#since she's just a kid with no influence or backing whatsoever
nias-keca · 2 years
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miorine!!! miorine she was smiling so you wouldnt be frightened!!!!!!
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dshksh · 2 months
Francis Clara Censodoll: a brief analysis.
Mentions of abuse, manipulation, SA.
Let's begin with Censordoll's childhood: the main reason she is as twisted and damaged as she is. When Francis was an infant, her mother removed her ovaries. That was a tipping point in Censordoll's life. The reason for such a radical measure was never stated in the show, but there are a few possible motives.
Her mother might have been raped by Censordoll's father. As a result, she became overprotective of her (which would also explain why in the show Francis never mentioned the existence of her father. Her mother would not keep in touch with her rapist and would keep her daughter away from him, even if it means gaslighting her). Quite often, SA victims become obsessed with control and grow overprotective of their children to make sure their kids don't suffer their fate. Which might be just the case with this situation.
Another possible reason is her mother being a religious lunatic who wanted to make her daughter saint. Wanting just that, she stripped her off the possibility of having sex (since Censordoll can't have kids, from a religious perspective, she mustn't have sex whatsoever) making a Holy Mary out of her.
Therefore, Censordoll's mother took the choice of having children away from her, which created a power imbalance in a woman's head. An ability to choose was taken away from her at a really young age, which, as an adult, she actively tries to regain. This is where her obsession with control comes in.
Francis tends to dominate every single situation that she is in, wholeheartedly thinking that she is God, and has the right to choose what's right and what's wrong. She regularly takes advantage of the naïvity and confusion of Moralton citizens. They go picketing with her, not understanding what they are rebelling against, being pressured by Censordoll's dominant behavior. Every single person in Moralton is flawed and damaged, and the woman can clearly and quickly identify one's insecurity and use that for her own benefit.
Another group of people being heavily influenced by her are the Puppingtons.
Censordoll manipulates Clay by taking advantage of his Oedipus complex. She does that to influence his choices as a mayor, to influence Moralton the way she considers righteous. As the show would've continued, we would have seen Censordoll overpower Clay and basically become the actual mayor behind the curtains. In this turn of events, one could only wonder what would Moralton become with her in charge.
She manipulates Orel as well, exploiting his naïvity and innocence. She uses him as a unit for picketing and to completely take control over Clay.
And, lastly is Bloberta. Censordoll is one of the many to prove to her that she is a useless outcast. I could only speculate if making Bloberta feel useless in "Help" was a part of her plan to set Clay and Bloberta up. Maybe, somehow, she even influenced him to become the mayor. It might as well be that, considering how thoughtful she is. It would've been really interesting to see them interact more: Bloberta desperately wanting to be useful, and Censordoll feeding that need when it's convenient for her plans.
As for her obsession with eggs, it goes back to her not being able to have kids. Eggs are a symbol of fertility and eternal life. Interesting detail is her mostly being interested in almost raw eggs, which are the closest to being alive embryos. So, by consuming them, Censordoll might feel like she becomes complete(able to give birth) and has her female eggs again. As for internal life, she is keen on believing she is a God, so it's not big of a surprise there.
Moralton is a religious town(on the outside, at least) that cares very deeply about appearances and social roles. So here, the only available roles for women are a wife and a mother. Not being able to fit into these roles because of her infertility and an early menopause is something that can break a person and make them a social outcast. Yet, Censordoll manages not to break under that pressure and even becomes a person with a lot of power and authority. Still miserable and insecure inside, she keeps her facade up just like every single person in Moralton.
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trulytiredhermit · 1 year
How about a reader who has deadly plushie bomb like Amber's Baron Bunny (A character from Genshin Impact)
Can you imagine if one of the links accidentally setting off the bomb plushie (if they didn't know the plushie had a bomb in there)
*Okay so I don't actually know anything about Genshin Impact so just gonna take Bomb Plushie and run with it lol!
Also I just went with that it's a bunny plushie because again I don't know anything about Genshin Impact or the Character.
Totally also not because I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Reader had a deadly pink bunny plushie
Also, sorry if Wind maybe seems out of character at the start! Since he’s getting into that teenager stage and maybe even from influence of Tetra’s crew, I somewhat headcannon him as trying to appear more ‘manly’ and mature the whole:
‘I don’t do ___ anymore because I’m a man now’ shtick
But he secretly still does/wants to
(Also, I'm trying out some dividers! let me know what y'all think of them!)*
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Reader With A Plushie Bomb!
Wind stared at the pink plushie with a raised brow and a hint of perplexation in his eyes.
He knew Reader had told him not to touch it whatsoever and he responded with a little scoff of how he was far too old and manly to play with toys anymore.
but... it's warm, fluffly, pink fur just looked so inviting...
He had to touch it, just once he told himself and that was it!
Reaching out his fingers just barely grazed the silky fur of the plushie before it was taken away and Wind gaped in surprise.
Wild looked down at the toy curiously, turning it about as he smoothed the plush fur of the toy.
“This is a lot softer than Riju’s seal plushies, I’d love to have one.”
Wind snatched the toy out of the older man’s hands, first marveling at its softness before speaking up.
“Y-You’d actually want one of these? But I mean…” His words grew softer as if he wished for no one else to hear what he spoke of next.
“They’re toys though it’s not… manly right? I-It’s little kids stuff.”
The Champion just gave a small shake of his head with a bit of a smile present on his face, a chuckle breaking the silence.
"The Old man has said you can still be a kid at heart and be grown up at the same time? And besides as far as I'm concerned, if I want something I'm going to get it even if that something is seen as being 'childish'."
The young teen let out a soft sound, turning his attention back to the plushie within his hands he turned it around, admiring the cute dark pink bow that went well with its pink fur and long floppy ears where tufts of white resided to resemble the ears of a real rabbit.
"I think Aryll would like something like this... she always made me play dolls with her when we were younger."
His mind flashed with memories: Aryll forcing one of her dollies into his hand while she held the other, her voice becoming higher in pitch as she talked through her doll before returning to her normal with a small glare towards him until he begrudgingly began to play along, high-pitched voice and all.
Back then he had been slightly annoyed at the time but now? Right now he'd give anything to be back home playing with his little sister even if it was dolls.
"...I think I can agree with you about wanting one of these now, the bow feels so smooth too."
Wind rubbed at the silky bow around the toy's neck, Wild smiled at that and nodded, agreeing as he brought his scarred hand to feel the bow as well.
The soft sounds of the open plain surrounded them as they simply sat in the pleasant sounds of nature: the slight whooshing of the small breezes that swept their hair, the rustling of distant trees as said breeze swayed their branches full of leaves, the ticking sound from the...
The duo's ears twitched.
A ticking sound? Why was there a ticking sound all of a sudden?
A thick southern accent sounded behind them as the rancher of the group came closer with the others in tow, curious and perplexed looks upon their face at his actions until they too got close enough to hear the strange sound.
"How're ya makin' it do that tickin' noise?"
Twilight leaned over Wind due to his height, taking a closer look at the toy.
"Sounds like one of 'em fancy clocks they got up in Castle Town. Real cute though ain't it Legend?"
"Don't you start dog breath."
Legend rolled his eyes as Twilight barked out a laugh, even their resident Skyloftian seemed to be having a bit of a chuckle himself at the clear resemblance between the fluffy pink bunny toy and Legend's other form.
"Is that noise getting faster?"
Four noted, raising a brow as the mechanical sound did seem to be gaining in speed.
"I think it is. You know it's almost like it's counting down to something."
Hyrule added in as he marveled at the toy having never really seen many things like it within his own Hyrule.
Suddenly something seemed to click in the eldest of the group's mind as his one good eye widened and he let out a shout of warning.
"Everyone down now!"
Grabbing the toy, Time threw it as far away he could before taking cover with the rest behind his shield. Everyone was on-guard now.
The toy hit a patch of grass, landing just shy of a nearby tree, laying there harmless and innocent in all of it's fluffy pink glory yet none of the group made to move from their defensive position.
"What was wrong with it?"
Time didn't even turn, he knew it was Wars who had asked the question, likely with his own keen eyes never once leaving the toy just like Time was doing.
Call it instinct but Time was familiar with such mechanisms within things that looked like they could have been toys. That ticking sound reminded him of a tool he had used back when he was a child stuck in that dreaded three-day time loop.
"It sounded like it was a-"
A loud deafening boom had everyone's eyes going wide like saucers as the charming little pink toy rabbit was spread apart the area like one of Wild's Korok puzzles.
And the tree that stood idle by the once put together toy?
Well, it simply wasn't there, only a dark and charred impact area was in its place with fiery splintered wood all about.
A shiver racked through Legend as he stared at what could only have been the pink rabbit's head, now charred with its pink fur looking gooey and melted rather than fluffy.
Yeah, this would definitely be haunting him at night.
"It was a bomb?! HOLY FU-"
Wind's near curse was put on pause as three sets of eyes, well two sets and one eye really, were watching him with stern looks. Of course, these eyes belonged to none other than the resident mother hens of their little group: Time, Twilight, and Sky.
Pouting, the sailor kicked a rock, grumbling to himself softly about how he "was old enough to swear now" and "it was a bomb disguised as a toy, that deserves a swear".
"Such craftmanship, I wonder how it was even made. To have something so delicate as a bomb be hidden within a toy that one could throw around yet only detonate when its bow was touched?"
Their resident smithy was off mumbling to himself as he marveled and pondered how such a thing was possible, clearly, he wanted to meet the maker and question them heavily.
"I think what we should really be focusing on is if this was a surprise attack from the shadow or other enemies like the Yiga. We are in your world after all Champion, have they done this sort of thing before?"
With his mind set in captain mode, Wars was going through all the negative scenarios about this; thinking that the toy must have either swapped out for the real thing to harm one of them or, goddesses forbid, their dear companion.
"No never, all they've really been capable of is disguising themselves as travelers. Something like this is out of their league."
A hurried set of footsteps sounded behind them, a panting voice coming out soon after.
"Hey what's going on?! I heard an explosion and-"
(Name)'s voice trailed off as they took in the scene: the bits of burnt pink and the boys' cautious behavior as Twilight pulled them in to the group huddle while Sky wrapped a protective arm around their shoulders.
"It is good that you're here, we think the Shadow or another enemy of ours set a trap for you. Don't worry, while you travel with us we'll-"
Sky's hushed attempt at soothing words was cut short.
"Which one of you didn't listen about not touching my stuffed bunny? I told you guys to not go around touching my things! At least one of you was able to realize the danger before disaster struck! For heaven's sake, it was a bomb you guys!"
A quiet hush fell over the group; wide eyes looking towards each other, over to the decimated area where the remains of the toy lay, and finally turning to look at their dear companion who glared down at them with what could only be described as the look a parent would give to their child when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Then the group had an explosion of their own.
"What-you made it?!"
"You knew it was a bomb?!"
"What do you mean it was a bomb? I'VE SEEN YOU SLEEP WITH THAT THING!!"
Cries of shock and surprise filling the air while a few members only let out sighs of relief that this wasn't an attack from some outside source.
Meanwhile, (Name) just stared back, shrugging their shoulders nonchalantly as if this were just another Tuesday afternoon and they hadn't built a toy bunny with an explosive device capable of disposing a small building stuffed within it.
"As if it's hard, I've been building stuff like this for ages now and besides who says a bomb can't also be cuddly and cute."
Time rubbed the bridge of his nose, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he stood. Placing his hand upon their companion's shoulder he gave them a pleading yet stern look.
"(Name)... no more toy bombs and tell us before making any more surprises like this."
(Name) whined, throwing their hands up into the air whilst gesturing to Wild.
"What? He gets to have his fun bombs why can't I?"
"No. Just... no, no more bombs."
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Anyways obviously the whole group is going to collectively decide that while this plushie of Reader's can be an incredible advantage in battle/within a dungeon I think they would try to get Reader to not be making things like that or being around something so dangerous in the first place (especially if we're looking at a yandere chain)
But I definitely think Four would be ambushing Reader with questions about the mechanics and just how they had made it work, he NEEDS ANSWERS!! Wars is also wondering about how such a thing was made, though don't be fooled. He won't be letting Reader near anything that they could make a bomb out of. But it is comforting to know that in a pinch Reader can be quite the ingenuitive inventor.
