#since my school district doesn't do fridays
purpleleafsyt · 7 months
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What a truly exciting day. Thank you all for 4 followers :D
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lolia21 · 8 months
Well I feel down a Sanders Sides rabbit hole and now I have one fan fic idea that keeps playing in my head:
Remus and Roman are twins but they don't attend the same school because Remus was... himself and his parents were kindly asked to transfer him to a school that "fits his personality better". So he goes to a school a whole district over. He gets along with Roman and he loves him but they are very different people so they don't hang out a lot. Remus also can't stand the blatant favoritism they're parent give Roman. He thinks it's sweet that Roman tries to tap it down but it doesn't change anything.
Sp Remus spends most of his free time at his friend Janus house with his other friend Virgil. Janus also shouldn't be attending their school cause he's loaded but he hated the prep school he was sent to and transferred behind his parents back. Money can get you literally anything. Expect real friends which is why Janus loves Remus and Virg so much. Virgil is actually living at a near by boys home. As a kid his home situation wasn't great and he doesn't talk about it a lot. He ended up at Sanders House four years ago though and it's not too bad.
So anyway Roman has never meet Remus' friends and Remus has never met Roman's friend Patton and Logan. Whenever they come over is always at Janus' house. He knows they exist just like Roman knows Virgil and Janus do but they've not met in person over the last two years.
So it all starts pm a long weekend because Halloween is Friday. ( fun fact my school in gerogia gave us Halloween and Valentines off and used it as teacher workshop days.)
So of course the dark side trio is hype, roaming the mall, scaring people, judging costumes, and trying to find accessories to improve their own.
The light side trio is also their because Patton waited too late to get a "decent" (Roman's words) costume, and Logan was hoping to avoid getting one at all.
The crowds get so bad that everyone is separated. Luckily both sides actually have designated met spots, tho for very different reasons. The darks sides met spot is the horror section at Barnes and Nobles. It's large enough that Virgil won't feel claustrophobic and he can read some Poe while he waits and not have people constantly asking if he needs assistance. It was a place chosen, so he doesn't have a panic attack while he waits for his friends since he's the only one without a phone.
On the other had the light side trio chose the lgbtq+ teen romance section as their meet spot. Mainly Because it'll distract Roman enough that he won't get bored of waiting and wonder out to find his friends before they get there. Defeating the purpose of the spot all together.
You can see where this is going.
Patton has been trying to get on the elevator for the last five minuets but everyone time he tries to get on the same time as someone else he let's them all go first and theres no room for him. This goes on until a nice but kinda rude stranger just days "oh my gawd" and pulls him in as he in goes in. The stranger honestly looks way to well dressed to be here and doesn't even introduce himself. He just starts playing on his phone and Patton doesn't know whether saying thank you would be annoying or not. Janus on the other hand is texting Remus about how just met someone who reminds him a little of freshman Virgil and how he hopes he's not freaking out.
Logan has decided to take the stairwell because he knows that people arr less likely to use it over the escalators or elevators. He looks a floor above him and someone who kinda sorta looks like Roman sliding down the railing on his ass and laughing the whole time. He barely has time to dodge as someone yells " dodge nerd" and flies past him. Honestly Logans so surprised by whatever the hell that was that it take him two whole ass minutes to start walking again. Remus is just having a blast. He didn't think this would work and he saw a pretty cute nerd on the way down.
Roman is having a complicated time. He lgbtq teen romance section is usually in the front if the store but it's been switched with the horror section for the month. So here is is not being able to decide whether he should just stay here because the ia the physical spot he normals what's at or go the the actual section with all the books about the boys kissing that he likes to read. Virgil on the other hand is on the virge (ha) of kinda freaking out. He's happy that the sectionnis getting more love, even if it's only for money. But he liked that it was in the back and away from the crowds of people coming in and out. Not to mention theirs someone dude dresses like a prince yelling on the phone to someone named Patton about whether he should "go to the section of love and acceptance or stay in emo hell". Virgil is insulted enough by this to tell him Roman to please stop yelling and go to whatever section isn't here. Roman rolls his eyes calls him knock off Gerard way and ignores him. Virgil completely forgets how nervous he was becuase now his piss3d and they get into an arguments.
It ends when Patton walks in and calls for Roman at the same time that Janus calls in and calls for Virgil. They look to their friend seemingly coming in together and are about to complain to their respective friends when Janus, Virgil and Roman here a familiar voice go
"Brobro what are you doing here. Hey Jan, hey virge," and Remus walks in completely unaware of the fighting that was just happening. Virgil tries to actually get a good like at this guy's face and realizes that without the make up and general zanny disposition he does look a lot like Remus. Before anyone can respond tk that, an another person asks
"OH God Roman what did you do? Who are they?" And of course it's Logan.
So now are dark sides are standing on one side and all the lights on the other. As the two siblings and their two different friend groups collide. Teen hurt, comfort and angst ensues.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 5 months
Jolyne's Teacher pt. 6 (Teacher reader x Jotaro)
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Chapter 6- Encounter with Dio
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Chapter 5- Friday |Masterlist|
Small Summary: It's a new school year, you're a third grade teacher at an elementary school in Florida with Jolyne Cujoh being in your class.
Tw: mention of blood
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Year 1984
It was my 18th birthday mom and dad were able to save enough money for us to go to Egypt. I was really excited, it's been ages since we've all been out on a vacation. When we arrived it was so nice being with them and trying new foods.
"Wow is that a castle?" Mom asked, "I think so." dad and I looked at what appeared to be a mansion or castle, it looked extravagant three-story, but seemed to be quite old, situated in one of the older districts of Cairo. The main building is surrounded by a wall and an extensive garden which includes numerous palm trees that were poking out. There are four towers on each corner of the rectangular main building. There was a bird falling around the building. My mom walked towards the gate, "I wouldnt go in there if I were you." One of the locals stopped us, "Why not?"
"There's something evil in that building. It would be best if you stay clear from it. Its been said to be guarded by a vampire or god and he could give you anything to your heart desires." I looked at the building and I could've sworn I saw a man standing at the window of one of the towers. A chill ran down my spine, "I think its best if we stay clear of the castle, mom and dad."
"Alright we'll stay clear from it."
The rest of the day we spent it just going around and looking at different things nearby. Night came I stayed in my hotel room as my parents went out for drinks.
Afterwards they came home. I was asleep and didn't really notice them come into the room, that was til Mom woke me up, "Y/n why don't we go to that building we saw earlier today?" They are were acting strange; they seemed like zombies being controlled by something. 
"Wait what about what the local said-"
"We're going and thats finial." Dad spoke, "Get dressed. wear this." Mom handed me a black tight dress. I wore the cloth she wanted and we made our way to the building. There was a bird flying around... a falcon? He was leading the way.
As we entered the building there was something that felt Erie about it. "Guys can we go. I'm not liking this."
"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" A voice spoke, "You are a guest at my home."
A chill ran down my spine, "I'm sorry to enter your home, we thought it was abandoned, we'll get going now." I grabbed my parents arms trying to get them to leave with me but they weren't moving. "Please I insist that you stay, After all..."
A man appeared in front of me, "It doesn't seems like your parents want to leave." I backed away from him, but he kept inching closer I bumped into a table and grabbed whatever I could to the man's head. I hit him with a lamp cutting his face, "That was rude." In the darkness I could see the man wiped the blood and licked it off his fingers. "I invite you to my home and this is the way you greet me." Candles in the room sudden were lite.
I took a good look at him, he looked pale almost transparent. He wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and a necklace. Our gaze met I quickly looked away; looking at my parents, "Why aren't my parents doing anything?! What did you do to them?!" I tried pushing the man away but he somehow moved behind me, "What did I do?" He whispered in my ear, "Aren't you assuming that I've done something to them without any proof that I did?"
I turned around to face him but he was gone, where is he? Why does he keep disappearing like that!? "Who are you?"
"I'm sure your parents can tell you who I am Y/n." He said my name, how did he know my name? I felt a shortness of breathe. "Mom, dad, please snap out of it and lets go!"
"We're not leaving. Lord Dio has ordered us to bring you here so he can feed on you. We must provide food for him." As those words left dad's lips I left a cold shift in the air around me. The man named Dio was gonna kill me, "We must provide for Lord Dio!." My parents ran towards me.
