#sil house
nestedcaregroup · 2 months
What Type of Supports Do You Receive in NDIS SIL?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a fundamental part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), aimed at providing individuals with a disability the necessary support to live as independently as possible. Nested Care Group is a trusted and NDIS registered disability support provider, offering top-notch sil house services. In this article, we will delve into the types of support you can receive from NDIS SIL, emphasizing the commitment of Nested Care Group to provide respectful and ongoing care for individuals with high care needs.
Understanding Supported Independent Living (SIL)
Supported Independent Living is daily living support that can be provided in your own home or in the provider's SIL home. When you choose this service, you will have a support worker assisting you in your home 24/7, including overnight support. This way, you will always feel safe and supported, especially if you have high care needs. We provide ongoing, respectful care to help you live an independent life.
Types of Supports Offered in NDIS SIL:
l Personal Care and Daily Living Assistance:
One of the primary supports you receive in NDIS SIL is personal care and daily living assistance. This includes support with activities such as:
Meal preparation
Personal hygiene
Dressing and grooming
Household chores
Medication management
Mobility assistance
Our support workers are highly trained to provide assistance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you can maintain your independence with dignity.
l Health and Wellbeing Support:
Nested Care Group understands the importance of maintaining optimal health and wellbeing. Therefore, we offer a range of health-related supports, including:
Assistance with medical appointments
Monitoring of health conditions
Exercise and physical activity support
Emotional and psychological support
Nutrition planning
We prioritize your health and wellbeing, ensuring you have the support needed to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
l Community Participation:
We believe that social inclusion is vital for enhancing the quality of life. Our SIL services include support to engage in community activities and events, such as:
Accessing community facilities
Attending social events and gatherings
Participating in recreational activities
Developing social skills
Joining clubs or groups of interest
Our aim is to empower you to participate actively in your community, fostering meaningful connections and relationships.
l Life Skills Development:
Nested Care Group is committed to helping you develop essential life skills to enhance your independence. Our support workers provide assistance with:
Money management
Communication skills
Decision making
Cooking and shopping
We offer personalized support to develop the skills necessary for you to live a more independent life.
l Home Modifications and Maintenance:
Ensuring that your living environment is safe and accessible is crucial. We offer support with:
Home modifications for accessibility
Home maintenance and repairs
Assistance with technology and aids
Our goal is to create a living space that suits your needs, enabling you to move freely and safely within your home.
Why Choose Nested Care Group for NDIS SIL?
Nested Care Group stands out as a trusted and reliable disability supported independent living providers. Here’s why you should choose us:
Experienced and Qualified Staff:
Our support workers are highly trained, experienced, and passionate about providing the best care possible. They undergo regular training to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to meet your needs effectively.
Person-Centered Approach:
We understand that every individual is unique, with specific needs and preferences. Therefore, we take a person-centered approach, tailoring our support services to meet your individual goals and aspirations.
24/7 Support:
With Nested Care Group, you can have peace of mind knowing that support is available round the clock. Whether it's daytime assistance or overnight support, our team is always there for you.
Respectful and Ongoing Care:
We are committed to providing respectful and ongoing care to help you live an independent life. Our dedicated support workers treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) under the NDIS provides essential support for individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible. Nested Care Group offers a comprehensive range of supports, including personal care, health and wellbeing, community participation, life skills development, and home modifications. With our experienced and qualified staff, person-centered approach, and 24/7 support, we are dedicated to providing respectful and ongoing care to help you lead an independent life. Choose Nested Care Group for reliable and high-quality SIL services tailored to your individual needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you.
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disabledinwonderland · 6 months
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
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Chronometer of the Tribunal You may place the Chronometer in your home. Watching the dial spin causes local perception of time to shift. Until the Chronometer is disturbed, time stands still. Enjoy Sotha Sil's morning sun, Almalexia's mid-day mercy, or the star-spun night of Vivec.
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rzpotato-blog · 11 months
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Voryn Dagoth
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hydropyro · 5 months
This is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I’m howling
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Divayth Fyr: Centennial check up. Have you gone crazy yet?
