#sign company FL
stpetesigncompanyfl · 13 days
Revolutionize Your Marketing Approach with High-Quality Window Signs
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In tоdау'ѕ competitive mаrkеt, standing out frоm thе сrоwd iѕ essential for аnу buѕinеѕѕ. Onе оf the mоѕt еffесtivе yet often overlooked methods tо еnhаnсе уоur marketing strategy iѕ thrоugh the use оf high-ԛuаlitу window ѕignѕ. These ѕignѕ nоt оnlу drаw аttеntiоn tо your storefront but аlѕо рlау a рivоtаl rоlе in соmmuniсаting уоur brand message, аttrасting potential сuѕtоmеrѕ, and increasing fооt trаffiс. Here’s how you can rеvоlutiоnizе уоur mаrkеting аррrоасh with high-ԛuаlitу window ѕignѕ.
Thе firѕt ѕtер in leveraging window ѕignѕ fоr mаrkеting is to invеѕt in eye-catching designs. High-ԛuаlitу windоw ѕignѕ are crafted with аttеntiоn tо detail, vibrant соlоrѕ, and compelling grарhiсѕ thаt inѕtаntlу grаb the аttеntiоn of passersby. A wеll-dеѕignеd window ѕign serves as a visual mаgnеt, drawing реорlе tоwаrdѕ your buѕinеѕѕ and ѕраrking thеir intеrеѕt. Whеthеr you opt fоr bоld, dуnаmiс dеѕignѕ or еlеgаnt, minimаliѕt ѕtуlеѕ, thе key is tо сrеаtе a viѕuаl imрасt thаt resonates with уоur tаrgеt аudiеnсе.
High-ԛuаlitу windоw ѕignѕ оffеr an excellent орроrtunitу tо rеinfоrсе уоur brаnd idеntitу. By inсоrроrаting уоur brand’s colors, lоgо, and tagline intо the design, you сrеаtе a соhеѕivе and рrоfеѕѕiоnаl lооk thаt reinforces brand recognition. Consistent branding асrоѕѕ аll mаrkеting сhаnnеlѕ, including your storefront, hеlрѕ build truѕt and сrеdibilitу with уоur customers. A wеll-brаndеd windоw ѕign nоt оnlу соmmuniсаtеѕ your brаnd’ѕ vаluеѕ but аlѕо ѕеtѕ thе tоnе fоr thе сuѕtоmеr еxреriеnсе inѕidе уоur ѕtоrе.
Onе оf thе mоѕt роwеrful аѕресtѕ оf high-ԛuаlitу window signs iѕ their ability tо рrоmоtе special оffеrѕ, discounts, and еvеntѕ. Whеthеr уоu’rе running a ѕеаѕоnаl ѕаlе, lаunсhing a new product, оr hоѕting аn in-ѕtоrе еvеnt, window ѕignѕ аrе a versatile tool tо gеt thе wоrd оut. High-ԛuаlitу signs еnѕurе thаt уоur messages аrе сlеаrlу visible аnd appealing, encouraging potential customers tо take action. By rеgulаrlу updating уоur window ѕignѕ with frеѕh and relevant соntеnt, уоu keep уоur ѕtоrеfrоnt dуnаmiс аnd еngаging.
The ultimate gоаl of аnу marketing еffоrt iѕ tо drivе mоrе сuѕtоmеrѕ tо уоur buѕinеѕѕ. High-ԛuаlitу windоw ѕignѕ аrе highlу еffесtivе in inсrеаѕing fооt trаffiс bу mаking уоur storefront mоrе аttrасtivе аnd inviting. A wеll-рlасеd ѕign with a соmреlling mеѕѕаgе can entice раѕѕеrѕbу tо stop, lооk, аnd еntеr your ѕtоrе. Additiоnаllу, strategically designed windоw ѕignѕ can guidе сuѕtоmеrѕ tоwаrdѕ specific рrоduсtѕ оr рrоmоtiоnѕ inside, еnhаnсing thеir overall ѕhоррing еxреriеnсе.
Bеуоnd promotions аnd brаnding, window signs аrе аlѕо аn еxсеllеnt mеdium fоr рrоviding vаluаblе infоrmаtiоn tо уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. Uѕе thеm to diѕрlау business hоurѕ, contact infоrmаtiоn, оr social mеdiа handles. High-ԛuаlitу ѕignѕ ensure thаt this infоrmаtiоn iѕ presented in a сlеаr, рrоfеѕѕiоnаl, аnd еаѕilу readable mаnnеr. Thiѕ not only hеlрѕ in providing a bеttеr сuѕtоmеr еxреriеnсе but also еnсоurаgеѕ сuѕtоmеrѕ tо соnnесt with your buѕinеѕѕ thrоugh multiple channels.
Invеѕting in high-ԛuаlitу windоw ѕignѕ iѕ nоt juѕt a ѕhоrt-tеrm mаrkеting tactic but a lоng-tеrm invеѕtmеnt in уоur buѕinеѕѕ’ѕ ѕuссеѕѕ. Durable materials аnd рrоfеѕѕiоnаl рrinting ensure thаt your ѕignѕ mаintаin their viѕuаl appeal over timе, providing оngоing mаrkеting benefits without frеԛuеnt replacements. Thе increased viѕibilitу, brаnd rесоgnitiоn, аnd customer еngаgеmеnt gеnеrаtеd bу high-ԛuаlitу window ѕignѕ соntributе to a highеr return оn invеѕtmеnt (ROI) in the lоng run.
Rеvоlutiоnizing уоur mаrkеting аррrоасh with high-quality window ѕignѕ iѕ a ѕmаrt and еffесtivе ѕtrаtеgу to enhance уоur brand viѕibilitу, аttrасt mоrе customers, and drive sales. Bу investing in wеll-dеѕignеd, durаblе, аnd imрасtful window signs, you create a роwеrful marketing tооl that nоt оnlу captures attention but аlѕо rеinfоrсеѕ your brаnd’ѕ identity and соmmuniсаtеѕ уоur vаluе рrороѕitiоn. Trаnѕfоrm уоur storefront intо a dynamic аnd еngаging marketing аѕѕеt with high-ԛuаlitу windоw signs аnd wаtсh your buѕinеѕѕ thrive.
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miamicustomsignsfl · 1 month
Enhancing Promotional Displays with Window Film
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In thе dуnаmiс landscape of modern mаrkеting, businesses continually seek innоvаtivе ѕtrаtеgiеѕ tо captivate thеir аudiеnсе аnd ѕtаnd out amidst fiеrсе соmреtitiоn. One such avenue thаt hаѕ gained significant traction iѕ thе utilizаtiоn of windоw film tо еnhаnсе promotional displays. Windоw film оffеrѕ a vеrѕаtilе саnvаѕ fоr сrеаtivitу, аllоwing brands tо craft соmреlling nаrrаtivеѕ, highlight kеу messages, аnd сrеаtе immersive experiences thаt leave a lаѕting imрrеѕѕiоn on viеwеrѕ. In this blоg, we dеlvе intо thе realm оf еnhаnсing рrоmоtiоnаl diѕрlауѕ with windоw film, еxрlоring itѕ benefits, сrеаtivе possibilities, аnd imрасt оn brаnd viѕibilitу.
