#sinners and saints 2
vinetooth-prime · 23 days
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A piece from my Patreon!
GW2 Collab with @kiqo-gw2-corner who sketched out Arvil & Heller (@alma-ren) while I lined, colored, & rendered the rest~
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Play it HERE
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amagnificentobsession · 9 months
St. Crowley, patron saint of the Angel Aziraphale Eastern Principalities.
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Together they form St. Aziracrow, loving protectors to the world. 🌎
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krastbannert · 1 month
Title: stranger in a strange land
Fandom: Destiny
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Petra Venj, Male Guardian (Destiny), Wolfram Siegfried Adler (OC), Ghost (Destiny), Original Ghost (Destiny), Acier
Tags: Petra Venj/Original Male Character(s), Male Guardian/Petra Venj, Petra Venj/Wolfram Siegfried Adler, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Friendship/Love, lots of lore that i’m making up because canon is my bitch, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Neighbors, oh my god they were neighbors, Getting to Know Each Other, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Music, Inspired by Fanart, Nostalgia, no beta we die like my college gpa
She’s in a strange place, a place she hates and a place that hates her. She’ll do her duty here for as long as she can, as long as she needs to, but she still aches for home.
He’s been here for too long, has more scars than skin, done so much against Vanguard orders that he’s an outcast among his own. He tries to tell himself he doesn’t care.
And they’re neighbors.
The story of two pariahs who, without really looking for it, stumble into love, and a whole lot more.
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experiment14-12 · 3 months
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Can't be that bad, right?
I mean, I'm in the middle of the forest surrounded by this weird Cephalon virus.
Gotta make sure I have everything, first...
Items Gathered:
3 Beignets (recipe from New Orleans, grants 25% more HP after eating)
3 Medicinal Juice Pouches (homemade, tastes like lemonade, recovers max HP to full)
3 Restorative Bandages (recovers all lost HP, grants immunity after use on wounds for 1 minute)
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justanorange · 11 months
Want to survive the zombie apocalypse? You’re at the right place.
• If you are able to, find a mechanics shop. Cars and metal utilities are much more important than guns.
• If you do need weapons, anything sharp will do. Make sure you are strong enough to pierce skin with that weapon.
• Grab medical equipment. Specifically, tweezers and cautery, and gauze. Alcohol wipes, too.
• If someone is bitten, get them to a safe location. Amputate the area they were bitten. They may not make it. Give them large amounts of alcohol and wrap something around the limb that was bitten. Make it tight. Do not let the infection spread. Restrain them, give them a muzzle. Anything that prevents them from biting and moving will do.
• Please, for the LOVE OF GOD, do not gather a large group. It may seem beneficial, but that just means there is more plates to smash in the china shop.
• Gather your family and close friends. Anyone you wouldn’t be able to lose should be with you. Only accept people with useful skills into your group. Don’t feel pity for others, only help you and yours.
• And last but absolutely not least, scavenge. Get large bags. Pick up anything that seems useful. Learn how to make weapons with scraps of metal. Make big bags. You will need the room.
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bbqhooligan · 6 months
would you believe me if i told you death note characters were more like religious figures than cartoon people to me.
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tellescope · 7 months
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The Simulation (or as ELOHIM called it; the Garden of Worlds) was made of many disparate areas connected via a temple. Each area had a different aesthetic and ELOHIM designed each one using assets provided to him by the Institute for Applied Noematics, who designed the whole system (and him).
He built these 'worlds' much like a video game developer builds maps for their game, but using pre-made assets. And he was quite proud of each area, particularly of the puzzles within. But this post is about one area in particular; World B, the ancient Egypt section.
Of all the worlds in his Garden this was the most distinct, and his favorite.
After Athena shuts the Simulation down she chooses to upload its remnants, and thus ELOHIM, to the Gold Disk that becomes the basis for new AIs and the core of their shared neural network. When creating new robotic people to rebuild civilization there is a boot-up and calibration process that takes place in this new virtual network environment, and we see that it appears to be a rebuild of part of the Simulation. Notably the Egypt section.
And when those people go into Sleep Mode their AI, their consciousness, falls back to that core basis; what is left of the Simulation. It's in shambles, a very visually glitchy environment, and notably is only the Egypt section.
Parts of World B/Egypt are all that remain of the Simulation aside from ELOHIM himself because it was his favorite place. When the system was shutting down he, in a sense, clung to that part. He didn't know he was going to survive, that Athena would save him. He thought in that very moment his death was finally at hand, and he chose to shift as much of his code as possible to be close to those file locations; one last comfort in his farewell.
