nonsimsical · 3 years
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weeps Prim invited Astra to join their household and she agreed!! I am geeking out y’all!!
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loftl · 6 years
8 DEC 2014 - Chapter 4
It was just past dawn when Tristan emerged from the house, fully dressed with a smirk on his face. Satisfied with himself, Tristan headed to the stables to get Enya ready for today's hunting trip with Elias and Sebastian. His brother, already there, was feeding Horse what looked to be celery. Tristan contemplated approaching his brother, apologizing about what happened in the kitchen, but decided against that. Whistling as he unlatched Enya's stall.
"I'm all set, Papa." Bash said as Tristan neared where his son stood just inside Heart's stall.
"Then go dress and we can be on our way." Tristan said laughing at his son's eagerness. Watched Bash take off towards the house not stopping once as he ran past the startled chickens.
Turning towards his brother, he saw that Elias, too, watched Bash run towards the house. A smile across Elias's face. It was rare to see his brother smile. Bash made him smile. Isolde made him smile.. though he never pointed that out to his brother, for he sure that Elias wasn't aware he'd been caught smiling at her. He was sure that Isolde was unaware of his smiles. Scratching his chin, prickly from facial hair, Tristan frowned.
He found out about his older brother's betrothal to his wife many years ago. Just after Alice died. Henry had told him and he confirmed Henry's word when he spoke to Anne about it months later. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Though it did not matter seeing as Isolde was his wife and mother to his child, but he had a feeling that Elias knew of this arranged marriage. That perhaps, Elias, too, loved Isolde as he did. Maybe even more. He hated to admit it, but he knew that Elias would never have abandoned Isolde in their time of need. He would have stayed and held her as she cried and grieved with her. He suddenly slammed down his saddle, causing Enya to buck and whinny. Tristan grabbed her reigns and started soothing noises at her before she kicked stables apart.
"What's it to you, little brother?" Elias asked Tristan quietly.
"Spider." Tristan lied. 'Why are you lying?' he pondered and he rubbed the horses neck.
Sebastian walked into the house and saw his Mother in the kitchen preparing his satchel. He smiled, knowing she did not see him come through the door. Bash, still a child in his own right, rushed his mother. He grabbed her around the waste, picking her up and spun her around in a circle laughing at his Isolde who'd let out a scream that could have woke the neighbors down yonder.
"Sebastian Bishop!" Isolde scolded her son. Playfully slapping his arm. "Go get dressed. I've laid out new clothes for you." Bash surprised her then by suddenly hugging her. She held him close and closed her eyes. "13." She said sighing and kisses him on the top of his head.
Bash smiled at her and took off up the stairs.
Marta and Samuel, who had been passing by just before dark asked if they could stay the night since it was too dark to finish their ride home, had left after eating some warm bread and milk for breakfast. Isolde set about cleaning their room, removing the bedding and adding it to the wash she was to do later in the day. The hunting trip would take the men three days time. In that time, Isolde would be by herself on the farm, except for ole Belle. Doing the wash would take up an entire days light, so she just had to worry about the next couple of days to get through. Maybe she'd go stay with Marta on one of those days, or both. She heard Sebastian stomp his way down the stairs and out the front door. Isolde put the bedding down on the bed and walked to window. Looking out, she just could make our her son's silhouette as he made his way towards his Elias. Shaking her head, she turned on her heel and went to find Tristan. There was something off. She could feel it in her bones.
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Sebastian, dressed in his new clothes that his Mama had sewn for him, was out the door headed towards where his Uncle Elias stood with Horse when he heard the strange howling. A howling unlike that they have ever heard before. They have heard it, of course, but its pained... its closer. A howl that you cannot separate as animal or man. He knows he heard it before... in his nightmares. The one's Mama sang away into the night. He shudders and the hair on the back of his neck stands up. He has a bad feeling about this hunt.
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Every part of him wanted to turn and back to the house and lock all the doors. He overheard his Mother telling his Father about how she thought this hunting trip was a bad idea. And Bash knew that when his Mother had a bad feeling, generally.. something bad always happened. She had good feelings, too. Those, like the bad ones, always ended up being true as well. So why wouldn't Tristan listen to Isolde now? Bash's stomach was rolling by the time he made to where his Uncle stood
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"Uncle.. where's Papa?" asked Bash.