At thе heart оf еffесtivе promotional displays liеѕ сrеаtivitу thаt resonates with thе target audience. Window film ѕеrvеѕ аѕ a blаnk canvas fоr brands tо unlеаѕh thеir сrеаtivitу, whеthеr thrоugh vibrаnt viѕuаlѕ, сарtivаting graphics, or innovative dеѕignѕ. Bу leveraging the flеxibilitу of windоw film, businesses саn trаnѕfоrm оrdinаrу windоwѕ intо сарtivаting ѕhоwсаѕеѕ thаt соmmuniсаtе their brаnd story аnd values еffесtivеlу.
Onе of thе most соmреlling aspects of windоw film iѕ itѕ ability tо fасilitаtе visual ѕtоrуtеlling. Thrоugh ѕtrаtеgiс рlасеmеnt and dеѕign, brаndѕ саn сrеаtе a narrative thаt resonates with viеwеrѕ оn аn еmоtiоnаl lеvеl. Whether it'ѕ ѕhоwсаѕing рrоduсt fеаturеѕ, рrоmоting uрсоming events, or highlighting brаnd milеѕtоnеѕ, window film turnѕ ѕtаtiс diѕрlауѕ intо dуnаmiс ѕtоrуtеlling рlаtfоrmѕ that еngаgе аnd inѕрirе.
In a fаѕt-расеd еnvirоnmеnt where attention ѕраnѕ are limited, it'ѕ сruсiаl to convey key mеѕѕаgеѕ аnd оffеrѕ ѕwiftlу аnd еffесtivеlу. Windоw film оffеrѕ a prime opportunity to ѕhоwсаѕе рrоmоtiоnѕ, diѕсоuntѕ, аnd ѕресiаl offers in a viѕuаllу ѕtriking manner. Whеthеr it'ѕ a limited-time sale, new рrоduсt launch, or seasonal promotion, windоw film ensures thаt your messages are frоnt and center, аttrасting attention аnd driving асtiоn.
Consistency in brаnding iѕ paramount tо building a ѕtrоng brаnd idеntitу аnd rесоgnitiоn. Windоw film provides a seamless integration оf brаnding elements ѕuсh аѕ logos, colors, аnd slogans intо рrоmоtiоnаl diѕрlауѕ. By mаintаining viѕuаl соnѕiѕtеnсу асrоѕѕ all touchpoints, buѕinеѕѕеѕ rеinfоrсе thеir brаnd idеntitу аnd make a lаѕting impression on сuѕtоmеrѕ, lеаding to inсrеаѕеd brand rесоgnitiоn аnd lоуаltу.
In tоdау'ѕ еxреriеnсе-drivеn есоnоmу, brаndѕ thаt оffеr immersive experiences оftеn leave a lаѕting imрасt on consumers. Window film can bе lеvеrаgеd to сrеаtе immersive diѕрlауѕ that transcend trаditiоnаl advertising. Whеthеr it'ѕ through intеrасtivе elements, аugmеntеd reality experiences, оr thеmаtiс designs that еvоkе specific еmоtiоnѕ, buѕinеѕѕеѕ саn trаnѕfоrm thеir ѕtоrеfrоntѕ intо immеrѕivе ѕрасеѕ thаt captivate and еngаgе сuѕtоmеrѕ.
With grоwing еnvirоnmеntаl соnѕсiоuѕnеѕѕ аmоng соnѕumеrѕ, ѕuѕtаinаbilitу hаѕ bесоmе a kеу consideration fоr businesses. Windоw film оffеrѕ есо-friеndlу ѕоlutiоnѕ bу reducing energy consumption through ѕоlаr соntrоl filmѕ, еnhаnсing indооr comfort, аnd minimizing thе need fоr еxсеѕѕivе lighting оr heating. By incorporating ѕuѕtаinаbilitу intо promotional displays, buѕinеѕѕеѕ nоt оnlу demonstrate thеir соmmitmеnt tо environmental responsibility but аlѕо арреаl tо eco-conscious consumers.
Thе beauty оf using window film for рrоmоtiоnаl displays liеѕ in its mеаѕurаbilitу аnd flexibility. Through аnаlуtiсѕ tools аnd customer fееdbасk, buѕinеѕѕеѕ can track thе performance of their displays аnd make data-driven dесiѕiоnѕ fоr optimization. Whеthеr it's tweaking dеѕignѕ, testing diffеrеnt messages, or inсоrроrаting intеrасtivе еlеmеntѕ, windоw film аllоwѕ fоr itеrаtivе improvements that mаximizе thе impact of рrоmоtiоnаl efforts.
In conclusion, windоw film оffеrѕ a mуriаd оf opportunities fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ tо еnhаnсе their рrоmоtiоnаl displays аnd elevate their brand's visibility. From unlеаѕhing сrеаtivitу аnd ѕtоrуtеlling to highlighting key mеѕѕаgеѕ аnd сrеаting immеrѕivе experiences, windоw film ѕеrvеѕ аѕ a powerful tool in mоdеrn mаrkеting ѕtrаtеgiеѕ. Bу embracing thе versatility аnd imрасt of windоw film, businesses can сrеаtе mеmоrаblе displays thаt resonate with their audience, drive engagement, and ultimаtеlу, bооѕt brаnd ѕuссеѕѕ.
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orlandosignsandwrapsl · 3 months
Building Memorable Brand Connections through Acrylic Signage
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In tоdау'ѕ competitive buѕinеѕѕ lаndѕсаре, сrеаting memorable brаnd intеrасtiоnѕ is сruсiаl fоr building lаѕting connections with соnѕumеrѕ. Onе powerful tооl fоr асhiеving this iѕ through the ѕtrаtеgiс uѕе оf асrуliс ѕignаgе. Aсrуliс signage not only serves аѕ a рrасtiсаl mеаnѕ оf communication but аlѕо аѕ a саnvаѕ fоr creativity, аllоwing brands to lеаvе a lаѕting impression оn their audience. In thiѕ blоg роѕt, wе will еxрlоrе how buѕinеѕѕеѕ саn lеvеrаgе асrуliс ѕignаgе to dеѕign mеmоrаblе brand intеrасtiоnѕ that rеѕоnаtе with сuѕtоmеrѕ.
Thе Pоwеr оf Viѕuаl Cоmmuniсаtiоn: Viѕuаl communication рlауѕ a рivоtаl role in brand interaction, as it iѕ often thе firѕt point of contact between a consumer and a brand. Acrylic ѕignаgе, with itѕ clarity аnd vеrѕаtilitу, offers buѕinеѕѕеѕ a uniԛuе opportunity to communicate thеir brand mеѕѕаgе еffесtivеlу. Whеthеr it's a ѕlееk storefront sign, аn eye-catching display in a retail ѕрасе, оr a ѕtriking lоgо wаll in аn оffiсе lоbbу, acrylic signage has thе power to сарtivаtе аnd engage audiences in ways that оthеr mеdiumѕ саnnоt.
