#simon blackquill harassing kristoph gavin
sunset-peril · 2 years
Lullay, Space Princess - Epilogue - Those Words Were A Lie
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April 17th, 2027
Time: ???
"Hello, Blackquill. Your services are requested at the Office. You are encouraged to oblige."
"And why would I do that? Has he forgotten, I am to walk the final mile this December, just in time to make the ferry across the River Styx. Oh, how I do hope he doesn't make me miss my boat. Someone is waiting on the other side for me."
"About that, Blackquill. If you accept, your Prosecutor's license will be reinstated until your death. And I have a feeling you may want to accept."
"And just why is that, Skye-dono?"
"It's about the assigned defense attorneys. The chief prosecutor believes that someone who waits for your boat isn't on the other side after all..."
April 17th, 2027
Time: 4:30pm
Athena. Athena...
The chief thinks she's been alive all this time?
He clutched the court roster with his trembling left hand, the worn page of Athena's death certificate behind it.
Defense Co-Council - Dr. Athena Cykes, attorney at law
Legal Name of Deceased - Athena Venus Cykes
Summary of Co-Council - Immigrant from the States of the European Union, on work visa while immigration processes.
Manner of Death - Brain death related to traumatic injury; resuscitation failed
Notable Information - Some dead zones in the emotional lobe of her brain. Under observation. Age eighteen.
Age at Death - Eleven
Court Warning: Must always have co-council in case of seizure or stroke at the bench. Brain death advancing near life-regulating lobes. Seizures extremely likely, especially when stressed.
"S-she...-she had a seizure after being removed from your trial..."
Was it her? Could it be her? Aura was there when Athena died, Aura heard her stop breathing as all the light went out in her mind.
Solomon watched as they failed to bring her back.
Yuri got her death certificate from the hospital.
Could it all be wrong? Was his niece still alive? In the European States?
He'd required this meeting as a one condition before accepting his reinstated badge. But what if it wasn't her? What if it was some European doppelganger who had gone through the exact same trauma as his fallen niece, but survived? Someone else who just happened to be named Athena Cykes?
"Protector Blackquill, Doctor Cykes is here now."
He clutched Athena's death certificate to his chest one more time, soaking it in before he learned, in a few mere moments, whether it was true or not.
"Let her in."
"He's ready for you, Doctor Cykes."
"Thank you, Detective. But please, Miss Cykes is just fine. Doctor Cykes was my mother, God rest her soul."
That voice... He looked up at her.
Breath stopped, and he couldn't fight himself for new air.
Hip length hair, a beautiful and familiar orange, pulled back in a sideways ponytail that concealed everything above and behind her left ear. Bright blue, sparkling eyes full of hope...
Widget?! Metis' experimental holographic AI?!
What was Metis' AI doing around her neck?
He heard the air drop from her lungs as she locked eyes with him. Her eyes widened in fear.
That's when he lost control of himself. He lunged forward and took her in his grasp, pulling at the hair concealing where his niece had a scar.
"Protector Blackquill! What are you doing?! Unhand the defense now!" Detective Skye dropped a back of something that seemed to be called 'Snackoos' and whipped out a taser.
He didn't relent. He found exactly what he was looking for, exactly the wound that had been on his niece's head at 10am on October 8th, 2020.
She had Athena's scar.
She smelled like Athena.
She felt like Athena.
She curled up in his arms like Athena.
"U-uncle Simon...?"
She was Athena.
Athena was alive!
"Athena!" He clutched her tighter and tears burned out. He sniffled, then sorted once, then collapsed to the ground with her in his arms and sobbed. It was her, it was her, it's her. "Oh, Thena! Thena, it's you!"
She brushed her hands across his soaked checks, then frowned a little in concern. "Your heart is screaming, Simon. Are you okay?"
Those words broke his last strands of restraint, he squeezed her even closer and covered her forehead and temples in kisses.
"Simon, Simon! Uncle Simon!"
Her cries made him settle a little, and she instantly began wiping herself off with the deepest blush on her face. "Uncle Simon, what's wrong? You're unhinged."
He leaned his head a little closer, stopping once their heads were barely touching. "You've been dead, Thena... I've missed you so much." The tears started again and he handed Athena's death certificate to her.
She nearly toppled backward, and he braced her back just in case. "I'm dead?!"
"They gave this to Aura at 2:40-ish the day I was convicted. I thought you were dead... Aura said you had a hemorrhage on the stand and they couldn't bring you back..."
"Oh, Simon..." She leaned into his chest and held on. He observed just how she had changed. Biceps rippled through her suit, he felt her strength. The yellow bow in her hair was now blue, her moon necklace replaced by her mother's pocket AI. Yet, somehow, she was the same Athena; only stronger.
