilac padding. “This one makes your cleave look real good.” he couldn’t help but chuckle, throwing the garment in her face.
“I hate you.”
“Trust me, you won’t be hating me later.”
And that’s how she ended up with an uneaten pint of Rocky Road ice cream that had to be put back in the lonely freezer, walking into a fraternity house with a bunch of students she never met in her entire life. She held Jeonghan’s arm in a vice, fingernails curling over the edge of his charcoal button down. If he so dared to leave her alone in the middle of this, she’d really kill him.
The house was like any other house on Greek Row, one with history and a reputable brotherhood. The party itself wasn’t overly crowded like typical social fraternities, there was enough dancing space to avoid but there was certainly a sizable enough group that had an air of fervor and bumbling energy that already had her itching for something to drink. She fixed her vision multiple times on girls and boys alike, fascinated at the way their bodies captured the music, running on alcohol and the pent-up stress of finals week. Jeonghan pulled her to the refreshments table in the corner of the living room, with a walkway that led to a small kitchen. On top of the table there was a simple picture frame tacked to the wall, a happy image of thirteen boys sitting atop a backyard porch.
As Jeonghan mixed them their first round, she slowly scoped out the people in the room, letting the colorful EDM music wash over her ears. By all means, spending the evening here wasn’t a bad place to end the semester. They were a good group of brothers, with a clean reputation and a sizable dent in community service. Her eyes drifted to the person at the front of the room who wore a large pair of headphones which engulfed his ears as he bobbed his head to the beat. While she didn’t know all the people here, she definitely knew Lee Jihoon, which guaranteed a great party if he was managing the music.
“It’s been awhile since you’ve been here.” Jeonghan said, loud enough to hear over the music, but soft enough for her ears alone.
“Yeah, probably in the summer? When we were picking classes and stuff.” she took his proffered drink, taking an experimental sip. The warm buzz that she had sorely abandoned for the past few weeks returned to her like an aching crave. “It’s nice, for once I can finally see the floorboards.”
“And you know what else is nice?” he jerked a pinky at her form, “My jacket. Can I have it back, please? I let you wear it on the way here because it was cold, but you don’t need it anymore.”
She glowered, tugging the long blazer closer to her body. She turned her head self-consciously to a group of girls, about nine or ten of them huddled amongst each other by the DJ. They must’ve been freshmen or something, because they were dolled up to the nines. She noticed them immediately upon walking in, like diamonds in the middle of the dark. Despite the fact that they were all wearing sneakers they had glossy pale legs that lasted for miles, and they all looked so pretty and pristine it made her feel like a grandma. She didn’t know whether she should approach them and ask for tips or to be sorely intimidated.
Jeonghan followed her eyes when she didn’t answer, and he scoffed, ripping the drink out of her hands and putting both of them on the table. “Oh, hell no. I didn’t waste my time for you to get all insecure over some try-hard freshmen.” he quipped, putting an arm around her comfortingly. “You look hot, what’s the point of wearing a cute outfit if you’re not showing it off?”
She bit the inside of her cheek, looking up at Jeonghan with a sudden flash of scarlet anger. She wasn’t angry at him, however she was angry that he was right, and she couldn’t fault him for that. It was the last night of the semester, and she was going to have fun. Snatching the drink from the table, she couldn’t tell if it was her’s or Jeonghan’s, she downed the alcohol raw, smacking the empty red cup against the hardwood. It was definitely Jeonghan’s cup, because it tasted a hell of a lot stronger, but she no longer cared. In a matter of seconds, she ripped off his blazer, and threw it back to Jeonghan, letting the air meet the span of her bare skin. She exhaled, smoothing out the wrinkles and straightening her posture, letting her curves and chest perk out fully.
She grinned, twirling around, “You’re right.”
“I know,” he gave a grin of his own, and went over to whisper in her ear. “And y’know what, screw those girls. Because ever since we got here, the only one Hansol’s looking at is you.”  
