#sing sing smedry
(Idea by @thesmileystudio but with the singular change of nOBODY ON THE SHIP KNOWING ABOUT IT)
So there I was, being rudely interrupted from my first dreamless sleep since the Highbrary by a frantic Bastille.
One thing we need to clarify. Don’t wake people up to help them after getting sick. I mean really, that’s extremely counterproductive to everything that any foster parents (or other Smedrys) have ever told me. (Surely there’s no oddly backwards Free Kingdomer logic about THAT, right?)
Of course, this situation might have possibly been different, since usually sickness isn’t caused by proximity to an acclaimed Hushlands landmark.
(No, I’m not kidding. In hindsight, why else would anyone build a giant metal arch in the middle of nowhere? For the “aesthetic?” Yeah, right.)
I’m going to assume you guys need context. I’m also going to assume I’m going to have to be the one to give it.
Fine. Here we go again.
“Why are we flying this way to Nalhalla? Isn’t it the other way?” I asked.
Kaz nodded. “We’re picking up Aydee on the way. I’m sorry, kid, but we’ve got to tell her the news about Attica.”
Silence filled the aircraft after that.
For those of you reading this WITHOUT having read the last five books of my autobiography and Bastille’s sixth installment first of all, why? Why are you here? You don’t even know my name, do you? Those of you in the Hushlands are probably questioning why a prison in France is shaking me awake, aren’t you? Read the other books first, you sicko. Secondly, since of course you’re probably still here despite my admonishing, accept this recap.
My name is Alcatraz Smedry. My family is known for having Talents for stuff like breaking things (me), getting lost (Kaz), and being bad at math (Aydee). Or at least that’s how things used to go, until I accidentally released the Dark Talent upon the world and broke the talents. (You know, as one does under pressure.)
The Librarians control the Hushlands. (lands such as the United States or China) and hide that fact from everyone who’s not in their cult while simultaneously trying to take over the free kingdoms (lands such as Nalhalla, Mokia, etc.) and incorporate them into their ever-growing empire.
The last volume I wrote detailed our infiltration into the Highbrary (Or as Hushlanders might know it, the U.S. Library of Congress) and introduced “Cousin Dif,” aka Biblioden, aka the Scrivener, aka the original head of the Librarians who was supposed to be dead years ago.
He betrayed us all when we least expected it, then sacrificed my father on an altar and shot my grandfather, leaving me the last surviving member of the true Smedry line of Oculators, who can use special glasses to do cool stuff.
So, basically, we failed completely.
Or so I thought.
Bastille’s recently released installment covered a LOT of happenings, including but not limited to Grandpa Smedry somehow managing to get his talent back in time to save his life, (He’s still arriving late to his bullet wound to this day.) gravity breaking across the entire world, (I plead the fifth on that one.) a diplomatic discussion with the Dark Talent itself that ended in the other talents coming back, and me having no choice but to give a little bit of Smedry Talent to everyone in the world.
So if you ever find yourself waking up looking uglier than usual, or tripping over nothing, or putting something in one place and coming back to find it gone, that was probably my fault.
Sorry about that.
“Hey, Kaz? Can we stop for food somewhere?”
“Sure, kid. We’re coming up on St. Louis, so we can find a place there if anyone has any Hushlander currency.”
I had, in fact, procured some from the Highbrary, and I told Kaz so.
“Alright! Lemme just set the detour real quick,” Australia said.
“Nice, I’ve always wanted to see the Gateway Arch,” I said, sitting in the nearest empty chair.
Bastille scoffed. “I don’t understand Hushlanders. Lots of gates have arches. Why is this one so special?”
I shrugged. “Mostly because it’s big and metal, and I think you can go inside it, but that might be a different landmark. I guess we don’t have to see it.”
“Well, if we’re gonna be there anyway, I suppose we can stop by it for a few minutes,” Bastille said, rolling her eyes.
“Actually, if you’re in full armor and the rest of us minus Kaz are in formalwear… if we go somewhere that public, we’re definitely going to attract unwanted attention. We probably shouldn’t stop in a city that big at all,” I rationalized.
Bastille rolled her eyes. “There are extra clothes on this thing for a reason, Smedry. We can make something work.”
“Alright, then. Australia, I’m afraid you’re going to have to hover and let whoever’s coming with me down on the ladder. A giant penguin landing in the middle of the city would be way too noticeable. Speaking of which, who’s coming with me?”
Bastille, Sing, and Kaz volunteered.
“Alrighty, then. I’m going to need some way to keep contact with you guys. Australia, how do you feel about Courier’s Lenses?”
“Um… better than the first time the two of us used them?”
“That’ll work. Australia, you’re gonna have to take everyone’s orders and pass them onto me through the lenses. Can you do that?”
“Um… maybe? Do we have a backup plan?”
I shrugged. “Only if Kaz still has his cell phone.”
Kaz gave me a thumbs up. “Yup! Sure do!”
“Leave it with Australia and there’s our backup plan. Now, I’m still going to be at least acting like I’m using the phone. Hushlanders aren’t exactly… used to lenses, so don’t freak out when you see me on the phone. It’s purely for aesthetic purposes.”
“Bastille, Sing, and Kaz, you go change into T-shirts and shorts. I’ll be doing the same. I’ll tell you if they’re on wrong when you’re done.”
And so began a somewhat infiltration into St. Louis.
When we came back together, we found out that Sing had no taste in clothes. At all.
At least Bastille had chosen a fairly normal-looking black tee-shirt with some sarcastic comment on it and a pair of bermuda shorts.
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And it turns out Kaz looks pretty good in a sweater vest. (Who knew?)
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Sing, however… Well, some things are better illustrated in pictures.
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I looked at Sing. “Okay, you know what? Sing, can you just find a plain, white shirt?”
Sing nodded. “Alright!” he said, already running (tripping once) to the room he’d claimed on Penguinator.
“Bastille, that’s perfect. Great job.”
