#sims 4 storyteller challenge
lynzishell · 9 days
The Past 💛 Atlas
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My hand is resting on Ash’s chest as we lie together in comfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The quiet is soothing and I’m grateful he doesn’t feel the need to fill it with conversation, that we can just be here together.
Slowly, I begin tracing my fingers lightly across his collarbone, then up his arm stretched over his head, and back again. He closes his eyes and smiles contentedly, so I continue, brushing my fingertips back across his chest and down his abdomen.
His skin is so soft and pale, it reminds me of the flowering dogwoods that would bloom in spring at the park near the house where I grew up. I read about them in school once and became fascinated by them. I would sit in the grass underneath them and run my fingers along the white petal-like blossoms, examining the tiny flowers at their center.
I make a mental note to tell Ash about them sometime. I bet he’d love them, want to study them and draw them.
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The velvety texture of his skin is contrasted by a coarse trail of jet-black hair. I follow the trail down, stopping as my hand grazes past two small scars low on his belly, just inside his hips. “What are these from?” I ask.
He glances down briefly and then rests his head back, “They’re from a hysterectomy.”
“Oh. So, you can’t—?”
“Mm-mm, you can’t get me pregnant or anything.”
“Good to know. So, if you want kids one day, you’d just have to adopt?”
“Not necessarily. I had my eggs frozen, just in case. So, I could have a biological child, I’d just need a surrogate.”
“Really? Do you think you’ll do it? Have kids?”
“Oh, god, I don’t know. I had them stored for ten years, so I have plenty of time to decide. It’s not really something I’m worried about right now.”
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“Makes sense,” I whisper as my hand resumes its journey, brushing my fingertips up and down one thigh and then the other before making my way back up again, all the way up to his face, turning it gently toward me. When he opens his eyes again, before I can stop myself, I say, “Ash, you’re perfect, you know that?”
His eyebrows stitch together in a pained expression, “Atlas…”
I know. I know it’s not fair. I can’t say things like that if we’re “just friends”. He doesn’t have to tell me. It’s written all over his face. But look at us, we’ve already crossed so many lines tonight that the walls I’d built up are crumbling around me, and I’m not ready to put them back. Not yet. Not tonight. So, even if I shouldn’t, I have to ask, “Will you stay? Will you sleep here tonight?”
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Putting his arms around me, he smiles, “Yeah, of course I’ll stay.”
“Thank you,” I exhale, relieved. "Can I get you anything? Do you want some water?"
“Yes, actually, that would be amazing.”
“Okay, I’ll go get some.”
“Thanks. And, um, can I use your bathroom?”
“Yeah, it’s just out the door to your left.”
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In the kitchen, I drink down a large glass of water in one breath, practically gasping by the time I finish it. As I refill it, along with a second glass for Ash, I turn my head slightly to smell myself… just in case. Thankfully, I don’t stink yet, but I’ve accumulated enough layers of sweat throughout the night that I’m certain I’ll be ripe by morning.
I glance at the bathroom door, debating, wondering if it’s a step too far, too intimate, but decide to ask him anyway.
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When the door opens, I walk over to meet him on his way out.  I hand him the glass of water and he drinks it nearly as quickly as I did. “Thank you,” he says, breathless.
“Are you tired?” I ask.
“Not really, why?”
“Do you want to take a shower with me?”
“That shower?” he points to the door he just came out of, “Is there even enough room for two people?”
“Not really,” I shake my head with a smile, knowing it’s ridiculous, but still hoping he says yes.
He considers for a moment, searching my face as if he’s waiting for me to tell him I’m joking. When I don’t, he replies with a shrug, “Fuck it, sure.”
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Some find it strange, but I enjoy showering with people. It’s intimate in its own way. I mean, aside from the obvious, like being naked in a small space not really meant for two people, placing hands on an arm or waist or back as we maneuver around each other. That has its own pleasures too, of course, but I like getting a glimpse into people’s routines, their daily habits. All those little things that no one else notices, or pays attention to, or has the privilege of witnessing. Like the way Ash never puts his face under the water. He tips his head back to rinse it, gets right up to the hairline, but no farther, ensuring gravity prevents the water from running down over his face.
