#silver stacking silver eagles
slotumn · 1 month
Hot take on 3H inter-faction scouting wrt how "plausible" it is for in-universe politics:
I think it can happen, but they need to be very politically savvy to pull it off and benefit from it + either the circumstances need to be dire enough that it's basically the best slash only realistic option left, and/or there needs to be a lot of personal material benefits to joining the other side. And I mean a lot.
By which I also mean: I think "doing what's right/because they personally like and trust the Professor (as in, for reasons other than knowing they're strong enough to win the war)" that the game tries to tell you is actually a very weak reason.
For one, keep in mind that most of the playable cast in 3H are feudal nobles. Some aren't in the best circumstances by noble standards (ex: Ingrid, Lysithea) but they're still nobles, they hold power and wealth and would generally be way better off than like 99% of the people in the lands they rule. Under some circumstances they might have to bow their heads to someone else (ex: the crown, and for Alliance nobles, stronger neighbors), but for the most part, while they're in their own territories/manors, they call the shots. And that's a pretty strong power trip.
To put it bluntly, even if Place A overall sucks compared to Place B, many would prefer being able to call shots in Place A rather than living by someone else's rules in Place B. Especially people raised since birth to call the shots, so, you know, nobles. Throwing all that away to fight for another country (and possibly being branded a traitor/sellout aka losing legitimacy) without guarantees of good material/political compensation, just because "it's the right thing/I like someone on the other side" is... pretty unlikely imo
If they do switch sides, it's more likely that it's a "oh shit our side is probably gonna lose, let's just switch sides now and lay flat so we take less damage" situation and/or there are some unpleasant negotiations involved, like the other side going "haha yeah if/once we win you can take over the lands of your neighbors who didn't switch sides, if the commoners disapprove and try to rebel we'll give you troops to flatten them."
You also need to take into account what might happen if you switch sides, and the side you switched to loses/you get defeated by the guys you betrayed. Because that is definitely not going to end well, unless, again, the switcher is really fucking savvy with politics.
And most of this post talks about nobles, but I think the commoners would also realistically want something a bit more than "it's the right thing/for an individual," such as money, security/safety of family, career prospects, etc for switching sides too.
Like, remember that most of the commoner students are literally at Garreg Mach for the explicit purposes of climbing the socioeconomic ladder. Would you risk your life fighting on behalf of a different country you don't have family or connections in (or in case of Mercedes, possibly a country you already fled once for safety reasons) if they weren't at least giving you fat stacks of cash in exchange lmao
Tl;dr I think the reasons for/circumstances behind characters switching sides would have to be way more cynical than what the game tries to tell you if it were to make sense politically.
(This is also a big part of why I think Silver Snow would be better if it doubled down on really being the Church/Byleth route and had all the Eagles students initially fight with the Empire post-TS. Most of them are way too intertwined with the Empire politics/family/connections wise to just abandon that and join the underdog rebel army formed in the fifth year of the war at the drop of a hat!)
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theamericanpin-up · 2 years
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Alberto Vargas - "Victory Song" – August 1942 Esquire Magazine Varga Girl Gatefold Illustration – Gatefold # 21 of 63 – Verse by Phil Stack -
We are still the masters of our glorious fate And those who thought Democracy was dead Are silent now ... their taunting jibes abate As they await in terror and dread, The clang of still rings out across the sea ... Great silver birds are poised to take the air, The shipyards hum a song of victory ... The sound of marching feet are everywhere; We have not changed ... there is no sacrifice that We, the People, will not gladly make, Blood, sweat and tears will crush the crawling lice Who thought a sleeping eagle would not wake! And we who conquered pain and loss before Will rise our flag above Corregidor!
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Eli you should be proud of yourself, that turned out nice:
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They even put up lanterns.
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Johnny drinking an RC cola and not beer, proud of him. The fact they sit together and eat. That Daniel brought an extra pair of chopsticks to share. Johnny tried gyoza and liked it. 🥺💖💖💖💖
Johnny wearing Mr. Miyagi's gear for blocking, the baseball catcher outfit and the way Johnny smiles in that thing. 💖
Johnny ripping what's left of his sandwhich in half and giving it to Daniel and Daniel looks at it like eww but then tries it and likes it.
Johnny being a slight shit by doing the crane pose, but it's clearly a joke.
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I loved this whole opening.
Do you think Johnny painted this himself?
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he carpools with Miggy.
Double date dinner with the LaRusso's!!!!
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Of course Daniel's home has a built in pizza oven and he makes his own pizza.
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Daniel catching Johnny's flick beer cap is also another favorite.
He also made broccoli rabe and is getting a barolo (italian wine) from the garage.
Anthony: What the hell why are you here/Johnny: who the hell are you, wait a second are you the son? Anthony: It's called a growth spurt dipshit.
I wonder when the last time someone noticed Anthony was.
Sam used to walk around the showroom floor like she owned the place so they tease that she'll take it over, but there's no actual pressure for it. Though Daniel expects her to go to college.
Miguel and his straight A's and dreams of Stanford.
Oh Daniel I can see the gears in your head working on paying for Miguel's tuition.
Miguel accidentally spills wine on Daniel and breaks the glass, curses, and then apologizes for cursing and is so panicked. He was reaching for the salad.
No one asked about Anthony or really talked to him.
Both Sam and Miguel look unhappy/distracted
Silver having a rough time due to the kitchen torch taking a moment to work.
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There's a headcannon that Terry's sick/dying. I'd like to note that he's got medicine in front of him and as soon as he tells the chef he's skipping breakfast the chef asks if he should call the doctor.
Kenny showing up to cobra kai to ask for help from Robby and Kreese doesn't even let him finish but allows Kenny to at least try because Robby goes to the mat saying his older brother was one of the toughest guys in juvie.
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Daniel thinking ah yeah I got this lesson, and the prize because these kids like competition: If you succeed you get to lead class all week. Crickets. And pick out which flavor gatorade I buy next. 🤣🤣 And that wins them over.
Poor Miguel thinking once again he Mr. LaRusso might not think he's good enough for his daughter.
Daniel teasing Miguel the way Mr. Miyagi teased him.
Demetri scaring the kids. "I heard he drowned a kid in a pool teaching him to kick and that was before he sicced a rabbid dog on Eli."
Ah, not fully accurate. Miguel survived, and I don't think the dog was rabid and He didn't sicc the dog on him he just called the dogs.
I do think for a lesson with students you don't know too well, even if 90% of them used to be your own, having kids try to jump over buildings is a terrible idea Johnny and a couple mattress isn't enough protection.
The other issue is, unlike Daniel and the Eagle Fangs who are more open to learning Miyagi-do and up for the challenge. Daniel's spent 3 seasons telling Miyagi-do students that Johnny is a dangerous and monstrous person, add to it what Demetri tells them and their own, like 2 days as Cobra Kai kids and they don't want to do anything he tells them to do. It's literally stacked against him.
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Measuring by Nates. Omg was I calling Nate Ryan? Nate I'm sorry. They truly rarely say most of the B/C plot kids names.
None of the kids jump which, fair but also kinda rough on Johnny that no one listens to him. But also Johnny???? WHY THE HELL FOR THIS ONE? Practice their jumps closer to the ground first. Don't just shove them out of the nest. Let them take some practice jumps from somewhere safer.
This feels like one of those flanderization moments, of like Netflix got their hands on this and was like give him something the kids will all say no to because it's a terrible idea and super unsafe.
Kyler? Kreese come on. Be a little nicer to Kenny. Great question Kenny, how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?
Kyler literally scaring Kenny off the mat and then laughing. Poor Kenny, and I think he left without his shoes. That was mean. Johnny wouldn't have done that.
Hawk: Let's practice at a fish tank in a Chinese restaurant.
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This is not fully Sam, this is Daniel.
Sam really snaps. She uses being a teenager as an excuse for all her poor choices and says she's made a couple of mistakes. Which fair, but also being coddled and believing she can do no wrong does not help. "You're a 50-something-year-old-man who live alone, drinks all day, and clearly hasn't figured out his own life."
Which is very much a mad teen thing to say, but also a bit of that is once again Daniel.
"If you want to sit in the backseat your whole life, go right ahead, it's no sweat off my back." He also points out that he gets to do what he loves every day because he didn't listen to his parents or do what they wanted him to do.
Kyler to Tory: want to stand in line with me to buy Nikes?
Tory: How many sneakers do you need?
In otherwords he's asked her to do this before and she's stood in line with him before while he buys shoes. Kyler says she looks good in Dunks. ( A type of Nike shoe) Maybe he bought her some?
Terry: Turn around you son of a bitch.
The fact Terry doesn't even wait until the students are fully far away and these kids don't give a shit about the tall guy who walks past them into their dojo.
Terry comes in pissed, but stops to take off his shoes before crossing the mat.
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Sometimes you forget how tall TIG is.
Terry's also the first one to come in, show he hasn't gotten rusty and doesn't actually hit Kreese, just shows him. They also were circling each other around the mat while Terry ranted.
Kenny your brother gave you a fairy god-brother and he's here:
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Note that this is more big brothers big sisters style adoption but he's going to do his best, he's going to fuck up a little but he's going to try and help you.
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Also, again whose paying and buying Robby his clothes other than Netflix?
Shawn is supposed to get out this summer. But he got an extra month for spitting in a guards face.
Kenny blames himself for Shawn being in juvie. Shawn had some bad friends at school, Kenny caught this friend stealing from their parents. the guy tried to hurt Kenny but Shawn protected him, defended Kenny but because the guy got so badly beaten Shawn got juvie. Which is wild since it sounds like it happened in the Payne household, so wouldn't it be self defense?
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Is Kenny like allergic to dairy? What is with all of the milk stuff?
Kenny: All i can do is run. Robby realizing from Miyagi-do that Kenny can use that for karate.
oh man Lucille
Apparently Lucille saved, scrimped and put every spare cent in a jar she called The Daniel Fund. And Daniel spent it all on a round trip ticket to Okinawa and then again on Mr. Miyagi's Little Trees.
Man Lucille must be pissed about TKK2.
It is funny though to have someone go oh so you did this right and Daniel have to realize that no he was a kind hearted dumbass.
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Johnny is so fucking proud of her. She's so stubborn like her dad. But she also does what she wants, she just actually has to figure out what she wants, but like she said she's a teen. She's got time.
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Look how happy and proud of herself she is
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Terry and his medicine again.
Someone made a meme out of Terry in front of the mirror and I forgot for a second it was a meme and was like where's the lipstick writing? 🤣
oooh I like his black cup
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It's March 14th.
Terry is getting ready for bed before 10.
Cheyenne's last name is Hamidi
He's been ignoring her since Friday.
We're having vegan cacciatore for dinner, is that okay?
I'll save you a plate. Honey where are you. I love you. Please text me back... Is everything alright? (Yesterday) Terrance... Why aren't you texting me back? Are you mad at me? You must be busy...Let me know when you'll be home.
Terry had his cobra kai tattoo covered up.
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Their first All-Valley
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Saturday December 20th
Kreese entered cobra kai before they even had any students. He wants to show the world that 'their way is the right way'.
Terry's father made him take over the company or else get cut out of the inheritance.
Kreese: I can't do this without you Terry.
Also Kreese: You can get through anything, you know why? Because you got me.
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I didn't leave you behind in the war and I'm not going to leave you behind now. Kreese, he's leaving you to go work at company. I get that this is support for him being scared but still.
The absolute drama of Terry putting his hair up. They should've done this for Violet Baudelaire the first time she puts her hair up in a Series of Unfortunate Events.
We spend so much time, zoomed in on his hair.
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Johnny going for it and Carmen trying to save him due to the other people in her home. 🤣
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I think it's kinda funny and adorable that he gives his big speech to Carmen then turns to Rosa and her friends and is like I don't know if they got all of that, do you want to translate and they're all nodding like they got his big romantic speech.
And that they're like he's cute does he have an older brother as Carmen and Johnny make out in the entry way.
Go Kenny go! Also the fact Kenny is proud of himself for charging forward and landing a punch.
Apparently Mitch did homework by watching Hillybilly Handfishing.
What I love about Miguel is once he figured it out he didn't just try to win, but he taught the other eagle fangs too.
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Pure delight but also, that poor fish
Aw Sam called Johnny sensei.
Perseverance, courage and strength are apparently watch Daniel's hachimaki means.
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We never do get to see what else Johnny had planned for the Miyagi-do's. I was wondering why Daniel got two days and Johnny got one, and it's because they don't show it (or at least not in this episode)
And on the one hand it feels like oh but Miguel did well and the goal is for them to learn and everything from each other and technically Johnny you're bonding with Sam (something that if I remember correctly, Daniel didn't like either)
But Daniel also taught Robby and (arguably) kidnapped his son, poaches his students and Kreese stole most of the rest of his students so it's like a sore subject. Even though I'm happy that they're bonding and pretty sure Miguel's feeling a little more secure in dating Sam with Daniel.
