#silver bullets girlies <33333
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
Kennedy Egan and Annie Brady
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I AM VERY MUCH IN A ‘HEHE’ MODE SEEING THISSSSSS!!!!!!! seriously!!!!! all the happy postwar vibes this is giving me as my writing is currently living in a constant state of angst!!!!! the idea of *annie brady* and *kennedy egan* has my head spinning - i’m just obsessed with the entirety of what fulfillment they will ultimately get from them. love, joy, hope, family! GOSH i’m so excited hehe! 🥹✨🫶
NOW…..dare i throw it out there since we’re ~on the topic~
Carrie Douglass AND Judy Rosenthal !!!!!!!
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
shannon!!! hi!!!! i’d LOVE a director’s cut of your annie x brady one shot ‘home is an anchor’. that piece is sooooo intimate and emotional and their connection is so palpable. i’m a big annie x brady fan but i think that’s my fav of your writing on them so far. their connection!!! i could shout about it for days. so what stuck out to you about them as characters or their relationship in that one shot? did they say/do/think anything that surprised you? did it influence stuff you wrote for them after in a way you didn’t expect? i’d love to hear any and all thoughts!!! i’m just an annie x brady girlie at heart ❤️
HI ISSIE!!!!!!! thank you so much for the kindness towards that piece!!! 'home is an anchor' was by far one of my favorite pieces that i wrote because i remember i had a section of it written but didn't know where to go with it. and then all the sudden it HIT me where to actually go with it and then my fingers were practically flying over the keyboard to finish writing it. SO!!! thank you SO MUCH!!!! <3 'an annie x brady girlie at heart' - issie my friend it is an HONOR!!! so PLEASE LET ME INDULGE YOU!!! under the cut is my train of thought and dissection of this piece and all the fixings! please enjoy and thank you again seriously! annie x brady have been one of my favorites to write and one of my first to develop and so i'm glad their connection means a ton, so, please enjoy!!! :D
if anyone wishes to get another look into a specific prompt/one-shot, please feel free to send it in! <3
One of the main goals I wanted to pull across with this piece was a deeper look into Annie's background - a sort of explanation as to why 'Annie Bradshaw' is the way she is. Because there's so many factors that make up, at least to me, why someone becomes the person they are - namely, their background and upbringing. Annie's upbringing is one that forces her both to grow up fast and mature, along with lose her youth and childhood at the exact same time. She spent a majority of it caring for her younger siblings. Meanwhile, she was the oldest daughter with an older brother, Roy, who went off to work and make money, along with her father, who was trying to keep the Bradshaw family alive.
At the same time, her mother was drinking daily, not taking care of things at home, and leaving Annie to step up into the role. This is some things I didn't get into right here but: before the Depression hit, the Bradshaw's had a farm that worked fairly efficiently, the family was profitable and happy, but then once 1929 hit, things started really going downhill. Annie wasn't able to go to school much anymore because of the fact she had to care for the farm and her siblings, while her father and brother went to what jobs they could work at. So, at night, she'd usually stay up late, alongside Roy and he'd help her catch up in her studies, which led to her love for math and science. This is incredibly fundamental for her because it led to where she is now. But having this background really cemented her reasons WHY she is here.
Annie mentions that she gets a letter from her father, detailing that her mother's health is failing (because of the drinking/smoking/etc), and how Annie still holds onto guilt because she left her family to do what she could for herself. And THIS is where John Brady comes in as a main player for this storyline - and why he is so important to any in so many different aspects. Because for once, someone is stepping in and caring for her (not like she didn't have her little siblings, her father and Roy), but there's that bare spot where her mother's love should've been. And in a way, Brady fills that for her.
I think it is also an attribute to Annie's strength as both a woman and a pilot for the USAAF. She clearly has been through a lot that has made her stronger because of it and it comes off evidently as she leads as pilot for Silver Bullets. But it also allows her to know that it's okay to have a bit of a breakdown sometimes, to feel those hurt emotions that she's experiencing. It gives her a nice well-rounded balance, and a fun character to write!
SO -- for me, these are the things that mainly stuck out (1) about their characters. You have Annie who is evidently going through a rollercoaster of emotions from her past, this torment of guilt and coming into this era of doing things for herself and Brady, who is stepping in to be her sort of 'safe haven' - an anchor. Hence, why I've tilted it 'Home is an Anchor' because her home is slowly no longer back in Mankato, Minnesota - it's here in Thorpe Abbotts. It's John Brady. I feel this also applies to their relationship - as someone who is a fan of slowburns, I am stretching this out as far as I can, so by this point, I'd say we are near episodes 3/4. Meaning, Annie and Brady have known each other for some time, and are slowly developing these feelings and these emotions towards each other that they're having trouble forgetting. I would highly consider this the 'turning' point in their connection, too, in their time of knowing one another. Sharing an intimate moment that heavily emphasizes their importance towards one another in a somewhat subtle way, too.