Elias turned from Horse to look at his nephew with concern.. he could tell there was something wrong because Bash's voice was shaky.
"He's talking to your Mama. What's the matter?" Elias asked, his arms folded across his chest.
Bash looked torn between wanting to say something and keeping his mouth shut, but whatever inner turmoil he had he decided to speak his mind.
"The howling.. I've heard it before." Bash said, barely above a whisper, but Elias heard him all the same.
Sighing Elias looked around for his brother, stopping what he was doing, he walked over to his nephew. Elias put his hands on Bash's shoulders and looked him in the eye.
"Sebastian, if you have any qualms about tonight's hunt, then speak to your Father. Traditions are not set in stone." He ruffled his nephews hair and turned back to Horse. "We can put off your hunting trip until after the full moon has passed."
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The more Bash thought about it the more silly he felt. He was a man now.. he couldn't be scared at every shadow that skittered across the ground in front of him. Nor could he jump at every noise, big or small. So, he did what he saw Papa do in stressful situations.. he straightened up, put his shoulders back and marched over to Heart to get him ready for tonight's hunting trip. Cleaning Heart's hooves and brushing him down calmed Bash immensely. He'd completely forgotten his feelings of unease he had before and was looking forward to his first Hunt with Papa and Uncle.
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Isolde was following after Tristan, still dressed in her night dress, down towards the stables. And boy did she looked upset.
"Tristan Bishop, I am telling you. Tonight is not a good night for hunting. I have a bad feeling in my gut. You all must stay home." Isolde pleaded with her husband, almost demanded.
Tristan laughed at his beautiful, yet worrisome wife, and walked over to her pulling her into a hug.
"Dear Wife, have I told you how beautiful you look when you're pissed off?" Tristan rubbed his nose against hers making her giggle, then she playfully slapped him.
"I'm serious. Husband.. the howling. We've heard it before, at the last full moon. You know what it is! Look at Marta and Samuel.. they lost poor Elizabeth after they heard the howlin," Isolde paused and looked at her husband's brother who was talking to her only child. 
"Please.. I cannot bare to think of losing you and Bash. I cannot.." her voice catching in her throat, "I will not survive without you." Wiping away the tear that slid down his wife's cheek, Tristan sighed.
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Sensing his wife's distress, Tristan pulled her into a tight embrace and kissing her with a passion that made the stars look dim.
"I love you," Tristan said after Isolde caught her breath.
"I love you, too," Isolde said while looking into her husband clear, blue eyes.
"We will be back by supper." Tristan kissed his wife's forehead, then her nose, and then on her beautiful mouth and turned toward his son and his brother.
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shesim · 5 years
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“What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? I’ll tell you what you get. You get what you f***ing deserve!” - ‘Joker’
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devonna13 · 5 years
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Happy 20th birthday @thesims I love playing this game #simslifestories #sims2deluxe #sims2seasons #sims2openforbusiness #sims2freetime #sims2celebrationstuff #sims3 #sims3supernatural #sims3generations #sims3seasons #sims3ps3 #sims4 #sims4gettogether https://www.instagram.com/p/B8KQmxIlsbu/?igshid=hz7h24jlcu28
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narrrnian · 7 years
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My game had a super mega glitch today. #thesims #sims3supernatural #sims3 #simsglitch
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xlizzyxr · 7 years
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One game that I'll forever be obsessed with haha :) thanks to my baby the sims 3 collection I have was started by him haha ❤️ #sims #sims3 #simstagram #sims3pets #sims3supernatural #thesims3 #sims3generations #sims3latenight #sims3seasons #gaming #gamingcommunity #pcgamer #gamers #gamersunite #gamersunited #letsplay #gaminggirl #gamingcollection #games #gamersforlife #gamersonly
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imperfectzombie13 · 3 years
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#sims3 #sims3supernatural #spookyday
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loftl · 6 years
9 DEC 2014 - Chapter 6
It has been two days since the death of her Husband and their son, Tristan and Sebastian. Isolde felt like she should not be able to still make tears, but she did and she shed them often. Every thing reminded her of them. Needing to do something with herself, Isolde slowly got out of he bed and walked outside. It was crisp, the promise of rain on the horizon, but for now the skies remained a clear blue. Like Tristan's eyes. The thought of never being able to look into his eyes was enough to cause her undoing. Recalling that retched day that the creature took Tristan and Bash from her, Isolde cried even harder.
