#simply sinsational 🔥
asheanon · 5 months
So, uh... amidst all my updating tags and cleaning up the blog, etc. I accidentally... deleted a few things I didn't mean to delete... 🫠 (The whole theorizing Chaku can fade spiel was one of the things that was lost, for example - which I am still kicking myself over. But whatever. I'll add that to his profile more officially at some point anyway...!) Just as well, among these things is actually something that could work for Sinday. So, I can easily bring that one back today. 🔥
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"Burn With Me" (WIP)
And since we're talking the "seven deadlies" now, it's fun to think about how this could actually not be the sin you're thinking it's portraying... or how it could even be portraying more than one!
"Good" or "bad," I leave it entirely up to you which ones you see.~
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asheanon · 1 month
It's tempting to throw this WIP out into the public as well... Even if... something is happening here, just looking at it by the given Tumblr standards, it's fine, right?
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... Right? 🤞 Am I going to get myself shadowbanned again for sharing this?
Time to find out. 😎
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asheanon · 7 months
For just an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, little tiny smidge of Sinday fun, for once, I figured I'd share this inspo I just stumbled across over here too. 🌹🖤
(Which, this isn't really all that sinful - it's literally just a bedroom found in a chill YouTube video, just as a heads up - but, of course, if you read into it more + if you know me and the commentary I'm withholding here on Tumbles, you'll get a little dose of sin for Sinday from it. Hahaha!)
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Source video found here.
🤔 I was looking for something chill to listen to and happened upon this video in the process. Between the bedroom looking like it'd totally fit into Fall To The Moon (belonging to Kuja, of course) and part of the title: "𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬" It felt like the universe was trying to communicate with me. So... it's totally going into the refs folder...!
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asheanon · 1 year
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🤔 Before I forget, I wanted to toss up that one last non-Mer WIP preview I had lying around before May begins.
The timing is kind of convenient, I guess, given the whole Sinday/Seductive Sunday thing! Even though it's not necessarily meant to be 110% spicy. 🥴
This is one of a few WIPs inspired by the "Mwahrch" prompts that I got a little carried away with. 🎨🐌
The prompt: "a kiss where it no longer hurts." 🤍
I'd apologize for my insatiable need to draw these two particular characters together over and over, but I have no reason to, really. I'm just drawing what I want over here, man. Ain't hurtin' nobody. 🥴💕
(Also, this is needless to be said, but I figured I'd throw it out there anyway: As far as RP matters are concerned, this has nothing to do with RP stuff. I follow a few Kujas on here as a fanatic, but that boy right there is my rendition of him. My Kuja. I came here with him, I'll leave here with him. Hahaha! I do debate making a little profile something or other for him one day, but it'd only be for story shenanigans vs. RP.)
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asheanon · 5 months
🤔 You know, last Sinday, I was made to realize there are literally Seven Deadly Sins to choose from - why limit yourself to lust on Sinday?
I should just pick a sin from those seven to sin by every Sinday or so... Today, I choose greed.
Please, pay me money. 💰 (Only if you wish to. Yes, this is just an excuse to share my Ko-fi again for those who may like to show a little extra love for my work or even stay tuned for when I open commissions again!)
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asheanon · 2 years
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As promised, here’s some pure Mer-self indulgence. 💜 A WIP featuring MerKuja and MerSal being pretty merfolk and little more. 🐠 ✨ (There are plenty of Mer-details to fumble around with still... plus, I’m still working on the bottom bits, but more of it is becoming viewable/sharable!) Just in case Tumblr disowns me over this, it was nice getting to know some of you for the five minutes I was here. 😅🙏
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