I was tagged by @silverineontherun (thank you so much) and immediately knew I had to do this!
How did you discover the show?
Back during the summer it first came out, I remember seeing it come up on Netflix a few times and I remember feeling like I should watch it, but hesitating because it seemed like any y-7 Western version of a mecha-anime...which at that point I wasn’t sure I’d be into. But I love animation, and I may have seen a thing or two about it on here, so eventually I was like ‘eh, why not? I’ll put it on while I work on my own animation project.’ And so I did :)
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
Yes and no! I was immediately drawn in by the characters and the animation but the plot did take some time to grow on me. I knew I’d stick with it from the first season, but it wasn’t until the third season that I was stuck. I think it was at that point that it became clear to me that this show had a carefully laid plan for each of its characters and the story as a whole, and everything was really starting to take off. 
Do you have a favorite episode?
This is a difficult one...because with me there’s never just one episode! Taking Flight will probably always be my fave from s1, and the eps introducing the BOM and Keith’s backstory are my faves from s2, but after that it gets harder because I love pretty much all of s3, s4, s5 and s6 equally (and A LOT).
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Weeeellll Keith has been my icon for a while. But if there’s anything I love about Voltron, it’s that it’s so easy to love and care about ALL of the characters for different reasons! So if I HAVE to pick one, then Keith for the first half of the show. But you know what? I have a feeling that from now on it’ll be Lance because I feel his story starting to take off and I’m actually so ready. But, as I said, these two are just barely my faves--I truly love them all. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
I never really thought about it before but I have to say Blue. She’s been there from the very beginning, and I love that she’s like the ‘mother’ lion. I trusted her with our boy Lance and now I trust her with our girl Allura <3
Do you have a favorite villain?
Lotor lol. Zarkon was boring AF (except in the flashbacks from before he turned) but as soon as Lotor came in I was so ready for whatever he was going to bring to the show. Admittedly, I did have a tiny bit of hope that he wouldn’t be as bad as he turned out to be, but as a villain his story is equal parts chilling and tragic and that works for me. I’m hoping Haggar/Honerva steps it up though, maybe it’ll be her soon.
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor)
Hmmm...not really? I find them all pretty cool but I’ve never considered what my favorite would be. Maybe the Balmerans though, since they’ve been around from the start.
Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Krolia. I mean we’ve only had two episodes somewhat devoted to her so far, but  I already know I’d die for her. And I love that she’s on the team! I’m actually excited to see how both she and Romelle will work with the others. It’s always wonderful to see more female characters join the crew! Aside from that? Matt, of course! He’s so fun. 
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I blogged a little about Voltron before s3, but I didn’t actively engage in the fandom until s3 and beyond. By that point I couldn’t help it! I was too invested to contain myself. And I also think that it had to do with the fact that I had fully accepted Keith and Lance as probably LGBT rep and I needed to see what other people were saying about that possibility. And actually I got more into the fan theories in general by that point. So, yeah! No matter how messy the fandom might seem, I figured I’d be able to find what I would enjoy and ignore what I wouldn’t. 
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Hoo boy. I don’t make a lot of headcanons because I’m very invested in canon, but I do like headcanons that I think work exceptionally well with canon. That being said I don’t really curate them so nothing specific is really coming to mind? Maybe the one that Hunk cleaned Keith’s paladin armor while he was away because that’s so cute and I can see Hunk doing that. Oh, and just for laughs, I love that we call Keith’s dad Texas to the point where I kind of hope we never find out his real name.
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The characters and the animation! The fact that both are as well done as they are is what makes Voltron such a fixation for me. I truly feel for and care about every single character, and I love that none of them are perfect and that you can track their growth! That and the fact that the show lends itself so well to theorizing!
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
LGBT rep is a big one, but--as I referenced earlier--I think that’s in the process of happening, and you also know which character(s) I think that’ll be! Other than that, I want to see more dual-wielding Keith, Lance with his sword, I want to see Lance and Hunk’s families on earth, and I want Allura and Romelle to bond! I also just want Romelle to become part of the team in general because I think that’ll be an interesting dynamic. 
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
No question! I, for one, am more excited than ever about where the show is going, and it would take a lot for me to drop it. I’m not worried about being disappointed though--I’m not saying it could never happen, but that’s not something I think about. As much as I love theorizing and reading other people’s theories, I’ve gotten to a place where I’m very content to wait and see what they throw at us. 
All righty, now to tag someone! I haven’t really gotten to know many of you on here, and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to participate if they don’t want to, but I’ll tag @lanceprance cause you’ve been around for a while! But literally anyone who sees this pls feel free to do it I’d love to see what you all have to say!
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klance-angst-zine · 2 years
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New preview! We’re proud to share this taste of the charming fic by our @silverineontherun 💜
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erithel · 4 years
Hey do you know that one klance fic where Keith comes to lances farm and they get drunk on a drink lances family make then they have sex and lance keeps keiths red hair tie its post season eight ik this is kinda weird to ask you but i feel like you would know also I absolutely love your blog 💕
I read the first sentence of this and was immediately like: “OH YOU MEAN THIS ONE??? This one called you’re always welcome here by @silverineontherun that I have already recommended once on my page??? That fic???” LOL
Seriously, though, this fic has literally everything I love and the writing is just absolutely gorgeous.
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klancesecretsanta · 4 years
Gift for @silverineontherun
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notkunfetti · 4 years
tagged by @sewerpigeon Thank you!
Last Song : Currently obsessed with Willow by Taylor Swift
Last Movie : I think The Old Guard or The Danish Girl. I watched Danish Girl for film analysis and Old Guard cause it’s just perfect.
Currently Watching : Steven Universe (I just started s1, no spoilers)
Currently Reading : NOTHING semester is over and I’m taking a brain break
Currently Craving : My sanity and the end of 2020
I’ll tag @tyrannosaurusjess and @silverineontherun
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dailycolleenholt · 5 years
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I am very excited to share the illustrations I did for the absolutely lovely @silverineontherun‘s fic Because Summer Will Come for the @shattbigbang! Please go check it out! It’s absolutely fantastic and was such a dream to illustrate for.
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klance-angst-zine · 2 years
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Aaand we reached the last group of contributors!!! Last but not least, we’re glad to introduce these awesome writers:
Ash Lucas @silverineontherun
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notkunfetti · 6 years
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soft lotura for my wonderful friend @silverineontherun
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notkunfetti · 6 years
100 ways to say I Love You
Consent and read on AO3
for @silverineontherun
Rated E
Words 5218
teaser :
Keith pulls away to soon, and Lance tries to follow. But a firm finger to his lip stops him and Lance opens his eyes to find Keith’s own eating his appearance.
“It suits you,” Keith reveres, and Lance feels the flush from his cheeks to his toes, “It brings out your eyes.”
Keith’s fingers trace over the lace, tantalizingly gentle, and Lance bites his lip to hold back a moan when his fingers brush over his nipple.
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