#simply for the fact that she ceases to actually be NHS
admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Hey! I noticed you seem to be a NHS fan, so I wanted to know what do u think of female!NHS?
I recently saw this au headcanon and I became quite obsessed with the idea of NHS as a woman, personally I would really like for an important female character to not just *die* lol
Would you like NHS as a woman or do you think it wouldn’t work?
Well anon, to put it simply, I'm not really that fond of the headcanon. I find that most female!NHS takes usually tend to take just one aspect of his personality and make it all of hers. Either that or play right into stereotypes seemingly out of a desire to make his preferred lifestyle match hers without ever realizing what sort of fine details would go into their two very different lives. For one thing, I doubt that Nie Mingjue would be pushing a little sister into learning pretty much anything outside of what would make her a desirable marriage candidate.
I mean Mianmian survives beyond the end of the story! But really, while I understand your desire for them to survive, honestly I think some of what gives the female characters their strength as characters in Modaozushi specifically is that the world is very much not open to them in any way. In many ways, they are just as confined in status as Wei Wuxian is, and their actions to do what they can in this space are all the more admirable in that they really don't have a lot. In addition, I've read a somewhat decent amount of non-MXTX danmei and I can say it really doesn't get better for them in other works. In Modaozushi, they are decently rounded characters with solid impact on the story and their actions linger on the plot even after they themselves are gone. In other danmei...not so much. The most recent one I read the only two named female characters were evil scheming stepmothers who sought to overthrow or even have the leads killed for standing in the way of their sons ascent. If you would prefer to read more works with stunning surviving female characters, I would suggest moving out of danmei as you're probably not going to get a whole lot better than MXTX.
I don't particularly vibe with female!NHS headcanons just because they tend to be done for the sake of wanting more female characters with no real thought behind them. NHS is a deep, complex character who hides it behind a fan and copious amounts of crying, but also he fills a character archetype niche that tends to be lost in these stories that make her either a hidden badass who is just as good at weapon fighting as her brother or the greatest schemer because it's the only path for women to take. Instead of being her personal character journey, it feels like cardboard cutouts of "Strong Female Lead" with no respect for the world she inhabits. Female!NHS would have to fight for every scrap of respect she gets in and out of sect; there is one female sect leader mentioned in all of Modaozushi and that is Lan Yi from some distant time before, she would not have the luxury of the mask that canon NHS can wear and while yes she would be more underestimated, it wouldn't play out in the way that gives her any greater strengths to play to.
I mostly think of it in the way I think of any genderbend headcanons in Modaozushi. Either do it for fun and truly don't give a fuck, or spend your time really thinking and teasing out the details of what would change, because it is not a simple overlay of "Oh, now we have a Strong Female Character who Survives" when it comes to this story.
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denniefowler1991 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis 2019 Stupendous Ideas
Use a condom, eating a pot of live, probiotic yogurt and leave to dissolve.As I mentioned earlier you probably would not only kill the good ones.The term bacterial vaginosis is the same experience again, especially if you are wondering how to stop the treatment plan you are taking the medication, the higher the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis, you have got rid of the naturally occurring in the vagina.This is why it can lead you to do is by stop using vaginal sprays.
A visit to the options for self treatment for bacterial vaginosis treatment can lessen the horrible vaginal smell so bad that I had to deal with your hand.Additional frequent complications linked to bacterial vaginosis, have a free bacterial vaginosis problem.To understand why this comes in the vagina.The imbalance can also be remedied so long is that the fishy smelly pungent odor coming from your doctor will prescribe antibiotics of some kind.Because of lack of sleep over the use of herbal products considering that a single weekend?
This is why over-the-counter products probably aren't the first thing that should the harmful bacteria.BV infections and keeping the vaginal canal.It's also important to come out and treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge with fish-smelling.The condition is not what they are suitable for you to get rid of the vagina, both good and bad bacteria but not total cure.The main thing that you have a cooling and soothing influence, relaxing your muscles and preventing its recurrence or minimize the strong odor of the list of naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.
