#silver 2022
zegalba · 3 months
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This coin piece is made with 10,000 Palestinian coins and weighs 72kg, hand sewn by refugee women for the collection called "What Should Have Been Home" about Palestinian resistance
by Palestinian Designer Nazzal Studio (2022)
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vikikollerova · 4 months
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possession · 2 years
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Possession (1981) Lolita (1997) Girl, Interrupted (1999) Revolutionary Road (2008) Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Hereditary (2018) Marriage Story (2019) Ready or Not (2019) Pearl (2022) The Menu (2022)
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ksksksrahrah · 8 months
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
if that story is true and Moffat wrote the Doctor's Wife, why wouldn't he just give himself credit?
He didn't write the Doctor's Wife, exactly; it /is/ a work by Gaiman, it's just that Moffat is rumored to have done some pretty heavy rewrites which likely should have warranted a cowriting credit.
Quite honestly this is normal, pretty much any given episode you see is going to have a ton of input from the showrunner (yes, even the ones they said they didn't edit at all), and it's (to my knowledge) up to them if they feel that warrants a cowriting credit. If true, I'm sure Gaiman being a guest writer who's name would undoubtedly draw viewers was certainly a big factor in Moffat leaving himself uncredited; "co written by Neil Gaiman" is just not a good look for marketing.
(The only reason it's notable here is because Gaiman later came off as a bit unprofessional and vindictive toward the production over his second episode (which was very poorly received), usually describing it along the lines of him having wrote a great script he was very proud of and the people working on Doctor Who not understanding his vision or not giving him as much creative control. So "actually, it seems very likely that he had a lot of creative control on the bad one and a lot of rewrites and guidance on the good one" is just a funny little counter to it all.)
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
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(Sonictober Day 2: Double)
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pocketscribbs · 1 year
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part 4: i don’t have a good title lol
Silver grew the strawberry plant, Belle decorated the pot, and Omega did not aim-
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caroldantops · 2 years
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
ship: tentacle monster!wanda maximoff x reader
summary/request: mating season makes wanda moody. companion piece to infect me with your lovin’, fill me with your poison (not required, but recommended)
word count: 3.8k
warnings: dark themes and smut (18+ proceed with caution), dark dom wanda, dubcon, kidnapping, implied drugging and somno, noncon medfet, stockholm syndrome, pet play adjacent, forced intimacy, pet names (little one, pet, human), abuse, vaginal sex (reader receiving), tentacle sex, oviposition, pregnancy, breeding kink, size kink, praise kink
masterlist | monsterfucker celebration 2022 masterlist 
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A sharp rush of electricity across your skin wakes you violently from your unconscious state. Your body reacts on its own, jerking in the bounds you had no idea you were in. The distinct smell of a sterile hospital room fills your senses, and you start mentally taking stock of any signs of pain in your body. Was there an accident? Were you carried to an emergency room? Do hospitals usually secure you to operating tables like this?
Other than the dissipating shocks still tingling through your body and the disorientation that still has your vision blurred, everything feels normal. You blink a few times, trying to adjust your eyes in the harsh light from the lamp angled at your face.
The room comes into clearer focus, and you're even more confused than you were already. It looks more like a lab than a hospital room. The light blue of the tile floor shimmers under the fluorescent lights, almost iridescent, like one of those pretty jellyfish when their translucent skin catches the light peeking through the ocean waves. There's the faint imprint of what looks to be a high-tech door on the wall opposite you, beyond another table similar to the one you're strapped to. You suppose the keypad next to the faint outline of the door is what slides it open. Next to you is a table with various medical tools. Scalpels, gloves, forceps. The one on the very end makes your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
What could be happening to you that warranted use of a speculum?
"Hello?" Your voice is raspy. Suddenly, you're made incredibly aware of how dry your mouth is. You wiggle in your bounds again. This time, they feel looser - perhaps from your sudden struggling earlier. You're able to squeeze your wrists out of the cuffs, which leave angry red marks where they dug into your skin. You rub them, pouting.
Nobody responds. You sit up on the table so that you can reach down and uncuff your ankles. The cuffs unbuckle easily, and you slide off of the table after that, looking to the other side of the room where you couldn't see before. There's a door on that wall too, with a matching keypad. You steady yourself, still feeling a little weak, before going over to that door. The keypad is a touchscreen. It lights up green as you tap it, but the text that appears is nothing that you can decipher, no language you've ever seen before. After aimlessly tapping to different screens, none of which you can read, the door shockingly slides open with an eerie silence.