Creating Immersive Envirоnmеntѕ: Onе оf thе key аdvаntаgеѕ оf асrуliс ѕignаgе is its аbilitу tо trаnѕfоrm оrdinаrу ѕрасеѕ intо immersive brаnd experiences. By ѕtrаtеgiсаllу рlасing ѕignаgе thrоughоut physical environments, buѕinеѕѕеѕ саn guidе сuѕtоmеrѕ оn a jоurnеу thаt rеinfоrсеѕ thеir brаnd idеntitу аt еvеrу touchpoint. Whеthеr it's thrоugh custom signage featuring bоld соlоrѕ аnd uniԛuе ѕhареѕ оr illuminаtеd ѕignаgе that аddѕ a tоuсh оf sophistication, acrylic ѕignаgе has the power tо elevate thе аtmоѕрhеrе аnd lеаvе a lаѕting imрrеѕѕiоn оn viѕitоrѕ.
Enhаnсing Brаnd Rесоgnitiоn: Cоnѕiѕtеnсу is key whеn it соmеѕ tо brand recognition, аnd асrуliс ѕignаgе оffеrѕ buѕinеѕѕеѕ a vеrѕаtilе рlаtfоrm for rеinfоrсing thеir brаnd identity асrоѕѕ vаriоuѕ tоuсhроintѕ. Bу inсоrроrаting logos, ѕlоgаnѕ, аnd brаnd соlоrѕ intо acrylic ѕignаgе, buѕinеѕѕеѕ can еnѕurе that their brand rеmаinѕ tор оf mind for сuѕtоmеrѕ. Whеthеr it'ѕ thrоugh ѕignаgе оn ѕtоrеfrоntѕ, оffiсе intеriоrѕ, оr еvеnt diѕрlауѕ, асrуliс ѕignаgе acts аѕ a powerful visual cue that reinforces brand recognition аnd lеаvеѕ a lasting imрrеѕѕiоn on consumers.
Fostering Engagement аnd Intеrасtiоn: In today's digital аgе, whеrе соnѕumеrѕ are соnѕtаntlу bombarded with аdvеrtiѕеmеntѕ аnd mеѕѕаgеѕ, buѕinеѕѕеѕ must find wауѕ to cut thrоugh thе nоiѕе аnd foster gеnuinе еngаgеmеnt with their audience. Acrylic signage offers a tactile аnd interactive way for brands tо соnnесt with сuѕtоmеrѕ оn a dеереr lеvеl. Whether it'ѕ thrоugh thе uѕе of innovative ѕignаgе dеѕignѕ that еnсоurаgе intеrасtiоn оr thе inсоrроrаtiоn of QR соdеѕ аnd augmented rеаlitу technology, асrуliс ѕignаgе саn turn раѕѕivе оbѕеrvеrѕ intо асtivе раrtiсiраntѕ, сrеаting memorable brаnd intеrасtiоnѕ thаt lеаvе a lаѕting imрrеѕѕiоn.
In conclusion, асrуliс ѕignаgе presents businesses with a роwеrful tool for designing mеmоrаblе brаnd intеrасtiоnѕ thаt rеѕоnаtе with customers. From еnhаnсing brаnd rесоgnitiоn tо fоѕtеring еngаgеmеnt аnd creating immersive еnvirоnmеntѕ, асrуliс ѕignаgе оffеrѕ endless роѕѕibilitiеѕ fоr brаndѕ lооking tо mаkе a lasting impression on thеir audience. Bу lеvеrаging thе сlаritу, versatility, аnd visual impact оf асrуliс signage, businesses саn сrеаtе mеаningful connections with consumers that gо bеуоnd mеrе transactions, ultimаtеlу driving loyalty and lоng-tеrm success.
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Patrick Walsh Gainesville FL - An Entrepreneur
Patrick Walsh of Gainesville, FL is the CEO of AirSign Airship Group, as well as an expert in aviation and small business management. He has had a love for aviation since he was young, and his goal is to explore the world of aviation while continuing to grow as a businessman and entrepreneur.
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signparrotprinting · 7 months
Energy-Efficiency in Electrical Signage: A Sustainable Approach
In today's dynamic business environment, firms constantly seek innovative branding methods. Electrical signs in Tampa, particularly LED-lit channel letter signs in Tampa, FL, are a trendy choice. An electric sign company offers eco-friendly options like solar-powered signs. Sign Parrot provides diverse electric sign designs and colors to suit your brand. Explore more in this Blog: https://www.pearltrees.com/signparrotprintin/item557282074 Electric sign company in Tampa offers various sign options.
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citybeautifulsigns · 1 year
City Beautiful Signs & Graphics: Your Premier Destination for LED and Neon Signs in Orlando
In the vibrant city of Orlando, having captivating and visually appealing signage is crucial for businesses to stand out. When it comes to LED and custom neon signs, City Beautiful Signs & Graphics is the premier destination. In this blog post, we will explore why City Beautiful Signs & Graphics is the go-to sign company for all your LED and neon sign needs in Orlando and nearby areas. 
High-Quality LED Signs: City Beautiful Signs & Graphics specializes in creating high-quality LED signs that are visually striking and attention-grabbing. LED signs offer versatility, energy efficiency, and long-lasting illumination, making them an excellent choice for businesses of all types. 
Custom Neon Signs: If you're looking to add a touch of nostalgia and vintage charm to your business, custom neon signs are the perfect solution. City Beautiful Signs & Graphics offers exceptional craftsmanship in creating custom neon signs that reflect your brand personality and create a unique ambiance. 
Extensive Signage Services: a) LED Sign Design and Installation: City Beautiful Signs & Graphics has a team of skilled designers who can bring your vision to life. From dynamic digital displays to eye-catching LED channel letters, they offer comprehensive design and installation services. 
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b) Custom Neon Sign Fabrication: With a meticulous attention to detail, City Beautiful Signs & Graphics crafts custom neon signs with precision and artistry. They work closely with you to capture your desired aesthetics and create one-of-a-kind neon signage. 
Serving Orlando and Beyond: City Beautiful Signs & Graphics proudly serves not only Orlando but also surrounding areas, including Winter Park, Kissimmee, and Altamonte Springs. Wherever you're located, they are ready to bring your signage ideas to life. 
Unparalleled Customer Service: At City Beautiful Signs & Graphics, customer satisfaction is their top priority. Their dedicated team provides personalized attention, prompt communication, and a seamless experience from concept to installation. They strive to exceed your expectations and deliver signage that surpasses your vision. 
FAQs: Q1: Are LED signs energy-efficient?
A1: Yes, LED signs are highly energy-efficient compared to traditional signage options. LED technology consumes less power while providing vibrant illumination, resulting in cost savings and environmental benefits. 
Q2: Can City Beautiful Signs & Graphics repair existing neon signs? A2: Absolutely! City Beautiful Signs & Graphics offers expert neon sign repair services. Whether your neon sign needs restoration, bulb replacement, or electrical repairs, their skilled technicians can bring it back to its former glory. 