"I won't kill you... Not yet at least." He was in front of me again, my parents now stopping in their tracks. "I'll let you live, if... You agree to give yourself to me."
"I won't." I stated. He chuckled cross his arms, "You don't have a choice dear. Either you stay and nothing happens to you or... you don't and I kill your parents and then you," He wrapped his arms around my waist and got closer whispering in my ear, "So the last memory you have before death is me slaughtering your family and you knowing you could have done something to stop me from killing them." I pulled away from him.
I looked at my parents, "Don't worry about your parents love. They were willing to give you up just for money and riches."
"I dont believe you." I was scared, did they, really?
"They did. You see I have them under my control. I planted a Flesh bud as a from of contract with them. I'm able to manipulate my hair to create parasites, which can then insert into a human's head. These flesh buds pierce through the skull into part of the brain, thus making your parents compliant to my demands once they make that contract with me." Why would they sell me for money to him? Who is this man that they are willing to give me to him without a second thought? "Can you remove it?" I asked him.
"I'll say this again and I won't repeat myself. I'll let your parents live if you agree to be with me. Ive been drawn to you my love." He now stood in front of me, gently grabbing my face forcing me to look at him, I felt scarred and disgusted, I looked back at my parents, "You promise you'll let them go and live normal lives?" Dio inched closer to me our lips being inches apart. "I promise. I am a man of my word." His voice gave me chills. "I'll stay with you just promise that I get to live, you dont put a flesh bud in me, and you get rid of mind control bud you have planted on their brains."
"You have a deal." Dio smiled. A group of men walked in, "Take her to my room and for her parents I'll remove the buds." The men did as Dio told them to do.
Since that day I never say my parents again, I never knew if they lived or die.
Present Friday.
"Y/n he can stop time! HE IS A STAND USER WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!" why can't that voice leave me, "You must listen to your master!" I covered my ears, "You died and you continue to hunt me even after death. why can't you leave me alone?! I refuse to believe that he is a stand user and I refuse to believe that he has the extract same power as you!" I looked up at him, "You said it yourself stand users have unique powers and NO ONE can duplicate them, so why does he have the same one as you!? DID HE STEAL THE WORLD FROM YOU?! IS THAT WHY YOUR FUCKING HUNTING ME?! CAUSE YOU WANT THE WORLD BACK!?"
"He has information! That is a Joestar!... Ask that little brat her grandfathers last and first name when you see her again." If hes a Joestar then that means, "Jotaro was the one that killed you?"
Dio didnt anything, "Why do you torment me Dio?"
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octuscle · 1 year
Working everyday sucks. I mean is this the life we dreamt of when we were young? I mean I had the choice between knowledge and sports. I chose the academic way but there are days I wish for another chance to decide. Working with my body instead of my brain would be cool. Is there a Chronivac program to solve this problem?
Dude, I understand you so well. I mean, you're in-house counsel at your company, 48 years old…. Got 20 more years to work. The peak of your career is probably right now. Damn it! If you would have made the right decision at the right time… I'll choose the setting "Become younger with simultaneous modification of the past". Means in clear language, you become now each hour a year younger. And at the same time you have dedicated yourself one year more to a career as an athlete. Whether you end up as a gold medal winner, Formula 1 champion or coach of a soccer team in the district league, I can't tell you yet. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Friday morning, 6:00 a.m. At this time you feel like an old man. Your back has been better. But trust me, in a few minutes you will feel better. Your mind is already off the weekly meeting in the shower. They're on the runs you're planning for the weekend. By the time you sit down to breakfast at 7:00 a.m. (raw vegetables, sugar-free muesli, low-fat quark), you already feel considerably fitter. You sold your car a year ago. Your new bike was almost as expensive. And now you ride it to the office like every morning.
09:00 a.m., weekly meeting of the department heads. Since you've been doing more sports, you love Casual Friday. Your tight suit pants fit snugly and your rolled-up arms show off your tanned, wiry forearms. Three years of hard training are having an effect. It's certainly helped your career, too. Most of the other department heads are not only fatter than you, they are also much older.
The morning goes well, at lunchtime you can convince your colleagues to have sushi. Normally, they always go out for schnitzel at the brewery on Fridays. Then you would have had to take a salad again. And a non-alcoholic beer. Okay, that would have worked, too. But in the meantime it causes you physical pain to watch how some people maltreat their bodies. As you brush your teeth in the office after lunch, you grin very contentedly in the mirror. You are now 40 years old. But as a rule, everyone thinks you're younger. Triathlon and soccer have gotten you out of your post-college slump over the past eight years. And now you're the departmental Adonis. One of the youngest department heads in the entire group. And an absolute winning smile!
The building empties out at 3:00 pm. But you don't just give your all in sports. When you shut down the computer at 6:00 p.m., all the e-mails have been processed. Yes, you are considered an absolute nerd. And you are. Ever since you graduated with your bachelor's degree 12 years ago, you've been working hard. In sports as well as in your job. Your promotion is only a matter of time. But that doesn't matter. You hang up your suit in your closet, stuff your shirt, shoes and knee socks into your backpack, put on your racing bike outfit and start cycling. You'd like to do another 100 kilometers tonight. Two and a half hours would be a good time… Sometime between 20:00 o'clock and 21:00 o'clock it makes click. You almost lost control of the bike. You are now just under 24 years old. And after graduating from high school, you decided to become a carpenter. The alternative would have been to study law. Like your father, like your grandmother, like your brother. But even though you weren't particularly talented at handicrafts, you wanted to do something completely different. Something physical. And fuck, that was the right decision. Today, at 33, you have your own business, plenty of time for sports, and certainly a much more relaxed life than your brother….
Now the changes come one after the other. The beginning of the transformation quickly reaches your 17th and 16th birthday. And the younger you are at the time of onset, the more serious the effects.
At 11:00 p.m. you lie in bed showered. It was a hard day. But you love your job. In the past, you would have dreamed of a different life. When you started playing soccer at the age of 14, you were already too old for the big career. Well, you were active in the second Bundesliga for a while. But now, as a physiotherapist and fitness trainer at a first league club, you're not dissatisfied. It pays pretty good money. And a bit of the boys' glamour falls on you, too. At least you get around a lot… You fall asleep at the thought.
Alarm clock rings like every day at 06:00 o'clock. You don't give a shit that it's Saturday. Could also be Sunday or Christmas. Drink a liter of water to detox, then run ten kilometers. At 07:30 your physiotherapist comes to the hotel room, 08:30 breakfast with the team. Kickoff for the soccer game is today at 8:30 p.m. Until then, light training, a yoga session and coaching with your social media consultant are scheduled.
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Let the haters make fun of the soccer millionaires. You've been fighting for your career since your foot first touched a ball. And you work a hell of a lot harder for success than any armchair farter who studied business, law or mechanical engineering. And that's why you will win today!
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lifeinkinder · 2 months
Rambling thoughts because it's Friday, I have many things to do and I'm tired.
I haven't had any appetite since like Tuesday. Didn't eat dinner Tuesday. Had yogurt and granola for dinner Wednesday & Thursday. Likely just having a protein shake tonight. I don't know whats up with me.
I have spent at least 4 hours a day every single day for the last 10 days in my classroom. Obviously none of it was paid because that's not how this works. But it's unpacked, decorated, and organized. And more importantly, I feel positive about the new space.
My new admin team seems amazing. Of course the test will be when students are in the building. But without students, they are personable, approachable, and kind. Like my AP knows my name and used it today! Which shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm decent positive last year's shitshow admin didn't know my name and the prior year's admin would only call people Ms/Mr/Mx. xyz even if that wasn't what they wanted to be called.
HR is really trying to rally folks to do unpaid work by telling us that if we finish our safe schools trainings by Aug 30 we're entered to win a personal day. They're giving away 5. In a district of 500+ staff members. I'd guess probably 100-200 people will finish by the deadline so the odds of winning an extra personal day are low.
I have 91 PD hours left to change lanes (this doesn't count the credits for the class I took because I don't know how that will translate in terms of PD hours - likely between 24 and 45 hours since it's a 3 credit hour course, but who knows).
We're officially back on Tuesday.
My humans have transitioned to a new daycare. Drop off is ROUGH. They're both crying when I have to go and I have so much mom guilt. It's killing me. Every time she sends pictures though, they're both happy. And when I pick up they're both happy. So it's just a rough separation. Which is did expect. They're 16 months old and the separation from mom to a new person is HARD but UGH.
