lindyloosims · 3 years
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
Dramatis Personae - Mary Sue Oldridge*
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Mary once chose Sentiment over Reason which she regrets to date. A devoted governess to Miss Cassandra Goth, she strives to protect her dear charge from suffering the same fate, but will she succeed? Or will the history repeat itself?
*I took the liberty of altering some characters’ names.
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lindyloosims · 5 years
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Later that afternoon Rowena had gone to visit her mother, aunt and grandmother next door as Alannah packed her things. Rowena had told her that she wanted her gone by the time she came back, as cold as that! Alannah looked around the old hut for the last time and wanted to cry when a figure standing at the door caught her eye.
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ALANNAH: You? What are you doing here?
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ALANNAH: I said what are you...NO!
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