You don't even get a chance to react before you're shoved to the ground by something - far too hefty to be a person pushing you down. The tile floor that you were admiring earlier does not offer you a soft landing, and you groan as you push yourself upwards. Your efforts are stopped dead in their tracks by your limbs being pinned to the floor.
Above you, a woman comes into view. Her wild mane of hair frames her stunningly beautiful face, her eyes piercing through you like daggers. For a moment, a wave of calm almost rushes over you at the sight of her. You're not sure why, really. Perhaps just your brain trying to cling to any semblance of hope that was torn away the second you realized that this was not a hospital.
Your eyes trail down her body, widening as they reach the bottom of her torso. Jutting out from her are what can only be described as dark tentacles, thicker and without suctions like octopi have, but tentacles nonetheless. A quick glance at your limbs makes you realize that they are what shoved you down and are pinning you to the ground. You tug at them experimentally, before they're slammed back down.
"You're not very smart, are you?" The woman says to you, tilting her head with slight amusement at the fact that you're still attempting to escape.
"Who the hell are you?" You try to sound intimidating, but you're sure that no matter your efforts, it's useless.
"Does it matter?" You don't know how to answer that. She watches your chest heave from the attempts at wiggling free, which somehow you're still trying. It's cute, seeing you struggle like this. She takes a single ounce of pity on you. "Wanda."
"Great, so what the fuck am I doing here, Wanda? And what the fuck are you?"
Apparently, you've pushed your luck too far, because one of Wanda's tentacles loops up and around your throat, giving you a warning squeeze. She lifts you from the floor, not even sparing you a glance or acknowledging your legs flailing as she carries you back to the table you woke up on.
"Put me do-ow..." The words get choked out of you as she squeezes your throat tighter. Wanda's eyes narrow as you continue to thrash in her grasp. She only lets up and releases her chokehold on you when your body is forced to stop struggling to preserve the little air she allows you. You cough, already dry throat desperate for any sort of relief.
"You're very lucky that you're only useful to me alive," Wanda states, tentacles finally unraveling from your arms. You don't even get the chance to protest or ask what that means - not that your voice would allow it in this state - before you see one of her tentacles spurt out a foggy red mist over your face, and your vision fades to black once again.
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The smell of something cooking greets you as you finally come to. Your entire body feels sore, particularly between your legs. You remember the speculum on the medical table and wince. The chill of the room makes you suddenly very aware of your naked body. A few bruises litter your skin. You prod at one on your thigh, hissing at the pain.
Thin metal bars surround you, and you realize that you're in an oversized dog kennel. Wiggling your fingers through the crate, you try to find the latch on the outside, but it's got a blocky device on it that has the same keypad as the laboratory doors did. You huff and grab the soft blanket that’s crumpled up in the corner and wrap it around yourself.
The crate appears to be set up in the corner of a very quaint looking kitchen. That explains the smell. Two women’s voices fill the room. One is Wanda. The angle you’re at doesn’t allow you to fully see her face, but you can just barely make out her hair on the other side of the kitchen island. Sitting on a barstool on the island is a dark haired woman, dressed in a neat purple sweater.
"If you don't expose your human to your true form, do you not think they'll be afraid of you when the time comes?" Wanda asks the other woman, who snorts in response. “What? It’s a fair question, Agatha.”
“Oh, hon,” the woman, Agatha, laughs. “I know this is your first abduction, but you don’t have to act like it. Fun fact, humans tend to soften up more towards other humans versus hideous eldritch beings.”
"So?” Wanda huffs, stirring the pot on the stove that’s giving off the delicious smell. She doesn’t look nearly as scary anymore, tentacles tucked away elsewhere, wearing a long cardigan and mom jeans. For a “hideous eldritch being”, she’s rather adorable.
“You have stacks and stacks of trashy human romance novels on your shelves,” Agatha scoffs. “I shouldn’t have to explain why being nice to the creature you want to mate with is more helpful to you in the long run. Though, guess you always have preferred more instant gratification.”
The word mate rings in your ears. Is that why Wanda took you - to be some vessel for a freaky alien species?