Wind is cooking up schemes out the wazzo okay, he's the one ya gotta look out for because he WILL be stealing them, and he WILL be using them for his nefarious pranks (whether those be against monsters or other members of the chain is up to fate).
Wild's expecting his plushie at the end of the week, no if's and's or but's. He wants one and it better be as fluffy as the one that blew up. (Wind may or may not be hinting for one himself, eventually he'll force himself to outright ask for one)
Sky, Twilight, Time, and even Hyrule are all in the category of 'I don't care how cute it was and how much you whine about it. Ya ain't getting another one!' They're putting their foot down, no more bomb plushies and especially no cuddling bombs at night!
(cuddle one of them instead)
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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void-speaks · 11 months
My theory with Six is that she is simply no longer the Six we know. Or well, the Six that Mono knows. I interpret the whole betrayal thing as Six being under the control of the Signal Tower, or at least influencing her a bit. Or hell, even go as far as saying that that is just no longer Six, since after she's came back from being a monster, whose to say that that is the same Six that we knew before?
Anyway, the reason why I think like this, is because of the way that she looks at the signal tower. Mono doesn't do that. That already is enough to show that it begins to influence her. Then when Thin Man takes her. We see Shadow Six. What would Shadow Six be? A glitching remain. What is a glitching remain? Something I always assumed to he the kids' souls after they have been captured. That theory is fueld by the series of achievements that include getting all the glitching remains that are called "Nothing of us remains in the _____". Then, if Shadow Six is indeed Six's soul, that just means that whatever we see after she's taken, that's just no longer Six. Sure, in the moment that she knocks on the TV, you can say that that is clearly still the same Six, but you can't convince me that having a part of your soul taken out won't affect a person in any way whatsoever. Maybe it's just a case of a child clinging to something familiar, the same way her monster form clings to the music box. Mono has saved her before from the bullies, so the situation feels familiar to her, which is why she reaches out again. In the moment of the betrayal itself, you can see that Six didn't reach out her hand like she normally did when she needed to catch Mono, she just kinda sat there, waiting for him to fall (into her grasp or just fall). But since she still responds to familiar triggers, she grabs a hold of him. You can see Mono try to pull himself up (which I think he always done to help make it easier for Six), but after a bit of looking at her, he stops. That can be interpreted as him being confused on why she isn't pulling him up. Or that totally can be interpreted as him realizing that that is no longer Six. When she drops him, you can see the way she reaches her hand down first, before suddenly pulling it up. That could indicate that she was either hesitating (or you could say fighting against the signal tower's influence) or that Mono was gripping onto her a bit too hard that she had to do this to be able to drop him.
And the thing with the hunger? I never really understood the thing where people said "she knew about the hunger so she dropped Mono to save him." How is chomping off his arm apparently worse than being dropped into a living organism of eyeballs that controls the entire Pale City and has reach even beyond that (I think the Maw and the Nest both)?? I like to think that the hunger isn't because of her missing soul, but because she was turned back from a monster. What I mean is, I guess I'm saying that even tho her body returned back, her needs and appetite haven't changed. None of the LN kids get as hungry as she does. Like, ever. And that does seem to be fueld by the fact that she needs to eat something bigger every time. First a piece of bread is good enough, but she gets hungry again rather quickly. Then she eats the meat, which is enough to last until you get to the Kitchen area. She eats a rat bigger than the piece of meat, and that lasts longer, all the way to the end of the Guest Area chapter. Then she eats a Nome, which was bigger than the rat, which, strangely enough, doesn't last any longer than the piece of meat, since it only lasts for the Residence section before she gets hungry again at the end of it. Or maybe that was the case because... well, huge food. Or, maybe that doesn't make sense at all since she eats the meat and the bread whole, but only takes bites of the rat, the Nome and the Lady. Maybe it's about how juicy the meat is or something idk. Or maybe her appetite has gone so bad that she turned into a cannibal after eating meat made from the guests.
And another thing I wanna say separately, I don't think that Six has gotten colder specifically to Mono after she got her raincoat back.
Basically, she's already been a survivalist since Very Little Nightmares, but after being captured by the Hunter, she's gone more tame. For a little while. Why? Probably because she felt like that was it, there was no chance she would escape now. We see an instant in Very Little Nightmares when she knocks on the door in hopes of Raincoat Girl letting her in, allowing her front walls to cave in for a moment and trust that this girl will save her (which, she didn't, by the way). We see her almost doing the same with Mono, before he quickly realizes that that didn't end wall the last time. So she ignores him, pushes him away, taking her chance of escaping.
The two form a bond, and when Six realizes that Mono is trustworthy, she warms up to him, reaching out her hand for the first time.
And then she gets captured by the Bullies. That makes her survivalist instincts come back. She doesn't rely on Mono to help her (not that he can in the first place but shhhh), she tries to fight them off herself. Doesn't work. It fails and she gets dragged away.
But just as she was losing hope of surviving once again, Mono saves her. He rescues her, offering her a helping hand. Their bond becomes even stronger, and from this point on she trusts you a little more.
Then she gets her raincoat back. She remembers everything that happened back at the Nest. How she watched Raincoat Girl die and how hurt she was by it. But the cruel world of Little Nightmares didn't let her process her grief, she was forced to move on to survive. So she kept the last piece that remained of the girl. And once she gets it back, she realizes that she has become too dependent on Mono. So she starts taking initiative more. Like in the Hospital part, where you have to climb up the beds? The Nest is more a vertical place, so she has experience on how to move in those kind of environments with ease. When the Doctor chases them? She had to run from the Batler before while navigating hideous obstacles. She has experience in that and takes the lead to ensure not only hers but Mono's survival too.
But that doesn't weaken her trust in Mono. She still reaches out to him when stuck under the couch for help. She still reaches out to him when Thin Man spots her. She still reaches out to him from the TV, even when her mind was probably already messed with by the Signal Tower. She still trusts you, but wants to know how to do things by herself in case something like what happened to RCG will happen to you. It's almost like what healthy relationships are supposed to be. When you're both stable on your own but still know how to rely on the other party and place your trust in them.
Of course, you could say that that trust was broken when Mono broke the music box, and therefore that caused her to betry him. And you could say that it was a different thing with RCG since they had way less time to form a stronger bond and therefore the fact that RCG didn't help Six didn't affect her that much.
Why I don't agree with this? Because I just don't think she's that kind of person. Sure, you can say that six was aggressive so it is entirely possible that she would purposely subject Mono to that kind of suffering, but come on. Mono is just as aggressive as her. He shot the Hunter. He burned the Doctor. He killed all those bullies by smashing their heads in. Sure, you could argue that it's worse with Six because she killed a bully with her bare hands when it wasn't even necessary. But come on, don't tell me you didn't go for the hammer at that moment? And the finger breaking part? That is not even necessarily an aggressive thing to do. It's a plastic arm. And she's all alone with nothing better to do. It's the same thing as doing weird shit to your dolls, like popping their heads off. You don't do it because you're a violent beast (most of the time), you do it because you're a kid and because it's fun. I mean come on, it's not even one of the alive mannequin hands, I'm pretty sure that is just a prosthetic arm.
One of the other theories behind the betrayal I will never understand is the "she saw his face and realized that he was Thin Man" one. Like... what? We know what both of their faces look like. And if I didn't play the game but saw their faces, you could shoot me and I still wouldn't be able to see any similarities between them.
I'm sorry if I come off like I'm trying to downplay Six's character, I'm really not. I just really disliked her back in the day when Little Nightmares 2 just came out because of the fact that she betrayed Mono, so now I'm trying to interpret that whole thing to make my brain see her in a better light, since I feel guilty about hating Six because apparently that's just no allowed.
But also I really do genuinely believe in the stuff I said here, so yeah. Take this as you will really.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
which oc from Midnight Darling reacting to reader asking them out of curiosity, to see what its like dating someone? and the only thing to show their love was through holding hands and leaning on the oc?
(the reader is based on what i did when i dated someone... as an asexual questioning their romantic orientation.
TW: Yandere Themes. Sexual Themes.
New OCs have been added! We now have a total of 20 (oh good yun) so this will quite a long list.
anon im not sure if you wanted specific ocs since you used which but then added reacting so have all of them and then more. plus popular girl as a character cause why not.
Reader is GN for this one.
♡ Gabi [ Yan! Popular Girl ] would either be completely opposed due to her hypersexuality, or intrigued by your modest nature. She’s used to sleeping with people after they’ve just met so you’d be a breath of fresh air. She respects your orientation completely though and will not cross any boundaries. She’s mid as a test subject because of her harem which will influence her actions throughout the relationship. You will end up either getting cheated on or killed.
♡ Shawn Ruiz [Yan! Underclassman] is asexual himself. He actually prefers the slow type of romance that’s more focused on just that, rather than a physically forward relationship. Like, why have sex when you two can go shopping for hours? He’s rich enough to buy a whole mall just for the two of you to have for a day. Best boyfriend you could ever wish for (on the surface at the very least).
♡ Isabel Labrador [Yan! Nerd] will do everything in her power to provoke you. She will show off her body just to make you take her. You’ll really have to drill it into her head before she understands that you have a pace you want to go with/that you do not want to get down and dirty. Great part about being her partner though is that she’ll do everything in her power to make sure you have the best grades in class. You will not fail or get any score under a 99% in a single subject under her watch.
♡ Darling De Leon [Yan! Teacher’s Pet] is the worst. While Isabel’s actions are from ignorance and her plain bratty attitude, Darling has no perception of boundaries whatsoever. She will kill for you, and she will kill others just to make you do what she wants. Plain and simple. Worst test partner to have. Only good(ish) side is that you have her utter devotion. She’ll try her best to please you as long as you also please her.
♡ Justin Del Rosario [Yan! Jock]. He was a complete virgin before he met Popular!Reader/Gabi, assuming they never got together, he wouldn’t really be out looking for sex and whatnot. You think from how he looked that he’d be the type that fucks but nah Justin is a complete househusband. Similar to Shawn, he’s gonna focus on giving the best possible taste of a relationship.
♡ Mona Noriega [Yan! Gossiper/Lackey] is an absolute marites. Most of your relationship with her is just conversations about other people that goes on and on and on and on- If you decide relationships are not for you and leave her, she will destroy your social life. Point blank. She’ll destroy your life outside of college too. No employer will ever take someone as filth ridden as you. But fortunately, she’s willing to get her hands dirty as long as you come back to her arms.
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] used to be a hedonist. You’ll have to be the one that guides him in the relationship and teach him that chasing after pleasure all the time is not healthy in the slightest.
♡ Reina Liwanag [Yan! Loyal/Puppy-like Lackey] is absolute focused on pleasing you. Overwhelming but can be controlled if you communicate with her properly. She’s fine with open relationships as long as you check on her once in a while. Leave her neglected for too long and there might be consequences…
♡ Ella Morin [Yan! Quiet /Emo Kid] has no relationship experience whatsoever, nor did she ever think she’ll ever be in one. She’ll be incredibly awkward to be with especially if you don’t share the same interests but as long as you take initiative and bond with her through her hobbies you’ll be a-okay. Lots of trying out rituals online, writing fanfiction, making fanart and what not. Leaving her might get you cursed to eternal damnation so be careful.
♡ Eloise Morin [Yan! Physics Professor] is an absolute wifey. Which, can be good or bad depending on who you’re talking to. She only dates with an intent to get married to that person. So there’s a lot of insecurity and hesitance in the dating period. But if you’re down with getting tied to one person your whole life then she’d be the best option. Extremely loyal, is a great cook, and is incredibly smart. Expect random spiels about Physics though, not as bad as Marx’s mansplaining but it’s there.
♡ Amelia Yorkshire [Yan! Linguistics Professor] if you’re looking for experience than there’s no person in the school who has the most knowledge on that type of topic more than Amelia. She’s an expert at wooeing and seducing but kinda falls off at the actual relationship part. She thinks sex is the biggest part and scared off many of her previous partners with how much of a nymphomaniac she is. Definitely a terrible option for an asexual, but I’d recommend her if you’re looking for a casual physical relationship that isn’t too deep. Then again, if you end up leaving her you’ll have a potential s*xu*l ass*ulter of yours on the loose. Yikes.