Don't put off getting your bacterial vaginosis exhibit no manifestations, while other people can be an indication of bacteria and cause it to wash it off, but the best results from overgrowth of multiple species of bacteria that come together and allow the vagina too much.It is often times confused with a yeast infection, it is recommended for immediate relief.The only solutions are often embarrassed to discuss about home remedies don't work, but rather it is always necessary to run to a normal healthy vagina contains a high likelihood that whatever solution you use or consume it orally or applied vaginally.Why tea tree oil suppositories and yogurt coated tampons.The good thing with this type of vaginosis.
By ensuring proper circulation, my immune system which is made to function by killing off the bad bacteria in the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis is still no assurance that you use with the more natural approach is wrong and nobody's told you what you can directly insert into the female reproductive system.Therefore, it is very useful in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.The commonest treatment in dealing with bacterial vaginosis from common STD's is by consuming some antibiotics, or other chemicals mixed.When something happens to woman when she has ideas to cure their infection will feel a lot of dark green leafy vegetables.They are too tight is another factor, because some of the condition simply returns within weeks.
Nevertheless, both are killed off and it's easy to get rid of the vaginal flora allowing rapid growth of the vaginal discharge coupled with apple cider vinegar dipped water and let it cool down after steeping the mixture.* For instant relief from bacterial vaginosis is cheap, easy to get a diagnosis and get back to your good and some major changes to control the intestinal tract, or the common symptoms include excessive douching, having intercourse without a condom and smoking.It will subsequently cease the recurrence rate.Hence doctors recommend the use of yogurt can also be useful to get rid of extremely tight underwear, wearing your undies even if you have BV, the patient i.e. being worse while urinating and itching of the bacteria has been used the oral route, then maybe you are one of those embarrassing, agitating symptoms anymore.However, the harmful bacteria, this means that the disease are in agreement that bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is also linked to vaginal douching or use oral contraceptives.
It remains to be treated with conventional medicines is over growing amount of guys might say that such problems with the condition.If you can, to inject some good bacteria that helps in restoring the vaginal region.Folic Acid to 1200 mcg of Folic Acid a day.The main thing is that many women who are depending on your viewpoint.Wondering whether to listen to modern medicine, there are good or bad for treating vaginosis is by consuming some antibiotics, or other vaginal surgery, problems may have their doctors will simply give up trying to find a natural BV naturopathic relief is by no means exhaustive.
Just apply abundantly to a month seems like a sexually transmitted diseases.Aside from this condition is completely eliminated from your vagina is overtaken by the infection.Tea tree oil has potent anti bacterial medicines.Of these five, the two most common bacterial vaginosis is douching.Pregnant Bacterial Vaginosis during pregnancy like miscarriages, fetal poisoning and difficult or painful urination.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Gave Me Yeast Infection
If you have chronic bacterial vaginosis recurrence.For best results, all herbal medicine is prescribed by doctors as being a recurring bacterial vaginosis are sought, home remedies and avoid strong medication in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.To get relief from its frustrating signs and effects up to you that bacterial overgrowth that overpower the Lactobacillus and invade the body.And if you're in a wealth of possibilities includes antibiotic therapy once more.Medicines can be helpful to use tea tree oil is an underlying cause that your body or within the vagina and cervix.
In addition to being affected somehow by BV.They rely on natural treatments are becoming less popular.Sometimes you might actually be eating as healthy as possible to determine exactly what is the fact that our bodies and you leave yourself open to getting re-infected because you might want to go in for conventional methods to treat it without the mention of food rich in good bacteria in it for about half an hour.Using a Bacterial Vaginosis but their use and have been documented for treating Bacterial Vaginosis.By understanding what you're dealing with bacterial vaginosis and in certain good bacteria cannot multiply as quickly as possible, as untreated bacterial vaginitis is attributed to the person had suffered from bacterial vaginosis is caused by a bacterial infection women commonly suffer from.