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jules-has-notes · 10 months
2014 VoicePlay fall travels — school tour, and festivals, and cruising, oh my!
VoicePlay didn't have an extended tour scheduled for the autumn months, but that doesn't mean they were just sitting at home. (They did get some time at home, though, which is a good thing.) Their adventures were simply shorter and more varied.
RPI homecoming show
As part of Resselaer Polytechnic Institute's homecoming weekend in upstate New York, VoicePlay and pal Emoni Wilkins headlined "An Evening of A Cappella" with the university's student a cappella groups, Duly Noted, Partial Credit, The Rusty Pipes, and the Rensselyrics. Before the show, they were the guests of honor at a meet-and-greet for alumni of the student groups and the RPI glee club.
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Pennsylvania school tour
When VoicePlay performed at APAP in January 2014, they caught a number of eyes, including those of executive director Rob Steele from the Williamsport Community Arts Center in Pennsylvania. He sought out their booth at the convention, and was impressed by their commitment to educational outreach.
So when mid-October rolled around, VoicePlay and Emoni set off for a whirlwind week of workshops at all eight school districts in Lycoming County. They visited two schools per day, culminating with a Friday student matinee and an evening concert at the Williamsport CAC. Since filming the fourth season of The Sing-Off the previous summer and the ensuing tour in the spring had greatly reduced the guys' ability to schedule time with students for nearly a year, they were excited to have some concentrated kid time.
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morning in Muncy, afternoon in Loyalsock
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morning in the Jersey Shore School District, afternoon in Montoursville
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morning in South Williamsport, afternoon in Hughesville
A local reporter attended the Wednesday morning workshop, and did a very nice write-up for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette.
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morning in Chester Springs, afternoon in Williamsport
During the final workshop, Layne laid down some beats for a student to dance to.
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all dressed up and ready for showtime
Bridgeport show
After bidding farewell to Emoni, the guys made a quick jaunt to Bridgeport, CT for one more show — complete with a theater pooch and tiled dressing room — before heading home.
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Home time
After eight days of shows and workshops, flights and van rides, the guys got to enjoy two weeks at home with minimal interruptions. They did pop down to Miami for a charity event (with some very cool decor) that happened to coincide with Earl's birthday. In a belated anniversary celebration, Earl and Nick got tattoos of each other's voice waveforms. And, of course, they had to celebrate Halloween.
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At the beginning of November, VoicePlay hit the road — and the skies and the seas — once more. They fit in a quick Caribbean cruise gig before heading back north.
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Kettering National A Cappella Festival
When they got off the ship, the boys jetted up to Dayton, Ohio for one of the biggest student a cappella festivals in the country. After headlining the Friday night concert, they spent Saturday running master class sessions with various high school groups. The Saturday night concert was headlined by Street Corner Symphony, who the guys would soon get to know better on the upcoming 2015 Sing-Off tour.
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A member of Marlington High School's Dukes of Harmony documented the weekend in video, including a couple clips and photos of VoicePlay.
Back and forth
The boys popped home for a few days to do a couple corporate gigs — one of which will get its own post — before returning to Ohio for another weekend of shows and workshops. (Though Geoff did get a little concerned when a TSA officer at the Orlando airport recognized him after so many frequent trips.)
Wittenberg University show
VoicePlay performed a concert as part of the Wittenberg Series, with collegiate groups Just Eve and Wittmen Crew opening for them. The next day, they held a master class workshop for the students, who then followed them down the road to the next festival.
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Ohio Wesleyan A Cappellooza
The second annual A Cappellooza brought together collegiate vocal groups from across the state. Participants included Denison University, Oberlin College, Wittenberg University, and the University of Akron, in addition to OWU itself. Given that year's theme of Disney music, VoicePlay were a natural fit as professional headliners for the night.
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Celebrating love at home
The guys escaped the frozen north, and capped off November by playing local weddings on the last two weekends before finally taking some time off to spend the holidays with their families.
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isimpoveryou · 3 years
hi guysss. pls pls pls if anyone of you are from indonesia or anywhere i just want to urge you to read this article. i know if your not indo you are probably confused but this arcticle is about 3 kids probably 10 or younger who got SA by their own father and the mother is trying to report everything about what happen to their kids but the police but the police doesnt even believed it. SO PLS PLS HELP THIS BLOW OUT EVERYWHERE
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english translation:
WARNING: This article contains explicit content that can trigger emotional and mental stress for readers. We recommend that you do not continue reading it. We recommend that this article be read by the Indonesian police.
if you wrote it,” he said, “what would change?”
“We rely on the police. We reported it. So what? The perpetrator is still free.”
Lydia reported the rape of her three children, all of whom were under 10 years old. The alleged perpetrators are her ex-husband, their own biological father, a state civil servant who has a position in a regional government office.
The police investigated his complaint, but the process was strongly suspected of being fraught with manipulation and conflict of interest. Only two months since he made the complaint, the police have stopped the investigation.
Not only did she not get justice, Lydia was even accused of having a vengeful motive for reporting her ex-husband. He was also attacked as a person with a mental disorder. This attack was allegedly used to delegitimize his report and any evidence he collected alone to support his quest for justice.
Lydia isn't her real name. A single mother, after a divorce, her three children came with her. They live in East Luwu, a border district in South Sulawesi, a 12-hour drive from Makassar City.
Even though she is divorced, her ex-husband still wants to be involved in co-parenting. Her ex-husband is free to pick up his three children when they come home from school and give him pocket money or toys.
The situation seemed normal until Lydia realized the hidden truth: While helping her daughter take a bath, she found several bruises on her son's thigh.
The child reasoned, the bruises were due to falling while playing catch. Lydia advised them to be careful. However, not only bruises, but the behavior of the children changed drastically, preferring to be silent, often hitting them. Lazy to eat. Frequent dizziness and vomiting.
On one night in early October 2019, while Lydia was washing the dishes, her youngest child screamed that her sister was complaining of vaginal pain. Lydia immediately approached her eldest child, hugged her from behind while rubbing her shoulders.
"Son, what did you say earlier?" said Lydia.
"No, Mamak," replied the eldest son.
He coaxed, “I love you so much. Too bad. If there is a problem, tell Mamak. I became a helper and protector ta. Don't you dare to cook with Mamak?"
"Say, son. If a child is sick, Mamak doesn't know. Does it hurt, kid?"
The eldest was silent for a long time. Then cry without tears. Lydia was shocked, panicked. The eldest, in a low voice as if choking, said: "Mamak... my father na anu pepe' . " Mamak, daddy did something to my pussy, he said.
Lydia cried, leaning on the back of the sofa, “Don't play games, kid. Don't play around."
"Yes, Mama. Yes."
He asked his two children, "Is this true, son?"
"Yes, Mama. I also had my butt crushed,” said his son.
"Me too Mamak," replied the youngest child.
She grabbed her three children, crying together. His head seemed to explode, wanting to scream. While trying to get up to go to the bathroom, to let go of tears, he fell. His legs felt bone loss.
The kids helped him inching his way. He slid over to the sofa. He raved. And began to realize when his children scolded, "Why ki, Mamak?"
He slowly released his emotions. Then examined the children, found wounds in the vagina and anus. On the night that seemed to go by slowly and long, he looked at his son sleeping. Confusion. Fatigue. He couldn't sleep until morning.
In the second week of October 2019, with her three children, Lydia went to the office of the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment, East Luwu Social Service. In this unit, ideally, a person who complains of a violent case can get protection.
The Head of the Service Center Division, Firawati, received Lydia in a small partitioned room. Meanwhile, her three children are in the game facility in the unit. Lydia told Firawati about the chronology of her child's confession to being sexually abused by her own father. Firawati admitted that she knew the alleged perpetrator because she was "a fellow state civil servant."
Instead of prioritizing a safe room for Lydia and her three children, Firawati instead contacted the alleged perpetrator, reporting that there was a complaint regarding an alleged molestation case, so Lydia's ex-husband came to the Service Center office.
Firawati argued that the reason for bringing the alleged perpetrators together with the three children was to prove whether they were traumatized when they met their father. Firawati also argued that her actions were with Lydia's permission. "Right, fellow ASN. I want confirmation," he said.