A bolt of lightning shot through her body, one that both feared and excited her to the core. Suddenly conscious of her audience of one, she subtly inched her gaze around the room, before it fell on a certain someone that took Children’s Literature with her just a week ago.
Hansol was with a group of guys, who were laughing about some insider that she had no care in the world for. Hansol didn’t seem to care much either, a red cup fitted in his lazy grasp, and his head turned away from them. He didn’t seem to notice her, but she did. He looked damn fine, he was wearing those black jeans again, the ones that ripped at his milky thighs, and a burgundy Henley quarter-sleeve with all the buttons undone. With that his collarbones were exposed, and she noted the way his Adam’s apple bobbed slowly, like a pendulum. She was suddenly mesmerized by his darkened caramel gaze, hooded in the low-lights. She had never seen this side of Hansol before, coupled with admiration and curious desire. It was both focused and unfocused as it glazed down-up from her legs to her thighs, lingering to the way her dress hugged her waist and left a sizable expanse of cleavage from the neckline. His lips were glistening like fresh strawberries and parted slightly, like a kitten thirsty for milk.
It was probably the most sensual episode of checking out she had ever experienced. He wasn't even touching her and she was already turned on.
Before she could embarrass him from his staring, she turned her head back to face Jeonghan. He had two tiny plastic shot glasses in hand, giving one to her. He winked, “Liquid courage.” She tilted her head at the thin, crystal clear liquid, before downing it in one gulp. She wrinkled her nose, unable to tell whether the buzz was coming from the soju or a massive headache.
This was it, she was going to snag Hansol Vernon Chwe and end off this semester with a bang.
Jihoon cut the music out with a zzrrt, a strangely fitting rapture that was comparable to tires squeaking on asphalt. Everyone was thrusted on the situation before them, where the moonlight bled into the house. Chan was at the foot of the door, cases of drinks perched on each arm. He didn’t seem amused. The person who outbursted was none other than the star of the party, Kwon Soonyoung. He literally was the highlight of the party as he stood from the center of the dance floor, his eyes sunlight bright and his mouth parted in a wide, excited smile.
“You said you wouldn’t start dancing without me!” Chan whined, the poor freshmen, dropping the cases haphazardly with the rest of the booze.
“Yeah, but!” Soonyoung ushered people off the dance floor, moving in some semblance of a circle as he cleared a space. “Now we can play Seventeen Minutes!”
Her jaw dropped at the show before them. “Does he mean, Seven Minutes in Heaven?” she half-hissed to Jeonghan, giving him a warning glare.
He shrugged, “It’s stupid, I know. Just let him live, it’s his party.”
She felt like she was thrusted in some strange reincarnation of an awkward high school birthday party, the ones you saw in American movies in the comfort of your parent’s smelly basement. But this was a little more realer than that. She didn’t think she’d ever have to face a childish game like this, but she suddenly felt rooted to the ground, caught between a rock and a hard place.
“I already made papers with everyone’s name,” Soonyoung sing-songed, pulling out a neon green snapback from the mantel. True to his word, he shook it once, the soft tumble of folded paper echoing in the room. The eager freshmen walked up to grab them first, in hopes of getting a little something special from any of the house brothers. “The first half of the room gets papers, the other waits!” he trilled. 
“He made papers.” she deadpanned in shock, tugging on Jeonghan’s arm. “Please don’t tell me you put my name down.”
“I didn’t put your name down.” he said immediately, shamelessly.
“Fuck Jeonghan, you’re lying to me.”
“Relax, just have fun.” he filled up his cup, pulling them further into the circle.
She watched with trepidation as each partygoer grabbed a piece of paper, some looking mildly interested to keep Soonyoung satisfied, others with a subtle smile and a secretive nod to others in the room. Jihoon took it as his cue, and started to play some slow, sexy acoustic music that coalesced the room in a wanton heat that prompted gooseflesh on her bare skin. Forcing herself to stay calm because she was an adult with morals, she looked back to Hansol, who hadn’t moved from his spot. This time, he was giving her a gummy grin and a wave, as if he totally wasn’t just checking her out five minutes ago. She couldn’t help but smile and wave back, feeling the familiar butterflies rumble pleasantly in her stomach. This boy would be the death of her.
