#since geto just up and leaves you 10 years ago
omgeto · 9 months
Incoming... long lost love ex!geto who comes to see you for one last time—on the night that he's going to die.
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Geto's little sister finding out her husband got sealed by her big brother and going nuts
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Pairing: Geto's little sister x husband!Gojo
Word Count: 3,1k
Synopsis: You thought you lost him forever, your big brother. Until Shibuya brings you back to reality, until your beloved husband gets sealed by none other than your dead big brother. Until you show your enemy what you're made off...
Warnings: this is a emotional rollercoaster, (y/n) is a bad bitch but damn that just hurts, drama over drama, cursing over cursing, I worked so hard to get this fic out tonight so please show some love 😭not proofread yet, will do that tomorrow!
„I’ll leave now.“
You look up from your magazine, furrowing your eyebrows at your oh so precious husband.
“Weren’t you suppose to leave…Like two hours ago?”, you question innocently.
“I wasn’t done in the bathroom.”
“You’re so vain that it hurts.”
“Watch your mouth, Geto”, he warns you by your former last name.
With a swift motion he lands on top of you, large figure almost swallowing you whole while you grin at him triumphally. Were you just teasing Satoru for him to grab you by the throat ever so slightly, for him to stare at you with his dirty blue eyes?
“Or what, Gojo?”, you bite back, emphasizing every syllable of his last name with so much provocation that it takes all his strength to stop himself from fucking you until you can’t stand anymore.
He never imagined you to lay under him this way. You, the sister of his best friend. You, who always seemed so threatful unbothered by him. Just before Suguru decided to leave all of you behind, just before he massacred both of your parents, you decided to give him a chance. And you didn’t even change your mind when he was forced to kill your big brother.
“You want me to stay here and leave our students out there alone?”, he hushes against your lips.
Because if you would, he’d definitely stay here all night.
“You know I’m always up for you, but not tonight. They actually called me as well when you were busy doing your pretty hair in the bathroom. Something serious is going on there. I’ll join as soon as I’m ready here.”
Since your brother decided to kill everyone apart from jujutsu sorcerers, you were always keen to do the exact opposite by saving as many people as possible. As much as you love him still, as much as you do in fact somehow understand him, he went down a path you couldn’t follow. He was like your older twin. Not only by looks, but also your cursed techniques were the same, made you a powerful weapon against these fucking curses.
Well, now you’re your own weapon as it seems. Your eyes stare up at your now husband who still looks at you with the same affection in his eyes like more than 10 years ago.  
No, you aren’t alone. After all, you’ll always have Satoru by your side.
“Get your pretty ass moving then. We’ve got some work to do.”
-later in Shibuya-
You desperately try to ignore the way your guts turn, yanking down the busted streets as if you’re haunted.
He’s sealed.
Satoru Gojo, your newly husband, the one and only who stuck to you all these damn years, the love of your fucking life.
Sealed, gone in the wind, trapped in a tiny box.
But as if that wasn’t enough, rumours reached your ear. Rumours about none other than your big brother being responsible for this. Your big, dead brother.
Your feet clash against the hard ground underneath, body sprinting towards what looks like a new battlefield. Whoever this fucker is will pay for what he’s done. Not only to your husband, but to your brother as well.
And what about your students? You didn’t arrive on time, not a single update reached your ear when you entered the curtain, eyes wide open in disbelief by all the death surrounding you. If that thing hurt a single one of them, if a single jujutsu sorcerer lost their life here…
You’ll lose it completely.
The second a wave of what looks like ice begins to dart towards the recognizable outlines of people you waste no time, shooting a bunch of grade one curses their way while using one as a curtain to hold back the ice.
“(y/n)…Is…Is that you?”
Yuji. A few other students from Kyoto, Utahime, Panda, Kusakabe. They’re injured, but alive. What about the rest? Where are Mei Mei, Toge, Nanami and that old Zenin fart? You give yourself a little shake, eyes focused on your curse and the wave of ice in front of you. Now is not the right time to think about all of that. Your priority is to finally catch that fucker who uses your brother’s appearance and saving who’s here at the moment.
And the most important, get your sealed husband back.
“You have some fucking nerve, showing up and making such a mess. And now you’re even dumb enough to attack other jujutsu sorcerers. Who the hell do you think you are, huh?”
Your heart is almost beating out of your chest, eyes focused in front of you. Maybe that person just looks like him, Suguru. You found peace with the fact that he’s gone a long time ago, it’s simply not possible to see his gentle eyes ever again. You accepted the fact that he won’t trade his pokemon cards with you, that the time of getting on his nerves while secretly loving him dearly is over. No one can copy him, no one can-
“You are pretty late, (y/n).”
No one can sound like him. You shake your head in utter disbelief, mind desperately trying to process the fact that this sounded exactly like Suguru Geto, that the frame behind the falling curtain of ice and purple is…
You can’t move an inch. Instead, you just stand there in silence, staring him up and down. This looks just like him, this sounds like him. Fuck, this even smells like him, radiates the same energy as him.
But no.
The way he said your name wasn’t the same. It missed the soft tone in his voice, how it always lightened up by his small smile when seeing you.
“And you’re in big trouble.”
Is it an hallucination, some type of strange technique? No, it has to be his body, it is his body. Somebody else seems to control it.
And that someone will pay for using him, for tarnishing his memory.
“Is my own little sister not able to recognize me? I guess that’s not as bad as getting betrayed by her, though.”
“Spare me with that bullshit. It seems like you really know nothing about me and my big brother. What do you want me to do, huh? Break down in tears and cry, believe that you’re actually him? I will wipe your ass from this earth without even blinking. But before that, I want my husband back”, you his through gritted teeth.
“What betrayed me, little (y/n)? How did you know it wasn’t him?”
His figure comes closer, makes you urge to touch him just once. This is still his body, a body that reminds you of all the things you’ve been through. The serious business of trading pokemon cards that you did until he left, your shared training sessions, him introducing you to Satoru, him holding you in his arms when you’ve got your first heartbreak only for him to hold you back when you tried to set that poor boy on fire. This body still holds all of those memories.
But it doesn’t hold him anymore.
Your husband lives, though. He might be sealed, but he’s still somewhere. And that fucker has him, you just know it.
You shake them off, those feelings of melancholy. Time to focus on reality. And reality is that Satoru killed your big brother a year ago, that this thing in front of you has nothing in common with him except his appearance.
“No one will ever by as charming as he was. Now, will you give me my husband back without a fight and let me kill you? I’m not in the mood for a talk with you, y’know.”
It’s impossible and you know it. There is no way in hell this thing will give up its plan and just hand Satoru over. But at least this will buy you some time.
“You should know best that you don’t stand a chance against his body, don’t you think?”
A disregarding huff escapes your lips while you straighten your shoulders and stare right into the eyes of the big brother you’ve lost a year ago. God knows you really tried to stay cool, that you were desperate to keep your composure. But the second it grins at you with his charming face, it’s over and out.
“You should know that I wasn’t only better at pokemon trading, moron.”
“Stand behind me, I’ve got this.”
“But (y/n)-“
You don’t waste another minute. With a blast of another wave of different curses, you hit him with full force. Over the last few years, you absorbed every curse you stumbled upon. Especially the night parade was the perfect opportunity for you to steal your big brother’s precious curses. And even though you swore you yourself that you’ll never lose them, that they will remain in loving memory by your side, this seems like the perfect time to release them.
For a brief moment, you feel like crying, the way it just laughs at you with his voice, wearing his yukata, even wearing his hairstyle. How did it even come so far? How did this thing end up in your big brother’s body?
He would have wanted this, right? That you destroy his body in order to stop this madness. Despite all the horrible things he’s done, Suguru would have never wanted jujutsu sorcerers to get hurt, especially not Satoru. No, he would have never allowed your husband to get sealed, he wouldn’t let anyone attack you this roughly.
Your husband…How is he doing? Is he still alive? You feel like throwing up, just the minor thought of him potentially dying in this seal…No one was ever able to get out, some of the strongest sorcerers ended up in that cube.
This needs to stop.
“Get yourself together”, you hiss to yourself, shaking off your stinging thoughts immediately.
This is not the time for sadness or grief.
This is the time for pure rage.
“I will make you pay for every sin you committed with his body”, you shout towards him while attacking him from underneath.
This thing is so fucking fast, using Suguru’s powers so efficiently that you’re almost not able to follow its movements.
You clench your hands into fists, eyes narrowed while thick fury pumps through your veins. Get yourself together, this isn’t only about taking revenge.
This is about getting your husband back.
“What would he think about you, seeing you this way? I know how disappointed he was when you left him to die, leaving him for his former best friend. And I thought I am cruel”, it spits at you, shooting another wave of curses your way.
“You know absolutely nothing about him, let alone me. You’re nothing but a parasite in his body, a bug I’ll crush underneath my heel.”
You draw yourself closer, keeping him busy in hand to hand combat. You were always better than Suguru when it came to fighting without any curses around. Where the hell does he keep that damned cube?
“You and me, we’re both parasites, (y/n). But unlike you, I can still look into the mirror without being disgusted of the way I turned out.”
“That’s because you’re looking into his gorgeous face, idiot”, you bite back, landing a full-on hit against his ribcage.
“Is that Satoru Gojo’s wife?”, Noritoshi Kamo mutters in sheer disbelief, eyes not even able to follow your rapid movements.
“Yep, the one and only”, Panda confirms dryly.
“Take a few steps back. She’ll definitely freak out-“
“RUN!”, Yuji cries on top of his lungs.
Countless courses roam around you and your big brothers’ corpse, fighting each other for dear life. He can’t help but admire you, the spark that gleams in your eyes, the way you don’t even try to hold back despite the stinging fact that you’re fighting against your brothers’ body. You look so threatful that it almost takes his breath away.
If it wasn’t for the last weapon he has in store.
“You’re not giving it everything, you’re holding back!”, he screams over the deafening noise around you both, making your veins stand out even more.
You see nothing but red, nothing but the shell of the brother you used to love, nothing but a monster that trapped your husband. That thing…That fucking thing straight out of hell.
The word leaves your mouths at the same time. Like in trance you stand there, watch as a giant wave of condensed cursed energy builds up behind Suguru’s frame, watch as it shoots towards you like an arrow.
You aren’t a fool, fully aware of the fact that you might get killed right here on the spot. This is your only chance to win this fight, to leave your brother’s body where it belongs, to free your husband out of that things’ grasp. But…are you strong enough?
“I can’t believe you’re already stronger than me. Look at you, (y/n).”
You kneeled down in front of him, took his hand into yours gently while desperately trying to supress a sob. This was it, the time you had to say your final goodbye to your best friend.
“Well, I just stole a whole bunch of your curses at that parade. They did taste like shit though.”
His kind smile radiated through the dark alley, right through your heavy heart. This…this couldn’t be the end. You weren’t even able to spend one last evening with him, to show him the pokemon cards you stole some kid.
“I don’t want you to go”, you finally gave in.
Faster than he was able to react, you wrapped your desperate arms around him, rested your head against his bloody chest. This couldn’t be the end, Suguru couldn’t leave you like that.
“I fear I have to, (y/n). You still got Satoru-“
“Satoru is not you”, you interrupted him immediately.
“Satoru is not my big brother. Satoru will never be you.”
“I’m so proud of the person you have become, (y/n). You are far more than a normal jujutsu sorcerer, way better than all those monkeys. You are my special, my everything. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. You’ll always stay (y/n) Geto to me. And I’ll be with you the whole way.”
Your eyes widen. Suguru, he firmly believed in you, never even second-guessed your abilities.
“You…just beat me.”
Your heavy breath hung in the air between both of you, body collapsing onto the ground from sheer exhaustion. What did Satoru just say? What did even happen the last few seconds?
“Babe, you…You were actually able to beat me.”
You…beat none other than Satoru Gojo?
“Impossible”, you murmured to yourself, staring at your bloody hands in sheer disbelief.
“You became so damn strong. My god, I’m so proud of you, (y/n)! You just have to work your ass off even more. Come on, get up, attack me again.”
And Satoru, the love of your life, your precious husband, the strongest…You were able to beat him.
You take a deep breath in, whole body being on fire. This is your moment. And you won’t let a cheap copy of your brother defeat you like that.
Like in trance, you dash forward along with your thick cursed energy, hands stretched out for him. One last look into his chocolate brown eyes, one last glance at his usually so soft features before you hit him with your fest shoot, a toe-curling scream of agony and rage escaping your lips while slamming him into the ground. Deeper and deeper, harder and harder. Back to where he belongs: six feet under.
“Give me my husband back”, you spit at him, grabbing his throat so harshly that you can feel his windpipe struggle against your palm.
Instead of replying, he just plainly laughs at you, bloodshot eyes almost piercing through you. That’s enough.
“Is this how you let it end, Suguru? Are you really letting this moron take control over your body like that! Come on, defend yourself, give Satoru back to me!”, you cry on top of your lungs, staring into the brown orbs you used to know so well.
“Pathetic. I am the one who’s in control of this body now, stupid girl!”
“I still have the shiny flareon you gifted me when I was 6, I’m always carrying it with me. I’m still sleeping in the shirt I stole from you when you were 16. You’ve done many things wrong in your way too short life, please do this one last thing right! Please give Satoru back to me.”
Your heart almost stops when his trembling arms yanks into the air, uncontrollably roaming around his Yukata.
Until he stretches it right in front of your face. The prison realm. Your husband.
“This…this can’t be possible! I am the one who is in control over this body!”
Your body goes numb, widen eyes staring at his arm while your heart skips a beat. This is really him, your Suguru. He really is strong enough to even outstand death.
His fingertips brush over your cheek ever so gently. Fuck, you feel like breaking down and crying. This right in front of you is your big brother, the person you thought you lost a year ago, the man who slipped through your fingers when he was 16 without you even noticing. You weren’t there for him the way you should have been, weren’t able to drag him back onto your side, weren’t able to save him from his unnecessary death.
“I’m sorry, Suguru. I will always love you with all my heart.”
But you know you have to go.
With one last glimpse you yank yourself into the air, hand holding onto that little cube for dear life.
Focus on the mission.
“We need to go, now”, you yell towards your students, sending a curse in the form of a dragon their way.
You straighten your shoulders, chase away the memories that threaten to destroy you completely.
“Hey hot thing, long time no see. Guess you were just as surprised as me when you saw him again, huh?”, you mutter towards the cube in your hands that has its bright blue eyes set on you.
“I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I’ll get you out of there, Satoru. After all, we’re the strongest…”
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr@kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz @darkstarlight82 @tachiharazsstuff @kawaiiakamaru @lilacsinjuly @nazeeraswife @eva-616 @revrse @thel0v3hashira143 @arehzhera @circe143 @mitsuristoleme @sugaremedy @sugurulefttesticle @sweetchildcloud @invmakitoge @a-daydreamers-day @rhinara-vy
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ayabeanworks · 8 months
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Title: Photos
Synopsis: In which Gojo doesn't get a reply from you in 6 hours, only to find out that you're sick and takes care of you.
Character: Gojo Satoru x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Pure fluff, very domestic and soft Gojo, some pining & unrequited love, cute moments, cursing and light suggestive themes. He calls you 'sweets'.