Plus as soon as they enter the dojo all the kids run up to look, even the Miyagi-do that are supposed to be paying attention to Johnny and following him that day.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Hmmm. Okay. I keep feeling that there's something missing from TLH that makes it feel complete. Now, that's probably the lack of a timeline that I keep forgetting about, BUT I also have another opposing force in the mix: Team Rainbow Rocket. Now I've been avoiding talking about them bc talking about them would mean talking about Poppy, who was very under characterized with no real backstory. Now, he's still in development, but him being a faller has helped me piece together who he could be and how he plays as a protagonist for usum. Rainbow Rocket doesn't even appear until the end of USUM. I don't know if Poppy has actually encountered them or not, since they end up becoming a rival to TLH for a period of time.
Here's what I do know/ ideas that I think would be cool:
Each leader is essentially Cursed-Chosen. I'm adding Chosen cause they ended up winning in their timeline, so something gotta balance out the Curse that the legends pokemon has placed on them.
So yes, these guys have powers of their own alongside their given legendary. This guys are a threat.
The members of Rainbow Rocket are the ones seen in the post game, with the addition of Lusamine from a different dimension. Rose and Colress I'm debating on though. Not Rose from this au, he would refuse their offer( given that he did ultimately win in the end/hj),and alternate reality Rose. Same with legends! Colress, I feel like Eva has eagle eyes on him so even if he wanted to join( he is slightly curious) he wouldn't.
For Admins, I know for a fact that there's a RR! Silver, one who never doubted that his father was the best and continues to push his ideology onto others.
Maybe an RR! Blue or Red? I already got TLH! Green, so I'm left with those. I wouldn't be surprised if Giovanni tried to make Red or Blue a weapon on his side. I think Blue might be more interesting, only because he was the more "weak willed " of the two. Giovanni would know where to strike the child where it hurts, making him feel vulnerable enough to strike. Not saying that Blue would join willingly - hell no. This is Blue we're talking about. No, this is an abduction. He must likely get mind controlled and turned into a super soldier( Giovanni keeps him in line by mentioning how maybe if he chose Rec, he wouldn't be so disappointed all the time).
Yeah, that would probably mean RR! Blue and RR! Silver would but heads a lot.
Not entirely sure if I would add rivals or other canon characters to RR's ranks. I feel like they're pretty stacked already.
....okay maybe RR! Shauna. Maybe.
Okay to actually plot stuff: they are basically competitors with TLH for 1) gathering Legendaries and 2) Finding a way to break apart a Chosen and Chooser. As a refresher, this formula for that was created by Sakura and Volo individually, but not together. Both sides thought the thing wasn't complete and ditched the project, not knowing the other had the missing link. Lysandre is probably the one who really kickstarts this, however. Someway or another, he had gotten his hands on Volo's half of the formula and has been experimenting with it ever since. Once TLH got wind of this, it started a back and forth of who has the formula and even funnier, who has Volo( I think it would be funny if he was being thrown around like a football ).
So basically, the job of the Chosens is to stop TLH and RR and make sure the legendaries aren't being interfered with in general and do whatever their day job is. Pour one out for Jude y'all. He's gonna fucking need it.
The only good thing about the TLH - RR rivalry is that they are often going to focus on each other, wasting resources on each other. This makes it slightly easier for the Chosens to divide and conquer. Slightly.
And I think that's it? For now. I....really need to make a timeline, fucking hell.
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theoogtree · 4 months
i think one of my best talents is that
i'm not going to let this battle be dictated by facts i'm rich i've got fat stacks and super pacs we all know what went down in that 2008 election you're a decent politician with a winning complexion you're all barack and no bite been no change and we're all still hoping that you'll shut your mouth but like guantanamo bay they're both open you're from the windy city where you're looking pretty but come january you'll be left evicted and with no job raw rhymes stronger than my jawline when i spit a phrase knocking you harder than front doors in my old mission days you see this silver spoon this dug mass out of debt took you four years to drop unemployment down below 8% you feel that barry you're old news everyone's having doubts and your rhymes are as weak as this economy that you've done nothing about call me a vicious businessman cuz romney's stealing this race i'll go bain capital on your donkey ass restructure your face
they say your father was a great man you must be what's left need to stop hating on gays let them teach you how to dress you got the mama jeans and a mr fantastic face so rich and white it's like i'm running against a cheesecake republicans need a puppet and you fit got their hands so far up your rear call you mitt i'm the head of state you're like a head of cabbage bout to get smacked by my stimulus package haha you're a bad man with no chance you can't even touch me i got four more years two terms and the white house just trust me i hope you saved your best rhymes for the second half because right now i'm 47% through kicking your ass
whatever that 47% thing got you real mad what did it remind you how many decent parents you had
look i respect all religions but it might get hrazy if the white house has a first second and a third lady
ha don't bring up wives man what are you doing you got hitched to the female version of patrick ewing
let me be clear don't get it twisted we'll see how pretty your face is after my fist is kissed it
you're a stuttering communist
oh yeah well you're a loser
you're a loser
nuh uh
by the power invested in me by this giant bald bird the president shall not be the shiniest of two turds you i want to like you don't talk about change just do it i fought for it was on my brain until a bullet went through it and you money bags you're a pancake you'r foot 're flip floppity it's a country not a company you can play like monopoly i will properly reach across the aisle and bitch slap you as equals of the people by the people for the people eagle
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thecoinshop · 8 months
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Great price on this American Silver Eagle Coin Tube ONLY: $1.50 These coin tubes feature a unique, proprietary design and are the perfect solution for storing American Silver Eagles. For quick identification, these ASE tubes feature a green top. Sleek and ergonomic, with a snap-tight lid and translucent tube allow for easy identification of their contents, stack for tidy storage and also fit perfectly in the US Mint American Silver Eagle Monster Boxes. Convenient thumb slots allow for quick access when boxed. PVC free https://www.thecoinshop.shop/coin-storage/american-silver-eagle-coin-tube View MORE Coin Storage https://www.thecoinshop.shop/coin-storage
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ahmedtrade · 1 year
Is it Safe To Buy American Silver Eagles Now?
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rik-evora · 3 years
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1 DINER 1 onza de plata pura ley .999 y 1 CT 1 onza de cobre puro de Andorra 🇦🇩
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kookiessugababy · 3 years
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My Sweet Girl (Min Yoongi) // 18+ nsfw!!
Warnings🚨- slapping (minimal) // out of relationship// fingering// teasing//hickies
-> scenario: you’re both deeply in it for one another- you’re just waiting for the right time. A needy, lustful breakfast after a cosy night at Yoongis apartment leads to your feelings only firing.
Hope you enjoy <3
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The absence of his arms woke you at 8:30, instead finding yourself wrapped in a warm duvet and surrounded by the sweet aroma of pancakes. Clattering pans and cutlery echoed from the neighbouring room, apartment walls shaking with every step the boy took. He almost conveyed the impression of frustration, with the unnatural business for such time in the morning most likely getting to him. Curious, you brushed the quilt to the floor before covering up with a stray shirt residing by the bed. Your hair was messy and eyes screaming with oscitation and with little effort made, you wandered through the dim corridor to the kitchen.
Drawing closer the aforementioned cacophony was met with a juxtaposing hum of soft music, a small voice murmuring lyrics. The door was agar allowing sweet smells to escape the warmth, taunting you through as you tasted the cloyingly sweet air. On the opposing side of the busy counter that was occupied by fine China plates and delicate glasses filled with freshly squeezed orange juice, your eyes were met with the frame of a shirtless Yoongi, leaning with his back to you over the stove. Leaking light sauntered through the gaps of the apartment windows, tickling his pale complexion with sparkles of morning dew- delicately drawing patterns down his spine. His skin looked soft and untouched, toned arms reaching for condiments as he remained oblivious to your gaze. Floppy silver hair fell to the boys face in a lazy manner, complementing his nape - broad shoulders holding stretching with every move. “And what is this, Mr Yoongi?” you playfully tittered after minutes of taking in the sight. Before resting against the doorframe, you folded your arms at your chest as he span around on his heels, raising an eyebrow to sportively taunt him with disbelief. When he came to facing, flaunting his husky figure- underwear sitting low on his waist, you found your stare uncontrollable. Obvious gawking permissed him to smirk slightly as his eyebrows relaxed- curled lips inviting you closer as he swiped them with his tongue. “Breakfast, my sweet girl” he replies, pushing a plate in your direction over the islands surface, taking a fork in your hand as you sat in the mustard leather seat. The modern room was airy and colourful, matching the theme of the rest of Yoongi apartment. Stacked pancakes coated in sugar and fruit were presented to you as he stalked you closely, taking in your appreciative smile while you abstained from running your eyes further then his face. His gummy grin made you giggle, cheeks heating as he leered at you flirtatiously, sipping his juice while his eyes never left yours.
Despite the serenity you felt at this moment, the two of you had a muddled relationship. Inseparable was often used to describe your liaison- all of your belongings sat in his flat, you slept in his bed, you attended every single of the boys concerts, yet neither of you had ever asked each other to commit officially. Both of you were deeply affectionate for one another; blatantly in love- yet both felt this to such an extent the idea of rejection was worse than imaginable. Most nights were filled with long chats and movie marathons- others passionate sex or a frolicking at the beach. Min Yoongi never tolerated a dull moment when you were intertwined in his company, his affection almost felt abysmal with never ending ways to make you feel adored: and this morning was one of them.
Scratches of the fork echoed around the room as you emptied your plate, watching the boy caper to the radio in a zestful grace. “hmmm, my sweet girl, I must leave you today…practice with the boys at the studio but angel we shall do whatever you would like tonight” he announced, sounding much more sensitive than his usual self. Finding disappointment settle slightly, you agreed with a forceful grin: “you’ll need to make it up to me though Mr Yoongi” you replied, dismaying the lemon tone in an attempt to alleviate any sense of awkwardness. “Is that so?” he teased in return, pacing his way behind the stool, arms floating around you as he rested his chin on your shoulders. Bevelling your head back slightly, you relaxed against his rising chest- hearts beating in unison as he gently kissed the plush of your skin. You hummed as you moved further to give him access to your neck, his chapped lips cursing your name as he tickled your collarbones with pecks. “How about i make it up to you now?”
Patience grew thin as his fingers tugged your hair lightly, the kisses turning to pinches as he made his way to your shoulder. Every movement were sensual and planned, finding your hairs standing on edges skin as he traced his mouth along nerves. Before you could speak, he spun the chair to face himself, watching over as you glanced- eyes meeting. His stare was tantalising, tempting you closer and leaving you needy after he had barely handled you. Inhaling, his pouting lips parted, fixating on your blushing cheeks as you began to heat under his glare. Pushing your thighs together abruptly, you avoided diverting his attention to your gratuitous state. Like an eagle, his eyes flew to your thighs- large hands clasping them and pulling them apart. Coyly leering, his shining rings pressed cold against your skin as he rubbed circles lewdly, hungry hands running to your inner thigh. Here, his fingers snaked to your undressed clit- admitting your state with a growl at the wetness of your heat. His index finger extended and faintly paced your slit, impelling you to buck your hips slightly in the chair. Again, a devious smirk plastered Yoongis face as he inspected your reaction, your oversensitivity riling as he administered his power.
“Y-Yoongi” you moaned, his finger circling around your hole as he marked your jawline with raw red hickies. The shirt you wore was almost see through due to its pearly pigment, the harsh light showcasing your breasts through the fabric- Yoongi eying them as his finger moved from your heat. Taking it to his mouth, he sucked his fingers while keeping your attention- groaning at the sweet tasting the juices collected on his now soaked fingers. “My sweet girl, you taste so fucking good.” he praised, making your stomach turn at the validation you craved. Suddenly, he slapped your thigh and kneaded it with his other hand- the lubricated index now making its way into your head. You moved to hold his shoulders as he pushed it into you, curling it to hit tight walls. Roughly, he moved his finger in and out repeatedly, hair falling to his face as he slipped another one in. The forcefulness of his hands alone made your breasts bounce, moans slipping out of your mouth as the sound of your arousal bounce of the walls- the wet squelches worsening after every move. Despite your embarrassment for how pathetically turned on you were, you continued to focus watching his hand vigorously move at your heat- whining at the feeling. “Mm-more Yoongi” you pleaded, hips now rocking in the stool to gain more friction against his long digits and yet you couldn’t help but crave something more. “Oh goodness me kitten, is somebody after cock?” he playfully chimed, although he seemed somewhat breathless. Without slowing down, he pulled out his fingers completely- the cool air stinging your dripping heat as you fussed desperately.