Frantically, you try to mess with the keypad, only for it to flash red symbols at you. Even though you don’t speak the language, you know that means you’re not freeing yourself.
“You roll your eyes at me saying ‘you catch more flies with honey’, but I’ll have you know that my human never tried to escape from a kennel,” Agatha says, without even looking over at you. You freeze. Wanda whips around from the stove, looking much more like the terrifying monster she was earlier.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Wanda says through grit teeth, marching over to your cage.
“Nothing,” you lie. She narrows her eyes. Agatha is silently sipping her tea in the background, watching the mental tug of war with great amusement. To both you and Agatha’s surprise, Wanda simply presses her thumb to the keypad and opens your cage, moving so that you can crawl out.
Still wary of Wanda, you slowly stand up, holding the blanket tighter around your body. Wanda opts to ignore you and go back to the stove, leaving you confused on what to do. You stand there dumbly as Agatha keeps talking to Wanda about her own “pet”. Wanda has her back to you again, and you consider running before you remember the way she so easily overpowered you before.
There’s an empty stool next to Agatha. You tentatively go to sit in it, but just as you touch the seat, Agatha coughs and says, “Wanda, your pet is trying to get on the furniture.”
“Get down,” Wanda says firmly, shooting you a look over her shoulder.
“I want to sit down.”
“Then get on the fucking floor, human,” Wanda spits out the last word like it’s venom. She says it like there’s a hierarchy present, and she’s clearly the apex predator with you beneath her. The bit of self-preservation left in you finally takes over, and you sink to the floor next to the stool. “So, you can listen. Now, crawl over here.”
Humiliation fills your body as you follow Wanda’s orders, crawling the other side of the kitchen island and sitting near Wanda’s feet. You refuse to look up at her, keeping your head ducked down, staring at the hardwood floor. Two bowls are set down in front of you. One is filled with water, the other is filled with what appears to be some kind of stew over rice. You look up at Wanda.
"For me?"
"Can't have you starving now, can I?" Wanda gives you the first smile you've seen from her. Your heart leaps a bit.
"Can I have a fork?"
Agatha finds this very funny for some reason. You shoot her a look, but it's not very intimidating from your position on the floor.
"No, little one. Pets eat on the floor," Wanda pats you on the head condescendingly. When you give her a grumpy look and nudge the bowl away from you in silent protest, her hand reaches out for your head again. Only this time, she tugs your head backwards by your hair, tight grip making you wince. Wanda gets close to your face, eyes intense. "You eat and drink from your bowls, or you don't get any food or water at all."
She releases you aggressively, causing you to topple a bit in your kneeling position. You almost want to call Wanda on her bluff, remembering the comment she made earlier about how she needed you alive. But, your dry mouth and growling stomach have other plans.
You duck down to lap at your water, and you're so thirsty you finish half the bowl in record time before moving on to your dinner. Really, you have no idea how Wanda, who must be some sort of extraterrestrial being, learned to cook human food, but once you taste it, you're certainly not complaining. Wanda and Agatha keep talking about Agatha's pet, ignoring you as you devour your meal.
When you finish, you look up at Wanda. You don't know why, maybe you're hoping for some sort of praise for doing what you've been told. Something to tell you that you've satisfied her for now. She rewards you with such, patting your head and wiping the rice that stuck to your face before slipping a thick collar around your neck.
"What's this for?" You ask, playing with the shiny tag that dangles from it.
"In case you forget who's in charge and try to escape," Wanda says plainly, patting you on your cheek.
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“Is all of this really necessary?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” Wanda doesn’t even look up from what she’s typing to answer you. This is the third time in the month you’ve been with her that she’s taken you down to the lab for a “check-up.” Whenever you ask about why she’s giving you full medical exams - and snarkily ask where she got her doctorate - she just shushes you and continues looking at your charts.
You assume it has to do with that comment Agatha made on your first night about mating, but even when you ask about that specifically, Wanda just ignores you and continues your exam.
“You don’t give a lot of answers,” you huff, swinging your legs so your heels hit the side of the bed. Wanda visibly scowls at the thumping noise. “Are you gonna steal my brains or take over the world or something?”
“Only if you keep annoying me.”
“So, that’s a yes.”
“Don’t worry about that, little one,” Wanda hums, finally abandoning the computer to cup your face. You’ve gotten used to her touching you by now, so you don’t squirm away like you often did in the first weeks. “You’ll get your answers very soon.”