AU where Geto didn't defect, Geto & Shoko makes an apperance.
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Gojo Satoru loves taking photos. Anything that suits his fancy, or whatever he finds interesting, cute or fun, he'll take a photo of. Due to this, he has thousands, if not millions, of photos stored in his phone, and by extension, also online storage in case his phone storage becomes full, as well as a hard drive collection sitting prettily in his home.
Even though he has a number of photos and is more than happy to share, he'll never ever tell a soul about his collection of photos of you. At least not seriously.
You're one of his favourites to take photos of, the others being either Geto & Shoko, or his students that he teaches now. That's a lie, you're his favourite to take photos of but he'll never admit it, even though everyone has already seen him take photos of you whenever and wherever.
This bitch is whipped.
The number of photos of you was just as much as you would expect, and made up over 40% of the photos he took. A lot of photos were actually just you, be it something he secretly took or one where he said something and you were reacting.
He thought you were the cutest, and wanted to immortalise that in the form of photos. If anything, when he looked back on the ones he took, he would grin and relive each moment.
Gojo once counted them and nearly laughed at himself for taking so many photos of you, remembering back to his days in high school when he would hang out with Geto, Shoko and you and take many photos to commemorate each and every little thing. These days, he took photos of you whenever he saw you, sometimes even sending them over to you as a way to get your attention.
So, when he didn't get a response from you for a whole day, he visited your house after teaching his students, wondering if you were sick. It wasn't normal for you to ignore his texts or calls, especially since you knew how persistent he was in getting a response from you. He'd waited a maximum of 6 hours before he came to find you.
Geez, Gojo needs to calm the fuck down.
Using the spare key you got him in case of emergencies, he let himself into your apartment, wondering why all the lights were out. Were you not home?
Humming lightly to himself, he made a beeline to your bedroom where he did a light knock out of politeness, before just going in after 5 seconds of not getting a reply.
He once caught you changing and you threw a shoe at him because he didn't knock.
When he saw you, you were still in bed, breathing laboured and showing signs of a fever. Gojo stood at the door for a moment, before leaving and taking his shoes off at the entrance, coming back to the bedroom and going into the bathroom to prepare a few things.
Now, Gojo Satoru wasn't good at treating the ill, but he was aware of how it worked, and took care of Megumi & Tsumiki since they were younger. So, taking care of an adult was probably easier, especially one where he was close friends with and has been since over 10 years ago.
When he came back with a cold wet towel and some medicine, he placed the medicine by your bedside table and proceeded to put the towel on your forehead. It was then that he noticed you were hugging a large whale plush toy, specifically the one he had won for you a long time ago.
His heart nearly jumped out in joy right then and there from how cute you were, so much so that he wanted to take a few photos to commemorate the occasion, in which he promised he would after getting you some water and food.
He grinned to himself, feeling his chest warm at how you were treasuring his gifts, and he couldn't help but feel giddy.
He got some water and heated up some congee you had seemed to make the day prior, almost as if you knew you would get sick. Bringing them into the room, he opened your curtain slightly so there was some light in the room, opening the window so that there would be some fresh air.
That's when he took some photos of your sleeping form from different angles, and once you started stirring from the light, he came over and shook you awake, taking a video of the whole interaction.
You weren't in your right mind when you opened your eyes, so when you saw a phone in front of you and Satoru's face with his blindfold behind it, you nearly slapped the phone out of his hand, groaning at his antics yet again.
Gojo was lucky that he knew what you were going to do, quickly moving the phone away as he continued the video.
"I'll take care of you!" He promised, sitting by the side of your bed. He stopped the video and put his phone away when you gave him a funny look, one that just made him laugh. He did tone down his volume as he said a couple of other things about medicine and food, placing his large hand on your forehead.
It was cooling to you, and you let out a light sigh at the feeling, relaxing your shoulders.
"Sweaty." He chuckled when you weakly hit his arm, not having enough energy to move. "Let's get some food in you. Can you sit up?" His voice was soft.
You mumbled something under your breath, and once you stopped hugging your favourite plush toy, you pushed yourself up into a sitting position.
Gojo grabbed the tray he prepared and placed it on his lap, absolutely having no intention of giving it to you to eat yourself. He was going to feed you, whether or not you liked it.
"It's the congee you made yesterday." Satoru mixed it before bringing a spoon to his lips, blowing on it to make sure it's not too hot for you.
You wondered if you were dreaming, since Satoru was here taking care of you. You only remember him taking care of Megumi & Tsumiki, but you didn't even know if he was the one nursing them back to health.
You couldn't recall the last time you were sick, but you could also remember someone taking care of you then, but you had no idea who. It was probably after you had first learned how to use your cursed energy after your output channels were released.
"Say, 'ahh'," Gojo brought the spoon to your lips, prompting you to open it and take in the soup as you lost your mind in your hazy and half coherent thoughts. "Perfect temperature, right?"
You nodded absentmindedly, staring at him as you waited for the next one, not even realising you were doing it. He could only smile at your expecting expression and continued doing what he was doing.
"What's on your mind, sweets?" He asked, getting the last part of the congee. He brought it to your lips, pushing the spoon gently against the plush of your bottom lip to get you to open up.
Oh, how he wanted to kiss them.
You didn't even flinch at the nickname. Normally Satoru called you by a variety of pet names, but 'sweets' was one he called you since you were young. It was cute, you had to admit, and you let a small smile grace your lips.
"Reminds me of someone else taking care of me before..." You close your eyes for a moment, trying to remember, but to no avail. You weren't able to bring back any other memories from that time.
Gojo looked at you for a moment, then laughed lightly as he put down the tray on the side. "You don't need to try so hard to remember."
You hummed in response, feeling your lids get droopy from the food. "Satoru, did you come from work?" You blink slowly at him, trying to fight off your sleep and hazy mind.
"Yeah, you didn't respond to me in 6 hours so I'm here." He took out his phone and added, "Didn't know you were sick though."
He quickly sent a message to Ijichi to let them know you were sick and if there were emergency missions that needed him, to get someone like Suguru or Shoko to help them recover.
"Sorry...was gonna let you know..."
"Well, I'm here now." Satoru grabbed the water and medicine, giving it to you, "Take this before going to sleep."
You obliged and allowed him to support you, before he's making you slide back down into bed. He even grabs your whale plushie and places your arms around it with a grin. He gave the plushie a pat on the head, then placed the cold towel on your forehead.
"Get some sleep, I'll be here." He lightly tapped your nose, and hearing you hum in response, he closes the curtain and goes out with the dishes.
Then, he does whatever he needs to do and allows you to rest.
Gojo is never one to do anything like housechores, normally getting someone else to fill in for him. For example, Ijichi to get his dry cleaning done for him, clean his house etc. It just falls onto someone else.
But, there were exceptions. For you, he would be willing to do the laundry and wash the dishes, heck, he'd be more than happy to cook you a full course meal if he could see you smile at him every day. He would even be happy to do them if it meant you were to stay next to him just a few minutes longer.
Finishing up the dishes, he sighed to himself, having a look at the photos he took not too long ago. It was cute, he had to admit, but this marks the rise of yet another album in his collection - one where you hugged the plushie he gave you.
God, how he wished that was him in your bed right now.
He shouldn't be taking pictures of sick people, but when it came to you he just couldn't not. He probably came off creepy to other people for having so many photos of you, or even mistaken as a lovey-dovey couple, but they didn't know that you two have known each other for ages, and was still close to this day. You didn't care too much as long as he kept it to himself and your other shared close friends.
He knew very well that you may not feel the same, but he was content in staying by your side, even though his fingers twitch with the want to hug you close and never let go, maybe pepper your face in kisses and make you whisper his name after your lips lock.
Gojo Satoru sighed, sinking down onto the couch as his imagination went a little astray. By taking some time out of his day, he could relax a bit. He was going to come over today anyway, but he just made it earlier since he didn't get a reply from you.
"Shoko, what do you cook for a person who's sick?" Gojo immediately asked the question when she picked up after the first ring, making her raise her brow on the other side.
"Is [name] sick?" She asked, immediately catching onto his intentions. When she heard a light hum from him, she sighed, "Make sure they get enough liquids. Make something light and easy to digest. Congee, or even soup noodles work. But not instant noodles in soup."
Gojo laughed at the last part, saluting to nobody in particular, "Yes ma'am! Thanks."
And then he got to work. He did a google search for whatever he needed, and set up a plan to make the food before you woke up. Since you only had congee, that's not enough to fuel your body back to normal. So, he was going to cook!
When he checked your fridge, he noticed you didn't have vegetables, so he needed to go buy some. Checking other areas like the bathroom and some of your items, he realised you were running out of stuff.
"Since I'm going out anyway, might as well buy some other stuff too." He murmured. He had a lot of things related to you memorised in his mind, such as which skincare you used, the stuff you normally had in your pantry, as well as a whole bunch of other stuff he has memory storage for.
His memory storage for you is unlimited, unlike his Limitless technique.
He paused for a moment, one thought in his head when he caught himself doing whatever he can for you while you're incapacitated.
Man, I'm down bad.
Gojo Satoru just sighs to himself as he heads to your room. He gently crouches down and places a hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles on the apple of your cheek, "Sweets, I'll be gone for just a moment to get some groceries and stuff. If you need me, just give me a text or call."
He watches as you stir for a moment, eyes slightly opening as you lean into his touch, unintentionally making his heart leap out of his chest at such an intimate gesture. You let out a groggy 'ok' before falling back to sleep, facing his palm.
Gojo reluctantly pulls his hand away, feeling his cheeks warm at the way you leaned into his hand. He let out a little exhale before leaving, wishing he had taken off his blindfold to see you more clearly.
When he's back, he stocks things up and makes the food, double checking on you to make sure you're still resting while he makes something with nutritional value. After all, he's able to do anything so why not cooking? At least when he tried it at home, it was edible and didn't taste bad.
Once he was finished, he plated it up and put two bowls at the table for both yourself and him.
Satoru headed into your room yet again, this time your face was shoved into the plushie, the towel on the ground. He wanted to laugh at the scene, and immediately took out his phone to take a photo. He'll probably show you later once you've fully regained your conscious state.
"[name], I've made food. C'mon, let's eat." Gojo sat by the side of your bed, leaning in and slowly pulling the plushie from your strong grip.
You let out a strangled groan, hugging it tighter to yourself, making the larger man chuckle.
"If you don't wake up, I'll carry you." He threaded his hands through your hair, gently giving it a scratch.
He didn't receive a response, so he bundled up the doona around your legs, sliding his arms under your neck and shoulders and under your legs, lifting you up with ease as you felt yourself weightless.
You didn't have much strength to fight what was going on and all you could do was look up at Satoru with squinted eyes, trying to adjust to the light as he brought you outside to your dining table.
"Awake now?" He grinned at you, leaning down to bump his forehead against yours.
You closed your eyes when he bumped your forehead, then rested your head against his shoulder, waiting for him to set you down after bringing you out with pretty much everything on top of your bed.
As he set you down, he plucked the plushie away from you, putting it in its own seat as he wrapped the blanket around you so it didn't fall.
You were a little better than before, but still feeling not 100%, so seeing the bowl of steaming soup noodles in front of you and him made you look up at him with a tilt of the head.
"I didn't know you could cook..."
"It's got all of my love for you in it." He grinned. He had to add a flirty remark since you didn't have much of a reaction, to help lighten up the atmosphere.
Except he wasn't just giving you a flirty remark, he really did try hard to make it taste and look good.
He gestured towards your bowl, "Have a try. Should be delicious."
You wanted to roll your eyes at his comments, but you couldn't deny that you were feeling grateful he'd made time out of his busy day to take care of you and make something. Taking a spoonful of the soup, you took a small sip, letting the taste engulf you. You took another sip, and had some of the noodles and vegetables, chewing slowly as you took in the flavours.
You expected a deeper flavour, but actually, it was the opposite, and was light but flavourful. You could tell he put a lot of effort into it and wanted to applaud his efforts.
"Yummy." Was the only word you said as you continued eating. You ate a lot slower compared to before due to your fever, but that didn't stop Satoru from watching you, quickly getting a photo after grinning to himself. "Why are you taking photos of me when I'm sick." It was more of a statement than a question, but you continued eating anyway.
Satoru put his phone face down on the table and started eating his, shrugging as he answered your question, "Just to add to my collection of photos of you."
You normally would've scoffed at his flirty comment, maybe even hit him, but at this moment, you didn't want to do any of that since he was doing his best for you while you're sick.
"Thanks, 'toru." Your words came out softer as you finished off your noodles. You gave him a smile, "For taking care of me."
Satoru took a moment to bask in your vulnerable state, seeing your flushed cheeks, slightly hazy gaze, and soft voice. He visibly gulped, but masked it by finishing off the noodles with a comical slurp, "What will you do without me?" He managed to say.
"Probably suffer and die from starvation and dehydration." You let out a dry laugh.
"Not when I'm around, you don't." Gojo drank the rest of his soup, letting out a burp as he rested his elbows on the table. "So, how did you even get sick?"
"I don't even know...maybe yesterday's date?" You sighed, drinking some of the soup. It was so delicious, you wanted more even though you could only taste half of it because of restricted tastebuds.
"Date?" Satoru could feel his heart drop at the mention, the creeping of dread coming up from his toes. His tried keeping his voice constant.
Was someone else going to take you away from him?
You nodded, "My parents actually organised it." You let out a light sigh as you tried to remember what happened, with your fuzzy memory. "Was a blind date...some single guy they work well with. I think I met him once? Before the date yesterday..."
"You know other men?" This came out sounding like a joke, but the slight edge in his voice could be easily detected by you.
Was he jealous? You had no idea, your mind must be pulling tricks on you. There's no way Gojo Satoru would show that he was jealous over a guy who you've just met maybe twice.
Satoru plastered a smile on his face, but he was definitely not feeling happy at having found out this information.
"'toru," You shook your head, "It was just a formality. I'm not meeting him again."
Satoru let out a sigh, pouting as he rested his cheek on his palm. "If they're not better than me, I won't approve."
It tore through him to say those words to you. But, at the same time, you had different standards to him, and what he constitutes as 'better than him' was someone who was stronger, nicer, kinder and treats you better than him. As if there was anyone like that apart from him. But for you, he didn't know. Was it the same as his? Or was it someone who was better looking than him? Better personality than him? Wasn't a sorcerer? The possibilities were endless.
It might even be Suguru?! But he'd rather lose to Suguru than to some nobody. Even better if you couldn't pick between him and Suguru - you could have them both and he wouldn't mind sharing.
"'toru, they're not going to take me away from you. You're one of my best friends. I don't think they'll beat that." You let out a low chuckle, your eyes starting to get heavy.
All of a sudden, he felt a little relieved, yet bummed. He loved you so much he could give you his heart on a diamond platter, but would you accept it if you knew he gave it to you? He had absolutely no idea.
All he could do was spend as much time with you and hope you would pick up on the signs and eventually, return them.
Satoru could see you starting to get sleepy from the food, but he also knew it was bad to sleep right after eating, so he tried to make random conversation while trying to keep you awake for another half hour.