When I ask him why, he says, “I don’t like it. It makes me feel like I’m drowning.” And then I understand. I remember the story he told me about nearly drowning in the ocean, how he was caught in the undertow when he was a child, how he would have died if it wasn’t for his mother.
We laugh as we awkwardly squeeze past each other, trading places so I can rinse my hair. As I stand under the water and close my eyes, I feel him place his hands gently on my abdomen, slowly tracing the lines of the muscle just below the surface with his fingertips. “Jesus, look at you,” he says, “maybe I should take up rock climbing.”
I let out a small laugh, “It’s fun. I could teach you.”
“Nah, I don’t think it’s for me. It’s a shame you ever have to put clothes on, though.”
“Not tonight, I don’t.” I shut off the water quickly and then turn back to him, “I won’t if you won’t.”
“Deal.” He answers a little too quickly, and then adds, “Not that I have anything to wear anyway.”
“I would’ve given you something if you wanted. Too late now, though.”
He laughs as I hop out to grab a couple of towels.
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After drying off, I walk over to the sink and grab a fresh toothbrush from the cabinet below. It’s brand new and still in the package. I hold it up to show it to him and then set it on the counter, “If you want,” I say before grabbing my own toothbrush and running it under the water.
He picks it up and raises his eyebrows a me, “You do this often enough that you keep these on hand, huh?”
I shake my head to reassure him, “No, they’re Dawn’s. She’s super weird about brushing her teeth all the time. She’s almost always carrying one around. There’s like ten of them down there, she won’t care if you take one.”
“Thank you,” he says sincerely as he opens the package and discards it in the trash. He squeezes toothpaste along the bristles, but then stops and looks up at me.
“What?” I ask.
“Nothing. You’re just… you’re really nice.” I can’t quite read the expression on his face when he says this, it’s almost as if the sentiment makes him sad.
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In a pitiful attempt to lighten the mood, I tell him, “Well, if it makes you feel any better, it’s purely selfish.”
He gives me a small smile, “Oh yeah? My breath is that bad?”
“No, I just want you to be comfortable. Because the more comfortable you are, the longer you’ll stay.” Instinctually, I lean over and kiss his forehead. I don’t know why, it just felt natural to do so, like I’d done it a hundred times before. As soon as my lips graze his skin, I know that I have. I see it. Many times, in many different places I don’t recognize. On a couch or in a bed or even standing on a beach. It feels so real that it takes me aback.  I pull away and he looks up at me with that same look in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I tell him, knowing now what’s making him sad. I’m not acting like a friend; I’m acting like a boyfriend. And we both know I can’t give him that. Though, I’m starting to have trouble remembering why. Seems like it’s taking more effort not to. “We should get some sleep,” I say, suddenly feeling exhausted.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute,” he replies, and then turns away to brush his teeth.
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I put fresh glasses of water by the bed, turn off the lamp, and lie down, turning to face the wall because I don’t know what I’ll do if I’m facing him when he comes to bed. I don’t trust myself, and I feel like I’ve done enough damage already. He’s probably upset with me, and I wouldn’t blame him if he changed his mind and decided to leave.
I prepare myself for the worst when he finally comes in, but he surprises me by getting into bed, scooting over to me, and pressing his entire body against the length of mine. He wraps his arm around me and squeezes me tight, kissing the back of my shoulder. I don’t know why he’s chosen to be so sweet to me, but I’m grateful for it. I close my eyes and allow myself to relax into him as I drift off to sleep.
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Autumn, 1900
Winifred had sat at her desk all evening after dismissing herself early from dinner. Perhaps, for anyone else, this would have been queer behavior, but for a writer such as herself, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Her family was used to her abruptly dashing away from them to jot down an idea, typically followed by locking herself in her study for hours on end. But on this evening, each stroke of her quill had proven to be utterly useless, and somewhere deep down inside she knew it was because she wished she didn’t have to be writing these words. But did she have any other option? Her co-workers were accepting of her frequent tardiness and forgetfulness, and even her more outlandish ideas for the next headline, but they certainly wouldn’t want some pregnant spinster working for them; least of all JJ.  For months, she had prayed she would miraculously get her monthlies, that she had been wrong about the little one growing inside her. But, as each day passed, and she was yet bleed, it became clear she was with child again. As she sat there with her head in her hands, tears spilled over onto the page she had written explaining her 𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 from The Daily. If only there were another way...