♡ Marx Esguerra [Yan! Biology Professor] is terrible in all ways possible. No matter what orientation you have. Once he ‘has’ you, he will never respect your boundaries. He will control your feelings, rewire your brain in order to fit what his ideals are. Mansplaining is a regular occurrence in a relationship with him. He won’t back down from a debate even if he’s wrong, and if you do prove your point properly he’ll either ignore it or ignore you out of spite. Actual child in an adult’s body.
♡ New OC! Althea Dalisay [Yan! Chemistry Professor] tends to be a teacher in and out of the relationship. There won’t be much difference between dating her and not doing so. She’ll be super sweet at times and then cold at the next. What you will get from dating her, as is common from all professors is that you won’t fail any of her classes. Either because of favoritism or her drilling the material into your head. The person with the least backlash when you break-up. Mostly cause it’s impossible with the amount of drugs she puts you under.
♡ New OC! Karen Nolasco [Yan! Mathematics Professor] why are you even dating her? She’s the most hated teacher on this planet. Like she made the name Karen an insult before it was even a mainstream thing. She’s snobby as hell and would act like it’s a privilege to date her when in fact it’s just a normal ass relationship. She won’t even hide her anger if you break up. She’ll fail you and write up every possible mistake you could ever do.
♡ New OC! Fernandez Imelda [Yan! Art/History Professor] the opposite of Karen. Sweet, sweet, sweet. He’s a gift giver at heart. A bit on the creepy side with the amount of paintings he has of you but isn’t it so romantic? This is just normal for couples you see? Never chooses you to model for class, even if its clothed. You’re for his eyes to see only. Overall cool if you’re fine with severe possessiveness and spoiling.
♡ New OC! Mel Morales [Yan! P.E. Professor] is an absolute pervert and doesn’t hide it. A bit hypersexual so they aren’t a good match for ace readers. Forces you to wear short shorts for P.E. and often gropes you during class. Before you dated they made it a rule for players not to engage in relationships but oop you found yourself in bed with them, too bad! Now they gotta take responsibility. But yeah, steer clear if you aren’t into sexual relations.
♡ Daniel Cruz [Yan! Principal] is another no no for aces. Extremely hypersexual that his wife isn’t enough, he has to seek the company of other people as well. Why would you even date a married man anyways? I guess the risk would be cool but don’t expect anything more than just fucking behind closed doors.
♡ Ricardo Peralta [Yan! The President] one of the super sweet ones. Knows everything about his s/o. Has notes and notes about your likes and dislikes, what to do with you often and what to avoid. He’s fine being the more forward one in the relationship but he does get easily shy and flustered. Tease him and he might just explode.
♡ Camille Valencia [Yan! Nurse] is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Is hyperfocused on your needs and wants. Will literally bend to your desires.
Until you try leaving her. Then you’ll have to deal with several sedatives and aphrodisiac she’ll force into your system, and you wouldn’t want that, right?
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] is another terrible match for anon specifically. He requires an extremely affectionate s/o. Is basically a man-child that requires affirmation constantly. If you don’t appease his needs, he’ll force it out of you via manipulation and guilt tripping. Of course he cheated on you! You didn’t give him an ounce of your time after all.
But yeah, yanderes ain’t it if you’re looking to test the waters. Boundaries who?
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atmilliways · 1 year
Wrong On The Money (50)
part 50 of ?? | 825 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
When he breaks out the peach Schnapps, also a favorite of hers, she gives him a Look. “Okay, what are we celebrating here?”
It's starting.
Before moving in with the Munsons, Robin had come home with Steve after work more often than not. On those nights, she’d put her feet up on the dashboard (no matter how many times he whined at her not to do that) and say, “Home, James!” in her approximation of a snooty English voice. It always reminded Steve of his mom in her most stuck up moments, which made him snicker, which encouraged Robin to keep doing it.
He’s shyer about inviting her over these days, since it’s not exactly his house—no matter what Eddie and Wayne say. They use the words house and home interchangeably, whereas Steve. . . .
The place in Loch Nora, now sold, had always been his house, but it hadn’t felt like a home since he was a little kid. Since his parents started leaving him to more or less fend for himself while they went on ever-longer business trips. It had belonged to him like a thing, a place on a map, somewhere all his stuff lived. He hadn’t felt much when moving out of it. The Munson house is his home now in a way the Harrington house had never been, so much so that he thinks a part of him would break if he ever had to leave, but it doesn’t belong to him. It feels more like he belongs to it.
But he needs to tell Robin, so he invites her over on a night Wayne is working and Eddie has promised to stay at Jeff’s until Steve calls to let him know how it goes.
Steve calls the good pizza place from Family Video so they can pick it up on the way after clocking out. Robin's go-to order is half Hawaiian, hold the ham, and half Hawaiian, hold the pineapple. (It was a texture thing, she’d tried to explain once. The direct combination of the fruit and the meat was just bleh, no matter how well the flavors compliment each other.)
When he breaks out the peach Schnapps, also a favorite of hers, she gives him a Look. “Okay, what are we celebrating here?”
“Oh, nothing,” he replies with transparently fake casualness, all the better to hook her interest in the good part of the reveal. He passes her a full shot glass, taking his own and a slice of pizza and putting his socked feet up on the coffee table. “Cheers.”
“Steeeve,” Robin protests.
He lets out a faux sigh. “Okay. . . . You might have been right about Eddie.”
She scrunches up her nose, but her eyes flash with pure glee. “Well, obviously. But about what?”
Steve can’t hold his grin in any longer. “He’s kind of my boyfriend now.”
Robin’s eyes go as wide as plates. (Which they don’t have, because Steve hadn’t grabbed any. Maybe Eddie is a bad influence. . . . Or maybe he’s finally starting to shake the habits he’d picked up to protect expensive furniture.) She turns to face him, her shot glass clutched in both hands so it doesn’t spill. “Okay, first of all I can’t believe you got a boyfriend before I got a girlfriend. Second of all . . . ugh, who am I kidding, yes I can. Dingus.”
Still grinning, he holds out his shot glass insistently until she rolls her eyes and clinks hers against it. “Cheers,” he says again, and knocks it back.
“Prost,” Robin declares, doing the same. She coughs a bit, and reaches for her first slice of pineapple pizza. “Okay, now. Tell me everything.”
So he does.
Good stuff first though. The hesitant first kiss, and the ecstatic second one. The not wanting to tell anyone at first they hadn’t even put a label to it. The nerd dice Eddie had given him for no reason whatsoever. (Not even for a random so-many-weeks anniversary; Steve had counted, and those kisses happened exactly seventeen days before the gift.)
“He’s been trying to convince me to play Damsels & Dumbells again ever since that one time,” Steve adds. He knows there’s this dumb, pleased little smile on his face, but he doesn’t care. “So I guess he’s not just saying it.”
Robin, sipping her second shot of peach Schnapps, pokes at his cheek. “Awww, you’re being wooed in nerd. And it’s working. That’s so precious.”
“And then I gave my first blowjob,” he adds, knowing what her reaction is going to be but too proud of this achievement to care. “Eddie said I was good at it.”
“Okay, less precious.” Pausing, she reaches for another slice of pizza. (Ham this time. She alternates.) “I’m glad you guys finally worked it out, though. Watching the two of you dance around each other was getting embarrassing.”
Steve ducks his head so she won’t see the way he bites his lip. Now or never. “Yeah. . . . It was a long time coming.”
“I mean, March wasn’t that long ago—”
“It’s been longer than that,” he interrupts.
And, steeling himself, he tells her the rest.
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A poison pen letter; Jack chambers:
Bradley Nickles sleepover party. The boy was only a couple years older than Roger, but yet his parties were some of the most memorably, edgy ones of the same categorizes that high schoolers and college students throw. The special recipe to that?
No supervision whatsoever.
His parents were too busy to simply notice- or care- what Bradley was up to, and despite ending up in the hospital for a deranged dare from one of his friends, his parents just flew down only to say indifferently to "Not play so rough."
Of course, Jack and Alice have never heard such a youngster like that from their children, mostly because they'd flip their lid if even the thought of one their children would be around such an amoral sway of guidance. But, Roger nonetheless didn't seem to care that much about examining the recalcitrant side of Bradley Nickles. All he wanted in that moment from the minute he heard about from school was to go to that party.
"Roger, you've gotta come! Bradley's parties have everything and you hear all the school gossip without all the fluff thrown in it. It's always the real deal when you hear something from Bradley."
"Gee Alex, that sounds awesome.....but I know my parents would never let me. They have this kick about adults playing this important role in parties and such....it really brings everything down. And besides, once they find out what Bradley's about, they'll nark him as a bad influence."
Alex hung his head, pinching his lips. "Sneak out?" Roger's eyes widened. I mean sure he's thought of the idea, but never fully had the courage to go through with it. "I don't know.....maybe," The wheels were turning more aggressively as Roger questioned his strategies for the things he wanted.
"Think about it. After all, Bradley did mention you and....he says your pretty cool." That made Roger's pride do a cartwheel. Bradley Nickles thinks I'm cool? Roger couldn't have been more galvanized at this electrifying news.
So much so, that it had struck 5 in the evening while Roger was still walking home. The little doo-wop tune in his head played like a radio as he danced quietly with a pep in his step. "Roger Chester Chambers! Where have you been? It's been 2 hours since you were supposed to be home from school."
His father's 'greeting' ricocheted Roger from his internal radio station. "Oh, sorry about that Dad, I was talking with a friend about a party this boy at school is having." Jack's furrowed eyebrows turned to one of concern.
"A party? What type?" "Sleepover." Jack nodded slowly. Susan's head perked from the kitchen bar where she had been studying for an upcoming test. "You mean Bradley Nickles? He's this popular kid in the middle school across the way and he has these blowout sleepover parties that his parents completely abandon for their date nights or something like that."
Roger shot Susan a glare that was mixed of astonishment for 'keeping up with the Jones's' type awareness at school and exasperation for spilling the beans on what Roger could only hope to be an attempt to get into one of the coolest parties he's ever been to. "Oh really?" Jack questioned, eyes glancing back and forth between Roger and Susan.
"Yep, last year the police was called because of some crazy dare he did from jumping off the roof of his house blindfolded."
"Why don't you finish you're books in a less annoying spot Susan?" Roger hissed in a irksome tone. Jack shot his glance back to Roger. "S'not nice," He turned back to Susan, "Thank you honey."
"Now as for you young man, if that's the party you're talking about, it's off limits period."
"But dad, this would be my big chance to be considered accreditation for being one of the best pranksters in elementary. No one takes me seriously because to them, I'm just some eight year old kid who doesn't belong with the 'mature' members of pranking society," Jack lifted his left brow in confusion, "I know it's a lot to understand, but trust me....this is huge for me."
"Roger, even if there nothing wrong with this boy, I still don't know him or his parents and neither does your mother." The thought of the very attendance of Roger being at a party like that sent a shudder down Jack's spine. Looking into those big green eyes were of the same babyish ones Roger once blinked lust into the eyes of his father.
Even Jack understood that through his own looking glass, he still saw the little two year old, sucking his thumb; diaper sticking out from his little pants and the plushy teddy bear in the crook of his arm asking for permission to attend this minacious sleepover. Those pangs of his heart is what moved him to no, because he had to.
"I'm sorry Roger but you're not going. That's final." But it wasn't. At least that's what the scowl that slithered onto Roger's face said. "It's not fair! Okay so maybe he is a little on the wild side, but it doesn't make him a bad person! You always treat me like a baby and never Susan!"
Jack sighed. "Roger, I do not treat you like a baby. But this party just isn't a good one for many reasons: there's no supervision of any kind, Bradley does harmful things and the boys who go there don't use good judgement.....god forbid something should happen to them and the police shows up."
Susan sensed trouble, like a gazelle sensing the sneering grasps of a preying lion and makes a mad dash to her bedroom before things get ugly. Roger and Jack, both having similar personalities with their rocket extroverted identities, and also a lion's growl perfervid blazing temper when provoked. Now father and son were both going at it; fangs now fully uprooted from their mouths. A piercing growl and roar can be heard heard miles apart from them.
The only difference being: Jack's was a protective one, fighting to protect his young cub from any marred perception's of what Roger was thinking to be cool. And Roger's being one of defiance, fighting for his right to party, despite to callous carelessness of virulent outing.
"Roger, I am your father! I'm only trying to protect you!" Jack's roar was booming, "I get that dad, but this party is not super harmful! You're just being overprotective!"