"Do you know? All the children hunt to their father. Instead, his mother was abandoned. Even the children find it difficult to leave their father when called by their mother," said Firawati.
Lydia, when I repeated the claim of Firawati's story, listened to it and gaped.
“How could he talk like that? The first day I reported and asked for assistance to the police, but Firawati immediately called the [suspected] perpetrator when I came with the children,” said Lydia.
“After he called, he told me that I was teaching the children to slander the [suspected] perpetrator.”
"If I ever meet Firawati again, I want to see how she lies."
Not only were Lydia and her three children in a vulnerable situation when the alleged perpetrator came to them, her ex-husband immediately lashed out at Lydia for teaching her three children to complain, babbling that Lydia was incompetent to take care of the future of her three children.
The complaint provided no protection for Lydia, instead she was cornered, sent home to wait for further news.
The next day, Lydia and her three children were asked to come back to Firawati's office. From this process, the three children were psychologically examined by an officer from Puspaga, an acronym for the Family Learning Center, a work unit at the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children. It was later discovered that the officer did not qualify as a child psychologist.
The examination resulted in a claim that Lydia's three children "showed no signs of trauma" and said "the relationship with the parents is quite considerate and harmonious" and that they are "in good physical and mental condition."
Firawati's act of bringing the three children together with their father--to check whether they were traumatized or not--and reinforced by a psychological examination that Lydia's children did not show any signs of trauma was later used by the East Luwu police to stop the investigation.
Handling at Polres Luwu Timur: 'I was forced by the police to sign the BAP'
Hoping to be accompanied by officers from the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children, Lydia was finally alone when she reported the alleged sexual abuse case to the East Luwu Police. (Firawati from the Service Center reasoned that at that time she was in a meeting with the regional parliament, while other assistants were preparing to move their office.)
The police received Lydia's report on October 9, 2019. A female police officer took her three children to a health center for a post-mortem, without any assistance. Then, the three were questioned by uniformed investigators, without being accompanied by Lydia, legal counsel, social workers or psychologists.
Lydia was asked to sign the examination report (BAP) but was forbidden to read it first.
Five days later, the East Luwu Police notified the progress of the investigation results, reported that the report had been received and would be investigated by Aipda Kasman.
Lydia went to the police station to ask about the results of the post-mortem for her three children. At the same time, he also gave her a pair of pink panties that had blood on them on her own initiative.
On Friday, October 18, the police reported the results of the post-mortem from the Puskesmas and according to one investigator claimed “nothing was found.” On the same day, Lydia was interrogated by investigators without being accompanied by legal counsel.
“I was only asked about everyday problems. Then, the investigator said it would be continued. He will fill in the other part because he will pray Friday,” he said.
“I was asked to sign at the bottom of the report. I said I would sign later after this was continued. However, the investigators forced me. And I signed. Because it's noon and I want to go home to make food for the children."
"Well, I think now, I'm so stupid why I signed," said Lydia.
The following week, the East Luwu Police informed the development of the case; that investigators have interrogated Lydia, the alleged rapist, and three of the victim's children; have medically examined three child victims along with the results of visum et repertum; and the next plan is that the three children will be examined medically and psychologically at the South Sulawesi Police's Medical and Health Division (Biddokkes) in Makassar.
Victim's Mother's Mental Health Condition Used to Delegitimize Rape Reports
On October 28, one of Lydia's children complained of rectal pain. Lydia photographed some of the wounds. And, again on her own initiative on November 1, Lydia brought one pair of underwear with green liquid and one leggings with blood on it to the East Luwu Police.
A day later, police investigators contacted him if there would be an examination at the South Sulawesi Regional Police Biddokkes on November 6. At that time Lydia received threats from her ex-husband, the alleged rapist. The threat was that the alleged perpetrator would stop the monthly income for their three children if Lydia continued the examination process to Makassar.
Lydia with her three children, accompanied by one of her siblings, went to Bhayangkara Hospital Makassar. Here Lydia and her three children are taken to the waiting room of the mental clinic. His brother who brought him was also checked.
Inside the examination room were two doctors, an investigator, and a staff member of the East Luwu Women and Children Empowerment Center for Integrated Services.
During the examination of her three children, Lydia recorded secretly through a cellphone camera. His eldest child was seen on the lap of a Service Center staff who was sitting on a sofa. There was an investigator, a woman and a doctor in the examination room. The doctor then asked Lydia to leave the room.
During the examination of Lydia and her brother, they were asked about the family's mental health condition. Her brother was asked about Lydia's psychological condition since childhood and when she got married, did any family members have a history of mental disorders? When it was Lydia's turn, two doctors asked if they had any “disorders” before divorcing their ex-husband, as well as the condition of their household. The interview with Lydia only lasted 15 minutes.
The results of this psychiatric examination were published on November 11. Lydia is said to have "systematic delusional symptoms that suggest persistent delusional disorder."
On November 15, a physical examination letter for the three children was issued by the Forensic Biddokkes team of the South Sulawesi Police, which stated that there were no abnormalities or signs of physical violence against Lydia's three children.
The East Luwu Police then issued a letter notifying the progress of the investigation results on December 19. This letter refers to the investigation process and the trial on December 4. The letter contains the police's decision to stop the investigation process dated December 10, 2019, without any details on the consideration of termination.
"So the time span for reporting and stopping the investigation is only 63 days. This is very fast and we think it makes no sense. Moreover, this is a case of sexual violence where the victim is a child, why is the process rushed?” said Rezky Pratiwi, Head of the Division of Women, Children and Disabilities of the Makassar Legal Aid Institute.
Go to Makassar City to Get More Competent Access to Justice
At the end of December 2019, Lydia drove her own car with her three children from East Luwu to Makassar City. The journey took him 12 hours. This long and windy journey brought Lydia to the Makassar City Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children, where she hoped that justice would be granted to the victims.
Different from the handling in East Luwu, Lydia was given a referral to report her case to LBH Makassar. From here, LBH Makassar, through the Coalition for Legal Aid Advocacy for Sexual Violence against Children, became its legal advisor when the case was terminated by the East Luwu Police.
The Makassar City Service Center also provides psychological assistance to Lydia's three children. In his psychological report, through observation and interview methods, the three children “were not traumatized but were anxious” and all three of them consistently told and strengthened each other's stories of being sexually abused by their fathers.
Their story of being sexually assaulted, possibly more than one suspect, is consistent with what one victim told her mother when the investigation was being handled by the East Luwu Police. The victim's story is reinforced in the photos and videos that Lydia keeps, which depicts the physical abuse of her three children.
The police at the East Luwu Police and the South Sulawesi Police ignored the stories and evidence.
"At the Makassar City Service Center, child psychologists who examine children believe that sexual violence has occurred," said Rezky Pratiwi from LBH Makassar.
Pratiwi said that the East Luwu Police investigation process was "procedurally flawed" from the first post-mortem to the taking of information for each child.
Children should be accompanied by their parents as well as legal assistants, social workers or other assistants as mandated in Law 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, he said.
"So the East Luwu resort police are very unprofessional," he said.
“The police are instead focusing on [Lydia's] mother, who is said to have other motives. The victim's mother was examined by a psychiatrist whose procedure was not proper. Information on children was not investigated and other witnesses were not examined to find new clues. For example, information from neighbors or people who know them,” said Pratiwi.
Polda Sulsel Supports Investigation Stopped
On December 26, 2019, LBH Makassar together with Lydia visited the South Sulawesi Regional Police and asked for a special case to stop the investigation at the East Luwu Police. Attached to the letter were photographs of the wounds to the anus and vagina of the three children.
Furthermore, on 10 and 13 February 2020, the legal team sent a letter to file a case, but there was no response. On February 19, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol. Ibrahim Tompo, even told the media that they had "conducted an internal case" and that the termination of the investigation was legal and according to procedure.
Then, on March 5, the South Sulawesi Police team informed LBH Makassar that a special case would be held on March 6, at 13.00, at the Polda office.
The sudden news made the legal advisors completely unprepared.
"The time is very short for preparation," said Rezky Pratiwi from LBH Makassar. "The child psychologist who accompanied the victim from the start was unable to attend because of the clash of activities."
On April 14, the results of the case study stated that the South Sulawesi Regional Police recommended that the East Luwu Resort Police continue to stop the investigation process into the sexual abuse report.