Seconds later, his boxers were discarded to the floor- his long member standing erect. He held it in his hand, signalling you to spread your legs yet again for him. “That’s it baby, nice and wide for my big cock” he cooed, precum running to his fluid coated fingers. Swiftly, he grabbed your leg and moved it over his shoulder- forcing you to lean back in the stool against the counter. Facing him you could watch as he glanced at your dampened thighs, biting his lip as took in every visible part of you. The shirt covered your modesty in a way that turned him on more- he knew exactly what was under there as he’d seen it so many times before- and yet only his imagination could picture your breasts jumping as he pounded you and the reddening chest in provocation. “Such a pretty girl.” he muttered instantly as his swelling cock tore through your heat, your moans uncontrollable as his hips thrusted you. The clashing of skin peaked around the room, his cock filling you in a way you’d never felt before. The angle he had perceived from raising your leg allowed him to repeatedly hit your g spot, driving into you harder and harder each time. Continuing at this pace, his spare hand reached to your clit, fondling it in quick circles. The pace of it all was almost unbearable, your breathe hitching at the immediacy of it all.
“Fuck- mmm” Yoongi groaned, reaching further and further into you as he pulled your leg up more. Your head tilted back under the inability to hold it up- words slurred and vision blurry with tears as your eyes streamed. Sweat poured from the boys head as a result of the repetition- hair sticking to his face as his parted lips announced his pleasure. The stool rocked against the counter as he failed to give in, his cock twitching as he felt your walls clench. Moving his hand from your swollen clit, he held your breasts tightly as his final thrusts slowed down, hips slapping against yours as he buried himself deep. Tightening stomachs and burning faces led you both to a moaning mess, your insides clenching as you felt yourself reaching your orgasm. “I- cum.. Yoongi I need to-“ struggling to offer a sentence, you pleaded for a release as your walls tightened around his spilling cock. “Cum” he demanded breathlessly, his face flushed and coated in a layer of sweat. Before you could reply, a blackness held your body as you twisted in pleasure- the warmth of his seed filling you as you came around his cock simultaneously. Your nails dug into his back as you gasped in pleasure- profanities bleeding from Yoongis lips as he felt your climax around himself. Answering to exhaustion, his movements turned sloppy as he let down your leg, allowing time for you to adjust to the release. He rode out both of your highs- slightly hissing at the dripping of your cunt as he pulled out. Your thighs were messy with arousal, your pussy dripping with his load. Grinning, he pulled your large shirt down slightly to dab up the mess- kissing you softly on the forehead in return.
Each breath was still heavy as he pulled back up his boxers, your heat sore from the keenness of it all. He chuckled slightly and your bewildered state; slightly hair slightly messy, tear stained eyes and your shirt now soaked. Pecking your lips lightly, he touched his nose against yours, smiling a gummy smile that calmed your heaving. “I’d better be off to dress, my sweet girl. Thankyou for making my morning wonderful” he whispered against your cheek, tightly hugging you in a warm embrace. Giggling, you nodded- permissing him leave with a soft kiss on the cheek.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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acemapleeh · 3 years
Christmas Tea with Bourbon and a Side of Expectations
Summary: Matthew is slowly but surely stepping out into the life of what it means to be more than just a colony. There were still so many things he didn't understand and he wasn't sure if he was quite ready to make these next steps. Freedom wasn't like how Alfred described it. It wasn't like an eagle with its seven-foot wingspan, making you feel like you were soaring. It was more like he had swallowed a chickadee that was desperately trying to fly out of his chest. He was afraid of how he was changing and how that would affect the life he's known for most of the 19th century.
Word Count: 10,057
Characters: Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand
Read on ao3
Suffolk, England, A Week Before Christmas Eve, 1864
The halls glimmered with gold and silver tinsel with servants bustling about to make sure every detail was perfect. Every gingerbread man had each of his three buttons and stood upright, the evergreen garland hanging along the banister must be even, and of course, the tree had to have decorations that were evenly spaced all the way around it. 
Matthew picked up another box from the stack of things that he had helped one of the maids bring down from the attic that morning. This was his job for the day, not that he minded. With a fire crackling not far away and the smells of ginger, pine, and cinnamon filling the house, everything helped put him in a festive spirit. It was almost distracting him enough from how the evening was to go. Distracting even from everything that had been going on this year.
He was surprised by how grand the parties were each winter. His father never seemed the holiday-loving type (or even people-loving), but he never failed to host a fantastic party. For the last few years, Arthur made sure his home was absolutely perfect for the holidays. Matthew, Jack, and Charlie had been under his direct care for most of the century, and though he loved them and raised them with care, it was not without his sternness and obsessive need for detail. Matthew loved his father regardless and would always be grateful for how much he’d done for him.
He sighed as he opened the box, carefully folding back the tissue paper to reveal a handful of various, doll-like ornaments. With great care, he picked up one of the porcelain figures, pinching the string of the ornament between two fingers. He loved these ones the most. They were so carefully and beautifully crafted, almost human-like in their faces. The ballerina woman that now hung from a branch, forever frozen in a dance of her own, was one that Matthew treasured. Arthur had spoiled them one Christmas and took the three to a ballet at the Theatre Royal. Matthew could remember the slight disappointment in that they weren’t seeing Pantomime but he wouldn’t dare voice being dismayed. He could hardly recall what the dance was about, it was French like most of the romantic ballets coming out but the setting was German. A woman had died of heartache and the man responsible had to deal with ghosts and hauntings of the like and that was as much as he could recollect. What he could remember better was his father promising the lot that they could each choose an ornament they were selling there for being well behaved (Jack and Charlie had been particularly fussy from sitting still for that long but had managed well enough). Unfortunately, by the time the four had arrived back in the main lobby, the majority of wares had already been sold. His siblings, of course, he allowed to pick the best of what remained while he selected the misfit dancer with a faded expression. To his surprise Christmas morning, his father had presented the ornament to him in pristine condition. Her cheeks were blushed a soft pink, eyes closed with lashes resting below like a delicate kiss, and even the costume she wore had a new skirt.
A small golden locket hung around the dancer’s neck caught the flickering light of the candle nearby and Matthew sighed in wonderment. He wished there were more peaceful times like these, more times where he didn’t have to worry about his future or where he stood in the growing world, but that dreamlike future was like gazing through a foggy window.
His thoughts were interrupted by the rustling sounds of tissue paper behind him. Turning around, he saw his younger brother rummaging at the gingerbread cookies he had helped bake that afternoon. “Jack!” he reprimanded, tone echoing that of their father. “You know you’re supposed to wait for the guests to arrive.” He snatched up the box. Not long ago, he towered over his brother and could easily hold things above his head that he shouldn’t be getting into. Over the last decade and some, Australia had grown from rapid economic expansion primarily thanks to gold discovered in New South Wales and Victoria. Despite his face slowly losing the softness of boyhood, it didn’t stop Jack from acting like one. Matthew knew that if Jack really wanted to, he could hold his own against his elder brother in a fistfight. “You know the trouble you’d be in if Father sees you with icing on your face.” He grinned and reached to pinch at the stained corner of his mouth. “You wouldn’t want him to insist on a bath would you?”
Jack scoffed and swatted the hand away. “It was Charlie’s idea! Christ, the things are going to be eaten anyway. Who cares if we’re missing a couple?”
At the mention of their name, Charlie rose from their hiding spot behind one of the armchairs, their flounced skirts falling about them wrinkled. “Don’t be blaming me now! You agreed to stash them so we can eat them when we hide from the guests.”
Matthew knew neither one of them had been looking forward to the party. It wasn’t like he was exactly looking forward to it either. Jack looked like he was both sweating and freezing in his three-piece suit, buttons undone and the collar loose about his neck. Matt had to admit, his own was digging into his skin rather uncomfortably. Granted, they used to be worse. His collar, at one point, had been starched so stiff that he nearly suffocated in the middle of a dinner party. He excused himself the moment the lack of blood flow made him waver in his seat and was found dead in the drawing-room later that evening, a glass of whisky staining the rug that had fallen from his limp hand. Arthur had let up on it since.
Charlie was dressed like every proper young woman should though the green and red Christmas gown looked like it was swallowing her whole. Like Jack, they had their own growth spurt in recent years though they were still a head shorter than their brother. He was also aware that their thoughts were entirely elsewhere, their country had been at war for nearly twenty years now and they were only able to temporarily go back home to try to aid their people. It was a delicate subject Matthew was unsure how to approach.
Glancing at the ornate grandfather clock, he knew the first of the guests should be there by the end of the hour. Matthew sighed to himself. Only so much quiet for so little time. Setting the box of treats aside, he strode over to his siblings. “Honestly the both of you. We have to at least pretend to be enjoying ourselves for the night.” He straightened the bow in Charlie’s hair and patted the wrinkles off Jack’s coat. “Please behave, just endure it for the first few hours. You’ll both be sent to bed sooner than I will.”
“Since when did the Queen die and put you in charge?” Charlie snickered.
“I’m in charge of the two of you when Father is running about the place like his head has been cut off.” It’d been over fifty years since his Papa’s very public beheading, Matthew was certain enough time had passed for him to make the joke again. “So help me finish decorating the room, it’s nearly finished and it’ll keep you from putting Father in a fit.” At least, postpone it.
Almost as though they summoned the devil himself, in burst Arthur Kirkland, cheeks flushed like he contracted hectic fever. He was muttering to himself, opening various cabinets about the place and seeming to not even realize his children were even in the room. “Candles, we need more candles... where the blazes did I put them?” 
Matthew cleared his throat, gesturing to an open box not but a step away.
“Ah, good lad. Thank you.” They were hastily gathered in his arms and his eyes suddenly cleared of the hysteric he was in. “You three, please, you can’t be standing about. There are at least six gaps on that tree that can be filled and honestly, is that lace over the feathers? Bit butter upon bacon isn’t it? Oh, and the bloody ferns haven’t been dusted-” A chime resided throughout the house, stopping him from continuing the critique.
A pocket watch was retrieved from his waistcoat and a deep frown put wrinkles to his cheeks. “Seventeen minutes early. Retched manners.” His gaze returned to the three, eyes tired and narrow. “Quickly now. Matthew, your hair needs to be retied- your fringe is out of line. Jack, button your shirt and wipe that frosting from your lip. Charlotte, dear, fix your skirts. Your petticoat is showing.” Out of the room, he went like a puff of smoke, the door shutting with a loud slam. A collective breath was let out.
“Well, he’s not as hysterical as he was last year,” Jack muttered, fixing just one of the three buttons that needed tending to. “Don’t know how much that’s saying.”
“I think he’s just been sober for the past three days,” Charlie added, patting their skirts mindlessly. “Explains why he looks like he’s in hysterics to begin with. He’ll be passed out just after midnight I bet you lot.”
Matthew was fixing his hair in the mirror, studying his features carefully. He looked ghastly and pale, though, not more so than he normally did this time of year. He hadn’t seen proper sunlight in God knows how long and the natural melanin he did possess seemed to be lying dormant. He pinched his cheeks in hopes of regaining some color to his palette. “I’ll be joining him if that’s the case. I’ll need a laudanum and gin nap after this much socialization.”
The door of the drawing-room opened, all eyes shooting in its direction with backs straightened and prepared for another round of berating words. In stepped Alistair, the glowing fire catching the brilliant red hues of his hair and shadowing the lines of age on a weathered face. Matthew beamed though his smile was still a polite one, shoulders losing their tense edge as he let out a sigh of relief. His feet guided him away from the glorious fireplace and into the embrace of the man he loved so dearly.
“Uncle Alistair! I never thought I see the day you’d be attending one of Father’s Christmas parties.”
“Thought some of his kin should see once and for all if they’re any good or if they’re just a pile of tosh. Also, miss a chance to visit you three and vex my dearest brother?” Matthew could feel the rumble of his voice as he held onto him. The scent of tobacco that clung to his coat brought back memories of the pair spent curled up together in hunting huts from years ago. Even once he pulled away, hands were firmly placed on his shoulders and gripped in a familiar way. “My Lord lad! You’re at least a head taller than the last time I saw you! You’ve outgrown me.” Green eyes gazed behind Matthew at his two siblings. “Oh, this isn’t fair now. You two can’t be growin’ at that rate.”
Alistair was fondly embracing his other nephew and niece by the crackling fire, remarking the changes since their last visit. Jack’s laughter matched Alistair’s in tone and spirit, echoing off the walls. “You’ve finally filled out laddie, oh bless. You were too wild for that wee body to be runnin’ amok!” He affectionately ruffled the curls of Charlie’s hair. “And you lass, a proper lady your father has been makin’ you.” His grin was all-knowing. “I best take you to my place in the summer so you can have your proper greenery and be able to run barefoot in the hills. Really, I should take all three of you home with me this time ‘round. Sure Mother Kirkland wouldn’t mind a holiday from his rumbustious ankle biters.”