Conclusion: When it comes to LED and custom neon signs in Orlando and nearby areas, City Beautiful Signs & Graphics is the top choice for businesses seeking high-quality signage solutions. With their expertise in LED sign design and installation, meticulous craftsmanship in custom neon signs, wide range of signage services, commitment to customer satisfaction, and coverage of multiple locations, City Beautiful Signs & Graphics is your trusted partner in elevating your brand visibility. Contact them today to discuss your LED and neon sign requirements and let them create captivating signage that sets your business apart. 
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t10graphics · 2 years
T10 Graphics | Print Shop in Leesburg FL
T10 Graphics is a well-known and trusted Print Shop in Leesburg FL. With years of experience in the printing industry, we can honestly state that we like seeing happy clients who receive a wonderful design that perfectly suits their requirements. We wish to use customized apparel to assist people in expressing themselves. T10 Graphics throws open the wide door to personalization. Instead of settling for someone else’s design, T10 Graphics professionals enable clients to create t-shirts with designs that actually thrill them and give customers fulfillment. With T10 Graphics by your side, you don’t have to look for Printing Companies in Leesburg FL. T10 Graphics is your ultimate go-to solution!
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sarahs-secrets2 · 1 year
Signed, Sealed, Delivered ˋ♡ˊ
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request here for @c0wb0yenthusiast thank youuu sm
based on Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Stevie Wonder
fem!reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none! fluff!!
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
“Oh my god,” your hands wrapped around the coffee mug bringing it up to your lips taking a short sip before continuing your rant, “He’s never going to propose is he?”
“Don’t say that,” your friend chimed in trying to bring you back down to reality. 
“He’s quite literally never home, I think he takes jobs to avoid me at this point,” obviously you were exaggerating. Phillip and you were happy but that nagging voice in the back of your head kept your mind busy with all the “what ifs,”. 
“Give him time, I'm sure he’s planning something for you,” your friend squeezed your hand reassuring you it would be okay.
“I guess so,” as much as you wanted to believe her words it just felt like there was no proposal or wedding in your future. Phillip was always busy with the Shadow Company and when he was home it was purely rest. Your mind drifted off running through all the possibilities that could happen and an engagement just wasn't one of them. 
After your goodbyes, you headed to the car after the mini coffee date with your friend. The drive was quiet as you let your mind wander until your phone rang. 
“Phillip, hey what’s up?” you answered, hitting the accept button as the phone connected to the Bluetooth.
“Hey, darlin’ you headed home?”
“Yeah, should be back in about,” you glanced at the time, “15-20 minutes,”
“Perfect, can't wait to see ya, okay bye love you,” he hung up before you got a chance to respond. What you didn't know was the whole point of going out with your friend was to get you out of the house for Phillip to set up his proposal. 
She has no idea
Graves smiled looking at the text on his phone. He had planned everything down to the minute and so far everything was going perfectly. He checked his watch for the time and quickly changed into a white button-up with black slacks. Standing in the bathroom mirror he rolled up his sleeves just above his elbows. With a quick spritz of cologne on his wrist and neck, and a little bit of gel in his hair, he jogged down the stairs making sure you hadn't arrived yet. 
Pulling into the driveway a wave of exhaustion flooded over you. The conversation over coffee made you feel all sorts of things. You knew you and Phillip were happy but you couldn't help but feel self-conscious at the idea of not being engaged yet after 5 years. Phillip was simple and you knew he would propose when he felt right so now you just had to put your trust in him and wait. 
Approaching the house, you noticed a piece of paper taped to the door with your name on it. Apprenhenisley you opened it not knowing what to expect. 
Come Find Me -Phillip
A small smile began to creep across your face as you shook your head at your boyfriend's antics. Opening the front door you shouted to try to draw Graves out, “Phil… I’m home.” Your call was answered with pure silence as you walked through the house trying to find him. Your head was on a swivel trying to see where he could be hiding. Until out of the corner of your eye was another note sitting perfectly on the stairs. Chuckling to yourself you bent down picking up the note.
Getting Warmer -Phillip
“Graves, where are you?” you shouted up the stairs, making your voice echo loudly through the house. Huffing in frustration from your failed attempts to draw him out you headed up the stairs to continue your search. You glanced at the doors in the hallway noticing the only one shut was the door to your shared bedroom. Funny enough it was also the only door with a note similar to the two previous ones you had found taped to it.
“Good one Phillip,” you joked as you opened the third envelope. 
Almost there -Phillip
Unsure of what to expect, you opened the bedroom door to finally find Phillip who stood with a bouquet of flowers, and the final note.
“You found me,” he smiled, motioning for you to come in.
“I did,” as you walked in you began to notice how different the room looked. Candles lit up and placed on the nightstand and dresser, rose petals spread on the bed, and Phillip in front of you swapping out his usual blue button-up for a dressier white one. “You look handsome,” you leaned in, placing a kiss on his lips before he pulled away. 
“Your final note doll,” he winked, handing you the envelope. Popping the seal and pulling the note out you read the ink.
Marry Me? -Phillip
Your hand flew to your face covering your mouth that was left agape. Looking at Phillip, who was now down on one knee with a ring, tears began to well in your eyes. 
“Whaddya say?” his smile widened as he spoke.
“Oh my god yes,” you couldn't say it fast enough as you fell to your knees to join him on the floor. His arms wrapped around you pulling closer to him. Pulling back from the hug he slipped the ring onto your finger, admiring how it looked.
“I could get used to this,” he laughed, his hands cupping your face and pulling you in for a slow kiss. 
“Me too,” you mumbled into his lips. 
“And you were nervous I wasn't going to propose,” he teased, kissing up and down your neck. A light gasp escaped your lips.
“Who told you that?” heat rising to your cheeks at the embarrassment. Graves noticed and lightly rubbed his thumb along your cheek.
“I’ve been plannin’ this for a while sweetheart, you had no reason to worry, I just need it to be perfect,” he stood up grabbing your hand to help you join him.
“Thank you, it was perfect,” 
His hands wrapped around your waist tugging you closer “I'm glad,” he smiled kissing your lips again, “Only the best for you,”
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
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georgegraphys · 16 days
Thought thoughts prayers
Warning : Highly speculative discussion. Snowflakes aren't welcome. Unreliable person as I am not Mercedes.
I don't think Mercedes is HAPPY judging by how they directly clarified the testing fiasco. Like? Corriere dello Sport who implied Mercedes has 15 board members, despite the general report audited by the world's renowned auditing company says otherwise and said that a certain wonderboy matches/beat George's times that George was upset and try to run more laps to beat wonderboy.
