#sign company edmonton
onsitesigngroup · 4 months
The Go-To Sign Company in Edmonton | On-Site Sign Group
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OnSite Sign Group started as a two-person vinyl and sign operation in the garage of Corwin and Shantell Fischer in 1993. Throughout the next 3 decades, the company has thrived under their visionary leadership and determination and now employs nearly 60 people in 8 cities across Alberta & Saskatchewan. Their hands-on approach means that every sign is delivered and installed with top quality and attention, making them the go-to sign company in Edmonton.
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3sixtysignsolutions · 2 years
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We’re a full-service sign company and we guarantee every step of our workmanship. Our team provides expert design, manufacturing, installation, and repair/maintenance services to ensure the longevity of your sign. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we want you to be happy with every component of your new sign. Let us be your reliable signage partner and discover our commitment to quality and customer service excellence. At 3Sixty Sign Solutions, we understand that it’s not just a sign – it’s your business.
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horizonsignsolutions · 10 months
Elevate Your Brand with Custom Signs in Edmonton - Discover Horizon Sign Solutions
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In the dynamic business landscape of Edmonton, Alberta, establishing a strong brand presence is paramount. One of the best ways of accomplishing this is through custom signs. This article examines the significance, assortment, and reliable course of getting custom signs in Edmonton, with an emphasis on the renowned Horizon Sign Solutions, your accepted Edmonton sign shop.
The Power of Custom Signs
Custom signs go about as a visual depiction of your picture, giving an exceptional character that stands separated amidst the clamoring streets of Edmonton. Whether you are a start-up or a long-established business, custom signs offer the following advantages:
Brand Recognition: Consistent and eye-catching signage reinforces brand recognition.
Visibility: Custom signs are powerful tools for attracting foot traffic and potential customers.
Professionalism: A well-designed sign conveys professionalism and trustworthiness.
Explore the Diversity of Custom Signs
At Horizon Sign Solutions, you can find an extensive range of custom signs tailored to your unique business needs:
Exterior Signs: Make a bold statement with eye-catching storefront signs, pylon signs, and monument signs that guide customers to your doorstep.
Interior Signs: Enhance your customers' experience with attractive lobby signs, wayfinding signage, and custom wall graphics.
Illuminated Signs: Stand out day and night with illuminated signs, including LED channel letters and backlit signs, skillfully designed by Horizon Sign Solutions.
Vehicle Wraps: Turn your company vehicles into moving billboards with custom vehicle wraps, extending your brand's reach throughout Edmonton.
The Process of Getting Custom Signs
Horizon Sign Solutions simplifies the process of acquiring custom signs in Edmonton:
Consultation: Begin with a consultation with Horizon Sign Solutions' expert team. Discuss your brand, goals, and vision to create a customized sign strategy.
Design: Collaborate with their talented designers to develop sign concepts that align with your brand's identity.
Fabrication: Utilizing top-tier materials and advanced technology, Horizon Sign Solutions meticulously fabricates your signs to ensure they meet the highest quality standards.
Installation: Leave the installation to the professionals. Horizon Sign Solutions ensures that your custom signs are securely and professionally installed at your Edmonton location.
Maintenance: To preserve the longevity and vibrancy of your custom signs, Horizon Sign Solutions offers maintenance and repair services.
In conclusion, Custom signs are a critical element for progress in Edmonton's cutthroat business scene. By cooperating with Horizon Sign Solutions, you get sufficiently close to a group of specialists devoted to raising your image's presence and acknowledgment. Elevate your business and captivate your audience with stunning custom signs from Horizon Sign Solutions, Edmonton's premier sign shop. Contact them today to embark on the journey towards a stronger brand presence in Edmonton, AB.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Another Round of Me and You- Adrian Kempe
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A/N: I've been trying to write out this idea for about 4 months now. I think I've written this concept out three or four different times and finally one stuck. So, before I talk myself out of this one, I'm posting it! Happy 2023!
Warnings: Mature Themes (18+) It's not really smut, it's more so for some of the words that are used. Adrian is a dick. Angst. Swearing.
Summary: Friends with benefits totally works out with your ex... until it doesn't.
Word Count: 4.8k
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“We need to talk.”
The words fly out of my boyfriend’s mouth before I can even register that he’s back from Edmonton. The Kings just lost in the first round of the playoffs after a hard fought series. A game 7 L that feels more devastating after clawing their way back into hopeful territory.
“Hi.” I shake my head, confused, stepping aside for him to walk into my apartment. Besides his opening remarks, his knock at the door is strange. He’s had a key for the last year and usually uses that to enter without waking me.
Adrian steps in, hands stuffed into the pants of his designer suit. His cheeks are tight with tension. I walk towards where he is standing, looking out the window of my living room. It’s dark and there isn’t much to see now, but in the daylight, the Pacific Ocean glitters in slices between the buildings across the street. I reach for his back, rubbing a comforting hand along his wide shoulders. He pulls away from my touch. Awareness of his mood shifts my body to prepare for fight or flight. 
“I don’t think you should come to Sweden with me this off-season.”
I’m taken aback. We have been planning this since January. Everything was ready to go. We signed a month to month lease. Rented a car. The company I freelance for knew I wasn’t taking assignments until September. All we had to do was get on the plane.
“What? Why?” I ask. 
“It doesn’t feel like the right step for us.” His stance is rigid as he speaks.
“Can you look at me?” I ask, trying to lace our fingers together to pull him my way. He removes his fingers immediately. “I’m confused.” I shake my head at him.
“It feels like we are on different pages and want different directions for things. I have so much more I need to do in my career and you want marriage and babies and I don’t want any of those things right now.”
“Okay…” I trail off. “I don’t need any of those things right now. As long as you see that in your future, we can wait until the time is right for both of us.”
“I don’t.” His voice is harsh as he finally turns towards me. “I don’t want to get married. I don’t want to have kids. I want to compete at a high level without any distraction off the ice. We lost tonight because my head wasn’t where it needed to be.” I blink in disbelief.
“Are you… blaming the loss on me?” Everything about this conversation is coming completely out of left field. I feel like I’ve been slapped across the face by him or reality or something else I can’t put words to.
“No, but it was a wake up call about what I really want and it’s a Cup. That’s it. That is all I have the capacity to want at this stage in my life. And I don’t think it’s fair for you to come to Sweden knowing I can’t give you the things I thought I wanted.”
“A, I think it’s just been an emotional day. Let’s go to bed. We can talk more in the morning.”
“I can’t stay. I’m leaving for Sweden tomorrow night… without you.” He won’t even look at me as he speaks of his changed plans. Coward.
“So, you just decided all of this and came here to tell me after the fact?” The hurt presses my voice into a tight vice.
“I just… I can’t give you what you need.”
“You’re wrong.” The conviction in my voice is powerful despite the obvious wavering of my words. “And you’re not even trying to. You’re just giving up.”
“Because I know I don’t want this with you.” His words suck the air from the room. I stare at his face, willing his eyes to me. It takes a moment, but when our gazes connect, I can see the decisiveness in his features. I purse my lips, trying to suppress the sob gripping my chest.
