nesiacha · 3 months
Rustem is so creepy against Mihrimah. He threatens to poison himself if she doesn't give in to him on the wedding day, never took her feelings into account when he wanted to marry her and then in the end is surprised that she doesn't love him and he blame her in the end. Rustem never loved her . There is no love without respecting the feelings of the other person. Otherwise it's only an obsession just like Atike did with Silahtar when she forced the marriage on him (even if it was Murad who ordered it to take place and who is just as much to blame as Atike).
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redrosecut · 11 months
While I like Gevherhan as a people pleasing tragic character, I still think she was the wrong sister to choose for the second season of Kösem. Especially since they basically changed everything essential about historical Gevherhan. If they wanted to show the brutal politics of marriage, they should have either continued with Ayse or properly introduced Fatma. They were both married seven times. I think it would have nicely contrasted the reality to Atike's teenage romantic idea of marriage. Or if they wanted to use Gevherhan after all, they should have stuck closer to history. So Topal being her second husband with whom she has two children and her living into her 50s. In my opinion, it would have fit better with Gevherhan's people pleasing character that she actually gave up on Silahtar but not remained at court. Let her be heartbroken, fine. But her killing herself was not the feminist retaking of control over her life it was framed as. Her finding happiness without a man would have been while Atike's marriage turned out the way we saw it. That would have been a major fuck you and pay off to, as Gevherhan said to Atike, "ruining their lives." But that instead Atike only ruined her own.
In my opinion, if they wanted to write Gevherhan out of the series, they should have made Kösem or Murad sent her to either Fatma or Ayse like it was done with Hatice's "banishment" to Mustafa's province in the main series. Problem solved and no unnecessary suicide.
Btw what's the series obsession with suicide btw? Hatice, Handan, Elanur, Ayse and Gevherhan going through with it and Hürrem's constant suicidal tendencies. Has anyone done a deep dive into this trope?
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rughydrangea · 1 year
Okay I’m finally making my way through s2 of mck as fast as I can (the semester is over, I’m taking advantage of some free time!), and must write down random silly thoughts:
--I’m in the middle of episode 49 right now. I dislike Silahtar so strongly but I do kind of love it when he’s blatantly a bad guy? It’s like a less good version of Ibrahim’s arc from the mothership, and Lord knows I adored bad-guy Ibrahim.
--I’m sorry, I can’t stand Farya. The character makes no sense to me, even leaving aside this franchise’s bizarre obsession with Christian princesses in the harem. She enters with such a clear purpose and within five episodes it’s all gone, thrown away so she can devote herself to a guy who treats her like crap? And then once she’s in the harem, she’s just kind of dramatically inert as a character? No shade to the actress, who has some good moments (her blow-up at Murad over Sanavber was great), but I just don’t understand what Farya’s doing here.
--Speaking of characters I don’t like... Farya’s BFF Atike. But here’s the thing: every aspect of Atike and Silahtar was excruciating to me, watching her basically stalk this man who was clearly not into her and then emotionally blackmailing him into marrying her.... no! It was bad! BUT. As much as I dislike that Atike, I really love the Atike who is Ibrahim’s twin and loves him and wants to protect him, and I know that’s only going to grow, so I can’t write her off.
--I love Kemankes. He’s devoted to Kösem! As every person should be!
--Murad... is simply not it. I loved Murad the kid in s1, and I’m still not sure what is missing here for me. Is it just that he’s mean to his mother? Is it that all the moments of him having emotions that aren’t anger and hate were with a character I don’t like (Farya), thus making it difficult for me to connect with him? Maybe it’s that we start the season with him already acting out against Kösem, which made it tough to jump onto his emotional wavelength and feel his feelings with him? Or maybe it’s that he’s a terrible person who is at this point basically a mass murderer? (Were I a denizen of Istanbul, I would simply never speak my mind and actually also never go outside, because it legit seems like Murad is just prowling the streets looking for people to kill!) With all of that being said, though, there are levels on which the Murad/Kösem conflict really does work for me, because they’re both so inflexible and fixated on their own power above all else that they can’t see how much they need each other. Kösem is smarter about this than Murad, but not as much as she should be. And that does work for me, because their dynamic is pure tragedy: they should be working together, but every facet of who they are pits them against each other. 