Finally, when it was about time, you fell asleep on his shoulder while watching some TV program you weren't interested in. Satoru knew right away when you fell asleep, and once you did, he swept you off your feet and carried you back to the bedroom, setting you down before getting your favourite plushie to hug.
He sat down next to you, bringing the plushie to your side under the covers, bringing your arm around it.
But what he didn't except was that the arm went from around the plushie, to around his waist, as you hugged yourself closer to him, bringing your other arm to encircle him.
"Don't go...'toru...you're warm..." You mumbled into him, tugging him closer.
Gojo just stared at you in surprise, lips parting as he stared for a moment, then let out the brightest smile, not caring whether or not you were sick.
"Didn't know you were so clingy." He teased, taking off his blindfold. He took off the jacket he wore from work, folding it on the side with his blindfold as he slid under the covers with you, thanking every God internally that this was happening. He was also thankful you had a Queen sized bed, big enough to accomodate him as long as he bent his legs.
He readjusted your arms so they wouldn't be sore after waking up, draping one over you as he pulled you into his chest, pressing the top of his chin to your head. He could feel you nuzzling into his chest slightly, taking in his scent from the tight black shirt he wore to make sure it was him, before falling asleep.
Gojo felt his face bloom in colour. It wasn't every day you cuddled so intimately, but when it did happen, he was always trying to make sure his heart didn't beat as erratically as it did when he hugged you back in high school. But, it always gave him away, and he felt you hum in your sleep as you settled on top of his heart.
You low key liked listening to the erratic beating of Satoru's heart whenever he was hugging you.
Satoru could only just smile as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, mumbling a 'sweet dreams' before falling asleep himself.
The next day, you woke up completely fine and well rested, but the man next to you, Gojo Satoru was sick and slightly feverish, most likely due to the close proximity from sleeping together in the same bed during the time you were still feverish.
You sighed, trying to pry his arms off you. He was a serious cuddler and in sleep, even worse. It was always hard to get out of the bed if he was cuddling you. The same goes for Suguru, and Shoko was the chillest.
Satoru groaned, making a shiver go up your spine at his morning voice. "Don't wanna move..."
"'toru, you're sick. I've got to take care of you since it's my fault."
"Are you saying you won't take care of me if it wasn't your fault?" Since he had his blindfold off, his blue eyes looked at you pleadingly, like a abandoned kitten who wanted your attention. Paired with his slightly red cheeks, nose and slightly puffy eyes, it was incredibly hard to resist the man.
"I-I mean this time it's my fault so I will. Not that I won't." You felt his forehead and pushed his hair back, slowly treading your hands through his hair, earning a hum and blush from him. "Ok, I really got to prepare things. I'll be back."
You somehow got him to let you go, and you went to call Suguru straight away since he was able to move Satoru around if need be. Also because he needed a shower and you weren't going to shower him, even if you've done it a few times before when everyone was dead tired.
As you wait for Suguru to come, you make sure you get something whipped up for Gojo, including some freshly cooked food and some sweets as a dessert if he was able to finish all the good stuff. Then you freshen up, and get Gojo's toothbrush (SaShiSu each has their own there since they're over so often) to brush his teeth while you continue waiting.
"Sit up for me 'toru." You bring your hand behind Gojo's muscular frame, using as much strength as possible to push him up into a sitting position. He just sits there as you brush his teeth, allowing himself to be pampered by you.
"Wow, I can't believe you're even brushing his teeth." Suguru makes his entrance known as he puts down a bag of convenience store items he bought on the way. You didn't even hear him coming through the door.
He comes over and motions for you to let him do it, in which you oblige and take care of the items he bought over, voicing a grateful 'thanks'.
"Have you had breakfast yet?" You ask Suguru, watching as he half drags Satoru into your bathroom.
"Nah, can you make me something too?"
"Sure! I'm going for savoury, that ok?"
"Sounds good."
As you prepare everything for your best friends as they're washing up, you call Shoko to see if she's also available. However, she wasn't as she was working the night shift and was going to prioritise sleeping. You were a little bummed, but that was ok, there's always next time.
As you prepare food, you can hear Suguru and Satoru bickering in the background, along with the hot water running.
As you're bringing the food to the dining table, you realise Satoru didn't bring his phone to the bedroom with him. So, you opened it up to check if he had any messages from Ijichi, but you didn't end up checking if he had any pressing messages, instead seeing his phone screen with a photo of you sleeping and hugging the plushie he gave you, him on the side doing a peace sign and a happy expression.
You wanted to laugh at the photo, but it was plucked out of your hand by him as he pouted at you, a redness dusting his cheeks as he came to hug you and be a cuddle bear after washing up, changing into some clothes he'd left at your place.
"Your hair's wet!" You complain, feeling his cheek against the crown of your head as he nuzzled into you, the water droplets making you and the floor wet.
Suguru used a towel from behind you, drying it with a sigh. "Sorry, he escaped."
Just as Suguru was about to pull away, Satoru let go of you, grabbed Suguru and sandwiched you in between them as he hugged his best friends.
You all hear a 'click' come from the door, making you all turn your heads at the sound. It was the sound of a camera, and it turned out to be Shoko! She had come even though she said she prioritised sleeping, and took a photo of the cute situation on her phone.
"Cute." She smirked, showing the picture to you all. She looked at the food, then at you all, before her eyes landed on Gojo, looking him up and down. He had a slightly dazed look with slight redness in his cheeks and nose, not similar to what he was normally.
Shoko sighed, "But seriously, Gojo you need some rest, you're sick."
"But I want to hug them!"
"You're sick. Eat first. Then medicine. Then sleep."
"...yes ma'am."
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A/N: GOD I NEED A GOJO IN MY LIFE Actually i need all of them Pls pine for me too I'm on my knees beGGING????
Also, Shoko did end up eating some food as well since there was some extra food you made 😀
If you want more in the series, check out the Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader) Masterlist!
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senoraackerman · 10 months
if I had to be sad you have to be sad too
WARNINGS: angst, angst yall, no happy ending (lmao), a couple mentions of the name Y/n, written with tall Latina reader in mind, depression from Suguru?, spelling mistakes were made (that’s for damn sure)
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“Suguru!” you say with a smile as you finally catch up to him
Your boyfriend turns around and gives you a weak smile. You noticed he lost weight, hasn’t been sleeping well, and has been quieter than usual. Every time you asked in concern, he would assure you he’s okay, which you never believed.
Especially after the incident with the Star Plasma Vessel. He was never the same ever since he took on the mission with Gojo, leaving you and Shoko behind as they took care of Rika.
You sigh, “Are you still free for later today? The new episode of Breaking Bad is coming out”
Suguru nods at your question. You can’t help but frown at Suguru’s lack of communication.
“Suguru, you know you can tell me what you’re feeling. You don’t have to keep it to yourself, please.”
Your boyfriend just smiles at you, “I’m fine, really. It’s the summer heat.”
You frown but decide not to pester him any longer. “Don’t forget, okay? My dorm at 7, don’t be late!” You say as you give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk off to meet with Shoko.
Safe to say Geto never came to your dorm at 7.
You waited.
It was now 8.
You waited some more.
It was now 9.
You waited once again, occasionally glancing down at your phone for any message from Suguru. Nothing.
It was now 10.
You tried staying awake, just incase Suguru texted you. Your sleep got the best of you.
It was now the next morning.
As disappointed as you were, you just didn’t have the heart to be mad at him. Suguru wouldn’t do this on purpose.
You walk into the lounge area and see Suguru talking with Haibara. You wave at both of them and look to Suguru, who gave you a look as to say ‘sorry’.
Sighing, you took a seat next to Suguru, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Haibara kindly greeted you and asked what you would like from his upcoming mission with Nanami. You insisted he didn’t have to get anything but he wouldn’t take no as an answer. With a laugh, you said you would like something sweet, which happened to be the same answer as Geto. You both had Gojo in mind.
Days passed and you hear the news of Haibara.
Suguru tells you he’s assigned on a mission and will gone for a couple of days.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
He smiles at you, “Nah, I’ll be fine. Once I return, we can watch that episode of Breaking Bad that I missed.”
You kiss Suguru softly, “I’ll be waiting.”
Days passed, with no sign of Suguru.
More days passed, and no sign of Suguru.
Even more days passed, and with an order of execution of Suguru Geto.
When Gojo had told you, you couldn’t believe it.
Suguru wouldn’t do that.
He wouldn’t do that.
He wouldn’t kill innocent people.
He wouldn’t kill his own parents.
He wouldn’t.
You knew him.
He wouldn’t.
You chose not to believe it, that was until Geto came face to face with you and told you himself.
“Suguru….,” you say in a whisper.
Suguru walked away from you, not turning to face you again.
He had left all of you. He had left Jujustu High Tech. He had left his friends. He had left Gojo. He had left Shoko. Most importantly, he left you.
It was now 2016.
You hadn’t seen Geto or heard of him since. You didn’t seem to care, at least that’s what you thought.
Alongside Gojo, you also became a teacher. While Gojo taught the first years, you taught the second years.
You also changed, significantly. Your short curly hair now grew in length; cascading near your ribs, you also grew taller, you fashioned a scar on your right eye from a curse years ago, and you matured.
You “moved on” from your former friend and boyfriend, Suguru Geto.
That was until you saw him on the school grounds, holding Yuta close and speaking to him with a smile.
You stood there, watching the interaction as Gojo placed a hand on your shoulder to knock you out of your trance.
Gojo speaks up, “Could you please stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students.”
Suguru turned around as his hand was draped over Yuta. “Saturo, Y/n!”, he greeted the both of you casually, as if he hadn’t been off terrorizing non sorcerers.
You motion Maki, Inumaki, and Panda to get ready just incase.
Suguru continued on with his speech, not before insulting Maki, calling her the Zenin clans failure.
Maki, clearly angered at his words, drew her blade.
You walked up to them and step in between them, “Why are you here, Geto?”
He couldn’t help but eye you up and down, seeing how much you changed over the years.
Suguru laughed and closed his eyes, “What’s with the formalities, hmm?” he smiled and continued, “I’m here to declare war.”
You didn’t want it to end like this.
Not like this.
There wasn’t enough time.
Geto leaned against the wall, gripping his shoulder that was missing an arm. When he saw you looking at him, he couldn’t help but smile softly.
You walk to Geto and sit besides him, not having the heart to end him. You couldn’t. He was your first love, your first friend, your first everything.
“My love…” he whispered to you, “it’s okay to let go.”
Tears spilled from your eyes, “I can’t, Suguru.”
You turn to face him, his raven eyes looking at your light brown eyes. He could stare in them forever, if the world was so kind to let him do so.
“Were you happy?” you ask so quietly, you weren’t sure if Geto had even heard of you.
Suguru closed his eyes and leaned his head to your shoulder, “I was, but a part of me was hurting knowing you weren’t with me,” he confessed.
The tears never stopped, “I love you, Suguru.”
Suguru smiled at you; that smile that always made you gush; that smile that always let you know he was there for you; that smile that let you know you were both in it together; that smile that let you know he loved you.
“I love you, too.”
Those were the last words you heard fall from Geto Suguru’s lips.
He knew you had to kill him. You knew as well.
Insert song: ghostin by Ariana Grande
“I know you hear me when I cry, I try to hold it in at night, while you’re sleeping next to me, but it’s your arms that I need this time, look at the cards that we’ve dealt, if you were anybody else, probably wouldn’t last a day, every tear’s a rain parade from hell”
Never writing angst again (it’s one of my least favorite tropes) Why did I decide to do it? Because I hate myself I guess 😭
DW THO, suguru smut coming soon 😩🫣🤲🏼 featuring him and y/n in a hot box! (bitch what)
Here’s a picture to help you feel better
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That was so out of pocket I’m sorry
(Also someone pls request something in my asks bro as long as it’s not too freaky deeky)
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sanesuki · 4 months
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Soulmate AU | In this world your soulmate's name appears on your wrist when you turn 10 years old. Now what happens when that soulmate abruptly leaves you to chase his own goals? His best friend steps in of course. 
JJK 0 Movie Spoilers!!!! No Manga Spoilers :) 
Gojo x Y/N (past Geto X Y/N) 
Word Count : 3.8k 
She’s here, Satoru thinks. Finally, she’s here. He watches as she runs despite her shaky legs. Sweat trickling down her face as she makes it in front of Gojo. Inhaling gasps of air as her stare reaches his face. Fear, sadness, and uncertainty in her eyes. 
She must’ve ran all the way here since she heard the news. How can he help here? What’s he supposed to do? He wants to hold her and never let go. He wants to be there, comfort her, but he knows if he crosses those lines, they will be crossed forever. He can’t tell her the truth about her soulmate mark. Not yet. 
“He’s dead” Satoru tells you. There’s no expression on his face, and he doesn’t apologize. He doesn’t know if he should. Satoru isn’t sure he deserves to talk to you now that Suguru is dead. 
Satoru killed his best friend and your soulmate. He knows beneath your arm sleeve, sprawled across your wrist, is Suguru’s name. His face remains blank. “He wanted me to tell you he loved you back then.”
He doesn’t mention how Suguru said he would’ve done it all again. You don’t need to know that.
He watched as she tried to remain standing while shaking with grief. The look on her face showed that she most likely knew that he was already gone. He knows she’s about to-
She starts falling to the ground as her knees give out. Satoru catches her without thinking. He treats her like glass. Making sure his hands don’t hold onto her waist too rough. He lifts her up and carries her towards the closest wall. He sits down leaning against the cool structure of bricks, placing her sitting down next to him. Going against his inner thoughts of setting her down on his lap. Not now. Not yet. Satoru notices how the tears in her eyes have increased, flowing down her cheeks. 
Satoru doesn’t say anything. He says nothing as she cries. He says nothing as she scoots closer to him for comfort. He says nothing when she leans against him, her head on his shoulder. 
“I-I didn’t make it in time, again” she says in between her continuous sobs full of grief and heartache. 
Her words hit him. Again. That one word hit him the most. Her hands that were once gripping his shirt on the side loose their grip. He feels her hands turn into fists one second and go limp the next.
Why, Satoru finds himself thinking, I don’t want to watch this play out again. He doesn't want to see her broken all over for a second time. Like back then all those years ago, when Suguru left Jujutsu Tech for good. How she didn’t leave her room for days. She didn’t take any missions. Was broken up with through a letter left by Suguru on her side table by her bed. Saying how Y/N deserved better, and to not look for him. That was years ago yet it still haunts Satoru til this day. 
He’s broken out of his thoughts when he feels tugging on his purple long sleeved jacket. He looks down to his side to see her crying still, clinging onto him. “S-Satoru it hurts” she says breathing irregularly.
Just this one time. Satoru knows he really shouldn’t, but he just can’t resist. He picks her up gently and places her on his lap. He wraps his arms around her pulling her in. Letting her rest her head against his chest. He tightens his grip, wanting to make sure she’s not going to just slip out of his arms, wishing things would just freeze at this exact moment. He wants to comfort you, to heal your grief and make your pain and exhaustion go away.
“Promise me you won’t leave me either Satoru. I know I have Nanami, Shoko and the others but…. you're different. Don’t leave me too” she says in a shaky tone as she looks up at him. Her eyes are still a little teary and puffy from her cries.