Her smile faded into a shocked gape when Soonyoung thrusted the snapback in her chest, “Last one.” he drawled with a wink, waving the cap back and forth.
Caught in his positive gaze, she took the last paper, numb. She gave a cautious look to Jeonghan, who already peeked at his sheet. He gave her a curious look, egging her to open her sheet. She sighed, and ripped the bandage, unwrapping the crisply folded paper.
Yoon Jeonghan, 1:40.
A loud laugh escaped from her lips, interfering with Jihoon’s blast of house music, returning the party back to its full swing. She wobbled on her feet, the intake of soju quickly catching up to her empty stomach. “Hey Jeonghan, are you a good kisser?” she blurted, shoving him her paper so it was right in his face.
As soon as he saw his name, a full-toothed grin (if she was in the right mind, she’d be hitting him by now) latched onto his face, and he snatched the paper from her grasp, and handed her the one he took. “Oh, this is cruel fate.” he chuckled.
“What?” she furrowed her brows in snafu, opening Jeonghan’s sheet:
Hansol Vernon Chwe, 12:20.
She sobered up for those few seconds, her eyes focusing on the fact that Jeonghan was giving her Hansol’s sheet. She crumpled the paper, “Nice try. But I can’t do Seven Minutes in Heaven with him.” she replied bluntly, trying her hardest to convince herself that she couldn’t do this to herself.
“It’s Seventeen Minutes. And think how much it would suck for him if he waits all night for someone to kiss him, and realizes it’ll never come.” he pushed her back to Hansol’s direction. “You have five minutes until 12:20.”
She bit her lip, feeling the paper get warm and clammy in her grip. Her face was red, a combination of the alcohol and embarrassment. She felt awfully tight and stuffy in her dress, the bass laden music melting in the background as she watched Hansol take a final drink with his friends in the corner. He took a misstep, moving slowly as he backed away from his crew, walking towards the kitchen.
“C’mon, he’s getting away.” Jeonghan taunted, making a ‘tick tick’ sound effect.
With a final dirty look, she grabbed his cup one more time, downing his shot. “Shut up.” and went after Hansol.
She weaved between the crowds of people, some already cutting to the Seven Minutes and making out against the wall, and her heart palpitated obnoxiously at the thought that it could happen to her. That is, if Hansol wanted it too. She managed to catch him before he left the kitchen, making his way alone to a tiny stairwell that led downstairs. Slipping off her kitten heels and throwing them under a random bench, she went after him. Keeping a tight grip on the banister, she managed not to look that much of a hot mess as she stumbled down the stairs.
These lights were even dimmer than the living room’s, fueled by a marigold yellow lightbulb that barely lit an eighth of the room. It was a laundry room, the faint scent of artificial flowers and fabric softener wafting in the air. Hansol’s back was facing her, his head right under the light bulb like a halo, pressing buttons on the washing machine.
“Hey.” she finally said.
He jumped, startled, his head brushing against the light bulb. It caused the room to dance back and forth, shadows watching over them like saints. He turned, and when he realized it was only her, he softened. “Hi.” he said, leaning against the washing machine.
“Why do you look so good tonight?” she blurted, unable to decipher whether it was her or the soju talking.
“What?” he giggled, making a funny face.
“I mean, you always look good, it’s just.” she walked forward, barefooted, taking careful steps towards him. The light hadn’t stopped moving, waving against the cut of Hansol’s jawline. “At the end of every month, you’d show up to class wearing a nice outfit. It’s Wednesday today, too.” she hiccuped, watching the way his eyes opened like a deep mahogany ocean.
“Y-you notice me?” he sputtered, hands gripping at the cool metal of the washer.
Feeling bolder by the second, she nodded quickly. “Of course I do. How could I not? I’m a sucker for people like you, people who actually care about class and can talk literature with me.”
