#sims 4 short stories
retrotrait · 2 months
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No bad vibes in the new house!
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aurorangen · 5 days
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All the flashbacks start when I close my eyes
[We were both young when I first saw her. It was a Saturday and I was at the Farmer's Market with my nana]
[Her warm aura was what captivated me. I didn't know if she noticed me at all. I was just standing there, lost in my own world, trying to get a glimpse of her every time I could. The sun was beaming in the fading summer air: the light shone directly onto her face, her honey-brown eyes, her beautiful red hair]
[She looked back. I wanted to talk to her and strained to hear any voices in my head, telling me to go and do it. I could only hear my own heart beating and my body frozen in place. But then my legs started moving]
Vincent: [makes his way through the crowd] Hello [shy smile]
Nancy: Hello [smiles back at him]
[Little did I know, that simple introduction was the start of something special]
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tricoufamily · 7 months
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idk how experimental you can say this really is for me but it's a new reshade and skin details so this counts <3 anyway yesterday i wrote down an idea for a short story and it's one bullet point and it says "a rockstar picks up a homeless hitchhiker in the 70s. something homosexual happens" and that's the whole thing. the rockstar 👨‍🎤
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mikachusblog · 1 month
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Clearing up misunderstandings.
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Aria looked like a sad wet moping cat here i just had to share ಥ‿ಥ
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arcanewonder · 10 months
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the end of love.
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simminginstars · 5 months
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Little family <3 meet the new editions: Eri & Sebastian
Since having the twins their lives have been a little hectic, the apartment was cramped and they didn't gel well with Brindleton Bay anymore. Since Sav no longer needs to work there as she's financially stable her and Yuto decided to move to San Myshuno. They are excited to finally make some new meaningful friendships and raise their kids in a multi-cultural city.
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lynzishell · 3 months
The Present 🤍 San Myshuno
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Transcript below the cut:
Phoenix: [whispers] G’night Annie. Love you.
Phoenix: She’s finally asleep. Dawn: Oh good. Phoenix: You wanna watch a movie or something? Dawn: Um… no. Not tonight.
Phoenix: What’s on your mind? You seem down. Dawn: I need to tell you something. Phoenix: Okay. Dawn: You remember the letter, the one from your dad?
Phoenix: The one you said you shredded? Dawn: [nods] Yeah, I didn’t do that. I kept it in case you changed your mind. Phoenix: I’d be lying if I said I was surprised. But I haven’t changed my mind, and I’m not going to. Dawn: Why?
Phoenix: You know why. Dawn: I guess I just don’t understand. I really think you should at least read it. See what he has to say. Phoenix: It doesn’t matter what he has to say, Dawn. He’s never been a father to me. He doesn’t get insert himself into my life and start now. Dawn: I know, but… Look, if you read it and still choose to throw it out and never contact him, then that’s fine. I’ll never bring it up again. But at least you’ll be making that decision with all of the information.
Phoenix: You read it. Dawn: Yeah. I did. Phoenix: I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me either. So, what does it say then? Clearly there’s something in there that you think is important, so what is it?
Dawn: Well, I- I think you should just read it. I think it’s better coming from him.  Phoenix: That’s bullshit. I don’t care about him or anything he has to say. But I care about you, and I want to know what has you all twisted up. So, tell me. Dawn: … Phoenix: Dawn? Dawn: Fine. He’s nine years sober, he lives out west, and he has an eight-year-old son… You have a brother.
Phoenix: … Dawn: Do you— Phoenix: How long have you known this? Dawn: … Phoenix: Right. You’ve kept this from me this whole time? Dawn: I’m so sorry. It wasn’t my intention to keep it secret. I just thought you needed time, so that’s what I told him, and then life just got so busy and before I knew it weeks and months were going by, and I—
Phoenix: W-wait. Back up. Told who? Dawn: What? Phoenix: You told him I needed time. Who’s “him”?
Dawn: I said that? Phoenix: Mhm. Dawn: Okay, look, I just sent him a short email and told him that we got his letter, that you didn’t want to speak to him, but I thought maybe you just needed some time.
Phoenix: … Dawn: …
Dawn: Phoenix? Phoenix: …
Dawn: [walks over to him] Please talk to me. I know you’re angry, but— Phoenix: Angry? That’s a fucking understatement.
Dawn: I’m so—
Phoenix: I have been very fucking clear how I feel about this, about him! And yet you went behind my back and contacted him?! I can’t even wrap my head around that! What the hell would possess you to do that? I ask you to destroy the letter, and you do this?! And you keep secrets from me?! I— You knew I had a brother and yet, every day, EVERY FUCKING DAY, you looked me in the eye, and you said nothing! For months! What the fuck, Dawn?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Dawn: [reaches out to him] Phoenix, please calm do— Phoenix: Do not fucking touch me right now!! Dawn: [flinches away]
Phoenix: Shit. I’m sorry. [deep breath] I’m gonna go for a run. Dawn: What? Now? Phoenix: I can’t be here. Dawn: Please don’t go. Phoenix: I’ll be back. I just… I need to think.