Don’t leave me too. The words send a shiver up his spine. He couldn’t do that to her. Satoru’s eyes slowly close as he holds her in his arms. He promises himself that no matter what he can’t leave her, especially not now. Satoru wants to pat her back as she cries. Maybe squeeze her a little bit too hard just so she knows he’s here and that she’s safe, but he doesn’t. Instead he just holds her so she never falls, so she never runs from him. “I won’t let anyone take you away from me” he silently tells her.
Satoru watches as the tears continue to fall from the corners of her eyes. She needs me. The grip he holds on her increases in firmness as he slowly wipes the water drops away with his thumb, never letting her go. I need to be here. I have to be here. She looks so small and helpless in his arms. “I’m here” Satoru whispers, brushing some of her hair out of her face, “I’m here.”
She looks at his face. Wanting nothing more than to see those icy blue eyes. They always brought her a sense of comfort. It always felt like something pulled her in. Almost as if he read her mind, he takes off his blindfold and puts it in his pocket. Looking at her directly. Those icy blue eyes holding secrets and emotions behind them. But also comfort and peace. “Satoru stay by my side forever” she says softly, almost like a demand but pleading in her voice. The tears in her eyes are still there but no longer spilling out. 
“I promise I’ll always be by your side” he leans down, his forehead touching hers as he holds her against him. His voice is shaky, but it’s firm. He’s never leaving her.
Satoru watches as she clings onto his neck, burying her face in it. Letting out the remaining tears. It’s all he can do while he watches the grief continue. Tears soaking up his jacket at the collar. As long as she never has to cry alone again, Satoru doesn’t mind. 
“Why is it always me? Everyone I love ends up dying or leaving me. My soulmate, my family, my friends……maybe I am destined to be alone!” she cries out. 
“Stop” Satoru says, his voice sharp and firm. He finally pulls away as he looks her straight in the eyes. His voice lacks emotion, but his words are not soft, “You’re not alone.” 
He lets out a breath, wanting to reach out and wipe away her tears, to wipe away the pain she’s feeling. “I’m not leaving you. Ever.”
“What if I lose you too? I’m just like a curse! Bad luck follows me. What if you get wrapped in it too” her breathing starts getting heavy as she starts panicking. “I-I can’t I-I don’t know-“ she says as she holds her head. 
Satoru looks at her with sympathy in his eyes as she continues to panic. He knows what she must be feeling like right now. Her heartbreak is evident on her face, her voice is shaky and she’s about to start bawling again. 
“Stop.” He tries to calm her. “Stay calm and listen to me.”
“I-I can’t. All I can hear in my head is his voice. Sugurus voice” she says breathing heavily, holding her head harder. “It’s so loud. Make it stop!” she cries out.
With Gojos six eyes he can see her cursed energy fluctuating at unstable levels. Satoru’s face tightens, his brows knitting together in slight confusion. What she’s experiencing right now isn’t normal. He’s definitely seen people break down, but never like this. She’s hearing voices, almost like the last remnants of her soulmate's soul is creating this pain. That’s impossible though. Unless…
As Y/N is experiencing these symptoms, Gojo sees her soulmate mark start glowing under her knit sweater sleeve. He can barely see through the small holes of the sweater but he can see it. Her soulmate mark…. Suguru’s name is disappearing, being erased. Suguru’s mark is fading? It shouldn’t be possible for the mark to fade unless her soul isn’t compatible with his soul anymore. But it’s only been… He died an hour ago. That’s quite fast. But looking at the mark disappearing in real time makes her soulmate mark disappearing more real, more permanent. Satoru’s eyes narrow, the feeling of unease growing in the pit of his stomach. He already knows what’s about to happen. Right now? Damn it all. 
Satoru stares at her, his breath catching in his throat as he sees the mark take a new form. His heart races. Satoru’s throat gets dry before he speaks, his heartbeat rising with each word. “Y/N” he says in a hoarse tone. “Y/N, look at me.”
He watches as she reluctantly opens her tear filled eyes, waiting for her to say something, anything. She’s slowly calming down as her soulmate mark stopped glowing. Her eyes are the same as they’ve always been. The same colored eyes he’s lost himself in several times. It’s now or nothing. I hope she doesn’t hate me after this. ”Y/N” he whispers, his voice hoarse from his dry throat, “can you read what your mark says?”
“H-huh? It’s Suguru’s of course-“ she stops herself when she lifts her sleeve and looks down at her arm to see... a different name? She blinks multiple times and rubs her eyes quickly. “W-what? But… that’s impossible!”
“I know,” Satoru whispers, watching her with intense scrutiny. His heart skips a beat as he watches her eyes. She thinks she’s hallucinating. She didn’t fully read whose name it is yet. He tries to swallow the knot that’s formed in his throat, forcing his voice to remain steady. “What’s the name on your skin?”
She looks quickly at her wrist, reading the name. And her heart stops in her chest. No way….. how is that- she has to reread it ten times for it to fully register. Y/N lifts her head and slowly looks at his face in shock. “….S-Satoru…. your name…… why is it-”
She finally knows. Satoru watches as the realization sets in on her face. Her eyes broaden, and he sees the expression of confusion and disbelief wash over her features. It all matches up. The fading in the shape of the mark, the mark changing all together. It’s really happening.
The soulmate mark she had with her previous soulmate of six years has been rewritten in his name.
“B-but…. Sugurus name…” she looks all over for it but it’s completely disappeared. How? “Is it because….. he’s passed away? B-but I’ve never heard of a case where the mark changes just because their soulmate passed away!”
She still hasn’t realized. Satoru watches her with a growing sense of uneasiness. 
There’s something he never told her. “No” he replies softly, watching her read the new name on her skin multiple times. “There’s a different reason.”
With all the strength he has, he takes a deep breath. There’s no saying how she will react. He slowly looks into her eyes.
“Suguru wasn’t your forever soulmate” Satoru says, his voice almost as gentle as it was before. “He was for sometime but…..” he sighs. “There’s been some, not many, but some cases where people have two soulmates. Usually like our case where… one soulmate passes away and the mark changes into the other's name.”
It felt like her whole world was flipped upside down. She’s never heard of cases where people have two soulmates. But it all makes sense now. After Suguru left Jujutsu Tech and they broke up, time passed and she accepted what they had was through. Suguru was too focused on his goals and put them before her. Though it hurt, she forgave him. She eventually accepted, forgave and moved on from that relationship. She still loved Suguru but no longer romantically. As time passed she always felt confused about her soulmate mark, feeling uneasy that maybe she was wrong to move on. Years went by of her being single for some time, and Y/N found herself in a predicament. 
That white haired dummy started making her heart beat. His stupid jokes that made her laugh even when they weren’t funny at all. His dumb laugh that made her turn away from him because she didn’t want him to see her warm cheeks. His piercing blue eyes that made her nervous under his gaze on those rare occasions he didn’t wear his glasses or blindfold. No wonder she felt drawn to him, her soulmate. Gojo Satoru. 
Though she knew he was telling her the truth, she was still flabbergasted. “T-that’s…..” she says in shock. She already knows her mark says Satorus name but she needs to see it on him. She wants to see it. Needs to. “But….. does that mean….. let me see!”
She wastes no time and starts pulling up his sleeve to see his soulmate mark. Satoru doesn’t even have a chance to react. Y/N already pulled up his sleeve to see his soulmate mark, and he just lets her. She needs to know, that’s for sure. She sees her name clear as day on his wrist. Then something clicks, he must’ve had another soulmate too right? She wonders who it was. Her curiosity gets the best of her. “Wait… Satoru…. Whose name did you have before mine on here-“ she freezes as she looks at him and sees an odd look in his eyes. Like…… apologetic and worry?
“Always” he replies softly. He forces himself not to look away, forcing himself not to blink. He’s staring right into her eyes, his own eyes wide open and unblinking. “You were always my one and only soulmate, Y/N.”
And there she goes. She’s piecing it all together. She understands what happened. She understands everything, and it’s all hitting her like a ton of bricks. When she and Suguru started dating all those years ago. The times she tried to touch Satorus arm, how he’d shy away and cover the mark up. She’s remembering how he’d cover it up with a jacket, and how he’d find any reason to keep her from looking at his mark. 
For a few moments, Satoru doesn’t talk. He can’t. He doesn’t know what to say. His heart hurts when he looks at her, when she sees the disbelief in her eyes. “I think Suguru always knew” he finally replies softly. “I think he knew from the beginning, but he didn’t want to spoil it for you. He wanted to let you be the one to figure it out.”
“This whole time……” she says in shock still. “When we first meet. When I got Sugurus' name on my arm. When me and him started going out… when he… left Jujutsu Tech…..”
“Me,” he answers, finally finding the word that had been stuck in his throat this whole time. He wants to scream, wants to tell her that he was always here, always watching. He wanted to be with her from the beginning. But instead, Satoru remains still, almost like he’s afraid that he might ruin it all by speaking. How ridiculous. He’s pathetic. 
In a second, her eyes instantly fill with tears again. God why am I crying so much today?
“Why didn’t you tell me? You’ve been watching your soulmate this whole time….. love another man….. why?” her heart breaks. For two reasons. One because he’s been lying to her this whole time. And another because she realizes he must’ve been hurting. 
“Because I didn’t think you’d love me back” Satoru finally says. His answer comes out, and he can’t bring himself to look at her. The guilt he’s feeling is overwhelming, his heart hurting at the thought of her pain. He wants to tell her how sorry he is for lying to her. He wants to apologize for ever letting her think he wasn’t true to her, and wants to beg her forgiveness. But she speaks first. 
“Satoru…..” her tears fell down her cheeks. “You were hurting…. All these years?  Since we were… students at Jujutsu Tech?”
“Yes” his response comes out as a broken whisper. He can’t bring himself to meet her eyes. He can see the tears in his peripheral vision, the way her lips are trembling slightly. 
He wants to cry alongside her, wants to let her know just how much he’s been hurting all these years. In an instant she immediately hugs him, “Satoru…. I’m so sorry.” Satoru doesn’t know what to do with this. Did she just—
No, that’s not right. She didn’t do anything wrong. She has nothing to do with all this. There’s no reason for her to apologize. 
“No” he replies, crouching down slightly to her level. Her tears are falling on her face. He doesn’t wipe them off his cheek, letting her tears run free. “It’s not your fault.”
His heart tightens as she hugs him tighter. As he feels her arms surrounding him, and the warmth of her body and her head on his chest. And he lets himself be a little self-indulgent and rests his jaw on the top of her head. The guilt that he was feeling earlier just melts away, replaced with pure relief. 
It’s finally over. She knows the truth, and she doesn’t hate him for it despite all the lies that he’s told. 
“It’s not you” he says softly, his voice hoarse from unshed tears.
Her hands go up to his face as she cups his cheeks. So soft. “Satoru…. You are by far the kindest person I’ve ever known” she says softly. And for the first time today she shines a warm smile at him. Her eyes look at him with pure affection and warmth. 
Satoru stares as she smiles, overwhelmed by her beauty. He can’t bring himself to stop looking. Everything about her is perfect, from her smile to her adorable nose. The way her eyes crinkle when she smiles is enough to bring his heart beating faster. He can’t help but think that this is the first time he’s actually seen her smile with the purest intent since they’ve become adults. 
“It’s time for me to make you happy” she says as she caresses his face. “What do you need to be happy, Satoru?”
Her touch is so gentle that Satoru starts to tremble. He has to keep his eyes open to avoid being overwhelmed by her beauty, and he’s glad he does when he realizes what she’s asking. 
“You” he replies simply, not caring at all that it’s such a cliché answer. “If I can have you, that’s all I’ll ever need.” 
“Me?” she says as her eyes sparkle a little in the light. 
God she’s perfect. Satoru nods his head. He’s never been sure of anything in his life. But he is of this. 
“Yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you” Satoru answers, and for the first time in a while, it comes out like he’s free to say what he wants. If he couldn’t have her, he wouldn’t be able to be happy at all.
“Then….. how about we start over?” she says with a warm smile as she stares at him. He's beautiful. 
Satoru is almost shocked by the question, but he instantly knows that he’d give anything for the chance to do so. 
“Yes” he answers, nodding enthusiastically. “Let’s start over, right now.”
Her smile brightens up even more and wipes away her dried tears. She looks at him and holds out her hand. Shining that bright smile. Like a movie, the sunset shines on them two. “Hey I’m Y/N. And you are?”
Satoru laughs. A happy, genuine laugh. And he takes her hand, lacing his fingers with hers as he does. The warmth of her skin fills him with happiness. He looks up at her, and despite all the problems they’ve gone through, he can’t help but wish that he could relive every single one of them, simply because she was by his side. 
“Satoru” he replies, feeling a warmth in the depths of his stomach. “I’m Gojo Satoru.”
“That’s a beautiful name, Satoru. Why do you always cover your eyes? You think you’re some sort of ninja?” she says holding back a laugh but failing miserably. 
Nostalgia. That’s what it is. She said this the first time they met during their student days. She remembers…. And he can’t help but laugh once again. His hands loosen from hers, but he doesn’t release them. He just stares at her as though she just brought him back in time. So he says what he said to her back then. 
“So what if I am?” he asks, looking down at her with a playful grin on his face in response to her sarcasm. His voice sounds different, though. It sounds much lighter and more relaxed. “I’m a kinda hot one aren’t I?” 
Ah there’s he is. The gojo I know and love. The stupid beautiful fool. 
As the two of them walk back to Jujutsu Tech after god knows how long talking about nonsense, they hold hands. Both of them haven’t talked about their feelings towards one another. But there’s no rush. Because they are bonded forever. Soulmates. As Y/N walks while holding his hand, she looks up at the sunset. She smiles, he’s looking down on them isn't he? 
Suguru, thank you. I will always hold a place in my heart for you. You were my first love. My first soulmate. And I never once regretted anything. The laughs, the smiles, the love. It was all real. Now I understand why you left without another word. You knew Satoru was my soulmate didn’t you? Of course you did. You knew he would take good care of me. And I would take care of him. Thank you Suguru. For loving me. Now even though we both went our separate paths, I know you are looking down at us. I promise. For you, me and Satoru will be happy. Together. Just wait for us, it might be a long time but one day… the three of us see eachother one day. Thank you Suguru, I’ll never forget you. 
Y/N turns to look at Gojo as he rambles on and on about whatever he’s talking about. She looks at him and sees his blindfold is back on. “You truly are a ninja” she says with a cheeky smile. She tunes everything out when he starts joking about how he’s the strongest and she shouldn’t talk to him as anything lower. Causing her to laugh at his ridiculous antics and pulling his blindfold off as punishment. “Agh- you little brat” he says laughing. As they look into each others eyes only one thing pops in their mind….
My forever soulmate. 
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru ft. itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi and kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1293
| published : 07 december
| request : Yay my first request here :) Can I please have a Gojo x fem! Reader where they have a 2 year old baby (you can pick the gender) and maybe for the first time he brings them to work to meet his students and all. Maybe the baby acts a lot like him as well? You can pick a scenario or Headcannons thank you so much! ❤️
| barista’s notes : hi there! thank you so much for your first request, i hope i met up to the standard for your first order ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ i can’t lie, i kinda didn’t read the order correctly as i thought it said that ‘you brought him to work’ rather than gojo himself ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ that’s a little oops on my part and this was just posted in time before gojo satoru’s birthday ended (in the uk), i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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Patiently, at this current moment in time, you were quietly resting your body on Gojo’s expensive chair with your little human, who had seated himself on your lap, playing with the few strands of your hair to occupy himself with the pending silence that was going on between you and him, waiting for his father to safely return from his mission with his current first years.