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transcript below the cut
<quill scraping>
Lawrence: There you are. I thought I might find you here <tik-tok, tik-tok> Winifred: Oh my, I hadn't notice the time
Lawrence: Should I not expect you to come to bed soon, then? Winifred: <sighing> I don't think so Lawrence: They work you to hard there, Winifred Don't they know I miss my wife?
Winifred: Wait...Lawrence Stop, stop I can't do this right now
Winifred: I'm sorry, I'm still not feeling well is all Lawrence: <nods> I understand Should we send for a doctor? It's been awhile now... Winifred: <shakes head> No, no. I'll be fine. Just a bit of nausea, that's all. And I truly do have work to do Lawrence: Do let me know if it gets worse. And if you're not feeling better in a few weeks, I think you should reconsider
NARRATION Lawrence places a gentle kiss on top of Winifred's head before departing. She waits to break down until she hears their bedroom door shut.
Winifred: Oh, god... What am I going to do?
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gruesimss · 2 months
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the life path legacy challenge by @gruesimss
currently sitting at five generations, but plan to add more in the future
the point of this legacy is to not have such a cut & dry legacy. i wanted to like be able to roll a number and like have to go down a certain life path that is given. this was mainly created bc when i watch lets plays i never want to play the actual legacy bc i have already seen it done so i wanted to do something where like there’s a possibility that everyone plays it differently. the endings/pathways are endless.
use a number generator for every given path.
you can use cheats but nothing going overboard, it is preferred to cheat as little (we know how glitchy the sims are sometimes) as possible especially for the first generation.
some generations require/recommend cc traits & mods, i will have them all linked for each generation.
there is a chance where you’ll come across a repeat aspiration or career, if you want you can just roll again if there is more than two life paths or just play the opposing path
feel free to share you let’s plays / content for this legacy under #lifepathlegacy or #lplgc <3
any questions, concerns, or feedback is encouraged ! inbox is always open, i also have a channels in my disord server for support & for you to share your gameplay !
discord server
btw i’m in need of occult sims in my own let’s play so feel free to submit them under the hashtag #lifepathoccults on the gallery or hereeee
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havenroyals · 3 months
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(At the risk of being flagged again...)
We are celebrating Ares's (insert age for Young Adult Sims) birthday. Because his big sister, Athena, is on a mission to piss him off, we are extending the invitation to all his past bang buddies. No girlfriends (He's only ever claimed two: Val and Em)
Think of it like a bachelor challenge. Only instead of winning his heart, you'll enjoy a Wicked Whims flashback scene of your time with Ares. (And a shirt...maybe. @citylighten is working on a little somethin' something'. We'll see).
What are we looking for:
Lady Sims (Young Adult +)
Dress them in their party best (It's Called the Hellfire Gala)
What's their backstory and how did they meet Ares (in high school, doing cartel business, were they a one-time thing or casual buddies, are they still friend-ish now, or want him back?
No mythology names please (for the sake of my story, only the cartel family have God names)
CC is fine (no default replacements)
Submissions until July 21st will be accepted. The birthday event will happen near the end of the month. Giving the tag list (and the Ares stans) first dibs.
@nectar-cellar @lynzishell @citylighten @authorspirit @riverofjazzsims
@mydramasims @death-by-glitter @stargazer-sims @spnmoosejerk @empiredesimparte
@simplywhytney @matchalovertrait @onestormeynight @blueyjoy @smok3inm1rrors
@sweetsummersim @discoverjoana @thagoddessdemi
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faerytrait · 3 months
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one friday night in san myshuno; sade's band lands their first bar gig, and all the besties show up to the show
isabela: that was so fucking sick sade! seriously, you guys are amazing.
sade: it means so much that you guys are here. our first fucking bar gig! can you believe it?
[indistinct chatter]
delta: hey... you killed it up there. that was an awesome show.
riley: oh... thanks.
sade: alright! drinks on me! everyone to the fucking bar!
riley: hey... delta. wait a minute.