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'When she'd started at the wheat field, shovel in hand, she had every intention to kill whatever had followed her husband and son home from the woods. Stopping dead in her tracks, Isolde dropped the shovel she was carrying. Elias slowly emerged from the wheat covered in blood. It seemed that Isolde suddenly forgot how to move her feet. She stood as if she were a statue, staring at Tristan's brother and she just knew.  Isolde could see it in Elias's eyes. She knew her husband was dead.
Elias nodded his head once, silently answering her unspoken question. Isolde, no longer able to feel her body, clutched at her chest. The ground suddenly rushed up on her and the last thing she remembered was feeling Elias's strong arms around her as he caught her before her head hit the ground. Cradling Isolde in his arms, Elias carried her into the house.’
When she had awoken, it was night.. Elias sat next to her bed... her bed. Tears welling in her eyes as she ran her hand across the empty space that was once where her husband had slept. Where she had made passionate love to her husband, minutes before he left to go hunting. She rolled over, holding his pillow to her face and breathing in his scent. Isolde wept until she fainted from exhaustion. 
When she woke again, a few hours later. Elias still sat in the same chair as if he hadn't moved. Upon closer inspection, she saw that his hands and boots were filthy. She looked up and met his eyes with her own. The same pain that filled his, mirrored her own. He'd lost just as much as she had that day.
"It's done." Just two words, spoken very quietly. He rose, walked out of the room and out the front door. Isolde threw back the bedding and raced out of the room and out of the house to the family plot. There, in the back where the used to be empty space, were two new crosses. 
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"WHY!!!" She screamed! "GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!"
"No, no, no, no, no." Isolde stood in the Family Plot weeping into her hands. It was eerily a warm night, but Isolde felt a coldness that went straight to her bones.
She dropped to her knees and put her hands on the disturbed earth and sobbed words of apologies to her husband for her harsh words she'd last spoke to him. After gathering herself, she started humming Sebastian's lullaby that always calmed him whenever he was scared and helped him fall asleep.
She'd been outside for hours. Her body now numb to the cold. Feeling stiff, Isolde stood and blew a kiss to her husband and her son. Then she headed back to the house.
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Once inside, Isolde looked around her home that she once shared with her little family. A home that once was full of life and love, now overwhelmed sorrow. Wandering into the sitting room, Belle lay fast asleep on by the hearth. Elias was no where in sight. Isolde sighed as she looked out the window from where she stood. Seeing daylight start to break through over the mountains, Isolde went into her chambers to change. Marta and Samuel were to be calling.. or was that yesterday? She could no longer remember.
After dressing, Isolde went outside to start her chores. when she ran into Elias.
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"Isolde.." Elias began..clearing his throat before speaking again.
"Elias," Isolde said in a monotone, waiting for what he has been wanting to say to her for days now.
"I made promises to Tristen that day in the fields.. promises that I know I must keep." He said without looking at her. "I just wanted you to know that." He turned to walk away from her, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
"Elias.. I would like to know what my husband asked you to do. What he said." Isolde said with an urgency that stated her need to hear her husbands last words.
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"Isolde, you have to understand.. Tristan and Bash, they loved you more than anything. And I love you. You made my brother the happiest that he's ever been, even before we lost Louis." Elias stated before sighing and continuing with his speech, "Tristan asked me to look after you. To keep you safe. He.. he told me, made me promise, to marry you."
"WHAT!! Do you honestly think that I would MARRY YOU?! My husband and son have not been in the ground but three days and already you think you can lay claim to me, Elias Bishop?!" Isolde was pissed, but mostly hurt. 
She knew his words were true. Not just because Elias would never lie to her, but because this is exactly what her husband would ask of his most beloved brother. Because her husband knew, deep down, there was something between Elias and Isolde. Though she had never told her husband of the kiss, or about her short embrace. He knew. The thought made her feel disgusting inside.
If Isolde were completely honest with herself, she has been waiting to see how long it would take Dear Elias to come forth and tell her exactly this. She assumed that he would have liked to have given her more time. More time to mourn for her loss and more time for her to become accustomed to Elias's presence on the farm. Could being married to Elias be so horrid? Tristan drunkenly admitted to Isolde after Alice had died that she was meant to be his brother's wife and not his after getting back from seeing Henry. His husband also admitted to bedding another woman on his travels as well, but Isolde never spoke of the things her husband admitted to while intoxicated. She knew he only said these things because he was in pain. A pain she felt responsible for since it had been on her watch that their daughter had passed.