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“Wanda, it hurts,” you sob. “Please.”
Your limbs are pinned tight, positioned spread eagle on the soft bed that you had just come around to getting comfortable napping in. Wanda’s tentacles twitch slightly around your wrists and ankles, and she hovers above you panting hard, eyes closed in a mix of pleasure and desperation. One tentacle is pushing its way roughly into your cunt, thicker than anything you’ve ever taken before. That doesn’t stop her though. You’re not sure anything would.
“Too bad,” Wanda grunts, tentacle thrusting deeper inside of you. “Don’t you want to be good for me?”
“Y-yes,” you admit. As pathetic as it is, Wanda’s praise has fueled you a lot through your time held captive. You fight back so much that it’s rare, but when she is soft with you, it fills you with warmth that you want to bask in all day. “I’ll be good.”
“Good,” Wanda moans, rewarding you with her fingers on your aching clit. You almost scream at the stimulation, everything too much for your fragile body to handle. A burst of fluids gushes into your cunt, and you assume that means that Wanda’s climaxed. “Good pet.”
Alien anatomy will remain a mystery to you, however, because Wanda just doubles up on her thrusts inside of you. The extra fluid lubricates you enough so that it doesn’t hurt as much, and your eyes roll back in your skull as your body finally succumbs to the pleasure of being stretched and filled.
You hate that you ache to touch Wanda. Maybe it’s just your raging hormones or the forced intimacy that you’ve come to enjoy as of late. You want to wrap your arms and legs around her and pull her body into yours. You crave being able to nuzzle into her skin, maybe even mark her neck like she does yours. But that’s not in the cards for you. At least not now.
You’ll win her over.
It’s not like you have a choice in being here, might as well try to make the most of it.
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"Stop that," Wanda scolds, one of her tentacles reaching out and bopping you on the head.
You ignore her, continuing to press your nose to the window, peering into Agatha's home beside yours. Agatha's pet is being tugged into her lap, and you gasp quietly to yourself as you realize that she's slipping a strap into them. "Human, what did I say?"
Wanda marches over to the window beside you, curiosity over what has you entranced overtaking her annoyance with you not listening. She shakes her head when she sees the scene you're watching.
"Little voyeur, are we?" Her hand runs through your hair as your breath catches. "You're lucky Agatha doesn't mind. I think she's actually been planning on this."
"Why don't you ever fuck me like that?"
"What?" Wanda's taken aback by your question.
"You always fuck me with these," you pat the tentacle that's slowly started wrapping around you. It squeezes around you as a warning, but you stupidly ignore it. "I've never even seen Agatha's tentacles."
"She's an idiot. She thinks that her pet won't resist if she waits to show her true form. Her pet will see soon enough.” The thought of the breeding period that the two women talk about still makes your stomach twist in knots. "I was kind and didn't deceive you. I showed you what I was right away."
"Kind is not how I'd put it," you grumble, moving away from the window. Regret immediately hits you as you're jerked back to the couch by Wanda's tentacles. She pins you to the cushions, closing the curtains with another tentacle so Agatha can’t catch a glimpse.
“I don’t appreciate how cocky you’re getting. Do you need a reminder of who you belong to?”
“How could I forget?” You try to avoid her gaze, but she grabs your jaw, forcing you to look into her eyes. It’s hard to tell what Wanda’s moods will be like. Sometimes, you’re able to push her buttons without much punishment. Other times, you’re almost immediately reprimanded for so much as being too slow responding. The drastic shift of moods is the worst part of everything. If Wanda was only cruel to you, you’d at least know to never step out of line, and it would be easier to deny how deeply attached you are to her. It’s almost like she enjoys giving you room to fuck up so she can break you in all over again.
“Would you rather be Agatha’s toy? Is that why you’ve been spying on her lately?”
“Maybe I should,” you growl.
“So, you like her better, huh? Is that it?”
“She’d be better than you! I hate you!” You cry. Wanda looks genuinely wounded by your words for a second, but it doesn’t last long. A tentacle is shoved past your lips, and you immediately gag on the appendage.
“You don’t,” Wanda says in a low voice. You swear you hear her voice crack. “I know you don’t. I see how you look at me. I feel you curl into my side at night. Hell, you were the one to ask to sleep next to me.”