Urge Police Headquarters to Continue Investigation
On the second floor of the East Luwu Police Office, connected by a ladder, there is a room where Aipda Kasman, the investigator who handles the case of Lydia's children, works. Kasman boasts of his work, “We have done a post-mortem to forensics. Until there are results from his mother's psychiatrist."
"Can I read the copy?" ask me.
"I can't convey that because that's what we're holding," he smirks.
The so-called psychiatrist's results from the Bhayangkara Makassar Hospital, which are kept secret, are apparently considered "truth" by many people in East Luwu. That his mother is "crazy", is not a case of alleged rape that people talk about and remember. "We know about the case, but it's her crazy mother," one resident told me. "That's why the case is not continued."
During the interview session with Kasman, the investigator immediately sat nervously when I handed him the tape. He wanted to speak more openly after being allowed by his superior, East Luwu Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Iptu Eli Kendek.
“If it is stated that we are maladministration or administrative defects, that is the perception of LBH Makassar. But we still adhere to professional principles. We act according to the rules, according to the law,” he started the excuse.
"We have also clarified to all institutions that LBH Makassar has written to," he claimed.
LBH Makassar has sent a letter of complaint to a number of institutions in July 2020, including the National Police Commissioner, the Ombudsman, the Head of the South Sulawesi Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, the Luwu Regent, the Director of General Crimes at the National Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Unit, and Komnas Perempuan.
To these institutions, Kasman claims, the East Luwu Police have clarified and "everything is safe."
Komnas Perempuan, in a letter of recommendation sent to Police Headquarters, Polda Sulsel, and Polres Luwu Timur, dated 22 September 2020, instead asked to resume the investigation of the criminal case.
The process, Komnas Perempuan wrote, "must fully involve parents, legal counsel, and social assistance for victims, provide safe house facilities, counseling, and other special facilities for women." Next, "The police need to coordinate with the Makassar City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service to facilitate these special needs."
This recommendation was precisely what the East Luwu Police did not do when handling complaints about the molestation case against Lydia's three children.
According to Rezky Pratiwi from LBH Makassar, the police and the East Luwu Service Center took sides with the alleged perpetrator. “If there is a child's testimony, it should start from there. First, dig up the supporting evidence.”
"It looks very biased. In other cases of sexual violence that we assist, the police are usually silenced. If this is the case, an administrative termination will be made.”
On one cold morning ride, Lydia sped off. Past the bend, overtook some trucks. Since the incident of sexual violence against her children, she has left her future home and preparation for old age.
He wanted to sell the house because he wanted to burn the bad memories. His children didn't want to see the house. The children refused and cried when Lydia asked to visit the house.
Lydia, gave me access to watch several videos on her cellphone that showed traces of the alleged violence of the alleged rapist. Some of the footage shows the injuries on the bodies of the children which made it difficult for me to see them through.
A few weeks after the abuse, her children complained of pain. At a puskesmas in East Luwu, Lydia asked for a referral letter to take her children to a hospital.
In the letter of reference was written a diagnosis of internal thrombosed hemorrhoids + child abuse. Damage to the anus due to forced intercourse.
Other diagnoses of abdominal and pelvic pain. Damage to the vaginal organs due to rape.
The next diagnosis is vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina and constipation or difficult bowel movements.
At the referral hospital, the children demonstrated what their father did after the doctor asked what caused the injuries to the anus and vagina.
The initial diagnosis, photo documentation and video recordings, as well as the results of the examination to the hospital were ignored by East Luwu Police investigators. The police did not take these violent findings seriously.
"If the police post-mortem results say that there were no injuries and nothing happened," said Lydia, "why did the police refuse when I wanted to give this photo and video? They said just keep it, there's no need for that."
“Then how come my child's buttocks and vagina are injured until they are swollen white like white flesh?
“Why do my children cry in pain every time they want to urinate and defecate? Why do my children say their father is a bad person and don't want to see him again now?”
“If the perpetrator is indeed innocent, why doesn't he come looking for his son, asking for clarification from the children?
"If people say this is slander, why are the children slandering their father like that?"
“If that question is not answered, will the police help find the answer?
No, right.*
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philippinesvsusa · 5 years
33ème weekend et 29ème semaine de cours
Sathurday24 Mars 2019, we woke up late. Then after a shower Angie made us breakfast with eggs and vegetables. I also tried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the first time. Indeed since I’ve been here I had never tied and my host parents have been telling me for ages I should because they tried peaches and tuna. So it's not so bad. I taught it was gross but it's just sweet. Then after some make up we went to the mall to try prom dresses on. Man, those stuff are expensive! From 100 to 700 dollars! 😱 That was funny though. Then I had to be back home for 4 pm so I could go to the Betchler center. It's a theater at Longview university where I was going for some volunteer hours. The manager show me around and then I greeted people qnd saw the artist and a part of the show. The singer was Tony Orlando. Then they had ordered some food for me and the students workers showed me around the campus in a golf cart.
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On Sunday, I woke up late and in the afternoon I went to the mall with Angie amd Sofia to try dresses once again. Haha. Ensuite, un ami de mes parents est venu mangé à la maison. But I was feeling sick so I went to sleep at 7 pm. I’ve had a lot of headache last year and Sharina thinks I mmay start allergies. Here a lot of people have allergies.
Monday, in my debate class we realize that the texts I had been working on weren't poetry texts. And because there was a district meet ( big contest) the teacher found me two new texts that I had to interpret with emotion as I read them. So I have been had been working on that all the week! In Spanish I had to talk with my teacher because my host mom had received a mail saying I had a 33% in that class! I was stressed but it was a mistake replaced by a 100%. Haha. Indeed my host parents receive mails every week with my grades and everything. Once at home I had to do a little Spanish homework taking pictures of me doing housework.
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Tuesday, I had a tennis tournament in the afternoon. We left school at noon and after an hour and a half we arrived to the school. It was really sunny and I played to game. One single and one double. I lost both but had fun! Then we went to eat in the city next door ( I don't know the name). It was in a little hamburger restaurant. I took a cheese burger with cheese fries. Also I always forget but here when you order a drink you have free refill! We were back at 9:30pm.
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Wednesday, we took nice pictures with Sofia in photography. Then after school I went to volunteer at a flowers designer. She makes beautifull flowers arrangements for principally weddings but also photos shots, funerals ( she doesn't like that haha),…That was really nice. The owner knows a llot and she’s really interesting. Her little studio was so cute! I helped her cutting flowers she had received from a supplier for a wedding. I didn't know flowers were so expensive ! Waouw🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌷⚘🌱🌿☘🍀🌸💐💐💮🏵
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Thursday, with Sofia we went to the spring show. It is the drill team’s show showing all the dances the gurls had learnt this year. That was amazing. They also presented every senior of the team. There was between 10 to 15 different choregraphies. They had a lot of different clothes and musics. I would never have thought it was so nice. At first I went to see Tashi and Raisona who were in the show.
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Friday, I didn't went to school but to Taylor College where a UIL competition took place. My petry competition was the day after but the teacher took us to repeat our texts all the day as other students from the school competed in math, science,… We ate in the cafetaria for lunch and there was so many different meals! We were back around 5pm. Then Maddie picked me up at school. We went to sat at Taco Bell then went to a baseball game in Hallsville. That wa sfun but a little bite boring. There weren't a lot of people. Then we went to eat ice cream at Andy's.