“Uh, the reason why I dress nicely at the end of the month isn’t anything special.” he managed to say, his eyes trying its hardest not to navigate along the way the light bounced on her ample cleavage. He ran a hand through his dark hair self-consciously, showing off his forehead. “It’s just that I run out of clean laundry and the nice stuff are the only clothes I have left.” he knocked the washer so that the metal would reverberate between them.
She stopped her act of seduction at the genuine confession, and couldn’t help but laugh, a dulcet smile overtaking her visage. It was like they were back to doing their project, spending another sleepless night together, taking breaks and having random conversation. “Why are you doing laundry now?” she asked between her fit of giggles.
“Because I’m pretty super turnt up. I just took four shots and I thought “hey, it’s good time as any since I ran out of underwear like, this morning.””  
“You’re so funny.” she said honestly, clutching her stomach.
He gave a wry grin, “So I’ve been told.”
She held up the piece of paper she had fisted the entire way here, holding it up to the light. “I got you for my Seven Minutes.”
He stared at the crumpled sheet, realizing its implications. His expression was unreasonable, and he made no move to indicate anything. “Oh.” he blinked, the emptiness of his reply leaving an awful pang in her chest. He forced a cordial smile, “You don’t have to do those. Soonyoung was just being silly, he’s always like this. Making up stupid games like that.”
Oh. She slowly lowered the paper, before letting it drop from her grasp. The paper weighed as much as a feather, yet it felt like a deafening echo to her when it hit the concrete. It was a little stupid, letting a paper dictate who she could and couldn’t kiss. But no, she wasn’t going to walk away like this. She wasn’t going to let this fester in an awkward goodbye and a run of shame back to her apartment. She didn’t go all this way for nothing, and she would put up a good try if she had to. She wanted Hansol tonight.
She bit her lip, pouting slightly as she leaned forward. “Does that mean, you don’t want to kiss me?” she lamented, batting her lashes.
His eyes widened comically, and he held up his hands, waving them around like octopus tentacles. “No, no! Why would you even think—of course I want to kiss you—I mean, oh shit.” he smacked his forehead, collapsing against the metal. “The room is spinning and the only thing I can focus on is how beautiful and kissable you look in that dress.” he sincerely looked distressed, willing his brain to stay concentrated.
And she got on her tiptoes, finally close enough to grasp the collar of his Henley.
“Then kiss me, baby boy.” she murmured, closing the gap between them.
He tasted like vanilla and soju, and she was practically melting. Never before had a drunken kiss tasted so satisfying before Hansol. His addictive lips were wind chapped and so definitively him, low maintenance and she loved every bit of it. Before she knew it she was spinning again, this time because Hansol was lucid enough to lift her on top of the washing machine, giving himself better access. His large hands gripped at the curve of her butt, giving a hard squeeze before he settled her down on the cool metal. 
A combination of hard and soft sighs were exchanged between them as they deepened the kiss, coupled with the muffled music that synced in time with their pumping hearts.
Hansol’s hands were going everywhere and nowhere. He couldn’t decide on his method of multitasking, the softness of her hair, or the suppleness of her breasts, or the bare expanse of her thighs. He made sure to keep his lips occupied however, trailing a airily soft trail down her neck and to her collarbone.
She on the other hand, knew exactly what she wanted. Threading her fingers in his styled locks (he looked unbelievably sexy with his hair pushed back) she ran her lips over his sharp jawline, making sure not to miss a single centimeter. She parted her legs, causing her dress to run eagerly up her hips, crumpled and disheveled. Blunt fingernails dug into her thighs, and she sighed, a petty whine escaping her lips as she tugged on the hem of his t-shirt, willing for it to come off. Instead, Hansol took it as initiative to move closer, hips aligning with hers like a magnetic bolt streamlining to her core.
This elicited a groan from her, and he managed to chuckle as he felt her ankles hook securely around his waist. “You’re going too fast, baby.” he murmured playfully with eyes half-lidded in pleasure, pressing his forehead to hers.