Ever since your blossoming relationship with the white-haired shaman, there was never a day where you weren’t expecting something chaotic to happen wherever it be him surprising you by him popping out of nowhere to him telling you weird and compelling stories that he had from his missions that he went alone or his first years - it had been like that since the both of you met during your first year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, the most chaotic being when he caused a whole mansion to blow up from his use of his curse technique while forgetting to put a curtain up leaving you, Gojo, Ieiri and Geto to get a stern scolding from their teacher at the time Yaga.
Feeling a little hand slap itself on your open palm like a high-five, you peered down to see your baby staring up at you with his most beautiful glossy crystal-blue eyes that he had inherited from his father. To be completely honest, you wondered what this little boy had even inherited from you, he was a tiny exact copy of your husband with his bright white locks that was surprisingly smooth to the touch.
“I carried you for 9 months, only for you to come out looking like your papa ha?” you teasingly asked the child as if he could even answer back, as his only response was a cheeky smile before he called out to you with his hands up in the air.
“Mama!” the joyful boy cheered, causing you to lower your head letting the boy cutely cup your cheeks with his small hands before he gave you a messy kiss on your nose.
‘Yeah, an exact copy of your papa, personality-wise as well’
However, before you could even voice out this little thought of yours, there was a sound a wooden door being slide open causing you to turn to look towards the direction of the sound, only to find awaited first years as well as your tall husband in the doorway to which then you were greeted with two extremely confused faces, one surprised face and one exceedingly happy face.
“Is that my wife and baby boy waiting for me?” Gojo gleefully said before walking towards you and your son with ‘give me, give me’ hands causing your little boy to cheer as he also reached his smaller hands out to his father.
Looking towards Gojo’s student, you saw the two students that screamed, who you assumed were Itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara, point towards you with Fushiguro standing beside them, giving an irritated expression due to their loudness. “Megumi, there is no need to give them such a look, there is no surprise that they don’t know me and the little baby here, have you eaten yet?” you softly stated before he walked up to you telling you that Gojo took everyone out to eat as he then asked how you were.
“Hold up Gojo-sensei, since when did you have a family?!” Itadori loudly questioned leading to your little boy - who was now lifted up in Gojo’s arms - to look towards the student and smiled before lifting up his tiny finger. “Salmon,” the baby suddenly uttered, causing you to cover your mouth in shock as well as to try to hold in your laughter.
‘Yeah, definitely a copy personality-wise’
“Now, now, where did you learn that teasing from? Your mother?” Gojo asked in an ‘innocent’ tone, causing you to turn to look at him with a slightly annoyed expression as you snapped back with, “I think it’s the other way round here idiot, I raised Megumi and look how perfectly he turned out”. However, it seemed like your baby boy wasn’t concerned with the little incident as he just adorably giggled at Itadori’s confused expression before quickly turning back to you with his arms outstretched towards you again - as you said, personality-wise he was like your husband, he was quite clingy towards you like Gojo is.
“Wait, she raised you Fushiguro?” Nobara asked as she turned to him leading to the quiet shaman to nod before proceeding to lean against the wooden wall. “Y/N-san was somewhat like a mother to me when I was younger,” Fushiguro explained as he then turned to look at you, only to find you concentrating on the little human that was now back in your arms.
From his perspective, you looked extremely happy, just like how you did 2 years ago when he saw you holding the baby when it was a newborn in the hospital. You had that motherly look in your eyes when you looked down at your son - the same motherly look you had for both him and his sister when you both first met. Looking back up to his teacher, he noticed the calm and content expression painted on his face - the same one that he saw when Gojo first saw his child on your arms. Even within this world full of evil and destruction, you and Gojo still had that hint of happiness that both of you shared that he also felt ever since he came into your lives. This was what a family was like.
“Can I see the baby Y/N-san?” Nobara kindly asked as she crouched down to be in height level with the child to which you answered with a gentle smile at her as well as a nod before placing the child on your lap, facing him towards the student. “Woah, he looks exactly like Gojo-sensei,” Nobara quietly muttered as the student admired his features, leading to your husband to butt in and exclaim while pointing at himself, “isn’t he cute? He is my twin after all,” leading you to giggle slightly at his childish behaviour.
Looking around the room, people on the outside would think this was just a room filled with people with no deep relations at all. However, when you looked around the room, you saw a huge family that was wild and chaotic. Yes, even though you only knew Itadori and Kugisaki for at least 10 minutes, you knew that they came all the way here at Jujutsu Tech with no family by their side just like Fushiguro had. Maybe it was just you being a motherly figure? When did it start? Was it when Gojo introduced you to Fushiguro Megumi and Fushiguro Tsumiki? Or was it when your son was born from the love that you and Gojo created? To be honest, you don’t think you’ll ever know. But that didn’t matter at all, because your family was right here in front of you.
Suddenly, you felt a light kiss being placed upon your nose causing you to snap out of your thoughts, only to then come to the realisation that Gojo was in front of your view. Although, this also didn’t go unnoticed by your cheeky son, as he unexpectedly grabbed a small strand of your hair before gently tugging you down to give you a kiss on the same place leading you to laugh at both of your boys.
“Thank you for giving me a family honey~” Gojo gently muttered as he stroked your son’s cheek with his finger, causing you to brightly smile at him as you looked back at your beautiful son.
“Thank you for making me a part of your family”
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 3 Here!/ Playlist Here!
A/N: Maybe one last part after this?
Ko-Fi l Etsy l Commission Info Here
* You’re sitting on a bench outside, listening to Shoko and Nanami talk about something
* The breeze caresses your face
* It’s so quiet
* You haven’t experienced silence like this in years
* And there’s only one reason why you’re suddenly experiencing it now
* Your eyes stray from the dancing branches that hover above you to the dancing white-haired boy across the courtyard
* He’s talking to Geto about something, laughing as he does
* His sky blue eyes meet yours for a second, before abruptly looking away
* Not the usual flirtatious wink and wave he would normally give you
* You don’t know why, but it’s like Gojo’s lost every ounce of interest he had in you
* It looks like that prank you pulled on him is what did it-
* Apparently Geto had to help get the glass down
* He hasn’t tried speaking to you once since then, and every time your eyes meet he looks away just like he did a second ago
* What a baby, so he can dish it out but he can’t take it when someone uses his own tactics against him huh?
* It’s for the best really, you don’t want anything to do with him
* Besides if that moron just wanted someone who wasn’t going to react or get mad, then he should just date a sex doll
* It’s for the best, really
* So why are you so upset right now
* The prickle of irritation burns in your chest even when you turn away from the two boys, joining in on Shoko and Nanami’s conversation
* On the other side, Geto lets out a low whistle
* “Never thought I would see the day a lady killer like you would get embarrassed because you made eye contact with your crush” Geto grins when Gojo flushes a light pink.
* Geto almost wants to laugh, what happened to the womanizing-god-complex freak who was here just a second ago?
* “Don’t say lady-killer, you know I like men too, I’m an equal opportunity lover” Gojo gloats while running his fingers through his hair
* Ah, it looks like he’s on his bullshit again
* “You better watch out Geto, if you’re too much of tsundere I might fall for you next” the words are emphasized with a wink, and Geto can’t help but laugh
* “Whatever dude, don’t come crying to me when they start to hate you because you’re being flakey”
* Gojo laughs it off
* But late that night, while he’s lying in bed watching the shadows flicker on his ceiling he can’t help but wonder-
* What if you really do end up hating him?
* It’s not that he doesn’t want to be around you anymore or anything-
* He just doesn’t know how to approach you anymore now that he knows he’s in love with you
* “I’ve probably been in love for a while” he mumbles
* He’s not really sure when it started.
* At first it was just for shits and giggles
* Something to keep him entertained, and you just happened to be the most entertaining thing around
* So when did it stop being ‘anyone’s fine’ and start being ‘it’s only fine if it’s you’?
* He sighs turning to face the wall, he doesn’t understand his own feelings
* Yeah he’s got all this money and power and influence-
* But right now he’s just a boy in love for the first time
* And he doesn’t know how to handle that
* “I just don’t want them to hate me” he mumbles, feeling his eyes close shut
* He’ll try to talk to you tomorrow
* Even if it’s just a simple ‘good morning’
* At least it’ll be something
* But to his annoyance, he’s told he has to go save his classmates from a curse
* And then everything with the star vessel happens
* And he doesn’t see you for a while and he thinks-
* “Well maybe this is fine, maybe it’s better this way. They’re probably happy now that I’m not around always annoying them”
* And just as he’s thinking maybe this is for the best, that if someone leaves your life it probably means they weren’t supposed to be apart of it anyway -
* When you come barreling into his life again
* “Oi, Baka prince, where did sensei say this kid's house was again?” You ask, eyebrows threading together as you fidget with your phone
* Yaga-sensei sent you to accompany Gojo on his ‘mission’ to retrieve Megumi Fushiguro
* It looks like the only people who can reign Gojo in are you and Geto
* Not that you mind the impromptu mission, and besides- you don’t think Gojo is someone who should be alone around kids
* Gojo actually flinches when you speak to him, you’d traveled in silence so far, standing side by side without exchanging a word on the train.
* You sigh, you know he isn’t interested in you but the least he can do is be somewhat pleasant
* Even that usual annoying demeanor of his would be fine
* You’re not sure why but that prickle of irritation burns in you again, seeping through in the nickname you gave him
* Gojo doesn’t meet your eyes, those clear blue pupils are averted slightly as a pink blush singes his face
* “I’m not sure, I’ve just been following the cursed energy” he admits with an uncharacteristically shy gaze
* Okay WTF
* Gojo would never let the opportunity to tell you how weak you are for being unable to “even feel this amount of cursed energy”
* Who is this freak and what has he done to the real Gojo Satoru
* “Are you sick or something?” You ask
* Your hand’s already moving to cover his forehead, and you feel like somethings off
* Your eyebrows thread together as your peer closer, noticing a small gap where your hand and his forehead
* Ah right, the infinity he has around him
* You never realized it before but you wonder, can he ever feel anything?
* It must be lonely
* Gojo’s looking down at you, swallowing a lump in his throat.
* The expression on your face looks so tender, and you’re so close he can smell your scent
* And he feels a sudden urge to cry, to bury his face in your shoulder and weep like a child
* He’s watching you open your mouth, you’re about to say something-
* When you both feel a large burst of cursed energy
* Your heads snap to the direction you sense it from only to see a small boy
* You recognize him as Megumi Fushiguro, your target for this so-called ‘mission’
* He’s younger than you expected, he can’t be older than 10
* You turn to Gojo, you’re going to need a plan, someone that young is awfully impressionable. You have to do this with some tact
* But when you turn to look he’s gone
* “Huh?”
* You can practically see the outline of his form where he was standing just a second ago, your neck creaking as you turn to where Megumi-Kun is standing
* “Your father sold you to the Zenin Clan”
* You might appear calm and collected on the outside, but I promise you your soul has ascended to the fourth dimension where you are just screaming into the void
* “Well does it make you mad? Does it-“ Gojo’s waggling his fingers like a god damn perv when you basically apparate to his side and bring your fist down on his head
* “Oi, Baka prince what the hell do you think you’re doing?!?”
* Gojo’s stumbles back, nursing the emotional wound you just gave him and you crouch down
* “Don’t listen to anything that moronic man just told you, he’s got no tact” you tell the boy
* He’s a cutie, like the male version of Snow White.
* Though his expression tells you he’s about had it with this reality
* “Yeah I can see that”
* “Well he might act like a moron, but he’s got a pretty decent heart”
* You spell out the situation to Megumi as tactfully as you can, opting to treat him like an adult.
* “These are your options as I see them, you can go to the Zenin clan, or, that Baka prince already stopped the sale in return for you promising to join our academy”
* You and Megumi get along pretty well, you’re kindred souls
* Besides you both seem to be able to see right through Gojo’s princely appearance
* “Why did you guys leave me behind?” Gojo shrieks, Megumi’s hand is in your own, both of your free hands holding ice cream cones
* Megumi immediately makes a face, it had been so quiet while he was gone too
* You can’t help but sympathize with the kid, you used to feel that way before you got to know Gojo too
* You were just showing Megumi around the campus, helping him get familiar, and you thought you should reward him a little with a treat for being such a good kid
* Besides you like him
* Of course Gojo wanted to tag along, teasing Megumi half of the time like a damn idiot and spending the other half of the time giving flirtatious winks to women who seemed interested in him.
* Gojo’s making a scene and Megumi looks like he’s a second from throwing a tantrum too
* You sigh, you don’t get paid enough for having to deal with these two children
* “Here” when Gojo looks up, bright blue eyes peering over his black glasses he sees a scoop full of his favorite ice cream balancing on top of a chocolate-dipped waffle cone
* “But what about you?” He asks and the questions catches you off guard, since when has Gojo cared about anyone but himself?
* “I don’t want any, I just thought it would be good to get in line while we waited.”
* You didn’t think you would actually get to the front of the line before he caught up though.
* “No! You waited in line that whole time, here we can take share, take the first bite”
* You’ve kept your cool in front of Gojo for years but something about the expectant expression he’s giving you - the tops of his cheeks bright pink- and those bright blue eyes looking at you while holding out the ice cream cone that makes you flustered
* You can feel your face grow warm, geez what’s gotten into him
* To make matters worse you’re having a hard time saying no to him right now
* Something about those crystal blue eyes has you almost mesmerized
* And then Megumi stands up on the bench and takes a giant bite from the cone
* Cue Gojo screaming and crying because, goddammit he was this close to an indirect kiss with you-
* “Why did you do that?” He shrieks, he’s crouched on the ground, face bright red in anger and anguish
* “I don’t know, the green tea ice cream looked good” Megumi shrugs, only for Gojo to start shrieking again
* Gojo and Megumi are about a second from a fistfight when they hear laughter
* The gentle twinkling gets louder and they both instinctively turn towards it
* You’re laughing so hard you’re clutching your stomach, tears forming at the corners of your eyes
* “Geez you guys are like something out of a cartoon.” You manage to say in between laughs
* Megumi’s eyes widen
* He’s seen you smile before, but he’s never seen you laugh like that
* Megumi wonders what he’s thinking right bow
* His eyes trail to Gojo
* Gojo looks at you like you just hung the moon
* Like he’s a child seeing fireworks for the first time
* Megumi will never forget the look on Gojo’s face for as long as he lives
* ‘So that’s what it looks like when you love someone’ Megumi thinks
* Gojo pats Megumi on the head
* “Thanks kid, because of you I got to see something nice”
* You guys grow a lot closer because of Megumi, becoming sort of surrogate older siblings to him and Tsumiki
* “Why did you bring a Kotatsu?” You and Megumi are standing in the doorway holding takeout and oranges
* “Winter time just doesn’t feel right without a Kotatsu, isn’t that right Tsumiki-Chan?”