Bastille smirked. “Thanks, Smedry. You don’t look to bad yourself.”
(A/N: If you’re wondering what he’s wearing)
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I blushed, quickly changing the subject when Sing came back, wearing, as I’d asked, a white t-shirt.
“Alright, Australia, drop us down there. We can walk from here.”
It was true. There was a Steak ’n’ Shake not too far from the edge of town we were approaching, so I told everyone ahead of time what their options were.
Australia dropped us off, and I put on my Courier’s Lenses as we walked to the Steak ’n’ Shake.
“Alrighty, guys. Check out the menu while I call Australia.” I said, pulling out the cell phone and acting like I was putting in a phone number.
“Hi!” Australia gasped. “OH MY GOSH ITS WORKING SO WELL??? WOW!”
I winced at her volume. “Okay, Australia. Ask everyone whether they want chicken tenders or a burger, and write it down so you can tell me.”
“You got it!” the Courier’s Lenses blinked out as Australia took them off.
Kaz grinned. “The cheeseburger looks pretty good. Also, what are milkshakes?”
I gasped, faux offendedly. “Okay yeah we have to introduce everyone to milkshakes. Wait, Kaz, do you know if anyone with us is lactose intolerant?”
Kaz shook his head. “Nope, nobody on Penguinator is lactose intolerant.”
“Great! Now I just have to-” at that precise moment, Australia’s Couriers Lenses were turned back on. “Nice! Australia, ask around for milkshake orders. They’ve got Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana, Oreo Cookies 'n Cream, Mint Oreo, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Birthday Cake, Cotton Candy, M&M's, Reese's peanut butter cup, Reese's peanut butter, Reese’s chocolate peanut butter, Nutella, Butterfinger, Kit-Kat, and Snickers.”
(A/N: yes I did have to copy and paste the shake menu and delete the calories and ingredient information this hurt me)
Australia dutifully wrote down each flavor and made a saluting motion before turning off her lenses again.
“Alright, guys! Any minute now and we’ll be able to order.”
About half an hour later, the four of us returned to Penguinator with plenty of fast food for the others before immediately going back down to see the Gateway Arch.
A few minutes in, Sing tripped.
Of course, we made nothing of it.
A few minutes later, the milkshake started to disagree with me.
“Oof. I should NOT have gotten a large.”
Bastille scoffed. “Obviously.”
We came within sight of the arch, and my head began to pound.
Well, that’s not the milkshake, is it, I thought.
My stomach turned as we walked closer, and I found myself suddenly drained of all energy. Where before I’d had the quickest strides out of the team, now I was lagging about two feet behind Kaz, very much in last place.
Needless to say, Bastille noticed. Also needless to say, she decided to make fun of me for it. “You’d better not be falling asleep back there, Smedry,”
“No, m’fine,” I said, although I definitely was feeling a little sleepy.
We were so close; I couldn’t give up now. Bastille was gonna lose her mind when she found out we could, in fact, go inside the thing, up all the way to the top. There were windows up there, I was pretty sure.
She wanted to make fun of me for lagging behind? Well, we’d see how she felt about going ahead of everyone else when we were up six hundred thirty feet in the air.
The world seemed to spin all of a sudden, but on the bright side, we were almost to the ticket center.
“Hey guys! We can go inside it! Let’s go!” Sing exclaimed, pointing at a sign.
Kaz hung back. “I don’t know, guys. Are you sure you wanna go in? I mean, think about Bastille, that’s pretty high up…”
Bastille shuddered. “Don’t remind me.”
I gave a small smile that probably looked like a grimace.* “That’s the idea. It’s time I get some teasing ammunition for once.”
Kaz looked at me. “Al, you’re not lookin’ to good. I don’t know if you’d survive up there without passing out.”
“M’fine, Kaz. C’mon, let’s get our tickets.”
We waited in line at the ticket center for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. My legs felt like gelatin, but Sing looked so excited, and I sure as heck wasn’t gonna be the one to rob him of this experience.
I inhaled sharply. White-hot pain stabbed through my head, uncannily reminiscent of the headaches I’d get as a child. (I now knew they were a result of Oculatory power building up in me at unhealthy levels.)
“You alright, Smedry? We can’t have you fainting away on us.” Bastille snarked.
“Fine, fine. Just a headache.”
“Drama queen.”
“Okay, Bastille.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Guys! The line’s moved!” Sing said, effectively finishing the argument for us.
I hobbled forward, swaying like one of those inflatable tube men you see in the Hushlands sometimes. (For you Free Kingdomers reading this, think holding a singular cooked noodle vertically and moving your hand back and forth slightly, but upside down and with two smaller noodles attached to the first one.)
Bastille steadied me. “Whoa, there. Don’t go fainting away on me, Smedry.”
I tried to think of a good comeback, but my mind wasn’t working and my vision was fuzzy and when I looked back at Bastille all that came out was, “S’rry.” (Brain-clouding radiation. Obviously.)
I don’t really remember what happened after that, but I woke up an indeterminate amount of time later, perfectly fine, with Bastille shaking me like a child rolling out play-doh.
“Bastille, stop, I’m awake!” I got up and looked around, taking in my surroundings, which seemed to be some sort of makeshift infirmary. “How and when did we get back here?”
“I carried you, idiot.”
“Oh.” I could feel my cheeks reddening at the implication that Bastille had been lugging me around like a sack of potatoes back to Penguinator.
I looked back up at Bastille, and immediately received a smack to the face as a reward for my eye contact.
“Ow… what the heck?”
Bastille then proceeded to tackle-hug me back onto the bed. I stiffened.
This is once again a time to tell the women reading this to please give us men a warning before you hug us. We need warning. (You know what, just everyone give people warning in general it doesn’t matter the gender.)
“Alcatraz, please NEVER do that again; Sing said he could feel your pulse slowing down. You could’ve died, Smedry. I…” Bastille got up and paced around the room, stopping at a window. “I can’t lose you.”
