silvaris · 2 months
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Spring forest by Dusan Chorvat
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dabiconcordia · 10 months
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October's Party
October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came— The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band.
The Chestnuts came in yellow, The Oaks in crimson dressed; The lovely Misses Maple In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners, And gaily fluttered by; The sight was like a rainbow New fallen from the sky. Then, in the rustic hollow, At hide-and-seek they played, The party closed at sundown, And everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder; They flew along the ground; And then the party ended In jolly "hands around." by George Cooper
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altri-menti · 11 months
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Source ➺ silvaris
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ninawolv3rina · 1 month
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New ref sheet for Fae! Trying to solidify his Disney-villain color scheme lmao
OC: Faedril “Fae” Silvarin, he/him
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ahrikima · 5 months
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Hidden Path
This is my piece for the fanzine @gw2-zine Commander of your heart
this pieces is dedicate to my two friends zaspain and joel
Background story
me always was a fan of break maps is a thing that like for explore deep the things! but rarely i take people with me,, but many times was with them! i take them to many places that no many people know that there are and one of this is what is this piece.. A path of mushrooms!
Is one of my favorite places and many times i go there and take my time playing music alone
so i wanted to draw this, with my two friends, because this asura is not my commander and not my main, but for me my tow friends are my commanders of my heart, and always was a joy be with them
hope someday you guys see this piece... and hope you like...
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
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plantb0t · 10 months
Playing guild wars 2 and the sylvari quest where you meet those twins is so funny they're like "they're so young... only a few years old, so we want you to keep an eye on them" my man I'm like a month old at max I don't know what you want from me
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lordsireno · 1 year
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Updating old Destiny OC!
Kyocera 'Panda' Silvaris - Awoken Warlock
His favourite hobbies are reading and working out, especially at the same time. He mostly does solo work or team fills. He's friends with the titan M-4 and helps her where he can.
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sidereon-spaceace · 1 year
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Turns out I was able to get into my old account when I first signed up and made Balthazar, so I decided to give him a makeover while I was at it - Before on the left and After on the right
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fairytellingold · 1 year
@flwercrwn sent "[ACCIDENTAL MARRIAGE] a starter where our muses wake up to find out they got married the night before (Max and Elian)" !
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light seemingly leaks into the room, a wakeup call being given in some sort of way. max stirs half awake for a few more moments, eyes not opening just yet. the bed itself is a mess of sheets and the two of them. his eyes finally opening up fully, a yawn leaving his lips as he goes to wipe his eyes, before a ring hits him in the face. "what's this?" he asks softly, a chuckle leaving his lips. he leans up a bit, eyes meeting with the ring on elian's finger too. "ah, we got married last night, didn't we?"
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silvaris · 1 month
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Into the Woods by Andy Glogower
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theamari-blog · 2 years
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“Aurea Silvaris the Eighth, Long May She Reign.”
Another side character from my upcoming Urban Fantasy story.
Aurea is a Fae Queen with an affinity to water elements, so I figure if she’s visiting the Earthly realm, her Glamour/ Identity would be a wellness influencer living the life on an Island Paradise somewhere.
CC Below Cut
Fae Queen Form
Meteor Halo and Crown by @astya96cc // Hair by @miikocc // Earrings by @joliebean​ // Kimono by @yaya-maya-sims​ // fishnet bodysuit by @belaloallure3​ // Lore skin by @lamatisse​ // Shoes [TSR Warning] by @madlensims // Eyelens by @achinocreations // N5 Highlight by @ddarkstonee
Pose #1 and Pose #2 both by @helgatisha
Fae Glamour/ Human Form
Hair by @dogsill // Blush by @simandy // Magic Eyes by @goppolsme // Lips by @obscurus-sims & @sims3melancholic// Swimsuit by @madlensims
Pose by @roselipaofficial
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star-paths · 2 months
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( @rainyearning continued from x )
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Jaesung had never been a particularly patient man, least of all when it came to his impulses, which flipped like switches on and off inside of him — from 0 to 100. Some found this sort of thing to be too intense, too much too quickly, but those who knew him knew it was just his earnestness, his drive, and his ambition, traits that had followed him from a young child up to now.
Elian knew him, knew how he was by now, how competitive he could be, but also how warm, welcoming, and friendly he was from the get-go. They had been fast friends, and yet fate had different plans for them, lighting curiosity in their minds and bodies like little fires that stoked more and more into flames when they spent time together — watching; learning. Curiosity grew to want, want grew to need, until finally the both of them erupted into uncontainable infernos that refused to be ignored lest they burn the room down around them.