There was a not so polite cough in the open doorway and the four looked up to a stiff Arthur who was drumming his fingers over crossed arms. “There will absolutely be none of that. Really Alistair, barging here unannounced and uninvited. Why I best-”
“My manners, ach, they tend to just righ’ and fly off whenever I come to this damned country.” Alistair went to the box he had sent down by the door, retrieving now three wrapped gifts from inside, gracefully ignoring Arthur the entire time. “‘Tis the holidays and this is the reason I made the blasted journey here. For you children, hope these make staying here more tolerable.”
Matthew held the plaid-wrapped box in his hands gingerly, ignoring his father making the remark that Alistair hardly even celebrated the holiday outside of morning mass, the bloody papist.
Jack’s wrapping paper was on the floor in seconds, Charlie’s not long to follow in equal excitement and impatience. Warm-looking fabric emerged from the boxes, tins of shortbread and packages of tablet tumbling from their confines to the rug with a quiet thud . The burly coat was around Jack in a blink of an eye, elegant in form and he almost looked like a proper gentleman set for winter. Charlie was delightfully pulling the mittens and wool shawl on; they were on the tips of their toes to place their newly warmed hands on Jack’s smooth cheeks.
Alistair had leaned in towards Matthew at the display, watching over them tenderly. “I know you’ve plenty of warm clothes but your father doesn’t know how to dress those two poor things. Go on now lad, open yours.”
Seated on the couch, he undid the ribbon and paper, setting it aside to be tossed properly later. The first thing he noticed upon cracking the box open was the smell of leather. Laying beside his own share of Scottish sweets was a bound journal, the cover engraved in Celtic knots and animals that were worshipped in days of old, the initials M.M.J-L.W. were carefully curved on the back. 
“Your Papa’s told me you had a knack for drawing as he does. Don’t ken how often you’ve the time but thought you could use the space if a moment finds you.”
Matthew was running the tips of his fingers over the homemade paper, wondering if he even had any charcoal or proper pens upstairs at his desk. He had filled his last journal on his last expedition with Arthur over a year ago and he hadn’t been able to find time to ask for a new one.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you Uncle, truly. I’ll have to think of where to even start.”
“Now that we are quite finished,” Arthur’s voice was like a grey raincloud in the cozy parlor. “Alistair really, I wish you could have at least sent me a telegraph or something of note announcing you were coming. I don’t have a room prepared for you or, apparently, for the rest of the lot coming.”
“We’re you’re kin Arthur, honestly.” the Scott stood from the seat, arms crossed and towering over his youngest brother. “You should always have room and board set aside for us. There’re only bloody four of us and I know for a fact you remodeled the nursery into proper rooms for these three. You’ve plenty o’ room.”
“I would if a single one of you properly announced you were coming in the damned first place!  And what was that of sweeping my children off like some sort of pied piper? I’m trying to teach them to be sensible people. I do not need you and your barbaric ways undoing all I’ve done these past years.”
“Your children are smart, responsible, and practical and you’ve raised them well enough. If they want to go off, they have every right to explore the world and learn to be who they are. You’re holding them back at this rate. What’s the fucking point of letting them self govern if you still stuff them in this old place?”
“You cheeky blighter! Coming into my home, insulting me, and-”
A repeated chime silenced the room and Arthur’s mouth was left agape and cheeks flushed red. Alistair raised a hand to the other’s face before even another sound could be uttered. “I believe you have guests waiting, brother. Best see to them.”
Arthur stood frozen a moment longer, hand raised in a pointed, accusing gesture. He cursed, waving his hand away and turning towards the door. “We’re finishing this discussion later. Children, come. The room will be as it is.” With one last, disappointed look at the unfinished work being left behind, he straightened his cuffs and collar before stepping fully out into the hall. 
The mess left behind from the presents was quickly put away, no one wanting to further Arthur’s anger anymore than it already was. As the three piled out of the room, Matthew stopped next to his uncle with a pleading look in his eyes. “Please, tell me you plan on staying past Christmas.”
“Just until Boxing Day, I’m certain your father would go mental if I stayed even longer. Off you are lad. I’ll be down in a tick.”
Matthew took his place right side of his father on top of the staircase, body rigid and upright to full height as he’d been scolded to be. ‘Shoulders back , lift the chin, eyes forward, let the room know of your height.’   He stole a quick glance to the man beside him, watching as he fidgeted once more with his evening gloves and adjusted the cuffs that didn’t need adjustment. As the doors to the foyer were opened, Arthur was collected and the very definition of an English gentleman. He greeted his guests with open arms. Matthew stared out at the sea of unfamiliar faces; earls, marquees, viscounts, and nobles that constantly needed to impress the other filled the grand foyer.
“Good evening and welcome honored guests. It is my pleasure to welcome you to, and, to thank you for attending, my little Christmas party. I am the lord of this manor Arthur Kirkland; I know we shall have an excellent evening together. I look forward to greeting and conversing with you all individually whether you are a new face, an acquaintance of long-standing, or family not seen in some years.” Amongst the crowd, Matthew was able to finally see three faces grinning up at them; Uncles Dylan and Sean, and Aunt Morgan were a breath of fresh air in the already stuffy room. Spotting people whispering and snickering amongst themselves made him dig his nail into the palm of his hand. “If you will please join me and my family in the ballroom. Mister Simmons and Miss Walker will be glad to take your coats.”
Like wee ducklings, the three fledging nations followed their father down the stairs, the accursed mingling already beginning. Matthew took note that Arthur was adamantly avoiding his family and, instead, indulging in dull conversations with strangers that were likely to die in ten to twenty years from now. The ballroom was a dreadful room that they had now piled all into. Yes, it was beautiful in both terms of architectural style and decor, but it was the coldest of the rooms in the large estate. Oh, it received plenty of afternoon sunlight with its plethora of windows and was located at the back of the manor adjacent to the gardens, but there was absolutely nothing in the room that felt like it belonged to the rest of the house. It had been refurbished at the turn of the century but Matthew had always known it in the current form it was now. It was a big, empty room that echoed every footstep and it being cleaned and readied was a sign that company was coming. Lessons regarding etiquette were also held in this room by their tutor, Ms. Boisney, who was a frightening woman. She was the one who had stuck out the longest of any of the nannies assigned to them. Jack hardly got her to even blink at his antics. Matthew, on a few nights when he couldn’t sleep, would find himself seated on the spiral staircase, wondering why his father had built this silly room instead of another collection gallery. Arthur was far more interested in knickknacks than socializing with aristocrats. 
The raised stage hosted five musicians finalizing the tuning of their instruments, the room gradually filling with sweet melodies that senseless chatter and gossip were quickly overpowering. Matthew eagerly grabbed the first glass of champagne that was offered to him. He didn’t even have the pleasure of being able to look forward to a late-night visit with the newest hire, Johnathan Reading; the young man would be busy with the horses and stagecoaches until the last of the guests had left. Not even Matthew thought he could stay up and sober for that long. He glanced over the dance card that he had shoved into his pocket earlier, all dances he knew and would be happy if he could avoid. He wasn’t a rotten dance partner, only when he practiced with Charlie and the two were keen set at ending their lessons early did he step on toes and forgot his footwork. Really, he was happy with even with his last growth spurt, he was still able to idly linger along the walls and go unnoticed for most of the evening.
He watched as the evening went on, taking whatever drink and food were being offered to him. The music was pleasant once the actual dancing began and guests were focused on it rather than chattering like birds. Jack and Charlie tended to pair up together, Matt knowing Charlie was avoiding any young man in the room who so much as looked at them. Neither had the face of children anymore but weren’t quite adults either, a cumbersome stage in-between that Matthew was happy to have grown out of. It was rude for a man to dance only with one partner for the entire evening so once in a while, Charlie would stick to Matthew’s side snickering about pretending to be having a good time and he would treat them to a dance or two as Jack awkwardly danced with the daughters of nobles. The other saving grace was their family. Aunt Morgan would happily treat Jack and Matt to dance and Charlie had their three uncles that would remind them as a promised set so they could slip away from offers from unwanted partners. The only other pleasantry was country dances that didn’t leave any of them stuck with one person for a long period of time. They had limited physical contact with each other, came together to complete a figure, and then separated, returning home to their places in the line. Matthew would give himself a badge for participation before returning to his position next to the table of pastries.
What was annoying him the most of these Christmas parties was that they took place in the middle of December, too soon for the true social season to begin. Come January, the family would pack up and head back to their home in London for the season. Parliament took place at the same time, giving father work on top of social obligations. Those parties he talked about politics, he made allies and gained insight and Matthew could watch and learn his example. He couldn’t find the practicality of this. Not that he enjoyed the social season anyway. There were even fewer chances of him being able to take a horse out into the hills or get away from civilization. 
This year had been a tiring one.
It had started as a conference in Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island back in September right after the season had ended. It was only supposed to be a discussion of a Maritime Union, it quickly turning into one regarding the Province of Canada being a part of it. It was just over a week of talk but at least the delegates from Canada were smooth-talking so Matthew felt his words came off more confidently. He was fine with the talks in government buildings but parties and banquets were held each night after the day's discussions with only one night being the exception. Matthew wasn’t sure how he walked into the conference the next morning standing upright each day.
By the next month, he was in Quebec. They discussed the union of British North America and talked of shaping his government. Matthew felt better here. There weren’t as many fancy frills or worrying about impressing governors with expensive drinks and dinners. He just had to talk and listen about his future for two weeks. He found his thoughts drifting to his brother more often than he would have liked. Alfred who could never sit still and spoke out of turn having to sit through these sorts of meetings time and time again. Part of Matthew was afraid, unsure if he was ready to be making these next steps. It was just unification, he wasn’t declaring independence. The other parts of him that made his heart race were filled with determination and a sense of pride. His people believed in what they wanted, making him feel like a whole and collective being. The talks tired him, made his hands shake and he always worried about what would be demanded next, but he rather this than the tiresome parties where he drank too much and never slept well.
He would always remember the pamphlet that was reprinted in the paper one tired morning. He had been exhausted, body aching and wanting nothing more than to go sailing or hiking and enjoy the nature of his home, skipping on the day’s meeting entirely as he sipped his morning tea with his father.
"Never was there such an opportunity as now for the birth of a nation."
At his fifth glass of golden, sweet champagne that was starting to make his head fuzzy, his eyes gazed listlessly over the lacquered floors. His father approached him with a young lady in a pale pink gown and brown curls in arm. She was eying him, a brilliant green and silver fan held in her left hand in front of her face. With a start, Matt quickly swallowed what remained of his drink and set the glass on the table behind him. 
“Ms. Durless, this is my eldest son that I spoke of. Matthew, this is Ms. Emilie Durless, the daughter of Earl Alexander Durless, an old companion of mine. You might remember him from the last trek to the Artic we went on.”
Matthew did not remember him. “Oh yes, he’s quite the scholar. Very interested in the fauna and inspired by Mr. Darwin’s work.” He begged the Lord above he was correct.
Arthur gave him a curt nod. “Yes, that’s the man. I was speaking to him and he informed me his daughter has not been asked to dance for nearly half an hour now. I thought it only proper for you to have the honor of treating her.” The look he gave him told that Matthew had no choice in the matter.
Matthew gave the most polite smile he could muster. “It would be my pleasure, I’ll be sure she has a quality time.”
“Excellent. You’re in good hands miss.”
With a pat to the arm, he was left alone. He fumbled quickly for the dance card, not remembering which pocket he had stuffed it back into after the last dance he partook in. Ms. Emilie coughed politely, holding out her own. “I believe the “The Duke of Kent's Waltz” is next in the lineup.” Her voice was high-pitched, reminding Matthew of a sparrow. “Not to be too forward… Mr. Williams was it? Your cheeks are rosy from drink. I do hope you’re sober enough to lead.”
Ah yes, a swallow singing too early in the morning while he was recovering from a hangover. “I assure you I’m alright Ms. Durless. You needn’t worry about that.” He graciously offered his arm to her. “Shall I have the honor of dancing this set with you?”
She accepted his arm and the two made way to the other guests getting ready for the next dance towards the center of the room. With a polite bow and curtsey, Matthew took one of her hands in his own while the other rested gently on the small of her back.
They fell in step as Matthew silently counted his steps to the memorized music. Left foot forward, right foot right, bring left foot to right foot…
“So why is that you don’t sound like the Lord Kirkland? You sound like you’re from the colonies.”