He grabs his keys from his pocket, unhooking my apartment key from the ring. He walks to the kitchen counter, setting the gold metal on it. The clink of contact might as well be my heart shattering on the wood floor beneath my feet. My confusion lifts completely. This is real. This is happening.
“Baby, don’t do this. Don’t go. Please.” The tears melt into my throat making it hard to breathe. “Just stay.” I have to try one last time.
He pauses at the door, contemplating, hesitating. My heavy breathing fills the space between us.
“I don’t want this.” He insists to me, but his words barely reach my ears with how hard they shake coming through his lips.
The soft click of the door allows two years to go up in smoke.
^ ^ ^ 
I don’t see Adrian again for months.
Somehow, life continued on.
The sun rose and set on 138 days. A whole off-season passes until the oppressive California heat begins to release it’s grip on us. When I bump into him on a random, downtown street in September, we share a few casual ‘how are yous’, with loaded and stolen glances, then continue on the separate ways we were heading. I thought that was it, but a knock sounded at my apartment door a few hours later. Against my better judgement, I allow him in for one drink. It only took a brush of his arm against mine to throw caution to the wind and dive back into the tumultuous sea of his desire.
From there, the fuck buddy arrangement began. Full of hot nights, cold morning sheets, and a roller coaster of trying to move on and hold on all at once. I know at any time I could take back control, step out of the chaos. But the thought of losing him completely keeps me here, wrapped in his arms with his lips on my neck.
“Mmm, you smell like vanilla. Makes it tough to smell pastries without getting hard.” He nuzzles his nose deeper into my neck before sucking the slice of skin into his mouth. His erection strains against his zipper as I grind my hips into him. “This road trip was so long.” He groans to me, shifting so I straddle him fully on my couch. His hands grip the hem of my shirt, lifting it off me. “Only wanted to be back here with this view.”
I bite my lip, allowing his words to steep into the scars marring my heart. If I close my eyes and focus to the sound of desire in his voice, I can almost pretend that I’m really his. That his words hold something more than a physical need.
“It was a long one.” I finally agree with him. I reach around for the hooks clasping my bra together. Adrian swats my fingers away to do it himself. As the band releases, he buries his face between my ample breasts. I sigh, bringing my hand up to his long locks and threading my fingers through the soft strands. “Was I your first stop?”
“Yeah, after coffee.” He grins, nodding his head to my forgotten mermaid latte from Lucky 7.
“Kinda weird seeing you in daylight.” I say as I pull his t-shit over his head. I toss it to the floor behind me. “You look good in the sunshine.” He leans forward, enclosing his lips over my nipple. I grip the back of his neck as he works the bud over with this tongue. He pulls back, still enclosing it in his mouth with a delightful suckling. His blue eyes meet mine filled with a need we both want to satisfy.
“So do you.” He whispers, breath dancing across my taunt nipple. The light shines the perfectly pink bud in a glow that we both admire.
“As good as a game winning goal in OT?” I muse to him.
“You watched my game?” He asks, pausing his kisses along my collar bone. I give a single nod that brushes my temple against his. His lips stretch into a smile against my skin. “Thought you were over hockey?”
“Guess not.” I shrug. “We going to keep chatting or are you going to use these thighs for something bad?” He chuckles as I squeeze his thighs between mine.
“We can be done, but let’s go to bed. I want to slam that headboard against the wall until Brian bangs back for us to stop.” 
“We told him that wouldn’t happen again.” I remind him as he lifts me up.
“Yeah and he told you he was done smoking weed in his apartment with the windows closed. I can smell it now, so fuck him.”
I throw my head back and laugh. My long time neighbor, Brian, had come stomping over in his robe during our last hook up, banging on my door. I had opened up after his persistent pounding with Adrian hot on my heels ready to throw hands. Both Brian and I had made concessions for the betterment of our communal living, but it looks like we both ended up making promises we can’t keep
“I’d much rather fuck you.” I murmur to Adrian as he tilts his chin up to me with a cocky smirk.
“Better get to it then.” He lays me against the bed then thrusts his legs into the bed, causing the headboard to smack against the wall loudly. I clasp my hand over my mouth and giggle. 
How could I give this up again?
Following a few dunks into the abyss, and a hostile visit from Brian, Adrian and I are laying in bed, sweaty and satisfied. I give his chest a kiss before rolling over, heading to my attached bathroom for a brief visit. After, I open the door to the view of his bare chest and tattoos peaking out from my blue comforter. I lick my lips, glancing at the clock and wishing we had time for another round before my night plans. But, if I’m going to be anywhere near presentable, I need to get in the shower soon. 
For the last few weeks, I’ve been seeing my friend’s coworker, Kyle. I agreed on a particularly lonely night when Adrian was on the road, posting Instagram stories where I could clearly see high heels and long blonde extensions. I felt sick to my stomach and looked for the closest bottle of wine, and friend, to feel better. She suggested Kyle. Texting him helped me forget about Adrian and who might be with him in his Ritz Carlton hotel room. Despite that, I’ve felt guilty about not telling Adrian. Now, Kyle and I are about to have our sixth date. He’s a sweet man, with a steady 9-5 job who calls and texts when he says he will, who wants marriage and babies and a bungalow on a quiet street. I could see a future with him. I can’t say that about the man in my bed.
“Want to order in and do that a few more times?” Adrian muses as I wander back to join him in bed. I lay on my stomach, chin perched on his chest. His fingers drag along my bare back. They travel inches lower to tease along the curve of my ass. He wants another round too.
“Um, I can’t. I have plans tonight.”
“Blow them off.”
“No.” I say to him. He wrinkles his nose at my defiance. “We are going to Radici. I’ve been dying to try it.”
“Radici? That’s kind of fancy for a Tuesday night.”
“Well, it’s a date so…” I trail off, tracing squiggly lines onto his pec. I hold my breath, eyes focusing on his skin, too unsure to meet his gaze. 
“Oh. First?” His tone is filled with uncertainty.
“No.” I murmur, hesitantly drawing out the word.
“Oh.” This one is flat, void of any emotion.
My blue eyes dance up his chest to meet his gaze. His expression is purposefully blank. Unbothered. Detached. An instant flip from the warmth I felt when he watched me across the room moments ago. He rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. With a clear of his throat he begins to move, so I shift off of him.
“Cool, I should go anyway.” 
“Okay.” I say, grabbing the comforter and pulling it up to cover my body.
He is quiet as he dresses. My gaze is watchful on his face.
What I want to see, I couldn’t tell you. All I know is it’s not there. 
^ ^ ^
At dinner, my blue eyes dance across the full cheeks of Kyle as he excitedly tells me about a story from high school. His expression is full of life and enjoyment as he laughs loudly, finishing his beach volleyball story by admitting he flashed the whole beach because his swim shorts fell off his hips. He has brown eyes that dance with interest as he listens to my laugh. 
“I think we can all commiserate with swimsuit mishaps in the teenage years. Why did nothing ever seemed to fit right?”
“Yeah, I wish that was the only time that happened.” He admits. “The second time was a little more fun though.”