It went back and forth like this until the pot finally boiled over. "Roger, you go upstairs to your room right now!" Roger stormed upstairs before slamming the door. Plopping down on his bed, stomach first. "He's so unfair.....nothing's going to happen to me." The brunette boy sulked sullenly on his bed, legs crossed Indian style and fist poaching his cheeks upward, smooshing his face.
The first arbitrary thought that ran through his mind was to write a poison pen letter to Jack and then crumble it all up once he was finished voicing his bitter woes about his father. So, Roger took a seat at his dark maple desk and snagged the first piece of paper from his notebook and started jotting down all the; 'I hate about you's' that concerned Jack.
Once finished, even Roger had to admit the intense austerity and acerbity that laced the taboo letter. It gave a true meaning to poison in a poison pen letter. Roger then sealed it and threw in his garbage can. The crushing weight that was upon him now dangled like a thread off a toy.
For most of the night, he had forgotten about Bradley and took more pleasure in playing samurai with himself instead. In terms of throwing his "own" sleepover.
But it was the gentle knock on his bedroom door that took his attention away from his own shenanigans. Roger opened it to a Jack who had a bowl of ice cream with mountains of chocolate syrup drizzled on top of it. He couldn't hide his perplexed look.
"Rog.....I just wanted to apologize for losing my temper. That was an uncalled for reaction and I'm so sorry," Roger blinked and then cleared his throat, "I-I'm sorry too dad. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that either.....I guess I kinda lost control myself too huh?"
Jack re-framed from nodding. Instead he handed Roger his ice cream and allowed him to set it down before hugging him. "Let's promise each other to stay calm whenever there's a disagreement," Jack rubbed the hair on the back of Roger's hair gently.
"Okay, considered it promised." Jack sent a giggle to Roger. "Night champ." He kissed Roger's head before walking over to Susan's bedroom. The guilt had now seeded itself inside of Roger. The rashness of his actions were now to catch up if Jack were to ever find that atrocious letter.
To add insult to injury, the next morning upon waking up, it was broadcasted that Bradley and the boys from his party were all taken down to the police station that night when they shot fireworks into someone's lawn. The boys were awaiting legal punishment without the consent of their parents. Jack being among the first to hear this, made a beeline to Roger's bedroom.
He sat respectfully down on the boy's bed, looking keenly into his twins matching grassy globes. "I knew Bradley was a very bad influence. I'm guessing you heard what happened?" Roger nodded, looking down. "One of them was Alex.....he's one of my closest friends," Jack rubbed Roger's back, "I know. So I'm sure Alex knows he needs to be careful with who his friends are now. Things like this happen, and now who does he have?"
Roger bit his lip, uncomfortable with the answer. He gaze never left his blue covers. "Well, I hope he's alright....but as for you, I love you very much Roger, and I only want what's best for you. And that's never changed." Jack placed a hand on Roger's cheek.
Roger sniffled. "You're right, I guess I dodged a bullet this time," Jack smiled before turning serious again, "Bradley....." Jack sighed, "Bradley doesn't really care about you or really any of the other boys. He's just lonely, and he wants to take as many boys as he can down with him because his parents or anyone for that matter don't truly care about him,"
Roger gulped back his deferential words. He wanted to prove submissive to the lesson Jack wanted to teach him. "But I think you're cool, and so does you mom and Susan." Jack continued with a ardent voice. The guilt was striking Roger in face like a player striking his baseball across the field. The final strike was: "You're my special little guy. Forever and ever." With a sentimental kiss on his cheek as well.
The sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes overwhelmed the entire downstairs. The homey aroma floated through the upstairs and injected itself into Roger's nostrils. "Kids, breakfast is ready!" Alice called from the bottom of the stairs. Roger and Susan both galloped out of their rooms to the lead of their growling tummies.
Jack was already at the table; newspaper in his face, coffee by his reach. "Smells good hon," Jack would never be one to pass up a compliment to his wife and her cooking. "Thank you Jack."
The toothsome taste of the pancakes, completely erased Roger's mind of the poison pen letter he had written; it was still sitting neatly on the tippy top of his trash can. School went by briskly and Roger's mind was already in a more playful state as he and Susan were playing 'cat and dog' in their backyard after school.
Until the tautness finally took its toll around the evening.
Jack whistled happily to a little melody he painted on the spot. As a good deed, he gathered the trash around the house. "Oops," He said, bending down to pick up a piece of paper from Roger's bin that had fallen out. But his eyes scanned over his name: Dad. At least his paternal title.
Against the nagging gibe of unsatisfactorily peering him over to the edge, he still opened the note. Jack's mouth became dry at all the rancorous, brutish sentences written with such clarity and multiplex. Feelings of severe anguish overcame him: Heartbreak, furiousness, insecurity and dubiety took its rings around him. Jack's hand shook and shivered like he had been stabbed in the gut without mercy.
Instead, he bit his lip, saved the letter and carried on with the chores. Roger noticed a slight change in his father's naturally fizzy personality. The man now had this gloomy shadow of betrayal lingering around him like a shadow on a sunny day. His answers were short and faded and his genial expression was now one of tetchy one.
After dinner, Jack sat in the bedroom feeling sorry for himself just staring at the floor mindlessly. "Jack, what's wrong?" Alice asked. Jack looked with dejected puppy dog eyes at his wife. "Look," He said, showing her the abhorrent letter his own son had written about him. "I found it while emptying the trash."
Alice's eyebrows furrowed the more she read it. Her mouth opened a agape a little in anger. "I'll go talk to him, this is unacceptable."
Jack sniffled. "He hates me.....this is because I wouldn't let him go the Bradley Nickles sleepover. I guess he was more angry then he let on." Alice sat next to Jack. "You did the right thing." Alice kissed Jack's cheek before getting up to confront Roger.
"Roger Chester Chambers! You come upstairs right now!" Roger trollied up the stairs with a perplexed look. Alice had the letter in her hand and instantly Roger's face sunk. "How did you-"
"Never you mind where he got it.....it wasn't nice Roger." Alice's voice softened. Roget bit the side of his lip in shame. "He got it? You mean you?" Alice shook her head. "When he was taking out the trash....Roger....you owe your father an apology. He loves you very, very much......he takes care of you and Susan and he does so much for you. Even when you get angry with him, you still can't write things like this.....that's unacceptable."
Roger looked down. "After all, when he gets angry, you never hear him say anything mean about you right?" Roger nodded. "He's your father.....and for that you owe him your respect."
That really sunk in. "Where is he?" Alice motioned to their bedroom. Roger walked in, quiet as a mouse. He carefully sat down next to Jack. "I'm sorry daddy......I should never have wrote those things about you.....I was just angry but that's no excuse. I'm really, really sorry and I appreciate everything you do."
Roger hugged Jack tightly, anticipating if Jack would accept the hug. "It's okay Roger.....but just....why? Why write something like that?" Roger shrugged, still in Jack's arms. "I don't know.....it was the heat of the moment and I remember thinking about how I was so angry, that I would just do the first thing that came to mind and that's when I wrote that poison pen letter.......I'm sorry."
Jack hugged Roger tighter. "It's okay Roger.....I love you very much......never forget that."
Roger smiled, "I won't....for as long as I live."
Roger was happy Jack was no longer bleeding love and Jack was happy Roger finally saw the error of his ways. The reconcile only proved that love would always win at the end of the day.
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gallifreyshawkeye · 9 months
Intro for anyone new, Hiya/Update for anyone from "yon olden days"
The tldr: my kids have brought new joy into old fandom and old hobbies and my older kiddo has asked me to finish the series PROPERLY and make Alec Hardy not sad anymore (😆) and to write Tentoo whump (child, you have NO idea what beast you have unleashed!).
So I have found myself coming back to this blog thanks to my kids after a hiatus of several years due to (partly) said kids taking up an increasing part of life, as they should, on top of everything else. BUT, they are now late elementary and early middle school age and I decided a few months ago it was time to properly introduce Doctor Who to them as a show to watch. So we started properly with Rose and Nine and they were hooked harder than I could have ever hoped. They chose to watch nothing else until they had binged ALL thirteen seasons in about only four months! It was amazing!
It was also really cool to watch it again from as fresh and unbiased a perspective as I think I'm ever going to get. 11 and 9y/o's aren't influenced by other fandom perspectives, I refused to give them any spoilers along the way, and the whole experience was overall just such an unexpectedly refreshing and renewing one I can't put it into words. It's also been fascinating to get their takes. Here are a few:
- Ten is both their favorite Doctor, but Twelve isn't far behind at all, and my 9y/o son has them at almost a tie. In fact, when I asked each of them which Doctor they would want me to write a fanfic about, my son picked Twelve.
- They both haaaaaaaated the hand waving-ness of Moffatt's grand story arc conclusions: the Doctor being brought back by Amy simply remembering him, the soppy/cheesy way Clara got the Time Lords to give Eleven more regenerations, the entirety of Amy's pregnancy, and for that matter River having regenerations simply by being conceived in the TARDIS they never bought into. You should have seen the skeptical looks on their faces when they heard that line given as an explanation! It was quite priceless! And like I said, I gave no spoilers, no personal opinion ahead of time, nothing. I deliberately let them simply watch the show for what it is.
- They both liked Bill and Nardol way more than Clara
- Both were super confused by the the absolute mess of character arc in Chibnall's era. Not so much for the Doctor, they thought she was ok, just kinda bland, but the Master. They were in complete agreement that nothing he did made any sense whatsoever.
- They were in disbelieving shock and over the moon when David Tennant showed back up as Fourteen when Thirteen regenerated, and they were FURIOUS that they were going to have to wait six whole months before the specials came out 😆
As an added bonus, my 11y/o also has become quite the David Tennant fan. They were so devastated when Ten regenerated, they immediately wanted to watch something else DT was in, so in the process of listing things off, I mentioned MAAN as something him and Catherine Tate did together that was non-angsty and even after emphasizing that it was Shakespeare, they still chose to watch it (not that I was complaining! ;) ). They were literally sliding off the couch with laughter at the absolute comedic perfection that is DT and Catherine Tate in MAAN, and it's been all things David Tennant ever since! I got lots of things thrown at me during the course of Broadchurch because of, and I quote, "His stupid sad eyes and his stupid face!" and I have been ordered to write a proper ending that makes him properly happy. So maybe I'll have to dust off the epilogue fic I'd been writing all that time ago and finish it off for good.
Meanwhile, Doctor Who has been rewatched from the beginning nearly all the way through again and is pretty much the only show my son currently chooses to watch besides his favorite Minecraft YouTuber (Grian, for anyone interested and who knows that realm of things).
So it's been in the process of both my children falling into these fandoms as much on their own as it is possible for children their age to do so, that I have found myself back here. It started because I was looking up some of the whump gifsets I made of Ten in the episode 42 to show my 11y/o, and partly as a confession of sorts to them of how deep into the fandom I used to be.
And then the specials came out and there was Fourteen's beautiful face and big sad eyes (yes my 11y/o has a phenomenal point!), and now I've also found myself relistening to all the Eighth Doctor audios, and idk, whatever the combination of reasons I've found a new joy in it all.
And it's all combined to make me feel like I can write again, like something's been freed or been unlocked. I can imagine scenes and character arcs and come up with new characters and revel in meta minutia that will never explicitly make it onto the page but is vital for plot consistency.
I feel like I found part of myself again.