“That’s because I’m from there originally. I was born in the Province of Canada if you’re familiar with it.”
He prayed for the conversation to be brief.
“Of course I’m familiar, my father spent good years researching there. He’s told me plenty of things. It sounds miserably cold and barren. I don’t know why it interests him so much.”
“If your father has studied it, then he should know of the vastness of its diversity. It’s a beautiful place.”
“Perhaps but there’s nothing like London there. It’s all so… barbaric and the parts that are civil are still so very French.  I could never live somewhere like that. You must feel so lucky the Lord has taken you and your siblings here to England.”
Matthew swallowed the sarcastic comment and snide laughter.
“It’s not all forests and tundra. We do have cities; her Majesty has even declared Ottawa as an official national capital not even ten years ago now. It’s nowhere near as grand as London but it’s a growing city.”
“How do consider log cabins and igloos a city? I suppose things are just different there. Oh, how funny would it be if everyone had a little beaver or polar bear as their neighbor! Father says he ate seal and caribou while he was there. I don’t think I could ever eat such things! He wrote a whole book about the five years he lived there and was credited for great accuracy.”
He couldn’t recall being used as a source or proofreading this incredible piece of fiction.
“I’m sure it brings him a great many royalties, Miss. Shall we focus on the music now? It’s quite a lovely piece that we’re missing.”
“Yes of course! This was one of Jane Austin’s favorite pieces! It was named after her Majesty’s father Prince Edward Duke of Kent and Strathearn and Earl of Dublin. You should know all about him! He’s the first man to credit the term Canadian! It was very brave of him to be the first prince to live in the colonies.”
Matthew had just spent a month on Prince Edward Island and he found the name the land cradled by the waves, Abegweit , far more pleasant. It took years for him to stop calling it Île Saint-Jean, but enough looks from Father finally silenced the habit. The island was considered his birthplace and he felt a strong attachment to it even before the recent conferences. He really did not feel like chatting about it to someone who never in a million years could understand. 
How tempting it was to tell her how he met the Prince and give her a proper fright.
“Yes, yes, all well and good. Let’s appreciate the man through listening to the piece written for him.”
Matthew was granted silence for all but a minute to enjoy the piano and violin. The song was over before he could thank the Lord for the silence.
They stepped apart for the social obligation of another bow and courtesy. He was very much looking forward to the plate of ginger cakes that he had yet to sample when his hand was entrapped by the petite woman.
“Oh please, you’re such a lovely dance partner and the Varsovienne is next. I absolutely adore polka and I know this one isn’t a pure one but it’s still such a lovely slow dance.”
How he wanted to lie that he promised a dance with someone else. How quickly it would be found out. Charlie was already partnered as well as his Aunt and he didn’t feel like approaching a stranger with such a request. He quickly gazed at his father on the other side of the room. He couldn’t read the man’s face properly enough for a clear answer.
Matthew assumed the position behind her with left hands at their side and right held up. He wasn’t retched at polka though he might just have to be in the next minute. At least the accordion sounded pleasant and inviting.
Slide, close, step, point, slide, close, step, point…
He counted the steps under his breath and was so focused that he forgot the small hops he was supposed to be adding. He quickly apologized and fixed his step but the clear focus on the music he had for all but thirty seconds.
“Were the lot of you adopted? Father’s said he’s never seen the Lord with a lady before and that there’s no Morning Room in the entire manor.”
The polite smile was starting to strain his cheeks.
“I believe that none of that is your business Ms. Durless. The two of us do not even call the other by their Christain name nor are we properly acquainted. My father’s personal business is his and his alone, as is mine.”
5,2,3, 6,2,3…
“You misunderstand Mr. Williams. Everyone is fascinated by what exactly the Lord is. No one knows his real title, yet, he’s seen with her Majesty time and time again. He’s like a character from one of Mr. Dicken’s works. Have you read ‘ Great Expectations ?” 
“Yes, I have. It-”
“Anyway, he just seems to be quite the mystery. There’s an aura about him I have never felt with another person I’ve encountered in my entire life. I’ve been told he hasn’t aged a day in years and the funerals are all staged. Even his kin are an odd sort. Father’s heard tales from his own grandfather that he worked on the same ship as him a century ago.”
“You know how society is, gossip and rumors never quiet. Perhaps the Lord is actually a ghost and I’m the real host of the party, an estranged grandson brought from across the Atlantic to aid him in passing to the afterlife. If I say so myself, that sounds like a novel from Mr. Dickens or even Sheridan Le Fanu.”
“Oh those works frighten me so, my poor nerves can never get past but a few pages! I hope the Lord is not a ghost like you claim.”
“Perhaps he’s not a ghost but a man who made a contract with a demon like Faust. He is simply hosting a grand facade of a gentleman but only uses it to eat the souls of the innocent.”
Emilie was the one to miss the hops this rotation.
“That’s absolutely morbid!”
“Now, don’t tell anyone, but in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep, I’ll wander the halls and hear him chanting. There are ghostly bells and the tolling of charmed chimes. The Lord wears a hooded cloak, draws strange runes on the stone floor, and makes sacrifices each full moon. He was burned at the stake you know, back in 1650 and rumored that Cromwell himself arranged the conviction of him being a witch. That graveyard in the back nor the funerals are fake in the slightest Miss Durless and I know that personally.” Matthew leaned in closer as they made their next turn and made sure to squeeze her hands with his bare ones. “Go there yourself if you don’t believe me but I, myself, am buried there in an unquiet grave. I died of influenza ten years ago in this very house and my father keeps me here from guilt. I’m certain you can feel the chill in my hands. The rest of me is always absolutely freezing like the Northern winds. Please, don’t bring this up with him, it’s a very sensitive subject.”
She had all but yanked her hands out of his and took a step away. Matthew could catch the slightest hint of her shivering. “You’re a bloody liar! How could you say such awful things!”
The song was falling to its finale and the partners closest to them were slowing to look at why they had stopped their dance, their own movements coming to a slow halt.
“I don’t jest Miss Durless. This very house is cursed and I only warn you of such matters. We die in this house over and over and can never leave and that fate is shared upon any who fall the same.”
“You’re a horrid man and shall never find a wife or company in proper society.”
Matthew could feel the tension leave his shoulders as she turned her back on him and went to tattle on him like a child to either her father or his own. Perhaps if he was a normal person, that threat would actually mean something to him. The only company Matthew cared for in a romantic light was a good lay that could give him temporary bliss and feelings of love. He ignored his father shouting his name as he turned away to head straight for the door. The last thing he could make out in his ringing ears were Uncles Alistair and Dylan telling their brother to leave the lad alone for the time being.
The black suit lay in a crumped heap on the floor, piece after piece removed as he made his way out to the balcony. His bedroom faced the back gardens now flooded in light from the retched room he just barely made an escape from. Voices and laughter could still be heard from the open doors and he could see couples hiding out in crooks of the hedges, unknowing of the eyes on them. He struck a match against the old stone, lighting one of the cigarettes he snuck from Father’s desk some time ago. It was cold and damp out and not the bite in the air he was craving. He stood out in his shirtsleeves, trousers, and little else, wanting to feel cold, wanting to feel like home. His last visit there had been a miserable one, never having the time to simply be there. If it wasn’t the conferences and future of his confederation on his mind, he was worried about his brother who was in the middle of a civil war. Hell, there was a fucking raid while Matt was there and he barely had the energy to deal with it. The whole ordeal only added more talking points to these meetings. He hated feeling happy to leave for England. His foot bounced as he shifted most of his weight onto his left leg. There was a slight tremor in his body he knew to be from nerves and not the weather.
He let out a long drag of smoke, his free hand running through his recently untied hair.
Matthew stared at the garden below and knew for a fact the height wasn’t enough to kill him.
“Och now, don’t tell me you picked up that terrible habit.”
“Jesus Christ…!” Matthew nearly jumped out of his skin at the tapping of the glass door and the voice from behind him. There in the lit doorway stood Uncle Alistair holding a tray of hot tea and likely stolen cakes from the ongoing party. “You’re the pot calling the kettle black. Besides… I don’t smoke that often. Only when I nick them from father’s pocket. I haven’t had the chance to go to the pharmacy for what I prefer to use for my insomnia.” The bottle of chlorodyne was dry and empty in the depths of his wardrobe. He hoped the one in London had enough for at least one night’s sleep.
“I’m an old man, habits take too long to kill at this point. Prefer a pipe anyway. Pray you don’t catch young Jack with one.” He set the tray on the sturdy stone railing and pulled a flask from his inner coat pocket. Extra warmth of bourbon was added to the cups. “I brought some tea lad, thought you could use a warm cup in your hands.”
With a quiet thank you, he took the delicate cup and blew on the steam. Even just the presence of his uncle now standing beside him was beginning to calm him, be it, ever-so-slightly. He was quiet for a long time. There wasn’t even silent snow falling to fill the gaps of conversation, not that Matthew was that disappointed anymore. England was pretty useless when it came to having a proper snowfall.
“Tell me, what’s on your mind then?”
“Nothing. I was tired of being down there is all.”
Alistair hummed deeply in his throat, leaning forward slightly with elbows resting on the edge of the balcony as he sipped his at his cup. “Nothing? Nothing at all? You told quite the tale to that young woman.”
“What’s wrong with me Uncle Alistair?” Matthew stared at his reflection in the dark liquid. His eyes never seemed to open fully like they used to. Half cast in a depressed, tired gaze like they were a feature carved into a statue. Never to change, never to emote anything but what it was crafted to be. 
“What d’ye mean? Something’s wrong with everyone in this whole goddamn world. I’ve told off a lass or two in my day. Lost track of the English nobles I’ve pissed off and made sure to get a hit square in the jaw so they stopped talking shite about my own home.”
His grip tightened on the saucer as he futilely tried to keep his hands from trembling, from forgoing the object in his hands to scratch at his flesh till his heart stopped pounding. 
“Is it... is it wrong that...” The words were clogged, the vice grip of Father’s expectations around his throat. “Is it wrong that I... don’t hate every time that I die?”
“The weight of my responsibilities and the weight of my future is all crushing me to the point where I just don't want to do anything. It's not about really ending myself for all eternity- it’s the problems, the responsibilities, the pressure; all of it makes me want to just cease to exist or disappear at times.” He took a steadying breath. “Everything feels grey and I wish I could stop existing. I don’t want to die exactly, I just want to sleep for the rest of my life. I want to hike out into the farthest reaches of my north, bury myself in a bank of snow and only defrost by some miracle.”
Crying didn’t feel good anymore at these times but it still happened without his control. He despised how easy he was to tears.
“I’m supposed to be a nation, I’m supposed to be with people- I am my people but I’ve always felt so distant from everyone.” He thought of his Papa and how easy he always seemed to talk, how simple it looked to form pretty words that made those around him listen. Matthew never inherited that skill, that magnetic quality that made people give him a second glance. God, he wasn’t sure if he even got a first most of the time. He had hoped that he would simply grow into it, that when he got older and his country got bigger that he would just be better . 
It was always the animals and the vast expanse of the tundra that understood him best.
The arm that wrapped around him was slow, testing the waters to see if he would run like a frightened fawn. The kiss to his temple was hesitant but firm, his head pulled to lay against Alistair’s shoulder. He didn’t fight the touch, the tenderness that he so rarely received was welcomed.
“Good gods above what did that bastard sassenach put in your head? Ach, my poor nephew. You’re too young to be havin’ these worries. You’re only a wee bairn in this bloody world. You shouldn’t have this many expectations at barely two hundred. I was running barefoot in the hills with my siblings; my worries were taking care of them, not political alliances and pleasing authority.” A rough and calloused hand brushed through his hair, scratching gently at his scalp that made his eyes tired. “Arthur is a… difficult man. I don’t agree with him most times, fight him every other time we meet and has always been hard to understand. Something I can say with certainty is that under all that hard shell and past his pompous arse, he does care for you and your siblings. He’s capable of love, just never so obvious at showing it.”
“He shows it well enough when I’m coming back from the fucking dead.”
“Well,” Alistair fumbled with his words for a moment, mumbling in Gaelic that Matthew couldn’t quite understand. They’ve had that talk before and it seemed not much had changed between this and the last one. “He means well. He’s been more or less than same since he was a wee thing. Vulnerability is a struggle I think with all of us. He’s supposed to represent the Empire till Kingdom come and he kens too well all the cracks in his crown. I wouldn’t call him the best father by far but Lord I’ve seen much, much worse. He loves you even if it’s not a clarion declare. Christ, I don’t remember the last time he’s said it to any of us- not that we’ve said it to him in decades.”
Matthew slowly pulled his head away from the hold so he could sip his tea properly once more. The touches were warmer but he already made his choice. “Thank you for the tea Uncle Alistair. You best get back to the party and return the cups to the kitchen before Mr. Walker catches you. Father has more than enough material to argue and berate you until the sun rises.”