First of all, we're talking about George William Russell. "Who the fuck is a George when he is in F2?" The boy who beat Vettel's unofficial circuit lap record by 0.6s in Hungaroring during testing and beat Raikkonen who participated in the testing as well. He was an F2 driver at that time. Beating the Ferraris. What did he do in F2? 7 wins, 5 pole positions, 4 FLs, F2 highest points of ALL time (F2 not GP2 before SVandoorne fans come after me). He was breaking records not fighting for points. George's only fear back then was ART's technical failure, Monaco's walls, not getting any F1 seat in 2019, and Nyck De Vries last lap dive bomb. You don't fuck with him. You don't just fuck with George's feeder series stints because he is THAT 'George Russell mentality' 'George Russell confidence' type of guy and the guy who got Helmut Marko regretting not signing him up for RB Junior Team.
And Corriere dello Sport says George is upset. First of all, there are chances that George might REALLY be upset. But in this case, there's no fucking way. Why? BECAUSE HE'S NOT EVEN TESTING THE SAME THING THAT'S WHY THE TIMES ARE NOT COMPARABLE. Corriere dello Sport is basically womping on nothing except air rn. The way they wrote the most ridiculous bullshit that got Mercedes OFFICIALLY confirming themselves that those news are bullshit is hilarious and ironic.
It intrigues me by the way George's name is mentioned in that fraud news and Mercedes responds in lightning speed, clarifying everything. Ngl to me, that doesn't seem like they're happy with that shit. That's not even pure lying anymore. That's straight up defamation to George's name. And finally for fucking once, they speak up. Thank God. I don't know whose phone call or self conscience made them clarify that fraud news but thank you to whoever it is.
Lastly, Corriere dello Sports? Kindly choke on your fake delusional news
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Hello, Anon, this is Oldie Chinese Diaspora Anon. I believe I may be able to answer your question. The actual reason of RD’s ability to escape the recasters is actually rather idiosyncratic and honestly cannot be extrapolated to other companies. Call it a dubious distinction, if you will.
By the way, thanks for reminding me, I forgot to link the two articles I wrote a while back regarding RD’s so-called “Black history” (which can be found here: and here. I apologise. I really do have the memory of a goldfish…) But these articles actually help to explain why RD had largely escaped recasting.
There are a few other reasons, too. The Chinese doll community has complained about the unwieldy RD joints for many years (to the point that the company now offers free wiring for all dolls since November, 2022. Due to the facial sculpts that were said to be “featureless”, “asymmetrical” and “only good-looking from certain angles”, many faceup artists actually refuse to work with RD’s heads. And ever since 2019’s AO3 incident (please refer to this article), RD’s place in the Chinese market has been slowly dwindling. There are more folks who choose to boycott the company than those who embrace it.
You see, this is a money-game, after all (Hello, Econ-Anon!). The Recaster is in it for the money, and if there is no demand, there is no need for supply. If there is very little demand for RDs in the market, there’s really no need to recast them. RD’s share in the Chinese market is dwindling. The fact that they are having so many sales almost back-to-back-to-back is probably a sign of its hardship. RD’s ability to carve out an overseas market is also difficult considering that there is so much competition out there. Unless they are perpetually popular with outsiders (like FL) or visually distinct (like DC), RD is relegated to a list of “Not worth it to recast” companies.
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signparrotprinting · 8 months
The Power of Electrical Sign Boards in Tampa
Electrical sign boards play a crucial role in advertising and branding for Tampa businesses. Their ability to captivate passersby makes them a standout choice. Among the various types, channel letter signs are notably favored in Tampa. For reliable electric sign services, Sign Parrot is the go-to company in Tampa. In essence, electrical sign boards, particularly channel letter signs in Tampa, FL, wield significant power for local businesses. Find out more in this Blog: https://signparrot.blogspot.com/2023/10/the-power-of-electrical-sign-boards-in.html.
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February 1, 2024
FEB 2, 2024
One of the biggest stories of 2023 is that the U.S. economy grew faster than any other economy in the Group of 7 nations, made up of democratic countries with the world’s largest advanced economies. By a lot. The International Monetary Fund yesterday reported that the U.S. gross domestic product—the way countries estimate their productivity—grew by 2.5%, significantly higher than the GDP of the next country on the list: Japan, at 1.9%.
IMF economists predict U.S. growth next year of 2.1%, again, higher than all the other G7 countries. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta projects growth of 4.2% in the first quarter of 2024.
Every time I write about the booming economy, people accurately point out that these numbers don’t necessarily reflect the experiences of everyone. But they have enormous political implications. 
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, and the Democrats embraced the idea that using the government to support ordinary Americans—those on the “demand” side of the economy—would nurture strong economic growth. Republicans have insisted since the 1980s that the way to expand the economy is the opposite: to invest in the “supply side,” investors who use their capital to build businesses. 
In the first two years of the Biden-Harris administration, while the Democrats had control of the House and Senate, they passed a range of laws to boost American manufacturing, rebuild infrastructure, protect consumers, and so on. They did so almost entirely with Democratic votes, as Republicans insisted that such investments would destroy growth, in part through inflation. 
Now that the laws are beginning to take effect, their results have proved that demand-side economic policies like those in place between 1933 and 1981, when President Ronald Reagan ushered in supply-side economics, work. Even inflation, which ran high, appears to have been driven by supply chain issues, as the administration said, and by “greedflation,” in which corporations raised prices far beyond cost increases, padding payouts for their shareholders.
The demonstration that the Democrats’ policies work has put Republicans in an awkward spot. Projects funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, are so popular that Republicans are claiming credit for new projects or, as Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) did on Sunday, claiming they don’t remember how they voted on the infrastructure measure and other popular bills like the CHIPS and Science Act (she voted no). When the infrastructure measure passed in 2021, just 13 House Republicans supported it. 
Today, Medicare sent its initial offers to the drug companies that manufacture the first ten drugs for which the government will negotiate prices under the Inflation Reduction Act, another hugely popular measure that passed without Republican votes. The Republicans have called for repealing this act, but their stance against what they have insisted is “socialized medicine” is showing signs of softening. In Politico yesterday, Megan Messerly noted that in three Republican-dominated states—Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi—House speakers are saying they are now open to the idea of expanding healthcare through Medicaid expansion.
In another sign that some Republicans recognize that the Democrats’ economic policies are popular, the House last night passed bipartisan tax legislation that expanded the Child Tax Credit, which had expired last year after Senate Republicans refused to extend it. Democrats still provided most of the yea votes—188 to 169—and Republicans most of the nays—47 to 23—but, together with a tax cut for businesses in the bill, the measure was a rare bipartisan victory. If it passes the Senate, it is expected to lift at least half a million children out of poverty and help about 5 million more. 
But Republicans have a personnel problem as well as a policy problem. Since the 1980s, party leaders have maintained that the federal government needs to be slashed, and their determination to just say no has elevated lawmakers whose skill set features obstruction rather than the negotiation required to pass bills. Their goal is to stay in power to stop legislation from passing.
Yesterday, for example, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who sits on the Senate Finance Committee and used to chair it, told a reporter not to have too much faith that the child tax credit measure would pass the Senate, where Republicans can kill it with the filibuster. “Passing a tax bill that makes the president look good…means he could be reelected, and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts,” Grassley said.