“Sorry.” she hushed, “It’s just that—oh god.”
The washing machine whirred to life, vibrating her body in a way that had her senses on hyper-drive. How convenient that in his drunken escapades, his conclusion was to do laundry. She shuddered, diving her head in the crook of his neck as she whimpered in pleasure, biting the dip between his neck and shoulders to suppress her exasperated cries.
“Just what, sweetheart?” he insisted with a tight moan, grounding his hips to hers in a painstakingly slow rhythm. The rough denim nipped harshly at the soft cotton of her panties, doing absolutely nothing to defend herself as she felt his long hardness press against her clothed core.
“It’s just th-that, that.” she sighed in frustration, her hands trembling over his pecs, and then making a definitive pathway to the buckle in his jeans. “Hansol, please.” she panted, ears ringing as she felt the machine rumble faster. Her hands palmed the thick tent in his jeans, rubbing messy circles and stars as she rested her head against his shoulder, simultaneously both tired and revitalized.  
“Say—nngh— something.” he said breathily, licking a trail to her cleavage while  simultaneously rubbing circles under her dress. This new, aggressive side of Hansol was starting to grow on her, making her into a writhing mess between his arms.
“I don’t want to say anything!” she huffed in frustration, gripping his shoulders as she moved against him, already forcing one hand to unzip the back of her dress so it would fall over her shoulders. She rolled her hips needily, mewling in satisfaction at how absolutely full he felt against her thin panties, burning for a reprieve. Words tumbled from her lips like wildfire, “The only thing I want to do is rip off your fucking jeans and moan your name a million times as you hold me and take me and Jesus I’m shaking and absolutely soaking for you andohohmy—”
“Fuck.” Hansol rasped, his lips a glistening cherry red, “I knew you had way with words.” and he pressed her hips deeper into the washing machine, forcing her to face sweet, sweet torture as the machine vibrated and rocked her panties damp, her honeyed arousal dampening against the cool metal. He nipped her bra strap off with his teeth, dipping a finger between her folds. She cried out, digging her nails into his back as the pulsation made her tortuously numb with white hot pleasure.
“Oh, oh please, b-bed. N-now.” she managed to choke out, giving up on figuring out the goddamn zipper in his trousers.
Moving her hands away, he lifted her, walking through clothes both clean and soiled until they went into a narrow hallway. He kicked open a door that led into a room even smaller than the laundry room. It was hazy and delightfully hot, both parties not even bothering to shut the door behind them.
Everything was just so foggy, their state of arousal combined with the glow of liquid ambrosia, anything was bound to happen.
Worst. Hangover. Ever.
She was definitely thrashed around with a train. Or a spaceship that missed the sky and hit her. Or something. Because she wasn’t getting out of bed anytime soon. The tiny window atop the concrete walls had ample power, letting golden rays stream into the tiny room, flashing to her face. She groaned, throwing a pillow over her eyes, praying for sleep to take the pain away.
Melting in the sheets, she decided that she needed to sleep naked more often, it was incredibly comfortable.
She threw the pillow to some corner of the room, causing a capless water bottle to knock over the desk and spill over the rug. But she had no concern to the mess, and snapped her head to her bed partner, who was taking his sweet time to wake up.
Frozen, she could only clutch the white sheets closer to her chest as Hansol resumed his graceful awakening. It was a small twin bed, so if she shifted just a centimeter, her legs would tangle between his. Pomade caused his bedhead to be even crazier, silky tufts of ebony black hair going in every direction imaginable. His eyelashes fluttered like deep dark fans, before they finally opened to reveal his pretty golden eyes. He absorbed her stricken gaze.
“G’mornin’.” he finally uttered with a casual stretch, throwing the sheets off him and getting up. His side had another blanket thrown to the doorway, freshly stained with last night’s activities. He walked away from the bed sluggishly.
From there she noted that Hansol Vernon Chwe was very tall, and just like her, very naked.