“If you insist. We can talk more tomorrow if you need.” The rest of the drinks were finished in silence and they each took an additional shot of bourbon from the Scot’s flask. Alistair gave the young man one last kiss to the top of his head before turning to head out. “ Oidhche mhath agus bruadar aisling. I’ll talk to your father later tonight and I’ll see you at breakfast.”
Matthew stayed on the balcony for some time after Alistair had left. He missed home. He was the land of the evening star, the north, the land between seas but he felt like none of those things when he was hundreds of miles away; he couldn’t see the stars in London and he, too, felt stuck under a layer of smog and sleet. Even out here in the country, the clouds almost always seemed to hang about. In those moments of late-night troubles, he wanted nothing more than to walk into the dark and cold, his only proof of existence in clouds of breath in front of him as he stares at the stars and northern lights and silently prays for people to stop expecting things from him.
That was a reality only for his dreams that he couldn’t hope to achieve in fits of insomnia.
 It didn’t matter if a party was held the night before, it was still a Saturday and Saturday meant taking afternoon tea with Father. When the weather was pleasant, they would sit outside under the white gazebo hidden among the roses. In the midst of winter, they would sit in the warm conservatory among his most prized tropical flora. Today was different in that when teatime came, Arthur requested for Jack and Charlie to wait- he wanted a private discussion with their brother. Matthew suspected the talk had waited for the late afternoon because both were suffering from hangovers at breakfast and had only uttered a few pleasantries at each other.
The two sat in their white iron chairs across from the other, the room silent other than the gentle flowing of water from the fountain nearby. Matthew stirred the milk and sugar in as he always did, acutely aware of every sound and adamantly avoiding the spoon scraping the bottom of the cup. Even after the maid left the two be, his father had yet to speak up. Arthur sipped his tea between bites of crumpet and spread jam without so much as a glance at the man across from him.
“Are you waiting for me to apologize?” Matthew spoke firmly, back straight in his seat. “You knew that woman and her father were ignorant about my home. Do you really expect me to stand there and listen to those people talk on and on about Canada when they know next to nothing on the matter? It was insulting.”
The fountain continued to lazily trickle water, the lilypads aimlessly floating on the surface and moving with the quiet ripples. A frog croaked and Arthur took another sip of tea.
“Yes, I expected you to handle the situation with much more grace and dignity,” he let out a hard sigh, his attention shifting away from the tower of cakes and sandwiches and all to his son. “Where the bloody hell did I go wrong with you? I spend my years teaching you proper manners and how to navigate these fools of the upper-class and what do you do? Get drunk during the first hour of the event. Matthew, for God’s sake, I expected better from you.”
“I’m not like Papa. I can’t talk to these people pretending to be interested.”
“I’m not asking you to be like him. ” His voice didn’t raise but it did harden in tone. “We spent the last several months having to navigate social circles in order to work on the unification of your territories. I had hoped you learned something from that.”
“Those stupid banquets at least meant something. These people just prattle on about nothing. You hate having company and entertaining. Social season be damned.”
“It doesn’t matter if I enjoy the chippering or find it a nuisance. It is part of my job to entertain these people and perform my duties for the season. These are my people whether or not I agree with them. They are not my friends or even acquaintances. You’re a grown man and must understand how to perform the part of a kindly gentleman. I second the notion for the season be damned to all hell but I don’t foresee that changing anytime soon. What are people deem important, we must follow suit. No telling nonsense stories to frighten them.” Those stormy sea eyes narrowed, the harsh light of the room emphasizing the bags underneath. “Son, whether either of us likes it or not, your little province is not just that anymore. You are no longer the colony I took in but a grown adult with, what I thought, was a good head on your shoulders. Your territories are uniting, forming a cohesive unit. I have been spending the last twenty years trying to reform your government. It has been a mess, conference to conference. The first time you’re back home in years and the second we’re finished in Quebec- the very discussion of the likelihood of you becoming a dominion or confederation or what have you- you run off with your own personal priorities. Your job was the discussion of unity and what your country and people wanted, not aiding the United States in the blasted war they got themselves into.”
“ Alfred could have been dead! You weren’t willing to do anything and he’s fucking dying! You always gave more of a shit about him than me but the second you get the chance- you refuse to help him from a bruised ego and stubborn pride! Whenever I go and help him it’s on me. Not Canada or behalf of the fucking Empire- Matthew fucking Williams!” He rose from his seat, the table wobbling at his speed. “You never had to teach Alfred how to talk to a room, how to stand up straight and look like he belongs in civilization and not the wilderness! He could wear the stuffy suits you gave him and play whatever part you wanted him to.”
“This conversation is not about Alfred, it’s about you boy.”
“For fucking once you actually give a shit about me and not him for once!”
“What part of me trying to get legislation for you to have your constitution said that I don’t care or look out for you? I have been doing my damnest to prepare you for this world. Empires don’t last forever in the way you think. I expect a year from now, the next phase of these conferences will commence. The constitutional proposals have already been brought forward to British Government this month and it’s been meant with great approval. Things will continue moving forward. You will have to continue speaking on your own terms without me always at your side.”
“What if I don’t want any of that!” he shouted, voice trembling. He thought of his brother and the current turmoil he was going through. Matthew could never shake those images from his head as he navigated the aftermath of a battle. The field stunk of decay and the ground was muddy with blood. He was afraid he would never find Alfred in the aftermath of death and violence. Even when he was safely recovered and brought to the nearest hospital, Matthew didn’t know how well Alfred would actually recover. He didn’t feel like his brother, he didn’t look like him, not really. Matthew could tell how afraid he was and, in turn, how afraid Canada was of the same thing happening to them if they went down the same path of freedom, flew out of the nest of the Empire’s safe hold. Getting these unions to work was enough of a headache and fear of what could be. Matthew slowly sank back into his seat, the anger that had been bubbling in his chest finally simmering out to be replaced with a tired sadness. “I don’t know what I want.”
“If Matthew doesn’t know, then what does Canada want? What do your people want to do?” Arthur’s voice was surprisingly gentle, understanding of his son’s frustration and confusion. “Our existence demands much from us, makes us feel and understand but somehow leaves us confused and unknowing of our nature and purpose.” He lifted the steaming cup to his lips and finished what remained. Almost on pure muscle memory, he poured himself another cup and even refilled the other with enough room for more sweet milk. “I taught you confidence and how to carry yourself better so the commanding presence we can take actually means something. We know what our people desire, what they fear. We help the morale when times are hard so we can keep on. I’m certain you are more than aware our existence can be a brutal and unkind one. Difficult choices must be made and nary do we get to make them. We are not lawmakers, simply odd leaders that know all the history. These conferences are far from over and I’m certain you can feel the debates over what should be done. So tell me, son, what does Canada foresee for their future?”
Matthew was silent for a long time, watching languidly as his father fixed his tea exactly how he liked it. His thoughts again were back to the pamphlet printed in the paper and the fluttering it had sent to his chest. It was akin to the feeling of navigating turbulent rivers. It made his heart race in joy and excitement but at the same time, his stomach felt like it was ready to turn itself inside out. His people wanted many different things, some were of a similar motivation that had made Alfred rebel and head the calls of liberty. Others were the strong desire to preserve their ties with Great Britain.
“I can’t tell yet, it’s all such a mess. You might as well change my patron Saint from St. Joseph to the Saint of Never Getting it Right.”
“None of that now.” Arthur quickly shot down. “I want you to think about it. Think past all the turmoil. Politics will always be a rotten mess, nothing can be done about that. Not everyone walks away happy no matter what you say or try to do. Despite the muck of it all, it will come to you and when that time comes, you’ll know. I don’t need your answer this second Matthew but these upcoming years will surely test your nerves and patience. That is what I expect from you at this moment in time. Know your next journey home I will not be accompanying you. You’re grown my dear boy and that is the last I’ll say on the matter for the time being. The holidays are here and you should be able to spend time with the rest of our family, seems their quite keen on staying for a while longer. Our other guests will be leaving in a shorter time.”
The cup of tea his father had prepared for him was different than the one Alistair had given him the night before. It was lighter in color and sweet, with no traces of warming alcohol but there was still a bitter aftertaste he couldn’t quite ignore. He gazed into the liquid and he could just barely make out his own face. He couldn’t understand it any more than he did last night. What changed? Who was this? Questions like it have been plaguing his mind each time he caught glances at his reflection, something always seeming off and wrong but he couldn’t quite place what it was. Maybe it was something as simple as his own cheeks losing the boyish softness of youth and his eyes mimicking his father’s more and more each sleepless night.
The pot was half-finished when Matthew rose from his seat with his usual quiet disposition. “Thank you. I think I shall take a walk before it gets dark and think about what you said. I hope you have enough lecture left in you for my siblings.”
Arthur let out a breath through his nose with a smirk pulling at the corner of his thin lips. “It’s miserable out. Go make sure the fire is lit in my study and that no one accidentally wonders inside. I can’t have anyone finding my ritual dagger or dear Oliver’s head amongst the clutter.”
“I’m sure I can manage that, sir. Shall I also warm the chesterfield?”
The Englishman waved his hand. “Do as you wish as long as you are on time for supper.”
Matthew withdrew to his father’s study, easily navigating the halls and passageways to the silent retreat without a single soul stopping him. With the fire now blazing in the hearth, he sprawled out along his favorite spot like a tired, old cat. Arthur would find him later in the evening, ready to bring him down for tea only to find his son fast asleep with an old edition of ‘ Punch ’ spread across his chest, dangerously close to sliding and crumbling to the floor. He set the magazine on a nearby pile of books after getting a polite chuckle from the cartoon it was open on.
“We serve as those before us and teach it to our young and hopefully, in doing so, watch them grow despite our mistakes.” He tentatively brushed some of Matthew’s fringe from his face, the curls just as soft from when he could still be held in Arthur’s arms. “Some just take their while like a northern summer.”
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Christmas in July Chapter 19
Here’s a short and simple little story for y’all today: To Christmas! Hope you enjoy! :)
AO3 link here!
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“Well, my dear little brother,” Virgil stars, sidling up to Alan spread eagle on the couch. Everyone’s enjoying their Thanksgiving meal food comas after a well deserved catered feast. Hey- just because they aren’t in America anymore doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy some good turkey and mashed potatoes!
Alan cracks open an eye. He mumbles something incomprehensible, trying to kick Virgil away. “G’way. Trying to sleep here.”
“You wouldn’t be so tired if you realized what day it is.”
“It’s a Thursday.”
“It’s Thanksgiving.”
“Technically, it’s past Thanksgiving by my standards. Which means…”
“It’s Black Friday?”
Virgil pokes Alan in the cheek with something. One peek and he sees it’s a golden outdoor Santa decoration; its inside is filled with string lights and covered in gold glitter. A streak of sparkles stays on Alan’s chin. That perks the youngest up right away.
“It’s Christmas season, baby!” Alan whoops.
Somewhere across the living room, amongst the pillows and dessert dishes stacked about the holoprojector, Scott groans. “Give it at least until December 1st.”
“Nope. The deal is nothing until after Thanksgiving.”
“I don’t know if this counts.”
“We already have so little time!”
“Yeah, because you’d trash the place in tinsel in October if you could.”
“And so you give us thirty one measly days instead.” Alan falls into Virgil’s side as if the lamentation sapped all his strength.
Scott takes one look at Virgil, sparkly Santa tightly in hand, and decides it’s not worth arguing. He lets the turkey tryptophan do its job and take him back down to a food filled dreamland. John is out cold next to him, using Scott’s thigh like a pillow. Gordon and Kayo are curled up on the couch with the best holoprojector view, polishing off the cherry pie with A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving rerun in the background.
“You boys better not overdo it in one day,” Grandma says from behind them. Alan jumps, not expecting her presence to sneak up right behind them. Virgil hands off the decoration to Alan and pulls a Santa hat from his back pocket.
“Have a little faith Grandma! We never overdo it.”
They overdid it.
Not in the sense that there’s too much Christmas-y spirit, oh no. There’s never too much of that. But Alan’s pouting with no brothers in sight and no decorations left to hang. It took four days of Virgil and Alan’s Christmas adrenaline paired with a light rescue load to decorate the entire villa.
Thunderbird One is docking in her silo as Alan tries to think of something else to throw Christmas up onto! The stockings are hung for each and every one of them, hand embroidered by Grandma and touched up by Virgil. Even EOS has a little one right next to John’s Starry Night print stocking.
