#(ofc there are a few couples i haven’t entirely introduced yet - wait what who said that i-)
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
Kennedy Egan and Annie Brady
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I AM VERY MUCH IN A ‘HEHE’ MODE SEEING THISSSSSS!!!!!!! seriously!!!!! all the happy postwar vibes this is giving me as my writing is currently living in a constant state of angst!!!!! the idea of *annie brady* and *kennedy egan* has my head spinning - i’m just obsessed with the entirety of what fulfillment they will ultimately get from them. love, joy, hope, family! GOSH i’m so excited hehe! 🥹✨🫶
NOW…..dare i throw it out there since we’re ~on the topic~
Carrie Douglass AND Judy Rosenthal !!!!!!!
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kettle-on · 3 years
(Oh woops, this is a lot longer than it was supposed to be, but I got carried away. Still not super happy with it, but I figured I'd post it sooner than later, before I changed my mind completely!)
Monty Python and the Barbados Fic
Eric x Michael x OFC
Chapter 4
attn: @jessm78 @coincidence-ithinknots-blog
Evenings at Heron Bay were lively, silly, rowdy, and populous. The Pythons had decided they would have guests to dinner every night, and surprisingly this proved not too difficult. Apparently Barbados was hopping with friendly famous faces at this time of year.
Mick Jagger continued his regular visits with Jerry on his arm, and one or two pairs of glamorous mystery Misters and Misses. It was revealed through many rounds of Charades that the Rolling Stone had an extraordinary talent for both miming and deciphering interpretive dance. His rendition of “the eruption of Mt Vesuvius” was met with roaring applause, and his “Sex Pistols” brought the evening to an un-toppable peak.
Things would take a turn, however, when an entirely sober Graham introduced a favourite game of his called “Poor Pussy” in which the chosen “pussy” approaches guests and, through meowing and distinctly feline behaviour, must make the guest laugh whilst they attempt to pet pussy’s head and say with a straight face three times: “poor pussy.” When one does laugh, they become the new “pussy.” This last rule changed quickly when it arose that multiple “pussies” had taken over the room, and hardly a word could be spoken from the guests through their laughter.
Perhaps the most uncommon news, however, came from casual chat. A visiting Keith Moon explained his plans for a new house in Malibu, anxious for acres of privacy and leaving behind his celebrity neighbours. Jagger the Charades king told of all-night New York City parties, to which Graham countered: “At least in London, one has the good sense to wrap up before sitting down to breakfast.”
Y/N was sure that, had she been keeping a list, she’d have been privy to the business of every star in modern comedy and rock and roll.
The next morning came too early once again, but Y/N was this time drawn to the bedroom window. From here she could see the team of gardeners hired to keep Heron Bay looking lush and groomed. She couldn’t help but feel that with each day that passed she was floating further and further away from what she remembered normal life to be like.
Not wanting to disturb a sleeping Eric, she made her way to the morning room that looked out to the curved courtyard. At one end of the room was a large painted screen of columns in some beautiful ancient scene. Each table surface in this room was topped with a floral arrangement, antique candlesticks, and photographs of visitors and houseguests. Decades of beautiful faces and elegant dresses, men in uniform, and posed portraits looked back at her from their frames.
What was this world? she had long wondered. Painted screens, stone pediments, beaches, house staff, tennis courts, and private ponds. Marriages, affairs, and cover-ups. Churchill, the Duke of Edinburgh, Lord and Lady Something of Somewhere Unpronounceable, and movie stars and rock n roll gods. And who was she in all of this?
From the near distance, she heard puffs of exertion and approaching steps. Michael had committed himself to continuing his disciplined daily morning jog and here he was returning.
“Ah,” he panted, “Morning.”
“Good morning. Nice run?”
“Well,” puff, “it’s not Holloway, but it’ll do.”
When he caught his breath, he noticed her uneasiness. With a smiling face and a tone he’d learned from his mother, he suggested:
“Tea?” --
It was much later that night that Y/N found herself again wandering the corridors alone. The afternoon had passed with a visit from Eric’s friend Ricky Fataar with whom he’d made The Rutles the previous year, and his wife, Heron Bay’s proprietress Penelope Tree. The couple had dropped in for what they called a “business luncheon,” and extended an invitation to the Python household out for a “business dinner.” The two Terrys and Eric accepted, (the Terrys hoping they might throw in a bit of “money talk” regarding their upcoming film budget) and by the time the day’s activities had come to a close, the outward dinner guests had yet to return.
In the rare quiet of the late-night, Y/N knocked on the door to the room where Michael was staying, and a friendly hum invited her into the room. A single lamp lit up the walls and floor, and a Michael in repose who was making edits to his well-kept journal.
“Do I recall correctly you said you’d brought a small library with you?” asked Y/N from the door.
“I did, indeed!” he responded, setting his journal on one of the nightstands next to the bed. “What’s the matter – can’t sleep?”
Y/N shook her head with an apologetic smirk.
“I see, and what sort of thing are you after?”
“Something, uh... gentle, I suppose. Something to escape.”
“Escape? From here? A tropical island and you’d like to escape – now that’s puzzling.” He drew back the thin blanket that covered his lower half, and swung his mostly bare legs over the side of the mattress.
“No, no,” she started, “Just something to, y’know, get out of my head for a bit.”
“Mm, is there something troubling you?” Michael eyed the three stacks of books casually adorning a side table, and inspected the choices of titles.
“Just feeling a little…” Y/N searched for a believable excuse, “homesick.”
He was not convinced. Putting his book task on pause he raised his eyebrows, requesting her further explanation. Y/N both appreciated and hated this look. Michael, though the gentlest and kindest of the troupe, would not let anything go unexplained or hidden for long, and his generosity and patience invited her to open up.
“I’m not really sure what I’m doing here,” she confessed. “I feel like I’m just getting in the way, y’know? You’re all working hard on what I’m certain will be a brilliant film, and what am I here for?”
“You’re on holiday,” he declared with what he hoped was an assuring smile.
“A holiday from what? What do I even do?” She felt the agitation rising in her voice. “It’s like I just exist day in and day out with no purpose or point. No goals and no…”
Michael’s stare was intense and he waited for her to continue.
“…future.” Her voice dropped to almost a whisper when she noticed she’d drawn his undivided attention. A quiet Michael was a rare thing, and the silence stilled the air between them.
“So, I thought... maybe a… a book might help,” she attempted, but Michael was already smoothing down the bedspread, offering a space beside him which she gratefully filled.
“Is this what it’s like being famous?” she asked heavily, taking a seat. “Always surrounded by extremely talented, important people, and constantly comparing your own worth and accomplishments?”
“I suppose it is, yes. Sometimes.” Michael was usually very good at telling the truth in a palatable way.
Nevertheless, this acknowledgement only supported her anxiety. Her face fell and she closed her eyes, sensing exhaustion was on its way. She silently prayed for one of Michael’s rambling speeches, and he intuitively delivered.
“But it doesn’t have to be,” he began. “None of this comes with the expectation that you’ve earned your right to enjoy things. You don’t need to have won a Nobel Prize or sold a million records to deserve fine cutlery. But when you’re well-known, everybody wants to know you and bring you lovely things, whether or not you think you deserve them. When that happens, I think what helps is to recognize what’s there for you, and appreciate that there are all these things you can access if you’d like to. What’s important to remember is that you have options, and lots of good ones, too.
“And as far as goals and a future, well… I can’t tell you that. All I can tell you is that you’re already building a future just by living. And learning, and asking questions, and thinking, and wondering, and loving, and caring.”
Y/N had stayed quiet. The past few weeks of indulgence, creativity, and celebrity drama had left her feeling in a way excluded, and far away from herself. It wasn’t something she found she could explain to Eric without seeming ungrateful.
Michael continued:
“So right now, you’re on holiday somewhere you’ve never been, and learning how the other half lives. And what am I doing? Well at the moment I’m enjoying a few weeks on a beautiful island, with marvelous weather, with my wonderful friends. Together, we’re finishing up a script for a film which, if all goes well, we’ll be making later this year. That’s my job, and it keeps me working, but I’ve got the rest of my hours and days, too, and that’s when I’m living. That’s when life happens, you see, in the in-between time.
Y/N had secured a point of focus on the floor, and found it fitting that Michael’s was one of the few rooms in the building with wooden floorboards instead of the palatial stone. In this room she could be almost anywhere in the world, and at this moment she was happy to be somewhere closer to home.
“There’s no rush,” Michael added, noting her half-daze. “Life is short, but... there’s so much of it. You can stop and start and chop and change as many times as you like. It’s all life,” he slowed his pace, carefully observing her softened expression, “and it’s all yours.”
Y/N leaned back onto her elbows and contemplated her bare knees.
“I don’t think I’ve heard that one before,” she mused. “Hm. I’ve got a lot of time to fill, haven’t I?”
Michael gave a warm hum of agreement and joined her sideways, propping his head on an elbow, attentive as ever.
“And what are you going to fill it with first?” he asked.
This prospect was suddenly overwhelming, and it showed in her eyes. She took a breath and decided to choose levity for a change.
“I could work on this tan, I guess,” she playfully suggested, kicking a leg up and indicating her knees, “What do you think?”
“Very nice,” he approved. In fact, he had long admired her knees, and was grateful to the January Barbados weather for getting them out of trousers and wool tights. The previous summer at many a pub garden evening, he’d envied Eric’s long fingers resting atop Y/N’s knees, giving an occasional squeeze, and more than once catching sight of a slow glide up a thigh, disappearing under a skirt hem.
“Looks like you’re off to a good start there,” he said, allowing himself an extra-long, fully permissible eyeing up of her legs.
“And you?” she asked, “What’s next in the in-between time?”
“Well, I thought I might see what life by the ocean is like. I don’t see it very often. They’ve got waterskiing down at the bay - I might give that a go. I doubt I’ll be any good, but at least then I can say I’ve done it. Obviously a very valuable skill in London. I can see it: there I am, shooting across the lakes of Hampstead Heath. Or better still, an aquatic commute! I could start off from Blackfriars in the morning, and be in Molesey by tea-time, how’s that?”
Y/N laughed, tired from the day but grateful for Michael’s silliness. She liked this. Why couldn’t Mike be around more often? Or could she have a mini-Mike to keep in her purse and take out for impromptu pep-talks and compliments, please?
“I wonder,” he said carefully when her laughter died down. “Rather than in the way, do you think perhaps you might be feeling a bit overlooked?”
This caught her off guard. Overlooked? She never felt ignored or unappreciated. On the contrary, Eric’s attention and gestures of love came in spades. But what was it for? What really did she have to offer? She hardly expected to stand out next to her accomplished and celebrated partner and his career, nor did she wish to dull his accomplishments or stifle him. Stability would be very nice, but so too would making a name for herself be. So what did she want – life or recognition?
“Maybe,” she finally said in a small voice, too tired now to analyze any further.
How fragile she now seemed to Michael. She had opened her heart to him, and the sense of duty and the care with which he held it felt so natural. He wished he could hold it for a little longer.
Stroking kind fingers down her forearm, he took her hand, willing her out of her trance. With a closed-eyed focus on her hand, he drew her knuckles to his lips.
“So I’ve got options,” Y/N re-stated.
“Mhmm,” sounded Michael, whose lips were still appreciating her fingers.
“And I’m building a life every day,” she continued.
"Every day,” he repeated, his thumb now taking over addressing her knuckles.
“And mine is no less important than anyone else’s?”
She knew the answer, but the question brought their eyes to meet, and he held her gaze with tenderness.
“I think anyone who meets you feels lucky that they did. I know I do.”
Y/N felt whatever was left of her distress dissolve with a heavy breath. She had been heard, and she knew with certainty that her cares were safe with him.
Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his torso, and he enveloped her shoulders with a tight grip. His voice was low in her ear:
“You know, if it was a book you were after, I rather thought you’d have asked Terry.”
Y/N wasn’t going to bother mustering the energy to protest or to come up with a nonsense reason why she’d chosen to see Michael. She was here now, and she was perfectly content with it.
“I’m very glad you didn’t,” he confessed, and having exhausted all words, he began a slow exploration of her neck, starting with nuzzling the delicate space beneath her ear. Sensing no resistance, and hearing her approving sigh, he continued down to her shoulder, leaving soft, open-mouthed kisses as he went.
He was kind and patient and open, Y/N remembered as she felt herself giving over to the moment’s tenderness, her curiosity duelling with her fatigue.
With restrained eagerness, he moved along the underside of her jaw before,
“Stop stop,” she hushed.
She was fighting with her enjoyment, but this was not a good time to discover feelings. All she wanted now was comfort and sleep. She looked at her kindred Michael half-apologetically, and he shifted aside, making a space for her to lie down and sleep. He reached over to switch off the bedside lamp, and gently pulled the sheet up to cover their spooning bodies.
Out on the patio under the moonlight, Eric lay on a lounge chair, gazing into the sky and contemplating several things: Ricky and Penelope’s marriage, Mick and Jerry’s affair, and the concept of unfaithfulness. And the very nature of frivolity, and luxury, and everything he learned from the swinging sixties of liberation and self-indulgence. And, unexpectedly, Michael.
He wriggled in his spot, unable to relax. I need to write this, he thought. He worked most things out through writing, and now he would turn to his typewriter, get his musings out on paper, and try to make some sort of sense of his brain soup.
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Seven
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff  A/N: credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer Masterlist is now in effect and can be found at the bottom before the tags. This is another short one, I’m sorry :(
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“The fuck is that shit, man?” Slim asked accusingly, “You fucking stupid or somethin’?”
“Bro, what the fuck ever,” Colson deflected, brushing him off with a shake of his head, “I’m done with this bullshit.” 
Colson turned to pick his phone up from the arm of the couch so he could leave, but was suddenly speared into the furniture, his face instantly smacking into the wall behind the sofa. Pain shot through his face for a split second before relocating to the back of his head, the feeling of fists pounding against his skull overwhelming.
Colson managed to get turned over to face his attacker, Rook. The man was furious, his face red and straining as he fought against Slim and Andre, who were already trying to get him off. When the two larger men finally got a grip on him and started to pull, JP saw the perfect opportunity to lift his leg and kick out, his sneakered foot coming in contact hard with Colson’s face.
The sound of bone crunching was almost vomit-inducing. Colson’s hands instantly covered his face, blood pouring through his fingers and down his arms as he leaned over the arm of the sofa in pain. Rook huffed and strained against the arms leading him towards the door, determined and out for more blood.
“You’re a fucking bitch, Kels. Stay the fuck away from my fucking sister.” Rook spat, attempting to break away from Slim’s grasp as Andre moved to open the door. Slim finally shoved Rook outside into the hallway of the studio, dragging him towards the exit. 
Baze threw a towel at Colson, shaking his head in anger before walking out. Andre narrowed his eyes at Colson, watching as the blonde man held the cloth to his nose, his tear-rimmed eyes already swelling. 
“You the dumbest nigga I know, you know that?” Andre started, still holding the door open as he pointed at Colson, “You fucked up. Period. Now go to the hospital and get checked out.” 
Andre shook his head as he walked out, letting the door close behind him with a loud bang. 
Colson knew better than to think that anything in that article was true. He’d seen dozens of other ones with practically the same content and had laughed about them before. Tiffany had even sent him a few and laughed with him. He knew better. He’d caused the one thing he never wanted- an issue with his friends.
It had taken months, and they still weren’t completely back to normal yet, but JP forgave Colson eventually. So did everyone else. Except for Tiffany. 
She’d packed up almost all of her stuff out of her and Rook’s house and had left literally zero trace of her at Colson’s before climbing into her car and just leaving. It took her two weeks before she’d answer JP’s calls, her brother pissed and angry and worried about her. Their father was the one who made sure JP knew his sister was alright and had told him he’d be sure she’d call him.
Tiffany had moved to New York City from California, the woman wanting to get as far away from Colson or any memories of him as possible.
She’d found a little apartment in a nice neighborhood near Chinatown, the space clear and fresh and hers. She didn’t think she’d enjoy living alone after being her brother’s roommate since his birth, but she realized what she’d been missing that entire time when she didn’t have to trip over his clothes or shoes or left over women every morning. 
She’d been working as a freelance makeup artist and photographer, which was actually going a lot better than she’d expected. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t have anything to do with who her past consisted of, but she was okay with that. It was the least the asshole could do, in her opinion. 
She was leaned against her kitchen counter waiting on her coffee to brew, one morning, when the sound of Colson’s voice through her phone scared the living shit out of her. ‘Lace Up’ blasted from the speaker, Ashleigh’s name and face flashing across the screen. Scrunching her face in confusion, she swiped the green button, answering the call.
“Bitch, please, please, please tell me you’re not busy today.” The woman begged, her voice sounding frantic and almost on the verge of tears.
“Why?” Tiffany asked back, suspicion lacing her tone. Ashleigh was one of the only people besides her brother she had remained in contact with, and even that was few and far in between. She knew that there would only be a couple of reasons for her to need her.
“Okay, please just don’t say no.” Ash started, obviously shaking from what ever anxiety she was dealing with, “I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t for the fact that we’re literally fucked if you don’t help.”
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” Tiffany inquired, pouring herself a cup of coffee. 