* The young girl grins as she nods, snuggling deeper into the blanket
* You and Megumi give each other an incredulous look
* Leave it to a little rich boy like Gojo Satoru to buy a Kotatsu for a casual hang out just because it’s winter
* Still-
* You watch as Megumi and Tsumiki cuddle under the Kotatsu, peeling oranges
* The kids seem to be enjoying it
* Gojo pats the spot next to him
* “I saved you a spot (Y/N/N), I promise I won’t bite” but Gojo’s giving you that same teasing grin he always used to give you
* Looks like things are back to normal
* You sigh taking a seat beside him, stealing your resolve as you put up with his incessant teasing
* Everything is back to the way it was...so why do you still feel that prickle in your stomach every time he looks at you?
* And the following weeks that familiar sensation makes appearances several times, leaving you more confused each time
* It’s not until you’re walking in Shibuya, one of your hands holding Megumi’s and the other one holding a Taiyaki full of ice cream that you realize
* “Gojoooooo” the woman in front of you whines “you’re so mean, I can’t believe you didn’t call me, because I know you had a good time”
* The woman’s pouty expression turns wolffish in a second
* Ah, so that’s where he learned to smile like that
* You and Megumi are mostly just enjoying the show, eating your ice cream and watching as Satoru tries to placate this woman
* “I’ve just been taking some time to better myself-“
* You snort, yeah you’re sure he’s been bettering himself with his dozen other lovers
* Honestly serves him right for fooling around with so many people. You’re surprised he’s not habitually in the infirmary for a new STD
* “You see, I’m a father now”
* You sputter choking on your ice cream. Megumi pats your back
* That idiot prince has really gone and done it now-
* Having an illegitimate child,
* Yaga-Sensei is going to kill him
* Not to mention what his clan might do
* Gojo looks back at you with warm eyes
* And you feel that pricking feeling again
* “Megumi is my pride and joy”
* Huh?
* Oh
* So that’s his game.
* What a sleaze bag using someone else’s kid as an excuse to get out of an uncomfortable romantic encounter
* Megumi squeezes your hand and you look down
* The look on his face could kill a man
* “I’d never call a pervert like you my Father”
* So Megumi woke up and chose violence today-
* You figure Gojo will laugh and cover it up with some jokes like ‘kids these days no respect for their elders’ or something
* But when you look at Gojo he looks genuinely hurt, those vibrant blue eyes look watery, and that pretty mouth that’s always curled in a grin is curved into a soft frown.
* And before you know what you’re doing you say-
* “Megumi-Chan you shouldn’t be so mean to your Father, he let you have ice cream before dinner didn’t he?”
* .
* ...
* .....
* Megumi and Gojo are both looking at you with vacant stares
* Megumi is still in shock that you took Gojo’s side in this
* But Gojo’s looking right at you, cheeks holding a rosy tinge
* And then something amazing happens
* Gojo smiles at you-
* Not that wolfish smile he’s been showing you for years as he teases you, or that princely smile he uses to get something he wants
* It’s a genuine smile
* And you can’t help but think he doesn’t look at all like the most powerful sorcerer, he just looks like a boy
* Ah, there’s that painful prickle again
* “I love my family so won’t see you anymore, go ahead and delete my contact information,” Gojo says with a grin
* He walks over to you in long strides, hoisting Megumi up and carrying him all while the woman shouts obscenities
* “Come on (Y/N/N), let’s go home,” he says, his hand moving to hold your own
* And all you can do is let him tug you forward
* Your gaze lingers on your intertwined hands, the heat that radiates from his palm even though there’s an infinity between you both
* Your eyes trail up to look at his broad back, the way he holds Megumi so easily even though he’s pulling on Gojo’s hair
* The prickle intensifies as you watch them
* ‘He would make a good Dad his spouse will be lucky’ you think
* And then it hits you
* Oh
* Oh no
* Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
* You’re in love with Gojo Satoru
* The f*ckboy extraordinaire
* F*ck
* How did this even happen? You had been so careful, you were even apart of that down with Gojo Satoru club with Nanami and Geto
* Are they going to revoke your membership now?
* F*********ck
* “Hurry up and put me down you pervert!” Megumi shouts, a fistful of Gojo’s white hair in his hand
* “Ora Ora, you shouldn’t be mean to papa like that Megumi-Chan” Gojo teases, not even the slightest bit fazed
* Megumi’s only grabbing onto the infinity around his hair after all, so it probably doesn’t hurt
* “Here Megumi,” you abandon your ice cream without a thought, carefully lifting him out of Gojo’s hold and onto the ground
* Megumi doesn’t say anything, he only holds your hand in his
* “Hold Papa’s hand too Megumi-Chan otherwise I’ll feel lonely” Gojo teases, but you can tell he really does want Megumi to hold his hand
* “If it’ll get you to shut up” Megumi grumbles, but he reached up, taking Gojo’s hand in his
* The three of you probably look like a family, and this time the prickling feels warm, like a tickle across your stomach
* Like butterflies
* F********************ck
* “For F*cks sake, how am I going to get out of this one” you mumble to yourself
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [3] pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, josei, angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right?
Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT) i keep forgeting to add that this isnt beta-rread..all of my stories arent so yeah shshs Notes: ah, i feel like this story will be lengthen more than 8-10 chapters shshshs i wanted to add a little spice anyways thanks for all the comments uwu ily all!
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You cringe in embarrassment as soon as you hear that awfully familiar and cheerful voice, you could barely remember this man and the events that transpired the night before but here he was, acting like your new best friend. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to go here but you needed clarity. Surely you didn’t just legally marry a man at an Izakaya out of all places last night?
“Oh, you actually did marry him.” Gojo Satoru proclaims as soon as you take a seat across him, he gestures around his face, “I could tell by your whole, ‘I hope this guy is messing with me’ face. You have it, signed and sealed. Even got the cute matchy rings that I had one of my assistants delivered.”
You pale at the thought of his assistant coming in with a silver ring. Wasn’t he sober? How could he not have stopped you two from doing something as reckless and stupid as this? Weren’t older men supposed to be more responsible than this?
“Why the hell didn’t you stop us?” You groaned, burying your face in your hands, embarrassment painted all over your features.
“I was just as drunk as you two.” He confessed, scratching his head, “probably even more drunk but anyways back to the topic in hand, I only remembered it when the same assistant came in and congratulated me about it. It’s good I had your number on my phone before you two bailed.”
“So you don’t really remember?”
“Bits and pieces.” Gojo grinned, this guy was a maniac, how did the serious man you met just this morning have friends like this? You probably wouldn’t even last long, “I did call Nanami-”
He’s cut off by the rough sound of someone pulling a chair out, you immediately jump on your seat when you realize it’s Nanami Kento, the guy from this morning. The man you had recklessly married!
“This better be some prank you’re pulling, Satoru.” His voice was anything but kind that you almost wanted to hide behind Gojo’s back.
“Hey, hey.” Gojo raises his hands, “Don’t look at me. I didn’t force you into anything and stop scaring your poor little partner.”
Nanami snaps his gaze towards you and you notice how his eyes soften just a bit when he sees your red ears and your eyes looking away from him, “You better call Geto and fucking fix this, I refuse to bother this young-”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, still shy and red, “It’s...fine...I just…Please don’t think I’m burdened by it. It was technically my fault for even agreeing immediately.”
Nanami clenches his jaw and turns away, “Nevertheless. L/N-san’s young. I hope to not be such an uncouth man like you.” he retorts, voice sharp as he eyes the white-haired businessman up and down. Gojo, seemingly used to it, rolls his eyes behind his dark shades.
“Maybe you guys should try it out.”
The blonde man looks like he’s about to smite the white-haired man out of existence yet Satoru remains oblivious to his friend’s gaze, “Don’t ya think so? It will take a while for those divorce papers to settle in so why don’t you two go out and get to know each other? Who knows…” he sing-songs the last part and Nanami is so close to chunking his briefcase towards the tall businessman, not even caring 
“Ah, he’s not exactly wrong, Nanami-san.” you try to calm him down, placing a small hand on his broad shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually listening to this idiot’s idea.” Nanami replied, gaze narrowing.
“Not really but you have some problems I can help you out on and I have problems that you can help me out on...Of course, the last say is on you...”
“Told you I actually had a brain.” Satoru piped in.
“Shut up, Satoru.” he quips, then turns to you, “I’m thirteen years older than you, L/N-san. I have two high school kids that could pass off as your siblings, and-”
“Well, I technically did marry you.”
“You were drunk.”
“Doesn’t exactly really excuse it.” You laugh nervously, “The whole divorce process usually lasts up to a few months, some even takes a whole year. I could help you out with the boys and I can use you to ward my family off from moving back home.”
Nanami is quiet for a moment, actually thinking about it. Weighing the pros and the cons, not only would you be able to help him out but you’d also be able to get Gojo and blind-dating out of his back.
There really wasn’t anything he could loose, really.
“Or you two might fall in love.” Satoru teases, making Nanami throw him another side-eye, as if saying ‘I dare you to say another word.’
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It’s a Thursday today and Sukuna absolutely loathed Thursdays     apparently because it reminded him of Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. They all were far from the weekend     Everyone seems to be happier than usual though. Maybe it was because you were there teaching some basic shit at the board or something.
“...and if we transfer this here and change the positive to a negative, you’ll end up having five as your answer.” You smile, placing your chalk down, “Does anyone have any questions?”
Echoes of no’s resonated throughout the room.
“Alright then, let’s end the lesson here so you guys can have an early lunch. I don’t think an assignment is in order since many of you were able to get a perfect score in the activity awhile ago.” You winked. A couple of whoops resonated throughout the whole class right after. 
As the kids shuffle out of the room of the class, Sukuna remains behind. The ojisan had cooked them something delicious this morning and he wanted to eat it in peace without that pesky Nobara grabbing a share from his bento and Yuuji’s annoying babbles about horror movies with his best friend Junpei (the only one who was really bearable was Megumi, really)
“Sukuna-kun?” you called out, snapping him out of his small trance,  “Are you alright?”
He notices a glint of worry in your eyes, he had to admit since his transfer here last Monday, you were the least annoying teacher in the academy     the blue-haired professor in Japanese literature was absolute shit since he loved to tease him a lot and that bald-headed teacher in science who looked a lot like Mike Wazowski was an annoying twerp who loved dawdling in him and Yuuji’s business     and you were kind of good at your job. Not only did his idiot of a brother stop coming to him and their ojisan for help in math but he could actually do the worksheets right and get an actual decent grade at it.
“Yeah.” he roughly replies.
“That’s good.” You smiled, he watched as you bind their worksheets together and clip them in utmost delicacy, “You should head to the cafeteria now, I heard they’re serving milk bread today.”
Without saying anything more, you left the room, leaving him there in the silence.
Well, the Christmas tree idiot was right.
You kind of had a motherly aura on you and it didn’t even look forced.
No wonder, everyone in this room was whipped for you despite your subject being a pain in the ass.
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“You look like an idiot.” You mumbled as you slapped Mahito’s hand away in annoyance, your workmate wiggling his eyebrows like the little shit he is.
You completely forgot you did have someone like Gojo Satoru in your life and it was one of your co-workers, Mahito, a Japanese literature teacher who was too nosy for his own good.
“You’ve got a ring on your ring finger and a mailman comes in and gives you an invite for Zen’in Toji’s fortieth birthday.” he whistles, “Even Jogo-sensei gossiped by the water cooler awhile ago, saying that you had eloped with the man. Not that I’m judging you or anything...”
You choke on your saliva, clearly thrown off by the backhanded comment. That darn bald-headed fool that looked like the green eyed monster from the DreamWorks cartoon, he sure needed to lay off the gossip and actually focus on his job as the head of the science department, “You’re not denying it.” Mahito stated, narrowing his eyes in suspicion, “Why aren’t you denying it?”
“I’m not dating Megumi-kun’s father.” You grumbled, finishing up your paperwork, “That man is off limits.”
“Right,” he drawls on sarcastically, “...because you have a strict rule against dating hot older men with money.”
“I also teach his kids and his cousin…” You deadpan.
“We don’t even have a rule against that.” He retorts, rolling his eyes, “If we did, Hanami-sensei would’ve been fired a long time ago.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you’re so secretive. If it isn’t Toji Zen’in, who’d ask you out?”
“Hey, I do have a man.” You huffed, “and he’s very kind and considerate...”
The image of the tall and lean man sleeping next to you slowly wormed its way back from your memory and you feel your cheeks start to flush. Good god, what were you? twelve? How embarrassing.
You needed to get that image off of your head, it wasn’t right.
It was all temporary, anyways and he doesn’t even see you in that sort of way-
“Yes, I’m Sukuna and Yuuji Itadori’s guardian…” a very familiar stoic voice could be heard from the nearby table, cutting your thoughts short. Wait, were you so head over heels for the man that you started imagining him here? Yuuji and Sukuna’s guardian? Wait a minute.
All color drained from your face as you snap your head behind you to find the same man you were imagining.
Oh no.
Oh no, indeed.
There stood Nanami Kento in all his glory;  crisp suit, stoic face, and eyes laced with mild worry.
“...L/N-sensei is Sukuna-kun’s adviser, by the way. It would be best to discuss this with them.” Akari somberly informed the man, turning to your direction. You don’t miss the shift of expressions when he sees you standing there.
Your mouth parts and you know you look like gawking fish trapped in a small aquarium.
“Akari-sensei’s looking at you with the new hot daddy.” Mahito mumbles next to you, eyeing him up and down, “Definitely wonder where all these old men come from these days.”
You were only half-listening to your co-worker because your head was all over the place, just what were the odds that he was the guardian of the new transferee’s? Just how awkward would everything be? Why did it even have to be at this school out of all places?
Never ending questions pop out of your head as you approached them, “Good afternoon, Nanami-san.” Your smile comes out very stiff and awkward while you hold your hand out for him to shake, clearly there was no memo on how you were suppose to act around your sort-of-fake-husband-whos-kids-you-actually-taught.
Nanami reverts back to his stoic expression as he clears his throat, “Yes, good afternoon to you too, L/N-sensei.” he greets, maintaining a straight-laced tone.
“Akari-sensei says that Sukuna has been quite...rude...in class…” you try to rack your brains up to describe his kid.
“Your son literally pointed out that the history lesson I was teaching was fake and that I should study again so he could get his tuition’s worth.” Akari looks clearly perplexed and ready to throttle the boy if it was legal. You had to admit, Sukuna went overboard with that insult.
You knew how passionate Nitta was about her job and what Sukuna just said to her was like a big ‘fuck you, you suck.’ to her.
“I’ll be sure to talk to him about this,” he sighs, bowing down, “I’d like to ask for forgiveness for that, the boy is a good and smart student-”
“Nanami-san, the school not only cares about grades but character as well.” Akari Nitta sighed, cutting him off, “I’ll let this slide once, if he does that again, it goes on the record.”
You internally bit your cheek, still trying to process everything that was going on.
“I understand. Thank you for that.”
“I’ll walk him out, sensei.” You immediately say soon after, wanting to have some alone time with him, “Let’s go, Nanami-san.”