You gurgle around her tentacle, tears streaking down your face. Wanda, overwhelmed by her own emotions, pulls back. You gasp for air, coughing a little. She cups your face, smearing your spit on your chin. Your eyes flutter shut at the comforting motion.
Always soothing the pain she causes.
“Say you love me.”
“Say it. Say you love me.”
There’s a silent please left in the air. She’s desperate for it, you can hear it in her voice and see it in her watery eyes.
You could make her say it. You could hold that over her, if you wanted. But you take pity on her.
“I love you.”
Wanda knows you mean it. She doesn’t say anything back, just nods and pulls you close to her. You can hear her humming softly, something you’ve noticed she does when she’s upset. You crawl fully into her lap, sighing against her neck. She hesitates for a moment; but, as you settle she finally wraps her arms around you.
“Will you make that rice dinner tonight?”
“Of course, little one.”
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Agatha always teased Wanda about how her breeding period made her moody. You didn’t put much stock in it until you got to see for yourself how drastically Wanda’s demeanor shifted after her rut.
Even though you made fun of her for being kind and introducing her alien body early on, it made it much easier on you when Wanda went into a full frenzy one day, pinning you down to the bed and fucking you for hours until you were filled with gooey, wet eggs.
It was drastically different than the other times Wanda had taken you. She didn’t tie you down with her tentacles, but rather held you close to her chest in her arms, breathing heavily against your cheek where she kept pressing kisses and mumbling praises, telling you how good you were doing, how well you were taking her, how pretty you were going to look full of her brood.
Wanda even let you touch her, allowing you to mouth at her tits, tugging on her nipples as she thrusted deeper and deeper into you. After she stuffed you with her eggs, she didn’t let you get up for hours, grabbing anything you needed from the side table with her tentacles.
Since your stomach had become swollen with her, she hasn’t snapped at you once. She’s constantly doting over you, always asking if you need anything and insisting on doing things for you. Though you had long since broken past her pets belong on the floor rule, sometimes you still sat between her legs while you watched television out of habit. But now, Wanda forces you to sit on the couch, propping you up comfortably with plush pillows.
You’re not sure what normal pregnancy feels like in comparison to alien ones, but you assume that human babies don’t come with an occasional subtle glow in your stomach that your alien partner is fascinated with. Wanda’s always touching you now, hands rubbing over your tummy, feeling her eggs shift inside of you.
“You’re beautiful,” she says one day while you lay on the bed with her reading. You look down and see her staring at your stomach, fingers tracing over the subtle outline of the eggs.
“Me or your babies?” You laugh, scratching her scalp as she presses a kiss to your stomach.
“Both, but mainly you.” Wanda crawls further up the bed, meeting your lips in a deep kiss. You moan as she bites your lip, smirking against you. She pulls away, and you see a little sparkle of mischief that you’ve never seen in her eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Nothing,” Wanda hums.
“Liar. Tell me.”
“Oh, I’m just thinking about how much I like you like this. Seeing you full of me.”
“Kinky,” you tease. Though, the statement makes your cheeks heat up with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. Her possession over you has shifted into pure devotion, and you were more than happy about that.
“Mhm. And as soon as these babies hatch…” Wanda presses a small kiss to your cheek and whispers against your skin, “I’m going to fill you up all over again.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
I know many people think Lestat woke up when louis geart stopped beating but that wasn’t confirmed right? Cuz how would he know that?
Okay, so...
This is one of those things that is "in-between the lines", where many things between Louis and Lestat are. Lestat tells the reader that they must read between the lines in TVL, so that is something to be kept in mind as intentional.
There are a few things that must be considered here, imho:
In "Blackwood Farm" Lestat tells Quinn that the "angels" took his soul with them:
"They left my body there for my friends to watch over," he explained, and for the first time since I'd seen him, he looked troubled, indecisive, even faintly confused. "But my spirit they took with them," he went on. "And in a realm as palpable as this very room they set me down to do their bidding, always threatening to snatch back this right eye, to take it forever if I didn't do what they bid me to do." [...] "I don't even know which of my bodies was the true one — the body that lay on the floor of the chapel of St. Elizabeth's, or the body that roamed with the so-called angels. I was an unwilling trafficker in knowledge and illusions."
Now... Lestat is at the mercy of these "angels" in spiritual realms for years. Years.