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Gros bisous à tous
Emilie 😇😶
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duderaccoon · 2 years
i am in my grandma's jewelry store working in her place. i have been since last friday. she and some family of mine traveled to the countryside for mother's day. i desired to go as well, however, for circunstantial reasons i couldn't join them. instead, i am taking care of the business that she is passionate about while she takes a well-deserved rest.
tomorrow, she's going to resume her job, and so will i. for months, it has been my duty, as a high school-graduated teenager that is yet to attend to college, the delivery of her lunch at noon.
i live a block and a half away from the store. i first moved in as i was to begin the third grade in a flat four stories below the one i live in, my parents rented it for three more years, then bought out current one.
no matter how many years i have lived in this district, i haven't grown quite used to it yet. i do know how to move myself around here, my issue doesn't lie in a lack of safety or order, but in the population.
everyone that lives here or that has been here has an idea of the common resident's profile, both psychologically and physically: a fair skinned brand-wearing brat who sees the rest of the city as a jungle and the others as lesser than them. it's an stereotype i haven't been able to fit into. even if i wear designer clothing or travel around the globe and brag about how this country is a pile of garage on fire and wish to escape it no matter the means. i am not white. i am beige.
which of course gives me an upper hand against others with darker skin tones in terms of how comfortable my neighbours are with us sharing an elevator. still, my skin tone makes me very insecure when i go out.
most people that look like me work for those of fairer eyes, hair and skin. they are nurses for the wealthy grandmas that despise those who don't live here to visit the park in our district which's area is probably larger than that of most in the city, nannies to the brats that throw fits in the streets when they take a second too long to make their wishes come true, house cleaners of bleach-stained uniforms that earn more than office workers with diplomas and debts to pay off taking care of bathrooms bigger than where these others try to complete their "professional" tasks. people that are looked down on for taking care of the responsibilities their employers don't want to waste their time on.
i have had countless nannies growing up. every week a house cleaner makes sure our home is still a place four people can live in. they are not less than me or my parents, my shame doesn't have a logical reason. i still feel it though. i still walk my dogs and wonder how many people i have walked past that think they aren't mine. i still wear hoodies and joggers and feel pain when some policeman looks at me for far too long.
i try my best to not forget the stupidity of the situation. i remind myself that what others think of me is their own damn problem.
i still hate being in my grandma's jewelry store in her place. behind a glass desk trying to convince those that think less of me to buy a pair of earrings or some bracelet with my prettiest voice and kindest face.
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thelovingschool · 3 years
The Fantastic Four to the Fourth Power, Part 1
I've recently finished Doris Kearns Goodwin's excellent book, Leadership in Turbulent Times, in which she details the ways in which four US presidents served as leaders through pivotal historical moments. I reaffirmed my admiration for Abraham Lincoln, as Goodwin discusses his push to make the Emancipation Proclamation a reality. I was invigorated by the way in which Teddy Roosevelt used the executive branch of government to benefit the citizens of the northeast USA during the Coal Miners' Strike of 1902. I gained new appreciation, wonder, and awe in the way that Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the country during his first 100 days in office in the middle of the Great Depression. I came to greatly respect the legislative leadership of Lyndon Johnson as he pushed the most dramatic and beneficial domestic agenda, his Great Society, including the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1965. Whatever else Johnson may have done or not done, particularly as it relates to foreign policy and the Vietnam War, his impact on the lives of the citizens in the USA cannot be discredited.
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Reading about these four presidents as they grew up, faced challenges ranging from losing elections to losing family members to losing the ability to walk, and ultimately served in the highest office of the nation to great effect was a wonderful experience. I was struck by the common themes that ran through all four of the presidents' leadership challenges. Synthesizing the lessons learned from all presidents, it seems that a leader during turbulent times must:
Have a clear sense of purpose
Adapt along the way to achieving that purpose
Build a solidly functioning team
Pay attention to messaging and timing
Build in time for yourself
Having a clear sense of purpose -- In the summer of 2020, three amazing principals, Sanee Bell, Brian McCann, and Beth Houf gave a phenomenal webinar as part of the virtual National Principals Conference. Beth shared a story of her superintendent bringing the principals in her district together at the beginning of the pandemic and asking them all to spend some time thinking about their purpose, their "why" before sharing them as a group. (Beth's "why" was maintaining relationships with students.) Other leaders have focused on the importance of having a clear purpose, including and especially Baruti Kafele. As we've all learned, what was true before the pandemic only has become exaggerated during the pandemic, and so the need for a clearly defined sense of purpose is truly vital now. My "why" during the pandemic has been to ensure that the teachers with whom I'm lucky enough to work are supported with what they need to be as effective as possible given the challenges of the pandemic.
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Be adaptive along the way -- As I've already written, I am a student of philosophy as well. One of my favorite professors, Father Joe Flanagan, was a huge Socrates' fan, and every college freshman can tell you that Socrates is famous for noting how little he knew. In order to achieve your purpose, it's important to accept that we don't have all of the answers, and we will need to continually learn and grow as we work toward our goals. I have personally learned a great deal from the work of Ron Heifetz as he discusses Adaptive Leadership. Without going into another book report (I want to save that for another post), in order to be an adaptive leader, one must understand that the leadership challenge you're facing is not simple to fix, and will require a great deal of learning. Back to that webinar at NPC20, Sanee discussed how even the simple question "how are you?" carries new meaning during the pandemic. If you're going to ask that question, you need to be prepared that you might not get a quick response back. It might even be the start of a very long conversation, and that is OK. We as leaders will need to spend time maintaining those relationships empathetically throughout the pandemic.
Similarly, I realized that while I work hard to build positive culture in my school, supporting teachers during this pandemic is something I simply didn't know how to do. I'm very fortunate to be taking a course through ASCD on supporting educator mental health. The lessons I'm learning have been immediately applicable with the team at our school. Adapting along the way means sometimes changing tactics based on new information, but if you aren't seeking out that new information you won't be able to get where you're going.
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Build a solid team -- It goes without saying that none of us can do our jobs alone anymore. None of us ever really could before, either. In The Long Distance Leader, summarized here, authors Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel talk about the important of relying on your team and supporting your team throughout the times when you won't physically be together. The principal I currently work with centered his entry plan three years ago on creating and maintaining a strong divisional leadership team, and he has taught me so much over the course of our partnership. While pandemic economic circumstances have meant our partnership is to come to an end in a couple of months, I am headed to my own first principalship this August, and I feel extremely fortunate. When I asked the Head of School at my future school what he is proudest of (this is his first year there), he said that had he been able to create a leadership team from his 30 years of experience in international schools, he couldn't have created a better team than the one he inherited. That is exactly the kind of joyful, strengths-based, empowering, and collaborative leader I want to work with, and knowing that he shared that information in front of members of the leadership team shows that he is willing to give credit and appreciate his team.
I heard Ben Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, share his insight about leading, that people come to the symphony to hear music, and yet he as conductor is the only member of the orchestra who doesn't make a sound. We as leaders are strengthened by the strengths of our team. We know from the extensive literature out there and our own experience how important it is to have trust on a team, and I'll simply relate something one of my own teammates once said at a previous school about our grade-level team of teachers: "We know each other, so we like each other, so we support each other as we work together."
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Messaging Matters -- I can't say it any better than Will Parker does in his book, which my partner principal and I have been learning from all year. Similarly, I loved hearing Joe Sanfelippo at the NPC in Boston in 2019 talk about the importance of shaping the narrative about education, because unless we as school leaders shape the narrative, others are going to fill in the blanks with a negative story. For me, the best example of positive storytelling about school comes from Brian McCann. His article in the latest Principal Leadership magazine is one more example of the ways in which Brian models not just for his teachers, but for the larger professional learning community to which he belongs. In fact, utilizing Brian's idea of Positive Sign Thursday is one of the factors that enabled me to land my next job, so I'm extremely appreciative. The point in all of these examples is of course a lesson that Lincoln knew 160 years ago, that it is through story that we can best communicate our purpose. It's not always easy, finding the balance between too much communication and too little, between being optimistically realistic as opposed to toxically positive, but if we as leaders aren't attending to messaging, we'll lose our chance to build a positive culture.
As an example, we committed to maintaining contact with our families during this school year and having the chance to get feedback from them at least once a month. We did extensive work in August, had a check in virtual town hall during September, and had individual and small group conferences with teachers and students in October. Things were going well. But, as November came along and fatigue set in, we stopped being as intentional about meeting systematically with our parent body, and by the time January rolled around we started to receive emails that were letting us know that we weren't opening up a space for all voices in the community to be heard, and that was leading to speculation and unrest. We're still very fortunate to have a caring community that share ideas in respectful ways, and we have since re-instituted those intentional communication systems at a minimum monthly, and are therefore back to where we had been, but the lesson around the intentionality of messaging is well learned.
As the above example illustrates, timing matters as well. The presidents often had to be wise about when to act and when not to act, when to send messages and when to not send messages. I think of the West Wing episode when President Bartlet's team discusses sending out unpleasant news on Friday afternoons, or "the trash" because no one reads the news on Saturday mornings. Or I think of how fantastic it has been to be able to, just within the last couple of years, schedule emails to be sent at certain times. Of course there are times that I am working late into the evening, but I would feel terrible in the past when I would send out an email at 10 p.m. and get an immediate response from a teacher. There are studies out there that emails received at 6 a.m. are most likely to be read, and my guess is emails received at 10 p.m. are most likely to make you think your principal is a jerk!