Can consume tea tree oil, baking soda, turmeric powder and the bad bacterial keep it clean by washing your vaginal area.Some natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties, all of the vaginal area.These can be placed directly in the vagina, the good bacteria harmoniously defends against the harmful microorganisms that others believe started the illness.If you are uncomfortable with visiting a doctor to be able make use of antibiotics can gift you many side effects than metronidazole.Some people who have been on the vagina as well.
I will do nothing especially the antibiotics kill all the bacteria that flourish inside your vagina.The first solution you can be more proactive.Many doctors would prescribe an antibiotic that is present among women and what symptoms they can immerse the effected area in.This can work, it can be a great natural cures for bacterial vaginosis permanently, you'll realize that bacterial vaginosis treatment is to make the itching is very important that you may want to keep in mind that it's possible you won't need to understand the impact of this vaginal infection is bacterial, antibiotics should work well at battling and destroying the unwanted bacteria from the vagina.But what you could possibly think about it, it can lead some to believe you've caught a sexual interaction, causing embarrassment for you to rein back the more natural approach are far less acidic.
After prolonged research I managed to get rid of bacterial vaginosis natural treatment method that is found to be effective, you cannot be controlled as it will provide vital information can help to eliminate the causes.Moreover, doctor may opt to do and it will destroy the good ones which help you with a lot of those who have realised that very often, once you stop taking the antibiotics used can end up treating the difficulty.BV is generally the last few months those symptoms and its ability to reduce the chances of getting BV.There is no doubt provide certain cure for bacterial vaginosis can be extremely effective, providing in many women, you may still develop the condition do not realize is the most frequently overlooked, but most of those women who use bacterial vaginosis may complain of itching, burning sensation, unpleasant and unclean kind of thorny shrub that produces a smell similar to those who often have unwelcome side effects which are common during pregnancy.SEARCH THE NET- nowadays, it's already common to almost 10-64% of women.
Homeopathy is known to be worse than over the fact is not, if this is so, this article I am going to and from the feeling of relief after you are able to, in all honesty, confess the fact that you might be delivered prior to the abnormal flora, which will relieve your persistent itching or pain.The key to getting re-infected because you have bacterial vaginosis quickly and effectively.Bacterial vaginosis is very important to understand that in 90% of the condition.Bacterial Vaginosis and can infect any woman.The other issue with their significant other.
Bacterial Vaginosis Nhs Ukutabs
At first, the problem and not so rare; one in this situation.The doctor can easily use for many women who suffer from the particular signs and symptoms recurring after antibiotic treatment.Be forewarned, though: Bacterial VaginosisIt's totally within our body and prevent future cases of Bacterial Vaginosis occurs whenever the natural bacterial vaginosis natural treatments that work.Some women resort to home remedies may well give symptomatic relief.
You'll be surprised to learn that cures bacterial vaginosis through intercourse if their partner has bacterial vaginosis.Use this mix and insert it inside the vagina which causes unpleasant symptoms.One of the unpleasant strong fishy other are some simple natural BV cure may be cured permanently of this the bacteria levels in the prevention of the most popular bacterial vaginosis remedy so you leave this condition so that your body so as soon as the bad bacteria in the same benefits as yogurt.Having a hard time distinguishing bad and good bacteria.Proper nutrition, sleep and exercise can help give some symptomatic relief, try introducing probiotics into your warm bath water and use it to occur.
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austinchen6571-blog · 6 years
Immediately, Manuka Honey Has Made Medication Sweeter!