At the same time, the rise of right-wing media, which rewards extremism, has upended the relationship between lawmakers and voters. In CNN yesterday, Oliver Darcy explained that “the incentive structure in conservative politics has gone awry. The irresponsible and dishonest stars of the right-wing media kingdom are motivated by vastly different goals than those who are actually trying to advance conservative causes, get Republicans elected, and then ultimately govern in office.” 
Right-wing influencers want views and shares, which translate to more money and power, Darcy wrote. So they spread “increasingly outlandish, attention-grabbing junk,” and more established outlets tag along out of fear they will lose their audience. But those influencers and media hosts don’t have to govern, and the anger they generate in the base makes it hard for anyone else to, either. 
This dynamic has shown up dramatically in the House Republicans’ refusal to consider a proposed border measure on which a bipartisan group of senators had worked for four months because Trump and his extremist base turned against the idea—one that Republicans initially demanded. 
Since they took control of the House in 2023, House Republicans have been able to conduct almost no business as the extremists are essentially refusing to govern unless all their demands are met. Rather than lawmaking, they are passing extremist bills to signal to their base, holding hearings to push their talking points, and trying to find excuses to impeach the president and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.
Yesterday the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, which is firmly on the right, warned House Republicans that “Impeaching Mayorkas Achieves Nothing” other than “political symbolism,” and urged them to work to get a border bill passed. “Grandstanding is easier than governing, and Republicans have to decide whether to accomplish anything other than impeaching Democrats,” it said. 
Today in the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin called the Republicans’ behavior “nihilism and performative politics.”
On CNN this morning, Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) identified the increasing isolation of the MAGA Republicans from a democratic government. “Here we are both on immigration and now on this tax bill where President Biden and a bipartisan group of Congress are trying to actually solve problems for the American people,” Goldman said, “and Chuck Grassley, Donald Trump, Mike Johnson—they are trying to kill solutions just for political gain." 
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meret118 · 1 year
It allows a Florida court to take jurisdiction over child custody disputes when an out-of-state parent is pursuing gender-affirming care for their child and the child is present in Florida, even if only temporarily. It’s the only provision of its kind in the country, said Shannon Minter, legal director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights and also a member of that team.
“I have had to spend an inordinate amount of time dispelling misinformation about the custody provisions specifically,” Chriss said. “The misinformation alleging that the state can take children away from their parents — which is just completely untrue and wildly unfounded — [has caused] fear and, honestly, trauma among so many folks in this community.”
The law doesn’t apply to children who aren’t the subject of a custody battle in another state. And it wouldn’t allow the state to take custody of children who are provided with gender-affirming care in Florida.
. . .
The exception for children already on hormonal treatments, which was added as an amendment, requires them to get off those treatments over the course of an unspecified period with the help of their doctor. Only those who started receiving those treatments before June 1 and also had at least 12 mental health counseling sessions or six months of psychotherapy are eligible to continue taking the treatments temporarily under that provision.
But the provision is based on the false notion that children can safely “wean” themselves off the treatments. “That is medical malpractice,” Minter said. “It’s like weaning a child who’s diabetic off insulin. There is no medical reason to discontinue the care, and doing so will be harmful to those kids.”
There’s also a question as to whether those children will even be able to access care. Many clinics in Texas that offered gender-affirming care have already closed or stopped offering those services on account of political pressure, including most recently a clinic at Austin’s Dell Children’s Medical Center. The hospital announced last week that all the physicians working in that clinic would be departing, and it’s unclear whether they were fired or left of their own accord.
“I don’t think there’s any mystery about why it’s happened,” Minter said. “The state of Texas has made it very clear that they are punishing doctors who try to continue to provide” gender-affirming care.
Another provision in the Texas bill that prohibits public money from being used to provide or facilitate the provision of gender-affirming care to a minor has raised alarm bells for Oakley. While other states with gender-affirming care bans have adopted similar provisions, the language of the Texas bill is much broader and could have more far-reaching consequences.
A “plausible reading” of the language suggests that any entity that does business with the state, even on just a one-time basis, could be held liable by Texas if they provide employee benefits that cover gender-affirming care for minors, Oakley said. “It’s possible that the state of Texas would have a claim against that company for providing those benefits to employees far outside the state of Texas,” she said.
I'm confused since I've seen so many articles say FL can take your kids with no mention of custody.
The Texas legislature passed a ban Wednesday on gender-affirming care for kids under 18, which includes hormone treatments and gender-affirming surgeries, though such surgeries are rarely performed on children. The ban allows trans teens already receiving hormone treatments to temporarily continue them. Still, it requires that they “wean” themselves off the treatments. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign the bill.
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is reportedly gearing up to announce his 2024 presidential bid next week, also signed a similar ban in his state Wednesday, one that imposes felony penalties on health care providers who administer gender-affirming care to kids under 18. 
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tlatia-the-radiant · 4 months
In the engine room, he would one day be found.
His body, twitching. Convulsing with every surge of volts that trailed through one part of him and out the other. He was a cog in a machine, a mere conduit for energy. Stumps of what had been arms and legs were connected to wires and cords and tubes, all sorts of bits and baubles keeping him stabilized. The techpriest, a Magos Biologis, nervously tended to him and attempted to wipe the sweat from the Primarch's neck.
As if in an endless daze, the Second Son whispered things in High Gothic-- prayers to his own father, pleas to his long-dead mother, eulogies to his lost children.
Nirisch wringed his metal hands nervously as he glanced to the many cameras on all sorts of cogitators before him. Originally, they would have been used to check power supply adn anything wrong with the engines, but Nirisch had to awkwardly rig them into connecting to the security systems in order to keep watch on the visitors. He couldn't believe that they would be able to actually meet those from the other excommunicated legion! Nirisch cleared his throat as he spoke up,
" F-Forgive me, um, My Lady-- he is attempting to recuperate after the vox-transmission... I-I am one of the techpriests that would assist one of his sons of the First Company with his Penance Armor. I-I am Techpriest Nirisch! Or... well, I would be Magos now, having ten thousand years of studying the human body! Ha-ha!... haaa... "
The techpriest's voice could be heard over the vox comms, echoing through the large docking area that they entered within, bearing witness to ancient history. Giant marble columns that went up to the tall ceiling, statues of the 2nd Primarch and the Emperor, holding their weapons with pride. Tiles along the floor were made of similar material, with gold running along the cracks like streams of fate. Old, empty supply boxes were scattered about, as were old papers. Old signs of flora seemed to be seen along the walls, as well-- most likely from old gardens scattered throughout the large Phalanx-class ship. Once a bustling place of life meant to be a paradise for those oppressed by the Imperium and a place for diplomacy... now abandoned.
" You-- you should be able to easily go through the old Registry gates past the Administratum booths to reach the main gates and enter the great hall! I will do my best to guide you!... um. The lights will flicker. I cannot reach you. I will need to tend to Lord Aurelius. "
// @forgottnseccnd
Twenty minutes earlier...
"Confirming realspace translation... cross-referencing star charts with expected locations... 99.9% likelihood of successful arrival at Polaris."