I blinked stupidly. “You can’t lose me?” What on earth was that supposed to mean?
Bastille looked down, and I wasn’t sure if it was the lighting or if her cheeks were genuinely as red as mine. “For one, your entire family would kill me, and for two, the knights would kill me again.”
“So, purely diplomatic, then,” I said, not sure why I was feeling strangely disappointed.
“That, yeah.”
I looked down at the ground, trying to hide the fact that my face was probably tomato red. We were flying closer to St. Louis, and as we approached, I could feel a headache flaring up again. I wobbled back to my bed as spots swam in my vision, and the last thing I remember before passing out was seeing the top of the Gateway Arch through the floor.
I woke up with Australia on the bed next to me, trying to calm down a panicked Sing.
“It’s fine, Sing. It was just a little headache.”
Sing raised an eyebrow. “You said you were really dizzy.”
Australia looked at me and slowly shook her head. “You should be worried about Alcatraz; he passed out again, but he’s awake now. Go interrogate him.”
With my luck, that did the trick, and Sing immediately ran over to (for some bizarre reason) check my vitals.
“Sing, I’m fine now. I don’t know what came over me.”
Sing looked about to cry. “You said you were fine last time and look what happened!”
“Yeah, why are we suddenly fine now?” Australia wondered. “Like, I was REALLY dizzy. Sing, you saw it. I almost fell over.”
“I don’t know, but I think I passed out again when we were over the arch.”
Australia nodded. “Yeah, the thing was, like, wiggling and stretching through my lenses. I got a headache just looking at it through them, but when I took ‘em off, it just went away.”
“I might be crazy, but I think it’s the arch.”
“But if it’s the arch, why were only the two of us affected?”
“Good question.”
We sat there in silence, thinking about why the arch would give an adverse reaction to the two of us specifically.
“Oh,” Australia said, tapping her head like she’d just found out that the most obvious answer was, in fact, the right one.
“I think it’s an Oculator thing.”
“Then why would I have passed out while you didn’t?”
“By the first sands, Smedry, isn’t it obvious?” Bastille’s voice came from behind me and I started. I’d forgotten she was there.
“Bastille, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are three different Smedrys in the room right now, so you’re gonna have to learn everyone’s first names at some point.”
“Shut up.”
Bastille then made a noise that sounded uncannily like a horse muffled into a pillow.
“Okay, what’s so obvious, then?”
“It’s because you’re so shattering powerful. I mean, have you ever seen Australia use Courier’s lenses from halfway across the country? On instinct?”
“Uh… no.”
Australia nodded. “Yeah, I can confirm I could NEVER.”
*I know EXACTLY what a good number of the Hushlanders are probably thinking, and you’re thinking of the wrong fast food chain. Go smell some grass, or whatever it is the Hushlands kids say nowadays.
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threemoonwatchers · 1 year
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Smedry gang and their knights!!! :D
(Featuring a few headcanons)
In order: Alcatraz, Bastille, Australia, Shasta, Aydee, Kaz, Grandpa Smedry, Draulin, Himalaya, and Sing!
(I also have Attica but only ten pics are allowed so I guess either tough luck or I make Folsom, Quentin, and maybe Angola, Brig, and Rikers to go with him)
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Sing: *walking around still disappointed 6 hours after visiting an aquarium*
Alcatraz: What did you think a tiger shark was, Sing?
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im-a-ramblr · 4 years
Day 26, On the road
Alcatraz carefully leaned his head against the car window. It didn’t break, which was good. It would suck to get stuck out here because he’d broken the car. He gazed out at the endless fields. There were mountains in the distance, they at the moment they were merely vague outlines and darker sections of the horizon. He sighed, and Sing glanced at him in the rearview mirror. “Alcatraz? Is everything alright?”
“I’m fine Sing. Just not use to long road trips is all.” The Burnett gave a small smile, and his cousin nodded.
“It is most fascinating, isn’t it? Such an impractical tradition, but still so popular. Why is that?”
“Probably because it lends a lot of time to spending time with people?” Alcatraz shrugged. He wasn't particularly in the mood to admit he hardly gone on any road trip growing up and explaining why. He was grateful for his talent, it had saved him many times, but it had still had negative effects on his life. Sing hummed and turned back to the front.
Tugging on his seat belt the young Oculator dragged his finger over the material trying to see if he could feel the glass in it. The whole car had some in it. From what Alcatraz had gathered from listening to his grandpa explain it seemed Himalaya’s group of good librarians had recruited a group of former Scrivener's Bones who had wanted to try making a car that could survive in the free lands. They had done so by using a mixture of Builders Glass, Defenders’ Glass, Enforcers Glass, and Expanders glass and crafting it in the shape of car parts. The whole outside had been painted a bright red to cover the fact that it was clear.
He’d been invited along for a test drive; and though no one had said it he knew he was the final test. Grandpa huffed from the middle seat. They were at a red light, and the oldest Smedry was getting tired of always being stuck at them. It made Alcatraz smile a little. “Worried about being late?” he asked, voice sweet as honey.
His grandfather turned around in his seat and flicked his thigh, though he grinned at him. “Cheeky.” Their driver, one of the car builders whose name was Logan, looked like he wanted to say something; but continued to speak with Sing about Hushland culture. “How are you holding up back there?” Grandpa Smedry asked. “All alone in the back. You come up here with me, or I could join you if you want?”
“If you do, please don’t do it while the car is moving,” Logan said, eyeing the mustached man’s back.
Grandpa Smedry smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, making Alcatraz laugh. “I’m good Grandpa. And you? How are you dealing with this Hushlandian trip?”
“Bored.” Was the immediate if softy said answer. “But Sing is enjoying it so much.”
Alcatraz nodded, biting his lip. “Uh, we could try to play a game.” He regretted the words as soon as they were out.
“Oh! What kind of game?”
