hate5sixofficial · 5 months
Simulakra 2023-03-18 Triple Crown Pavilion Louisville, KY
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xwatchyouburnx · 8 months
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unholytriumph · 1 year
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jsthomasbahamas · 2 years
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🎵 💀 🦠 Heavy Friday Jams! Simulakra - the infection spreads • Clear/Green with Black splatter Vinyl | limited to /100 | Easily one of the best hardcore/metal albums of the year. Old schools hatebreed vibes all around. Killer release from @dazeofthefuturespast . #simulakra #vinyl #coloredvinylclub #coloredvinyl #vinylcommunity #vinylcollection #vinyligclub #collection #vinyladdict #vinyljunkie #instavinyl #igvinylcommunity #igvinyl #musiccollection #recordcollection #recordcollector #nowplaying #nowspinning #music #lp #myrecordcollection #myvinyl #onmyturntable #vinylcollective #metal #heavy #metalcore #metalhead https://www.instagram.com/p/ChdQrK5Ol87/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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m3t4ln3rd · 2 years
Vomit Forth, Simulakra, & Snuffed on Sight U.S. tour announced
Vomit Forth have announced an October headlining tour in support of their recently released full-length, Seething Malevolence (Century Media). Supporting them on the run will be Simulakra and Snuffed on Sight. Tickets are available here. 10/06 Louisville, KY – Mag Bar10/07 Chattanooga, TN – Poor Taste10/08 Columbus, GA – The Cuckoos Nest10/09 Jacksonville, FL – Archetype10/11 Tampa, FL – Brass…
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Simulakra by Probokosyi Tittle Simulacra have long been of interest to philosophers. In his Sophist, Plato speaks of two kinds of image-making. The first is a faithful reproduction, attempted to copy precisely the original. The second is intentionally distorted in order to make the copy appear correct to viewers. He gives the example of Greek statuary, which was crafted larger on the top than on the bottom so that viewers on the ground would see it correctly. If they could view it in scale, they would realize it was malformed. This example from the visual arts serves as a metaphor for the philosophical arts and the tendency of some philosophers to distort the truth so that it appears accurate unless viewed from the proper angle. Nietzsche addresses the concept of simulacrum (but does not use the term) in the Twilight of the Idols, suggesting that most philosophers, by ignoring the reliable input of their senses and resorting to the constructs of language and reason, arrive at a distorted copy of reality. So this artwork speak about real truth awareness.
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hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Simulakra 2022-07-09 Franklin Music Hall Philadelphia, PA
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
Fuck, apparently to write text with ease I only need to spend 36+ hours without any sleep
And then my language is miraculously working
Did I finish rk1k snippet I had in my drafts? No
Did I write something else completely about my favourite topic of slowly comprehending (not without a sense of unease) androids as something more than simulakras?
But I have to stop and get SOME sleep as I have a long work day tomorrow and it was already miserable enough today after only one sleepless night
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anattitudeexhumed · 2 years
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(2023.01.01) The Promise, Death Threat, Another Victim, Restraining Order, Worn, Simulakra, Deal With God, Street Hassle, Never Again, Cutdown, Fools Game, All 4 All @ Silver Street Event Center [Syracuse, NY] #anattitudeexhumed #thepromisehardcore #deaththreatcthc #anothervictim315 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbPzz5rhVS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rockrzone · 6 months
Jean Baudrillard
Di era modern, yg penting bukanlah produksi, melainkan konsumsi. Org yg menggunakan barang branded dinilai berstatus sosial tinggi --> I consume, therefore I am.
Distingsi --> jarak sosial yg direpresentasikan dg produk konsumsi.
Kegiatan konsumsi modern tdk menekankan pada fungsi, akan tetapi pada tanda & simbol yang merepresentasikannya.
Dahulu hubungan manusia & benda adl subjek & objek. Namun, sekarang adl objek & objek. Alasannya krn manusia merupakan objek dari konsumerisme (produk) itu sendiri.
Dunia modern dibentuk oleh iklan komersial & teknologi yang terletak di mana2 & membentuk persepsi. Maka dari itu, manusia kini hidup di dunia yg semu atau simulakra (tdk sejati).
Strukturalisme: penanda (simbol/lambang bunyi) - petanda (makna yg menyertainya). Dlm mengonsumsi obat, orang tdk memedulikan ttg tenanda fungsi utk menyembuhkan, akan tetapi simbol atau jargon dari obat tsb ("bejo" atau "pintar") --> Coca Cola tdk membahas rasa, akan tetapi penanda berupa "keren", "muda", dll.