--Kösem’s other sons are great so far. I fell for Kasim, I love his earnestness and his playfulness and his devotion to his mother (being good to Kösem is, in case it isn’t obvious, my #1 criterion for all characters), and knowing what’s going to happen to him is very upsetting. And Ibrahim... shockingly, I adore him. He’s hitting a lot of the same beats as Mustafa in s1, not just because they’re both “mad” sultans, but because I feel like these characters realistically dramatize what would happen to a person’s mind living in this horrible environment. Ibrahim’s fear, paranoia, instability--they are all strike me as highly reasonable responses to living as he has. So knowing what will happen to him, who he’ll become, and how Kösem will turn against him, also makes me sad, because we so clearly see the core of vulnerability that the rest of his personality is built around.
--Sinan Pasha is unreal in terms of his longevity. At the end of the world it will be cockroaches and Sinan Pasha.
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shivrcys · 1 year
I think part of have Farya and Silhadar killed wasn't just about getting them away from Murad but all punishing them and Murad and Atike for there parts in Gevherhan, Ahmed and Hanzade's deaths.
I can see how that could make sense. Although the show never goes with that, and in fact goes with a different reason: that it’s a punishment for Farya and Silahtar's transgressions. Although it still was too harsh for what those transgressions were (Farya was a very impulsive person, so I don't think she thought Ayşe would kill herself and Ahmet and Hanzade. When she says that I can believe her, so is her death really justified here?) Kösem says that they were leading Murad astray. And while they did not help things, they contributed far less to Murad's descent into tyranny than Murad himself did. I have been rewatching season 2 and I'm not quite up to their deaths yet. And I'll see if I have a different impression then. Farya's death in particular still felt like the writers needed a way to write her out of the story.
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davidcescleo · 1 year
Yes, it's time to talk about all the people Sultan Murad lost.
⏭️ Will do All the people Sultan Suleyman lost next.
And I will not mention his brother's death because those were not his fault. (Osman's and Mehmet's)
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👦🏻Musa Çelebi, his best friend (and lover) ➡️He died in a rebellion and Murad could do nothing. Their story is heartbreaking. ❌Only death in this list is that definitely not Murad's fault but also probably the death Murad blames himself the most.
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👸🏻Gevheran Sultan, his sister ➡️Murat first killed her husband and then forced her to marry his mother's secret lover. She committed suicide at her wedding. ✅Murat's fault, also can be Atike's fault, and also can be Silahtar's fault depending on where you look.
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👸🏻 Ayşe Sultan, his wife number 1 ➡️ She killed herself after finding out Murad had ordered her death. Murad decided to kill her because she was the reason Farya lost her baby and the giant fire in the capitol. ✅Definitely Murad's fault. Maybe Farya can share a little of the blame since she informed Ayşe of her pending demise but definitely 95 percent Murad's fault.
👸🏻🤴🏼Murad's son and daughter ➡️Ayşe poisoned them. ✅Still Murad's fault. Ayşe was desperate and I think she thought Murad would harm their son in the future and since she wasn't going to be able to protect them, she chose to take her children with her. This wasn't an act of selfishness or desire to get even with Murad. She just wanted to protect them from Murad's cruel side.
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🤴🏻Şehzade Beyazıd, his brother ➡️He got executed on Murad's orders in the palace, in his home. ✅❌Again partly Murad's fault, partly Gulbahar Sultan's fault. Murad shouldn't have made him kill his lover, shouldn't have made him feel like he could kill him any second. Gulbahar on the other hand made everything possible for her son to die. If she had just waited, Beyazıd would have ascended to the throne regardless.