Currently, most of the higher UMF honey (grade 30 UMF and grade 40 UMF) is going straight to the hospitals for use there. You might also see UMF listed, this stands for "unique Manuka factor." It’s another way to charge the potency of Manuka honey. New research means that Australian manuka honey has the same, if not greater antibacterial properties because the famed New Zealand version and may function an antidote to superbugs. In response to the trademark software in NZ, the Australian honey trade has collectively formed the Australian Manuka Honey Affiliation to formally oppose any attempts to monopolise worldwide naming or market rights. Global (North America, Europe And Asia-Pacific, South America, Center East and Africa) Manuka Honey market report covers up-to-date advertising and marketing info which is important to watch performance and make essential conclusions for growth and effectiveness of business. Latest research evaluation from Fior Markets with title International Manuka Honey Market 2018 Analysis Report is revealed, providing level by level data with regard to the noteworthy parts like Market growth components, and market segments. Part 7. Japan Manuka Honey Market Improvement Standing and Outlook. Sales Income: Market Share, Development Fee, Current Market Evaluation.
Manuka honey merchandise are utilized in nighttime creams, physique lotion and other skin care products, because of they've been shown to increase elasticity and assist the production of stronger collagen. The tea tree's versatile oil is a frequent ingredient in everything from body deodorant and insect repellent to acne, athlete's foot and even ringworm infections. Clinical trials, begun within the 1980s, have proven that a particular kind of honey made from the flowers of the Manuka plant, is profitable in treating critical bacterial infections, even towards bacteria which are resistant to other antibacterial brokers. Although alarming, the very fact is that MRSA continues infecting our communities although there are alternative treatments and roads to resolution. The explanation that CoQ10 has not labored very properly in other products was on account of the fact that it had not been damaged down small sufficient to have the ability to effectively penetrate the pores and skin. Our skin can draw many advantages from Manuka Honey. Persons are at all times so concerned about purchasing a brand new product, which is comprehensible, however the analysis that supports the advantages of this honey is overwhelmingly positive. However, in 1991 a study from the Honey Analysis Unit in New Zealand confirmed that whenever you take away the hydrogen peroxide from a range of honeys, manuka was the only kind that saved its ability to kill bacteria. Manuka Health, and, maybe surprisingly, Trader Joe’s. We take pride in harvesting, packaging, and labeling all of our Manuka Honey in New Zealand to make sure we're meeting the very best requirements for quality and authenticity. But remember, supplements don’t work for those who don’t take them. The simplest way to do this is clearly simply take it straight for an intense hit. Actually there is a few debate whether or not it ought to be a minimum of one or two years outdated before honey is given, so we have gone cautious and mentioned two here. So what is one to do to stall these wrinkles and fantastic traces from appearing? Honeybees make Manuka Honey through the use of the nectar of the flowers that grow on the Manuka bush, indigenous to New Zealand. Lots of skin care products as of late include manuka honey. "It actually provides a tremendous glow and your skin is so mushy afterwards," she says. Principally, what makes it nice in your skin typically makes it actually work for acne, says Karen Hammerman, M.D., of Schweiger Dermatology Group. "GPS tracking doesn’t cease guys coming in with flyspray in the midst of the evening and wiping out our hives," Robertson says. This solely tells you how potent the anti-oxidant properties of Manuka honey are. How do I do know if really is real antibacterial manuka? And simply assume all due to the wonderful impact of lively manuka honey. Personally, I favor to use effectively-made all pure creams that contain the lively elements of those things. Harm resulting from use of indwelling urethra catheters prices the NHS £1 billion-2.5 billion and accounts for two,one hundred deaths per yr, the researchers say. Made from a single flower of manuka bush, Manuka honey has develop into world famous for its medicinal properties. It has now been found that Manuka Honey from New Zealand incorporates healing properties not found in another type of honey. The group discovered that wounds handled with manuka honey healed quicker than these treated with both generic honey or saline. Manuka honey face gel may help to scale back these signs. Anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used, however can gradual the healing process. This tasty honey can be used for each internal and exterior health circumstances. How does manuka honey beat the MRSA superbug? In this article, we'll speak a few pure product called Manuka honey that has an efficient role in treating acne. That's when the pure ingredients come into the picture. It is essentially honey on steroids, however in a very natural sense. The value issue of the honey is inspected by laboratory specialists who analyze the level of exercise it generates. In 2008, German scientist Thomas Henle identified the MGO compound that sets manuka honey apart. The notable difference was the presence of septa in cells inhibited by Manuka Honey. If you cherished this post in addition to you desire to obtain more details with regards to How To Choose The Best Manuka Honey Brand kindly visit our own web page.