Tinsel is wrapped about the banisters of the stairs in a flourish of blue and silver. Virgil dug out the Christmas throw pillows to replace the boring solid color ones of the couches. A balsam fir tree so grand that Scott had to carry it home in One sits empty except for lights at the top of the lounge balcony. Ornament decorating is off-limits until next week when John has a scheduled downtime. Alan and Virgil’s room are covered head to toe in decorations. Worry not, that was the first place the brothers tackled.
The silos are a no decoration zone. Which, Alan agrees, is fair. He did sneak in and leave a few stuffed snowmen in the Birds in case they come across a rescue with children.
“Damn! I can smell that tree all the way from the locker room.”
Alan looks to find Scott coming up with two red cups in hand. His suit’s still on with the sleeves wrapped around his waist and undershirt on show. Alan wrinkles his nose.
“And I can smell you from over here.” Alan fake gags. “Why didn’t you shower yet?”
“Huh, well apparently I have a little brother who doesn’t want his spiced latte.”
“What? Gimme!”
Alan pops up and reaches for the cup he says labelled with Alan. Scott holds it above his head while taking a sip of his own. Realizing that Scott can keep his latte above his head a lot longer than his patience can hold out, Alan pulls away.
“Here I thought you’d be grateful I didn’t let it cool any longer than it had to while I showered and changed.”
“I am grateful, you idiot,” Alan retorts, sticking out his tongue.
Scott passes off the red Starbucks cup and Alan downs a third of it in one long drink. Who cares that they live on a hot tropical island?
Rather than going down to clean up quite yet, Scott walks to the kitchen with Alan hot on his heels. He finds the deli turkey in the bottom fridge door and pulls it out; Scott shovels the plain meat into his meat as Alan finds a spot at the kitchen island.
“You get any decorating done today?”
Alan pouts. “No. It’s all done and I can’t think of anything to add!”
Scott hums. He keeps munching on the turkey in lieu of a real meal. “You seen Virgil today? Gordon’s been working on Four all day and said he hasn’t seen him.”
On cue, Virgil comes scrambling up the stairs from the basement. Arguably their least used staircase as the only thing down there is long term storage. Alan jumps up as Virgil crashes his way over, depositing three Rubbermaid boxes on the ground.
“Oh no…” Scott whispers to no one but himself. Virgil’s pupils are blown wide with excitement.
“I found another four boxes of decorations!”
“Hell yeah!”
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elysianluv · 3 years
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alladdin | n.s.
a/n: it's finally the 4th here my people, and on this day several hundred years ago, we were all blessed with a gem of a person <3 @arcanestage this one's for you my love, i'm so inexplicably grateful to have gotten the chance to know you and i wish you nothing but the very best always 💕 this is the first of a fairytale au! series, alladdin inspired, and i hope that if nothing else, it at least makes you smile!! (also everyone go wish her rn if you haven't already or else 😤😤)
nozel silva — ( how i soften when you pull me against you )
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"do you trust me?" he asks, with a certainty you've only known love interests from the stack of romance novels by your bedside to have.
"not at all." your expression doesn't betray an ounce of the excitement fluttering through stomach as you accept his outstretched hand, raising a leg onto the railing of your balcony. nozel's arm supports you onto the back of the large, magical silver eagle easily. it doesn't take long for the bird–shaped spell to begin moving — the surface feels sturdy under your feet, somehow comfortable too, and the breeze pleasant rushing past your face. "but, perhaps i am finally taking you up on your offer to kidnap me."
he scoffs, and you are quick to catch the hints of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "well, it's not an offer many would make."
the humiliation he'd felt at being caught sneaking out of agrabah's new art gallery with stolen art in his arms – and by the princess herself, at that – nozel remembers, had been brutal. then being caught in his lie of being a professional assassin to scare you off, and following that the empty threat to kidnap you — seriously, what would he do with a princess when the job had been to sneak out the piece of abstract art only? would the ransom be worth the price the sultan would put on his neck? he thought himself above labelling prices on human lives, at the very least — but all that aside, that day should've been the end of his career, really.
he'd never expected you to let him go, correctly identifying him as a mercenary and even helping with a distraction for his escape — with the simple explanation that you hated the (almost) stolen painting with a seething passion.
recalling the smug grin on your face, he wouldn't have been surprised to find that his contractor for that job had been one of your own men, on your orders. the beloved innocent princess of agrabah, organising a heist to remove that horrid painting from the national gallery – what a headline.
you grin sweetly, faux innocence evident in your features. "not all kidnappers are as kind as you, your highness."
nozel's face burns, and he is eternally glad for the darkness — this is, after all, the second time you've caught his act. he'd been parading around the palace, all dressed up as a prince for the newest job, unaware of your eyes fixated on his familiar gait.
your father the sultan had caught your lingering gazes on him and reached the conclusion farthest from the truth, mischievous glints in his eyes as he asked how the pair of you knew each other.
your steady gaze on nozel didn't falter at the slightest as you answered truthfully, the art gallery, papa.
you had later, in private, jokingly asked if his job this time was to whisk you away, only for him to reply with a shake of his head no, instead offering, though that may be arranged.
nozel rolls his eyes, unimpressed. "it isn't an offer many would accept, either."
"well, not all victims are as exciting as i."
the eagle takes a dip, eliciting a yelp from you, and instinctively, your fingers reach out for him. your hand grabs onto his forearm in your surprise, and you send him a clear we go down together glare.
nights in agrabah, nozel finds, are as cold as the days are hot — well equipped with this knowledge, you've brought along a shawl with you. he, on the other hand, stands atop the flying eagle with the chill seeping into his bones with frightening ease.
cautiously, you lower yourself until you're seated on the eagle, your fingers pulling on nozel's sleeve to urge him down beside you. after a moment's hesitation, the pair of you are comfortably sitting side by side, silence threatening to drown your conversation into the dark of the night.
your arms rise to move your shawl from your shoulders so it covers you both.
the gesture has his eyes widening, and for a moment you wonder whether it was the wrong move – his body stills at the fabric's scent of roses and jasmine, likely from the flowers you care for in your room, suddenly invading his senses.
you are evil, nozel decides. wicked.
"memento mori?" you offer, your humourous tone bringing a small laugh of disbelief to nozel. flying so high, and with his dauntless nature regarding the bird's speed, the idea had definitely crossed your mind a few times.
the words caught in his throat for this long are now let free, a different sort of warmth rising to his cheeks. allowing himself the moment, nozel steals a glance of you, his voice uncharacteristicly low as he wishes, "happy birthday, princess." a particularly strong gist of wind brushes past you, your shawl nearly flown away as you attempt to process the mercenary's words. he's quick to grab onto an edge of the fleeing cloth before clearing his throat, "i thought, today, you might enjoy a touch of..."
another beat of silence stretches between you, one that you decide to break.
it's enough to deflect his attention from the heat rising up your face, at least, you suppose.
nozel shakes his head, language seeming to have forsaken him the moment your fingers brush against his. "of something new," he corrects.
your stomach flips.
you absently reach out for rajah to your right, wanting to curl your fingers in his soft fur and calm the pounding of your heart. rajah has always been your steadying figure, but now that you're literally suspended in mid–air above the desert, you suppose it would be fine to...settle, for something else.
hesitance lacing your actions, you place your hand in the space between you and nozel. your pinky finger brushes against his.
his hand inches closer to yours, just barely letting your finger rest atop his.
you curl your pinkie around his, carefully, not daring to let your eyes meet.
sharing the sentiment, nozel tightens his grip on your finger, his breath bated.
this moment is yours alone, to cherish and to keep — under a sky littered with twinkling stars and the moon full, your hearts in tandem give way for a tender seedling of warmth, of innocent fondness, to blossom in the midst of the harsh deserts of agrabah.
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pulaasul · 3 years
You're reblogging Super Sentai content lately, so I challenge you to make a sentai team comprised of members from the existing 44 sentai teams as gokaiger is disqualified.
There can only be a maximum of two members from the same team.
Sentais like time fire, toq6gou, koguma skyblue can be counted as red, orange, and blue and also be counted as 6th/Extra Ranger.
Wait, seriously? Did you mean to send this to me, anon? I mean, sure I’ve been posting and reblogging Super Sentai content lately, but I feel like I still haven’t watched enough Super Sentai to formulate my own dream team.
So far the following are the Super Sentai content that I have watched, in order of release date.
· Shinkenger
· Gokaiger (Currently Watching)
· ToQger
· Ninninger
· Zyuohger
· Kyuranger
· Lupinranger vs. Patranger
· Kiramager
Of course, I can formulate a dream team even by limiting myself to the Super Sentai members in the aforementioned series, but I kinda want to see how the Ozus or Akashi Satoru stack up to the recent Super Sentai members.
Red – Yamato Kazakiri = Zyuoh Eagle/Gorilla/Whale
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Blue – Touma Yoimachi = Lupin Blue
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Yellow – Nagi Matsuo = Kininger
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Green – Hikari Nonomura = ToQ 4gou
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Black – Misao Mondou = Zyuoh the World
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Pink – Sayo Oharu = Kiramai Pink
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Orange – Stinger = Sasori Orange
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Sixth – Kaoru Shiba = Princess Shinken Red
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Extra – Kotaro Sakuma – Koguma Skyblue
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Finding gifs for Nagi and Misao is hard man, its pretty hard.
Damn, even limiting myself to the Super Sentai series I’ve watched, it was still hard, I wanted both Kaoru and Yamato in the red spot, that’s why I cheated a bit and put Kaoru in the Sixth Ranger slot.
I just realized that the series I have watched, barring Kyuranger and, technically, Zyuohger, the teams did not have a Black Sentai member.
I say Zyuohger Technically because Misao represents three colors: Gold (Crocodile), Black (Rhinos), Silver (Wolf). Misao defaults to Rhinos when he changes into Zyuoh the World, which is represented by the color Black, technically speaking, Misao can be a Black Ranger.
Here are some honorable mentions:
· Tametomo Imizu – Kiramai Yellow
· Chiaki Tani – Shinken Green
· Kagura Izumi – ToQ 5gou
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damn it was hard, thanks for the question nonny.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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US Mint ‘Gold Disks’ Once Made for Oil Payments to Saudi Arabia
One of the things we find most exciting about reporting on the numismatic marketplace is coming across those things we either didn’t know beforehand or finding obscure and unusual numismatic items. Just recently we came across one such item, gold disks produced by the United States Mint for ARAMCO oil payments to Saudi Arabia after World War II.
The Coins that Weren’t
“In Saudi Arabia, gold coins have always been important in the monetary system. For years, in fact, paper money was unacceptable, and to pay royalties to the government, Aramco once flew kegs of both gold and silver coins to Jiddah. In 1952, when the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) was formed, the first coin issued was a Saudi sovereign – a gold coin equal in weight and value to the British sovereign – that was later demonetized and today sells for about $124.
To collectors, however, the most interesting Saudi gold coins weren’t coins at all; they were “gold discs”. Similar to coins, they were minted by the Philadelphia Mint in the 1940s for Aramco, and bore, on one side, the U.S. Eagle and the legend “U. S. Mint, Philadelphia, USA” and, on the other side, three lines on the fineness and weight. They looked like coins, they were used as coins, but, technically, they weren’t coins.
In the 1950s, numismatists were puzzled by these “discs” until-in 1957 – the story emerged in The Numismatist. Aramco, required to pay royalties and other payments in gold to the Saudi government, could not obtain the gold at the monetary price fixed by the United States so the U. S. government specifically began to mint the “discs” – actually bullion in coin form for these payments. In 1945, for example, the mint turned out 91,210 large discs worth $20, and, in 1947,121,364 small discs worth $5, according to The Numismatist.
Because most of the discs were melted down for bullion, or later redeemed for the Kingdom’s gold sovereigns, the discs are interesting additions to art collections. But care is necessary as counterfeits are common.”
This article appeared on pages 2-5 of the September/October 1981 print edition of Saudi Aramco World. Written by Robert Obojski.
On April 14, 1991, the New York Times printed an article by Jed Stevenson on the “disks” in reference to several that were to be sold by Stack’s in an upcoming auction in May of 1991. Below are portions of that article.
“Sometimes coins are minted for the strangest of reasons. Some Saudi Arabian bullion coins, several of which will be auctioned by Stack’s early next month, are a prime example.
The coins were struck in Philadelphia by the United States Mint in 1945 and 1947 to satisfy the obligations of the Arabian American Oil Company, or Aramco, which had been set up in Saudi Arabia by four American oil companies. The company was obliged to pay the Saudi Government $3 million a year in oil royalties and its contract specified that the payment be made in gold.
The United States dollar at the time was governed by a gold standard that, at least officially, made the dollar worth one thirty-fifth of an ounce of gold. But the price of gold on the open market had skyrocketed during World War II.