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Time and Space for Yourself -- Thinking about the presidents, Lincoln would go to the theater or read comedy aloud, Teddy Roosevelt would take strenuous walks, FDR collected stamps. Only Lyndon Johnson had no real outlet activity, and I wonder, if he had been better at taking care of himself throughout his presidency, might he have attended to foreign policy better. Few topics have gotten more press in the educational world lately than self-care for educators, and this is a focus area in the ASCD course I'm taking as well. I am also fortunate to be a part of a group of school leaders that gather for virtual instructional "rounds" periodically, organized by a former professor at Lehigh, Jon Drescher. Self-care came up at the most recent Rounds I attended, and to be honest I find this so difficult. "If we are always working from home, and we're always home, aren't we always working?" was the question I posed, and I have had real trouble answering this. Heifetz and Linsky talk about anchoring yourself by having a confidant to talk with and a sanctuary, be it a ritual, an activity, or a place to disconnect from the demands of the job.
This was especially challenging for me in 2020, as I know it was for many of us, as the hours spent on screens and away from my normal rituals of walking and playing the piano were disrupted by the sheer demands on the job. I've gained thirty pounds in the past year, and I physically don't feel like myself. More importantly, emotionally I have struggled at times. I have been exploring different ways to recover, and like Lincoln I find comedy is helpful. If I can get in a good laugh before bed I sleep better, whether that's watching old clips of Robin Williams doing standup or Netflixing Seinfeld's Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. At this point I'll try anything and everything so that I can begin, now that the pandemic is hopefully turning a corner, to feel like myself again.
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Part of feeling like myself again is the ability to create something, to produce, based on one of my favorite activities: reading! It's been a joyful experience reading the Goodwin book and the Heifetz/Linsky book, and trying to apply the lessons learned from both to my current role and point in my career. My next post will combine another of my great loves, Harry Potter. Stay tuned to find out which president fits in which house; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw! Thanks for reading.
0 notes
Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and abandoned his Son
Christoffer Thygesen Forced me to Kill 18 Week old Baby Christoffer Thygesen/Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son is sick, starving and homeless. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer Thygesen blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. People v. Bethea, 1 Misc. 3d 909(A), 2004 WL 190054, *1–*2 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2004) (rejecting criminal harassment prosecution of woman who had posted leaflets sharply criticizing the allegedly deadbeat father of her child, and relying on the principle that \"Americans are, after all, free to criticize one another\"). People v Bethea 1] People v Bethea 2004 NY Slip Op 50007(U) Decided on January 13, 2004 Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, Bronx…law.justia.com Allan C. Thygesen president of Google Americas. You blocked me after I sent pics of your Grandson fathered by Christoffer Thygesen your son. Is that what u teach ur Sons? To block women after impregnating them? Your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning u had a Grandson was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? No wonder your. son is being sued for Child Support. I\'m shocked since u are a father of 4 that you would react this way. Niels Christoffer Thygesen (født 13. december 1934) er en dansk professor emeritus i økonomi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen who works as a Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son, Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen is sick, starving and homeless. Han nævnes somme tider som den internationalt set kendteste danske økonom og som \"euroens far\". Terry Thygesen. Your son Christoffer Thygesen impregnated a woman then Abandons his child. Which is Your grandchild ! And ur previous role as President of the Board for the Menlo Park School district was to raise money for underprivileged children?? Is this how you raised your sons ? To flee from responsibility when they impregnate a woman, pressure her into an 18 week abortion, then not paying for the Abortion and ultimately abandoning his child when\'s he\'s born ?!! I matched with Christoffer Thygesen on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer Thygesen then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. Christoffer Thygesen texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought Christoffer Thygesen was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer Thygesen never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer Thygesen kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat Christoffer Thygesen would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. Christoffer Thygesen wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer Thygesen never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer Thygesen wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer Thygesen asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer Thygesen did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer Thygesen was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer Thygesen until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer Thygesen told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer Thygesen that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer Thygesen \'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer Thygesen parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas and then Christoffer Thygesen blocked me. Did Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer Thygesen has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my pregnancy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer Thygesen, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer Thygesen created a son and left him as if getting women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently, those are the morals Christoffer Thygesen as raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all, Christoffer Thygesen\'s nickname among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffer Thygesen son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffer Thygesen mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffer Thygesen mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer Thygesen, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t Christoffer Thygesen \'s family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because of nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot fewer eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support altogether. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. He texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer\'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer\'s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram. Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s Child Read the full article
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liarscheatersrus · 6 years
Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and abandoned his Son
Christoffer Thygesen Forced me to Kill 18 Week old Baby Christoffer Thygesen/Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son is sick, starving and homeless. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer Thygesen blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. People v. Bethea, 1 Misc. 3d 909(A), 2004 WL 190054, *1–*2 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2004) (rejecting criminal harassment prosecution of woman who had posted leaflets sharply criticizing the allegedly deadbeat father of her child, and relying on the principle that \"Americans are, after all, free to criticize one another\"). People v Bethea 1] People v Bethea 2004 NY Slip Op 50007(U) Decided on January 13, 2004 Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, Bronx…law.justia.com Allan C. Thygesen president of Google Americas. You blocked me after I sent pics of your Grandson fathered by Christoffer Thygesen your son. Is that what u teach ur Sons? To block women after impregnating them? Your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning u had a Grandson was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? No wonder your. son is being sued for Child Support. I\'m shocked since u are a father of 4 that you would react this way. Niels Christoffer Thygesen (født 13. december 1934) er en dansk professor emeritus i økonomi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen who works as a Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son, Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen is sick, starving and homeless. Han nævnes somme tider som den internationalt set kendteste danske økonom og som \"euroens far\". Terry Thygesen. Your son Christoffer Thygesen impregnated a woman then Abandons his child. Which is Your grandchild ! And ur previous role as President of the Board for the Menlo Park School district was to raise money for underprivileged children?? Is this how you raised your sons ? To flee from responsibility when they impregnate a woman, pressure her into an 18 week abortion, then not paying for the Abortion and ultimately abandoning his child when\'s he\'s born ?!! I matched with Christoffer Thygesen on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer Thygesen then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. Christoffer Thygesen texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought Christoffer Thygesen was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer Thygesen never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer Thygesen kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat Christoffer Thygesen would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. Christoffer Thygesen wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer Thygesen never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer Thygesen wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer Thygesen asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer Thygesen did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer Thygesen was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer Thygesen until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer Thygesen told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer Thygesen that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer Thygesen \'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer Thygesen parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas and then Christoffer Thygesen blocked me. Did Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer Thygesen has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my pregnancy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer Thygesen, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer Thygesen created a son and left him as if getting women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently, those are the morals Christoffer Thygesen as raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all, Christoffer Thygesen\'s nickname among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffer Thygesen son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffer Thygesen mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffer Thygesen mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer Thygesen, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t Christoffer Thygesen \'s family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because of nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot fewer eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support altogether. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. He texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer\'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer\'s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram. Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s Child Read the full article
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topscammers-blog · 6 years
Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and abandoned his Son
Christoffer Thygesen Forced me to Kill 18 Week old Baby Christoffer Thygesen/Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son is sick, starving and homeless. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer Thygesen blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. People v. Bethea, 1 Misc. 3d 909(A), 2004 WL 190054, *1–*2 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2004) (rejecting criminal harassment prosecution of woman who had posted leaflets sharply criticizing the allegedly deadbeat father of her child, and relying on the principle that \"Americans are, after all, free to criticize one another\"). People v Bethea 1] People v Bethea 2004 NY Slip Op 50007(U) Decided on January 13, 2004 Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, Bronx…law.justia.com Allan C. Thygesen president of Google Americas. You blocked me after I sent pics of your Grandson fathered by Christoffer Thygesen your son. Is that what u teach ur Sons? To block women after impregnating them? Your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning u had a Grandson was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? No wonder your. son is being sued for Child Support. I\'m shocked since u are a father of 4 that you would react this way. Niels Christoffer Thygesen (født 13. december 1934) er en dansk professor emeritus i økonomi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen who works as a Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son, Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen is sick, starving and homeless. Han nævnes somme tider som den internationalt set kendteste danske økonom og som \"euroens far\". Terry Thygesen. Your son Christoffer Thygesen impregnated a woman then Abandons his child. Which is Your grandchild ! And ur previous role as President of the Board for the Menlo Park School district was to raise money for underprivileged children?? Is this how you raised your sons ? To flee from responsibility when they impregnate a woman, pressure her into an 18 week abortion, then not paying for the Abortion and ultimately abandoning his child when\'s he\'s born ?!! I matched with Christoffer Thygesen on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer Thygesen then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. Christoffer Thygesen texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought Christoffer Thygesen was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer Thygesen never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer Thygesen kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat Christoffer Thygesen would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. Christoffer Thygesen wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer Thygesen never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer Thygesen wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer Thygesen asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer Thygesen did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer Thygesen was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer Thygesen until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer Thygesen told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer Thygesen that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer Thygesen \'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer Thygesen parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas and then Christoffer Thygesen blocked me. Did Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer Thygesen has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my pregnancy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer Thygesen, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer Thygesen created a son and left him as if getting women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently, those are the morals Christoffer Thygesen as raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all, Christoffer Thygesen\'s nickname among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffer Thygesen son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffer Thygesen mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffer Thygesen mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer Thygesen, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t Christoffer Thygesen \'s family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because of nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot fewer eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support altogether. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. He texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer\'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer\'s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram. Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s Child Read the full article
