#silvershadowspark ask
dearestones · 1 year
I was talking about physical sex. Gender doesn’t really come into it. That said, there are several spin-offs, only 2 of which are confirmed to be in the same body as the original body (‘CaW: White Brigade’ and ‘CaW and Friends’). The spin-off you’re talking about is ‘CaW: Neo Bacteria’ and it does have a teenage girl as the body. I have no idea if it is the original body, because it focuses on intestinal bacteria conflicts. I have not yet read much of it.
Anyway, I think it would be interesting to have the original body be female.
Yeah, I just decided to include both because both concepts are interesting.
Anyway, I've lost track of all the available spin offs, but it is very interesting that Friends/Main/White are in the same body. That's so cool! I've only read all of Main and a few chapters of White, but it's been a while. I wish I could read more of the other manga, but I don't have the time for at.
Yeah, it would be cool if the original body was female, but I don't think it really matters in the end. I mean, the entire concept of the Main series was what was happening inside of the body, the everyday occurrences, so the outside doesn't matter as much as long as there weren't abrasions or other threats, etc.
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esprei · 2 years
I rarely remember my dreams, but I did have one recently where I had caught a Joltik and Emmet was going over care tips with me. I was sad when I woke up.
OH MY GOD THAT'S SO CUTE i can totally see him doing that i bet he runs a youtube channel based around joltiks and joltik care 😭
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I apologize for my mistake regarding the ‘CaW and Friends’ vs ‘Platelets at Work’ thing. I appreciate the correction. I do not want to help spread misinformation.
It's okay i honestly feel like i maybe was going a little overboard with the whole essay i wrote. I just really really really love CaW and Friends and they are my favorite little cells in the whole franchise, i don't think that should even be considered misinformation because it's kinda insignificant, considering the size of the CaW fandom on Tumblr already.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
On Friday, I posted the Whumptober scrap I wrote for the collab. Was it good? Even if you don’t want to sketch for it, can I still post it in my Whumptober story (collection of scraps, really, bit still)?
YEE YEE YEE!!! I got it!! I actually took a wee break from tumblr on friday and meant to come back on Sunday, but then I ended up driving all day Saturday, forgot I had volunteered to judge for an event on Sunday (was another all day event), and then I was like "Okay I'll get back on tumblr on Monday and take care of everything!" and then on Monday my 8 hour work day turned into a 12 hour work day because the booth I was working on was SHIT enough that even the people who developed it (not the booth brand owners but the people in charge of building the booth itself and then having us teamsters build it on the floor) were like "i want to set this booth on fire and take a hammer to it" so I was exhausted and just went to sleep, and I finally got back on my laptop yesterday and was doing a mix of dicking around and catching up on stuff so i finally saw your scrap for the first time yesterday fdjkfldsa; SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG QvQ
BUT IT'S REALLY GOOD!!! I do have a sketch started for it, I've just been also dicking around drawing my OC cause it's been feeling good to draw him fjdsflsa But yee yee I promise I'm working on it!! I started first thing this am once I got upstairs!!!
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I have some messing around to do still, the expressions are evading me and Akari is too small still, but this is the first rough!
And you can absolutely still post it for your Whumptober!!! For sure for sure!!! I enjoyed it and was squealing in my head, there was a lot of mental "FDSJKFLDSAFS" and varying noises, it was fun to see someone else dally in Fire at Will! ♥
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dearestones · 1 year
More CaW thoughts…
I just got diagnosed with MCAS, aka Mast Cell Activation Disorder (which is both a relief due to the face I now know I don’t have a bunch of different diseases, just one with a bunch of different symptoms; and kinda disappointing because there’s no fix for it so we have to treat the symptoms anyway), and now I can’t help but think of the Cedar Allergy and Denge Fever episodes. My Mast Cells are too busy bothering me to do their job properly, which is annoying.
Anyway, I’m wondering what life for cells would be in a body that’s unhealthy not due to outside factors like in Code Black, but due to genetic issues like mine or other auto-immune stuff. The kind of thing that’s always been there and can’t be fixed. I sort of want to apologize to my cells that they are stuck in this mess alongside me. I mean, it’s no one’s fault, my genetics are just crap.
Don’t mind my rambling, I just had thoughts and needed to share them with someone who knows CaW…
Oh my, I’m sorry to hear that. At the very least, you now know the problem and what you can do to alleviate symptoms. I haven’t heard of MCAS before, but I have faith that you’ll pull through it.
For a body that has been afflicted by an autoimmune disease or something similar, I believe that in CAW-verse, it can be portrayed as the immune system rebelling against the body, or misinterpreting signals, or just not knowing what to do. Like you said, it’s all genetics in your case, so perhaps when the cells begin to divide and differentiate from hematopoeisis, the macrophages were either not trained properly or given weird directions.
I’m not sure if I’m saying that correctly considering I’m not familiar with the disorder, but I think it fits.