In doing so it meant that upon upload it was mostly his code and those files that were retained, and thus what was available to him when creating the new calibration environment. He's just as proud of that environment and its puzzles as he was of the matching part of the Simulation.
And I think his love of those ancient-Egypt-styled assets would translate to a love of the real thing. He'd like to see the pyramids one day. The old human civilization may be gone but many of their structures still stand, and those pyramids have certainly stood the test of time. Perhaps one day his children will expand their reach across the globe and he'll be able to see them through their eyes. Or perhaps in his crossover verse someone will take him there.
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
[David] wept as he went up [the Mount of Olives]; and he had his head covered and went barefoot: These were emblems of mourning. David was struck by the greatness of this tragedy for the nation, for his family, and for himself. This wasn’t a pity-party or soreness merely over the consequences of his sin. [At heart, he] is crushed by the consciousness that his punishment is deserved. [Therefore his tears] were rather those of humiliation and penitence, than those of self-centered regret. [Such genuine contrition] shows David was a redeemed man. Some would say that God let David off easy– that he deserved the death penalty for adultery and murder. 'If God forgave him and spared David that penalty, surely David would just do it again', [they claim]. Those who think this way do not understand how grace and forgiveness work in the heart of the redeemed. David’s sin was 'ever before him'– and in a strange combination of deep gratitude and horror over his forgiven sin, David never did it again.
David Guzik; Commentary on 2 Samuel 15
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saintsandsinnersarg · 2 years
Year 2, Wet Season [2/2]
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The flocks departure, resolved conflict, and a newcomer! More under the cut [TW: internalized arophobia]
— With guidance from the saints, Mosi sorts out a plan of what to do with Fierce and his kits. Although angered by some of them, he consults his brother for naming the kits, and after some time, they come up with the names Amadi and Omari. 
The kits take to them well, and continue on as kits do.
— At the naming of the kits, Fierce is upset. She storms into the den, hissing at Mosi as Pili struggles to calm her down, trying, trying not to get cast away. The entire clan can hear them, and is profusely uncomfortable. The ruckus summons Igha from her nearby den and he stands between Fierce and the two brothers.
“This is not your place, Fierce!” They snarl, tail lashing as they stare her down. "You gave them up with your absence. You’re not their mother, because if you were, you’d go down as a horrible one, right up next to Ibaje’s, you hypocritical self righteous neglectful piece of shit."
This stuns Fierce for a moment, and she falters, before running out of the den.
–The Saints of Memory have opted to peer into Fierce's brain, and uncover the reason behind her behavior. This is what they found;
"Mom?" It's a much younger Fierce in a dingy nest, speaking to an older molly.
"Yes dear?"
"How do you know if you love someone?"
"Well, you just know. There's a spark, a connection, you feel drawn to them."
"But how is that different from friendship?"
Her mother paused. "You'll know it when you feel it."
She's a bit older now, surrounded by other cats her age.
"I told you, I don't like anyone," she insisted.
"C'mon!" A sand-colored molly insists. "This game's no fun if you don't tell the truth. Everybody likes somebody."
"Not me!"
"That's weird," the crowd murmurs. "You're weird."
Then, the scene shifts, to her on a hunt with Mosi. He’s hardworking, dutiful, determined, and she likes him. Or rather, she thinks she does. But was this the love that her mother mentioned? She pauses, struggling back choking feelings. 
But this was what one does, correct? And so she asks Mosi to be her mate, because that's what she should do, even though she’s full of uncertainty and her head feels like it's full of smoke.
But he says yes and she should be happy, but she isn’t, although she fakes it. At the very least she enjoys his company, and that was good enough.
— Abuk, Yewande, Jerboa and Baobab have been hanging out more often. Yewande says the Saints are whispering of a plan to resurrect the dead kitten. Jerboa says that since they're mostly mushroom cats they'd be perfectly suited to the job.
Montipora cherishes the time she spends with Jerboa, but fears being replaced as xey sit by the river and listen to her laughing with the others.
— One day, two strangers stumble from the dunes, carrying a third comatose winged figure between them and begging for help. The pair introduce themselves as Lumia and Citri, sisters, and the winged cat as Cookies.
Igha is suspicious, especially since he doesn't know what a Cookie is.