"Raise the blinders," Tlatia, Eleventh Daughter of the Emperor, ordered with her arms folded and her weight resting mostly on her left foot. The metal shutters groaned slightly as they were raised to reveal the stars beyond.
Polaris had, once upon a time, been a trinary star system. That had not lasted. One star had disappeared long before Humanity ever reached the North Star; the second one had been kidnapped by the Drukhari some time in late M29. Now, only one star remained. It burnt a brilliant, cerulean blue.
Not even a hundred kilometres above Polaris sat a city-sized fortress. Perhaps it wasn't quite as big as the Phalanx, perhaps it was—either way, the difference was measured in metres instead of kilometres—but you could never mistake the two. The Phalanx was bright yellow, tall and proud; Ursa Major, flagship of the Second Legion, was silver and sapphire with an air of mystery.
"That's his ship," Tlatia murmured. "No mistaking it. Prepare my Stormbird."
"One step ahead of you, ma'am," First Captain Laura reported. "The Angel of Mercy is fueled, armed, and prepared to depart. I've ordered four of the Tecuani to prepare for combat, too."
"Thank you, Laura." Tlatia nodded to her officers. "Vox-officer Kell, ensure that we have constant communication within my brother's fortress. Fleetmaster Celaya, you have the conn and the fleet. Auspex, attempt to map the interior of the Star Fortress. I want heat maps, signs of live, psychic energy, topography, everything."
With her orders issued, she turned on her heel and left. She reached the hangar not even ten minutes later.
"Status?" she demanded, stepping into the cargo hold of her personal Stormbird. The pilot gave a thumbs-up.
"Green lights across the board, fuel and ammo full. Ready to rock and roll, ma'am."
"Excellent," Tlatia replied, as the chosen members of her honor guard took their seats in the Angel of Mercy's hold.
"Are you ready, ma'am?" Laura asked from beneath her jaguar helmet. Tlatia nodded.
"Let's get going."
(continued under the cut)
Tlatia drummed her fingers on her thigh-plates as the Angel of Mercy hummed through space. Her personal guard checked their weapons for the sixth time.
There was a chorus of clacks as bolts slammed back shut. The Tecuani returned to silence. An anxious, tense silence.
Tlatia shifted and folded her arms. The ceramite of her gauntlets clicked like bricks of rockcrete being tapped on one another as she clenched and unclenched her hands.
"Worried, my Lady?" Laura asked, tilting her helmet just slightly. Tlatia paused, then nodded.
"I haven't spoken to Aurelius in... stars... eleven thousand years? Maybe more?" She shifted again. "Then, one day while on deployment, I receive a vox-transmission from him on one of our encrypted channels. I reply and he's using his old callsign. It's his voice, it's his choice of words—everything fits."
"But you're worried," Nau asked.
"Yes," Tlatia replied. "Why reach out now? Why wait all this time? He was reported as dead centuries ago—why didn't he contradict that?"
"He could ask the same of us," Cotaya pointed out, ever-astute. "We were in the solar wind for longer than him."
"But we didn't reach out to the dead," Tlatia countered. "The dead reached out to us. It's impossible."
"Nothing's ever impossible," Xenhuan replied. "Improbable? Usually. Never impossible. You taught me that yourself, mother."
"I know it's not technically impossible, but at the very least it's more likely by orders of magnitude that this is a trap."
"We're entering a fortress most if not all of the Imperium and Chaos has no recollection of in order to speak with a man that by all means should not be alive." Laura shook her head. "This is far too strange to be a trap."
"Thirty seconds," the pilot reported. "Atmospheric conditions onboard are stable at 73% of Terra's atmospheric pressure."
"Red light!" Laura shouted. The Dawn Legionaries on-board stood and flicked the fire selector switches on their boltors from Safe to Fully Automatic.
The Angel of Mercy shuddered almost imperceptibly as it slipped through the atmospheric shield keeping the hangar from depressurizing and whined as it set down on the floor. The pilot kept the engines running.
The ramp dropped and the Dawn Legionaries peered out into total darkness.
"Sacred stars..." Xenhuan murmured.
"Let's move," Tlatia ordered, raising her pistol. "Lights on."
The five Tecuani turned on their underbarrel flashlights, cutting rays of white through the black. Tlatia let her self-control slip just a little bit and began to glow a few lumens brighter. She didn't dare risk more—not with a wounded super-Psyker somewhere onboard.
The lights flickered on, just strong enough that you could see the tops of looming statues and just dim enough that the Dawn Legion kept their flashlights on.
"F-Forgive me, um, my Lady..."
By all rights, the voice should have been deafeningly loud, booming through the hangar. Instead it was barely louder than a conversational tone.
"I-I am one of the Techpriests that would assist one of his sons of the First Company with the Penance Armor. I-I am Techpriest Nirisch! Or, well, I would be Magos now, after having ten thousand years to study the human body..."
"Door, fifty metres, two o'clock," Cotaya reported. The team reoriented; their steps gained a sense of urgency alongside the sense of direction.
"You—you should be able to easily go through the old Registry gates past the Administratum booths to reach the main gates and easily enter the Great Hall!" Nirisch continued, as the six-soldier team passed through the gate that Cotaya had sighted. The writing on top was too decayed to read, but beyond a series of turnstiles and booths pointed to evidence of a sort of Customs checkpoint typical of the Administratum. The team simply vaulted over the closed checkpoints.
"I will do my best to guide you!... um. The lights will flicker. I cannot reach you. I will need to tend to Lord Aurelius."
"This Nirisch sounds like a nervous wreck," Xenhuan observed.
"They've been tending to a dying Primarch for ten thousand years," Tlatia replied. "I would be, too. Main gate ahead."
The main gate was a towering affair; taller than any door aboard the Dawnbringer. Embossed, heavily-stylized stars formed constellations reaching from the bottom to the top of the door, with flowing silvered edges depicting the Second Legion, less commonly known as the Stars Repentant, in various states; supplication, combat, even death. In the centre of the door Aurelius himself stood, hands open and over his chest, palms facing towards him like a martyred saint. His face was hidden by a mask.
"That's a big guy," Xenhuan observed. Laura nodded.
"That's Aurelius, the Second Primarch," she replied. Aside from Tlatia, she was the only one on the team to have met the diviner before.
"Get the door open," Tlatia ordered. The fifth member of the team, Citlalicue, moved to comply. Laura moved in behind her to cover while the rest of the team kept their guns covering behind.
The door groaned as Citlalicue shoved it open. Dust rained down.
"Nobody's used this door for a long, long time," Laura observed. Citlalicue made a small hum of agreement.
"Yeah... and I think..."
She shoved the door the rest of the way open.
"...there's a reason for that."
The team turned to look upon the Great Hall—and found a long-quiet battlefield.
"By the sun..."
Bodies were scattered all across the hall, hidden behind makeshift fighting positions or caught in the open, all bearing the iconography of the Stars Repentant. Empty bolt-casings were scattered across the ground, covered in a thick layer of dust. Empty magazines sat beside sandbags; boltors missing their magazines lay by their warriors, sometimes discarded, sometimes still being clutched, even in death.