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unhappyclient-blog · 6 years
Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and abandoned his Son
Christoffer Thygesen Forced me to Kill 18 Week old Baby Christoffer Thygesen/Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son is sick, starving and homeless. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer Thygesen blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. People v. Bethea, 1 Misc. 3d 909(A), 2004 WL 190054, *1–*2 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2004) (rejecting criminal harassment prosecution of woman who had posted leaflets sharply criticizing the allegedly deadbeat father of her child, and relying on the principle that \"Americans are, after all, free to criticize one another\"). People v Bethea 1] People v Bethea 2004 NY Slip Op 50007(U) Decided on January 13, 2004 Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, Bronx…law.justia.com Allan C. Thygesen president of Google Americas. You blocked me after I sent pics of your Grandson fathered by Christoffer Thygesen your son. Is that what u teach ur Sons? To block women after impregnating them? Your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning u had a Grandson was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? No wonder your. son is being sued for Child Support. I\'m shocked since u are a father of 4 that you would react this way. Niels Christoffer Thygesen (født 13. december 1934) er en dansk professor emeritus i økonomi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen who works as a Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son, Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen is sick, starving and homeless. Han nævnes somme tider som den internationalt set kendteste danske økonom og som \"euroens far\". Terry Thygesen. Your son Christoffer Thygesen impregnated a woman then Abandons his child. Which is Your grandchild ! And ur previous role as President of the Board for the Menlo Park School district was to raise money for underprivileged children?? Is this how you raised your sons ? To flee from responsibility when they impregnate a woman, pressure her into an 18 week abortion, then not paying for the Abortion and ultimately abandoning his child when\'s he\'s born ?!! I matched with Christoffer Thygesen on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer Thygesen then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. Christoffer Thygesen texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought Christoffer Thygesen was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer Thygesen never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer Thygesen kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat Christoffer Thygesen would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. Christoffer Thygesen wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer Thygesen never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer Thygesen wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer Thygesen asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer Thygesen did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer Thygesen was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer Thygesen until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer Thygesen told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer Thygesen that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer Thygesen \'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer Thygesen parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas and then Christoffer Thygesen blocked me. Did Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer Thygesen has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my pregnancy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer Thygesen, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer Thygesen created a son and left him as if getting women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently, those are the morals Christoffer Thygesen as raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all, Christoffer Thygesen\'s nickname among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffer Thygesen son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffer Thygesen mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffer Thygesen mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer Thygesen, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t Christoffer Thygesen \'s family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because of nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot fewer eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support altogether. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. He texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer\'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer\'s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram. Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s Child Read the full article
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bewarereport-blog · 6 years
Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and abandoned his Son
Christoffer Thygesen Forced me to Kill 18 Week old Baby Christoffer Thygesen/Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son is sick, starving and homeless. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer Thygesen blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. People v. Bethea, 1 Misc. 3d 909(A), 2004 WL 190054, *1–*2 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2004) (rejecting criminal harassment prosecution of woman who had posted leaflets sharply criticizing the allegedly deadbeat father of her child, and relying on the principle that \"Americans are, after all, free to criticize one another\"). People v Bethea 1] People v Bethea 2004 NY Slip Op 50007(U) Decided on January 13, 2004 Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, Bronx…law.justia.com Allan C. Thygesen president of Google Americas. You blocked me after I sent pics of your Grandson fathered by Christoffer Thygesen your son. Is that what u teach ur Sons? To block women after impregnating them? Your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning u had a Grandson was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? No wonder your. son is being sued for Child Support. I\'m shocked since u are a father of 4 that you would react this way. Niels Christoffer Thygesen (født 13. december 1934) er en dansk professor emeritus i økonomi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen who works as a Data Scientist @ Square Inc. impregnated me tried to force me to Abort an 18 Week baby then left me stranded without paying for the Abortion. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen then blocked me when his son was born. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. Christoffer Thygesen Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen has never provided any emotional nor financial support for his son Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen. Christoffer Thygesen\'s son, Great Grandson of Grandson of Niels Christoffer Thygesen is sick, starving and homeless. Han nævnes somme tider som den internationalt set kendteste danske økonom og som \"euroens far\". Terry Thygesen. Your son Christoffer Thygesen impregnated a woman then Abandons his child. Which is Your grandchild ! And ur previous role as President of the Board for the Menlo Park School district was to raise money for underprivileged children?? Is this how you raised your sons ? To flee from responsibility when they impregnate a woman, pressure her into an 18 week abortion, then not paying for the Abortion and ultimately abandoning his child when\'s he\'s born ?!! I matched with Christoffer Thygesen on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer Thygesen then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. Christoffer Thygesen texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought Christoffer Thygesen was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer Thygesen never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer Thygesen kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat Christoffer Thygesen would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. Christoffer Thygesen wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer Thygesen never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer Thygesen wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer Thygesen asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer Thygesen did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer Thygesen was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer Thygesen until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer Thygesen told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer Thygesen that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer Thygesen \'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer Thygesen parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas and then Christoffer Thygesen blocked me. Did Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer Thygesen has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my pregnancy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer Thygesen, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer Thygesen created a son and left him as if getting women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently, those are the morals Christoffer Thygesen as raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all, Christoffer Thygesen\'s nickname among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffer Thygesen son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffer Thygesen mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffer Thygesen mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffer Thygesen\'s father, Allan Thygesen President of Google Americas who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer Thygesen, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t Christoffer Thygesen \'s family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because of nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot fewer eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support altogether. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born. Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online. I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine\'s day but I ended up hanging with other friends. Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at \"Waterbar\" instead. He texted \" I\'d hate for us to be a misconnect \" and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again. We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to \"The Snug\" in Pacific Heights. I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at \" Bar Crudo\" and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont. We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom. After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP \" I have to see you again\", I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he\'d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to. On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day. He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed. I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018. I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted \" how much do you need\"? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled. Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father. In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds. He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy. Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he\'d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back. I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support. Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support. I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer\'s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn\'t care if his son suffers. He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets. I then reached out to Christoffer\'s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram. Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly? It\'s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy. Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason? This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man. Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I\'ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I\'m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare. He just came inside me and left me with this baby. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!! It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models. We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet. Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon. Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is \" Tinder Man Tiggy\". Makes sense. Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model. Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon? Wasn\'t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district? So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently. And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don\'t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order? Doesn\'t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!! Let\'s start with this: A woman\'s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I\'m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that. But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you\'re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year. Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that\'s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant. Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs. This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son. I didn\'t choose this any more than he did. He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child. It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible. Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking. I am left with no choice but to fight him in court. I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together. @christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile · Abortion · Child Support · Christoffer Thygesen · San Francisco · Tinder 50 claps Applause from Ji Tae Kim · Christoffer Thygesen\'s Child Read the full article
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