“I need a photographer.” Ash explained, “We have like fifty grand into this fucking production for this music video for Dubb and Jordan’s photography dude can’t make it or some shit. I might need your help with makeup, too, ‘cuz I haven’t been able to get a hold of her today, either.”
“Colson’s going to be there?” Tiffany guessed.
“Yeah, hence the begging.” She sighed. It was obvious she was desperate. She knew how much Tiffany was hurt by what happened and was just as pissed at Colson, but she’d promised Dubb that she’d get everything taken care of. 
“I don’t know, Ash…” Tiffany replied, wanting to be able to help her friend but not wanting to have to see him. 
“Look, I’ll keep him as far away from you as humanly possible, okay? Pleaseeee, Tiff. I’ll even pay you.”
After a few more minutes of begging, Tiffany finally caved. She got the info on the location and set about getting everything together, anxiety and dread filling the pit of her stomach. She’d thought she’d put all of this behind her, but here she was, one call throwing her all back in it. 
She was grateful that Colson hadn’t arrived yet when she got there. Ash met her in the lobby of the studio they were using for the shoot and ushered her in to show her where she would be setting everything up, Jordan giving her a huge smile and a big hug when he spotted her. 
“Thank you so much for the help, Tiff, like, seriously. I don’t know what I’d do without you right now.” The man told her, squeezing her shoulders again as he lead her towards a group of girls who were to be the models, “If you wanna start on makeup first that’d be awesome. I won’t need you for any of the photographs until a little bit later on today.”
“Sounds good,” She said with a smile, waving to the girls as he introduced her.
Tiffany was in the finishing up doing one of the girls’ faces when she heard his voice. Well, his laugh, actually. It echoed through the open space, and Tiffany couldn’t help but turn her head in the direction of it. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him, nerves pitting deeper as she watched him turn in her direction. He hadn’t noticed her yet, his phone in his hand serving as a distraction. 
Colson’s cerulean gaze met hers from across the room when he looked up, a shocked expression crossing his face as he stopped in his tracks. Ash caught him as he started to head towards Tiff, distracting him from her and leading him away as quickly as she could. 
Shaking her head, Tiffany turned back to her client. The girl eyed her suspiciously, her gaze moving from Colson to Tiff, and asked, “Aren’t you that girl he used to date?”
Tiffany’s mouth opened and closed in surprise, her eyes widening, “Um…”
Her reply was interrupted by Jordan coming up and whisking her away before she could answer, and Tiffany was mentally thanking him a thousand times. Another girl sat in her chair instantly, the ebony-skinned woman already looking irritated. 
“Hello, I’m Tiffany. How’re you today?” Tiffany smiled politely, brushing the woman’s hair out of her face gently.
“Just don’t poke me in the eye, alright?” The woman huffed, cocking an eyebrow as she raked her eyes down Tiffany’s frame, judging Tiffany’s dirty Chucks and bare face, “You better know what you’re doing.”
Cocking a haughty eyebrow of her own, Tiffany took a step back, “Excuse me?”
“Did I stutter? You poke me or hurt me in any way and I’mma stomp your ass.” The woman threatened, rolling her eyes, “Everytime I let a white bitch do my makeup, they fuck my shit up.”
Tiffany was about to spit back at the woman, anger seeping through her when Colson seemingly came out of nowhere to her defense, his eyes narrowed and serious as he pointed at the woman, “The fuck you just say, bitch?”
“Who the fuck-” The woman began, but was cut off.
“Nah, fuck that. Aye, yo, Dubb, this one’s gotta go.” Colson shouted, pointing down to the woman in the chair as Tiffany stood there, “I don’ like her attitude.”
“Nigga, fuck you,” The model spat, standing up and getting into Colson’s personal space, “Who the fuck you think you are?”
“I’m the dude who’s paying you to be on your knees and shakin’ your ass, bitch.” Colson rebutted proudly, a humiliating smile being thrown at the girl, “And I’m the dude who just fired your skeevy ass.”
“It’s fine, Kels, don’t worry about it,” Tiffany promised, gesturing that it wasn’t a big deal, “It’s nothing.” 
“The fuck it is. Ain’t no hoe talk about my girl that way,” Colson replied, not looking away from the model as he spoke, pointing towards the door, “Now get the fuck out.” 
“Best do what he says, girl!” Dubb could be heard shouting from across the room somewhere. The woman huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, rounding on Tiffany, who was leaning against the counter behind her. Tiff raised her eyebrows and shrugged nonchalantly, not about to defend her or try to keep her there. 
“You good?” Colson asked once the girl had stomped off, his voice low and avoiding eye contact.
Tiffany nodded, swallowing thickly against the lump in her throat as she looked away. 
“Bitch was fuckin’ stupid.” Colson commented, shaking his head.
“Thanks, Kels.” Tiffany replied, turning her face to finally look at him, the guardedness in her eyes unmistakable, “I can take care of myself, though.”
“I know. Just didn’t like what I was hearing.” He shrugged, looking down at his shoes as he mumbled, “It’s good to see you, Tiff.”
“Yeah.” She returned blankly, her eyes flicking to Ash as she yelled for him.
“Yeah,” Colson replied, nodding his head to Ash in recognition before finally meeting Tiffany’s hazel irises, “You think we can talk later?”
Tiffany sighed, afraid that this would happen. She knew what he’d say, how he’d apologize, how she wouldn’t be able to stay mad at him. She’d been hoping that he would just ignore her, but she knew better. 
“Maybe. I’ll let you know before I leave.” Tiffany responded, hearing Ash call for him again. Colson let a small smile slip for her as he nodded, seeming to be happy with her answer for now as he walked away.
The rest of the shoot went without too many hiccups, and Tiffany was able to get hundreds of shots that Jordan loved. She was packing the last of her things in her bags when she felt him walk up behind her, the indescribable energy that was colson instantly recognizable. 
“Thanks for all the help today, Tiff. Seriously.” He stated, leaning against the counter beside her with a joint between his fingers. 
Tiffany looked up to him with a soft smile, nodding her head while she zipped up the suitcase, “Always.” 
The tension was obvious between them as she rose to her feet, awkwardly standing there while waiting on him to say something else. He held the joint out for her and she took it, bringing the cone to her lips and inhaling deeply, hoping it would help calm her nerves. 
“You busy tonight?” Colson finally asked, taking the spliff back from her as she exhaled the thick smoke.
“Um, not that I know of.” She shrugged.
“You wanna go get a drink or somethin’ later?”
Biting her lip in hesitation, Tiffany shrugged again before meeting his crystalline gaze, “I mean, I guess.”
Instantly taking any answer that wasn’t ‘no,’ Colson’s smile beamed at her as he passed the joint back, “I can pick you up once I finish with this interview I gotta go to. Bring by something to smoke before hand.”
“Okay,” She replied, still unsure but deciding to at least be grown enough to hear what he had to say, “I’ll text you my address.” 
“Cool,” Colson responded as Ash hollered that it was time for them to go, “I’ll see you later, Tiff.”
He leaned in hesitantly, holding his arm out for permission for a hug. She smirked at him but obliged, letting his arms envelope her in his warmth and scent. She couldn’t help but squeeze him a little, letting herself soak in his embrace for a moment before pulling away. He gave her another gentle smile accompanied with a wink before heading in the direction of where Ashleigh was screaming for him again.
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Tags: @abbysdogcollar  @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed@iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx@xxkellsvixen19xx @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
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nialledfromfics · 7 years
a niall horan oneshot
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Summer Camp
pairing: Niall/OFC
word count: 22,554 
warnings: sexually explicit content
Niall Horan was what one would call a cocky asshole. A loud, brash, outspoken and unapologetic cocky asshole who could either make your life a living hell or, in my case, give you the best summer of your life.
The first time I saw him was at Camp Counselor arrival day, about three days before the four week camp actually began. Being as this was my first time ever being a camp counselor, I really had no idea what to expect, but I eagerly unloaded my bags and puffed the fallen hair out of my face. I could see a crowd of people gathered over by a huge flagpole and I struggled a bit as I lugged my belongings over to join the big group of counselors. Everyone else had already arrived it seemed, the camp director shouting out a few instructions from his stance at the front, and I stopped at the very back of the group, dropping my bags at my feet with a sigh. My head twisted as two other people that had walked up caught my attention and I watched as they went around to the opposite side of the huddle, immediately engaging in conversation with some of the other counselors standing there.
Knitting my brows, I took a timid glance around and quickly realized that I knew not a single soul but everyone else seemed to already be friends, the thought making me gulp back a deep breath. This was going to be a long four weeks for sure.
Feeling the sweat from the boiling summer heat already beading up along my hairline, it slid down my neck into the collar of my t-shirt and I shuddered from the sensation. My swept up hair sat in a high ponytail, the ends just barely swinging across my shoulder blades as my eyes shifted overtop the twenty or so heads that were surrounding me, easily taking in the scenery. The place really was beautiful. Quiet and secluded, except for the couple hundred kids that would be arriving in few days time, and I began to think about why I hadn’t signed up to do something like this before.
There was a string of large wooden cabins, each labeled with their individual numbers to help dictate which campers were with which counselor, a nurses station cabin, a large building that held the cafeteria and another big building off to the right that was used for crafts and indoor activities. We were literally smack dab in the middle of the woods and right along Lake Sparrow, which was perfect considering the extent of the summer heat.
I turned my stare to my left and glanced at the cool inviting water of the lake; quickly taking notice of a long wooden dock that stuck out a good thirty feet into the water from a small man made beach. It had a lifeguard stand off to one side and about five small row boats attached to the other. There was a huge water slide and a jumping dock floating out towards the center of the lake and with an excited smile creeping on my face, I honestly couldn’t wait to get the summer started.
My mind had wandered off by the monotone voice of the director, my thoughts settling on all the awesome things that were going to happen over the next four weeks, when the sudden sound of a car screeching to a stop shook everyone’s attention. All eyes flew behind us, my body turning practically all the way around as I narrowed my stare to get a better look as the bright sun trickled through the scattered tree branches, making it hard to see.
My brows furrowed, my head curiously tipping to the side as we all silently watched the back door to a silver Mercedes swing open and a very attractive guy step out. If my mouth had been hanging open any more, it probably would’ve scraped on the ground and I knew I wasn’t the only one to notice it. He was absolutely gorgeous, so gorgeous that I didn’t even know I was holding my breath as I watched him grab his duffle bag from the back seat and yank off his expensive sunglasses, hooking them down into the front collar of his shirt. He had a beautifully slim and toned body, from what I could tell under his t-shirt and shorts, and nice darkened stubble that covered his jaw. He lifted off his backwards grey cap as he tossed the bag strap over his shoulder, revealing his messily styled bleached blond hair and roughly ran his big hand up through it before wriggling his hat back down onto his head. Giving the group a nod and big smile, my heart practically skipped an entire beat as he slammed the car door closed and tapped his hand on the roof, indicating to the driver to pull away. He acted like he was the King of the entire camp.
“That’s Niall Horan,” I heard a voice speak up in my ear, snapping me right out of my more than obvious gawking as my eyes flew over to my left. I was met with the soft round face of a girl my age, her stick straight blonde hair cascading down over her shoulder and her stare just as glued to Niall as mine had been. I looked back over to where Niall was, watching as he began to saunter over towards us, his mouth smacking and his jaw clenching as he obnoxiously chewed on a piece of gum. “He’s hot, isn’t he?”
I licked at my lips, faintly nodding my head. “Yeah,” I finally choked out, “yeah, he, uh…yeah…”
She let out a tiny giggle as she leaned closer to me, our focus still on Niall walking towards us as her voice lowered a bit in my ear. “Yeah, he’s also an incredible prick. Filthy fucking rich, practically owns the entire campus at the ivy league university he goes to-”
“So he’s smart and hot…”
She laughed, “Yeah, pretty much, but he knows he’s hot as fuck, that’s the problem. He knows he can literally get any girl he wants, which is basically why he gets away with being such a fucking jerk.” Her words jarred something in me and I flicked my eyes over to hers, catching her stare, “But I don’t care,” she finished, “He can treat me like shit any day…”
I snorted out a laugh at her inane comment, my head tipping down as she cackled out at my reaction. Shaking my head, I looked back up at her and she smiled. “I’m Sarah, by the way,” she introduced herself.
“Cat…Cat-Catherine…” I told her, pulling my brows in at the fact that I felt it necessary to tell her my full name, one that I never even went by.
She giggled and shot me another smile, my eyes filtering down to the bright white of her perfectly aligned teeth. “First summer here?”
“Yeah,” I spoke up, clearing my throat, “I’m excited.”
“You should be, it’s fun!” she said, flicking her hair over in her hand. “Been here a few summers already. Great job when I’m home from college.” She let out a sigh as she shifted her gaze back over to Niall, who was closing his distance to us. “Still haven’t gotten my chance with that one though. It’s my mission this summer.”
I began to let out a laugh as I peeked back over at him, but quickly flicked my eyes down to the ground just as he caught my stare. My giggle got stuck in my throat and I nervously sunk my teeth down into my lip, pinching my eyes closed as I knew my reaction was ridiculous.
Swiping some sweat off my forehead, I let out a heavy breath. “So make sure you keep your fucking hands off him!” Her words startled me a bit as they were whispered harshly in my ear and I shot my eyes over to hers. She giggled, a smile sweeping across her red lips as she rolled her eyes. “We’re gonna be good friends,” she continued, pressing her tongue to the tip of her teeth, “I can feel it.”
Getting our attention snapped back up to the camp director as he shouted out yet another rule from the long list, we both whipped back around to face towards him. Not a second later, I heard the footsteps of someone stepping up behind me and Sarah, my lungs expanding in a deep breath as I knew it could only be one person.
“Glad you could finally grace us with your presence, Mr. Horan,” the director sarcastically commented to him.
Hearing an obnoxious chuckle rumble out next to me, everyone’s eyes flew over to where we were. “Better late than never.” I swear had the blistering summer heat not already been melting me away from the inside, it would have most definitely been from the sound of his voice. It was raspy and deep, Irish accent so thick it slipped over the whole of me like honey on a hot biscuit. My eyes slowly shifted over to my side to look at him, his gorgeous light blue stare already on me. He gave me a wink and smacked his gum in his mouth.
“Besides,” he shouted out again, a smirk pulling across his lips as his intent to have everyone’s attention on him was clearly working. He leaned in towards Sarah and I watched as he hooked his arm tight around her neck, his mouth just brushing at the side of her face. “Wasn’t ‘bout to miss my chance at all the incredible ass here this summer…”
Sarah let out a sugary sweet giggle at his comment and tucked her face down into the skin of his forearm just as Niall peeked over at me. My mouth parted slightly in a held breath as my stare slid down from his eyes and settled on the way his tongue was darting out to run across his lips. Almost as if in a daze, I watched his mouth curl up at the corner as he knew that he had caused a reaction in me and I quickly shot my eyes back up to the director as he began to continue his announcements.
Swallowing hard, I shook my head at myself, knowing that this was not why I had decided to come here to work this summer and promptly made the decision that I would stop anything before it even tried to begin. Taking in a deep breath to settle myself, I got a heavy whiff of Niall’s cologne and it made my eyes flutter slightly as the words of the camp director flickered in and out of my ears. I was determined to keep my attention on anything but Niall, but I already knew that that was going to be a lot easier said than done.
The second time I encountered Niall, wasn’t much different than the first in terms of my reaction to him. It was the fifth day, the campers having arrived only a couple days prior and I had done a pretty decent job at avoiding Niall by that point. Of course, that didn’t mean I couldn’t watch him from afar, my stare falling down the delicious slope of his lean body as he stripped down to his lifeguard uniform to watch over the kids swimming or when he was sat cross legged within a big circle of entranced children telling them the most overly exaggerated ghost story I had ever heard right before lights out. It was actually really great to see how good he was with them, Sarah’s words of him being the ‘biggest prick’ still resonating in my head and making me a bit surprised by his amazing connection with the kids. By the smile on his face each time a child interacted with him and he heard them laugh, it was safe to assume there was a real reason he was here, and it was more than just ‘the incredible ass’.
The food at camp was nothing to write home about, but it was literally the only food we were allowed to have (besides what some counselors had snuck in for late night snacks), so I’d find myself in the cafe shuffled in line between campers and other counselors, waiting for my less than ideal meal.
It was lunchtime, the line seemingly extra long and slow that day and I noticed that two boys had walked up behind me, immediately beginning to get rowdy. This wasn’t new considering we were a co-ed camp, but I huffed out a displeased breath when I felt an elbow bump right into the middle of my back on accident and I crossed my arms over my chest as I shook my head. Honestly, boys can be so annoying.
One of the them let out a cackling laugh before they both settled down, the loud ruckus of the campers that were already sitting and eating drowning out most of the other sounds. The line moved up a bit and I tipped my face downwards to focus on the toe of my running shoes as I slowly took a few steps before coming to a stop. Feeling the heat of someone standing rather close to me, I pulled in a sharp breath, trying not to think about whoever was behind me and intruding my personal space. I flicked my eyes up to the front of the line, ignoring the person as I attempted to get a glimpse at what they were offering for lunch that day.
“Nah, man, but her ass tasted so damn sweet.” I heard a familiar deep voice say, the accent pretty much giving him away. My eyes went big at his comment and I turned my face slightly to get a better listen before he let out a raspy chuckle, “Like a fuckin’ cherry, bro.”