Sighing, Isolde lightly touched Elias's arm. "I'm sorry, Elias. That was harsh. I.." Not able to finish her words, Isolde grew quiet.
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"Oh Isolde.." Elias grasped her by her arms firmly, but still soft somehow. 
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Isolde, I would never ask you to do something you did not want to do. If you need time, then I will give you that.. but I will honor my Brother's wishes, Isolde. I promised to protect you for the rest of my life and I intend to do just that." Elias said with such authority and assurance that Isolde was mesmerized. She had no idea the fervor Elias could muster.
Something stirred inside Isolde. It was the same feeling she always had whenever she was around Elias. She ached for his arms. The feel of them around her. Isolde stood there, feeling the strength and warmth that Elias emanated. She stared into his eyes for such a long time that it felt like she could see into his very soul.
"Yes." Isolde said very quietly, almost in a whisper. "I will marry you, Elias.."
Before she could finish he suddenly pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. She couldn't explain the rush of emotion she was feeling for this man. This man who's arms felt like Tristan's. Wrapped around her, making her feel safe. Making her feel at home. She began to weep.
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"Shh. Shh.." Elias crooned to her. "We have time, Isolde. We can wait for as long as you want. Get to know each other.... Get used to each other.. it does not have to be right away."
Isolde suddenly felt so sure of her future with this man holding her, she tightened her embrace.
"Time.. there is plenty of it, we just do not know when our time is at an end." Isolde sniffled. "No, we have plenty of time to get to know one another after we are married."
Elias sighed and when he spoke his voice was deep and thick with emotion, "Isolde.. I promise to protect and honor you for the rest of my life." Taking a deep breath, Elias pulled away from Isolde and lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes.
He'd seen her face so many times. He's hugged her many times over the years he's known her, but she was his brother's wife.. that's what he'd always told himself. Pushed away the feelings he had for Isolde, because she was his brother's wife. Right now.. as he looked down on her tear stained face, she was the most beautiful, courageous, maddening woman that he'd always known. And he loved her. He knew that.. he has always loved her, he just never realized the depth of that love until this very moment. Maybe that's why he'd put so much distance between he and his brother.
"Isolde.." Elias said thickly..
"Please.. please Elias.." Isolde started to pull away from him.
"Uuh..." Elias cleared his throat and started to back away.
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"No.. no, it's.." Isolde sighed reaching out to him.
"I just need time.. before.. You know.. I'm confused. I loved Tristan, love.. Tristan.." Pausing only to catch her breath. "How I'm feeling right now is confusing."
She tried to laugh, but it pained her. To her very core. Elias could see the turmoil in her eyes and it pained him that he was the cause of this.
"I'm very sorry.. I will tend to the horses and the rest of the livestock.. give you some space." He hesitated a moment and then he kissed her hand and left her to silence and her thoughts. Watching Elias walk away from her pained her greatly. Turning, Isolde headed inside. Belle at her heels. Once inside, Isolde changed back into her nightdress. She moved around her room silently cursing it's sudden vastness and cursing the too silent house. Exhausted, Isolde laid on her bed, hugging Tristan's pillow to her breast. She cried. She cried until she drifted off into a deep sleep and dreampt of her babies. Together, holding hands while running through a field of beautifully colored wild flowers. While Tristan watched them, laughing and clapping his hands. Finally at peace. Happy.
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shesim · 5 years
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difference between a nonpregnant sim and pregnant with alien.
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imperfectzombie13 · 3 years
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#sims3 #sims3supernatural #spookyday
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nonsimsical · 3 years
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| A s t r a |
..phew, maxed out their friendship and Astra blessed Primeivere!
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loftl · 6 years
9 DEC 2014 - Chapter 5
Isolde was still uneasy about the men leaving, but at least she had ole Belle with her to keep her company. Upon thinking of her beloved dog, she heard her whine. Isolde looked up to see Belle staring at her intently through the fencing.
"What is it, ole girl? You miss Louis, aye?" Isolde giggled.