“Scandalous too?” I catch his insinuation that it may have been during a passionate moment.
“Who knew civil engineers could be so naughty.” 
“Stick around and you can find out.” His boldness has me bitting my lip while my cheeks tinge red. Maybe I will. I try to picture it. Kyle with his brown hair and slim body. His long fingers trailing up my thighs and gripping my hips. But when I get to where his face should be, it’s Adrian’s. I blink, sliding my gaze back to my menu.
“So what’s good here?”
We each order a couple of drinks along with a burrata and caprese appetizer. The freshness is to die for and sets the stage for our entrees. I choose Penne all Vodka while Kyle steers towards a linguine dish with an assortment of fresh seafood.
“So, tell me, if you could go anywhere in the world- time and money aren’t an issue- where would you go?”
“Hmm.” I murmur, contemplating. My hands wrap around my glass of water, gaze drifting to the bar behind him. The moment the cool liquid touches my lips, I see him. I choke as I gasp the water into the back of my throat.
My eyes meet Adrian’s as he is in mid-sentence with Sean Durzi. His lips continue to move but his eyes are melting in obvious desire as they dance along my cleavage. His amusement is ended abruptly when he takes in the man across the table from me. His expression says ‘Oh yeah she’s here with him’. Then his gaze gets squinty, a disapproving stare darkening the blue of his eyes.
“Are you okay?” Kyle asks, sitting up a bit, reaching for my hand. I pull back harshly from him. His eyebrows dip in confusion. 
“Ah. Yes. So sorry. Um, I just need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.” I stand abruptly, hating the obvious scrape of my chair echoing through the quiet restaurant.
I’m handling this well.
The bathroom offers me solace to gather my thoughts. Not that it will matter. The second I leave here, I’ll be confronted with the love of my life watching me with someone else. I suck in a breath tilting my head back to stare at the ceiling. Why does this have to be so hard? Why can’t I just let him go like he did with me? Why can’t I build something new without him haunting me?
Probably because he visits your bed every night he’s in town. I roll my eyes at my internal critic. She’s a real bitch tonight.
When I step from the bathroom, Adrian is there. He’s leaning against the wall across the hall, feet casually crossed at the ankles, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his black pants. He’s wearing a white, Balmain t-shirt that exposes the lower half of his tattoo sleeve. His hair is neatly tucked into a bun. The combination of him screams of bad decisions and hot moans. I shake my head slightly to forget how my tongue licked the lines of his skeleton tattoo hours ago.
“That guy is not it.” He laughs incredulously as the door closes behind me. “I’m falling asleep just watching you two from the bar.” I push out a sigh.
“What are you doing here?” 
“I had to come see for myself who won your attention over me tonight.” He licks his lips. I can tell he is irritated. Anger is burning in his eyes while his nostrils flare out slightly. “I think we’ve both seen enough. Let’s go back to your place, fall into bed and forget the world.” He steps closer to me and I back farther away.
“You know, the best part about our arrangement is that you don’t get to tell me what to do.” I snap at him. He steps closer to me, backing me up until I’m pinned between him and the wall. I glance down the hallway observing the empty space.
“Really? Cause I’m pretty sure it was me telling you to come on my cock this afternoon.” His hand comes up to cup my neck, brushing over my rapidly beating pulse. “Tell me he makes you feel like this and I’ll leave.” I stare into his blue eyes watching as they deepen to a navy blue with his hands on me. Warmth begins to pool between my legs. My nipples tighten against my dress drawing his attention. The smirk that dusts his face has my throat tightening with each stroke of his thumb against it. He leans down, placing his lips against my cheek. I hate how I melt into his lips, hands reaching for his hips involuntarily.
But what I hate more is knowing that he’s pulling me away from Kyle because his ego is bruised. He just wants a quick fuck to re-establish our arrangement. Not because he wants forever with me. My hands drop back to my sides before they reach him.
“I can’t keep doing this with you.” I whisper to him, wrapping my fingers around his wrist to pull his hand from me. “It’s killing me. I need someone who sees a future with me.” The pain lacing my tone causes him to pull further away to give me space. “So, no, he doesn’t make me feel like this. But it doesn’t matter because this isn’t what I want.”
“You’re wrong.” The irony of him saying that to me almost a year after we ended makes tears mist my eye lids.
“You were right last year. We are both going different directions. We want different things. It’s time to stop kidding ourselves that this could ever be something again.”
“Have a good night, A.” I murmur, giving his arm a squeeze and continuing back into the main area of the restaurant. He reaches for my hand to pull me to a stop, but I slide it away.
The word almost gets me to turn. Almost.
But I know I’m not that to him anymore, so I take another step towards a different future.
By the time I reach the table, our food is sitting untouched on our table. Kyle stands at my approach. I assure him I am okay and begin digging in to my pasta. Adrian walks right by our table. I can feel his displeasure flowing in waves off his shoulders as he sits back at the bar with Sean. It’s distracting, but I flex my mental muscles and attempt to continue my good time with Kyle. As we are finishing our last bites of dessert though, I know I’ve handled as much as I can for one night.
“Hey, do you want to come over after this? My place isn’t that far from here.” Kyle’s eyes sparkle in giddy anticipation. This is the first time I’ve invited him over. 
“Yeah. I’d love to meet Brian, if he’s around.” I try to laugh but it comes out as a snort. I hope Brian is out tonight considering he definitely heard and saw Adrian with me this afternoon.
While Kyle is paying the check, I take a peak at Adrian. I glance to where him and Sean are at the bar. My blood cools in my veins when I take in the woman to his right. She’s California beautiful with blonde hair, blue eyes and shiny, plumped lips. Adrian leans in close, enclosing the two of them in a secluded discussion. Even from here, I know he can sense my eyes on him. It’s evident in the way his shoulders square up. I watch as he reaches out to brush his fingers along her hand resting by her wine glass. He leans in even closer, moving her hair to the side. I can imagine the way his lips brush her ear as he whispers to her, breath dancing down her skin until goosebumps form. Excitement stretches her cheeks. I guess her lips will be kissing his tattoos tonight. I feel like I could puke.
“Ready?” Kyle asks without looking up. I chomp down on my tongue, demanding the sloshing in my stomach to cease. 
“Yeah.” I pray my voice doesn’t break as I stand, tossing my YSL purse, a gift from the man at the bar, across my body. Adrian glances up and he laces his fingers with the blonde as he stands. She moves with him as we head towards the front door.
We intentionally meet in the entrance, just how Adrian planned it.
“Go ahead.” Kyle motions politely for them to walk in front of us in the small doorway.
“Thanks.” Adrian grins at him. To someone who doesn’t know him, it’s dazzling. To me, its menacing. He gives me a glance like he couldn’t care less about my hand laced with someone else’s while the visual of it for me slices open every scare he made.
“You showed me.” I whisper to Adrian. I know the tears in my eyes are visible, but I don’t care, just like he doesn’t. He gulps a bit before he tugs the blonde closer to his side.