Rolling my eyes, I bit at my lip as I moved my focus back in front of me, determined to not let myself get in the middle of Niall’s antics. “I bet she tastes even sweeter.” I heard him comment, his domineering tone making a shiver trickle down my spine.
Knitting my brows, I could tell they were talking about me now, practically feel their stares burning into my backside. My belly started to twist into a knot, and not wanting to indulge in Niall’s games, it was a natural reaction to immediately whip my face around and shoot them both a stern look. I was met with a cocky little smirk from Niall, his head falling back in a boisterous laugh as I sneered and crossed my arms tighter over my chest, flinging my attention back up to the front of the line.
My lips were pursing tight and the heat was building fast up to the skin of my face as I felt Niall step right up behind me, the front of his chest practically pushing into the side of my back. I gulped in a breath at the feeling, shaking the hair out of my face as I tried my absolute best not to show that even by his slightest touch I wanted to melt like a popsicle right onto the floor.
I could feel his stare almost boring a hole into the side of my face and I slowly brought my bottom lip into my mouth, my teeth clamping down so hard I was sure I would draw blood. Why the fuck is this…kid, getting this reaction out of me?
Finally letting out a sigh, I shakily shifted my eyes over to his, once again meeting the bright blue of his stare. I couldn’t even deny that the eyes on this boy were probably the most beautiful things I had ever encountered in my life. Almost an ice blue with this speckling ring of gold, the way he would look at you, it could make anyone’s heart practically seize up in their chest. It was that powerful.
Cocking his head to the side a bit, my stare slipped over his features, getting stuck on the way his tongue was running over his teeth. He smirked at me, once again catching me staring at his mouth, and I swallowed hard as his half lidded eyes slowly trailed down the length of my body. I felt frozen, not out of fear or, surprisingly being uncomfortable, but more so because of the way he was making me feel just by looking at me like that. As if he knew just how to make the heat pulse through me like a wildfire, like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life. I think he very much caught on to that too.
“Bet ya do taste sweet, don’t ya?” he spoke up, courteous enough at this point to keep his voice down as he leaned closer towards me. I watched his brows quirk up a bit at his own statement, a line of wrinkles spreading across his forehead under the edge of his backwards snapback.
Darting my eyes with his, I stayed quiet, not sure I could probably form any words even if I wanted to, and tried to suppress the quickened breaths that were pretty evident under my camp shirt. “What…cat got your tongue?” he quipped, the corner of his mouth tugging up.
I let out a hushed giggle under my breath and gingerly shook my head. “No.”
“Oh, she speaks!” he declared, raising his hands in the air as if my talking to him was some kind of victory. I rolled my eyes in a smile, shyly biting at my bottom lip as I dropped my stare down to the floor. Feeling him press his chest firmly up against my upper arm, the air momentarily stalled in my lungs and he bent his face down towards me, barely pressing his mouth to the shell of my ear. My eyes fluttered as his lips brushed faintly against my skin, the hot air that pushed out past his parted mouth causing more of a reaction between my legs than I cared to admit.
“Just wanted to hear your pretty little voice,” he breathed out, “I’ll leave ya alone now.”
And with that, Niall backed himself up and gave me space, enough space to finally breathe freely and really take in what had just happened. His remark, it confused me, and was not at all what I was expecting from a proclaimed ‘asshole’. He just wanted to get my attention. He just wanted to hear my voice. That was not at all how I thought that was going to end.
Hearing him go back to fucking around with his friend behind me, I smiled gently at myself as I stepped forward, the line finally moving closer to my lunch.
And well, the third time I encountered Niall…that’s where I’ll really start.
We had finally made it through the very first week of camp, we as counselors had survived and with only one kid getting homesick and another getting a small bout of poison ivy, I’d call that a pretty good success.
The end of the week bonfire was going full blast, the night sky dim but sparkling full of stars above the tops of the trees. There were kids singing songs, friends huddled under blankets and others roasting marshmallows that one camper had snuck in. It was like something out of a random teen coming-of-age movie. Everyone was happy and relaxed and just…having a good time.
The thought made me smile as I sat a few logs back in front of the fire. I looked around at the kids, all their little faces glowing a soft orange from the warmth before my eyes fixated on Niall. He was sitting across the fire from me, surrounded by some other counselor girls, with Sarah practically stuck to his left side and I quietly let my stare falter over him. He had a guitar with him, his agile fingers moving over the chords as the kids half screamed out the lyrics to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. It was cute, Niall smiling at the silly children but barely batting an eye to the girls that were literally draping themselves all over him and I had to giggle to myself as Sarah leaned in and whispered something to him. She really is putting in the work, isn’t she? I thought.
Propping my feet up on the wooden log in front of me, I rested my elbows on my knees and let my stare scan over the rest of the campers that were enjoying the fire. This was exactly how I had envisioned my summer. Blistering hot days playing games and having fun and cool chill nights spent hanging out with happy children around a huge bonfire. What could possibly be more summer camp than this?
I felt a genuine smile curl at my lips, my face tipping down slightly as I reached up to tuck a piece of hair that had fallen from my ponytail behind my ear. Letting out a sigh, I licked at my lips as I raised my head back up and mindlessly flicked my eyes back over to Niall. My breath caught in the back of my throat as I realized that he had already been staring at me.
Our gazes heavily locked, his fingers still stroking the strings of his guitar and I could do nothing but freeze up. His eyes wouldn’t leave mine, not even when I shifted my stare to some other campers before landing back on him and I didn’t know what to do. I could feel the heat rippling up from my toes and I was confused if it was from the billowing fire that sat in front of me or the way he was staring at me, but I swallowed hard at the idea as I tried to focus on anything but him.
It was hard, way too hard and when I saw him barely shoot a smirk my way, all I could think about was how damn cute he was. There were moments during the week that I had let my mind wander a bit about Niall, remembering how he winked at me on arrival day or had smirked at me in the lunch line, and I caught myself thinking about how it would be to kiss him as I laid in my counselor bunk late at night. Which was obviously stupid, I mean, it was Niall and he could literally have any girl he wanted – and he very well knew that – and Sarah had already let it be known that she had her eye on him and to keep my hands off. Sarah was my friend (if you could call her that), one of my only friends here and I planned on respecting that.
If she called dibs, then he was off limits. End of discussion.
I still couldn’t shake the feeling he was giving me though. I couldn’t shake how deep his stare was on me and how it made my thighs clench together and my stomach tie in knots. It was almost overwhelming, watching his eyes sparkle in the flicker of the fire, his mouth tug up into a smirk every time my eyes happened to catch a glimpse of his. It was too much and I knew if I let it happen even for another second, I would be sending him a message that I knew I shouldn’t.
Pushing myself up from the log I was sitting on, I cleared my throat and yanked down the hem of my bright blue camp shirt, weaving my way out from between all the kids. The smoke seemed to follow me as I stepped away from the crowd, the glow of the fire dissipating the further I walked, making it a bit harder to see in the darkened night. I just needed to take a bit of a breather; the heat from the fire, and maybe from Niall too, getting to be a little too much for me at that moment, especially considering I was surrounded by a bunch of children.
I knew in the back of my head that this wasn’t the right place to be engaging in any kind of…extracurricular activities with guys, I had a job to do and literally we were never left alone for more than a second anyway, but I just couldn’t get Niall out of my freaking head. And that really pissed me off. I just needed to clear my mind and I decided a nice quiet walk around camp while the campers enjoyed the bonfire for a little longer until lights out, would hopefully do the trick.
I hated that I couldn’t shake him, I hated that I thought he was so cute. I hated that this was probably exactly what he did to every girl he came across. He worked his charms and his good looks, flaunting his wealth until the girls would just swoon and flock to him. He had it down to a science at this point. Flashing that killer smile and those gorgeous heavy lidded bedroom eyes. Showing off his slim toned body and tanned skin, and making sure his swimming trunks were pulled down just enough to make you imagine exactly where that perfect trail of dark hair below his bellybutton led to–
“Oh my God!” I squealed out to myself, pinching my eyes shut as I stumbled to a stop against a tree. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
Pushing out a breath past my rounded lips, I slowly opened my eyes. “You’ve got to stop this, Cat, c’mon…” I began walking again, rounding my way back over towards the cabins. Knowing the kids would be almost ready for lights out soon, I figured I would take a shortcut past the nurse’s shack as that was the quickest way back to where the bonfire was being held.
Still cursing myself out in my head, I was startled when a few random kids ran past me, pretty much letting me know that the bonfire had probably ended already. I squinted my eyes a bit as I could see the slight glow from the fire between the trees ahead and the slow movement of people dispersing.
Stepping just past the corner of the nurse’s shack, I felt a hand grip onto the back of my elbow, my heart nearly dropping into the pit of my stomach as my eyes went wide and I flung my head around. The scream was literally hanging in my throat, garbling its way from the depth of my lungs and I gasped as Niall quickly raised a finger to his lips.
“Shh,” he said softly, the darkness that surrounded us barely letting me even get a glimpse of his face. My mind was frazzled, thoughts crashing at a million miles a minute and I watched with big eyes as he flicked his head to peer around the both of us before pulling me over to the back of the building. Pushing my body up against the wooden slatted wall, my back hit it with a generous thud. I was stunned, my mouth hanging open in stricken silence as I darted my large eyes over the tiny portion of his face that I could see within the pitch black.
He had let go of my elbow, his fingers sliding off my skin as he laid his palm to the wall right beside my head. My stare flicked to the corner of my eye, just catching a glint of the silver Rolex that he had strapped to his wrist and I wanted to both roll my eyes at his utter transparency and literally melt into the feel of his body as he leaned himself into me. Slowly looking back up at him, I was finally able to lock my eyes on his, my heart picking up its pace in my chest as his face sat flush with mine. He was so close, so close he could’ve stolen my breath if he wanted to. If I had actually been breathing.
The heat between us was almost unbearable, the front of his body just barely brushing against my own. I was squirming; my knees practically buckling under me and I could tell by the smirk that was etching across his lips, that he very much noticed and was quite pleased. “Hey,” he breathed out, those half lidded eyes filtering down and settling on my slightly parted mouth.
I swallowed hard and nervously wet my lips. “Hi,” I mumbled back and I wanted to scream at myself at that mediocre reply, but honestly, that was the only thing I could even form on my unusually dry tongue.
He huffed out a chuckle, cocking his head to the side. “I’m Niall.”
“I-…I know who you are.”
Niall raised his brows at me, his stare settling back to mine. “Oh is that so?”
Pulling in a breath, I nodded my head. “I’m Ca-”
“Kitty Cat.”
My brows knitted harshly. “Huh? No, it’s..it’s just Cat-”
“I know what it is,” he said, his accent thick as he cut me off once again, “but I’m gonna call ya kitty cat. ‘Cause to me, you seem real soft and sweet…” The air stalled in my lungs as his darkened eyes swept down the length of my body, my stare fixated on the way his tongue was rolling perfectly in his mouth. Feeling him inch closer to me, he gripped his free hand around the side of my neck with his thumb resting at my jaw and quickly pushed his cheek against mine, just resting his lips to my ear. “And I bet that pussy of yours really knows how to purr…”
My eyes fluttered and my mouth dropped open at his choice of words as the soft nudge of his nose just at my temple and the subtle slide of his thumb against my skin made my body fall weak. I wanted to give in. I wanted to so fucking bad. The wetness that was clearly building up between my legs making it harder to deny by the second.
Shakily moving my face towards his, my dangling hands slowly began to rise up from their lax position at my sides as I attempted to grasp around his waist, his nose sweeping down to brush at the side of mine. With my eyes falling closed, I sucked in a jumbled breath as he used his thumb to gently raise my chin, my lips more than anticipating the warm press of his. Almost like clockwork, the sudden scream of kids running past made us both practically jump out of our skin.
My fingers scraped down the fabric of his shirt, not even getting the chance to touch him as we both flung our attention to the many campers that were passing by on their way to their bunks. Flicking my eyes back up to his as he pulled his face away from mine, he breathed out a smirk. “Next time, kitty cat,” he mumbled to me, sliding his hand off my skin and lightly running his fingers down the curve of my throat, just barely letting them dip over my collarbones. I struggled to take in a breath from the heated spark of his touch and he stepped back, giving me a wink.
I stood there frozen, for what seemed like hours but in reality was probably only the longest five seconds of my life, my head tipped back against the wooden wall unable to move a single muscle. Watching as Niall walked away from me to catch up with his group of campers, it took everything in me to try and gather myself enough to even think of trying to make my way back to my cabin and my campers.
Niall had just tried to kiss me. And I was totally going to let him. What the hell has gotten into me?
It went on like this for the next few days, relentless flirting and any attempt from Niall to try to talk to me or even get near me really, but of course was always cut short due to the campers or other counselors interfering. It was pretty funny and I did try my best to avoid him at first, not wanting to rock the boat with Sarah, but it just seemed pointless considering I had no other option than to be around him during activities and meal times, so I just started to let myself enjoy it. It was harmless, really it was, Niall hadn’t done anything that made me feel uncomfortable and, if I was honest, I rather liked the attention a guy like him was showing me.
Still, I had no idea why a guy like him was even showing a girl like me any attention…
I had craft duty later in that second week of camp, my day being spent indoors cooling off in the air conditioning and with no complaints from me. It was wicked hot outside and unless you had swimming or lifeguard duty, it really was almost unbearable by mid afternoon. Everyone had settled in nice to their routines and activities, counselors and campers alike, and it was clear that timely structure in a big camp like this was super important.
Helping some of my campers with their handmade windchimes, I noticed a few of them were running out of glue, which was a staple in trying to keep those pesky little popsicle sticks together and I figured I should probably go fetch some more before it became an even bigger disaster than this craft was turning out to be. Blowing a few loose strands of hair from the front of my face, I pushed myself up from the table and did a quick glance at the campers that had been seated around me. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna grab some more glue from the supply closet,” I told them, “Stay put, okay?”
The walk-in supply closet was clear across the open span of the Arts & Crafts building, pretty much on the total opposite side of the expansive room from where we were all sitting. I hurried over and swung open the door, noticing there really wasn’t an actual light in the room, but just a small air grate at the top of one wall that led to the outside. Thankfully, it was just enough for me to get a clear glimpse of the nicely stocked shelves of craft supplies.
Stepping inside, I headed straight for the glue that I saw lined up on a shelf right in front of me, the door slowly creaking to a close. Barely even reaching out to snatch the sticks off the shelf, I heard a rustling noise behind me and a faint ‘hey’ in my ear.
I swear, I had never screamed so damn loud before in my life. My body hurled itself around, my mouth falling open as my eyes went big, just to be met with a glimpse of a shadowy face. “Niall!” I choked out, my hand slapping to my chest as I steadily fought to gather the only bit of breath that seemed to remain in my lungs. Standing himself up straight with a smile, I shook my head at him. “You gotta stop startling me like that!”
His head tipped back in a laugh, though not like his normal belting obnoxious laugh that seemed to bounce off the walls and echo through the mountains that encased us, nope this was a soft laugh, almost hushed and deep in his throat. If my hand had been on his chest, it probably would have vibrated through my entire body. “Best way to get to talk to ya though, pet.”
My tummy did a somersault at his little term of endearment, and I scraped my teeth across my lip as Niall perched his big hands at his hips. “What are you even doing in here?” I asked him, darting my eyes with his blue ones.
“Waitin’ for you.”
My brows furrowed as I tilted my head to the side and narrowed my stare at him. “You’ve been waiting in here the entire time?”
Shrugging up his shoulders, I watched as the corners of his mouth turned down, his brows raising. “Only like twenty minutes or so. It’s fuckin’ hot as hell in here though.”
I let a smile curve over my mouth. “Yeah, genius, it’s a closet.” Laughing at my own comment, I whipped my head over my shoulder and grabbed at the glue that I went in to get in the first place. Before I could even react, I felt the sturdy palms of Niall’s hands slip around my waist, my body being pulled towards his. I giggled at his stealthy move, our chests bumping together as my feet just barely stumbled across the concrete floor beneath me.
Feeling him lean in towards me for a kiss, I quickly turned my face so that his mouth hit at my jaw. He chuckled against my front, sure enough sending vibrations throughout my entire body and I struggled with trying to keep my cool. “Ni-…Niall, I can’t…” I mumbled, the feel of his mouth slipping down over the jut of my jaw making the heat soar to the apples of my cheeks. I pinched my eyes closed as the warmth of his breath flooded across the clammy skin of my neck.
“Why not?”
I swallowed hard, my mind cloudy but running through the millions of reason of ‘why not’ and hoping to stop at just one. “ ‘cause there’s, um…there’s kids right outside…”
Stilling his lips against the side of my neck, I felt his hands clench around the back of my camp shirt, tugging my body even tighter into him as the wet trace of his tongue just barely skimmed over my sweat coated skin. I felt like I couldn’t breathe even if I had actually tried. “There’s always kids outside,” he muttered before wrapping his lips around the tender flesh of my throat and sucking hard.
I let out a disjointed whine, my eyes squeezing shut as I slowly let the glue sticks drop from my hand. Fuck it, I thought, my body melting into the broad heavy feel of his as I reached my fingers up and dug them into the back of his neck. Breathing out a satisfied chuckle against the dip under my jaw, Niall’s head rose up to let himself peer at me as I slowly opened my eyes.