Simulakra (terbagi menjadi teks, visual, dan peristiwa): 1. konstruksi pikiran imajiner terhadap realitas tanpa menghasilkan realitas itu sendiri/simbol atau tanda dan citra yang tampak dalam realitas tetapi tidak ada rujukan dalam kebenaran keberadaannya --> televisi, surat kabar, smartphone, video yg menghadirkan tokoh fiksi seperti superhero dlm pikiran org yang mengonsumsinya. Berasal dr siaran tunda Madrid vs Naples yg mampu menghadirkan euforia meskipun hanya rekaman ulang. 2. instrumen yg mampu mengubah hal konkret menjadi abstrak --> lukisan surealisme Dali, kamera (foto objek wisata yg tdk sesuai dg keadaan nyata, filter foto profil). 3. instrumen yg mampu mengubah hal abstrak menjadi konkret --> tayangan kartun kucing yg bisa berbicara.
Simulasi menciptakan kenyataan/informasi yg menciptakan realitas: stok BBM yg langka krn informasi palsu.
Fase simulakra: 1.
Hiperrealitas: ketidakmampuan kesadaran manusia membedakan kenyataan dan fantasi, khususnya dalam kehidupan berteknologi tinggi (melampaui kenyataan). Contoh: toko online yg menggantikan toko konvensional, Disneyland, parfum, hasil edit-an film, foto.
Sampah visual: iklan yg menciptakan intimidasi psikologis. Contoh: HP merek terbaru yg sebenarnya tdk kita perlukan menimbulkan intimidasi krn kemampuan ekonomi yg tdk mampu mengonsumsi produk tsb.
Ekstasi komunikasi: sering bikin update status, mengecek medsos & aplikasi chat --> mengakibatkan ketiadaan privasi serta mematikan kehidupan sosial krn org lebih nyaman hidup dlm simulasi.
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ban9yan · 1 year
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THE ANIMATRIX Foto ini real, bukan AI-MATRIX. Taun 2000, di kampusku sdh mbahas teknologi VR (Virtual Reality) & AR (Augmented Reality). Bahkan istilah “metaverse” yg merupakan bagian dari VR, sdh ada sejak 1990-an. Jadi ide metaverse bukan hal baru. Berbagai film sci-fi spt. The Matrix, The Terminator, Her, AI, dll. adalah bukti gambaran “realitas dlm. imajinasi” dampak dari teknologi AI. Teknologi selalu jadi pisau bermata dua. Di satu sisi sangat mengefisienkan hidup kita. Di sisi lain, kita terjebak dlm. simulakra realitas semu, tempat pelarian manusia dari dunia nyata & kekurangdewasaan menggunakan teknologi. Sejak 2008 sdh. prediksi, dunia akan semakin horisontal, marketing akan lebih efektif adanya komunikasi 2 arah (add friends, comment, & silaturohmi digital). Tapi juga skeptis dg. tipikal org.2 Indonesia akan sangat kurang dewasa beretika sbg. netizen. Butuh >10 tahun buat kita jadi dewasa. Masalahnya, Pemilu justru memicu kita jadi semakin jauh dari etika kedewasaan bersosial digital. Hal ini terjawab, sampai sekarang Indonesia jadi negara ke-4 terbawah sedunia yg. netizen2nya nggak sopan, alias julid, kepo, nyinyir, & jaim ngga bisa menghargai org. lain. Di Asia Tenggara no.1 negara paling tidak sopan. Jadi dg. gegap gempitanya AI sekarang, sdh siapkah kita menggunakannya!? Atau malah jadi labirin simulakra yg. bikin kita tumpul skill & kemampuan kita dg. segala kemudahan yg. ada? Atau minimal kita pilih kawin sama avatar krna lebih memahami diri kita!?😆 Yg. jelas, saya manfaatin semaksimalnya dunia AI ini..., sekaligus tetap bikin orisinalitas karya & karakter ataupun cerita kita sendiri. #fotografisecret #iphonesia #phonephotography #phonegraphy_id #architecturephotography #cameraindonesia #instanusantara #instanusantarajakarta #geonusantara #geojabodetabek (di Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp40FcLva4k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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December 9 - The Beehive - Pain of Truth, Momentum, Torena, Witness Chamber
November 25 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Quicksand