“Just following your lead. Enjoy your night, Anna.” His hand moves to the small of his date’s back and he encourages her forward. I stay rooted in my spot as Adrian slides into the car the valet has waiting for him. His BMW roars to life as he tears away from the restaurant with someone else in my seat.
“You know Adrian Kempe?” Kyle asks, impressed, as we wait for his Honda CRV to appear. “Do you think you could ask him to sign my jersey?”
What the hell just happened?
^ ^ ^
No amount of yoga can calm my fucked up chakras on Saturday morning. But damn did I try. 
My second attempt to soothe my aching heart is coffee.
Lucky 7 looks relatively empty as I walk to the door. My hand hits the metal handle and I pause.  Sitting at a table directly in front of the door is the Los Angeles King who’s persistent calls and texts I’ve been avoiding since late Tuesday night. When he should have been cuddling up to his latest lay, he was blowing up my phone as I tried to salvage my night with Kyle.
“Maybe you should get that.” Kyle murmured to me after I pressed ignore on Adrian’s twentieth call.
“It’s not important.” I say, grabbing the phone, hoping he didn’t see the name. When I look up at him, I know he did.
“Anna, I really like you, but I get the feeling you’d rather be here with someone else. You should call him.” He left me on the couch after a friendly kiss on the cheek.
The source of the ache in my chest looks at me through the glass. His expression is sullen, but damn does he look as good as ever. I seriously contemplate turning back around, but the barista I like, Holly, waves enthusiastically from the cash register. 
I open the door, diverting directly to the counter to order.
“Adrian already got your latte.” Of course, he did. “But we have the chocolate croissants you love.”
“Ah, yeah I’ll have one of those.” I mutter. I swipe my card and grab the pastry bag after tossing a dollar into the tip jar. I feel trapped into a confrontation with him. I slowly turn with my croissant to head in Adrian’s direction.
“I’ve been waiting for you all morning.” He says quietly as I approach. “Wasn’t sure you were coming.”
“I took a later class.” I respond, glancing at the second white cup in front of him.
“Ah. Well, this might be cold.” He chuckles sheepishly, pushing it towards me. “I can grab you a new one.” He begins to stand.
“This is fine.” I grab the cup, taking a delicate sip. “So I won’t pick up the phone and you decide resorting to stalking is the next best step?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m not sure if it’s stalking or you’re just predictable.” He looks down, running his thumb across the lid of his cup. The metal of his rings shines in the sunlight streaming in through the floor to ceiling windows. When our gazes meet, there is a vulnerability I haven’t seen from him before.
“I’m sorry about earlier this week. I was a total dick. Nothing happened. I just took her back to her place and left.”
“It’s not my business.” I shrug. “We aren’t together.” I don’t bother filling him in that it was the same with Kyle.
“Yeah… and that’s the problem. I want it to be your business. I don’t want this arrangement anymore either. I want us again.” I can’t help but roll my eyes in disbelief.
“You were fine with it before you saw me with someone else.” I point out flatly. I watch him closely as he fidgets from my words. His hair is pulled back into a bun, crips white shirt perfectly hugging his biceps as he moves. Ugh, I hate how fucking good he looks apologizing to me.
“That’s fair. But it’s not like this week was the first time I thought that. I… was actually going to bring it up to you when I got back from the road trip. But you told me you had a date and I didn’t know what to say. It’s like everything I planned disappeared.”
“How do you want us now but didn’t a year ago? What’s changed for you?”
“Nothing. You were right.” He says to me. “I can’t live without this. I can’t live and never kiss you again or hear your laugh or live in this country knowing you’re grocery shopping or getting dinner with someone who isn’t me. I want everything. I want homemade breakfast in our kitchen. I want fighting for this because we believe in forever together. I want sleepy Sunday morning sex that almost makes me late for morning skate. And I only want it with you, Anna.”
I stare at him while tears fill my eyes.
“I should have turned around. I should have walked right back through that door last year. I’ve had a million chances to tell you this and I haven’t. That’s on me. But I’m telling you now. If it’s too late, and you’re really done, I’ll find a way to accept that. I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you from a distance, if that’s what you want. It’s what I deserve.”
Maybe I give in too easy. Or maybe this is how it was always supposed to be.
“You know you might have to marry me to get all those things.” He grins at me, standing and pulling me into his chest. We both melt into each other, snuggling in close, tight grasps that have our nail beds turning white from the greed.
“I was thinking a beach wedding. With pink and lavender flowers. I’ll wear navy. We’ll invite Brian, get him loaded on White Claw, so when we finally fuck that headboard through the wall, he’ll be too tired to care.” I hide my burning red cheeks in his chest with a squeal. His arms tighten further around me as he chuckles into my hair. “Hopefully that will give us our first kid. A girl- who’s everything like you and nothing like me. She’ll be the perfect big sister to her two younger brothers. Spaced appropriately apart with a few dogs mixed in.”
“Hmm, a Swede wants the American dream. It seems you’re sure this time.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry I’m so damn slow.” He murmurs into my ear, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I turn to capture our lips together.
“It’s okay. You have forever to make it up to me.” 
Nothin’ I won’t do for another round of me and you.
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filmnoirfoundation · 1 year
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ASK EDDIE returns Thursday, April 6, 7:00 PM PT to our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/filmnoirfoundation/live
FNF prez Eddie Muller responds to film noir fan questions fielded by the Foundation's Director of Communications Anne Hockens. In this episode, we discuss the selection process for the Oscar’s “In Memoriam” presentation, season two of Perry Mason, Park Chan-wook’s Decision to Leave, the impact of the studio system’s treatment of talent on film noirs, “transitional” film noir and more. We wind things up answering two possibly divisive questions, who is the toughest male protagonist in noir and what is the best film noir. On the cat front, Emily and Charlotte are background players.
Want your question answered in a future episode? We solicit questions from our email subscribers in our monthly newsletters. Sign up for free at https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/signup.html
Everyone who signs up on our email list and contributes $20 or more to the Film Noir Foundation receives the digital version of NOIR CITY Magazine for a year. Donate here: https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/contribute.html
This week’s questions:
1.       What do you think of the methodology used by the Academy to determine inclusions for the In Memoriam during the Oscars' broadcast, and is it possible to submit names for inclusion? Pete from sunny Sydney, Australia.
2.       Given how hard it was to find the elements to restore Detour, what are the odds of rescuing films from a now defunct independent movie company?
Michael Johnson, Post Falls, Idaho
3.       We thought "El vampiro negro" was great. About a half hour into it, we spotted a brief shot of Chicago (the Wrigley Building, the Michigan Ave. Bridge, two buses with "Chicago" on the sides, and a Schlitz sign!).  Do you know what happened?
Donna and David, in Chicago
4.       Just looking for your thoughts on season two of “Perry Mason” on HBO.  
5.       Have you seen “Decision to Leave”, South Korean director Park Chan-wook's acclaimed new neo-noir? Kathleen from Chicago
6.       In your book “Dark City”, you link the Hollywood studio system to the rise and flourishing of film noir in the 40s.  Of course, the films were produced out of that system, but I think you are claiming more, that the moods and substance of noir films were (in part) generated out of the studio system and how it treated actors, directors, writers, and others. Could you say more about that?