He had gotten me. Just like that, he had gotten me. And I really didn’t want to fight it anymore.
There was something about Niall, something that made me want him more than I had ever wanted anyone in my life. I knew I shouldn’t, I knew he was probably bad news and pretty much everything that every parent warns their daughters about, but holy shit, did I want him. The way he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes as if it could drown out everything else around us. The way he smirked at me, as if I was the only thing that could put that playful smile on his face. The way he smelled, oh man, it was like he bathed with the fucking Gods every damn night.
I didn’t know, I didn’t know why Niall was able to seduce me in the way that he did, but I didn’t care. He wanted me and I was tired of fighting it.
I watched a slow smirk tug at the corner of his mouth and I slowly gasped in a shallow breath as I felt the brush of his fingertips run across my temple, pushing away at the loose strands of my hair. Gripping around the back of my head, my eyes fluttered closed and my heart nearly halted to a stop in my chest as I felt him bring his mouth closer to mine. The heat wafted from his body, the warmth and taste of his breath that greedily panted out past his parted lips, it was all for me.
My fingers dug into the sticky skin of his neck and right as his lips ghosted at mine, I heard a light knock on the closet door. With my eyes flying open, my head snapped back as I peeked over Niall’s shoulder and cleared my throat.
“Miss Cat….Miss Cat are you…are you okay? We heard you screaming…”
My stare went wide as I peered at Niall’s face, my heart sinking as I watched him close his eyes in defeat and roll his lips into his mouth. He stepped back from me, his hand dropping from its entanglement in my hair and the other slipping off the small of my back.
I let out a huff, licking across my lips that not moments ago had so eagerly anticipated his kiss and watched Niall’s head hang down as he swiped across his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Yeah,” I finally managed to spit out to the child that was standing on the other side of the closed door, “yeah, I’m okay. Just, um…saw a mouse is all.” I looked back over at Niall, gritting my teeth and pulling my brows in at my lame excuse and he flicked his stare to me from the tops of his eyes. I could see him fighting off a laugh, his curled fist coming up to cover up his mouth. Rolling my eyes at what I had said, I slapped my hand to my forehead. “I’ll be right out!”
“I’m so sorry, Niall,” I whispered gently to him, shaking my head.
He pulled in a deep breath, his head tipping back and cocking over to the side as he peered at me. “No worries, kitty cat.”
Gnawing at the skin on the inside of my mouth, I let out a tiny sigh and bent down to pick up the glue sticks that I had precariously dropped to the floor in my moment of weakness. I shot my stare back to Niall one last time, shrugging my shoulder and softly pressing my lips in a line before walking back out into the room.
I thought about that almost-kiss for the entire next week, practically itching as I laid in my bunk surrounded by the soft snores and unintelligible sleep ramblings of my eight campers, and swore that if given the chance again, I would just go for it. This was my summer too and even though really nothing had actually happened between Niall and I at that point, I sure as hell wasn’t going to try and stop it the next time.
I really didn’t have to wait long for Niall to find his opportunity to flirt with me again, the next day basically leaving me an open target, so to speak, for him. I had been put on the schedule to supervise the swimming test for the week, not so bad except for the fact that I had to stand on the long pier in the sweltering heat with my whistle and life saver float as the kids got to swim in the nice cool water.
Pacing back and forth along the dock in my proper lifeguard swimsuit, I was mindlessly twirling my whistle around my finger, my eyes glued to the twelve or so kids that were treading water and trying to keep their heads from sinking under. I was timing them; the requirements for being able to use the slide and jumping dock in the middle of the lake was to be able to successfully tread water for at least two minutes and swim from one side of the dock to the other without drowning. Obviously.
They were just hitting their one minute mark and with the splashing of the water and the few whines from the kids about being tired, I hadn’t heard the footsteps sneak up behind me. Gently slipping his hands to my sides, he roughly dug his fingers into my ribs, tickling me with all his might. I squealed out loud before doubling over in unrestrained giggles as I struggled to pry his hands away. My feet clambered under me, my bum slamming into his front as I laughed and swatted away at his arms.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me!” I quipped to him as his fingers stalled and I slowly stood my body back up against him. I felt his exposed sun-soaked skin sticking to mine and the press of his bulge right up against my backside, my tummy literally flipping in on itself. He breathed out a chuckle, the blazing hot air pushing out against the back of my neck, my skin already drenched with sweat but that not helping any. Slowly peering over my shoulder at him, I was met with a devilish little smirk, one that he seemed to have perfected over the years and my eyes just barely caught a glimpse of a tiny dimple pressing into his left cheek. I couldn’t help but breathe out a shy smile, leaning my forehead towards the side of his face. He smelt like heaven, sweaty overworked boy heaven and I strained to not let it be noticeable when I engorged my lungs with the intoxicating scent of him.
Niall quirked his brow at me, just barely tipping his hips forward and I gasped slightly at the feeling, shaking the thoughts out of my head. God, he is getting really good at these games.
Giving me a slight squeeze at my sides while letting out a hearty laugh, his big hands slipped off my body, sending a reluctant shiver rippling over my skin as I kept my eyes on him. He stepped around to stand in front of me, my eyes immediately going big as I was presented with the fact that he was shirtless. I stayed quiet, flicking my eyes from him to the kids in the water and trying not to make it obvious that I wanted to do nothing more than stare at his amazing toned body before I slowly caught his stare trailing down the length of mine.
Licking at his lips, he didn’t even care that people could tell he was staring at me and I threw a hand to my cocked out hip, tipping my head to the side. He couldn’t even try to be sly in the fact that he was overtly ogling me in my swimsuit. “Can you stop?” I whispered to him, half joking but also not actually wanting him to listen to me.
“I can’t,” he mumbled back to me with a shake of his head, eyes still fixated on the curve of my hips as his fingers came up and ran across his bottom lip, “your body’s fuckin’ insane.”
Pulling in a breath, I flung my stare over to the kids that were still treading water but clearly had their undivided attention solely focused on Niall and I. “Thanks for the observation, Niall,” I shot back to him, my comment met with a laugh, “But I’m kinda busy right now.”
“Oh, you’re busy?” he questioned, looking back up to my eyes. His large hands were perched on his own hips now, his one eye squinting from the sun. He had on a backwards cap and I wondered to myself why he just didn’t turn it around to block the brightness from his eyes or why he wasn’t wearing those expensive sunglasses he wore on arrival day. Boys….
My brows furrowed at his words and I held my hand out towards the kids that were obviously in the water right next to us. “Uh, yeah, I’m kinda doing swimming tests right now. And, to be honest, you’re sorta maybe bothering me a little bit.”
His brows raised and I watched those lines of wrinkles form perfectly on his forehead. “Oh so, I’m botherin’ you now?”
“You’re not…you’re not bothering bothering me,” I retorted with a huff, “I just…I’m trying not to let the kids drown here, Niall.”
He gave me a laugh, the tip of his tongue running across his lips. “Okay, fine,” he said, his voice going deep as he cocked his head to the side, “tell me I look nice in me shorts and I’ll leave you alone.”
I had to chuckle out at that one. “What? Why would I do that?” I shot back, furrowing my brow.
Watching his tongue roll around in his mouth, he pursed his lips just enough before edging the corner of his mouth into a smirk. “You look really nice in your swimsuit, kitty cat,” he complimented me, my eyes flicking to the kids as I tried to fight off my increasing blush.
Dropping my chin down, I smiled to myself as I ran my fingers through my ponytail and slowly peered back up at him. “Okay,” I whispered, clearing my throat as I decided to indulge him a bit, “You look…very nice in your shorts. You have a really nice body.”
I had no idea why that last bit came out of my mouth, but Niall didn’t miss a beat. “Wanna feel it?” he asked with a mischievous smirk.
I rolled my eyes, half at his comment and half at my own stupidity for not being able to stop myself, before puffing out a chuckle. “Jesus Christ, you’re like a twelve year old boy, sometimes, you know that?”
Throwing his head back in a laugh, his eyes pinched shut as he stepped towards me, the sheen of sweat on his skin shimmering deliciously in the sun as he swiftly wrapped his arms around my middle. His face slowly dropped down to sit flush with mine, eyes darting as our bodies pressed together and I couldn’t help but be instantly, and stupidly, attracted to him. “You know you wanna…” he quietly whispered to me, only loud enough for me to hear.
My hand came up to gently rest on his bicep as his face ducked down to tuck into my neck. My eyes fluttered slightly as I felt the brush of his nose slide up from the curve of my throat to right by my ear. Swallowing hard, my fingers gripped into his tanned skin as the pulse of his breath dampened the small hairs that laid at the side of my face. “Wanna feel me fuckin’ into that sweet pussy of yours, don’t ya?”
My breath caught in my throat at his words and I couldn’t do anything but force out a broken giggle. I didn’t even try to fight him off, hell, I didn’t want to and I greedily scraped my nails down the back of his bicep. His arms yanked my body so tight to his, I was forced onto my tip toes as I felt the light press of his lips right on the skin of my neck and I was suddenly shook back to reality when I heard a bunch of kissing noises and ‘ew’s’ coming from the water.
Huffing out a breath, I felt Niall laugh against my neck and I shakily brought the whistle up to my lips, giving it a hefty blow. “Okay, that’s enough,” I shouted out to the kids, who were relentless at this point. I shook my head in a laugh as Niall pulled back, taking a step away from me. Dropping my face into my palm, I muttered a soft ‘oh my God’ under my breath before flinging my arm down and looking back up at Niall. He, of course, had a huge smirk on his face and it didn’t even faze him when he reached down to his shorts to unabashedly readjusted himself right in front of me.
My mouth fell slack and he gave me a wink, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. “That’s what ya do to me, kitty cat,” he mumbled out as he stepped right past me. Whipping my stare around to watch him, my eyes caught sight of his muscles flexing and the sweat beading down the slope of his back as he sauntered off the dock. I literally couldn’t believe he had just done that in front of all the kids, though, really it didn’t surprise me all that much.
“You’re disgusting!” I playfully called out to him, shaking my head in a smile as I brought my finger up to my mouth to chew at my nail.
He threw his head back in another boisterous laugh as he stepped off the dock and jogged back over towards his cabin. Tipping my head to the side, my tongue slid over the pad of my finger as I kept my stare on him for as long as I could, almost getting lost in the thoughts of how his perfectly lean body felt pressed up against mine. He was so warm, his skin soft but his body thick and broad and I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry thinking about how the faint tickle of his chest hair felt as it rubbed against my–
“Miss Cat, are we done yet?”
Once again getting jolted out of my daydreams, I swung my body around and shakily cleared my throat as twelve sets of eyes peered up at me. “I’m…I’m sorry, yes okay, now we are going to try holding our breath underwater…”
I wasn’t quite sure where all this flirting with Niall was going to lead to and really the entire situation on the docks earlier that day had triggered something in me that made me want him even more. He wasn’t even trying to hide it any more. He was unashamedly flirting with me, heavily flirting with me I might add, right there out in the open. It really was no secret at that point.
I had almost finished cleaning up the volleyball set that my campers had decided to play after dinner, sending them back to our bunk to begin their bedtime routines. The sun was almost set by the time I was done packing it up and I made sure nothing was left out before making my way to my cabin.
Stepping inside, I was immediately surprised to see a few other counselor girls standing beside one of the bunks, my ears perking up as I heard the quiet sniffles of someone crying. Assuming it was one of my campers, I ran towards them but was taken aback when I noticed it was Sarah sitting there. She was the one who was crying.
I knit my brows and tapped on another counselors shoulder who was standing just outside the circle of girls surrounding Sarah, asking her what was going on. “I don’t know,” she said to me, shrugging her shoulders, “I just got here.”
Pressing my lips into a line, I slipped in between the other counselors, noticing that the room had grown quiet, even the campers just watching silently. “Sarah?” I said softly as I stood in front of her, “what’s wrong?”
I watched as her face slowly raised up from its position in her cupped palms, her eyes brimming red from tears that she had obviously been crying for some time now. Glaring up at me, she tipped her head to the side. “Are you seriously going to act like you don’t know?” she screamed out at me.
My mouth fell open at her outburst, my brows furrowing in. “Don’t know what?” I replied, shaking my head.
“I told you to keep your hands off him!”
With the moment taking me by surprise, I didn’t even realize what she was talking about. “Who?”
She rolled her eyes at me, reaching up to swipe tears off the tip of her nose. “You know who…”
My eyes went big at her. “Niall?” His name broke seedy off my tongue and I swallowed hard as I finally realized why she was so upset. “I…I didn’t–”
“Oh, please,” she snipped, scoffing out a huff, “I fucking saw you two, okay. You can’t play fucking stupid with me, Cat.”
Licking at my lips, my eyes flicked around the room before landing back to hers. “Sarah, I swear, nothing’s going on. Nothing happened!”
“Do you think I’m fucking blind?” She shouted out at me again, pushing herself up from the bed. She was pretty much eye level with me, so close to my front that I had no choice but to step back. “I saw you all over him on the docks today. Fucking touching him and giggling like an idiot. You think I can’t see what he’s trying to do? And…and you’re just… letting him…”
“I’m not letting him do anything,” I shot back, shaking my head. “Nothing happened.”
She leaned into me, her eyes darting fiercely with mine. “He’s just trying to fuck you, don’t you get that. You mean nothing to him other than being another place to wet his dick.”
Even with her whispering those words to me, it didn’t make them sting any less and I slowly tucked my bottom lip into my mouth. “We were supposed to be friends, Cat, but I guess that doesn’t really mean anything to you.”
“Sarah,” I said, desperately trying to keep my voice low for the sake of the kids, “we are friends–”
“Friends don’t do that to one another,” she quipped harshly, cutting me off as her chin began to tremble once again. “You took him away from me.”
I gingerly shook my head, still attempting to get her to understand, “Sarah, I swear,” I pleaded with her, not wanting the only girl who even tried to befriend me when I first got here, be mad at me, “I promise, nothing happened. I didn’t–”
“Save it for someone who cares, Cat,” she retorted, cutting me off again, “Just…pretend like we never even met, okay? Should be easy for you, since…well, since we all know you’re easy.”
My mouth dropped open at her last comment, my face wincing a bit and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to run away crying or tackle her to the ground and rip all the blonde hair right out of her head from embarrassing me so bad. But I sucked it up and just silently watched as she slipped her hands over the front of her face and stepped away from me, heading towards the bathroom in the back of our cabin. “I’m so fucking over this,” she called out over her shoulder, slamming the bathroom door behind her as she let out another few loud sobs.
All eyes trickled back to me, everyone stunned and probably in as much shock and disbelief as I was. I swallowed hard as I slowly stepped away from them, turning around to quickly rush back out of the cabin into the cool air of the night. What the fuck just happened?
I walked around the camp for a little while, my eyes glued up into the starry night sky, until I knew for sure that Sarah and the other counselors had left my cabin and gone back to theirs. There was no way I could go back there and be faced with all of them again, and I knew one of the other counselors would’ve taken over the job of making sure my campers were put to bed. I still couldn’t believe Sarah would do that to me, embarrass me like that in front of everyone, and accusing me of stabbing her in the back and taking Niall away from her. She wasn’t even with Niall!
It all just put me in a terrible mood, my funk settling deep inside me the deeper I settled into my bed that night. The last thing I wanted was to be on anyone’s bad side, I didn’t come here to make enemies or ruin anyone’s summer and I made a promise that night before I finally drifted off to sleep, that I was going to just keep to myself for the rest of camp.
I was pretty successful in my attempt, the urge to want to go up to Niall every time I saw him and kiss him almost overpowering me, but I managed to keep my word to myself. I avoided him as best as I could, barely even giving him a glance, which was met with puzzled stares and baffled whispers of my name as I turned and ran every time he tried to get near me.
I hated avoiding him, honestly, I did. I didn’t want him to hate me or think I was playing some evil game with him, but really I had no other idea how to handle the situation. I didn’t want to not talk to Niall but I also didn’t want the petty whispers to be circulating every time I was seen near him. I just wanted to have a nice summer without messing up everyone else’s.
With one week left of camp, there was a scheduled Flashlight Tag game that was supposed to happen after the weekly bonfire and, sure enough, about twenty minutes into it, I saw Niall walking out between some trees and headed right towards me. Letting out a tiny groan, my heartbeat began to pick up and my eyes went big as I stumbled to turn around quick enough. “Hey…hey, wait!”
Trying to pick up my pace a bit, my flashlight was twisting nervously in my grip as his footsteps got even closer to me . “Hey…Cat! Wait up!”
I heard his raspy voice call out to me a bit louder and I was practically stunned in place by the fact that he had used my real name. Furrowing my brows, I let out a huff and swung my body back around to look him, once again barely being able to make out his face in the darkness of the night sky. “Hey, stranger,” he commented as he carefully stepped up to me, playfully shining his flashlight right in my face.
I screwed my eyes shut and swatted his hand down as he let out a laugh. “Oh, so I’m Cat now, huh?” I snapped back at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Licking at his lips, I watched as Niall tipped his head over to the side, the look on his face falling serious. “What’s goin’ on with you? You barely talked to me all week and …like, you keep avoidin’ me and shit…”
Letting out a held breath, I bit at my lip as I flicked my eyes off of his. “I’m just…it’s nothing.” My face dropped down, my eyes watching as I kicked away at some dirt.