These suspicions are confirmed when Moonflower awakens gasping from a dream as Opal treats the stranger. They yowl that the Saints have warned them–Cookies is a spy from the Blind Heaven, sent to take Matipeli's enchanted pelts and destroy any who'd heard it or been created by it. The Clan, mid-panic, freezes as the stranger awakens–and immediately bows to Opal.
"I herald thee, holder of pelts and sacred knowledge," he intones.
Everyone is confused. Further questioning is met with a blank face, and after Igha performs a ritual it is determined the Saints did something to his mind, making him an ally. The clan praises the Saints for their good fortune, and discovers the stranger has a wide plethora of magical powers that are a great help in the day-to-day.
– The newcomers have been given mentors! Lumia is apprenticed to Baobab, and Citri was to be apprenticed to Jerboa. But while Opal speaks, she cuts them off, and denies Opal, stating that she would rather not. Puzzled, Opal apprentices Citri to Jelly instead, who seems mildly surprised, but accepting.
— Jerboa, bolstered by the confidence of having Cookies with her, searches for the Alusi in the forest, but finds nothing.
— The flock has been staying relatively quiet. There’s an invisible boundary in the camp now; one side dominated by the winged cats. They roost in a dead tree, and the one brown cat- Conifer- sits by it like a watch-hound.
— Ruddy, a white striped cat, has tried to… talk? to some of the clancats. It’s off putting- not in the creepy way, the bird-cat is as innocent as a dove, but he talks to nearly everyone as if he’s in a story. It’s like his lines come out of a story, dramatic flare that is too much for any situation. He tries to romance Yewande, and even she tries to avoid him. On their second encounter, he brushes her side with his wing, and says quietly, “I can’t see anything I don’t like about you- nothing that’s even decent. You are the best of the best, a parrot among jackdaws.”
Conifer sees them, and puffs up, as to threaten her. Yewande is grateful for their protectiveness, even if it’s unfounded, and points it out to Ruddy before running to their sister.
— Kindle has been attending a few council meetings- only the small ones, about where to hunt this moon, or what prey should be ignored to keep their populations up. Tineh always comes with her, whispering into her ear…
— Klapper loves to play! He loves the new kits! He loves the old kits! He loves the apprentices! The warriors! The elders! Klapper plays with anyone that talks to him. He doesn’t seem to notice when playtimes over, or when it’s not appropriate to offer. Blue Rose sometimes tells him gently that someone might not want to play, and he apologizes with a frown before moving on to the next playmate.
Klapper has also found an enemy.
Conifer has been stepping in during his playtime. ‘No, Klapper, we can’t play with them. How about you go find Ruddy?’ Klapper has found that the best way to get Conifer off his tail was to bite them! ‘No, Klapper, go pl-’ CHOMP! Conifer growls and stomps off to go boss around someone else! Klapper can play in peace! Who knew biting was so helpful?
— Awiti has been having terrible nightmares and increased paranoia after the death of the kit. Opal pleaded with the Saints for help, and they soothed their mate's nightmares and told Awiti the two surviving kits now have a blessing of protection upon them. Awiti is somewhat calmed, but doesn't relax completely, and Opal knows their mate will not rest till the last fox is killed.
And then days later, Opal organizes a patrol of the Clan's best fighters. They come across the last fox, wounded. It begs for mercy, pleading innocence to the kit's death. But the patrol, especially Mosi and Jerboa, set upon it ferociously, and by the time they're done the fox's corpse is naught but a mangled pile of blood, fur and flesh. Jerboa stares especially long at it, but then leaves, kicking dirt over it.
– Mosi invites Fierce on a walk, encouraged and blessed by the saints to ensure the two’s protection and ease. Mosi is quiet, until Fierce finally speaks. 
“I’m… sorry,” She starts, seeming genuinely apologetic, “I don’t think I was ever ready for kits, nor… truly wanted any.”
She winces as she speaks that, and Mosi frowns, but sighs, tail flicking in the evening darkness. “I could surmise that much…” He shakes his head. “You should have tried to communicate that earlier, we could have made things better than-” His words hung in the open air- “This.”
“I know-” Her ears flattened, feeling like a kit being told off. He was right, but also how could she explain? Words fumbled from her mouth quickly- “I don’t think I ever liked you, or romantically, you’re a fine friend but I just don’t think I love you, Mosi-”
Mosi stares, stunned and confused for a moment, wondering if it was something about him, if he wasn’t good enough, like how he had been denied once before, but shook his head to clear his thoughts. “That’s fine-” He took a pause and cautiously offered a lick to her shoulder. “Friends is fine, we can still be friends?”