Oh my god ohmygodohhhhmy—
All the things she wanted to say blanked from her mind, as he bent down to put on his plaid Christmas green boxers (shit, his thighs were a work of god). His back was turned to her, and she could only stare at his back muscles flexing and unflexing as he grabbed a tin of aspirin from the drawer and pulled out a new water bottle from the case, ignoring the spilled water that was quickly ruining his shag carpet. Before Hansol went back to the bed, he murmured a soft “oh yeah” to himself and reached for something on the drawer.
She blushed, watching him grab her thin periwinkle panties from his magenta lava lamp. How on earth did they get all the way up there, she’ll never know.
He handed her two aspirin and opened the bottle for her, bending down so his knees were on the floor, eyes aligned to hers. She accepted the kind gesture, hands trembling slightly as she took slow sips. “Thank you.” she said softly, breaking eye contact in favor of focusing on not throwing up on his sheets.
“Of course.” he replied genuinely, His face was red, too. He rubbed his neck sheepishly, putting her panties on her covered lap. “I’ll wait outside if you want to go change, or something.” he muttered, already turning to leave.
“Wait,” she said slowly, feeling her headache already worsening by the sudden impact of thought. “You’re kicking yourself out of your own room?”
“Well, yeah?” he twiddled with his fingers, looking down. “In case you regretted what we did last night.”
In fact, she wasn't even entirely sure what happened last night. The beginning was crystal clear, Jeonghan barging into her place with a way to blow off steam and infinite support. Her head to throbbed painfully as she attempted to recollect it the end of their night. While last night was clouded and tinted with the heat of the night, she was absolutely convinced that they did more than she anticipated they would do. She could conclude that much, due to the sinfully pleasant soreness that thrummed between her thighs. While she couldn’t remember all of it, she had a feeling she couldn’t look at doing laundry the same way ever again.
“Even if things are still hazy right now,” her voice was very, very small. Vulnerable, and his bedroom seemed even more constrictive than before. “I don’t regret anything that we did, because it was with you.”
His eyes widened at her words, her voice filled with an undertone of confidence and finality that had him reeling. His posture was frozen straight, but his copper eyes were alive, dancing staccato in tandem to the bleeding sunlight, wracking with a litany of emotions. “I don’t normally do this, y’know.” he finally said.
“Is that supposed to make me feel special?”
“Well, I wish it would. Because you’re special to me.”
Her hands curled under the sheets, fisting a full patch of snow white cotton. Special, to Hansol? Her throat was sandpaper dry, even though she just had water. She sat up straighter, letting the sheet slip like the way molasses would drip to the ground. She shivered at the rush of cool air. Hansol’s eyes lingered briefly on her bare shoulders, and now sober, she felt more than just naked to his gaze, arrested to his bed. He got up and picked out a champagne pink sweater from his computer chair. Rolling up the neck, he smelled the collar in approval before deciding it was clean enough to put on her.
“I would’ve wanted to take you out on a date,” he said tenderly, putting one arm sleeve through the other after getting her head through as carefully as possible, as if she were fine china. “And talk about stupid alien conspiracies and bad television, maybe cry over good books and read each other poetry, and call you dorky nicknames like Pumpkin and Honeybear. And hopefully you would’ve liked that too.” He continued wistfully as he cared for her, pulling gently to get her hair out of the sweatshirt. “And then I’d ask you out—or you can ask me out I don’t really care, and after a good amount of time we’d have amazing sex and uh, well—we already cut to the amazing sex part.”
Maybe she was still drunk, because his confession was making her even more emotional than normal. His cashmere sweater smelled of sandalwood and warm vanilla, and she brought a sweater paw up to rub her eyes, hopefully pulling away any potential tears that were worming its way. “Hansol,” she said delicately, pulling him back on his bed, wrapping her sweater-covered arms around his neck. “I think I would’ve wanted all of those things, too. And if you want, we could still do them.”