“C’mon, I know it’s not nothin’, you can tell me, I’m not-…you can talk to me, alright?” His words came out soft, sincere and I slowly brought my stare back up to his. “I wanna know what’s wrong? What’d I do?”
Shaking my head, I scraped my teeth over my bottom lip as I unfolded my arms and let them hang down at my sides. “You didn’t do anything, Niall,” I told him truthfully, darting my stare with his, “Sarah-…Sarah yelled at me last week and, like, she’s not even talking to me now. And I’m just really…really confused.”
“What…why? Why did she yell at you?”
I rolled my eyes, shooting my stare up into the hovering treetops that hung above us. “Because she was mad at me! She is mad at me…”
I watched Niall’s brows pull in, his hand coming up to scratch at his hairline. “Yeah, but…why is she mad at you?”
Lazily shrugging my shoulders, I let them slump forward as I tipped my face down again, not really wanting to look at him. “Because she likes you,” I mumbled out to him, biting at my lip, “and…she saw us on the docks the other day and thought I was trying to take you away from her.”
I heard Niall let out a snort, the sound making my eyes fly up to his. “It’s not funny, Niall.”
His jaw cocked over to the side, and I felt his eyes slide down my features, settling on my mouth before flicking them back up to meet my stare. “It’s kinda funny considerin’ I’ve barely even talked to Sarah, let alone shown her that I even give a shit.”
I drew in a deep breath, my stare flinging to the side as I heard a camper run past. “Yeah, well, she doesn’t see it like that and now she’s not my friend and…she completely embarrassed me. For no reason.”
Niall didn’t really say much in return, his quiet speaking enough and I dropped my eyes back to the ground at my feet. I knew he was one of those boys who really didn’t know what to say in those kinds of situations and really, just the fact that he was willing to listen, was enough for me. I heard him puff out a deep breath before he softly spoke up again. “Are you okay?”
I was kind of taken aback by the concern in his voice and I slowly shifted my stare back to his. Lightly nodding my head, I pursed my lips to the side in a half smile. “Yeah, I guess, I’m alright. It’s just…it’s stupid.”
He let out a chuckle, juggling his flashlight between his two hands before he took a step closer to me. Leaning his face down, I could literally smell the stolen beer on his breath as my eyes darted fast with his. “I know somethin’ that can make ya feel loads better…”
I rolled my eyes. “You never give up do you,” I huffed out, pressing my lips in a line.
“Not when it’s somethin’ I really want–”
His words got stopped by a screaming stampede of about thirty kids running past us and I used this distraction as my chance to take a step back from him. Keeping my stare on his, I dramatically shrugged my shoulders, my cheek hitting the hunch of one. “Guess it’s just not meant to be, Horan,” I yelled out to him amidst the ruckus, pointing my fingers around at the circling campers, “Too many kids!”
He tossed a brow up at me as he gave me a knowing nod. “I promise, I ain’t givin’ up on you, kitty cat,” he shouted back to me, walking backwards towards the tree line to catch up with his campers that had run off already, “we’ll get our go, don’t ya fuckin’ worry ‘bout that!”
The end of camp came a lot faster than I had expected it to, the kids keeping me more busy during the last week than probably all the other weeks combined. The entire camp had to train for a mini-triathlon and obstacle course, all the cabins racing against one another. We held the race on the very last full day before departure day, my cabin coming in a cool third place within the whole camp. We were very proud and super happy with all our hard work and were treated to ice cream sundaes afterwards.
It really turned out to be a great end to a great summer.
Deciding to sneak out to the docks after lights out that night, I made sure all my campers were snug in their bunks and, thankfully, totally wiped from the adventurous day before slipping into a tank top and pajama shorts and ever so quietly stepped out of our cabin. It figured I’d get one last peaceful moment to myself before we had to pack up and leave the next afternoon.
The moon was bright, full and glowing like a spotlight in the dark sky. Not a cloud in sight, but I  had never seen so many twinkling stars before in my life. Dipping my bare feet into the cool water, I sat on the very edge of the dock, my palms resting behind me as I leaned back and gently tipped my head up to peer at the vast night sky.
My toes dangled smoothly through the calm water and a slight breeze blew past, sending a small shiver across my exposed skin as strands of my loose hair slipped over my face. I closed my eyes, letting my head lull back all the way to rest on my slightly hunched shoulders and I soaked up the harmonizing sound of the chirping crickets and croaking bullfrogs in the distance as the tiny splashes of water on my skin easily calmed me. The air was so pure and fresh, and I breathed in deep, easily letting it penetrate all the way through me. I really was going to miss this place.
“What you doin’ out here, kitty cat?”
His gravelly voice startled me, yet again, and my eyes popped open just as he stepped up next to me. Tilting my head over to the side, I peered almost straight up at him, a genuine smile pulling across my lips. “Just enjoying the quiet,” I said to him, the words rolling off my tongue as soft as the breeze that floated over my skin.
He chuckled out slightly, giving a nod to the empty space next to me. “Can I sit?”
Turning my attention back out to the faintly rippling water, I shrugged up a shoulder. “Sure.”
Kicking off his shoes, he plopped himself down next to me, his feet sinking right down into the water. I breathed out a smirk as my eyes ran up the length of his legs, quickly taking in the amount of dark hair that covered the bit of his thighs that showed from his soft blue sweat shorts that he was wearing before slowly letting my stare trickle up the rest of him. Right over his thin white t-shirt that clung perfectly to his tiny relaxed belly and across his chest, to the gleam of the moon that bounced off his toned upper arms as he leaned back on his palms. His eyes were round, intrigued by the same starry sky as mine had been just moments ago and I felt myself become a little entranced by the totally captivated look on his face. He hadn’t worn his hat, something that surprised me actually, and I dropped my gaze to the space between us, very aware of just how close his hand was resting to mine.
I didn’t know if it was deliberate or not that his hand was so close, but I took in a deep breath and averted my eyes as I heard him speak up again. “Look at us,” he whispered, turning to look over at me. I smiled at him, pretending I hadn’t just been hoping to touch my hand to his. “Finally alone.”
I tipped my head over to my far shoulder, my stare flicking back out to the water and gave him a short laugh. “Took the whole summer, it seems.”
“Ha!” he snorted out, “Yeah, pretty much.” Biting at my lip, I tossed some wind blown hair from my face as I let my stare just barely peek over at the round of his bent knees. “Can I admit somethin’ to ya?” 
“These last four weeks…” Niall paused for a second, making my eyes curiously flick over to him, “longest I’ve ever gone without gettin’ laid.”
Scoffing loudly, I rolled my eyes and turned my stare down to watch my toes ripple through the water, my brows knitting and my mouth dropping open at what I had just heard. Was this guy serious right now? “Wow, Niall. Good for you.”
I heard a frustrated huff leave his mouth, his hand raising to run through his messy hair. “No..no, I didn’t mean it like that…I just…I mean that every other summer I’ve been here workin’, I’ve basically tried to lay every girl counselor I could-”
“You’re not helping yourself,” I spit out to him.
Letting out a loud laugh, he whipped his stare behind him to see if he had woken anyone up before leaning to his side, closer into me. “I just mean…I don’t care that I didn’t…get laid. Like, it became more than that. Ya know, I got to know you, talkin’ to you and becomin’ your friend and shit. I actually really like you.”
My feet stalled in the water, the air feeling as though it was squeezed straight out of my lungs. Blinking through my thoughts, I faintly shook my head as I peered back over at him. “Am I supposed to be flattered by that?”
I watched as his deep blue stare flit over my face in the moonlight, the very tip of his tongue jutting out to run across his bottom lip. It was like he wasn’t sure what to say back…or he did, but wasn’t sure he should say it. “Are you?”
I had to giggle at his response, my face tucking down into my shoulder. I don’t know if it was just knowing that in some strange way I had gotten to Niall Horan in a way that no one else had before, or that he was just way too incredibly cute for his own good, but I had no choice but to be honest with him. “A little,” I whispered back, tucking my bottom lip in between my teeth.
He breathed out a smirk, a chuckle bubbling in his throat as he darted his eyes with mine. “Good, ‘cause, Jesus, I’ve never worked this hard to get laid in me life.”
“Please,” I quipped, dramatically rolling my eyes, “you call that working?”
Watching the corner of his mouth twist up, Niall huffed out a chuckle. “Shut the fuck up,” he mumbled.
I couldn’t even contain it, my head flinging back in a loud laugh that had my eyes pinching shut and my stomach pulling in. I could feel his eyes on me, trailing over the way my chin was tipping up to the sky and my chest was heaving as I choked out my laughs, but I didn’t care. It felt good. It felt good to have someone make me laugh, it felt good to have someone looking at me like that. “I had a good summer,” Niall retorted as I calmed down, settling my breath and wiping away at the tiny tears that had squeezed out from my giggles, “I’m gonna miss this place.”
“Me too,” I muttered, pulling in a sigh as I looked back out to the water, “I might even miss some people here too…”
“Oh, so you’re gonna miss me, eh?”
I shrugged up my shoulder, letting a smirk curl at my lips. “I was actually talking about Sarah but…”
“Awe, I see how it is then,” he whispered, his eyes still glued to me. Pushing out a faint giggle, I shot my stare over to him, the heat from how close he was, immediately engulfing me. It made it hard to breathe, my eyes locked in on his, the glow from the moon dancing over his profile and the chill of the slight breeze making his hair wave up just the tiniest bit. I could see the dark in his eyes spread the longer he looked at me, the material of his shirt rising quicker and quicker as the quiet between us grew stronger. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he was absolutely stunning. Soft but rugged, warm and sweet like a perfect summer peach cobbler. As much as I hated to admit it…he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
I struggled to take in a breath, my lips parting just enough to gasp slightly and my eyes fluttered as the intoxicating smell of him filled my entirety. There was something about Niall that just left me breathless and eager and curious all at the same time. He was like this ornate puzzle, so obvious on the outside but complex and intricate on the inside. You just couldn’t help but want to dissect him and get to know him better. You couldn’t help but want to kiss him.
Kiss him.
I was screaming at myself now and he hadn’t moved. Not a muscle. I wanted to feel him on my lips, I wanted to taste him. I wanted to bring back that night at the bonfire like we hadn’t gotten interrupted by the hoards of children. I wanted to kiss him so bad.
Leaning over, my mind went cloudy, my eyes practically screwing shut so tight I swore I saw shooting stars under my lids. I reached up my hand, my fingers shaking with nerves as I grabbed around his cheek and dug my fingertips into the prickly skin where his three day old beard had grown in. Not even thinking, not even taking a second to register what the hell I was doing, my lips were on his.
Pushing with eagerness, he pressed his lips back against mine, our mouths opening to invite the feel of one another as the heat of our staggered breaths swarmed around us. He was so warm, so sweet on my tongue and it was like my heart was going to burst out of my chest at any moment. His lips moved freely with mine, his tongue sweeping gently into my mouth getting his own taste of me as my fingers curled into his hot skin.
The bit of stubble on his chin tickled against my jaw, making a tiny giggle slip past my lips that just as quickly turned into a meek whimper. He pulled my bottom lip between his own, nipping playfully before yanking me back in with a heady swirl of his tongue. He was magic. More than I had even dreamed of.
I could feel a knot forming in my lower tummy, the heat sizzling up to my cheeks and I reluctantly broke the kiss, struggling to catch my breath as I hovered my swollen mouth over his. I felt a burst of hot air push out from past his lips as he smirked, his forehead just barely leaning down to rest on mine. My eyes stayed closed, eyelashes batting against the tops of my flushed cheeks as I relished in the warmth and excitement of finally experiencing his kiss. Licking the taste of him off my lips, I instinctively bit lightly at the skin. My thighs clamped together as I heard the faint pounding of beating hearts, the singular noise drowning out all the crickets and bullfrogs that surrounded us.
Carefully opening my eyes, I slipped my sticky forehead off of his, my fingertips slowly dragging off the skin of his face as I darted my stare with his. I watched a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, that perfect little dimple just barely peeking out and it took everything I had in me not to slam my mouth to his once more.  
“Fuck,” he mumbled, his voice a bit broken in his throat, “you could blow me now if ya want…” My eyes went huge at his comment, my teeth sinking down into my bottom lip as I fought off a smile. With no hesitation, I slapped my hands to his upper arm and with all my might, shoved him so hard that he toppled over the dock and straight into the cool water.
He hit it hard with a splash and my hands smacked to my mouth but I failed to hold in my laughs. He popped his head out from under the water, flicking the wet hair from off his forehead as his mouth hung open and he ran his big hands over his face, smearing the water away. My stomach tensed as I bent over in an uncontrollable fit, practically dying at how he looked falling in and before I could even protest, I felt a rough hand grip around my ankle and yank me right off that dock and down into the water.
I tried to scream, the noise being cut off with the sound of gurgling water as I went under and felt the sturdy clutch of his arms as they curled around my middle. Pulling me up, I gasped for air and wiped the water from my face, laughing as I draped my arms around his neck and hooked my legs over his slim hips.
“The water’s fucking cold!” I dramatically whined to him, my voice going shrill. He tossed his head back in a loud cackling laugh, one that seemed to vibrate through me and echo off the still of the distant water and I couldn’t help but let my stare focus in the way his throat bobbed. It made a smile pull over my lips and I pushed my body closer against him, my arms squeezing tighter over his broad shoulders as he slowly brought his stare back to mine.
My chest was pressed to his, wet and heaving and I bit timidly at my bottom lip as I looked down into his heavy lidded eyes, our bodies just gently bobbing on the water’s surface. It was quiet, eerily so, and a shiver ran up my spine as Niall reached up to softly brush away at a piece of hair that was stuck to my face. He looked so pretty, so pretty that it almost made my heart want to bleed and I curled my fingers tight around the back of his neck as the water calmly rippled around us. His arms firmly held onto me as our eyes slowly began to grow dark, the glowing moonlight twinkling off of our dripping wet skin.
My skin trembled under his touch, out of my control and I nervously breathed out a giggle as I felt his fingers fist into the wet material of my tank top at my lower back. The heat was almost insufferable, our bodies melding together, fitting perfectly as our hearts pounded wildly in our quick rising chests. I could feel his erratic pulse thumping against my clammy palm, my fingers holding that much tighter to him. It felt hard to breathe, like my lungs were pinching closed with every second that he stared at me and I was begging for air, begging to steal his warm breath and make it my own. We panted fiercely, so much so it was making me start to feel dizzy as we instinctively inched our faces closer. His nose brushed at the side of mine, the cool water dripping off my parted lips onto his and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again. I want to kiss him, I want to feel his mouth on mine-
His bearish hand shot out of the water and cupped around the back of my head and cut off my thoughts, my eyes pinching shut as he greedily pressed his mouth to mine. He kissed me this time, harder and more hasty than the last. Like he needed it, like he needed to kiss me as much as I needed to kiss him. Like his life depended on it. And I kissed him back just the same. Our dripping hot bodies, swirling in the water, fervent hands gripping tight into hair, teeth crashing and tongues sliding. It was rough, harsh and reckless and full of longing desire.
My legs clenched around him, my hips rolling forward to feel him as my body clung to his lean frame. His arms flexed as he strained to keep me held up, my fingers carding roughly through his wet hair and tugging hard with each pass of his hot tongue over mine. I whimpered slightly, letting the sound fill his open mouth as our heads tilted and our bodies rocked to feel each other.
His mouth slid off of mine, kissing madly over the jut of my chin as I compliantly tilted my head back just enough. “Oh God, baby,” he breathed out against my jaw. The cool air blew over me, a small cry creaking out past my parted lips as he began sucking furiously across the tender skin of my neck. My chest was heaving so fast, unable to catch a solid breath and I felt his big hand untangle from my hair and slide to my shoulder, hooking a finger into the strap of my tank and slipping it down my arm.
The air around me came to a stand still, motionless as I felt tiny pecks being placed across the curve of my bare shoulder. “We…w-we should go…somewhere,” I choked out, my words stuttering out of my dry throat as he licked across my soaking wet skin.
I felt his mouth pause at the hunch of my shoulder and my eyes popped open as he lifted his face to look at me. “Yeah?” he muttered softly.
Scraping my teeth along my lip, I gingerly nodded my head. “Yeah.”
Not wasting a moment, he swung his arm up and grabbed onto the edge of the dock, the warmth of his body leaving mine and he hoisted himself up out of the water. I peered up at him as he did this, still bobbing in the water and watched the muscles in his back flex and contract under the practically see thru material of his drenched white t-shirt before he stood up and turned around to look back at me. My hand clamped over my mouth as my wandering eyes flicked down to the very apparent bulge that was straining in his shorts. The giggles couldn’t be contained and he perched his hands on his hips as he peered down at himself where my stare had been focused. “Stop laughin’, would ya? I can’t fuckin’ help it!”
I slipped my fingers off my mouth, tucking my lips in. “I’m sorry, I won’t laugh anymore.”
Rolling his eyes with a smirk, he bent down and tossed me a hand. “C’mon.” I threw him a smile, reaching out to grab onto him and let him help me up out of the water and onto the dock.