“Well,” Alcatraz racked his brain. He had heard of some; he knows he had. The kids at school would always play them. “Um, let me think a minute. Uh, there is 20 Questions, where someone thinks of something and the other person can ask 20 questions to figure out what it is. Would You Rather is where you makeup two options and then pick between them. I played Fortunately/Unfortunately and as long as I got the unfortunate side I usually won.” He rubbed the seatbelt again. “I don’t know too many. Logan, do you know any more car games?”
“A few, but the ones you named are pretty good. Let’s do one of those.”
“I’d like to start with 20 Questions.” Grandpa grinned, facing forward as the car began to move. “Alcatraz you start. Think of something!”
Alcatraz blinked and felt something in his chest warm. The kid in him, the one that he tried so hard to lock away, was banging on its cage. This is what we always wanted, he cried, a family to do this with! You have to make it good! A  family, that was something everyone in the car knew about. That could work. “Okay, I’m ready.” He settled back, a small smile on his face. “Fire away.”
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races-erster · 6 years
Lasting Letters pt. 5 (race x reader)
Requested: nope
Word Count: 1322
Warnings: none
A/n: sorry that this part took so long to write! I had the idea, but wasn’t sure how to write it, but I think it’s pretty good! Also, let me know if you enjoyed it, it would mean a lot!
Lasting Letters Masterlist
I’m pretty sure that that was the best date of my life. I mean, the first few minutes were kinda awkward, but still. I think it went really well.
Race had come downstairs about 30 minutes after he asked you out to see if you were ready to go. You nodded, bid the rest of boys goodbye, and met Race at the door.
The walk down to Jacobi’s had been pretty silent, aside from the slight attempt small talk . You were both pretty nervous about your first date with each other, even though you were both sure it would go okay.
You figured that the silence would be better than speaking, just in case one of you slipped up. But, in your opinion, it was so much worse. You were sure that Race was feeling the same way, due to the slight glances he took while he thought you weren’t looking, but you knew no one would break the silence.
When you got to Jacobi’s, he looked at you and Race uncertainty. He wasn’t used to the two of you coming in to the deli during business hours, but lead you to a table anyway. You sat on opposite ends of the table, and eventually, conversation flowed normally like it always had.
The night was shaping up to be the best night of your life, and all you had done was go out to eat with him. As you both started to finished your food, you realized that you never wanted the night to end. Race decided to order dessert, despite your protests on the cost, but you were relieved when he did. Although, the unexpected visitors were a shock.
Now, you were probably right about going to Jacobi’s when it was closed, not that we didn’t pay, but because of the crowd. I would have liked being alone. I think it would have been more comfortable for the both of us. And if we were alone, Katherine and Darcy wouldn’t have stopped at our table halfway through.
After Race had ordered dessert, Katherine and Darcy walked through the doors of the restaurant.
She noticed the two of you, grabbed Darcy’s hand, and came over to your table.
“Hey, guys! What’s up?” Katherine asked enthusiastically.
You and Race shared a glance, unsure of how to respond, before he said, “Nothing much.”
He shot you an apologetic look, even though you knew he was just trying to defuse the situation so you could go back to enjoying your first date.
“Oh, well. Do you mind if we join you?” She asked, still oblivious to the fact that you were on a date.
“Sure,” you replied cautiously, as you moved to sit next to race in the booth he was in.
Katherine and Darcy sat down across from the two of you, and you moved closer to Race. He noticed your restlessness from the situation, and took your hand in his. He gave you a reassuring smile in order to tell you that your date hadn’t been ruined, but you still couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.
You looked over to Darcy, and he seemed to catch on to what was going on as Katherine talked a mile a minute. He kept trying to interject, saying that they should go, but Katherine kept making conversation.
You looked over at Race again and squeezed his hand. He looked down at you, and you smiled up at him. You hadn’t realized that Darcy had told Katherine what was going on. She looked at the two of you in shock.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you two were…” She trailed off.
“It’s okay, Kath. Don’t worry about it,” you replied.
“Well, we’ll let you two get back to your evening,” Darcy said, still just as uncomfortable about the situation as he had the first time he sat down.
They got up and left just as Jacobi dropped off the cookie that Race had ordered to you two to share. After the two of you had finished, he stood up and held out his hand for you to take.
“Come on. I have another place we can go before we head back.”
I think my favorite part of our date though was the walk around the city. Sitting on that same bench that we went to the first day after we sold together, just made everything about the night so much better after we were interrupted.
Race led you through the empty park to your favorite bench. You had spent many nights sitting on that very bench watching the stars, but tonight it was different. You and Race were different.
You honestly weren’t sure what you were now. Were you two still only best friends? Or were you something more now?
Just like earlier in the day, Race saw you overthinking and grabbed your hand. You laid your head on his shoulder and couldn’t help but smile as he absentmindedly traced patterns on the back of your hand.
The silence that followed then wasn’t the same as before. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It was peaceful.
You both sat there enjoying each other’s company and looking up at the stars for, who knows how long. After a while, Race started to feel you falling asleep against his shoulder and decided you should probably head back.
He helped you up from your spot on the bench, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to keep you warm. You followed in suit and wrapped your arms around his middle in order to be as close as possible.
I knew that our date would have had to end eventually, but I still never wanted it to. I never wanted to let go of you, even though I knew I would have to. I was trying to think of new date ideas as we talked while walking back. Before I knew it though, we were outside of the lodge.
“Thank you for tonight, Race. It’s been the best night of my life,” you started, still outside of the lodge.
Neither of you were making an effort to go back inside or to move from the comfort of each other’s arms, even though you knew it was really late.
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“I do, but I know you won’t except it and you’ll say that it’s fine. But even, thank you.”
“You welcome,” he responded, cautiously pressing a kiss into the top of your head.
You couldn’t help but smile after he pulled away, even though you hated the loss of contact.
“So, I was thinking,” you started and he motioned for you to continue. “I know a guy who can get us into Miss Medda’s for free, if you want to go tomorrow night?”
