sin-identidades · 3 years
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Créditos a quien corresponda.
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sensacioneslatentes · 6 years
Tengo un nombre y es de pila, diariamente me identifica.
Una cara conocida, para quienes me imaginan.
Tras estas letras retorcidas, puedo escapar de mi rutina y ser quien yo quiera ser, sin tener que retroceder.
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braubejey · 5 years
Hoy decidi a arriesgar todo, valiendome lo que me puede pasar o lo que puedo llegar a hacer, quiero estar a tu lado donde todo para mi es perfecto, quiero ver tus ojos y perderme en ellos, mirar cada sonrisa que te provoco con mis tonterias. me entregare en corazon y alma por primera vez al 100% sin importar lo que me pueda llegar a pasar. Veo y se que contigo tengo todo y me arrepiento a cada minuto el fallarte y lastimarte, perderte me hizo a entender cuanto te llegue a querer y amar, me hizo abrir los ojos y ver que nunca fui para ti la mejor version, nunca supe apreciar tu amor, no pude tomar tu mano y ser solo tuyo. ahora veo que el que perdio mas fui yo, perdi lo que mas queria y lo que mas encanta de todo mi vida Asi que ahora me arriesgare y sere totalmente tuyo en alma y ser, aprovechame o destruyeme lo que tu quieras
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Que lindos labios tienes. ¿nos besamos?
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arandanopodrido · 6 years
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Sinidentidad https://www.instagram.com/p/BsPRUvQnvyr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h8kinq4ypuzc
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Cambios, desilusión, indiferencia, aislamiento, depresión, frustración, intolerancia, fueron unos de los sentimientos que han marcado mi experiencia. Me obligo todos los días a no mirar atrás casi con una fuerza sobrenatural, porque lo único que sera revelador en ese instante, será el hecho de estar sola y ¿Cómo se puede vivir sin identidad, sin amor, sin contacto, sin relación, sin un gesto, sin una mirada, sin calor, sin palabras, sin cariño? No vale la pena seguir, no vale la pena continuar en esa vida que ya no es vida, en ese limbo sin sentido al que estoy sometida, me temo que si esta situación no acaba, yo acabo con ella. No le guardo respeto a la apología de la individualidad porque sencillamente, solos no somos nadie, no existimos, no aguantamos. Lo único que puede salvarnos es un afán desesperado por el contacto y el calor que otorgan las relaciones humanas.
Valeria Zárate A. 
Reflexión 1. ¿Cómo me sentí? ¿Hice algo para no sentirme así? ¿Qué posibilidades hay?
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sin-identidades · 3 years
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Créditos: @serendipialat
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afloweroutofstone · 11 years
Bureau of Census Reports explicitly documented a steep decline in childbirth for diverse Native American tribes comparing birth numbers from 1960 through 1980... On November 6, 1976, the Government Accounting Office released the results of its investigation into similar events at four of twelve IHS areas (Albuquerque, Aberdeen, Oklahoma City, and Phoenix). Records verified that the IHS performed 3,406 sterilizations between 1973 and 1976. 'Tip of the iceberg' is indeed an appropriate metaphor. Per capita, this figure would be equivalent to sterilizing 452,000 non-Native American women. Albuquerque contracted out their sterilizations to local, non-IHS physicians; therefore their region inaccurately added zero procedures to the government count. Independent research estimated that as many as 25-50% of Native American women were sterilized between 1970 and 1976. Independent verifications were critical. The GAO did not interview a single women subjected to sterilization. The GAO also admitted that 'contract' physicians were not required to comply with any federal regulations (including informed consent) in the context of these surgical procedures. Study of consent forms utilized revealed that three different forms were in use. It also appeared the 'consent,' in many instances, was obtained through coercion... 'Healthcare professionals’ coercive tactics included the threat of withdrawing future healthcare provisions or custody of Native American children already born - if consent for sterilization was withheld.
"Forced Sterilization of Native Americans: Late Twentieth Century Physician Cooperation with National Eugenic Policies," Gregory W. Rutecki, MD, The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, August 10, 2010
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generalbriefing-blog · 11 years
sinidentidades replied to your post: Thoughts on the President's remarks on Syria this afternoon
idk there are oil interests to consider here and they have both parties in their pockets so…
There are always oil interests involved in the middle east.  It's what took us into Kuwait (without previous approval from Congress), what took us to Iraq, what took us into Libya, and many other places we have no business being.  The oil interest is exactly what should have inspired a reckless quick strike.  There is mad hesitation here.  
I'm not saying the Administration won't do something stupid. I just find it curious that they are looking for approval here when the situation is arguably more egregious than the actions of al-Gaddafi a few years ago. 
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sin-identidades · 2 years
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Créditos: Serendipialat
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foreverlonglost · 11 years
sinidentidades replied to your post: Hey Followers
thank you for this post but please remove my name because this is now a collective blog run by multiple folks :) thank you!!!
sorry, love! I waffled on it and went against my instinct. it's gone now!
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lifeisonceinalifetime · 11 years
tumblr, I need your help
Go to this blog: sinidentidades.tumblr.com I have been following them for awhile now, and they post the best, most reputable news that I've found anywhere on the Internet. Recently, they've been going through a horrible time and I understand that they have a lot of medical and school debt. You guys, I may not know this blogger well, but they are so bright, so hard working, and they have the ability to really make a difference in this world. Lets band together and give them the financial support that I know they need. It's the least we can do.
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