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fizzytoo · 10 months
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amaya and karlee settle into chestnut ridge smoothly. karlee's living with amaya temporarily, choosing to staying close to her sibling while also figuring out her place in the world. just two kids miles away from their childhood in sulani…
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njadakaufey · 5 months
Witch Legacy Challenge Infographic
Hi, I've decided to update my Witch Legacy challenge. You can now find an infographic version in French and English. I've also added some small changes to the challenge, which was getting a bit old. I'll let you discover all that in the rest of this post.
English version
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French version
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Original version
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bloomingkyras · 18 days
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Before the events start, Carmen and Juan have a private conversation between them about her pregnancy and Rose'mary custody.
Carmen: I'm pregnant,Juan. It's already seconds trimester. I know, this baby is yours. I want u to know that.
Juan: Why don't u tell me before? We could fix this and I already told u not to make your own decision. Me and Corrin are done. I realize, I make mistake, doing that stupid things behind you. I still love u Carmen, I really do.
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Carmen: I don't know I was pregnant by that time the incident happen. If I know, I will let u know as soon as possible, maybe u won't cheat to me,right?
Juan: I'm sorry..I hurt u and our's. I really want to fix this if u give me second chance.
Carmen: I really wish, I could give u second chance but everything hurt me. I don't want to be in toxic relationship. I'm not a toy, Juan. I really want us to be what we want before. But it's over..
Juan: How we gonna tell them about us?
Carmen: We will tell them went the time comes.
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Juan stood up and left her. But Rose's crying from her bedroom stop him from leaving.
Carmen: Please stay. She need u..I mean Us.. please..
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hellodahliah · 1 month
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act i
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puck: -and that is where you fell down the stairs... it's all over social bunny.
mercutio: again... i don't remember anything. wait- hermia sent you something... can you show me?
puck: don't look at my messages! they are private.
mercutio: dude, you're showing me your phone. how can i not notice your messages?
tybalt: monty. hi puck, now monty tell me where the fuck is romeo?
mercutio: why do you want to know? he is not here. confess your love to him another time.
puck: tybalt. mercutio. don't start again!
tybalt: stop clowning around! no one is in love with him!
mercutio: no one? i think your sister has something to say about that.
puck: *sigh*
tybalt: don't bring my sister into this!
mercutio: and you're allowed to bring your brother into this? hypocrite!
puck: eric! they are fighting again!
eric: boys!
tybalt: tell romeo i am kicking his ass next time he shows up!
mercutio: you have to kick someone else's ass instead, because romeo is clearly not interested in yours.
puck: i'll pretend i didn't hear that.
tybalt: are you challenging me?
mercutio: so what if i am?
tybalt: you haven't been training since... forever.
mercutio: unlike you i don't need much training.
tybalt: we'll see about that.
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daedriyth · 7 months
Barbie Legacy Challenge
Hey peoples!! I wanted to have another go at a legacy challenge and wanted to give the Barbie one by @sims-himbo a try! Go check out their page for the rules! So, lets meet our first Barbie!
Barbie La Land has decided to settle down in Oasis Springs, she wants a fresh start to find someone to have a family with. Unfortunately her ex wasn't Kenough. Barbie is clumsy, family oriented, a homebody and housewife and also hot and lactose intolerant (yet she insists on eating dairy).
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Of course, what Barbie would be complete without her dream house?
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antiquatedplumbobs · 8 months
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Spring 1916
Joe's grand plan for a full service automotive service station in Brindleton Bay cleared a large hurdle in the Spring of 1916 with the securement of a sizeable investment from a certain Walter Fernald (heir of THE Fernald shipping fortune), who summered at the Cavalier Hotel every year. The sharp rise of excitement Will felt was mirrored by the swoop of dismay as he realized there really was nothing else for it: he had to tell his father.
It wasn't until after the evening milking that Will got the nerve to broach the subject. Twilight had descended on the farm, muting the verdant green of the grass poking up in the pasture. A soft breeze was rustling the newly unfurled birch and maple leaves. The air carried with it that particular spring quality of hopefulness and new beginnings; an aura that Will — nervous as he was — was rather oblivious to. He'd spent the day worrying over what to say, how to tell Hamish this huge news. The perfect words had been elusive, so what came out when he finally got the nerve to speak was terse, if not to the point.  