(2) I'll be honest, writing Annie and Brady is ALWAYS a surprise for me (enter: Brady and Annie in his A2 jacket...like THAT was a surprise!). But genuinely, writing them is always me just typing away and then this idea/line hits me and I just have to do something with it. SO -- for this, Brady telling Annie that - now that they're up-close in this intimate hold they have on each other - he is now noticing her freckles and that they're cute, was by far the moment in the one shot that made me SCREAMMMM. I really wanted to take into account the fact that they're up-close to really try to bring forward this idea that, they've crossed this threshold and will recognize new things about the other - and one of those things is her freckles. A first step in a new direction!
(3) And with THAT, I would absolutely say it was influential, because then I started writing Annie and Brady in a more intimate way after that specific moment. Because we do have Annie sort of coming to the realization about her feelings - where she mentions the only thing on her mind and then trails off (that thing is in fact a Mr. John Brady, but she won't admit that). And I sort of play into that idea a bit with the entrance of Francis Montez, the co-pilot, into the scene, where she teases Annie a bit for it all (in good-fun of course). But it leaves Annie thinking. And so with that in following one-shots, I really played into that idea of 'everyone knows but them' sort of situation, which is a TREAT i must say haha!
This specific one-shot just really allowed me to explore multiple areas of Annie and Brady that was enjoyable - Annie's background, the importance of Brady to Annie and vice versa, what it means to go pass this 'friendship' (I say friendship in a very light ton lmfao) and into something else. To show that these two people both are important to one another and that they think equally very highly of one another as well - a sense of mutual respect that goes both ways.
And also, as I mentioned, I got to play around with Francis Montez's character as well. She is a pivotal person in the Silver Bullets crew, not only as the co-pilot, but as someone who watched their previous command pilot pass on, that being Captain Faulkner. Francis I will be exploring in an upcoming prompt or two (and another writing piece I have an idea for because co-pilots and their dynamic with the pilot fascinate me so....) and I'll be excited to build her character more!!!
This equally is one of my favorite pieces for these two, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well :) Annie x Brady will always mean the world to me, and to write them is a joy. So thank YOU Issie for indulging me!!! <333333 I appreciate it so so much and thank you again for the love and support!! :D
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wexhappyxfew · 24 days
I’m so excited, that Gale fic sounds so fantastic 🥹 the angst and siblings vibes??? Sounds literally wonderful. I’m pumped for all your fics, as you know!
Would you ever write a romantic pairing for Gale? I know it’d probably have to be separate universe from the SB girlies, but I’m just curious. Austin Butler is 😍
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend, Shannon, you deserve it!
HI SUNSHINE ANON HOW ARE YOUUUUUU!!!!!! apologies for getting to this a *little* late, had some very busy last few days! :)
SO SO GLAD YOU ARE EXCITED FOR THE BUCK FIC THO! TRULY!!!!! getting to dig into more platonic/friendship vibes with them and that fic makes me so so excited!!!! 🥹 especially all the sibling-coded vibes of it too….something about buck wanting to always look out for margie and then the one time she can’t, she almost dies like?!?!? THANK YOU FOR THE EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!
i have not considered writing a romantic pairing for him!!! i think it’s because i think of marge with him and go ‘yeah it’s THEM’, but no doubt in the future there could surely be something haha! i think for now though in the SB girlies universe, buck is with marge! :) (always the chance of me creating an OC and doing a little something with buck so who knows haha!)
AUSTIN BUTLER IS 🥰😍😍😍 !!!!!!!!! i love him!!!!
thank you for the weekend well wishes! my phillies won 3/4 games in the series and it is a beautiful day, can’t ask for much else! thank you again! i hope YOU are having a wonderful weekend too sunshine anon!!! truly thank u for your wonderful questions and excitement! :)
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
do u have any ideas on how all the sb girlies are proposed to?
Hi sweet anon!!! I saw this in the morning and was like OMG I *love* this question! It is adorable I must say! I must say....I don't have many ideas as I haven't really been thinking too much about postwar but like lowkey this makes me want to now?!?!?! SO. With that - please enjoy my chaotic ramblings on a few of the SB girlies and their dudes <3333 and how I think those proposals would go haha!
-> A few couples I didn't have many or any thoughts on, but please enjoy the thoughts on the couples that I did have some lingering (long) thoughts on! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EXPAND ON THESE TOO!!! I'd love to hear the ideas and the thoughts because quite frankly I am OBSESSED!!!! <33333 Enjoy!!! Everything under the cut because I well...rambled haha :D
I wouldn't doubt that during their time in the Stalag, they had quite a few conversations near the end that revolved around their life after the war, the imminent future, the possibilities of what there was to be. Annie and Brady, in my opinion, from developing them, have really shown themselves as people to just take things at a slower pace, but once they realize the war is over, I think all the sudden things just hit them. And I feel once they get back to Thorpe Abbotts, Brady manages to get his hands on this pretty little ring from the local town and proposes to Annie outside of Silver Bullets as the sun is setting. He had just wanted to talk and Annie had been suspicious, but didn't say anything - and eventually as they're hugging and she's in tears, he mutters something about he couldn't wait any longer.