7.       Can you recommend other film noir movies that are shot on location? If there aren’t that many film noirs shot on location, you can recommend non-noir but from the same time-era (1930-1960s).
Iisakki, Finland
8.       Are there any female-led detective noirs from the classic noir period (think “The Maltese Falcon” or “Murder, My Sweet” but with a female detective)? What about after the classic noir period? Ryan from Studio City adjacent (aka Valley Village, CA)
9.       I have a two-part question about Gloria Grahame:
What did you think of her Oscar winning performance in "The Bad and the Beautiful"? And, Eddie, are you happy or sad that you watched the Gloria Grahame performance you said you were "saving" to watch in "Man on a Tightrope"?
Marjorie from the poor part of Connecticut
10.   The femmes fatale are constantly discussed and are the proper focus of the genre. What I’d like to know is how Ann Shirley got from P.E.I. to Bay City?  How did the spunky orphan from Green Gables wind up on the west coast, being raised by a policeman? How did she find her way into LA journalism and falling in with Philip Marlowe?
11.   Do you think there is such thing as transitional film noir? Or do you think anything from 1960 onwards is simply neo-noir?
Brett Lambert, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
12.   What did you think of gene hackman in remake of “The Narrow Margin?”   
Alan, San Anselmo, Ca. 
13.   Eddie, you’ve mentioned that you’ve watched films several times. Is there, in your or Anne’s opinion, an optimal number of times a film should be watched to truly appreciate its many facets?  
Your Henchman contributor, TB, Costa Mesa, CA
14.   Simple question:  in your opinion, who is the toughest male protagonist in the history of classic American film noir? My definition of toughness would be a character who is not intimidated by anybody, so my nominee would be Jeff Bailey from “Out of the Past”.
Joe, Hermosa Beach, CA
15.   What is the best film noir? This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many great film noirs that could be considered the best. Some of the most highly acclaimed films in this genre include “The Maltese Falcon” (1941), “Double Indemnity” (1944), “Out of the Past” (1947), and “Touch of Evil” (1958).
Brian from Toronto
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livingthedragonlife · 9 months
Keywords has laid off 13 employees who unionized at the development services provider in 2022 while working on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at BioWare. In a statement to Polygon, Keywords confirmed that the layoffs took place "following the end of a fixed-term contract."
Identifying who laid off the 13 contractors and for what reason takes some untangling. According to Polygon's Nicole Carpenter, the series of events leading to the September 27 layoffs began in August when BioWare declined to continue its contract with Keywords for additional development support.
That meant after September, Keywords would no longer development support on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Following the contract termination, the decision whether or not to employ the workers who unionized under United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Union now lay with the prolific contractor. James Russwurm, a former Keywords QA tester, told Polygon that the company's position is that "there is no more work available" for the team.
Though it was ultimately Keywords who decided to lay off its Edmonton-area employees, it is following in the footsteps of its client BioWare, whose management laid off 50 employees in late August. Some developers dismissed by the company had been there for over two decades.
Those 50 former employees are now suing the studio for allegedly refusing to pay "adequate" severance.
Polygon noted that the unionized employees had not yet signed a contract with Keywords, a surprising development given that it has been 15 months since said employers voted to unionize.
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crissiebaby · 1 year
DiapOut: Chapter 11
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
Sitting in the cafeteria alone, a freshman Kyoko was having the worst day of her life. She’d only been attending West Edmonton Tech for a little over two months and the stress was eating her alive. Why didn’t someone tell her that you didn’t NEED to fill your maximum class load every semester during sign-ups? Now that midterms were fast approaching, she was feeling the pressure to perform well or potentially lose the scholarships and honor student status she had earned.
Needless to say, the weight hanging over Kyoko’s head was growing larger by the second. So it wasn’t at all a surprise that her diaper-wearing habits had gotten more frequent. She’d lucked into having a dorm room all to herself, despite being a first-year student. Finally possessing a space all to herself, she felt free to let herself indulge in her deepest, kinkiest desires. 
Sadly, on this day, Kyoko’s desire for a bit of babyish relief had cost her. Staring down at her lap, she grimaced as she spotted a large, wet stain forming at the base of her crotch that spread all across her lap and rear of her pants. Leaking in public was one thing but leaking in the middle of campus around the people she’d be spending the next four years with was another beast entirely. To make matters worse, her dorm was on the far edge of campus and she had nothing to cover her humiliation with. Heck, she wasn’t even sure she could make it out of the cafeteria without someone noticing. She lowered her head behind her backpack and began to weep silently, the frustration finally getting to her.
Kyoko’s head snapped to attention as the sound of someone setting something down on the table she was sitting at alerted her to raise her guard. Looking across the table, she spotted a skinny guy who had set his trey down across from her without so much as asking first. “H-Hey, sorry. I’m not really looking for company,” she said, trying to hide the fact that she was just crying as best as she could.
Instead of leaving, the guy across from her simply cracked open his can of ginger ale and took a long sip, avoiding eye contact the whole time as if Kyoko wasn’t even there. As he moved to set the can back down, he purposefully reached too far, placing his beverage on the raised edge of his trey and causing it to tip over.
The yellow liquid quickly spread across the flat surface and waterfalled onto Kyoko’s lap before she could even blink. The ice-cold drink shocked her out of her seat in an instant. “Gah!! What the hell?!” she shouted as the sticky beverage soaked into her jeans, completely masking the pee that had trickled out of her diaper as her entire side was now drenched. The sudden rise in volume had drawn the eyes of the other cafeteria patrons to both her and the mystery man.
“Shoot, I’m so sorry! Let me go get you some napkins,” the guy said in a way that sounded almost performative as he quickly got up from his seat. Moving past Kyoko, he leaned in and whispered, “Hopefully my accident covered yours up enough,” before rushing off to find something to wipe off with.
Dumbfounded, Kyoko grabbed a chair from a nearby empty table and timidly sat down as she waited for the guy to return with the napkins he promised. Turning to look at the other patrons in the cafeteria, she was shocked and relieved to see all of them resume their dinners without so much as a second glance. Despite her initial reaction, this random guy's drink spill had saved her from causing a far more embarrassing scene. Beyond that, he also clocked that she was wearing a leaky diaper while she was seated, something that would require him to have at least some level of ABDL knowledge. “Who are you?” she pondered curiously as she leaned back in her chair and cracked a soft smile.
Tapping her foot as she sipped at her half-empty can of Canada Dry, Kyoko let out a relieved sigh as the smooth, fizzy soda danced across her tongue. A lot had happened between her and Zeke since the day they met and he saved her from a humiliating trudge across campus. Who would’ve guessed that the events of that day would be the foundation of the WET Diaper Lovers Club? She was too proud to ever admit it but all of this would never have been possible without Zeke. Knowing there was someone else just like her gave her the confidence to stand up for what she believed in. 