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perce-jpg · 10 months
au lore infodump about temple of bhaal history + orin and haima dynamics
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(this is all modified canon + under the cut per usual 💪)
after the events of the iron throne and serevok (+ serevoks subsequent death), there was a period of nearly 90 years in which the bhaal temple had no leadership or any stable ground whatsoever. it fell into relative obscurity, save for smaller groups scattered around faerûn
enter helena anchev (UNRELATED TO SEREVOK IN THIS. GLARES AT CANON), a changeling woman who began attempts to repair what had been fractured over the years, particularly within baldurs gate. she was as effective as she was charismatic, managing to reestablish Cult Business in the city’s underbelly, and eventually named de facto leader in ≈1450. helena broke an old tradition of bhaalspawn being the primary leaders of Bhaal Business, but her efforts and skill had earned her the favor of the murder bitch himself, so nobody minded
while helena was devout and damn good at what she did (which was mostly stabbing people, evidently), her repairs and rise to power was a big wake up call for bhaal himself- regardless of helena’s successes, his power and influence was dwindling. and since power and influence is quite literally All Gods Are, this was bad.
helena was the head of the current biggest temple (though it was still puny compared to the heights bhaal had fallen from), but there was one teensy flaw in her position: she couldn’t be controlled like bhaalspawn could. sure, she had the fanatical mind you’d expect from a Literal Cult Leader, but technically there was nothing stopping her from turning against bhaal. and when you’re a god teetering over the edge of obscurity, you get paranoid
clearly (/s) the reason other bhaalspawn had failed before was because they were still part mortal- more room for lame useless things like personality and opinions. so to cover all his bases (and eventually wrest control from helena) bhaal enacted a silly little plan to frankenstein create a bhaalspawn that had zero mortal blood whatsoever. just freaky god magic held together with magic duct tape and a prayer
1455 rolls around, and hooray haima is born! (well . “born”. again- freak ass frankenstein magic)
little durge baby is created then shipped off to norchapel, a little offshoot town near baldurs gate. totally normal and fine childhood ensues
cut back to helena: things are going great in the temple efforts. numbers and resources are growing, but not at a rate where she can get comfortable yet. she does the best she can in the early years of her leadership (especially after her god seemingly starts to ignore her prayers).
around nine years later, something unexpected happens- bhaal briefly loses track of the durge frankenstein kid. it’s a whole thing for another post, but once again fueled by paranoia and fear of losing grip on this resurgence, bhaal decides to start plan b. a failsafe, just in case this whole durge kid plan blows up and he needs a few years to make another one
in 1464, orin is born in the temple in baldurs gate to helena. classic demigod bhaalspawn child, and a changeling like her mother
with orins birth, for the first time in decades, the temple's path forward is clear: they will continue to grow their forces with orin as helena’s heir, and when she’s old enough, orin will lead them into a new prosperous era. an era of success, away from the days of hiding underground and fighting for scraps. orins birth is seen as a sign of hope; a bhaalspawn born after decades of silence, the sign of a better future and proof their god had not abandoned them. she is revered.
orin spends her childhood in the temple, dreaming of the throne her parents promised. bhaal has gone silent again (he had in fact found the kid he briefly lost), but orins existence is enough to keep people in high spirits. helena trains orin herself, telling her about all the glory and power she will wield, and how people look at her and see hope. the temple throne isn’t just something promised; it is made for orin. the task of ushering in new glory is placed upon orins shoulders- and she couldn’t be more excited to claim her crown.
dreams and promises are forced to a heel in 1475. orin is 11 when her mother is murdered. she is assassinated at the yearly tribunal by a newcomer who claims to be a scion of bhaal, sent to set things right. the people of the temple listen, and in one fell swoop, orin has lost everything. her throne is handed off to a stranger, and her mother- the one who promised her greatness and hope, the one who raised and trained her for those 11 years- is dead at the altar.
the stranger, the “scion” (haima, they call themselves), refuses to look at her.
instead of the spotlight she is accustomed to, orin reaches adulthood in shadow. she is admired for her unmatched talent, but she no longer holds authority. she insists she should be held higher because she is a daughter of bhaal (same as this “new temple head”, mind you!) but haima has told the others that they all stand on equal footing, and the measure of someone’s worth is in their actions, not their blood (hypocrite, she thinks).
orin is angry. she is mourning the life she lost, the promise that died along with her mother. she is meant to be revered- glorious promise of prosperity sitting on a throne- but she is cast aside. shut out. she could scream, make scenes, but they won’t listen. not while a snake is in power, poisoning everyone against her.
so orin bides her time. bites her tongue. if haima insists on shutting the door, she will tear it down. she will wait, and when the time is right, they will see. the temple will see. and she will claim what is hers.
haima is a difficult person to speak with. they spend their days holed up in some office at the back of the temple, refusing visitors and audiences. when the 1482 tribunal rolls around, orin (now 18) is able to become a proper initiate (the daughter of bhaal, having to prove herself among mortals? she finds this ridiculous!).
in the early days, helena’s duty as temple head was to oversee the tribunals, and although haima has yet to oversee a single tribunal, surely orin being among the initiates would draw them out. surely they would have the decency to face her, after all they’ve done- after all they’ve took. surely they would offer more than silence.
during the tribunal, orin puts on a display so dramatic it earns her the moniker of “orin the red”. like every year, haima does not oversee it. as if orin- despite all her talents and godly blood- is not worth their time. orin is beyond fury. but she cannot act. not yet.
it takes a few more years before orin is able to speak with them properly. an insult, she thinks, that orin the red must trot around like a mouse at the feet of their sibling, hoping for a moment to speak. when she is able to meet with them, she glimpses at the person who her father has placed so much alleged faith in. haima is no scion, no leader; they hide away among their jars and vials, dismissing her like she doesn’t have more talent in a pinky than they possess in their entire body. they make comments on her dramatics, like she’s some sniveling child instead of an artist. little sister, they call her once- the only acknowledgement of their kinship, used to undercut her. the dismissal is almost worse than the silence.
orin then sees haima for what they are. duty weighs too heavily on them; they take no pride in murder or leadership, hiding away, clinging to “efficiency” and “order”. they are nothing like orin, with her talent and magics, and she knows they aren't fit like she is. she is bloody, she is brutal, she is an artist. they are dull, they are merciful, and they have the gall to look down on her.
her goal to take back the temple is inevitable. she spends years as their “right hand”, watching and waiting for the right moment (by now it’s 1492, and orin is 28). haima gets involved with the musings of a kelevmorite, and with the help of some risen chosen of myrkul associated with the stupid plan, orin finds a crack and tears down the wall. they never even saw it coming.
for a while, revenge- and the temple- is hers. orin wins in the end. yet when she prays to bhaal, there’s no response.
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ymcr · 8 months
work thoughts 1/19/24 8pm
- my boss's boss just got a brand new mercedes to replace her old one, huge, an SUV the size of a bus that no person could possibly need no matter how many kids they have (and for reference, she has one kid). meanwhile i have to scrimp and save just to afford a 15yo ford ranger to replace my deceased mother's jaloppy that i've been driving around with crushed doors from when i was in a hit and run that i haven't been able to fix because i can't afford collision coverage!!! ain't that just a laugh!
- lately i keep feeling like i'm in limbo at jobs. even when i've been there for several months to a year, it feels like i'm just floating through and meant to be passing along. there's a board at work with staff photos that everyone has submitted, and i'm the only one without a photo. staff who joined way later than i did have photos up, but not me, even though i emailed one to the person who prints them and puts them up. at this time it's a moot point because i have less than 2 weeks left before i go back to my old job, but it just reifies my feeling of not actually ever having belonged on the team in the first place.
- dear jordan, you are an ice cold bitch and i'm sure you'll be happy to no longer have to work with me since i'll only be volunteering on sundays. what kind of ostensibly mature adult pointedly ignores a coworker saying hello to them and pretends that they don't fucking exist? i can't wait to never see you again 😘
- it never fails to amaze me how huge the discrepancy is in feedback from (1) management and the sassy younger go-getter type girls on the team, and (2) literally EVERYBODY else -- other coworkers, all the volunteers, the training instructors, my clients. within the past couple days, 3 members of the vet team (who i only sparingly work with) have approached me to either hug me or playfully slap me and tell me how sad they are that i'll be leaving. but the supremely chilly and condescending attitude from christina, jordan, makayla, and one or two others is more than enough to make me feel like an incompetent idiot who is only good for grunt work. and unfortunately those few rotten eggs have such a huge influence on my work experience that it makes me miserable and overshadows all the other wonderful people i work with.
- worked my first full shift back at my old job yesterday and it feels like no time has passed whatsoever. it's boring but it's comfortable, and at least it's not stressful and my coworkers don't treat me like i'm incapable of tying my own shoes. so...retail round 3, here we gooooo
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lassieposting · 2 years
Do you think any of the Dead Men have kids? If so how many? Did they help raise them?
Oh god I thought I'd answered this already RIP
Okay so in lassiecanon:
Corrival: None, but Skug's mother was Corrival's childhood friend, so he's known Carver, Skug and Francis since they were tiny.
Skug: Skugbab is his miracle baby. Wifey gets pregnant a fair few times throughout their ~80 year marriage, because they're Very Into Each Other, but his magical ambidexterity gene fucks with a) fertility and b) viability, so none of the pregnancies carry to term. It's a shame - they both wanted a big family. There's also Solace, but in my hc, he doesn't know she exists.
Ghastly: None.
Hopeless: None. He likes to ~yearn after Ghastly but he's not interested in sex.
Erskine: Has a spiderwife and spiderling his friends know nothing about. Spiderwife is the woman who nursed him back to health after the Torment saved him from Mevolent's torture room. He moved them into the new Roarhaven while it was still under construction, to be closer to them, and improving their lot was a big part of his motivation for his plots. His daughter is about six or seven when he's killed, and neither of them really know what happened to him. He just...didn't come home.
Saracen: Has been slutting around since the 1400s, so it's almost certain he has a few bastards somewhere in the world. He took the standard wealthy medieval nobleman approach to parenting the ones he does know about - he quietly pays the mother a tidy sum of ye olde child maintenance, but he's not involved otherwise. He sometimes wishes he'd made different choices, because his kids have been grown for like, 200-300 years...but only sometimes. Generally he'd rather be a daddy than a dad.
Anton: None. He's gay. He is absolutely fine with this - kids freak him out. Why are their heads so small???
Dexter: None, but if one did materialise, he'd want to be involved. Dex grew up in a huge family with lots of little sibs - he loves kids, and he's actually pretty good at walking the fun/responsible line when dependents are involved.
Larrikin: None. Also gay. He's not that bothered. He likes kids, but only to be the fun, bad influence uncle to. He has zero interest in being sensible and stern and Parenty.
Mevolent: Contrary to popular belief, he would have stepped up to raise his son if he'd known about him. Not because he wants to be a father - Mev has no parental instincts whatsoever - but because It's The Expected Thing To Do. A king needs a Son And Heir, ergo, this child needs food and shelter for eighteen years. The claims that he'd have killed and/or eaten Caisson are based on some very unsavoury rumours about warlocks, and are basically just anti-halfbreed racism. He wouldn't have been a good father, from an emotional/affectionate point of view, but the boy would have been fed and clothed and housed and educated. Which was...not uncommon parenting, for an early medieval father.
Vile: None. Aggressively against the idea of having loved ones again. Would end up incessantly butting his nose into Mevolent raising Caisson anyway, because he still has Dad Instincts that won't go away, and damn it it's screaming because it's tired give it here.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
I'm being anonymous here hope you don't mind . But I want to vent . Hope it's okay for you ?? Soo for past years I'm avoiding being less sentimental about the way my parents body shame me . But for the last couple of months it's like I'm on edge . I can't anymore .... The moment they start this topic my head instantly start to hurt and I get a lump in my throat then I went back to my room and cry in front of mirror. Silently so they can't hear me . I just stare at my reflection like a statue . Numb . All red and teary eyes. I'm always not like this . I love to pamper myself . Do skincare and put on my fav makeup and style my hairs however I like . I feel good GOOD !! And also I stare in front of a mirror and pose , with just my undergarments and it makes me feel sexy and gorgeous . Then I blast my fav Playlist and dance like there's no tomorrow. I feel alive and lovely . But God knows why it triggers me so much when my parents body shame me that too infront of others and then I fall into this loophole of self hatred . I DON'T WANT TO. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL DEPRESSED AND SAD . But alas it's just happens . The weird thing is that they themselves don't realize they are hurting me . If I tried talking them they thought I'm seeking their attention and it's literally my job to be slim and trim . Also why they bring my favs food item and feed me then next day bodyshame me . It'd weird . It almost feels like a cycle. And I don't fucking wanna repeat it .
So so sorry if it feels uncomfortable or drains your energy while reading this because rn my energy is low and my head hurts so much . Have a nice day ahead .....
First of all, no vents can ever disturb my energy. So be assured you are causing no trouble whatsoever for me.
Parents do have this disgusting habit of ruining their children - through body shaming, inflicting guilt, emotional blackmail and many more. And I know what I'm talking about. Been there done that. My mom was a fantastic person. I learned so much from her and I admired her. But she had no idea how much pain she put me through. And I never told her.