These two I really don't have many thoughts on regarding a proposal (mainly because I have SO many other Stalag-based thoughts for them I feel haha) - I feel like now that they've come to terms with their feelings, they head back to the States, and end up getting a place together in NYC for a bit; settling down, figuring out their futures, their feelings, their thoughts, their trauma. And one night they're finally in their little apartment, all settled in, everything cleaned, a nice dinner just finished up, lying in bed side by side, and he pops the question.
Listen - Judy and Rosie were one of the first couples to really develop at quite a fast pace for me and I have no doubt that he would propose to her sometime in early 1945. Especially after the two found themselves downed in Eastern Europe and were brought to safety by the Russians. I feel somewhere after that timeline, they have a few conversations revolving around the future and then he just can't contain himself and he just asks her straight out, over a stumble of words and panicky glances her way - rambling about something or other with how much she loves and thinks that Judy Rosenthal has quite the ring to it - and of course she says yes. It happens sort of spontaneously - Rosie planned for it to be real cute and intimate, but somehow it's over breakfast and halfway through a spitfire of 'I love you too much, I need you' at about 8 in the morning. And Rosie just can't help it. It's pretty Judy x Rosie coded I will say.
Likewise to Kennedy and Bucky, their feelings are rather fresh, too, and they both head back home before beginning to spend a lot of time together - she comes to visit his family and he comes to visit hers and eventually they settle on one of the Great Lakes in a small home (pick whichever Great Lake you fancy) and they get a dog or two and eventually Benny proposes one night on their back porch facing the lake. And everything's just very warm and intimate and Margie can't stop crying - I have visions for this, they just need ot develop more haha. PAULI X HAMBONE
......I will say, since this is one of my newer couples, I don't have a whole lot of thoughts regarding proposals for them at the moment! But I can imagine the sweet, agonizingly sappy reunion they have when Hambone comes back from the Stalag and let's just say - it gets me MISTY-EYED (because damn, for once in Pauli's life, someone loves her and they survived a war just to be with each other at the end of it). VIV X BLAKELY
OH THIS ONE I HAVE THOUGHTS ON OKAY - Viv and Ev got their separate ways at the conclusion of the war. They really don't appear to talk about their feelings on that final moment where they do go their separate ways - just a really tight hug, staring at each other for much longer than they should've, Ev telling her I'll write you, and Viv going I'll write you back, or something corny she wishes she had phrased better in the moment. She definitely gives him a kiss on the cheek and watches as he disappears towards Just-A-Snappin' and then suddenly wants to pull him right back out of that plane and tell him everything she feels. But, she gets into Silver Bullets and that's that. BUT -- she gets back to Colorado, gets back to her family, and the heavy weight of the official funeral they were waiting to hold for her James Pennington. She's hit with way too many emotions - grief, pain, anguish, sadness, depression. So - she writes the SB girls, but also Ev Blakely. She pours out her feelings because it almost feels like she's talking to him right there in front of her - just about how she feels with the funeral and how she feels so lost and sad. And then she crumples up the letter (she feels he doesn't want to listen to her rambles of heartbreak) and instead chalks it up to something happier and softer. And they keep in correspondence for a bit. They have the funeral for James and then Viv tries to acclimate to life again - and struggles. She can't sleep right, she hears and sees the B-17s in her sleep, she wakes up at 3 in the morning thinking she's going on a mission, sirens in her ears. She writes this to Ev and one day instead of a letter, he comes knocking at her door. And suddenly, everything seems to fall right into place there with him in front of her. He stays with her and her family, takes her on a date and they share their first kiss together in her childhood bedroom - and for a moment before bed that night, she sees life looking up in ways she didn't think would.
I wouldn't doubt that before the end of the war he's popping the question - it didn't take long for them to become gone for one another and I don't think Dougie would want to waste any time with Carrie. He loves this woman. He probably does it at the flying club - all big and grand - probably to call back to where they shared those first feelings, that first kiss, those moments where he was sure he'd say he loved her but didn't - where the first thing he wanted to do when recognizing his feelings for her was to ask for her hand to dance (and he didn't). But now, he proposes, and it's sorta big and grand, but they don't care, because it is SO THEM. And of course - they share a dance together and it is just SO. DAMN. SWEET. AND SO THEM!!!!! (and I fear that Blakely makes fun of him for being such a romantic (in the cutest way possible) and Dougie beams so hard that night you know it).