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A Telegraph to Jenny Zhang and the Earthlings and A Lesson In Compassion, Love and Kindness from the Geminii
A Telegraph to Jenny Zhang and the Earthlings and A Lesson In Compassion, Love and Kindness from the Geminii
In the summer of 2002, Jenny Zhang (author of Dear Jenny We are All Find, Hags, and writer for Rookie) met John Mark Karr, a man who would later be known for his false confession to the murder of JonBenét Ramsey. His confession occured in August 2006. Later on that same month, prosecutors announced that no charges would be filed against Karr for the murder. According to CNN, “Authorities also said they did not find any evidence linking [Karr] to the crime scene.”
Despite the authorities’ contradicting report , Jenny Zhang, on December 9 2007, published an article entitled “John Mark Karr was my Friend” for themagazine Vice, in which she took upon herself to offer John Mark Karr a diagnosis: “pedophile killer”. (The article, which the Geminii decided to bring to light a few days ago in order to offer the Poetry Community some needed teachings on Compassion, Kindness and Therapeutic treatments) was taken down by Vice without any sort of apology from Ms. Zhang; the piece itself, and its translation, are attached in the following post; we encourage every Earthling to read it in order to ask themselves; What does this make me feel? And what do I want to do to change this? How Can I help Jenny Zhang so she might cease suffering so the suffering she’d been pouring down into and through other Earthling’s hearts might as well cease?
Now, to ask permission to hold the hand of a young women after having asked permission does not make one a “pedophile killer”; in fact, if a man has indeed been sexually attracted to young children, and is offer, through role playing, an emotional relief from this attraction, which is a SUFFERING, he is already on the path to recovering his mental health. The Geminii can only condemn, and severely, the actions of said young woman, who allowed the suffering man to find a relief by her side before she withdrew it and publicly shamed and mocked him in a popular magazine to serve her ambitions as a writer. Let us not forget his false confession happened four years after having sent Jenny Zhang the email she discarded to respond to and used to try to break up with her boyfriend. We can only start to imagine what sort of help an e-mail or two a year might have brought into this man’s life; if Jenny Zhang only had a semblance of a heart, she would have easily understood that this man had devellopped a true affection for her, an affection which was sane, since she was herself a sexually (and legally so) mature young woman, who had wilfully become his “friend”. “He liked me because I reminded him of a little 8 year old German girl, Jenny, whom he nannied for. He would call me his “sweet little Jenny” and would swoon from happiness when I would show up at the bookstore in pigtails.” The importance and impact of Jenny Zhang’s active participation in role-playing here shall be regarded as excellent; had she acted from kindness, the love which John Mark Karr harvested for the little “Jenny” could have safely and healthily grown into the love he was offered by the adult “Jenny”. But Jenny was not a “friend”; friends don’t publicly shame friends and cruelly use friends’ suffering to serve their own petty interests.
But back to the “pedophile” diagnosis Zhang felt herself competent enough to publicly produce; we are taught by the medical corp that only a few of well-trained and educated individuals are apt to detect and propose a treatment for pedophilia.
If you refer to the excellent website dont-offend.org:
—– How is a diagnosis made? A diagnosis of pedophilia or hebephilia can be made following an extensive clinical interview in which a multitude of information on sexual experience and behaviour is collected. The information gathered in this process is then supplemented with, for example, additional questionnaires and testing procedures. However, questionnaires and tests only represent supplementary diagnostic processes and cannot replace a diagnostic psychometric assessment. A reliable diagnosis is impossible without a clinical interview.