For a time the Saudis accepted payment in United States currency, but by 1945 they were insisting that the payments in gold be resumed. Aramco sought help from the United States Government. Faced with the prospect of either a cutoff of substantial amounts of Middle Eastern oil or a huge increase in the price of Saudi crude, the Government minted 91,120 large gold disks adorned with the American eagle and the words “U.S. Mint — Philadelphia.”
Aramco paid for the minting and the bullion. The coins were shipped off to Saudi Arabia.
These bullion coins weighed 493.1 grains, slightly more than a troy ounce, and were 91 2/3 percent gold and 8 1/3 percent copper. The fineness was that of the British sterling system then current in the Middle East. The United States standard was only 90 percent gold.
Most of the coins disappeared. The bullion coins were crated and shipped to Bombay, where the $35-an-ounce American gold was sold for $70 an ounce. Most of the coins were melted into bars and later sold in Macao.
In 1947, Aramco contracted for 121,364 smaller bullion coins with the same design, but weighing just 123.27 grains. Those coins actually saw some popular use in Saudi Arabia and traded for about $12, or 40 silver Saudi riyals. But the popularity declined after Swiss and Lebanese counterfeiters began striking coins that were similar but less valuable.
In 1951, Saudi Arabia began minting its own gold coins and melted down most of the remaining small and large bullion coins from the United States Mint, restriking them as Saudi coins.”
By CoinWeek.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
4. Cosmik Debris
It’s Ariadne’s most overwhelming birthday yet… new titles, some trinkets and friends to come. What more could a girl need?
Please please let me know if you want Yuno to join The Grey Wolves with Asta.
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Twenty one. Ariadne was now twenty one and had zero plans to do anything today, if anything maybe visit the markets, apparently there was a new stall being held by one of the bartenders at their (Ariadne, Yami and William's) favourite drinking spot- where she sells the things she makes, it sounds so interesting.
A knock. She froze, quickly pressing her mask to her face and pulling over her new silver cloak before practically tripping to the door of her room- one that had been supplied by the Grey Deer thankfully.
Opening the door she was pleasantly surprised to see both her teammates.
"Morning Ariadne."
"Morning short-stack."
"Why short-stack Yami?" Ariadne asks, completely confused by the new nickname. The tall man just shrugged.
"It's your birthday yeah? Come on, Julius wants to talk to us and then we can go celebrate."
"Oh-" Ariadne didn't know what to say, she wasn't a big fan of celebrating her birthday and that little stall seemed really interesting... but she supposed she could still see it. "As long as we can duck into the markets there's a stall I want to check out."
"We can do that Ari." William smiled. Ariadne smiled back at both of them.
"So how was the bandits mission?" She questions- she hadn't joined them since she had a different mission (yes escorts count... even when they come from creepy requesters.)
"Fine. Nothing much happened, found two traitors." Yami shrugged. She nodded. "Goht and Mohl or whatever their names were."
"A Silver Eagle and a Crimson Lion... must be rough for Fuegoleon and Nozel." Ariadne snickered.
"It was a disappointing fight." William shrugged.
Ariadne gave a giggle, one many people enjoyed hearing.
"You three did brilliant on your missions." Julius gleamed. "You were able to capture the traitors and the bandits and of course Ariadne you did splendid on your escort mission- I'm glad you were able to punch him in the end."
"I'm glad I was too." She said quietly. Yami, William and Marx gave her a look. "He was creepy and tried to feel up one of the other female knights."
"Anyway, anyway I have good news!" Julius exclaimed pulling everyone's attention back to him. "Ariadne, Yami, William. I am appointing you three as captains of new squads. Do you accept?"
"I-I-I-" Ariadne stuttered, mouth agape. That's one hell of a birthday present. Yami and William took the news better than her. "Yes. Lord Julius." She said finally, her face as red as the wizard kings robes.
"Excellent. Yami, what kind of squad would you like to create?"
Yami scratched his chin in thought.
"A squad where status, bloodlines and social standing don't matter. I'll call them... the Black Bulls."
"And you?" Julius turns to William, who answers within a split second- an answer seemingly had been prepared earlier.
"I will create the Golden Dawn. Yes creating the ultimate squad is my way of repaying you, Lord Julius,"
"And you?" His attention turned back to Ariadne.
"Well since we aren't the Grey Deer anymore and I still want to be a little connected to them... The Grey Wolves... a squad similar to Yami's, no status, no prejudices or discrimination. One where my team can grow and grow." She gave a shy smile, the part of her face visible seeming so peaceful and happy.
"These squads sound wonderful!" Julius said with a clap, smile stretching across his face in a Cheshire grin.
"Black Bulls, Golden Dawn and Grey Wolves." Marx said, "good name choices."
"Thank you." They said awkwardly.
And even as they left the room, the strangeness still settling there was this feeling that the day was just getting... stranger and stranger. Ariadne could feel it in the air... she would have something interesting occur on her birthday.... Though maybe becoming a captain was that strange feeling. Then a body made contact with hers. A squeak, long pale blonde- almost white- hair cast its way into Ariadne's vision as the newly made captain reached forward to the tumbling woman.
"So sorry." She said as she regained her balance and turned to Ariadne, her face a picture perfect copy of the colour Ariadne bore when Julius gave their new titles. She had the most crystal-blue like eyes and wore a long blue tunic patterned in stars, tied with a brown belt, pants which matched the belt and boots that matched the tunic. Ariadne was impressed, they were almost wearing the same thing par the colour and pattern (The Grey Wolves Captain bore her silver cloak over her white tunic and pants) the brunette shook her head she had no time to look at a pretty face.
"Are you alright?" William asked as he stepped forward. If it was possible her face became brighter- not that Ariadne could say anything in memory of her first time meeting the masked man.
"Ye-yes sir. I'll watch my surroundings better in the future." Her hair was falling in her face, hiding her blue eyes.
"What's your name?" Ariadne asked, a smile soft and kind making the white-blonde haired woman stare.
"My-my n-n-name?" She stuttered, "Iris Blayne... no one special just a maid here.. I'm out of uniform because it's my day off!" she exclaimed quickly.
"It's okay Miss Blayne we understand. Please stay safe." William smiled again as the three Captains bid her farewell, Yami not bothering to say anything, probably off in his own world of thought- he does that sometimes. Iris gave another bow before rushing off towards Julius' office. What an interesting woman.
"So... captains." Ariadne said as they left the Wizard King's castle- it was still so strange to see the Deer's former captain as such a rank.
"Yeah. Even this little butterfly managed to become one." Yami laughed, giant hand ruffling her hair, the hair she'd actually bothered to make look nice today. She pouted. "Did I mess up your hair? It's windy here not like it won't get messed up anyway." Yami asks, still laughing as he pokes the masked side of her face.
"Yes actually." She huffed, waving a hand to smack him as the other hand pulled back the loosened strands of straight brown hair. "It's my birthday I wanted to look nice."
"You always look nice-" William says with what Ariadne and Yami can only assume is a frown beneath that extravagant mask.
Ariadne bit back a sarcastic comment- as comfortable as she is around them... she just can't allow herself to be so free, her anxiety was just too strong... oh god as a captain she'd be in charge and people would look up to her oh god why did she say yes... After all this time she was still guarded and overly shy yes, but more expressive and it warmed her friends hearts, that includes the Wizard King and Marx she supposed.
"Anyway." Ariadne says after a moment of thought. "Reckon we'll need Vice Captains right away or?"
"Julius will probably give us some time to get used to being Captains before we require one." William answered, another fast and seemingly prepared answer.
"I'll just make Nacht mine." Yami shrugged.
"He isn't even in the Kingdom are you sure?" William asks.
"Yeah. It's fine." Yami replied, though he sounded a little off. It was obvious as to why, but she decided not to say anything, and so did William.
A beat.
"So what did you want to do for your birthday?" William questions.
"Nothing if I'm honest." She shrugs. Yami's already grabbed a new cigarette to light and clearly checking out of the conversation- or whatever it is that he does when he stops listening to everyone. "I do want to go to the markets though."
"Ah what for? To buy some new books?"
Oh she forgot how attentive the Golden Dawn Captain could be- even Yami was when no one noticed.
"Oh no. You know the bar we frequent?" William nods. "The new bartender has a stall for this week's market, and I thought I would go have a look."
"New bartender?" Yami asks as he checks back into the conversation, cigarette balanced between his lips. Ariadne flushes a little- though when doesn't she have a blush across her face.
"The smaller woman with short black hair, kind of looks like how fantasy novels depict the high elves, without the pointy ears that is." She says moving her hands to imitate elven ears. "Very pretty at that."
"Nope don't know her." Yami shrugs. William hums in agreement.
"She's quite new... works during the day so normally leave right before you show up." Ariadne says, "Hey look there!"
The exclamation in her voice startled the two men as she stumbled forward, grabbing their hands and pulling them as she did towards the stall she wanted to visit.
Ariadne offered a soft smile as she reached the stall the dark haired woman was manning on her own. Toys, trinkets and carvings all decorated in various colours and designs. Some moving- almost dancing without the use magic it seems, some sat on shelves seemingly just watching the world, some just looking pretty. Ariadne was enamoured by the creations the bartender made, gods above she felt so calm and as though her stress was falling from her shoulders. The dark haired woman was smaller than Ariadne in stature and height, her dark hair sat in comfortable stillness amongst the windy street- magic she supposed. She wore a simple white blouse, black corset belt and loose black pants- oftentimes at the bar the small woman would wear a simple black dress, the corset belt never changing but Ariadne had to admit she looked more comfortable in pants... it was a good change.
She had such a familiar, comforting feeling, it was nice.
"Hello little knight." The woman smiled; Ariadne looked up.
"Hello." Ariadne smiled again. "You were right they are beautiful."
"Thank you. It's just a hobby, but one I like to share." She said, cold grey eyes taking in the three newly appointed Captains. William was equally as intrigued by the creations, a particular piece catching his eye, a glass and wooden statue framed as though it were the sun above a mountain... a perfect symbol for the Golden Dawn.
Yami however... something felt weird, her eyes piercing and all-knowing. He caught her eye, locking grey to grey.
"Congratulations." She said with a smile, black hair waving as she tilted her head slightly, her voice was strong, velvety, enticing. The trio looked at her confused. "You all seem to have gotten good news, Ari seems to be more nervous than usual which from what I have seen means she's been given good news and doesn't know what to do with it and you two seem just a little off kilter. Simple deduction."
"Ah. Yes we have good news." Ariadne said awkwardly. "I'll tell later... are we still meeting next Friday?"
"Oh so are you friends?" William inquires, being pulled away from the decorative piece he was admiring. Both women nod.
"I need someone to talk to when you are late." Ariadne says shyly. "And she's new to the capital so she needs a guide."
"Ah. Let us know if you need anything Miss." William smiled.
"What's your name?" Yami asks finally managing to pull away from her piercing eyes.
"Just Tahlia?"
"Do I need to be anything more than that Yami Sukehiro?"
"Touché." He says before deciding to peruse the little gadgets. A little Minotaur made of metal scraps and stone... moonstone eyes. He shook his head. Every once in a while he and William will talk about that day, when they just... lost Ariadne- though she came out completely unharmed, her Ki feeling just that little bit stronger than when they'd entered the dungeon. He shook his head. "How much for the Minotaur?"
"Three thousand Yul." Tahlia answers as she spies the man fishing for his coins.
"May I inquire about the sun over the mountain piece?" William asks.
"Four thousand Yul." Tahlia says with a raised brow, clearly waiting for Ariadne to ask next. She hums, clearly the men were getting something to represent their squads, so she could too.
"That wolf pendant." Ariadne says nodding towards the rack behind the small woman. Tahlia squinted in what could possibly be her version of 'playfully' as she looked at her friend.
"For you it'll be One thousand Yul. Would you like me to wrap them up or bag them?"
"I'll wear mine if that's okay Tahls." Ariadne says with a smile. The petite woman nods before turning to the two men who politely (well William asked politely) for them to be wrapped and bagged. "See you Friday Tahls."
"Goodbye you three... see you soon."
"Well she seems nice." Yami says.
"That would be because she is nice." Ariadne and William say in tandem.
"Jinx." Ariadne says softly. William seems to fidget before he turns to her.
"Are you sure you don't want to do anything else for your birthday?" William asks. Ariadne nods.
"Yes. I say it every year, but I don't care to celebrate the day."
"Why is that butterfly?"
"Would you celebrate the day you arrived in the Clover Kingdom?" Yami pauses, mouth opening before shutting again, she made her point.
She thinks for a moment as she watches Yami and William begin to talk, now walking in front of her. It's not like she's the only one who's had rough days, not the only one ripped from her home, not the only one hurt by the world... but she does know she has friends, and those friends mean the absolute world to her.
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