Your parents don't realize how hurtful their words and actions can be for a child, a person who is still sort of figuring their own identity out, seeking some comfort in their own skin. And unless you undergo some family therapy, they will probably never know. Because you have to pass exams and test ride to get a stupid driving license but any idiot can give birth to a child. No offense. But I would seriously make people who actually want to raise a kid study for it.
Anyway! There's no easy solution. Sorry if you are not seeking for one but my core nature is a problem fixer.
You could sit down and talk to your parents as rationally as possible. Parents often think you are seeking attention when you get emotional talking to them but when you stay logical and calm, it usually has a better efect. Just like you told me. Sit with them, ask them why they buy the food they know you can't resist, why can't they just stop buying it. Try to stick to the facts.
Obviously, this is a sensitive topic so maybe for various reasons you can't do the above. Sometimes it helps to remind yourself that since the day your mother brought you to this world, your parents' influence on you is gradually decreasing and one day in future you will wake up completely independent on them. Their opinions won't matter. This painful chapter of your life will come to it's end one day and new, more free and beautiful chapter when you will be able to be yourself without feeling any kind of pressure or guilt will begin.
And I can guarantee that. It took a very long time but at one point, my mom's opinions on my body or fashion or likes and dislikes, stopped to matter for me. At one point I realized that my life and my body are mine and mine only and she has no right to tell what to do with them. She can make suggestions, sure (and some were pretty nasty), but I'm not obliged to obey.
Don't let your parents being miserable at their parenting job ruin your life. You are better than that. Stronger than that. More beautiful than that. Whenever you start feeling bad about what they say, just remind yourself that their opinions are their opinions but they don't have to matter for you. They don't you inside out. They never did. You know who you are, who you want to be. They only see a little fraction of your whole beautiful self and they can't even appreciate it. Why should you care and hurt over words somebody like that says?
Parents are often connected to us through blood but that's so little! They often don't know us, the true us. They are basically like strangers. And would you care what some weird stranger say about you? You wouldn't, of course because strangers have no real impact on your life.
I'm not sure if I'm making real sense here but hopefully you can find bits and pieces of useful information in this. 😊
So yeah! I don't mind vents. I'm like a teflon pan - other people's emotions slide off of me and I can stay impartial and rational about their issues. And don't feel stressed by their problems. 😊
I hope you can feel better soon. And even a bit better tomorrow and the day after that. Remember that this period of your life is not forever. You will feel good in your body. And people will love you for who you are. Our bodies grow old and decay eventually. It's our personality that leaves a print in other people's memory and heart. 😊
So! Aspire to be a good person and comfortable yourself, not to make your parents happy. Especially when they clearly are not so good themselves. And you will never make them happy, by the way. No matter how hard you try, they will always find something to shame. It's a waste of time. Invest your energy into making yourself happy. The results there are guaranteed. 😁
Okay! I think this is long enough.
Feel free to talk to me anytime.
Kleo 🦄
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artichow · 1 year
Arti does shoyo sho have thoughts on team whz?
Oooh interesting!
I don't think they'd have a lot of interactions during masters, but they watched some of the Gan Gan Galaxy vs Wang Hu Zong matches at the beginning of the tournament back at the WBBA. To be fair they weren't very invested in it, didn't really catch all their names. Their mind was mostly elsewhere but seeing their fighting style was very intriguing and inspiring! She trained in combat and I feel like blading with the same energy and attack styles would be something she could pick up and try out after seeing this on TV actually!! Omg I just wrote that it's a good idea actually wowie :D Also gives me reasons for Shoyo to not be rendered weaker than the world championship contestants later on, she's evolving and getting development too baby!!
Their first proper meeting would probably be at the end of the championship after Gan Gan Galaxy's victory. Then right after that they go on to raid Hades City :D. Shoyo vibes pretty well with all of them, she probably likes Mei-Mei the best, she's so easy to talk to and very impressive in her determination and willingness to train all the time. I like the idea of them clicking very well actually :D Dashan seems a lot more approachable than what he seemed to be back from he battled Gingka. Cool dude. Chi-yun is very nice and sweet though sooo stressed omg. But this is Shoyo we're talking about, actually seeing this little ball of stress and eagerness for validation makes her realize that she's started to change. And they try their best to be reassuring and easy-going with Chi-yun while still taking him seriously. (This is me making Shoyo a mentor/good influence on every kid she meets ig?? it's not that she's good at it or never fucks up but by then they spent a lot of time with Kenta so she's less likely to not take someone younger than her seriously. Collecting good friendships with the kids like pokemons). As for Zhouxing idk man, he'd be kind of a mystery to Sho but she really like his fighting style and notices the efforts he puts into his friendships and training. I imagine she could just. Not carry a conversation with him whatsoever like... what the hell is he talking about even.
This is getting long but but!!! since I want Sho (and Hyoma) to be included during Fury I'd love for them to come along or meet everyone at the Beijing temple maybe and Shoyo would be happy to see everyone again I think :D She'd take this opportunity to train with the students and maybe show off some new moves too while training with Mei-Mei :)
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Billy and Chrissy as Cousins AU
This started off as a wild and random idea but I wanted to see what would happen if I took it seriously
Imagine Neil moving back to Hawkins because he and his sister grew up there and he knew he could straighten his boy out if he took him away from all of the temptations California has. His older sister loves bragging about her daughter Chrissy so he wanted to see what her influence would do to him since they were the same age and maybe, he hoped that Chrissy would set Billy up with another good Christian girl like her and he’d be able to be as Neil wanted him to be. It’s been years since they last saw each other in person but he knew that they’d been talking for a while, and it may have been what kept his son away from some of the harder drugs and parties.
Imagine tiny chubby Billy meeting baby gymnast Chrissy at every other Thanksgiving and Christmas and all of the major holidays because they used to live in Indiana before Neil moved Billy to California to keep him away from his mother. Imagine Billy writing to Chrissy when they moved after he cries about missing his best friend and his dad just shoves him a piece of paper and a pen to shut him up since he can mail to his sister since he has things to send her anyway.
Once Billy figures out how to send mail, he and Chrissy keep up their correspondence all throughout their childhood and well into their teens. They tell each other everything and she’s the first to know he’s gay and she doesn’t mind at all. She makes sure that Billy gives Max a chance and that they grow to become real siblings because she’s always wanted a sibling so Billy needs to treat his sister the way she would or else she’d stop writing to him. She tells him all about her boyfriend whom Billy says is a complete tool and when she finds out he’s headed to Hawkins after a big beating, she promises to help him in any way she can and that she’ll make him learn to love Hawkins too. She also can’t wait to officially meet Max because Billy’s like her twin so Max is essentially her little sister too.
Imagine Chrissy eagerly telling her cheerleader friends about her cousin who was supposed to transfer to their school today. She hasn’t seen him in years and they don’t send pictures because it costs money to develop. She tells them that he’s a nice choir boy who ran a mini business with baked goods out of his best friend’s kitchen who’s always been on the honor roll and everyone was expecting this fat kid to arrive, looking like every single typical nerd since that was the last picture she had with Billy when all of a sudden a blue Camaro comes roaring into the parking lot and Chrissy squeals because Billy had told her he drove a blue Camaro. She runs to his car and out comes this literal Blond Adonis who immediately pulls her into a spinning hug, straight out of the movies without any difficulty whatsoever. Everyone there just stared in shock for a good minute.
“Chrissy Cat!”
“Billy Bear, you’re here! You look a lot different than you did before.”
Chrissy wrinkled her nose, looking up at him which was odd since the last time they met, they were the same height.
“I told you I got into the gym and working out, but you didn’t believe me.”
“Sorry but you told me you loved to cook and bake. How can you look like that and still cook and bake?”
“My best friend, Argyle and his family eats most of it, so they deal with the weight gain and the washing up while I just do the cooking and baking.”
Just as Billy finished speaking, they heard the first bell ring so Chrissy grabbed Billy’s hand and tugged him to the office, barely letting him lock up his car properly.
“Come on, Billy! We’re going to be late!”
“Hold your horses, Chris. Let me just lock ‘er up.”
“Hurry! First period starts in 15 minutes.”
“I walk fast. Done!”
Since Chrissy was also in all honors classes with her mom’s pressure, she made sure that she and Billy had the same schedule, so they didn’t have any problems. She’d also talked to the teachers in advance, telling them about her cousin and how she’d really appreciate it if they could sit together for the time being while he adjusted to moving to a new town from the city. He had no problem charming the teachers with his knowledge and his smile and by lunch time, Billy Hargrove was the name on everyone’s lips. The old-fashioned teachers pursed their lips at his attire but none of them couldn’t deny that the kid was intelligent, easily assimilating and actually reciting which threw the teachers into a loop since they didn’t expect it. All the girls were wondering who the hell he was and if he was single and honestly, so were some of the boys.
Chrissy didn’t even give Billy the chance to check out the other tables before she yanked him to her table with just the cheerleaders there. Chrissy had been dragging him around the school to every class and he’d just went along with it even if she was a whole head smaller than him. She was very strong even if she was tiny and she was also excited because she got to spend time with her favorite cousin who also happened to be her best friend. Chrissy didn’t even give them the time to interrogate Billy since she speed introduced everyone before asking him about lunch.
Since Chrissy and Billy were the last ones to the table, Chrissy offered to get Billy some food from the cafeteria since everyone else had already gotten food but Billy had declined since he’d packed a lunch and he’d immediately offered to share his with Chrissy once he saw what was offered. After years of wondering what his cooking tasted like, Chrissy happily took the offered sandwich and ate it. Billy had long since gotten used to sharing his food since his best friend in California preferred his food instead, even paying Billy to make his lunch instead of buying from the cafeteria.
 “Hey, Bills, do you want me to get you lunch too? I know what’s good here so I can steer you in the right direction.”
Billy brought out his food containers and water jug, meticulously packed in his bag to avoid being crushed.
“No need, Chris. I brought my own. Who knows what they consider food down here?”
Chrissy slapped Billy jokingly on the arm.
“Hey! Don’t insult our food.”
“Seriously, look at my food and compare it to their lunches.”
Chrissy honestly knew that Billy’s would be better just from looks alone but she was also stubborn about proving that Hawkins was alright, so she didn’t budge.
“Come on, I’ll even give you some,” Billy wheedled. “I brought too much anyway since Max wanted to try the cafeteria food. Bet she’ll be begging me to make her lunch tomorrow.”
“That’s a sucker’s bet, Bills but I’ll try it anyway. You brag about your cooking enough that this better be something amazing.”
“Trust me, Chris. It’ll blow your socks off.”
Chrissy definitely wasn’t disappointed since she finished the sandwich in record time, and she was ecstatic when Billy brought out a Tupperware with cookies for dessert since she’d told him a long time ago that chocolate chip cookies were her favorite. She squealed again and hugged him before sharing the cookies with the rest of the cheerleaders whose eyes all widened at how good it was. Chrissy was in the middle of bragging about the different types of things Billy said he could make when a shadow casts itself over her.
“Babe, who’s this?” Jason grounded out.
Billy was immediately on edge, already puffing up his chest, raring for a fight.
“Oh, Jason! Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. Billy, this is Jason Carver, my boyfriend. Jason, this is Billy Hargrove, he’s my cousin on my mom’s side.”
All of a sudden, Jason’s demeanor changed with a flick of a switch. Billy didn’t trust it.
“Oh! Nice to meet the cousin that Chrissy speaks so highly about.” He said, offering his hand out.
Billy stood up, very obviously noting the height and muscle difference between him and Jason before shaking his hand a touch too firm for most people to handle. Jason winced but didn’t pull away.
“Pity I can’t say the same. Chris, is this the best you can do?” Billy asked, pointing at Jason.
Jason took offense to that but he didn’t dare make a scene.
“Jason’s a good man, Billy. He goes to the same church as us and he’s the best basketball player in our year.” Chrissy protested.
Billy laughed after looking Jason up and down while Jason tried to intimidate him.
“Him? Sorry, sweetheart but I’d mop the floor with him on the court in a heartbeat. Let me guess, his GPA’s a 2.”
“It’s 2.5 actually!” Jason interjected.
Billy scoffed.
“Like that’s any better.”
“What’s yours then, hotshot?”
Billy smirked.
“It’s 4.0, Carver. See you on the court later. Let’s see if you can keep up good enough that I’ll allow you to keep dating my cousin.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.”   