It was absolutely freezing, my sopping wet clothes clinging to every curve of my body and Niall and I just stood at the end of the dock, right in front of each other letting our eyes dart as our bodies struggled to maintain their heat. I shivered, my teeth clattering a bit as I let my stare drift over him. His hair was completely disheveled, his tanned skin dripping with tiny goosebumps as his clothes stuck to his body like they weren’t even there. He looked like a fucking God.
Slowly letting my stare fall down the front of his body, I hungrily bit at my lip as my head tilted a bit to the side. I wanted to touch him. Feel him, every single part of him. Feeling something come over me, I reached out and cupped my hand over his bulge, the action making his body stiffen and his shoulders hunch back as he sucked in a jumbled breath. I flicked my eyes back to his as my fingers gently started to knead at his hardened length, the skin warm under the wet cloth of his shorts. I could feel how thick he was, feel him throbbing against my palm and it made my heart want to jump out of my chest.
“See…” he mumbled under his breath to me, “that’s what you do to me..”
The corner of my lips curled up. “Guess I’m in for a treat then, aren’t I?” I whispered, rolling my tongue in my mouth.
Taking a step towards me, my breath caught in my throat as he peered down at me, my fingers still pressing against his straining length. I watched his eyes flutter a bit and an incoherent curse word slip past his lips as the heel of my palm rubbed over the head of him, before he shakily licked at his lips and reached up to gently cradle his hand at the side of my face. “I want ya so fuckin’ bad,” he breathed out, his thumb dragging along my jaw. “you have no fuckin’ idea…”
Letting a playful smile spread over my mouth, I drew in a deep breath and leaned up to my tip toes, just enough to teasingly ghost my mouth to his. I felt his lips part against mine in anticipation, my hand curling around his clothed cock as I gently let my lips skim over his. “Hmm,” I hummed out, knowing exactly what I was doing at this point, “well…gotta catch me first.”
Yanking my hand away from him, I let out a devilish little laugh and took off running, hearing a loud groan spill from his lips as he began to chase me down the dock. I couldn’t stop my giggling, tiny squeals slipping out as I ran right off the dock and up the grassy hill heading towards the nurse’s shack. I had no idea where I was going, just running until I couldn’t run anymore, but knew that was the shortcut to literally every place in the camp.
Hearing his feet padding against the ground behind me, I flicked my stare over my shoulder, practically toppling over in laughter just as he finally caught up to me right as I had reached the nurse’s shack. He grabbed my elbow and spun me around, slamming his body to my front as he pushed my back up against the side wall. His big hands immediately cupped around my face, fingers tangling into my hair as he pushed his mouth to mine, kissing me hard. My hands gripped at his sides, my slender fingers curling tight into the drenched material of his t-shirt as his shoulders raised and his nose pushed into my cheek.
I barely had time to giggle, barely had time to pull in a breath as he kissed me, intense and fervid, his tongue sweeping past my parted lips to taste so hungrily at me. He left me breathless, swallowing his deep whines and holding them in my lungs as he harshly pressed his lean trembling body right against my own. “Can’t wait to tear up that sweet little pussy of yours,” he mumbled into my mouth, breaking our kiss to rest his forehead on mine. Both gasping, our spit coated lips hovered and my eyes fluttered from the intoxicating heat as I felt his heart pounding rapid in his chest. He felt so damn good against me.
I breathed out a sweet smile, locking my eyes with his. “Yeah, well most guys who talk a big game, can’t really back it up…”
Huffing out a scoff, I watched his mouth tug up at the corner as he slowly lifted his forehead off mine and quirked a brow. Keeping his stare on me, I felt the slight drag of his one hand slip off the side of my face, my stomach twisting into a tight knot as he trailed his fingertips down the the front of my body.
My head tipped back against the wall, my eyes never faltering off of his as he slowly dragged his touch between my breasts and down the plane of my quivering tummy before slipping his hand right into the front waistband of my pajama shorts. I faintly gasped, my mouth falling slack in a held breath as the calloused pads of his fingers barely brushed against my clit, sending waves of intense tremors through my entire body. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, the feeling of his fingers on my heated center; rolling and rubbing, was literally putting me into a catatonic state.
My eyes rolled back slightly, my knees begging to buckle under me as he leaned himself back into me, his hand still cradling my face as he pushed his mouth to mine once again. He kissed me softly, my eyes easing closed as I fell into his touch; completely and utterly at his mercy. White knuckling his shirt at his sides as my body jerked against him, he chuckled against my lips as his fingers drew long, deep circles at my clit. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Fucking cocky prick.
Almost ending as quick as it began, he yanked his hand from my shorts, making my eyes fly open to lock in on his heavy stare. He had a half smirk on his overly satisfied mouth, brows raised as his head cocked back just enough to show how pleased he was. I wanted to slap him and fuck his brains out all the same.
“Jesus,” I choked out, finally letting my lungs expand for needed air. He just smiled bigger at me, licking at his lip as he tossed his stare around us, his eyes going big as he searched. Shooting his stare over next to us, it was like something clicked in his head and he looked back down at me.
“C'mon,” he whispered, “I know where we can go.” Sliding his rough fingers off my jaw, he grabbed at my hand that was still clenched to the side of his t-shirt. I had no idea where he was taking me, but at that point, I would’ve fucked him right then and there. The absolute power he had over me was nothing I had ever experienced. It was thrilling and overwhelming all in the same sense, making every inhibition I would normally have get thrown right out of the window. And I was pretty certain he knew it.
The nurse’s shack was empty for the night, closed up unless medically necessary to open it and we creeped up the small wooden staircase to the front door, Niall leading me. My eyes glanced around us as he jiggled the door handle a bit, turning it just right to somehow unhitch the lock and open the door. I rolled my eyes, clear that this wasn’t the first time he had done this. He looked back at me as I stepped in after him, my hand still gripped firmly in his.
“Had to break in one night last summer after one of my older campers got sick from drinkin’ some beer,” he whispered, reaching over me to gently shut the door, “he didn’t want the nurse or director knowin’ ‘cause then he’d get sent home, so I grabbed him some aspirin and Gatorade, ya know…to help him out.”
I breathed out a smile at his little story, shaking my head at myself as I had obviously assumed the worse without even giving him a chance. Leading me towards the back of the room, it was pitch black inside, just the faint glow of the moon seeping in from a few small windows and I had to stifle my giggles when Niall tripped over the leg of a chair, almost falling to his death. He shushed me, mumbling a ‘shut up’ under his breath and smiled as he tugged me over to a large desk that was sitting in the corner.  
Pulling me to stand in front of him with my back towards the end of the desk, I peeked down at it over my shoulder and I bit at my lip as I watched him reach around me and push the few items off of it right onto the floor with a swift sweep of his arm. With my eyes going big at his little maneuver, I looked back up at him as he stood right in front of me and watched as he raised his brows, not saying a single word. We kind of stood there, just darting eyes and still dripping wet and I wasn’t sure if it was the stagnant heat that was building up in the enclosed room or the way his darkened eyes were trailing over my body but I stepped into him, placing my hands right at the peak of his chest.
His eyes shot to mine, his perfect lips parting just slightly as I lifted up to my tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. It was tender and sweet, the smell of him filling my lungs as I drew in a breath and twisted my fingers into the soaking wet fabric of his t-shirt. Pulling back slightly, I tugged impatiently at the material, Niall taking the hint and raising his arms so I could easily yank it off of him.
My eyes fluttered as I dropped the wet shirt to the floor, finally taking in the full sight of his gorgeous body. His skin was gleaming with water, his chest hair matted down and I ran the pads of my fingers over it, the heat from his reddened flesh searing through my fingertips. Glancing back up at him, he had a half smirk playing on his face and I tucked my lip into my mouth as I leaned back up on my tip toes and grabbed around his neck, resting my mouth just at his ear.
“I wanna suck you off now.”
I heard a depressed breath jumble past his lips and he gulped loudly as I tipped my face down and traced kisses down his neck right to his collarbone. I felt the pressure of his big hands as he slipped them around my hips and slowly began to run them up the slope of my back. Quickly reaching behind me, I pulled them off my body and eased them down to his sides. “Uh-uh,” I whispered out to him, locking my eyes with his. He pulled in his brows at my action, confused I was sure, but I just shook my head and bit at my lip as I eased myself down to my knees in front of him. I could see his chest rising high as I peered up at him, my shaky hands splaying across his tummy as I ghosted them down the front of his body.
His skin was on fire; matching the heat that had settled between my legs and I swallowed hard as my stare followed the path of my hands to finally settle on the bulge that was about ready to break out from the taut material of his shorts. My breathing sped up and I wasted no more time, eagerly hooking my fingers into the waistband of his shorts and pulling them straight down to his lower thighs.
My breath caught in my throat, my mouth practically watering at the sight of him. Thick and a quite a decent length, the tip blared a bright red, the tight skin slippery and shiny with precum and he had thick purple veins trailing up along his gorgeously soft peach colored shaft. Unequivocally and without any doubt, the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. The dark coarse hair that surrounded the base of him was matted down from the water and all I could think about was how good he probably smelled. I reached up and gripped my hand around him, his body tensing up from my touch and making his cock twitch against my palm.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled.
I flicked my eyes up to his face, his wide stare focused on my every move. “I’ve waited all summer to do this, Niall,” I told him, giving him a gentle squeeze as I kneaded my fingers over his shaft.
“Jesus Christ, baby, you ain’t the only one…”
I let out a tiny giggle and leaned into him, my free hand slapping to his thigh to steady myself as I brought the leaking tip of him to my lips. My eyes fluttered as I felt the heat from his body already radiating against my skin and I stuck out my tongue, softly gliding it right across the peak of his head and slipping into the slit. He hissed in a breath as I curled the salty pre-cum into my mouth and swallowed before fully wrapping my lips around him.
I moaned around him, not really meaning to but not being able to help myself as I gave him a few good sucks followed by tiny kitten licks to the tip. He groaned out loud and rolled his head back to his shoulders as I popped off of him and spit down onto the length of his shaft; using my hand to spread the wetness across his tight skin. Sucking up under the ridge of the head to tease him, I grinned at his reaction to want to grip into my hair before I swatted his hand away and pushed him back into my mouth. He grunted in frustration and I smiled to myself as I saw his hands curl up into fists at his sides, his knuckles bleeding white.
The heat was building fast in my lower tummy; the further I took him in my mouth, the wetter I got and the more turned on I became. He hit the back of my throat, my eyes screwing shut as I gagged heavily around him and I heard a low ‘fuck’ grumble out of his mouth. Stroking him with my hand, I bobbed on him a bit more, letting him hit the back of my throat every so often before sucking harshly at his head. His body was convulsing, my fingers digging into the soft skin of his thigh as I felt him twitch against the flat of my tongue.
“Can’t fuckin’…take a-anymore,” he stuttered, his voice raspy.
I flit my eyes up to his, noticing he was staring down at me. I smiled around him and he shook his head, his hand shooting up to card roughly through his hair. “I gotta touch you,” he blurted out, “Jesus Christ, I need to fuckin’ touch you.”
Reaching down for me with both hands, he gripped around my upper arms, yanking me up to my feet. His cock popped out of my mouth, my hands slipping off his skin as he rapidly darted his eyes with mine. My mouth was swollen, beet red from being properly used and he smirked as he brought two of his thick fingers up to my mouth and shoved them past my lips. I threw my hands to his chest and he bit hard at his bottom lip as he watched me, my eyes fluttering as he pushed his fingers straight down my throat, wanting to feel me gag around them. I obliged, not having a choice and he gripped his other hand around the side of my neck. “Like me cock and me fingers shoved down your throat, don’t ya?” he grumbled before yanking his fingers out and roughly pressing his mouth to mine in a kiss.
I whined against his lips, wet tongue sliding over one another as I struggled to push the front of my body up against his. I just wanted to feel him.
“Such a good girl,” he whispered as he slipped his mouth from mine, running his thumb across my swollen lips. Swinging my body around, my feet stumbled under me as he pushed the front of my body down to the desk, bending me over in front of him. My eyes rolled back, the anticipation of what was about to happen making my heart go erratic in my chest. My belly was swirling with warmth, my thighs trembling as I felt his splayed hands run down the sides of my body, dipping into my curves.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous…”
Tucking his fingers into the back waistband of my shorts, he swiftly pulled them down over the round of my ass, letting them sit just below my bum cheeks. I could feel myself dripping for him, so ready and I spread my arms out above my head on the desk, my nails scraping into the wood as I unabashedly whined out for him.
“Please…” I begged him, my voice low in my throat but I knew he heard. He slapped his hands across my ass, the sensation making my body jolt and a tiny scream burst out. I tucked my face down into the skin of my upper arm, my teeth sinking into the soft flesh and I was struck with silence as I felt the sting of another harsh slap go across the other side. Rolling my hips up towards him, I couldn’t help but plead in anyway I knew how, feeling just the tip of his swollen cock brushing at my heat every time I moved. I fucking need to feel him.
“P-please…” I breathed out again.
He let a chuckle rumble from his chest, his fingers gripping hard into the supple skin of my backside. I knew I would be littered with marks from him and the thought of that made me whimper out even more. Rocking my hips up again, I suddenly felt the warmth of his hot spit hit right at my back entrance, the feeling making me gasp and buck up into him slightly.
Niall’s hands held me firm, sliding over to the round of my cheeks to easily spread me apart to watch as his spit slid down the path right to my heat. I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, my legs feeling like jello underneath me as I shakily lifted my head and tried to peer back at him. Gulping in a breath, I felt the slight drag of his fingers over my folds before he pushed his two fingers right into my center.
“Oh my Go–” I cried out, my words being cut off by the intense feeling. Slowly pumping them inside me, I felt a slight burn from his thick fingers stretching me and rubbing so fucking perfectly against my inner walls. I couldn’t catch a solid breath, my forehead dropping down to the desk with a thud. My eyes pinched shut, my mouth hanging open as my tiny inaudible cries started to grow louder and louder. He felt so insanely good, the tips of his fingers flicking up and hitting right at my top wall and I rolled my hips back towards him, eager to feel more as the familiar warmth slowly began to circulate like a wildfire in my lower tummy.
Holy shit, this boy knows what he’s doing.
My hot breaths panted out against the wooden desk, making my skin dank and I swear I felt the entire fucking earth stop spinning as the thick weight of his body laid over me. His free hand slipped up the arching slope of my back, tangling itself into the bulk of my damp hair to twist it up out of the way as his hot mouth found the dewy skin of my neck. He sucked hard, my whimpers intensifying as my body vibrated uncontrollably under him, his fingers still working me as best he could.
It was all too much, his tongue trailing over my sticky skin between deep sucks, his stubble scratching at my sensitive flesh as his thick skilled fingers slid in and out of my dripping heat. I screwed my eyes shut, the deep black seeping into brightly colored white dots as I struggled to suck in a needed breath.
“Tell me ya want it, kitty cat,” I heard him growl into my ear, his tongue tracing into the dip below it, “Tell me ya want me to fuck that sweet little pussy of yours.”
I whimpered again, not sure I could even form coherent words at this point and he hooked his fingers up even more, hitting right at my special spot. My nails dug into the desk as I struggled to wriggle underneath him, the weight of his body on mine making any movement almost impossible. “I wanna hear ya, tell me how much ya want me to fuck ya, baby…c’mon…”
He licked a stripe across my neck, nipping at the skin. “Let me hear it…”
I struggled to swallow, my mouth dry from gasping breaths and I was barely able to lift my face from the drenched surface of the desk. “P-please…” I garbled out, voice broken and weak, “Please…God, I…I n-need it…please…please, Niall… f-fuck me…”
I felt his lips curl up in a satisfied smirk against my skin as his fingers slid out of me. My eyes rolled back under my lids at the feeling and I felt his body shift slightly on top of me as he lined himself up. The head of his cock tapped at my opening and with a solid roll of his hips, he pushed himself all the way inside me.
A broken gasp filled the dark space as his body began to work over mine, his hips slamming against my ass as he fucked steadily into me. He wasn’t slow, he wasn’t tender; he was truly fucking me, pushing as deep into me as he could and forcing every bit of air from my lungs. He was so thick, my center burned and pulsed wild around him as his cock dragged against my swollen walls with every solid pull. Oh my God.
My back arched against his front, our skin melting together from the sticky sweat as he fucked into me, his parted mouth skimming at my neck as tiny grunts pushed out. His fingers tightened in my hair to hold me still, his other hand spread out on the desk next to the dip in my waist to keep his balance as I struggled to contain all the noises that wanted to pour out of me.
“Christ, ya feel so fuckin’ good,” he panted out, his hot steamy breath swarming over the side of my face. His thrusts picked up and he tucked his sweaty face down into my neck. “So fuckin’ good ‘round me…”
My mouth dropped open as I felt his slim hips dip down and harshly thrust up, his cock pushing so far into me, I nearly lost my breath. He held himself there, buried all the way inside me, just barely rocking his hips to let the tip of his throbbing cock tap against my back wall and my body began to shake uncontrollably. Lifting my face, I threw my head back and let a loud cry burst past my dry parted lips.