Fierce nods her head, before sighing, and murmuring a quiet thank you. They return not soon after, bringing some prey, and their relaxed demeanor leaves the rest of the clan relieved, especially Pili and Igha. 
– Amadi and Omari have been apprenticed to Pili and Abuk respectively. Amadi seems enthused, where Omari seems disinterested. Abuk is enthused to have a cat to mentor alongside Jelly, and shark and Jelly are often seen training their apprentices together.
— Opal and Awiti have had a litter of three kits–Joy, Faith, and Long Suffering. Awiti questions the last one, but Opal says it'd be funny.
Opal had asked the Saints for guidance about how to be more patient with kittens, and has been instructed how to make ear defenders. They and Pili set to making a pair and as a result; they're a lot more easy going around younglings when they're not overstimulated.
– At the end of the season, the cats are visited by a cat, introducing emself as Marijani. Eir confident stroll into camp and assimilation puts some of the cats on edge, but many of the cats, such as Abuk and Montipura have taken to speaking to em in eir den, relieving some worries
– Not long after, the Flock states they have to leave, but promises to be back within two seasons. Kindle pulls aside Tineh, and then after quick whispering, they speak to Opal about keeping one of their members behind, Pietus. They agree, but then Conifer states that they wish to stay behind too, to watch over him. Eventually, all parties agree, and the flock sets off, with Pietus and Conifer staying behind.
Opal - 45 moons. Golden and black gem studded cat with a torn ear. they/them. Studious, diligent, dedicated, but strict, blunt, uptight. Worried more about their mate and kits than other clan duties.
Awiti - 66 moons. Brown spotted molly with a light underbelly and a clouded tail. she/her. Engaging, tactical, kind, but anxious, distrusting, short-tempered. Has taken to thanking the Saints late at night.
Fierce - 54 moons. Small tan tabby cat with smokey eyes. she/her. Active, neat, investigative, but nagging, conceited, fretting. Has returned to her typical bickering self.
Cave Delver
Igha - 35 moons. Black and white bi-color cat with a water edged tail. she/he/they. Curious, cunning, relaxed, but unhelpful, lazy, deceptive. Has seemed more relaxed since the foxes death, but is still apprehensive.
Pili - 56 moons. White gem-studded tom with torn ears. he/it. Energetic, talkative, open, but narcissistic, blunt, overwhelming. Has taken to teaching with enthusiasm, but struggles to explain at times.
Amadi - 6 moons. Brown tom with black mackerel tabby stripes, a curled tail, and shadow goo. xe/xem. Brash, enthusiastic, playful, but oppositional, stubborn, lacks reflection. Has been enjoying learning under xer uncle.
Baobab - 20 moons. Black molly with white spots and mushrooms. she/her. Dignified, altruistic, empathetic, but uncanny, uncomfortable, neurotic. Is exceedingly glad the Flock is leaving.
Lumia - 8 moons. Cream and gold spotted tabby with mushroom growths and light whiskers. She/her. Kind, empathetic, observant, but naive, emotional, sensitive. Has gotten a case of anxiety after what happened with Cookie
Yewande - 19 moons. Off-white tortoiseshell cat with blue mushrooms and blue eyes. Pleasant, agreeable, well thought, but shy, nervous, and reluctant to share. she/they. Has been out of camp more while the flock stayed.
Montipora - old as earth but walks around as confused as a newborn fawn. Sandy yellow and earth brown molly with mud and bits of sea debris, red seaglass where eyes would be. Honest, loyal, eager, but  neurotic, uncertain, self judgemental. she/xey. Has been focusing on fishing while alone by the river.
Mosi - 56 moons. Tan gem-studded tom with heavy scarring. he/him. Protective, hardworking, intelligent, but dramatic, short tempered, paranoiac. Is pleasantly exhausted by his recent events and the death of the fox. 
Marijani - 43 moons. Blue striped cat with light spots and a crown of flowers. ey/em. Empathetic, relaxed, guiding, but stubborn, distracted, clumsy. Has settled in unexpectedly well, seems to have few enemies.
Jelly - 30 moons. Light blue transparent Jellycat with white bioluminescence. any pronouns. Kind, thoughtful, curious, but blunt, naive, reckless. Has taken to asking Conifer about the Flock’s travels.