Don’t apologize to your cells, it’s definitely not your fault or your cells’ fault either. It’s just how the wind blows in nature. As long as you move forward and treat your condition accordingly, you’ll live in harmony. Stay positive and don’t give yourself a hard time about it, okay? Laughter boosts the immune system so don’t be too down about it.
Thanks for the thoughts and I hope that you have a wonderful day!
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dearestones · 1 year
Do you think the CaW body is male or female? I like the idea of it being female, if only because we know the code black body is male.
I think I said something about this way back when, but I generally assumed the person was non-binary if we’re going by gender because the experiences felt in Main were supposed to be everyday things anyone can experience. As for actual sex, I have no preference, but it would be nice to have a female body.
Wasn’t there spin-off where it was explicitly stated that it was female? I think it was like a teenage girl or something, I forgot.
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dearestones · 1 year
A favorite fic…that’s a hard one. Probably your Abnormalities series.
The one thing I couldn’t find in a fic for CaW would be a surgery story. The manga for CaW Code Black has a couple of small things (toe amputation and stent implantation, I think), but I think it would be interesting to see something like a gallbladder removal or a kidney or an appendix. (I’ve had several surgeries and now, having seen CaW, I’m morbidly curious) How do the cells react both during the surgery and after?
Note, this is not a writing request. I’m just curious about your thoughts.
I do personally ship U-1146/AE-3803, but I tend to prefer stories with plot, not just romantic fluff. So the shipping is secondary, and not necessary for a good story.
Hey, Devin here!
Oh my gosh, Abnormalities is one of my better stories, I think! I had a blast writing it and was my introduction on how to pace stories, especially since it was basically one of my first multichap stories I've ever written and finished.
Anyway, you're right! I've never seen a surgery story before. That's an interesting concept and I think canon should tackle that one day, heheh. As for theories, I think that all of the body would be on high alert.
During surgery (most), there's the use of anaesthetics, so cells would be wondering why certain areas of the body are blacking out as if in sleep. They'll be thrown off schedule because it's unusual.
Furthermore, during surgery, doctors have to keep track of blood loss. Remember that one episode/chapter with the abrasion and the clotting? That, but far more horrific considering that depending on what type of surgery is occurring because where there is a gaping hole, there will be blood cells trying their best to deliver oxygen, clot, etc.
And speaking of blood cells! There is a reason why doctors, nurses, and technicians have to make sure that the operating room/table/equipment have to be free from contamination. Think about it, big gaping hole in the body, all cells running to and fro in confusion because the body is being horrifically mutilated (in their mind)? That's basically an invitation for bacteria.
If you recall during that childhood flashback (myelocyte and erythroblast), there was a (if I recall correctly) a Psuedomonas aueruginosa (don't quote me on that and I'm spelling from memory oooofff), which is a popular bacteria found in hospitals. (There was a theory back in the day that in CAW Main, the body was a frequent visitor to the hospital and had received an infection as a result). And if you think Psuedomonas would be the rare bacteria, you would be wrong. There would be so many types just wanting to get inside.
The immune system will be on high alert.
Once the doctors have sutured the operation sites, the immune system will be on constant high alert until the wound start healing and new skin starts forming. That's another thing, I think epithelial cells will be working overtime, but since epithelial cells are buildings in canon, I suppose the platelets will be the ones who are taking on this task of rebuilding the operation site.
So yeah, the main systems of the body affected would be the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
As for 3803/1146... Unpopular opinion but I prefer them as best friends, hehehe. I actually shop 3803/4989 and 3803/2001, which is a shame considering I don't think anyone else does... and that I have never had the chance to write for them unless they're teasing 1146. But, I totally agree! Unless I specifically want a romantic story, I prefer something that has a plot or is a good introspective/analysis on the platonic relationships of the characters.
Thanks for the ask! It was an interesting deep dive that I hadn't done in some time.
Again, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Feel free to drop another ask if you so desire!
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dearestones · 1 year
I’m a couple years late to the ‘Cells at Work’ fandom, but I figured I’d stop by and tell you that I love the stuff you’ve written for it. It’s sad that the collection of fics for CaW is so small.
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Oh my gosh???
An ask about CAW???
I thought I'd never see the day!
Anywhoozles, thank you so much for the kind words! I wish I could open up requests for it again, but I'm still sadly burnt out of CAW. I'm open to writing more for it, but like... I might have to ban 3803/1146 content since it's so prevalent... but that's pretty much most of my requests were ooffff If you're still here in a few years and I open up requests again, you're more than welcome to ask away!
I'm so honored that you decided to tell me how much you like my work! It's not everyday people get to see that and I'm glad that you blessed me with such happiness today.
And yes, while the collection is small, I don't doubt that there's a fic writer out there or two who is still writing for CAW. Find them and show them so love!
Thanks again and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
PS, Do you have a favorite fic of mine? Hehehe, just wondering!
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esprei · 2 years
Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! Go eat some cake (or whatever your favorite dessert is)! 🎂
ahhhh thank you so much!!! cake has been eaten and was so delicious! 💖💖💖
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