Skye gulped audibly, "Iiiii'm going to assume you to know each other?"
"This is my beloved niece, my greatest treasure. I called this meeting to make sure it was really her..."
"My uncle, Simon. Everything I have left."
"So the chief was right. She wasn't waiting for you on the other side."
"I don't want you to go. But you don't belong in this prison with me. You belong out in the world, free and happy. I assume your co-council is going to want you back sooner rather than later as well."
"Apollo and the boss could probably use me. I just got to the country, so I should probably make a good first impression."
"I want to hear everything later, but now we have work to do. Our story is not yet done."
She gave a gentle kiss to his forehead, brushing his graying hair back. "Of course... I love you, Uncle Simon."
After she left, he had one smug little goal to achieve. He trekked off to Solitary Cell 13, where a former defense attorney that had once rubbed salt in his wounds waited for the same fate as Simon. "Hey, Gavin. Come and talk like a man, instead of painting your pretty little nails."
"How crass, Blackquill. Have you no manners? I can't believe you and my brother will be working together. But what does your black little heart desire, hmm? Something of me, it seems."
"Just come over here, Gavin."
The drill-haired former lawyer had barely gotten within arm's reach when an objection nearly went up his nose. "Now what is the point of this, Blackquill? Looking to go out with one final bang, assault of a fellow murderer?"
"Not in the slightest, scumbag of lawyers. Just a little remark about seven years ago-" Simon shoved the court roster up into Gavin's face; so close the latter did not even need his glasses.
Murder of an Alderman
Homicide Case Incident DD-2
Defendant - Mr. Damian Tenma
Victim - Mr. Rex Kyubi
Prosecution Officer - Mr. Simon Blackquill
Lead Defense Attorney - Mr. Apollo Justice, attorney at law (Wright Anything Agency)
Defense Co-Council - Dr. Athena Cykes, attorney at law (Wright Anything Agency)
"You have always been wrong about my niece. And know she's risen to the rank of your escaped little manipulation project gone wrong.
Who's laughing now, Gavin?"
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farafeys · 6 years
friendly arrangements?
my second aa fic, written in august pretty much right after i finished spirit of justice lol
characters: Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Klavier Gavin, mentions of both Wrights and the cat Apollo takes in in the aa5 drama cd
1739 words; gen with strongly hinted at klapollo but mostly just awkward-nice conversation; big spoilers for aa6 and the aa5 drama cd, mentioned aa4 spoilers; 
two calls apollo makes while looking for a catsitter (link to ao3; fic under cut)
The second day after Dhurke's trial, when most of the Wright Anything Agency was back at home, after a long day of setting up paperwork and cleaning out years of mess from the Sahdmadhi Law Office, Apollo finally sat down and took a moment to unwind. Now almost used to the idea of living in Khura'in again, he remembered a problem that had slipped his mind in the chaos of the past week: there was no one to take care of his cat. After a moment of hesitation, and another moment to check the difference in time zones, he called Athena. She picked up at the third ring. "Apollo! What's up? Are you okay? Everything groovy with your scary new job?" "Hey Athena." His voice was considerably more level than hers. "I'm fine, we fixed up the office some and I talked a bunch with Nahyuta." Athena's peppy 'ooo' sounded tinny through the phone. "Cool beans! Were ya just calling to say how much you miss me already, then?" Her cheeky grin was somehow audible. "Ha ha ha. No, I had a, uh, favor to ask you, actually." Athena stayed quiet except for an expectant hmm, letting him continue. "I kinda, uh, forgot about it until just now but- actually, do you remember the circus case with the cat?" "Hmm? Oh YEAH, that fucker who framed Trucy! Why do you ask?" Apollo pursed his lips at her choice of words. "I never found the owner of that calico I told you guys about, so she's mine now I guess? And I don't know who's gonna feed her and stuff now, so..." Athena gasped at the mention of his cat. "Oh yeah, your girlfriend! How could I forget! Do you want me to take care of her?" "If it's not too much to ask... yeah?" Athena hummed for a moment. "I don't know... birds and cats don't get along, right? It would suck if Taka beat up your girlfriend." "Stop calling her that," Apollo said tiredly. "Right, I forgot Prosecutor Blackquill lives with you now... shit, I don't know who to ask besides you." Athena made a sad sound in the back of her throat. "What about Mr. Wright?" "Yeah, either he'd forget to feed her for a week straight or Trucy would want to try out her new combustion magic on living subjects." His tone was dry. Trucy had slyly suggested trying that particular trick on Apollo several times in the past month, and he was bitter. "Ha! Yeah, you're right, I guess."  