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👸🏻Farya, wife number 2 ➡️Kosem killed her before this though Murad had tried to kill her but couldn't, after finding out she was pregnant. ❌✅Kosem's fault, but Murad had already tried to kill her... sooo I don't know?
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👦🏻Silahtar Mustafa, his best friend ➡️Kosem killed her. ❌Don't like him. Don't care. Wasn't Murad's fault.
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🤴🏻Şehzade Kasım, his brother ➡️Murad ordered his death after Kosem tried to dethrone him and give his empire Kasım ✅❌ Kosem's ambitions. Murad's unreasonable hatred towards his mother. Both are equally guilty.
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🤴🏻🤴🏻Şehzade Selim and Şehzade Suleyman, his sons ➡️Murad's sons. They died due to force contamination by the plague. ✅It's Murad's fault. For not killing Gulbahar, for killing Beyazıt, for failing to keep their mother Farya alive and for not listening to Kosem.
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👑 Sultan Murad, himself ➡️He died because he refused to listen to his mother, he was cruel and didn't listen to doctors and kept drinking. Also, all the deaths I mentioned above *might have* affected him and his health. ✅Definitly his fault
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faintingheroine · 1 year
Based on the segments I have watched Silahtar from Kösem seems to be a weird mix of Bali Bey and Ibrahim, without the former’s neutrality and occasional good will and the latter’s charisma and the enjoyability of his antics. God, how annoying will he be!!!
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
MC:K for the ships?
OTP: Safiye x Bülbül, Ahmet x Anastasia!Kösem Favourite Cannon Pairing: Gevherhan x Silahtar, Hanviş, Mehmet Giray x Fahriye, Cennet x Ömer Worst Pairing Ever: Ayşe Haseki x Murat IV. (I don't like Ayşe, but even she doesn't deserve this dude) Guilty Pleasure Pairing: Davud x Dilruba, Gülbahar x Sinan A Pairing I Want(ed) To See More: Osman x Meleksima (they started out cute, but then writers did NOTHING with them), Osman x Akile (ditto) That Pairing Everyone Likes But I'm Like "lol no": Hümaşah x Zülfikar, Kasim x Elanur (neither of these is BAD per se, but I don't care about either of these characters that much) Favourite Non-Romantic Pair: s2!Kösem and Esther Handali, Iskender and Zülfikar
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forgeofideas · 2 months
Varangian Guard (Greek/Scandinavian, Eastern Roman)
Immortal Infantry (Persian, Achaemenid Empire)
Janissary Infantry (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) 
Deli Calvary (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) 
Eagle Warrior (Mexica, Aztec Empire)
Jaguar Warrior (Mexica, Aztec Empire) 
Berserker (Nordic) 
Companion Calvary (Greek, Hellenistic Empire) 
Winged Hussars (Polish, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth)
Scarae / Caballarii (Frankish, Carolingian Empire) 
Hearthweru (Anglo-Saxon)
Wei Wuzu (Chinese
Jin Beifu Army (Chinese
Xuanjia Army / Xuanjiajun (Chinese
Beiwei Army (Chinese) 
Gendarme Army (French)
Tercio Army (Spanish, Hapsburg Spanish Monarchy)
Cavalieri Addobbati (Italian)
Mubarizun (Arabic, Rashidun Caliphate) 
Grivpanvar (Persian, Parthian / Sassanian Empire) 
Timarli Sipahi, Silahtars (Turkish, Ottoman Empire) Kapikulu Sipahis
Mamluks (Various, typically Europeans, Abbasid Caliphate) 
Argyraspides (Greek, Hellenistic Empire) 
Sacred Band of Carthage (Phoenician, Carthaginian Empire) 
Mobile Guard (Arab, Rashidun Caliphate) 
Jazāyerchi (Persian, Afsharid Dynasty) 
Triarii (Latin, Roman Republic / Empire) 
Housecarls (Scandanavian) 
Red Devil Brigade led by li Naomasa ( Japanese) 
Takeda Red Calvary Core (Japanese) 
Qingzhou Corps (Chinese) 
Medjay (Nubian, Egyptian) 
Legio X Equestris
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hmrhodes · 1 year
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Ottoman Cavalry
The Ottoman cavalry was another important role to the military, and greatly aided the Janissaries in war. They had multiple types of cavalry: sipahis, akinji, Deli, and Silahtars.