“There you are! Your pop was starting to get warm,” said Kyoko, waving a petrified Zeke over to her. It took her less than two seconds to realize that something wasn’t right with him. Her eyes followed him as he stiffly sat down next to her without so much as a glance in her general direction, “Hey, you okay?”
Nodding his head like a spasming robot, Zeke was doing a terrible job maintaining his composure. “I…Look, I don’t even know what just happened, okay?” he said sharply in a rare moment of vexation. Gone was his usual calm demeanor, turning him into a ball of anxiety, “Can we just drop it for now and focus on the next challenge? I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Um…sure,” said Kyoko, not used to seeing her best friend so distressed. As much as she wanted to probe him for more information, she had bigger things to focus on. Zeke was right. Whatever drama he was dealing with could wait until they were $500,000 richer.
“Mia Holbrook!” shouted Keelee as she entered the green room for the second time. This time, she had a small bottle tucked away under her clipboard.
Nudging a napping Mia with her shoulder, Misa helped get Mia’s attention. “Hey, dude. I think you’re needed for something,” she said in a hushed voice so as not to stir Lelaya from her slumber.
Stretching at her arms and legs, a very sore Mia got up from her seat and staggered over to the door of the green room where Keelee was waiting for her, her diaper crinkling in her tired ears with every step. “What’s going on? Are we starting soon?” she asked, holding back a big yawn.
“We are but I need to talk to you privately for a sec-OOF!,” said Keelee, interrupted by Ayaya as she came bursting through the door, bumping into Keelee in the process.
“Oops! Sorry,” said Ayaya, flashing a smile that looked far from apologetic.
Folding her arms, Misa shook her head at Ayaya. “And where have you been? Mia and I searched for you for like thirty minutes!” she said, doing little to hide her annoyance.
“My B! I was just getting better acquainted with some of the production staff,” said Ayaya, fluffing up her hair as she strutted across the green room and sat down with her phone, cheekily texting away. 
Rolling her eyes, Keelee scoffed as she held the door open for Mia and ushered her into the hallway, away from prying ears. As soon as the door closed, she tucked her clipboard under her arm and presented the bottle to Mia, “Production asked me to give this to you. Take two when we call everyone to places.”
Accepting the bottle, Mia was confused why production was giving her a labelless container full of pills. “What is it?” she asked tepidly, her concern growing.
Sighing, Keelee motioned for Mia to lean in closer as she spoke softly, “They’re pills that increase the elasticity of your gastrointestinal tract, allowing your body to process more fecal matter. In other words, these things make you shit a lot.”
“W-Why on Earth would I take this?!” said Mia, attempting to pass the bottle back to Keelee as if by merely holding it, she’d succumb to the pill’s effects.
Shushing Mia in an effort to calm her down, Keelee recognized how stupid it was for production to think they could get away with this without letting Mia in on what was happening. “I told them you’d never take it blindly but did they listen? No,” she said, showing off how disgruntled she was with her higher-ups, “This is gonna suck to hear but I’m gonna let you in on a trade secret. Basically, all of the game shows you see on television are rigged in one way or another. And Congratulations, since you’ve got the most notoriety of everyone playing, production wants to see you make it as far as you can. It would be a disaster for ratings if the Baby New Year and her friends were completely out of the game after the second round.”
Mia was at a loss for words as she stared at Keelee, her mouth slightly agape. In the back of her mind, she’d always kind of known these shows were rigged. And yet, that somehow didn’t lessen the blow at all. “So…you want me to cheat?” she asked as whatever positive feelings she had toward this show began to fade rapidly.
Rubbing the back of her neck, Keelee found herself unable to look Mia in the eye. “Basically yes. Since the next round requires a lot of diaper messing, this is as unfair of an advantage as it gets. Sorry, there isn’t a good way to sugarcoat that,” she said coldly, “Personally, I’m not really a fan of this either. But I’m just the messenger on this one. Try to look at it this way; by the end of the night, there’s a good chance you’ll have 500k burning a hole in your pocket.”
Before Mia had a chance to say anything else, an alarm on Keelee’s phone went off, signaling to her that Round Two was about to start. “I gotta go. Just take the pills. I’m sorry,” she said before dashing off down the hallway, leaving Mia all alone with her conscience.
Gazing at the bottle in her hand, Mia didn’t know what to think. Was she really capable of cheating? The thought alone made her feel dirty like she no longer deserved to win, let alone play. She twisted off the cap and looked inside, seeing about a dozen white, chalky pills. If she wasn’t nervous for Round Two to start before, she certainly was now.
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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tuscanwalker · 2 years
Sept 28, 2022: La Storta to St. Peter’s Basilica Rome: 23.5 km; CUS - 1,900 ft
Live and Learn
The British tour group tracked in quite a while after us last night, soaked from the rain we avoided. They are still a cheerful group even now and it is a privilege to have them share the end of our camino. Dinner last night was a Sardinian seafood restaurant about a kilometre from the hotel. The meal was fine, but nothing exceptional. The white Sardinian wine was great: crisp, fresh and somewhat complex (still trying to identify some of the elements/notes).
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Today looked easy at the start as our accommodation was already 2 km further along the route from yesterdays end point. So only 17 km to go and only one steep climb of a couple of hundred meters plus some smaller ones. Easy, peasy!
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Then reality set in. We spent much of morning wandering through a park that was likely a flood plain. Saw lots of signs of Chingale (wild boar) including tracks, scat and rooting along the trail. Unlike my France trip, no actual wild boar were spotted. Some of the trail markings were not clear and we added a couple of km to the day. The height of the first climb was right, but it was brutally steep, we estimate 25% at least. In an Edmonton winter, no Range Rover would make it up. A cappuccino and a short break and we were off again.
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Once we reached the top of Monte Mario (my grandsons would have expected a short Italian with a red cap and bushy moustache to jump on their heads), there were beautiful views of the city and Michelangelo’s Dome atop St Peter’s. Unfortunately, the road down was an endless series of switchbacks on very rough cobblestones that chewed up the bottom of your feet and punished your joints. At the bottom, it was a straight shot to St Peter’s, past the ever vigilant Swiss Guards.
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The Vatican has long hired Swiss Mercenaries but they became a permanent fixture in 1527, when 147 of 189 guards and their commander died protecting Clement VII from the Holy Roman Emperor’s unpaid Spanish Mercenaries during the sack of Rome. They fought a rear guard action on the passageway between the Papal Apartments and Castle St Angelo (Hadrians Tomb) allowing the Pope to lock himself away out of reach. He eventually ransomed himself by making good on the Spaniards overdue pay. Unlike our first trip, the Pilgrims Office (Opera Romana Pelligrinaggi) no longer issues Testimoniums. You must first enter St. Peter’s through the endless lines of tourists waiting to be checked by security. Even then, we understand that packs are not permitted so we headed off to our hotel.
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Now things got nasty. Out hotel is 4.5 km due south of St Peter’s, well out of central Rome. It also involves a 500 ft+ climb and a 250 ft drop. By the time we got to our hotel an hour and a quarter later, we were tired and frustrated, only to find we had a room was a matrimonial rather than a twin. This was quickly fixed just in time to see the British tour group walk in about an hour after us. This is the advantage of having a guide. They apparently took a train from St Peter’s rather than walked. With a little research, I found that the train takes about 6 minutes, leaves every 9 minutes and only requires a few block walk at each end. It would have been nice if the tour company had provided us with this information. Oh well, live and learn. We will not make that mistake again.