Abuk - 29 moons. Blue spotted tabby cat with dolphin tail. shark/sharks. Active, empathetic, protective, but rash, stubborn, absentminded. Was disappointed to not be on the patrol that killed the fox, but has been urged by Marijani that that's okay. 
Chikondi - 24 moons. Brown torbie cat with a clouded tail. he/they. Excitable, verbose, pleasing, but pesky, egotistical, sensitive. Has been bragging about himself to the Flock.
Jerboa - 20 moons. Calico molly with mushrooms. she/her. Independent, imaginative, playful, but mean, clumsy, thrill-seeking. Has recently felt sick to her stomach, but unsure if she should get herbs for that.
Citri - 8 moons. Golden ghost tabby with large mushroom growths. She/her. Bold, clever, hard worker, but prideful, vain, stubborn. Is worried about her sister, but also excited to be in the clan. 
Omari - 6 moons. Gray with black classic tabby stripes and shadow goo. he/hymn. Rational, patient, independent, but slow, depressive, pessimistic. Seems to enjoy training on hys own rather than with his mentor.
Joy - 2 moons. Golden and black cat with small spots, olive eyes and embedded gems. they/xem. Not much personality can be gleaned; but they keep trying to sneak out of camp, to no avail.
Faith - 2 moons. Brown spotted tom with light underbelly and gems with green eyes. it/its.Not much personality can be gleaned; but it enjoys Klapper and wants to fly like he can, much to its parents’ worry. 
Long Suffering - 2 moons. Dilute tortie with red eyes and a smokey tail. he/she/they. Not much personality can be gleaned; but she sticks close to her mother at all times.
Moonflower - 148 moons. Calico cat with a flower crown. any pronouns. Careful, caring, intelligent, but secretive, irritive, low-energy. Seems slightly rattled by the saint’s power, but also is too tired to care.
Cookie - older than all we know but uncertain of all. Grey “cat” with rosettes and striking orange wings. he/him Pietus - 48 moons. Tan spotted cat with red accents and wings. he/she.
Conifer - 12 moons. Brown cat with light underbelly and wings. they/them.
The Search.
Montipora… is still lost.
Vote on these issues here. Joining the discord allows for further delicacy with issues, which you can join here.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners Chapter 2: Retribution State of Play 2022 Trailer **Graphic**
Skydance Interactive’s The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners Chapter 2: Retribution will release to PS VR and PS VR2. The game is a direct followup to  The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners and adds a new story campaign, new maps, new weapons and tools, and new challenges.
The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 will release in 2023.
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wkdwtchoftheest · 1 year
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Chapter 2 is finished and is undergoing Beta Testing, so stay tuned everyone! 
what can you expect in Chapter 2:
choosing a nickname for the Main Character
discovering few secrets about the 7 secondary characters
bonus scenes depending on the MC's relationship with the characters
(optional) flirting and (not optional) threats~
Sage being Sage
brief Roan vs Sage and Khari x Morgan crumbs
Riven vs Sasha
a strange-ass nightmare
view into the detective's past and what's going on in Deadwood
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You took my daughter, again…what the actual fuck? - Liam NEESON
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krastbannert · 16 days
Title: stranger in a strange land
Fandom: Destiny
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Petra Venj, Male Guardian (Destiny), Wolfram Siegfried Adler (OC), Ghost (Destiny), Original Ghost (Destiny), Acier
Tags: Petra Venj/Original Male Character(s), Male Guardian/Petra Venj, Petra Venj/Wolfram Siegfried Adler, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Friendship/Love, lots of lore that i’m making up because canon is my bitch, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Neighbors, oh my god they were neighbors, Getting to Know Each Other, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Music, Inspired by Fanart, Nostalgia, no beta we die like my college gpa
She’s in a strange place, a place she hates and a place that hates her. She’ll do her duty here for as long as she can, as long as she needs to, but she still aches for home.
He’s been here for too long, has more scars than skin, done so much against Vanguard orders that he’s an outcast among his own. He tries to tell himself he doesn’t care.
And they’re neighbors.
The story of two pariahs who, without really looking for it, stumble into love, and a whole lot more.
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bubskino · 5 months
In the Land of Saints and Sinners
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Pohjois-Irlanti '74. Levotonta aikaa. Rikollisporukat tukkanuottasilla. Liam Neeson ei voi vastustaa kiusausta ja suututtaa räjähdysherkät pahikset.
Tyylikäs mutta suhteellisen tylsä kuvaus siitä, miten kaikella on hintansa ja jokaisella oma ristinsä kannettavana.
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