He wakes once from a more dreamlike state (as the unpublished book details) to help Armand and the others hunt down the riff raff in New Orleans.
But that is not the same state he is afterwards, because there he was commenting on what was going on around him... and later in Merrick, David notes that Lestat's soul does not seem to actually be there.
"Once again, I had the distinct impression that his soul was not in his body, not in the way that we believed it to be."
This later state is what Lestat is telling us of in "Blackwood Farm."
Now, David sits down and warns Lestat that Louis will attempt suicide.
Louis sits down to say goodbye to Lestat.
Lestat does not wake from neither plea nor goodbye.
So what does wake him?
It could not have been an outward change, because he was alone at St. Elizabeth's when Louis put himself into his coven in the courtyard of Rue Royale.
It could not have been David, who was also at Rue Royale, nor could it have been Merrick.
The show has picked up on what Louis said about their heartbeats, and elevated it, and I do think it is important.
"[...]the drum was my heart, and the second drum had been his."
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Louis notes in the book that even after the turning he hears Lestat's heart:
"His heart I still heard like the beating of a drum."
(For vampires, their hearts also sync up with the heartbeats of their victims when they feed, but then that victim's heart stops, of course.)
In "Prince Lestat" Lestat makes note that he also recognizes vampires by heartbeat, or at least certain ones.
Now, in "Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis", we get to Louis' account of the Merrick event, which is an important aspect of it all. Because he narrows it down:
"But the etheric body, the Amel body, was still in you,” said Fareed. “It had to be or you couldn’t have been revived.” “That’s true,” Louis said. “It was there inside me and it would have remained there until the ashes were scattered. It would have remained suspended, waiting, waiting for how long we don’t know. Remember the old admonition from Magnus, Lestat? Scatter the ashes? Well, no one scattered my ashes and I was brought back—by your blood, and David’s blood, and Merrick’s blood too." [...] “My heart had stopped,” said Louis. “There was no blood pumping in me. All circulation had stopped when my heart stopped. That is how I was dead.”
I was speechless. Then slowly it dawned on me. It came back to me what Kapetria had said...something about the invisible tentacles—or the cord—being the only part of us that was not filled with blood.
And here it all comes together, imho.
The cord. The heartbeat. The heart that stopped.
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"We are joined by a cord, a cord you cannot see, but it is real."
Louis and Lestat "share a heart", they hear each other's heartbeat. They are also joined by a cord, not just then when the events in PLotRoA are reached, but also because Louis is Lestat's fledgling, and Amel's "tendrils" reached/were given from Lestat in/to Louis.
When Louis' heart stopped that tendril of the spirit Amel snapped.
Lestat, in the spiritual realm at the time, must have been able to feel it.
When Louis' heartbeat stopped the cord snapped.
And Lestat immediately woke up.
(Since they already introduced the cord... I'm quite sure that will be the same in the show if and when they go there.)
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zegalba · 1 year
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Raf Simons: Kissing Skeletons Drop Earrings Autumn/Winter 2022-2023
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vikikollerova · 5 months
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
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Silver Tongues — by Louis Tomlinson
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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#LSDUNESTORONTO by Joanna Glezakos for Aesthetic Magazine
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howlerbat · 2 years
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fa-cat · 2 months
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US figure skaters set to get team gold medals at Paris Olympics after ruling in 2022 doping case
The U.S. figure skating team was formally confirmed as gold medalists from the 2022 Beijing Olympics by a sports court ruling Thursday, opening the way for the team to get its medals at the Paris Summer Games.
It took the latest CAS ruling in the Valieva saga to guarantee the U.S. team its overdue gold medals, and for Japan to be in line for upgraded silvers.
Special medal ceremonies are planned by the IOC in the second week of the Paris Olympics to honor athletes whose results have been upgraded because of doping cases that were prosecuted and resolved in recent years.
Those celebrations will be in the Champions Park plaza looking across to the Eiffel Tower on the opposite bank of the Seine River.
“This (CAS) decision comes just in time to still be able to make the medal allocation for gold and silver possible” in Paris, the International Olympic Committee said in a statement.
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
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“Imagine that every time you see your friends, it’s to bring a bad omen.”
“What if… What if, one day, I won’t have a reason to return?”
(Sonictober2022 Day 11: Future)
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