They were both quiet for a moment. If Apollo weren't dozing off from exhaustion, he would've suspected the younger attorney of planning some wild idea. "Saaaaaay, Polly," her sudden sing-songy words made him jump a little, "why don't you ask your favorite prosecutor friend?" Apollo stuttered out a "Wh-" which was ignored as she continued, "You know, the handsome charming rock star one that you get worked up over whenever you talk about him? I bet he's GREAT with cats." For a few seconds all he said in response to her ingenious idea was some angry spluttering sounds. "What- why would I ask him that? What do you mean, good with cats??" Athena laughed loudly and said, "He just seems nice! And like he wouldn't mind doing you a favor, ja?" She waggled her eyebrows alongside her excellent impression of Klavier, despite Apollo missing out on the performance. Apollo spluttered into his phone more. The irritation had at least woken him up. "What's that supposed to mean?! Athena!" She giggled. "You said you don't have anyone else to ask, right?" She cut off Apollo's 'But-', continuing with glee, "and if you don't ask him then there's no one to watch your girlfriend, jaaa? Aaaaaand!!! If you don't ask him then I will!" Apollo jumped up from the couch he was lying on. "ATHENA." "Woah, turn down the Chords there, dude. Sensitive ears, remember?" She didn't sound particularly bothered. "Aaaaanyway I've gotta go over to the Prosecutors' Office anyway to get some stuff from Simon later so! You got until lunchtime to call your boyfriend, Polly!" Apollo was pacing now, a scowl on his face. "I feel like this is probably some kind of harassment. I'd tell someo- I'd tell Mr. Wright if I thought he wouldn't just egg you on." Athena gasped theatrically. "I'm just helping a friend take care of his cat!!! And going to have a chat with my second favorite prosecutor about his favorite absent defense attorney!" Apollo grumbled some curses away from the phone mic, then took a deep breath. "So it sounds like you're planning on talking to Prosecutor Gavin today anyway?" "Hmm, yeah! I've decided on it now, and I've never changed my mind about anything." "...Right. And I'm guessing that you're going to talk to him about me whether I call him or not?" Athena's responding 'Duh' was Chords of Steel levels of loud. "What else would we talk about? The weather? Music? Junie? OH!!! Junie... Anyway! Yeah, I'm a gossip machine, Polly! It's a great way to practice analyzing emotions, you know." Apollo ignored her and poked a finger to his forehead as if he were nearing a breakthrough in court. "So if I do call him now, I'll get the leg up on you with whatever you're gonna say!" "Huh?" "Got it. I'll call him right now. Nice talk, Athena." "Uh, yeah! Have fun fixing a whole court system." Apollo hmphed, said a quick goodbye, and asked her to pass on his greetings to Blackquill and the Wrights. He hung up, found Klavier's number in his phone (Trucy had given it to the fop about a year ago, and he texted Apollo periodic congratulations on cases, well-wishes for holidays, and other ridiculous frustrating things), and gave himself a minute to get a glass of water before calling. He picked up after the first ring. "Hallo? Herr Justice? To what do I owe the pleasure?" Apollo bit back surprise at the use of his actual name and irritation at Klavier's smooth voice. "Uh, hi, Prosecutor Gavin. I don't know if you've heard, but I'm not going to be in the country for a while." Klavier hummed in response, "Ja, I heard about the trial in Khura'in through Herr Edgeworth. Sounds like you and Herr Sahdmadhi have had quite the week!" "Uh, yeah." Apollo lost his train of thought for a moment. "A-anyway I have kind of a big favor to ask, and I wouldn't be calling you but Athena can't and I don't know who else I could ask and SHE said to ask you-" Klavier cut him off before his rambling picked up enough speed and volume to rival a freight train. "Woah there, Herr Forehead, what exactly is this momentous task for me? Nothing illegal, I hope." "Of course not!!" Apollo's voice broke, turning louder and squeaky from indignation. "It's just my cat, I don't know who's gonna take care of her and I don't think there's a way to get her to Khura'in any time soon." "Oh! I did not know you had a cat!" He sounded enthused, much more than earlier in the call. "What is the little one's name?" Apollo winced. "Uh. That's kind of a weird story actually, I found her with a collar and at first I was just watching her until I could find the owner, but I never did and I never actually... got around to naming her?" Klavier's voice betrayed an amused smirk. "Then what, pray tell, do you call her, Forehead?" "Uh... Kitty." Klavier muffled a laugh that didn't match up to Apollo's memories of him, shoulders shaking, tossing his head prettily while mocking him from behind the prosecutor's bench. "Kitty! A fitting name indeed! I imagine, then, your favor is simply to take care of the feline Fraulein, ja?" "I... yeah. Is that ok?" Apollo was only half expecting to get this far. The conversation was far more painless than the ordeal he had expected. "Of course!" There was a smile in his voice, a wider more genuine one than his typical pasted-on rock star grin. "I am very fond of cats, after all, and Vongole could use the company during the day." That name sounded old and familiar to Apollo. "Vongole? Wasn't she Kristoph's