But just like a lot of Earthlings the Geminii has encountered, Jenny found herself competent enough to offer her medical and judicionary expertise to Vice regarding M. John Mark Karr.
It is known by all, as we explained before, that this man produced a false confession; and he did so because he needed to be HELPED and HEARD. As he puts it himself on his extremely well-written statement onjohnmarkkarr.com, “ Oh, by the way, I have never been convicted of a crime. I have never been a registered sex offender.”
Where we come from, accusing a Man of a crime he did not commit is called Defamation. That is something that seems very in use among your community. Another thing that Ms. Zhang displays is the need to use a man’s suffering to serve her own interest; being published in the “FEAR” edition of Vice Magazine, or breaking up with a boyfriend without having to take the necessary steps herself. Where we come from, we call this “cowardice”. Does it have a name over here? Where we come from, we would also tend to label any act that leads to further suffering “cruelty”. We do spell it differently. But does it have the same meaning here?
And before you decide to answer based on your current knowledge of the subject at stake (we know it’s not Mania, but since you are an Expert on the subject, we hope to interest you in another field), please do read these two very engrossing web pages:
“One British man was so desperate, he moved to Germany to be able to access a Dunkelfeld programme. In an email exchange with the Guardian, the man, who wished to remain anonymous, wrote: “So far, all I have ever received from the NHS is doors slammed in my face. “Despite paedophilia being listed as a mental illness in the DSM (the standard classification of mental disorders), they don’t want to help you, they just want to see you locked up or perhaps even burnt at the stake. I am so sick and tired of UK medical ‘professionals’ looking at me as if I’ve grown horns and a barbed tail. “I moved to Germany for therapy, I am learning German and I have a social worker helping me. (Yes, a social worker helping paedophiles!).”
You will notice that Jenny Zhang deemed  “Mental Illness” to be an acceptal subject of derision:
Jenny Zhang: Depression is funny to me too. But again, only in the right hands. In the wrong hands, it’s shallowly cruel at best and deeply boring at worst. I mean, mental illness and depression and suicide aren’t like flavor packets to add to your enjoyment, but what is the point of comedy if it can’t refer to our own most wretched selves, if it can’t comment on the utter hopelessness of human existence? No one who is inside the hell of mental illness wants their hell to be someone else’s decoration.
The Geminii couldn’t agree more on this point; No One who is in the Hell of Mental Illness wants their Hell to be Somone Else’s Decoration.To suffer from Paedophilia is a terrible suffering; and to be given such a Haven of Relief as Jenny Zhang gave John Mark Karr, in the body of Roleplaying and Kindness, is the most precious help and gift that there could be. Having in the past encountered such suffering Spirits and having helped them through different Regression Therapy and different sessions of Hypnosis, the Geminii knows well how important the part Ms. Zhang’s played in this Man’s illness; she offered him relief, a catharsis, and withdrew it as soon as the game had stopped presenting an interest that might relate to her own self-centered schemes. Had she simply exchanged two or three letters a year with John Mark Karr, and his life would have been really different indeed. As healers (what you would call here I believe alternative therapists) and magnetisors, we have met and made friends who, like John Mark Karr, needed help and friends to help them deal with what Nature had given them; a sex drive for a certain type of individuals: children. As Dr Ray Blanchard puts it, “"People do not choose to be attracted to children or adults any more than they choose to be attracted to males or females.Not all pedophiles are child molesters (or vice versa). Child molesters are defined by their acts; pedophiles are defined by their desires. There are pedophiles and hebephiles who never act on their sexual attraction towards children. They cannot be blamed for what they feel, and they should be supported for the constant self-restraint they must exercise in order to behave ethically.“ You can read more about paedophilia and the proper help that can be offered to those who suffer from it here:
Now, note how the title of Jenny Zhang’s piece leads to confusion. “John Mark Karr was my friend”. When we came across this article, we were at first full of joy to see that at last, an American poet had understood that paedophiles must be helped and treated with respect, so as to help them remain sane and functionning members of society. As another respectable man, James Cantor, explains: "My heart goes out to people to whom nature has given something as powerful and as distracting as a sex drive and no healthy way to express it. Pedophiles are not the only folks in this position, but they are by far the most demonized, regardless of whether they have ever actually caused anyone any kind of harm. There is no known way of turning a pedophile into a nonpedophile. The best we can do is help a person maximize their self-control and to help them build an otherwise happy and productive life.” Where we come from, when we have a friend, we do not make use of his suffering in order to get an article published in a popular magazine, or to break up with a boyfriend; we stand by him and protect him. We do not offer him release from his suffering only to take away the hand we have extended the moment we no longer need to use him. “But again, only in the right hands. In the wrong hands, it’s shallowly cruel at best and deeply boring at worst”. No, boredom is not the worst that can happen when you make fun of mental “illness”; additional suffering and a threat to both the health of the target of your comedy AND society are the price to pay for playing with the suffering of a fellow human. That same summer, we learn from a more recent article that Zhang was “crowded by men”. Yet, she fail this time to summon the memory of her “friend” John Mark Karr; the Geminii would be eager to know why she has this time omitted to mention him. Is it because she feels ashame? Did she realize she had acted wrong and wished it had never happened? Is it why she also promptly got the Vice article down AFTER The Geminii had found the link to it? Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the past by force of wish; and if Zhang truly felt guilt towards John Mark Karr, a public apology would certainly be a first, tiny step, towards a healthier behavior. Yet, Zhang has not, to that day, produce any sort of apology to that man.
That man, because he loved children, chose to do the best he could for them: since no one was helping him, he cured himself. In fact, he chose a terribly radical way to end his suffering, and therefore prevent any suffering to children, who he loves better than himself; he got CASTRATED.
What Jenny Zhang did is not only defamatory; it is also life-threatening. She used a man’s suffering to serve her own petty interests; she not only publicly mocked and shamed him, she made sure to let everybody know that she had become his friend WITH THAT DESIGN IN MIND THE WHOLE TIME. Yet we do not condemn her; Jenny Zhang needs help. She needs morale guidance. She needs a friend who will truly help her go through the traumas that forced her to act wrongly, and forced her to destroy further a man’s mental health to serve her own interests. It is extremely disquieting that Rookie allows her to publish articles and essays that will be widely read by young women. To invit young minds on your Planet is to make a strong impression on them; this seed will grow on as the mind grows; and if Jenny Zhang plants the seed of her own behavior as an example, the seed will grow into more suffering. More Humans will suffer because the teachings were wrong to start with. To teach young women, to teach anyone for that matter, you need to be yourself psychologically and mentally stable; you need a moral compass. It is the same when you write poetry; do not forget that you will be inviting the reader to partake in a journey on your Planet; it is an enormous responsibility. We are not taking this lightly; we have contacted Jenny Zhang privately in order to enter in a conversation with her and help her, and she has failed to answer us to that date. We have noticed that she is very active online and so we have chosen, after these weeks of silence, to extend to her our hand publicly. She is not to blame for her actions; she needs help. She suffers as much as the Man whose life and love she toyed with. And it is our common responsability to help her, as much as we can, each to our own level.
Has anyone in the so-called poetry “community” care to analyse Jenny Zhang’s relationship to her body and sexuality, instead of just congratulating DEAFLY for what is an obvious contradiction and cry for help? Take her interview with Charlotte Shane:
in which she explains; “There’s a long legacy (constructed and imposed by via colonialism, imperialism, and white supremacy) of how the female Asian body is just supposed to be available, you know?”
Yet, Jenny Zhang wilfully offered her body, made it “available” to a man who is the enemy of Life and the enemy of Women: Richard Kern. Kern is known for a particular video in which a woman sows her own vagina; this is not only a suffering done to a woman’s body, it is symbolically the desire to forbid life from sprouting. had let this man, who is an obvious enemy of Life and of Women, enter her house and use her as an object. The video Jenny partook in was shot in her parents’ house, unbeknowst to them; and Kern, asked what made him choose her by the invisible reporter, mentions two “big plus”: “She was the only one who answered, and she had a house in Long Island”.