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"Joe's offered me a job as a mechanic. I'm going to take it." Will felt an immense weight list from his shoulders as the words left his lips. His concern over his father's approval was still there, but it no longer ruled him; it was as if speaking it aloud had freed him. 
Hamish, who had been washing his hands at the pump, jerked at the statement, splashing water over himself. 
"Christ, Will, not one for a gentle breaking of news are you, son?" Hamish cursed under his breath as he removed his now soaked overcoat, leaving only his shirtsleeves. "He's expanding I suppose? I'd figured he might with how many autos there are on the roads these days." He sighed, and fished in his pocket for the slightly crumpled pack of cigarettes he always had there. Happy that they were dry enough he shook one out and busied himself with the business of lighting it.   
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"I didn't know you wanted to leave, Will." While the words were spoken softly, they may as well have been shouted for the impact they had upon Will. He looked down, gripping the fence rail hard enough to hurt, not wanting to see the disappointment in his father's eyes. He was surprised when a work-worn hand appeared, offering a cigarette. He looked up to see his father's eyes did not hold disappointment, but some other inscrutable emotion. Will accepted silently, and his father equally silently held up the lighter to him before turning to look over the fields. 
"I don't think I ever really told you why I bought this farm, son." Will stayed silent, not wanting to ruin the moment. Hamish loved his son, but he was a taciturn man and had never been quick to share his feelings. Will sensed the story he had to tell was more than the simple one relayed to small children at their father's knee; that his father was offering Will a side of himself he had not seen before.
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"My father was an exacting man to work for, you might not believe that 'cause he mellowed out with age a bit, but when I was young everything had to be done exactly how he wanted or there would be trouble. There was all this literature on new farming techniques, ways to increase yields, and I'd show it to him but he never wanted to hear it, never even let me try it on my own." Will thought he heard the ghost of the anger his father had held as a young man in those words.
"So I bought this place." He said it matter of factly. "If he wasn't going to let me do anything my way, I didn't see the point in working with him. Old Mr. Sable had always liked me, I'd help him out sometimes when I had extra time. After his wife died he just wanted to get rid of anything that reminded him of her, the farm included. He sold it to me for a steal really," Hamish said looking around at the farm; the buildings so lovingly maintained and improved by a quarter of a century of his father's hard work. 
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"This is a good opportunity," Hamish said, abruptly switching the conversation back to the present. "I'm glad for you." He clapped Will on the shoulder. "Now I think your mother will be wondering why we've let her get her supper go cold while we stood out here." Will looked up to see his mother standing in the open kitchen door and grinned. 
"Well, now," Hamish said thoughtfully as he smiled up at Will's mother. "Meeting your mother was the real push to make my own move, has Ms. Parr been influencing this decision at all?"
Will started at the question, asked in a jovial, almost conspiratorial tone. As if his father was sure he knew the answer but only wanted to tease Will. The truth was, Will hadn't thought about Clara at all when making this decision.
His mother's impatient call to come to dinner saved Will from having to answer the question that should have had an easy answer to. As he sat down at the laden table in the warm, cozy kitchen and his father leaned down with a small smile to kiss his mother's cheek, he was gripped intensely by the desire to have something like this for himself. He found himself imagining a smaller kitchen, the table set for two, and the arms of his wife to welcome him home.
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lynzishell · 16 days
The Past 💛 Atlas
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I don’t know how long we’re wrapped in each other’s arms before we’re forced apart as an overzealous dancer bumps into us, causing us to stumble sideways.
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I barely regain my balance before Ash grabs my hand and pulls me away, leading me through the maze of people. They’re nothing but a blur as we wind our way off the dance floor where there’s finally some open space to breathe. I think he’s going to stop once we get there, but he continues forward. The only thing ahead of us now is a hallway with the bathrooms on the right and stairs on the left. Just as I’m about to ask him where he’s taking us, he stops short and slides into a dark corner.
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As he backs himself against the wall, pulling me into him, I finally understand. “Is this okay?” He asks.