You walk right next to him silently, some students peerlessly glancing at the tall blonde next to you but you were too immersed in thought to notice the stares, “Nanami-san?” you ask softly as soon as you reach the exit.
Nanami Kento looks at you, his eyes still laced with a bit of worry, “It’s okay.” you silently comforted him, “Just talk to him calmly.”
“That’s not the problem.” he sighed, “I just didn’t expect that the person I married would be the boy’s teacher.”
You sweat drop, “Aren’t you worried about talking to Sukuna? I mean, he literally just disrespected a teacher and you said that he and you weren’t in good-”
“It’s easier to talk to him about that rather than…” he paused, showing his ring, “this.”
You blinked.
Seemed like Nanami knew what to say about the little attitude problem his son had, “So you must be used to this?” you asked, “Him disrespecting the teacher?”
You notice the shift of expressions on his face, you had only known this man for a few days so far but he was starting to get easier to read. His eyes shed more emotion than his face, no wonder he likes wearing those funny sunglasses a lot.
“It’s something I’ve scolded him over a couple of times,” he gruffed, trying to dance around the subject, it seemed like he had such a soft spot to the point where he had a problem with disciplining them, “At times I believe it’s just because he’s way too smart for his age. The boy has read history books for fun when he was a kid and solved quadratic equations to prove that he’s better than me when he was ten.”
“It still doesn’t give him the free pass to say things like that to a teacher”
“I know,” he acknowledged, “I’ll be sure to give him a better scolding-”
“No, you see. This is why he thinks he can get away with it. He isn’t afraid of you. You’ll only probably tell him that you can’t do that.” you frown, crossing your arms, “You do know that not all sensei’s are as nice as Akari-sensei and he could get in trouble for that even more in the future, right?”
Silence lingered between you two for a moment and suddenly you realize that you must’ve said something way off the rails.
“I..” you turn red, embarrassed by the sudden outburst, “That was too much, wasn’t it?”
You look at him directly in the eye, the worry-filled ones are now replaced with a softer gaze. God, he really needed to stop looking at you like a kid. It would only make this set-up more awkward!
“No,” he mumbles, “It...It wasn't too much…”
“Oh.” you cleared your throat, flustered and looking away from his face, “Well, okay then goodbye then Nanami-sa-”
You needed to get out of this conversation quick.
Your gaze snaps directly towards him, clearly taken aback by the correction.
“We’re technically married now, right?” he softly corrected, “Call me Kento.”
“Oh,” You uttered again, this time softly. You looked down on your shoes, it seemed like the floor looked really interesting now, “Then bye-bye, Kento.”
“Bye Y/N.”
He leaves you standing there, cursing yourself because of your erratic heartbeat at the way he says your name in that voice. First name basis? okay, totally normal for sort-of lovers, right?
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airadam · 7 years
Episode 94 : The Illest
"...yo' ass lie like the president!"
- Ice Cube
This month marks twenty years since the death of Biggie Smalls - and yet it somehow doesn't feel like that long ago. The B.I.G man's influence still looms large over the culture and this show is no exception. Several Biggie tracks and others inspired by him dot the episode, alongside choices from the discographies of the late Phife and Nate Dogg. Besides those, a few classics and some fairly modern gems you may have missed!
Catch me DJing at Eastern Bloc Records on April 22nd for Record Store Day and then stay out for their big party in the evening! Just over a week later, check DJ Andy Smith at Whiskey Jar for a Sunday night session :)
Twitter : @airadam13
Ice Cube ft. Chris Rock : You Ain't Gotta Lie (Ta Kick It)
The way things are right now, I should do a whole mixtape strictly on the subject of lying! Chris Rock was an inspired choice to guest on this track from "War & Peace Vol.2 (The Peace Disc)" for the adlibs, while Cube just goes in with venom on an assortment of unnamed dishonest people. Production comes from Chucky Thompson of The Hitmen, and it does have a little of that Bad Boy flavour - you could imagine someone like The Lox on this beat back in the day.
Da Beatminerz : Bentleys & Bitches (Instrumental)
Tough beat right here from instrumental version the "Brace 4 Impak" LP (can't believe it's 16 years old this year!) - definitely an album to have in the collection if the ruggedness is what you seek. 
ODB : Hippa To Da Hoppa
Two short verses of battle rhymes in Dirty's own truly inimitable style :) I don't play much ODB here somehow, but he was an MC unlike any other. This isn't one of the most often heard tracks from "Return To The 36 Chambers : The Dirty Version", but it popped into my head as one to bring out this month. The beat was one that RZA had in his archives and that Dirty had mentally bookmarked for himself when the time was right. 
Lords Of The Underground : Chief Rocka
I was well pleased to be able to cut this in and have it rhyme with the hook of the preceding track! A classic Hip-Hop single out of Newark, New Jersey, with K-Def on production. This is the video version, taken from the 12" single, with the original of course being available on the "Here Come The Lords" LP. This tune is quality all the way through, but we don't quite make it to the end of the third verse, because it made sense to loop up a notable Mr.Funkee line and then come in with...
The Notorious B.I.G. : Machine Gun Funk
...a track which happens to use it as a hook! The 1-2-3 combo on "Ready To Die" of "Things Done Changed", "Gimme The Loot", and "Machine Gun Funk" is phenomenal, but this is still an underrated cut in my opinion. Easy Mo Bee contributed an absolutely cracking beat, and Biggie's rhymes are enough for his son to rate this as maybe his favourite from the catalogue. Pure fire.
Mary J. Blige ft. The Notorious B.I.G. : Real Love (Remix)
If you weren't around at the time, it's hard to communicate how revolutionary this was. Hip-Hop and R&B were very separate things back then, and it was people like the Harlem DJ Ron G with his innovative and influential blend tapes who showed the possibilities of combining the two. When Puff Daddy (now P.Diddy) went to Uptown Records, he masterminded producing that kind of combination to the studio, and the "What's The 411? (Remix)" album is one of the most well-known examples. Ron G is actually on the intro to this track (just before the part I start playing from), but Puffy and Daddy-O (of Stetsasonic) are credited with the Hip-Hop-heavy production, blending several classic samples together to give Mary a fitting backing - which also works brilliantly for Biggie, when he comes in.
[Buckwild] Sadat X : The Lump Lump (Instrumental)
Classic boom-bap from 1996, Buckwild's bumping instrumental for the Sadat X track discussing... adventures about town. This was a quality single from the "Wild Cowboys" LP - remember when a tune like this could be a club banger?
Curren$y ft. Nate Dogg & Nijay Sincere : Let's Get It Crackin'
This has one of those hooks that just sticks in your head - Nate Dogg can do that to you. Just know that you cannot sing like him :) Anyway, this is kind of an interesting one; you may be familiar with Curren$y's recent career, the "lifestyle rap" and the sonic flavours that come with it, but this 2010 single sounds more like a move for the clubs and the radio - not necessarily a bad thing at all. He's firmly midtempo here over the DJ Taylormade beat with Nate supplying a hook that may not be catchy, but one that works for sure.
A Tribe Called Quest : The Donald
RIP Phife Dawg...aka Don Juice, apparently! Dancehall-accented tune with some nice turntable work (courtesy of DJ Scratch) for the sureshot combination of Tribe and Busta Rhymes on this closer from "We got it from Here...Thank You 4 Your Service", the final ATCQ LP. One of the only things I've heard in months that involves the name "Donald" and doesn't make me want to be sick!
Lexxus : Stress
I'm kind of mad I had to buy the "Mr.Lex" album a second time (on CD) because so many tracks aren't on the vinyl. Still, big tune here with Bobby Konders on the digital production! Lexxus only has two albums, but his singles discography is deep if you like what you hear.
Large Pro : Off Yo Azz On Yo Feet
The live guy with glasses just keeps on going. His latest LP, 2015's "Re:Living" was a concise eleven tracks, with this being one that just stuck in my head. Self-produced, of course, with the snare smacking away relentlessly in the mix. Lyrically - I guess it's motivational music, after a fashion? The hook certainly leaves no doubt about the message :)
The Alchemist : The Thirst
Thinking about it recently, I realised that in this post-anthem world with an explosion of music availability, Alchemist has quietly worked his way into the pantheon of greatest all-time producers. A nice dark beat from the first "Rapper's Best Friend" beat compilation. 
Mega Ran : 10 Gamer Commandments
Random aka Mega Ran is best known for his skill at blending of video game culture and Hip-Hop, and he gives just a piece of it on this cut from his "Notorious R.A.N - Ready To Live" tribute album. Twenty years after the passing of Biggie, Mega Ran reworks some of his tracks in tribute, and this bonus track is of course his flip of "Ten Crack Commandments"; a step-by-step booklet on how to conduct yourself in the gaming world ;)
Kaytranada ft. Craig David : Got It Good
A year ago we heard a Ras Kass track based on this instrumental, but I thought it was worth giving you the original! Coming strong for the crown of best producer to come out of Haiti, the Canadian-raised Kaytranada made some serious noise among those who know last year with the "99.9%" album, and this was a standout cut for me. The highly underrated Craig David supplies a smooth vocal performance at the high end while the beat bumps along at the bottom - great blend.
Omniscence : Golden
North Carolina coming through! The likes of Bandcamp is a godsend for allowing independent releases to be easily obtainable by the fans, and after putting out stuff like the previously-unreleased "The Raw Factor" digitally, Omniscence then moved on to bringing new material onto the platform. This piece from "The God Hour" has some bump but the gentle keyboard work is a fitting backing to Omni's two contemplative verses.
Geto Boys : Leanin' On You
A group often missed when we discuss Hip-Hop legends, Houston's Geto Boys went through lineup changes early in their life, then settled for a while before changing again, and finally coming back together with what most consider the canonical MC lineup - Scarface, Willie D, and Bushwick Bill. Here, we take a reflective track from their seventh LP, "The Foundation", with each MC taking a turn to describe a missed person or a struggle in their own lives. The production comes from someone you may not associate with this style, and also may not have thought about in a while - Mr.Mixx of 2 Live Crew, a pioneer of the Miami Bass sound. This certainly has some heft in the mix but rather than the accelerated beats that he made his name with, this sample re-work is slow and somewhat solemn, perfectly matching the lyrics. 
Oddisee : Brixton
A bit of an old one (2010) from Oddisee's "Traveling Man" instrumental album; I don't know if he made this beat in Brixton or just took inspiration from there, but it's quality as usual. I'll likely play you something from his new album "The Iceberg" in the coming months.
Willie Evans Jr. : Nerd English
Finally, we come all the way back to the theme from the episode opener! A very amusing but sincere track about keeping it all the way real, staying in your lane...however you want to put it :) It reminds us that trying to be something we're not is stressful, hard work, potentially trouble, and just generally undignified. A solid tune from the "Introducin'" LP that always makes me smile.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
Hello Carina! I absolutely ADORE your works I'm hooked Was wondering if you could do Geto/Nanami/Gojo/Sukuna x fem reader who grew up in a toxic household that encouraged bad eating habits like eating extremely small amounts and tried to always make her a good and docile wife. But she left them and is now pretty successful but her eating habits are still pretty bad Please stay hydrated this summer!
A lot of you guys request stuff like bad heating habits from me and I'm actually a little scared that I receive a shit storm for writing these sensitive topics, but there you go! I decided on Geto since he is the sweetest boy ever but if this goes well and some of you guys show interest, I might write something similar for the other characters as well - enjoy <3
Geto encouraging his girlfriend to eat more after growing up in a toxic household
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Pairing: Geto x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,6k
Synopsis: After your toxic parents tried to force you into their picture of a thin and docile wife, you left them as soon as possible and became the best version of yourself - if it wasn't for your bad eating habits still haunting you down when you're out with your boyfriend. Until he decides to have a talk with you...
Warnings: Just let me tell you right from the start that there's nothing wrong with being thin and I hope it's obvious that we're talking about an unhealthy connotation in this fic, if you get triggered when it comes to toxic parents and hurtful phrases regarding weight please don't read this. In general, this contains sensitive content and a few pieces of ED and harsh language, but our boy Geto telling us how much he loves us the way we are
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„You know you are totally able to eat more than that, right? We’ve been out without any food for hours now, you need to care for yourself, love.”
Suguru’s hand gently caresses your back while you stare at the salad you just ordered.
“You’re gonna look like a pig soon if you don’t stop eating like one, (y/n). Didn’t I teach you a lady needs to watch her diet?”
“No man wants a fat woman, trust me.”
“Thank you so much for looking out for me. I’m good”, you mutter after shaking their cruel words off your mind.
You can’t bring yourself to catch a glimpse at his comforting brown eyes, not when your guilty conscience almost eats you up alive. The stinging words of your mother and father haunt you until this day. Even though you left years ago and started your very own life away from their toxic household, even though your precious boyfriend Geto Suguru is the living proof for them being wrong.
Just one look at the salad in front of you paired with your memory is enough to feel like in your childhood all over again.
“Hey, look at me honey.”
Gently, his hand caresses your cheek and lifts your head into his direction. There they are, his oh so loving orbs, his tender smile that warms your stinging heart in an instant.
“We’ve been together for a year now and you still seem to be upset when you have to eat around me. I can’t help but wonder why you torture yourself. Is it because of me, did I give you the feeling you aren’t good the way you are? Because I love you with all my heart.”
You never allowed yourself to cry in front of someone else. To be exact, you stopped when you were greeted by nothing but harsh words from your parents with every tear that ran down your cheek. You are supposed to be a good and hostile woman, the perfect little wife for some wealthy man your parents already decided on when you were still 10. A woman that doesn’t speak as much as you do, a woman who doesn’t eat as much as you do. A feminine angel walking on earth with the only purpose to say yes and amen to her beloved husband.
When you were finally old enough to leave them behind, you packed your things and joined jujutsu high. Life is easier around here with so many beloved friends by your side who support and truly love you. Yes, they showed you how good you are, that you are independent and are allowed to have your own opinion, that it’s okay to say no. Yes, you even started to eat a little more and gained a healthy amount of weight and well-formed muscles.
They were wrong. Your parents were so wrong with everything they taught you. But this…
You bite your lip when a sub escapes from deep down your throat, hot tears now stinging in your eyes so violently that you can’t catch your breath. Eating has always been your weakness, the one and only thing you can’t fully control until this day. Their words still crush you every time you order something to eat.
What if Suguru doesn’t find you attractive when you gain even more weight?
What if he thinks it’s disgusting to see you eat like a pig?
What if he’ll fall out of love when you show him that you aren’t as perfect as a doll?
“I’m so sorry. The last thing I want is to see you cry”, he instantly speaks out, wrapping his much-needed arms around you so tightly that you sink into his broad chest.
“It’s just…I’m afraid to eat more…”, you finally blurt out.
A part of your heart flutters in relief when those words finally leave your mouth. For more than a year, you simply forced yourself through the aching of your stomach, the hunger that kept you awake when Suguru laid next to you fast asleep. All because of their cruel words. All because they made you believe your whole life you aren’t good enough if you eat “too much”.
“You don’t feel comfortable eating around me, don’t you?”
You simply nod against his chest, too ashamed to lift your head. How embarrassing to hear those words leaving his lips, that he already knows why you’re acting this way.
“May I ask why? Did I say or do something that makes you feel this way, love?”