Thankfully they both had just enough restraint to wait until they were properly alone before going at one another with a ravenous hunger that cared little for manners or etiquette — hell, they had not so much as spoken this desire to one another until they were half undressed in Elian's hotel room.
Jaesung had laid him out on the mattress, his own pants unbuttoned and barely clinging to his hips, that impatience making him forget himself entirely as he lavished attention on every inch of the taller man's body that he could reach — every inch he'd watched move and contort and glisten with effort in the practice room. He was breathtaking in his own way, long and lean and beautiful. Jaesung selfishly wanted Elian for himself, and now that he'd gotten him alone he planned to prove himself a worthy possessor.
The effects of the other's praise was felt in the soft, low hum around the other's cock, letting Elian feel it at the back of his throat before releasing him from the warm vice and placing kisses along the base while he caught his breath.
The request caused him to pause, gaze trailing up the long torso to that face flushed with pleasure, a curious 'ah?' leaving his lips before the request properly set in. Sitting back on his knees he dragging the other by the hips closer to his own in an undeniably suggestive way, lifting Elian's legs straight up and tugging the garment the rest of the way off along with any socks or underwear that might also get in the way of his conquest.
It wasn't until Elian was naked from the waist down that Jaesung let those legs back down, though not all the way, resting them over his shoulders, fully planning to wear the man like a scarf (unless he objected).
"I had a dream about you like this," he patted the naked thigh that rested against his chest, placing a few kisses along the inner edge of it as he slowly leaned back down, bending the man in half so that he could crawl up over his body and kiss at his neck. "Pinned to the mattress... calling my name," he hummed against the others skin.
"To tell the truth I'm not certain that I'm not still dreaming."
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halljavalge · 10 months
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Source: silvaris
ℍ𝐚𝓵l נ𝐀 𝔳คĻǤẸ
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forestduck · 1 month
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silvaris: “ Mount Rainier National Park by lorilbenton ”
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Morning Light Calling; for my friend @silvaris
(c) riverwindphotography, August 2022
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mishas-sims · 5 months
Test of Time Factions
these factions were created using the Lifestyles mod by @cityof2morrow (Note: joining a faction is determined by a sim's aspiration, skills and interests.)
Faction 1: Dark Hand (Warrior/Hunters)
Theft (newspapers, gnomes, and hotel towels)
Disrespect (nag, annoy, insult),
Violence (poke, slap, shove, attack, red hands, punch game, cops/robbers game),
Wrath (routing failure tantrums are replaced by a calm notification to the player)
Male title: Urnair Female title: Cimmi
Meeting Spot: Shadowshire Post
Faction 2: Uyrored - (Crafters/Gatherers)
Disrespect (nag, annoy, insult),
Theft (newspapers, gnomes, and hotel towels),
Wrath (routing failure tantrums are replaced by a calm notification to the player)
Indiscretion (blech, gossip, tell secrets, gross out, brag)
Title: Gifted One
Meeting Spot: The Uyrored Guild Hall
Faction 3: Silvari (Healers/Midwives)
Disrespect (nag, annoy, insult),
Theft (newspapers, gnomes, and hotel towels),
Wrath (routing failure tantrums are replaced by a calm notification to the player)
Indiscretion (blech, gossip, tell secrets, gross out, brag)
Medical Title: Healer Science Title: Mystic Natural Science (Midwife) Title: Thevus/Thevetia
Meeting Spot: Silverwood Falls
Faction 4: Leadership - Jaguar Council of the Onyx Throne (politics career)
Violence (poke, slap, shove, attack, red hands, punch game, cops/robbers game)
Disrespect (nag, annoy, insult), Theft (newspapers, gnomes, and hotel towels)
Wrath (routing failure tantrums are replaced by a calm notification to the player)
Indiscretion (blech, gossip, tell secrets, gross out, brag)
Male title: Uzemis Female title: Nytia
Meeting Spot: Jaguar Citadel
Faction 5: Shamans - Guiding Hand (magic users/paranormal career)
Wrath (routing failure tantrums are replaced by a calm notification to the player)
Disrespect (nag, annoy, insult)
Theft (newspapers, gnomes, and hotel towels)
Indiscretion (blech, gossip, tell secrets, gross out, brag)
Male title: Uzohr Female title: Ero
Meeting Spot: Temple Of Ulborh
I'm getting ready to implement this in my test of time hood since the 1st generation has been born and reached childhood.
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