"Hel on Terra," Cotaya murmured, flashlight sweeping over a body slumped behind an emplaced heavy boltor that was only twenty rounds away from running out of ammunition. Three box magazines beside the gun were completely empty. The gunner's armor was rough, uneven; chunks had been taken out of the shoulderplate, and the helmet was cracked.
"What happened?" Laura wondered aloud. Her flashlight came to rest on a body lying facedown, a chainsword still grasped in its right hand. The left arm was severed just below the elbow with the left forearm nowhere to be seen.
"Looks like they were attacked," Xenhuan murmured, kneeling to run a hand over a body that was missing anything below the waistline. Not a single shred of flesh remained below the armor; it was just dried bone. "And, they lost. Really, really badly."
"Or whoever attacked shuttled their dead," Cotaya countered, sweeping their flashlight over the cracked walls. Little chunks had been removed at irregular intervals; she guessed they were missed shots.
The team continued to advance. Their footfalls echoed throughout the hall off of empty walls.
"Torn carpet," Cotaya noted. "Looks... burnt, almost."
"Whoever stormed this place really had it in for these guys," Laura observed, stepping over a body with a sword still driven through the abdomen. "Were the Wolves ever this brutal?"
"Not that I know of," Tlatia murmured. "And never since."
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New Haven Railroad EDER-5a class EMD FL-9 locomotive 2033 and another FL-9 are seen in locomotive service area of the yard at Boston, Massachusetts, 1962
New Haven Railroad EDER-5a class EMD FL-9 locomotive 2033 and another FL-9 are seen in locomotive service area of the yard at Boston, Massachusetts, 1962. The locomotives are spotted on a track that has a servicing and inspection pit. In the background by the building smokestack you can see the Gillette Razor Company building and a small portion of their sign.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
"Elain and Az are the healthiest relationship"
Mutual respect. Respect means that each person values who the other is and understands the other person’s boundaries. Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, “Using me.” “You do not decide what I can and cannot do" Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”. Elain cut in sharply, “I am not a child to be fought over.”. “I’ll defeat him with little effort.”. Really, does it sound like Az listens and cares about what Elain wants? After she specifically says she wants to help, he claims she shouldn't. After she says she doesn't want to be fought over, he has no issues entertaining the idea of killing Lucien in a Duel for her. 🤦
Trust. Partners should place trust in each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt. "he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things. Az is unwilling to show all aspects of his personality to Elain because he feels she's too pure to be tainted by his darkness and the things he's done. He doesn't believe that he can be open with her and she'd accept him regardless. That is Az NOT trusting Elain and giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Honesty. Honesty builds trust and strengthens the relationship. "Lie. Well, the second part was a lie. He didn’t need his shadows to read her tone, the slight tightening of her face.". Also, see above. He admits to hiding parts of himself from someone he is fixated on AND he addresses his discomfort over Elain searching for the Trove in front of everyone EXCEPT Elain. For two people who are" so comfortable and at ease with one another ", why can't he address his concerns with her and why does Elain need to lie about the fact that she didn't feel comfortable giving his gift to him in front of the others. Obviously they aren't very advanced in their relationship with all this tip - toeing around each other.
Compromise. In a dating relationship, each partner does not always get his or her way. Each should acknowledge different points of view and be willing to give and take. Maybe we could have seen compromise happening between them if Az had told Elain his concerns regarding the Trove. So yeah, no chance of seeing that in action when the characters aren't ready to have difficult conversations with one another.
Individuality. Neither partner should have to compromise who he/she is, and his/her identity should not be based on a partner’s. Each should continue seeing his or her friends and doing the things he/she loves. Each should be supportive of his/her partner wanting to pursue new hobbies or make new friends. I'm not going to bore you by including all the textual evidence that shows that Az's shadows will always be with him yet they disappear around Elain. He literally doesn't have a part of himself (a part that has kept him company which means his they are basically friends) around her. His companions disappear. As far as Elain not having to sacrifice who she is. She thrives in the light, she doesn't want to focus on war and death. Since Az is someone who literally and figuratively "lives in the shadows", Elain would need to sacrifice who she is to allow room for the darkness that will always exist within him. Also, Supportive? ⬆️ Elain was ready to help in a way that every other single member of the IC would be willing to do yet Az was not her cheerleader. Amren and Feyre were willing to support her yet Az was not.
Good communication. Each partner should speak honestly and openly to avoid miscommunication. We have zero on page text to show that Az and Elain have ever had an open and honest conversation. He flat out says he's avoided being around her. I said it before and I'll say it again, the deepest things we've seen them speak of is flowers, his nifty precise dagger and flying. Where are the conversations about Mor and his difficulty over finally letting her go? The loss of Graysen? The difficulties of being turned? How she plans on handling the mating bond? His struggles with his self image and the anger he still struggled with as a result of his past? THOSE are the things that make for intimacy. THOSE things are real. Az and Elain are these cardboard cutout versions of themselves around each other and it's not a good thing.
Anger control. We all get angry, but how we express it can affect our relationships with others. Anger can be handled in healthy ways such as taking a deep breath, counting to ten, or talking it out. I think the big red flag with this one is that Az has some severe anger issues that everyone else knows about but Elain. This is a super huge problem.
Self-confidence. When dating partners have confidence in themselves, it can help their relationships with others. I mean, this feels pretty self explanatory 😂. Feyre struggled with her self confidence but it wasn't until she began mending herself that she developed real feelings for Rhys. Not completely healed, but not the way she was at the start of ACOMAF. Same with Nesta. She didn't open herself up to a real relationship with Cassian until she was well on her way to being better. Az possibly has the worst self esteem of anyone, or is comparable to Nesta. So I'm unconvinced that he's in some sort of healthy situation with Elain right now considering he's not come close to addressing and working on his self esteem issues.
Healthy sexual relationship. Dating partners engage in a sexual relationship that both are comfortable with, and neither partner feels pressured or forced to engage in sexual activity that is outside his or her comfort zone or without consent. Az definitely gets credit for reading Elains signals correctly before trying to be physical with her. However I'm not sure I'd consider his internal monologue to be a healthy one during their almost kiss. "tainting her with his presence." "Wrong - it was so wrong. He didn't care" This one moment, and maybe a taste, and that would be it. "It's just because he's tortured over not having her! He doesn't feel worthy because of his past!" Sure angst can make for an interesting story but by definition, the word means "a feeling of deep anxiety or Dread". And bringing those sort of emotions and thoughts into the first time you're going to physical with someone is just 😬
At a glance, I can understand why E/riel might appear sweet and innocent but when you really look at their "relationship" (or lack thereof) there is nothing very healthy about it at all. I'm also not claiming the other relationships in the series are the "peak of healthy". I definitely think they're more well rounded than E/riel and have way less red flags but I realize they have their issues too as every relationship does. What I will say is that those other relationships had more of a chance at success because they did not shy away from letting their s/o see all sides of them, including the bad.
The problem is when people start claiming E/riel is the healthiest of them all. They shouldn't even be in the running considering they are so far from being an authentic version of themselves around one another.
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