Jason huffed before returning to his table. Chrissy slapped Billy on the arm, for real this time.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Don’t pick a fight with my boyfriend, Billy.”
“Chris, I know for a fact you can do so much better than that asshole. Why are you even with him?”
Heather, Chrissy’s best female friend finally interjected.
“He’s the next in line king of the school after Steve Harrington dropped the crown. She’s the Queen of Hawkins High as long as they’re together and I’m guessing you know how much Sharon loves those things.”
“You’re telling me that Aunt Sharon likes that creep? It makes sense though. He’s the kind of asshole your mom would’ve gone for had she been your age.”
“Ew, Billy.” Chrissy crinkled her nose.
“It’s true though. Don’t deny it.”
“Anyway, lunch is about to finish. We need to get to our next class.”
“Let’s bounce. It was nice meeting you girls.”
“Likewise, Billy.” A few of the girls shouted as Chrissy dragged Billy away.
After classes, Billy had already been asked by Neil to bring Chrissy home after she had been picked up by Jason to go to school so Billy waited for Max before bringing her with him to the cheerleading practice where Heather was training Chrissy to be her replacement for the next year. During the water break, Chrissy officially met Max who was surprised at how bubbly and light Chrissy was. Max didn’t think she could be that type of girl but she couldn’t help but admit she was curious about it all. With Chrissy officially taking Max under her wing, she doesn’t really have time to deal with the boys until a demodog attacks her and Chrissy while they’re on their way to the town. Billy hears their screams and he immediately deals with it and he’s surprised when a bunch of kids in Max’s year show up and explain what the hell that was.
Billy’s been too busy threatening Carver to straighten up his act after he caught him getting handsy with another girl and making sure he stuck to it to properly befriend Tommy. Sure, they were teammates but nothing more than that. Billy still flirted with Steve at practice though but he never pursued the rivalry thing that everyone thought would brew between them. It was pretty much guaranteed that Billy was the new reigning King of Hawkins High after he’d embarrassed Jason and everyone else on the team on the court. Tina’s Halloween party only cemented it when Billy beat out the Keg record Steve had set even though Billy still tried to comfort Steve after watching his girlfriend kind of break up with him in front of everyone. The cousins ruled Hawkins High without giving a damn about it since Chrissy was so focused on making Billy and Max learn to love Hawkins too. She would constantly take them out of the house, always asking Neil politely if she could show Billy and Max around the town, making sure that she would keep them out of the house as much as possible.
Somehow, Chrissy and Billy ended up getting involved with the Upside Down way earlier when a demodog attacks the girls right outside of the Hargrove house and Billy doesn’t hesitate to protect his girls when push comes to shove. Afterwards, Chrissy also takes El under her wing and the trio of Max, Chrissy and El take over Billy’s life. Chrissy acts as their older sister and guru for all things teenage girl and she even helps them shop and get ready for the Snow Ball with Billy’s help. Billy’s also forced to teach El and therefore, also Max and Chrissy how to make all sorts of food and desserts whenever the mood strikes them and he’s their resident chauffer for trips while the boys rely on Steve. Since he can’t exactly cook or bake at their house or Chrissy house and Hopper’s cabin is out of the question, El usually asks Steve if they can use his kitchen. Steve’s fine with it as long as he gets some food out of it and after some time, he starts hanging around while Billy messes around in the kitchen.
With both Chrissy and Billy taking their grades seriously, Steve’s forced to study too and they replace Nancy as his support to apply for colleges. With Billy’s help, he even manages to get accepted into a couple of them but he decides to take a gap year to wait for the majority of his friends. Strangely enough, it becomes pretty normal for the students of Hawkins High to see Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham and Steve Harrington all together with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers occasionally joining the trio. It becomes a normal thing for the five of them to study together at Steve’s house while Billy whips up either a snack or dinner for the entire group. Sometimes, the kids would play D&D at the basement with Billy trying his best to get the kids to eat some healthy food instead of just pizza while the older teens would either study or smoke together.
When summer begins, Chrissy encourages Billy to apply for the vacant lifeguard position that Heather told her about and when she notices the moms staring weirdly at Billy, she plots and gets her very Christian mother to loudly rebuke all of the women for lusting after a teenager and almost committing adultery. With that problem out of the way,  Billy’s free to enjoy teaching the tiny tots how to swim and to watch as the kids he’d slowly grown fond of play around in either the public pool or Steve’s pool. Chrissy had gotten a job at the mall so she’d loved having lunch with Steve and Robin who quickly became her lunch buddies. Billy would always pick her up and drop her off, usually with lunch and dessert to share.
When the girls enter their dump his ass phase, they get Chrissy to dump Jason too who heads to the motel to meet up with a girl to feel better about himself. The mindflayer gets him instead but when he immediately goes to flay Chrissy, she realizes something’s wrong and Billy’s there to stop him. They get El to figure out what’s wrong and they quickly get it out of him without killing him. Then, they have to deal with the Russians but with Chrissy and Billy there, things go much easier. After everything, everyone is alive and relatively okay, but Jason is traumatized, and he convinces his family to move away instead after being paid to keep silent about everything.
When Vecna starts his bullshit, Chrissy is in a much better place and so are a lot of the teens, all except Billy who might have friends but is still living with his abuser. Somehow, Eddie is still witness to the first victim but so is Chrissy who was there to support a friend of hers who wanted to try drugs. Eddie and Chrissy still flirted but when her friend started floating and going all weird, they didn’t know what to do! Chrissy immediately got to Billy who let everyone know what happened. All the while, she was dragging Eddie with her to make sure that what she saw actually happened.
With more minds working on the problem, they realize everything earlier leaving them time to prepare but Billy then realizes he’s been dealing with the symptoms. Chrissy is extremely horrified to find out that Billy was still a target after everything she had gone through to save him and she belatedly realizes that he also saved her from being a target so she’s angry at herself because she couldn’t save him. Strangely enough, it’s Eddie who comforts her about it.
Billy gets them to make peace with the fact that he’s a target, something that Steve is strangely bothered extremely by and he agrees to get them to set a trap for Vecna. Without Jason around to ruin things and with the town in chaos over the people dying of unnatural reasons, they manage to successfully deal with him with an especially irate Chrissy throwing Molotovs with uncanny aim and eventually stabbing him when she’s threatened after saying that you don’t scare me. She was almost meant to be a victim but she ends up beating him literally and figuratively. They manage to expose the Upside Down and to finally end things.
Surprisingly, as soon as things settle, Billy tells Chrissy that Steve had kissed him and that they were now dating. She also had news to share since Eddie was dating her now too. The quartet soon makes plans to move to California, far away from all of this nonsense with the Byer-Hoppers and with the rest of the kids promising to meet them there soon. Weirdly enough, all things worked out for the cousins because they had each other to rely on and they didn’t let each other down.
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srslysierraa · 3 years
May I request a Monty Gator X Fem!Animatronic!Reader one shot? Reader is an animal animatronic like Freddy and the gang but she’s not apart of the band, she’s a first aid animatronic that hangs near entertainment and helps children who get injuries like a school nurse. Monty and her are really close and Monty is super nice to her. During the night Monty catches her patching Gregory up and helping Freddy and gets jealous, taking his anger out on her? Thank you :)
Heart Shaped Bandaids.
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Prompt ;; the news of you being in a particular friendship with Monty either always flew over people's heads or make them quite surprised, though it doesn't really mean anything bad. Moreso that the news really wasn't something anyone expected. Still, people supported you two either way, calling you "a good influence" for Montgomery's more... Hardcore.. personality. But old habits die hard, so what'll you do when he suddenly lashes out?
Type ;; angst if you squint.
Char. Involved ;; Montgomery Gator, Gregory, GL Freddy.
A/N ;; I'm gonna be honest I'm not a fan with how i wrote this but uh, more monty content hooray! Also this is very very long and i am so sorry for that.
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"Aaaand there!" You exclaimed as you softly put a little smiley bandaid on a small boy's knee, as he tries his best to keep quiet and hold in the little soft sobs that thankfully has tired down a bit ever since he got his injury. It was almost time for the concert, and yet while running to the main stage, he accidentally slipped on a puddle of fizzyfaz that you assumed some other random kid dropped, resulting in this small incident. "Your knee should be just fine now, you're a strong boy, you'll be fine! Don't worry, alright?"
The kid nods his head, though small tears pricked at his waterline as it threatened to fall, to appease it you simply reached into a small pocket on the medkit that you're holding, grabbing a chocolate bar for him. "Here, a reward for being so brave! Now, Freddy and his friends are gonna perform soon. You don't wanna miss that don't you? I'll take you to your parents and then you guys will watch the performance together, but you have to promise me that you'll be careful from now on. Deal?" "Okay..."
And just like that, hand in hand - or, well, hand in paw is more fitting, you guide him all the way to the front of the stage where you see his parents. They were thankful despite you just doing your job, the mom scolded her son a bit for falling, but you assured her that that's just a normal thing kids do. Soon enough you left, and yet you can't shake the feeling of a gaze lingering on your back as you walked away.
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"Thank you for coming and we hope you had a fantastic night, we'll see you all again tomorrow."
As rows of people walk out the door, you can't help but wave goodbye to the kids you've helped today, wishing them a safe drive home and hoping to see them again some other day. The sounds of cogs and mechanical parts inside you generated something almost like a sigh, as you finally walked to your greenroom. It's not as big as Freddy and the others, in fact, it's less of a greenroom and more of a small resting room, maybe even a clinic.
You set down the medkit and had the intent to recharge for the time being, but that plan was thrown out of the window when your door busted open with no warning whatsoever. "(Y/N)! There you are!" The loud noise echoed on the now empty hallways, yet even without turning to look, it's obvious who the sudden visitor is. "Montgomery? Aren't you supposed to recharge by now?" But your question was met with a rather soft laugh, a pretty rare occurrence considering the type of animatronic doing it.
"Yeah, well, i still have some energy left, plus rechargin' takes so goddamn long. Would rather just do that later." He spoke out, taking a stand near one of your desks. Though something seemed to went through his mind considering the way he immediately stopped halfway while fixing his shades.
"Wait, were ya boutta recharge? Ah, shit, well imma just talk to ya later. Sorry for interruptin'-" "No, no." You stopped him as he was about to walk out, grabbing his arm to pull him back into the room. Something that not a lot of people outside the Pizzaplex know is that this particular alligator has some massive ego, so you'd know how it is. "You can stay, I was about to recharge but that's only because i have nothing else to do. I still have a good amount of energy left!"
It was a slight detail, but you're sure you saw his tail wagging ever so slightly. Monty probably tried to hide it in order to look like he's keeping his cool. "Oh that's cool! Uh, wanna go around the Pizzaplex? I can show you just how great my new claws are!" Hands out for you to have a good look at his newly planted claws, one that you remembered vividly used to be on Bonnie's hands instead. You didn't speak about it, and only looked back up at the gator.
"You already got us in enough trouble the last time you wreck around the place, or did you forget already?" Hearing your response, he only whined like a kid being annoyed at his mom's lectures, and you probably would smile greatly if your expressions weren't limited thanks to your metal faceplates. "Besides, it's been a while since you practiced the bass, i reckon you haven't even memorized the new songs you need to play for the new kid's birthday party in two weeks."
The green gator didn't seem to listen to what you had to say, looking up to the ceiling as he fiddles with his sharp claws in disinterest. You didn't even hesitate to hit him lightly over his head, make him instinctually let out an 'ow', perhaps that was a bit rash of you, especially how lucky you are with the fact that he has a particular liking towards you. Not that you know that is, but it might as well saved your endoskeleton from Monty's usually unmerciful jaws.
"'ight fine, fine, whatever I'll work on that later!" He squeezed out from his voicebox, grabbing your hand away from his face in fear that you'll continue your antics. By the end of it all you two hanged around your place, Monty being adamant about you not being in his room. He did at one point went back to grab his bass though, it didn't take much more than just you entertaining his idea that he is the best bass player there is. Not like you know any other bass players other than a few kids that sometimes takes a try at Monty's bass when his green room was open and functional.
The time spent with him was pleasant, it was chatter on the most part, and at one point the alligator looking animatronic had accidentally dropped everything on one of the shelves, leaving him just awkwardly standing there. You reassure him it was alright in the end when he frantically picked 'em up only for the things to fall immediately out of his arms, you didn't get to see this side of him that much, and you might even dare to say that it was quite adorable.