November 22 - Kilby Court - Dying Wish, Boundaries, Foreign Hands, Roman Candle
November 18 - Urban Lounge (21+) - Frozen Soul, 200 Stab Wounds, Judiciary, Tribal Gaze 
November 18 - Yr Mom's House - Mummy, Johnny Baseball, Absolved, Antho Z, goodtears
November 14 - The Beehive - Harm’s Way, Angel Dust, Candy, Fleshwater, Ingrown, Jivebomb, Mary Jane Dunphe, Bobo
November 11 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Triphammer, Villain, Run Into The Sun, Absolved
November 8 - Ace's High (21+) - FEA, P.S. Destroy This, Fight The Future
November 7 - The Depot - Dying Fetus, The Acacia Strain, Despised Icon, Creeping Death
November 5 - House of Blooz - Bootcamp, Beome, Close Call, Dirty Hands, Kratom
November 3 - The Beehive - Split Image, Slingshot, Ribbons, Exponential Rat
October 22 - WILD WEST FEST II - Soundwell - Sunami, Dead Heat, Vamachara, Dare, Simulakra, Extinguish, Mongrel, Torena, Prowl, Condition One, Hold My Own, End of Dayz, Mask
October 21 - WILD WEST FEST II Pre-Show - Industry - Big Boy, Outta Pocket, Twist of Cain, Two Guns, Absolved
October 21 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - Cro-Mags, Brat, Denial of Life
October 20 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - Overdose, Necrowolf, Bonestorm
October 18 - The Beehive - Spy, Toner, Trauma Ray, Mask, Ribbons
October 13 - The Beehive - Scowl, Militarie Gun, Big Laugh, Mask
October 12 - Kilby Court - Hardcore Halloween - Spent as Down to Nothing, Portraits as Foundation, Service Weapon as Backtrack, Mummy as System of a Down
October 4 - Ace's High Saloon (21+) - Askum, Resistant Culture, All Systems Fail, Narc
October 3 - Kilby Court - Comeback Kid, Stick To Your Guns, Orthodox, Spirit World
October 3 - Salt City Seamers - Anxious, Sunsleeper, Second Guess
October 7 - The Depot - Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, Gorguts
October 7 - Saltair - Knocked Loose, Motionless in White, After the Burial, Alphawolf
September 30 - House of Blooz - Garg, Beome, Kratom, Sloppage, Dysentary, Lovelace, Bittersweet
September 29 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - Slapshot, Sheer Terror, Skullcrack
September 23 - The Beehive - Bandit, Livid, Rank and Vile, Ribbons, Narc
September 21 - Salt City Seamers - Stateside, Montclair, And One
September 15 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - Eyehategod, Goatwhore, Cancer Christ
September 11 - Urban Lounge (21+) - Teenage Wrist, Spiritual Cramp, Initiate
September 8 - Kilby Court - Soul Glo, Zulu, Playytime
August 27 - DLC (21+) - Decayer, Saltwound, Inferiors
August 26 - Black Lung Society - Dispersed, Snuff Tape, Zodiac Killer, Bound, Infernium
August 26 - Metro Music Hall - Crucial Fest - Will Haven, Run Into The Sun, Rile, Whores, The Otolith, Worship, Baby Gurl, Swarmer
August 24 - Black Lung Society - Mugshot, No Cure, Honor Code, Portraits, Service Weapon
August 24 - 752S 900W - World Peace, Terror Cell Unit, Betty, Dysentary
August 22 - Liquid Joe’s (21+) - No Bragging Rights, Snuff Tape, Spent, Low Life
August 21 - Black Lung Society - Bodybox, Snuffed on Sight, Corpse Pile, Zodiac Killer, 
August 19 - Black Lung Society - Mummy, Spent, Service Weapon, Inferium
August 14 - Yr Mom’s House - Florida Man, Organ Trail, Fight the Future, Narc
August 11 - Black Lung Society - Misery Whip, Slime, Impact, Honor Code, Mummy
August 10 - Kilby Court - Gel, Truth Cult, And One
August 7 - Black Lung Society - Arid, Infuriate, Grim Earth, Narc
August 2 - Yr Mom’s House - Grim Earth, Narc, Ribbons, All Systems Fail
July 30 - Haus of Blooz - Fashion Change, Mulng, Greebler, Mutie
July 29 - Yr Mom’s House - Widowdusk, Portraits, Campghost, Fever Dream
July 29 - DLC (21+) - Snuff Tape, Debrider, Johnny Baseball