Sipahis were known as "regular cavalry". They were typically granted land in exchange for their military service. They were often expected to provide their own equipment, such as horse, armor, and weapons, and were organized based on the feudal system. There were various categories of sipahis, ziamets and timars.
Ziamets had larger land grants and timars had smaller land grants. The size of the land determined the amount of troops a Sipahi was expected to have.
The second type, Akinji, were "irregular light cavalry". They were known for their hit-and-run tactics, which are short surprise attacks and then withdrawing before the enemy can respond. They were used for relaying information, raiding enemy territory, and intercepting enemy supply lines.
One of the elite units, the Deli, were heavily armed and well-trained cavalry. They were known for being fearless in battle. They used shock tactics and were placed in the front lines. They were similar to the Hussars, which were members of light cavalry in Central Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries, but were unique to the Ottomans.
Another one of the elite units, the Silahtars, were a bodyguard used in the palace of the Ottoman Empire for the purpose of protecting the sultan.
Over time, the Ottoman Empire changed their cavalry tactics. They used shock tactics, which was when one charged an enemy with lances and swords. They then later progressed to using firearms such as muskets and pistols. The Ottoman Empire's cavalry was known for their speed and mobility due to their high success rate of flanking maneuvers and the pursuit of enemies.
They were also skilled archers, so they could engage in enemies from a long distance before firearms were introduced. Just like the navy, the Ottoman cavalry worked with the infantry and artillery.
The Ottoman cavalry also had a system where they were organized into hierarchal units.
They also had other uses, such as maintaining order, collecting taxes, ensuring the wellbeing of others, and being bodyguards amongst many other tasks.
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Battalgazi'de 2022 Yılında 1212 Çift Mutluluğa Evet Dedi
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Battalgazi Belediyesi Nikâh Memurluğu tarafından geride bırakmaya hazırlandığımız 2022 yılı içerisinde toplam bin 212 çiftin nikâh işlemi gerçekleştirildi.
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Bitmesine sayılı günler kalan 2022 yılı içerisinde "Hastalıkta ve Sağlıkta" diyen bin 212 çift, Battalgazi Belediyesi'ne başvurarak nikâh işlemi gerçekleştirdi. Mutlu bir yuva kurmak ve hayatlarını birleştirmek için Battalgazi Belediyesi Nikâh Memurluğu’na müracaat eden bin 212 çift, Belediyedeki nikah salonu ve Tarihi Silahtar Mustafa Paşa Kervansarayı başta olmak üzere çeşitli salon ve mekânlarda gerçekleştirilen nikâh işlemleriyle dünya evine girdiler. 2022 yılında Battalgazi’deki nikah sayısında 2021 yılına oranla artış yaşanırken, evlilik akitlerinin birçoğunu Battalgazi Belediye Başkanı Osman Güder gerçekleştirdi. Çiftlerin nikahlarını kıyarak mutluluklarına ortak olan Başkan Güder, yeni evli çiftlere ömür boyu mutluluk dileyip çeşitli hediyeler ve kahve takımı hediye etti. 73 YAŞINDA DÜNYA EVİNE GİRDİ Battalgazi’de kıyılan nikah ile yeni bir hayata yelken açan bin 212 çift, kıyılan nikah ile dünya evine girerken, en dikkat çeken nikah töreni ise 72 yaşındaki damat ile 73 yaşındaki gelinin