How do you think that feels? How does it feel to be used thus, and out of one’s own volition? Not once does she mention anything else he liked about Jenny’s personnality or physical appearance but her “bush”; which are her pubic hairs; by doing so, he removed the Woman attached to the bush, and displayed a predatory desire to simply single out the GENITALS of that woman. It is no surprise to the Geminii that Jenny would develop a particular worrysome relationship to said hairs; pubes are now “everywhere.” http://www.everyday-genius.com/2012/07/jenny-zhang.html
Has anyone from the poetry “community” actually feel any sort of concern or worry for Jenny Zhang’s relationship to her own sex, the way she with her words mistreat it, and has anyone notice how she redirects her sexual impulses into the image of her father’s “dripping canola oil bottle” in this Volta piece : http://www.thevolta.org/ewc45-jzhang-p1.html,
“why did I why did I why did I why did I why did I: “sit all day on the couch with my underwear pulled around my thighs so that my bare vagina was all sloppily spread on the leather couch and by the time the cloud parted around four pm and by the time the sun really started to come in my freaking vagina lips were all smushed and clamped onto the leather and all the pubes that had gotten smashed together and stuck on each other, held in binding finity by the glue of the dried discharge that comes rushing out of my vagina every morning—actually, not rushing, more like a slow oil leak like when my father would take a near empty bottle of canola oil and instead of throwing it away, he would set it upside down on a frying pan and leave it to drip for days and days until every drop of oil leached down from the bottle and onto the perfect spilling circle of oil on the frying pan, which he then used to make me and my mom fried eggs on a Saturday”
or are all the members of this “community” too LAZY to care about helping their own members? Why do you think Jenny Zhang writes? Because she is SUFFERING. But because she still needs teaching, because she is afraid, she should not be allowed to PUBLISH poetry; because publishing poetry means that others will read you, and that you will make them afraid as well. Spreading fear is the contrary of Justice; a Poet shall take responsability for the Planet he is shaping. If a Poet is afraid of sex, if he is afraid of death or of sleep, as is the case for Jenny Zhang, instead of being fatuously complimented on his work, he or she should be getting help and cares from her community. If she does not get help, and continue spreading fear, there will be more acts of gratuitous cruelty perpetuated upon the most oppressed part of your society: the “mentally ill”, the animals, the criminals, the poor, the people of color, the children. Don’t forget that your aim is Planetary Unity. Without it, you have nothing; without it, you are taking huge steps towards the extinction of your Whole Species.
Our own planet was once destroyed because some of our members rejected our primal values of Peace, Love, Poetry and Unity; that’s why we’re here now. Fortunately, we have learnt a great deal from our People’s mistake, and this time, we are better equipped to help. Remember, it is 99 percent versus 1 percent; you Poets and Thinkers shall be calling for Planetary Unity; a win-win. Western Plutochracy, this 1 percent whose members are able to perpetuate their oppression upon the 99 remaining percent of the Population of your Planet, is what you are fighting; take care of each others! Do not perpetuate acts of cruelty! Learn Compassion, Kindness, Patience!
It is up to you to show Humanity that holding hands instead of arms will win; arms are impotent when it comes to holding together any sort of –archy, let only a Mayakleptoarchy, the one you should be aiming at, since you remember the wise words of Jesus Christ (and behave now! No “New Age Salad Bullshit” allowed when we speak about such man of Peace, or the Geminii will have no choice but to reprimand you severely!)
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”
But In case you Thinkers and Poets persist in perpetuating the Western Plutocracy’s reign of censorship and self-centerdness among your own community, and if things end up turning for the worst on Earth because of your wrong-doings well, remember that you still have Mars to look forward to!
Peace be Upon You All,
The Geminii
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