Your head starts spinning. The sheer thought that he might think your strange behaviour is his fault, that he did something wrong is ridiculous in your eyes.
“Absolutely not. It’s…It’s…”
Why is it so damn hard to find the right words? You stutter like an idiot for what feels like ages while listening to Suguru’s steady heartbeat. He knows how rough your childhood was, that your parents treated you like the dirt underneath their feet. You were never good enough, never pretty enough, never smart enough. Until you became a well-known and rich jujutsu sorcerer with a charismatic man like Geto Suguru by your side.
“See? I told you you will find a wealthy man if you keep up with our education, daughter.”
“All because we taught you everything you know and kept you in shape!”
“No”, you replied immediately, straightening your shoulders while facing the people who made your life living hell for more than enough years.
“I did all of this by myself. Because I chose to be the person I am instead of the person you wanted me to be.”
“They always told me I’m too much, that eating in front of my man is strictly forbidden. I was supposed to be a thin and docile wife.”
Your voice is nothing but a far away whisper. All those nights your father scolded you when you weighted more than you did before. How your mother screamed at you when your curves start to develop through puberty, how disgusted they looked at you when you wore shorts or ate next to them. Deep within, you know how toxic your eating habits are despite the positive changes you’ve been through. But still…Just the thought of eating a cheeseburger in front of Suguru fills you with so much disgust that your guts turn immediately.
“You aren’t docile but strong and stubborn. You aren’t only thin but strong and athletic. Your body is capable of so much more than simply being thin, (y/n). You are perfect in every single way, your body allows you to fight so well that even Satoru admires your skills. You are so breathtakingly beautiful that I could stare at you all day…I am glad you didn’t follow their rules, that you didn’t turn into the good and docile wife they wanted you to be. Because you became so much more. Because you can do so much more. But for that, you need to fuel your body the way it deserves it even when I’m around. I love to see you eat, I love to see you happy and healthy. And I know how hard it can be to overcome things you were taught from a young age. Would you promise me something?”
Now you can’t help but lift up your head, staring at him through your wet lashes. His words, his oh so sweet words still linger through your mind and force your cheeks to turn bright pink. Is this really how Suguru feels about you, are you really enough for him just the way you are?
Why wouldn’t you? After all, he was the one choosing you.
“What?”, you mumble.
“Promise me that we will work this out. If you can’t bring yourself to open up to me, please consider checking up with Shoko or another professional. I admire you for all the things you’ve already did, that you were actually able to turn into a wonderful woman with that horrible family. I’d love to hang out with you while eating chips, I’d love to eat a whole lot of unhealthy junk food and sweets with you without you worrying about my thought. Because the only thing I care about is that you’re happy. And you being healthy and eating properly means happiness.”
That smile. That oh so bright smile that reaches his brown eyes and lifts up your mood immediately. Oh, you truly don’t deserve him. A new wave of fresh tears threatens to spill over your eyes and begins to take your sight.
But those aren’t tears of sorrow. No, those are tears of pure joy and love.
You throw yourself around his neck before he’s able to catch you properly, causing both of you to almost fall off his chair.
“I will”, you mutter against his ear.
“I promise I will work on it.”
“I’m more than glad to hear that”, he replies softly while caressing your hair.
“Would you like to order something else in addition to your salad, then?”
You let go of Suguru with a small smile, holding his hands tightly as your heart overflows with love. The man who showed you what you’re capable of, who supports you through anything. Sooner or later, you will be able to share food dates with him and enjoy them. But until then…
“I’m fine for today. But next time, I might order something else.”
“Fine. Just let me know when you’re ready, (y/n).”
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Tags This takes me ages, so please if you decided to be part of the tag list show some love lol):
 @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld
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@ynackerman9499 @keepghostly  @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife 
@coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain 
@risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny
@ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr
@kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world
@oikawarz @darkstarlight82 @satoreo @kentocalls @cheesemachine44
@ryva @kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
Can I request geto suguru with prompt 29. After the last angst u wrote, I figured I want to be hurt more, maybe y/n confronts him again and tries to get him back (fails miserably) 😭😭 keep writing, ur writing is really good 👍
Thank you so much for that request, I just had to write that immediately! Hope I shatter your soul in a good way love, enjoy and let me know what you think ♡
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Dying ray of sunshine Part ll
Pairing: Geto x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Synopsis: After searching for your former boyfriend Suguru for 10 years, he finally shows himself again at the Night Parade. You try your best to convince him back into your open arms, but it seems like the man you love is gone forever.
Warnings: hurt (obviously), injury, lanuage, death
It’s been a while since you last saw him. 10 years, 6 months and 9 days to be exact. Somehow you managed to carry on, found a job in the center of Tokyo, cut your hair a little shorter, met up with Satoru from time to time. You’re a grown woman now, absolutely stunning as some might say. On the surface, everything is going great for you. Expect for the fact that you never let a single man touch your soul after Suguru.
Sorry, just doesn’t work I guess.
You block the number of the random man you’ve met last night without balling an eye and straighten your posture. No one seems to mesmerize you like Suguru did. Along with Satoru, you searched for him over the last years, still eager to find him and talk everything out. You know that he has a tender heart, that even after all this time you will manage to get him back, your Suguru. The promise you made will come true. Sooner or later, you will track down the traces of horror he leaves behind. Deep down you know that he would never hurt or let alone kill you. Just a few words, that’s all you need.
The ringing of your phone disturbs your peace rudely. A look at the screen reveals that in fact Satoru is calling.
“You know I have to leave for work soon, don’t you?”
“(y/n), he was here”, Satoro breathes out.
Immediately you jump out of your chair, blood rushing through your ears as your heart nearly pounds out of your chest. You know exactly who he’s talking about. Suguru was at Jujutsu High? Why? Maybe he wanted to sort things out, maybe he had a conversation with Satoru, maybe…Maybe he asked about you.
“What did he say? Is he still with you? Why was he there? Were you able to convince him to come back to us? How is he? Does he look fine?”, you babble out, mind racing faster than your mouth can follow.
“(y/n)…I think you should pay me a visit. Don’t expect anything positive though…”
Your heart sinks immediately, a wave of disappointment and foreboding rushes over you just like ten years ago. Nothing positive means something really bad must have happened. But still, this is the first personal contact the two of you had with Suguru since he left that day. This has to be a good sign, right?   
“I’m coming right now”, you response hastily, put on your high heels and sprint down the halls with your car keys tinkling in your hand.
Jujutsu High isn’t far away from your home, but still the empty road feels like an eternity this day. You press your foot on the gas, don’t give a shit about the rain that starts to poor and the bad sight. He was there. Suguru was finally seen again, alive and speaking. You can’t help but shed a tear of joy while cruising down the street with enormous tempo. At some point you thought about giving him up, to stop searching for someone who doesn’t want to be found and who last told you that he wants to see you dead. But you never had the heart to call it quit, to simply throw all the time you’ve had together into the trash. This is your chance.
“Satoru!”, you cry out, dashing down the wet sidewalk into the center of Jujutsu High.
There he stands along with his students, all of them wearing thoughtful, anxious and competitive expressions. You are alarmed immediately. Satoru warned you, it is written on their faces that something pretty bad has happened.
“What’s going on?”, you breathlessly inquire, trembling hands pressed against your figure in order to stop you from shivering.
Your whole body seems to be electrified, still in absolute shock at this sudden opportunity.
“He was here. Suguru was here to announce war”, Satoru explains briefly, his gaze pinned to the grey sky above him.
You can’t believe your ears. Is that the only reason he came here? To proclaim that he is going to take other innocent lives? You feel like fading, suddenly a breath-taking nausea overcomes you. This is not the Suguru you know, he’d never do that. Absolutely impossible.
“This has to be a misunderstanding, we both know that-“
“Sorry (y/n), it wasn’t. Apparently he doesn’t even stop at jujutsu sorcerers anymore…”
“B-But…This means he’ll come back, right? I will talk to him, I’m sure there’s a way to convince him to stop. After all, I was his girlfriend for so many years! I’m sure he’ll listen to me!”, you desperately try to convince Satoru.
“Ain’t no way I’ll take you to the battlefield. Forget that, (y/n). You’ll stay here, at Jujutsu High. I will talk to him first. Only when I can be sure that he won’t hurt you I will come and get you, understood? As a non-jujutsu sorcerer, you are completely at his mercy. I won’t lose you too.”
You can feel Satoru’s tense gaze eyeing you up and down while you urgently try to hold back tears. Of course he’s right, you know all too well that Suguru’s heart is clouded by grief and rage. He could kill you in a heartbeat before even recognizing that it’s you. But still, the thought of sitting here and waiting for Satoru’s call while your boyfriend is out there slaughters you from the inside. You waited 10 fucking years for this moment. How long do you have to wait until you can finally embrace him in your arms again, until you are reunited and get your well-deserved happy ending? It is so frustrating – hunting down the shell of the person you love most in this entire word and then not being able to talk this out.
“Did he ask about me?”
Your voice is a fade whisper, close to breaking like the finest glass. There is nothing you want more than to embrace him into your arms again, to feel his broad chest against your fingertips and let his delicious scent tingle your nose. Satoru’s heart breaks at the way you stare into the ground, the tears you try to hold back so badly glistering in your eyes. He can’t help but pull you into his arms, gently caressing your back just like he did on that fateful day that took your spark away.
“He asked me if you’re still around. I told him that you are searching for him”, Satoru whispers into your ear, making your heart shudder in hopefulness.
So he does care about you. After all the things that happened after the night ten years ago, you are still on his mind. Yes, this is a good sign. That means that he does in fact remember his feelings towards you, the beautiful moments you both shared.
“I will bring him back, Satoru.”
“See ya, watch out for the little ones, (y/n)!”
“You’ll probably have to watch out for me, I’m no use when it comes to curses. Hopefully I’m not in your way”, you admit towards Maki and Yuta.
The boy in front of you smiles kindly at you while shaking his head.
“Oh please, don’t be so hard on yourself! You are a very impressive and strong woman, Gojo-sensei talks only positively about you!”
“I’m not able to see curses either, don’t let that stop or bring you down.”
A kind smile is plastered on your face, heart warmed by their kind words. It seems like Satoru is doing his job very well, apparently. You definitely need to tell him that when all of this is over.
“I’ll go back inside”, the girl named Maki announces, turns on her heels and leaves.
“Do you want to join?”, Yuta asks friendly towards you.
“Oh no, thank you. I will wait here.”
And with that, you are alone. Only you and the soft breeze that strokes your hair on this quiet cold day like every other. You can’t keep your mind still, everything revolves around Suguru and the prospect of seeing him. How will it go? Will he even recognize you? Your curves got a little rounder, jawline a little sharper and hair a little shorter. But your eyes. He should be able to tell that it’s you by your eyes. After all, he spent hours getting lost in their sight. Oh, the beautiful old days. Waking up next to him still sleeping, letting your needy hands wander around his muscular body, caress every inch of his delicate skin. Suguru is your blessing of a lifetime and he told you over and over that you are his ray of sunshine. Surely it’s not too late. It is never too late to change your path.
“Who do we have here?”, a voice behind you jeers.
You quickly get up on your feet, courageous gaze set in the direction of the unknown male.
But he isn’t unknown. You’d be able to recognize his long black hair and mesmerizing orbs anywhere. It’s him. God, Suguru is here. Still as breathtaking as ten years ago, face matured in the most delicate way. And that striking smile that is plastered on his face.
“Is that really you, Suguru?”
Ten years, ten whole years of your life you’ve been searching for him. Ten years without letting any man touch you in the way he did, ten years of constantly thinking about him and the unconditional love you hold for him deep within your heart. And now he’s finally here. Standing right in front of you, only about ten feet away.
His eyes examine you up and down. Can this really be true? He thought he’d never see you again. After all, he told you to run away this one time, he spared your life once. Suguru never expected to set is eyes on you alive.
His voice grew stronger and sounds a little deeper than you remembered. Oh, how badly you want to bury your face in his arms, beg him to come with you and forget about this madness. Maybe you’ll be able to laugh about what happened in a few years together.
“Over the past 10 years I searched you everywhere. Remember that promise that I made? I told you I’ll come back. And now we’re finally able to talk this out.”
Your voice is shaking. It feels like a far away dream to see him standing there, safe and sound right in front of your very own eyes. The horror of the last few years isn’t noticeable on his lovely face. You can’t help but close the distance between your bodies, every step feels like a victory. Yes, you can do this. You will convert him back to his normal self, to the sweet and loving Suguru everyone knows and loves.
“Wow, you actually managed to grow up even though you are nothing but a defenseless monkey. Congrats, (y/n).”
The sound of his stone cold voice and venomous words makes the world around you turn black. He called you a monkey again. Just like he did back then. You shake your head, determination plastered on your surface. No, you won’t give up so easily. This isn’t him.
“Suguru, this isn’t you. I know you better than that. You are the gentlest, most caring and loving soul I know, a man that would never hurt an innocent soul. You don’t have to do this. Please, let me help you out of this vicious circle, let me give you the attention you needed ten years ago. We can still fix this. I never stopped loving you.”
“But I did, (y/n). You are nothing but a stranger I share memories with for me. I forgot about you a long time ago”, he replies dryly, cold gaze staring right through your soul.
You swallow heavily when his words hit you like a bullet. It’s like you never knew him, disgust is plastered on his face. No…no, it can’t be! Your heartbeat picks up, hands balling into fist while your whole body hardens in agony. You didn’t threw your life away for him to stab you in the back like this. You didn’t love him for noting all these years. This just can’t be true. He just doesn’t want to let you too close, a coping mechanism to defend his current way.
“Kill me right now then, I dare you!”
Your blood-curling scream hangs heavy in the thick air between both of you, waiting for any reaction, any words, any twitches. Only to be greeted by a small grin and his eyes filled with so much hatred that it leaves you completely motionless.
“Your wish is my command.”
In the split of a second you are torn into the hard ground beneath, multiple bones in your body cracking at the invisible force that seems to burry you alive. Your lungs are out of air, all you can do is stare at the grey sky above, heart completely shattered by the love of your life all over again. Salty tears mix with your blood, plastering your sight in crimson.
“You’re just fucking hilarious, don’t you think? Mark my words before you die, you mean absolutely nothing to me. (y/n), you are nothing but an insignificant shadow and embarrassment of my past, a freaking monkey that has no place in this world, not worth my time. And that is exactly how you will die today. I won’t give you another chance to escape.”
His words seem to slowly fade away. Every time you woke up you reached for him, but he was never there. You want to tell yourself that there’s still hope, that there’s a small chance to convince him to return back into your open arms.
But it’s too late.
He will never be the Suguru that loved you so dearly ten years ago. He will never be the Suguru that held you in his arms all night, that told you over and over again how much he loves every inch of your body. He will never be the Suguru that came home to you after an exhausting mission with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and a tired smile on his face. He will never be the Suguru you wanted so badly to bring back. No, this version of Suguru is dead. The man who’s bending over you right now with a satisfying grin decorating his features is a stranger, the shell of the man you used to know and love.
With a single tear escaping your eye, you steal one last glance of him and your past, present and future glistering in his emotionless orbs.
You failed him. And he will never be the same man again.
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