“Is that guy you know just Jack?” He laughed when you nodded. “I think we should do that. Just the two of us though, right?”
“Just the two of us. Goodnight, Race,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him again.
He hugged back, and you started to pull away. You kissed the corner of his mouth, and headed back into the lodge.
“Goodnight,” he said barely above a whisper.
He stood there watching you as you went inside, and couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. After composing himself, he went into the lodge up to his bunk.
So, yeah. Nothing is ever going to top that. I mean, maybe if we get married one day and start a family, but I’m getting way ahead of myself.
Also, I don’t know if I’m counting that as our first kiss or not, since I didn’t get to kiss back. But, who knows. Maybe when we go to Medda’s that will change.
I’m not sure about all of that other stuff, but I’m still sure that I love you. More than anything.
Tag List:
@blytheandherbrain @adderall-anon @well-the-kids-do-too @viennaleia @sunshinecrutchie @sapphire--love @midnight-finch @crutchieee-morris @dpslover4life-blog @newsieswearingheelies @fishtankfullofpennies @musicalidiotthe3rd @ben-cook-can-cook @pandalfthesmol @carryingthedaveyjacobs @sunshine-musicals-yea @just-go-and-get-her @thebroadwayaesthetic @was-it-the-nargles-again @fandom-fangirl07 @newsies-plaza @i-got-personality @awwwwwwdang @c0ronas @ughwaitwhat @thecaptainsgingersnap @you-thinks-wrong-romeo @suddenly-im-respecsable @racinghiggins @bennie-badeend @ilovejoshburrage @val-dani03 @newsie-fics @newtieparker @seasickdolphin  @the-story-of-the-tucks @the-world-has-buttery-smiles @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @the-real-king-racetrack-higgins @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader @rsis0811 @iwantsomesleep @constantly-singing @happy-little-musician @bastille-smedry @king-of-nyc @am-scray-punk
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Okay. So. I’m feeling an over abundance of love so... call out post? Calling out love? Heh sure! (Sorry I’m advance babes)
Famder squad loves
@haveyourselfamerrylittlebitchmas you are so bright and stunning and I absolutly am floored by the fact that I get to call you my friend. I love talking to you. And I love when you sing and you are just so precious I don’t even know what to do half the time.
@alsoyouremischievous you are just. You are amazing. You are so sweet and helpful and never fail to make any day or any corcumsatnce better. Your such a good listener and I am so glad that I know you!!! And we’re friends!!! Idk that’s crazy to me.
@cinnamonlilac you!! Are!! So!! Cool!! Like I’m ngl I still get like awkwardly nervous with all of y’all really but it’s just cause your so stinking cool and I don’t know how to communicate like a person? But anyways omg your awesome and I love seeing you all over my dash and talking to you in the gc. Much love. All the love. It’s yours!
@pawtoncake look I don’t realt even know where to start here. We’re. Literally. The. Same. Person. Like????? The fact that we both exist is a scientific anomaly in my opinion. But your so sweet. Like the sweetest. Your so sweet I don’t even miss sugar. Like. Cause your THAT sweet anD just enksbskaajlab love all around babes
Health care hun
@combine-the-kitchens babes. I can’t even. You try to take care of me and I applaud your effort but I’m really bad at letting ppl take care of me. That being said your always right there when I need you and I just hhsjjksnn *love*
New bbys
@deceitifullies101 darling I’ve said it once and I’ll say it every day for as long as I exist you are *amazig* and I am so here for you and whatever you need whenever always because I ligetamitly enjoy spending my time on you and I will never see it as a waste ever.
@myinsanityismycreativity sweetness you are just too damn adorable and I will never get over it. You are so sweet and so strong and I adore you ok darling? I loved talking to you and I’m so excited!! That we’re!!! Friends!!!? I *love*
@hhhhhhhhhhfjaskfsagfhasfgdsakfsa first of all babes just. Your url gives me life. But more importantly you are so amazing!!! And I love how much you love dlamp because yesssss all my boys happy!??? I’m here for it. Anyways I am so much excite to talk to you (low key I’ve stalked your blog and wanted to be your friend for a little bit now so hah I win!)
Discord fam
@racetrackthehiggins omg hi! Can I just say. That like you were probably the first person in a v long time that cares just because thy want to and not cause they have to. So idk just. Ily a whole lot. There’s like nothing else I can even say? You make my heart happy? That’s weird. Idk.
Rp darlings <3
@bastille-smedry darling I love you so much. Like a whole bunch. Like. You can have my heart cause damn. Your so sweet and supportive and varying and we come up with the best story lines together and I will literally be here for you forever. All the love babes <3
@pawtonsanders you are so sweet and kind and ily and I am so so happy that we’re friends and I love talking to you and I’ll be here for you for whatever you need.
Irl soulmate
@then-whyd-you-leave-me bay I literally can’t express to you how much you have and always will mean to me. Like 10 years babe! Like that’s us! I would literaly so anything in the world for you and when the hell you coming back to see me? Like. Bay. You are my entire life. Did you know that) like the WHOLE FUCKING LIFE OF MINE IS YOURS.
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doe-in-headlights · 7 years
Concilliabule for whatever strikes your fancy. (I'm thinking either for your good good boi Dipper or for Magica Madoka. Or for the Alcatraz and the Librarians series. God I hope I spelled that second one right.)
You spelled it right! The Alcatraz suggestion gave me an idea (and I’ll take any excuse to write about them honestly) so I think I’m gonna go with that!
Concilliabule - “A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.”
“Are you sure he really asked her out?”
Kaz nodded. “Would I ever lie to you?”
“How did she respond?” Australia chimed in as she leaned in to listen.
Kaz paused to think. “She didn’t really seem to know what a movie is.”
“But did she say yes or no?”
“Really?” Australia’s eyes widened. “Not even a hint?”