I lean in so fast that I practically breathe the answer into his mouth, “Yeah,” and before I know it, we’re making out again. But this time is far more intense, our kisses deeper, our breathing ragged, our hands grabbing fistfuls of hair and clothing and clawing at skin as though our desire for each other has grown into some kind of wild animal. Finally free from its cage, there’s no going back now.
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I pin him against the wall and press my thigh between his legs, and he makes a sound that I feel more than hear with his mouth on my neck. And then I feel his hand move down the front of my jeans. I’m grateful for how loud the club is when he finds what he’s looking for and an uncontrolled moan escapes my lips. He grips me and breathes into my ear, “Atlas.”
Fuck, there is nothing sexier than the way he says my name.
I can barely think, let alone speak. All I can manage is, “Hm?” and even that comes out as more of a whimper than a question.
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“Let’s go somewhere.”
I put my hand up on the wall behind him to steady myself and somehow find it in me to ask, “Where?”
“Anywhere. My place, yours, I really don’t care, but if we stay here, we’re bound to get kicked out.” He moves his hand slowly over the bulge in my jeans and kisses my ear softly. The wet sound of his lips is amplified and sends a shiver down my spine. “Do you wanna leave with me?”
More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.
I nod as I clear my throat and try to will my brain to start functioning again. “I, um, my apartment. It’s three blocks away.” Or maybe it’s six. I don’t know. All I know is, Dawn better not be home tonight.
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“Perfect.” He kisses me and moves both hands to my waist, “Let me check in with Lex real quick and then we can go.” I step back to make room for him to squeeze by. He looks up at me with a smirk, biting his lip, and winks at me before saying, “I’ll be right back,” and walking away.
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It’s been a while since he’s winked at me, but for the first time I don’t blush. I assume my blood is otherwise occupied and not available to flush my face. Speaking of which, I need to take a moment, so I lean against the wall and pull out my phone. I start typing out a text to Dawn asking if she’ll be home tonight, but then delete it before sending, realizing I’ll have to explain why I’m asking, and I’m not prepared to do that. So, I slide the phone back in my pocket and hope for the best.
I take a few deep breaths and wipe the sweat from my face, suddenly realizing how dehydrated I feel. As soon as I’m able, I walk over to the water station set up in the back of the club.
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The relief of the cool liquid as it hits the back of my throat is instant, and I drink three full cups before Ash finds me. I hand him one as soon as he walks up.
“Thank you,” he says gratefully, and drinks it down quick. As he refills the cup he says, “Lex is good. They’re all staying at Blair’s tonight.”
I suddenly remember the promise I made to her when we first arrived, and I almost feel a little guilty. “Did you tell her we’re leaving together?”
“Was she okay with that?”
He shrugs, “Not really her decision, is it?”
“I suppose not. You wanna go?”
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Valentina wasted no time getting started in the kitchen; a knack she seemed to have inherited from her late-mother. All afternoon, she prepped her veggies, fish and kneaded out various types of doughs for some freshly baked rolls.
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stubborntrait · 4 months
Family photos 📸
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heartblobs · 10 months
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July, 1890
🎶She's the sunshine of Paradise Alley Ev'ry Sunday down to her home we go, All the boys and all the girls they love her so, Always jolly, heart that is true I know, She is the Sunshine of Paradise Alley🎶
Evaline and Walter were deeply infatuated with one another. When all of the housework was over and done with, the young couple would dance to their hearts' content well into the night, happy to have one another as their dance partner.
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Then the two would whisper sweet nothings to each other, acting like bashful teenagers sneaking around their parents. Evaline loved the gentle way his hands would hold her, the way his eyes never faltered from her gaze whenever she spoke. She especially enjoyed when her husband would whisper close into her ear, "Eres el cielo mismo, mi amor." You are heaven itself. It ran chills down her spine and flutters throughout her heart every time. How lucky she was to have such a romantic for a husband, she thought to herself.
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🕰️ / 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 / 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡
(Also special thanks to @aheathen-conceivably & @surely-sims for inspiring me with the songs linked with their posts! I listen to every song y’all link to 🥰)
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addibearxoxo · 2 months
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Upper East Side, New York [San Myshuno]
A little sneak peak of Romilly's new Upper East Side apartment.
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