Louis was a sheep dog, like Belle, and he belonged to Elias. She recalled the first time Elias had come home after years of no word.
'"What was that?" Isolde asked her husband. They had been laying in bed after another failed attempt at love making. This was becoming a rather unwelcome occurrence. Sitting up in bed, pulling the blanket to her chest, Isolde turned to look out the window. She thought she saw something moving outside their house by the lane, but it was gone almost as soon as she saw it. "Go to bed, wife." Tristan said, his back to Isolde. He was angry. Isolde felt it radiate off of him like heat from the fire. It made her cringe. It'd been only a month since she'd lost the baby. The Doctor tried telling Tristan that he needed to give it time. To let Isolde heal before attempting to have another child, but Tristan wouldn't hear of it. Isolde felt that he was trying to replace the void in their lives that's hung over them since they lost Alice. Getting up, Isolde grabbed her nightdress off the cold wood floor, and pulled it over her heard. Glancing back at her husband, who's snores were more apparent giving signal that he'd already fallen asleep, she reached over and took his hunting knife that he kept by their bed. Isolde tiptoed out of their chambers, closing the door only just, then headed upstairs to check on her son. At the top of the stairs, Isolde pressed her hand to her now flat belly. Choking back tears as she remembered that not too long ago she could feel her baby move inside of her. Pushing open Bash's door, Isolde poked her head in to see her son resting peacefully, the moonlight casting enough of it's beam for her to make out her son's small features. As she closed the door, she thought she heard footsteps outside. Carefully making her way down the stairs and to the front door, Isolde placed her ear against the cold wood and tried to quiet her heart who's beating suddenly was so loud she were afraid it would give her away. Not hearing anything, Isolde slowing opened to the door and stepped outside, closing it behind her. The night air cut through her nightdress, chilling her to the bone. Shivering, Isolde held her husband's hunting knife close to her breast. Looking out to the lane, Isolde saw nothing but blackness. As she turned towards the Old barn that rested next to their silo, she heard Belle growl. 'Good girl.' Isolde thought to herself, she slowly made her way around the house to come up from the other side. Just as she was about to head around the silo a figure appeared out of no where, knocking her unbalanced. She felt herself falling backwards, dropping the knife as she closed her eyes preparing herself for the impact when she felt his arms around her. His hot breath on her neck. His arms were strong and held her weight as if she were nothing but a mere feather. "Isolde?" His voice familiar, caused her heart to skip a beat. Her breathing became erratic as she stayed motionless, unsure of herself. 'It couldn't be him!' Isolde she thought.. a single tear escaped as she slowly raised her head to look into the eyes of a man that she'd not seen since he was a boy. "Isolde!" he quietly exclaimed. He looked at the house and back at the woman he cradled against his chest. It was freezing out and she was wearing practically nothing. "E-Elias?" She stuttered, shivering. Isolde clutched his shirt and pulled herself closer to him, feeling his warmth. Elias took her into his arms and held her close, picking her up he turned and carried her in the house. Setting her down in the rocking chair, Elias turned and started to add wood to the hearth. The flames licked at the new piece of kindling, becoming brighter with each passing second. Once the fire was roaring, Elias turned to Isolde. He stood before her, illuminated by firelight from the hearth behind him. He looked her over, she was different. Her body was more rounded, from child baring. Her breasts, larger.. more fuller. Her hair was longer, but she wore it differently than she had when he last saw her. She was also very pale. Sweat beaded her brow. He went to the well and retrieved a buck of water, bringing it inside, he hung it in the fireplace to boil. He quietly went about the kitchen and grabbed a cloth and some mead. Once the water was hot enough, Elias took it from the it's spoke, and submerged the cloth into the water. Wringing it out, he turned back to Isolde and became wiping her face and her neck. He lingered at her chest, he could see her breathing was uneven. He looked up and saw Isolde was looking at him. Her eyes wide as silent tears flowed freely down her face. "Elias." Isolde said, her voice filled with a pain that he cut through to his heart. She was in his arms then. Her face buried in his neck as she started to cry. "Oh, Elias!" Her hand was in his hair, gripping a handful. Her other hand, clutching his shirt. She clung to him as if he were nothing but a dream that would disappear as soon as she opened her eyes. It'd been a long