“Not even a hint.” Kaz sighed as he leaned back in his seat. “Honestly, those two are going to be married and living together before they realize they like each other.”
“These things take time, you know,” added another Smedry. “You can’t force it.”
“Come on, Himalaya! It’s one thing to leave things alone, but those two really have something going there!”
Murmurs of agreement came from the various Smedrys came from all corners of the room. While the scene was a typical Smedry family meeting, the topic of choice was causing quite a bit of frustration. 
(It should be noted that one key Smedry had not been notified of the meeting: one Alcatraz Smedry. It should also be noted that Bastille Dartmoor, knight of Alcatraz Smedry, was not present in any form either.)
“Let’s think about this; are we sure they have something going there?” Folsom asked. “What’s he like when she’s around?”
“They bicker somewhat,” Sing added. “But I haven’t been around them for too long since the Downtown Library invasion.”
“My boy, it’s clear he cares about her!” Leavenworth added. “You can see it in his eyes. There’s definitely something there.”
“And he gets all red-faced when she gets close to him!” Australia laughed.
“He does? When did you see that?”
“In the Library of Alexandria. He gets this dazed look on his face; it’s like he forgot how to think!”
“Well, how does she act around him?”
“I really don’t know how to read her,” Kaz sighed. “Pops?”
Leavenworth paused to think. “She’s definitely different. You can tell when she cares about something, really cares, and she cares more about him than she’d like to admit.”
“Then why does she insult him all the time?” Folsom asked.
Kaz shrugged. “Denial, maybe. Himalaya?”
“Could mean anything. Maybe it’s her way of trying to tell him she likes him?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Sing said.
Leavenworth sighed with false exhaustion. “What are we going to do about these two?”
Folsom nodded. “I’d give their chemistry a four-and-a-half out of five; it’d be perfect if it had a payoff.”
A long pause settled the room into silence; then a wry smile settled across Kaz’s face as he spoke up again. “What if we gave them a payoff?”
Leavenworth raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, let’s give them….y’know, a little nudge.”
“Are you sure that’ll work?” Himalaya asked. “Like I said, forcing things isn’t a good call.”
“He asked her own on his own, and she would have responded if she knew what he was asking. I’d say they just need an icebreaker.”
“Alright, alright,” Himalaya smiled. “I’m on board.”
“Me too!” Australia chirped.
Folsom leaned forward in interest. “A solid idea, Kaz. What do you have in mind?”
“What kind of training did you say this was again?” Alcatraz asked as Grandpa Smedry led him through the halls of Keep Smedry. “I already had additional weapons training yesterday.”
“Not weapons training, lad!” Grandpa Smedry didn’t slow down, even as he turned corner after seemingly random corner. “Formal events training!”
“Formal what?”
“Ah, here we are.” Grandpa Smedry came to a stop in front of a massive door. “Althought we gave up the title, we Smedrys are still considered a royal family, remember? You’ll be getting invited to a lot of formal events, especially as you get older, and you need to know what to do should anything arise!”
Alcatraz raised an eyebrow. “This seems awfully short-notice. And weirdly specific. Besides, didn’t I do fine at the party on the day I arrived?”
“Ah, but that party didn’t have any formal dancing!”
“Formal dancing?” Alcatraz could barely open his mouth for another question when Grandpa Smedry pushed him through the massive doors.
“Enjoy yourself, lad!”
Alcatraz stumbled forward, and found himself in a stunning ballroom. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, glass glittering in all colors of the rainbow. The floor sparkled with other, more opaque pieces of glass, set in a mosaic design. Himalaya and Folsom stood at the center of the room, with Kazan leaning against the far wall.
“What’s this about?” Alcatraz quirked an eyebrow.
“Exactly what he told you,” Kazan smiled coyly. “Himalaya and Folsom are going to teach you how to waltz.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m chaperoning.”
Alcatraz paused. “Like a school dance?”
He shook his head. “Fine, fine. What exactly do I have to do?”
Half an hour later, Alcatraz felt like he had some grip on waltzing. He copied Folsom’s movements as he and Himalaya spun circles around the room, with Alcatraz following behind by himself. There was no music (couldn’t risk setting off either of their Talents); instead, Himalaya kept time by counting out loud. It seemed rather pointless; but then again, didn’t a lot of this training feel pointless?
In fact, Alcatraz was rather proud of himself for being able to pick up any of the steps at all. Grace was not your strong suit when you naturally broke things at every turn, so any success was an achievement to him. When they finished with a final turn and bow, he felt he had done quite well for the day.
“Alright, now that you understand all the steps, we’ll have you do it with music,” Himalaya said as she and Folsom began to leave the room. “We won’t be here to help, but you understand.”
Alcatraz nodded, then turned to find the starting spot in the room.
“Oh! And you’ll have a partner,” Folsom added, just before they disappeared out of sight.
 “I-What?” Alcatraz turned around to see Bastille entering the ballroom.
“Don’t be rude, Smedry. I can dance just fine.”
“But….um….” Alcatraz tried not to admit to himself that he really would like to dance with Bastille. “Don’t you need the training too?”
“I already know how to waltz.”
Bastille raised an eyebrow. “I’m a princess, remember?”
“Oh, right!” Alcatraz quickly tried to look somewhat nice, running a hand through his hair and dusting off his jacket. “Well then, um….” He shakily extended a hand to Bastille.
She took his hand, her arms falling almost automatically into the proper positions, and looked at him skeptically. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Nervous? I’m not nervous!” Alcatraz tried and failed to distract himself from the fact that she had a hand on his shoulder, and that his hand had now moved to rest against her back. He smiled sheepishly. “What makes you think I’m nervous?”
“Well, you’re shaking slightly, and you’re sweating quite a lot.”
The boy tried to come up with a response, but paused as he heard voices from just outside the room. “Australia! The lights!”
“Did you hea-” Before he could finish, the lights had suddenly dimmed. The chandelier now seemed to shimmer, letting off small flecks of pink and gold.