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wexhappyxfew · 2 days
Okay, Shannon, the thoughts you shared of Kennedy and Bucky?? I’m sobbing.
Like they fit together so well. And when you are talking about peace, it makes me think about them post-war, but it also makes me think of them in the camps (you know I love hurt/comfort) and what we’ve seen already. How they can be vulnerable to each other and trust that the other will take care of them. And as they are getting closer and then after they get together, now it’s not just wanting peace for themselves.
And realizing that peace doesn’t come from a specific place but a person? Like for example sitting at a lake wouldn’t do it, but sitting at a lake WITH Bucky would give Kennedy peace (and vice versa).
Kennedy and Bucky will always have my heart 🫶🏼
(Sorry if that was just rambling lol)
SWEET SUNSHINE ANON!!!! HELLO!!! <33333 apologies for being a few days late to this absolutely so kind and sweet message :) i've been quite busy recently so truly thank you! :D
THE KENNEDY AND BUCKY THOUGHTS!!!!! first off, let me just say thank you for your absolutely so so kind thoughts on these two right back at me - truly, getting to see others ideas and thoughts on OCs or couples i write with means so much - so i can't thank you enough for the love on them! and SECOND: your OWN thoughts on them have ME sobbing!!!!
i think the biggest piece for me from it is that they know that the other will always have their back and take care of them AND have that level of trust between them. kennedy doesn't trust easy - it takes her a while to fully come around to the idea of someone wanting to care for her and defend her and care for her - it just doesn't click in her mind right away. and then there's bucky who never has really let himself get invested in someone and then kennedy farley shows up and suddenly he's letting himself be more vulnerable than he ever has. and he is allowing himself and his heart and his mind to be trusted with kennedy - and she recognizes that. and realizes how much it means to BOTH of them. and you are absolutely right - not only do they want peace for each other, but for themselves, as a couple going into the end of the war and postwar era.
YES!!!!!! YES YES YES!!! kennedy's biggest realization being that bucky brings her peace is probably one of the biggest things about her character. she has never found peace and happiness at places, but with people - including bucky AND the silver bullets girlies. but, specifically focusing on bucky here - she finds that she's most at peace wherever she is with him. and i think you give a perfect example - kennedy could be anywhere, but with bucky at her side, she's more at peace than anything - and wanting to see him at peace is something she yearns for more than anything.
never feel the need to apologize for rambling!! I LOVE IT!!! I EAT IT UP!!! I LOVE ALL THE THOUGHTS AND FEELS!!!! <33333 truly!! knowing kennedy and bucky are loved means so so much! so thank you so much! :) YOU ARE TOO SWEET SUNSHINE ANON!!! :D THANK YOU!!! <3
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wexhappyxfew · 1 month
STOP the little sneaky peaky of the upcoming Bucky and Kennedy piece!? I am deceased 🥹😭
I am so beyond excited and pumped to hear that we are going to get more hurt/comfort/protectiveness in the Stalag for our favorite couples. Knowing that the march is still to come!? Oh boy. I am on the same wavelength with you, comfort/protectiveness are really my tropes fr.
Hope you are having a lovely day, Shannon. I’m always excited when you post!!
Ps. As my rewatch of MOTA continues, the Silver Bullets crew is always so very present. Like they are canon to me now. 🫶🏼
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SUNSHINE ANON I AM (insert all these images of me sobbing above!!!)^^
THANK YOU SO MUCH FIRST OF ALL!!!!!!! i had like two lines of this piece for them written and was like - i need to write this and continue with this and it exploded into this absolutely yearning, aching, wonderfully raw piece between them about them and their future and just !!!!! i couldn't help but share a piece of it as i finish writing today!!! :')
OH ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! kennedy x bucky is just the first haha!!! there's some annie x brady developing as well too hehe!!!! still have to figure out the flow of their piece though it is HELLA CHOPPY atm lmao! i have some angst for viv x blakely + pauli x hambone but since as couples, they're not as developed they may not come for a while (and instead i'll have some more introductory pieces!). OH AND FRIEND THE MARCH!!!!! (and if i said i started on a piece for that ?!?!?!?!) so so happy we've met on the same wavelength hehe!!!! :D
i hope you are having a wonderful day as well sunshine anon!!! i most definitely am! the weather is a little cooler, the sun is out and i'm feeling good + listening to some music which always makes me feel good!!! going to do some writing and online shopping too!!!! thank you for all the well wishes and i hope you are having a wonderful day too! (thank you sm for your excitement truly i am emotional!!)
(STOPPPPP THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TRULY!!!! THAT THE SB GIRLIES JUST SEEM CANON TO YOU - i. am. sobbing. just knowing the SB girlies are there with you in your rewatch still, literally stuff like this makes me so happy to hear omg!!!! seriously - i can't tell you how happy that makes me! :') thank you so much, truly you are wonderful!)
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