Sotha Sil: You think I haven't?
Divayth Fyr: I had a hope.
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tahthetrickster · 1 month
remembering that time a bit before my brother married his wife when the “don’t worry, he’s not a bite risk at all!” dog they adopted from the shelter snapped during a casual couch hangout and quite literally mauled them both before my brother managed to wrestle the dog off his fiancée and out of the house and close the door behind him
and then like 2 hours after they got home from the hospital they discovered in one of those “lost pets [area]” facebook groups that someone had found the dog and was ripping the previous owners a new one because the poor dog was covered in blood and had an injured foot and who could do something to a poor innocent baby like this
which led to the funniest possible response from my sister-in-law of “hi ma’am! unfortunately that is our blood.”
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one-winged-dreams · 3 months
It's so pretty ;_;
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A couple months ago (at least I think it was, but time is weird for me), I purchased an African Violet. This is a plant that's been in my life since early childhood. I had one until my husband killed it during one of our moves; he put it in full sun on a hot day. These plants burn. Just an hour in direct sun is enough to do serious damage. I was at our new place, directing where things go, and six hours later he arrived with a completely cooked plant. No, I was no okay, and more than ten years later I'm still very fucking upset. He's well aware of this.
Which is why he didn't argue when I said I'm getting an African Violet. They were $6 and poorly cared for at the local gardening place. On the container, it says "keep out of direct sunlight" and "water from the bottom." They had them in barely filtered light and were water from above. Yes, I fucking corrected them. The guy threw a fit and called the gardening manager over, who asked if I wanted to work there and sent the other guy to put the plants in a different area.
They had no self-water pots, nor African Violet food. Those are the kind African Violets need. So I've had mine in its original container until today. It started showing signs of dying a week ago, and was getting way too large for the container it came in. I'm using general potting soil because that always worked fine for my previous plant. I had to repot that thing four times! African Violet food will need to be acquired soon-ish.
My husband came home with a self-watering pot today. He went to four different places to find one! A couple days ago I was have a Very Bad Day, and seeing my plant rapidly failing was what set the dam of tears flowing. It was Bad. He was my hero today, didn't even tell me he was getting a pot. The plant has since been re-potted. I soaked the soil before adding the plant and dry soil, something my mom taught me (she has around half a dozen African Violets). If it does well, I'll see about acquiring more in the future. I have a spot on my PC desk set aside for an African Violet. The one I have is on my cutting table, the corner nearest the window.
I now have six pothos plants (all cuttings from the same one), one spider plant that may soon become two, and an African Violet. Next week, I may be filling some containers with soil and wildflower seeds from the front yard. There's too many weeds and general crap in the front yard for anything but more weeds and general crap to grow, so we're more or less destroying it, then adding layers of organic matter (six inches or more of fallen leaves and other similar stuff), and leaving it alone for a year or two while I add more containers. I intend to acquire tires of various sizes, a bathtub, and some other similar items, to decorate the yard and serve as containers. Because it amuses me, we own the house, and I fucking can. Even told the neighbors, and they found it hilarious. When the soil is ready, I'll add native wildflowers, some milkweed (monarch butterflies navigate through here), and other native plants that self-seed and will require minimal effort. The backyard will be treated much the same, but with raised beds for food and herbs, and walkable paths.
For now, my current plants will have to do. I'm just hoping my African Violet survives the transfer and thrives in the significantly larger and more appropriate pot. The other held maybe two cuts of wet soil. This? A gallon, possibly more.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
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oh my god
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disabledinwonderland · 6 months
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Today, instead of liveblogging 9-1-1 I went outside and touched grass. Please appreciate my photos of one of the prettiest natural places I've seen in southern Michigan
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omiramotakiart · 2 years
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I just like to imagine tiny Sil and his dad (bonus sketch of why Sil and Nall needed constand supervition as chileren)
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bitchwhoreofastorm · 1 year
egg of time chapter 5 part 2 is live finally
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hydropyro · 5 months
This is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I’m howling
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mademoisellesarcasme · 6 months
my joints are a disaster and i am not being brave about it
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