She felt his muscles relax in her grip, and she felt his gangly arms wound its way back onto her waist, running his nose along her curtain of hair and to her neck. “Oh, thank god.” he exhaled in relief, his fingers curling protectively in the dip of her waist, his voice low and rumbly in her ear. She felt his hot breath dance on her neck, and she closed her eyes, reveling in this moment of blissful acceptance. “I didn’t even know you were coming to the party.” he chuckled warmly, nuzzling his cheek on her shoulder.
They fell back, so that Hansol was lying on the bed again, and she could lean her head on his chest. He threw the sheets over them once more, enveloping them in comfortable warmth of each other’s body temperature, and the afterglow of the night before.
“Jeonghan picked me up at the last minute. Good thing he made me come.” she confessed, pressing a lazy kiss on his collarbone.
“Jeonghan is my new favorite hyung.” he grinned like a dork at the empty ceiling, blindly threading his fingers through hers. “He made me take his class, and introduced me to a wonderful girl along the way who’s hella smart and gorgeous.”
“Are you kidding?” she smacked his chest lightly, “You’re hella smart and gorgeous. And you’re silly, and funny and absolutely sweet.”
“D’awh, thanks Pumpkin.”
“Okay stop. I don’t like that one.”
“Alright, Chicken Nugget.”
“What’s with your strange fixation to food nicknames?” she teased. She leaned in, placing a quick kiss on the button of his nose. It felt good knowing she would be able to do silly things like this on the daily. 
“That’s because I just recently made a deduction,” he put a palm to her chest in reply, and pushed her back, hard. Enough to elicit a laugh from her, but not too hard as to make her fall off the bed. Her back hit the sheets as her giggles engulfed the room, covering her mouth as he hovered over her and switched positions, sticking out his tongue. “That you are absolutely delicious.”
She hummed, running a finger between his bare chest. Hansol was still shirtless, lucky her. “My memory is still a little fuzzy from last night. Care to remind me how delicious I tasted?” she taunted, her hands brushing on the waistband of his boxers.
He replied with a series of kisses, her forehead, her cheeks, her lips. And she felt amazing, her headache miraculously gone and in the comfort of this wonderful, wonderful person who wanted her as much as she wanted him. His one hand lingered on the curve of her butt, giving a long squeeze as his other hand trailed along the sweater he just put on her, lifting it to reveal the smooth expanse of her stomach. He made an animated comment, “Your tummy is cute!” before kissing the middle of it.
And then her stomach grumbled for the longest five seconds of her life.
Hansol laughed out loud, a beautiful, hearty sound. He didn’t remove his lips from her skin, feeling the vibration echo through her body. She felt a little less embarrassed when she could feel his smile against her stomach.
“Do you want to go eat first?” she asked sheepishly, pushing him up. Their night worked up a hearty appetite.
“You mean,” he raised a perfectly threaded eyebrow at the space between her thighs, open for his consumption.
“No, you butt. I mean real food!” she hopped off the bed, smirking at the fact that Hansol was watching every bit of her as she shimmied back into her underwear, still glued to the bed.
He shrugged, not seeming to mind, “Oh, that’s cool too. Muffins?”
“Hell yeah.”
“And then sex?”
“What? No!” she smacked him with the pillow she had thrown earlier, and he clutched his heart dramatically, falling heavily to the mattress as if he were impaled with a deadly shot. “I left my ice cream at my apartment. We’re going back there and we’re going to continue the night in I was supposed to do.”
“But my heart! You’ve wounded it!” he cried in fake agony, holding out a tortured hand to her.
“Because you mean nothing to me. Nothing.” She cried theatrically, unable to suppress her fit of giggles at his cheesiness, pulling him off the bed.
“No, you loooveeee me.” he cooed, trapping her in his embrace. He sat at the foot of the bed, and she immediately bounded onto his lap. Pressing her forehead to his, she let her eyes flutter shut, licking her lips as she basked in this moment. When she opened them, Hansol’s was already open, lashes of wispy caramel fluttering to her body which was cradled within his. When they finally faced each other, he placed a cotton soft kiss between her brows, letting his lips linger on her skin for a second too long.
And at that moment, it was just her and Hansol, which meant everything to the both of them.
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