nikahı oldu. 72 yaşındaki damat ile 73 yaşındaki gelin Battalgazi Belediyesi Nikah Salonunda mutluluğa “Evet” diyerek dünya evine girdi. BAŞKAN GÜDER: “EVLİLİK BÜYÜK BİR ÖNEME SAHİPTİR” Yeni evli çiftlere mutluluk dileyen Battalgazi Belediye Başkanı Osman Güder, “Bu dünyadaki kutsal birliktelik olan dinimizce de büyük bir öneme sahiptir. İnsanlar çift olarak yaratılmıştır ve yalnızlık sadece Allah'a mahsustur. Battalgazi Belediyesi Nikah Memurluğu olarak her yıl binlerce çiftimizin mutluluğuna ev sahipliği yapıyoruz. Bir 'evet' ile mutluluklarına ortak, evliliklerine ise vesile oluyoruz. Bizler de zaman zaman çiftlerimizin nikah akdini gerçekleştiriyoruz, sevinçlerine ve mutluluklarına şahitlik ediyoruz. Battalgazi Belediyesi olarak 2022 yılında 1212 çiftçimizin nikâhlarını kıymışız. Tüm çiftlerimize bir ömür boyu mutluklar diliyorum” dedi. Read the full article
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otocekici06 · 1 year
Silahtar - Silahtar Kurtarıcı Silahtar Çekici ekonomik çekici hizmeti ve deneyimli araç çekici hizmetlerinin türkiye'de lider firma olarak hizmet sunmaktadır. Profesyonel Çekici Ekibi ile hizmetinizdeyiz. Silahtar bölgesinde otobanda çekici hizmeti almak için şimdi arayın. Silahtar içinde size en hızlı güvenilir çekici hizmetini vermektedir. En hesaplı oto çekici hizmetini arıyorsunuz. O halde doğru yeribuldunuz! Silahtar Çekici hizmeti almak için hemen bize ulaşın. Çekici hizmeti gerektiğinde Yoldacekici.com profesyonel araç Filosu işiniz kolaylaştırıyor, Silahtar bölgesinde nerede olursanız en hesaplı çekici. Siz neredeyseniz Silahtar Çekici orada! Silahtar Oto Çekici Hizmetleri Silahtar Oto Kurtarma en hızlı ve güvenli oto kurtarma hizmeti sunmak başlıca görevlerinin başında gelir. Silahtar bölgesinde güvenilir oto kurtarma denilince bölgede bilinen firma olmak bizim için çok önemli. Silahtar Oto Çekici Bulunduğunuz konuma çekici hizmetini çabucak alabilirsiniz. Silahtar civarında En Yakın Çekici için hemen bizi arayın. 7 gün 24 saat her yere oto çekici hizmeti veriyoruz. Siz de yolda kaldıysanız Silahtar çekici hizmeti bizim işimiz. Silahtar Sıfır Araç Taşıma Silahtar bölgesinde Profesyonel araç çekici sıfır araç taşıma tecrübeli firmayız. Kişiye Özel Çözümler sunmaktayız. Silahtar Çoklu Araç Taşıma Silahtar bölgesinde çoklu araç taşıma hizmetine mi ihtiyacınız var? En uygun fiyatlı çoklu araç taşıma Hizmetimiz bulunmaktadır. Hemen şimdi arayın. Size özel fiyat verelim. Silahtar Çekici Hizmet Bölgeleri Silahtar Çekici Silahtar Oto Kurtarma Silahtar Oto Cekici Silahtar Kurtarıcı SilahtarSize en uygun fiyatlı ve Profesyonel hizmet vermek için 7 gün 24 saat aralıksız çalışmaktayız Oto Kurtarma ve Oto Çekici Hizmeti Almak için yoldacekici.com 0501 244 66 00 hemen arayınız whatsapp destek hattımıza bağlanarak 7/24 acil bildirimde bulunabilirsiniz çağrı merkezimiz 7/24 çalışmaktadır https://yoldacekici.com/kayseri/felahiye/silahtar-cekici/.html?feed_id=24387&_unique_id=63a25e172f37e
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edadorgtr · 2 years
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#REPOST @gencedad with @get__repost__app Hey Genç EDAD’lı

26. Uluslararası Estetik Diş Hekimliği Kongresi’ne sayılı günler kaldı!!! 🎉 Birbirinden değerli konuşmacıların ve sunumların olacağı kongrede Dr. Esra Silahtar 8 Ekim Cumartesi saat 15.30’daki kahve molasında Genç EDAD’lılar ile buluşuyor!🤩🎊 

Sen de hemen kaydını yaptır, bu fırsatı kaçırma! 