time since anyone had touched him. Sure, he'd taken woman in his bed. Burying his sorrow into them, but he wasn't a pig. There had been very few. He wasn't his Father. And his heart.. belonged to another. He pulled Isolde away from him, his hands on her fragile shoulders. He wiped the tears away from her face and she smiled at him. That had never changed, her smile. Her smile and her eyes. Those were constant. Before he could stop himself, he pulled Isolde towards him, and he kissed her. He kissed her with a passion and love that he held only for her for the last nine years. And she returned his kiss, her hands on his neck, pressing her body to his. Suddenly, she pushed him away gasping. Isolde got up and ran into her chambers, shutting the door firmly behind her. Minutes later, Tristan came out of their room. Naked as the day he was born, and drunk. "ELIAS!" Tristan exclaimed, giving his older brother a welcome embrace! "Look at you! Ahh, welcome home, big brother!!" Smacking Elias on the back, Tristan called over his shoulder for Isolde. Who had let Louis in. He'd been scratching and whining at the back door. "That's Louis." Elias had stated, mostly to Isolde. Wanting, needing her to look at him. "Louis.." she said as she smiled at his dog. Isolde giggled as Louis, in answer to hearing her say his name, licked her face. "Louis?" Tristan asked, seemingly much more sobered. Tristan glanced at his brother and then smiled. "Well.. the second room upstairs is yours as long as you'd like it to be. My wife and I have something to discuss in private." Elias, without looking at his brother or Isolde, turned and headed up stairs. Louis following his master not needing to be beckoned.'
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Isolde smiled to herself. Tristan was  not happy about his brother having a dog, 'another mouth to feed,' he'd complained to Isolde a few days after Elias had been staying with them. Isolde loved it, though. She loved animals. Especially sheep dogs. She'd had one when she was younger, but it was bitten by a wolf and had gone mad. Her Father had to put him down. She noticed how close Belle and Louis were getting and it worried her how Belle would react when Elias went home and Louis with him. She sighed and went back to her gardening.. she was almost done planting this years plants when she heard the call.
Isolde stood up, making herself dizzy.
"My goodness," she laughed. "I must have gotten to much sun, Belle.. I am but faint." Looking up at the sun she knew that it was not yet supper time.
"The men are back early. We best get Supper on then, right?" Isolde walked out of the garden and stopped dead in her tracks. A coldness that she has never felt before washed over her. She couldn't move. Couldn't speak. She hardly felt like she could breath. Ole Belle's barking was what brought her 'round. Isolde tore off as fast as her legs could carry her to where her Tristan and Elias were racing down the way with Bash draped over her Husbands horse.
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"QUICKLY!" shouted Elias.
Tristan slowly lowered Bash into his brother's arms and jumped down off his horse. Grabbing his son's legs, Elias supporting Bash's weight by gripping under his arms. Tristan and Elias raced Bash into the old barn. After laying him in the bed and covering him up, Isolde came rushing in with a bucket of water and a clean cloth. Elias grabbing the bucket from her as Isolde shoved past Tristan, dropping to her knees at her son's bedside. Elias placed the bucket next to her and had just wrung out the cloth when Isolde held her hand out to him, not looking away from Bash's face.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" she demanded between sobs. "My beautiful... boy, Mother's here, Bash.. Mama's here," she crooned softly to her son as she wiped the blood from his face and neck.
"Isolde.." her husband said to her calmly.
"NO! NO!" Isolde screamed shaking her head.
"Brother, take your wife outside." Elias said quietly to Tristan.
"My love, you must come with me," Tristan stated softly to his wife, but when she would budge he looked to his brother who nodded and Tristan picked up his wife, throwing her over his shoulder and taking her out of the room. Isolde was screaming at her husband. Words he'd never in all the years he's known her, has he ever heard her use before.
Elias was beside himself with grief. He sat by his nephew, holding his hand, knowing that he was going to die. He was enraged for not listening to Bash's worries more intently earlier. If he'd taken him more seriously, he could have prevented this. It was like losing Louis all over again. And Isolde... 
'Isolde will never forgive me for letting you die!' Elias chastised himself. Bash started making choking sounds and his grip on Elias's hand got harder. Elias looked up and met Bash's gaze.
"Tell them I love them." Bash's words strained as he started spitting up blood. "Tell them it is not their fault.. tell Ma..ma.."