July 26 - Beehive - Absolved, Snuff Tape, Mummy, Tainted Ink
July 24 - Salt City Seamers - Momentum, Repulse, Zodiac Killer
July 22 - Black Lung Society - Anklebiter, Portraits, Johnny Baseball
July 16 - Yr Mom’s House - Kind Eyes, Honor Code, Nil 0, Mid
July 15 - DLC (21+) - Filth Lords, All Systems Fail, Goatsifter
July 15 - Haus of Blooz - Fall Children, Mocosos, Greebler, Total Cereal, Youth Group
July 14 - Yr Mom’s House - Xui, Narc, Andone, Ribbons, Nude Consumer
July 12 - Black Lung Society - Fatal Wounds, Service Weapon, Zodiac Killer, Primal Impulse
July 8 - Beehive - Mandalore, Absolved, Bound, Social Stigma
July 8 - People’s Palace - Travel in Mass, Infernium, Bound, Ribbons
July 2 - Yr Mom’s House - Zodiac Killer, Service Weapon, Portraits, Honor Code
June 30 - Kilby Court - P.S. Destroy This, Plum Vision, Hey Chels, Body Horror
June 27 - Black Lung Society - Snuff Tape, Dragged Out, In Rapture, No Jure
June 22 - Beehive - Mocosos, Rade, Cutthroat Youth, Merked
June 22 - Black Lung Society - Sentenced 2 Die, Blood Tithe, Dissociate
June 15 - Black Lung Society - Initiate, Mask, Spent, You’re The Worst, Mariel Croft & The Spaghetti Boys
June 14 - Beehive - Flashback, Snuff Tape, Johnny Baseball, Bound
June 12 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Zao, Body Void, Mouth for War, godcollider
June 11 - Ace’s High Saloon - Jerome’s Dream, Elizabeth Color Wheel, Portal to the God Damn Blood Dimension, Last
June 3 - Kilby Court - Absolved, Spent, Run Into The Sun, Portraits, Love Lace, Ribbons, Lich, Exponential Rat
June 2 - Beehive - Jivebomb, Plague Dogs, Sunsleeper, Mannequin Twin
May 23 - Ace’s (21+) - Victim of Fire, Social Stigma
May 21 - Ace’s (21+) - No/Mas, Goro, Snuff Tape, Birthvoid
May 19 - Haus of Blooz - Stolen, Betty, Mocosos, Dysentary
May 17 - Yr Mom’s House - The Lousy, Ribbons, Mulng, Total Cereal
May 16 - The Depot - Terror, The Black Dahlia Murder, Frozen Soul, Fuming Mouth, Phobophilic 
May 14 - Soundwell - Unearth, Upon A Burning Body, 156/Silence
May 13 - The Complex - Obituary, Immolation, Blood Incantation, Ingrown
May 10 - TBD - Spy, Fentanyl, JAD
April 29 - Sixes - Pocatello, Idaho - Outlet, Crow Killer, Run Into The Sun, Dirt Feeder, Godbone
April 28 - The Beehive - Benefit for Volunteers of America, UT Youth Resource Center, Snuff Tape, Portraits, Mask, Reject, Service Weapon
April 27 - The DLC at Quarters (21+) - HIRS Collective, TBD
April 24 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Every Avenue, Make Out, Unwell, NVM
April 22 - The Depot - Carcass, Municipal Waste, Scared Reich, Creeping Death
April 21 - The Complex - Vein.fm, City Morgue
April 19 - Wild Pepper - Torena, Witness Chamber, Absolved, Recidivist, Portraits
April 14 - Your Mom’s House - Dry Socket, Fight the Future, Run Into The Sun, Ribbons, Narc, Portraits
April 13 - Insight x Iceburn, Search, Seven Daggers x Waterfront, Villains x Reality
April 11 - Black Lung - The Cutthroats, Sawza, Dysmorphia, Spent, Snuff Tape, Love Lace
Aprill 11 - Urban Lounge (21+) - Knoll, God is War, Suffocater, Shadow of Preachers
April 5 - The Beehive - Examinate, Rile, No Jure
April 2 - Yr Mom’s House - XSavageX, Filth Eternal, Narc, Betty, Total Cereal
April 1 - Kilby Court - Honor Code (members of Snake Eyez), Snuff Tape, A Traitor’s Last Breath
March 31 - Black Lung - Spent, Social Stigma, Absolved, Violent Unrest
March 28 - The Beehive - Prowl, Dose, Mask, Service Weapon
March 23 - TBD - Serration, A Mourning Star
March 20 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - Vomit Forth, Upon Stone
March 20 - Beehive - Mired, Snuff Tape, Fight the Future, Wasatch Pine
March 18 - The Beehive - Graveway, Absolved, Lonehand, Reject
March 17 - The Beehive - Psychic Death, Ribbons, Bad Mouth, Gonk, Ack!