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jcmarchi · 16 days
Cover Reveal – Dragon Age: The Veilguard
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/cover-reveal-dragon-age-the-veilguard/
Cover Reveal – Dragon Age: The Veilguard
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This month, Dragon Age: The Veilguard (you read that right – Dreadwolf is no more) graces the cover of Game Informer. After years developing Baldur’s Gate and its sequel early in its history, BioWare struck out to create its own fantasy RPG. That series began with Dragon Age: Origins in 2009. It was followed up with Dragon Age II in 2011, and then Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2014. While the Dragon Age series’ history has its ups and downs, fans have been patiently waiting for BioWare to return to the franchise, and 2024 is finally the year. 
We visited BioWare’s Edmonton, Canada, office for an exclusive look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, including a look at its character creator, its prologue and opening missions, and more. We also spoke to many of the game’s leads about the name change, the series’ shift to real-time action combat, the various companions (and the relationships you can forge with them), and The Veilguard’s hub location. You can learn about the titular Veilguard, Solas’ role in the game, and so much more in our 12-page cover story for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. 
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But there are plenty of other excellent reads within this issue of Game Informer! Some of us flew to Los Angeles, California, to attend Summer Game Fest and the not-E3 weekend’s various other events to check out new games, interview developers, and more. Our previews section is jam-packed with new details about upcoming releases we can’t wait for. 
Brian Shea flew to Warsaw, Poland, to check out two upcoming releases – Frostpunk 2 and The Alters – and he came away excited about both. Jon Woodey went hands-on with Final Fantasy XIV’s upcoming Dawntrail expansion (and spoke to director Naoki Yoshida, too), and as someone with 8,000 hours in the game, his words are the ones you’ll want to read. 
On the freelance front, Charlie Wacholz writes about how last year’s Dave The Diver is one of the best game representations of the rewards and struggles of working in the food and beverage industry, and Grant Stoner spoke with Sony and Microsoft about the development of process and history of the companies’ Adaptive and Access controllers. And for a lil’ terror this summer, Ashley Bardhan spoke to several horror game developers about why the alluring town known as Silent Hill is a crucial location to Konami’s horror masterpiece. 
As always, you’ll find an editor’s note from editor-in-chief Matt Miller, reviews from various freelancers and staff editors, a Top 5 list (hint hint: dragons), and more. 
Here’s a closer look at the cover: 
Not a print subscriber yet but want this issue? Well, you’re in luck! Subscribing today – or within the next few days – will net you a print copy of this issue! You can join the ranks of the Game Informer print subscribers through our new standalone print subscription! Just head here to sign up for either one or two years at a fraction of the cost of buying the issues individually! You can even gift a print subscription to your favorite gamer!
You can also try to nab a Game Informer Gold version of the issue. Limited to a numbered print run per issue, this premium version of Game Informer isn’t available for sale. To learn about places where you might be able to get a copy, check out our official Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, BlueSky, and Threads accounts and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. Click here to read more about Game Informer Gold.
Print subscribers can expect their issues to arrive in the coming weeks. The digital edition launches June 18 for PC/Mac, iOS, and Google Play. Individual print copies will be available for purchase in the coming weeks at GameStop.
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thestagingplaces124 · 1 month
How to Find the Best Company for Design Consultations in Edmonton
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Finding the best company for design consultations in Edmonton can be a pivotal step in ensuring the success of your project.
1. Research and Review: Start by researching companies in Edmonton that offer design consultation services. Assess their reputation and track record by exploring reviews, testimonials, and case studies.
2. Expertise and Specialization: Consider the expertise and specialization of each company. Look for firms that have experience in your industry or specific design needs, whether it’s graphic design, interior design, web design, or architectural design.
3. Portfolio Evaluation: Examine the portfolios of potential companies to assess the quality and style of their previous work. Look for diversity in their projects and ensure they align with your aesthetic preferences and project goals.
4. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is essential for a successful design consultation. Choose a company that values collaboration and listens to your ideas and concerns attentively.
5. Credentials and Certifications: Verify the credentials and certifications of the companies of design consultations in Edmonton you’re considering. Accreditation from relevant professional organizations can be a sign of quality and expertise.
6. Budget and Affordability: Determine your budget for design consultations and compare quotes from different companies. While cost is important, prioritize value and quality to ensure you get the best results for your investment.
Elevate your space and maximize your home’s selling potential with The Staging Place’s expert staging and design consultation services in Edmonton.
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onsitesigngroup · 5 months
Premier Sign Company in Edmonton | OnSite Sign Group
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OnSite Sign Group stands out as a premier sign company serving a diverse clientele across North America, with a strong presence in Edmonton. Our commitment to personalized sign design, unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, and active engagement within the Edmonton community set us apart. As an Edmonton sign company, we take pride in working closely with you to transform your unique vision into reality through custom-designed signs. We understand the importance of your brand's identity, and our expert team ensures that it shines brightly through our crafted signage. Our mission revolves around exceeding your expectations, and our reputation as a trusted Edmonton sign company is built on delivering exceptional products and services that make a lasting impact on our local clients. When you choose OnSite Sign Group, you're not just partnering with a sign company; you're joining forces with a team committed to your success in Edmonton and beyond.
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3sixtysignsolutions · 2 years
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3Sixty Sign Solutions is a professional sign-making company that specializes in custom indoor and outdoor signs for the corporate, retail, and construction design markets in the Edmonton area. We are a full-service signage manufacturing firm that offers design, print, and fabrication. Our signage experts work with you to bring your vision to life with visual communication. Our sign company products include lobby signs, vinyl signs, wall graphics & murals, Window Graphics, storefront business signs, frosted windows, vehicle graphics & wraps, channel letters, trade show products, and many more. We are high quality and trusted sign partner offer customize signage package for our clients to tailor to your particular needs.  3Sixty Sign Solutions apply our knowledge and expertise to craft eye-catching and durable signs for your business.
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umanologicinc · 1 month
Key Considerations When Hiring a Mobile App Developer: What You Need to Know
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The mobile app market is booming, with millions of apps vying for user attention. If you have a brilliant app idea, bringing it to life requires the expertise of a skilled mobile app developer. But with so many developers out there, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.
This blog post will guide you through the key considerations when hiring a mobile app developer, ensuring you find the perfect partner to turn your vision into a successful app.
1. Define Your Needs & Budget
Before diving headfirst into the developer pool, take a step back.  Clearly define your app's purpose, target audience, and desired functionalities. This roadmap will help you communicate your vision effectively and attract developers with the right skillset.
Here are some key aspects to consider:
App type: Is it a native app for a specific platform (iOS or Android) or a cross-platform app that works on both?
Features and functionalities: What are the core features your app must have? Consider potential future features as well.
Budget: Be realistic about your development budget.