Elias was crying now, "Bash.. shh.. don't speak, shh.." He tried to get up to go fetch Tristan and Isolde, but Bash pulled him back down to him. He could feel his nephew getting weaker as he knelt down by the bed, closer this time as Bash was having a harder time breathing.
"The.. cre..shurr.." Bash's breathing was becoming ragged as he tried to speak to his Uncle. "hiit..wursh.. HERSH!" screaming the last word, his last, as if he knew he didn't he wouldn't be able to get it out. Bash's whole body went still.. and his breathing stopped altogether. That's when Elias lost it, holding his nephew screaming at the top of his lungs. 
"BASH!! NO, BASH!! TRISTAN!!!!" Sobbing into his nephew's hair, kissing his head. "NO! NO, NO, NOOOO!!”
Hearing Elias's screams, Tristan and Isolde looked at one another. Both knowing that their son was dead. Both knowing it was Tristan's fault for not heading Isolde's words.
"Isolde.." Tristan started, his voice thick with unshed tears. 'So, this is what this feels like,' Tristan thought as he looked at Isolde and saw the hatred and unsaid accusations in her eyes. 'This is what it feels like to be responsible for the death of your own child. Oh, Isolde.. I am so sorry. My love. Come back to me.'
Isolde stood up and slapped him, as hard as she could, across the face and took off running. Tristan stood and marched out into the field of Wheat. As soon as he was in a good ways, Tristan dropped to his knees, covered his face and cried like he was a child. A child who watched his Mother in front of his very eyes. A child who watched his Father, carrying his baby brother down the lane, dead in his arms. A child, who lost his older brother. 
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Elias ran into the house looking for his brother and Isolde. Though if he was being honest with himself, he was really only looking for Isolde. He searched the entire house, but no one was here. He was about to run back outside when his chest tightened as if someone had punched him. His breathing became erratic and shallow. His vision was going black. It happened in a matter of seconds. Elias dropped, his knees connecting hard with the floor. 'Mama had these,' Elias recalled. What had the Doctor called them? An attack of some sort, brought on by too much stress. Gripping the door frame, Elias pulled himself to a standing position, while clutching at his chest trying to catch his breath. He stumbled out of the house and headed towards the old barn. He needed to be with his nephew.
Upon entering the old barn, Elias looked over at Bash. He laid on the bed, soaked in his own blood. 'Just like Louis!' That's when Elias started to scream again. Turning away, Elias saw Isolde running and went after her.
He could hear Elias screams, fainter now, but still just as sharp. Like a knife cutting into his heart. Wiping his nose on his sleeve, Tristan tried steadying his breathing before standing. He needed to say goodbye to his son. Standing, Tristan turned to head back the way he'd came when he heard it. It was faint at first, but he knew he wasn't alone in the wheat field.
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Tristan looked around trying to not make any sudden movements to give away his position. He sensed a threat.. the same feeling he had just before the creature leaped out and took down his son's horse. He knew it had followed them home. Taking out his knife, he crouched, ready to fight if that's what it came down to. Then he heard Isolde's cries coming from not too far away.
Tristan's heart sank into his stomach when he heard the creature change it's course and head straight for his wife.
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Isolde ran from Tristan, not stopping until she got to the old well in the Garden. Her son.. her beautiful baby. She cried so hard she couldn't breath and her whole body shook. Elias, tried to comfort her, but she slapped him, too. They should have listened to her!
"Not my boy!" She cried, beating her small fists against Elias's chest.
Elias tried to hold her, but she wouldn't hear of it. Turning away, her words hitting him harder then her fists could ever do, Elias grabbed his bow and arrow off the ground and headed back to where his nephews body resided. Isolde's screams of agony followed after him. He shut the door, dropped his weapons on the ground and walked over to his nephews body. Elias, slowly knelt beside the bed and continued what Isolde started earlier. He proceeded to clean his nephew's body to prepare him to be put into the earth.
Isolde's screams quieted. Sobbing, she leaned against the well for support. "Not my son, my Bash," she dropped to the ground wrapping her arms around her legs and burying her face. How is she still crying? How is she still breathing and her son is not!? Suddenly, a sound cut through the silence and the cries of hers and Elias's. She heard a battle cry that made her heart stop. She leaped onto her feet ran after Elias.
"ELIAS!!! QUICK!" she screamed at him, as she entered the old barn. "TRISTAN NEEDS YOU! HE'S IN THE CORN FIELD AND SOMETHING IS ATTACKING HIM!"