March 15 - The Complex - The Acacia Strain, Fit For An Autopsy, Full of Hell, Primitive Man
March 11 - Soundwell - Show Me The Body, Jesus Piece, Scowl, TrippJones
March 11 - Beehive - N8NOFACE
March 8 - The Beehive - Drug Church, Prince Daddy & The Hyena, Anxious, Webbed Wing
March 7 - The Beehive - Sunami, No Empire, Victim to None, Recidivist
March 4 - Ace’s High (21+) - Snuff Tape EP Release, Narc, Threar, Spent
March 3 - The Beehive - Fuckskin, Portraits, Rile, Hemwick
February 28 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Suffocation, Harvest of Ash, Necropsy, Recidivist
February 24 - Black Lung Society - Absolved, Narc, Teratoma, Bone Haus, Eardrums
February 18 - The Depot - Viagra Boys, Spiritual Cramp
February 18 - Black Lung Society - Suffocater, Dehorn, Ribbons, Satyre
February 18 - Ace’s High Saloon (21+) - P.S. Destroy This, The Zissous, Saved by Sex
February 17 - The Beehive - Spent, Sleep Cult, You’re the Worst EP Release Show, Johnny Baseball
February 12 - The Beehive - Mugger, Violent Unrest, Bound
February 4 - Kilby Court - P.S. Destroy This, Fuckskin, Narc, Threar
January 28 - The Beehive - Absolved, Mandalore, Recidivist, Portraits
January 28 - Willie’s Lounge (21+) - Violent Unrest
January 24 - Your Mom’s House - Livid, Mandalore, Bound, Skullfuck
January 21 - Kilby Court - Candy, Bib, Division of Doubt, Narc
January 21 - Metro Music Hall (21+) - Anonymous, Marine Corpse, All Systems Fail, Mainliners, Bad Mouth 
January 14 - The Beehive - Vamachara, Momentum, Absolved, Mask
January 7 - The Beehive - Mexican Coke, Johnnascus, Shock Treatment, Reelflip, Mocosos, Mulng
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hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Simulakra 2023-01-07 Bryan Glazer Family JCC Tampa, FL
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xwatchyouburnx · 1 year
Simulakra — Who’s To Blame
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
yelly: okey but hello to you happy pills anyway wellcome a kidcore a shit and enifing you reality like secruma or simulakra a dys shiti emo sidrom a fatazy book *and on and on a das start pink blood a eyes but look a care dys a lot fact a me See and ask a she okey*
Me: well look a me das do o great let me ges im be dead a flower crowns *make pess off*
Yelly: a corse not *normal* das more be fluffy brains out
Hmh neo
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Yelly: but knows a renbow is havan is fact how fly woring like speek me to radio
Me: true *catinue say me*
Yelly: and more sticker like Real staws a be herts
Me: *das take whatever sans now out*
Yelly: you wona ask clows a help on rabit brus
Me: emm okey * das out a her room but wirts black hole a das See not mess looks* wogule was zierzdalnia only duł and man's walking sounds no talks yes pool balls and sightseeing a bear japan this kuro:::
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Weki: ? * das look me but so stekers a harts and no nafe a someone say a dassy and tichert a say " love pop candy show" and happy hart in a eyes elezdi a das make siver efekt*
Me: im can expleing canda
Weki: no im look a how push ball a bull
Me: help?
Weki: no im self clining * das care me and puding back ball a me canda push a lot*
Me: a wer me go fund clows code dys a white a yelly expleing ego a shmah melo marcely bag
Weki: well im not introsting dys but wona now look room 23D im hope be here is fevret plase is enifing energy moster and disko is code hipis so what respekt do more
Me: emmm knows a Wall frends a radom gey boy
Weki: o yeah true... shit you ritche side why do like dys
Me: a what
Weki: garpich relly
Me: hmmm:::
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Someone: o shit kidcore so skery me more but megaman dys look introsting me not lie
Me: why ask me a me in sleep on face
Offical epic note: 16.09.2022.r
same Day a ticher hate me a back shoole but knows a better do
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