Başvuru için yapman gereken www.edad2022.org.tr ‘den online olarak kayıt formu doldurmak 🤗 #repostandroid #repostw10 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch2KIioqnFW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aktuelhaberajansi · 2 years
Malatya'da 1. Milletlerarası Arslantepe Satranç Turnuvası düzenlendi
Malatya’da 1. Milletlerarası Arslantepe Satranç Turnuvası düzenlendi
Malatya‘nın merkez Battalgazi ilçesinde 1. Milletlerarası Arslantepe Satranç Turnuvası düzenlendi. İlçedeki 17. yüzyıldan kalma Silahtar Mustafa Paşa Kervansarayı’nda yapılan turnuva, Battalgazi Belediyesince Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı ile Türkiye Satranç Federasyonunun takviyesi ile gerçekleştiriliyor. Turnuvanın açılışında konuşan AK Parti Merkez Karar İdare Konseyi Üyesi ve Malatya Milletvekili…
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shivrcys · 2 years
Favorite quotes for your five favorite characters from both series.
Magnificent Century
Afife saying 'It's me, Sultana. I'm here.' I teared up there.
Hürrem saying 'Everyone talked about me. The cruel one, the witch, the tyrant. But when it came to what they did to me, nobody said anything.' She was absolutely correct when she said that. And the whole 'I wish you were my son scene'. Because she set out the dilemma perfectly there. And 'Time to stay silent.' That one was so sad yet so resonant. And 'Courage isn't fighting the monsters when you're not scared. It's fighting them even when they scare you.' And of course her speech to Kevser in epiode 93.
Nurbanu saying 'Your story has always lit my way.'
Şah telling Ibrahim 'You're the Grand Vizier. And you want my help because you can't handle a woman?' Iconic of her.
I can't remember the exact quote, but in episode 134 when Sümbül said that Ibrahim deserved his fate and that he had been cruel to Hürrem.
Magnificent Century: Kösem
Kösem's 'What you call the state is me!' speech and the speech that she gives to the crowd when Murad is absent.
Cennet's line along the lines of 'My name can either be Heaven or Hell'.
Gevherhan's speech when she's going to kill herself. And when she called out Silahtar for leading on both herself and Atike.
Not a quote as much, but Safiye's use of the 'Royal we'.
Bülbül proudly insisting that Anastasia's pravery in episode 7 is because of his influence on her. That was pretty funny.
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thegreatsultana · 6 years
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muhteşem yüzyıl: kösem + most heartbreaking scene  → 2.45 «love is death»
↳ the death of gevherhan sultan
«your anger didn’t only blind your eyes, but also your heart. when did you lose your conscience and your justice, murad? what did you do to my brother? but this time, i won’t let it happen. this time you can not rule over my destiny! stop! do not come any closer».
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aliosmanolmez · 3 years
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Vestel Çamaşır makinesi sıkarken ses yapıyor. Atölyeye alındı. #eyüpsultan #sütlüce #alibeyköy #silahtar #istanbul #vestelservisi #vestelservis #beyazesyaservisi #beyazesyatamircisi www.beyazesyatamircim.org Gülmeyi Sakın Unutmayın 🙂 (Halıcıoğlu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNFVbGABRe4/?igshid=1f1n60e8xy3a8
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