dog? I... I hadn't even thought about what happened to her." Klavier hmmed. "She has been my dog for quite a while now, and seems much peppier for it." Apollo was for a moment at a loss for words. It had been a very long two days, and he did not feel at all equipped to handle thinking much more about Kristoph. However, Klavier interrupted his anxious reverie: "But! Even the most charming, coolest yellow labrador gets a bit lonely! I'm sure she'll be great friends with Kitty for however long we house her." Apollo startled, both at the offer and at the conversational lifesaver. Ugh, this guy was cool. "R-really, you're okay with this? Just like that?" Klavier hummed a lilting sound like a shrug. "Ach, surely your Kitty is more a blessing than a burden." He paused for just about a second. "And thisis the sort of thing one does for a friend. How should I go about retrieving Miss Kitty, then, Forehead?" Barely resisting the urge to throw his phone across the room or slap himself in the face from the out-of-the-blue declaration of friendship, Apollo said, "I, uh- you can use the spare key to my apartment and just pick her up, I guess? Athena knows how to get there, she said she's going to your office later." "Ah! Fraulein Cykes is always a delight." "Ha, yeah. Um, Kitty doesn't need any special food or anything, she's got her shots and stuff, I found her outside but I keep her indoors 'cause it's safer... Oh, the spare key is under the doormat!" "Cool, cool. I look forward to meeting the little lady." Apollo thought he could hear him smiling again. "She's a great cat! She's only met, uh... Clay and Athena but she's really friendly with strangers! ... Uh, thank you for this, Prosecutor Gavin. It's a lot to do at this kind of notice." Klavier snorted. "Ach, it's nothing! And, the title is a bit much now, ja? Just Klavier is fine." Apollo chewed the inside of his mouth for a second. "Klavier. Thanks."
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aceattorneyimagine · 7 years
Hello admin! Can I request a headcannon about how the aa cast act with their pets (Blackquill and Taka, Polly with his cat, Krissy Gavin with Vongole, and Edgey with Pess/Pesu, etc.) maybe incorporate reader in there but if not it's fine. Grazie!
OO yes yes yes of course !! : 00 admin aka is always ready for pet hcs !!!
i’ll b drawing pics for each of these children bcause AA i just love this :’D
blackquill && taka
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JUST SAYING simon would so ravish taka w attention in private. constant bird snacks and many praises !!
when he first browses the internet, he gets super curious about what other bird owners do w their birds`
he’ll totally scroll through bird clothes and just melt at the beauty that is cosplaying birds
 but he’s too prideful to actually buy a costume for taka, so he resorts to imagining what it’d be like to have a samurai hawk at his side
constant training regiments !! he prides taka on being strong and smart, and does everything he can to make sure he is in top shape to harass apollo
reader and simon using bokkens along side taka and bonding while training !!!!!! taka distracting simon to help you when you spar !!!
apollo && unnamed rabbit
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i tried to find information on apollo’s pet but ?? there’s not much. he’s said to have a rabbit -not cat- though !!
apollo calling his rabbit daphne bcause of how unaffectionate it is with him
but he still loves daphne very much
gets super distracted when playing with daphne. sometimes he doesn’t realise how long its been until he breaks out of his trance
reader is the only one daphne seems to like, and will cuddle besides them wherever they are
reader knits daphne a wooly sweater !!! apollo gets jealous asf
“ why don’t you make me a sweater too ?? “ “ oh so you’re a rabbit now, are you? “
kristoph && vongole
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being a super duper busy attorney, kristoph doesn’t generally get enough time to pay attention to vongole
he loves him dearly but !! he just can’t get away from work
and so when he does get time, he enjoys taking vongole out (in the best disguise he can manage because god help if anyone he knew saw him) to the dog park and jogging along side the retriever
him and reader bathing vongole together !!!!! vongole making a mess bcause he’s just so excited to be with the two of you again
it all ends with you and kristoph falling asleep with vongole
imagine waking up and seeing him burying his face in vongole’s fur !!
edgeworth && pesu
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the fanwiki says nothing about a pet for edgeworth, but gosh !! im definitely going to hunt for any mention next time i redo all the games
edgeworth is a total softie around his s/o and pesu. catnip + sneaky kisses (from you, obviously. he’d never get the confidence to do it himself) is his best way to spend the afternoon
while he’s working, he will keep pesu in his lap to pet whilst reviewing case files
he refuses to leave pesu alone ever
when buying cat food, he’s extremely picky about ingredients
honestly he just wants the best for his pet
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