You sincerely do hope that every moment can always be like this with him.
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"What in the world..."
What you saw in front of you was unlike anything you've seen in the Pizzaplex, Freddy with a hand on his stomach practically limping as a human child tries to give what support it can. Seeing you emerge, the little human took a stance. Bandaid on his face and small cuts snd bruises on his arms and legs. "Stay back!" It was loud, fearless if only you didn't see the slight quiver in his eyes.
"What happened?!" You exclaimed, your tail wrapping on one of your legs to prevent it from slowing you down, jogging to go help Freddy. But the last thing you expected was a bright flash of light to be banged against your programming, and the last thing you registered for a moment was a fazcam being pointed at you. You can hear a slight shuffle, most likely from Freddy as he scolds the kid who's name supposedly is 'Gregory'.
A few seconds of blindness set in as you covered your eyes with your hands, only to feel another hand by your shoulder, a metal one, and presumably belonging to the bear of the show himself. "I apologize sincerely for that..." His voice is shaky, glitching ever so often. When your eyesight returned it took around a good 5 seconds for it to be functioning like normal, light going into your eyes slowly as you rescan your surroundings. "Freddy! She could be crazy too!" The kid shouted, seemingly keeping a safe distance from you.
"Gregory, give her a chance," Freddy stepped in, and that's when it dawned on you. The STAFF bots were somehow more strict, covering the whole floor and building. Chica and Roxy are currently running around who knows where, seemingly more aggressive. And Monty? Who knows where he is. "Are you alright?" The mascot asked, and the worry hits you again like a steamboat.
"No, Freddy, are YOU alright?!"
Your first instinct was to do a scan on Freddy, trying to see if any of his engines or even worse, his endoskeleton faulty in anyway. "I... Could be better... But unfortunately i cannot do anything at the moment, not until i can put Gregory to safety." It didn't take long for you to follow his line of sight, going back to the little kid who's now hiding behind Freddy's big body. You once again scanned the surrounding, thankfully there's not much things to worry about since you didn't see any of the band members in sight. At least that's what you thought anyway.
"We need to get the both of you fixed." The gears turning as you go back to standing upright, helping Freddy walk in order for him not to be limping. "Wait." That stopped you in your tracks, looking back at the bear with curiosity. "Gregory... Isn't safe." He forced out, and the little human only fiddled with his fingers. Seeing his nervous state you were only able to give him your hand, hoping that he would finally trust you. "Thanks, Gregory." "Mm, let's just get this over with.."
Your plan is to bring Gregory and Freddy to your room, patching Gregory up just enough so you and him both can help Freddy reach Parts and Service. Unbeknownst to you however, a certain alligator had been lurking in the shadows. Jealousy bubbling in a way that he didn't know could even effect machinery, he was this close to getting the little brat too, and yet you saved him. Why? Weren't you on his side? Why are you working with them? You should've worked with him. Yes, you should've.
His system hotwired and he sees purple, claws out and itching to destroy anything in his path. Why is he feeling like this? A virus perhaps? Well, he isn't going to fight it, it's been a while since he felt like this, and exhilarating would be an understatement to what he's experiencing.
So he followed, for once in his mechanical existence he actually tries to be quiet. Tailing you around like a predator with it's prey. God his system almost overheated when he saw you brought the Main singer and a random kid inside what's supposed to be your hangout place with him, it took absolutely whatever willpower is coded into his AI for him not to completely wreck everything at that very moment. You might even hear his hand casing crack due to how hard he's been clenching his fist.
The gator kept he steps low, and on the other hand you were in your room trying to patch up Gregory as fast and as efficiently as you possibly could. Bandaid on hand and some alcohol swab was what it takes to mostly finish the job, with the kid wincing every so often in order not to make any noise. "There, now your legs and arms should feel way better." You told Gregory, yet Freddy seemed to feel obligated to answer.
"Thank you, Starlight." "Mhm! Thanks ms.(Yn)!" "Yes, thank you so fuckin' much, (Y/n)."
The moment you heard the growl accompanying the uninvited source of voice, you immediately turned your head. A thud had also rung in the room from Gregory immediately and frantically getting off the bed he was sitting on when you attended to him, fleeing to find shelter next to Freddy. Monty on the other hand, though seemed calm enough to stand by the doorway, had already froze all the tension in the room.
Freddy is trying his best to hide Gregory behind him, considering he's too messed up to have him in his little hatch. "Oh, didn't thought I'd see the big guy 'imself here." Hostility dripping from every word being uttered, as he slowly looks your way. "Didn't know yer havin' a party. Without me too? Damn, for a second there i thought we were close."
You're not sure what happened to him, you're not even sure if he's in the right mind to talk at the moment. Yet hands in front of you as you faced him is the first thing you thought of doing, hoping it'll calm him down. "What? No, Montgomery listen. Something happened to Freddy and for some reason a kid is here even when it's after hours. He was hurt so i patched him up, that's all."
A snicker left him as he listened to your explanation, nothing changed though and his hostility only gets worse as time passes. Slowly walking towards the beat up glitching Freddy, using everything in his power to protect the human. "Monty," The bear kept his eyesight with the gator's, not showing any will of backing out. "Look at ya, all beaten up." The howls of laughter was enough to get you on your toes next to Freddy, just in case. "What's the sour look for? I'm just tryin' to get this kid back. The bear can barely even keep himself together." "I don't wanna go with you."
The tension now is practically choking you, you know Monty would never attack anyone. Yet the heavy feeling in your Ai can't help but think of the worse. Freddy can barely protect himself if Monty goes rogue, and Gregory wouldn't be able to get away with how small this room is, not to mention how he's backed up into a corner. "Monty," you called out. You thought at the very least you could do was to stall him enough so Gregory can get Freddy away from here. So you used your finger to secretly signal him to move soon.
"Monty let's just, talk outside, alright?" "Shut up." He barely even took a second to think about a response, didn't even bother to look at you when he said it. "Shut the fuck up and leave." And maybe you should've listened, because when you tried to get a hold of him the second time, a metal slashing noise cut you off quite literally and figuratively as you tried to dodge. Thankfully he only managed to harm your arm by creating a bad dent and tear to the point where a few of the wires within got snagged and slashed. In result you can barely move your right arm.
However that obviously still left you and Freddy in shock to the point where you barely noticed how Monty continued to stomp his way to Gregory. "Gregory, run!" The bear yelled, but Monty only laughs wholeheartedly. Seeing as you can barely talk senses into him, you can only attempt to take away his glasses. Allowing Gregory to use the fazcam against him and escape.
The next bit was something you never thought you'll ever do, purposely kicking the back of one of Monty's leg hard enough that you can gain the chance to hit him with something and grab his shades while you're at it. Without your right arm being anything but functional however, this is absolutely way harder than you imagined. "GREGORY, YOUR FAZCAM!" is the last thing you remembered saying once you successfully got Monty's shades away from him, no longer able to shield his eyes. Freddy grabbed the kid up with his hand, running as fast as he could when Gregory snapped his novelty camera at the green animatronic's face.
Sadly you might've also forgot to look away when that happened, once again blinded by the sudden flashing light going against your system. It's only when the 5 seconds past and you got your vision back did you realize how messed up your room is, and not to mention the gator grabbing you by the neck with his claws threatening to cut every wire within it. And assuming he did that, then there's no way for you to get out of this situation. No plan can save you at this point.
"You fuckin' dipshit." The growl was clear with how enraged it sounded, looking at you with his hand that could end you at anytime. Even now you're not sure what happened to him. "I almost had him, why the fuck would you do that?!" It didn't matter what his problem is now though, you only hope Gregory is okay under Freddy's care, at least that way you know you helped him somehow. "Answer or I'll fucking cut you off right now, I'm not fucking around (Y/n)." "You'd do that?" It's a question you wanted to ask, and for some reason it caught Monty himself off guard. "Why wouldn't i, so you can go back to that damned bear?" He laughed. Yet, something feels off, it wasn't like the previous ones, it felt.. forced.
You're not sure what to say, more or less you've done so much with so little information. Why did Monty even go after Freddy and Gregory? Why was he so angry? Did you do something wrong? "Fuck," the next thing you know the hand dangerously wrapped around your neck was gone, replaced with a harsh banging sound right next to your head. You almost thought you were smashed to pieces.
"Montgomery?" His left hand casing almost shattered, cracks forming on the bottom part of his hand. He didn't look at ruthless suddenly, just angry. Only angry. "Why did you fucking helped him." "He needed help." "You could've just fucking brought him to parts and service!" "I was about to do that, after helping the kid." It's almost as if the room's broken state snapped him out of it just enough to realize what he did to your arm, eyeing it intensely. He frowned, still angry of course, but also angry at himself. "Why did you do that," sadly Monty only scowled, walking away from your room and presumably going to find Freddy again.
This got you a bit more angry, as you took a grip on him using your left arm, aka the only functional arm you have. "Keep holding and you might even lose another arm for free." "I wouldn't mind, just don't go looking for Freddy, and i might let go." "He must be a swell guy, eh? You hang around often or something that you'd even lose both your arms for him?" Sarcasm has never been any clearer with the way he said those words. An obvious scoff when he finished. "Ironically you're the guy i look forward talking to the most, but if that's how you wanna see it."
Slowly you let go, tone still and unchanging. You made sure to let him know you're not open on negotiation, looking back at him just as fiercely as he did when he stared at you. He didn't even apologize when he left, and never have you ever been so thankful that Animatronics didn't have the ability to cry.
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It's been a few days since that incident. The higher-ups have made sure not to let Monty be around you again once they realized the damage that has resulted. They fixed you thankfully, giving you a new and smoother arm. You also talked to Freddy a bit regarding Gregory and thank God it turns out that he's okay and already went home, wherever that may be.
Things have gone to normal, well except one thing that is. Walking past Monty Golf or even his greenroom had never been so hard, you had to focus on the kids you're currently leading to your room for a checkup everytime you walk by. Sometimes you can hear the angry tantrums of Monty's, sometimes it's as quiet as ever. Either way it always felt like you're about to short circuit when you're passing.
It's not until two weeks later did you actually had to see eachother again. He was rented by a family who's child is having a birthday party, with Monty performing the kid's favorite song on his bass. It sounded great, almost like he's been practicing for these past two weeks. Did he actually listen to you for once? That thought was cut short when you heard the little "ouch" coming from the birthday kid, who's hand accidentally got too close to the lit up candles on his cake.
"Here," you softly told him, pulling out a bandaid from your medkit and a piece of candy as a reward. Once you're done patching him up, you moved to the side again. But Chica pulled you away before you could even think, just to finally explain what happened that night and how it affected everyone except Freddy and one side of the Daycare attendant. It was... A weird explanation, but you're happy that you finally understood the situation nonetheless.
Apparently she felt bad with how you and Monty haven't been talking, saying that Roxy thinks it's better to just let you and the gator work it out but Chica stubbornly thinks that neither you or Montgomery would be making the first move. And she's right. "What's this?" Suddenly in your hand is a scrunched up paper given by the band member Chica himself. "It's a letter from Monty! I told him to write one to you- well, more like i forced him to- but hey! It worked! Ah his hand writing is a bit messy though, he really needs to fix that.. But i can read it aloud for you if you want!"
And she was not kidding, if only you haven't read a little toddler's handwriting all the time, there is no way for you to actually understand the letter. But thankfully you do deal with toddlers and the likes a lot, so reading a letter this messy shouldn't be a big deal. "No thanks Chica, i can still read it thankfully." "Oh that's great! Uh, if he says anything bad in that letter go ahead and tell me, I'll deal with him on your behalf!" You nod and bid her goodbye, going to a place not too far off just to have time and read the letter. You can practically feel Monty's eyes scanning you as you take in every word, nervousness evident across his eyes.
You can't even lie when you said that the letter elicited a few soft laughs from you, with the the last few lines catching your eyes the most.
'Still, i was kinda an idiot. Well still am but you now know what i mean. I wanted to talk to you about it but i was afraid nervous that you would'nt like it, so chica just told me to wrote you write you a letter and she'll give it to you. The staff don't like us talking anymore so i thought you could just come to my green room after this. It's a bit messy but I'll try fixing that maybe. Also something got stuck on me when you threw shit stuff at me, i hope you don't mind me sticking it on here.'
And right next to it, was a heart shaped bandaid.
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