Elias jumped up and was out the door with his bow and arrow before she could finish. Pushing past her, Elias took off towards the wheat field. You could see the tops of the wheat thrashing about where Tristan was.. fighting something that was 100 times bigger than he was.
Isolde, not wasting any time, threw the door shut and locked it. Then she dragged the bed, with her son on it, and pushed it up against the door. Isolde stood there in the quiet of the barn, the smell of blood filling the air. She turned away and lost whatever food she managed to eat that day, and then she fainted.
Elias was fast, the fastest out of all his brothers. Quick on his toes and even quicker at analyzing a situation. When Elias ran into the Wheat what met him there was not what he expected. A few feet in he tripped over something soft but firm, he rolled over and was on his feet in seconds with his arrow drawn and pointed at what had tripped him.
It was Tristan.. 
"No.." Elias barely breathed the word before Tristan screamed and pointed behind him.
Elias reacted without thinking. Raising his bow he turned on his knee, letting his arrow without needing to see his target. There he was.. William Hersh. Elias was immediately enraged.
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Elias jumped to his feet, picked up his brothers knife and charged at the wounded William Hersh. The creature that attacked his nephew's horse and killed him. The creature that stalked his brother's home. Elias raced, seeing nothing but red, he plunged his brother's knife in the heart William's heart. Elias did this a few more times, staring into Hersh's face as he did.
"TELL ME!" Elias began. "TELL YOU BASTARD! DID YOU MURDERED MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHER?!" William started coughing up thick, red blood. "TELL ME!" Elias demanded.
"Ye..yes." Was all William could say, clutching at Elias.
Elias, taking his brother's knife in his firm grip, grabbed William by the hair. He turned him around and kicked out his knees so that he was kneeling in front of him. Pulling back his head so that he could look into his face one last time, Elias slashed William's throat. Holding him in this position until there was no life left in William's eyes. He let the man and the knife drop to the ground and slowly turned back to his brother.
"Tristan," Elias whispered as he looked over his brother's torn and bloody body.
"Brother... I don't.. have much time left." Tristan's words were pained and Elias could see it in his eyes that he was dying.
"No, I cannot lose you, too. You have to hold on. You have to live. Live Brother.. live for me. Live for Isolde!" Elias whispered to his brother urgently knowing it was a lost cause.
"ISOLDE!" Elias yelled as loudly as he could, "ISOLDE, I NEED YOU! NOW!"
Tristan grabbed Elias's shirt and pulled him down close to his face.. their noses almost touching.
"You will NOT let my wife see me like this, do you understand?" Tristan said raggedly.
Elias could only nod, not trusting his own voice. He needed to be strong for Tristan.
"Promise me, brother.." Tristan started coughing bright, hot, red blood.
"Anything, anything at all." Elias choked out.
"Promise.. to take care of Isolde. Marry her." Tristan pleaded with his brother.
"I cannot," Elias hung his head starting to cry.
"Yes, you must. She is delicate.. she will.. learn.. to.. love.. you.. promise.. m-me." Tristan's words were quieting. Elias looked his brother in the eyes for the last time, and vowed to protect his brother's wife and love her like his own for the rest of his life.. then as if he just drifted off to sleep, Tristan closed his eyes and sighed. "Tel..l.. Is..ole.. I..luuher." Tristan breathed before going limp in his brother's arms. 
Elias did not know how long he sat there holding his brother, crying, rocking him back and forth.. silence and the smell of hot blood filling the air around them. Lost in his memories of he and Tristan as small boys, playing in these very fields, were interrupted when he heard Isolde's the faint footsteps coming towards the wheat field. Elias knew he must keep his promise to his Tristan and stop her before she happened across his body. Not even Elias wanted Isolde's last memory to be of his brother, a mangled and bloody corpse. Closing Tristan's eyes with his fingers, he gently laid his brother on the earth and stood. He was going to stop Isolde from entering this field. Even if that meant he had to carry her back to the house and lock her in her room.
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shesim · 5 years
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mastermind at work 
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veggie-bitch · 11 years
I found my old sims 3 supernatural and I have such an urge to create the teen wolf cast
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imperfectzombie13 · 3 years
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#sims3 #sims3supernatural #spookyday
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