I felt his free hand move from the desk and clamp down over my mouth, my cries being muffled by the press of his big hand. “Quiet, baby,” he whispered rough in my ear, his lips sucking at my earlobe. My eyes rolled back, lids fluttering as the warmth of my release was quickly building up in my center. “Feels good, don’t it, love? So…so fuckin’ good.”  
I tried to choke out another cry, but my chest was pinched under the weight of him as tears had begun to well up in the corners of my eyes. He was thrusting so deep into me and all I could do was nod my head at him, unable to speak from the heavy clamp of his hand. “Love feelin’ that pretty little pussy ‘round me cock…”
His fingers slipped off my mouth and I gulped in air, whimpering softly as he grabbed around my chin and turned my face towards his. My eyes eased open, everything blurry but him and he darted his darkened stare with mine as he thrust into me, so fiercely that the entire desk creaked as it slid little by little across the wooden floor. My lips fell slack in silence, the hot tears filling the brims of my eyes as he smiled and leaned in, pressing his mouth to mine.
He kissed me, hard and greedily, swallowing my broken moans and eating them up as he fucked into me even rougher, his thrusts so fast the edge of the desk was digging deep into my hip bones.
I couldn’t take it, the pain was so good, almost too good as the room started to close in on me, the heat of my orgasm starting to engulf my entire body. I struggled to suck in a needed breath as he swirled his hips and thrust in deeper, my one hand gripping the side of the desk as my other flew down to try and grasp at his thigh as his mouth slid off of mine. My eyes squeezed tight as a loose tear slipped over my cheek, Niall’s perfect lips resting at my jaw. “God, oh yes..fuck, please don’t stop. Don’t…”
“Mmm,” he chuckled out, nipping harsh at my skin, “you like that, don’t ya? My cock feels so good all up inside ya, don’t it, kitty cat?”
I let out a garbled whine in response and felt the tips of his fingers creep up over my chin, once again pushing past my lips. He slipped them down my throat and I gagged, my body shaking under him as he pulled them back out, strings of my hot spit hanging off my swollen bottom lip. “That’s me good girl,” he mumbled against the side of my face, “love watchin’ ya take me like that…”
I was right there, right on that sweet little edge and I bit into my lip as I tucked my face down against the desk. I was desperate to come at this point, my overworked body pleading with me to let go. “Please…God, please don’t stop, Niall,” I begged him, the delicious drags of his cock inside me practically teasing the satisfaction of my release right in front of me with every pull. “I’m…fuck, I’m gonna come…”
My eyes popped open as I felt his body quickly lift off of mine, his hips retracting to let his swollen length pull from me. I groaned from the loss, immediately lifting my hips up to shove a hand down between my legs. So much built up pressure, so much swirling untapped heat and sticky vibrating skin, I needed to get off and I twirled my fingers around my clit, long erratic moans etching their way from my throat.
“Oh, what’ya think you’re doin’ there?” he commented, noticing my fingers working myself, “Nah-uh, kitty cat…” Feeling his large hands grab at my hips, he yanked me up, a huff pushing from my chest as he turned me around to face him. He quirked up his brows, gripping around my ribcage to lift my bottom up on the desk.
Yanking off my shorts, he tossed them to the floor before pushing the front of my tank top over my chest, just resting above the top swell of my breasts. “Shit,” he said, his eyes traveling over my body before locking in on mine, “got one hell of a body on ya.” He cocked his brow, the corner of his mouth tugging up and I breathed out a shy smile as I dropped back to lay down on the desk. Quickly grabbing my ankles, he lifted my legs and set my heels down on the edge of the desk and spread my legs wide. My chest was heaving as I watched him and I threw my head back right as he ducked down between my legs, his mouth wasting no time pressing to my heat. My body had never shook so hard in my life and I squeezed my eyes shut as he licked at my mess, his tongue tracing my folds before giving a few eager sucks right to my clit.
My body curled up around him at the incredible feeling, my head shooting up from the desk as my orgasm had almost ripped out of me right on the spot. Shooting my hazy stare down to him, I watched his heavy lidded eyes dart with mine as his tongue slowly slid off my skin before he stood back up. He licked across his lips, my mouth still hanging open in shock as I struggled to catch my breath. “Taste fuckin’ incredible,” he told me and I watched a cocky smirk pull across his mouth.
“Oh my God.”
He gave me a chuckle and with one hand slipping over to rest at my knee, he lined himself up to me again before burying himself all the way inside me. A loud moan fell from my mouth as my body fell back to the desk with a thump, my hands slapping to the front of my face. He gripped around the front of my thighs, fucking into me as hard as he was before and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer.
With my tummy pulling in and my chest heaving, I whimpered out to him, begging him under my breath not to stop. The heat of my release was shooting through my veins and settling up into my cheeks, the room spinning like a vortex around me as I felt the deep thrusts of his cock, pushing and pushing me until I was practically hanging over that edge. “Wanna…see you come…” he said to me, his voice rough and his words staggered as he thrust into me. I let my arms fall aimlessly to the sides, my fingers slipping off my eyes as I forced them open, my glassy stare locking in on his.
Letting go of my one thigh, he leaned his body down over my front, sweeping his hand under the back of my neck and gripping hard as he lifted my face up to his. I could feel his muscles flexing as I firmly grasped around his arm and shoulder, the heat of his breath beating out against my mouth. It was so intense, so fucking intense I wasn’t sure I could handle it anymore. His forehead pushed to mine, our swollen lips hovering as we both panted roughly against each other, our lungs begging for air. “C’mon, baby,” he whispered, tenderly encouraging me as I felt my walls begin to clench down around him, “c’mon, that’s it…”
I choked back a shaky breath, my chest rising high and sticking to his as I felt the rippling heat of my orgasm begin to pool at my center. My body tensed up around him, the air becoming too thick to inhale as the sight of Niall on top of me began to grow fuzzy. The skin of my face tingled and burned, my head growing dizzy and weak but he held onto me, fucking into me steadily, determined to knock me right over that edge. Feeling his hips lift up just a bit, the air caught in my throat as he shoved his free hand down between our bodies, his fingers swiftly finding my clit and rubbing a tight circle. My eyes rolled back at the feeling in a deep moan, my lungs pinching tight as my thighs clamped down around his hips and my toes instinctively curled up over his bum. It was so overwhelming and my body was screaming at me, urging to let go as I teetered right on that edge.
“That’s it, baby, come for me…let me feel it.” His words, slipping out so gravelly in that thick accent of his, was all that I needed. My mouth hung open in silence, my body losing all control as I started to come, wickedly convulsing against him.
“Fuck!” I screamed out, my lungs expanding as I finally sucked in a shattered breath, “Oh God, Niall…fuc-”
His free hand pulled out from between our bodies and slapped over my mouth, my eyes flying open as the hot tears freely filled the rims. My body was shaking, uncontrollably and with such force against him, and he wasn’t stopping, but fucking into me even more. I felt like I was going to lose my mind. “So good…” he mumbled against the knuckles of his hand, “knew I could make that pussy purr…”
He darted his eyes with mine, Niall watching as the tears slipped down over my cheeks and pooled at the side of his palm and he slowly slipped his hand away, softly pressing his mouth to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers combing up through his damp bleached hair as he slowed his thrusts to let me come down. Sweeping his tongue in my mouth, he let my spastic gasps fill his lungs as he curled both his hands around my face, holding me against him.
My body was on fire, the heat wanting to burst from under my tingling skin and my center pulsated around him as I strained to settle myself. Breaking the kiss, he gently eased my head back down before pushing himself up again, his hands gripping to the front of my thighs. I kept my stare on him as he peered down and watched himself fuck into me, deep skilled thrusts turning a bit sloppier this time as my center continued to clench around him. My body was completely wasted, oversensitive and worn, and I sunk my teeth down into my bottom lip as he fucked harder into me, working to bring himself to his needed release.  
It didn’t take but a few more thrusts and with a deep grunt gurgling its way out from his dry throat, he shot his gaze from between my legs up to my face as his pink mouth hung open. My stare darted over him, from the flutter of his eyes to the deep rosy flush that filled his cheeks and covered down to his gleaming chest. His stomach tensed and his darkly blown eyes rolled back as he thrust all the way into me one last time before pulling his hips back and letting his hard length fall from me. He hurriedly wrapped his large hand around his shaft, jerking himself a few good times before I watched his cock go rigid and twitch in his grip as he spurt his thick warm load right onto my trembling lower tummy.
My real name slipped past his lips as he milked the last bit of his cum onto my heated skin and let go of his spent cock, toppling over and letting his hands slam to the desk to hover over me. I felt woozy under the swarm of his body heat and the soreness that was settling in my center, and he peered down at me as his sweat covered chest heaved from his uneven breaths. I couldn’t help but smile up at him; my eyes slowly falling closed as my back arched slightly off the desk, the feeling of him no longer inside me leaving a small ache between my thighs. He had felt so good and I didn’t want to lose that feeling.
“Fuck, that was amazin’,” Niall whispered as he blew a solid breath past rounded lips.
Stretching my arms up above my head, I bit at my lip as I felt him push himself up and step out from between my legs, my chest finally rising high in a deep full breath. Giggling out as his hands slipped over the tops of my thighs again, I peered at him and bashfully tucked my face into my shoulder as he leaned his head down, a jumbled gasp pushing up from my chest as I felt the warm press of his tongue on my clit.
My body buckled up; my thighs shaking with no mercy as he slowly dragged the flat of his hot tongue over my dripping heat, eagerly cleaning me up. “Holy…holy shit,” I mumbled, my jaw falling slack as I immediately began to feel my painfully sore body react to him. My hand slipped down between my legs, fingers running through his thick hair and curling in tight.
I didn’t even have time to react, my center hypersensitive, swollen and used, his pretty lips wrapped perfectly around my clit and I lost it, immediately coming hard against his tongue. Stars shot under the tight squeeze of my eyelids, the room going deathly silent in the back of my ears as the prickling heat sparked its way to the tips of my fingers and toes. He hardened his grip to my thighs as I struggled to pull away, the contact overstimulating me and I continued to convulse against him as I shakily cried out, unknowingly yanking on his hair. He worked me through, not letting up, his tongue licking and swirling, sucking as I rolled my hips into the feeling and screamed out his name. He couldn’t stop me this time, couldn’t keep me quiet and I let my cries echo off the walls of the shack as my overworked body shook and grew numb with my release.
I slowly came down as he licked softly at me, easing my fingers from his hair. My entire body listless, paralyzed almost and covered in sweat as I peeled open my eyes and tried to focus down on his face that was still between my thighs. His stubble lightly scratched at my skin, and it made me huff out a giggle, my head shaking at what the fuck had just happened. Pressing tender kisses to the inside of my thighs, he smirked at me before pushing himself up off his knees to stand.
“Holy fuck, Niall,” I breathed out to him, my voice practically shot as I exasperatedly ran my hands over my face. He let out a laugh and I flicked my eyes down at him, letting my knees knock closed.
He gave me a confident smile, cocking his brow up at me. “Worth the wait?”
“So worth the wait.”
“Told ya,” he quipped. We both broke out in a fit of laughter and I watched as he reached up with both hands to run them through his damp hair. His body looked even more gorgeous after being freshly fucked, and I didn’t even know that was possible. Licking at his lips, he let out a contented sigh as he peered back down at me, shaking his head in a grin before offering me his hand. Grabbing gently at his fingers, I let him pull me up to a sitting position and tugged down at my tank top as the spinning room around me died down a bit. All my strength was wiped away and Niall quickly took notice, letting out a cocky chuckle before helping lift me up to my wobbly feet.
“Whoa,” I breathed out, grasping onto his shoulders.
He leaned forward, grabbing at my hips to help hold me steady. “Fucked ya so good, ya can’t even stand, eh?”
Resting my forearms on the broad of his shoulders, I snorted at his comment as his strong arms gently snaked all the way around my middle, pulling my weakened body into his. Looking down at me, I tipped my head to the side and scraped my teeth across my bottom lip as we quietly peered at one another, our naked bodies pressed tight together. He felt so good against me, so warm and soft. It was almost comforting.
“Ya know what, Cat?” Niall asked me, his voice deep but subtle as he stared at me.
“This was, hands down, the best summer ever,” he mumbled back to me, my eyes falling closed as he leaned in to press a tiny kiss to my forehead. Tucking my face down into the curve of his throat, a smile spread over my mouth and my knees felt as if they were going to collapse beneath me, making me tighten my grip even more around his neck. I took in a deep settling breath, letting his delicious scent fill my lungs and letting the memory of this moment fill every part of me. I could feel the rhythmic beat of his heart thumping against my chest, and I hoped he could feel mine and I wanted nothing more than to have him hold me like this forever.
“The best fucking summer.”
I awoke the next morning probably in a better mood than I had been in all summer; images of the night before crashing in my head as the loud bustle of the campers packing up slowly drowned under my thoughts. That was the best sex I had ever had in my whole entire life, I couldn’t even deny it. And Niall was nothing like I had imagined him to be.
He had walked me back to my cabin after we had gotten dressed and left the nurse’s shack, kissing me before saying goodnight. I had no idea what was going to happen when we woke the next morning, but I fell into a deep sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.
It was camp dismissal day, everyone leaving to finally go back home. Some kids were sad, crying as they said goodbye to their friends, others not so much and actually really happy to see their parents. I said my goodbyes to my campers, them making me promise to come back next year and I told them that I wouldn’t even think of not coming back. That made them excited and I waved them all off one by one as I stood at the drop off zone, my two bags sitting on the ground at my feet.
It wasn’t until the last kid left that the counselors were able to go home.
I should’ve known that Niall would be the first one to be picked up, considering he was the last one to arrive, the same silver Mercedes pulling around and screeching to a halt. We hadn’t really spoken at all that morning, both of us busy packing and getting our campers ready to leave and I watched quietly from a distance as he opened up the back door and tossed his messily packed duffle bag into the back seat.
I almost expected him to hop in and just wave me off without any kind of interaction between us and I reached up to nervously tuck some hair behind my ear at the thought. Just as I did that, he turned around to let his eyes scan across the huddled groups of counselors who were all waiting for their rides. I was standing alone, of course, and my heart nearly skipped a beat when he stopped on me, a huge bright smile pulling across his face.
I smiled back at him, not being able to fight it and shook my head slightly as I breathed out a laugh. Holding out his hands to me, I watched him mouth a ‘c’mere’, his head nodding back to motion me over. My brows knitted a bit, not really sure what he wanted and I reluctantly flicked my stare over to where Sarah was standing, her wide eyes glued to him as the entire group of girls she was with shot their more than curious stares over to me.
Feeling the heat building in my cheeks, I figured that at this point I had nothing to lose and sucked in a jumbled breath as I tipped my chin up and began to walk over towards Niall. He looked really good; still wearing his bright blue camp shirt with a pair of rolled up pressed khaki shorts. He had white Adidas on his feet with his signature grey snapback sitting backwards on his head.
Stepping up to him, we both just stood there quiet for a moment and I shyly bit at my lip, my eyes flicking up to see a tiny fluff of his bleached hair sticking out of his cap. He looked incredibly cute, and I was pretty sure he knew it. He gave me a half smirk, his dimple pressing deep into his cheek and before I could even get a word in, he grabbed me and pulled my body into his. It knocked the wind right out of me, how hard my body slammed against his and my eyes fluttered as his rough hands tangled themselves up into my loose hair, his mouth earnestly pressing to mine.
He kissed me, oh Jesus, did he kiss me. Full on fucking kissed me right in front of everyone. Not a care in the world from Niall, I heard gasps filter out behind me, followed by snickering whispers and I smiled against his soft lips, wrapping my arms up around his back. My nose pushed into his cheek as I deepened our kiss, my tongue greedily sweeping into his mouth to get that one last taste of him. God, he tastes so damn good. I felt him breathe out a short chuckle at my blatant eagerness, his chin tipping just a bit as he nipped at my lip and pulled back, encouraging me to open my mouth even more to let him in.
It was a steamy kiss, impassioned and reckless, meaningful to anyone who could see it and I had to practically gasp for air when he finally pulled away, his arms sliding delicately over my shoulders to bring me into a firm hug. I tucked my face down against his broad shoulder, my eyes pressing closed as I let his warmth, so soothing and calming, engulf me.
“I’m so glad I met ya,” he whispered, his mouth sliding over to rest by my ear. I bashfully grinned at his comment, turning my face to press my lips to the side of his toasty neck.
“Me too.”
Releasing me from his tight hug, I pulled back and let my eyes fall over his face, noticing the tiny freckles that dotted across the bridge of his nose. I squinted up at him, plagued by the brightness of the sun that was trying to pierce through my eyes. Giving me a chuckle, he rolled his eyes and plucked his grey hat off of his head, my peculiar stare watching his movements as he lightly set it down on mine, wriggling it to sit just right.
He let out a sigh as he dropped his hands to his sides, hooking them on his hips. I bit at my lip, my fingers reaching up to faintly trace the brim of the cap. His head cocked over to the side as he smiled at me, his bright blue eyes drifting over my face. “Until next summer, kitty cat,” he said to me, raising his brows.
I giggled and gingerly shook my head as he turned to climb into the car. Stepping back, I couldn’t fight the permanent smile off my face, watching him close the door and wave at me through the window as the car pulled off with a heavy cloud of dust.