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thebramblewood · 8 months
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You mean you don't show affection for your one and only brother by repeatedly throwing the love of his life's tragic fate in his face?
Featuring a very tiny cameo by @moonfromearth's Veronica!
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Caleb: You look… refreshed.
Lilith: Yes. Thankfully, Veronica’s supply hit the spot. [appraising glare] I could say the same to you. I can smell her stink from over here.
Caleb: [momentarily alarmed] Whose?
Lilith: [rolls eyes] Don’t play dumb, Caleb. That spellcaster bitch! I can always tell when you’ve been gallivanting around the Realm.
Caleb: I’m sorry. Do I need your permission to visit a friend?
Lilith: Of course not. I just don’t know why you still bother. The only thing you two ever had in common has been a literal pile of ashes for years.
Caleb: I’m not talking about this with you now - or possibly ever again.
Lilith: Oh, she got you all riled up. [shouting] I know you’re hiding something! You’ve drawn an iron curtain across your thoughts, but I’ll tear it down eventually. I always do!
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
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It’s a while before I talk to her again. I spot her strolling past the arcade one day, eating an ice cream while I’m coming out of the supermarket across the road. The street is thronged with tourists, so she doesn’t see me. A relief. I’m plagued by this irrational fear that she’ll be able to tell from looking at me that I’ve surrendered to my teenage urges and fantasised about having sex with her about eight times already. It’s quite an insane thing to be concerned about, but I’m paranoid, and just watch her go, purple phone poking out the back pocket of her little denim shorts.
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Another time, early in the morning during a run, I think I see her swimming. Her brown hair spills over her shoulders as her face turns toward the horizon. I’m too far to know for certain if it is her, so I never call out to her. I turn at the end of the beach and run home. 
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It is this morning, the morning I see Evie bobbing serenely in the sea like some kind of mirage, that I find a missed call on my phone. 
It’s on silent, it always is, but after several minutes of standing in front of the mirror scrutinising the darkening tan lines on my arms, I lift it to see the notification. 
One missed call from Alison Littler, 9:12AM
I frown. For as long as I’ve known Alison, she has been a late riser, and contacting her before noon, an impossibility. She used to say “good morning!” in her texts at one in the afternoon, but who knows, maybe she has turned over a new leaf. 
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I hit the return button. It rings just once. 
I smooth the top of my shower-damp hair. “You rang me.”
“Sorry… I did, and then I realised you’re away on your holidays, so.”
“Yeah, but I don’t mind talking if you want to talk. All good?”
There is a long pause on the line, and I only know she’s still there because I can hear her breathing, shuddering and unsteady, like she’s afraid her voice will crack if she speaks. 
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“Can you come over?” She manages, “I know, you’re far away, so if you don’t it’s fine, but,” she exhales thickly and sniffs, “I’d really like it if you could.”
“Is everything alright?”
Another sniff, “... um.”
“Alison… Tell me.”
“Okay,” she says, “but please, you can’t tell anyone else.”
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blvckentropy · 26 days
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Meet the Cast (top to bottom, left to right)
Trumere Douglas | 32 | Professional Photographer | Simadelphia (Newcrest) | VC🔊: Trumere "Tru" is a well-known photographer celebrated in the celebrity world. She thrives in her entrepreneurial journey, running a successful studio that has gained popularity. With a passion for creativity and a love for the arts, she also enjoys letting loose at parties during her free time. Although she struggled initially, she discovered her unique talent for capturing stunning sceneries and fine art. While her parents never viewed photography as a viable career, they take pride in her business achievements. Her entire persona revolves around her work, with little focus on anything else apart from her relationship with her boyfriend. However, everything could change when she encounters a charming stranger.
Zachary "Zach" Love | 34 | Freelancing | Simadelphia | VC 🔊| : (Traits: Goofball, Bro, Maker) Zachary is a true visionary at heart. His greatest aspiration is to contribute to his community and launch his own contracting business. Currently, he juggles his responsibilities as a construction and mill worker, striving to make ends meet. Contrary to popular belief, he experienced a period of immaturity in his younger years, which led to him maturing later in life. After a significant life transformation, he finally has something to look forward to, yet he still feels distant from finding a partner to share that journey with. Despite his parents' separation, he holds love in high esteem, much like his name suggests. Zach has always been easygoing, but it seems he may have finally found someone who challenges him.
Halo Wallis | 31 | Student/Night worker | Simadelphia | VC 🔊: (Traits: Geek, Overachiever, Snob) Halo is one of Tru's closest friends. As the middle child in a family of five, she faced several challenges growing up, including sacrifices related to her education. By the time she turned 18, she found herself needing to make a difficult choice about her future. An opportunity arose when Madame Darling, the owner of a nightclub, offered her a job. Although she could have turned it down, the reality of her situation made it hard to say no. By the age of 21, she was working discreetly at the club and had saved enough money to move out of her parents' house and into her own place. Over the years, she continued her job at the club while also managing to save for her education. Now, she is focused on her studies, aiming to become a physical therapist or pursue a doctorate.