“Alcatraz, are you alright?” There was a genuine note of concern in Bastille’s voice.
“Me?” Alcatraz focused back in Bastille. Sands, she was close, and she seemed to carry all the grace and poise that he was lacking. She smelled like soap-she always did, so why did it still make him feel so dizzy?-and in the low light her silver hair seemed to shine like silk. He wasn’t sure if his legs would be able to carry him enough to dance. “I mean, uh, I’m fine!” Hopefully she couldn’t tell that the sound of his heartbeat was pounding in his ears.
The slow music began to quietly ring throughout the room (if his heartbeat hadn’t been so loud, Alcatraz might have heard someone cue Sing to start the music), and the two began to drift around the room together. As they danced, Alcatraz found himself transfixed by Bastille’s eyes; he had never truly noticed it before, but they were a pale blue, like crystals reflecting the sky. The gold flecks of the chandelier shifted in and out of her gaze. They were, in a word….
“Gak!” Alcatraz squeaked slightly as he realized that he had finished his train of thought out loud. “I mean, uh….” Brain-clouding radiation strikes again!
“Did you call me beautiful?”
“Well, I….”
Bastille glared at him, and Alcatraz scrambled to recover. “I, uh, I was looking at, um….” He managed to choke it out. “Your eyes.”
She paused. “My eyes?”
“Yeah, um….”
“That’s….” She paused, seemingly surprised. “That’s really sweet, Smedry.”
He blushed, glancing down. Had he really just told her that? “Thanks.”
As Alcatraz raised his head to refocus on the dance, he briefly paused; a crack of light was entering the ballroom, caused by Kazan opening the door. It was clear he was on his way out. “Kaz?”
Kaz only turned back, paused, then winked at Alcatraz before leaving. Alcatraz sighed.
“What is it?” Bastille tried to look behind herself while still dancing.
“Uh, nothing!” Alcatraz turned his attention back to her as the realization dawned on him: they were alone.
There was a long, silent pause as he tried to work out what he wanted to say. When he finally spoke up, his voice seemed weaker than it ever had before. “Bastille, what I was trying to say before in Mokia….”
“When I said we should catch a movie, I, uh…..I meant that, um…..I mean…..” Bastille only stared back at him.��
“Ilikeyoualot.” The words came out in a jumble, and Alcatraz winced, bracing for impact. 
“I know.”
He looked up at her. “You do?”
“I like you a lot too.”
“You do?”
She smiled. “You idiot.”
Alcatraz slowly carried out the final steps of the dance in shocked silence. She likes me? She likes me a lot? She really really likes me?
As the final chords played, she smiled as he stared blankly at her. “If that’s what catching a movie means, then I’d love to.” Instead of bowing to each other, when the dance ended, she stepped closer to him, laughing at his expression. “You nerd,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
With that, she walked out through the giant doors. When they shut behind her, Alcatraz’s legs officially stopped being able to support him.
“What did she say? I couldn’t hear her!”
“Who cares?” Kaz grinned. “We have a genuine confession!”
“I guess Alcatraz has a date, then.” Himalaya laughed. “I didn’t think that would actually work.”
“I knew they could do it!” Australia cheered.
“Yes, I’d give that a 10 out of 10 in terms of romance,” Folsom added.
Laughing, Leavenworth enveloped the other Smedrys in a massive hug. “Kazan, go get my grandson up off the floor! He has a very important date to prepare for!”
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The marching band AU nobody asked for: AVTEL edition!
(All of these are based on kids who were in my band at some point. Some of them are gonna be the future of the kid and some of them are the past and some of them are now. Guess which one(s) is/are me! Pronouns will not help u because they’re adjusted to the character)
Alcatraz: that one confused freshman who went to a school with no extracurriculars and plays by ear most of the time, thusly forgetting to read the music when he has ten measures of rest during a song and playing the melody really loudly when he’s not supposed to. Broke his instrument right before his first ever competition and couldn’t play D’s for an entire season
Bastille: the sophomore who’s only section leader because she’s the oldest. She terrifies everyone, including the previous year’s seniors
Kaz: the kid who signed up as clarinet and then changed his mind halfway through the season and now plays tenor sax. (Ironically this kid in my band is actually really tall but gives off a LOT of Kaz vibes)
Shasta: the No-nonsense section leader who lowkey ruins the fun of band for everyone
Dif: has his flute at a 45-degree downward angle and STILL tells everyone else to keep their flutes up
Quentin: The Jack-of-all-trades instrumentalist who uses his prowess to play meme songs every chance he gets
Aydee: The singluar trumpet in the band. Somehow plays really quietly and everyone assumes she can’t play her instrument. She agrees. Her flutist friend doesn’t.
Australia: the very British drumline kid who has perfect pitch but for some inconceivable reason chose to play drums instead of an instrument where that’s actually useful. (Very rarely plays mallet percussion)
Pattywagon: the chaotic gremlin flute who the teacher always asks to play stuff as an example but adamantly refuses to ever be section leader
Sing: one of two drum majors, and thusly the only one called drum major
Draulin: other drum major, called “drum minor” which she hates with a burning passion. People wish her happy birthday every day because her birthday was during band camp.
Grandpa Smedry: he’s either the kid who ALWAYS arrives exactly ten minutes late to early morning practices without fail OR the band director who everyone thinks of as a second dad and makes as many puns as he can. I can’t decide.
@obsessed-with-words-on-a-page help me add more I’m struggling rn cuz I’m running on like five hours of sleep thanks show choir qwp
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Alcatraz: But who can I trust?
Sing: Yourself?
Alcatraz: No. No. I’m unreliable.
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im-a-ramblr · 4 years
Day 18, Things left unsaid
Attica Smedry was a charming, smart, handsome man. He was well-liked, and everyone wanted to spend time with him, inviting him to parties and meetings of all kinds. He admired by everyone. At least that’s how it seemed to everyone else. The truth was Attica could never seem to get the admiration from the people who he really wanted it from. His wife’s and his son’s.