Standing there, I waited until I could no longer see him before I spun around and instantly caught the stare of Sarah and the other girls that were watching. Reaching up, I gave her a cheeky little wink as I gripped onto the brim of his cap and slowly turned it around so it was sitting backwards on my head. “Until next summer, Niall,” I muttered under my breath, smiling to myself as I flicked my eyes from hers and strutted back over to my bags to wait for my ride.
No doubt, that was the best summer of my life.
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bentchcreates · 7 years
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Summer Feels, A #romanceclass Anthology
A few things I want you to know before you proceed with my review: For starters, I’m one of the twenty-three authors featured in this book. So yes, you might call bias, but this is my book and my blog so I get to do whatever hell I want to do here. That’s also why this is only Part 1 of the #SummerFeels content I’m releasing. The review today is my reader-side talking, come back tomorrow for the writer-side view. :P
So anyway, here’s my shot at the Summer Feels Anthology Blog Tour!
I will not deny that twenty-three short stories is a lot to process, (I had to take breaks in between, and by breaks I mean reading other books between the stories to even out my feels) that’s why it took a whole month before I finished the entire thing! Haha!
But it was fun discovering/re-discovering different authors’ writing styles, voices and themes this close to each other. I learned a lot from authors who are already my favorites, and those I was only reading for the first time. The gradual (but necessary) rise in heat level was also a good call on editor Kate Sebastian. It made the book cleaner in terms of “flow” and it ensured all authors get equal spotlight whether they’re new or are already established in the literary scene.
I initially didn’t want to review the stories one by one but reading other blogs who said nice things to each and every story was fun and enlightening so I’m gonna do the same here, even if it’s just one liners of what I loved about it. 
1.       All About That Bass by Fay Sebastian
It was perfect to start the anthology with this sweet and fluffy story. I loved the Glee references and how everything led to #LiRika
2.       Alter Christus by Catherine Lo
Certified crowd favourite and I totally agree. While it is true that this stood out because of the heart-wrenching theme, I think I love how Catherine’s narrative flowed artistically smooth and the characters were well-rounded enough to carry such heavy-weight romance.
3.       Fall for Me by Miel Salva
Another cute story filled with Filipino food and feels! I can’t wait for the full Yasmin x Igo book to come out!
4.       The Game of Twenty Questions by Elizabeth Galit
The pacing of the scenes leading up to the grand reveal of feelings is swoon-worthy! The second chance trope is difficult to navigate but this one nailed it.
5.       The Summer You Said Hello by Ami Granada
Sexy voices and on-air flirting sold this for me! And ugh, knowing both of them were playing coy on purpose gave me life!
6.       At the Bermuda Triangle by Elea Andrea Almazora
The banter with this one is solid af. I love how the characters talked and ‘acted’ and I especially love the humor and sarcasm in each of them. And then there was the feels! *Kiligs*
7.       Beachin’ Summer by Arlene Manocot
#romanceclass shout out! Haha! I love that in this one, the guy is the romance junkie and the girl gets him. In Pagudpud, nonetheless!
8.       Buddy System by Yeyet Soriano
The ‘plays’ Carlo and Kit did to finally, finally admit their feelings to each other is A+. And ugh, don’t even get me started on that Javi x random IT guy fanservice scene! I will now stock easy to melt hard candies in my bag for impromptu kissing games! *yes, this is what I’m taking from this story. LOL
9.       Busy Out of The Friendzone by Charlie Dio
Gillian, gurl! *snaps fingers in the air!* I love her witty clapbacks and the way Aidan put a “love stamp” on her to get their messages across. XD I enjoyed this so much!
10.   Flying With You by Rachelle Belaro
Incredibly sweet and the parts about travelling were great! And OMG, that cake!
11.   Guide for A Day by H. Bentham
THIS IS THE BEST STORY IN ALL OF THE UNIVERSE!! Lol. Not really. Even I can’t convince myself with this. Haha. But everyone loves their first born. ;)
12.   Ready to Run by Kit Salazar
This take on the friends with benefits trope is awesomely done! I love the powerplay between the athlete and the homebody. Argh. I mentioned that and a recollection of what Chris and Lauren did with their ‘homebodies’ flashed before my eyes!
13.   Secondhand Wanderlust by Erleen Alvarez
The twist in this one is unprecedented, but I love it. There is sadness, but also happiness, courage and hope.
14.   The Search for The Kissing Monster by Ella Banta
This is incredibly sweet and fluffy and a creative take on the ‘what did I do last night’ trope. I absolutely adore Vincent and his friends and their pact to always spend a bit of summer together. Ella Banta’s HeistClub background might’ve influenced the light mystery in this but the romance is apparent and is very well executed overall.
15.   Anything Can Happen by Marian Tee
This is where I started to find considerable heat! And omg, ALEXIO, if anyone introduces himself with this name, gurl, I’m telling you, anything can happen!!
*Disclaimer, he has to have this Alexio’s good looks and abs, ofc. LOL
16. Four Basic Principles by Bianca Mori
I love the efficient use of alternating POV’s in such a short piece! That in itself is impressive, but wait ‘til the steamy kilig (along with the glorious bickering!) takes you by surprise!
17.   Love After Summer by Irene Jurado
I love the names of the characters, as well as the CAKE! LOL. Ooh, and wedding hook-up fizzles and sizzles until the romance is palpable. It’s a lovely read.
18.   Lucky in Paradise by Farrah F. Polestico
I didn’t think I’d enjoy this as much as I did but it was amazing! The non-promise and pining and the eventual second chance drama made me feel things from a part of my heart I didn’t know I still had access to! Haha!  
19.   The Swimming Instructor by Eris Peñaluna
I thought this started YA-ish so I wondered why this was put farther up the steam level, and then we’re talking about hiding swimmer’s tents, electric touches and voila! We’re in sexy pool palooza! I need moarr of Jandro x Ariel!
20.   Wedding Night Stand by Mina V. Esguerra
I knew this story was hot from the onset, but oh my god, when it did turn super hot, I was still caught unawares and so happy for Andrea! I haven’t read What You Wanted yet (which I’m now planning to correct in the following couple of days!) but familiar characters make this even more endearing!
21.   An Overdue Adventure by Kate Sebastian
I’ve been around Cebu countless times but I haven’t gone on an adventure similar to Hilary’s. I should probably do that before I turn thirty and I MUST stock up on Aloe Gel because that’s how you get sun gods to give you what you want! Hehe. I also adore the Bisaya representation of this one! I miss the Queen City so much now!
22.   Buttered Sunset by Halina Cabrera
I can’t decide what I love most about this. Is it the illustrious scenic descriptions of the food and places? The fact that there was a sort of courtship (four/five meriendas is the modern day ligawan, imho)? Or that Sol is a woman of power who knows precisely how and when to use said power? All of the above, probably.
23.   Then Derrick Was Back by Georgette S. Gonzales
I was angry at Derrick because he was clearly just playing with Nadia’s heart the first time…and then he wasn’t! Argh! Georgette’s superb writing got me so affected I was ready to vent tweet about German boys and why we need to avoid them, but good thing I waited ‘til I finished the story. Hihi. Let’s not avoid them, okay? :P
So that’s that. Haha.
The thing about anthologies by different authors is that not all will be suitable to my reading tastes. But I guess with this one, it’s okay. Some stories seemed to have been paced too slow for me, but when I managed to push through with it, I found that the ‘slowness’ was necessary groundwork for the kilig fireworks to explode by the end. And in the others I found things I wish my story had, or things I knew could be developed more, etc., etc.
I also got to read more straight steam than I can usually take (*this is prude of me to say considering I devour M/M smut like crazy) but I appreciate how hot/loving/raw the scenes were depending on the author and her target audience. And yeah, sex scenes of this kind are far better than smut in comparison, straight or queer.
The Summer Feels stories are short enough to get to the bite-sized HEAs and still let you enjoy your summer activities. If anyone asks me what I did this summer, well, I went touring up from Pagudpud and down to Gen San twenty-three times over!
6 of 5 Stars. I mean, 5 stars are enough for the anthology on its own. +1 Star for my story because I love my work and I deserve it.
Summer loving happens so fast, as you'll find with Summer Feels, an anthology of 23 stories of love under the summer sun by #romanceclass authors. Savor the candied thrill of firsts—first loves, first kisses, first solo vacations—and the bittersweet triumph of second chances. Tour the Philippines as the stories take you to mountain retreats and island paradises. Let the magic of the hot sun, clear blue skies, and lots of love take you on a roller coaster ride of feels. With stories ranging from sweet to sexy, there's sure to be something for any fan of romance.
Amazon E-Book: http://bit.ly/summerfeels
Print Book (PH Only): http://bit.ly/summerfeels-pof
About the Authors:
Elea Andrea Almazora   Elea Andrea Almazora typically writes poetry and speculative fiction and has a weakness for funny romance stories. She currently works as a contributor to Playboy magazine’s Advisor column. To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, readinginbetween.com Follow her on Twitter @ealmazora Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/ealmazora Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/eleaalmazora   Erleen Alvarez   When she's not running errands or making monthly reports, Erleen Alvarez escapes the real world by reading books and writing stories about love of all kinds. She lives in a small town in Camarines Norte, where she’s trying to complete at least one publishable novel.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, bookforya.blogspot.co.uk Follow her on Twitter @BooksforYA Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/author.erleen.alvarez Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2py994M Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oDRpr6   Ella Banta   Ella Banta is a purple-loving, egg pie-eating 30-something woman. Writing has always been a dream for her since she was little. And writing for a #romanceclass book is a dream come true. After this, she plans to write more and hopefully meet more awesome egg pie-eating peeps.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, gabrielleluna.wordpress.com Follow her on Twitter @gabbie_ellaine Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/ellabantawriting Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2pwjLEj Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2pyi9XU
Rachelle Belaro   Rachelle is a published author of Pop Fiction, an imprint of Summit Books. She chooses watching Kdramas over writing stories, which makes it difficult for her to finish a chapter. If daydreaming were a profession, she could have made a great career in it.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, rachellebelaro.wordpress.com Follow her on Twitter @areysieyts Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/rachbelaro Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/rachellebelaro Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2o45RYx H. Bentham   H. Bentham was born and raised in the Philippines, but now resides 1,487 miles away from home. He battles homesickness with his various hobbies and (mostly) by procrastinating on the internet. When he's done being bored, he writes stories and, when he's feeling particularly profound, poems. He adores turtles and bettas, enjoying the slow, quiet companionship they provide.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow him on Twitter @bentchbites Like his Facebook page, facebook.com/Mr.H.Bentham Follow him on Amazon at amzn.to/2nZO6eo Follow him on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oIysCK   Halina Cabrera   Halina Cabrera writes steamy romance, among other things, while she’s on break. She’s a breakfast person (that’s not the same as being a morning person). And she loves serif fonts. She’ll keep writing until she keels over.    To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @cabrerahalina Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/HalinaCabrera Follow her on Goodreads atbit.ly/2nKWytT Charlie Dio   Charlio Dio is a jack of all trades hailing from the Philippines. She loves reading, writing, watching anime, and taking long walks with her two dogs. An office employee by day and an internet ninja by night, she spends the majority of her waking hours talking to people in her head and putting their stories into written words.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @chardiosaurus Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/Charlie-Dio-622595757951587/ Mina V. Esguerra   Mina V. Esguerra writes contemporary romance. She blogs about her writing and publishing adventures at minavesguerra.com.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Sign up for her mailing list at bit.ly/list-minavesguerra Visit her website, minavesguerra.com Follow her on Twitter @minavesguerra Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/minavesguerra Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/minavesguerra Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2p1YcaQ Elizabeth Galit   Elizabeth Galit’s friends call her Beth. She is a book hoarder, romance writer, a chocolate sucker, a coffee addict and a hopeless romantic.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her website, bethgstories.com Follow her on Twitter @bethgstories Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/bethgstories Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/elizabethgalit Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oaLzwR Georgette S. Gonzales   Georgette S. Gonzales is an author of romance in Filipino (as Edith Joaquin of My Special Valentine) and in English. She’s also written crime fiction novella Classified. Gette is a milrom junkie; she cooks but does not bake, loves to travel, and prides herself on being a singer, poet, and friend.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her website, pinaynobelista.com Follow her on Twitter @Gette_aka_EJmsv Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/georgette.pinaynobelista Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2oJa3Li Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oDwHaR Ami Granada   Ami Granada writes romances, travel stories, and poetry. She has written one romance novel in English (Unspoken), romance novels in Tagalog, and short stories that have been published in local magazines and newspapers. The only time she feels really free is when she travels and when she writes.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, amidemanila.blogspot.com Follow her on Twitter @amidemanila Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/amidemanila Like her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2o06KCQ   Irene Jurado   Irene is a full-time mom in the morning and full-time employee by night. Once she puts everything in order, she becomes a romance reader, writes short stories, opens her bag full of watercolors, and drinks her milk tea.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @I_reign_ Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2peizWo Catherine Lo   Catherine Dellosa Lo is a freelance writer by day and a geek by night, with works published in SuperHeroStuff, Vibal’s POC, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and more. She hopes to soar the skies as a superhero someday, but for now, she believes in saving lives through fiction. For fun, her personal blog recounts rookie misadventures as a noob wife.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, quirkylifeofthenoobwife.blogspot.com Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/TheNoobWife Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2nZN3uP Follow her on Goodreads at goodreads.com/TheNoobWife   Arlene Manocot   Arlene Manocot writes in English and Filipino. Her words dwell in the realms of fantasy, suspense and romance. Aside from writing fiction, she also weaves poems from the endless thread of life. Daydreaming is an expensive hobby she'd like to preserve, and putting her thoughts into writing keeps her sane in this world of insanity.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, writingandlovinit.blogspot.com Follow her on Twitter @arlenemanocot Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/manocot.arlene Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/arlenemanocot Follow her on Goodreads at goodreads.com/arlenemanocot Bianca Mori   Bianca Mori is the author of One Night at the Palace Hotel, Tame the Kitten, and the Takedown Trilogy. She is interested in exploring power in romance and enjoys reading about demimondaines, pin-up girls and Jazz Age personalities and hopes to reinterpret these in her stories. She lives with her family and a hyperactive pug.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @thebiancamori Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/thebiancamori Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2nbI4Hd Follow her on Goodreads at goodreads.com/thebiancamori Eris Peñaluna   The author is a graduate of the University of the Philippines. This is her first romance short story, though she plans to publish a novel in the near future. During her spare time, she practices yoga, runs and tries to learn as many languages as she can.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @ErisPenaluna Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/erispenaluna Like her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2nZZ5EN   Farrah F. Polestico   Farrah F. Polestico wanted to be a lot of things in life—an engineer, a nurse, an astrophysicist. But it wasn’t until she was thirteen that she knew she was going to be a published writer. When she’s not up all night writing her next book, you can find her reading anything and everything, from Charles Dickens novels to old grocery receipts.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, bookskeepmesane.wordpress.com Follow her on Twitter @bookskeepmesane Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2oJlZwO Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oaCvYK Kit Salazar   Kit has always known what she wanted in life, but only recently took courage to go after it. She's back to doing things things that she loves, including writing and illustrating, while juggling a side job that helps fuel her creativity.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Follow her on Twitter @KitSalazarAuthor Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/kitsalazarauthor Follow her on Amazon at amzn.to/2nZXLSd Follow her on Goodreads at goodreads.com/kitsalazarauthor   Miel Salva   Miel Salva is a Filipino HR consultant by day and a romance writer/reader by heart. She enjoys watching movies, documentaries and TV series and going out to eat with friends or with her fiancé. She reads and writes stories about love and its many different facets because she believes that even in this world filled with hate, love still prevails.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, mielsalva.wordpress.com Follow her on Twitter @Miel_Salva Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/pg/MielSalva.Author Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/mielsalva Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2pec7Pf   Fay Sebastian   Fay is a speech communication student who writes even on the busiest of days because writing prevents her from turning into a college zombie. Why she holds writing instruments in an odd way will always be a mystery to the world.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her blog, faysebastian.wordpress.com Follow her on Twitter @mileventwelve Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/Mileventwelve Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/faysebastian Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oJDblO
Kate Sebastian   Kate Sebastian has been crafting stories since she was tiny. She spent her childhood reimagining classic fairy tales and inventing new ones. She earns a good living writing articles and editing manuscripts, but decided to try her hand at writing romance (the steamy kind) since she reads so much of it.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her website, katesebastian.com Follow her on Twitter @ImKateSebastian Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/katesebastianauthor Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/katesebastian Follow her on Goodreads at goodreads.com/KateSebastian Yeyet Soriano   Yeyet Soriano is an Asia Pacific IT manager by day, writer by night, and a wife and mother of three all throughout. Turning Points, In My Dreams, The Retreat, and Kate, Finally are her self-published novels. Romance is not her core genre, but all her stories, no matter how dark or twisted, have romantic elements embedded in them.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her website, ysrealm.com Follow her on Twitter @ysrealm Like her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/Yeyetsorianowrites Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/yeyetsoriano Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2nbyOmv Marian Tee   Marian Tee is the author of The Art of Catching a Greek Billionaire, which is part of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance.   To learn more about this author and for updates on new releases, please Visit her website, authormariantee.com Follow her on Twitter @authormariantee Like her Facebook page, facebook.com/authormariantee Follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author/mariantee Follow her on Goodreads at bit.ly/2oaFHDO
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