2. Expertise and Experience
Not all developers are created equal. Look for Mobile app developers who have experience building apps similar to yours. Here are some areas to explore:
Technical Skills: Verify their proficiency in programming languages and frameworks relevant to your chosen platform(s).
Portfolio: Review their past projects to assess their design and development capabilities. Look for projects with a similar level of complexity to your app.
Client Testimonials: Positive feedback from past clients can be a telling sign of a developer's reliability and quality of work.
3. Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is key to the success of any mobile app development project. When hiring a developer, consider their communication skills, responsiveness, and willingness to collaborate as important factors.  Here's what to look for:
Excellent communication skills: Both written and verbal communication are crucial. Look for someone who actively listens to your needs and provides regular updates.
Problem-solving skills: App development can encounter unexpected challenges. Choose a developer who is resourceful and can find creative solutions.
Transparency and honesty: Open and honest communication is essential. A good developer will transparently discuss potential issues and project timelines.
4. Development Process and Timeline
Before finalizing a contract with a mobile app developer, it's essential to discuss and agree upon the project budget and timeline. Be upfront about your budget constraints and inquire about the developer's pricing structure, payment terms, and any additional costs that may arise during the project. Similarly, establish a realistic timeline for the development and launch of your app, taking into account factors such as the complexity of the project, required features, and potential setbacks or delays.
5. Cost Structure and Payment Terms
Mobile app development can vary greatly in cost depending on the complexity of your app.   Discuss potential pricing structures with developers:
Hourly Rate: Some developers charge an hourly rate, which can be good for smaller projects.
Fixed Project Fee: For well-defined projects, a fixed fee can be more predictable.
Milestone-Based Payments: Payments are made at key milestones throughout the development process.
Hire Umano Logic's Skilled Mobile App Developers 
Hiring the right mobile app developer is a critical step towards turning your app idea into reality. 
At Umano Logic, we understand the importance of hiring skilled mobile app developers who can seamlessly integrate with your team and deliver exceptional results. As a leading mobile app development company in Edmonton, Our dedicated mobile app developers are committed to working within your timezone and maintaining clear communication throughout the development process.
By clearly defining your needs, vetting developers based on expertise and communication style, and understanding the development process and costs, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect partner.
Get in touch with us for more!
Contact us on:- +1 (780) 993-6637
Email us at:- [email protected] 
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rrs1188 · 3 months
Don't Patch Up Your Peace of Mind: Why Pro Drywall Repair from Rapid Repair Services is the Perfect Fix for Your Edmonton Home
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Drywall damage happens. Maybe a rogue soccer ball met its match with your living room wall, or you're finally tackling that long-ignored nail hole. While a small patch-up job might seem like a DIY project, there are many benefits to calling in the pros at Rapid Repair Services in Edmonton.
Picture-Perfect Results: Expertise Ensures a Seamless Finish
Drywall repair requires more than just filling a hole. A skilled technician from Rapid Repair Services has the experience and expertise to achieve a flawless finish that blends seamlessly with your existing wall. They'll use the right materials, proper techniques, and meticulous attention to detail to ensure your repair is invisible to the naked eye.
Avoid the DIY Disaster Zone: Save Time, Money, and Frustration
Uneven spackling, visible seams, and a project that takes longer than anticipated – these are all common pitfalls of DIY drywall repair. Rapid Repair Services gets the job done right the first time, minimizing disruption to your daily life and saving you the time, money, and frustration of potential mishaps.
Beyond the Patch: Detecting Underlying Issues
Sometimes, drywall damage is more than just a surface issue. It could be a sign of water leaks, structural problems, or even mold growth. The trained professionals at Rapid Repair Services can identify the root cause of the damage and recommend the appropriate solutions to prevent future problems.
Guaranteed Quality and Peace of Mind
Rapid Repair Services is a licensed and insured company. That means you have the peace of mind of knowing their work is guaranteed. If anything goes wrong with the repair, they'll fix it at no additional cost. This added security allows you to relax and enjoy your beautifully repaired wall, worry-free.
Rapid Repair Services: Your Edmonton Drywall Repair Specialists
Locally owned and operated in Edmonton, Rapid Repair Services offers exceptional service and top-notch craftsmanship for all your drywall repair needs. Whether it's a small hole, a large crack, or extensive water damage, they have the expertise to handle the job efficiently and effectively.
Invest in a Lasting Fix
Drywall repairs are an investment in the value and aesthetics of your Edmonton home. A professional repair from Rapid Repair Services ensures a long-lasting, high-quality finish that will add beauty and function to your space for years to come.
Contact Rapid Repair Services Today!
Don't settle for a mediocre drywall repair. Contact Rapid Repair Services in Edmonton for a free consultation and quote. They'll assess the damage, recommend the best course of action, and get your walls looking like new in no time. Let them handle the mess, so you can get back to enjoying your beautiful Edmonton home.
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horizonsignsolutions · 3 months
Revamp Your Ride and Reach New Heights with Custom Vehicle Wraps in Edmonton
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In the bustling city of Edmonton, businesses and individuals alike are always seeking innovative ways to stand out and make a statement. One highly effective method to achieve this is through the use of custom vehicle wraps. Whether you're looking to promote your brand on the go or simply want to personalize your ride, custom vehicle wraps offer a versatile and attention-grabbing solution.
When it comes to vehicle wraps in Edmonton, the options are plentiful. From bold and vibrant designs to sleek and sophisticated graphics, there's a wrap to suit every style and purpose. Whether you're a business owner looking to advertise your services or an individual wanting to add a unique flair to your vehicle, custom vehicle wraps offer endless possibilities for creativity and self-expression.
For Edmonton residents searching for "vehicle wraps near me," local sign shops and printing companies are the go-to destinations for expert craftsmanship and personalized service. These professionals specialize in creating custom vehicle wraps that not only look great but also withstand the rigors of the road, ensuring durability and longevity.
Custom vehicle wraps offer several advantages over traditional paint jobs or decals. Not only do they provide a cost-effective alternative to expensive custom paint jobs, but they also offer the flexibility to change designs as needed without damaging the vehicle's surface. Additionally, vehicle wraps serve as a mobile billboard, allowing businesses to reach a wider audience as they travel throughout the city.
From full wraps that cover the entire vehicle to partial wraps and vinyl decals, the customization options are virtually limitless. Whether you're looking to showcase your brand logo, promote a specific product or service, or simply add a personal touch to your vehicle, custom vehicle wraps offer a high-impact solution that gets noticed.
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, custom vehicle wraps also offer practical benefits. They act as a protective layer, shielding the vehicle's paint from scratches, dings, and UV damage. This not only helps preserve the vehicle's resale value but also ensures that it looks great for years to come. In conclusion, custom vehicle wraps are a powerful marketing tool and personalization option for individuals and businesses in Edmonton. With their eye-catching design, durability, and versatility, vehicle wraps offer a unique opportunity to make a memorable impression on the road. So, whether you're looking to promote your business or add a touch of personality to your ride, consider investing in custom vehicle wraps and take your message on the road.
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mitchbeck · 7 months
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