#simpsons hit and run is one of my favourite childhood games ever
steakout-05 · 2 months
i was watching videos about Simpsons Hit & Run and i found out about this pretty funny glitch you can do that flings your car into the air if you do some lamp post collision trickery :D
how to execute the glitch:
get inside a car (the family sedan works best because the engine is wider and more visible) and carefully drive into a lamp post until a coin pops out of it but doesn't fall over completely
quickly exit the car, and then get back in. the lamp post will now be stuck in place and have no collision
start driving and position your car so the lamp post is clipping through the engine
get out of your car again, jump on top of the car and then do a ground pound (jump+jump+attack)
watch your car get flung across the map or into oblivion!!
usually, your character will fall off the car (and i think depending on which version of the game you're using, the car will just respawn. i'm playing on the PC version so mine just respawns immediately, but this works much better on console versions), but if you angle the lamp post so it's just tilting through the windshield like the video demonstrates, you should get the car to fling into the sky with you on top of it and it is very entertaining
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
What gamecube games do you have?
Tbh, I don't have as many as I used to. I went searching for all of them but some are missing completely and others, I found the cases but not the discs... But a lot of games I had were based of kid's movies so I don't really mind those going missing since I'll probably never play those again.
So, my sister and I are making a list of games that need to be replaced because seven year old me was a dumbass who never took care of her DVDs and games... And I hate her for it.
But, yeah, most of my games are Sonic games because Sonic was a very big part of my childhood. I mean, Sonic The Hedgehog on the Mega Drive was the first game I ever played, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was my first game, i.e just belonged to me, didn't have to share with family, Sonic is what got me interested in voice acting 'cause my tiny mind was blown when I found out Sonic and Shadow were voiced by the same person in some games.
The rest of the assortment is pretty random. I mean I've got some of the classics like Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash (still my favourite Mario Kart ngl), Luigi's Mansion, etc.
There's also Pokemon Colleseum which I never actually managed to finish as a kid so I wanna try and do that now I can play it again.
And there's The Simpsons Hit & Run and The Simpsons Road Rage which my sister and I played so much of when I was growing up, literally everyone I knew who had Hit & Run loved it.
And I've got Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly which I can remember loving as a kid but everyone else seems to hate it? I mean, my memories of it are fuzzy but I don't recall ever running into any glitches while playing it? Did find it annoying trying to catch the dragonflies though...
And a couple of Sims games that belonged to my sister called Bustin' Out and Urbz. Bustin' Out, I don't really remember a lot about 'cause it required so much memory space just to play it so nine times outta ten, we couldn't play it. But Urbz was the one my sister played so much of. I don't remember a lot about it 'cause it's been so long, but I know there was about twelve different areas you could go to and there were sims of the Black Eyed Peas in it??? And the soundtrack was entirely Black Eyed Peas music???? I dunno, I can't remember much but it was weird.
But there's a lot of series that I'm interested in now that I didn't even know existed when I was little so there's a lot of games that I wanna buy so my collection will become a lot bigger. But I'm honestly just really excited to play all these games from my childhood because I haven't been able to play them for about eleven years and nostalgia is a very powerful thing.
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marcusmeek · 6 years
Pixels over Reality 👾
For as long as I can remember, my hands have been clutched around a controller. The first console I ever had the honour to know was the original Xbox, it was my dads, it was his trophy. I wasn’t allowed to touch it, so I spent a majority of my weekends idolising this console, amazed by its possibilities. At my moms however, we had the orginal PlayStation which was technically my sisters but it didn’t stop me playing. I spent endless hours jumping on boxes and avoiding rolling boulders in crash bandicoot, I spent days playing as Tommy pickles to collect all the reptar puzzle pieces as Rugrats Search For Reptar was the first game I ever completed! To this day they’re the most amazing memories I hold.
I was 7 when I unwrapped the amazing PS2 slimline on Christmas Day accompanied by The Simpson’s Road rage. The console was chipped so I was never deprived of games, as I played from Shrek The Third to GTA. I didn’t play out, I didn’t have many friends except the Sony dual shock controller. The console saw me through till the good old age of 13 when I sold it on for next to nothing. Still regretting it now...
The PS2 was the highlight of being at my dad’s but the at home I had a Game Cube which is my favourite console. Something about its miniature size, it’s bright purple attire and the smaller than usual disks made my senses rise as I spent endless hours trapped in this different reality. I will forever remember staying up till 11pm (extremely late for an 8 year old) playing the Simpsons hit and run on my lil purple buddy as adrenaline ran through my body as I finished the last level. At that time nothing mattered to me, not my dysfunctional family, not the bullies from school, nothing but this game.
Since my amazing childhood, I’ve owned an Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii and Nintendo 2DS as personally Microsoft and Nintendo (with the exception of the Wii U) passed Sony when it comes to gaming. I don’t spend as much time as I used to playing video games, maybe because I don’t have the time, maybe because games have become overpriced. Who knows? I’d give anything to spend weekends, week nights and holidays sat inside with a controller in my hand, lost in these exciting worlds. They were the best times of my life and I hope relive them some day soon, to have that innocence, to not have to worry about deadlines and money. Video games are more than just bright colours and sounds, they’re a huge part of who I am
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