James "JB" Blake | 33 | Jack of All trade | Simdelphia | VC 🔊: (Traits: Bro, Ambitious, Adventurous) Just like his best friend Zach, James is a dreamer. He has multiple jobs ranging from freelancing and construction work with Zach. You can say he's a jack of all trades trying to reach his lifetime goal of owning a customization auto repair shop. He got his obsession for cars and how they work from his old man. James was always a workaholic and struggle turning it off. That is until his friend invited him out to a unspeakable night out
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sn0wbat · 9 months
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well what family doesn't keep a secret vampire family member hidden deep in in the basement /s
EDIT: Rest of the comic is now under the cut!
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retrotrait · 1 month
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Ep 6 Previously
Jacob: Knock Knock, that was our last patient for the day
Katherine: Oh lovely! Jacob: Wow hey, you okay?
Katherine: It's just a headache, I only had coffee today, I'll be fine
Jacob: You didn't have lunch? Let me take you to get something to eat then
Katherine: That's very sweet but I-I really shouldn't...my daughter is probably home already
Jacob: Come on Katie, just a quick bite, I owe you a welcome drink'
Katherine: I don't know, it's getting late...
Jacob: One drink and a meal, say yes. This place has amazing burgers
Katherine: [laughing] fine fine! Gosh I forgot how relentless you are
Jacob: It was the burger huh? I knew you'd reconsider once I said that
___________ . ____________
Katherine: It really does get freezing cold at night here
Jacob: Cold? Darling, this is warm compared to our winter months
Katherine: That's very encouraging, thanks for that
Jacob: Just being honest
Katherine: [pauses] wait, this is yours?
Jacob: Yeah, hop on, I'll take you
Katherine: Hop on? are you insane, absolutely not
Jacob: You too chicken?
Katherine: Too chicken? [determination activated[
Katherine: If I die, I swear to God I will find you and kill you in your next life
Jacob: [nervous] Then you better hold on tight!
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eslanes · 8 months
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Goddamnit Shakey
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earthmoonz · 6 months
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Two hours into the 3.5 hour drive, the atmosphere in Lena’s car had shifted. The rain had finally stopped and awkward silences soon fell into easy conversation. Interests were shared, jokes were traded, and for the first time Lena could see who Max might have been under the ever-present cloud of their grief. Beyond their dry wit, there was passion, revealing itself as they talked about work and how much they loved running a queer bar. They also knew about art and fashion and so many things that the Max Lena meets in the dark is forced to hide. An unfamiliar feeling bloomed in Lena’s chest. She wished things were different. She wondered if Max did too.
(transcript below)
(MAX): Hear me out-
(LENA): No! I’m not letting you convince me that the fast and furious movies are fucking ‘high camp’. Hear yourself!
(MAX): You're thinking about them too literally! It’s about family! Fast cars! Jumping a fuck off truck off a cliffside and for some reason not immediately dying!
(LENA): Max, they drove a car into space. Space!
(MAX): Exactly! Peak cinema!
(LENA): You’re dead serious too.
(MAX): It’s called being real. (LENA): [Lena kisses her teeth]
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honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.21 Spaghetti Regretti
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After our chat at lunch the previous day, Lacey follows through on talking to Lucy about getting involved in more outdoor activities. This made Lucy really happy; so happy, in fact, that she invited Lacey to go hiking with her.
Of course, that’s just what Lacey predicted would happen and when she sees me, she makes sure to remind me that I agreed to join them. I don’t mind. I think it will be fun to hang out with them outside of work and get to know them better as friends.
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I’m heating up some spaghetti in the break room microwave when Lucy comes in and thanks me for making good on my promise to help her make friends.
“Lacey said you would come with us,” Lucy says excitedly.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. You know, I could probably invite a few other people, too. Make it a group outing.” Maybe I should leave well enough alone, but Lucy is so enthusiastic that I can’t help but get more people involved.
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“Really? That would be amazing!”
“It’s no problem. I doubt it will take much convincing.” And if it does, I won’t tell her.
“Well, I really appreciate it. I’m so excited to get to know everyone better!”
I attempt to stir my noodles, which are stuck together in one big clump. Lucy looks at my bowl disapprovingly. “What are you eating?”
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“Oh, it’s just some pasta. One of those microwave meals.”
She wrinkles her nose. “Not to be rude, but that looks pretty sad. Have you ever had authentic Tartosan cuisine?”
“Does Little Corsican Bistro count?”
Lucy shakes her head emphatically and I fear I’ve insulted her culture. “That’s a chain. You won’t find what I’m talking about there, but I know a place where you can get the best that Tartosa has to offer. If you’re not busy, my husband and I are going there tonight and you’re welcome to join us.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude on your date night.”
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“Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s my mom’s restaurant, so it’s more of a family affair when we go. Besides, I owe you one.”
I take a bite of my spaghetti, which has the consistency of rubber bands and doesn’t taste much better. “That’s cool. I guess I can go.”
“Awesome! The ferry leaves at 6 and it’s a pretty short ride.”
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arcanewonder · 2 months
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