But that was fine. He’d accepted that Shasta wasn’t going to be easy re-woo, they were both too determined to be right. He’d have to prove her wrong than help mend her ego for a while before things when back to how they use to be. But Alcatraz? Attica had no idea what he was supposed to do about that. He’d thought he’d had it; the boy had seemed so pleased to see him in the Library of Alexandria. But then it hadn’t gone anywhere.
Deep down, a part of him knew why that was. Jut like the with the press and reputations, you had to put time into a relationship. If he ignored the outside world too long because of his research they’d stop loving him. Thankfully, that took much longer for the press to stop supporting him than it did for relationships, so the city still loved him. Especially after the stunt, he pulled where he vanished without a trace, only to return 13 years later with a ton of knowledge and his son.
His son, who was currently sitting across from him, poking his food with his fork. He didn’t seem to be any happier to be here than his father. Attica stifled a sigh and glanced around the table. His father had insisted they all eat together as a family. How he’d gotten everyone to agree was a mystery.
Pattywagon was talking to Millhaven’s children, including a little girl who Attica didn’t know. They were easily the loudest part of the table. Quentin was seated across from Kazan and was listening to Kazen and Folsom ranked places the former had gotten lost in. Occasionally he’d make comments or look at a dark-skinned woman next to Folsom. Attica truly had no idea who she was. She and Alcatraz would sometimes share looks, or she’d urge him to eat in a soft voice. She and Leavenworth seem to be the only ones beside him to notice the boy’s nearly full plate.
“Ah, but dear Himilaya is from the hushlands!” Patty said suddenly. “And so is Alcatraz! Couldn’t you just ask them?”
Attica looked towards her; eyebrow raised. She was speaking to Sing and pointing down the table to the woman and Alcatraz. Folsom tensed, but Alcatraz peered around to look at the large Mokian man.
Sing blushed. “I could but I was not sure it was polite to ask.”
“Ask what?” Alcatraz asked, still looking down the table.
“Ah, just some research on Hushland history. Nothing very important.” Sing assured him.
Alcatraz bit his lip, a terrible habit to have Attica mentally noted, and then blurted out. “I could help.” He then turned red. “If you wanted me to of course. I didn’t have a normal time growing up there, but I still absorbed the culture. Well, parts of it.”
“Would you?” Sing brightened. “You did not seem terribly pleased last time I asked. Before the infiltration of the downtown library.”
“Oh!” the teenager shook his head. “No that was- I mean- uh. Yes! I want to help. Sorry for coming across as unwilling last time. I- I was struggling to grasp everything. I mean, I had just learned my whole life was a lie, so I was processing.”
The other Smedrys nodded in understanding. “It must have been hard.” Quentin acknowledged. “Finding out there was a whole other half the world you didn’t know existed.”
“And that you had living family who wanted you,” Leavenworth added, reaching to rest a hand on Alcatraz’s shoulder.  “Both of which are vital truths you deserved to know the whole time.”
Attica frowned at that. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but what are you talking about?” He looked around, feeling lost, and out of the loop. He didn’t like it. Alcatraz’s smiled dropped and he turned back to stare at his food.
“This is ridiculous.” Kazen sighed. “Trying to navigate this family worse than trying to work my talent!”
“I agree.” Folsom nodded. “2 out of 10 for communication. We can do better.”
Attica opened his mouth to protest, but his son let out a breathy laugh. That made the youngest of his nieces laugh. After a few moments, Alcatraz burrows his face in his hand and took several deep breaths. “I’m sorry Folsom, you too Kazan. It just- communication issues isn’t something I think about when I think about you guys. So the fact that all of us being together, makes us all so bad at it is funny.”
“It’s okay. It is kind of funny. And I’d rather make you laugh than cry. 10 of 10.” Folsom grinned.
The youth gave his uncle a soft, kind of tired, smile. “So how do we get better at it? Communication, I mean.”
“You start by talking.” Patty grinned.
“And I think, the first topic should be the story of how we got Alcatraz,” Leavenworth said, looking at Attic. “And then we should do yours.”
Attica nodded, unsure how else to respond. “Alcatraz? Would you tell us how it went?” It felt odd to ask to learn something from someone else.
Alcatraz's head snapped in his father’s direction, mouth opened slightly. “You want me to tell it?”
Attica shifted, trying to ignore the voice in his head that was screaming that asking had been a very big mistake. He nodded.
His son’s eyes went wide, before narrowing. He studies his father for a moment the looked at his grandfather, who nodded.
“Well, it started on my thirteenth birthday….” Attica forced himself to listen intently and didn’t let his mind drift to various theories and questions the story brought up. He could ask wonder about those later. He needed this information because it would be important for him to know for later. He needed these things as a base for how to get his family back after his project was finished. He listened and watched his son explained everything he’d missed, and then some, as his cousins convinced him to tell them about his first impressions of the Freelands.
Attica couldn’t help a grin when Patty pressed the boy to reveal that he too had made the connection between normal sands and Oculatory sands. The same one he had made. He wanted to say something. You should read my paper on that and discuss it with me. I’m proud of you. What other things have you noticed with your fresh eyes? I love you, I missed you, I promise I have a plan to make things better.
He said nothing. He knew the importance of well-timed reveals and keeping certain things unsaid until the right moment. So he opting to merely listen and learn. He could say all those things later when he had something to show for all the missed time. He would say all the things he felt, but only when they would truly matter. He could go unspoken for a little while longer. He was so close to finishing everything anyway. Yes, things were looking up.
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Sing: That bridge has survived the Librarian War and 97 years of weather.
Alcatraz: It won’t survive me.
10 notes · View notes
Sing: I have faith.
Kaz: As do I.
Alcatraz: So you think the plan will work?
Kaz: Sands, no.
Sing: Sorry, Al.
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